vital magazine media kit

A l ive Active Agi l e Busy Animated Dynamic Energetic Forceful Lively Spirited Vivacious Potent Strong Healthy Alive Active Agile Busy Animated Dynamic Energetic Forceful Lively Spirited Vivacious Potent Strong Alive Healthy Alive Active Agile Busy Animated Dynamic For Your Active Lifestyle Media Kit 2011-2012

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A magazine for the active adult.


Page 1: Vital Magazine Media Kit

Alive Active Agile Busy Animated Dynamic Energetic Forceful Lively Spirited Vivacious Potent Strong Healthy Alive Active Agile Busy Animated Dynamic Energetic Forceful Lively Spirited Vivacious Potent Strong Alive Healthy Alive Active Agile Busy Animated Dynamic

For Your Active Lifestyle

Media Kit 2011-2012

Page 2: Vital Magazine Media Kit

Pulse features an all inclusive comprehensive focus on what’s happening in Oneida County which is attractive to residents as well as visitors!

WHO, WHAT. WHEN and WHERE “GO-TO” MAGAZINE For what to do, where to do it and when to be there!

We welcome your calendar of events items from your church, organizations, groups, clubs, schools, etc.

E-mail: [email protected] or fax: 518-673-0021

Vital focuses on healthy living for the active adult who is no longer part of the 20

Castle is a magazine for everyone who takes pride in their “castle” whether its a one bedroom apartment or a gated mansion. We all are Kings and Queens of our Castles and are looking for ways to love them improve them, protect them and simply enjoy them! Monthly topics all

pertaining to the maintenance of your special Castle will make everyone want to read every single issue!

Every Issue is Posted Online at NO EXTRA CHARGE which means your advertising is in the hands of the reader as well as the surfer!

Links to all 3 magazines are on our website: www.pulsepointpress.comPublished Monthly by Pulse Point Press

Janet Stanley, PublisherProduction office: 122 W. Skyline Drive, Palatine Bridge, NY 13428

Phone: 315-525-3582 FAX: 518-673-0021

something crowd. Its pages feature monthly sections with broad appeal to the over 40 sect covering everything from good eating and recipes, to which sports car you have to have! Vital is the perfect venue to reach the people with a bit more expendable

income who are actively involved in the process of living!


white right now


Featuring THREE Monthly Magazines

Serving Oneida County

Page 3: Vital Magazine Media Kit


$700.00 $1260.00 $1785.00





FULL PAGE4 Col. X 10.375 Inches (7.875 x 10.375 Inches)

HALF PAGEA. 2 Col. X 10.375 Inches B. 4 Col. X 5.092 Inches (3.812 x 10.375 Inches) (7.875 x 5.092 Inches)





Not shown but available: Sixteenth Page:

1.781 x 2.388 Inches

• Center Fold Rate 1 Magazine $1,323.00 2 Magazines $2,499.00 ALL 3 $3,528.00• Back Page Rate 1 Magazine $770.00 2 Magazines $1,386.00 ALL 3 $1,964.00

• For All Premium Locations: Inside Front, Inside Back, Page 3, Page 5 Add 5% to any size ad over 1/8th page for Guaranteed Placement


$385.00 $693.00 $982.00

$193.00 $347.00 $491.00

A. 2 Col. X 5.092 Inches(3.812 x 5.092 Inches)

B. 4 Col. X 2.406 Inches(7.875 x 2.406 Inches)

A. 2 Col. X 2.406 Inches(3.812 x 2.406 Inches)

B. 1 Col. X 5.092 Inches(1.781 x 5.092 Inches)


$99.00 $181.00 $257.00

DARE to COMPARE... Compare what you are spending now and what you are getting for your advertising dollar...

Give us a CALL or e-mail us today!

315-525-3582 [email protected]

Combination RatesCombination Rates Shown are for running your Ad in One Magazine, Two Magazines or

All Three Magazines... All in the same month... All with the same copy.



$53.00 $95.00 $134.00


Page 4: Vital Magazine Media Kit

1/8 Page3.812 x 2.406

1 Magazine Edition: $99.00

2 Magazine Editions: $181.00

3 Magazine Editions: $257.00

“Why Oneida County?”

