vision document @ 2022


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Vision Document @ 2022, Rajkot - Gujarat Page 2

Vision Document @ 2022, Rajkot - Gujarat Page 3


Introduction ............................................................................................................................................... 4

Statistics, 2014 ........................................................................................................................................... 4

About Rajkot ............................................................................................................................................... 5

The Peoples agenda..................................................................................................................................... 6

Theme @2022 for sustainable development ............................................................................................... 7

1. Agriculture, allied services with value addition .............................................................................. 8

2. Education and skill development ................................................................................................... 10

3. Information Technology and Innovation ...................................................................................... 12

4. Employment and industrial development ..................................................................................... 13

5. Women empowerment and gender equity ..................................................................................... 14

6. Infrastructure for fast growth ........................................................................................................ 15

7. Health and Hygiene ......................................................................................................................... 17

8. Governance and clean administration ........................................................................................... 18

9. Participation, Ownership & Leadership ....................................................................................... 20

10. Arts, culture and sports ............................................................................................................... 22

11. Land Revenue & Land Record ................................................................................................... 23

Vision Document @ 2022, Rajkot - Gujarat Page 4


Rajkot @2022 the five year theme will be; more participation, more ownership from each partner, each

individuals so it will be full of peoples’ voice. Most important is that vision has been not created from

District officials or any planner but is has been created from youth members of the society, this vision

will be turn out into action in coming years which gives new shape with lakhs of peoples’ smiles.

Vision of 2022 will be grass roots driven participatory approach with exciting future and demanding

hard work to achieve this targets. The document says that as technology is for empowering individual

citizens, it will empower the country as well. The Aim of this ‘vision @2022” is to ensure the socio

economic development, secure society, better infrastructure and mainly youth will be sharing

participation at each level.


• Total number of households 635323.

o Rural 229403

o Urban 405920

• Households lives in good houses 72.4%

• Households lives in livable houses 29.6 %

• Households have covered bathroom facility at home 75.8%%

• Households having drainage facility 56.3% urban (Closed) and 38.3% in

Rural area with (13% Closed drainage)

• Electricity is available in all areas for 24 x 7 x 365 except a couple of remote villages. Outage is rare

95.5 %.

o Household use electricity as the main source of lighting 95.5%

o Household using kerosene 3.7%

• Solar energy and wind energy are increasingly being used. Rajkot is emerging as a source of generation of

wind energy.

• HH use LPG/NG as a source of cooking fuel 46.3%

• HH use Firewood as a source of cooking fuel 21.3%

• Crop residues 10.4%

• Cow dunk 8.4%

• HH use tap water from treated source for drinking water 52.9% (75.7% Urban, 18.9% Rural)

• HH use tap water from untreated source 30.3% (12.2 % urban, 57.5 % Rural)

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• HH have tap water in own premise 77.3%

• HH fetch drinking water from faraway place 8% (Vinchhiya 46%, Jasdan 54.54%)

are the most affected

• HH have latrine facility in own premise 69.4% (86.5 % urban, 44% rural).


Rajkot is the fourth-largest city in the state of Gujarat, India, after Ahmedabad, Surat and Vadodara. Rajkot is the

center of the Saurashtra region of Gujarat.

There are total 8 districts in Saurashtra region of Gujarat State. Among of them, Rajkot district constituted from

the central region of Saurashtra. It is Located at 20.57 north latitude to 23.07 east latitude and between 70.20 east

longitude to 71.40 north longitude. On the north of the Saurastra there is huge Rann of Kutchh, on the east side

Bhavnagar & Surendranagar districts located, on the south of the Saurastra Junagadh & Amreli districts located

and on the west of the region Jamnagar district is situated.

Vision Document @ 2022, Rajkot - Gujarat Page 6


Our world is the largest democracy with diverse community in

each village, now it is a time that vision should be for all and

should be for holistic development. New Manthan, concept

needs a unique process where all stakeholder engagement is

required at planning, management, exaction and monitoring

level. People’s agenda means from each part of the district dreams, wishes and demands were collected

to develop vision document. In this document each theme, every planning having flavor of peoples’

voices and covered various aspects of the development.

