visual’system:’(deliberately)’basic’ anatomy’and ... ·...

Visual System: (deliberately) Basic Anatomy and Physiology of The Eye Tom Fearnley Clinical Fellow Ocular Oncology, OculoplasDcs and Orbital Surgery

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Post on 19-Aug-2020




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Page 1: Visual’System:’(deliberately)’Basic’ Anatomy’and ... · The’Gross’Structure’of’the’Eye’–in’ relaon’to’its’funcDon’ • The’eye’is’a hallow&sphere&(2’chambers)’[’evolved’to’focus

Visual  System:  (deliberately)  Basic  Anatomy  and  Physiology  of  The  Eye  

Tom  Fearnley  Clinical  Fellow  Ocular  Oncology,  OculoplasDcs  and  Orbital  Surgery  

Page 2: Visual’System:’(deliberately)’Basic’ Anatomy’and ... · The’Gross’Structure’of’the’Eye’–in’ relaon’to’its’funcDon’ • The’eye’is’a hallow&sphere&(2’chambers)’[’evolved’to’focus

Lecture  Outline  

•  Gross  Structure  •  Layers  of  the  Eye  •  Muscles  

•  Adnexal  Tissues  •  Arterial  Supply  •  Venous  drainage  •  LymphaDcs  

Page 3: Visual’System:’(deliberately)’Basic’ Anatomy’and ... · The’Gross’Structure’of’the’Eye’–in’ relaon’to’its’funcDon’ • The’eye’is’a hallow&sphere&(2’chambers)’[’evolved’to’focus

Shameless  plug  

•  Ophthalmology  is  one  of  the  most  rewarding  careers  in  medicine  offering  an  unrivalled  mix  of  medicine  and  surgery  

•  Cataract  surgery  is  the  most  frequently  performed  operaDon  in  the  UK  (>300  000/yr)  

•  At  the  very  limit  of  surgical  finesse  •  Which  of  your  senses  would  you  least  like  to  lose?  •  You  will  see  lots  of  eye  disease  •  Ophthalmologists  regularly  feature  near  the  top  of  the  “happiest  physicians”  table  

Page 4: Visual’System:’(deliberately)’Basic’ Anatomy’and ... · The’Gross’Structure’of’the’Eye’–in’ relaon’to’its’funcDon’ • The’eye’is’a hallow&sphere&(2’chambers)’[’evolved’to’focus

The  Gross  Structure  of  the  Eye  –  in  relaDon  to  its  funcDon  

•  The  eye  is  a  hallow  sphere  (2  chambers)  -­‐  evolved  to  focus  light  to  a  fine  point  

•  The  amount  of  light  allowed  into  the  eye  is  controlled  by  pupil  size  •  Light  is  refracted  by  2  surfaces  

•  Cornea  •  Lens  

•  The  light  sensiDve  Dssue  at  the  back  of  the  eye  is  called  the  ReDna  •  Contains  specialised  cells  responsible  for  converDng  light  energy  (photons)  into  

a  cell  membrane  potenDal  for  neurotransmission  

•  The  globe  is  protected  within  the  orbit    •  The  adnexal  Dssues  (lids,  lacrimal  apparatus  etc)  protect  and  

moisturise  the  ocular  surface  •  The  extra-­‐ocular  muscles  move  the  eyes  in  synchrony  to  maintain  

binocular  single  vision    and  allow  depth  percepDon  (stereopsis)  

Page 5: Visual’System:’(deliberately)’Basic’ Anatomy’and ... · The’Gross’Structure’of’the’Eye’–in’ relaon’to’its’funcDon’ • The’eye’is’a hallow&sphere&(2’chambers)’[’evolved’to’focus

The  layers  of  the  Eye  

•  Outer  Layer  (protecDon)  •  Sclera  &  Cornea  

•  Middle  Layer  (nutriDon)  •  Uvea  

•  Iris  •  Choroid    •  Ciliary  Body  

•  Inner  Layer  (detecDon)  •  ReDna  

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•  The  tough  white  outer  coat  of  the  eye  •  Covered  by  ConjuncDva  and  Tenon’s  •  Allows  abachment  of  extraocular  muscles  

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•  Transparent  window  (you  put  your  contact  lenses  on  it)  •  Transmits  light  •  Protects  intraocular  contents  •  2/3rds  of  focusing  power  of  the  eye  (refracDve  index)  •  Thinner  in  the  centre  (500µm),  Thicker  at  the  edge  (700µm)  •  Avascular  –  nutriDonal  requirements  from  tear  film  and  aqueous    

