vis nev th]e t v w ~:faijl si)>ail1y...

, 4 A. H. Edition TH] r VOL. 12. NO. 303 ^ D iU VliS FOLLOW HEAR ie Move by Opponents of Pr6- hibitioii to'. Force Rum Problem Into Coming Con- gressional Raccs Looms - Bx CECIL 0, DICKSON (A/Jiocl»l«l PreM Btatf WrlWr) W ASlll.NGTON. M nrcl) 22—A move by oppon- —- cntH uf proHibilioii to forco il ns iin issue in thc c o m in jr conKres^ioniil elec- tions wa.‘i propoflod today by • Il<ii)rcscntalivc Ln Giiordia, Kcpiiitlican, Kew Y o r k , ns “(iryh" JUld ‘'w ets" cxprcHscd divurycnt views oil (wssible TMuIts or the hearlnss betore the l30u« Judlclnry eommUlcc. TIij " wcI a" decliirtd they were csnvtnci'd Ihe )icarl:iRjt hnd proved llio "dry" laws line! broken down and tliai Iho only qufAtlon wns-a remedy, The "dry»" conMrnded thtir teiilmcny thon'cd lhat the coun' try liod prospered under tho Eight* tenth amtndment and thtt the hearlnB had reiulted wlely In a sllmutailon o( their actlvlUeA for ltd continuance. While thcM views were belns made luioirn, O. 8. JamcAOn. clerk of tho iudlclary commltlee, an* nounced that the ■'wet«'* had ap* peered before lhe groun_rot_3a. --------- nonrrftlimOmlmiica In seven dayi, - : ,-29 hours «n4-e-mlnulea,-The "drys" are to have Wedncjday In which to end Ihclr argument and the “ftcu" are to liavc an opportunity to oKer rebuttal testimony only la - matters presented by the "drya”...... ^ Polnla (0 Challenio’ In a letter to Henry H. Curran, m presldeni of the Association, imalnst ' the Prohibition Amendmenl. La ' Ouordln said tho challense fluns down by the "drys" before the com* mlttee that Ihe majority of the members of conimss were ''dry' must be accepted by' the "wets" at . Uie comlnj election. ----------non~uiguia~BeimBifl~^o>ir~Wf8ty- candldate for %sea,l In coosreu de^ tiaro his position as either "wel" or •dr)'.~ SpeaUns for the ‘'wets". Repn* icmatlve Linthlcum, D em o crat, Maryland, head of the house “w l” bloc, declared lh>: hearings had been —" ' *cducntlpnft1.“— T lie ‘drj-s’ failed to a lik e ’the 4e.Mlmony of the anll>prohlblUoo- l^ts on Uie horrible condlUons broushl about by Uie 'dry' laws," be tald. •Tlie hearlnji have.educated Uie jicople to the.tBckekerln8. .boollei-. Cins. Increuted drlnklns and dUre- KDrd of-ta«'> due to prohlblUon. "Tliey wjjl force the candidates In thc iitxl c3nsre:slonal elecUon to come out In Uie open U> make known whctlwr Uicy are 'wet' or •dry.' On the other hand, Representi- tivu Hudson, Republican, Michigan. , 0 "ilry" leader, nUS the heatings .“proved lhat tlio-grtft middle class «f people sUll. aro as sUong fdr TfohlblUon os ever." ^ , Tlib cloM of peoplo to which dnily toll means nothing,' he added. '•consUtutea those who want rspeal to *atWy jKreonal d ^ e s ." . Thc hearing also proved, ho said. Ihc “dry" laws would nol bo TAXI DRIVEti FOLLOWS LAWYER’S ADVICE AND INSISTS ON JURY, TRIAL CIlICAao, March 33 (ff>-Can't pul aiiythlnj o n r on Louis SaUnsky. Hc wwn’l going to have any unart copper or wI k Judge slap « fine on him for lurking his cab <llasonally. "I want n Jury trloir’ he demand- "But 1 am'going todbchuge you." said me Judg«. 'The pollcetnao b u recommended lenleney." "I want a jury trlair Salinsky In- sUted. “My lawyer told me lo ask for a Jury trial." may have I t r ^ CONDITION OF BEACH DELAYS SPEED DEMON tt ;. ,, .DAYTONA BSAOH,Marchaaw>- ........... WlUi beach condlUons 'showing na Indications of Immediate Improve* ‘ ■*jftfwld'8” automDbna” « pert‘7 « o r d '‘of % A l miles per bour today v u post* at leut unUl Monday.. _ A'bfiik northwMt wind, whleb uiualljr aids tbe U<ks t0 lr«n out «oum, w u blowing to* ViblrhDvever. and Don exprtised mi ^ bt night be able to start lili'tnailUw ^ after tomorrow. ' Qotrti l a u n d e r ear h u been souneed n a d r for Um trials aod WlU iiot be taken onto Uu caurae M*ln i ' ■ ' E TV - . tlASID W nutuM H OF TEXANS PLAN RITES FOR COWBOY BURIED I ON PLAINS IN 1892 T VBDOCK. TeiM. March 23 (J) P ___s-FunerslKnlcesfor Henry n •Jcniilns.-cochniii eounljr cowboy, who died .here March 10, i m . at Uie age^f 32, wUI be solemnlxed X In the Lubbock ccmetery lomor* row. more lhan 58 years aftw U>e im man's burUl. Jenkins, who w u ttu first per* n* son to die In Lubbock county and whose grave marked the location ns of the oldest xemetery on the south plains, was Interred wlUiout rlin. Tho cecemonles tomorrow will bc parllclpalcd In by pracU- I cally every pastor Ln the city. : I) .J. D. CaldKcll. pioneer clilzen, in. who os a member of the first J- Lubbock counly commission In Z 1803. was nnpoliileJ to make Jen- kins' coIlIn, win have a pari In !C- the belated rites. . |>y * iFilEPSlO . PiSlilOKEi wn . . .-.J _____ i'l Firemen Batllc $1,000,000 M Blaze cn Hudson River For Mere Than Two Hours' lng •rk HOBOKEN, N. J„ Morch 22 WV- tn* Two piers, eight freight cars and a ip. great quanUty of merchandise wero J l destroyed by_aJlre..lhat.raged for y*- iwp_hou^to_nlght_pnjhe_Umpon f^ nlnng Hll(1«nt1 )fs" river. Two steamers, threatened by Ich Uie flames, were towed to safety by the railroad and New York City flrc Ity boats. In - The fire, which broke out In a bulkhead under pier where the pas- senger liner VolUlre was docked, de> stroyed the bulkhead timber and a float bridge. The Voltaire and a freighter, the L, n Slel. menaced by the flamea. were um towed oul into the river. TIic El Sld . qT; was loaded wllh a cargo ot oil and {Iremen feared Uial If flames retch* ed her there would bo an explosion Bt that would prtclplUte o conflagra- ilon of uncontrolUble proporUons. T. PJ Regan, superlnlendeni of oa- dockatcif'tbcLbXiXKluld'noI'.Uiic l»“ . II" " m er to pr«tMt them against pos* tible spread of tbe flames. «• Dam age ll.OOOJWO ■el” Pollco esUmated the damage at •en »ljOOJOO._ .. . able Hoboken tire apparatus, bul the fire, fanned by a high wind thal swept In from New York harbor, u - sumed sueh dimensions within three hours after lU dlseorery lhat Jersey C lty ^ d Weehawken fire apparatus Uie had to ^ f caUed. cs- In addlUon, aid w u requested of Uie New York nurtUme police, who sent a IlreboaL This, and Lacka- , In wanna and New York Central rall- to road flreboati and tugs assisted In ike bringing the flames under control, or The fire, after breaking out In the bulkitead. crept up to the pier, spread ta- to Uis float bridge ond to the box an. ears which stood, end to end, empty ngs of freight whlcb had been broughl ass ocRus from New York on floats for fOr delivery In New Jersey. - DiOSiSSiSIT I ' Commander ol Graf Zeppelin HL Comes lor Four-Fold Pur - pose— One to Get Medal m't . ---------- Iky. art NEW YORK. Morch 23 W>-Dr.- on Hugo Eckencr, eommander of Uje illy. Oraf Zeppelin, arrived today from nd- Oermany on Uie liner pomburg en ^ yotllc~rto~ffaMilngM n. where—on- )u." Thursday he wlll be presented with b u 0 ipeclal gold medal of the NaUon- al Qeogriphlc Society commemoral* i_ lng the Urlp ot tho Oraf around Uie world last year. Dr. Eckener said Uie purpose of his trip w u four-fpld. fott. _To.g»uu»-medal.— ^---------------- - -To complete preparaUons for Uie Oraf'a ,propo«d.JUght to South ' America and Laiehurst next Msy. ' To sanrey possible airport sllea In this country, with the probsbU- lU Ity lhat a base near Baltimore or Rlchfflond..Vlrglnla, will be selected. " ,.ToVB^rtr.wltb,cifflclaUr6r;:UiK !>-. QoodyearfZeppella c o ro j)a n y on w business matters.' ive* Wbea Uu Oraf makes her Fried* -or herlurtft'tlieTInlled stales linllJ n*. the Zeppelin people have their owfl «lrport4ft*-tUr7XRntr7. How long Uul-would-be,-he-8ald he"dld-net. ^ knew. 11 w u pctslble, he aald. U a ^ site were selected prompUy, to hOTe; Uie Urporl In readiness la two ot' Utree monUii,' SuTlng lbe quesUoit ^ ofoUiertransaUanUeerDeslDgsUiU V aummer tn open one. iro* . H ie vOraf' —ia WlU etepuiy did not wish furUier to *ln ImpoM on (he good WlU of Uu unit* — Mientinti •• ----- -- : .......THE ONLY VIS W jk ~: I OF ' ■ 8 W ^ FORHEEDER JL reoiiMW d '' Sccrctary ol Treasury An- ncurfces Broad Construe- S tion Program In 40 ol « States During Few Months m -------- (By Tlie Associated Press) W ASHINGTON, M arch 22—Thc treasury do- partment is to launch 3. ? 02 .000,000 in new ‘construc-; In tion this yeur in addition to exjieditinK thc $ 10,QOO,000 — worth of public bulidinga now — underway. SecretflTylklclIon made this announcement today together wllll a siaumenl lhat 11 tlie senite ulll pus Me Keyes-Ellloit publle m buildings bill whleh would outhor- ’ |U I lu tllS.OOO.OOO for construction, tUIl • II more work msy be undcriaken ilur« lng llie year. By Junc the treuury head »ld, (ftA SIO.000,000 or new construcUon wlll ^ have been placed on the market and between then and Octobcr expendl- /er lure ot an addlUonal I3.VOOO.000 Is to • be under way. niese expenditures JrS will be scattered through 40 sUtes on projects, ronglng irom village poaloiriees to enormous federal of- fV- tlce structures In the larger elUes. ' a All ot Uils Is to be exclusive of Uie ;ere construction In Ihe Dlstrlcl ot Col> for umbla^where »30il00,000 ot piibllc- buliaings are under constructlonr^ by T I WertfwCIHertn-Llne by Passage bf the Keycs-ElIIotl bill, fire .Mr. Mellon said, would Jicrmlt speed* * lng up conslruetlon ol the SH.000.000 a Chicago puloltlce, which Is to be las* the largest In the world; the «S.SOO,* f ( Continued 00 Page a. Column S ) sjiB-iimLWE :£ STIS 0,811931! :ra- ' I- BOISE, March 33 (/TV-In the eyes Ql of the United mates cenius bnreoii, Idaho's sls(c4vned property 'Is worth- lOatSaMM. MHL Mr.», im* Thompson, reptrsenUng the census Ibo bureau, reported today. 1 »s* Mrs. .Thompson, who h u been 20 \ years In the buresu. fixed the value ol the main Items u follows; Cap-j Ual $3jOOMO: university $1,S83M0: at lwonormaItelioolst843.000;BOuthem branch IG8S.OOO;'museums >300.000; the home. IIM.OOO; court librtirlea »10J.* hat 500; tlsh and game S340.000; experi- u - ment sUtlons S85.000; highway iree equipment »009mB9: deaf and ney blind school tlSO.000: Insane oiy- itus lums $10,000; teeble minded Inslitu* Uon t341JN0; penltenUary M13.000; l^^^ Industrlsl training school W7.000. *0- ----- . -------- all- I-------------------------------------------------- in Irol. . - the •eod box . ____________ ipty i^rTT nr^ I H ' ' c. : i t " M il dal . :::. ,y. " ........... J T.OVI ' . dlee >bU' . .11^ lied. _L USE 5 : on. ‘«1* uTt ,v ASSOCIATED BSESS NEV FAIJ TWIN FAIiSTlDAHOrBnNl II Duce Sends To Italy’s (V -ftOM gr-M otch-a ■ H Mussolini. la'» nation-wide m essar .1 illitodsy'addresMd to the Bladrfihirle-( of-aU Italy on the occasion of to- t morrow's . commemoroUon of U>eh elevenUi anniversary of the found-:< n* lng of Pasclsb combsl groups, sakl^c Ultl every attempt agalnU the^c C* united wlll of a naUon of <3.000.000 I llnhabltants w u bound lo faU. \i Ol The message w u eonUlned in Hit \ U order sheet ot Uu Fascist party. 1, ' After briefly reviewing the clr-'i fumsunoes of the organlsaUon ot 1 Uie combat groups. Uie premier coa-, . llnued: i. “The remlnUoence tor us U only ; . a momenl In our spirit ond Is im* medlntely replaced by our onxletj ic- lodoondtoresMze. to The premier sald thal "durlhg 11 ^ JlBliCil®’ I PiBiraiSTITES; itjsccretary ■of Interior An- nounces Arrival at Agreo- ment In Boulder Dam Issue IM -------- . WASKtNQTON. Mari* 33 (ff) — “ *• Secretary WUbur announced loday u an agreement had been reached upon the allocoUon of power to be de- ? : veloped by Uio 1185^0,000 water, _ »upply,Jrrig^on and flood control — project-nt-Bouiaer dam.- ;--------- III the sem tory said, for allocation of <1. power on Uie following basis: 1001 'To Nevada, for use la Nevada, be 18 per cenl tvlth the prlvUege ot con* 0,* tracUng foi^-iuiypart or-all-there- — ot al any Umo on Iwo years coUce. » “To Arliona, lor use In Arlsona. 18 per cent iin Uie same terms u ihe allocation to Nevada, provided Uiat It either slate does nol absorb fits entlro allocaUon tho olhec,may ) I) t uUUie It up U> 4 per cent I T o Uie metropolitan water dls- trict of souUierrv Callfomla. 38 per 'cent plus so much of the secondary res power and of the power allocated m. tUi'but aot taken by the stales u -Is .may be needed and used for pump* I reservoirs. 30 { “To lhe city of Los Angeles and the lus munlclpallUes of Anaheim, Burbank. IP-1 Beverly Hills. Colton. Glendale, Ful* M: lerton. Newport Beach, Pasadena. Riverside, San Bemardlao and Santa M; Ans. 19 per cent In all. ot wMch 13 !?T per ccnl U allocate to lhe cHy of; iS.’ Los Angeles and fl per cent to the j ri* other munlclpallUes to be allocnlcdj '»y between them u Uiey moy agree: or, \ ,n<l If they fall to agree, Uien uy the,' V- tecrelar)'. wiUi the provision that to mucli of Uie allocaUoa to the m;i* | 1 . • (ConUnued oa Page 3. Column S) : Keeping Us Pure ^ ^ ’’ r ■■ '■ ’■ 'b w i i i K . J * LSI) ro p rriiT O N iN G , m itcii &s, s Message ’s Black Shirts ^rrars-ryauUm- pnvuiud -oni--* ie .ihau.und diUiculUcs ot every sort. niBii) 'outers, no leu grave, wtll o*'bf(orc us. Lel us theretore regard beittiUi UaiiquU iccurlty the unfolding d-jol eveiiu. Hrlrc^rade fortes In ikllccaliiioiiJiRalnst young FaseUl Italy he |do not disturb us * * * Icl us make 100 'knoA'n to every one that we have the Ifame splrll, tho som? wlir.aniTlhe jj. .'smc mono ot 11 years ago. Added itu'ilial we hove experience, method 'and a niflre profound knowledge ot Ir- men snd thlnss. Wllh Uiesc retlec* ot limit ae rr.u one day lo ivinembcr. la- Kasclsm enters Its second dee- i(lv uhli;h will be more glorious and more (■onibatlvc than lhe flrsl, on- (iJ; sinrd.'" Tomorrow flags wlll be tlown on all buildings and the bclU of Hiiiro. ttlll ring In Ihf evening. There 11 'Mill bl- illumlnaUons In eelebraUon. 'H fH S" S : IJIGEICB j _____ n- Organization of - High Per- 0- sonnei ol Federal Judi- ue clary Nears Completion WABIIINaTON. March » oy -nie orcnnlzatlon of lhe high per- oa sonnpl <o( the tederol Judiciary le- neared completion today with coa- ler, lirtnailon by the senate of Judge rol]TlioniMDBy Thacher, New York, u of Jii'dce jolin J.'Park'er, Nbrth',Coro^ Unn. tn nU Uie-'vacancy on the su- ja prcmc court will bc taken up by Uie wniilc Jiiillclary commlitee with ev- .j- cry-iirojwccl-ol-. hla_.confirmation rg Wlllitn 10 (Inys.- JudKc -Hiachrr, who h u been a • fedcriil JiKlitc for tho southeni dls- trlct of Ntw York, received contlr- ma'jon wllhout debate or a recort vcie. ^ SfiaSor Borah. Republican. Idaho; ' a.*k(d ccit-'ldersllon ot the execu* uve calendar whlcli carried his m'me..The Idahoan also Introduced a letter Irom Thacher replying to complalnu that he had favored " Communist aliens br his decisions . iP^ In New York. iididary [Kmmltlee through Chalnnfin.Nor- ris hod aiked Judge Thacher to dU- be |)0M of slock he held In four pow- ik. ft companies. The nominee quickly 1 nl* compiled with this request. 1 la. Thacher succeeds Charles Evans Ita Hughes, Jr., who resigned when his 13 , father was made chief liistlce. Hc U ol Iexpccted io come to Washington' he:early nexl week to Uke over his .edl new duties. or,I* Considerable Interest h u dc\‘el* he!oped In Uie youlhfulness of Judge to Parker, who Is 44. The youngest ,;i. [maa ever appointed, lo the supreme __ eourt was Joseph Story, who was 5) 33. \ -------------------------- ^ .i A W . '' t, u n bjr ^ lira'Seek 10^^ r EWSPAPER IN TWIN FALI covm Y >AIL1 g , 1030 ^ioisncTiof =BU18I8HOPES OF nimiEfiEK d lg —— °! Favorable Reply From Japan » May Avert Complctc Fail- J uro by Allowing Thrce- Power Disarmament Pact T. I fl By FRANK-K:-KiNa-------- , (Associated Press SUff Writer) T ONDON. March 22^W ith J _ j tomorrowfl’s niecting nt ^ ' ChctiucrH between Prime , Minister MacDonald and Pre- mier Tardieu definitely can* = celled, thc five-power nnval coriTerencc .has reached thc point where it ia u eonferenee in nnme only. R Thc stubborn deadlock of I^ancc and Ualy over parity and the delay In obtaining Japin- ew opproval tor Uie Amerlean* Brltlsh.Jspanese trl-party sKtee* •. menl have resulted In a complete luipenslon nf the London meetUig. j. Japan's fovorablo reply nexl week wlll save the conterence u far u a thrce-pawer treaty Is coneemed and "■ will enable material contribution to be made to the cause of dUsniia* . ment. An unfavorable reply trom - Tokyo - whleh nelUier Uie BrIUih f- nor tbe American delegaUons appre- 7 head lor a momenl-would present I* an alarming prospcct ot Uie confer* ^ eneeeltherblowlngup’osdldUieQe* “ nora conference la 1931 or a flnllng - •oui-^mpTeteiy^uaietmitviirb'ief “■ Pciweea. uniiea_HUl£a_aatL.areaT >~ Britain could be salvaged from the *• wreckoge. )! . The InfloenUal Unilon .Obim* m er wlll say tomorrow that "a^ Anglo-Anertcan.agrt«iBcnrby'U* (ConUnued onl>s«e 3. Column 3) i flFMCE to _____ !d WASlIINOtON, March 33 VPi— u Bdwairi L. Doheny w u aequlted to- day In Dlslrlet ot ColumbU supremi r- tor Uu Elk UiUs oil lease.. *• Tlie verdict carae on the flnl bal* ;'ilol Ukep by.the juo' of nlae men V jand threo women. « The 63->-ear-old multl-mllllimalro J. stood stock silU sUrlng ahead await* I, lng announcement of the verdict by in" J“ »7 Iu. siiII mI, Clleisey « . uay. ,1s WlUi Uie words "not gullly"-some of Um speeUtors who crowded the 1- courtroom cheered, to be sUeoced se Immedlstely by tytlllffs. st Doheny slood still but tean were ie rushing down liLi n-rinklcd checks, as For mlnules they camc, but he did nol sob, s 1 FOUR PERSONS RECEIVE INJURIES IN CAR CHASH SAN JOSE. Cal.. M.rch M W l- Four persons were injured, three ser- iously, when the automobile In wbleb they-vere riding struck a tree on lhe Monterey road near here Uils afternoon. Tho Injured: A. Prank Dsrsl, M. erush^ chest fractured ribs, nol expccted to Urtf. Mn. Charlotte Darsti 60, his wife fractured ikuU. broken shoulder, coa- dltlon serious. M n. WtlUe White, 87, tom scalp Frapk A. Kridlcr. 64, broken leg bruises and lacerations. PATIENTS ESCAPE FROM FIRE-SWEPT HOSPITAL aiESTER, 6. C..< March 33 (4V. Twelve patients In Prior hoiplu here were- removed to safety with* ^ out Injury or loss of life tonlgbt u fire seriously .damaged the three- story strucluro. ' The fire Is thought to hove started ' la the elevator shaft, supposedly from defecUv^ wiring. Several of tbe paUenU were tdcen out through win- whMi^oke^andJlaines bar- - MAN^WAtK^NG ON RAILS- DIES UNDER LOCOMOTIVE .WEWATCHEg,-W^ Marth-aa By t- uHiiNonnera train while wdklng the track at tbe _ city limits here early today, Joto t^Kfller, «. wu IdenUflcatlon papen showed they had both been working In mlnes.a BLACKFOOT WOMAN DIES BLACs rOOT, Much 33.«>M*n. Maude R. Patten, wUe of W, N Potten. died ben tonlgbt. le^Tfag •even ebUdrea. Piuiertl serrleM vlU .. bt.bald at Moore, Idtbo, Mcodv , atuaooa. \ ........ f Y NE UBunxn Auorr BtmiAu ___________ O f .CJBOULATIOXa_______ 1 EDUCATOR DESCRIBES . RECORD OF LITIGATION ; OF 42 CENTURIES AGO •NJEW YORK'.'March 33 (,Iv 1a „Alml»y.UbleUbtll«v«(Uo-b«-Ui»- L oldest legal document In exlst- I ence w u described tonight by lls ^ finder. Dr. Henry P. Luie, pro* feuor of AMyrloIogy at lhe UnU lerslly of Callfomla. n Profeuor Luts said he believed Uie Ublet. on which was record- I. td the verdict In a legal ease about 3W years before Chrbl. t. would hove great bearing on the history of Jurisprudence. ,t ' T b e accused w u a teudatory snd In pome w y had shown in- liUbordlnatlon'^to this lord's son. and later beat him up,“ he said '. lhe Ublet showed. ' rThe ' case csme up before a civil court, bul I, It w u found the courl hsd no '• Jurlsdlcllon over a fcudsl sub* J;ct. He was sent under guard to tc Bsbylon. where he w u judged by C- a feudatory tribunal and tound n. guilty. Ke got oft by psyreent of I a heavy fine."_________________ 1C ■■ lilllSTii E Mummm te - II Fighting Near Haicbow Re- 'S suits In 150 Deaths and . Many Hundreds ol Wounded Ih " -------- '■ SHANGHAI, March 33 MVrBsn* dit and Communist armies which long have ravaged China, looting c* and alaying thousands of Chinese, 1* foughl_o.botUe_yestenlay-wlUi.Nai *l border of Klangau-ond-Shantung ^e provinces. Other bsndlt hordes were reported to have trapped 10 CaUi- . olio mlslonarles ot Kanchow. Kl- g sngsl province, bul these were u* — serled today-to-be-ln no Immediate _ danger. Chinese advices sUled Uial In flghUng near Itolchow, Klsnpu, be* twen 1000 bandIU and 3000 soldiers. 100 bandIU and 50 soldiers wete killed and hundreds of oUiers were ly wounded. Weekl of looUng and klU- I lng by bandit organisations la ' ' northem BUanpn and southem SbantUDt'Mtrred tbe provincial au- _ U{»lU£s to auempi the sealUring o . of .Uu robber baBdi .and lbe btU k ne followed? . - --------- M ftup BepBMi CipUtfWT " — J. Bishop Sheehan, who b u Jlulire- turned.,frcm-Klaoiifiihivloee,'^ Uist 16 CaUiollc missionaries, re- , ported - from Washlnigton to be M trapped at Kangchow, were cari?- If* Ing'oa their work In the midst of no how-ever, Uiat they were not In Im- he mlnent peril and that a telegram ed rceelved here Wednesday from Uiem described' condltloas u “quiet;' » ReporU lhat Douglu Jeaklns, ka- Amerlean consul general la Canton, lid China, had asked Uie Chbese gov- ernment to protect CaUiollc mlt* ^ sloharies besieged a t Kangchow lv ~ Chinese CommunlsU were welcomed by the bishop u tending to restori order' in Others conversant with affain In Klsngsl province apoke p e ^lsU * . cally ot lu chaoUe conditions. They pointed oul Uiat icarly UiU monUi 3000 persons were reporUd maaa- eb ered by bsndlu al Fuan and Uut nn the province for many months had u,. been subjected to wholesale rob- ^ berles and killings. :;iiliSFii :jCDBESJiyillL Cf, Supreme Court Ruling Makes City Ordinance Void in 'L Banning Servicc Station Ul BOISE, March 33 (/F>-The Cod- h - tlnenliii Oil compsny was successful M. l5.,5S_5PP«l Jo_y>C-WPr«mejoutt » - loday tivJiovc a Twin Falls dly ord- insnco voided in so far u U acted to prevent their construcUon of a 11- '‘drlve-ln" service sUUon wllhln-MO feci of a public school. [Q. brought suit to test u. Uie ordlnonce whea Uie eliy officials Inglon--Khool. The supreme court .-..V aipbcid-Uia.dUtriot.ooutt.ln^llndli« ' Visl no factor of safely, sanlUUon r c or nuisance would JusUfy denying the iwrmlt ond that tbe ruling of tbe clly council that automobiles could JJ not- be ariveh^ocross-theYddewirikg S J taking properly wllhout diie'iirSisa tia of law. SEOPBLM OEDElOW He PRISON RISES TO .37.8 — -BOISB.-March *MWMfc«r-pri|. oaen reeelved at Uh Idabo peniun* Uarr today brougbt tbe popuUtlon ;c of Uie josiituUoa' at sm Kdwud WUson, a P. tnd.CbeiUr BuUtn c u u fram Caato-oounty, Uu flrit » . n u u d o a t 'b u r g l ^ eoavieUeDuid N. Uu oUier*»Dd larcw ; John ing u Ytv. Wpiblnitaa.-eountr, wffl rlU «mtoi;btufUnr,.'lll»reuiKler.-lB> S' TODAY: Fair; iw s " ■SENftlECOiLElES WORKOF REVn mrpuLES Measure Before Final Vote In Upper House Carric! , Highest Protection Evei Available to Agriculturi By D. UAROLD OLTVEJt . (Assoclaled Press SUft Writer) W ASHINGTON, M ti r c I 22—ComplctinK the rc , . vision of the comp ; tariff bill, the senate late to : ni^ht rcccssed until Monday for a few partinK tributes am - excoriations before taking i final vote. Passage of the measure which will fiend it to confer ence wlUi Uie house for adJusUnen M ot sey.eral hundred differences ap peare cerUln. alUiough there wer some -rumblings ot dlieonUnt to nlghl wlUi the final handiwork o tha Icglslalon ^ 1^ ^ ^ The senat meuure U i suod befon d the final voti W wsBi^B carrlealhi ri highest pro teeUon In his nK|{&/^H Ury on agri . cultural am woolen p r o d •ii ucts. Th i> ' ' house boosts - >1 jumpcd”rheil re up’sUIl highei t- ' It w u a bedraggled and freUu 1- senau lhal wenl home ofter nearl, s* seven monlhs.of wrangling over th le contTovenlal-lssuK-ShatteredTierve led to frequent sharp exchanges a i_ anolher night session waa founi necessary tor Uie wind up. , The last day .of Uie revision sai » no Important chsnges in the ral _ structure or admlnlstraUve sectlom . A slxUi alUmpt to gain o tariff oi L oil ond gft.toUar, now dn Uie fre 'Z lUt, tailed by a vote ot 48 to 33. A fur being turned down the «UU ^ time on an oil Uriff, Senator Thom tnrU V uriff oeoinfislon to lam ti ~ IW nBig:Wg5ft‘lb ctogreu-cn coii g, of oU to reflneta on Uu AUantl M seaboard ot crude oU from domes Ue fields during Uu Iu t Uiree year M ond the present appratlnuU over .. age cost per barrel deliver^ to lb came polnU from Lake Maracalbt U* Venezuela._______ 37 .' M Ulo^ wagner Bcercf a- Senator Wagner, Democrat, Nei m York, succeeded In having opEroye- m an amendment to make January 1 1033, Uie/effecUve daU for barrin lg, the. importaUon of merchandis ,n, produced or manufactured abroei ». by forced or Indentured labor. Wagner also had restored to Ui by blU Uie rlgKt of appeal to Uie eouri Hi by cusloms. brokers whose license had-been revoked by tbe adcrelw of Uie trtasijry.. to An effort .by Senator Pletchei J DemoenM. Rorida, to make the bll _ tsto of 18 cenu a pound on aUlga g tor pears and mangos apply to sud ~ frull coming from Cuba foiled.- . !, ,8eaaton Smoot, Utah, aad Nor ^ rii, Nebraska, Republicans, pro r tested Uie proposal would bav« vl olaUd. tbe InumaUonsl ogreemeni AmendmenU wrre cut down li rapid order in Uio final houn. Ben ator CulUng, Republlean, New Mex ’Ioo, losl In an eftort to curtail tb bUl’s Increase on agaU button while two atUmpU to reduce the In creases cn matches were rejecud. Senator Barkley, Democrat, Ken w*u’ .ii*’°ri!!i!!ii!«!r3n‘m ^ ture and photographic, films frot four to 3*10 cent per Uneol fool JC WhUe Senator Walsh, Demoen MassacliusetU, won an amendmeti I- to reduce'the rsTe on “pencils val ued at not more than 55.73 per groa to 11 a gross. Hi ProTids tor {Ibrtitnu Looking ahead nine months, ap proval w u given an amendment b D- Senator Nyc, Republican. North Da ul kola, to place Chrlstmu trees o: Idc thB frte Ilal. Thgy «fi- nng d- 10 per cent. i • to The measure also provides . a higher duty on sugar, olUiougl 00 lower Uian Uio._house, and a gen enl revision ot Uie Industrial ral !st schedules and admlnlstraUve pro lls visions. Irt, On.Uie whole. thfl senaU-bUl-tgn b. retenu a lower percenUge of pn Irt tecUon than Uis house meuur ;BBiseilUasti*Uyw41eeeee,.lWml tn n*ve been eUU lower If thc coall og tlon. In ronUol of Uio revision fo be nearly six.monUis, had not wUted 1 ii Uie closing flaya.of debate and per kr 'aUU«d-mai9::lm|^nt inonm :i « ^Bjr^ueW-'iwi Uon ranks, a nsw coalition fonnei >0 brick, oemeat tnd Mft wood l n i^ y all now,on Uu free Ult. II- duUei .appttfred Ky ih l senato wer a* oo pig o ^ ’tbmlatUB, platt H u w tn d automobUeii. On tM other u u Jt HOT ,m)UM-c«uo«i»ts5o

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Page 1: VIS NEV TH]E T V W ~:FAIJL SI)>AIL1Y'tnailUw ^ after tomorrow. ' Qotrti lau n d er ear hu been souneed nadr for Um trials aod

, 4 A. H. Edition

TH ]r VOL. 12. NO. 303


M ove b y O p p o n e n ts o f P r 6 -

h ib it io ii to '. F o r c e R um

P ro b le m I n to C o m in g C o n ­

g re s s io n a l R a c c s L o o m s

- Bx CECIL 0 , DICKSON (A/Jiocl»l«l PreM Btatf WrlWr)

WASlll.NGTON. M n r c l ) 22—A move by oppon- —- cntH uf proHibilioii to

” forco il ns iin issue in thc c o m i n j r conKres^ioniil elec­tions wa.‘i propoflod today by

• Il<ii)rcscntalivc Ln Giiordia, Kcpiiitlican, Kew Y o r k , ns “(iryh" JUld ‘'w ets" cxprcHscd divurycnt views oil (wssible TMuIts or the hearlnss betore the l30u« Judlclnry eommUlcc.

TIij " wcIa" decliirtd they were csnvtnci'd Ihe )icarl:iRjt hnd proved llio "dry" laws line! broken down and tliai Iho only qufAtlon wns-a remedy, The "dry»" conMrnded th tir teiilmcny thon'cd lh a t the coun ' try liod prospered under tho Eight* ten th amtndment and th t t the hearlnB had reiulted wlely In a sllmutailon o( their actlvlUeA for ltd continuance.

While thcM views were belns made luioirn, O. 8. JamcAOn. clerk of tho iudlclary commltlee, an* nounced th a t the ■'wet«'* had ap* peered before lhe groun_ro t_3a.

--------- nonrrftlim O m lm iica In seven dayi,

- : ,-29 hours «n4-e-mlnulea,-The "drys"are to have Wedncjday In which to end Ihclr argument and the “ftcu" are to liavc an opportunity to oKer rebuttal testimony only la

- matters presented by the "drya”......

^ Polnla (0 Challenio’

In a letter to Henry H. Curran, m presldeni of the Association, imalnst

' the Prohibition Amendmenl. La ' Ouordln said tho challense fluns

down by the "drys" before the com* mlttee tha t Ihe majority of the members of conimss were ''d ry ' must be accepted by' the "wets" a t

. Uie comlnj election.

----------non~uiguia~BeimBifl~^o>ir~Wf8ty-candldate for % sea,l In coosreu de^ tiaro his position as either "wel" or •dr)'.~

SpeaUns for the ‘'wets". Repn* icmatlve Linthlcum, D e m o c r a t , Maryland, head of the house “w l” bloc, declared lh>: hearings had been

—" ' *cducntlpnft1.“— • —T lie ‘drj-s’ failed to a l i k e ’ the

4e.Mlmony of the anll>prohlblUoo- l^ts on Uie horrible condlUons broushl about by Uie 'dry' laws," be tald.

•Tlie hearln ji have.educated Uie jicople to the.tBckekerln8. .boollei-. Cins. Increuted drlnklns and dUre- KDrd of-ta«'> due to prohlblUon.

"Tliey wjjl force the candidates In thc iitx l c3nsre:slonal elecUon to come out In Uie open U> make known whctlwr Uicy are 'wet' or •dry.'

On the other hand, Representi- tivu Hudson, Republican, Michigan.

, 0 "ilry" leader, nUS the heatings .“proved lhat tlio -g rtf t middle class «f people sU ll. aro as sUong fdr TfohlblUon os ever." ,

T lib cloM of peoplo to which dnily toll means nothing,' he added. '•consUtutea those who w ant rspeal to *atWy jKreonal d ^ e s . "

. Thc hearing also proved, ho said. Ihc “dry" laws would nol bo

T A XI D R IV E ti F O L L O W S



CIlICAao, March 33 (ff>-Can't pul aiiythlnj o n r on Louis SaUnsky. Hc wwn’l going to have any unart copper or wIk Judge slap « fine on him for lurking his cab <llasonally.

" I want n Jury tr lo ir ’ he demand-

"But 1 am'going to d b c h u g e you." said me Judg«. 'T h e pollcetnao b u recommended lenleney."

"I want a jury t r l a i r Salinsky In- sUted. “My lawyer told me lo ask for a Jury trial."

may have I t r ^


t t ;. ,, .DAYTONA BSA OH ,M archaaw >-...........WlUi beach condlUons 'showing na

Indications of Immediate Improve*

‘ ■*jftfwld'8” automDbna” «pert‘7 « o r d '‘o f % A l miles per bour today v u post*

a t le u t unUl Monday.. _ A 'b fiik northwMt wind, whleb

uiualljr aids tbe U<ks t0 lr«n out «oum , w u blowing to*

V ib lrh D v ev e r. and Don exprtised m i ^ b t n ig h t be able to start l i l i 'tn a ilU w ^ a fte r tomorrow.' Qotrti l a u n d e r ear h u been souneed n a d r fo r Um trials aod WlU i io t be taken onto U u caurae M*ln

i ’ ' ■ '

E T V- . tlASID W n u t u M H OF



T VBDOCK. TeiM. M arch 23 (J)P ___s -F u n e rs lK n lc e sfo r Henryn •Jcniilns.-cochniii eounljr cowboy,

who died .here March 10, i m . a t Uie a g e^ f 32, wUI be solemnlxed

X In the Lubbock ccmetery lomor* row. more lhan 58 years a ftw U>e

im man's burUl.Jenkins, who w u t tu first per*

n* son to die In Lubbock county and whose grave marked the location

n s of the oldest xemetery on the south plains, was Interred wlUiout r lin . Tho cecemonles tomorrow will bc parllclpalcd In by pracU-

I cally every pastor Ln the city.: I) .J. D. CaldKcll. pioneer clilzen, in . who os a member of the first J - Lubbock counly commission In Z 1803. was nnpoliileJ to make Jen-

kins' coIlIn, win have a pari In !C- the belated rites. .|>y *

iFilEPSlO . PiSlilOKEi

wn . . .- .J _____

i ' l F i re m e n B a tl lc $ 1 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0

M B la z e c n H u d so n R iv e r

F o r M ere T h a n T w o H o u rs '

lng•rk HOBOKEN, N. J„ M orch 22 WV- tn* Two piers, eight freight cars and a ip . great quanUty of merchandise wero J l destroyed by_aJlre..lha t.raged for y*- iw p_hou^to_nlgh t_pnjhe_U m ponf ^ nlnng Hll(1«nt1)fs" river. Two steamers, threatened by Ich Uie flames, were towed to safety by the railroad and New York City f lrc Ity boats.In - The fire, which broke out In a

bulkhead under pier where the pas­senger liner VolUlre was docked, de> stroyed the bulkhead tim ber and a float bridge.

The Voltaire and a freighter, the L , n Slel. menaced by the flamea. were um towed oul into the river. TIic El Sld .qT; was loaded wllh a cargo o t oil and

{Iremen feared Uial If flames retch* ed her there would bo an explosion

Bt that would prtclplUte o conflagra- ilon of uncontrolUble proporUons.

T. P J Regan, superlnlendeni of oa- dockatcif'tbcLbXiXK luld'noI'.U iic

l»“ . II"" m e r to pr«tMt them against pos*• tible spread of tbe flames.« • Damage ll.OOOJWO■el” Pollco esUmated the damage a t•en »ljOOJOO._ .. .

able Hoboken tire apparatus, bul the fire, fanned by a high wind thal swept In from New York harbor, u - sumed sueh dimensions w ithin three

“ hours after lU dlseorery lh a t Jersey C l ty ^ d Weehawken fire apparatus

Uie had to f caUed. cs- In addlUon, aid w u requested of

Uie New York nurtUme police, who sent a IlreboaL This, and Lacka-

, In wanna and New York Central rall- to road flreboati and tugs assisted In

ike bringing the flames under control, or The fire, after breaking out In the

bulkitead. crept up to th e pier, spread ta - to Uis float bridge ond to the box an. ears which stood, end to end, empty ngs of freight whlcb had been broughl ass ocRus from New York on floats for fOr delivery In New Jersey.

- DiOSiSSiSITI ' C o m m a n d e r o l G ra f Z ep p e lin

HL C o m es l o r F o u r - F o ld P u r ­

p o se — O ne to G e t M edalm 't . ----------Iky.a r t NEW YORK. Morch 23 W>-Dr.- on Hugo Eckencr, eommander of Uje

illy. Oraf Zeppelin, arrived today from nd- Oermany on Uie liner pomburg en ^ yotllc~rto~ffaMilngM n. where—on- )u." Thursday he wlll be presented with b u 0 ipeclal gold medal of the NaUon-

al Qeogriphlc Society commemoral* i_ lng the Urlp ot tho O raf around Uie

world last year.Dr. Eckener said Uie purpose of

his trip w u four-fpld. fott. _T o .g»uu»-m edal.— ----------------

- -T o complete preparaUons for Uie Oraf'a ,p ropo«d .JU ght to South

' America and L aiehurst next Msy. ' To sanrey possible airport sllea

In th is country, with the probsbU- l U Ity lh a t a base near Baltimore or

Rlchfflond..Vlrglnla, will be selected. " , .ToVB^rtr.wltb,cifflclaUr6r;:UiK !>-. QoodyearfZeppella c o r o j ) a n y on w business m a tte rs .'

ive* W bea Uu O raf makes her Fried*

- o r h e r lu r tf t 't l ie T In l le d s ta le s linllJ n*. the Zeppelin people have their owfl

«lrport4ft*-tUr7XRntr7. How long Uul-would-be,-he-8ald he"dld-net.

^ knew. 11 w u pctslble, h e aald. U a ^ site were selected prompUy, to hOTe;

Uie Urporl In readiness la two ot' Utree monUii,' SuTlng lbe quesUoit

^ ofoUiertransaUanUeerDeslDgsUiU V aummer tn open one. iro* . H ie vOraf' —iaWlU e te p u iy did not wish furUier to *ln ImpoM on (he good WlU o f U u unit*

— M ie n tin ti •• —

------- : .......TH E ONLY VIS

Wj k ~:I OF ' ■ ■

™ 8 W FORH EEDERJLr e o i i M Wd ' ' —

S c c r c ta r y o l T r e a s u r y An-

n c u rfce s B ro a d C o n s t ru e -

S t io n P r o g r a m In 4 0 o l

« S t a t e s D u rin g F e w M on ths

m --------(By Tlie Associated Press)

WASHINGTON, M a r c h 22—Thc treasu ry do- partm ent is to launch

3. ? 0 2 .000,000 in new ‘construc-; In tion th is yeur in addition to

exjieditinK t h c $ 10,QOO,000— w orth of public bulidinga now— underw ay.