Vision Document @ 2022, Rajkot - Gujarat Page 7


1. Agriculture, allied services with value addition

2. Education and skill development

3. Information Technology and Innovation

4. Employment and industrial development

5. Women empowerment and gender equity

6. Infrastructure and fast growth

7. Health and hygiene

8. Governance and clean administration

9. Participation, Ownership & Leadership

10. Art, Culture and sports

Main highlights of the vision@2022

• 100% coverage of Rural and urban housing

• 100% enrollment in the school with quality education

• 50% of villages, 100% cities with wife zone

• 100% clean administration with fast and quaick execution

• Modern technology utilization in agriculture, promotion of organic cultivation with

Backward and forward linkages

• 100% skilled youth with 65% employment opportunity

• District will know as a State of ART for DivyangJan employment and women


• Maximum involvement of peoples participation

• 100% Health infrastructure with world class latest technology

• 0% IMR, MMR and 0% malnutrition

• 50% of farm will use solar energy, 75% Government buildings having facility of solar


• 50% of the Govt. building having rain water harvesting system in urban and rural area

Vision Document @ 2022, Rajkot - Gujarat Page 8


Agriculture contribution is highest in district GDP. 2nd largest dairy at state level is available in the

District with significant increasing growth rate since

last five years.

• District will promote sustainable agriculture

with safe environment, food safety without

child labour.

• 100% farmers will be aware with modern

agriculture techniques

• Maximum use of IT to solve farmers


• Agriculture becomes a profitable occupations

and young generation should also adopt

farming as a profession to minimize

migration. Agri services will be promoted by

Govt. for youth as a profession.

• Encouraging eco-friendly farming practices

in priority (20%). Decrease pesticide use in all crops and adopt sustainable agriculture practice.


• 100% storage facility at block level

• 100% commodities transactions through e-NAM to maximize the direct involvement of farmers

Farmers’ voice

• Single window for all agri. services and


• Hunger free district

• Pollution free and pure crop production

• Farmers should aware with all facility

• Administration should provide

administrative support to fill up online


• Skill development for sustainable

agriculture practice

• Fair price for farmers

• Value chain with equal benefit sharing

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• Develop linkages for marketing at national and international level

• 100% utilization of Govt. schemes related to agriculture and allied services

• More value addition centers should be developed at village level

• Special 5Fs projects executed for cotton farmers (Farm-Fiber-Fabric-Fashion-Foreign)

• Increased capacity of cold storage and warehouses for preservation and storage of grains and

vegetables to minimize the damage of crop

• 100% milk cooperative will be formulated for transparent transactions

• Increased service of qualified veterinarian (one veterinarian 5000 animals)

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Vision Document @ 2022, Rajkot - Gujarat Page 11

• District will have 100% quality infrastructure

with pure drinking water and sanitation facility,

100% schools will have PRAGNA class

• 100% enrollment in the school through formal

and informal school especially for migrated

labour families.

• Education campus will became a global hub for

knowledge (55%)

• Incubation centers for entrepreneur promotion

• Global level skills specially in youth of the


• Global exposure workshops and visits for youth, especially for girls.

• Values based education should be given to each child of the district which will make secure

future of child and country.

• Fully equipped ITI centers with qualified teachers

• Maximum use of ICT at all level

People’s voice

• Education should be affordable and

accessible to poor people also

• Vocational courses should be

designed as per global demand

• English speaking course from

reputed private partner

• Govt. education quality should be

equal like Pvt. Education to

develop strong base

• Education includes moral


• Teachers should be highly qualified

Vision Document @ 2022, Rajkot - Gujarat Page 12


• District is trying to compete at global level but still

huge gaps in use of IT, up to 2022 district will cover

100% youth for IT use. 100% schools and colleges

will have compulsory course for basic computer


• District will designed innovative project to cover

maximum population for basic computer literacy and

mobile application utilization at rural and urban area

for youth as well as elder population.

