vladimir a. gurvich publication list last updated in ...rutcor.rutgers.edu/~gurvich/publist.pdf ·...

Vladimir A. Gurvich Publication List Last updated in February 2012 Notation B - Boolean Functions, CC - Complexity of Computations and Algorithms, CP - Convex Programming and Convex Analysis, DM - Data Mining and Artificial Intelligence, Ga - Game Theory, CoGa - Combinatorial Games, Ge - Geometry, Gr - Graph Theory, L - Lattice Theory, M - Matroid Theory, N - Number Theory, P - Probability Theory, S - Mathematical Geophysics and Computational Seismology, T - Topology. I. Papers in refereed journals; Extended abstracts 2000 -. (1) 1973 Ga and B : To theory of multi-step games; J. Vychisl. matem. i matem. fiz., 13 (6) (1973) 1485-1500 (in Russian); English transl. in USSR Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics 13 (6) (1973) 143-161. (2) 1974 Ga and B : Application of Boolean functions and contact schemes in game theory. III-d USSR conference on game theory, Odessa, May 1974, Abstract, p.167-168 (in Russian). (3) 1975 Ga and B : Solvability of positional games in pure strategies; J. Vychisl. matem. i matem. fiz., 15 (2) (1975) 358-371 (in Russian). English transl. in USSR Comput. Math. and Math. Phys. 15 (2) (1975) 74-87. (4) 1976 Ga and B : Generating Nash equilibria in positional games by means of contact schemes; Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Tekhnicheskaya Kibernetika 2 (1976) 46-57 (in Russian). English transl. in Soviet J. of Computer and System Science (formerly Engineering Cybernetics). (5) 1976 Ga and B : Determination of Nash equilibria in positional games with imperfect information. Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Tekhnicheskaya Kibernetika 4 (1976) 22-28 (Russian). English transl. in Soviet J. of Computer and System Science (formerly Engineering Cybernetics). (6) 1976 Ga and B : Applications of Boolean functions and contact shemes in theory of the positional games; in ”Contemporary directions of game theory”. E.Vilkas and A. Korbut, eds., ”Mokslas”, Vilnius (1976) 63-85 (in Russian). 1

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Vladimir A. Gurvich

Publication List

Last updated in February 2012

NotationB - Boolean Functions,CC - Complexity of Computations and Algorithms,CP - Convex Programming and Convex Analysis,DM - Data Mining and Artificial Intelligence,Ga - Game Theory, CoGa - Combinatorial Games,Ge - Geometry,Gr - Graph Theory,L - Lattice Theory,M - Matroid Theory,N - Number Theory,P - Probability Theory,S - Mathematical Geophysics and Computational Seismology,T - Topology.

I. Papers in refereed journals; Extended abstracts 2000 -.

(1) 1973 Ga and B : To theory of multi-step games;J. Vychisl. matem. i matem. fiz., 13 (6) (1973) 1485-1500 (in Russian);English transl. in USSR Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics13 (6) (1973) 143-161.

(2) 1974 Ga and B : Application of Boolean functions and contact schemesin game theory. III-d USSR conference on game theory, Odessa, May 1974,Abstract, p.167-168 (in Russian).

(3) 1975 Ga and B : Solvability of positional games in pure strategies;J. Vychisl. matem. i matem. fiz., 15 (2) (1975) 358-371 (in Russian).English transl. in USSR Comput. Math. and Math. Phys. 15 (2) (1975) 74-87.

(4) 1976 Ga and B :Generating Nash equilibria in positional games by means of contact schemes;Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Tekhnicheskaya Kibernetika 2 (1976) 46-57(in Russian). English transl. in Soviet J. of Computer and System Science(formerly Engineering Cybernetics).

(5) 1976 Ga and B : Determination of Nash equilibria in positional gameswith imperfect information. Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, TekhnicheskayaKibernetika 4 (1976) 22-28 (Russian). English transl. in Soviet J. of Computerand System Science (formerly Engineering Cybernetics).

(6) 1976 Ga and B : Applications of Boolean functions and contact shemesin theory of the positional games; in ”Contemporary directions of game theory”.E.Vilkas and A. Korbut, eds., ”Mokslas”, Vilnius (1976) 63-85 (in Russian).


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(7) 1976 Ga, B, and Gr : Positional games, read-once Boolean functions andchromatic graphs. 22-nd Scientific Conference of Moscow Institute of Physicsand Technology, Applied Mathematics, Abstract, p.122-125 (in Russian).

(8) 1977 Ga, B and Gr : On repetition-free Boolean functions, Uspehi Mat.Nauk (Russian Math. Surveys, Communications of Moscow Math. Society)32 (1) (1977) 183–184 (in Russian).

(9) 1977 Ga : Reconcilable sets of coalitions; In ”Questions of appliedmathematics”, Siberian Inst. of Energy, Irkutsk (1977) 20-30 (in Russian);RJ Abstract 81b:90172 in English, V. Gurvich and A. Vasin.

(10) 1978 Ga : Reconcilable sets of coalitions for normal form games.In ”Numerical methods in optimization theory (Applied math.)”, Siberian Inst.of Energy, Irkutsk, (1978) 27-38 (in Russian); RJ Abstract 81j:90147 in English;V. Gurvich and A. Vasin.

(11) 1978 Ga : On reconcilable sets of coalitions; 3-d USSR Conference onOperations Research, Gorky, 1978; Abstract, pp, 353-354 (in Russian);V.Gurvich and A. Vasin.

(12) 1978 Ga : Classification of meta-games. 3d USSR Conference in Oper-ations Research, Gorky, 1978; Abstract, 396-397 (in Russian); V. Gurvich

(12a) 1978 Ga and B and Gr :Applications of Boolean functions and contact schemes in game theory. Ph.D.Thesis (and Extended Abstract); Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology,October 1978, 110 p. (and 11 p.) (in Russian); V.Gurvich

(14) 1980 Ga : Coalitional equilibria in meta-games, Vestnik Moskov. Univ.ser.XV : Vychisl. Mat. Kibernet., no 3 (1980) 38-44 (in Russian), 90D12;English translation in: Proceedings of Moscow State Univ. Ser. XV,Computational Math. and Cybernetics, no 3; V.A. Gurvich and A.A. Vasin.

(15) 1982 S : Time stability of strong earthquake-prone areas prediction. II.East of Middle Asia. Izvestiya Akad. Nauk SSSR, ser. Fizika Zemli , No 9,p.30-38. (Russian), English transl. in Izvestya Acad. of Sciences of the USSR,ser. Physics of Solid Earth; V. Gurvich and A. Gvishiani.

(16) 1982 S and O : Balls in the Hamming metric spaces. Doklady Akad.Nauk SSSR, v.264, No 1, p.27-29 (in Russian); 86A15 (54E35); English transl.in: Soviet Math. Dokl., 25, (3) (1982), 569–571; V. Gurvich and A. Gvishiani.

(17) 1982 Ga and B and Gr : On the normal form of positional games,Doklady Akad. Nauk SSSR, 264 (1) (1980) 30–33 (in Russian);English transl. in Soviet Math Dokl., 25 (3) (1982) 572–575; V.Gurvich.

(18) 1983 Ga and B and S : Dual systems of sets and their applications;Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR Tekhn. Kibernet, 4 (1983)31–39 (in Russian);English translation in: Engineering Cybernetics 21 (3) (1984) 112–118;V.A. Gurvich and A.D. Gvishiani.


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(19) 1983 S : On representation of morphostructural lineaments for computerprocessing. Vychisl. Seismologya v.15 , Moscow, ”Nauka” (Russian), Englishtransl. in Computational Seismology,V.A. Gurvich, A.Z. Mostinsky, A.A. Soloviev, and I.A. Vesselov.

(20) 1984 CP : Balanced flow in multipole networks, Doklady Akad. NaukSSSR, 275 (6) (1984), 1327-1331 (in Russian) 90B10 (05C20), English transl.in: Soviet Phys. Dokl., 29 (4) (1984) 268–270, V. Gurvich and A. Gvishiani.

(21) 1984 CP : Kirchhoff’s second law for optimal transport flows, DokladyAkad. Nauk SSSR, 276 (4) (1984), 812-817 (in Russian), 94C15 (90B10 94C05);English translation in: Soviet Phys. Dokl., 29 (1984) MR0754097 (85k:94065);V. Gurvich.

(22) 1984 S : Dynamic problems of pattern recognition. I. Stability condi-tions for the strong earthquake-prone areas prediction.Vychisl. Seismol., 16 (1984) 70-78, Moscow, ”Nauka” Publishers (in Russian);English transl. in Computational Seismology, V. Gurvich and A. Gvishiani.

(23) 1984 S : On the connection of volcanic activity and altitute differencewith epicenters of strong earthquakes;Vychisl. Seismologya 16 (1984) 88-93, Moscow, ”Nauka” (in Russian),English transl. in Computational Seismology; V. Gurvich and V. Kossobokov.

(24) 1984 S : Dynamic problems of pattern recognition. II. Stabilizing setsand local stability for the strong earthquake-prone areas prediction . Vychisl.Seismologya v.17, p.29-35 , Moscow, ”Nauka” (in Russian), English transl. inComputational Seismology, V. Gurvich and A. Gvishiani.

(25) 1984 S : Determination of earthquake-prone areas by pattern recognitionmethods; 19th Assembly of European Seismology Commission, 1984, Abstract,pp. 7-8 (in Russian); V. Gurvich and A. Gvishiani.

(26) 1984 Gr and Ga and B : Some properties and applications of completeedge-chromatic graphs and hypergraphs; Doklady Akad. Nauk SSSR, 279 (6)1306–1310 (in Russian) 05C15 (03G05 05C65 06E30);English transl. in: Soviet Math. Dokl. 30 (3) (1984) 803–807; V. Gurvich

(27) 1985 : Problem M 940* . High-school Journal ”Kvant”, 1985, p.40(in Russian), V.A. Gurvich and A.I. Gol’berg.

(28) 1985 S : Dynamic problems of pattern recognition. III. Stability for theprediction of possible places of strongest earthquake-prone areas of Pacific Belt;Vychisl. Seismologya 18 (1985) 117-127, Moscow, ”Nauka” (in Russian),English transl. in Computational Seismology,V.A. Gurvich, A.D. Gvishiani, and A.L. Razsvetaev.

(29) 1986 CP :Calculation of networks and dual problems of convex programming;Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 287 (5) (1986) 1062–1067 (in Russian), 90C35;English translation in: Soviet Math. Dokl., 33 (2) (1986) 491–496;I.F. Obraztsov, A.D. Gvishiani, and V.A Gurvich.

(30) 1986 Ga : Stability of collective choice, VINITI(Ins. Sci. and Engin. Inform.) Microfilm 3181-B86, 31 pp. (in Russian),


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English transl. by I.R. Antonyan; Sincere and stable social choice (manuscript),A.I. Golberg, V.A. Gurvich, and M.N. Zhizhin.

(31) 1986 Ga : Collective choice based on veto principle; VINITI(Ins. Sci. and Engin. Inform.) Microfilm 3182-B86, 127 pp. (in Russian);English transl. by I.R. Antonyan and M.N. Zhizhin,Extensive and secret dominance solvable veto voting schemes, (manuscript),A.I. Golberg, V.A. Gurvich, and M.N. Zhizhin.

(32) 1986 CP : On the theory of monotone schemes;Doklady Akad. Nauk SSSR 289 (4) (1986) 796–800 (in Russian),English transl. in Soviet Math. Dokl. 34 (1)(1986) 162–166;I.F. Obraztsov, A.D. Gvishiani, and V.A. Gurvich.