SecretflTylklclIon m ade this announcement today together wllll a siaum enl lh a t 11 tlie senite ulll p u s M e Keyes-Ellloit publle

m buildings bill whleh would outhor- ’ |U I l u tllS.OOO.OOO for construction, tUIl • I I more work msy be undcriaken ilur«

lng llie year.By Junc the treu u ry head » ld ,

(ftA SIO.000,000 or new construcUon wlll ^ have been placed on the market and

between then and Octobcr expendl- / e r lure ot an addlUonal I3.VOOO.000 Is to

• be under way. n ie se expenditures JrS will be scattered through 40 sUtes

on projects, ronglng irom village poaloiriees to enormous federal of-

fV- tlce structures In the larger elUes. ' a All ot Uils Is to be exclusive of Uie

;ere construction In Ihe Dlstrlcl o t Col> for umbla^where »30il00,000 o t piibllc-

buliaings are under c o n s tru c t lo n r^

by T I W ertfwCIH ertn-Llne by Passage bf the Keycs-ElIIotl bill,

f ir e .Mr. Mellon said, would Jicrmlt speed** lng up conslruetlon ol the SH.000.000

a Chicago puloltlce, which Is to be las* the largest In the world; the «S.SOO,*

f ( Continued 00 Page a. Column S )

s jiB -iim L W E :£ STIS 0,811931!:ra- 'I- BOISE, March 33 (/TV-In the eyes

Ql of the United mates cenius bnreoii, Idaho's sls(c4vned property 'Is worth- lOatSaMM. MHL M r.»,

im* Thompson, reptrsenUng the census Ibo bureau, reported today. 1»s* Mrs. .Thompson, who h u been 20 \

years In the buresu. fixed the value ol the main Items u follows; Cap-j Ual $3jOOMO: university $1,S83M0:

a t lwonormaItelioolst843.000;BOuthem branch IG8S.OOO;'museums >300.000;

the home. IIM.OOO; court librtirlea »10J.*hat 500; tlsh and game S340.000; experi-u - ment sUtlons S85.000; highwayiree equipment »009mB9: deaf andney blind school tlSO.000: Insane oiy-itus lums $10,000; teeble minded Inslitu*

Uon t341JN0; penltenUary M13.000;l^^^ Industrlsl training school W7.000.

* 0 - ----- . --------all- I--------------------------------------------------

inIrol. . -the ■•eodbox . ____________ipty i ^ r T T n r ^I H

' ' c . : i t

" M i ld a l .

: : : .

,y. " ........... J T.OVI ' .dlee>bU' . .1 1 ^

lied. _L USE 5 :


‘«1* ■

u T t , v

“ ■


F A I JT W IN F A I iS T l D A H O r B n N l

II Duce Sends To Italy’s

(V - f tO M g r - M o tc h -a ■H Mussolini. l a '» nation-wide m e ssa r .1 illitodsy'addresM d to the B lad rfih irle-(

of-aU Italy on the occasion of to- t morrow's . commemoroUon of U>eh elevenUi anniversary of th e found-:<

n* lng of Pasclsb combsl groups, sakl^c Ultl every attem pt agalnU the^c

C* united wlll of a naUon of <3.000.000 I llnhabltants w u bound lo faU. \i

Ol The message w u eonUlned in Hit \ U order sheet o t U u Fascist party. 1,

' After briefly reviewing the c lr- 'i fumsunoes of the organlsaUon ot 1 Uie combat groups. Uie premier c o a - ,

. llnued:i . “The remlnUoence tor us U only ;

. a momenl In our spirit ond Is im* medlntely replaced by our onxletj

ic- lodoondtoresM ze. to The premier sald th a l "durlhg 11 ^

JlBliCil®’ I PiBiraiSTITES;i t j s c c r e t a r y ■of I n t e r io r A n -

n o u n c e s A rr iv a l a t A g re o -

“ m e n t In B o u ld e r D a m Is su e

IM -------- .WASKtNQTON. M ari* 33 (ff) —

“ *• Secretary WUbur announced loday u an agreement had been reached upon

the allocoUon of power to be de- ? : veloped by Uio 1185^0,000 w ater, _ »upp ly ,Jrrig^on and flood control— project-nt-Bouiaer dam.- ;---------

III the s e m to ry said, for allocation of<1. power on Uie following basis:1001 'T o Nevada, for use la Nevada, be 18 per cenl tvlth the prlvUege ot con*0,* tracUng foi^-iuiypart o r-a ll-there-— ot a l any Umo on Iwo years coUce.» “To Arliona, lor use In Arlsona.

18 per cent iin Uie same terms u ihe allocation to Nevada, provided Uiat It either slate does no l absorb

fits entlro allocaUon tho olhec,may ) I) t uUUie It up U> 4 per cen t

I T o Uie metropolitan water dls- trict of souUierrv Callfomla. 38 per

'c en t plus so much of the secondary res power and of the power allocated m . tUi'but a o t taken by the stales u -Is .may be needed and used for pump*

I reservoirs.30 { “To lhe city of Los Angeles and the lus munlclpallUes of Anaheim, Burbank. IP-1 Beverly Hills. Colton. Glendale, Ful* M: lerton. Newport Beach, Pasadena.

Riverside, San Bemardlao and Santa M; Ans. 19 per cent In all. o t wMch 13 !?T per ccnl U a llo c a te to lhe cHy o f ; iS.’ Los Angeles and fl per cent to the j ri* other munlclpallUes to be allocnlcdj '»y between them u Uiey moy agree: or, \ ,n<l If they fall to agree, Uien uy th e ,' V- tecrelar)'. wiUi the provision that to

mucli of Uie allocaUoa to the m;i* |

1. • (ConUnued o a Page 3. Column S) :

Keeping Us Pure ^


’ ’ r ■■ '■’■ 'b w i i iK .J *

L S I )r o p r r i i T O N i N G , m i t c i i &s,

s Message ’s Black S hirts^ r r a r s - r y a uU m - p n vuiud - o n i - - * ie .ihau.und diUiculUcs ot every sort.

niBii) 'outers, no le u grave, wtll o*'bf(orc us. Lel us theretore regard beittiUi UaiiquU iccurlty the unfolding d - jo l eveiiu. Hrlrc^rade fortes In ikllccaliiioiiJiRalnst young FaseUl Italy he |do not disturb us * * * Icl us make 100 'knoA'n to every one th a t we have the

Ifame splrll, tho som? w lir.aniTlhe jj. .'smc mono ot 11 years ago. Added

itu 'ilial we hove experience, method 'and a niflre profound knowledge ot

Ir- men snd thlnss. Wllh Uiesc retlec* ot limit ae rr.u one day lo ivinembcr. la- Kasclsm enters Its second dee-

i(lv uhli;h will be more glorious and more (■onibatlvc than lhe flrsl, on-

(iJ; sinrd.'"Tomorrow flags wlll be tlown on

all buildings and the bclU of Hiiiro. ttlll ring In Ih f evening. There

11 'Mill bl- illumlnaUons In eelebraUon.


j _____

n - O rg a n iz a tio n o f - H ig h P e r -

0 - sonne i o l F e d e r a l J u d i-

ue c la ry N e a rs C o m p le t io n

— WABIIINaTON. M arch » oy -nie orcnnlzatlon of lhe high per- oa sonnpl < o( the tederol Judiciary le- neared completion today w ith coa­le r , lirtnailon by the senate of Judge rol]TlioniMDBy Thacher, New York, u

of Jii'dce jolin J.'Park'er, Nbrth',Coro^ Unn. tn nU Uie-'vacancy on the su-

ja prcmc court will bc taken up by Uie wniilc Jiiillclary commlitee with ev-

. j- cry-iirojwccl-ol-. hla_.confirmation rg Wlllitn 10 (Inys.-

JudKc -Hiachrr, who h u been a • fedcriil JiKlitc for tho southeni dls-

trlct of Ntw York, received contlr- ma'jon wllhout debate or a recort vcie.

^ SfiaSor Borah. Republican. Idaho; ' a.*k(d ccit-'ldersllon ot the execu* uve calendar whlcli carried his m'me..The Idahoan also Introduced a letter Irom Thacher replying to complalnu tha t he had favored

" Communist aliens b r h is decisions . iP^ In New York. iididary

[Kmmltlee through Chalnnfin.N or­ris hod aiked Judge Thacher to dU-

be |)0M of slock he held In four pow- ik. ft companies. The nominee quickly 1 nl* compiled with this request. 1la. Thacher succeeds Charles Evans Ita Hughes, Jr., who resigned when his 13 , father was made chief liistlce. Hc U ol I expccted io come to Washington' he:early nexl week to Uke over his .edl new duties.or,I* Considerable Interest h u dc\‘el* he!oped In Uie youlhfulness of Judge to Parker, who Is 44. The youngest ,;i. [maa ever appointed, lo the supreme__ eourt was Joseph Story, who was5) 33.



■ .i

A W . ' '

t, u n ’ bjr ^ lira 'S ee k 10^^


>AIL1g , 1030

^ioisncT iof= BU18I8 HOPES OFnimiEfiEKdlg — — ■

°! F a v o ra b le R e p ly F r o m J a p a n

» M ay A v e r t C o m p lc tc F a il-

J u ro by A llo w in g T h rc e -

P o w e r D is a rm a m e n t P a c tT. If l By FRANK-K:-KiNa-------- ,“ (Associated Press SU ff Writer)

T ONDON. M arch 2 2 ^ W ith J _ j tomorrowfl’s niecting nt

^ ■' ChctiucrH betw een Prime , M inister MacDonald and Pre­

m ier Tardieu defin ite ly can* = celled, thc f iv e -p o w er nnval

coriTerencc .h a s reached thc po in t w here it ia u eonferenee in nnme only.

R Thc stubborn deadlock of I^ancc and U aly o v e r parity and the delay In obtaining Jap in-

ew opproval tor Uie Amerlean* Brltlsh.Jspanese trl-party sKtee*

• . menl have resulted In a complete luipenslon nf the London meetUig.

j . Japan's fovorablo reply nexl week wlll save the conterence u far u a thrce-pawer treaty Is coneemed and

"■ will enable material contribution to be made to the cause of dUsniia*

. ment. An unfavorable reply trom- Tokyo - whleh nelUier Uie BrIUih f- nor tbe American delegaUons appre- 7 head lo r a m om enl-w ould present I* an alarming prospcct ot Uie confer* ^ eneeeltherblow lngup’osdldUieQe* “ nora conference la 1931 or a flnllng- •ou i-^m p T ete iy ^ u aie tm itv iirb 'ie f “ ■ Pciweea. uniiea_H U l£a_aatL.areaT >~ Britain could be salvaged from the *• wreckoge.)! . The InfloenUal U nilon .Obim* m er wlll say tomorrow th a t " a ^


“ (ConUnued onl>s«e 3. Column 3)

i flFMCE flF.imto _____!d WASlIINOtON, M arch 33 VPi— u Bdwairi L. Doheny w u aequlted to­

day In Dlslrlet ot ColumbU supremi

r- tor U u Elk UiUs oil lease..*• Tlie verdict carae on the f ln l bal* ; ' i l o l Ukep by.the ju o ' of nlae men V jand threo women.« The 63->-ear-old multl-mllllimalro J . stood stock silU sU rlng ahead await* I, lng announcement o f the verdict by in" J“»7 Iu.siiIImI, Clleisey « . uay.,1s WlUi Uie words "no t gullly"-some

of Um speeUtors who crowded the 1- courtroom cheered, to be sUeoced se Immedlstely by tytlllffs. s t Doheny slood still bu t te a n were ie rushing down liLi n-rinklcd checks, as For mlnules they camc, bu t he did

nol sob, s •



SAN JOSE. Cal.. M .rch M W l- Four persons were injured, three ser­iously, when the automobile In wbleb they-vere riding struck a tree on lhe Monterey road near here Uils afternoon.

Tho Injured:A. Prank D srsl, M. e ru s h ^ chest

fractured ribs, nol expccted to Urtf.M n. Charlotte Darsti 60, his wife

fractured ikuU. broken shoulder, coa- dltlon serious.

M n . WtlUe White, 87, to m scalp

Frapk A. Kridlcr. 64, broken leg bruises and lacerations.



aiE ST E R , 6. C..< March 33 (4V . Twelve patients In Prior ho ip lu here were- removed to safety with*

^ out Injury or loss of life tonlgb t u fire seriously .damaged the three- story strucluro.' The fire Is thought to hove started

' la the elevator shaft, supposedly from defecUv^ wiring. Several of tbe paUenU were tdcen ou t through win-

w h M i^ o k e^ a ndJla ines bar-

- M A N ^W A tK ^N G ON R A I L S -


.WEWA T C H E g ,-W ^ M a rth -a a By t - u H i i N o n n e r a

train while w dklng the track a t tbe _ city limits here early today, Joto

t ^ K f l l e r , « . w u

IdenUflcatlon p apen showed they had both been working In mlnes.a


BLACs rOOT, M u c h 33 .«>M *n. Maude R. Patten, wUe of W, N Potten. died b e n tonlgbt. le^Tfag •even ebUdrea. P iu iertl serrleM vlU

.. bt.bald a t Moore, Idtbo, Mcodv , atuaooa. • \ ........


Y N EU Bunxn A uorr BtmiAu

___________ O f .CJBOULATIOXa_______


•NJEW YORK'.'March 33 (,Iv 1a „Alml»y.UbleUbtll«v«(Uo-b«-Ui»-

L oldest legal document In exlst-I ence w u described tonight by lls ^ finder. Dr. Henry P. Luie, pro*

feuor of AMyrloIogy a t lhe UnU lerslly of Callfomla.

n P rofeuor Luts said he believed Uie Ublet. on which was record-

I . td the verdict In a legal ease about 3 W years before Chrbl.

t . would hove great bearing on the• history of Jurisprudence., t ' T b e accused w u a teudatory

snd In pome w y had shown in- liUbordlnatlon'^to this lord's son. and later beat him up,“ he said

' . lhe U blet showed. ' rThe ' case csme up before a civil court, bul

I, It w u found the courl hsd no ' • Jurlsdlcllon over a fcudsl sub*

J;ct. He was sent under guard to tc Bsbylon. where he w u judged by C- a feudatory tribunal and tound n . guilty. Ke got oft by psyreent of

I a heavy fine."_________________

1C ■■

lilllS T iiE Mummmte -

I I F ig h tin g N e a r H aicbow R e­

'S s u i t s In 150 D e a th s a n d

. M a n y H u n d re d s o l W o u n d ed

Ih " --------'■ SHANGHAI, March 33 MVrBsn*

d it and Communist armies which long have ravaged China, looting

c* and alaying thousands of Chinese, 1* foughl_o.botUe_yestenlay-wlUi.Nai

* l border of Klangau-ond-Shantung ^e provinces. O ther bsndlt hordes were

reported to have trapped 10 CaUi- . olio mlslonarles o t Kanchow. Kl- g sngsl province, bul these were u*— serled today-to-be-ln no Immediate _ danger.

Chinese advices sUled Uial In flghUng near Itolchow, K lsnpu, be* twen 1000 bandIU and 3000 soldiers. 100 bandIU and 50 soldiers wete killed and hundreds of oUiers were

ly wounded. W eekl of looUng and klU- I lng by bandit organisations la

' ' northem BUanpn and southem SbantUDt'Mtrred tbe provincial au-

_ U{»lU£s to auem pi the sealUringo . of .U u robber baBdi .and lbe b tU kne followed? . -

--------- M ftup BepBMi CipUtfWT " —J . Bishop Sheehan, who b u Jlulire- “ tu rn ed .,f rcm -K la o iif iih iv lo ee ,'^

Uist 16 CaUiollc missionaries, re- , ported - from Washlnigton to be M trapped a t Kangchow, were cari?- If* Ing 'oa the ir work In the midst of

no how-ever, Uiat they were not In Im- he mlnent peril and th a t a telegram ed rceelved here Wednesday from Uiem

described' condltloas u “quiet;'» ReporU lh a t D ouglu Jeaklns, ka- Amerlean consul general la Canton, lid China, had asked Uie Chbese gov­

ernment to protect CaUiollc mlt* ^ sloharies besieged a t Kangchow lv ~ Chinese CommunlsU were welcomed

by the bishop u tending to restori order'

i n Others conversant with a ffain In Klsngsl province apoke p e ^ ls U *

. cally ot l u chaoUe conditions. They pointed oul U iat icarly UiU monUi 3000 persons were reporUd m aaa-

eb ered by b sn d lu a l Fuan and U u t nn the province for many months had u,. been subjected to wholesale rob- ^ berles and killings.


S u p re m e C o u r t R u ling M a k e s

C ity O rd in a n c e V oid in

'L B a n n in g S e r v ic c S t a t i o n

U l BOISE, M arch 33 (/F>-The Cod- h - tlnenliii Oil compsny was successful M. l5.,5S_5PP«l Jo_y>C-W Pr«mejoutt » - loday tivJiovc a Twin Falls d ly ord-

insnco voided in so far u U acted to prevent the ir construcUon of a

11- '‘drlve-ln" service sUUon wllhln-MO feci of a public school.

[Q. brought suit to test u . Uie ordlnonce whea Uie eliy officials

• Inglon--Khool. The supreme court .-..V aipbcid-Uia.dUtriot.ooutt.ln^llndli«

' V isl no factor of safely, sanlUUon r c or nuisance would JusUfy denying

the iwrmlt ond th a t tbe ruling of tbe clly council th a t automobiles could

• JJ not- be ariveh^ocross-theYddewirikg

S J taking properly wllhout diie'iirS isa t ia of law.

S E O P B L M O E D E l O W H e„ P R IS O N R IS E S TO .3 7 .8

— -B O ISB .-M arch *M W M fc«r-pri|. oaen reeelved a t Uh Idabo peniun* Uarr today brougbt tbe popuUtlon

; c of Uie josiituU oa' a t s m K dwud WUson, a P . tnd .C beiU r BuUtn c u u fram Caato-oounty, U u flrit

» . n u u d o a t 'b u r g l ^ eoavieUeDuid N. U u oUier*»Dd la rc w ; John ing u Ytv. W piblnitaa.-eountr, wffl rlU «m to i;b tufU nr,.'lll» reu iK ler.-lB >


TODAY: F a i r ;

i w s "

■SENftlECOiLElES WORK OF REVn m rp u L E SM e a s u re B e fo re F in a l V ote

In U p p e r H ouse C a r r ic !

, H ig h e s t P r o te c t io n E vei

A v a ila b le to A g ric u l tu r i

— ■ ■• By D. UAROLD OLTVEJt . (Assoclaled Press SU ft W riter)

WASHINGTON, M ti r c I 22—ComplctinK th e rc , . vision of th e complcj

; ta r i f f bill, the senate la te to : n i^h t rcccssed until Monday

fo r a few partinK tr ib u te s am- excoriations before ta k in g i

final vote.P assage of the m easu re

w hich will fiend i t to confer ence wlUi Uie house for adJusUnen

Mot sey.eral hundred differences ap peare cerUln. alUiough there wer some -rumblings ot d lieonU nt to nlghl wlUi the final handiwork o

tha Icglslalon ^ 1 ^ ^ T h e senat

m eu ure U i suod b e f o n

d the f ina l votiW w s B i ^ B c a r r l e a l h i

ri h i g h e s t proteeUon In his

n K | { & / ^ H U ry on agri . c u l t u r a l am

woolen p r o d •ii u c t s . T hi> ' ' house boosts

->1 jumpcd” r h e i lre up’sUIl higheit- ' I t w u a bedraggled a n d freUu 1- se n au lh a l wenl home o fter nearl, s* seven monlhs.of wrangling over th le contTovenlal-lssuK-ShatteredTierve

led to frequent sharp exchanges a i_ anolher night session waa founi

necessary tor Uie wind up., The last day .of Uie revision sai » no Important chsnges in th e ra l _ structure o r admlnlstraUve sectlom . A slxUi alU m pt to gain o ta riff oi L oil ond gft.toUar, now dn Uie fre 'Z lUt, tailed by a vote ot 48 to 33.

A fu r being turned down th e «UU ^ time on an oil Uriff, Senator Thom

t n r U V u r i f f oeoinfislon to la m t i ~ I W nBig:Wg5ft‘lb c tog reu -cn coii g, of oU to reflneta on U u AUantl M seaboard ot crude oU from domes ” Ue fields during Uu I u t Uiree year M ond the present app ra tlnuU over . . age cost per barrel de liver^ to lb

came polnU from Lake MaracalbtU* Venezuela._______ •37 . ' M U lo ^ wagner Bcercf a- Senator Wagner, Democrat, Nei m York, succeeded In having opEroye- m an amendment to make January 1

1033, Uie/effecUve daU for barrin lg, the. importaUon of merchandis ,n, produced or manufactured abroei » . by forced or Indentured labor.

Wagner also had restored to Ui by blU Uie rlgKt of appeal to Uie eouri Hi by cusloms. brokers whose license

had-been revoked by tbe adcrelw of Uie trtasijry..

to An effort .by Senator Pletchei J DemoenM. Rorida, to make th e bll _ ts to of 18 cenu a pound on aUlga g tor pears and mangos apply to sud ~ fru ll coming from Cuba foiled.- . ! , ,8 e aa to n Smoot, Utah, a ad Nor ^ r ii , Nebraska, Republicans, pro r tested Uie proposal would bav« vl

olaUd. tbe InumaUonsl ogreemeni AmendmenU wrre cut down li

rapid order in Uio final h o u n . Ben ator CulUng, Republlean, New Mex ’Ioo, losl In an eftort to curtail tb bUl’s Increase on agaU button while two atUmpU to reduce the In creases cn matches were rejecud .

Senator Barkley, Democrat, Ken

w * u’.ii*’°ri!!i!!ii!«!r3n‘m ^ture and photographic, film s frot four to 3*10 cent per Uneol fool

JC WhUe Senator Walsh, Dem oen MassacliusetU, won an amendmeti

I - to reduce'the rsTe on “pencils val ued a t not more than 55.73 per groa to 11 a gross.

Hi ProTids tor { Ib r t i tn uLooking ahead nine months, ap

proval w u given an amendment b D- Senator Nyc, Republican. N orth Da ul kola, to place C hrlstm u trees o: Idc thB f rte Ilal. Thgy «fi- nng ■ d- 10 per cent. i • ■to The measure also provides . a higher duty on sugar, olUiougl

00 lower Uian Uio._house, and a gen e n l revision ot Uie Industrial ral

!st schedules and admlnlstraUve pro lls visions.Irt, On.Uie whole. thfl senaU-bUl-tgn b . re te n u a lower percenUge of p n Irt tecUon than Uis house m eu u r

;BBiseilUasti*Uyw41eeeee,.lW ml tn n*ve been eUU lower If th c coall og tlon. In ronUol of Uio revision fo be nearly six.monUis, had no t wUted 1 i i Uie closing flaya.of debate an d per k r 'aU U « d -m a i9 ::lm |^ n t i n o n m : i

« ^ B j r ^ u e W - 'i w iUon ranks, a nsw coalition fonnei

>0 brick, oemeat tn d M ft wood l n i ^ y all now,on U u free Ult.

II- duUei .appttfred Ky ih l senato wer a* oo pig o ^ ’tbmlatUB, p la t t H u w tn d automobUeii. On tM o the r u u

J t H O T , m ) U M - c « u o « i » t s 5 o

Page 2: VIS NEV TH]E T V W ~:FAIJL SI)>AIL1Y'tnailUw ^ after tomorrow. ' Qotrti lau n d er ear hu been souneed nadr for Um trials aod

F i m o F J i r ’'. . U D I E S :------------------------- ----------------------------- £lO

L c w ls D avIs, P a s a d e n a , Cal,- "

i f o r n ia . P a r e n t o f f llr s . ™

C ia re n c e H a rv e y , S u c c u m b s

.. ------ ---- - r rr.. _________#1(1n m iL . March :3 -M r. nnrt Hr*. „

— W rlfc-H^rTrr ftceim<-woftl-U»l» —wetk of thP death a t Px 'iilcna. ka, California*, of DuvLi, father of rr»

• m r .o in re n c c Hiirvr/. Mr, nnrt Mrar^—j • mvi.^ vL*ltrd hero a lum ljfr of wh

iinirA when Mr. and Mr.t. Clnrriico (or llsrvey made their hooie here. The Ch Jciirr Mr. Da«li riled Bmtudilcnly j.oon after returnliiK from Apa iiiomr.trlp. Mr* tianey . « h r « forhome u Ui Ban Huiiet'co, will rc- nni

■ in»lu.wllh her moilier for Uic proa- Uiacut, tici

Mr.i. Rsy Reeilel*- cntfrlnlncil •'lii''ml>err. nl ihi- Kalrvlpw Keiwlncr crctVn \Vcdnf.vltiy allprnaoii. IIqII cull «r:v.;iA Biiiiwtrcit u lth R udc ii' hUit.v MoDurlnc the buslnc:^ iculon iiUii.'. Rh'.wcrc dbcw.wd {or tJie annual siirUiK « hhmflicon lo Iw h tld April 2 a t the Tliihomf of Mr*. Kmll’Unnn. Mra. H ar- untVf)' Kin*, chjlrinan of th t proiirnm vh:ci'mniltlfe. Intfodiireil Mrs. ChM- _ Vicr ChaMiI>;rlnlii und Mr,'. Shedc.v of«hn rMd Interc.'.tlnc and imtriic- whlh(« |).iprr* on rnmiMWjr.t and thclr WfconlritJU(ion& in ilic world of miL'Ic. beA tnu'lral c:iilc.’t w.v, won by Mr*, cnJ. A. Clark and Mr.n. Chamberlain, lug

. Lllllwi Cnr?r. UaUe. *uperln-tendenl tif tlip Chlidn-n’A home, will Tfl be a Bur*t of ih f club nt the next mfcllnji and will apvali nn tlie bene- f iu of tho Ijonie. Member* will con­duct H bulb nnd flower *:cd cx- chance.

Tlio annual military ball of Coni-' pany.D. Idahn natlo ia l Ruard*, will — ■

be held -at the Duhl LcRlon hnll **' April 1. Proeced* v,111 b t tucd lo de-fray e sp tru fi of tlw unit a t the an- lh iiuat aummer rneampmenl.

Tlio. qnnual jalher-aDd>un ban- l»'quel of the Mclhodlsi chureh will Pr be held av the church April 1.

Ur. H. 0 . Colmen. J. M. Shank ntnnd P. P. Marqiinrd*en were e ltcl- tocd delcKaCej fruni the Buiit Rotary Iclub U> attend the fifth district n o - mo:tarlan conference to bs held In Salt lhe

— U ke-C lly .-M av--ll.-U .-and -U ^a t: .cUl r m a .n 'K U liiu im iyJim eB eoaTn fU ic Tpn:• club hero Tliursday. John Wilson, la »

rellrlnR hlch school atudent. made prIj n brief talk and Vernon Wlnetpir, cer Ineomlns atudfnt, was veleomed to un

__llie club. Jobti Orr, tpanager of the maJciiho PoB-cr corapany. Tw'Ja 2MJ13. toand John Hays, former manager o t uoithe Twin PnlLi Canal company, calwrre nLw kucsUi. red,

Vrs. E. J. Daley, atate president n ot the P E O . lelt Thursday for liolse to mecl with oUier officials ofthe orRnnluUon to perfect p latu .n t

- for tha stale convfiitllan to be held ..hi in LewUlon lii May. M n. J. H. Mur-phy nnd Mrs. A. W. McCallum ae- ^ companled Mr.v Onley, and Uieywere m « a t niLn by Mr*. J-.,C. E l- 2:^

. more. Bupefi. nnd M »: W r g c 2,“ ' ..Rrfm rr. Jrrntn/*, hnth «tnln 0Ulclal3.

Dr. ll. » . H m inau. c iU e s t oT Idaho, CaldiveU. will speak a t thePresbyterian clmrch a t botli mora* i?;,InK BDd evenlnit services Sunday, ‘t ,'

FTTinlc Prancls. Ogdctu-rrilltir o t ™the public relations deparlment of 5™ ths •'Wtstcriier". spoke to sludenUof tiie senior and lunlor hleh tchool P™ a i a special a.-jcnujjy ■iiiur.vinyBDrnlnjf. .*

Mr. and Mra. E, E. Davla enter- ' W ned a t a charmingly appointed 7 ' •'clock dinner Thursday cw ilnft *1“* •HnpllmcnllnR Wnyne and Emeat

,lrook;i, who vUl leave Mondny to M | niake thclr hft/hejn tfie Places were marked n t smnll tables for 14 niembers of the boys’ basketball rquada, Ben LeDallley. manaecr. Mr. Tw ond Mrs. E. R. Brooks, and Coach ier

. tn d Mra. Gifford Davidson. . , m , Mi% R. Bonnlchsen.' a^islsted by of

Mr*, nilcy Hill, entertained mem- nrr ber.i of lhe Deep Creek club Wed- for nesdny afternoon. Roll call waa an - u n r,wfrcd wllh Irish Jokes and the nft- j n ' f nioon was spenl socially. The host- / cues served dainty refreshments to ora nine member* and one, Mra. nu, C. W. Oarmon. The next meetlnft m« will be April IB a t the home of Mrs. hot W. E. Woodruff with Mra. E. L. oye Slierldan acting as assistant hostess, t

Mrs. Louise McClusky h ts re- ^11 turned hotiie after spending the" h<<r w inter In (Saifomla for her. health,

Mrs. Ernest, Prichard has been clcctcd prf.ildent of the Wlllowdale- Superior Parent-Teacher asoclatlon.

—m iie r nf n i t r s .roUowai Vtoe- president, Mra. Willlnm Host; secre- ta ry . Mira Marian W ard: treasurer, ilra . Oeorge Baxter.

Charles Juker has received word of the dealh of a slsler In Ncbras-

DignifiedF u n e ra l


A co rc m o n y c o n d u c tc d - l ^ u s i« ir i c a r c f u l oI k " aurvuiico.---ot p r ie t ic a a n d ia d ig n l-

' t ^ g e m e n t d ^ . .

ioi iSHOsHoHB smer vmPHONeUCO •

Paw Two

t h e A ^ ^ a th e r^VrOBSOAST rO B TO»AV ASD ,

tOMOOROW r - Fair; cooler wllb [ frofU t l n lfh t. < I

Minimum lfm i>rratiirfin ttip-vi--------clalLy.oI Titlii fa ils .iraa.iO ilcm t.r abov* w ro during the 34*hour period p • preeedlngfl r , M.yesterday.accord- r i l lng to the report of the Kovernmcnt _. weather observer. Maximum tcm- »l peralure for the same period was C3 ilegrees. Tlie aky was cloudy only Wl part of the day. There was a con­siderable ntnount_olwljid.................. ....

« B■ ...New

ka, *lK) had been suffcrhiR for k v - wer rral weeks from blood polunhii;. tho — Mrr*8nd—Mrs.—Chfuter—Ohriieyi -Wyi who hnve apent lhe wlulcr In Call- doy fornla. have returned lo Buhl. Mr. Mrs Cheney will resume I1L1 work a i tho a U Sampson M ailc comiuny-. nb^it j ' April I. Mr. Clienry went .to Call- . . . . fornla early In ‘lie wlnlrr t i nnd was stricken with nn fUjR.r Uiat necewlUted' a critical oprta- llcn. . ~ »uri

"Over the Gurdcn Wall," an op- ,,v crctla featuring r.prlnc flower.v but- wrflles. bees, suiibranm. M Litr«M -;'~ Mnry and Llitle Doy Ulue, will bo „ " Rlvin by siudenU of ilie Supcrlnr school Friday cvenlnR, March 21). { Tlie tcachers, MLm Marloil Wnnl und Miss Emily Ward, are caachlnu ‘ vh: students. f’' .

Pre.ily E. Usrne, grtirid .vcrrlary “ bf th : Odd PcIIows lodse. will m en with the local nrsnnlallou next Wednesday evrnlng. Mr. Ilcrne will be BUCAl of honor a t u banquet slv- , “ cn in the Odd F !lo l. hall fulluw- • lng the remilar lodKB /culon. f'f'* . lon,


- B L A S T S H O PES O F Iior

N A V A L CO N FE R EN C E------- ney,

(Continued from I acc Oncl Sllff

Mir Mould malnUIn Ihr peace gf the «arld." ThU U lhe flrit lime lhat Ruch » proipertlve lennlna- ^ tlon ef (he eenterrnrr has ever m , . been su»e*ted In llio llrlilsh ^{„ prrta and trhlle Ih r itHrcatr* ad- koIi mit the present aituallon U b^d i i . none admlla It b likely tn rome to such desperate straits. ujoU was learned today tliat the « e r

moment a Japanese reply Is received the work o t drafUng a Undon treaty n 1 ■wlU^stftrtrt-rftUudLwychwlU r e ^ tm b

Is to write a five-power treaty, the ati. principal sectlont of which will con- m c cem O real B rlu ln . Japan nnd Uie d c r Unlled Stales only, with provLilons ber nce.nndJloly osreelnK-tho tn a battleship fiolMiy, humnnlzn- uuli tlon of the submarine; and techni­cal agreemenU which havo been readied here. . $9 i

The critical imslllbn of the co n fe r-1 ■ enco has served lo pul rumors and news nbout 11 ngaln Into a promin­ent position In Lo'ndon newspapers, which for a Ume had sliown a wantof Interest. ___

Tbe Sunday DbpaUh. says Uiat oco Mh MacDonald Is faced wllh many al I 4l(flcult sltualloni. foreign and do- lan mr&llc. In his efforts to sai-e some- fiel•thlng-'?rt>m-thr ■ w 1 fckflgr.------- -— jmji

i^ o rd ln e lo the Dispatch, tlie Brit- oth Utwadmlrallty’s app ro n l' ol Uie' c Rapldan figures was contUigcnt on nwi reducUon by conllnenlal power*, and ' pit; the admiralty now has Informed Mr. imi MacDonald th a t If the French naval oUi prograni is m alnulned these figures r ■mtollw lurtsed. ' jtr i

The newspaper fears the ouleome pul of the situation may be resignations col< nt the admlrallty with grare coi\se- fnr quences for Uie govenimeni. • mii

--------------------------- UluM A SO N S T O E N T ER T A IN l

A r S E R l E S O F P A R T IE S Ulu_ i _ . bell

Twin Fnlls lodge of Masons will e n - ' C tertnln In the Masonic Temple here 1< next Thursdny evening a t the f irst ^ of n scries of parties that Is'be lns ^ arranged ns a means of raising funds V for ths enlerUlnment of th s M a - . 0 sonlo grand lodge sessions to be held In Twlu Falls next Seiitfmber. . bull

A committee has arranged a pro- Hor Srtm of entertainment c t music tn d olher Interesting fenturu. Refresh- S ments will be served and th s 'la te r a c( hours of lhe evening will be given uro over to cards. ,

InvlUtloii l l exteuded to all M a- A u a t snd thtlr Uaiea sod to m eia- a'ill bers of the Order of the E o s tm Star Ible and tbelr escorts. . ed.


' ‘ • T h o u sn n d s of E cono

A goo d u s c t l 'c n r w ili g iv e yo t p le a sa n t, d e p e n d a b le :

I f th e c a r is in .^ l r a t c la s s con ------------ th w e -m H e a^ v ili-b e -ttm iis

, ] ^ r d jA T u d o r,_all in s o od cgndij covere '3 a in T r n im c , w ill, g iv e 0 a crv lco p ra c tic a lly a s a now ciir

D odgo 1927~ B u B in e sg C o u p c ~ : .'. '.> .: ,:____

-'O ak land ’ “ T

.......- — - .............

-W ii)pp6t^029>Four-dM r-Sc(lAij D rc a l T iuy f o r 1 .............


---------- ■:----- TW]

BOmfOFiWIIIT'' J l l i ! 0 f 8 l k

----- .-----------TTTT. .J - .------------ - Uon

F r ie n d s G a t l i e . r - a t . I m p re s -

s iv e L a s t S e r v ic e s F o r £

iV lr s .S a ra li W y a t t D av is , 8 9 r■_____ hofc

____ ______________.’ __^w.._ dallBUHL. Mnrch 23 (Special to The

N ew s)-laipre iilvc . fuccralJjcrvices were held here Frldny afternoon at tho OhrUtlan ehurcTi fof' S trnn W yatt DavU. 8S.:*h0 dled-Wedne*. — . dny nt the homo of hcr dnuKhtcr. Mrs.'\Vinnlr L. Newmani fQllow'Ing a lingering Ulneu.

The decoa.«ed was Iwrn August 30. — 1641, In WniliUiRlon county, Arknn-jmei sas nnd was married to nichard W. ■ *11' Wosiium In August, 1850. He pre- ceeded h rr In death In 1BJ3. fn The April. 1804, Mic married Peter Davis, nl ' His de,ath occurred In I83B. Early In tlir Vear 18K2 she came wiili hcr H famllv to tdaho. settling near th e j” 1 UUh border. During the ciwaing:®*'*' years sho divided her residence be n * '” * tween Utah. Arlrona and Idaho, I’f'- finally cQmln? here In 1D08 to m nkc '^ '“ her home with her daughter. She Is survived by two sons and tw o .” '” daughlers. T*o ehlldren, Peter DavLi. and Francis Wosiium, died in In* (nncy. BoUi arc resldenU o l , • ” Cnllfornl.1. One daughter. Mr*. Syi-' via B. TempJejnnn. JJvm a t K insm an,, Arizona, and a daughler. Mrv N ew-, lon, nt nuW; Mrs, Eva Haynei, F lier.; "{ “j* u\so survives. . JJ J

Rev. J. Elliott Sllmp. former p .is-1 g, lor of the Buhl Christian church, was In chargc ol tlte servlets and 'Cori was assisted by Hev, Chris J. Ben- cent ney, pastor of the local churcli. Rev. { o Sllmp. Ukhtz his text from the 13Ui j u : chapter of EccleslssUc* 1:6, spoke of o Solomon's beauUful dcicrlptlon of wtlj de tth . c:

A quarteUe. composed of Mr. and ; and Mrs. WUIlam Luntc. Scott Palmer, per Mrs. Chris J. Benney and Miss Vera p, Noland, sang two nimibcrs, “Oh, Yes, $1.1: 1 Lovo JC.1US." and "Blesscd-Bw-the - A Tie." Mrs. Benney sang '‘Iknullful ceni IsIc of Somewhere.'' Pallbearora A were R. D. WlUtaker. O. M, Oapron. ceni Frank Schooler.'Mr. Orclshalfcr, W. S) R. Parker and Frank Dulfleld. The • 81 n«t>«kali of ulila*' »^'*^d&L.feet eeased-TO-«-mem ber in Klneman.j— Arizona, ajtcnded in a body and w as: ceni In charge of the .icrvlces nt the ccm-1 etcrj’. Mrs. Dnvls had been a mem- een' ber of the ChrlsUan church alnce tho-nge -of -10.- Uurlal- was -In-tbe « n Buhl cemetcrj'. , ^

__________________ 45 (

$ 9 2 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 G O ES

i ■ FO R N E W F E D E R A L 1'

■ b u i l d i n g s i n y e a r t ' l

(ConUnued from Ptge One) i

oco PlilsburRli striictlilo and leder­al buildings a t San Franelsco, I>ort- laiid. Oregon. Hnriford nnd Spring­field. .Illinois, involving a lo u l of , T

-ifBS?5inHntn>"i3iT:P0(OTorwna » ' in ;ii't ri other proJccU yel to be dettnnlned. lof s

Contracts already have been io n '■ .awarded for n »1,U7.000 marine hos- ,by , plt;il n l.S an Francisco, a 1585,000 jmor lmml|;ratlon station a t Sealtle. and.hou oUier buildings. . ibex

Bids have been received’for con-!ot l ■struetlon In E.’Ul'Chlcogo". indiuno .irtn Pullman,.Washington, nnd Sterhng.^ted Color.ido. Others have been'Ular fnr buildings In Milwaukee, Ottawa. |Tlie Illlnnls, Price, Utah, and 6colU[L. I Ululf. Nebroskn. • Ow«

' nu« list of the pro'ject.-i eontem- fin. plnted under .lhe 103.000,000 expen- _ dlutre. most of-lhose nol designated ~ beliiK |H)^tofrlces. Includes:

I Colorado: CanoaClU ', jIdnho: Nnmpa. ^M ontann:'na\Te. wUtnh: Ogden. M lWyoming: Casper. H iOregon; Klam ath Fulls. f Q

■ Washington: Sealtle. fedcmloffice H building, and Blaine, Inspection sU - BB tlon. ■

Sir Isaac Newton used the echo lo H a corridor t t Trlnlly collcge to mens- H uro the speed a t which sound travels. H

A clean pen dipped In lemon Juice f l B'iK produce irrHinir-whleh It inviS’ | B Ible when dry, thd-ihows when h e tt- H j

Jsed Gars Sale

ono tn lcal M ilea g e '

yo u U iousandd o f m ile s o f jle tn in s p o r tn t lo n . '•

co n d itio n n n d p r ic e d r ig h t ,fln s in R ly -lo w -it t-c o a f .- ;----------

nd iU on , u p h o ls te ry h n a b een

= = $ 3 j a s 0 0 -

r iR.q7K flnl!= f$ '55W





» W, E. M o s le r s ^ o s e o w . de tn of Pfj the college or law of Uia Unlvenltjr of Idaho, and Asher D. Wilson, ch tlr- man-of the state-W janl-of-nine*-

.nH hnnrd o f retenti o f th a u n l. 1^ versily, were guesU a t t luncheon-#* the University of Idaho Alumni u - , s<Jcrnilon. presided over by T. 0 . jng i Shriiebtrcer. president, t t lhe Rog- nu tr erron h'ltrl yesterday a t noon. P ltn s njve wfte outlined .at the luncheon for y jj hofding n dnnce early In AprU t l • „ n t l date vei .to be determined on.