• Maximum use of IT to solve grassroots problems and

reaching fast for sustainable growth.

• Adoption of better, easy and accessible technology at

grass root level in agriculture, value addition and

brand making.

• Set up affordable IT education with easy accessibility

and availability.

• All IT problems should be solved by young engineers and take their help for fast and transparent


Peoples’ voice

• Wifi should be available at rural and

urban areas with minimum rates

• Mobile IT class should be available to

cover remote area

• IT use should be available for all

sectors and it should be reach up to last

corner of the village

• IT scholarship/subsidy should be

available easily from Govt. and

financial institution

• Govt. should provide facility for

competitive exams

Vision Document @ 2022, Rajkot - Gujarat Page 13


• Rajkot has emerged an agriculture commodity hub at

national and international level

(One fully equipped center will have to be

developed to develop linkages with international


• Promotion of various industries with backward and

forward linkages

i. Establishment of cottage industries (250)

ii. Small industries (100)

iii. Big industries (50)

• Develop linkages with international partners (2)

• Establishment of Mega Food processing industries


• Establishment of Composite Garments Units from

Fiber and Garments (5)

• Single window cell to get easy solution for industrial development

• Promotion of young entrepreneurs

• Skilled youth should get employment in nearby area

• We must ensure that 20% women get employment

• Provision of 100% employment of Divayngjan

• 60% of youth will get employment (skilled)

• Ethical business practices which not exploit poor and not practicing child labour

• Adoption of technology for energy saving, climate change and water saving

Peoples’ voice

• More PPP model required

• District have own brand for sesame,

cotton and ground nut

• R & D center for business and find out

gaps for global market

• Develop eco-friendly industries

• More skilled support

• More employment opportunity

provided from Govt.

• More employment mela and linkages

with corporates are required

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• District will provide safe, secure and equal environment to women

• 100% girls should be enrolled in school

• Maximum girls will be cover for IT and English course also

get guidance for competitive exams

• Develop Public, Private Partnership for women employment

• Special skill development course will design for women to

support for their occupation

• Special app will be developed to monitor Pre and Post ANC

• Advocacy with corporates for gender equality

• Promotion of rural engendering in each village

• Women’s voice

• Encourage girls for

empowerment and equality

at school or college level

• Skill development course

as per market demand

• English speaking

• Save the baby girls child

• Easy access to get credit

and government support

• Encourage girls


Vision Document @ 2022, Rajkot - Gujarat Page 15


• District should have visualization of world class city, road, houses with global standards

(Technical and labour)

• Establishment of advisory cell for “Majboot Irade Majboot Imarat” infrastructure development,

with various, stakeholders like students, international engineers, corporates and many more

• 100% roads should be having good quality with rain water harvesting mechanism, all-weather

roads connecting various parts of the country

• 100% coverage of Awas Yojana, 100% houses will have Basic amenities

(Water, sanitation, electrification)

• Priority should be given to Agriculture, education, health buildings

• 100% coverage of village level and cluster level pakka road

• 100% road transportation facility and quality road up to APMC

• 100% coverage of schools for pure water facility and rain water harvesting facility

• 100% coverage of public place with sanitation facility

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• 500 Mega and small camps will be planned

to develop ownership amongst citizens to

take care of infrastructure

• 100% Electrification with non-interrupted


• R & B Dep. Will established one cell “

Inform ME” which will work round the

clock for complain and solving issues

related infrastructure

• 100% Agnwaddi will have own pakka

makan with all basic facility

• 100% new construction will take care of

environment and rain water harvesting


• 100% Drainage coverage with 10 big level bio gas plants AND solid waste management

Peoples’ voice

• Fast execution with quality work without


• Citi should became State of ART

• Quick decision on pending issues

• Quality road with good maintenance

• Border road with parking facility

• Quality houses with clean administration’

• Good transportation facility

• Clean water with adequate supply

• Electricity without cut

• Housing for all

• Good drainage facility

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Eradication on child malnutrition, 0% of IMR and MMR, 100% Safe mother and child society is the

vision of the district. Adoption of family planning,

increase the level of health seeking behavior amongst

100% of population. Highly upgraded health services are

the major focused areas up to 2022.