(33) 1986 Ga : The existence of non-trivial stable social choice functions;Doklady Akad. Nauk SSSR, 289 (4) (1986) 788–792 (in Russian) 90A07;English translation in: Soviet Math. Dokl., 34 (1) (1986) 154–158;A.I. Golberg, V.A. Gurvich, and I.S. Menshikov.

(34) 1986 Gr : On the maximal number of edges for a graph with n verticesin which every subgraph with k vertices has at most ` edges;Doklady Akad. Nauk SSSR 293 (1) (1987), 27-32 (in Russian);English translation in : Soviet Math. Dokl. 35 (2) (1987) 255–260;A. Golberg and V. Gurvich.

(35) 1986 S : Identification of doubles in the union of earthquake catalogs. In”Math. methods for geophysical information processing”. Eds. V.F. Pisarenko,V.V. Ratuschnyi. Moscow, Nauka (in Russian), V. Gurvich and P.N. Schebalin.

(36) 1987 Ga : Dominance-solvability conditions for concave n-person games,Uspehi Mat. Nauk 42 (2) (1987) 183-184 (in Russian),English transl. in Russian Mathematical Surveys,A.I. Golberg, V.A. Gurvich, K.M. Khanin, and M.U. Rosenblum.

(37) 1987 CP and S : Calculation of Lithosphere Block’s equilibrium byconvex programming methods. 19-th General Assembly IUGG (InternationalUnion of Geodesy and Geophysics) Vancouver, Canada, Aug. 9-22, Report,Abstract v.1 , p.39. V. Gurvich and A. Gvishiani.

(38) 1987 CP : Metric and ultrametric resistance spaces;Uspehi Mat. Nauk 42 (6, 258)) (1987) 187–188 (in Russian), 90B10 (94C10);English transl. in: Russian Mathematical Surveys 42 (2) (1987) 183–184;V. Gurvich and A. Gvishiani.

[This result is attributed by Wikipedia and Wolfram Mathematics to D.J. Kleinand M.J. Randic, J. Math. Chem., Resistance distance 12 (1993) 81-95.]

(39) 1987 CP : The equivalence of networks, optimal flows, and static equi-librium computational problems; Uspehi Mat. Nauk 42 (6, 258) (1987) 191-192(in Russian); English transl. in Russian Math. Surveys 42 (2) (1988) 187-188;V. Gurvich and A. Gvishiani.

(40) 1987 Gr : Extremal homogeneous hypergraphs and a hypercombinato-rial function; Doklady Akad. Nauk SSSR 298 (4) (1988) 793–798 (in Russian);English transl. in Soviet Math. Dokl 37 (1) (1988) 146–151; V. Gurvich.


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(41) 1988 Gr : A problem in theory of extremal graphs and its applications;Izvestiya Akad. Nauk SSSR, Tekh. Kibernetika 1 (1988) 106-116 (in Russian);English translation in Soviet J. of Computer and System Science(formerly Engineering Cybernetics) 3 (1990) 1-9; A. Gol’berg and V. Gurvich.

(42) 1988 Ga : A stochastic game with complete information and withoutequilibrium situations in pure stationary strategies;Uspehi Mat. Nauk 43 (2, 260) (1988) 135–136 (in Russian); 90D15 (90D10);English translation in : Russian Mathematical Surveys 43 (2) (1988), 171–172;V.Gurvich.

(43) 1988 CP and S : Layered block model in problems of lithospere dynamicsand of earthquake engineering; USSR conf. ”Engineering seismology problems”,Leninakan, May 15–22, Report, Abstract p.106-107 (in Russian),V.A. Gurvich, A.D. Gvishiani (speaker), and A.G. Tumarkin.

(44) 1988 CP and S : Layered block model in problems of rock mechanics;USSR seminar ”Principles of rock destruction prediction.”Irkutsk, September, Report, Abstract p.100-101 (in Russian),V.A. Gurvich, A.D. Gvishiani (speaker), and A.G. Tumarkin.

(45) 1988 Gr : Extremal uniform hypergraphs; an estimate of the Zarankiewiczfunction and a criterion for the non-degeneracy of the function ex;Doklady Akad. Nauk SSSR 303 (3) (1988) 538–542 (in Russian);English transl. in Soviet Math. Dokl. 38 (3) (1989) 550-554; V. Gurvich.

(46) 1988 Ga : Equilibrium in pure strategies.Doklady Akad. Nauk SSSR 303 (4) (1988) 538-542 (in Russian);English transl. in Soviet Math. Dokl. 38 (3) (1989) 597–602; V. Gurvich.

(47) 1988 Ga and Gr and CC :Cyclic games and an algorithm to find minimax cycle means in directed graphs;J. Vychisl. matem. i matem. fiz. 28:9 (1988) 1407-1417 (in Russian);English transl. in USSR Comput. Math. and Math. Phys. 28 (5) (1990) 85-91;V.A. Gurvich, A.V. Karzanov, and L.G. Khachiyan.

(48) 1989 Ga and Gr and CC:A criterion and verification of the ergodicity for cyclic game forms;Uspehi Mat. Nauk 44 (1, 265) (1989) 193-194. (in Russian),English transl. in Russian Mathematical Surveys 44 (1) (1989) 243-244;V. Gurvich and V. Lebedev.

(49) 1988 CP and S : Layered block model in problems of slow deformationsof the lithosphere and of earthquake engineering;In ”Slow deformations and transmission of stress in the Earth”;Eds. S.C. Cohen, P. Vanichek, American Geophysical Union, Washington,Geophysical Monograph 49, IUGG 4 (1988) 65-71;V.A. Gurvich, A.D. Gvishiani, and A.G. Tumarkin.

(50) 1988 CP and S : Calculation of lithospheric blocks and of engineeringconstructions equilibrium by convex programming methods; Vychisl. Seismol-ogya v.21, 1988, p.74-94, Moscow, ”Nauka” (in Russian), English transl. inComputational Seismology, V.A. Gurvich and A.D. Gvishiani.


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(51) 1989 CP and S : Block modelling of lithosphere dynamics: a con-vex analysis approach; European Geophysical Society, Annales Geophysicae,14th General Assembly, Barcelona, March, Abstract, Report, 1989, p.100-101,V.A. Gurvich, A.D. Gvishiani, and A.G. Tumarkin.

(52) 1989 Ga : Institutions of agreement; ”Znanie; Novoe v zhizni, nauke itekhnike”, ser. Matematika i Kibernetika, 6 (1989) 42 p. (Knowledge, News inlife science and technics. Math. and Cybernetics. (in Russian);V. Gurvich and I. Menschikov.

(53) 1989 Gr and T : Charts of surfaces and their shcemes;Doklady Akad. Nauk SSSR, 305 (6) (1989) 1298–1303 (in Russian),English transl. in Soviet Math. Dokl. 39 (2) (1989) 390–394;V.A. Gurvich and G.B. Shabat.[This result was obtained much earlier by Jack Edmonds: On the Surface Dualityof Linear Graphs, J. Res. Natl. Bur. Stand. 69B (1965) 121-123.]

(54) 1989 CP : Elementary vectors in separable convex programming;Doklady Akad. Nauk SSSR 307 (5) (1989) 1059-1064 (in Russian),English transl. in Soviet Math. Dokl. v.40, No 1, 1989, p.207-212;I.F. Obraztsov, A.D. Gvishiani, and V.A. Gurvich.

(55) 1989 Ga : Some properties of effectivity functions,Doklady Akad. Nauk SSSR 307 (6) (1989) 1311-1317 (in Russian);English transl. in Soviet Math. Dokl. 40 (1) (1990) 244-250; V. Gurvich.

(56) 1989 Ga and L : Quasilinear set-functions and absolutely determinedmatrices, Avtomatika i Telemekhanika 12 (1989) 113-117 (in Russian); Englishtransl. in Automation and Remote Control; V. Gurvich and L. Libkin.

(57) 1990 CP : Computation of schemes by Rudder and Ladder algorithms,Doklady Akad. Nauk SSSR 314 (6) (1990) 1316-1321 (in Russian);English transl. in Soviet Math. Dokl. 41 92) (1990) 651–657;I.F. Obraztsov, A.D. Gvishiani, and V. Gurvich.

(58) 1990 Ga : A saddle point in pure strategies;Doklady Akad. Nauk SSSR 314 (3) (1990) 542-546;English transl. in Soviet Math. Dokl. 42 (2) (1990) 497-501; V. Gurvich.

(59) 1990 Ga and L : Absolutely determined matrices;Mathematical Social Sciences 20 (1990) 1-18; V. Gurvich and L. Libkin.

(60) 1990 Ga : A theorem on the existence of equilibrium situations in purestationary strategies for ergodic extensions of (2× k) bimatrix games;Uspehi Mat. Nauk. 45 (4, 274) (1990) 151-152;English transl. in Russian Mathematical Surveys, 45 (4) (1990) 170-172;V. Gurvich.

(61) 1990 CP : Conditions of the existence and uniqueness for the solutionof a convex programming problem;Uspehi Mat. Nauk 45 (4, 274) (1990) 145-146 (in Russian);English translation in Russian Mathematical Surveys 45 (4) (1990) 173-174;V.A. Gurvich and A.D. Gvishiani.


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(62) 1990 CP and S : Equations of dynamics for the layer block model;Vychisl. Seismologya 22 (1990) 111-116, Moscow, ”Nauka” (in Russian);English transl. in Computational Seismology; V. Gurvich and A. Gvishiani.

(63) 1990 Ga and B : Nash-solvable game forms,The fifth international conference on the foundation and applications of utility,risk, and decision theories, June 9-13, 1990; Duke University, Durham NC,Abstract; V. Gurvich.

(64) 1990 Ga and B : Dual cores and effectivity functions; Internationalconference on game theory and economic applications, Dec. 18-22, 1990;Indian Statistical Institute, New-Delhi, Abstract, pp. 134-135; V. Gurvich.

(65) 1991 P : A Gaussian distribution for sums of distances, Doklady Akad.Nauk SSSR 316 (2) (1991) 279-284 (in Russian); English translation in RussianAcad. Sci. Dokl. Math. 43 (1) (1991) 63-68; V.A. Gurvich and K.M. Khanin.

(66) 1991 P: A Poisson distribution for the number of pairs of close points;Doklady Akad. Nauk SSSR 316 (3) (1991) 533-538 (in Russian);English translation in Russian Acad. Sci. Dokl. Math. 43 (1) (1991) 122-127;V.A Gurvich and K.M. Khanin.

(67) 1991 B :Criteria for repetition freeness of functions in the algebra of logic;Doklady Akad. Nauk SSSR 318 (3) (1991) 532-537 (in Russian);English translation in Russian Acad. Sci. Dokl. Math. 43 (3) (1991) 721-726;V. Gurvich.

(68) 1991 Ga and L :Quasi-convex analysis for semi-lattices and absolutely determined matrices;Doklady Akad. Nauk SSSR 319 (1) (1991) 27-32 (in Russian);English translation in Russian Acad. Sci. Dokl. Math. 44 (1) (1992) 20-25;V.A Gurvich and L.O. Libkin.

(69) 1991 Ga : Some properties of tight cyclic game forms;Dokl. Akad. Nauk. 318 (6) (1991) 1289-1294 (in Russian);English translation in Soviet. Math Dokl., 43 (3) (1991) 898 - 903;A. Gol’berg and V. Gurvich.

(70) 1991 Ga and B : Tight cyclic game forms;Uspehi Mat. Nauk 46 (2, 278) (1991) 211-212 (in Russian);English translation in Russian Mathematical Surveys, 46 (2) (1991) 241-242;A.I.Gol’berg and V.A. Gurvich.

(71) 1992 Ga and B : Information extensions of game forms;Doklady Akad. Nauk 322 (3) (1992) 451-455 (in Russian);English translation in Russian Acad. Sci. Dokl. Math. 45 (1) (1992) 110-114;V. Gurvich.