^ EvS E N A T E -C O M P tE T E S ---------“ V


7 ^ T A R I F F S C H E D U L E S S ' ?■'-------- umei

(Continued trom Page One) show

ment today lo Increase Uie ratea on { f i ' ' all of thfse goods. conUlntor IT per cent and over o t wool by w eight „ v The wool content would be^SutltW r , nt the higher wool ratea to d th s “ h . coiton portion a t Uie coiton r tt£ t. ‘ :

Here are a few of the ta riff 'ra te t , nf Reneral Intertisl carried in th e bin.lonlghl,a» ll wenl Uirough tb t imal adjustmentii. wlUi a voU on 2 iw-'uige sct for Monday. Comptrlson with the >1011'? bill and pretent dimes U given with commodltjr flrat. th a i tennic r a u second, house r^le third, from and present rate Inst: notl<

Cuban row nugar, Ib,—3 cents; have 2.40 ccnu; 1,70 cenu, . . - f

Milk, g a llo n -fii cenU; 8 cenU; uarr 3.7.i cents.,

Cream, Rallon — 6C.i cenU; i t cent.«: 30 cenU. . J I ]

nutter, pound-14 cenU i-UoenU ; ® 12 eciits. , • • • '

Erk*. doten—10 cenU; 10 eenU; i cenu, W ilCorn. bushef-M cents; 23 cents; I i cents.

Common brick, per. Uiousand — j u a ; 51.23; free. ’ ,

Cement, hydraulic, per hundred — weight—0 ccnu; 8 cents; free. nlclp

Clilnaware, plain. do:en—10 cenU by tl and CO per cent; 10 eenU and CO by t! per cent: 80 pcr cen t conli

Pit;'Iron, ten—75 ccnts; $1,125; in o *1-125. tract- A!t!m iniim -flnlshed,--pound-3i0 ..t cents: S cctiu ; U cents. -

Automobile*, motorcycles-10 per cent: 35 ppr cent; 25 per cent.

ShUiRlca-freo: 25 per cent;* free,■ Soltwood lumber, per- Uiousand „feet-M .M ; free; free. ___________^ -J=r5flllU lr«— 4U IW'il Wll!-4U per ^ cent; 33J3 per cenf.

Long staple collon, pound — 7 ccnU! free; free.

Wool, raw. pound-34 cenU; J4 IT'ccnts;. 31.ctnU .____•___ _____ _ intci

fiflj'on «'carln(r nppareJ, p o u n d - for < 45 cents and 85 pcr cent; 45 cents hove and « per cent; 43 ccnU and 00 for. per cenU injui

nidr.w frec ; 10 pcr ccnl: free. tiniu Lratlier for ehoes — free; l3 i-20 not i

prr ccnl; free. o to b;s iiocs-frec; 20 pcr cent; Irce. Tli

CO U RT O R D E R A D D S S IX ’ r >

E X T R A JU R O R S T O L IS T J . "_____ . • the <

. The llsl of Jurors In dlslrlcl court Ar niiTTfiH-HiifingiwMtfdTiyTniaiuon- catciof six names endoned by the sheriff t t won 'an order for specltl venire Issued cllyby Judge W. A. BabcMk yeslerdty les.mornln:i. None of the e x trt Ju ro n , lheliowever. were called Into tho Jury or bbcx for service yesurday, members takeot the Jury Impanneled In the case cityt ir ifiai Uittt'Qty tiavmg 'tw n n l fc* io r -ted from among members of lhe reg- "Aular panel o t Jurors for the term. er. lin ie extrn Jurors were J. W, C. Dcske. munL I. Benoit. B. C. Morgan. J. Wr arc tOwens, J . P. AvajU and W. q. O rlf- relaifin. \ _ men



—W IT H -

T O N H X U NAGEL I n t e n s e l y h u m a n

d r a m a o f s e c o n d lo y <

i t h e l d f o r . ' o n e



"H eber'D tifon, B u h V ^ n d tn t ' I n

V tgon tn d Machine comptny to col* p r n ect n 22-yetr-old claim now ttnouo t-ng lo 1845.15, convinced t Jury tn tilstrlcl court here yestenJiy Uiat he 'lever had legal notice of su ll on /h e claim or opportunity for pre- ' lenting his defense In court, tn d Uiclury y»nirrn.rt fi In hl« fmriir

Evidence showed thal Barron was Bi

lo tr In payment for a grain sep t- l» l i rator In .81. Oeorge. Ulah. In Feb- »oJ, •uarr, i m . T hs 0ther-s1gner8-.irere‘---w ir. S. Coges and Frank Staheli. Doc- P«o jmeiils were placed In evidence to ihon-> tha t suit w u brought In Salt Lake City in March 1912, to colleci ««> f lhe note, and a cerUfled copy of re- 10® ' ;um was adnHttcd lo show th a t 0 . In ft. Worthent then sheriff a t St. 3eorcr. who hss since died, served ^ lotlce of the sull on aU three algn- !rs of the noU a l U is"tim e. Judg- “o * nen t for $798i!3 In favgr of. the com- jany iviid ajalnsi the slcnen of l«e io t: was entered In lhe elty court In ^ 3nll Lnke City In January, 1026.

Barron tesUfled here yesterday , :hai he had tieen engaged In moving , Irom Utnh to Idnho al aboul the time notlco of lhe suit ia s asserted to lave been served on him In 1D13.

-T he kJicrlff was an liohesl mnn." such Barron said, "but In this he m usl u fr rcrialnly have been mistaken," . , - i

The ease for Barron was presented pera jy C, O. A. Dlvelblis. Duhl. and Por- dlox jur nnd Taylor. Twin Fulls. tesU

_____ oro



icontlnued frcm Pago One) S][|

ilclpallilcs as Is nol ca'ntVacted for lai}y them shall be used'and paid for |N)y the city. ThesQ municipalities to III ronlnict wltt) (he United SU tes w ith­in one year 'ofcxecuUon o t con- ;ract by tho city of ^ Angeles. _ g ^ j.

"To the Southern California Edl- th e iton company, lhe Southern Sierras fiooiI'ower er>mpany. the Los Angeles Oas clalm d Eli-ctrle corporation and tho meeiSan Dlego Consolidated Oas and ju reElectric compsny, 0 per cent In tU to beer

may aRr«: or, H ih'e'y canriofairee',- nesd allocation to bo mado by- Uie see- , Mi rctnry." lllng

The sitreemenl, ll was said a t the E m ' intcilor..deowtment..clear8. the way M for fieiilne of llte eoniraeu. wJiJcft pun' nave been in process of negoilaUon tor. many monllis. Tlie Ihrcatencd 'y Injunction suit by Arizona, the slg- ^ [inture ol which to the eompacl was I iifll needed for ruUflcaUon, waa said 10 b.' the only prospccUve barrier.

The asrccmenl provides th a t pow- rr allocated to the sUtes tn d tiot ased by them or by Uie belropollun V district of Los Angeles sha ll bo tak- cn by Ultra and paid for equaUy by lhe city nnd the companies. Ant<

Any par.l of the 30 per cent tUo-

Lt will bo available, one half to Uie :lty nnd one Half lo the comptn-'> les. Any firm power, allocated to _ Uie su > » but nol required by them I or bv iM district will metnwhllo be lak enW d paid for. one h t lf by Uie m elty and one half by the com ptn- man

"All conlracu for purchase of pov - whorr. IncludliiR ilie slttes, district, elty, tn diiunlclpalitus and Edison com ptny Tl»rc lo be made directly wlUi Uio see- is cirelary df the interior,*' the agree- to tln e n t stipulates. Advi


A p r oblenP

close to the

h e a r ts o f ev-

e ^ H a rr ie d ' c 0 u p 1 c

hro u g h t to '"UI r l , s c r c e n as

t h e year’s, m o s t stlr-

W r in g s h o w .



H —

C -------l . i r . A T .K R

an and' realistic)ye. . . and what W Kne woman W



_____,’ •• Ami

> r o W o f O il F ie ld W ourd

P r o d u c e - T r a in L o a d of

C o m p re s s e d Ice P e r_____ ■ ff

“^ T U j t E 'd n T f V i S r t h a t ^ ^^ry Ir^ y^lTg df.prOdUClQg-t ——rtlnitotdsof Ict t d ty are Um oU = fields U test frtalu ..- la s l« td -o (- fu tl-« ts ,.U u se -w tlls _ iroduce parbon dioxide, Uie sub- I tance from whleh dry loe of com- IS nereo Is made.- Tbe gas U compress- d unUl It becomes a white solid t t 09 degnes below zero.In Uie oil fields nsiure 'suppUes

arbon dioxide already compressed.T he discovery was mada by. the

kinUnenlat Oil company lo C olon-0 and repom d to the /Uqerletn In ­titule of Mining and MetaUurglctl. :nglneert by Professor P. P. }{lnue f the University of Utah's geology apartm ent.

f i n Norlh Park, Jsckson county,"Ifl reports, “oil h ts been produoed n a small scale along wlUi a large olume ot gas lha t Is eblehy car- on dioxide. This gas expands when1 comes from the well and produces uch low Umperatures th a t the oil I f ro « n and appear u a snow.

" It Is recovered when the U m ; erature rises and the froien carbcti loxlde evaporttes. I t contempIaUd esU .of.the refrigerating properUet re successful.-the wells are sulfl- lenUy largo to produce a tralnload t dry leo-per day."

MM M MEETS IH lEGllMHEifiSYRUIOA. Msrch 22-M rt. Joe I

lassner. entertained 17 members ot ■ tie Syrlnga club on T lju r^ay a fu r - I lOon a l a regular businw and to - I lal session. Members voted lo hold neetlngs on Wednesdays In the 'fu - ure InaUaji of Thursdays as has «en the custom. M n: C.' O. H tbn*|] ) " h i ^ . " h n r f .lUday, March 38.. Mrs. Eunice Williams. PUer. Is vis­in g hero a t ths home ot her soo, :rnesl WllUams.Mrs. Cccll Childs relum ed home

)Unday~from "the“ S t . '“Valenune*» — lospltnl, Wendell, where she recent- = f underwent a major opertU oa M nt Laura SmlUi, teacher for Uie M

jwer grades of the Syrlnga school, las been Ul during the last week. Mrs.(ay Wllklson. Buhl, has been con- luciltig her classes during her ab- cncc.There has been su ffi itn t molsluro

.nd warm wcnUier lo slart vegeta- lOD on the desert surrounding Maroa. inton .Machseek trailed his aheep lUt to spring pasture on the desert Ifl Thiir^rt-iv __



MINNEAPOLIS. Msrch 23 (;iV-o8 nany different kinds of InsecU are i!imr"dlsco»-ered Uiat l l takes a vhole library to glra their names >nd classifications.

This classified Itten ture of bugs s callcd taxonomy, and-ln a report a the American AssoclaUon for me idvsncement of Science, Dr. Clar-



-4 j

J "SECOND W IFE”^ AGREATrSTORY [P - A dapted from th e ( '

novel “ST E P CHILD OF

TH E MOON" i Presented by a c notable cast... CONRAD NAGEL


and th e noted juvenile actor


O th^r Features.Comedy

■A “M ic k y M M l t r M W ”Station S la r Fcalure

________H ovtU juA cl*— - —■and P a the News

— - M a t i n c r T o d a r M O ^ Children 1 0 ^

A dults 3 0 ^ and 40<i - -Tonighti7 a n d - 0 ~

A dulta 3 0 < and 4 0 < ' I

^ ^E ^K U ^ G * D R iG G S “ ■ ^' -V a u d e v ^ l e ' j



MARCH 23, 1030

a e a .« ..m e tc L o r Um UnlvenlD .oi Uu tnnneseu t«lU bow fast t t U grow- sU a i. /

In 1037 Uiere were W 3 new clenUfto p a p e n produced on Iden- “f IflcaUon of InsKU. he found. Of h eu , more Uian TOO were from Nortb Unertca, malnJy oaming the bugs ol



o r . p a o l ’, M tan , lu t c h 11 t n - ■. Idd-the- hen lo.Utose who oan'V bo rtl rooted a ll the Ume. says Dr. F, B^ Ai

LnoSE x i d

B roadw ay Service S tn tio n - Buhl •

- ' F ilerH ansen A uto Co. .


M o lin e e NOW PLA

1 0 # - 4 0 ^ . nam e cf Paramot

— and morel

Helen Morgan crooning love ballsda. Wblle T tti Kohler guns for his man.' Charlie Ruggles lUIUng a UllernWhne Clayton, Jackson and D uranu rock the n f t -

• m w ith laughs. Comedy- •. t n d IhrUls in ons gtaoa



I I ■ IB ® D A ’ I


- :-v“I’m Forerer Blowtog Babbles" Senen Bong

S ta r t s T t. “Close lU raooy ." A wemaa

-loT lnr weaiaD aieot En a fiontt ....... a id u M .A rle n .a t 'U it tr a p le d .l

~ | i S j | j | ~ N ANCy

• V ? ■ f l e b m n r a i w ?

f .

iu lt . poultry specUlUl of. MlnnetouiU U college. r - '

A few of Uien. bt say*. wUl co n i .. Inlje to auiment Uielr day’s work <y laying aooUier. eg g .a t o lgbt U Iceulc UghU are turned on afU r hey have gdne lo roost, bill m t«t itna-wlll Itrlke when Uiey dlieOver^ .

ir nigliLTwxlve houn pn Uie roo»t tn d W

lo u n In-'Uie saatchlng peo or « s t s the Idetl working schedule far t b t .iroducUve ben. Dr. llu t t uy* . i

Tbe ArjenUni repubUe has moro rtU rotds th in tny oU ar.f louU i. • Aourlcan country.

I r A t w Mf l ir f f r t Mftufacturtrs e l '

■ i(0f«9c btH trkt h e \ y r r y porpei*.

- - (tijttlir bttUiy iMptctfM t lo a r MT(|c< iM onpto*

leaiibsttsiylK s.


Twin Falls

C ourt House Servite Station^ p e r t - - - .

------- gm ltiTTV-uttrC o?----------------Gooding

K im berly Scn-ice S tation , ' Kimberly

AYING Evenlns

» .n i , 5 ^ . 5 0 ^

Theatre f — —

r o D A Y rEverything’s on the -----UpjinillBl____

■ . cile a r Jiiriiny D urante “ lh6“ • jacke t tornado" slnR th is icrcamlnfr sonf; ah~d see ivhy Motion Picture News a l l s him the " C h a r l i e i J h a p l l 'n of th e talking; scrcen"!

NICiHTS^I F R E D K O H L E R . . !

C L A Y T O N ,JA C K S O N . . •ndP U R A N T E .

aQ m m o m tQ lo m '

u e sd a y — ,u tft CTita P in c B p r^ < ffw ^ ~ : ^ — ui'tiaUog man and i nua* lUi Sea paradise. lU ndsoae■Jflrtr, Dlfccte<.by.WIBtam..L.,. ^

i.-. '


Page 3: VIS NEV TH]E T V W ~:FAIJL SI)>AIL1Y'tnailUw ^ after tomorrow. ' Qotrti lau n d er ear hu been souneed nadr for Um trials aod

I^PiOiSflFSlI IT 11 PICK H t

H m iA M F fM rs. E . R ; H a r d in g G o es to

■ H elm o f - O rg a n iz a jio n to ,

______ ■,’s iic c o c d M r s . D . L . j l a c k , .

P r e s id e n t f o r T w o Y e a rs

■ ! EDEN, MMCh ::2-EecUon ot ot- , Ilccrs lo « n c Uie W en P#renl-

Tenchcr nsoclaUon tor lhe comint (ra r look place a t ihc rrgulir mecN" big held a t the high tchool buUd-

, (ns on Thursday evenlni.. Mrt. E. R. U ardlm woi Mected president, taklne llie place ot Mrs. p . L. Black » lio has terved in lhal Mpncliy lhe l u t tvo yeara. Other

. «ticer* clected were Mrs. J, K. Roh- tr , vice president; Mrs. A. M. Klein* fopf, Mcretary>trcasurer. rollowing »he builness mecilnf the projram for Qie evenlns featured the foltovln« »umbers; T«'o selections by lhe h ljh

A 'ichcol orchestra; rendlni. Marxaret T ilexander; vccal solo, H a r o ld

iliompfon; musical readin;. Mn. UarAlii JACksan; musical reading.

Jllss Dfirothy Marks, violin nnd lano duct, Mrs, K. R, IfardUi; and Kny Jlardiiw. A ljr..*l;ri juppcr prov-1

^ lo tliA mnln atuuciioii of Uie! i>ctal huiir. liii'ket.i ^^e(e toM n t ! auction to teplcuish the money sup- { gly of thc orKanlutluii. Abuut S20 •fts rr.iliKd by the sale of thc oai«

licts. One more metilu? of the or- janlz.'itloii will hc held before thc $o jc of thc school tenn. D*Iejat« i

- to the stale mccllnd v.111 kc namci ' iCt the next m cetlni. nion? with th c , Vrj^us I committees; th n l. nre iifi*

.P'.'lnlcd by t l« new president cactT; * u r . ■ ' . ji M.iny parents allended the lecturc ' diven WedtiPMluy h y 'U r . lliym or I term nlne. Bolw. who lalkeiyior i 1 tiiorl time on "Child Dl»ea;es" atic ' -'Prcpartng the Child for School.' i ■i'hc followlns day n clinic waa c o n - ' dueled and CO children were enrolled, i » Tlie L.ndle*’ Aid foclety of llic |

' yrwbyierinn ^ i

itllernoon nl the homeof Mrs. Floyd $rottn. Mrs. DroK h .'cr.'ctl n delicious Ijineh a t thc clow of Uie nfternoon.‘ J. C. K nott 1 n piilent ot thc ■

...^•, performed Tuesday for appendicitis.' Mlss Ellen Injrom . iil;o of Eden, Is I recovering from u slmllnr operation] performed on Saturday evening nl

d the same hospital. ]« Dorolhy fu lton is home lo spend 1 ' the week-end with her p.^renls, Mr. j

and Mrs. Frank Fulion. Slw ts itueh- Ins the nig Hend school near Paul. Frnn(<lSi^Fulton Is also home from Cloodlng'college to r a few days' va- GJtiun.

Charles Jackson has relumed (rom Phocnl*. Arlion:i. where he

— «iient-U»-ivlWer^Mjthir-.Slnce-hl9 ' return lie has iiad charge ot ;be

Henry tervloc station, as n . P, Henry bas been 111 during the last week with Influenza.

Many Eden.foJks attended a fare­well party given Prlday evening nt K a»lion for ' Ocorge Mendenhall,

— r-wha-ieewrswtt-fer-eelSfOTRic--------A. L. Cowles has been appointed

(ensus enumerator for the Eden preelnet HLi work 'will commence about April Z.

. , The Eden school board has elected live of six teachers In' the gntde sehooi for tho qpmlng year. A. M. melnkopf wlll en ter his third year

/ os prlnclp.ll. Mrs. Klelnkopt. who has had charge of Uie primary work during thc last two years Intends to rest from (he teaching profeaslon | ( the close of the school year. Other teachers vho tuve taught here the last year, and who have signed con*

NowcnjfttieiierTime e ta n m r d l a iIm brtt.

" i u i » . t i c r H I . , ' ’

bird D laaoad R lne, BoTTMnm M o f tboM .CMtM. "We dooLty tn iiiiiiiiii QIael>lr^ wfali,«-w r i u « » UBeita.- I f c y m regL der^

~1{. L Koberlsr : V JE W E L E R '

. ^ D I A M O N D lU N C S


. I S O C I E T ^^ AM P C tm g . .................

k n . I . B. wuiuuM

j F b o a t t t i

Mr. and Mr*. John A. Bro*n wero I dellghttuly suiprUcd Ptiday evening a t their home In Buhl when > group

, ot friends anlved to usJsV In cele- [0 brating Mr, Brown’s n«t*l d»J. A

r ^ o program and T lv e liundred [O were Ute amusement for Uie evening.' PrUe' tor high score was captured k, by Mrs. Dan Olson and low feU lo , • TIow'ah l~Feaster. At a UM M n r T :

rs iwo*eourse supper was served a t one : long Ubie centered wllh a Urge , while birthday cake adorned with ,

I pink candles. Those pi^csent In ad- ;dltlon to Uie hosu were Mr. and Mrs. ,

, , J . A. DIckard and son. Bob. Mr. and | **-• Mrs. J. C. Olson. Mr. ond Mrs. How* ft nrde Feaslcr and Mr. and M n, Dan ,

Olson. I

i f M n. Tim L>-dslon entertained wllh , n charmingly appointed one-Uilrty j o'clock bridge luncheon Saturday a t i her home In the Rex Arms Apart* ( menls. A color scheme of yellow and . white was used Ih the menu and Uie j decoraUons for the three small ubles a t which the guests were seated. Vei- , low daffodils In crystal vases form* ] ed 'th e attractive centerpieces and ,

IJ the nul ctjps and placc cards were In ‘ Uie chosen colors. The guests were '

Mt$. H o n y T .’Ntirt.Mrs. J .U S f ttp - ; ord. Mrs. Kenneih Annelt, Mrs. O. P . SteeUmllh, Mrs W. L. Stowe, Mrs. tfarry 'Denton, Mrs. Roy ScoU. Mr*.

{Olen Whitney and Mrs. L. E. Davis, 'i ; nil ot Kimberly, and Mrs. R. E. Bob- I

, iicr and Mrs. W. Nelson, Twin Palls, L I First prize a t bridge was won by

Mr*, Harry T. Wen.'second l)y Mrs,. . Olcnn Whitney and consolation was

awarded Mrs. R. E. Doblcr.

^ I M lu Ora Koch 'ami Leslie Sum- ' ner. br'ih of Ouhl. were united In I

, i . ' marrlaKc Salurd.iy a t hlch noon, a t i 'n ,:ihc Profbyicrlon Mnnse heie, Rev,ti

j Jiimes Mlllnr otllclailnu. The bride Is .i I thc dnuBhler of Mr. and M n. P. P ., I

^ I Koch', und the groom the son of M r I < and Mrs. P. I. Sumner. Mrs. Koch.)

‘ ; Mrs Sumner. M lu Lucille KocIi And. i ' t .Mlss Nctn I\)iia were Biicsta a t the i

I ucUdlng. Mr. n:id Mrs. Sumner wlll: ] '>* mnke th tir tioti\e on a farm two 11 ;d. mllci ioiiih of Buhl, lie , ' ■ I

PrfMure nl the ccnlcr o t thc ji earth Ui so Krcat th a l nlr In a i

I'C'rDom 13 by 17 by B tecl woiiil be 'i 3h , comprczMU to a sparo of-one cubic! c Is-1 liicU. Iisl '

'i racla to rclurn the comlnq year nrc: i |Mrs. Ucrjl ChuUback. MLw. E 'ler i

■•diuarncs. nhcla Lowr. ami .Miss i “ ■(Auurcy Siorr. Mty. Barar^. Iia.i

taught. In the Eden sciiool thO lajt three ycnra. Van Mjcrs was rc-cm- I

"" ployed as janitor.. 1“■ S. E. Vance. Jr.. Hazelton. tccre-

t.-iry ot the llilUdnle lalgntlon dls- pd trlct, was stricken -A-llh, acute ap- i

pcndlcltls eaHy Saturday momlng i ! D f ln r r w « - m « tim o - in rw 5 in i f i r ; hospital where an operation was Im- '

•■J medlntely performed. Tlw nppcndU had bc«n ruptured previous to Uie operation and hls condUlon was .mid to bc serious, but several hours lime must elapse belore the crlUcd pvriuU

i i l L>Lei'?r. His case Is Uie third of lu . kind for th e North Uldo 'd tlH nrU ic

“ * lost wcfikjjK'

ce . .. ............s j -r— '

cd jP * —deW.

no . ' _ :

r .

to thos unable clay's

, we wi “'FouTrdi

a t the


lEPIIOIIlCEfiS 'B E e n O r


TI F o rm e r T w in F a ils C oun ty J

!p A g en t t o R e p r e s e n t A sso - ‘

* c i a t i o n ^ S a n ' F ra n c is c o [

’»■ , — ' ^ R. E . Brossard, who reilgned re- n

cem iofler_servlni; for nearly, nine :. ^ years as Twin Falls counly agrlcul- t

tvrnl agent, haa ncccp^cd tho,posl-^f lion ns salea manager In San Fran- elsco for Ihe Intermountaln Honey'c

d- Producers ossoclaUon. and will enter f*- upon his new pwlUon Immediately,' n'* ll was antiounccd here lasl evenliig. "* Mr. Brossard U sjiendln^ a ftwiv

(lays at the as.v>claUon's headquar* i lers In Bolsc. famlllarltlng hlm«clt C wllh lls methods, and wlll Inspect lls plants a t Portland and elsewhere on i the Paclllc coast betorecnierlngiipon I his du-.Ics as lla representative tn llie •

Francisco territory, tn the Call- J" fornia field he wlll open up n new

territory for the assoclatloii,He wlll retu rn to Twin Falls Jor

•** a b/)fl vlalt nex l Tuesday.'before leavinB fo r ‘Portland and Uienee on

‘J® down lhe coast lo San Francisco. » in Mrs Brossard ond son. Bob. Tuin i f

Falli nigii school student, will Join . ^ Mr. Brossnr'd In San Francisco aller o - the elnse of lhe school year. ,

i i c iM o i i s i i pipom ’S ii ;

Drafting of a program of work fo r 'j n - Twin Fiills Red Cro.u chaiiter diir- In Inc the comlni; year wlll clnlm the a t nti?nitnn of th e chapter's newly,t tv, I elected rfllcers nnd directors nl their 'p Is .tlr>t meetlnc to be held In the pro-lf P.,bat/! cntirt raoms here next Mon- Ir. dBvnt7;aO P. M. g;h .| In this undertnklng the coopera- ii nd . Uou of ull m em ben Is desired, Mrs. he Sltirv'on McCoy, president, s^niwi^ '111: b«t 1'Vi‘iilnf;, and all mrmUii^ ate p IVO I Inviti il 10 a ttend the meeling, j:

Tl;i- iw slble scope ot lhe chapler's nrlivillrs Includes besides service lo

niiniln'r of other iictlvliles Including liisiruclionln home hygiene nnd care

he of the ^lck. nm ntlon . nubile health I a und (Irst nld und life saving, and

be all ilii'se iwrjilbic actlvllles nre lo be ' Jlc 1 c'on*l(lrrcd In miikinti-up-lhe-|)ro- ;

cmm for thc year. Mrs. McCoy s.ild._ An atidll of llie chapler's records

nnd flnnnces lately completed by H.-e: C. Kilmunds. Tw in Falls nccouniunt. er ii!;o 1-1 to be Inld before'Ihe board ISS meinicrj n t th is meeling.

„ t ---- VIGORO KEKTIL1/.ERn- lor lawns and w iruoaery' I'hone ISI

Twin FalLi F e jd & Ice Co. >ad»

is- dicam and eleeirlc balhs. •tomsn p . am) man a ttendan t Ph. tie Potter ng 810 Ad*.^ ----------

Ilx 'DR. M. (iROOTES

t VliTERlNAniANTwin Falls, Idaho

m Office; 434 S lw hone SUyet Wesi

‘ '‘oV flcrP h o n e 'K n .^ w ' -

W EOLOGMe whom we le to serve in : 5 g re a t Four Sale;.and Mo ill continue t

ders Day sale e sam e pri^

I N 6 , . ' ' = .


. c u y i f l T O W A T E R S O F I

- CO T T O N W O O D D IS P U T E D *

..Robert Broie, J r . dcte&dtnt In anicllon lately lnsUlut«d by WllUam 6( Hoopi to ObUIn an adJudlcaUon dl Uie waters of Cotlohwood'crtek tn

_ T«in Pain fountff. tiled his answer. _V Ihrough 6fT .'H am lllon. T ain Pklu. cey auomey. In dUtrlet eourt bere yes> co

terday. UH« dented stoops' eU lm t'ta' I'a

. rlghu to'UM of 900 cubic Inchcs of ^ lhe sUtam. snd a w rt« d ''h ts own

claims, as successor to Uw C otton-,s iwood Ranch company, to 1339 tnehes 111ot the stream 's flow wlUi priority al

le -rlghU -daU na-from -lgg l-lo -m U -aJ^ I* tiled by a d e e m entered In dUlrlct'■-icourt her* In-November. Wl«.- — - —I' Hodgin and Hodgin and Prank L. Jily,Stephan, a ttom eyi tor Hoops, ac- m'rknovtedgediervlce of Brose'i answer rrI"'' In another su it recenUy. tho courl Jc«■ denied Brose's claim lo right to dl- so w vert water to hU own land through '* it^dllch across Hoops' land In theIt Coltena-ood creek district.’ er

SFllM lliT i * lote ■— I (Ir” PAIRVIEW. March 23-M r. and |

I Mrs. P. L. Atkln.1 entertained rela-1 Ui " I Uvea at- a fomlly reunion dinner j 5 " ,o n Sunday evening here. O uesU 'c.i 'f were Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Skinner, 'f

and family. PochUllo; snd Mr. and Mr.1 P. J. Nfwlan. Mr. and Mra, T O. Wllion and aon. CharlM. Mra. »i Cullen WlLion and sons, Mra. W .,L. h; Spence and M n. HatUe Wltson. t l

1/ Mr. and Mra. Ben Anderson ond w \ Mr. and Mra R. T, Henderaon, M l‘ nerger; and Nonna and Rosabelle th

Tverdy were d inner'g ii«U Sunday wj ,a l thc home of Mr. and Mrs. Rollo «

'f Daulklcy.'• Mlwea Emily and Marlon Ward.« icaehera a t Ihc Superior school, are 5’ trolnlnK ptiplb for a spring oper*If e lu . lo be glvMi In full (jatum e. y- '• Frldny evenlnR, Morch 28. ta

Mr. nnd Mn*. Joe Palat vWted Br Simdny with Mra. John Palat. who nr

■ Ll confined to her bsd wllh Illness, wi A. J . Milner has three men busy Tl

i> n ln ln g hLi 40-acri- orchard, He. re- ft<l c ports th a t nbout 30 acres have been Bi

llnlihed. ^ thS -------------------Al0 Lew than 1 per ceiu of AustraliaIt »mH>-y t1»4%-«iHon ■ ■- - -----

e . dleam balhs Dr F etter Ph. I f


i! r s r m a n c n t


Our $5.00 permanent wave spe*, clal will s u n March 24. tor TWO

WEEKS ONLy Ali:work di^pe by ' 0 graduate experienced operoton. :• ' Ih ls wlll be Uie last special o l ' . . -thls-aooMn. Phone early (or->-our- r appointment. _ ' L


“ P J io n e 278

^IZEe were Sabr- n d e r’s on day to sell e iteitijr: ces, as



' b r e v i t i e s d, Qoea lo <^ llfm laW am es H. DJg^ _ , ger*. Murtaugh. lell yeslerday on a t trip lo Oakland, over the WelU route.

i._Licensed-lo-\Vcd_A -m arrU g8 11- cense was luued a t the olfice of the j

' couniy recorder here yesUrday to .|n Uslle C. Sumner and Le Ora Koch. I jq

r both of Buhl. {t>if ■ PC1 Home Afler VW t-Mr*. Ouy H .I t , '.S h ca rfr . Pller, har at s lltlle daughter, relum ed yesUrday ilj I after a vlilt of two and a half monlhs ai a rJu-W i^noln and Illinois. ' I>:t - - . ' . , • M----- H err-for-W eck-end-M Iss—Elsie MM Johnson, iludent tn the Albion nor- M- mal school. Is here spending week* so ’ end wllh her mother. Mrs. Myrtle pl I Johnson, and siiiter, Mlss Edtth John- ■- son. IeI r — 8if llrcrlvrd Kad New*—Ployd Pet- 0<l

p^^on. brother of Mrs. Oeorge O. CarlKii. Twin Falls, died a t R och-, ni esiff, Miniiesoto;ThursdBy momlng. Pi nccordlng lo a mes.iage received hero Ff.ilay by Mrs. Carlson, »>'

(I I,rave. For P oe lu ilo -W . E. Mas-trrmn. Moscowr dean ot Jit-collegc ®'

I ot Inw. University of Idaho, who sd- *® Id rm n l the Twin PalU County Bar _

JI .i.'Mx-intion banquet Prlday nlghl and i1 . I thr Idnho Alumni association dinner [J r ; V'-Meriluy. lefl laat evening for Po*I I caifllo. wlicre he wlll vlsll the Uni- | -, vi-rMiyoI Idaho, southern branclL ^

■ On Sad M lttloD-Harry W. Ham-1. Illon and Willu Hamilton, bereaved L UuJiond and non of Mrs. Caroline

tii.'flbeUi Homllton. w ho« death 1 occurred here Prlday, wlll leave ,, Monday accompanying her body lo j“ ' • the former home In Ollumwa. Iowa, I” ‘ 1 where fiinrr«l ter^•lces will bc held i 1 WidiieMlay. The family had lived

here only since Inst June. ^

: Leave far Connectlcat — E. R. | _. Ilruolu, resident of Buhl tor se v e ra l!" , y.-nr.i mid one Ume sla te rcpresen* |

initve from U)Li-county, wllh M n • ] Brook.', nnd family, le tt yeslerday on I ( > nn overland trl^ to Connecticut, | . where they will make their home, t 1 Tliey went from here to WelU, Nev- • '- adn, lo visit a brolher of Mr.i ' I Drinks for a time, nnd will conUnue i .

the Irlp ea.Mwnrd through Utah.; Arkan.ins and Waslilnglon. 1 ^

J I f you n rc in l

1 N E W D R A P E S 0

I ' th is s p r in g , com c in ntitl le t

\\ new p ^ t e r n s In W a rp P

STUDIO OF HOME' ' N c x l 'lo O rp h e u m E n tran c e



T h e N e \ »

A n o t h e r s p i t

a n d i t s C o m f o r t i

f o r m a n c e . | G e n (

s e a t i s a d j i i s t a b ]

h d s b e e n b u i l t i t

I'E TfiingI m m e



D lil l lT M ,!-fi[SIDENI I)FM*s

MAROA, Mnreh 22-Honorlng Uie ^ ib irthday-of-M m .-a. 0 . Diehl nnd * Iher ron. Oordon Diehl, who Is vLMl* .1, ;inK lhe home of his parenu, the . . . following Kuesu gatliered al the

jDltM hom t Tutaday evening lot a ^ poi.Uiek dinner: Mr, and Mrs. W T, Diehl and family, Jefome: Mr and Mrs. O. E. Johiuton and fam- - tly. lluhl: Mr. and Mrs. 8. P. Khler Q nnd family; Mr. and Mn, E. J. Diehl and daughter, Jean;' Anna _ Mae lilvhl and Mary Sear; Mr and Mr*. L: H. Drown and' family, niid " Mr. and Mrs. Harold Halnhne and -tia son. ilrldce ond pinochle ' were tli playrd during lhe evening. u• Evrretl nnd KennethI Parlu en- w| lertolned Tue.nlay cvcnlnj: tor thrit pi Sunday srhool cla.ia of the Me'h* p. odist church of Filer.

Mra. L. II. lirown submllted tn a , minor opi'ratlon In Tvk'ln FalU on _ Friday. S

Filer b:i)s and Maroa glrb were victors In ptaeilce games on the Maroa diamond Friday afternoon.

"G r a n d p n" Slees, Sleambont . Springs. Colorado. Li vUltlng hu son Reuben Sters. eo

,liflCllEiriK[S = sEPiftTiDraiHmA decree of divorce granted by „

Judge W. A. Dabcack in district court here yeslcrd.iy to Jnmes F. Medley

i from Sylvia Medley, made ptrmnneht In rtparatlon thnl dntcs from IVcein-' Iber 10. 1028. 11 months alter n e t ; m r r ln ie , wh<-n Mrs. Medley lell

llo vLill her parents In Alberta. Can- [nda. She look wlU> her her one-

------------------ .

80 a c r c 1> n r >r n i n SB.OOO I c.iHh, $2,(i00 mortfjaRO. A*1

l a n d . .a l l u n d e r-cu U iv n tin n .5 m iics S . W . o f U uhl. net

i n iiick . W rite M rs. ( '. K., J a c k so n . 1011 0 . S tre e t ,] F r e s n o , C alif.

in te r e s te d In

IOR CURTAINSle t US sh o n ’’y o ti o u r m nny |-

p P r in t s a n d C rc lo n n c s ' j .

IE DECORATIONn cc , , , P h o n e 1313 i

jiiAuM ''ii'ii.i' iiiiiHiiiiii. ni'iii s.- i- '‘ i ^ i—

¥ r r a

‘ ^

w Three-Wh)lendid family car bet rts. Safety. Economy,! nerras room is provii ible.' Appointments r (

into the car,

fYou Want ofNi

ediate Delivc

f l o n ^¥ o u r ~ 4 ^

T w in

MARCH 23,.1830monUi*old son. Roland, and h u s in u orpendsunUy refused to return. Med* Tley,' UsUfled. T hs court declined to wpass Judgment on Medley's request oith s t custody of ths child be awarded ' to him.

On grounds of alleged habitual In* temperance and non-support, a dc*crc«o(.dltprce was griated to Minnie .I. Hutchinson from Alvln B. Hutch* 'Inson.' She testified lha l she was ■ compelled by her husband's conductU) leave him In Los Angeles and come ■to Idaho in March. IB28. Ttiey werr Imsrrled In Son Diego In June, i n s J


_ _ S H O D Q U A R T ER L Y PA Y , (

bffccrs and enlisted mrn of Com* •tiany E. Twin fa lU unit ot Iduho na­tional Kuard engineers, a t regular assembly for drill Monday evening will shnrc In dtitrlbullon of on lliofl pay. roll for the company for the past three monlhs.

Unlled Stales treasury checkt io- tnllng tllOO have been delivered to Caplain R. E. Leighton, commanding the company.


"LONDON. March 33 (>TV-Juvfniir courLs have been rj^grcgnlzrd so tha t young olfenders are no longer

WASHINGTON ......... IRV IN G -.........

“Imaglnatiun ond ablllly are lhe fertUe hills, serenity Uie sonihlne

' ih a t shonid bathe them."

HERE is a serene .Aqualiliy th a fb e - ' speaks expert direc­torship .about the oc­casions wherein we officiate.

P. J. GROSSMAN (F u n e r a t D ire c to r •

A m b u la n c e S c rv ice D a y a n d N ig h t

, , P H O N E IIO .'K .

" ‘

ew Ford T


indow Fordoecause of its beauty o ', Reliability and alert jded^both front and irefiect the substantii

'J e e d m a lo d e r l

ery on all M

^ - D e a l e r - ; — k F a lis

orougni mto Londoo poUos o o u ra They go befor* irooMU 'm illi tn itN • who e oB d tuftare rm a l-pneM dlnci u lltUe like « court room u pe tf^ le . .

Banlens''iBrtT D». raster. 840 Adf

Nurm-BushT H E

c nkle-FashioneoOXFORD ^ -

= ¥ 6 i « r € H i i s u r e d ^ f R q f t r a 5 = fit in NSnH-BEsh fened Oxfords. TTiey'ce bmlt to hug the ankle->no gapping

SfcM u t S t y t a -

$8,50 Uoaa



)r Sedanof line and colos t satisfying per- 1 rear. Driver’s ial’qiiality that .



....... .. - -p»w‘Thm

Page 4: VIS NEV TH]E T V W ~:FAIJL SI)>AIL1Y'tnailUw ^ after tomorrow. ' Qotrti lau n d er ear hu been souneed nadr for Um trials aod


_ c . " . ■ " • “ " • • r .---------- s s '

OB* ttonui ■— I m (

—J— ■■ KDlmd u tMontf c lu t .mill m iiinApttI I. IB Ik lt Itl* p«u>rilr* kl TwiQ |r»in. KUbo. uadtt ib* »« of U*/cii J .1IT9. •__________________ _ _ _ _ '

lMU*d tr i r r menilDii <urpt Ucndtr. T v ln ru u . Twin rtlit Munir. Iitaho. tij Ul* T«Ui r u n Nrm PuOUthlni Co, lae ( _________ fcuinuhri IBW

MEMBCn o r AISOCI.ITEO rHESt g TTI* AMOeltna Prm It nclutitfir to-

_____uu td .to ih* iM for H im u u m irf *11i im dUMuho cTKJiifa 10 TC ot bo). i othtraiM errtilr t In thli Mi>fr *1111 to lh* loni o tin pueiUDrd brtrln AJI A tllh t of repiibimtlon ol ipfcial du> j pilcbM b*rtln alto ra«r»<;d. ’

miawPtAMOCUiMPrw. ^

' Th* Ni*« U ■ Bitmbfr of th* Audit (nurtiu ef areulltlan*. tram ■tinm all ,InfonnaUanu toelmi(»Uon m»» fi'otj- *uiDtd upon ippllcatlnn. -Dtiallra in- t tcnmaUoD lupplird tocall; upoa im um

Ko' mponilhllliT 1* *Munird fot tlie car* of untollrllrd miniiuitpu, phnio* lirapha or other contrtbuIrO matur ATtleln » u b in l t l» d for piihllcalloti •tiauld DQI mc*M th»* hundrfd imiiu

'<n IinilB and ihould tM conMnto i« opie»o<^m nt ftfltn l au.fS’ tn|ro» d*»iin| In ptnonilltlt* will tinl c, ba publUbrd. No manuiCTlpl* win »* r*turnrd unleu acnnpanltd b* nrrt*- Ci aa.-? po*Ut«, ________ _ p' N.»TION*t' nrPlifKRNTATIVM ^ |t

TKUDDEh. XINU ANU PllUUUtn , Kiw YoiH. Chlcaio. San rran*H«, Ua si Anjtlca. Bialtl*. „

- aA .V£JV FI17.0 «'

Senators ol tlic United sinicx 3II- llHK ltt tlie Sciinic chamUpr iw m - Ins (ordsn wrlttnRs tlint tliry Intend lo exclude (rom tlils eounto' th rau tn oiienttlon o( tlie u n r t Iaws. prcsejit n jpeclBclc Ih st Is not very dlgnl- ricd. -but one tha t U quite typlcil 0! all sumptunry leglilatlan.