These are the main areas of the District vision for health.

• Establishment of “Arogya SETU” which will

mitigate complains about health services will be

directly monitored by the Collector.

• Each and every individual of the district will get

clean, healthy environment and is free from


• Establishment of health prevention centers(10)

with experts of yoga, Ayurveda, physical

instructor etc. through PPP model

• 100% clean, supportive and friendly environment

at health service provider places

• More youth members join volunteers “ Arogay Foj” will be developed in each block/city to

provide support to people and to monitor the execution with clean administration

• System development for regular monitoring of services and it quality measurement

• 100% coverage of RSBY and other insurance schemes

• Maximum use of IT in service delivery

• 100% appointment of medical and Para medical staff at rural and urban level

• Telemedicine center will work more effectively and awareness level will 100% at grass root


• “Healing with Music” Music Therapy will start in 5 hospitals and detail impact assessment will

be done as a pilot project

Peoples’ Voice

• Easily accessible and available

quality health services

• Single insurance will cover all,

Universal insurance scheme linked


• More doctors, more enrolled

hospitals under RSBY

• Mobile medical camps with 100%

area coverage

• Every Govt. Hospital must have

staff, facility, drugs and maintain


• “Good quality medical schools in

collaboration with foreign schools”

“Telemedicine facilities for

providing healthcare on the spot”

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• Collector Daily one hour for field work and for peoples’ voice

• Special day will be announced by Collector to listen peoples’ voice though individual meeting,

phone, video call etc.

• Strict monitoring under chairmanship of

collector for clan administration.

• Critical gap will be remove between public

and Govt. officials

• Empowerment of local bodies, 100%

coverage of IT based skill development

program for elected members

• Mobile app in local language for various

scheme information and it’s administrate

assistance one call center will be developed.

• Establishment proactive government

machinery for planning, management and

sharing of decision making

• 25% Panchayat and 25% of urban local

bodies should be fully operated by themselves from planning to Execution with handholding

support from external experts

• 100% government offices comes under

• 100% e-governance to cover various aspects of public service delivery.

• 100% officers should be responsible or any delay and accountable for quality services.

• Awareness level should be 100% for RTI

• Adoption of corporate culture in Govt. Offices in terms of attitude, behavior, service delivery

• Regular performance monitoring by collector for 100% Govt. officers

• Monitoring by collectors and periodic internal audit systems need to be put in place for the staff

so that there is a clear consequence for not delivering proper services with accountability.

People’s Vision

• Transparent and clean Govt.


• Execution of E-governance with people


• Delivery system and execution should

be fast

• Quality of services should be required

• Direct monitoring of collector for delay


• Local body participation and skill

development of local bodies at level

• Safe and Secure district

• Fast track courts at Fast track mode for

quick decision

• Use of technology and innovation for

better performance of Govt. Authority

Vision Document @ 2022, Rajkot - Gujarat Page 19

• Lack of awareness among people, poor IT infrastructure in government offices, and multiplicity

of authorities in the administration are major challenges which will need to be overcome. Every

citizen deserves to have better, speedier and time-bound delivery of public services in a fair and

transparent manner.

Vision Document @ 2022, Rajkot - Gujarat Page 20


• Maximum youth will be contacted to join “ New Manthan” Program of India

• 100% educational institutions will

be covered to show their

importance in make in India

• 500 events/seminars/workshops

will be organized for “New India

vision, Moral Leadership,

participation ”at colleges

• Video conference between

collectors and students to listen

their views. Problems and guide

them for better future

• 5000 volunteers will be appointed for various activities of sustainable development goal

• Direct monitoring by collectors for each event

• Volunteers identify given by collector to each volunteers

• Develop linkages with various colleges to solve district problems

• “Yuva Shakti” Cell will be established at collector office and each block where any youth

members can come and participate for the development.