(72) 1992 Ga and Gr : Positional game forms and chromatic graphs;Doklady Akad. Nauk 322 (5) (1992) 828-831 (in Russian);English translation in Russian Acad. Sci. Dokl. Math. 45 (1) (1992) 168-172;V. Gurvich.


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(73) 1992 Ga and B : Algebraic properties of effectivity functions;Doklady Akad. Nauk. 323 (1) (1992) 19-24 (in Russian);English translation in Russian Acad. Sci. Dokl. Math. 45 (2) (1992) 245-251;V. Gurvich.

(74) 1992 Ga : A tightness criterion for reciprocal bipartite cyclic gameforms, Doklady Akad. Nauk 323 (3) (1992) 398-405 (in Russian);English translation in Russian Acad. Sci. Dokl. Math. 45 (2) (1992) 348–354;A.I. Gol’berg and V.A. Gurvich.

(75) 1992 Gr : Bilinear forms of enumerated graphs,Doklady Akad. Nauk 325 (2) (1992) 221-226 (in Russian);English translation in Russian Acad. Sci. Dokl. Math. 46 (1) (1993) 36-42;V.Gurvich.

(76) 1992 Gr : Enumerated graphs and their bilinear forms;Uspehi Mat. Nauk 47 (4, 286) (1992) 189-190 (in Russian);English transl. in Russian Mathematical Surveys 47 (4) (1992) 206-207;V.Gurvich.

(77) 1992 Gr : Checked perfect graphs;Doklady Akad. Nauk 326 (2) (1992) 227-232 (in Russian);English translation in Russian Acad. Sci. Dokl. Math. 46 (2) (1993) 248-253;V.A. Gurvich and M.A. Temkin.

(78) 1992 Ga : Effectivity functions and informational extensions of gameforms and game correspondences;Uspehi Mat. Nauk 47 (6, 288) (1992) 209-210 (in Russian);English translation in Russian Mathematical Surveys 47 (6) (1992) 208-209;V. Gurvich.

(79) 1993 Gr and O : Extremal integer sequences with forbidden sums,Symp. on Appl. Math. Programming and Modelling. APMOD 93, Budapest,Hungary, Jan. 6-8, 1993, Extended Abstract, 247-256; V. Gurvich.

(80) 1993 Gr : Absolutely separated and biseparated graphs;Dokl. Acad. Nauk 328 (4) (1993) 427-430 (in Russian);English translation in Russian Acad. Sci. Dokl. Math. 47 (1) (1993) 97-103;V. Gurvich.[Main result was obtained earlier by V. Chvatal, W.J.Lenhart, and N.Sbihi:Two-colourings that decompose perfect graphs, J. Combin. Theory Ser. B 49(1990), 1-9].

(81) 1993 Gr : Circular graphs without odd holes and anti-holes;Dokl. Acad. Nauk 329 (4) (1993) 411-415 (in Russian);English translation in Russian Acad. Sci. Dokl. Math. 47 (2) (1993) 278-284;A.Gol’berg, V. Gurvich, A. Shapovalov, A. Temkin, and V. Udalov.

(82) 1993 Gr : Cyclic bilinear forms of enumerated graphs;Dokl. Acad. Nauk 331 (1) (1993) 11-13 (in Russian);English translation in Russian Acad. Sci. Dokl. Math. 48 (1) (1994) 10-14;V. Gurvich.


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(83) 1993 Gr :Berge’s Strong Perfect Graph Conjecture is true for rotatable graphs;Dokl. Acad. Nauk, 332 (2) (1993) 144-148 (in Russian);English transl. in Russian Acad. Sci. Dokl. Math. 48 (2) (1994) 271-278;V.Gurvich and A.Temkin.

(84) 1993 Gr : Biseparated graphs are perfect;Dokl. Acad. Nauk 331 (5) (1993) 541-545 (in Russian);English translation in Russian Acad. Sci. Dokl. Math. 48 (1) (1994) 134-142;V. Gurvich.

(85) 1993 T : Solution of the Harer-Zagier equation;Uspehi Mat. Nauk 48 (1) (1993) 159-160 (in Russian);English translation in Russian Mathematical Surveys 48 (1) (1993) 167-168;V. Gurvich and G. Shabat.

(86) 1993 Gr : Generalized Lovasz inequality;Uspehi Mat. Nauk 48 (2) (1993) 175-176 (in Russian);English translation in Russian Mathematical Surveys 48 (2) (1993) 184-185;V. Gurvich.

(87) 1993 B : Dual subimplicants of positive Boolean functions;RUTCOR Research Report, RRR 11-1993, Rutgers University;E. Boros, V. Gurvich, and P.L. Hammer.

(88) 1993 Gr : When is a circular graph minimal imperfect?RUTCOR Research Report, RRR 22-1993, Rutgers University;E. Boros and V. Gurvich.

(89) 1993 Gr : Perfect graphs and stable families of coalitions;Summer School in Economic Theory, La Sorbonne, July 1-13, 93, Abstract;V. Gurvich.

(90) 1994 (1996) Gr : Perfect graphs are kernel-solvable;RUTCOR Research Report 16-1994 and Dimacs Technical Report 1994-32;Discrete Math. 159 (1996) 35-55; E. Boros and V. Gurvich.

(91) 1994 Ga and Gr : Games and Graphs: Perfectly imperfect graphs;The 2d US-Hungarian workshop in combinatorial optimization, Budapest, May9-14, 1994, Abstract; E. Boros (speaker) and V. Gurvich.

(92) 1994 B : Decomposition of positive Boolean function;TIMS XXXII, Anchorage, Alaska, June 12-15, 94. Abstract;E. Boros (speaker), V. Gurvich, and P.L. Hammer.

(93) 1994 B : Structural analysis of partially defined Boolean functions;Dimacs Technical Report DTR 1994-09, Rutgers University; Annals ofOperations Research, Optimal partitioning of combinatorial structures, 1994;E. Boros, V. Gurvich, P.L. Hammer, T. Ibaraki, and A. Kogan.

(94) 1994 Ga and Gr : A game theoretic proof of Berge-Duchet PerfectGraph Conjecture; The Fifth Stony Brook Summer Institute in Game Theory,SUNY at Stony Brook, July 7-29, 1994, Abstract; E. Boros and V. Gurvich.


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(95) 1994 Ga and Gr : The Berge-Duchet Perfect Graph Conjecture; gametheoretic proof. The 2d International Meeting of the Society for Social Choiceand Welfare, Rochester, July 8-11, 1994, Abstract; E. Boros and V. Gurvich.

(96) 1995 B : Decomposition of partially defined Boolean functions; DimacsTechnical Report 1994-09, Rutgers University, Rutcor Research Report, RRR13-1994, Rutgers University, Discrete Applied Math.62 (1995) 51-75;E. Boros, V. Gurvich, P.L. Hammer, T. Ibaraki, and A. Kogan.

(97) 1995 Gr : On minimally imperfect graphs with circular symmetry;The 5th International Symposium on Graph Theory and Combinatorics;Marsielle-Luminy, September 4-8, 1995, Abstract; RUTCOR Research Report,RRR 22-1994, DIMACS Technical Report, 1997-58, Rutgers University;G. Bacso, E. Boros, V. Gurvich, F. Maffray, and M. Preissmann.

(98) 1995 Gr and O : Extremal sequences with forbidden sums;Dokl. Acad. Nauk 340 (6) (1995) 731-735 (in Russian);English translation in Russian Acad. Sci. Dokl. Math. 51 (1995) 113-116;V. Gurvich.

(99) 1995 L : Trees as semilattices Discrete Mathematics 145 (1995) 321-327;V. Gurvich and L. Libkin.

(100) 1997 (submitted 1992) Ga : Dual cores and effectivity functions;Dokl. Acad. Nauk 352 (1) (1997) 18-22 (in Russian);English translation in Doklady Mathematics 55 (1) (1997) 12-16;V. Gurvich.

(101) 1997 (submitted 1992) Ga : Criteria of non-emtyness for dual cores;Dokl. Acad. Nauk 352 (2) (1997) (in Russian);English translation in Doklady Mathematics 55 (1) (1997) 33-37; V. Gurvich.

(102) 1995 Ga : Tight cyclic game forms; (manuscript, 1995, 25 p.);A.I. Golberg and V.A. Gurvich.

(103) 1995 Ga : On the nucleolus, balanced sets of coalitions and Sobolev’stheorem (manuscript, 1995); V. Gurvich, I. Menshikov, and O. Menshikova.

(104) 1995 Ga and Gr:Stable families of coalitions and normal hypergraphs;RUTCOR Research Report 22-1995 and DIMACS Technical Report 1996-33,Rutgers University; Mathematical Social Sciences 34 (1997) 107-123;E. Boros, V. Gurvich, and A. Vasin.

(105) 1995 Ga and Gr: Stable effectivity functions and perfect graphs;RUTCOR Research Report 23-1995 and DIMACS Technical Report 1996-34,Rutgers University; E. Boros and V. Gurvich.

(106) 1995 Ga and Gr: Stable families of coalitions and Berge-Lovasz normalhypergraphs, The Sixth Stony Brook Summer Institute in Game Theory, SUNYat Stony Brook, July 17-20, 1995. Abstract; E. Boros, V. Gurvich, and A. Vasin.


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(107) [see 97] 1995 Ga and Gr:Berge-Duchet’s Perfect Graph Conjecture; Game theoretic approach; The 5thInternational Symposium in Graph Theory and Combinatorics, Marsielle-Luminy,September 4-8, 1995, Abstract; E. Boros and V. Gurvich.

(108) 1995 B and CC: On generating the irredundant conjunctive anddisjunctive normal forms of monotone Boolean functions;RUTCOR Research Report 35-1995, Rutgers University;Discrete Appl. Math. 96-97 (1-3)(1999) 363-373; V. Gurvich and L. Khachiyan.

(109) 1995 B and CC:On a variable of high frequency for dual monotone Boolean functions;LCSR-TR-252, 1995, Dep. of Comp. Science, Rutgers University;V. Gurvich and L. Khachiyan.

(110) 1995 Gr:Normal, balanced and splittable hypergraphs, manuscript, 1995, 20 p.;E. Boros and V. Gurvich.

(111) 1996 Gr:A circular graph - counterexample to the Duchet kernel conjecture;RUTCOR Research Report 18-1996 and DIMACS Technical Report 1996-32,Rutgers University; Discrete Mathematics, 178 (1998), 229-231;A. Apartsin, E. Ferapontova, and V. Gurvich.

(112) 1996 Ga and Gr : Perfect Graphs, Normal Hypergraphs,Stable Families of Coalitions and Effectivity Functions;The 7th Stony Brook Summer Festival in Game Theory, SUNY at Stony Brook,July 14-19, 1996, Abstract; E. Boros and V. Gurvich.

(113) 1996 Gr and T : Dual Graphs on Surfaces;DIMACS Technical Report 1996-35 and RUTCOR Research Report 26-1996,Rutgers University; V. Gurvich.[This result was obtained much earlier by Jack Edmonds: On the Surface Dualityof Linear Graphs, J. Res. Natl. Bur. Stand. 69B (1965) 121-123.]

(114) 1996 Gr : A corrected version of the Duchet kernel conjecture,DIMACS Technical Report 1996-41 and RUTCOR Research Report 30-1996,Rutgers University; Discrete Mathematics 179 (1998) 231-233;E. Boros and V. Gurvich.

——(100) 1997 (submitted 1992) Ga : Dual cores and effectivity functions;Dokl. Acad. Nauk 352 (1) (1007) 18-22 (in Russian);English translation in Doklady Mathematics 55 (1) (1997) 12-16; V. Gurvich.