ProhlblUons never «re for self, but Always for.thc otJie.-JeUow.—Wera It not (or Uielr frequent ab- surdity and manKett Imp&ulbimy or execution, various alUmpts 10 *’ .propogato a ho l'houu virtue niizlu brlns about a altuatlon o( real dancer tor llie- country and lUi ^

,.ZD CflD lcJ_Zr:^__ ___ -: ~ r r “There really I5 terlous question

U'hether tlie Senate, merely by dip- pins Ita hands In the niens. has not

. tllre c iedauundufde jrcrc/a llem jon to obscene llienture and cxelied “

new Interest In It tlial may continue Icr n long time nnd be hard to ~ overcome. • . *'>

I t is a question, too. whether the P' decblon (Inally reached may not linve proviaed new (eothnld (or dls- r iip e tt of (he administration 01 Bovemmenl. more serlou.i tlian all the printed stuff tha t could be loaded ‘ f

■ tn boart ships In many months. “ Dltpoaltlsn to reguUte sebtiit '

tc 'Inheren t, i t Is'sohieUilnK’tVTw “ leckoned with, and cannot be erased hy m m coiukmnallon. '

There b this about It, l l» u s h .- l t •ecms to be a .so rt of evolutionary “ process, tha t becomes more tolerant . with ^'assliit; years th a t brlns ncw STTa uroadcr viewpoints, ' a n d ^ strcngthenlnj, perhaps, of moral , fiber. ' '• *"

Tliere are kome men now, wlia as boys. 111 righteous fear of p.-ircntal J wrntli. conned tlie pascs "of Tom Sawyer or Hucklcbcrry Finn In the • security of a hay mow,, who llav^ lived to see their parenLi make ~ present.^ of the selfsnmo booVa to u younger broUier.

=- — - ntNl


Perils of motor travel are pretty generally, recosnlied. and .a good deal has been, nnd Is being done to reduce them. '

Laws hnve been passed (Wng ^ apeed limit*, providing for various injpeetions and otherwise rcgu'laUng motor Uafflc, nnd offleers have been provided and,courts Imve been auth- orlted to enforce them.

ra le of Increase ln ‘’the number ot i (au lltles 1.1 being rcAdeed. T hat In- { crease In tlie Uniled States last year | «-as only about fUlc«n per cent; hi I the Pacific coast states *1t was twelve and three-quarters pcr cent, and In Idaho It waa slightly under seven per cent.

No one b greatly surprised that tho tccord shows, onlj- a rcducuoii fri

" fn-lhe Increase, and hd t'a 'dcbllhe In ‘ • the number of highway ratiilltl'es.'' • It?

B ul Ihere Is a decided surprise (or most o t lls In an equally authorl- ‘ tadt-e statem ent th a t one year aso

. llw fataU U ea^lU nyfrm n-accldcnts i | In liomes cxce^ed those by auto- ' mobiles by t«enty«flve per cent. tui

l=^B vldoi>qy .ho ino .m akli« ;l8^ta .-i« Uo listed US one o t the niore hazardous occupations. ‘ “ J' A moment’s reflection tuggn ts »

” n a t tHiuieadly ketw ene'ain-ew ied i == :4 l> to ^ )^ o r.n U ii(lU n g -(lt« s-l^ n fr 00

^ f l ! 1 f"; m

nrftaoT um e: m r e c U ^ r U i a h i ^ ^ W SrecogntaaWc. ‘ ■

The dlfllculty com u In delennin- J|J' Im wh a t can be doM to Improve , '

— mB-BlTffPan : i^ i f e a U y much u |! 5 JrB m ..ppe fitlf la ;jg , nw

l l r t t U v . bu t th a t t n u ^ ^ , ^ iM e n t e wltb l t t r l m ^ n i i i ^ ’.toe J - -eften u Inetfortlw M

i k t n t o . . a»ier.tM a i t »

Fate Four' • ►6 to take thought about whst they do f and how they do it. j*

Tho AU-Idsho safety CouncUi X which U authority fer the su tuucs

quoted, seems Inclined to take an M optlmlstle view of the sltuaUon:' “We seem to bc making some pro- L0 gress 'In rediiclifg accldenu In tne ’ homes,” says a statem ent istely U-' sued by the council. "In January y

or thla yenr .home taMlltles wtrc g,» eight per cent (ewer than a year u ■. ago" (when they exceeded those

aulomoblln by twenty-five pcM^i^), H IJ ''Howevxr.” the . slatement coii-

tinues,‘'greaLuul'Jqa miist'be tnktnII and n ncver-let.iip proiw andn car* h” fled on for safety In the hornet" ' F

T h e . sltuntloii dUcIowd by tha T. council's statistics leaves no rocm | |1 (or doubt as lo the dnlrablllty o( i

iJjJs or sny clJJcrsunM ted procedure I; tliat gives promise o( Improvement. I

f ' --------------------- I

AM) I1RAIN.S I n ■!s Scrutiny oC newtpsper comics In- ■; dlcntes a pepuUr notion that bright' chfldrcn arc skinny and be-tpectael* Af! ccl, while robust, liealtliy kids are

prclty poor nt le.iions. I l ia t thifc j ,Is little ground (or such a view is

, suggested In some recenl studies ^rnnde along this line. Agnln and is

' aca ln it has been (ound tliat Uie most itable ivuat scholars are larger.stroiiVer' nnd liealthler than the

. ordinary ones o( )ike a*e. There are sei

. exceptloni. o t course, but the gen- ‘I ernl rule U th a t healUi of body and J'J mental ability go together.

ll ic director of the sludeiils’ “; healtJi scr\-lce a l tlie University cfI MinnesoW has been seeking any re-

latlcnshlp which niay exist between. health and scholastic alUlnnienls in' college students. Physical cxamln-, atloiis showcd_ niost of the falUni [, students to"be ovcr^clghl or under-, weight, of defective hearing, flabby-

jnuicJfd. ajjemJc, and ot lauUy pos- y|,. ture, AI.W, they said they were sub-I Ject to worry, moodiness, Klf-ccn- tei

sclousncis. he■ =BbTtotniri-neait>rtr-an luipuitant ^

(nclor In mental ctttclencj'. WithIhls In mind greater Importance tlia ttaches lo the statement of the quschool h jilen e department of tlie

, federal departmenl of educaUon that y,', e s i e r ecnt or a ll tin? defeeU found U

In children during school llfo' are sl(, present In Iho flrsl grade and Uiat

many ot them could be removed or' compensated before the child cn ten lu

sciioof. . . ■ iTha duty o t parents and social

: agencies and sp o o ls In this matter' thould bc clear. jJ,

hi' . • I be


Speaking of^lhat n in th planet the uiostrbnomen liave dlscorered. away peo(( In the cold. dark, outer confines >>1 0f ;ll« sohir system:

frlcnd"Shal lie ihought of Uie bus­iness reviews written by a cert^n m siw Jaflst •Oli tJic staff. Tto tAc ar friend,'thoM reviews seemed unl- "'i lotmly and unnecessarily pessimistic. ”

’'I think." he said, n i ia t this busl- licsa reviewer of yours (s a ■good man —aa far as he goes. He Is careful t® and nccurate.

’'I f hc wcrc nn iwtronomer, I UiJnk r : he might hnve worked ou t those - nberratlons In the orbit of tbe planet , Nepiunc. B ut l don't bellivo It would have occurred to him lo telt tlie as^onomlcal- world to point Its telescopes Inlo , the apace beyond and look for another planet. AU he " would have seen would have been that Neptune waa behaving very ,{ badly, and_. there was do* r e a m 't o no hope for ahy ImprovemenL" * ovi

We have too. many business writ- ‘ ers Ilke that a t present. , ~


fiuidiiD \bur I ^ Ghild i [

DISCIPLINE ' I 'ily .tin s . AGNES 1

Bclty came sobbing to her moUi- Irr. "Charlie took his tricycle sway ■from me and 1 K ant It." I

"Well, ll's> Charlie's tricycle, isn't IIt?'* ';.-, ■

-yes, but I w ant It.’* ■ ■•you used it all morning whlla

he H’as ]» scliool, and noiv he M n uto play with It himself, so you'd .y, belter find so rn itlilnF e lieT o ao?*, m. For aMong Ume Betty-walled and j-oisulked, but no one paid any atten- nig tloU 'to J»er--: OharlJeijnerrtlz=lwI«:his trlo 'cle up and dovn the walk Nea n d mother w u busy Indoors, waEventually Betty found aolaee tn the tai

___- ■ % — • ' ■Such little sltdaUons are the-real

^ *pi

wants. HuThere are. many parents wbo feel net

lha t unless they purpOMly' block >na Uieir children’* wishes aow-BBi roa

forget tha t even the best loved and' P n n> M tL Jnuip lIi!_e ito (ito l_cW 4_il baulked every day of bia life. • » «

If be leama to taka wltb' good ^ Bneo tbe (rustraUona o t bU per- ■OiuU-wIshes, vbleb are In e id n t t« tnc (be obsenance of rouUna and to tbe ^ lodal adjustm ests of hU play, we , “ seed bave no f m tb a t be win be- ^

autiUTM^rtMi b u i lh Im

_________________ CT

i r ^ - ^ A Y A N mJla RELIGIOUS FERV(

“ Bj D b W H t I

‘ By DeWITT MACKENZIE v* LONDON. March 23 C4>)-Prom *'

Moicow comes word th a t the Soviet ** govemmenl U turning churchest throughout R uss la 'ln to museums; rl C lh a t the belle which formerly called 1' , the humble peasanu to prayer n e t ■ bdtig melted down. 1

Prom a dU- vi " tlngulshedAra- ^

" M C T M a y T p n lu ^ f that

' ^ fnIbn Baud, aul-jg ,

- 'f r ie n d tells of t - • the people of „. Arabia headed by this Nspoleofi ot , the Desert who rules Ills empire,

otlUmes from a bedouin lenl, with ,■ an Iron hand. The leticr says:‘ . . • »>rv#r f,' ^-iNowhero In the world of Islam ali Is lha teaching ot -Mohamet so wI strictly obiervcd as In the domln-. ions of the king of H edjaa .. And ni■ no Moslem Is more punciuni in at ’ obeylns the call lhan the king him- 18 ! self. Bf . -'You can piclure him 'In Ills lenl, pr I lilting in Bedouin fuh lo n un his sti

rugs. He Is surrounded by hb ad- ht

: i i P N E W ' ^ ; | i i t ^ , A T L A

By DEMING SEVMOUft 1 NEW YOHK. March » •<»?)—Trl-1

vinlltles aboul town:A ham drnmatlsl h u lust WTlt-

* ten a musical show In which the 10 here b ait aviator. " I t would bc a ui

‘ Alfred E. Bmltb. a once-ln-a-whllc p,, I flrsl nighter. wpalit bp a moM frc- pr ! quent one If Hip ppulcriiw o t'nuto- ot , graph hounds didn't annoy him so. —

Most of the npplau.w you heaf over ' the radio lictwccn iiroHrnm numbers |„ I Is synthcilc, started nnd finished on 1 signal. The announcer acls as the [j, , applause director. yeI Dominoes Is n more popular game '

than bridge n t any number ot sump- n,> tuoiis Fifth avenue clubs. H i . Atla Nnzlmovji, rctuniliijc lo Brosd- 1 p,, I way as an a c lrcu Just 23 years nllrr. her New Yorlc debut, pronounces Itj

NaZIM ovu-but hcr best friends call 1 her Naze. I

She Is. Incldfnlally, reputed lo t ’** have Iho loveliest Icrs and ajiklrs to 1M be seeu on the stage-musical shows^'^f Included. 1

noxy. lakJW? Ill* cue frwn thf|® ';■ Ihfme song, hns adoplcd a theme!' perfume. Evcrj* week he laturate.t!I Ills movie house wtlh an eletiant j

o<lor which Is "In kccpin? with thci plc;uro." . , , I vii

“■— . - U i h te r t ia g m iT ' ,------Tlie fellow whose clgarct llE hter|iti

) mlf.'es'(Ire on the. first Iwo-LwUlaLoI ; and ignites n i tlie (Wrd wij's It rc- , minds him of a Bowery bitrgnlii ^tore rli

—tuD fallurc.s and n (In*. w<KUiior, Sm ith, glri ultltudr (Her. pn

Is the daughler uf Tom Smith, who m i b a budd>- of Fred Sioiie and ur.cil I to be a i good n clog dancer as there Ft

was In the b t^ness. (0

c r V . ■ ' ' — ' ' '> - ■ ..I . ,

I ■■

’ By’ BIClrtiBD-MASSOCJy m I NEW YORK. March 22 t,T)-Dregi

of war jlde th e crest o t a Oerman bJ' ' h o « l w hlcb-hai Just been published

over here under the title, "Flood.” "B Some m onths ago it- Newi Vork bU

publisher was waiting In the mod- of e ii living room or Professor'Albert wl ElnsUln a t Berlin. He had comf )

- lu a j i liie eelebrsled »jalJjejiiaWe)fto- W> 0 r rel;»ilvliy pe

- fame to write ch - h b auloblogra* ev<

y 't - - y phy. bul tor the daI m o m e n l-m n - roiI ' itc io c It*

' '1 ' come to borrow _ ^

p'ublbh». Don-

Slanw through rvosoov n book lying on “' , the lable. He •“

became so lnterest«»l ln .lt. l ii ttE ln - “ J stelu-came-upan-blm-readUig le^and laid: 1 f m u Ilke the book so much Vou may have it. X rccommend It Highly." • Inii^A ud-lhat to-how-llie^book^noWrt S f Neumann’s "Slntflut.'’ or -‘Flood,” was dbcovered, Einstein Inclden- tajly laid h e t u not yet ready toK T ltebiiautoblO fraphy.:.................. j

' Sordid.Beallun ' ' - oT -TThe-BOTCl-iTTrtorTent-of-lerrlftc im

a g

R w m -N e tm u iu i'd e s c r ib e s busl- i t r nes and political oondltlons in Oer- Slk many a fte r th e var, the-morals and 1 roanoen of a disintefrated Mclety. by

praved peraonallUea, profitccn, wll

tng of lueb little occasions u Betty's "t« wbh to ride tb s tricycle wblcb be- J longed to u w ib e r child teacb m r e ^ tban.any 4isai90b]tBMnt wblQb f e td i • fU tn iU r |o r th i laM ot l o



vbers and ministers, while a a ever (hitting stream of visllorv p a u to 1

I and out. • ppI "Suddeuiy the MeunUi-s voiee m ; rings out. There Is an immediate I stoppage of.official'business. The s king. In h b capacity as Imam , tha t

Is, rpligious leader, u lte ri th e tn - mi . vocation: T liere b no>pover and mi

strength save In Almighty Ood.' ,, The phrase Is reverently repeated "

I by all those present U b a signal 1 as well as an Invocation. The ten t , ..( lap s nrc flung open and tbe k lnf < w ith .a ll hb 'en tourage pass Into the open. go.

Toward Mecca ch-I'lie tnll figure ot Ibn 8 a u d -«

maBiiificcnl figure more th a n aU V feet In helght-dom lnates the

I groups. H e advsnees a short dU- I tance acrosi the sliltting sands and ;ih en stops and turns lib face to- ward Mecca. ou

•T h t congregation arrange them'- [“ : selves tn a single row behind their

king and religious lender. They Mand abreast of each olher, fo t all cf them are equal betore Qod.

•'The only exception U the desert emperor himself and h b personal f* altenrtant who stands behind bbn

I with a draw swort. • "O•'The custom of slatlooln* an *'

nrmetl ntlcnilanl behind the king a t prayer dales baek t« (he year wh 1832, w hen the great T u k l Ibn bu Snud, great •grandfather of t h a in present king, w ls treacheroualy be stnbbeil to deatli as he prostrated «(« hlmscir lu prayer.'^ bit

______ ___________________________ do■ ■ - afl

Y O R K E R a i l i A RG E M i |gI Lee Simonson, who designs u ltra - j { modernistic apartment suites, h as hU owfi home funibhed with aaUque*.

Of some 4700 buildings more than ggi 10 stories high In Uie United SU tes, i,* upward of half are In New York, =G laflyc:paxter?opsrelU -«tarr^wbo yoi rigni noW IX illUIinK llic liervlite'r nn purl In “A Wonderful Night,** Is vlee oul president ot tli'e riding hab it firm ele ot her husband.,Richard E, Busvlne an —and she really worka a l (t. thi

Dolores nnd lletcne Costello, who i'o' have becoma Mrs. John Barrymore Uo: and Mrs Lowell Sherman respcc- for lively, were Ncw Y ort.m odcls tlw ;reiir5 ago. — I

I Theresa Helbum, bo«s.of the The- I oter Guild, will leave her desk any Ilirn? to wntch a fOneral proccsslon 'R oby . .I . Last Sun-lvon ' km{ Two members of Ihe original Qul I -'Robin Hood" cast of 1800 are sUlt £ I Itvhur. Mary Stone, th o first Maid ; Mnri3))..tenehes music In the B ^ n x n,. -•nnil'^dw hi. Hoff, the Ilrst Robin

Hood, stilt pla}-a a sUge ro le . . now and then. u l

I T lini report (hat hiking parlies : would be admitted to the Rockefel- ^ ler estate aVPocanlleo Hllle was er- roneous—the publlo lu s been barred ever slncc J. W. W s rioted there In _u

u a i i _____ _______________________ 2t Jii-'t 15 'years ago. Broadway s a v I lls Ilrsl C2 movie. I t was 'T h e B lrlh 7 ^Lol-a NaUon.-’. _______________

The cable stranits for Ihe Hudson river suspension bridge have , to 'b e ,u , woven n i lllghl—tlie sun would ex- pnnil them hi Uie day time aud "* make ihem too tlnck.

Sleii on n rooftiliig hou.' e In Forty-clgiiUi flrcet: "Jnas tiddla f to r sale. Inquire uiutears."

n ish olmost loses coJierence. J t makea a sordid picture of post-war hysteria and defeat. ™■'Ah ahUdotc lo all this 1s the .ju "Bj-ron" of Andre Maurob, Freneh - t , biographer, who has done for singer w r of "Don Juan’' nnd "Chllde Harold" w hat he did In "Ariel " for Shelley.

Less concerned with Lord Byron's m *raiy-n>nk-4hsn->i* - U - a-J0 i his u u perMnallty,-Maurob brings ou l the “»• character of the cjnlcal, scnilmenial, ever boybh poet and devotee ot iPC' dalliance yet hardly the hero of moi romance. . — W t

nONEEBS _ In thd wake of Elbabetli Madox

Roberts' "The Oreal Meadow," nar­rating Uio setUement of Kmiucky, comes Edna Ferber's "Cimarron," a ta le of (he opening of Oklahoma. _

Out or both of Ihese emerges ,lh« pioneer woman. Miss Roberta fol­lows a sturdy couple ot Virginia ovet I Uie D an’l Boone Trace to Kentucky, cos Miss Perber, with reportoHal skill, tv l /ISS fashioned a illrrtng chrojiJcle flf 1 1 Oklahoma'i great "run,- when far,: goe coming lahdseeken lined up f<» the u S made scramble to get a portion or tbs by Indian’s territory, a n d 'o t th e sub- o r i MQwnt--fro5>tter.J>p<>m^i<wn..eoa!. S*' ditlons. - - e u

-------- sonAFB1CAN8 '

AnoUKr.sIighUy comparible pair SSi oT'BOoks’are 'Xobl^ola,’* the life JgZ i t c ^ ^ - t t - ^ - j m a g e ’TJf-Jevlsb

s t r a ^ - cttsUire coiled '■OattUni ^

Tb* la ite r book Is "Poor Nlgger.“ ^by t a lu il sn , M a Vetgant Tbe »iii carw r nf its nrisn flghl/r Is idenUeaivlUi th a t of the psUieUe Senegalese, i{., .^ ^ ^ ^ l i U . i U ) . |{ e v J ( o t J L J l r M t ^ 1

" teaeh ln t'a lesson.-, The cbUd vho koows his v libea m ] 'a n belag Uceked fo rm rm o n other u i Uian tb a arbitraiy deeUloa-of u n i)

' 2 d i « ! s r “ * ffi

SWS, TWIN FALLS, IDAH(H O , 8 U K P A Y m o k n i n g ,

\ H e y , F c / f o w s / i

i L . H . C O O L E Y l l

r ceI Some VHk* a fo v e v e a t Into a ''I

preuy leng U lk on rope iplttalng, y> and hov to aequb« Uie knack of ^ I Jumping In and ou t ot U » loop, and> paulng it around U » body. Re- t« . member? Well, iio v lh a t veTe aboiit “ I m utered th9S« UUk spins 1 ^ Isv e, it b about U m T tn S IT fa rv a rd (a a i

Um most iM ctaeu lir of Uwm aU. ] ' The upright loop aad U u vay to Wi ; Jump through It. , ba1 First we s la r t our ground loop 4*'

fo ln t. Slid when wa teej Uist our chsncis of keeping U mav|ng ars «“ pretty |ood we g tidusily tilt ifts fP arm and vrts t upward unUl the loop b spinning In a vertlctl poslUon M'. directly in front of us, T h b move- „ ; ment h u to be a IllUe fu te r than with Ihe ordinary f l i t loop so Uiat ^ eur circle wUl rem ain upright and ^ nol die on us. W hen the loop Is go- "* lng good we gradually tu m our body ” u m Uie loop Is splnnlcf slniosi parallel to our le ft side. As Uie honda sU ru on It's downward motion we pull the loop toward us vlUi a little _ Jerking motion and make a ilde jump through the loop -Just as Uie honda Is level wlUi the ground and ^ slarllng lls up movement.T h b brings us through Uie loop

which wlll/now be on our rtih t (fde d t but spinning In a reversed motion. Nc In oUier words, the honda vlll non Iri) be spinning from right to left* In- *-S stead of from left to right. U b a lui bit hard to get th b trick movement Yt down rlghl the first few.Umcs, but rei after a lltUe pracUoe a fellov ihmild Co be able to skip back and forth (hrough Ihe foop. without much (hi uouble. Ju tt remember th s t the r s lump Uirough the loop must be mada Br with a crab like step and don't for- set get to duck your hesd when you do In it. . . . pr

Another ibovy trick wlien you are spinning the ground loop, and have , Jumped Into It, b to let U w -a rm -^ down iharply-as'though oru). were . . . going to pass Uie loop around tbe th body, and Uien give Uie arm a quick u,, snap upward lo bring tbe loop over youish«ad.- When the loop p iiis i.u p = m rrthr-body , gWe-Uie-arm-A-sharp- r“ outward throw so th a t the loop vlll clear the head, and thsn bring tho arm doa-n to the f ln l poslUon of the ground loop. T h b wlU bring }-oiir loop back-to Iti-orlglnsl posl- Uon outside Uie body. Only don’t forsict lo keep the rope spinning even when 11 b over your head.

Lnt} ot fellow-s ore able to tie kno'ut - witii iMth hands, b u t'It takes prac­tice 10 tie them with a twenty foot I— rope ushili only one hand. One of 1 the easiest koota to Ue—the straight Me kno i-can be done very simply and sa quickly with your spinning rope, Pe:

stretch the rope out In. front ot ^ ynu to Its ItngUi wlUi tbe honda at the far end. Now give tbe ann a “ quick pull b a ik w ar t'f i 'lh o u g b you vere about to pitch & baseball. The hiMida wHI describe a 'Kml-arc 10- J ward you snd almosl touching Uie Im ground. As It ccmek almost up to thi you, bring the a rm forward wlUi Uie same biovement you would, make r when pitching a ball o\-erhand. Wi

above the honda causing It to whip IsUie hondA up and Into ,Uw loop bycsusid-br the tw crm B n o t i c e T%a vsineUon must be fast eoough io make 6CKthe tie I J lhat you can 't follow U » ne-knot movement-yourself. ml

— • fee, me

— — tlo


Justin Utt *By SIA^Y LENNOX


1 Uilnk men ihould do lomeUiIng ^ to bring Joy and laughter Into the lives of ladles. Tha slogan used to be '-Votes for \yomen," but now m , th a t Uie novelty's worn olf of votes; why not make our motto **Jokes for Women?" j

“Well,” remarked Mrs. N. E. _ Dame when I passed th b helpful tnd ihum an ltarlan hint on to heri "vlUi m a tr tm o n y -v h a t- iu b -a n d husbands w hat they are, 1 see no special need for aglUUng about any _ more Jokes for women." I t certain- ■ W ts dbcouraglng to JusUn u tt. V

V a g a b o n d R h y m e s

By OIN.QEK■ — \

m Y 'T U B ANNOVNPOtI've nursed a secret voe. thal *rs

concerns Uie radio, alnce first 1 quitv b te d counUess kinds of dIaUl and fHiZ bsle to even ihink, o r mr mfad lougoeaon Uie blink, ef a ll my tribula- upia ^ ^ d T h y trials. r bave'Ilddlid — 5br Uie score vlU . n m s Uxty knobs an<or more, to tune In on my very fav- roc«lt4_<uiton:. and l letUe back vlUi ^ease, a s I hear sweet m e lod ic vhsn Ctisome bird breaks In v im IsngUiy tladlssertaUon.TbU precram -too ts to hbyou by consent of Blaek and Blue, Veitbe'fflakers of Uie far famed wrlnk- yealess prune: -a t atlenUon,_dm’t go lopW y > .» ^ V n ttl« mDrii.tajurZ6fc. Z i

^ T > r u w =wruF ^ - -^ = ^ i K ~ ^ t i r ereryUUng from goldOfb dovn to wit pIUs; and I spend tbe ’q lgbt In tcr- ror. lesl I mak« aneUier error, U ut pac ylU further all advgrUsIng tlb. the

eouldnt m aki I t pajr. v b y n e n d lo An (Oday. a sd aU -ou r .ipM taiBm ent poi vould be lost. 80 eootUtr Just a bai vblls, and pattupa TAH n t a t o : ■mile, I t d o a n t m e an .» eontlasn* of ta i d a n : m ' n fo l much n tia r tn e n cigbt. touch « Uie

l^ m p wBy DEMING 8ETM 0CS . I

_NBW YORK, March 33 WV-A cemetery Is the m ajor setting (or "Love, Honor and BeUay," a uU re | by a P reneh -auU io f-fo r-vh lch -A .r U. Woods bas oblalned the serrlces ol Alice Brady.

Xn Uw graveyard's lu lf da rkneu ' tv o flgurea arlw from Uielr tombs —one a uniformed young French I arm y offloer. h b hands cUsped as in death across bU brest; Um o t ^ ,

BoUi, lt* d « v e l^ ,'h a v e loved The Weman. Prom this scene flash­backs achieved Vlth movable set- Ungs change Uia picture to tell the Itory .ol T he W omin from lls be- f lnn ln i. and to depict sucossslve e p l s o ^ tn .the Ille of h r r » b » e selfbhness brought three men to their graves.

M. A ndre-Paul Antoine bas not much to say about love U u t hM not been said by .o ther playvrlghU In front of o tbe r setUnga. bul the pby h u a t l e u t the graee of novelty, even If. Its u v e lty b tometlmea of a

_____ ■

A SECOND GUESSING A recent bit of Broadway nevs hss

revived Uie pereonblanecdoU s about ” plays vh leh were decllnnd by many * produeera only to- mske fortunes “ i vhen finally they were put upon tbe stage. gl

"Orcen P u tures,” Maro Connelly’s 01 drama of the Old Testament'through nl Negro eyes, b u surely ib i ouutand- IrQi; event o f th b season u v t n lu ’•street.Beene" and "Strange Inter- ni lure" o f the tv o preceding seasons. D Yet half a dosen leading managera 111 read and rejected the script of Uie to Connelly play. cc

I t Is common enough knowledge v (hat h stf a doaen producers refused sc r s tree t Scene” before WUIiam A. Brady made the 10-strlke of Ust “f season w ith It. O’Neig's "Strange n InUrlude" had ben rejected by one ai prpducer when the Theater Dulld so. Ui cepted It.

The Predoeer's S id e -------pvSueh stories abound In'every sea- m

son; "B roodvar 'ven tthe roundsbe - w foro Jed H arrb got It. and "Abie's pl Irish Rose," biggest money maker In hi Uieatrlcal history, vaa spumed by so m

News in Tu Years

Taken F rom The Twii F riday . JU rch

II. L. Hollbler, Chicago, and R. S. c< McCarthy. Phlbdelplila, arrived here vli Saturday and were guesu of I. B. Perrine while on a tour ot the tract; Thoy le tl Monday for a cross coun- ov try trip and will vb lt the Norlh Side bu and Bobe before returning here to m 0 nv en

L.L, Ormsby. Boise sheepmnn, vas f®' looking over Uie slieep Interesb on {J tbe trac t the la tte r pa rt of the week.

Tlie most modern flour mill In the Wcsl and the Uxgest beiween Den- ^

Drohfine ln tliff ^Is how being erected In tw in F^lb q . by the Tw in Falls Milling and l e ­vator company. I ls capacity wUl be 600 barreb ol flour per day. In eon- necUon w ith i t will b e ,a com meal ” mill, with a capacity of CO tons ot feed pcr day. The cost of th b enor- moui p lant will bo nSMO. Excava- llon'workalreadyhubeencomm ene* „ ed and construcUon vUI begin wiUi- „ In the next few days. . jj j i

““ “ IpsE. B. Darlington came over from ga

Hollister for a short vblt Uie fln t of tho week. 1 Bi

•---------I bc

L .F . Foote, deputy national organ- Tt b e r of the Loyal Order of Moose, b W in Twin Falls for the purpose of or- 6 ; ganblng a local lodge, under the dl- j recUon of National Oigantzer Fred ' ' Kollenberg. who will be here on the a t occulon of the f ln l Inslalb^loa da Mrs. FooU b confident.of securing a in membcrahip of 400 In Twin Falb. lo(

------- foiHenry 8mUh arrived hero from de



OeneraUons ago. when th«> faUier itjot hU country planned for a fed- a ieral olty beside tbo Potomac, un- dequtillonably bl* vision Included a mflttlDg symbol la stone to tho rellg- mi(ous coRrtotions th a t wero s t r o ^ t«iupon him. >' Iqi—T hire-u -no -lacJn t-e rtdenceM n iwand about.?Vaablnit<» of U ut up* w rooted falUL ,

The .W ashington pew_ln aneieot toid i^ b t 'c h l i r c h 'I n ’AliataBdrla,’ 'Hhe “simpler.' homelier surroundings of •h b pa rb b ch u n b e|oM by Mount n i Vernon, unchanged through Ujsmm yean on IU v ln d tv s p t. Virginia bill • a tto p .s tlU U llo . iiu Z T h c x e ^ £ o r g g i B C B » a i m

to 'M i ^ T ia w r t t tWT g y TWBffiea ^wlUi methodical neaUeas. v' u .

Yet a century and a half was (o {n pass before bU dream of a v u t ea- Uo thedral In toe federal city approscb- Ity

Amerioaa arm y o t lueb ^ and ernpower as W asblngton nerer. eould of b a n foreieen. waa to aet h b bMtd Thto Uie eoopleUon In sUne and stte] ela of Uie stnietura Usi f irst great gen- lUeral sa v as a rUloo. <

f iU lla c n sa d e r u Jehn P m h b i i h u f b a n d rtu M d tbi

a i UitiM alhiu dMi.1 ~ ..;a . '

i, MARCH 28, l?80

m a® producers that Anne Nlchob, Jwho wrote It, Anally produced I t iherself. o

Theae facts do nol necesarlly a r - >gue. u many asume, th a t many of aour foremost produurs fall to nc og - tnOa t pauacuihlt vtten ttier set It. <.

Several who declined "OreeD Pas-lu r e f w en afraid ot a clly o rdl- nnance whloh forbids portrayal of tho tlDeity upon thS/«Ugt.' Oihers dl{- tlliked lla epbodlc form—a handicap ato any play,'and one no l quite over- a come even by the negro ip lrltuabwhich link the '•Qrecn Pastures” pscenes. C

(}ne or two produeera regarded“Slreet Scene" u mere photographic craalUm rather thsn great d ra m a -a n • accurate' enough Judgment, despite the play’s sucoess.

Produeera do guesi wrong, and the ppubUo b InscruUbly fickle — but n many produeera are honest enoughwllb themselves nol to underUke a V play they do no l l!ke, even'when they have a hunch that they could makemoney vrlth It. a

u)in Falls 19 ' ;;

s A 9 0 «

Win F alls News Files

c h 2 4 ,1 9 1 1 “_________________________________ kContact. Nevada, Monday for a short Vblt wlUi mining oisoclates.

J . M. Hale and F. W. DeWltt came over from Jerome Wednesday -on a business trip. i

Mrs. Anna U Rue, Rupert, presi­dent of Uie f ln t dUlrlct of Uie s u te federaUon of women's clubs, enter­tained s t lunchecn on< W ednesdor In honor o t the other ottlcers of the dbtrlc t. The fln t db trlc t b com- 1 ' posed of ten or twelve clubs Includ­ing the Twentieth Ceniury club of 1 Twin Falls. Mrs. R. W. Spangler. •Mra."hf'. ■J.'-Oweeley am H < rfc- EM J .l-t ! O strander were guesu from th b elty._____ Ir

Memben ol tha Wlmodausl club gav& a progressive dinner Tuesdayevening In honor cf their husbands. ({The first course w u served a t the |home of 0 . B. Slerer, the second a t Ithe WlgglesworUi home, the th ird |course a t the home ot T . F. W arner I

, and the dessert course a t tho L. L. II Breckenrldge residence, w hen the | I party remained tor a few h o u n o t i igames. Those present vera Messra. |and Mesdames Beauchamp, Sleror. r

I Breckenrldge. Mann, Wlgglesworth, j . 's c o u , Shrout, Reed, McMaster,Thompson, L. A. Warner. Falling. . WUson.’'Y oungs. T. P. W arner ondSpackmaa. _____

I Canton Colfax will give a. danceBt Dreamland pavilion on W ednes- "day evening. The grand lodge meeta “in U ib city next fall and the local ulod g e 'b putU'ng' forth Its bMt e f- «forts lo raise a goodly a m o u n t. to tldefray tbe expenses of the occasion. ^

= = = = = = = t]

marching victoriously home from ^ France Uiat b ijh poliflcal desUny 5 m ight be h b . W h d '^ ld 'b la m b blm? America h u beforo » called to leadership In punulta of peace “ the leaden she^trusted mosl In war. Two who before him have f ' held h b extraordinary rank of gen- “ eral o f th s armies have abo been “ president, Washington and O rant. ^

But pollUcal dbappolntment. If f so he felt ll, has no t Im bltttfed “ Penhln*. He b jrtlU a crusader a t Pj heart; a preacher of high duty, or faith In 0 ((d if td 'tb e ' desUnf of America. A nd 'U sucb he h u u n ­dertaken as h b own fltUng con­tribution leadership v f tbe move- ti m ent t o ^ rh^ .to i^ p le U o n the »|

Ington's bIrUi Uie v u t pile of W ash- lng tM ’ “a lh a d n r--w h lc h —already « looms Uko * cltsdel of (alth on the K hUly hunparU U u t ring W ashing- m

•'Washington esthednl vlU rep - *« resent th e ideab of our democracy," te(hlf lUo Jong- soMler. who so short i ta Ume ago stood, grim and uniwerv- la

I n tb a t good government springs f lt r ^ a - b l ^ ' s e n s e of moral obllga- pl Uon, aod th a t Uie degree of m oral-Ity among the people u dependent to

o S r tc U m iT ^- “T b e - td th sd ra l-v lU -g ttn d -t t-a ir 1 endiihnf erlaanee of w hat Uie sp irit of Obrlst ineans to our elrlUxaUon. m Tbe cross Uiat crovns It vUl pro- ol elala iU ie message of OhrlsUanltjr to « lU Amtrlca.** u

Could tbe rb lon e t blm vbo fUU bi Is f ln t In v a r and In peaee, and. In Ui t b i .b n r U of bis eouB tn rqua 'b ftn Pi

. . . . f

S k i t s A n d S c r a t c h e s

1 CAT THAT CAME BACK I I've otten vondered

Why '•the cat came back." perhaps ho WunderwJ,

O r escaped the sack.. .C QBwr ______

n ie Feline proverb, '‘You cnn't keep a good cat down." lUll holds

't ru e , no matter how many slones ‘ you put In the sack. Bul why a cat sliould want to come back when ho could go' torvard Instesd b a m js- ttry. CaU, however, are almosl u queer as humans—they'ra' ns hard to looie u a cold In the head or V. poor relaUve a ^ Just u sure to put In an a p p e a s e vhen you had hoped you .v e re 'fc ll rid of them.

Catnip Twins Again Take tho Catnip Twins, for In-

s ta n ce -an d how I w bh you wouldl T hnl Catnip pair. Catapult and Ca­terpillar, "camo back" recently from the Talkies. They broke into Ihc Screeching screen wlUi their skit, "A Cuppa Catnip Tea," but they m utl have spilled a lltlle loo much, or got their claws Unglcd In WwW.conlnU)t, for they'rc back now and actually want to drag some of the ir Uilngs Into "Skiu and Scratch-

I may not be able to loti the Cat­nip Twins apart—bul I c a j | lell . them together tha t the rcadfts of th irw lu m n have enough to bear AS ll. b wllhoul liavlnE to enduro any of thclr alleged humor.

Hero are a few sips from **A Cup­pa Catnip Ten." You can seo why CalapauJt and CaterplUar o t tbe sack In Koll>*wood.CATERWAULS OF -n iE

CATNIP TIVINS . A Farcw einS % m s

r.C aU pau tt: Is thero onyone In Franco who's in favon of dbarm a- ment?

Caterpillar: Siirel Tbero's the Venus de Mllo.

T onhie Ueklng Anyway Calapault: Why b a kitten like

a prlee fighter?Caterpillar: Is It because he can

comc back;_______________________Cninpaiilt: w e in h n n u rf lc M n d i.-

I f s because he gels m“any a good llcklr-ff b u f b always ready for more scraps.

D anem us QuesUons "Is l l true. Colonel Lindbergh,

thn l aviation b as sate os horse­back riding?”

•'Don’t you think th a t black ihlrta are very becoming, Mr. Muswllnl?”

"Oh, wasn'l lhat t h e ‘go’ sign. Mr. Olflecr? -

"Will you marry me?"

ScreenUfe' " - 0 - .......- .......

H ollyw ood^By nUBBABD HEAVY

HOLLYWOOD. March 22 WVOrn* of Use mosl Interesting of oil the eomebncka In Uib strange city b ono th a t few have suspccted u u k - ing plaee—Clara Bow's.

Clara’s movlo

forced Into the

when^icr Uior-

manCQ w i l h

.■ . den t combinedlo k e e p hcr

■— J , f r o m making......... — — *— -* . p i c t u r e s for

C la n Bow moro than tlx months. There was U lk around Holb-vood a while ago th a t Clara w u "washed up.” and tho rumor w u-not w lthout'fomida- tlon.

During th b period of illness caus­ed by the mbhnp and worry over, the cxlra pounds, which c o u ld s u be concealed In her l u t p lc to h ^ Clara became discouraged a n d ijn u «n-Uie-verge of-Kllrlng.-6ho b W d to have been penuaded no t to by friends.

"In Dangerous Curves,” made nearly a jrear ago, there w aa.a.sccnc.. In which Clara stood up while rid­ing a horse. A wire w u fastened to a heavy belt aroimd her w abl Ut support here. One nteht, while Uic sequenee w u being fllmed, she slip­ped from tho horse and tbo Jerk of bcr body against Uie bell Injured her lutemoUy.. s

to Founds!Clam w u 9bb to.finjsh the pic­

ture. Between iU compleUon and the sU rt of her next^she bccamc nearly 30 pounds orenreJght.

The Injury became vorie and aft- e r-< lnlshlnrr*T he-6 aU inlay-N lght" K id,".she went to tho hosiiita] for nearly two months for trea tm ent and B rost,7 ^ W ^ fe ii;-h * r ;r ira t^ 1 6 n jF o n o - ln r several years, gsve Olara t chance to reeover u 'w eU i n m -the 111 ef- /e c u of Jonr days a t the studio and late bou n b i Hollywood parUes. m e n she l e t t . jb e bo sp lu l her

fbipper sho v u In some of he r f ln t pictures.

Clara’s com ebck picture^ h e r bJif f w her former p o p u ly l^ , will beL

ef the most succes^ul sbe ever m adiA

H er last pieturo and h e r dx monUu' n tliem en t cost Olara mucft o t h e r popularity.'' Tbe esteem - « . vh leh motion picture goen head U)eb- favorites b judged b r tbe num­ber of le tte n U i^ write For * long time Olara got U u mcM mail 00 tbe Parataount'lot. but BOV'iIie la sw -

Page 5: VIS NEV TH]E T V W ~:FAIJL SI)>AIL1Y'tnailUw ^ after tomorrow. ' Qotrti lau n d er ear hu been souneed nadr for Um trials aod

* " iT h r e e (—A-viators~H(

’ Mark SetLieutenant

Henry 1

j -----------


/ . t

■ ^ F l f

Lieutenant H erbert Fatiy ai H a rry Husted (low er rlR lit) i

B r OSCAR LEIDINO (Auoclatcd P r(u AvUUon Editor)

WASlnNOTON, March 22-TJirec proposed- AttempU to girdle ttie

A . . globe by* Blrptano appear u avia- \ Uon'8 cno3t ipcctacular p rom lu for

1S30.To *liatter llie 21-day speedTrec-

crd o( tlio Ora( Zeppelin Is the aim of John }ienry Mears. Lieutenant and Mra. Herbert ^ ahy and Harry

* llusied. Alt of Uicn)«pfopoie to make rourid*lhe-wrld Wp« In May or

- - June.Mears, who ei^elrcled the earth In

£1 daya and tS lioun In 192Bvlth the • Ule Captain C. B. D. Collyer. In- lends to use a Locliheed Vega-motffP plane. Ife hopes to make thc trip In 15 days.

