visiting mauna kea brochure

Mauna Kea is a special place.Anyone planning to visit should take specialprecautions and act responsibly and respectfully when approaching its summit regions. Significance of Mantna Kea Mauna Kea is sacred to Nativc It is host to the most sophisticlrtcd c:<lllcction of astronomy facilities in the world, and it is hor.r.rc to rare flora and fauna -including spccics th;rt are found elsein thc wollcl. When Visitingl Maurla Keit As a generalrulc, visitors are askcd to lcrrvc the mountain as they found it: do not r('rllov(' anything (that is not obviously trash) lrnci clo not ieave anything behind. Plcasc rcm;rrn on markedtrails and roadw;rys. Safety First and Forerytost Due to its remote location,emergency assistance may be hours away. The Mauna Kea Rangers programwas establishcd to provide daily oversight of activities at the sumn-rit. l l c ed all warnings issuedby the Rangcrs. The y ;rr-t: there to help. Emergencies: 911 Visitor Information Station: 96r-zrBo Winter Conditions: 935-6268 (record i ng) Office of Mauna Kea Management Vi s itor Information Station: I n stitute for Astronomy: Mauna Kea Wcathcr Ccnter: OMKM ': Olfir. oi Anr.G {cn l; lr8.r!(!nt The University of Hawai'i at Hilo Office of Mauna Kea Management 64o N. A'ohoku Place Hilo, Hawaf i 9672o Phone: (BoB) g31-o73.4 Fax: (BoB) 933-32o8 Email: omkm@ Safely an:'d Respor:LsibLy Anyone planning to visit the summit of Mauna Kea shouldrcad the contents of this brochure carefully before proceeding. Failure to heedprecautions could lead to serious - evcn life-threatening- s itu at ions. Compliments of: The Office of Mauna Kea Management

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Mauna KeaIsland of Hawaii


Page 1: Visiting Mauna Kea Brochure

Mauna Kea is a special place. Anyone planningto visit should take special precautions and actresponsibly and respectfully when approachi ng

its summit regions.

Significance of Mantna Kea

Mauna Kea i s sac red to Na t i vc H l rw l r i i l r r . r s . I ti s hos t t o t he mos t soph i s t i c l r t cd c :< l l l c c t i on o f

as t ronomy fac i l i t i es i n t he wo r ld , and i t i s ho r . r . r cto ra re f l o ra and fauna - i nc lud ing spcc i cs t h ; r t

a re f ound nowhc . re e l se i n t hc wo l l c l .

When Visit ingl Maurla Keit

A s a g e n e r a l r u l c , v i s i t o r s a r e a s k c d t o l c r r v cthe moun ta in as t hey found i t : do no t r ( ' r l l ov ( 'any th ing ( t ha t i s no t obv ious l y t r ash ) l r nc i c l on o t i e a v e a n y t h i n g b e h i n d . P l c a s c r c m ; r r n o n

marked t ra i l s and roadw; rys .

Safety F i rs t and Forerytost

Due to i ts remote locat ion, emergencyass i s tance may be hou rs away . The Mauna Kea

Rangers p rog ram was es tab l i shcd to p rov ideda i l y ove rs igh t o f ac t i v i t i es a t t he sumn- r i t . l l ce d

al l warnings issued by the Rangcrs. The y ; r r - t :t he re t o he lp .

Emergencies: 911Visi tor Information Stat ion: 96r-zrBoWinter Condit ions: 935-6268 (record i ng)

Off ice of Mauna Kea Management

Vi s i tor Information Stat ion:

I n st i tute for Astronomy:

M a u n a K e a W c a t h c r C c n t e r :

OMKM ':O l f i r . o i A n r . G { c n

l ; l r 8 . r ! ( ! n t

The Universi ty of Hawai ' i at Hi loOff ice of Mauna Kea Management

64o N. A'ohoku PlaceHilo, Hawaf i 9672o

Phone: (BoB) g31-o73.4Fax: (BoB) 933-32o8

Email : omkm@

Safely an:'d


A n y o n e p l a n n i n g t o v i s i t t h e s u m m i t o fMauna Kea shou ld rcad the conten ts o f

th is b rochure care fu l l y be fore proceed ing .Fa i lu re to heed precaut ions cou ld lead

to ser ious - evcn l i fe - th rea ten ing-s i tu a t ions .