——(101) 1997 (submitted 1992) Ga : Criteria of non-emptiness for dualcores, Dokl. Acad. Nauk 352 (2) (1997) (in Russian); English translation inDoklady Mathematics 55 (1) (1007) 33-37; V. Gurvich.

——(108) 1997 B and CC : On the complexity of generating all minimalimplicants and implicates of monotone Boolean functions;16-th International Symposium on Mathematical Programming, August 24-29,1997, Lausanne, Switzerland, Abstract, WE1-I-CM121, 1997, p.145;V. Gurvich and L.Khaciyan (speaker).


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(115) 1997 Ga and Gr : The Berge-Duchet Perfect Graph Conjecture,a game theoretic proof, 32-e Nederlands Matematisch Congres., Wageningen,April 3-4, 1997, Abstract, p. 32; E. Boros and V. Gurvich.

(116) 1997 Gr : Edge-critical kenel-less and non-kernel-solvable graphs;5th Twente Workshop on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization. Universityof Twente, Enschede, the Netherlands, May 20-22, 1997, Extended Abstract;A. Apartsin, E. Boros, E. Ferapontova, and V. Gurvich (speaker).

(117) 1997 B and CC: On the frequency of the most frequently occurringvariable in dual monotone DNFs. Discrete Mathematics 169 (1997) 245-248;V. Gurvich and L.Khachiyan.

(118) 1996 Ga : On the existence of the coalition set core;Nova J. of Mathematics, Game Theory and Algebra 5 (1996) 375-382;V. Gurvich and A. Vasin.

(119) 1998 B : Dual Subimplicants of positive Boolean functions;in Optimization Methods and Software 10 (1998) 147-156;E.Boros, V. Gurvich, and P.L.Hammer.

——(111) 1998 (submitted 1996) Gr: A circular graph - counterexampleto the Duchet kernel conjecture, Discrete Mathematics, 178 (1998), 229-231;A. Apartsin, E. Ferapontova, and V. Gurvich.

——(114) 1998 (submitted 1996) Gr: A corrected version of the Duchetkernel conjecture, Discrete Mathematics 179 (1998); E. Boros and V. Gurvich.

(120) 1999 Ga and Gr: Stable effectivity functions and perfect graphs;RUTCOR Research Report 23-1995, Rutgers University;Mathematical Social Sciences 39 (2000) 175-194, E. Boros and V. Gurvich.

(121) 1998 Gr : On minimal imperfect graphs with circular symmetry,Journal of Graph Theory 29 (4) (1998) 209-224;G.Bacso, E.Boros, V.Gurvich, F.Maffray, and M.Preissmann.

(122) 1999 Gr : Recursive generation of partitionable graphs,RUTCOR Research Report RRR 10-1999 and DIMACS technical report DTR99-31, Rutgers University; Journal of Graph Theory 41 (4) (2002) 259-285;E.Boros, V.Gurvich, and S.Hougardy.

(123) 1999 Gr : On parallel edges in cycles, DIMACS Technical Report DTR1999-28, Rutgers University; E.Boros and V.Gurvich.

(124) 1999 Gr and N : Camel sequences and their applications; DIMACSTechnical Report DTR 99-29, Rutgers University; V. Gurvich and Li Sheng.

(125) 1999 Gr and N : Camel sequences and quadratic residues, DIMACSTechnical Report DTR 1999-40 and RUTCOR Research Report RRR 21-1999,Rutgers University; Discrete Applied Math. 124 (1-3) (2002) 73-89(special issue on Discrete Optimization DO’99); V.Gurvich and Li Sheng.

(126) 1999 CC and B: Dual-bounded hypergraphs, Generating partial andmultiple transversals, DIMACS Technical Report DTR 1999-62 andRUTCOR Research Report RRR 44-1999, Rutgers University;E.Boros, V.Gurvich, L.Khachiyan, and K.Makino.


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—— see (108) 1999 (submitted 1995) B and CC: On generating the irredun-dant conjunctive and disjunctive normal forms of monotone Boolean functions;Discrete Appl. Math. 96-97 (1-3) (1999) 363-373; V.Gurvich and L.Khachiyan.

(128) 2000 CC and B : Dual-bounded generating problems: partial andmultiple transversals of a hypergraph, SIAM J. Comp. 30 (6) (2000) 2036-2050;E.Boros, V.Gurvich, L.Khachiyan and K.Makino.

(129) 2000 G [see 149]: Difference graphs, DIMACS technical report 2000-33, Rutgers University, Discrete Mathematics 276 (1-3) (2004) 59-64;E.Boros, V.Gurvich, and R. Meshulam.

(130) 2000 CC and B : Generating weighted transversals of a hypergraph,DIMACS Tech. Report DTR 17-2000, Rutgers University; Proceedings of the2-nd Japanese-Hungarian Symposium on Discrete Math. and its Applications,A. Frank, G.Y. Katona and A. Recski, eds., Extended Abstract, (2001) 13-22;Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary, April 20-23, 2001;E.Boros, V.Gurvich, L.Khachiyan and K.Makino.

(131) 2000 CC and B : An incremental RNC algorithm for generating allmaximal independent sets for hypergraphs of bounded dimension,DIMACS Technical Report DTR 2000-21, Rutgers University;An efficient incremental algorithm for generating all maximal independent setsin hypergraphs of bounded dimension, Parallel Processing Letters 10 (4) (2000)253-266; E. Boros, V. Gurvich, K. Elbassioni and L. Khachiyan.

(132) 2000 G : On 2-representable difference graphs,DIMACS REU report, July, 2000, Rutgers University;E. Boros, V.Gurvich, R. Collado, and A. Kelmans.

(133) 2000 CC : An inequality limiting the number of maximal frequentsets, DIMACS Technical Report DTR 2000-37, Rutgers University;E.Boros, V. Gurvich, L.Khachiyan and K.Makino.

(134) 2001 CC and B : Dual bounded generating problems: All minimalinteger solutions for a monotone system of linear inequalities, DIMACS technicalreport 2001-12, Rutgers University; SIAM J. Comp. 31 (5) (2002) 1624-1643;E.Boros, V.Gurvich, K.Elbassioni, L.Khachiyan and K.Makino.

(135) 2001 CC and B and M: An inequality for polymatroid functions andits applications; DIMACS Technical Report DTR 2001-14, Rutgers University,Discrete Applied Math., 131 (2) (2003) 255-281, special issue on submodularity;E.Boros, K.Elbassioni, V.Gurvich, and L.Khachiyan.

(136) 2002 Ga and CC : On Nash solvability in pure stationary strategiesof positional games with perfect information which may have cycles,RUTCOR Research Report RRR 60-2001, Rutgers University,DIMACS technical report DTR 2002-15, Rutgers University;Mathematical Social Sciences 46 (2003) 207-241; E. Boros and V.Gurvich.

(137) 2002 CC and B and L : Generating dual-bounded hypergraphs,DIMACS Technical Report DTR 2002-23, Rutgers University,Optimization Methods and Software 17 (5) (2002) 749 - 781 (10th anniversaryissue, Part I); E.Boros, V.Gurvich, K.Elbassioni, and L.Khachiyan.


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(138) 2002 CC and B and L : Extending the Balas-Yu bounds on the num-ber of maximal independent sets of graphs for hypergraph and lattice productswith applications; DIMACS Technical Report 2002-27, Rutgers University;Math. Programming, ser. B, 98 (1-3) (2003) 355-368(special issue dedicated to Egon Balas’ 80-th birthday);E.Boros, V.Gurvich, K.Elbassioni, and L.Khachiyan.

(139) 2002 GT : Stable Matchings in Three-Sided Systems with CyclicPreferences; DIMACS Technical Report DTR 2002-34, Rutgers University;E. Boros, V.Gurvich, S. Jaslar, and D. Krasner.

(140) 2003 CP and Ge : Comparison of convex hulls and box hulls,RUTCOR Research Report RRR-1-2003, Rutgers University,DIMACS technical report 2003-01, Rutgers University;Ars Combinatoria, 77 (2005); E. Boros, V.Gurvich, and Y. Liu.[Some results of this paper were published earlier in French by Pierre Duchet.]

(141) 2003 DM, CC and M: Algorithms for enumerating circuits in matroids,RUTCOR Research Report RRR 15-2003, Rutgers University;E. Boros, K. Elbassioni, V. Gurvich, and L. Khachiyan.

[All circuits (or equivalently, all hyperplanes) of a matroid, first, were efficientlyenumerated by Paul Seymour in 1996.]

(142) 2003 DM and CC: An efficient implementation of a quasi-polynomialalgorithm for hypergraph transversals and its applications in joint generation,RUTCOR Research Report RRR 16-2003,E. Boros, K. Elbassioni, V. Gurvich, and L. Khachiyan.

(143) 2003 Ga and Gr:Perfect graphs, kernels, and cores of cooperative games,DIMACS technical report 2003-10, RUTCOR Research Report RRR 12-2003,Rutgers University; E. Boros and V. Gurvich.

(144) 2003 CC and B : Dual bounded generating problems: weightedtransversals of a hypergraph. Discrete Applied Mathematics 142 (1-3) (2004)1-15, E.Boros, V.Gurvich, L.Khachiyan, and K.Makino.

(145) 2003 CC and B : Dual-bounded generating problems: An intersectioninequality for discrete distributions and its applications;RUTCOR Research Report RRR-17-2003, Rutgers University;E.Boros, K. Elbassioni, V.Gurvich, L.Khachiyan, and K.Makino.

(146) 2003 CC : On maximal frequent and minimal infrequent sets in binarymatrices, Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Inteligence, 39 (2003) 211-221;E.Boros, V. Gurvich, L.Khachiyan, and K.Makino.

(147) 2003 CC and B and Gr : On enumerating minimal dicuts and stronglyconnected subgraphs, RUTCOR Research Report RRR-36-2003 andDIMACS Technical Report DTR-2003-35, Rutgers University;E.Boros, K. Elbassioni, V.Gurvich, and L.Khachiyan

(148) 2003 CC and B and Gr : Generating maximal independent setsfor hypergraphs with bounded edge-intersections;


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RUTCOR Research Report RRR-37-2003, Rutgers University;E.Boros, K. Elbassioni, V.Gurvich, and L.Khachiyan

(149) 2004 G : Difference graphs, Discrete Math. 276 (1-3), (2004), 59-64;E.Boros, V.Gurvich, and R. Meshulam.

(150) 2004 Ga : War and Peace in veto voting,RUTCOR Research Reports RRR-13-2004 and 22-2005 (revised version) andDIMACS technical report DTR-2004-06, Rutgers University; V. Gurvich.

(151) 2004 CC and B and Gr : Generating all minimal blockers to per-fect matchings in bipartite graphs, RUTCOR Research Report RRR-14-2004,Rutgers University; E.Boros, K. Elbassioni, and V.Gurvich.

(152) 2004 CC : An efficient implementation of a quasi-polynomial algorithmfor generating hypergraph transversals and its application in joint generation,Discrete Applied Mathematics 154 (16) (2006), 2350-2372(special volume dedicated to the retirement of Prof. Ibaraki; ed. H. Ito);L. Khachiyan, E. Boros, K. Elbassioni, and V. Gurvich.

(153) 2004 CC and B and Gr : Computing many maximal independent setsfor a locally sparse hypergraph in parallel, RUTCOR Research Report RRR38-2004 and Dimacs Technical Report DTR 2004-44, Rutgers University;E.Boros, K. Elbassioni, V.Gurvich, and L.Khachiyan

(154) 2004 CC and B and Gr : Enumerating disjunctions and conjunctionsof paths and cuts in reliability theory, Discrete Applied Mathematics 155 (2)(2007), 137-149; E.Boros, K. Elbassioni, V.Gurvich, and L. Khachiyan.