•  InnervaDon  via  Trigeminal  nerve  –  400  xs  that  of  skin  •  In  conDnuity  with  the  sclera  at  the  limbus  •  Must  remain  relaDvely  dehydrated  (or  becomes  cloudy)  •  Epithelium  replaced  conDnually  by  Limbal  Stem  Cells  •  Endothelium  must  last  a  lifeDme  

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The  layers  of  the  Cornea  

1:  Epithelium  2:  Bowman’s  Layer  3:  Stroma  4:  Descemet’s    Membrane  5:  Endothelium  

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The  Uveal  Tract  

•  Grape  (hangs  from  opDc  nerve  following  dissecDon  from  sclera)  

•  Highly  vascular  •  Highly  pigmented  (melanin)  

•  3  anatomically  and  funcDonally  disDnct  parts  •  Iris  •  Ciliary  Body  •  Choroid  

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Iris  •  Thin  contracDle  diaphragm  –  the  coloured  part  of  the  eye  •  Central  aperture  (pupil)  •  Directly  overlies  the  lens  •  2  muscles  control  pupil  size  

•  Dilator  pupillae  (dilates)  •  Radial  •  Outer  •  SympatheDc  

•  Spincter  pupillae  (constricts)  •  CircumferenDal  •  Pupil  margin  •  ParasympatheDc  

•  Pupil  reflexes  •  Light  •  Near  (constricDon  plus  accomodaDon)  •  SympatheDc  

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Ciliary  Body  

•  CircumferenDal  structure  surrounding  the  lens  •  Produces  Aqueous  from  glandular  epithelium  (acDve  secreDon  and  ultrafiltraDon)  

•  Smooth  muscle  in  stroma  allows:  •   AccomodaDon  (AlteraDon  of  lens  convexity)  

•  AlteraDon  of  aqueous  oullow  via  abachment  to  trabecular  meshwork  

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A  word  about  Aqueous  

•  Circulates  from  the  posterior  to  the  anterior  chamber  through  the  pupil  

•  Similar  to  plasma  (lower  glucose  and  protein,  higher  ascorbate  and  lactate)  

•  Provides  nutrients  to  cornea  and  lens  •  Maintains  IOP  (balance  between  producDon  and  drainage)  

•  Drains  (mostly)  via  the  trabecular  meshwork  •  Specialised  Dssue  in  the  anterior  chamber  angle  (between  the  iris  and  the  cornea)  

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Aqueous  Drainage  

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The  Choroid  

•  Thin,  highly  vascular  structure  between  reDna  and  sclera  

•  Vascular  supply  to  outer  reDna  

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The  Lens  

•  Flexible  (change  in  shape  alters  refracDve  power)  •  Biconvex    •  Held  in  place  by  suspensory  zonules  •  Crystal  like  •  1/3rd  focusing  power  of  eye  •  Lens  fibres  progressively  laid  down  over  life  (thickens)  •  Adult  diameter  9-­‐10mm  •  Allows  eye  to  change  focus  from  distance  to  near  

(accomodaDon)  –  lost  as  we  age  •  Pathological  opacificaDon  =  CATARACT  

•  Accounts  for  48%  of  world  blindness  •  18  million  people  

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•  thick,  gel-­‐like    substance  that  fills  the  posterior  chamber    

•  99%  water  +  Hyaluronic  acid  •  Collagen  scoffold  –  degrades  with  age  •  80%  (4ml)  of  the  volume  of  the  globe  •  Strongly  adherent  to  anterior  few  mm  of  reDna  (detachments)  

•  Embryological  support  for  vessels  delivering  nutrients  to  lens  

•  Best  avoided  during  cataract  surgery!  