- J K i l - l LH I T M m

. G ro u p G a th e r s a t H o m e of

M rs . C la ren c e H o lle n tie ck

O n B ir th d a y A n n iv e rs a ry

■ PAUL. Mnreh M -T iicsaay after- noon n number bf rritnds met n l the 1

" James Caudle home and went (o the Clarenco HoUenbecIc home Id a body

' to surprise Mrs. liollenbeclc on ^ e r birthday. Card* and a locial Iflne

[ were lhe dtvenlons of the after*' noon. A two courso luncheon was

sen-ed. The guest o t honor was lhe recipient of many gltls. The women enjoying the tlfolrjuere: Mrs. James

‘ Cloughley. Mrs. James Caudle, Mrs. / |f Qale IUed. Mrs. O rltdlh. Mrs! Louis > Y a te s . Mrs. Carrie Rowe, Mnr: Wai- , - t e r M anh. Mrs. J. M. Rlley. Mrs. A.

------‘ Hoorer. M n. F. J. Toevs, Mr*. OscarNflson. Mrs. Charles Wiley. Mra. Doh Hardin. Mrs. Charlie Eiulcm.'

-Mr*. James Hlis, Mrs. T . E. Clarlc. :Mr*. R iy Clarir. Mrs. Ployd Clarlt.

.'M rs. Al aiewart, and Mrs. Ed Hol­lenbeck. Rupert.

UtUe B hem aa Mcacham. two-

— --------------or th e 'b e s tln 'p rc p f lr inXor bcafla, a s i t .kills a

V * and makos a m ulch. loss o f any m oisture . ]

■ omtncnd It vcry .h ighly~ arc ftatio o f ^ r t n g aleV ^ , F o r fu r th e r infor

-v-:-SELl; 250 2nd A re . So.

' e Wo have several g

G r o u p s :

[ope-to^SKt by Germany

it and Mrs. Herbert F / Mears and-Harry Huste

;■ Encircling Journeys

T l'


and ills wife- (c e ijte r) , John Hc ) ali plan globe-RirdiinK t r ip s by i

Beml Balchen. whose n < ^ recent; ir) ochlevcmenl was to fly Rear Admir-1 ec al Richard E. Dyrd over the soulh he pole, has been menlioned as Mears' A. ptiDjable pilot.

The (llRht Is booked to s ta ii late In May from New York wlUi plans lo

. ' span Atlantic and Pacific oceans by { ™ air. rather than by steamslilp, a* ,' ^ Mears and Collyer did In 1828.

ke Lieutenant and Mr*. Fahy. bo tb ' or iiitrs. also wlll use a Lockhecd>plane

and have announced Uiey wlll a t- [' In tempt lo make tho trip in 12 days., he flying only In daylight, nr . . .1t P ^ T h e Faliy venture will be backed : In *T5y the Detroit a ircraft corporation. •

ll has been onnounced. Pahy Is lest i

year-old son of Mr.' and Mrs. Ivan Mcacham. who has been dangerously :

^ lU.wlth-pgeumofala*,Is reported lo be In an Improved con- ;

y dlilon. ,I Margaret Ellen Kicks has been III i I during the last week wllh measles, i

Mrs. Carrie no»e- °I>u- U '7 a flheih 'om e J f 'h c r doughlerrMr*. -

01 Walter Marsh., Mr. and Mr*. Fred Rush, Mr. and

IK Mrs. Lec Oreenwell, Mr. and Mra. , Vern Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Van

*y Every, and Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Ban- ford comprised a party who motor­ed to lhe Richard,Oreenwell home Wednesday evening and pleasantly surprised Mr. and Mr*. Oreenwell ,

3® on lhe occasion of their birthday aln- ” nlversarles.“TTie evening was spent j “ playing cards and a l midnight a '

turkey dinner wo* served. 'I ' Mlss Frieda Becker W t FWday afl- ' ^ ernoon for Oooding to spend sever^ !

days a l the home o( Mr. and Mr*. ' Harley Whllton. ■ ■ ^

; ; SE N IO R C L A S S A T B U H L 1

i ; N A M E S C A S T FO R PLAY \a r - - ' . ......... - — (ra. BUHL. March 32 (Special lo"Thc Iin.- News)—The cast for Uie Buhl senior ik. hlgti sehooi clasa play, ’'Oilly.’* a iK. three-act comedy, has been chosen tll- ond Includes 13 characters. Those 1

who wlll take part a rc; Burley Hyde, i 0- Vincenl Hunt, W alter Tannler, John ji

jY c n r { o n 3 ^ r o = ^ f t= 1 f lH t f ? ^ lm y rinff a'ftedTj'cd ^'draff, anT-ieM J ali the weeds thc blades, Tii h without tho ' Idlllng Canad e. Hundreds of wceders arc m

hly. The blades 11i l e c i r i S a ' w l l S - ^ — T .- :0 .-B .-T

formation about this vaiuablo tool

L F # A N U P A e n i R I N G (.P h o n e 624

1 good 12-inch an d 14-ineh'waIkini

- TW

P l a n t o

ly ’s ZeppelinFahy, John

stedPlan ■ . ;

.■ I

n ;

Henry M ears (lowe^ le ft) and by airplane d u ring May and Junc.;nt; plIol'Tor lh a l organization.Ir-1 Husted, wealthy Cleveland manu- ilh faeiurer, has announced plans to r*' cnclrcIe the world In a Fokker F-32

In 10 days, probably stanlng June IS.^ Like other would-be Magellans o(^ (tie nlr. he proposes to fly eastward. ,

starling either from the Pacific coast , ^ ' c r New York. I t has been his orig-

j Inal IntciiUonio fly westward.Besides the attem pt to lower tho ,

lth ' globe-gtrdllns record, he plans to ne lake moving plcturcs cn route, many lU : of which he says wlll be turned over , j-s, lo the government lo r (heir educa- '

I tlonal value..( Army m e n . Lieutenant* Erik H.

ed Nelson. Lowell H. Smith and Leigh >n. Wade, in 1034 piloted the f ln l planes u t around the world.

an Wilson.' Norton Bailey. Olen Bailey.^7 Ruth Slee, Anna Walker, Marjorie y*- Reynolds.— Sarah— M cC lusk jrind '

Bernice Van Siralen. Mlss Lols Rudy and Mlss Clara Walton are coaching

111 the group and definite announce­ment of the dale ot p'resentaUon will

Qg be announced later. ' -

:m ii5 fiL E rPICKHFORMH


‘jn BURLEY,-March 22 (Special to n . The News)~"Ro(ary Beach" U the .Qt name whleh has been given the new I, bathlnc resort on the Snake river

near the Heybum bridge d mile east [I. ot Biirley. a* reporied by Chairman n l Oeorse Scholer ot the Burley Rolary ^ ctub beach Improvement committee.

Tho name wa* unanimously approv­ed by the club a t It* regular meet* lns thU week. At thU meeling a most Interestlns U lk by J . 0 . PU-

,V ton. lo?al eandy njanutacUirer, w u given upon the subject. "Making ot

- Obocolate Oandles and the Ingted- h r lent* Therein." J. W. Bradt spoke Dt Upon conditions In .the southern a state* os obsen-ed upon his reeent

en trip In Dixie.- Low prices ot cotton, ise he t t ld . was .the cause ot a rather le, unsatisfactory senerai economic coo- in idltlon lhrcughoul the south.

They , oro also used in nadidn T histle. These e m ade in 'fo u r sizes.

------------ll,12.ft _________

C T i O T a l l i r T a i H o --------- *-------- -

to o l give us a call. •

G C O -V ^ I n ' . F a l l s , Idaho

Wng^pbwB fo r


• B r e a k <


CIIVKCIi C.Four^t avenue and Second street li

east KRev. M. H. Z48el. m inister c

10:00 A. M. Sundar school under ii the direction of the pastor. a

11:00 A. M Divine services. Ser­mon. "Ovcrcomlnj tbe LusU of the Flesh.". 8:00P.M . Lenlonde\^UonalW llll sermon.

1;30 P. M. Tuesday Junior mem­benhlp class mectlnK.

8:00 P. M. Wednesday. Choir prmcllce. ,

7:30P.M. Tliunday. Junior mem- *' benhip class meeling. °

8:00 P.M . Prlday. Senior member­ship class and young people will c meel. ’ J'

The Ladles' Aid soclely wltl meel ‘ Sunday immediately after the K church service. _

H RST CHRISTIAN CHURCH 'Rev. C. C. Curtis, pastor C

‘ , Shoshone ond Sixth avenuo , '10:00 A. M. Sunday school. t'11:00 A. M, Communion and ser-

mon service. Rev. Roy L. Brown. In - ‘idlanapolls, Indiana, will deliver the ^sermon. “

0:30 P. M. Senior ond InUrme- f dime Christian Endeavor.

UNITED B B eniR E N IN CHRIST ■_ JS iird street and T hird a « o u e .e “ l ®

Rev. 0 . E. Lichly. pastor " J0:00 A. M, Sunday achool. • *' 11:00 JS..M. Preaching by SUter t

C lltk . . ■ ''6 :C P .M . Ctirlsllon Endeavor.7:30 P. M. Testimony and song ‘

ser\’lce.8:00 P .M . -Evangelisllc service.

_ 7;30, . P , , ,M v;ei3nfwlay—prayer service. H. W. Douglass will bo In cnorKc 01 [lie meeiinK.

7:30 P.M . Thursday. Choir proc- ,

d " " - _____ , 'c . n R S T BAPTIST CHURCH

northRev. E. Temple Starkey, minister

" D :« A. M. Church school. £ 5 11:00A.M. Morning worship. An- /

them. "Wc Are Bui Stranger* Here.“ o H arranged from Dolrettl. sung by the

choir. Sermofi, "The Measure of c Christian Responsibility, by the pos- lor. I

0:30 P. M. Senior ond Interme- >0 dtoto young people's meeUngs. r ‘o 7:30 P. M. Evening worship. An- f ly them. "How Long. W ilt Thou For- \ ^ gel Me," Pflger. sung by the cBolr. I

The men's <iuartct wlll ting “The *: Shepherd True." by Stebhln*. Dr. Joc ik

h . = = =

Id' ------ly n i M i

■ H u

' a S ij ^


HOIT o lict

SUN. ^ BRn

- i > n vStevens Marl

I Sle\-ens Marlj Stm ns_M arl

- ^Stevens MailKinney’* Ea;

store............. . . .Kinney'a.Up.:

. Ktoney Whol

"B urson '* Oro W m fS f - c ity Pork Ol

Cozy Cash 0: Dygarl’a Ser^

, -------- ----------------------1i1.n--P«Tfc^OT


G r a f s 'S

IttPriSeCooper, pastor of the Plrsl BapUst £ church of Sioux Palls,.6outh DakoU. leader In Baptlsl world work. wlU r Klve Ule addreis of the evening. Dr. Cooper ts on a tour o t the Wesl, vis- r

:r liinR dUlrlct meetings and speaking at auoclalioin^ I


SliMhone and Fourth avenuo east t Hev. Cecil P. RUlO!¥. mlnlsUr

0:U A. M. Chur*ch school, E. L.Ir Ashton, superintendent.

11:00A.M. Momlng worship.The i . InlloBing service will be broadcuted

ovfr the local radio station: Prelude, j r. 'I ’raK r.' BossI; coll to worship; sll­ll rnt prayer; Invocotion; hymn. "Holi

to tlie Lord's Anointed"; prayer; an­si Him, "How Lovely Are the Messen- , 1C Kcrs," Mendelssohn: reading of Uie ..

^<rliUure.'1siaah. 40:1-11: offertory,• A\e M arla;" hymn. "On the Moun­tain Top Appearing;" sermon. T h e Chrlitlan Pallli a t Work,” Rev. C. F. Histow; duel. “Dear to the Heart of itic stifpherd." Mias Bessie Carlson

r. nnd Mlu Mabel Case; thank* otfcr- i . lilt: of (tie Women's Missionary so- g le clety; liymn. "Jesu.1 ShaU Relgn;-

bcnedlctlon; choral bcnedlctlon; sll- j, !- enl prayer; pojUude.

0:30 P .M . EpworUi Uague.7:30 P.M. Evening worship.There

.T will bc special musle by the choir, sl organ and orchestra. The minister

win prwch the td rlh In a serle* ot sermons on 'Uleroe* o t the Chruttan

[[. Church." His theme wlll be 'Jo h n | ' Wesley. Founder o t Methodism,", e

7:30 P. M. Wednesday, prayer 12 service. i.

2:30 P.- M, Thursday.- The Wo- , men's Foreign Missionary society g

t , -Will obitrveJ'ounders'-dny.BV.ft m ctl^ p in InR In the church parlon, A special (


SKotul avenue and Fifth street v north I

t Rev. James Mlllar.-pastor —D:1SA. M. Sunday schqpl. ■ll:oo A. M. M om inf worship, I

Scnnon. "Life's , O realest'- Secrct." i 1- Anlticm by the choir, " I Lay My Sins .“ on Jesus."le 11:1SA. M. Junior Christian En- ■ 3f deavor. 'J- 7:30P.M . IntermcdloteChrisUan

Endeavor.!- 7:30 P. M. E\'cnlng service. The l

pu ior wlll speak on "Deiourlng d I- Around Biueberg;" saxophone solo. t< r- Vemlce Richards; reading. Juliet o r. Hayden; orchestra. "Simple Confes- n le slon;" duet. "Now the Day Is Post n K iind O'er," Mlss Longiond a n d .M r f!

N atio n a l


rch 24th to 2Just in Time For

W ^ECLEANllb e tte r acquain t you w ith th is g r household c1canser»-we o ffer you

ST- C ans ‘I ITE 0: For ^;hl*'.Weck Only, a t (be Following Croeei

w irC t« 7 irN o 7 1 “ ’....’ftik-Tlngwoir DiMarketerla No. 3 ' su re MarkeUrla No. 3 n v e Point Oroeei l M f i t e f l i T N ^ ------ PourUi AVinuali

East SU Hamlllon Oroeen Home Market

Oroeery Bervlce Cash Oro c Orocfry Wall'* Cash Oroo h Grocery - WlUm* 5-J0-2ScJ Servleo SUUoa Youngs Orpeerr i-Qmei>ry. - -------- r<.ntrit Mgf>rrt -

• <


W o r m- — -

M l;C Salisbury. . i

7:30 P. M. Tuesday. Boy Kout i1 meeling. i

7:30 P. M. Wednesday. Prayer i- meeting.I 2:30 P. > t. Thursday. Women's i

Mlislonarj- society meeUng. i7;00 P. M. Thursday. OrchesUa (

practice. (8:00 P .M . Thurtdoy. Choir prac- I


CHURCH OF THE ASCC.S'SIO^' I '■ Second street and Ttilrd a v e n u e i

norlh •s Rev. Ernest R, Allmon. recUr i1 Services to r Uie Uilrd Sunday In |

* 8:00 A .M . Holy communion.-...‘ 0:41 A. M. Church Khool.

UjOO A. .M. Momlng prayer and■ sermon by the reclor on the sub]eci,8 'T h e Church and the Home."

ST. EDWARD'S CATHOLIC }B CHURCH ■ ,; Corner.SUth avenue and Second ^■ street casl j Rev. Reml S.iCeyzer. pastor ' ,

‘ 8:00 A. M. and 10:30 A. .M. Masse* t* Sunday .. . .

0:30 A. M. and 9:00 A. M.'Masses ;■ holidays. i

7:45 A. M. Wcek-doy masses. f 4:00 P.M . Sundoy. Holy hour. j

“ -------- 1’• FIBST CHURCH OF CIIIUST j [ . SCIENTIST I‘ 100 NInUi avenue cost i’ • "Motter" wUl be Uie lesson-sermon ( “ In all Churche* of Christ BclenlUt,

Sunday, M arch 23. The Oolden Text j I* I* from I John 2:19,17. Sunday sery- t

Ives are held a t u A. M. Sunday ‘ uhool for pupils under 20 yeon of ' I' age 1* o t 10 A. M. Tho Wednesday i m M O nriSl“ ShT61>-«e»tlmofileror* Christian Science healing are glren _ 0 P . Ill A rcadlng'foom at 113 , Main avenue north Is open dally 1 from 12:30 to 4:30 P . M. All are

welcome to a tU nd our service* and lo visit the reading room.

^MiiliiFpDor :.pisT0 8iihiisn '

RUPERT, -March 22 (Special to e The News)—Managers o t the Mini- I doka counly larhb pool are planning >. to place one or two car* of fa t Umbs I on U u Ea*ler market. U w u an-- nouneed hero this week. Several I memben of the pool have U their . flock* some excepUonally early lamb*.

29th A

r ^2 9 c ^

DeparUnent •

rocery •6-Mftrket...........eery

ment 8l«r«Ice SUUon . ^ t

5 r a r o e e i y : = = ^ ^ H B | ^ ^ E -3rocei7iroceryic j to r o!T7t t - ----------- ■ : . - - - -

M'ARCH 23, 1930

I c e l i n g .- Iw o rd receded by .lelter from pick- h

e n In Salt U ke City and Ogiltn. r IndlcaU. their desire to secure one s or two e an of fat Umbi for the E u te r Irade. 1

‘ April 12 h u been fixed a* a pos- ‘slble Ume of shipment from here, ’according to Ooucav Agent E. Klihns. • .who su te d that lambs to qualify tor , |(hl* shipment must weigh a t teast ,

poundsjD d must be f a t |Carl Benedict, member of Uie ,

Minidoka counly pool, now has SO lambs Uiat will: average 74 pounds, '

t It is stated by Counly Agent Kuhns.the lombs having becii dropped late ‘

r in November.Besides Mr. Benedict. Paul. oUier

* farmers who expect to have lambs In the Easter shipment are B. F.

a su tler and Dsn McKendrlck. Rup­ert: iU y Larsen, Emerson district.

• and Joe P. Miller, PauLFarm en who desire to pUce lambs

In this ihlpm ent bave been tosktd ' lo communicate with 3. W. Bet^.. manager o t the pool>-. . ■-

■STiisMPLJ!, JT S l l IN BBT^ —

RUPERT. March 22 rSpcclal to (he News)—Assisted by the Rupert

' high school music department and Mlss Retta Wooden, dlreclor. Uie Torcn soclely presented a clever comedy, "Be An OpUmlst," o t the

' school audltorlum Thursday evening » to a Urge and appreciative audience.

The play was directed by Mlss s Margaret Scholer and M lu Deratce

BJomson. memben of Uie high achool faculty. The cast was made up ol Lynn Kloepfer, Ruby Denny, Clyde Kloepfer. Gordon Smllh. Alton Cole, Zola Borup. Floyd Anderson. Wood­row Ash, violet McClendon. Con- sUnce Smith, Doris Rogen, Gordon

n Ooff and Aleno Rlley. t. InstrumenUl numben by the high t sehooi orchestra and chorus aelec- - tlon* by the girls' glee club shared y 'if — --------- > ■'y I . ■ j ----------n r r s3- ---------- ^ -----------U J --------y W j r A w k .

d ] | M

5v 8 x u M L ^ 9 | j u g ^ H

Ir I ' ‘.jv ’ ‘A ^

f c A l J S ' ' ''Iv'

^A-W onderi. “ M other says 1 have a n

*‘She was com paring her — th a t awful b ea ting and i rubbing—w ith rn in e ^

" I ju a t call th e 'In iperla l— I point ou t-*

“And when th ey como I again.

‘*And Ihey look b e lte r an tempted to clean them , b e a

| W l f mwmm


: W h a t a-Gx)c

A c c o u n t M€

A GOOD bank accoun tigc, b u t is a Badge

_____A patron of a . baniof pride and sa tisfac tion i book, if it rep resen ts a st

. -which has th e power to^si - plans and purposes..

I f we can help yoti ih:p

Twin Falls Bank J■v> I

, •' • U'

E e e o r d ihniyvff In th^ tn tlT tlln -

, ment. Proceed* from Uu affWr wtro sel aside for the spring annual


' BEDEILHAC-Pr-AYN^TrrCRneC- ■ March 22 M 7-Cave* near here have ' revealed new detaU* ot prchlstono

human life, one of the blU o t sculp- , turo showing a head In a, fu r bood j mucn like Uw ones worn by Eskimo*.

I ■ ■

f R o r A

• T O T r t B O O M B - -

? U \ C t a 0 0 D ? l U M B - IN V o o a W O M e i

III Tho a d v i c e th a t; could be given to ony man is to plnce good plumbing in; his home. I t is-the one g rea tI big facto r o f a m odem piv-j ilization. I t provides t h c: sanitation i n ’which r e a l' home com forts and joys can: flourish.

i Home Plumbing andI Heating 0 > .> lU trd Ave. E. FhaneZSI »

ful F u tu r e ^w onderfu l'today , a s v^IL r old way of cleaning house dusting and scrubbing and

—their liiaii tak es th e t h l n ^

bltck, I p u l th en i in place

m d last longer th a ;i if I a t- «ausfi they a re done rig h tl"

L U M I M O ^ .wmmtu. ,,nmmxM

i iillllllli li i i in ii i i ii l l i il i i ll l lM


'eans ^

lint not only carrlcs pres*;e of D istinction. .. nk feels an u n det-cu rren t I) as ho displays h is chcdo- substantial sum o f money ^successfully carry-oot^hla^^^^

i ; p l i ^ h g your.account SO--

& Trust GDnipai^

Page 6: VIS NEV TH]E T V W ~:FAIJL SI)>AIL1Y'tnailUw ^ after tomorrow. ' Qotrti lau n d er ear hu been souneed nadr for Um trials aod

icinnu-t 4 niBsiMiimi

_____ I

'------- M r e T E T B r W i lR c iW T i l l a s - 1

/ C h a rg c o l M on ih ly . S e s -

s io n a t M e th o d is t C h u rch ;

KlMBEnLY, M irch 23-Tlir Kim- J . ' berjy T ra elub oJ lhe j,

Mcthodl4f rlmrcli held tis rcjular i, . inonllils mccUnc on WfdiKxlnj'

nlwmoon «t the cliurch parlor. Mrs. I E. B. Wllkerson had d ia rje ol lhe biislMH M»lon. Tltc club voltd to '

■ fcponwr ftll ftisagcmcnt In Kimberly ot the Ooodlns collcgc slw elub. lind tho vays and meaiu commlllre was plaeed la full eharse of lbe ar> mnRfmenu. Mn. 11. B. Smlih was In charBc cf lh* program and ln-

' troduced .Mlu Anna flobrrii. »ho c RBVC tvko pleasing vofal numbers '■ tt'im M n. Smltli accompanying at Ilie piano. Mrs. Smith read a paper cn "UndMftpe Oardenlng" unrt ex­plained hab iu nnd culture of ulirub- bery, perennials and garden Jlowers. Tli« concluding numbrr. annoiin/ed. by Mrs. S, H. Proclor, mm a ont‘act play reprcsenllnj n f:nall cuuntry 1 tru'tng soclely. Paris ftrre taken by li .Mrs. E V. .NVacomrr. .Mr.v 11, Wal- S ter. Mr*. E D. WlIkrr.ioD. M r' V. K. a WllMn, .Mrs. J, M, Miuvcn. Mt.v II. V E. I’ollrr, .Mrs.'«, >l., Mrs. S Charles Pierce. Mr.i. a , .McVey, anil Ji

.J tM rs, CarJ Einmcrwii. Tliry were « nrr.iyed In ohl-fasliloned costtimes, ll nnd nere deplcled busying them* felves A'ltli Aid MKlety aurk and a u "bll of eouip." Tlic n«iiiilng hos- yi leucR, Meulames U L. Million. Fred cl Brue«. B. V. Newcomer, E. A. Brown, h:

. Frank Tliletten, and Joe U ughlln. el sen'ed lea from a lable cenlered wllh le

, a huge bouquet of garden calendulas. D Mrs. J. A. Morgan and Mrs. W. T. U combs, Twin Falls, preilded a t lha oi

■ silver jcr^-lce. ' »eMemberi b( the Sunday tcnool O

claas taught by Mrs. Harry T. West. 0sr. eniertalned on Batiirday alter- alnoon I t IhC 'Weil home for membtrs wof Mrs. B. Waller'a class a t o de- biUghtful parly. Thc dccorallng com* e\ mlltec. Mantaret DavU. Francl.i New-klrk. Margaret Ptsher and Janette Ci

-------WIE3nrTroBfBfm?tr~thC” «pac1ous W;rooms into a iwrfccl Emerald Isle, tl;

Ins the enrly afternoon. Mildred IG Potter. Clncey Tate nnd John Tolk were nwardcd prltes In Uie eontesis. ~ l l ie iiosteu. MsUted by Mls.t Ulah

'to Ihc 20 Ruests a t 4:30 o'clock.Mr. and Mrs. Charles Oraves and

Mr. nnd M n. WUllam Blundon were liosts and hostesses on Saturday night nl Ihd country home of* Mr. and Mrs. OravYS a t a charming St. Palrlck's day dinner party a t 1:30 Tl

Ti M. Tabic decoraUonj and tally hr • cards lor plnochlc were colored ei

green tn d whlU. Four tables'vere ci » play. Atn. Lloyd Jonea and D. Bi C. D cU pp »on high honor* and M M n . William- JIaroey and Clyde i< King, consolation glfti. Places were be marked for Mr. and M n. P. W. Pc Gcott. Mr. and Mrs. I* E. Davis. Mr. and M n. Uoyd Jones, Mr. and th Mrs. Bill Kamey, Mr. nnd Mn. D. t r C. OeLapp, Mr. and M n. Cl -de Xing. Mr. and Mrs. J . 0 . Clalborn ,tn M d Mr. and Mr*. W alter Coiner. th

• r r tv e d '^ 's a l^ rd a ^ '^ m • CaSornltt •n d at« Ylsltlng Mr:-McElilgott's tis- M ter and family. Mr. and M n. Sllai re Olvcns, Mr. McEUI|ott waa called en here by th c death on Thursday ot og hU father. sll

Mr. and Mr*. 0 . M, Fisher are' the parenta ol a daughter bom to them j - £unday, March.lO. a t the T « ln Falls

- lenem l -hosplUl. She- h a t been named Joyce Ruth Fisher.

M n. W. A. L. Stowe was hostess on Thursday afternoon o t her home In Kimberly for membera of the Kimberly Bridge club. Quests In- L eluded Mra. 2L B. Sm ith. U rt . J, M. Maaon, M n. Kenneth Ansett, M n. , Boy D. Scott and Mra. WUUam Mad- pi, den^H Igh scoro awards went to M n. j j , J . L. Shepard and Mrs. F . S. Wilson. i

' Mrs. Roy fieott received Bueit prize, ai A dainty two-courso luncheon waa tjm aerved a l fhe close of the sames t>y tlie hostess nnd Mlss Charlotte Up- = (on.

M n . W. M. Arnold entertained on Friday a t her home la Kimberly with am ollraetlvcly arranged spring luncheon a t 1:30 'P. M. Five small tables were centered with lapcn In c o s ta l holden. Mrs. B .JL Atkinson, T g lnicrvJng. Bridge followed lunchcon and prlzea were given to Mra. W. A. L.

. Stow e.'M n. 11. MUlcr Proctor.And Mrs. O. McVer. Oucsls were: Mes-

— dames I* E. Bym c;'wmiam Madden. Arch Ifamey, H. Miller Proclor, E.B. Wllkerson. Roy D. Scott, B. E Potter, O. F. Steelsmlth. R. II. Den- ton, K enneth Annelt, H. T. West.O. L. Ross, Olenn Whitney, W. A.


: |■ . -i

” Paj# SitU.Blowe, O. McVey. A. J. Wilson, ■

_ U.E . Davti, J. Holland Hardin and ' a H. AtUnson, Twin Falls.

Memben of the Kimberly basket- 1/ ball Uam enurialned on Thursday ■ I evening In the amusement hatl of I the u t t e r Day SalnU church of

KImberiy with nn apron nnd overall party. Games and music were cn-

, JOiCd h l .3 0 .a u o l» A n lm « n ! ^ - ^ _ y irohm enu were sened a lT S iS O ^

M. by the commlitee In charge.,• U ooard FUlier. son of Mr. and

Mrs. C, M. Fisher U absent Irom h tchool suffering wllh an attack ol

whooping oough.Mn. C harlu Orovca Ims been auf-

. fering severly during (lie Iwl week . with a case of poisoning caused from ^ paint Her condition «as. reported f Improved on Saturday, y ' ■ —

iBiEypiiysysT ;• HnsTOiiiOis _ _ _

I S e n a to r Jo h n M c M u rra y . P c r -

I s c n a l F r ie n d o f H anzel

r F a m ily , D e liv e rs EuIodv

J. .t UURLEY, March 02 (fJiicclnl to | r Tho News)—Funeral tervlcc.i tlio i Iftte Sophia V. llanicl, wife of Jiimci • S. Haniei, Burlty, who rilcri IMPsday '. -It mldnlghl of dlphlherln. were held'. Kilday afternoon n l the U tte r Dny . SalnU Ubemncfe in.Curley. ficnntor I John McMurray. Onkley. a cloic iwr- ) Bonal (rlend of the llniizcls. tpuke of , lhe ties of friendship which have ex- . Ijted between himself and the Hnn- I u l family over u long period of . yean, told bf the splendid traits of 1 cliaracler wllh which the departed , had been posseued and with wejl- . choun words sought to comfort those 1 left to mourn. Horace O. Hall of the . Burley stake presidency of the U l*, ter Day SalnU church, was the see*I ond speaker, followed by lhe funeral'

sermon which waa delivered hy Dr,O. L, Ubdell,' pastor of the Flrtt Chrlitlan church, Burley. A large attendance of friends nnd relallvct was present and most generous and beautiful (loral offerings were In evidence.

Mr*. Hanrel was born a t DodHc City, Nebraska, In the year ISAS. She w a j-m arrtM n tf^ 6w erB .-H nnK r« -“ i the age of 30. The coupic celebrated (g,

16 of last year. , =

IDEHSTOFBlEls_____ .ne

BURLEY, Mnreh 32 {Special lo L*?,' Tha New s)-O n th e highway a t tho hrow of tho hill ft mile and .a half e u t o( Burley Friday a t 9 P. M.,'two can, one driven by Boyd McCulloch, = Biirley. and tho o ther by J . D. Hall,' M atu, collided where a aide road leads* on to the highway. A sign board obttnicU the Tltlon a t thU point. From all Indications, o((leert state, lhe McCullooh car .was h it on the right aide o( tha road u It w u travellnjt w est T ho Hall car- waa traveling east and the driver, appar­ently becoming confused pulled lo the lett side ot the road and 'h ll the M ccullo^ car_on_the_. lefl front wheel Tlio McCuUoch car U dam­aged to lueh-exlcot-fliat-expetue ot--- repaln would bo prohibitive. The engine of the Hall ear I t badly dam­aged. OccupanU of both eon were slightly Injured by flying g lu s. -

R e a l E s t a t e T r a l i s t e r s -

FonUbed by (bb InU m ooaU la TlUe GsaroBty Conpaiiy

UARCU QuU cla im .deed i.E m est F . Pot-

pUll to F n n k PosptsU. 91. ZM BW 3t-D-19.

Warranty deed: OusUv K u n u (0 Anna Kunze, »3000. Lot 8, Blk. 136, BubL

Hoiise-CleBut Firing Se

Not OveW h y n o l h a r e y o u r fu rn

F O R E y o u d c a n >*our house*

T h e n y o u r h o u se w ill s ta y g e l l in g s m o k e d u p a g a in th i

Your furoaca deaerm . a cleai fallhluUy keeping yoa w arn d'uri wouldn't th in k 'o f 'runnlng'your~ci oul repairing and cleaning It' up; and your fu n u ce • lett

- I t Fill then b* lo g e « |jh * p » for)

A c lc a n f u m a c o w ill n o t t th o sa m o a m o u n t o f coal. I t ' a i r f u n ia c e a , a a w e c lea n hll

r - t rA f te r r y .o u -h a v o c lo an e a yo '

— • n i A ^

■ -* , i l j l i t l i ]

' YOtS S B S S S S B S B S S


' J U S T K I D S ■ - ■ •

y ■ — ................if ------------------- _ _f PCAHyT M A M IN i h m T

: m e R i(jm

J . ^ 'I ..1 1

I " U SI * ' • •

'I H S 0 B Z E S 7 M M R B 9

"■ ConSd N’akel und f.lli fn lu rcd (ore, a t the Orpheum loday anil (omai


W hen the big moilon picture pro- , ducers wanl to get n jirellmlnary ,, sample of thc public’s rcncilon to n .

.ijew talking plcturc. they usunlly run 0 surprise ••prcvlpw" of the film. Sueh "previews" ure customarily presented nt thc tag ond of nn cvt- nlng's pcriormnncc, w small tlienircs (

Eiijoy Good Wei

, JlLlftUL£AISpring calls i

cycry tr ip o r joj

tcro.sHnp opiiort

Ai'V“ys tnkc yo films—nnd Itodt

Flower Fc

leaning Time Season Is - H | ver! I Qum ace cicancd BE- n n M H l

H h I ^ H

lay clean, instead o f th is spring^

cleaning ,ui;r«:ay. after durlnit the winter. ir~car'lnde|lnltely~w-lUi^ upi not do yourself cleoB I t up7

for next eeoaoD.--------------

o t only-glve cloancr heat, t u t wli I t w ill give a much henlth lcr hea nil o f th c gcrm-ladon dust o u t n f nent8 ;com ple te 'dean lng .ccr\’icc djjl ; y ou r furnace—keep-itrdttiQ-fay^Blh . ■

k T i f F r a E ? a i i t ^ ^


. y I ^ 11 MRS. MAftiBS

* N 0

1 flL ^ I ^D ic i Vou"^

^E S # °


v n f e p H l M ®‘'''



BaaiiBBSwifilalWHMI- M M B i e f f l M c B B H I H H ,

red ill “.Second W lfc"-A Radio pU-


near the studio where the producUon || '' ' ' wus mndr. Thc picture Is never ad-

vcriL'.cd ln_nrtvnMc._,__ ___ rr^T!il< the case with “Road- T“

house Nlphts." Paramount comedy- thrlKcr wlilch was mndc a t thc Astorlii. L,,I.. sludlo ot the company. • ■••no;idhouse NIkIUs" wns previewed ftt a theatre In Yonkers, N. Y., sev- months ago.

Somehow or other, Freddie Schad-^ , )

eatherlO R E '

IMERA! - :•. I

s fo r your camera—for •;joy ride offers mnny in- , ]ortunitic.<t for iinnpshots. you r cnnieni—plenty b f ' odak as you ko!

'oto Shop ;

e is Here p


(vlil'g lvo m ore-hcat from leat.eB peclnlly f ro r i^ h o L f,ftlLoLthe.iiiM a. — .1.

^B & |^«W -FoorIcss-C oal—


» N E •' n : ~

> B ~ 1 . ----------------------------- ‘ ■"



;iB E N C A IL E B M £ uP AWlI YOU BfVoKE HER CeiW R „ r

.NO A ? T tR - ^ H A T Y ou . , U T T l'£ BOY O O B W ' 'u ,


i 1 '

i f l S i f lplo


— _ ruo

F r ie n d s A tte n d Im p ress iv e

S e rv ic e s F o r M rs . M a rio i«<but

D e h n c r l in W e s t E nd C ity oth' sld(

-------- Sh(BUHL, March 32 (Specinl lo The J“’]

Nt.w.o—Impres:lvc icr^lccs- wereheld In thc BaptUt church hcrc JJai- S

^ — tlster. ccUlc for Motion Picture News, ' ' ’f Iearne<1 about ihc showing of thU plcturc nnd went lu Yonkers to sco ll, It conjtim icd a "scoop" (or niei SclMtlcr. , sue

Sehailcr said many tine things' about "Roadhoiisc NlghU” In the "Nii'ws” but hU mosl lavish ^lirases Jr* cuncerocd Jim my Durante, of thc p

J (cnm of Cluylon, Jackson and Du- f , rnnte. who hna n big comcdj- part in “ •

, thc film.! '-Durante," said Sehader, "Is the loitlcnl Charlie Chaplin of thc talk- Ing jcrecn."

r—ThaM s-pralse-of th c T c ^ -g rra t- — est. nnd when audience* see uuran te a

tliMire cither todoy or tomorrow Pho thry will realize why Sehader said 11. K

w i t h sThc Safety of Building atlon has been proven b

______fuDLfitexpeNo otiicr flnfliiclnl institu tions

ord or Uuilding nnd Loan As

Todny Over Twelve Jlillion Am< E ig h t r.illion Dollars securely

Loan Associi

, A n d No ^Let us explain the Building and Loan memberslilp or withdrawal (eu . pen


153 Main" Ave. W est-

HOW YOU SPEISpending money wlseiyls an n r t . .

ipending U saving. If one has only tl (rllter nvni7r*Iife is not conlrlbullng Forty cenu a day cfluals $2J0 a we I1S0.00 a year. Now, fISO Is worth ep< liapplne».

Why not open a savings account ti uvlngs Uiat oo quickly bring you sum.* letlnlte. purpou and wlUi regularity.

You can open a savings account at nore.

H r s t N d t i O i- — o f ^ w i n

' Memblr of Re|i«ial Bmili Fi


Yxn ^ o t i IMAGINE M E k SAYiN* THiN<;S

- U I K E _ TH E R m CHOftCH J


' : » P i ^

urday oftemoon for Mrs. Marie Deh- — nert, 23, wife ot K. W. Dcluiert. who was fatally burned In n gasoline ex- . plosion last Saturdty a t her home I here, and whose death lool^ place nt a Twin FalU hospital Thursday oft- I ernoon following a couragetus flgHt I for life. She was bom in UUh, Feb­ruary 4. 1907, and was m arried in June. IMS, to K. W. Dehnert, CaJd- well. Three children were bora, tv o I o t whom survive her. A babe bom j two days (oUowlRg the accident was 1 burled with Ihe mother. She has no ] other known surviving rd n liv u b«- side* the husband and two children.She has bten a rr.^ldent o( Buhl slneo lusl January and came here from Bolsc.

Scrx'lccs were In charge ot Rev. A.C. U th rop , pastor of lhe Buhl Bap­tist church. The sermon was deliv­ered by Rev. C. W. Buell, pastor of the Flier church, who knew tho do- ccased In Wilder, where she was a member ot tift) Bnptlst church. Mu- sucal num ben included "Sweet Peace, the O ltt of Ood’s Love” and "Pace to Face." by the choir of thc B aptlarrhtffcli: "Shadows,” sung by Mrs. Ruth Yeamans and the choir. Pallbearers Included Fronk Reeves,L. W. Loveless. C. A. Mlnshall, Earl Davis, Oscar Johnson. Chester B. Moore. Burial was in the Buhl cem- etcry. _ ' ^

------8PRAY-TIMK-I8-HEBB-------- “So are the Brass Angle spray rods, =

Phone 4S6. adv.

Katydids lay eggs In regular ttiwt.

Safety jand Loan Associ-

; by more than a cen-' I perience. =ms liave cxcccded tho rec- T A ssociations for Safety .

Lmericnns hnvc in exccss o f lly saved in Building and )ciatlo;i.

f ■'

W orry!uan Plan. Remember wc have no pendltlu , tines and forfeitures,

I G & L O A N A S S N i

s . IDAHO.Phone 955

E N D M O N E Y "

. . , and Uie flrsl step In artful y tlilrly or forty cenU & day to = :lng greaUy to one's happtaess. week which omounU to nearly M spending and mny really bring -

it today and start these regular um.1 worth while? Save for some lly.

a U bank with a dollar or

m al B ankI F a l l a l --------------

Federal Reserve System .......... : W

, MARCH 23, 193’g


^ J y r t lS S E H S S A \0 u

■/ I P V o O c a n ' t - -

N O T H m ’ W l C . E ** A VBRSON

' k S ’ SHOli'.DNV


1 1 .

HH e a u ' V

IN yoi

^ ^ O N C P ^ ' " " . A SoUARt:



Llsl of Studies‘Open for N(

Aceountlng. Advanced Accounting^ vanced Shortliand, Advcrilsliig, Algcii Bcdlly Expression, Calculu.1, Conchlns Educational Psychologj-, ElemenUry) EngUsh Hl»tory,*-EnRll«h Llteralure, French, Oerman, Harmony. History, U tm , Life of Christ. Mathematlci Moder;t Novel. Organic Chemistry. P jucUon, public Lecturc.'Shakespeare

- Spanish n .'S pan lsh Conversatlon. Sl Teaching of Hlstoryr-Teachlng of M Literature.

R E G IS T E ]

m A d a m :The Woman Wl

Sec H er Before It When In doubt, call tor permani

Business, Health. Love. Courtship, "Journey—In fact everything.'By my B cause speedy and happy marrltgex, i dlslurblng influeneea. Also teach ho« one you desire. No iieart oo sad or I or happlnm cannot enUr.

^QUESTIONS VOU MAY ' When and whom should ‘.*1., C marr>'? me

Docs my husband love anyone lie: else? I

Lt my sweetheart true to me? , Will I win my law suliT . , How ^ n will 1 make a .

change? - Shall I dispose of my property? > W hat am I beat adapted for? itri Why am I so unlucl^? \Have I any enemies, and who? > ShaU I make a change in busl- t

ness? ‘ IMadame DUna give* advice on aU afl She telU yoor iweetheart's-name. Ai InglSLOO.VIlMin 10 A. AL to-O-P. i

Main E

- ■ f w


____InieostiDg^JComc-aad-a' c a n m a k e . R e m e m b e r th e

- ^ - A m e r i c a i i J l IBAKHT D1NKKU(

W H A IN A V B .& .


i lH lS tE K W(^ w rT H ^ \ A

AbwiT .

ictor RadioIS n o c o a - . p r o m k e

p u r i t y o f t o n e

S^icTOR R a d io

)U R a o m - E R E E /

c D c A L ^ a n a l B ^ ^ ~


;XollegeIGINS MARCH 24New StadenU Incladet:

Advanced Composition. Ad- icbra. American History, Biology, lng. Current History. Economics, y Psychology, Fttshm an English.:e. Esthetics, Expression, Fbods, ry, Idaho Manual, IntennedUto ics of Accounting, Mlae'ralonr, Philosophy, Pliyslcs, PUy P r o - .

u-e, Shorthand. Solid Oeometnr. surveying. Teoeiilng of EnglUh,' ^ Mathematics, Typing, Victorian

3R N O W

D IA N AtVho K n o w s It Is T o o Lalc ment oosUUnce ond advleo In 3. Marriage, Divorce, Changes,' advice. I reunite the sepontcd,.''I, restore lost offecllons, remove ,ow lo control o r faselnaU any- r home so drcor? th a t sunfhioe

Y WISH TO KNOW Can I become o sueccssful

nedlum, clairvoyant, palmist or lealer?

