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A division of Reed Elsevier (UK) Ltd. Registered office 1-3 Strand London WC2N 5JR Registered in England number 2746621 VAT Registered No. GB 730 8595 20.

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Visualfiles v2.6.0 Release Notes

Visualfiles v2.6.0 Release Notes

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Introduction .......................................................................................................................................................................... 5

What’s New ........................................................................................................................................................................... 5

Important Notes.................................................................................................................................................................... 6

Installing Visualfiles v2.6.0 ................................................................................................................................................ 6

Progress OpenEdge 10.2B SP7 .......................................................................................................................................... 6

Visualfiles Licence Key ....................................................................................................................................................... 6

Compatibility ..................................................................................................................................................................... 6

Data Conversion ................................................................................................................................................................ 6

Support Services................................................................................................................................................................ 7

Scripting Embedded Grids ................................................................................................................................................. 7

Visualfiles API - Version Check .......................................................................................................................................... 7

User Interface (UI) - Updating Themes ............................................................................................................................. 8

Visualfiles Reporting Tool - MATDB.LAST-TIME-POSTING ................................................................................................ 8

Release Notes for Earlier Versions of Visualfiles ............................................................................................................... 8

AppServer .......................................................................................................................................................................... 8

Outlook Integration - Using Word as your Email Editor .................................................................................................... 8

Oyezsol.dll Registration in Windows Vista ........................................................................................................................ 9

Procedure Libraries ........................................................................................................................................................... 9

Third Party Software Prerequisites ................................................................................................................................... 9

Online Help File ................................................................................................................................................................. 9

Documentation Feedback ................................................................................................................................................. 9

Known Issues......................................................................................................................................................................... 10

Interwoven WorkSite v9.0 - Integration Errors ................................................................................................................. 10

Redemption/&Newtask Script Errors ................................................................................................................................ 10

Advanced Outlook Add-in - XML File Directory Issue ....................................................................................................... 10

Advanced Outlook Add-in - File Opening Issue ................................................................................................................. 10

Visualfiles Office Toolbar - Saving Documents from Excel Issue ....................................................................................... 10

Enhancements ...................................................................................................................................................................... 11

&DotNet Command .......................................................................................................................................................... 11

&Grid Command - Grid Tables .......................................................................................................................................... 12

&History Command - Call= Parameter .............................................................................................................................. 12

&Schedule Command - Assign to AD30 or AD31 .............................................................................................................. 12

Address Book - Email Field Extended ................................................................................................................................ 13

Auditing Development Tools ............................................................................................................................................. 13

Document Repository ....................................................................................................................................................... 14

Input Prompt - Timeofday ................................................................................................................................................. 14

Restricted Access Tab ........................................................................................................................................................ 14

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Resolved Issues ..................................................................................................................................................................... 15

&PDF Command Issues ..................................................................................................................................................... 15

&Show Command - Next-action Parameter Error ............................................................................................................ 15

Access Plans - Access Rights were not Applied ................................................................................................................. 15

Advanced Outlook Add-in - HTML Emails Blank Body....................................................................................................... 16

Advanced Outlook Add-in - Extra Space Added in Search ................................................................................................ 16

Advanced Outlook Add-in - File Icon Issue ........................................................................................................................ 16

Advanced Outlook Add-in - Save Email Button Unavailable ............................................................................................. 16

Advanced Outlook Add-in - Search Failure ....................................................................................................................... 17

API and Word Version Compatibility Checks Issue ........................................................................................................... 17

Application Scripts - Delete Script Failed .......................................................................................................................... 17

Auditing - System Audit Triggers were not Saved ............................................................................................................. 17

COM Word Link - Document Format and Data Issue ........................................................................................................ 17

Data Warehouse Script Errors ........................................................................................................................................... 18

Email Information Missing in File History ......................................................................................................................... 18

File History Categories - Moving Categories Issue ............................................................................................................ 18

GroupWise Emails - Outlook Errors on Opening ............................................................................................................... 18

GroupWise Emails - Information Missing from File History .............................................................................................. 18

History Item Email Attachment - Date Created Details Incorrect ..................................................................................... 19

History Screen - Import Button Overwritten .................................................................................................................... 19

Import Bulk Items to File History - Duplicated Items ........................................................................................................ 19

Interwoven WorkSite Integration Issues ........................................................................................................................... 19

Mass Compile Generated Erroneous Documents ............................................................................................................. 20

Organisation Hierarchy - Performance Issue .................................................................................................................... 20

Outlook Add-in - Emails Out of Focus ............................................................................................................................... 20

Payment Clearance Period Error ....................................................................................................................................... 20

Performance Tuning - Values Swapped ............................................................................................................................ 20

Query Builder Wizard - Export Results Issue ..................................................................................................................... 21

Radio-set Field Type - Attached Script Failed to Run ........................................................................................................ 21

Schedule Items - Fee Earner Comments Issue .................................................................................................................. 21

Schedule Screen - Waiting Period Drop Down List Error .................................................................................................. 21

