visions and ideas fabiano birchal may 2016


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1. Esteja apaixonado por isso.

Money is no substitute for passion, so every

entrepreneurial journey should start with a passion.

Be careful, however: don’t be blind!

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2. É simples.

All the great businesses of our time have started with

an incredibly simple idea, and then expanded upon


If you can start by solving one problem, with one

product, for one customer, you will be sufficiently

focused and can have a great foundation for success.

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3. Um fluxo de Receitas.

In the early stage, you need to be laser-focused on

one revenue stream, and your idea needs to have a

clear, singular revenue stream that can conceivably be

large enough to support the entire business. If not,

then its time to go back to the drawing board.

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4. Alguns passos para a Receita.

The more steps there are to revenue, the more complex an

idea is to build out and execute. This is a very important

step during the ideation process: what are the things that

need to happen before you make a dollar? If you have to

provide a service in order to collect data that will then be

sold to advertisers, for example, you have a very complex

business. Try to limit the number of steps to revenue from

the beginning.

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5. Você conhece o Consumidor.

You need to understand very clearly who you are

helping, what exactly they need, why they need it, how

they would be willing to solve their problem, what they

spend their money on, what goals they have in life... in

other words, you need to have a very specific


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6. Você conhece o Mercado.

In almost all cases, there are several people already

devoting their lives to your idea. In order to win, you

need to engulf yourself into your market in order to

have the requisite insight and vision needed to win. If

you are not an expert on your market, then it’s time to

get to work. There are no shortcuts here.

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7. Mercado suficientemente Grande.

Large and fast growing markets have the power to pull

mediocre companies into greatness, and conversely,

dying markets can pull otherwise solid companies into

the ground. If you are going to devote your life to an

idea, the market where you operate better be big enough

(or growing at such a fast rate) to support a meaningful

and enduring company.

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8. Tempero Original Secreto.

Every great business has a secret sauce. Not every company

starts out with that secret sauce, but building a company without a

plan for how you will differentiate and win from the outset is

simply foolish. Also, your secret sauce needs to be original. The

best ideas have a secret sauce that is transformational, not

incremental. What secret do you know that will help you win? For

example, Tony Hsieh started Zappos with a very distinct insight

and secret sauce - customer service.

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9. Você tentou matar a sua ideia.

It is very easy to fall in love with your idea - after all,

it’s your baby, and almost nobody will tell you your

baby is ugly. Positive reinforcements are very easy to

find. Your job in the idea stage is to find the things

that make your idea bad. Try to kill your idea, and

then, one-by-one, iterate and eliminate the negative

aspects of the idea. The result will be a much more

defensible foundation by which to start.

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10. Você está compartilhando a

sua ideia. Nobody is going to steal your idea. Think about it - do you

really think your idea is so great, so original, that somebody

who hears it is going to go home, quit their job, and devote

their entire lives to it? And be successful? The chances are

near zero. You need to be pitching your idea all day long to

anybody who will listen, and incorporating all the feedback

you receive into improving the idea. Feedback is an

entrepreneur’s best friend.

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Uma ideia não vale nada; o que importa mesmo é a sua


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Uma ideia não vai mudar o mundo.

A Ideia, transmutada em Produtos e/ou Serviços Inovadores, alicerçada em Processos de gestão e/ou produção eficientes, e acolhida por um Modelo de Negócios ágil e enxuto, que seja alimentado diariamente por uma equipe qualificada, com propósito, comprometida integralmente, livre para pensar, sentir, agir, errar e aprender, reconhecida e recompensada, pode Impactar o Mundo e Mobilizar as Pessoas deste mundo a mudá-lo para melhor.

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- Teste a sua ideia inúmeras vezes.

- Critique a sua ideia até não encontrar

mais por onde acabar com ela.

- Daí, peça a outras pessoas para fazerem o mesmo.

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Se você tiver foco apenas no Produto / Serviço, mas se esquecer do

negócio, terá uma jornada curta.

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E, se você apenas focar na operação, e deixar de lado a constante reinvenção do seu produto / serviço, deixar de lado o

espaço para novos experimentos, vai morrer rapidinho também.

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Aprenda com as ideias e experiências dos outros, mas não copie os seus passos.

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Muitas vezes a inovação se origina de pessoas que têm pontos de vistas distintos sobre problemas antigos. Promova a colisão.

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Não, sua ideia não vale 1 Bilhão de dólares. Sim, seu ego está te enganando.

Lembre-se: sua ideia, pura, sozinha, parada, não vale nada.

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Mais importante do que idealizar o futuro é trazê-lo ao presente por meio de


Vai lá e faz: teste, experimente, aprenda, continue testando. Forever Beta World.

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[email protected]

Fabiano Birchal