(155) 2004 CC and B : Dual-bounded generating problems: efficient and in-efficient points for discrete probability distributions and sparse boxes for multidi-mensional data. RUTCOR Research Report RRR-17-2003, Rutgers University,Theoretical Computer Science 379 (Special issue, ed. G. Woeginger), (2007),361-376, L. Khachiyan, E.Boros, K. Elbassioni, V.Gurvich, and K. Makino.

—— see (139) 2004 Ga : Stable Matchings in Three-Sided Systems withCyclic Preferences, Discrete Mathematics, 289, No 1-3 (2004), 1-10. E. Boros,V.Gurvich, S. Jaslar, and D. Krasner.

(157) 2004 CC: Generating all minimal feasible solutions to Booleancombinations of monotone linear inequalities: when conjunctions are easier thandisjunctions; RUTCOR Research Report RRR-41-2004, Rutgers University,E. Boros, V. Gurvich, K. Elbassioni and L. Khachiyan.

(158) 2005 Gr: Cyclically orientable graphs, RUTCOR Research ReportRRR-06-2005 and Dimacs Technical Report DTR 2005-08, Rutgers University;V. Gurvich

(159) 2005 CoGa and N : On the misere version of game Euclid and miserablegames. RUTCOR Research Report RRR 06-2005 and Dimacs Technical ReportDTR 2005-07, Rutgers University; V. Gurvich

—— see (140) 2005 CP and Ge : Comparison of convex hulls and box hulls,RUTCOR Research Report RRR-01-2003 and DIMACS technical report DTR


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2003-01, Rutgers University; Ars Combinatoria, 77, 2005;E.Boros, V.Gurvich, and Y.Liu.

(160) 2005 Gr and N : Even hole free and balanced circulants,RUTCOR Research Report RRR-08-2005, Rutgers University,D. Andrade, E. Boros, and V. Gurvich

(161) 2005 Gr and CC : Extending Dijkstra’s Algorithm to Shortest Pathswith Blocks, DIMACS Technical Report 2005-04, Extending Dijkstra’s Algo-rithm to Maximize the Shortest Paths by Node-wise Limited Arc Interdiction,RUTCOR Research Report RRR-31-2005, Rutgers University;L. Khachiyan, V. Gurvich, and J. Zhao

(162) 2005 CC and B and Gr : Transversal hypergraphs to perfect matchingsin bipartite graphs. Characterization and generation algorithms, J. of GraphTheory 53 (3) (2006), 209-232; E.Boros, K. Elbassioni, and V.Gurvich.

(163) 2005 CC and M : On the complexity of some enumeration prob-lems for matroids, SIAM J. of Discrete Mathematics, 19 (4) (2005), 966-984,L. Khachiyan, E. Boros, K. Elbassioni, V. Gurvich, and K. Makino.

(164) 2005 CC and B and Gr : On dualization of the hypergraphs withbounded edge-intersections and other related classes of hypergraphs, RUTCORResearch Report RRR-37-2003, Rutgers University, Theoretical Computer Sci-ence 382, (2008), 139-150; E.Boros, K. Elbassioni, V.Gurvich, and L.Khachiyan.

(165) 2005 CC and Gr : Enumerating cut conjunctions in graphs andrelated problems RUTCOR Research Report RRR-19-2005, Rutgers University,L. Khachiyan, E. Boros, K. Borys, K. Elbassioni, V. Gurvich and K. Makino.

(166) 2005 CC and Gr : Generating all vertices of a polyhedron is hardRUTCOR Research Report RRR 18-2005 and Dimacs Technical Report DTR2005-21, Rutgers University; Discrete Computational Geometry (DCG) 39 (1-3)(2008) 174-190; L. Khachiyan, E. Boros, K. Borys, K. Elbassioni, V. Gurvich.

(167 = 157) 2005 CC and B : Generating All Minimal Integral Solutionsto And-Or Systems of Monotone Polymatroid Inequalities, When Conjunctionsare Easier than Disjunctions; RUTCOR Research Report RRR 41-2004 andDIMACS technical report DTR 2005-12, Rutgers University;E.Boros, K. Elbassioni, V.Gurvich, and L.Khachiyan.

—— see (152) 2006 CC : An efficient implementation of a quasi-polynomialalgorithm for generating hypergraph transversals and its application in jointgeneration, Discrete Applied Mathematics 154 (16) (2006), 2350-2372;L. Khachiyan, E. Boros, K. Elbassioni, and V. Gurvich.

(168) 2006 Gr and CC : On short paths interdiction problem: Total andnode-wise limited interdiction. RUTCOR Research Report RRR 25-2006 andDimacs Technical Report DTR 2007-02, Rutgers University; L. Khachiyan,E. Boros, K. Borys, K. Elbassioni, V. Gurvich, G. Rudolf, and J. Zhao.

(169) 2006 Gr and CC : On the complexity of the acyclic hypergraph sand-wich problem. Technische Universitat, Wien, Institut Fur Informationssysteme,Abteilung Datenbanken und Artificial Intelligence, DBAI-TR-2005-51, April


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2006 and RUTCOR Research Report RRR 11-2006, Rutgers University,G. Gottlob, V. Gurvich, and Z. Miklos.

(170) 2006 Gr and CC : Neighborhood hypergraphs of bipartite graphs,RUTCOR Research Report RRR-12-2006, Rutgers University;J. of Graph Theory, 58 (1) (2008), 69-95, E. Boros, V. Gurvich, and I. Zverovich.

(171) 2006 Gr and CC : Inapproximability bounds for shortest-path networkinterdiction problem, RUTCOR Research Report RRR 42-2005 and DimacsTechnical Report DTR 2006-13, Rutgers University;On short paths interdiction problems: Total and node-wise limited interdiction,Theory of Computing Systems 43 (2) (2008), 204-233;E. Boros, K. Borys, K. Elbassioni, V. Gurvich, G. Rudolf, and J. Zhao.

(172) 2006 Gr and CC : Generating 3-vertex connected spanning subgraphs,Dimacs Technical Report DTR 2006-12, Rutgers University; Discrete Math. 308(24) (2008), 6285-6297; E. Boros, K. Borys, V. Gurvich, G. Rudolf.

(173) 2006 Gr and CC : On graphs whose maximal cliques and stable setsintersect, RUTCOR Research Report RRR 17-2006 and DIMACS technical re-port DTR-2006-16, Rutgers University; D. Andrade, E. Boros, and V. Gurvich.

[One of the main results of this preprint was published two years before byXiaotie Deng, Guojun Li, Wenan Zang: Proof of Chvatal’s conjecture onmaximal stable sets and maximal cliques in graphs; J. Comb. Theory, ser. B91 (2) (2004) 301-325.]

—— see (143) 2006 Ga and Gr: Perfect graphs, kernels, andcores of cooperative games, Discrete Math. 306 (19-20) (2006), 2336-2354(Special Issue; Creation and Recreation: A tribute to memory of Claude Berge,V. Chvatal and A. Bondy, eds.); E. Boros and V. Gurvich.

(174) 2007 Ga : Game Seki, RUTCOR Research Report RRR 04-2007 andDIMACS technical report DTR 2007-05, Rutgers University;D. Andrade, K. Borys, V. Gurvich, and G. Rudolf.

(175) 2006 Ga : Rank profiles of stable matchings, a manuscript;E. Boros, L. Fedzhora, V. Gurvich, and S. Jaslar.

(176) 2006 Gr and CC : On complexity of generating domination sets ingraphs and hypergraphs, a manuscript; G. Boros, V. Gurvich, and I. Zverovich.

(177) 2006 CC : A global parallel algorithm for finding all minimal transver-sals of hypergraphs of bounded edge-size, RUTCOR Research Report RRR20-2004 and DIMACS technical report DTR-2004-31, Rutgers University;E.Boros, K. Elbassioni, V.Gurvich, and L.Khachiyan.

(178) 2006 CC : A global parallel algorithm for the hypergraph transversalproblem, Information Processing Letters 101 (4) (2006), 148-155;L.Khachiyan, E.Boros, K. Elbassioni, and V.Gurvich.

(179) 2006-7 Gr and Ga : Decomposing complete edge-chromatic graphsand hypergraphs; Revisited, RUTCOR Research Report RRR 29-2006 andDIMACS Technical Report DTR-2007-04, Rutgers University; V. Gurvich.


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—— see (147) 2007 CC and B and Gr : On enumerating minimal dicutsand strongly connected subgraphs, Algorithmica, 50 (1) (2008), 159-172;E.Boros, K. Elbassioni, V.Gurvich, and L.Khachiyan.

—— see (150) 2007 Ga : War and Peace in veto voting, European J. ofOperational Research, 185 (2008), 438-443; V. Gurvich

—— see (154) 2007 CC and B and Gr : Enumerating disjunctions and con-junctions of paths and cuts in reliability theory, Discrete Applied Mathematics,155 (2) (2007), 137-149; E.Boros, K. Elbassioni, V.Gurvich, and L. Khachiyan.

—— see (155) 2007 CC and B : Dual-bounded generating problems:efficient and inefficient points for discrete probability distributions and sparseboxes for multidimensional data. Theoretical Computer Science, 379 (3) (2007),361-376; L. Khachiyan, E. Boros, K. Elbassioni, V. Gurvich, and K. Makino.

—— see (158) 2008 Gr: Cyclically orientable graphs, Discrete Mathematics,308 (2008), 129-135; V. Gurvich

—— see (159) 2007 CoGa and N : On the misere version of game Euclid andmiserable games. Discrete Math., 307 (9-10) (2007), 1199-1204; V. Gurvich

(180) 2007 Ga and Gr and B : Nash-solvability of bidirected cyclic gameforms, RUTCOR Research Report RRR-30-2007, revised in RRR-20-2009, andDimacs Technical Report, DTR-2008-13, Rutgers University; E. Boros, V.Gurvich,K. Makino, and Wei Shao.

(181) 2007 CC and Gr : Generating vertices of polyhedra and related mono-tone generation problems; RUTCOR Research Report RRR-12-2007, RutgersUniversity, Dimacs Technical Report, 2007-03, Rutgers University, CRM Pro-ceedings and Lecture Notes, Polyhedral Computations, 48 (2009) 15-44; D. Avis,D. Bremner, A. Deza, eds.; Special volume dedicated to Leonid Khachiyan andVictor Klee; E. Boros, K. Elbassioni, V. Gurvich, and K. Makino.

(182) 2007 CC and B; see (157) 2007 :Generating All Minimal Integral Solutions to And-Or Systems of MonotonePolymatroid Inequalities: Conjunctions are Simpler than Disjunctions,RUTCOR Research Report RRR-41-2004, Rutgers University, andDIMACS technical report DTR-2005-12, Rutgers University,Discrete Applied Mathematices, 156 (11) (2008) 2020–2034, Special Volume inMemory of Leonid Khachian (1952–2005);L.Khachiyan, E.Boros, K. Elbassioni, and V.Gurvich.

(183) 2007 CC and Gr : Vertex- and edge-minimal and locally minimalgraphs; RUTCOR Research Report RRR-25-2007, Rutgers University, DiscreteMathematics, 309 (12) (2009) 3853–3865; E. Boros and V. Gurvich.

(184) 2007 B : On complexity of algorithms for modeling disease transmissionand optimal vaccination strategy;RUTCOR Research Report RRR-16-2007, Rutgers University,Dimacs Technical Report, 2007-06, Rutgers University; E. Boros and V. Gurvich

(185) 2007 CC and Gr (153): Computing many maximal independent setsfor hypergraphs in parallel; Parallel Processing Letters, 17 (2)(2007), 141-153;L.Khachiyan, E.Boros, K. Elbassioni, and V.Gurvich.