Without hesitation, Janet Stanley, Publisher answered, “There is just so much life here. Shop keep-ers who desperately want to keep their doors open but are frustrated with the expense of advertis-ing especially with minimal results. The recession hit everyone so hard. When money dries up so does the ability for businesses to flourish. It’s sad that there isn’t another venue that will work for all of these wonderful businesses. I know these products will work and I intentionally made them affordable. I am not looking to get rich here, I just want to make a decent living and offer a great product to the busi-ness owners and residents of Oneida County.”

“Why do you think your products fit that bill?”

“I think that with every-thing being so accessible to us today... On-line, print, ca-ble, e-mail, social network-ing and so on, that we get overwhelmed with it all. I think traditional advertising has gotten diluted to the point its pretty ineffective. When I watch television, I choose to use my DVR so that I can totally avoid commercials. I know many of my friends do the same thing. I don’t even open mail that comes to my home that even smells of “junk mail” it goes right to

About the Publishermy recycle bin. I subscribe to satellite radio for the same reason...when I want to listen to music... I want to listen to music, not com-mercials.

I used to sub-scribe to several magazines but find now I pretty much grab them seasonally at the supermarket or bookstore. The only subscription I still keep up with is my LUCKY mag-azine. When creating these 3 publications I examined why I have become that way and the answer simply is... LUCKY is pretty much a magazine for people who love shopping. It’s one long page after page adver-tisement for what I love. I have a library of LUCKY magazines in my bookcase.

From that little exercise I learned that one, I don’t want to pay for anything that I am only going to utilize a small percentage of and two, I am too busy to deal with getting my information piece meal.

I pick up niche publica-tions all the time, book-mark, or tear out things that I want to keep. When I want to hear the world events, I jump on line with my morning coffee and grab the highlights. I prefer

to drill down and see just what is of interest to me.

I think I am pretty typi-cal so when I created the

three magazines, PULSE, VITAL and CASTLE, I designed them with me in mind! I want quick little tidbits of information, do-it-yourself tips to keep me healthy, my home beauti-

ful, I want to know what’s going on around me and I don’t want to have to search all over to find out

where the sales are, what restaurants have cooking, where to find music in the parks, the Octoberfests,

live bands, dancing, din-ner theaters... Well, you get my point. I want it, when I want it and I don’t want to work very hard to get it! I think we have become a society of instant gratification addicts!!

“Why 3?”

Like I said, I like to focus on things that interest me. PULSE is the who, what, when and where maga-zine. I hope to get to the

point where if something is be-ing planned for, the organizers wouldn’t dream of not send-ing it into the PULSE calendar

of events! I see PULSE as the “if you need it, want it, want to do something fun... You’ll find it” magazine.

Janet Stanley, Publisher with her husband Matt.

“I am not looking to get rich here, I just want to make a decent living and offer a great product to the business owners and residents of Oneida County.”

Page 5: Vital Magazine Media Kit

1/8 Page1.7813 x 5.187

1 Magazine Edition: $99.00

2 Magazine Editions: $181.12

3 Magazine Editions:$256.59


(7.875 x 10.875 Inches)

1 Magazine Edition: $385.00

2 Magazine Editions: $693.00

3 Magazine Editions:$982.00

VITAL is designed for people like me, empty nesters with a bit more expendable income that don’t feel comfortable in the 20 something crowds anymore. I am at a point in my life where my health is super important to me, staying healthy and active, planning for my future re-tirement, traveling to new places and all that. If you haven’t already noticed it, I intend to use type that isn’t a struggle to read for the VITAL crowd!

Originally all three maga-zines were to premier in November of ‘11 but since my “cape” is at the dry cleaners and they moved my phone booth... CAS-TLE will be launched in March of ‘12!. Focusing on

the launch of PULSE and VITAL first and after a few issues bring on the third seemed a bit more realistic once I dug in!

CASTLE will feature everything for the home, whether that means a one bedroom apartment or a gated mansion. My first love was interior design so decorating and maintaining my home is always at the top of my list of interests.

My hubby is a do-it-your-selfer and is always looking for projects... so with him in mind, CASTLE will have lots of DIYS focuses.

“So you’re not super woman?”

Laughing, Janet replies, “Nope... Can’t even pre-

tend to be a super hero, but I feel very ready for this adventure! I am the daughter of a publisher

and have just recently retired from a 34 year long career at my family’s publishing business, Lee Publications out of Palatine Bridge, NY. Its focus is on trade publications, Business to Business targeted publi-cations mostly. I was taught the power of a niche at a very young age!