SOS Practice Manager - Link between Visualfiles and Fee Records Broken ..................................................................... 22

UD Lookup Fields - Incorrect Values Assigned .................................................................................................................. 22

Visualfiles Browser - &Display Ignored in Open File Script ............................................................................................... 22

Visualfiles Browser - API Behaviour Issue ......................................................................................................................... 22

Visualfiles Browser - Forward Document Button Script Issue........................................................................................... 22

Visualfiles Browser - History Screen Forward Document Button Issue ............................................................................ 23

Visualfiles Browser - No Prompt to Save Documents ....................................................................................................... 23

Visualfiles Client Installation - VFINSET.TXT Issue ............................................................................................................. 23

Visualfiles Desktop - Window Drop Down Menu Issue ..................................................................................................... 23

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Visualfiles Office Toolbar - Documents not Saved to File History ..................................................................................... 23

Visualfiles Office Toolbar - Saving Word Documents to History Issue .............................................................................. 24

Appendix ............................................................................................................................................................................... 25

Visualfiles v2.5.1 Service Pack 1 Release Notes ................................................................................................................ 25

Visualfiles v2.6.0 Release Notes

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This document describes the Important Notes, Known Issues, Enhancements, and Resolved Issues that are included in LexisNexis Visualfiles v2.6.0, released on the 3/5/2013.

What’s New

This release includes the following headline items:

Document Repository

&DotNet Command

Auditing Development Tools

Restricted Access Tab

Note: For more information on all of the new features included in this release go to Enhancements.

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Important Notes

Installing Visualfiles v2.6.0

When using the Visualfiles Client InstallShield to install Visualfiles we recommend that you uninstall your current version rather than performing an upgrade. Please refer to the Visualfiles v2.6.0 Client Installation Guide for more information.

Note: You may incur a charge for Support services when installing the latest release of Visualfiles, based on your configuration, current version and dependant on whether an OpenEdge update is required. We strongly recommend that you consult your LexisNexis Account Manager before installation so that we can plan any Support services that may be required.

Progress OpenEdge 10.2B SP7

We recommend installing OpenEdge 10.2B SP7 on the Database Server and each client PC with this version of Visualfiles. If you are using an earlier version of OpenEdge please contact your LexisNexis Account Manager to arrange an upgrade.

Visualfiles Licence Key

When you upgrade to this version of Visualfiles from a version earlier than v2.5.0 you will need to enter a new Licence Key. We suggest that you request the new Licence Key from your LexisNexis Account Manager in advance of a live upgrade.

Note: Please record your current Licence Key before upgrading. You will need it if you roll back to the previous version.

The &DotNet command included in this release also requires a new licence key to activate the ASCR Advanced Scripting System Module.

Note: The Document Preview and AFD Postcode system modules (released in v2.5.0) implement a named user policy. In order to make use of these options system administrators needs to apply a new Licence Key that provides the required number of named user licences (not concurrent).


For detailed information relating to supported platforms, 64 Bit support and third party products for this release of Visualfiles please refer to the Visualfiles v2.6.0 Release Compatibility Statement.

Data Conversion

Depending on your current version of Visualfiles, it is possible that when you install Visualfiles v2.6.0 you will be asked to execute one or more data conversions. You must complete all conversions as prompted.

If you are using the Streamline Adaptor a data conversion will appear when you first sign in after installing this release of Visualfiles to force the adaptor rename to the ‘SQL Integration Adaptor’.

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Support Services

If your Visualfiles system has been configured with Support Services, checks will be made during the first login to determine if your current version has been patched with specific programs to override default behaviour. It is important that any such programs are identified, reviewed and potentially removed. A search will be made in the directory structure used by Visualfiles to find any <program>.r files left behind (including directories used by the AppServer) and if found, a notification message shown.

Depending on your Support Services configuration, you may also be prompted to send your system configuration to the Support team; this is optional. You can click Yes if you wish to continue and you will have the chance to review the email before it is sent. You can manually resend this information at any time using the Email Support your system details button

, in the Help > About Visualfiles screen.

Scripting Embedded Grids

The functionality of the &Grid command has been enhanced and reworked over several recent releases. In some instances this may result in errors when embedded grid scripts are run, because &Grid parameters that were previously ignored are now correctly parsed. Please ensure the correct command parameters are included when coding embedded grids to avoid these errors. A full functional reference information is included in the Visualfiles Help file, search on ‘&Grid’.

Visualfiles API - Version Check

If you have the API installed and configured a check is made when you sign in to Visualfiles to ensure that the API is compatible with this release of Visualfiles. If you have mismatched versions, a warning message (see Figure 1) is displayed informing you of the details and advising you of the correct version needed.

Note: This prompt can be turned off in the COM Word Link and the COM API Link screens in Visualfiles Administration.

Figure 1 - API Alert

Click OK to continue and open Visualfiles.

After sign in, please contact your system administrator and notify them that you have received the API Alert prompt.

For more information, go to the Customer Support Website.