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(186) 2007 CC and B and Gr (see 164): On the dualization of hypergraphswith bounded edge-intersections and other related classes of hypergraphs;Theoretical Computer Science, 382 (2) (2007), 139-150;L.Khachiyan, E.Boros, K. Elbassioni, and V.Gurvich.

(187) 2007 Ga : Minimal and locally minimal games and game forms;RUTCOR Research Report, RRR-28-2007, Rutgers University,Dimacs Technical Report, DTR-2008-09, Rutgers University;Discrete Mathematics, 309 (13) (2009) 4456–4468;E. Boros, V. Gurvich, and K. Makino.

(188) 2007 Gr : On split graphs and graphs whose maximal cliques andstable sets intersect, except a unique pair; RUTCOR Research Report RRR-29-2007, Rutgers University; E. Boros, V. Gurvich, and I. Zverovich.

(189) 2007 CC and Gr : Enumerating spanning and connected subsetsin graphs and matroids; Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan,(JORSJ), 50 (4) (2007), 325–338;L. Khachiyan, E. Boros, K. Borys, K.Elbassioni, V. Gurvich, and K. Makino.

(190) 2007 Ga and CC : Computer-generated theorems on Nash solvabilityof bimatrix games based on excluding certain 2× 2 subgames;RUTCOR Research Report RRR-31-2007 and Dimacs Technical Report, DTR-2008-11, Rutgers University,E. Boros, K. Elbassioni, V. Gurvich, K. Makino, and V. Oudalov.

(190 A) 2008 Ga : On the computational complexity of solving stochas-tic mean-payoff games; CoRR abs/0812.0486, 2008; arxiv.org/abs/0812.0486;DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de; V. Gurvich and P. B. Miltersen.

(191) 2008 Gr : Neighborhood hypergraphs of digraphs and some matrixpermutation problems; RUTCOR Research Report RRR-02-2008 and DimacsTechnical Report, DTR-2008-15, Rutgers University;Discrete Applied Math. 157 (13) (2009) 2836–2845; V. Gurvich and I. Zverovich.

(192) 2008 Ga : On acyclic, or totally tight, two-person game forms;RUTCOR Research Report RRR-03-2008, Rutgers University;E. Boros, V. Gurvich, K. Makino, and D. Papp.

(193) 2008 Ga and CC: Separable discrete functions of two discrete variables,or assignable two-person game forms; in preparation,RUTCOR Research Report RRR-XX-2008, Rutgers University;E. Boros, O. Cepek, K. Elbassioni, V. Gurvich, K. Makino, and I. Zverovich.

(194) 2008 Ga : Acyclic, or totally tight, two-person game forms; a charac-terization and main properties; RUTCOR Research Report, RRR-06-2008 andDimacs Technical Report, DTR-2008-10, Rutgers University;Discrete Mathematics, 310 (6-7) (2010) 1135 – 1151;E. Boros, V. Gurvich, K. Makino, and D. Papp.

(195) 2008 Ga : A complete characterization of some important classes oftwo-person bimatrix games based on excluding certain 2× 2 subgames;in preparation; E. Boros, K. Elbassioni, V. Gurvich, K. Makino, and V. Oudalov.


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(196) 2008 Ge and CC: The negative cycle polyhedron and hardness of somepolyhedral problems, RUTCOR Research Report RRR-05-2008, Rutgers Uni-versity; Characterization of the vertices and extreme directions of the negativecycle polyhedron and hardness of generating vertices of 0/1-polyhedra (2008)CoRR abs/0801.3790, E. Boros, K. Elbassioni, V. Gurvich, H. R. Tiwary

(197) 2008 CC and Gr; see (165): Enumerating cut conjunctions in graphsand related problems, Algorithmica, 50 (1) (2008) 159–172,L. Khachiyan, E. Boros, K. Elbassioni, V. Gurvich.

(198) 2008 Gr : Friendship two-graphs, RUTCOR Research ReportRRR-07-2008 and Dimacs Technical Report, DTR-2008-14, Rutgers University,Graphs and Combinatorics 26(5) (2010) 617-628; E. Boros, V. Gurvich, and I.Zverovich.

(199) 2008 Ga : On acyclicity of games with cycles, RUTCOR ResearchReport RRR-18-2008, DIMACS Technical Report 2009-09, Rutgers University;Discrete Applied Math. 158 (10) (2010) 1049-1063;D. Anderson, V. Gurvich, and T. Hansen.

(200) 2008 Bio: Scientific contributions of Leo Khachiyan (a short overview),Discrete Applied Mathematics, 156 (11) (2008) 2232–2240, Special volume inmemory of Leonid Khachiyan, E. Boros and V. Gurvich.

(201) 2008 Bio: Recalling Leo, Discrete Applied Math., 156 (11) (2008)1957–1960, Special volume in memory of Leonid Khachiyan, V. Gurvich.

(202) 2008 Ga and CC : On the computational complexity of solving stochas-tic mean-payoff games; CoRR abs/0812.0486, V. Gurvich and P. Miltersen.

(203) 2009 CC and Ga: Assignability of 3-dimensional totally tight matrices,RUTCOR Research Report RRR-02-2009, Rutgers University;E. Boros, V. Gurvich, I. Zverovich, and Wei Shao.

(204) 2009 Ga : On effectivity functions of game forms, Rutcor ResearchReport, RRR-03-2009, Rutgers University; Games and Economic Behavior68 (2) (2010) 512–531; E. Boros, K. Elbassioni, K, Makino, and V. Gurvich.

(205) 2009 CC and Gr : Not complementary connected and not CISd-graphs form weakly monotone families, RUTCOR Research Report, RRR-04-2009, Rutgers University; Discrete Mathematics, 310 (5) (2010) 1089 – 1096;D. Andrade, E. Boros, and V. Gurvich.

(206) 2009 Gr : Metric and ultra-metric spaces of resistances,”Matematicheskoe prosveschenie” (Math. Enlightment) 13 (2009) 134-141[plus an extended version on the web-site of the same journal; both in Russian].

(207) 2009 CC and B : On minimal and locally minimal true vectors andweakly monotone Boolean functions, manuscript, 2009, 5 pages;E. Boros and V. Gurvich.

(208) 2009 Gr : Erdos-Ko-Rado Theorem and uniform partitions,RUTCOR Research Report, RRR 16-2009, Rutgers University; V. Gurvich.

(209) 2009 Gr : On exact blockers, anti-blockers, and related problems,RUTCOR Research Report, RRR 17-2009, Rutgers University; V. Gurvich.


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(210) 2009 CC and Ga : On Sperner and Scarf oiks, RUTCOR ResearchReport, RRR 18-2009, Rutgers University; J. Edmonds, S. Gaubert, V. Gurvich.

—— (178) 2009 Gr and Ga : Decomposing complete edge-chromatic graphsand hypergraphs; Revisited; Discrete Applied Math., 157 (2009) 3069–3085;V. Gurvich.

(211) 2009 Ga: Every stochastic game with perfect information admits acanonical form: RUTCOR Research Report, RRR-09-2009, Rutgers University;E. Boros, K. Elbassioni, Gurvich, and K. Makino.

(212) 2009 Ga: A pumping algorithm for ergodic stochastic mean payoffgames, RUTCOR Research Report, RRR-19-2009, Rutgers University;E. Boros, K. Elbassioni, V. Gurvich, and K. Makino.

(213) 2009 Ga :Why Chess and Backgammon can be solved in pure positional uniformly opti-mal strategies; RUTCOR Research Report, RRR-21-2009, Rutgers University;E. Boros and V. Gurvich.

(214) 2009 CP : Metric and ultrametric spaces of resistances;RUTCOR Research Report, RRR-24-2009 and 7-2010; Discrete Applied Math-ematics 158 (2010) 1496–1505. V. Gurvich.

—— see (188) 2009 Gr : On split and almost CIS-graphs; Austrolasian J.of Combinatorics, 43 (2009), 163–180. E. Boros, V. Gurvich, and I. Zverovich.

(215) 209 Ga and CC: Separable discrete functions,RUTCOR Research Report, RRR-26-2009, Rutgers University;E.Boros, O.Cepek, V.Gurvich, K.Makino, I.E. Zverovich.

(216) 2009 Gr and N: More extremal properties of De Bruijn sequences,RUTCOR Research Report, RRR-08-2009, Rutgers University;E. Boros, V. Gurvich, and M. Oster.

(217) 2010 CoGa and CC: Games of no return, manuscript;Jack Edmonds and Vladimir Gurvich. [The main result of this manuscript wasobtained earlier by A.S. Fraenkel, E.R. Scheinerman and D.Ullman: Undirectededge geography, Theoretical Computer Science, 112 (1993) 371-381.]

(218) 2010 Bo and CC: It is a coNP-complete problem to decide whether apositive ∨-∧ formula defines a read-once or quadratic Boolean function,RUTCOR Research Report, RRR-04-2010, Rutgers University; V. Gurvich.

(219) 2010 Ga: A potential reduction algorithm for ergodic mean payoffstochastic games with perfect information, RUTCOR Research Report, RRR-05-2010, Rutgers University; E. Boros, K. Elbassioni, V. Gurvich, and K. Makino.

(220) 2010 Ga: On Nash Equilibria and Improvement Cycles in PurePositional Strategies for Chess-like and Backgammon-like n-person Games,RUTCOR Research Report, RRR-14-2010, Rutgers University;Endre Boros, Khaled Elbassioni, Vladimir Gurvich, and Kazuhisa Makino.

(221) 2010 Ge: Sperner Oiks, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 36(2010) 1273–1280; Jack Edmonds, Stephane Gaubert, and Vladimir Gurvich.


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(222) 2010 Ge: Scarf Oiks, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 36(2010) 1281–1288; Jack Edmonds, Stephane Gaubert, and Vladimir Gurvich.

(223) 2010 CC, Ga, and Ge: More About Scarf and Sperner OIKs,RUTCOR Research Report, RRR-15-2010, Rutgers University;Jack Edmonds, Stephane Gaubert, Vladimir Gurvich, and Matthew Oster.

(224) 2010 Ga:Further Generalizations of the Wythoff Game and Minimum Excludant,RUTCOR Research Report 16-2010 and 12-2011; Rutgers University;Discrete Applied to appear, Vladimir Gurvich.

(225) 2010 Ga: A four parametric generalization of the Wythoff NIM andits recursive solution, RUTCOR Research Report 18-2010, Rutgers University;Vladimir Gurvich.

(226) 2010 Ga: Network Supply Systems, Stable Families of Coalitions forSuperadditive TU-games and Berge’s Normal Hypergraphs, RUTCOR ResearchReport 20-2010, Rutgers University; Vladimir Gurvich and Sergei Schreider.

(227) 2010 Ga: A Lower Bound for Discounting Algorithms Solving Two-person Zero-sum Limit Average Payoff Stochastic Games,RUTCOR Research Report, RRR-22-2010, Rutgers University;Endre Boros, Khaled Elbassioni, Vladimir Gurvich, and Kazuhisa Makino.

(228) 2011 Gr: On exact blockers and anti-blockers, ∆-conjecture, andrelated problems, Discrete Appl. Math. 159 (2011), 311-321; V. Gurvich.

(229) 2011 Gr:The 74th Moscow Olympiad in Mathematics for high-school-students; Problem 5for 10th form; Moscow, March 13, 2011; A. I. Gol’berg ad V. A. Gurvich.

(230) 2011 Gr: On canonical forms for two-person zero-sum limit averagepayoff stochastic games, Oberwolfach tech. report;Endre Boros, Khaled Elbassioni, Vladimir Gurvich, and Kazuhisa Makino.