I had the extreme good fortune to have printer’s ink in my veins! I was taught the business from the ground up by working

in every single area of the business with the excep-tion of actually printing the publications. I guess my

Dad thought that “man’s work!”

Graphic design is a specialty and that will allow me to help the business

owner create an effective ad campaign. Hey when I have a tooth ache, I don’t go to a podiatrist... Why should business people be expected to know how to design effective advertis-ing plans? I take a lot of pressure off of the shop keeper... I have great ideas, and can turn those into fantastic, eye catching ads that will make those cash registers sing without mak-ing their check books cry! I feel like my experience and

“Hey, when I have a toothache I don’t go to a podiatrist...”

Page 6: Vital Magazine Media Kit

1/4 Page3.812 x 5.092

1 Magazine Edition: $193.00

2 Magazine Editions: $347.00

3 Magazine Editions: $491.00

1/2 Page Vertical3.812 x 10.375

1 Magazine Edition: $385.00

2 Magazine Editions: $693.00

3 Magazine Editions: $982.00

In the midst of winter, I finally learned that there was in me an

invincible summer.- Albert Camus

love of design will quickly be recognized as a great tool for all of the Oneida County merchants.

All three of the maga-zines will be published monthly. Will have timely special focuses and will be designed so that every ad from a 1/16th of a page to a full page ad will be noticed. Every ad is 4 color and affordable, I would love to have everyone compare the costs with other advertising alterna-

tives in the area, Unlike many, I have no desire to hide my rate structure. Why? Because I am not worried about competition seeing my rates... I am go-ing to treat everyone fair and everyone will pay the same rates and enjoy af-fordable combinations for all 3 magazines. The way I see it, if you hide your rates then you’re ashamed of how much you charge. I have nothing to hide and everything to offer! n

Page 7: Vital Magazine Media Kit

1/8 Page1.781 x 5.187

1 Magazine Edition: $99.00

2 Magazine Editions: $181.00

3 Magazine Editions:$257.00

1/16 Page1.781 x 2.481

1 Magazine Edition: $53.00

2 Magazine Editions: $95.00

3 Magazine Editions: $134.00

1/16 Page1.781 x 2.481

1 Magazine Edition: $53.00

2 Magazine Editions: $95.00

3 Magazine Editions: $134.00n

According to the Association for Pet Obesity Preven-tion, 43 million dogs are estimated to be overweight or obese, and a primary risk of excess weight, in pets, is heart disease. And, just as humans often adopt a natural diet to help support cardiac health, feeding natural foods can also benefit their canine companions.

When it comes to canine heart health, there are two key things for pet parents to consider: feed a balanced diet that is rich in high-quality, natural foods and encour-age regular exercise to help maintain lean body condition.

“The heart is an organ that benefits greatly from lean body mass,” said Dr. Al Townshend, staff veterinarian, Well-ness Natural Pet Food. “Excess fat around the heart can create resistance, which makes the heart work harder for each beat.”

To help dogs maintain a healthy heart, Dr. Townshend suggests a feeding regimen that includes high quality pro-tein, fat and carbohydrates, along with essential vitamins and minerals. Wellness natural food and snacks, including the Super5Mix dry dog recipes, are made with carefully chosen, authentic ingredients, each of which has a pur-pose. These natural recipes include key nutrients that can help with canine heart health, such as:

* Antioxidants, like beta carotene and vitamin E.

* Taurine, an amino acid that is essential for the proper functioning of the heart, regulating heartbeat and protect-ing the heart from calcium excess.

* Omega 3 fatty acids, which have anti-inflammatory properties to support healthy blood pressure and help reduce the risk of blood clots.

Along with proper nutrition, pet parents should strive to provide their dogs with regular exercise in the form of walks, hikes and active play. Yearly veterinary examina-tions can also help maintain a pet’s heart health, as well as his or her overall well-being. For more information, visit

Canine Health: Getting To the Heart of It


Articles to

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Page 8: Vital Magazine Media Kit

Pulse Vital Castle



November 1st March 1st

3 Great Monthly Magazines•Timely Features

•Enjoyable Reading•Full of Local Ads

Complimentary if picked up...Subscriptions Available315-525-3582

Every Add is affordable every ad is on a four color glossy page...

Now that's impact!!

YES! You Can Afford to be noticed!! every issue on line!!!