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User Interface (UI) - Updating Themes

If you make changes to the UI Themes in System Administration you will need to restart Visualfiles in order to apply the update. When signing back in to Visualfiles, the following message is displayed:

Figure 2 - System Upgraded

Click OK and sign in once more to complete the update procedure.

Note: Please ensure that the <configuration>.ini file referred to on your start up icon is not read-only before making any changes to Theme settings. We recommend using a dedicated ini file for each of your Visualfiles systems (live, test, development, etc.). If Visualfiles is unable to update this file, an error message is displayed.

Visualfiles Reporting Tool - MATDB.LAST-TIME-POSTING

MATDB.LAST-TIME-POSTING is no longer updated. Previously, MT19 used MATDB.LAST-TIME-POSTING as its data source but it now calculates its value from file history.

Release Notes for Earlier Versions of Visualfiles

If you need Release Notes for earlier versions of Visualfiles, go to the LexisNexis Customer Support Website and search for the required version number.

The release notes for all the Visualfiles Service Packs released since the last major version are included in the Appendix.


Clients using the AppServer must ensure that it is stopped before installing this release of Visualfiles, and then restart it after the installation is complete to ensure that the new programs are picked up correctly.

Outlook Integration - Using Word as your Email Editor

Email integration with Microsoft Office is provided through Outlook, not Word.

Visualfiles integration with Outlook using the feature ‘Use Microsoft Office Word to edit e-mail messages’ remains unsupported. If you have users that have set this feature, we strongly recommend that they use Outlook rather than Word for producing emails to benefit from Visualfiles functionality.

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Oyezsol.dll Registration in Windows Vista

Registering Oyezsol.dll in Vista is dependent on MS VB Runtime that is missing in Vista. Only one dll is required, msvbvm50.dll. Microsoft has an installable package for VB5 runtime at

Registering msvbvm50.dll enables oyezsol.dll to be registered and then Oyez forms works as expected in Vista.

Procedure Libraries

This version of Visualfiles now ships with twelve procedure libraries (.pl): and 32 Bit Visualfiles GUI Client and 32 Bit Appserver; SQL Database. and 32 Bit Visualfiles GUI Client and 32 Bit Appserver; Progress Database. and (formerly 32 Bit WebSpeed, SQL Database and Browser Client. and (formerly 32 Bit WebSpeed, Progress Database and Browser Client and 64 bit AppServer and WebSpeed, SQL Database. and 64 bit AppServer and WebSpeed, Progress Database.

Third Party Software Prerequisites

Please refer to the Visualfiles v2.6.0 Release Compatibility Statement for information on compatible .dll and .ocx components, third party product integrations, plus 32 and 64 bit operating systems supported in this release.

Online Help File

If you are using Visualfiles over a network and do not have a local copy of the Help file you may have problems displaying help pages. This may be the result of installing Microsoft security updates 896358 or 890175, which can be resolved by editing the registry to re-enable the HTML Help ActiveX control. For more information, go to:

Documentation Feedback

We update our documentation regularly based on your feedback. If you have any comments or suggestions, please let us know using the Documentation Feedback link available on every page of the Help file.

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Known Issues

Interwoven WorkSite v9.0 - Integration Errors

Development Ref. No. 716 (QC)

The Visualfiles integration with Interwoven WorkSite v9.0 is not currently certified because of a defect which has been reintroduced in this version of WorkSite. The Autonomy Support Team have advised that significant changes are needed in Visualfiles to accommodate this issue when it is resolved in WorkSite. This issue will be addressed in a Service Pack release.

Redemption/&Newtask Script Errors

Development Ref. No. 731 (QC)

When a &Newtask script is run on a system where Redemption is not registered, the Finder is displayed when it should not be, and when a folder is selected the task is not saved to the file history. This issue will be addressed in a Service Pack release.

Advanced Outlook Add-in - XML File Directory Issue

Development Ref. No. 13076 (TFS)

In the ‘XML Files Directory’ screen of the Visualfiles Client InstallShield, you are prompted to ‘Specify where the M2 XML parameter files are located’. If you select any option other than ‘Use default XML Parameter files’, Advanced Outlook Add-in users are prevented from being able to select their Outlook Provider when the Add-in has been installed.

To workaround this issue use the default xml params file location when installing Visualfiles. This issue will be addressed in the next major release.

Advanced Outlook Add-in - File Opening Issue

Development Ref. No. 13078 (TFS)

When you are viewing your file favourites in the grid view of the Advanced Outlook Add-in and you select to Group By an area, if you then expand one of the groups that are returned and double-click on a file, it does not open.

To workaround this issue right-click on the item and select Open File in Visualfiles. This issue will be addressed in the next major release.

Visualfiles Office Toolbar - Saving Documents from Excel Issue

Development Ref. No. 738 (QC)

When the Office toolbar is installed it is not possible to save Excel documents to the File History. The Finder does not open as expected when the Save option is selected in Excel.

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Please refer to the Visualfiles Help file for more information on these enhancements.

&DotNet Command

Development Ref. No. 6364

The &DotNet command has been added to Visualfiles scripting language. It enables you to invoke .NET functionality and allows interoperability with the Visualfiles macro language.