Have I magnetic powers?Can I develop telf-contnl?Can X have more confidence la

lU-self?Why does my lovo act to

itrange? _When ehail X attain my wish?Will I dlo rich c r poor?How long will I live? -,How can I have suectss? t

a tta in of iove. life and btnlnets. M Ail reading* eonfidentUL B«a4- f * , SL-TontUt Hotel,' room 1, tS»

f ................ * - y -

wsical-EaifctM ttd Ja k C th e : ' ! ~

' t h r ^ T o t i e W l f t ^ - ' -

F a j d m t i g g . J t o w J - ______ L

h e r e i s n o o b l i g i t i o a .

IleGtric-CoJ— LACaSK. u i r . !

......... . , p e o if i w

Page 7: VIS NEV TH]E T V W ~:FAIJL SI)>AIL1Y'tnailUw ^ after tomorrow. ' Qotrti lau n d er ear hu been souneed nadr for Um trials aod

. B e a r s AGreJitest Artists

Of Cinder Path in


S e a t t l s P r e p a r K F o r S e c o n d -

E v e n t o f K in d E v e r H eld

In " U n i v e r s i ty , P a v ilio n

01 N o r th w e s te rn C o u n t ry

By FBANK a . OOBRIE (Auociated P r tu Sporu Writer)

SE A TTLE, Mnrch 22—Two g re a t team s — those of th e universIUes o f Wash* .

Ington and California — wL'i open- th e Pacific N orthw est track season th is yea r w ith b

'n ig h t indoor dual m eel here b. April 5.

1 I t will be th e sccond such { event ever held in (hc North*I w est L u t ;^ciir Stanford oad W uh*I IngUm clashed In the Wajhlngton ' pavUlon, v lih the Cardinals wlnnlnf,1 73 to 58. The evenlnr Indoor event c I n u d s a big h it <flth tho Ians and

• I * inuch In te m t b manifested In the I Bear<Hiuky.meeting. /I Washington wUl p it x fancy t>and I ot ntUelM bCBlnit the lUong Bear

comblnitlOD, including two natlotul I champions, to - rate - Ihe-favorlt*.> Steve Anderson, H usk; captain, Tin*I ner of ihe niUonal collegiate and

—^{-natlTOal- Am#tet:r-AtWeUc-tmlOB •] high and low hurdief lost year and Ed Oenung, national eoUeilatfl haU * mile tltlB holder, wlU ahow asointt

I the Be&xt.:i Tho captains of the tvo teams «1U I Mrra one o( the mo<t Interesting ol ; the events to the fans In the hurdles.

_ Al PosolotU. leader: o f. tha CalUor*I n la squad, Intends to sWe Anderson i

— r h tr f l r s t t j lg jc j r tw s Mason,-Dcspito- ' an early season handicap oS a

; sprained'-ankleH asT-yearrPW lotU • won third place in the Slflnford-Ca]>

---- nnrt trtfilf forth In Ihe _{low hurdles In Philadelphia. I!U timeiw oa 33 2-8 secwids.__ _________

'E v tilif Meoamtin, Ted-heaiitd two- {mller and Ken Churchill, 1D28 eap- ito ln and 209-foot Javello thrower, , •are tvo other stars o f th e CaUfornla ‘ r aggregations.’ |

( 1 Washington has three othcr aces ;to shM- in the meel In Rufus KUer. , former national mile chsmplon and : Poclflc Coast record holder; Pat Jessup, g iant shot putter and dticus thrower, a sd Taltwt Uartley, quarter ,

■ inller.Jessup has reached 80 feet In the

shot this season aod much Is cx* ' . -J- pcct^d:Ot-hlm-be^or«-^>e-•c#sol^-U -

OVft.,.,. . . . ■ *

C o l o r a d o W i n s i n J i

’ A m a t e u r A t h l e t i c ‘

j-------- DENVERrMateh 23 M ^ n l v t r ^' alty ot C olor^o tonight ran away

v lth the first annual A mateur Ath* ', I Jetlc union track and field m eet Ui ; \ the Denver municipal auditorium ..; ‘r: Coach F n n k PotU' men scored 22 '

polnu and lU closest competitors, ; Colorado college, 'Colorado Aggies ] and Denver athletlo club, finished

[0 In. a Ue for second plaee with 18 .; polnU each. Wyoming scored 13 i poInU, Colorado Mines 1 and Colo* i ]

1,1/ rado Teachers 1. . I-;W : Whllo no Indoor records w e ro 'j K broken or- closely app roacho l^ m D | f e very good performances were c o o -; j W tributed la tonlght‘» meet, the f i r s t ' (■ Indoor competlUoa of any conso* I <■ ;quence ^ staged in the aUte.■ I Marvin Harvey, Colorado Aggie I■ tstar, caputured the pole vault w ita '<■ ; « leap ot 13 feet. H aney vaa no t la■ Ithe best ot condition,.an Injured leg■ ihoadlcapplng him to some extei^.

^ l Y a p s h o o t e r s B e n t '

P l Q r t i n n i n g S c o r e s ;

K ' M n m u In iad iix itm■ ln g la a te lesnph ls trapshoot, tn " n connecUoa with a regular veekly ; ^ thoo t o t the Twla PaUs Itod and : S f Q ua club today are determined to IJ- tu m In soor* th a t wUl ipeU srictory.<>' toUowlng deteaU on th r n consecu* f]£ ! tlve Sundays. Tbo tb ree high guns & In Uie t i n t roimd o t 35 taigets.vU l r a oonsUtule Twin .FaUt te tm to r to- W i v f t eveato. T w ta SUU \o6a3 is0 matched w im La Orande, Nyssa- I P a r m - a od .yocatcU o-fap . '

1 D E U 'S A L L E Q U IN T E T ,

f! A W A IT S T IT U L A R F R A Y

•___D H IO A Q O ..M M ci.23-(B :dD eJA . i Salle hlgtf, Chicago, «U1 defe&d iU ' national CaUioUo baUcetbaU cham-':— plonihlp-»gBiiat“ ffaiper,'’'inaiap*;-

academy, Ui Loyola univenity gym* naslum tomorrow nlgbt. - —

Do La SaUe, strUOng lU bett n > t e t Loyola-o_seyenUj aanuat cbam ^

------rtonshlih tbumimBot, tonlghi-oinr*-

; O barlH toQ .SouU iC ^im »r38to30, while the scurrying ^ d o t Boeriert

' ~H iite . Peoria, lUlnols, 20 to 18 ,' l a ' t UirlUIng overUme Encounter, tn Uu

^ y ^ t h ^ * t l n a l , a m e ^



'i'BA LK M . M arch 22 (ffj -A s to r i a Jilgh Rhool WM crowned atate bss- kattaU here tonight ott>e r a e o m ^ U n l y easy v l c t ^ over

^ n d H i i S t


f .

i '

r.biU M W W bU A M

i S IX G R E A T A T H L E T E S Inclui J W as h in g to n -C a ll fo m ia nlg>

to p row , l e f t t o r i g h t , Alf< 1 G en u n g , W a s h in g to n h a l t n r / ■ c r i t t W o ssm a n , C a lifo rn ia l\ . e r j a n d P a u l J e s s u p , W ash

rB o ^ E l^ d k a S "

; Win Bowling TitleU ■ r___ -V . ----- -

1 C ogsw ell’- s - E lv e - T a k e s - S e o - -

S - o n d P l a c o - a n d - T w l r p F a l l i :

; _ T e a m _ E l r s U n J l t E v c n t -e _____

- ■ ^ S c c U o ia tsT li^ ^ ^man evenl: Jungst and Vogel. Twin PalU. doubles; CaldveU, In the sln-

• glcs, and I. W. Porter in the aU- event, emerged victorious a t Uie cloae oi l^e southem handicap bowl- lng tournament conducted by Uie

, Cox and Stone bowling alley here • ‘J during Uie last week.

The triumphant ElectrokaU vere ' but 2 polnU ahead of the CogsweU

pinmen, who'won second place tn " tha Ilve»man event. • • t:* PrUes were awarded tbe five hlgb- * “ esi teomTand Individuals U fU iftiy f^ '

man. doubles and singles. Tliite prises were awarded lo tbo all-eveot.

Polovlng is Uio Ib t of prize vln*'. ners In eaeh erent. In the order ot

' Importance.S la te s ,

I CaldweU____________________ o n

Porter ........ .. ...................i— 627I Affleck (133 .

J t c o lem a n .............. .................r w ry ' Donblet* ' Jungst and V ogel.......................U79a , McIntyrc and R lggert--------------1175'• • RoberU and Wosley,2 ' {Idaho P a lls )____-...i—llTDI. Bremaphll and Kelsop ’(Bolse);_n4ts Pord and P a rgo ---------------------1135i Five N an TeamaB . ElectrokaU (B o ise )--------------- M lI Cogswell's (Twin FaUs)_____ 2818• I Pacific Fruit (Twin PaUs)-.,-280a ^. Troy Laundry (Twin FaUs........72788 =B .I d a ^ Power (Tvln.PaUs>.— 37M . 0 1 AU'Event U

‘ SO U T H E R N C A L IFO R N IA ’S . i!


LCS AKOEUraTMWcb 22 (ff ) - ^ Featuring a victory to Uie JOO-j-ant S dash which saw Prank Wykoft ne­gotiate Uie distance ta h i t old form ,

] In 0 2*8 seconds, tbe University o t V . .SouUiem'CaUfomift' track and field A , lu am defeated Uio Loa Angeles AUi- » J lette club, 80 to 43, today.

i ■' • ■"

! A n n o u n- / ■ .................

T h i s i s t o N O T I F Y "

i ■ ' o p e n e d u p a i

I; &■ T h i s K n e i a . l d o w e l

- j ? 'S Y '

: = i o r ^ t e 7 e ^ 3 ) ( n n !

I , - ' n O o D s n i ]

• Louis Frj 1 3 3 ; ^ o s I i ( t n e S t .

\ , , ■ ' 'C I I E A J

• ' ■ . ' 'P h o h e i

r l._.- ' • ' ' ' • >

, J if t n . . .1 1 I . ■

' ' ,. . ‘ ..TWI

i k i e s T r a

icluding tw o national champions v lig h t indoor track meet in Scattli Alfonso Pogololti, California cap t I tm ile r an d national, hiph and jo' a two*milcr; K fnnc th Churchill, I oshington d fscu s-to sseran d sh o t-r

------- Aids-HnskicB-------1


'■ -

a 1!J y & f O t B M : "1- \ .. .

‘6 V S 2 ? ' . r

18 ^^ ‘I

s ‘ ' ;“ ll . RALPH (PEST) Wclch, one- “ o f-the-lcad ing hallbncKs 01 •!e th e coun try last y ea r while _

playing w ith the Purduo c: un iversity football t e a m , t

B ig T en champions, h n s t.joined th e coaching s ta f f I

"i -of th e U niversity o f W ash- i,

Q will h a n d l e th e H u sk y , [jf -W reshm en—u-ii-de-r—Jim m y—

Phelan, W dshington's new * « head coach. Phelan ta u g h t I « Welch th e . tricks o f . th e [ J. gam e n t P u r d u o a n d c It th o u g h t so ' m uch of h is IS work th a t he employed him \ ^ to a s s is t him .ln th e P acific (. “ C o a s t conference. — i3 _____________ ■■ ■ |g

* O F F IC IA L F IN D S P E S E K ’S | ;

i C O L L A R B O N E IN JU R E D '10 . • _____ :

UMCOLK, -Htt,.. UOKh 33 m — t ' A tU r iwdergolng an examinaUoa . hera wtuf S tate Boxing Commission- * s

Ser I n Vorhles present; John Pesek. t ‘Nebraska Tlgermao" wiesUer to* a day w u tound by two examining .

r physlclaos to have a dislocated col*“ la r bone, In Buttered Uie injury t a 't ta lla trom a b o n e while 'tralnUig to r Bis d AprU B-mat«h a t Columbus, O hio,-

wlUi Jim Loodos. Greek champion.Commissioner Vorbtes condticted

............. .......................... a s s = a s

ftcem ent .r YOU that I have ) again with

»;TAnx)BiNG~ ~ ;

rellifaiown to nee^._; averhandled it h e re ^

j^ m d m a n i3 t a ,f lt B0YAL ■ ; 5NEHS“ - Fhei279-'.


H h T o ^ ^


C l

W M H IViI'lai:rain

s will show th e ir w ares in the I?| ttie , Apri! 5 . The photo shows, jp ta in and speedy h u rd le r ; E d t low hurd ler. Bottom row , Ev-

, B e a r 20D*foot ja v e lin throw - i it-pu tter.— Photo . ] I

Hmcllley Quintet.

Wins Utah Tide

A m e ric an .. F o r k A g g r e j a l i r a CU

- - H o w s r t t ^ V i c i o r s , z H * i : l} 'ra

. - J n - ^ i o n ^ O i t y . T o u r n a m e n t no

-------- beSALT LAKE C rrir, M a n * a (/iv- r ■

Hinckley high school won the UUh state buketball championship here

. lonight by defeating Uie American Fork lire in Uie final game ot Uie ^ touraey. 28 to 31. „

. Hinckley talned an early lead and jq theteam sfoughtbltterly ln theopcn* ev lng quarter. Uie score for the period (ri being 4 to 3 a t resL-timc. Hinckley ran wild in the second period, scor- ci Ins practically every shot a t the bas* u:

1 ket to gain a 18*to*S lead a t the end r of the opening half, ' , pg‘ ' ‘ American P trk raUled in the tiilrdi kr ’ period to score SpoInU b u t Uie new|de champions scored an equal amount ta:

, to make the count read 31 to 11 a t kli 1 the third quarter, in th e elodngital f period the Porken'played-excellent I Ct

ball but could not overcome Uie long tea • lead the Ceattai U tah eoBers f 'ca~in m6' earlier penods. loif , iUncUey Playa WeU ' ot f— ^Th»-enUre-HJnoklejKteam-p!ayed “ / exteUent ball Uiroughout, eipeclally Ji>

t in the early stages o t tbe game. The Porkers missed numerous easy nhou PO B and their long rebge gam e was also ea

i off. • COs At a meeling ot the board of con* <n , trol of the UUh BUte High School fo: ' Athletic assoclaUon tonight It w u su ° voted unanimously not to send a ) Utah team to the national scholastic

I boskelbsU tourA oaunt n t Chicago E I Ulls year.

Tne Ulah organijtaUon voted lo , uphold the policy of th e NaUonal I High S ^ o o l AUileUo association In

} trovnlng upon such meets. M ' lU ----- ^ ^ ---------------------- ----

- an eu m laa tlb a a t Uie req u n t ot M 1 , SUnley Isaacs, prealdent of Uie na* bi- * aUonal boxlag association. Pesek wtU K . not forfeit b is 15004 bond, CommU- w ■ sloner Vorbles sold. - t t I

_ ■ _ _

T ThM anagi

o f t h e C . a n d S . B o \

t i t h a n k t h e v a r i o i j i i

a n d b o w l e r s o f T w i n

— c a t e l l o a n d - I d a h o - F

— o p e r a t i o n i n p r o m o t i

W c c e s s f u l b j t w l i n g

- r T T - T ^ n ^ - i - S o u t h e i f i


N ig h t Im

Gong in Batde With John Risiio

C lev e lan d P u g i l i s t A g a in

G e ts O p p o r tu n i ty t o E x -

. h lb lt E q u a l i ty ’ I f ■ N o t |

S u p e r io r i ty O v e r A rg e n tin e

By 9.(Associated Press Sports Writer)

Ne w Y ORK, M arch 22—If lig h tn in g doea s trik e tw ice In th e sam e place.

Vlclorlo Cam polo. th e P ana­ma m auler, w ill have to s ta r t all over a g a in in th e figh t racket e a riy T uesday m orn­ing. ■

The gaw ky Gancho o f th e Argentine tan g le s w ith John*ny Rbko again In MadUon Square i Oarden Monday n igh t in tbe heart of the Nev York atate athleUo com*

, mluloa’s balUvlck. A tew weeks ago ^ ' the iolemn solons ruled th a t the G

. C l e v e l a n d ' t ^ s p o i l e r , the' leonoelut o f. t h e h e a v y *

, welgbU, w a s -' too smaU tori

- P ^ ‘/ r S M u l six*foot*:Y■ K r r l M M ,.«>»0 ” npolo. | : '

* changed Uilngs,• since Uien.Rui*!

■ M S k V etl 'b u t in New.,York Uie Oor*

i . . den took Uiati' ■ ■ k ' i M A flg b tto P to f ld a ' '

to boUter Uio- " S S S S f c -flW irkey-Scott “

card. Instead of « Jp_b?fore. Campolo’s.m lgh^.jj!

j- 's tnettrn sn irflrJcrnoT !id 'W ithS har-:'. key, Oforge O odtrey and other top^ " [ notchcrs, winding up with a draw ^ - th a r m o if f o n a iboughrshould have

been t victory. ?'-------------n b k o 'O e ii CSonw ', '■ Johnny has hU chanco to do I t '

all ovrr again before th e New York ■, I ialUitul Monday nlghtTthU time for J 'I the sake of sweet charity. Tho card ” U sponsored by tb e House o t Calvary

csnwr hosplUl. T be main go U for '1 0 rounds and tb e odds are about ‘- even that RUko will come dovn InI (ronl otllclally t h b Ume. . (;y Kid Chocolate, the belter from ci- Cuba, has Just about fought him* n * self oul of Uie fcaUierwelsht class tl where he campaigns naturally a t 12S ti

...pounds., .Thfc N egro-sharpshooiefa-j. llknockout o t Al Ridgeway in the Oor*' ci v|den lu t n ight leaves only Bat Bat- h I tallno. the recognUed twUwrweighi p t king. In hU class as a rlngman. Bat- n {jtallno b none too e^ier to UcUe it t ChocoUto la h is t i n t major UUef test. r

' r o ^ d l e ? o ^ k « « n ^ * r t o d s a S ^ n of work with the lightweight divblon .

1 tta .hb nhj<wMJv<^f_T»ny-g«TWrftr!,__t Jackie Berg, e r Al, Singer, a clasi t lightweight crop, win come dovn •I pound or two, the Chocolate drop i ) eager to batUe them . O ne'ot.Uics

contenders will fu m b h a fine oppon- . en t tor Champion Sammy Mandel:1 for a big outdoor shot before'the I summer b over.I — —

; E V E R E H ’S F IV E W IN S

, N O R T H W E S T H O O P T IT L E1 • --------I VANCOUVER, BrlUsh Columbb,

March 22 (/P)-Bverett defeated Bel- . llngham, 30 to 15, in the tlnoi for Uio

NorthwMt InU m aU onal Young t Men’s OhrUUan assocUUon buket*. ball championship here today. The 1 score a t half t i n e w u 18 to 0, the- wlnneis having a d e ^ e d edge- tbrougbout.- |

. _ r T - " "■

je m e n tf o w l i n g a l l e y s w i s h

o iji s b i i s i n e s s h o u s e s

r i n F a l l s , B o i s e , P o -

' - F a l l s - f o r - t h e i r - c o - ^

i o t i n g t h f E i , ' 6 i i i : i n o s t

W ^ t o n r n a m e n t o f


d o o r D uM e e t D r a w s T

B E IW O F T H E L ia Anscle.i A l 1 U nlver.«tity o f Penn .sy lvan ii \ in o is A th le t ic c lub n re nm or ; n a t io n a l c h a m p io n s h ip s I n I» ' — ............— -

■j W a s h j n g t o n S t a t e j ]

ii Wins iracK lYicCi, r.j O v e r I d a h o T e a m .

PULLMAN, WosK, ftiareb 22 (AV Washington state collere look 18 h fint.placea to.tbrea.tor.Uie.UniTer* o: slty of tdabo bere today in Uirir la - U

. door pncU oetm ek meet. T berc to lb Ji |-wm -HOteomitoffl c f a l l r . - ^ ^ - - t i ;-v - The Idaho wiotiew w m Lenl. who b r weni over Ihe 4s«yard hleh h tud le i'g . In tU.2: Alvord, vho won the f ln t a, hc itJ it_ lhB Jj3 ;ra rd J» '> k >" 598* ~

and lleaUi, wJu) ran {wTnillea la i, •W-M-’ . -................................ 1,

l ' . --------------------------- 0

I J o s e p h H a j l W i n s ■

: C u e C I i a i h p i b n s h i p ;

I ; --------- II FRENCH LICK. Ind.. March 23'n• (/PH-Th& national amateur tbree- ‘ e

I cuthlon billiard championship h u ' t ■ relum ed to the Paclflo co u t. F o r.b I U)e.Utlrd straight time a c o u t e n * ;t > try won tbe national crown , when I [ I 'JoH ph ite ll , San Franeisoo, Poeitlc h

coait champion, clinched Uie UUelij• here th b attornooo' by defeaUng j : Frank L Plemlng. Champaign. IUI* I• nob. a former champion, by 80 to 31.t In 78 hinlngs. tli Hall's high run w u Uiree against ;f<

runs o t five and toar for Fleming.L I t was HftWa ib tlh ilralphl tfluim a-L I ment victory, . tI,_____ _________________ _ .■■■■: ■?=


A V '

J a BotfEL 10J 5 y


and stiA m a n in L o n g B e a

n ia , b o u g h t u A ti 'S cc ee n -G rid R a d io l a s t

. M d i t in c pn tinU o i — 24 h o u rs a d ^ ^ v e

H c w a n te d to .n iak e t e s t o f t h e fam e d : depe o n A tw a te r

A T T S ^ l'^ re p b r it " fi i*

, » ^ u w U p D c 0 .B M d l l x . f e i r , , a n d w a s s t i l l g o In g .# tro

I e v e n th e c h a n g e o f a t t

.. * 'l t b a s -c o n tin u ra ^ tf l

- • '- .w rite0 .v " I t'h a s" i^P o v ed

MARCH 23, 1930

t i t l | l ; ! l iTirackStars E




7 " W 1771 .I b a r n e y e»'1 ‘ BKRCtNqEft "''IJ • g<I ' “ If ■

^ ^ R B B n B a T ^ sll

seS S S S l P ro

a m ™ i!iT— ' [I . 1 If ' .• • w

A th lc t lc c lu b , B e r lln g e r o f th e pt n ia a n d B o b ‘K in g o f t h e III- lo n g th e e x p e r t s e n te re d in th e a N o w Y o rk — im P h o lo .«- ' . '**“ ■ W

i l S ’ T h o r o u g h b r e d s •

. I n A g u a C a l i e n t e "/ —— Q,

; AO0A CAUENTE,.Lower X!aU- ™ I lornla. Mexleo, March 22 WV-Roads « ' o t Uie West led across Uie bonier lato fJ ’ Uie vaUey of Old Aunt Jane — TI- ”> Juana — todsy, where tomorrow a *

• [ t a ^ i S r i o W . t h e ^ r t o ®I'g lo ry o f tha turtikad gold la p rizu f y proxlm atlng 1140,000. ^•' Tvfcuirlan, a flvte?eafcold.wiUua> m ‘ Impressive record.ot.vlctorles a t h b >t

he eU ,n U iu U d a l'ab T e 'U iu iti(o ;* u 0001a monetary eonslderaUons, coa* p. tinued to reign supreme u tbe out* n standing horse’ among the tu tu n book favoriUs to r Uib, Uie first g

I running o t tbe Agua Callenu boa* j,

But there v u a weakealng o t Uie b I ' m u k e t so ta r u Uia Warm suble a ■ ‘ entry v u concerned, with, many ot ' I ' who bsckM their cboleq^itlUi *. big coin swlngiog into th e geaeral L •; trend toward . Brown Wbdom. Uie> Reichert BtoUien' gelding trom qhl*• rU go.'.and > 'tito '^o t< « b e r-p n m - '• • inent lUbners.

; i . . — r - — .1 P ^ b to r lo remidhs of kangarooi, I

Itbe slie o t elephants, have, been e t found. . , h

^ The rsb T 'r tia .» U b i-^ U « > -^ w a - from Uie SevenUi cenUoy. . ' . I

I .

I A i m T E II mm

7 2 ^ H 0 etill going sleach . C a llfo r- '‘A tw a t e r R en4 tw o te r K e n t P ro b a b ly , j8 t A u g u s t a n d ‘ r u n y o u r rad!lo u s o p e ra t io n . w h a t a ;con3iver since. A tw a te r K e i

x s sx een -G rid s e t , ^_— -----------k c e p s m w o i]S T . r a d i r i u t d peo p le h a w I

^ - « t o y 5 - - . - : l o r e I g h t ; y «tro n g ,w itH o u t , h a v e b e « p: tu b e . ■ i '- x i g h t

. t o . d v e - f i r s t . . _ . _ „

r e ^ ~ e g a ,” 'jio - 7 —~ -d f

lA ; ' . - A ' J y ijiT;-,

mmTreats in Store

P r o s p e c t s I n d ic a te T w o A nd

- M a y b e - T h re e - B o u t ro f U n ^ r

u su a l I n t e r e s t o n C a r d '

WIUi the signing of AI Pdmer, Salt Lake City Ugbtwelgbt boxer (0 meet Mickey McCatferty, Eugene. Oregon, tn a slx*round um l-tlnal bout on an Amerlean Legion boxing ' card wlUi W lUard'Norton, Eugene, ' and Budtiy WaaM&iton, PocateUo, velterwelgbU In tbe 10*round main go, next Tuesday evening. Uie line­up U complete to r w hat U expccted. u be one o t Uie best boxing shows . yet sUged In T v ln PaUs.

Norton and McCafferty returned Uie I u t of the week trom Salt U ke City vhero Uiey took p a rt In bouU l u t Monday. Norton losing a dEel- slon to Charlie Peracl, Son Dlego, and McCafferty stopping Pete Jen­sen, Salt Lake C i^ . la an early round. Tbey are working out dally Ilf ffialnlng quo rten over IMU'a.elgar store, vhero not la ter tban tomorrew . Washington and Palmer are expected to put tho tlnUhing touches oa pre- pars,Uons for Ihelr pa rt in Tuesday evening's show.

WhUo the headline bout In: Hulf. brinelng togeUier to r the t in t time two ot Um most promblng welter* weights who have dUplayed ■ Uielr' • wares In Twin PaUs, U coming hi tor a generous share o t atUnUoa th a t It dewrves, tho Beml*tlnai event abo i r um p t uw«e Uian usuot-lntereit.—

In th b bout. Palm er vQl appear '' u subiUtute to r Rocky Moore, Twin Fal!s, who ts U king Ume o n t t l rp e r - - mlt beallng o t a wounded eye. Pal­mer clalma th ree decisions over Moore. WiUi M ^ af te rty matched against Moore, tans bere expected to t ln d 'o n 's h s im 't o the 'queathm WheUier Emlo Woolley. Twin T klb tavorlU U gbtvelgbW .actuO lyJsJha.. WSWV af MMM MW7SttAHpnW V -only boxer ftb o h as defeated WooUey, and be holds two decbloni over ibe Twin PaUs boy. WIU) McCatferty, eonqusror-ot-WooUey, u d Palm err- Uiree*Umo wlonar over Moore;- itv - Uio ring togeUier, Uiero Is every prospect to r an InteresUng engage­ment.

Jimmy Dueey, Haxelton. a n d ' Swede Nelson. 'T w in Pidls, ars . scheduled opponenti Ui a touN m nd prellmlnaiT. end another pi^tUai batUe royal has' been an tnged u . a curtain n ^ r .

J tt iR O N Q U IN T C T Vi/INS -

. . SO U T H D A K 0 » J I T 1 , E .

SIOUX PA tL8,.& D.. March a -H u ro n high sehoot won Uie SouUi DakoU hlgb achool baskeUnU eb an - plonshlp tonight, de teaU ^ Tapkton high school. 11 to l i ; . , .

' ter."*lii'^Ut. " ^ ‘ ,.

R K e J T T

M O .

strong!jo t Radio.”.you jjrill not i m t . t o . ,1^0 24 h ours A day. B u t i^ o r t to know jtlu il.M i,. ; en t l8 so s t i i r ^ bu ilt lint on ‘i t f o r lo n g ;Io n g : '

vater Kent works aod . iridng.!LFor. '■) been say ing t h * t ‘And' {« « r f A t w a t « ( V '^ ^ : M t s 4 ^ proving


Page 8: VIS NEV TH]E T V W ~:FAIJL SI)>AIL1Y'tnailUw ^ after tomorrow. ' Qotrti lau n d er ear hu been souneed nadr for Um trials aod

- P w K ig^ t ^ . I :

^Gfiraw’s J ’e a jn - -

l ^ p h s During

First M Ninth

J a c k s o n , L e a d in g A t ta c k

F o r N ew Y o rk N a t io n a ls ,

■ G e ts H o m e r, D o u b le a n d

.T w o S l n j le s In F o u r T r ip s

(By The A«oef»l«d Pk m ) •

SAN ANTONIO. March 22 — WUh T rav is Jackson tendinR th e a ttack , the

New York G iants nosed o u t- the Chlcajfo W hite Sox, 3 to fc

today. A run In th c f ir s t half o f th e ninth a f lo r th e Sox had knotted the-’ s c o r c In th e elRhth KU' e th e McGraw clan i ts vlctorj*. Jackson poled o u r n home run. a double and two Hlnjiles fn fou r times- a t th e pinte.% , e « o r e : - H H Km . yo ik CIJI------- ---— ; » ;

1 ChtCflBD (A) ........ - ........ 3 10 1' ' O atterlu: Wilkor. OcncKleh and

}{ « in ; Ctn^i-ar. Blanfceiutilp and • IJcrg.


.• WINTER-IIAVeN. Pla.. March 22 (A> ended the aecond

—Qinn Df th t __ 1hlblUon lerU* a t the end o t Uie g i . H venlh UiQing wlU> the NaUonal „ [ leacuera ahead, a to 8. ODoul. telt> f ^ IleJder of the Phlla, waa forced to in ( »,-lU>drav In Uie aUUi v h rn he ln> _ Jurtd hlmaelf la » faU over k beae —l»((. Oru

‘J 1b ln i e a _________ 5;—n.. 8 15 - 1

tiQd Jonnard and Illnciae: WU* ^ SmrUie. P . CoHtai and Me-

Ciirdy and 8usce. - T l* -------- Now

----- CINCINNATI-e,-ATIItETICS-B— ItlW~ > n A M l. 'M a rc h 22 ( iv -T h e Cln- n t

clonatl Reda scored their ilra t vie- hom tc r j In UlO exhlWUon acrle* with . Tl the «-orld‘« champion Philadelphia New Alhletlea. 6 to S .,la an Il-lnn lng Boil contest here todar. - “ Bi

The acore: R K E RravPhiladelphia (A) ............. S 13 3 andClndnaaU <N)_________ 6 U 3

Batteries: Shores. Mahaffey, Bak> e r and Cochnne; Lucas. May. Johnson, Eckhart and Oooch. Buke- U forth. Wlll

-------- UckDBTBOIT i , TAMPA 0 ju a

— TAMPA. P la ,"M aK h*J2 'C r!|:-A 5 ' S .near doudburat Just as Uie major Cha le icu e n finished Uielr tum^ a t bat hurl In the alxth tnn ln s 'ended an .ex- Ci hlbltlon game here today In whleh and th e Detroit TIgew defeated Uie tlrci T an p a Sfflokers of Uie Sontheaat- TI em leaiue, 3 te 0. SorreU held Uie chli

" T awpa' t t m r w o i le ’ h lt:------- r— W rThe score: R R S Bi

D etroit _____________ a 4 0 _ iT a m p a ________________ « l l —

S«tterie«.- Bomi tad HayworUi; *“ te e , YOumblood a n d SanobeU. ^

ST. ix>m 8 S, BUFFALO 1 m S T PALM B E A O A ^

Mareh fi2 WV-WlUi "Bed" Kress . u d Relnls Ma&ttfh In the ir lineup 9 fo r tbe llrs t time th is season, 9 ^ Ib u ls Browns here today de- fealed the Buffalo team of the l a - « temaUonal league, a to 1. K ress' I

. work featured Uie game, h is rieldlns I •Bd two hits largely aocoustUiB. for I the Srowns' victory. M anush played 5 only three ImilniB.

The score: R K B. B u f fa lo _______________ 1 e 3

SI.LOUU ______________ a B 1B a tterln : Mangum, L«Ter«U« awl

m e i i OascUne O e Is Tcqvcstcjl ^

Asd fix BP iorae motor th a t's he------ *OHe-«rtM-b>ttC----------------->--------

No m a tltf bow a lltM .or b e v

' m ' ^ a h n n - ' m M ' ^ t B i n i a g ' ' - i t i brtttU eM w llh speed. ^

We Should Worry ,qi

h e T l ': j i » t 'r u r i 'W i M e l f o u t ' ' ip

b u s in e s s ; A n d 'w e l lk o I t .W a SHOULD w o rry .! ,

iV pUsm ob'& eiSdM u d

D e l


- It^ sa-p reo ario u s-K ltu a tio n th a^ .; s tra lsh t balls. T h a t mny preserve i basehall w hen it comes sallin s t In thc box can dQ Is throw and due

3rube; Caldwell. Stewart and Man^ lor: lon.

ST. PrrERSD U RO , Mafch“ S3 “ Tl; -T he Boston Braves buried Uie 4ow. York Yankees under an ava- hlblt sR eheet-base-h lU -toda)> -to-« ln . eo.B :l to X Babe Ruth got hts second •«<*.• iome nm Uie cxlilbllJon season.

The score: R H E « o «<ew York (A) . - 3 5 1 TliJoston nJ) _____________ 11 U 3

Bslterles: PolU. Rhodes and Har- i l v f [rave, Bengouih: Brandt, Belbold md epohrtr, CoUlns.


LOS ANOELES, March 23 (AV> iVlth Hack Wilson leading Uie at- ^ ack wIUi three h its, one a home

Cutas defeated Los AngeJtN & 4.-';to<Uy. v P t tT Ja ie n e -a n d “ S.*

:harlle Root, Cub regulan, did Uie lurllng a ad permitted U hits.

Catcher Zach Tayleir of the Cub# * ,® ind Hannah of th e Anctls also h it Orcult blows. f~ "

T heseofe: R H E ‘J,®''':W cago_______________; tt la 0 hitscarxiigttM -r - - ........ 4 - M-.'"a —w

Batteries: Maloae, I M t a u t Tay- In t:

> > > Q U A L I T Y -


m m iF O U R .SPE E D

' . “IG fthanj time-prfiTrf fooMp

i - mbsion is oae o f tlie fioest eztm plesoftbo G tth tm e ' t b s t q a

_be« policy. ___ _ • '______

For die fou^specd traosihiiM fi o o i = it» b e s to o I« s » ^ lii th « c « M ^ (« h i two Tears o f d ^ o p 'm e o t aad its time ] quality goM all t h r o n g a(id tb e-a

; .The result, la .Grahtm li„ ooe, merel;

Jgwiy ' C w ^ I fa m i.E m y.G ftU rn E

^ s i ip c


w m

— ■

ia^-pllcher8-face-nowaday8.-To sa rve th e ir w ln ss b u t the risk i s th< IS to w ard R ulh , Hornsby, Wilson du ck ‘and hope for th e best.

lor: Delaney. Ballou and Hannah, afiei— ........... lhe

PIRATES 0. SEALS 1 Into ^Atf-pnA M CTBCO ;j ^ r d > .- a f u l l -T h e PUUbursh Plralts made four ru na4a-the first liming ot an ex- c niblUon gam f wiUi the San Francis- . . » .Se*l8 today but lo»l.ou ijn_U « , ( -ScaU had B -b ig r |“’ ? Inning in tho four|h when they ! ''• jcored five runs.

The score: n H ,E g j,,,Plltsburgh iN) ....- ...........0 1 3 a vtS e a ls ............. .....................7 0 - 0 ouUi

Batteries: Sloncr, Erlckwn and lUrgreaves, Bool; Jacobs, Hnlghl TIi ind Oastoo. Th

------T In P‘fsENA TO Iia S. LOOKOUTS 0 CHATTANOOOA. Tenn.. March 23 •„Tl!

O f^W ashlngton Benalor* chalked up ftJ-to-O victory ovsr-Joe Bnttl’s = Chattanooga LookouU today, despite the faet th a i they garnered but *“ a meagre pair of singles during the nine Innings. Fred Marberry and „ Bobby Burke, on the hill lor Uie Na- V tlonaU, likewise allowed l u t tao hits between them. Br

croMfld Iho oounUnj hinuk In the 'U ilrd . aided by a wild pitch ^

f ' I S ' T H E ' E E S T - P C

iD C A R . ^ g g

^ i m e - P r o v e d

i-'ipeed trails- .effort which maket » o l concttM «n otdrn.i)f 60, u tq u iU iy l . t I .0 <"<U«"T « .

out j ig n o f effoR a o n e re f b e a t . tfeoendou* power.:

oeproof^^-the ifflpreulon of float! e 'c u is at a ^ (peed.

W l y . a o V J S M B _ _ t h i ^ not ppi

m EJgitix £ |» # W M

:e moto:lls - Buhl

i h i c j j f

» . '■jic'■•••r'i


\ , •

save^ th e ir-a rm a -th e y .-a ro aUowi there ju s t th e sam e, fo r you can on o r Cochrane w ith nothinff on U I

ifier he had led off w ith a h it. Io p he seventh two walks were turned nlg niM » » b the aid of two Infield ^uita nnH g ln y l^ " "


ATUNTA. M arch -33 WV-Wlth O - ^ l a r s and a f l« k o t promi*- E n - ns aophomore# on hand. OeorgU I one of Uie favorites in Uts SouUi- m conference baseball race. Tbe lulldogs have two veteran batteries, by Ii I veteran Infield and two v e tm a enili lutllelders. brouj

- - i l i - oisreiTJie "red cedar“ Is not a sedar.The largest Ubrary In tli# world U Cl

. CHThere ate 389 life saving stations (SSci

n the United State*. ^• - ■ ------------ oitch


Twin Falls « Veterinary HospitalDr. H. B. G roemb Vetarlaariaa:M J[iiiI^Atb.K . Phin»eM .«L ------

p o l i c y " < < <

a t -7 '

:d” J V f feans

O ta 79 -fflUe ip e td teem like . and^a SO-mlle pace like an

Iff O f ttrajo , b e a ajw of the j j . , « r abd the tilence-oH fiittiril' ( b o R l i ^ h m the •bothing— ^ latlog ilo n g w id i etmoet ease,*d . !'

^ g s i b l e t o .o t h e r c a n ' ' a t n t h

Cto»«i >L/flTB Cfas '

Bansen t / ' [

1 ‘


g o A n7 ^ " ' y '— T - - ---------------------

irrHINfi c■ w ’ - ■■ ■■

«U l f H|W I M l i y i p y i M IsnKt 1


B ! ^ m » A C K- low!

W B m U ^ ^ ^ ^ K B B S g r ^




I t n




lowed-to-throw nothinir. but :an ImaRine what happens to r U bul the cover. All the boys ^

Pau— ■■ ■ -L' ■ — » Uiro


Grid Star Favors bS' Pay-FoiJlayerg B

JOWA CITY. M arch S3 tflV-Opea layment of eollege aUiletes Is ad- i , .* , -ocalrd by Dennla Myers, guard on „ J he Unlverslty_of Iowa> l# » J o o U ^ «II leamTIn an oiiU on ffiFlhe an- mal unlvenlty oratorical contest. > t:r

"Underhand” meUwda now used >y large and sm all sehooU to r«- SI iruli aUiletes. Myers contends, have </PH- irought intercollegtate sport Into (out iiarepule. beti

---------------------------- OaUCUB BOOEIBS IOOK OOOD

CHICAOO, M arch 22 (AV-Word rain 'rom Uie Cuba' camp Is th a t Joe will klcCarUiy b e llev e s^ U i L ;np Nei- ton and Malcolm -Mow, rooUe r ; M tchtn.from .th9.A m ert««oc. ,.bi laUon. will make thQ.gra^e.- U v

— C o j

tteVA]A l l m o t o r d o i

d e i n o n B t t a t i c

. itjr f o j ' l i s t g

o m y . M o r e t

a l j o v e 7 0 m i l i

______________ t h e g a l l p a w i

T ' H B m f e e i n. . J . : i « i» « . l i 4 i l k p .

— ----------------- w rdl«ibfTwneapn

\ t s i s a - s s^ = f = ^ - g a i i ^ t N r d >

“r ; , ^ M k iba v o y

O S U N D ^T O W nN O J

jiaj r i i iCliinese BanBetr • “ OnDogandPony'"

B ^ O R A I , - Mateh 33 U v-B et- ting on the dofs er tha 'pon tes t n ’ 1China u a ertma. s U ta a a o r tf tr , JIssued by. U u ministry o ( jtlM ea Ia t N anklnr. ' ' J

Tbe offenM. th ro ttle ia l preoon* Molamento declares, la punlsbabla by Ia-nntnet-exoM diarU Q O -u-K B ld:- 1

The ruling i f u tbe i ^ l : o t a .19UII7 forwarded Um naUonat cDT- • •m m en t by. tha Chlaeae munlelpal kutborUles of grtaU r Shangbat fol*lowing a n attempt, s e re n l a m t b i -ago, to cloae tha dog tracks eper^' ^a tlng b) tbe Interaatlonal attUa* g lm in t and th« T rtaeh eepeaaalen.- K

Brazilians Enter I California Me^t I

-R IO D|E. JAMaRO, Mareb 33 m B —For Ute first Uma since revtval ^Of tha Olympic games, BraaU wUl be officially rep>Hcnted a t te a . A ngilai in 1932.