• 5 small films will be developed to motivate youth for participation, ownership and leadership

• Young leaders will be recognizing as “STAR of the District”

Peoples’ voice

• We need to participate in each activity of

development but support required from Govt.


• More event for youth empowerment

• Youth needs to have better vision for the


• Moral leadership development should start

from school education

• Value for life should be a also part of the


• No child labour

• No discrimination

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• 10% Panchayats should be handed over to youth for planning, management and execution under

guidance of experts

• Awareness strategy will be developed with systematic execution to change attitude and behavior

of youth towards participation, ownership and leadership

• Problem solving sessions will be planned every month at collector office/public place where

youth will share their suggestions for problem solving

• Special women wing should be start for pronation of girl child education and develop

entrepreneurship amongst the women

• Moral Leadership module will became part of curriculum in the school and colleges

Vision Document @ 2022, Rajkot - Gujarat Page 22


District have strategic vision for art culture and sports, each artisan, each child will get required platform

to perform netter in their expert area. Each child can create rainbow with all colors of art, dance, culture

and sports.

• 100% Villages have playground.

At city level big stadium with

world class facility

• 100% Blocks will have sports

complex with class facility

• 100 inter district competition will

be planned

• Maintain art and culture of the


• Establishment of “District artisan

cell” under chairmen ship of


• Establishment of exhibition room at Public place to share district art and culture

• World class facility will be provided to each and every artisan

• Establishment of infrastructure for skill development special for sports

• 100% Primary schools will be focused to promote art, culture and sports, so children base will

be strongly developed

Peoples’ voice

• Promotional activities from Govt. for sorts and


• Financial support should be easily available from

the Govt. and financial institution

• More opportunities should be available for art and


• Develop linkages with international to advertise

district art, culture and values

• “Vocational training centers reviving art and

literature” “Infrastructure facilities should be

improved by public private partnership”

“ “Equal opportunities to all in various fields like sports, culture

etc” “More Nobel prizes in field of Arts and literature”

“Maximum medal in Olympics and top listed among the


Vision Document @ 2022, Rajkot - Gujarat Page 23

• 100% teachers will be covered under special training “To understand Art, Culture and Sport

importance for child growth” through national or international experts



Scanning of village namuna no.6 is under progress. Once it’s completedpeople would have access to

Xeroxes of haqq patra from e-dhara Kendra and online website.

(Re Survey)

Once the process of resurvey is completed the village namuna no.7 showcasing the map of the village

will be available online so that the land disputes could be solved easily.


The details of ongoing cases, through the medium of RCMS at revenue office and the details about case

dates will now be available through digital medium of SMS. Due to this the postal expense of the

government and working hours would be saved.


Through the medium of ATVT at nagrik suvidha Kendra the services of various government

departments is collected and shared at ATVT portal and this has made things digitally easy for people.


Through the medium of ATVT at nagrik suvidha Kendra the services of various government

departments is collected and shared at ATVT portal and this has made things digitally easy for people.

(Revenue Land Recordes)

The decisional files of land revenue records are saved on permanent basis for record purposes. These

complete land records are scanned and has been made digitally available at various websites.

Aggregation and similarity both can be possible in every district of Gujarat state because of the

Resurvey Work

There will be survey greed with help of ETS and DGPS technology so that timely mended record can

be obtained while the people which can be helpful to maintain transparent land transactions. With the

help of CIVIC Centre people can come to know everything regarding record just in a click.

If in the future any procedure made related measurement or newly measurement may take less then

these resurvey work will be very much beneficial.

Maintenance, Supervision, Verification can be possible of all over land record.

Newly updated maps will available and they can be helpful in district planning and economic


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