The &DotNet command is used to call custom built .NET dlls that enable you to extend your Visualfiles system by integrating with .NET based applications, third party software and targeted/bespoke user interfaces for specific tasks and groups of users. Please refer to the Visualfiles Help file for more information on configuring and using this feature.

Scripting Command and Options

The &DotNet command is used to perform the following functions:

Loading a .NET DLL for use within a Visualfiles script

Calling a method inside the .NET DLL and passing data from Visualfiles

Returning data back from your DLL into Visualfiles

Releasing the DLL from Visualfiles workflow

Trapping for errors

Sample DLL Supplied

To help with the deployment of this feature and to prove that all the components have been successfully installed and licenced, you can create a test system script to call the sample DLL that is shipped with this release of Visualfiles. Please refer to Visualfiles Help file for more information.

Installation and Configuration

.NET Framework 3.5 & OpenEdge 10.2B Service Pack 7

In order to execute this functionality all user PC’s must have the Microsoft .NET 3.5 Framework and OpenEdge 10.2B Service Pack 7 installed.

.NET Assemblies

You must be able to access a set of .NET assemblies that are supplied with each release of Visualfiles. The Visualfiles Client InstallShield creates an Assemblies directory in the Visualfiles Program Files directory.

Configuration Changes

You need to modify your PROPATH environment setting, typically found in an .INI file referenced on your start-up icon. The PROPATH must include the Assemblies directory.

You also need to add an additional option to your startup parameters, typically defined in a .PF file referenced on your start-up icon. OpenEdge needs to know specifically where the assembly files can be found, you do this by adding the option “-assemblies <directory>”.


This feature requires a new Licence Key to activate the ASCR Advanced Scripting System Module.

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&Grid Command - Grid Tables

Development Ref. No. 6426

Grids can now be created with a fixed format to hold data label and data value pairs for any number of different tables within one grid. Two new parameters on the &Grid command enable you to combine a number of data tables into one grid; for example, you can combine witness data and accident details which have completely different fields and field types in the same table.

This enhancement is supported by the following new parameters:

*&Grid action=”create-table”+

It is used to create a grid with four fixed columns:

[&Grid action="create-table-row", tablename = "Table1", tablefield="Description",tablevalue="File Created" ,tabletype="Text"]

You can create a single row in a table and assign the value entered in tablename into GR01, assign the value entered in tablefield into GR02, assign the value entered in tablevalue into GR03, and assign the value entered in tabletype into GR04.

&History Command - Call= Parameter

Development Ref. No. 6452

A new parameter call= has been added to the &History command that enables users to specify a script which runs when a document has been completed, in order to capture information to be stored as metadata after the document has been edited by the end user.

*&History “Doc Save Test”, call=test-script,save]

If this &History command is assigned to a document that is then actioned, when all processing is complete the script test-script is run. If test-script held the following syntax:

[&Select HS:last] [&MetaData history, create] *&Assign HS99(1)=“Metadata 1”+ *&Assign HS99(2)=“Metadata 2”+

In the example above the script is run after the document is complete and a metadata screen is attached to the history item with the first two metadata fields populated.

It is currently possible to add prescripts and postscripts to a precedent document in Visualfiles. However, when a document is produced by the end user, first the prescript is processed, then the code in the document itself, then the postscript and finally the document is presented to the user to edit. The only command Visualfiles runs after the document has been closed is the &History command. Therefore it was not easy to capture information to be stored after the document was edited by the end user. So in order to profile a document after the document has been stored Call=scriptname can be added to the &History command which allows the user to action a script once the history item has been created and to capture metadata that is stored against the document after the user has completed drafting their document.

&Schedule Command - Assign to AD30 or AD31

Development Ref. No. P10664/1, Support Ref. No. 6815/164

The &Schedule command has been modified to allow values to be assigned into the two user data fields (AD30 and AD31) using two new parameters user-data1 and user-data2. For example:

[&Schedule DEED-22392603,”test34343443”,date-due=today+0(days),work-date,user-data1=“A”,user-data2=“B”+

Note: These parameters are optional.

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Address Book - Email Field Extended

Development Ref. No. P10917/1, Support Ref. No. 615/516

The Email field in the Address book has been increased to 50 characters; previously it was limited to 30 characters. This enhancement is only applicable for Visualfiles systems using an OpenEdge database.

Auditing Development Tools

Development Ref. No. P10742/1, Support Ref. No. 6751/493

System auditing has been extended to cover the use of development tools within Visualfiles, including when users access the Application Editor or open and edit scripts in the current database. Auditing options are selected in the Audit Setup screen in Administration using the Developer Tools option.

Note: System Auditing records any changes made by users to the system as events, but does not record before and after values.

Development auditing options include:

Creating and amending Address book user defined screen and field definitions.

Creating, amending and deleting Metadata screen and field definitions.

Creating and deleting Application, Entity Type, Role and Add-In definitions.

Amending the Properties of Applications, Entity Types, Roles and Add-ins.