Pred Brown, Wheaton co lleit. In- “ itructor o f m e Flumlaenae football 4^ub, a n d Robert Powler. Boston, ' former football coach a t H arrardPrinceton and WlUlams, aUUeU. ] |instniclor In the Bnulllan navy ■tiave been Instrumental In tralalB;. Iu u v e aUilatea. I

BraaU wUl.send.SO track anc Iileld m en and IS swimmers and ■w te r.p o lo men as wtu aa a rifle Iieam to Los Angeles. ■


^«U a<O N T . N eb7M artfi-a3W V - I>aul Nordatrom h u sent 70S polnta I hrough basksUxOl hoepa b t his I hree yeara on Ute Midland qubitet. I

P te th ree years thlTforward also ' I IU led tb e Nebraska aUiletlo eon- I ertnce In scoring. TaUylng 709 I » ln U - ln -« l.g g m e a for-M ldland— I

This season, in bis sanlor year. K le marked up 333 polnla In IB 8 amcs, averaging 134 a game. : g


ST. ADOUBTINE. P la, M arch 33'PH-The alngiM filial In tbe annual •outheastem teiinis championship !«tween John Doeg, Santa Monica, ‘laUfomla, and J. Gilbert HaU, <louUt Orange, New Jersey, were _ «stponed th is afternoon because of» ln and heavy courts. The matches anrlll be played tomoirow momlng. lem

------------------------ hasPAY 163.000 FOB BANTOBB stu<

.BUDAPEST. Himguy, .M »r«h.t3 froi4V>The Hung'u lan government, In wai

)me Drive

e s s e :

Challenger FF

LUE OFl o m s a w A e a m a z i n g m

t i o i u . E s s e x h o l d a o u t s t t

g e t r a w a y , s p e e d , l e l i a b i

3 t h a n 5 , 0 0 0 ' c w p a r d c i ]

l i l e s a n h o m - t A v e r a g e

^ s h o w n . P r o v e f o r y o

W P o Io ( ih .N .irE n a 'C lii l- '" . lui W (g i^ o U |t^ n ^ . J l i t t l> tk . III.r o w b u g te n ^ t n i r n u , la > l lign of p e n ^ dm onitR tlon ra n y a u to o o b ile .- J..

the pebite itnlMiatlMR dealen - ^F U tH W S U e r^ ^^ rV U ld ii * /e ........* ;B v i ta i io a s to -U ^ Iu d r^ R ld e l

s p i & b o ^ ^ i ^ r t W y w ,A W


MABCH 28. 1880

- ' Cards’ M ansgsr J

' ar

' In a ;

GABBY STR EET, new man- £ . a g a o f 8L Louis Cardinals, ^

as he appeared d u r i n g N sprlnfr v raetico a t Braden- -. ten , Florida.— W) Photo.. . . i . . J - Tl

R'tfl Rearular Berth S

| fa<CS

a lsai• ( Ol Oc wo tal r»

- Rl da


1(ff)a tani

B IB FALK, wno twice h it S -around .360 fo r tho W hite he Sox, will be a reg u la r out- eu fie lder fo r th e Cleveland In- dians.—W Photo.

■ ' P ;i n effort to maintain Uie excel­lence of lls famous breed of horses, > has Just purchased for the sU le Dli Itud Uie English stalllen. Sanlorb. U l from ..tfe»Tti»rl»t._The . price. p»ld th« waa approximately, tCIAM, DU

’Qfia/ er

Veek ProvesJ

'Y4IUE^ t s of the Challenger' itandtog maitks In w e r y

bility.'hlll-cUinbing >(ad c i p ^ . Speed was es^h conomy b r t t^ thati 2Q m g i o r s ^ i t s j i u t s t a i i ^ I t

. I d l . t e l i 4 M p M t

•. PRIOBS AND Oj^AOA C W d w jlW X N g * n ifn M . s<p< 479i)

\ w ^ ' c s o a . o r d o L w a t t«o m

[^suT a- - r

■■'■A -l

M o 2

Ille^Puwllislic—itetfl^F lom idr

jCNNEAPOLia. M aftb 33 U V Laxity of k n a l efnctali U esabU ni

sr{ .B srr.7 i"S i:Andtew e im ta e o , ebalrman of Uie sta te boxUif oommhMoB.

Dr. Stvertsen, Vbo U a Ulnne- apolU pbyilcU a. blamea ahetlfli aod couaty a U o m m tor tbe.%ils. tence' of tb* U lm l ring aoUvttles • because he aays. Uuy do no t tnier- fere to m any smaU dUse wb?re, under tb e tow, professional bouU ah-barred .

*Tbe bouU are billed u amateur cards." aald th a ooounlHlonir. *8ui Uie,use o r Uie w ortllam ateur Is Just anoUisr ,iek^ for Jthe hw ers ara paid b i.m o ^ iBstancea.'

A (ta ta Uw legalliea bcfing ooly In the a ta u ’a latgest cW ea-Mtona- apoUs, S t. Pau l and puluUi. ^

$$000 Steed Wins $29,20£In lUces

m w VORK, «<Bh » W>-' m«tiMhl>tKl ruUif M k w e •(II* qu*.r tu rn , a l A |U . CU oiW '

favorite U> wUt Uie^^WMO A n a callente handicap March 3}, UM- . a 11300 allowance a f f a U ^ on thei same day.' Oreyola. a daughter of Uie famoua, Gray U g . was bought by Johnny Coburn for MOOO last summer. She- gron several racea fo r him In the ' ta ll and then woo fm r of Ute five races abe atarted a t Agua Oalicnte.

T hen Cobum aold hla sU r to - Raoul-Walsh-for-aiMOO. T h e - n a t— day Uie lltUe sued wen t 3 t ^ .

On Uie aame d a y . Victorian, a 1100,000 beauty, flalsl^ed out ef the money to a tl200 p an e .-T b e raee, however, was Victorian’s first ap -* pearance of-Ute winter season.


PO R ES r OROVE. Ore., B fsnh 32 )4V-Leo Prank, director of aUileUoe ; I t Padflo unlvenlty, has r e i n e d . ind put U lt school In th e 'n a rk t t (or7~ I raw coachi F n u k 's r e e i n ^ n ^ ra s announced fermaliy W day a l - , though it bas be ta known for a y ta r t tie Intended to leave. He plans te gOi, ; u t a fte r school closes to seek a legree to ooachtog a t Columbia uni- • renity. j

^ALUSO AND DI AZ DRAW,NEW YORK, March 23 (ff>-Jose

Dias. Cuba, and P tlu u , Salt bake c ity , (ought a lO-round draw a t :he Olympia AUiletlo dub todlgnV D lu welched m H : P a l a i o l ^ . £ '

-------- '■ '■ - r ? y =

r ^

n .

IS ■ ■ !rWeek. iif local- 1:leeon- ' iblished ij:[ n i l M t o

a b U i t y ; - ^ : -------------- J l

S?lss:-':..Il if lt t if ie ld .

• ' ' • • . ' ’ ' J '

~ ...... T ~ ^ i:

m A C O M 'r . - ' ' .. .

nco: II d a h o 1

Page 9: VIS NEV TH]E T V W ~:FAIJL SI)>AIL1Y'tnailUw ^ after tomorrow. ' Qotrti lau n d er ear hu been souneed nadr for Um trials aod

. , ■ •

Jlhcrt R. Gates Goes to Helm of 2202 Instructors

Dlotator dates, Prominent . Member of Chicago., Bar,

And Cohorts Move to En- roll.3168 Artists of Unks

. (By The Aiiocuud P n a )

Ch i c a g o , M a r c h 22^ B a n b iU h u iU commit- ■loner,, lh« movie W iM -

Iry h u I ts g tn e n l d lred o r, and now com es th e foU die* U lor.

A lbert R . Gate*, a ic a g o ,( b n f B leader In o(licl*l soU*

1 - In f elKle«» wa« wJmlBietraior o f g o lt by t t i i Pntfesslonal Gojfeni’ afl^oda* tlon, a a o rc a n la t io n o f fSOS Itading g o lf w hogoTcrn th e pU y on nearly half o f th e 6649 fo lf clubs In the U nited S U tes . T he o t- m rn lzatton 'under th e admin- Iftra tion o f M n G ates plans to enroll a ll th e 3166 profes­sional go lfers in th e couniry aoil to Mek » voice tn t i l a llil» ot Uie |tm e .

.-^Com«U»loner a»t*i-wid.jiU oo- horU. f tr from pUiinlng. taf m- vdtt from th9 col^tltut«d euthorilles ef Kolf, tuel) u the DniMd BUtM

■ iQolt usocltUoD, Till work htnd la elove with thoM bodlet In keepinc the |tm e clean tnd aportuntnUke. -Th# IMW trblter hta the ^mtiill.

ctUoot n lned in beadlai ibe Wut* era 0«1( t««ooltUon four tlipes ei prwldtnt. tn IBO? and I W tnd tatln la i n i - ^ - i > u r t s well t i i^ b i^ la t tecKttrr la 1B08. He h ti been t prominent lawjer for mcny T nn tnd l« now e director in three btnkt. He w u president of Ctlufnet Coun­ity eJnb-M-yetn-tjOi-but-lajiow

- eenneetrd w ith Bkeklo County eliib e a wtioie llDkB Oene S t r t ic n won Cm n tU ontl open UUe leT enl yeart

t H e l p s P h e l a n

IH E S T E R (COTTON) Wil­cox, fresh m an f o o t b a l l coach a t Purduo univorQity la s t y to r . -will tu to r the U niversity o f W aehinsioji.

• v ars ity b ack fie ld ' STli^ders th is comlnR season. Wllcdx form erly played a t Purdue undor J im m y P helan aad when th o la t te r w as lurftd 16 W a ^ B t o n - t o siicceed

' E n o c h W . B a n h a w , h i brought th e chubby m entor w ith h im . Wilcox w as an

, all-W cstcro h a I f b a.c Ic a t j P urdue. H e has a b ig task i

^ , o n h is han d s In teaching ’- th e ‘tf ld c y R6ckne»Phdan ;

sh if t to t h e W ashington , backs.—(ff) Photo . - i

A t a t i lWITH IJMMJBIA'V ln ro o m tn d 'lltM td la tb

well loetted. trtve led ttneU i te ra u c tn be nude. aonUdy i

— — - A - B e a n t i f n I 5 < / s ,. . . - B a r g

T b il t r td t ' U n f r a n l rOid - U l h t t ; in fee t X o f U>9 ^

n l n » t $1100. We v m buUd r m 00 meaUiljr 'OtTminte. 7oi pttcii. ft p u h o t for eow tn d a

> ^ lie t-ue -toa-ye tt ■

. ■. . .W eofferi>!rtTtl|»|t»» tf e ^

— r

— - — ouc .n n a .JeeaJa jraT a lttiU fleer w ith y o a ,,

— - ^" t^T W IN P A ia


M/ M B w

a ' M M Wam Sa

K s 'n j B s i af- — l» > w



H H E L E N E I>IAD1S0N, S eattle , la event a t th e national Ara* « indoor sw im m ing champicj______ Phote.,__________________:I- ' ■

|CricketSnpplants4I Asiastinielib' ' n A U C K L A N D , New Z etland, j r t March 33 (flVCrleket pltylnB h a t :

aupplanted h u n tln i human tleUm* i _ u a pu ttm e amons Uie natlrea of ‘ ■ U)e BolonioD lilandt.

MlulonarUa arriving la Auckland ' from the Islands report tha t war- i r le n who formerly prldM them- selvea oa Uielr colleeUon of human ; (kulU now boast of Uielr cricket b t t i

N collecUons.-.[ "Dudo«:Uie.la4t big Iftliod matcb

- C a r o l i n a B o a s t s

B i g l n d o o r T r a c k

OHAPTBR m u T N . C , March 23 , tjP^-Worth Csrollnt otfgred th e ,

"* Scmthem coDienDoe 'one oC the , besl Indoor tr to k stadium s'in Uia country when Uie f ln t Dixie, In- door gunes were held recenUy.

Tbe ■ n r Heel • T te -O tn ;^ h w e |- the m eet' w u held, offen t floor , space 110 by^M feet, a lohger tn c k U un Msdlson Squire Oarden and

: uack equlpmenV^wblch ranks with . Uta besl In tbe land.

I T hat ip rtn t and hurdle f tn lg h l- , ftwtyi t n so yards, Uie longest in '

the souUi and u long u Uie G tr - i I d en .- - •• 1y Tbe tr to k for.dUlaaoe events U i . Ju tt n e r nlpe Upe to Uie mile, i ° w b ereu U]o O trden track takes l l '

S ^ % m o it h i i f o f 'u i e cenferenee iX membire e n t ^ t« m t In U u f in t f, meiU O f f i ^ expeet crowde of 5 J O W ln f t . f e w y e tn .

d o n M A N S M A N MEHOBUL ; . d TO ASSABSmATSD U A O B Sa b a d O R O iaB A ra. 9 e r f l t n 7 .

D place Where U tttb l ts M ie ig e r .O e r- t a ttb y 'i n m pTiddeat, w U esstte i-k n tte d by ’poU tJal oppeaent#. A sim-f Pie wb{t» w ess m p u r ln tiij spot.

W A N T E D - ^ i r a TO f i t n u ) . IS n per day. UeboaneU, T hird ave-

B uew estg r j r , ........I ." '^

tifulHome IATE PO ^EI^IO NI Ueeplng porcb, Jtrletly modem,

4 Acw-Trael a ta —^ i g ^i» l4 ..^ ', l a ,e J lr .% « te r .« e w e r , ,

? l 5 ? ^ £ w d ' 2 i u f i 5 ^ '70U e u hSTe a flW ttrewbeny ^ ^ o tth e ^ b lc k e S l F ^ desln .

W»a a t te ry toy , r i te .e t In - ..

i t ^ n b l w e j r a d i L ^

;vH rrEl U S . ID AHO


! - S t y l e B V e n t ^ '— - - - j


W a ▼B K F \ I

V \ 'I


:• ’ 1

t)e, won th e 100-yard free-sty le t^raateur AthleUc union women’s iplonship m eet a t M iami. F lor- ^

- '■ - t

^ead=Hnnting=^’ ForJsland Natives ^

Id. t tremendous bitck uvtge*kn^wd \ u tbe btll into the Itgoon wh^e mtn- - ns eitlng sharks wen pitying tbout. < of The fieldsmen stood about in dls- <

may wondering what to do, whUe nd the opposing letm w u searing : r- npldly. in- The team finilly-'got togeUier, i >n seUed tbelr cspltln tnd Uirew blm t t In Uie waler. He grabbed the ball.

ntumed to shore safety, tod eren- i eb tually led his team to victory.

' ...................... ... ' . -' - - - g '

’ s T A T Y s E m W s f F b' ! SPAWN OF OCEAN TROUT J

„ BOISE, Mtieh 33 (4^-^»b tnpe 1 Z* to take sptwn fron eome of tbe i ^ ■big-steelhsad troul ninnlag-upJtoaL . P” the ocean htve been placed In tbe

welter river. Turner K. Sparkmto, sUte fish comm^^nCT.^M^

^ Evdtgi'een' h^hcry en the. r tv ^ ^ The run of sSeelhetd b u just sttrt-nd

■ LIPS INBUBANCE' ll. T in Otetl 'V^estem insuruee in Company ot Des Moines h u Just ir. recenUy entered Uie insuraneo field

in Idaho. Bells Ute, Accident tnd U Health policies, Including ooe oent a

le, d t y accident. Jteeident Agentt 11 wanted t l Burley, Rupert, Peettello

tnd eUier dUes. P. a. Sell, ^dtbe ee SUU Agent, TKinFtiii, Idaho, adr,of ■ ; „ ,

E Boxt i ' .

TROYLAUNI^ " . V T ^ l


1 MAIN EVENTV :W niard Norton • ▼(

_ W tI^ .* w n e ,.P ffu ________ __

; • ; ' « 6 -B 0 U N p S!

M ckey M cCafferiy t i •iM ne.. Esieae, O n

' 4 - H d r o n ) r r a

!: 'r-/UtIbe.Beeeltw

- - ' ' ' ~ O u r t a i i r B a f a ^

I r A d n U ^ o tH ^ ^ Q « i i r i l~ ^ ^----------- : - 5 ^ f a , 0 0 ^

ISeM i ea eUe Clgir tt y . ; - : , . . - ; - , . . . j e ^ i e . r ^

SchoolNinesP^ IEdtn, Ruisel-Une, Dixon, ji

_ . areenwood, Hlllsilale .and jl Hazelion Teams Praotlce i

I ' L

' EDEN, U areb 33 (Speelll t o ^ e 1N«wi)*-A settee e t flve gtmee tba t i a te o d s o v e rs p e ro td o ff lv ^ w e k a ^b u jMen trrabged for tbe -: irede kse b ee lb ey re ad g trlt 'b ee eb tau tS M I

, f » UW t ^ l e at t t o y

open next ?M dty vlU i six aebooitbeing npreseaUd.. B teb Kboot b u >a boys' t o d | W ••»«* . TW \te iins «Umio« tbe m o tt g to u e lo .boUi dirUleas 'wUl nuM for tb e .chtnpleosblp g to u a to 'b e plljred I tthe tnouel Oeld a o d -tre e t meet U lbe held e tn y 10 M ar. A e Rbedole w u tr rao ie d by Um -t^taelpau of i i h s m le u i t e b o o i t a t a m e e t l B i^ .U it Tuesday evenuif. T M le b eW i t

Eden T e r tu |lu n e l* U n e i t n u - l e l 'L to e .'' ' I

D w onverw iareeavoed a t Oreen- Iwood. ' t

h iiud tle r v m Haselton t t B t t- fellon. I f

April 4 , tOreenwood versut H tn l to n ' t l [

H tKlton. *HiUsdtle rersu i E d (o t t m isd tle . fDixon ven iu R uisel-L toe t t J3 ii- j,

on. (AprO U *

Kaseltoo vereua Dixoo a t Dlsea.------vereus R u w e l- le n e -e t -j

R uise l-U oe..

s Eden versus H tseltoo i t Sdto.V Dizon versus HUUdtle a t BUle*

dele.~ - R u is e l- l tn e v e ^ Oreeoweed i t = s oi'eeuwood.

, AprU U_ ^ p y n venuf I ^ J g jw j l e d d e d _

H anltoo versus Russel-Ltae a t . Httelton. — *

/ Oreenwood v e n u t HUlsdtle i t I P M i le .

m c u e e .g tm u .p lm d W d t |. f« z _ >uitM4ivyieterlM lo r n t l i M ever

Id the Dixot) Khoot, C deow ra orer tbe I- RusMl-Uoe sebooi u a n i . t a d S u ­it. ellon eame out beet tn games wltb I- Oreenwood ifliooL le Alt games t n te be pltyed aeeard- ig lng to schedule unleee w n tb ir eeo-

diuons preveau Poetpoaed games f , e n to be played lo U n e to deetdl all m winnen t t l e u t t week before Uie ll. track m e t The games are i l l te be 1- alx Inning eontesta. _

. rAl.BBTlNC MOVIES OAIHT ■!. 8U B -T iT i* s i N ^ a m u w _

' TEli AVIV, P tiesUne, Mweh » (iT)_ -M ovies wlUi sub-UUes lo J t n advocated by tb e ‘■UaitiM * Pe-

finden League." T tje ea]y fUms showa here htve F rench or fag lith

S - ' -0.

u N O T IC E O F A 24N D A L if: I f t lB E T IN G T W I N T O E S - “ t - C O U N T R Y C L U B

NoUce U h e n b y glvea of tfie ' — tn n u tl- m emberabfp-roiettag-of „ UleTwin.FalU.<7e^ ^ be held u Uie R o g e w * Betel on . f ; the evening o t M endty, March ° Sl, 1930, I t «:S0 for Uie purpose

ot elecUng Uiree dlree ton end any oUier JwpJnepe^, U u t msj cone before Ute neetiag .

, , H. 0 . EDMUNDS, SecrfUiT.T,

dngmtY GARAGE ifFA lfS '

r , MARCH 25 / ^ C K P .M .


▼s. B uddy W a s h lo g to p ■ 1_______m iM ^Poe»tene.I<ahe. _

------- ■ H ' ' • ■ . . I . '—► S E lill-F IN A L

TS.u s tb e . 's a l t U ke

^ L I M I N A R Y - ^ ^ ^ ; ^ - ^ ^ - ^

'H ie^U U se ' . '■ t Bitii,- n i n m D n g Siet« ' I b T ' ~

^ la n ie-------------- Gard's Stars I




I ■

' ' 'i IVi'*T M e3 n - S | |g M H K S K ^) ilB ( » ^ ■ H B Im R K S M B s - It I• i1 O T


‘ ( l e n ) r t o t - bsccond sacker, a re on th e j

' th e S t Louis C ardinals’ spri

“ denton, Florida.—(/P) Photo't - - - ' 'f -------

j A


l» ' — h

■ . _____ ' . X

l l i9 t S t O (

• M T b e M L o w P i P l e * S p c c U b T p t f a y t

IK I DOnOB SEb'AN-MeU steraised ta d Uoned. ^Nei

.PIateits,JMni. Bings f i t VtHe grennd. ,-IhU c t r .eempletel; RoendiUencd. BeprtteaU ir!!r:$495.G(IttO cnEVSOLIT TOUEINC CAB — Geod rsqnlng erdet This is t raposeeseed c tr . Wi

. rxirf!$25.o(l l u FORO BOADBTBB r Btlloon TIref, good b ttle ij

. Ooed tep, good order


l* r r FONTUO COACB- ; .g r i w ^ e Stermised

. B f i5 ? 'v J n e * n « S 4 »ei^. eleteh. anlTenal J o la t^

• b u U n ts . I te m system Be-

[0, SUNDAY MOHNING, Mg . ", ' ..................

^Com ii Digging In-------------- n

m U m - ' I.. ■ . f»

M R k . H ><*

^ ^ H ^ K u N I E n ^/ J B i M B i i w W i l i i l ' of'

, Uo

j S B M M B M M K W " spPo



t-baeemaDt-and S parky Ai^ama, i job w ith th e ir tU tn m ates a t p rln g tra in ing q uarte rs '‘n rB ra-

}to. m

S • / J

^ p

s e i#te< |E

pria lT om i^hw -utouruM ^^ata

'its, • • '“ “ •tJWJrtock J,™— CW4?. bicW bj > etdy ■' tloii. Th. carj6nwi j-j;. Pror.ltf<>rj«irMlt-

i! ,a T h t $ p

M u n i t y

00 un OLPSVOBOE C O D ^t ^ B e e o o d l t(eoed t b i e t i i ^ / tety. P y l g l w d j t ^ i o l ^ U k e m ^

ita ( e n U r owner and h tk '. made only UMO B U ee.l|eks?. J j , , « . b t 4 e n U ^ e a a t l t t r y i « : ^ . . ^ r e . m s J L ----------------— .

' I l l l A tlB U B N S> iV '«n^ r ^ DOdB 8 P 0 B * SID A H '-*

% : B t t isBly U,«N nUee, f i e e l ^ * ^ Maeter e e t l g a b r a k e K , ' .S, ■asrMV'.M;.,

j1 A w C E s g t , .

' .......................

MARCH 28, 1880------------ =— r — n — ^

la a ^ s iF UWCl) llUpCo 1 UI

By WADE .^VEBNEB sa-<As«ocuted Prass Steff Writer) er

POTSDAM, Mereh 3»-ThU.clly P( on U » ouUklrU of Berlin, toocef tm o u e .u .th e e e tt of O e i ^ rail- tliUtry power,' h u oo tnteoUon of fiiU p ib g te ^Hcurlty bectuie Boha- sni ^ e m mUltary pomp Is gone.. fo

Potsdam aUll dreems of conquest tr-eo o Q u u t in ths petceful retlm ot insp o r t fo

Alretdy I t h u m tde Itself one bcof Uie prl&eiptl tUileUe stroni- «< holdi o t O enntny . W hrn Uie n t-Uont e lu h In Les A ngles In i m bi

sp rio ten u d po le-riu lten from tePotedtm prove Uie-‘‘OeTmaa men- d<tee" « t th e Oiymple gtmce. bi

.E q u u tr tia s t t l u u of Uie old oiBohsncollem regipi^.eUU pew Uie t<t l r proudly, la POUdem, but m on s( ftiU ina to PoU dtm ’t ptteentHlaye b u M ttr t r e Uie aUUed, graceful uir ld en o f tbe borse ehows and Ateuraam eot* to

Nymphs In marble, too, sun Itn -guisit elooc tVtnuea of the P trk di8 ta a Bouct. bu t Uie liUie, aUileUo t

AttentiorPHILLIPS S'

Our Scalp Trf Are Unex(

For all scalp troubles ------ --halr-

P h o M 110-W-. Grossman I


r sB M t o b u y a T tU a U a l i i a d c w a t I )« m f o r a p r i n r tradai>Ina o d n e w ci t o c k a t o n c a . T l> a p ro f it t o y p u I ek r o d u c t l o n p r ic e s w ill p rovo.^ iU! f i ^ w r i t t« n - G u a n m ^ . to .a i s u r i » r c w a n t Is h e r e a n d o u r lo w p r ic e w il I f —to d a y .

I d W t U ' ^ Guarantwit ^ • n d o i u S a v i n g i I

I - IMC OLDSMOBILB TOUB- INO C A S-K ew top, meter In W e pn fee t eeadlMea. UpboUery

: ' U pare ts t th e r la A;1 cead|« , 'U ea . T fU se u to re e ^ ty te give ^

Ims PONTUO '4-DOOB *'®*~ - l iS S u B e J S e . - S e r tS -

p U u « re e t r . ' lU ie I s e a la . l i b

f l - n i

OM leeklBg fer eeafert. Vo! ‘ c ' aervlee t a d sU isfuU ea t i '

■ I • • l ' l ............V iVV7

■ r t •' ■ / I • ^■

swtmaUng end rowing g i t ie a t 'n e d - em O erm toy now 'tre mmmertlfiie Potadun'e gayest tittaeU eo.

cQulpDeat iot w ar along tbe 'fo rm er t i r barber, o n e ! ' finde » wetlUi o f U lU edeldi for spo rt -A stadium setUng 19400, l i r e ' footbtll tn d boekey flelda t n f * tr tc k tn d field section t t e ineludltf - in U it elty^ sport fedUUee. Courtes for sTimmlag; ittling tlid motor*' bo tt r t c t n r ^ m trked In tb e water.

During Uie war U u t g n e t t l ^ p berbor w u one of P oU d tm t proud

teok off. BimuTy de fe tt btou ibb • destruction of t ^ huge lunkais^ but Uie ground tn d w tte r f to n u g f on Uie Templiner Bee l u m ' t gooe - to w u te . T h it Is PM edtm 'e n e v sport pltygrouad.

Tbe elty-e k td lng eportt e eu e n usutUy opens abonl tb e U tl o f April tn d conUnuet tmUl eerly 0»«

Thill the mlUteiT sMtT o f F ets- dsm b u deperUd, b o t P e U d ta U I growing figun oa tb e j p M taapi.

tl M e n !STUDIO,,.r e a t m e n t s

i c c e l l e d

! s a n d r e g r o w i n t r

244 2 n d S t . E a s tI B ld g . T '

i l lV^cesfO t w u i h e b a rg a in c i ^ w « m u s t d e a r - - ' i I s t f e m e n d o u s , H U l o u r “ CoodW Ul>*C c o m iJa te a a t i i f a e - . r U I a fv e y o u m o D o jr / .

M B a r g a i n s .

F o r . . T O t t ' v ; '

i r e d o n o t c o n d d e r t l g b f ^ '

n la g a f e w a n t s o b «

i r , a ' r ^ a d j i l M « d ' 'jo b l '; ; '’. '' I ' - ;

J l o f b e t t w c a t» : lk r t ^ ; ' . : '' '- .5. r j

er«. a r e e q in p ie td y '.o T ^

aoK td ta d n d li ig s t o i p " ■

d n g oB d . hon Iq |( 8 io (er» .'; '- .'

i t t l B K BSW P l s ^ ’ . .

I I n e s i / P i n ^ , , G r i a ^ v r - J ; ' ; : ^

U T e 8 ,a B d s e tU i« B 4 « z - ^

'T S " ’

Page 10: VIS NEV TH]E T V W ~:FAIJL SI)>AIL1Y'tnailUw ^ after tomorrow. ' Qotrti lau n d er ear hu been souneed nadr for Um trials aod

M e l h o nSmiA Posts 286 For 72 Holes to Take Next Honor

- Victor Uncorks Eapie ThreeOn Seventy-First as Foe

• Runs Into Trouble to Tai<cFar Flvo-anil Lu>i Lead-

<Djr The A ««l»l«J r re « )

Mi a m i b e a c h . M nrth z r —“Wild m il" M e h l - himn I’MMCota. Hor-

Ida, Bnalchcd th e S5000 top money In Ib t 72-kole Slli.OOO La Gotee open Roll toum a- m ent from Horlun S m i t h , Craftslon, New Vork, in a d ra ­matic finish on Ihe finni hole

, .~ U n f w f n y .,M c ll /^ o ^ ^ V ,s w y for Ih'e 72 holes witaTZBS, Sm ith 's 28G.

Mehlhorn u n c o r k c d an englc three on th c Rcventy- H rst while Smith ran in lo bad luck td lake a par fiVc to put Mehlhom one in th c lead a f l-

------ e r a n ip , ja n d - tu c k b a ttle‘ th ro u g h o u t th c d a y . . . , ,

— T h c y -h a lv c d _ th c _ £ in a lJ io lc• wllh flvea, Bmllh'drlvlna behind a

pilm trefl and breiUnB hU club pn thft «eond ihot. lhe ball BOlnj Into

t n p to Uie rlsht ot the Ere«n but pitched oul nicely. He pUyed It H te anif u n k his tlt th to halve Uie hole, smlib'^ 3S0 w u tor •econd money of »2500, t

Tommy Armour.- hard hlllmg p liw r o t Boca Raion, Florida.

---------palled tip In UilwH 'l aco w»httking $1000 ot tho p r ln money Armour ihot c o n s l i t e n t soil throu«hout Uie tlnal Jfl holea to take a pair ot 97s and noM out BobbT Crulduhank. fu rc h u e , New

-------- Vork, and Billy J3utke_W ealport,Wew York, who flnlihed wlUi.aoJ each to Uo for tourth place. They divided toim h and tltUi money to set (075 apiece.

Tenjr 91uen>, E ln iterd , Mew Tork, proTUed the tow icora o t Uie

atler Uie B9oa K cea to 'K o rt a 65, •U under B lascn 'a tow teera, sa», htm toe' ipeeiat flOO p r to . f o t ; the low on Uie tlnal U bole* and Utrew him In lo .a f o v w a r Ue a t l m wlUi IVhlttr O s , BreoUya. New Ywk. WtUlfl Kleto. y i» q t Beach,;

-------- a n r-/o lra-O B «e ii." '» a t« rw *- -Htwieraer, tor it i th plaee. Tbty ed Uie priM ooney le r (he tixtit, • e m ti i and ctibUi a tid ntaUi pt»c« between Uitm. selttoc H IS cach.

M u s s o l i n i B o o s t s

i t a u a n A t h l e t i c s

n O M B rM iir t l^ ^ M tia s o U n P e ' aUltude toward Bporta haa prompted

the Italic Olymplo-CMnmlttee'a bulletin to note th a l "Umes have chansed to lU ly.

■■■'.......N o t; » long ago. the- buUeUn. points out, "iport wos thw arted and

, ' 4etided, and the so-caJJfd w ven i- •len t was not Intereated in it. To> laVv Uie Fesclit ROTemmcnt loves

• «Mrt and undtn tanda Its needs.’'On several's occasions Musaollnt

h u Uken h b two eldest boys. Oruno and Vittorio, to w lto tts soccer toot* ball matches. Some o t h is minis* te n and p a rt; ottlclols also tre- quent the games.


MEW YORK, March '3a(jn-THreD ' sdd ltio ash a rab en im ad eto th ep er-

lonnel o t Uie American Women'a 8ott-t«am which Olenna Collett wlU lead abroad. April 73 to r an Inter- naUonal series ol matches wlUi Brit* Uh women players. According to word rece'lved trom M lu Collett, ihe neweomen, brlnslng' the to ta l team membenhlp up to U, are W t t I SU­tei.'Wheelln*, West Vlrlsnla, Madse MUIer, Detroit, and M n . Uozel R. MarteUe, Hartford, CcnnecUcut.

- ■ Complete Garage

: d -J n a d c r lD f f - a— W e tii lfy rb p a J rB e ty lc c . .

f i a t r w * w h d h a v o n o t y e t p a tro n iz e d US, w d w a n t to

, • In v lte ' y o u r- b u sla ea s," a r id to

S C T ^ f e AUTO -

l i iM n s- ---------- — F a v o r i t e s J a i i

lc ' - = _

' J SEN E SA R A Z E N -N ow H fork sn high m oney w inner of th e • to ny F arre ll, fo rm er natfona

when tho contest opened ii fg tournam ent a t Miami Bcac or 'horn sp rung a surprise to

I - ------------- ■IS ------- . — _________la. p — I ■ ■■■ I

i O N 1


■’ ---------------—u , /" ■ • . • ■r a , 13A6EDALti lu s . nexer been far awa; Bfi . ru ih to ’ Uie opinion of lhe pres i d , Atsold Reydler. prtiJdent o t Uii Na a t.B a rn a rd , president of U u American

^ dltUlofl clubs of the prertous year, ea «« I t n a good account of (htm sdtes t

,Mr. Heydler,*-atter watchlns Clneli su tftsled U u t boUi the Reds and Phi caosB trouble to r the ir opponents, thv

■ Ule NaUonal loop, ' . <

jl«h t, such Improvement’ wlll add tes

I'J ^ ^ ? H e y d le r " a n r E in ia f i i :a m e d :“ hold on Uli affecyons.ofUM Jieople ' J over lack of attendance.

■RAUi players have good memories a ;!j opening for h f i dppoiienls to m:

game. ThU b .c a lled -h d ln g -a n d Uie r J Cochrane, the great catcher of t/i'

did not like Uie nlcloiamfl ■‘Mickey" i


i ' P

I ■

toto ' - “ i i r * B i a i i — 1 ;:;;^ ^ —

i S - —

; f ' I t e . T i l a . C l t a i U i , *

........... -T’

Ea Qiifcia.Gorce-Openi' ................

l I R '

J Jo r io ij Sm iU i

Johnnv F a r re l l '>rk pfo'fessional; H orton S m ith , he w in te r,g o lf season, and John- bnal open title holder, fav o rite s d in th o $16,000 L a Gorcc open \ :cach, F lorida. "W ild BiU” Mehl* to win.—yP) Photo.



away b u t'It U co;ntog hack now w ith a prestdenU of the ma/o& leagues. i7obR

NaUofaal ‘league, and E m a t flargeant can leagne, are to U u souUi. watching is i n o season. T hs two executives have htve seen.- ■t r ahead-and hope for a clOM.-axclUng Senu to Uie second dlvWon cluba. H n t r.ean be more or le u depended upon to es tor anom er sfMon,InelnnsU and Flilladelphla a t pracUce. Phllllrs were much Improved nnd would

,’thus making the-compttlilon k n n e r to

.t the Detroit T lseni and Chicago WhUe lO' tfiin theyw w e IH m Arifl » llt-U 1 te st to the AmerlcaA L ^ e baseball

jed that~lhe ganielTBd strcnalhened 'lis iple and that, there should belno worry

es and woe unto the man who leaves an 9 make merry a t hU •expense during a the men doing the riding are "Jockeyi.”

r the AUiteUci. remarked ance th a t he ly" and preferred to bs called -aordon."

\ m

1 1 1 S ^ B ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ l a l k e l

1 1 1 p r o i w u U ^ « 9 n | ^ ^ p > r a a l a l 2 i T

tniGk.tb w ent 30.0

F Irca toneglvein

m ore ^

1 ^ * 1 0 0 0 C am >

;____ - F I RESTONES)■ 1 Former]


, ; . . W H E E L S R I M S


c e T o u r' Boxii 61tfv6 Slio ~ ~

Recalls Patronage 1 Of Title Fighters

Battlers, From Fitzsimmons To Tunney, Used Product oTSan Francisco ‘Talof"

- - I n Ciiamplonsliii) Eyenb

Dy BU8SEU. J . NBWLAND . (Associated P re u Sports WHter)

SAN FRANCISCO, M arch 22~-This Is th e s to ry of a boxing glove. On Mis*

sion s treet, about tw o blocks west of the office w h e re th is Is w riltcn. Is a door which bears the legend, “So l L evin ' son. Boning Gloves.”

Yott cJJmb a acl o t criuJcIng , - Jtatffl. (ft hi! rrp ffff? h r i h t j

smell Of leaUier and hdrsehalr. 1 crinkly to lt« dryness. In th is iee- ohd-story workshop, o r l u smaller predeceuor, slores for m ost of Uu big championship tlghta stoc« Uie\

r o a r i n g ,‘90s

f h a v e b e e n tu rned ouL ■ T h irty - m e y e a r s o r so

. ago, SolLevto* — *<?»■ . m y n t^ f lt. I

working gloves t by T o e a t l o n i but sportsman , by toellnaUon. ' conceived t b e <i idea h e eould . tashton a bet- ' te r l e a t h e r f m l t t e n ' t h a n I

i*U u t e n . At home, a t n ight, he a «-orked on his patterns. A hand taU- g ored glove with paten ted finger ' grip was Uie result.

I U tla ion Becomes Farao tu t 1 Pame knocked ot L e v in s ^ s door r and LevlMon w u Uiere to aniwer I

. . It. When "Ruby" Robert P ltatei*' ' mons fousht Jim Corbett for Uie v

I heavyweight UUe a t C an o n City, Ne* s vada, in i m , he toilsted om rea rlng « gloves made, by n h e ch ipp ie down In Prlsco." ' t

t A great pande o t ring w a n lo n has. j ,R msrehed by to Uie iD te rrm b if ipan t n l ot mora lhao three decades and all o JB fought for gold and glory wlUi Uils i ve especial kind o t leather equipment, i . Included in Uie ranks were BatUlng i ag Nelson, Joe Q ani,.Ad W olgatt, Jim. t I t Jeffrlet;-Jick Johnion, S tanley Ket* to chell. Tommy . Bum s. Je*» wUlard. j

Jack ■Dejjifiiej'; Ocjie T u iib v and j » . many others. • tM L e v ln H o h u p a ise d o n b u lth e tln y to

il« When, he next appeared on Uie tieli i y enemy Dench. “C sirjErD W tU irC BlT s 111 Al Spohrcr, the Boston Braves cat< _ dtgtog the brtef rh Jt o f the Whlto_8 Iff M ~ ^ n he kicked on a p itch the um ry It was a strike to an exhlblUon game

went toto acUon wlUi yells o t ‘Send to Spohrer."

an All the riding U In fun, however, as a -putout of Uie ball game. They sre"not

a.” tho game Is oVer, ball playera cn opp« he a t any w ds lomtala and have a frie 1." m ent and a sott drink.

U t l

e r y a o dkabM lurelrw elalkfivm FA C TS. K t

tbeXtilcal tiip«rcr mad« sp PIkea 2mOeaiticc««tlipe«d. A gklaoairabM

10.000 mOes ia t t ^ M jn l iu i l e s . W bn4 s ment u f r t ^ BccaoM lluit fiuaotu t r a i tE n acqr tire

Tin* boU worid reMrdaforft

SERVlCiE STORES, m e.e r l y J E s i F o f l s C o . ^ _________|

P C H A B Y M C A T a O N

. P B

J S — p Am s — a c c e s s o h i b s


r j - - |f e l lE S r j l J

" Keeping slcp wUh all s ta r ap If sa lt! have acquired proteges. J u tfiiHu S m !n rh i ip e r& fa u f« r iu ® Jin m im lc i^ linksj.S hlres taUci ? tn -out w ith (he G iants, and O n

along to th e Red B irds’ training Id - ’■ 't* .i r factory sUU produces IU «uoto of h in hsna made gloves. At U u helm now a t7 sre the widow aod t(ie ion, Bol Levr Ji >t lnionrwho~dlHa^~hli'time between le ttlavr pracUcfl and the wpervilHni 1- ot the slove-maklng. a ' W rittenEeeords ' '

The fire In 1000 wiped out moil o f ! the «TlteB records but enough w en -

X pm erred to m e a l the ldlosyneiai* sr lea of ihe early wearen of Uie glov?*.-^ I* Por Instances: tltzslmmons w u _ le w ry fuuy about his glovei and I n - , s* listed,thal Uiey be u Ught u poi* _ lg llble. tlrn Buiiley Ketchell ordered Uie lars* .

« t and heaviest tratolng gloves ever , as. j&a4sJiy Levinson. They hsd three , in rolU ot cult, reaching to Uie elbows ; ill and weighed mora Uian 30. ounces., ‘ Is KelcheU’s Uieory n s th a t by tn in * 1 It. lng with the heavy gloves, the reg* v IS uUr o n u would feel muoh llghu r S m thnn under-Quinary conditions. i, t* -Johnson, Joa Walcott "aiid • Sam , d , Langford, three oftiie greatest Negro-,, id /Jihi(r», didn't caro wheUier' Uie '

• glove* fit or not. * 1ly -Tommy Bures had the smalleit y

- ' ■ ’ y

field nucouA crlcs sounded, from the t

catcher, loet a decision to A rt B W ru| ta Box llrat beseman to tha priss ring i, lim pln c a l ia T b sF w h o n l u thoughr*

une vrilh the Tigers Uie Detroit bench = d to r Shires,” and "ITou're'punch 4nmk

and Uie hosullilu end wlUi the ttoal “001 tratem U on Uie baU field onoe pposlni teama may meet wlUi iffoprlety frieniUy chat orer toaa retnsti*


tktMlamS)k e tp M k . . ^

fn .ie r tw l - J ' '

' .

t t ^ h u ■ ; . - { M - - . :

tfo ; sunpay’MORNmG;.

t B u r i i i f i

s p o r ts perform ers. H orton Smill ; A od they w en t no fa r th e r ths R eirestabU sh 'h im self-til-h is-oId- dked John McGraw in to giv ing : O rsaitI, crack yoang C ardinal oul ing c a m p 'f ^ a sh o t a t a n infield

f haadsam i^U uheavyw elghU w hllo r 8am ' Pm ltt, Negro gtant, had the ]____ r.j__‘ MeamremeoU e t Hands M O therfU e the hand measuremenU

fo t m oit of Uie heavywelghU run .-ab o u t the tame. Somo ot them are:

Jeffrles-P alm .4 m inches; Uiumb* 3 3*4: middle ttoger, 3 7*8. Dempsey

Patol 4 l*3;_thumb a 1-3; tlnger : 3-J.3 , T u n » v -P a lm I 'l 'S r U iu n *' 3 5-a;'flnger4.•• W hen Mike Olbbons and Jeff amlUi ’ were to meet one a t . Patrick's day,

they ordered green gloves. Levinson,’ sr., not ooly filled th s order u to [ leather but used green thread, green J U pe, and shipped the gloves to a I greea box.