(231) 2011 Gr: On minimal linked sets of boxes and hat graphs,RUTCOR Research Report XX-2011, Rutgers University; in preparation;Bruno Simeone, Endre Boros, Vladimir Gurvich, and Ying Liu.

(232) 2011 Gr and Ge:Characterization of (quasi-)ultrametric finite spaces in terms of (directed) graphs;RUTCOR Research Report 07-2011, Rutgers University;Vladimir Gurvich and Michael Vyalyi.

(233) 2011 Ga: Three-person totally tight game forms are Nash-solvable;RUTCOR Research Report 11-2011, Rutgers University;Endre Boros, Ondrej Cepek, and Vladimir Gurvich.

(234) 2011; Ga and Gr and B :Nash-solvabile two-person symmetric cycle game forms,RUTCOR Research Report RRR-30-2007, revised in RRR-20-2009, andDimacs Technical Report, DTR-2008-13, Rutgers University;Discrete Applied Math., 159:15 (2011) 1461–1487;E. Boros, V.Gurvich, K. Makino, and Wei Shao.


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(235) 2011 Ga: The negative cycles polyhedron and hardness of checkingsome polyhedral properties, Annals of Operations Research 188:1 (2011) 63-76;Endre Boros, Khaled M. Elbassioni, Vladimir A. Gurvich, and Hans Raj Tiwary.

(236) 2011 Ga: Games Seki and Seki-I,RUTCOR Research Report 15-2011, Rutgers University; Vladimir Gurvich.

(237) 2011 CoGa: Miserable and strongly miserable impartial games,RUTCOR Research Report 18-2011, Rutgers University; Vladimir Gurvich.

(238) 2011 CoGa: A polynomial algorithm for a two-parameter extensionof Wythoff NIM based on the Perron-Frobenius theory, RUTCOR ResearchReport 19-2011, Rutgers University; E. Boros, V. Gurvich, and V. Oudalov.

—— see (224) 2012 CoGa: Further Generalizations of the Wythoff Gameand Minimum Excludant; Discrete Applied Math, xx (2012) xx–xx, V. Gurvich.

(239) 2012 Gr and Ge: Ultrametric spaces, trees, flows, and bottlenecks,Math. Enlightenment (2012) xx–xx, in Russian; V. Gurvich and M. Vyalyi.

(240) 2012 Ga: On repetition-free subtraction games and vile-dopey integers,RUTCOR Research Report, RRR-01-2012, Rutgers University; V. Gurvich.

—— see (220) 2012 Ga: On Nash Equilibria and Improvement Cycles in PurePositional Strategies for Chess-like and Backgammon-like n-person Games,Discrete Math. 312:4 28 (2012) 772–788;Endre Boros, Khaled Elbassioni, Vladimir Gurvich, and Kazuhisa Makino.

—— see (233) 2012 Ga: Total tightness implies Nash-solvabilityfor three-person game forms, Discrete Mathematics 312 (2012) 1436–1443,Endre Boros, Ondrej Cepek, and Vladimir Gurvich.

(241) 2012 Ga: Chess-like games may have no uniform Nash equilibria evenin mixed strategies, RUTCOR Research Report 8-2012, Rutgers University;Endre Boros, Vladimir Gurvich, Svetlana Solovieva, Emre Yamangil.


(1992) CP and S : Dynamic Problems of Pattern Recognition and AppliedConvex Programming in Applications; Moscow, “Nauka” (Science) Publishers1992 (1992) 355 pp. (in Russian); V.A. Gurvich and A.D. Gvishiani.

(2010) Ga: Racing Games, Chapter 6, pp. 137-142, in Computer Games:Learning Objectives, Cognitive Performance and Effects on Development,Agustin Soria and Julian Maldonado eds., Nova publishers, 2010.

(2011) B and Gr : Chapter 10, pp. 448-486, Read once Boolean functions;in: Boolean functions: Theory, algorithms, and applications,Yves Crama and Peter L. Hammer eds., Cambridge University Press, 2011;Martin Golumbic and Vladimir Gurvich;

III. Extended Abstracts, 2000+

(1) 2000 CC : Finding all minimal feasible solutions, to a monotone systemof linear inequalities. INFORMS 2000, San Antonio November 5-8, 2000;E.Boros (invited speaker), V.Gurvich, L.Khachiyan and K.Makino.


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(2) 2000 CC : Finding all minimal feasible solutions of a monotone systemof inequalities, 2-nd Bonn workshop on discrete optimization, Sept.4-8, 2000;E. Boros (invited speaker), V.Gurvich, L.Khachiyan and K.Makino.

(3) 2000 Gr : 2-difference graphs, International Conferemce on GraphTheory (ICGT’2000), Marseille, Lumini, France, Aug.28 - Sept. 1, 2000;E.Boros (speaker), R. Collado, V.Gurvich, A.Kelmans, and R. Meshulam.

(4) 2000 CC : Generating partial and multiple transversals of a hypergraph,Proceedings of the 17th International Symposium on Mathematical Program-ming (ISMP’2000), Atlanta, USA, August 7-11, 2000,E.Boros (speaker), V.Gurvich, L.Khachiyan and K.Makino.

(5) 2000 CC : Dual-bounded monotone systems,EURO XVII, Budapest, Hungary, July 16-19, 2000;E.Boros (invited speaker), V.Gurvich, L.Khachiyan and K.Makino.

(6) 2000 CC and B : Generating partial and multiple transversals ofa hypergraph. The 27-th International Colloquium on Automata, Languagesand Programming, ICALP, July 9-15, 2000,. Extended Abstract, Lecture Notesin Computer Science, 1853 (2000) 588-599, Montanari, J.D.P. Rolim, and E. Welzl,eds., Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York,E.Boros (speaker), V.Gurvich, L.Khachiyan, and K.Makino.

(7) 2000 CC : Dual-bounded Boolean functions, 3-d workshop onsatisfiability, (SAT’2000), Renessee, The Netherlands, May 14-19, 2000;E.Boros (speaker), V.Gurvich, L.Khachiyan and K.Makino.

(8) 2000 CC : Dualizing monotone Boolean functions, Proc. of the 17thInternational Symposium on Math. Programming (ISMP’2000), Atlanta, USA,2000, p.152; E. Boros, V. Gurvich, L. Khachiyan, K. Makino (speaker).

(9) 2000 CC : Dual-bounded hypergraphs: generating partial and multi-ple transversals, SIGAL73-6, Kyoto, Japan, Information Processing Society ofJapan (2000) 35-42. E. Boros, V. Gurvich, L. Khachiyan, K. Makino (speaker).

(10) 2001 CC and M: An inequality for polymatroid fuctions and itsapplications, Amerian Mathematical Society, Spring Eastern Section Meeting,Session on matchings in graphs and hypergraphs,Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ, April 28, 2001,E. Boros (invited speaker), Elbassioni, V. Gurvich, L. Khachiyan.

(11) 2001 CC and M : Generating all minimial solutions of monotone sys-tems: polymatroid separators. Plenary lecture at ECCO XIV, Bonn, Germany,May 30 - June 2 2001,E. Boros (speaker), K. Elbassioni, V. Gurvich, and L. Khachiyan.

(12) 2001 CC : Polymatroid separators of hypergraphs.Conference on Hypergraphs (Gyula O.H. Katona is 60),in the Alfred Renyi Institute of Mathematics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences,Budapest, June, 7-9, 2001, Abstract, 12-13,E. Boros (invited speaker), K. Elbassioni, V. Gurvich, L. Khachiyan.


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(12a) 2001 CC : Boolean functions and submodular separators. INFORMSInternational, Maui, Hawaii, June 17-20, 2001.E. Boros (speaker), K. Elbassioni, V. Gurvich, L. Khachiyan, and K. Makino.

(14) 2001 CC and B : On generating all minimal integer solutions to systemsof monotone linear inequalities, The 28-th International Colloquium on Au-tomata, Languages, and Programming, ICALP, July 2001, Extended Abstract;Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2076 (2001) 92-103 (F. Orejas, P.G. Spitakis,and Jan van Leeuven, eds., Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York)E.Boros, V. Gurvich, K.Elbassioni (speaker), L.Khachiyan, and K.Makino.

(15) 2001 CC and M : Polymatroid inequalities and the generation of Spernerhypergraphs. Invited seminar talk, Waterloo University, Waterloo, Canada,June 27, 2001, E. Boros, K. Elbassioni, V. Gurvich, L. Khachiyan (invitedspeaker), and K. Makino.

(16) 2001 Ga and CC : Generating dual-bounded hypergraphs, Colloquiumon Combinatorics, Geometry and Computation, European Graduate Program,Department of Computer Science, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology ETH,Zurich, June 11, 2001, E. Boros, Elbassioni, V. Gurvich, and L. Khachiyan(invited speaker)

(17) 2001 Ga and CC and M : An inequality for polymatroid function andits applications, Institute for Operations Research, Department of Mathematics,Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, June 13, 2001, E. Boros, Elbassioni,V. Gurvich, and L. Khachiyan (invited speaker)

(18) 2001 Ga and CC : On Nash solvability in pure stationary strategiesof positional games with perfect information which may have cycles, NATOAdvanced Research Workshop on Mathematical Theory of Allocation of DiscreteResources: Equilibria, Matching, Mechanisms, December 16-19, 2001, SabanciUniversity of Istanbul, Turkey, E. Boros and V. Gurvich (invited speaker).

(19) 2002 DM and CC: On the complexity of generating maximal frequentand minimal infrequent sets in binary matrices, Proceedings of the 19-th AnnualSymposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science, STACS,Antibes-Juan Les Pins, France, March 14-16, 2002; Lecture Notes in ComputerScience 2285 (2002) 133-141, (H. Alt and A. Ferreira, eds.),E. Boros, (speaker) V. Gurvich, L. Khachiyan, and K. Makino.

(20) 2002 DM and CC: Dual-bounded hypergraphs: a survey,Second SIAM International Conference on Data Mining, Workshop on DiscreteMathematics and Data Mining, April 11-13, 2002, Arlington, Virginia, USA,DM and DM, Extended Abstract, 87-98;E. Boros (speaker), V. Gurvich, L. Khachiyan, and K. Makino.

(21) 2002 DM and CC: Matroid Intersections, Polymatroid Inequalities andRelated Problems, Proceedings of the 27th International Symposium on Math-ematical Foundations of Computer Science, MFCS, Warsaw, Otwock, Poland,August 26-30, 2002, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2420 (2002), 143-154(K. Diks, W. Rytter Eds., Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York),E. Boros, K. Elbassioni, V.Gurvich, and L. Khachiyan (speaker).


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(22) 2002 DM and CC and M : Generating dual-bounded hypergraphs, The1st International Conference on Optimization Methods and Software, Hangzhou,China, December 15-18, 2002, Extended Abstract; E. Boros, K. Elbassioni, V.Gurvich, and L. Khachiyan (invited speaker).

(23) 2003 DM and CC: An efficient implementation of a quasi-polynomialalgorithm for generating hypergraph transversals,Proceedings of the 11-th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms, ESA,Budapest, Hungary, September 15-20, 2003, Extended Abstract, Lecture Notesin Computer Science (LNCS) 2832 (2003) 556–567, (G.D. Batista and Uri Zwick,eds.), Algorithms - ESA 2003, Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York;E. Boros, K. Elbassioni, V. Gurvich (speaker), and L. Khachiyan.

(24) 2003 CC and B : An intersection inequality for discrete distributionsand related generation problems, 30-th International Colloquium on Automata,Languages, and Programming, ICALP, Eindhoven, the Netherlands, June 30 -July 4, 2003, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) 2719 (2003) 543–555,(J.C.M. Baeten, J.K. Lenstra, J. Parrow, and G.J. Woeginger, eds.), SpringerVerlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York,E.Boros, K. Elbassioni (speaker), V.Gurvich, L.Khachiyan, and K.Makino.