Creating, amending and deleting Application, Entity Type, Role and Add-in screen definitions and screen fields for both local & global screens.

Adding/removing system screens, relations, group menus and folders to/from a Database Menu tree.

Editing of a Database Menu item's properties.

Adding/removing folders, scripts, documents and forms to/from agenda trees for Applications, Entity Types, Roles, Add-ins, System scripts, Data Extracts and Data Warehousing.

Adding/removing relation definitions to/from Applications, Roles, Entity Types and Add-ins.

Opening/Closing the Development Tools window.

Note: No auditing is carried out on Dump and Load activity because this is an administrative process, not a development task. If changes are made in a separate database then loaded into the current database, those changes are not audited.

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Document Repository

Development Ref. No. 6449, 6453, 6451

The Document Repository is the new optional document storage system developed for Visualfiles. It provides an easy to manage filing system for file history documents and enables you to quickly search the file history and find the documents you need.

The Document Repository Server is an application built and hosted on the LexisNexis Streamline Platform. It is designed so that it can be run alongside existing Visualfiles document storage locations. This enables you to store new documents in the Document Repository, and to open and update older documents from their original storage locations.

Migration options have been added to the History screen that enable you to move individual file history documents, or all the documents in a file, to the Document Repository.

Multiple files can be moved from the current storage location to the Document Repository using the File Migration Utility. Please contact your LexisNexis Support or your Visualfiles Account Manager for more information on this feature.


The Document Repository requires a new Licence Key to activate the DCRP Document Repository System Module.

Input Prompt - Timeofday

Development Ref. No. P10668/1, Support Ref. No. 7298/75

A new input prompt, timeofday, has been added that is used when a time value is input for the time of day rather than a period of time. The value entered must be between 0.00 and 23.59. It is entered in the format HH.MM.


*&Userinput prompt=“Enter Time”, type=“timeofday”, result=LF01+

[&Assign LF01='Enter Time'(timeofday)]

Restricted Access Tab

Development Ref. No. 6448

The Restricted Access tab has been added to the User Properties dialog, which displays the list of restricted entities associated with the user, and remains selectable even when the user is linked to a template.

This functionality used to be located on the Access tab in the User Properties dialog. This location was problematic when users were setup and managed using a template, because it was not possible to edit a user’s list of entities without taking them out of the template. This change enables you to edit the Entity List within a template.

Please note:

When changes are made to the configuration of a template they are applied to all users linked to that template. When a template change is made that alters a linked user’s restricted entities list, the administrator making the change is prompted to confirm that their entity list can be changed.

Likewise, when a user associated with a template is amended by changing the template they are linked to, their list of related entities may also change; if so the administrator making the change is prompted to confirm that their entity list can be changed.

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Resolved Issues

&PDF Command Issues

Development Ref. No. P10881/1, Support Ref. No. 1701/913

The following fixes have been made to resolve issues with the &PDF command:

Issues with the Type=“convert” parameter and the History parameter have been resolved so that items are saved correctly to the file history.

The PDF conversion worked as expected and the converted PDF document were output to the correct location; however, the history modifier did not work.

The &PDF command now works correctly when another character other than a comma is used as a delimiter.

You now only need to specify one Title when using the Type=“merge” parameter and specifying multiple files with a delimiter.

Specifying multiple files with the Convert type parameter and the History parameter now correctly saves all items to the file history.

&Show Command - Next-action Parameter Error

Development Ref. No. P10890/1, Support Ref. No. 7783/96

The next-action parameter on the &Show command was not working correctly when a script was called on an add-in. For example:


When this script was run in the main file Agenda the following error was returned:

PROSPECTTAA.S-SALE-TEST had not been compiled.

Access Plans - Access Rights were not Applied

Development Ref. No. P10838/1, Support Ref. No. 3292/481

In Access Plans, it was not possible to change the setting for any levels below the first two. For example, in an organisation with three levels, ‘Organisation’, ‘Department’ and ‘Department Group’, you could set the access right for ‘Organisation’ and ‘Department’ and both they and all levels and users below them were reset correctly.

However, if you attempted to change the access rights for the third level ‘Department Group’, the new settings were not applied.

This issue has been resolved so that when the access rights on any level are changed they are correctly applied across all levels and users.

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Advanced Outlook Add-in - HTML Emails Blank Body

Development Ref. No. 6419

When the &Mail command was used to send an HTML email the item was generated with a blank body. This is because the email signature was too large which broke the OpenEdge 32000 character limit.

This issue has been resolved so that when an HTML email is sent using &Mail from the Advanced Outlook Add-in the email body is displayed correctly.

Advanced Outlook Add-in - Extra Space Added in Search

Development Ref. No. P10957/1, Support Ref. No. 366/846

When the space bar was pressed as part of entering a search term in the Advanced Outlook Add-in pane, two spaces were entered instead of one.

Advanced Outlook Add-in - File Icon Issue

Development Ref. No. P10961/1, Support Ref. No. 366/844

All of the files displayed in the Advanced Outlook Add-in pane were identified by the same icon that is used in Visualfiles to represent an open file, instead of the icon that was defined for the application.