Compliments of:The Office of Mauna Kea Management

Page 2: Visiting Mauna Kea Brochure


MM B.o- Surnrnit


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Page 3: Visiting Mauna Kea Brochure







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rrcENqrr rr = Natural Area Reierve-r r r r r r r f r = gravel road I.-- = asphalt road if r f f frr fr f fr = emefgency fOAd

i 'MM = Mile marker ;I = Obseryatory i'

Approximate Scale0' 2000' i

to Saddle Road (HwY zoo)

Page 4: Visiting Mauna Kea Brochure

Due to the effects of low atmospheric pressure on your

body - including less avai lable oxygen encountered at

high altitude - it is strongly advised that individuals

in the following categories nottravel to the summit of

Mauna Kea:

. Persons under r6 years of age

. Pregnant women

.Anyone with high blood pressure, heart or respiratory

condit ions

. Scuba divers with less than 24 hours after their last dive

. Anyone who has been drinking alcohol (consumption

of a lcoho l i s s t rong ly d iscouraged on Mauna Kea)

Other impor tan t needs :

. Wel l -ma in ta ined, four -whee l d r ive veh ic les

. Pro tec t ive c lo th ing , sunscreen and sung lasses

. Dr ink ing water

Stop at the Visitor Information Station (VIS) at the

9,zoo-foot level and obtain a handout about Mauna

Kea Hazards. These handouts contain addit ional

information about the condit ions described here.

Hikers are encouraged to use the "buddy" system and

to advise Rangers and/or VIS staff of their plans.

Spend at jo minutea at the VIS to allow

Vourbody to adju-tt to the elevation change.

Anyone proceedingbeyond the VIS should

understand that the atmospherlc pressure on

your body is roughly half of the pressure at sea

level. Your body may not adjust properly to this

cond i t ion . Symptoms can inc lude: shor tness o f

b rea th , headaches, dehyd ra t i on , nausea, impa i red

reason and drows iness , and loss o f ba lance

and musc le coord ina t io r - r . Morc than a mere

inconven ience, h igh a l t i tudc s ickness can lead

to ser ious - even l i f c - th roa tcn ing - s i tua t ions .

The on ly way to a l lev ia tc thcse cor rd i t ions is to

descend to a lower c lcva t ion .

A d d i t i o n a l i n f o r m a t i o n o n h i g h a l t i t u d e s i c k n e s scan be found a t :

http:/ /www. i f a. h awa i i .cd r-r/m ko/v i s i t i n g.htm

n ( - Iurrve sarery

Four -whee l d r ive veh ic les a re s t rong ly

r e c o m m e n d e d b e y o n d t h e V l S . T h c u n p a v e d , B -

m i l c r o a d r i s e s n e a r l y 5 , o o o l c c t t o t h c s u m m i t

S e c t i o n s o f t h e r - o a d c ; r n h e e x l r c r n c l y l o u g h w i t h

s t e e p g l a d c s o { u p 1 o l 5 p c l c c n t . l c c a n d s n o w c a n

fur ther add to thc dungr : r ' s .

. Observe the z5-mi lc -pcr hour sp t , t ' c l l i n ' r i t a t a l l t imes.

' To reduce the chances o f b r i rku ovcrhcat i ng ar rd

brake fa i lu re , use low gear whcn dcsccnd i l rg

ra ther than re ly ing so le ly on your b rakes .

. I f you shou ld encounter road main tcnance

equipment, please drive with extreme caution. Be

especial ly careful when crossing the temporary

ridge that 's bui l t up down the center of the

roadway by grading equipment. Make sure the

underside of youq ve!,1icle is high enough to avoid

. Weather conditions can change rapidty.

. Daytime temperatures can range from the 5os to

well below freezing.. Wind speeds can exceed roo miles per hour.. Ultra violet radiat ion is very intense at the

summit; severe sunburn can occur rapidly.. The atmosphere on the summit is extremely dry.

Protective Measures

. Protect your skin and eyes by using an effect ive

sunscreen, sunglasses and protective clothing.. Drink lots of water to keep your body hydrated- i t helps to fend off the effects of alt i tude

s ickness .. Be aware o f cond i t ions and dress appropr ia te ly .

Winter Conditions

Winter can br ing espec ia l l y hazardous cond i t ions .

Snow and ice can fo rm rap id ly . Evacuate thc

summi t fo r lower e leva t ions as soon as hazardous

cond i t ions beg in to deve lop .

For your own sa fe ty , p lease hced "Road C losed"

s ign i f pos ted .

Ca l l (BoB) 935-6268 to ob ta in recorded updates on

road cond i t ions and road c losures .

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