(25) 2003 CC: On the complexity of generation: mini-survey,EURO/INFORMS 2003, Istanbul, 6-10 July, 2003, Abstract,E. Boros, K. Elbassioni, V. Gurvich (speaker), L. Khachiyan, and K. Makino.

(26) 2003 CC and M : Algorithms for Enumerating Circuits in Matroids,Algorithms and Computation, Proc. of 14-th Annual Internat. Symposium onAlgorithms and Computation (ISAAC-2003), Kyoto, Japan, Dec. 15-17, 2003,Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) 2906 (2003) 485–494, (N. Katoh,T. Ibaraki, and H. Ono, eds.), Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York;E. Boros, K. Elbassioni, V. Gurvich (speaker), and L. Khachiyan.

(27) 2003 CC : Monotone Dual-Bounded Properties, Theoretical ComputerScience and Discrete Math. seminar, Inst. of Advanced Studies, Princeton, May5, 2003, E. Boros, K. Elbassioni, V. Gurvich, and L. Khachiyan (speaker).

(28) 2004 CC and B and Gr : Generating maximal independent sets forhypergraphs with bounded edge-intersections, LATIN, 2004, Theoretical Infor-matics: 6-th Latin American Symposium, Buenos Aires, Argentina, April 5-8,2004, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2976 (2004) 488-498, (Martin Farach-Colton, ed.) Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York;E.Boros, K. Elbassioni, V.Gurvich (speaker), and L.Khachiyan.

(29) 2004 CC and B and Gr :An efficient implementation of a joint generation algorithm, Experimental andEfficient Algorithms, 3-d International Workshop, WEA, Angra Dos Reis, Brazil,May 25-28, 2004, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3059 (2004), 114-128;E.Boros (speaker), K. Elbassioni, V.Gurvich, and L.Khachiyan

(30) 2003 CC and B and Gr : On enumerating minimal dicuts and stronglyconnected subgraphs, RUTCOR Research Report 36-2003, Rutgers University,DIMACS technical report DTR-2003-35, Rutgers University,


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Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization (IPCO), 10-th Interna-tional Conference, June 7-11, 2004, Columbia University, New York City, NY,USA, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3064 (2004), 152-162, (D. Bienstockand G. Nemhauser, eds), Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York,E.Boros (speaker), K. Elbassioni, V.Gurvich, and L.Khachiyan

(31) 2004 CC and Ge: A stronger version of Barany’s theorem in the plane;The Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry (CCCG);Concordua University, Montreal Canada, August 9-11, 2004;K. Elbassioni, A Elmasry (speaker), and V.Gurvich

(32) 2004 CC and B and Gr : Generating paths and cuts in multi-pole(di)graphs, 29th International Symposium of Math. Foundations of ComputerScience (MFCS), Charles University, Prague, Czech Rep. August 22-27, 2004;Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3153 (2004), 298-309, (J. Fiala, V. Koubek,and J. Kratochvil eds.) Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York;E.Boros, K. Elbassioni, V.Gurvich (speaker), L.Khachiyan, and K. Makino.

(33) 2004 CC and B and Gr : Algorithms for generating minimal blockersof perfect matchings in bipartite graphs and related problems; 12-th AnnualEuropean Symposium of Algorithms (ESA 2004); Bergen, Norway, September,14-17, 2004, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3221 (2004), 122-133, (SusanneAlbers and Tomasz Radzik eds.) Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York;E.Boros, K. Elbassioni, and V.Gurvich (speaker).

(34) 2004 CC and B and Gr : A global parallel algorithm for finding allminimal transversals of hypergraphs of bounded edge-size. RUTCOR ResearchReport RRR-38-2004, Rutgers University, ISAAC 2004, Hong Kong, China,E.Boros, K. Elbassioni (speaker), V.Gurvich, and L.Khachiyan.

(35) 2004 CC and B and Gr : Computing many maximal independent setsfor a locally sparse hypergraph in parallel; RUTCOR Research Report RRR-38-2004 and Dimacs Technical Report, 2004-44, Rutgers University, SPAA 2005;E.Boros (speaker) , K.Elbassioni, V.Gurvich, and L.Khachiyan.

(36) 2005 CC and B : Generating all minimal integral solutions to monotonewedge, vee-systems of linear, transversal and polymatroid inequalities,RUTCOR Research Report RRR-41-2004, Rutgers University andDIMACS technical report DTR-2005-12, Rutgers University,Mathematical Foundatioons of Computer Science, 30th International Sympo-sium, MFCS 2005, Gdansk, Poland, August 2005, LNCS 3618 (2005), 556-567;E.Boros, K. Elbassioni (speaker), V.Gurvich, and L.Khachiyan.

(37) 2005 CC : A new algorithm for the hypergraph transversal problem,Computing in Combinatorics, 11-th Annual International Conference, COCOON-2005, Cunming, China, August 16-19, 2005, Lecture Notes in Computer Science3595 (2005) 767-776, (Lusheng Wang ed.) Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg,New York; L.Khachiyan, E.Boros, K. Elbassioni (speaker), and V.Gurvich.

(38) 2005 CC and Gr : Generating cut conjunctions and bridge avoidingextensions in graphs. Algorithms and Computation, 16th International Sympo-sium, ISAAC 2005, Sanya, Hainan, China, December 2005, LNCS 3827, 156-165,


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L. Khachiyan, E. Boros, K. Borys, K. Elbassioni, V. Gurvich and K. Makino(speaker).

(39) 2005 CC and Gr : Generating all vertices of a polyhedron is hard.INFORMS, San Francisco, November 12-16, 2005; L. Khachiyan, E. Boros,K. Borys, K. Elbassioni, V. Gurvich (speaker), and K. Makino.

(40) 2006 CC and Gr : Generating all vertices of a polyhedron is hard.Proceedings of the 17th annual ACM-SIAM symposium on Discrete Algorithms,SODA 2006, January 24-26, 2006, Miami, Extended abstract, 758-765, ACMPress, New York, NY, USA.L. Khachiyan, E. Boros, K. Borys (speaker), K. Elbassioni, and V. Gurvich.

(41) 2006 Gr and CC : Extending Dijkstra’s Algorithm to Maximize theShortest Path by Node-wise limited Arc Interdiction,Computer Science, Theory and Applications: The First International ComputerScience Symposium in Russia, CSR, St. Petersburg, Russia, June 8-12, 2006;Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3967 (2006) 221-234, (D. Grigoriev , J.Harrison, and E.A. Hirsch eds.) Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York;L. Khachiyan, V. Gurvich (speaker), and J. Zhao.

(42) 2006 Gr and CC :Enumerating spanning and connected subsets in graphs and matroids,14th Annual European Symposium in Algorithms (ESA, 2006),Zurich, Switzerland, September 11-13, 2006, Lecture Notes in Computer Science4168 (2006) 444-455 (Yossi Azar and Thomas Erlebach eds.) Springer Verlag,Berlin, Heidelberg, New York; L. Khachiyan, E. Boros, K. Borys, K. Elbassioni,V. Gurvich, and K. Makino (speaker).

(43) 2007 Gr and CC :Generating minimal k-vertex-connected spanning subgraphs;COCOON, Canada, July 2007; Lecture Notes in Comp. Science 4598, 222-231(P. Agarwal and S. Bereg, eds. Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York);E.Boros, K.Borys, K.Elbassioni, V.Gurvich, K.Makino, and G.Rudolf (speaker).

(44) 2008 Ge and CC :Generating vertices of polyhedra and related problems of monotone generation,Workshop on polyhedral combinatorics, Centre de Recherches Matematiques(CRM), Montreal, October, 2008; CRM Proceedings and Lecture Notes, Poly-hedral Computations, 48 (2009) 15-44; D. Avis, D. Bremner, A. Deza, eds.;Special volume dedicated to Leonid Khachiyan and Victor Klee;Endre Boros (invited speaker), Khaled Elbassioni (invited speaker), VladimirGurvich (invited speaker), and Kazuhisa Makino.

(45) 2008 Ga and CC : Complete characterization of Nash-solvabile bimatrixgames in terms of excluding certain 2× 2 subgames, LNCS 5010 (2008) 99-109,(E. Hirsh, A. Razborov, A. Semenov, and A. Slissenko eds.) Computer Sciencein Russia (CSR-08), Moscow, June 7-11, 2008;E. Boros, K. Elbassioni (speaker), V. Gurvich, K. Makino, and V. Oudalov.

(46) 2009 Ga and Gr : On Acyclicity of Games with Cycles; AlgorithmicAspects in Information and Management (AAIM); Lecture Notes in Computer


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Science 5564 (2009) 15-28; D. Anderson, V. Gurvich, and T. Hansen (speaker).

(47) 2010 Ge and CC : Sperner Oiks,International Symposium in Combinatorial Optimization (ISCO),Hammamet, Tunisia, March 24-26, 2010; Electronic Notes in Discrete Math.(ENDM) 36 (2010) 1273-1280, Proceedings of ISCO, section Oiks and Games;Jack Edmonds (invited speaker), S. Gaubert, and V. Gurvich.

(48) 2010 Ge and CC : Scarf Oiks,International Symposium in Combinatorial Optimization (ISCO),Hammamet, Tunisia, March 24-26, 2010; Electronic Notes in Discrete Math.(ENDM) 36 (2010) 1281-1288, Proceedings of ISCO, section Oiks and Games;Jack Edmonds (invited speaker), S. Gaubert, and V. Gurvich.

(49) 2010 Ga : A Pumping Algorithm for Ergodic Stochastic Mean PayoffGames with Perfect Information; The 14th International Conference IntegerProgramming and Combinatorial Optimization (IPCO) Lausanne, Switzerland,June 9-11, 2010, Proceedings, F. Eisenbrand and F.B. Shepherd eds.,Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS-6080 (2010) 341-354;E. Boros (speaker), K. Elbassioni, Gurvich, and K. Makino.

(50) 2011 Ga : Stable families of coalitions for network resource allocationproblems, Fifth International Conference on Game Theory and Management,GSOM; St. Petersburg University, Russia, June 27-29, 2011; in: Contributionto Game Theory and Management, L. Petrosjan and N. Zenkevich (eds.);volume IV, St. Petersburg University (2011) 223 - 230;V. Gurvich and S. Schreider (speaker).

(51) 2011 Ga : (a) A two-parametrical extension of Wythoffs game andminimum excludant function; a new recursion and polynomial algorithm of itssolution based on Perron-Frobenius’ theorem and (b) Seki positions in Go;Combinatorial Game Theory workshop; January 9 - 14, 2011, Banff, Canada;V. Gurvuch and V. Oudalov (speaker).

(52) 2011 Ga: Every stochastic game with perfect information admits acanonical form; 2nd International ICST Conference on Game Theory for Net-works, GameNets 2011; Shanghai, China, April 16-18, 2011;E. Boros (speaker), K. Elbassioni, V. Gurvich, and K. Makino.

(53) 2011 Ga:Stochastic Mean Payoff Games: Smoothed Analysis and Approximation Schemes;38th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP)July 4-8, 2011, Zurich, Switzerland; ICALP: 1 (2011) 147-158;E.Boros (speaker), K.Elbassioni, M.Fouz, V.Gurvich, K.Makino, and B.Manthey.

(54) 2012 Ga: On fair income allocation in acyclic network systems,25th European Conference in Operational Research, 8- 11 July 2012,Vilnius, Lithuania, EURO-2012, Conference Abstract;Sergei Schreider (speaker) , Vladimir Gurvich, and Jonathan Plummer.