This issue was caused because the search grid did not pull through the correct file type icon. In Visualfiles some of the applications and entities had invalid icon paths that included a ‘./’ at the start, which resulted in the Outlook Add-in not being able to locate the image.

This issue has been resolved by making the Image path field in the application and entity editors editable so that the ‘./’ can be manually removed.

Note: Ensure that the SDK AppServer has the parent directory to 'image' (lnimg) directory within its Propath, i.e. if the lnimg folder is c:\programs\lnimg then the Propath needs c:\programs.

Advanced Outlook Add-in - Save Email Button Unavailable

Development Ref. No. P10960/1, Support Ref. No. 366/847

It was not possible to save Read Receipts to Visualfiles from the Outlook Inbox because the Save Email button on the Visualfiles tab was greyed out and could not be used.

When the email was dragged and dropped onto a file that was visible in the Home tab, an item appeared in the file history but it included the following description:

[Error: Unknown code [subject]] and cannot be opened.

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Advanced Outlook Add-in - Search Failure

Development Ref. No. 6421

Searching from the Advanced Outlook Add-in failed if Performance Tuning was disabled.

This issue has been resolved so that searching on a file or entity returns 50 results if ‘No count’ has been specified and Performance Tuning is not used.

API and Word Version Compatibility Checks Issue

Development Ref. No. 6406

The API and Word Version Compatibility checks caused the Visualfiles login process to hang if the file or directory did not exist.

Application Scripts - Delete Script Failed

Development Ref. No. P10942/1, Support Ref. No. 3/207

It was not possible to delete an application script that had the same code as a system script which had a user defined icon associated with it.

Auditing - System Audit Triggers were not Saved

Development Ref. No. P11065/1, Support Ref. No. 6751/519

When a system audit trigger was added, it was not added as a user defined trigger. As a result changes to field triggers were not saved.

COM Word Link - Document Format and Data Issue

Development Ref. No. P10952/1, Support Ref. No. 7298/109

When using the COM Word Link data was missing from letters and the formatting was incorrect on several documents.

When the contents of a table were merged, in which a single cell within the table contained the full [&If] and [&EndIf] statements, the merge procedure deleted the wrong parts of the &If statement.

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Data Warehouse Script Errors

Development Ref. No. 6437, P10940/1, Support Ref. No. 6410/298

When a new Data Warehouse script was added to a file via the Auditing Setup screen in Administration, the following error was returned:

Error: Local Temporary field 2 not assigned.

Date Warehouse scripts created for files were given an invalid owner type that resulted in 'entry outside of range' errors when the scripts were selected.

In addition, user defined fields and triggers were not saved.

Both these issues have been resolved.

Email Information Missing in File History

Development Ref. No. P10871/1, Support Ref. No. 3/198

When an email was saved to the file history and then opened from here, the recipients details and the ‘To’ field were blank. This issue affected CDO, GroupWise and Lotus Notes integrations.

This issue has been resolved so that the details in the email are now correctly populated.

File History Categories - Moving Categories Issue

Development Ref. No. P10895/1, Support Ref. No. 366/825

It was possible to move a category in the file history and to a new position that made it a child of itself. No errors were returned and both categories were deleted.

GroupWise Emails - Outlook Errors on Opening

Development Ref. No. P10852/1, Support Ref. No. 7807/22

Outlook errors were received when GroupWise users tried to open GroupWise emails stored in file history.

A GroupWise email (A) was saved to the file history and then a new email (B) was generated and the GroupWise email (A) was attached from History to the new email. When the client opened the saved email (B) from file history, the GroupWise email attachment (A) did not open and Outlook errors were displayed.

This issue has been resolved so that when a GroupWise email is attached to a new Outlook email from the file history, the file extension switches from .MSG to .TXT, although the attachment remains an unstructured text file.

GroupWise Emails - Information Missing from File History

Development Ref. No. P10870/1, Support Ref. No. 7807/8

Some email information was not pulled through to the file history when a GroupWise 7 email was saved. The following columns were left blank in file history, Email Sender, Email Recipients and Email Attachments.

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History Item Email Attachment - Date Created Details Incorrect

Development Ref. No. P10875/1, Support Ref. No. 1701/934

When an attachment was saved from Outlook to Visualfiles using the Save Attachments to History button, a history item was created with the email date but with current time.

This issue has been resolved so that the history item uses the date and time from the email.

History Screen - Import Button Overwritten

Development Ref. No. 6462

In a Visualfiles system without the Briefcase system module, when a file was opened and the user moved between History Notes and Document Types in the tree view, the Import Items into History button was overwritten.

This issue has been resolved so that the Import Items button is displayed correctly.

Import Bulk Items to File History - Duplicated Items

Development Ref. No. P10959/1, Support Ref. No. 366/848

When importing files into the file history using the Import Items into History button in the History screen, the list of files to import duplicated items when they were selected by shift and clicking on the list, either immediately after the file list was first displayed or after applying a column sort.