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•  Lines  innermost  surface  of  the  eye  and  contains  photoreceptors  

•  Cells  responsible  for  converDng  light  into  nerve  impulses    

•  Fovea  centralis  –  a  depression,  or  pit,  in  the  center  of  the  reDna  that  contains  only  cones  

•  most  accurate  vision  &  color  sensiDvity  

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–  Rods:      •  about  100  million,  operate  in  grayscale,  are  mostly  around  the  periphery  

•  most  sensiDve  to  500nm  which  appears  “bluish-­‐green”  •  allow  us  to  see  in  low  light  and  provide  for  peripheral  vision  

–  Cones:      •  about  5  million  •  3  varieDes  (trichromaDc)  •  Each  sensiDve  to  parDcular  wavelength  of  light  (short,  medium  &  long)  

•  Greatest  concentraDon  at  fovea  

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Rods  &  Cones  

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Basic  phototransducDon  

•  Photoreceptors  convert  photon  energy  into  membrane  potenDal  that  ulDmately  results  in  a  reducDon  of  neurotransmiber  release  

•  Photoreceptors  contain  light  sensiDve  visual  pigments  

•  AbsorpDon  of  light  leads  to  an  isomeric  alteraDon  of  the  visual  pigments  which  in  turn  hyperpolarises  the  photoreceptor  cell  due  to  movement  of  calcium  ions  

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Extraocular  Muscles  •  6  per  eye  

–  4  recD  •  Arise  from  Annulus  of  Zinn  at  apex  

–  2  obliques  •  Superior  –  arises  from  back  of  roof  of  orbit    •  Inferior  –  arises  from  anterolateral  orbital  floor  

•  DucDons  •  Monocular  –  eg  adducDon  

•  Versions  •  Binocular  same  direcDon  (conjugate)  –  eg  right  gaze  (dextroversion)  

•  Vergences  •  Binocular  opposite  direcDon  (disconjugate)  –  eg  convergence  

•  InnervaDon  •  Lateral  rectus  –  6th  CN  •  Superior  Oblique  –  4th  CN  •  All  the  rest  –  3rd  CN    

•  Deliver  blood  supply  to  anterior  segment  of  eye  via  anterior  ciliary  arteries  

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Adnexal  Tissues  

•  Lids  •  ConjuncDva  •  Lacrimal  apparatus  

•  Orbit  

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•  Glide  over  the  front  surface  of  the  eye  

•  Protect  •  Distribute  tears  

•  Anterior  Lamella  •  Skin  and  muscle  (orbicularis  -­‐  closure)  

•  Posterior  Lamella  •  Tarsal  plate  (rigid)  •  ConjuncDva  

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•  Clear  covering  over  the  sclera  •  Several  regions  

•  Tarsal  (back  of  lid)  –  Dghtly  adherent  •  Fornix  (recess  behind  lids)  –  lots  of  glands  •  Bulbar  (over  globe  –  loosely  adherent  –  allows  eye  to  move  freely  

•  Goblet  cells  secrete  mucous  

•  LymphaDcs  •  Immune  response  

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Lacrimal  Apparatus  

•  Lacrimal  gland  produces  tears  

•  Drain  inferonasally  •  Puncta  (upper  and  lower)  •  Cannalicular  system  

•  Lacrimal  Sac  

•  Nasolacrimal  duct  

•  Inferior  meatus  (nose)  

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•  3  layers  •  Anterior  lipid  (meibomium  glands)  

•  Middle  aqueous  (lacrimal  glands)  

•  Posterior  mucous  (goblet  cells)  

•  ProtecDve  •  AnDbacterial  •  Smooth  surface  

•  NutriDon  to  cornea  

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Arterial  Supply  •  Internal  caroDd  artery  

–   Ophthalmic  artery  •  Central  reDnal  artery  

–  OpDc  nerve  –  Arcades  –  nourish  inner  reDna  

•  Posterior  Ciliary  arteries  (short  and  long)  –  Choroidal  circulaDon  –  

nourishes  outer  reDna  •   Lacrimal  artery  

–  Lacrimal  gland  •  Anterior  and  posterior  


•  External  caroDd  –  Facial  artery  

•  angular  artery    –  Medial  lid  and  orbit  

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Venous  drainage  

•  Inner  reDna  •  Branch  reDnal  veins  

–  Ophthalmic  veins  

»  Cavernous  sinus  

•  Outer  reDna  and  Choroid  

•  Vortex  veins  –  Ophthalmic  veins  

»  Cavernous  sinus  

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•  Not  well  understood  •  None  within  the  eye  itself  

•  Accepted  pabern  –  Lower  medial  and  central  lid  to  submandibular  

–  Upper  lid,  medial  canthus  and  lateral  lower  lid  to  pre-­‐auricular  

Page 43: Visual’System:’(deliberately)’Basic’ Anatomy’and ... · The’Gross’Structure’of’the’Eye’–in’ relaon’to’its’funcDon’ • The’eye’is’a hallow&sphere&(2’chambers)’[’evolved’to’focus
