vishwapriya chakraborty is a creative web designer based in philadelphia

Vishwapriya Chakraborty Is a Creative Web Designer Based In Philadelphia

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Post on 11-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Vishwapriya Chakraborty Is a Creative Web Designer Based In Philadelphia

Vishwapriya Chakraborty Is a Creative Web Designer Based In


Page 2: Vishwapriya Chakraborty Is a Creative Web Designer Based In Philadelphia

Vishwapriya D Chakraborty is a highly talented web designer in Philadelphia working with a reputed IT company. He has more than 8 years of work experience in Graphic design, Web Design and Animation.

His main motive is to make things look beautiful, intriguing designs makes him excited about which he feels that it has the potential to improve people's lives. He never leaves any stone unturned in using his creative and technical skills to build new websites and redesigning the existing ones.

Page 3: Vishwapriya Chakraborty Is a Creative Web Designer Based In Philadelphia

Vishwapriya Chakraborty has learned his digital skills from a renowned university in Philadelphia. After that, he took training for a year in a design agency where he worked for many clients. There, he polished his skills of designing and creating top class websites.

During his training days, he discovered his deep interest in mobile design. Thus, after that he started designing mobile website for clients. He also works as a freelancer.

Page 4: Vishwapriya Chakraborty Is a Creative Web Designer Based In Philadelphia

From the initial brief through to the launch of the project, Vishwapriya Chakraborty makes sure that the website is built exactly to the client's specifications. Whether it is experience of building your own websites or designing pages for other people, he believes in providing quality work design.

Aside from being tech savvy, he has various other qualities that include excellent communication skills, eye for detail, works well with others, project oriented, good under the pressure of deadline.

Page 5: Vishwapriya Chakraborty Is a Creative Web Designer Based In Philadelphia

Vishwapriya Chakraborty says that those who crave for a more creative, fulfilling and lucrative career must put their foot into the web designing industry. For young creative minds, this is the best field to show their talent in this digital age. He says that, before entering into the web designing field, it is important to have the most up-to-date programming knowledge, and stronger portfolios stand the best chance of finding steady work.

Page 6: Vishwapriya Chakraborty Is a Creative Web Designer Based In Philadelphia

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Vishwapriya Chakraborty Philadelphia