Interwoven WorkSite Integration Issues

Development Ref. No. P10565/1, Support Ref. No. 3292/465

The following Interwoven WorkSite issues were resolved:

When the search scope was set in the template to search for comments only, the scope changed to search document contents only.

This issue has been resolved so that the Full Text search criteria are now copied from the template to the workspace.

When Visualfiles was used to create a workspace, the folders created based on template folders ignored the class.

This issue has been resolved so that the class is now copied from template folders to workspace folders.

The following related issues were rejected:

When a search folder in the template is set to search on the whole database as well as the file number, Visualfiles changes the setting so that it searches on the workspace and the file number.

It is not possible to resolve this issue because this call is context sensitive to the IManFolders location, i.e. if creating under a workspace the attribute automatically populates with the workspace container ID, and if creating under the legacy WorkSite Explorer > My Folders, this populates the database location. This is the expected behaviour when using FileSite to create document search folders; this is how the middleware library creates these folders.

Workspaces created using Visualfiles do not link to the workspace template they are based on so they cannot be updated if folders or searches are added to the workspace template in future. In a workspace created using WS workspace generator Custom 3 contains, for example:

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Which breaks down as:

Database | Template Folder PRJ_ID | Current workspace PRJ_ID

This issue has not been resolved because there is no method call in the WorkSite API to CREATEFROMTEMPLATE. This is achieved by copying all of the templates settings from the template workspace to the new workspace. There is no method or property to auto-populate Custom 3 with this combination of data. This must be done by the workspace generator which is not available through the API. The required values cannot be hardcoded into Custom 3 because this may not be acceptable to other clients who use this integration.

Mass Compile Generated Erroneous Documents

Development Ref. No. 6440

In some circumstances a mass compile of documents could result in some items being generated without an extension in the Agenda location directory and the Forms directory beneath it.

Organisation Hierarchy - Performance Issue

Development Ref. No. P10891/1, Support Ref. No. 6932/786

There was a significant decrease in performance when the Organisation Hierarchy was opened if the rereadnolock parameter was specified in the pf file.

This issue has been resolved with speed improvements made to the initialisation of the Organisation Hierarchy screen.

Outlook Add-in - Emails Out of Focus

Development Ref. No. 6408

When connected to the Advanced Outlook Add-in, emails opened from the file history were out of focus.

Payment Clearance Period Error

Development Ref. No. 6399

Attempting to set an application's default payment clearance period when no schedule categories had been defined resulted in the following error:

‘LIST-ITEM-PAIRS must contain an even number of entries to specify label/value pairs for COMBO-BOX (7452)'

Performance Tuning - Values Swapped

Development Ref. No. P10938/1, Support Ref. No. 6742/599

When performance tuning options were viewed for a specific user any 'Return the first' values assigned to Post Tray items and Time items were swapped.

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Query Builder Wizard - Export Results Issue

Development Ref. No. P10818/1, Support Ref. No. 7807/7

After running a query using the Query Builder Wizard and selecting to Export all items, if you then selected to Cancel the export, but selected No at the confirmation prompt, the export action was still cancelled.

Radio-set Field Type - Attached Script Failed to Run

Development Ref. No. P10955/1, Support Ref. No. 2280/758

The Radio-set field type was not running the assigned script when the option selected was changed, or the user tabbed to another field on the screen.

This issue has been resolved by changing the Validate-Widget method to check for Radio-set widgets, allowing assigned scripts to be run.

Schedule Items - Fee Earner Comments Issue

Development Ref. No. P10816/1, Support Ref. No. 1353/1660

When a user added a comment to a schedule item for which they are not the assigned fee earner, an item was scheduled for them instead of the assigned fee earner.

This issue has been resolved so that the Level Fee Earner is no longer changed automatically when a comment is added to a schedule item.

Schedule Screen - Waiting Period Drop Down List Error

Development Ref. No. P10843/1, Support Ref. No. 6672/385

The Schedule screen has a waiting period drop down list that shows all the date fields on an application. If the total number of characters in this list (field codes + field descriptions) exceeded 32k characters, and a user attempted to manually add schedule items to a file a series of errors were returned:

‘Replace/concat may not result in data > 32000 bytes.’

This issue has been resolved by changing the schedule program to trap for this issue. Now a single warning message is displayed if this issue is encountered:

‘Not all dates could be included in the drop down list.’

In addition, a new property ‘Schedule Date’, has been added to date fields in the Screen Editor that is used to control which dates are displayed in the schedule date drop down.

If this option is unticked on a date field then the date is not picked up by the schedule for inclusion in the drop down list. This option is used to generate a more manageable selection list of selected dates if there are a large number of dates.

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SOS Practice Manager - Link between Visualfiles and Fee Records Broken

Development Ref. No. P10837/1, Support Ref. No. 236/500

The fee records (PAYM fees) in Visualfiles lost the link to their corresponding record in SOS Practice Manager Time ledger. As a result, extra fees were created in Practice Manager and the Visualfiles fee postings were prevented from being marked as billed.

UD Lookup Fields - Incorrect Values Assigned

Development Ref. No. P10954/1, Support Ref. No. 01-6210

When an invalid value was assigned to a UD Lookup field it could acquire the value of another field from the same screen. This issue was only evident when querying the database field directly from outside of Visualfiles.

Visualfiles Browser - &Display Ignored in Open File Script

Development Ref. No. P10893/1, Support Ref. No. 7783/95

When [&Display schedule] was used in the open file script the File Cover was displayed instead of the Schedule screen when the file was opened.

Visualfiles Browser - API Behaviour Issue

Development Ref. No. P10879/1, Support Ref. No. 7783/86

When a .VFC file was used to start a Visualfiles Browser session to open a file, schedule warnings appeared and the system froze.

Visualfiles Browser - Forward Document Button Script Issue

Development Ref. No. P10926/1, Support Ref. No. 7783/91

The Forward Document button script did not return the Document Type. The procedure to retrieve History Documents was missing a field (file extension), which was expected by the Visualfiles Browser XSLT.

This issue has been resolved by changing the procedure to return the file extension so that the grid for forwarding a history item now displays the file extensions.

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Visualfiles Browser - History Screen Forward Document Button Issue

Development Ref. No. P10944/1, Support Ref. No. 7783/92

When a history item note with no document attached was selected, the Forward button is enabled. However, the button should be disabled if the selection contains one or more non-document history items, in order to prevent users forwarding notes via email.

Visualfiles Browser - No Prompt to Save Documents

Development Ref. No. P10943/1, Support Ref. No. 7783/105

When a history document was edited then closed, the changes were automatically saved without the expected message being displayed that prompted the user to save their changes.

Visualfiles Client Installation - VFINSET.TXT Issue

Development Ref. No. P10956/1, Support Ref. No. 01-6228

The following features were not written to VFINSET.TXT produced by the Visualfiles Client InstallShield even though they were selected during the installation:



Visualfiles Provider

Visualfiles Desktop - Window Drop Down Menu Issue

Development Ref. No. 6434

The Window drop down menu in the Visualfiles Desktop did not display options that were linked to currently open utilities. For example, when utilities were opened from Administration, such as 'Current Users' or 'Run Procedure', then the Administration window was closed, these utilities should be listed as options under the Window menu, but the entries were not displayed.

Visualfiles Office Toolbar - Documents not Saved to File History

Development Ref. No. P10493/1, Support Ref. No. 236/503

When multiple external documents were saved into the file history using the Visualfiles toolbar, each document was saved with the same name and description as the first. As a result only the first document was saved to file history.

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Visualfiles Office Toolbar - Saving Word Documents to History Issue

Development Ref. No. P10470/1, Support Ref. No. 6932/634

When a Word document was saved to the file history using the Visualfiles Office Toolbar and the user chose not to save the document in Word, a Visualfiles Time Item was created in history with no Word document attached.

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System Defaults - New Schedule Screen Option

Development Ref. No. 6423, Support Ref. No. 2280/742

A new system default option has been added which enables you to override the schedule due-date initialisation:

No initialisation of due date in Schedule screen

When this option is selected the schedule is displayed with no recalculation of the due-date when a schedule is edited.

By default this option is not selected and the due-date is recalculated when the schedule screen is opened. This can cause problems if the schedule due-date has been calculated through scripting and is not intended to be changed.

Note: If the cursor is placed on any of the Waiting Period fields while editing the schedule, the due-date is recalculated regardless of whether this option is selected.

Resolved Issues

Document Briefcase - .docx File Import Issue

Development Ref. No. P10919/1

The Document Briefcase did not allow .docx files to be reimported. If you attempted to import a briefcase that was created previously from Visualfiles which contained a .docx file, the following error was displayed:

Document must be same type as original (doc)

When importing from a briefcase the user could not import .docx document types even though they had been exported as part of the briefcase.

This issue has been resolved so that .docx documents can be imported from document briefcases.

PAYM Fee Records Link Lost to SOS Practice Manager

Development Ref. No. P10837/1, Support Ref. No. 236/500

PAYM fees were not working properly in Visualfiles linked to SOS Practice Manager.

Fee records in Visualfiles lost the link to their corresponding record in the SOS Practice Manager Time ledger. This resulted in the creation of extra fees in Practice Manager and prevented the Visualfiles fee postings from being marked as billed.

Note: PAYM fees are the fees that are automatically posted when a debtor payment to a solicitor is created.

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System Options - Error on Update

Development Ref. No. 6425

When system options were updated in the System Parameters screen or the System Defaults screen, errors were returned when the System Parameters screen was closed:

[Error: Local Temporary field 2 not assigned]

Note: This issue was only encountered when Visualfiles was run with an MS SQL database.

Visualfiles Browser - .VFC File Failed to Launch File

Development Ref. No. 6428

When a .VFC file was run the target file failed to open in Visualfiles Browser.

This issue has been resolved so that when the .VFC file is run Visualfiles Browser is launched and the file is opened.

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