• I Big BUI Jonei, once the talk ot Uie ‘ big lugues wblle pitching fot the Boston Bravu, U winding up hU

basebalLcareer.aa manager e t . the ^ Chico team. lemUpro organuauoo : p i n ths Sacramento Valley league. ^

, ' William \Vrlgley, Jr„ Is lO certain hla Chicago Cuba wlll repeat th b (

; year for Uie NaUonal U ague eham* tplonslilp tb e n U no use arguing wlUi «

e hlm -;he w w t argut._________ ___ T

»! Arehca b a rtt l h . *40. D t Foe- ( ^ -(ef..A d r,_________ . . 1

! far bcyorxTh«'N sw Dedgo six 0 Sm ool^ fa il , lightning

■ o f fual a n d olL b ra k ti ond H it baaut) Olid w nartar thari «Vi


..... a t (f tpM>na-PlK« Staal Bod]

U N M A T O T O atltip ri

.U N M A T O ^ c lth p ile (lytfrsutfe'braiiM—Wf(


UNMATCHED a t lit ptk : - r - i j j j ^ T C H ® ; a r i f r >

, : o lW f l ^ - d a i lg n elgh

. ■■■' • u w w r o t o cmona

M ACEL AL^ a a a s s : : :

' " ' ''



l llh . A r t S h ires and E m le Or* Lhan th e ir own families to gel ld-po8ilion-8S-‘ r o ’-*-at-the Jopr • g B ro ther Len, an Infielder, a ‘ outfielder, b roughl B ro ther Vic f sld Job^ - - J

> o w e ^ M V tW E S 1* ANO I HA-ONX •9IUMCH T S W - I ? M ite * O 6 fO « 0 IHC OtAMe3> * ' 1HIM6 OOT - .HcsW '5 ,m M * rc M '< M c N e y _ a w y < i


’ ORINNELL, la., Marcii 32’(ffK i » prlnnell- collcgo of Iowa Is sending i* 0 two^man Unnls team on a south* c 1 em Invasion to meet players ot Uie i

Unlvenlty o t K anus, Oklahoma, I ' M luourl -and-7eK as-H ind—Texa;Lpi* ChrUUan, Rice, O U shonu Agglcs, i

Texas Aeeles and Tulanf. l

A m tid your expX ond Bght.In.Une ore txcaptlonolly ol Ing.qulck ln.«ot.owoy>a (lallgtit to hc •Slty end obove oil DEPENDABLY. Tl md, wtlh Ihiir'intemoUexpendlng fe luty of.Ihtlr illant, to ft Mono.H&ct Sl «V»r b ^ r e , thatr.low pricas'^rii'AII I


i priM Iri thV'extfo reomlneu, imortm

'price In obillly to meet all ptrformqpi M nln lh* safetyaffordad by Its Internal

j r i i i a f f f H N

11095■ A N O '\ir.ho .i.M ao ir

)tk»forIwwr« roomlntu ond complttai

r^S '-W rlh»"iffld#ney -ond -•conoi ilght*ln*nn*'motor wllh modarn dowr

_ ^ pular pric* In the da

. . - - r . r . j ^ l N


: ..i.^,o«n»iii. *OT0top.,;,!:

g | » | B


DrawsHorsemenPubllo Choice Centers on "■ Flvs' Entries Jn Fi/ty- ' Sixth Kentuclty Classlo

LOUISVILLE. Kr.. U arch 33 UTh~ WlUi ow ft'ip rin fB irin* eondmon- e n a chance to advaoee training a t CburelUU Downs and Douglas Pa rk A f-fh«ir far th s n ttv*sU th running of Uia Eentucky derby on May 17, public cholea haa centered largely on five entries ka .favorites.

T hU qutotet U made up ot Des* ixt U ght. Oallsnt Pox. High F o o t,' Flying Beels and Dedicate.

O allaot POz. a lesser tight to early eholcei, U owned by William Wood* ward of Uu BeUlr slud.

B e U a bay colt by S ir Oallahad n, o n t of MarqueriU, a daughter o t Celt. Mr. Woodward bas uv en en< tries to aU being p npaR d for lh a event.

aaU an t Fox won Uis Hash stakes

i ^ ^ a t ^ u M u e t ' ^ K ^ w u ' s e ^ d ' to th e United S ta tu holel s t^ e a a t S an to g a and Uilrd to Uu tu tu r Ity a t Belmont. ,

Alabama Quintet Hangs up Record

TI7SCALOOBA. AU., March 33 -A U bsm o, which won lU f lm SouUiero conlerenca -b u k e U i^ eftamplMuWp thl4 year, ItoliheQ the season with one of the best records to Uu history ot Uie Dixie ^oop.

T he Crimson 'Hde won 11 gamea vrtUiout a d e tu t before the confer­ence tournament and then waded Uirough Uie ranks of the toumey /sv c r ltu to ehslk up four mora vie* to r lu aad Uie ’tlUe. NorUi Caro* llna 's chotnplOttaiip M a m 'O f - l» t - U -the only other UUe wtoner ot the recent years to go through-fe season undefeated. The T ar HeeU won :# gam u Uiat year.

Except for -Llndy" Hood, a t w - erto ff'cen tef W io'reaembu 'Colonel Charles A. Lindbergh, the Tide had an ouUlt o t small plsyers. One ot the stars wss P r lu Wambsgansa, nephew of the Wsmby o t world f c r lu triple plsy fame, a flve*foot* > four-inch guard whose cool general* ship’ liaa much to do wlUi Bam a’s ' victory over Uie highly touied Duka ouUU m the final tilt.


PUh and game Ucensu for 1030 Kavff arrived aad ar« lor sale a t all dealers. TTie price U t3 , Uia sam e u U st year. Owing- to some discussion o t a change In the Uw regarding Uie prlco of licenses

I there has been some doubt as to -|-wheth*r. tha-prlee-tliU -.year_vaiL Irem ato Uie ssme or whelher I t ’had I beea raised, to, « J 0 .

d T ypectatiohsa b le In pwfomiance. handlo. theydallvM They a ra •eenomlcol four.w tiee l hydrauntf Sl'eel Bodlat, roomlar I th e mor* lurprislng.


n # s r fo n d ic b ty o f f t* -

ipc* r«|ulrem anti.

K il^ p o n d ln g 4AvheQl ( t /I rfn jn o lu irfa n te n . I


teflM iofoppolnhnenlb .

w m y -b cM e te d -b y H ts--"-^ ■ - ^ vm *droft cqrbtifelloft. ,

dejwndobllHy H » t > 1


I —

Page 11: VIS NEV TH]E T V W ~:FAIJL SI)>AIL1Y'tnailUw ^ after tomorrow. ' Qotrti lau n d er ear hu been souneed nadr for Um trials aod

^SwthE- M a n - E m p lo :

> T o M a tc hOne Farmer


Clyde Icc and liarlc W ilson, .> -. e lc pcIlti..Somc^huntcr.'i « i r r j ’ )

_________(Dy Till* AvsQclnt<il P r f ^ [0• RAPID CITY. S. u .. Miircii Alrplaiif s antl ntr.omobtiM n rt ««<I' j

■ In Soiiil) Dnkola to innlrli Uic coyotc’s eiinnlnr. ,

Spurred by ilcproibtlous of itic ( (UiimaJ.% la rn ien and r/inctmieii Jiavf made coyotflum ting n proflinblc. u popular sport. Finding poison ball ! ttnd drives by profcviloiml liuntcra only ralrly sallsrnelory, Imnttrs have

« Uken to c.irs and the air,V One Soutii D ako'j rnnclicr, Charles ' Cummins of Dc Smet, hss a spcctul- .

ly cfiulppcd ear In wlilcii lie carrlw , 12 does. When hc sights a coyotc hc I


tplK opal church, Pocnlello, and former rcclor ot Asccwlon Episco­pal chijrch. Twin FoIIk, hns been ap ­pointed cliai)!iiln ot lhe Idnho Amer­ican Legion ili-parlment, nnd the ap-

— pol(ilm«n( hus b ttn iijiprovedbyaUc. departm ent ;exccullvc commllUe. M clio lu l td . I'ocuiPllo, deimrimrnl commander, has announced. Thu aji-

; in lntm cnl wus mado to till a Va­cancy caiued by reslsnntion ot Rev. Mr. DIe.']lni; who moved some time BKO tr«m. Jerame to Ori-Ron.

___ Mr.' Wood aJio of the^ A'tterlcan' Ledon 8U lh dWrict or-

(;|cn and of the cruiid vnliure {i>r Idaho lor La Soclito di-& "'IO and 8.-


RUPERT. Mnrch 23 <6pcelal l o The Nrwsl—Aiinounccnichl by City Clerk UuiT>' U. Colwoll early this

- we«k tell< ot work a t Rupert ccme*I lery liavii)« , bcin started. Clyde I Epidell. brother nt Shrrltt R. R. Spl-

dell, liai been placed In chargc na jarctnker. Tlie appolntmenl w ai

' made recently by the city counclL

^ • ‘


Dakota!) y s - S p e e d ie S h W i t s A g a i];r Buys Auto Specially Eqi y Dogs Td Assist in Fight

Exterminate PSfs,

I, nnutn Dakota aerln l hunters, are y honlinff tJops in special coyolc-i

[opens the door to a kenhcl In the f. ' 'r ear ot lils car nncl the dogs iprlng ^ “ for the animal. "

E.irte WllMn of Relic rourchc anfl n c ( l .d e Ice of Rapid Clly arc amonc [ii f .'jijnlcrs asloff alrplnnrs. W hen);. u coyoic Li !>lRliled the plnns swooii.iip It low enoujh for them to fire. jl) p The Sbuth Dakota Icglalattire, in *'

cMorls 10 rcducc ihc number of <lo- ' Micstlc unimals killed, hn.i pa.«cd *'

' various measures aimed a t annlliila- . I' lion of coyolcs.c^ In 1&23 u slate hunter law was f

CERTIFICATES EVIDENCE I'0 HAYES’ BUSINESS SCOPEjiJ r Four ccrtiflcalca ■ o t trade name L

llli-d In the otflce of the county rc- |c■ corder hero Friday gave evldenee ;l

1 DEM<d


P U B U C . .W

r S P E E D , PC

S N EW ^* ' '

■ . -V. . ’ ..■ I '" .’' ‘ ■•• r . l '

C o m e i n a n d

j u d j e M r e r

= miles PI' ” * ^ :r ‘ %"IN'SEC01


W iL LyS-O V E R I


Hunters________ _______________________ J -

s^t-D eviees— I d n s t A n im a lSqulppedTo Nrh t To

are uliown w llh ;i “ h 'a u r of c»y-j‘,[ilc-cbasinff cars ( in se t) . j 'ic adopted wlilch provided for a lorce •^trt-tminfd-hunKT»-^4wity»tcm-waa.pE

not effective In llilekly populated cUfclloiis. Bounty jilans alw were «

Id [trihl, but were nol entirely satlsfac-IB [lory, _____ n■n ) t , r t year a new bomily net wm ■ bKj passed approprliillns 525,000 aimtial- t'

jly t9 pay for killing coyotes. Blx li„ state hunters have been employed _. in a caiupalRn to tcach farmers and ",(j ranr!;ers modern hunlhiK mtlhnds. d

If the campaign Ll niicce.wtu!. Ihey n'ibeUevc almosl all coyolcs In South n

ID;iko:a tt’lll bc cxfcrmlna&?tl11 two or three years. q

[lhat members o t the Haycs family „ Uultc delinltcly arc In buslnea luE am-Ih F . l l l i - - ................ fl

1 In three different eerUtlcatc} K. I 10. Huyes and B. C. llayea were nam*

’f ed Qi the proprietors of Hayes HI- . c- 'Grnclo Hatchery. Ilayes Brothere i IX ;Kced Supply, and Haycs Urothers Rft- t

0 f O ^O N S T R /

N M A R C H 24U i A N D !9 lh T H

•W IL L M A K E A S U P R E M E '

P O W £ r , S A F E T Y A N D E C


i d m m s e f o r y o a r o w n

m n a i l u i b l e m o t o r c a r i n y d

P E R r H O U R - ^ 6 5 - H O :ONp-G E A R T T T lilC H -U B ^ f lk l^ & BltA k ESSrg D R A U L IC -S H O C K A l

R L A N b , I N C . , " T l

lo ld s M o tetw in Falls, Idaho


sU sePl■lililiiM?

CHIEW lElir;M e th o d is t L a d ie s ’ A id S o - ] i '

' c lc tv H o ld s S e s s io n a t :> i-Jjl

. R o m e o f M rs . C. E . W a r d : h'.I f''

—— . ■ 'A:CASTLEFORD, Marcji 2 2 - T h c ,

Cajiilcford McUiodbil Ladles’ Aid » o - ; clety mei Thursday altem oon a t tlie home ot Mrs. C. E, Ward. Mrs. I Oeorge Clemenl w arassU tant host- ^

• man, ipo'ke on "The Resurrecilon o l ' Clirlsi." O ther numbers on the pro­gram werc a piano solo by Mra. J,L. HouRhtalIng: vocal wlo, Doris Ward, and community singing. Mrs. W/}|(am R lnccrt_^rfsJiI«J a t U)c y meellnB.• Rev. W. O. Burehard I* conduetlns sjwelal meetings a t the D.ipllM

• rhurch here. Tlic high school Rice;, club fum lshed music fo tlh e aen’lccs ;•

on Thursday evening. .Mrs. Charles Heckler Is suftcrlns '

from an a ttack ot Intluenzu.■ ' ’‘riie Castleford' ift'ltlim i ^| ,

n o from ft bcnctlt dancc Friday eve* nine, o u te r ■■nclghborlns granges c were well represented. !l

George Powell. Dale Rccsc and h Margaret Thomaa spent .the w eek -, end In Blackfoot and Pocalcllo. M r .; rii Powell and Dale attended tlio bas-;ii; keiball tournam ent In Poeatello.

The Frlcndshli) class ot the M e th -! odLil Sunday echool held n cooked'Cl food sale here Sal,ijrday. On Monday.,

" cvcmnriii'PnW -troniiB-onninixnuonti;- c{»crt.flln«i the ir hmJwnds » t a 8t- Patrick's day party In tho church, i "

Mrs. a , P . BenncU entertained ■»' lhe T hcm anus elub and husbands,P’ Ilf members a t h tr home on W ednes-,

Iday. T en tables c t auctloa .b ridaeln i■ were In play. High wore wa* award-1 «

cd to NUs. Ed Harding aad Charle*'t*; ShorthouRC. fi''

r Mrs. W. J . Burke and M issL ^ a -n _ a r iM il lcu d la g - thc.Mcthodl8t.:ln1 church convention In Oooding th is itt ! week. 0’• A delegation from Fairvlew Grange

met on Tuesday evening wllh mcm-i ■ bers o t the Caslleford Grange. .T he > •! two granges arc planning to o rgan - - t Im baseball teams.1 ____ _____________I — -------— -----------------------------------

dlola shop. Tlic fourth certificate ' natjied Mrs. R. A. Hayes as proprlc- ' lor ot the Scrvlce Cash Orocery. t Al( of chew estaWWiments a rc '

ouarlcrcd In lately constructed m od- r . ern and subsianllal buildings od

Main avenue south.y ---------------------------:i Curlktlvc dnigs are almost all pois­

onous when taken In sufficient quan- t. lilies.

- . . An ounce of radium has suttlclcnt • i power to life ten Uiousand Ions a- mllc.

0 M l t fA TIO NT H E A M E R I C A N

: T E S T O F .T H E

E C O N O M y O F

S S I X■ S W ;


I $362.00 I S S s S S i S S i ^

est y o u a r t t o

/ b i i r o ' w n “ w « y r T '

G R S E P O W E R - ---------

. U P H Q L ^ R y „ _______

^ 8 S O R B E R S _________

T O L E D O , O H t O

o r C o.


lanes an'C m C 'C n i f C f f N V E N E S — I'P

-j-------- A T - S E S ^ - I N - H A I L E Y + H

■ I IIA1I.KV, March 32 (Spcclal to Ttie | ^ jNfusi-;.(lftiley Civic club m et In irri;uliir Ji‘W.liiii here Thursday alter- 'iuy>n lor a buUiieJs and social »C«-I'Ion. The pmitram foaiured PaHs. |.Mr,v H. P. ChrUtenwu'gave a d e - . ■

■ .jcriptivp Ulk on thi-Clly. J ' L1 Mrs. Roy Van Wliiklc fpokc on,^he

ol the Gold .S!.ir mother* lo ,» / n i l f cd.1 !Hrlrcshmeni.i were M-rved l ^ t l K

,ci'mmiltee. Mrs. H, H. Neal. Mrs.; Amy Brooks and Mrs. A. W. Warr.

i i i i f iB B u y s ;n E l T i l Eas.

" W a r ra n ly Deed E v id e n c e s

j T r a n s le r of T h a r p P r o p e r -

■ ly to G oll C o u rse B u i ld e r s J

^ rvlilriirliii; tram - H, ! it 111 .iii;iriAiiii;ilely 60 iirn’.s nf land ti:

i Until w, o . iim rp anrt hw «iie, ^ * Alur ■I'iiiirii, to . Ihc Twin Falls hi s Ci.iiii’iA cli;b ^<i«vfl|cd for record Ul rl

!1;.' of llie county recorder eld h u . '. I'lidiiy.- '1'hc conjideratlon. iii - ;a 'l ie liiMrnmeiil as "one m r. riii::;ir :iMl other valuable considera- Hi . iiKii," h iitirtiTjiood to havo been i*i

.. »( . ] Till' pr.)i'iTiy adjoins the Couniry ol d.cliib’j oruinnl holdings west of Rock y lCr. ck c.inyim on the border of Twin tl; Q.-I'alli.—4;i^nslt« ,~and— uractlealU- t, I double. the area * f Uie club’s hold* II

jlncf. With Ulls addlUonal land, sut* M j.liruw it Is'm ado avallablo to ei tlprnvidc :i li'ill IB hole colf course.. . A l:irfc Slone dwiIHng hotwc Uiat R e lh as tnrn lhe home of the T h a rp e: . [famllv lor many years Is Included In in (! th e iraiiifer. Although not deemed

iiuJMWo tor flub houie piuTJOscj. lliW a|buiItlii:E.may-bc used as th r dwell- ci , t ' ins Jor a keeper of the grounds, oc- d'

of ihc’ rliib’.i plans In this regard.

! Feel hurtT ' I ’tiooe Dr. Foiter, Ie 0 8t0. Ad». / • F


-n t grcn'ily R e d u ced P rlc

l Y i e C O A a


Ttu rhaileo................*4*r /it 8p«n Xoadittf......*5!

T a.o»op ................'5(rA*8p«nCeap*..........


.....................................'6:‘Th»'3«<J*AD«nifrT.......'5tn«BM idit«0tlhfr7.. ’4 I (nck .a»baiu tn)

U |b l D tUwr Cbaalt..’3 (

IK Too O u a U . . . .-A .,'5.1


313 M a i n W e s t


__________ ^ ;

M ARCH 23 , 1930_________

id Cars tS i M i B''IIIHIISESSIIII,':


J. A. Handy, Heyliurn, Gives " i Account ot Trip by Ante- 5

mobile Through Calilornia !l

nUJ’ERT. M atch 23 (SprtUl lo c: The N e t t j i - J . A. Handy. Heyburr.

'on InvllaUon of Rupert O ranje. gaie i ',1 ,a lalk at tfie rcgutar grange scs'ta.t

.. ..................... rf . lirecent and «ytieji*nt;irlp taken b j ' him and M r.M Tlandy'l<^llf<iiina iiy aulo. IncWcnt* of l r a \L . tlie ;; \iiitural resources ot the pnrltuii^ ol a

5 llie country through which iho ' P'lw- <-d nnd the agrlcullural and nuniifac. ' turing Industrlea of Oregon and Cnl- 11 lloriila were dlsoWSed. Advantni:cs _

, derlvc l ihc/e through co-oi>er»tlon ' ‘ Merc pointed out by Uic Mieakcr.

Mrs. Handy favored wllh an orli:. inal song composition on ]>hases ol

“ Hic trip. O ther Uaiure.i nl tlte Icc- I lure hour In charce of MKt Helm JlW clU yubs illli ilag an' l .- c h i ic n j r I hcr mother. M n . Maude I’oacII, in- I eluili'd a group of readings Irom a i-li«,< ot children rccclvlne liistmc- . tl(in from Mrs. Duford L'. Kuhni, nud ! musical numbers given by tilrl.i nf• Kic seventh grade,- under .\f ts s I I'uwfU's direction. These wire n

»<K'al duet and nn ensemble rlionis ' ot f*o d(W<n voices.

Ll.;hl refreshments were wrved by I the cnterialnm eni commiiii-e tor ilicI i-Vnilt'!; Mr. I, P f^niidnii’t Mrt• Ilynim Culley. Mrs. Frank Culley,‘ Mr.i. W. B. Cole and Mrs. J. S. Clem- ) cnl.v

Five new members werc laken Imo i Ruiierl a rnnge . Mr. and Mrs. Oeriild > Ellloit, Mr. nnd Mrs. r . J. Saear- I ingcn and J. R. Inama.

1 More lh an n ijuarter mllUen wom- ' en ot the British lales were widened• during tlic'worW war.---------------

CERTIFIED DICKLOW WHEAT Also Federation wheat, seed oar-

, ley and oata. Phone WI. Tw b Fall* Feed & ICC Co. adv

■■ ijConafdcr'tt fo ^'cvrolot SixII t offen a Its capacity lc smooth, quiet ln*a modexjia

I t offers tho j I c e s ! expanding, c<

■ powerful, quil

I t offers tho i ' elliptic, chror cushioned coi

MOC If offers the g;byFIshcr-bu

■* vldlng. thous: 355 carc-free serv•565>/re I t offers scorc*625 the pleasure fl

'675 —a new Flshc'5 9 5 . , ftvin-beam h’44D closcd models) tank, locatcd

Oi\h ' greatly rcd\ic 625 It Is only logi

S O N - ^


; _____________


Seven cnrloatli o t beet caltle havB, beeu loaded a t Twin Falbi.county < N Ahlpping tx>l>it* during the pail t v o . w iliiyK lor Ahlpment to market, ae- fl cotdlni; to record* ol Carl J. D on- ci rose, cuunty brand hnperior. b

Ocorgo Montgomery a t Hansen z lundrd two carload* of beef cattle fof b shlpmenl lo i.'orUond and Leo Ucck- a steitd *{arlcd one cariwd of caUJe'c

. trom the same shipping point io ,b mnrkct a l San I''rfliicl«o.

E. J. Hunt loaded'iwo carloads c t ;, caitic a t Flier to r shipment to 8 a n i(

Ja 'c . California; Crom Neely ship- • l>cd one carload from Kimberly toi

' Portland, nnd George Segrln Io.k u !' i-d ono carluaif in I'w in Falls yards! i_ lor S an Francisco markets. ,— '1

IDAIIO RURALS ■‘ Reed potatoes. I year from A 'hlon;t • icrivA II. cerUtled seed. Plume 607J3. i n I adv. js

• I t lakes three years to b r ln ;-a J . llcorlcc plaiiUlIon Into bearum. v

' K - e c p s t h o r o a d c l i

■ v - - ----------- ----------------------L - e n d s a d i s t i n d i v

A - r o u s c s t h e o n v j

h a f n ’t o n e .

X - e r c i s c y o u r p r i v i

O - w n o n e .

jN -o w .


Electric_SenTW IN i


fow”of thV basic'fflcCs^fl Iz such' a 'tHoroughly scum

rea t siX'Cylinder Tolve-ln>h inttcased to 50 horsepower !et, rcslIicQtpcrfonQance wb I automobUe.

B all-wcathcr braking cfBcli completely enclosed, 4>wl

uiet dh'd eztrem'ely easy tp a

3 modem riding comfort ol rome-vonadium steel spr :ontrol of Lovejoy hydraulic

greater beauty, comfort an built of selected'hardwood c isands upon thousands of rvice.

•res of individual features tl ) and convenience of p r e ^ '

her VV non-glare wlhdshield headlamps; adjustable dri els; dasH gasoll^gauge; an4 in the rear of the car.

ese im portant adVancem^ iiced prices for'the-ea tiro »gical tha t thousands, are si Iheyrojet Six is a wise motor


b a n « e o f

CoyotesiB U H L 'M A rC O N T R A tr rS —

-— TOBUILO-STRUCTURE-1 DUHL, Mareh XI (Sptclal t« Tho ;N cws)-Roy Fait, Buhl ctootraelor,I was awarded the contracl (or the of* flee building on Broadway to ba crccttd by Dr. P. w . McManus. Tho building will be of etucco (Inlah, U by 38 teet and one itory hlgD. Tlio ba.«ment wa* eompleted last weclc_ and work will bc raihcd to an'early

(compleUon.'^tpproxlmato coit wlU , be tSOOO.

jcANALCOMPANYTURNS I ON WATER AT RUPERTi . auPKRT, yitteh 12 (BpKM ta ' The' Ncwsi—Upon reqiicU o t.lanneri !Hl Ull! . . l.lI) mil w uluu uhu UiMm ‘:o waler alfalfa this week, water was

I; turned In the Irrigation canBl Friday,. I nccordlng lo Manager R. L. WlUl-i,I who said that lhe walcr Is tivallablc to nil water users and I* freo tinUl

S lay 1. One hundred sccond-feet ot water was the amount turned In.

: = = i : ' ,"T —


vc ijotc to your car

■y of the man who

'iicgc.. _

N No. 22

•vice Station’C r -N o rth ----------------------------------F A L L S .

iat~mitce the~rietr’ nd Investment.

head engine, with >r. . . assuring tho ’ 'hich Js so essential

:!ency of’intemal- vheel brakes—big, apply.Df four long'semi-' jrings—under the [c shock absorbers. - .

nd safety of bodies and steel. . , pro-

)f miles of quiet/

that.contribute tob t^ a y motftriog—Id ;'foot-con trolled, river's seat In all md safety gasoline '

ihts—coupled with'0 ’C h e ^ le t lin e— .........saying'every d a y - r e a r iwwtmentr^J

Phone 707

T H E F O t a

_____Tist EIer«a

Page 12: VIS NEV TH]E T V W ~:FAIJL SI)>AIL1Y'tnailUw ^ after tomorrow. ' Qotrti lau n d er ear hu been souneed nadr for Um trials aod

South IEmploy

< To Match . . . One Farmer!

— ------------------- 6any-l

[ . -■ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

'- . ■ Clyde Icc and E arla W ilson, a

. d i e p e ilB l S o m e h u n te r s c a r r y li

, (By The Asi0«ii»l«d P rcu ) o]- RAPID CITY, 8. D.. lU rch 72- „

------glnrtgncnm d-«tqtc m8bUt»-«re-u»d-l.,Ul South DakolA to m ttcb Uie eoyolc’* cunnlns. .. BjHirrcd by deprtdallons oC Uie i’

.. fnlmnU, fftrmi-niBnd ntnehmm h m h made coyote-huntlns n prodlBblCi a popular sport. Flndlns poison bait Ic ftnd drives by proteulonal huntcrt

• only talrly eatUIactory, hunters have , taken to cars jind-the a ir. -

« One Soulh Dakota rancher, Charles ’ Cummtaa of De SracC. h u o tpeelai-

br e<)ulpped car In vhleh he carries . 13 doss. W hen he sights a coyote he


- Her. r. Q, Wbod, rector o f -Wnlfy ' - tl^ scopal church, Pocatello, and ,,

jonner rector of Awenslon Eplsco- pa l church. Twin Falls, has been ap­pointed chaplain o t the Idaho Amtr^ : lean Leslao department, and the ap> y ln tm e n t has been approved by the

u tt IW nlclln H»piirtTTi>intcommaDder, haa onnounced. The ap* polnlment was mado lo till a va« cancy caused by resignation ot R«t. Mr. Blessing who moved somo lime ago trom Jerome to OreRon,

Mr. w ood abo U chaplain o t the ' Amerlean Legion Sixth dUtrlet or*

— ganUatlon and of Uie grand vollurv to r Idaho to r La Socletc des "40 and 8.-


noPE R T , M arch 33 CSpccIM to The News)—Announcement by Cltjr Clerk H arry B. CoIkcII early UiU week tells o t work a( Rupert ceme- , tery having been started. Clyde Bpidell, broUier o( Sherift R. R. Spl- dell, has been placed In charge a t carttaker. The appointment wat made reecnUy by the city councU.

Dakotal)plSpedlM tl W its Agaiiir Buys Auto Specwlly Eq> y-Dogs-To-Assist in-Kght

Exterm inate Peats

, a o u in D ako ta a e ria l honters, are Y h u n tin g dogs in special coyote>c

opens the door to a kennel In the ai : rear ot his car and the dogs spring* Mnnnnnmiit:----------- --------------- ^

Earle W llun of BeUe Fourche tnd tr: A rde Ice of Rapid Clly are among u c hunten using airplanes. When ■, a'coyole la »lghted thc plans swoops p;t low enough for them to fire. 1> I The South DakoU legislature, in fj ° cKorts to reduce the number ol do* "

mestle animals killed, hss pasied ''' various measures aimed a t annlhllo*

[ tlon ot coyotes. ^0 In 1933 & state hunler law w u ti


Pour cerUficates of Irade name ^ filed In tho offiee of Uie county re- C corder hero Friday gave evldeaco F



Come m and J u d ^ tIiij i!a

— ___ ;72JylILES_PI

- W IL L y S ^ r O V E R I

: Rey)ti<

■ . ■ •

~ TW]

Hunters5tTDe¥ic^~I inst AnimalSquipped To , , N;htT0“ 3;^-----:------------

,11 " .■■■ ......... Cci

U M j H w H ^ cR ^ W f l h H S H i n ^ V



. j;

______________ p— ^ •' „


a re shown with a “hatii” o f coy- ^tc-chasing cars ( i n s c l ) .______ ^,e adopted whlcli provided to r 'a torce , of trained liunters. The s>-item waa S 1 ntg rffeeUve In UilckI? i>opulated c:

sections. Bounty plans also wero w d tried, bu l were not enUrely satlsfae* g tory. • n:n Last-year a new bounty act was b >s pasMd appropriating 133,000 annual- r

ly to pay for killing coyotes. Blx li slato hun ten have been employed _

. In a campaign to teach farmers and - M ranchera modem hunting methods, d . If the (aumnlsti is successful, they n ' beJlere alm o» ali coyotes In South t<

Dakota will be .exterminated within J two or three yeara. ij

------ ■ ■ Ntha t mem ben of the Hayes tamtly qult« detlnllely are In business In E Twin Palls. 0

_ Ip fhry* p , X0,H a)-et and R .C . Hayes were nam - ' ed as the proprietors of Hayes Hl-

!- araiJc Hatchery. Hayes BroUiers j: X FeedSupply, and Haj es Brothera B a- r

ONSTR/N M A R C H ! « i A N D 2 9 * T H

W I L L M A K E A S U P R E M E 1

P O W E R , S A F E T Y A N D E C

m i v i

i d a i r a n s c ( o r y o u r o w n f o l

l i o n n l u b l c m o t o r c a r I n y d

P E R H O U R . . . 6 5 H O

h i ^ R E E p R A K E S V .

R t - A N D i ~ I N e 7 i - “ T <

lolds Mote- W p l n F a l l s , I d a h o


s Use Pli■HBOLl!nnn id:

— & Melhodlst Ladies’ Aid So- ™ ^..ciely_Holds_Scsslon__at«

Home of Mrs. C. E. WardiS!. cor

- - - -------- | ah

OASTLEFORD, March a - T h eCastleford MeUiodUt Ladles’ Aid *0- _ clety met Thursday alleroooD a t thB {I home ot Mrs. 0 . E. Ward. Mrs. . Oeorge Clement w u assistant host- ^ ess. Mrs. Jack Bartlow. u chair-

O u ls i r O lhw numbeit 0^^^ IRram wero a piano solo by Mrs. J. • L. Houghtallng: voca] solo, Doris Ward, and community slfiglng, Mrs. William Blagert presided i t Uie m meeting.

Rev. W. O. Burehard is conducUng special meeUnas a t the BaptUt chufth here. Tho high school glee club furnished muslo for tho services on Thursday evening.

Mra. Charlea H «k)cf Is sut/crtog from an attack o t Influenza.

77ia caslleford

nlng. Olher neighboring granges co were weU represented. tin

Oeorge PoweU. Dale Reese and He Margaret T hom u spent Uie week- end In Blackfoot and Pocatello. Mr. dol Powell ahd Dole attended the baa- »o, kctbaU tournament in Pocatello. »50

Tho Friendship class o t Uw MeUi- odist Sunday school held * cooked clu food 5aIo here Saturday. On Monday Cn

Patrick's day parly In Uio chureh. ‘"8 M n. a . P . Bennett entertained

Iho Theroanus club and husbands Vr o t members a th e r home on Wednea- day. Ten Ublea of aueUon b r l^ e {“ •

■ werc In pity. High scor# w u award- « ed to M n. Ed Harding and Charlea Bhorthouse.- *“

} Mrs. W. J . Burke and Miss Eva I Brown are altending Uie Melhodlst I church convenUon In Qoodlng thla ^ r week. ^• A delegaUon from Fairvlew Orange

met on Tuesdoy evening wlUi mem-> ben of the CasUeford Orange. The• two grahgea arc plannlng-io organ- — c Ua baseball teams.II =

dlola shop. The fourth certlfleato ! named M n. R. A. Hayes u proprie- ’ tor ot Ujc Scrrico Cash Orocery.> All of Uiese establUhmenta are '

Quartered In lately constructed mod-. em a n d . substonlUl buUdlnga on '

Main avenue soutb. f ----------a curaUve drugs are almost all polt-

onoua when taken In suftlelent quan-[ J i i t j £ ^ _ ^ ___________________ .

- An ounce ot radium haa taftlelent a power to life t«n thousand tons a- mile. _



I SEDAN m i jX E I ixivN pAvwon oNiy

I $ 3 6 2 . 0 0 :

I ' M M *“

n t V o u a r e t o

y d v ’ o w n w i i y . "


. . . 4 TWO. ~ •

T O L E D O r - O H l O -

or Co.

yg. tw in FA.Llj, IPAHO,

lanes amCIVIC CLUB C O N V £ N E S _ I n


HAILEY. March 33 (Special to The K ew sl-ilailty Clvle club met tn regular leuion here Thursday atter- )u>on for a bualAeas a sd social aei- tl« i. The program featured Paris. ^ It. P. ChrUtenKn gave a de* i Kriptlve talk on the elty. J*

Mn. Roy Van .Winkle spoke on Uib v lilt.oL U ieJ3flld_sm r-m olhera to _ Paris. Oeneral discussions fo llo w ^

tnefreshmenls were sened by the commUUe, M n .. H. H. Neat. U n .

I Amy Brooks and Mra. A. w . Warr.

pimlufsiftDDIHBillL GBDiil&

-Warranty Deed Evidences[ Transfer of Tharp Proper-1,”; ty to Golf Coursc Builders i’,'


' A w.irraiiiy deed evidencing trans* the Icr o( npproxlmately 60 acrcs ot Itnd tui Irom W. o . T harp and hla wife, Po

Country club was filed fcr record m clu the olllce of the county recorder cla here Kildar. Tiio consideration, iloi slioan 111 tho- Imtrumenl as "one mu dolInr ntld other valuable considera* tlie tlon." is UHdpralood lo iiavo betn Po; *5000. • _ voc

Tlic property adjoins Uie Countrr of club's original holdings west ot Rock 1 Crftk canyon on the border ot Twin Uie Fall.1 loKnalto, and practically eve soiron r n n ' H W m -» w c iu b t h w f nyIngt. Wtlh this addlUonal tand, «uf- Mr llclsni space la made available to enl pro.vlde a full 18 hole golt course. ' I .■rA large stot^e dwelling house Uiat Ru l iu bfert tho hbme of the Tharp Ell, lamuy lor many >-ean U Included In tng the traniler. AlthoiTgh not'deemed siiltable tor club house purposes, thU ] bulldlns may be used as the dwell* en lng for a keeper o t the ETOut\ tls, ac* du cording to the reccnt announcement

. nt-liui-fliiK'. rt.r,« Jn_U ib n»f»iyt _C - J

reet-hnrtT — P b o w -D r^ F « » t« , ley. , «0 . Adv. Fei

- a t g ren tly n e d u e e d Pric<

T h e COMS

■565............... *49-

'n « rhM K «T7;^';v..*49.

n ttp m lM ittm ......* 5 5

yiMCa«|>*................. . '5 6

nM8poACe«p*......... * 6 5

...........* 6 2

.......L .......* 6 7

n « a ^ l> in T « r r , . . . .* 5 9

.1.. I ( n d (^ k a * n n >U th t MlT«T Cb«Ml*..*36

IKToaChMrii...........* 5 2

- — ‘ ln ’ S r a r r f r . : - ; . - * 6 2. 4fl#r<M/.*.>.7wnry' ribu.yuutm

_ ......................... • ,1


N E l i313 Mata W e r t

A ' s i x - I n \ '


id Cars ti i i i i FWERTSn

' _____ da

J. A. Handy, Heyburn, Gives ;Account of Trip bv Aulo« JJ mobile Through Calitornla u

RUPERT, March 33 (Special to ca The N ew s)-4. A. Handy, Heybum on m viutlon of Rupert Orange, gave a talk a t the regular grange kssIod k here T hunday evening, Ulllng of a fc

him and M n. Handy to CaUfoniia by auto. Incidents o t travel, the natural rtaouroea of the porUons ot a< Ihe country thnmgh which ihey pav* ed end the agricultural and manufac­turing Industries o t Oregon and Cal- H< Ifomla were dUeussed. Advantages . derived there Ihrough eo-operotlon ~ were pointed ou t by Uie ipeaker. .

Mra. Handy favored wlUi an orig* Inal tong composlUon on phases ot tho trip. O ther features o( Uie lec­ture hour In charge o t M lu Helen Powell. aubsUtuUng aa lecturer for

eluded a group of readings from a class o f children receiving Instruc­tion from Mrs. Buford E. Kuhns, and musical num ben given by slrls ot tlie .seventh grade, under M is s Powelli dlrecUon. T hfM *»cre * vocal due t and an ensemble cliorus of ta-o dozen voices.

U glit refreshments were served by Uie entertainm ent eommlttee for the evening, Mrs. L. F . Candaux, M n. nyninr c ulley, Mr».-m n fc -C n lle y r M n. W. B. cole and M n. J. 8. Clem­ents.I Five new mem ben wera taken Into Rupert Grange, Mr. and M n. Oerald Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Swear­ingen and J . R. Inama.

More than a-quarter million wom­en of th e BritUh Islet were widowed

: during the world .war..

I rK n T iriE D D^fTKLOW w nEAT I Also PM eraOon wheat, aeed oar* iley.aiuU)at8. Phone 191. TwUi FalU Feed A; lee Co. adv

Consldcr'a' fei Chevrolet SixII t offers a t m Its capadtjr In smooth, quiet, in a modem ai

^ I t offers th e a[ c o s S e x p a n d i n ^ i c c

' powerful, qule

I t offers th s i elliptic, chroi cushioned con

igc It offers the,gibyElshcr^-rhu:

ITO vfdihg-thousa555 care-free servl565gee It offers sraret

the pleasure ab 2 9 I ■575 —a new Flshei595 . twin-beam he

closcd models tank, located]With all thesi

520 Sreatljr rediia625 If is'onlylogti’ “The New Ohe. ) ■ . _ _ _ ‘

S O N • J I


ilARCH 23, I93D_______


TO-MARKET FOR BJEF_Seven, carloads ot beet callle hare

been loaded a t Twin FalU county K( shipping polnta during the pa«t two wi

'days tor shipment to market, ac- cording to records ot Carl J. Dom* er rose, counly brand inspector. bi

Oeorge Montgomery a t Hansen 3ft loaded two carloads ot beef caUle for baa ip m in t 1° W T t iM iJ tn J U o i i |^ - I ,Stead started one carload of cattle « trom the same ahlpplng point to be market a t 6an FrancUco. ‘

E. J. Hunt loaded two carloads ol _ cattle a t Pller tor shipment to Ban C Jose, Calilornla; Crom Neely alilp- pcd one carload trom Kimberly to Portland, and Oeorge BegrUt load* ed on# carload In Twla FalU yards (or San PrancUco markets. T

— inHIAUO UURAL8~............. ltu

'seed pouiloes, 1 year from A.nhton tn g ro v a crrUfled aeed. Phone iOJJx ai ndv. w

•~ r~~ MI t takes Uireo ye an to bring a M

lleorleo planUUon Into bearing. w

K -eeps fhe road cle

A -rouses the envy hasn’t one. •

X-ercise your privil

O -w n one.

N -ow . ^

KLAXOElectric Serv

2nd A re .--------------------------------T W IN -F

rew’ of'the ' bw lc' f a c tT tS i X 8 i^ a . t h o r o u ^ y sound

reat slx-cyllnder ralve-ln-hi Increased to 50 horsepower. Bt, resilient performance whJ automobUe.

I all-weather braKIng efflde completely enclosed, 4-wh llet and extremely easy to a ;

I modem riding comfort of rome«Tanadlum steel spri Qntrol of Lovejoy hydraulic igreater beauty, coznfort and milt o£ sclectcd har4wood a: sands -upon-'thousands-of- rvice.

res of Individual features, th I and convenience of pre6to*l

ier W non-glare windshield i headlamps; adjustable drli lls; dash gasoline gayge; ant d in the rear of the car.

Me Im p o r^ t a d ^ c e m e n t iced prices for tho entire < glcal'thatthousands-ftre sa; hevrolet Six is a wise m otor (

SMyEElB.WiiilrjrE N K I N S

' '


TO BUILD STRUCTUREBtlHL, M a r e T a l s p td a l to T U

Kewi)-Roy Fait, Buhl eontraetor, w u awarded Uie contract for Um ot- ;i09 building on S ro a d ra r to ' ^ erected by Dr. F. W. UoManaa. The building wm -t>ff~n t~ituecD-fh>un. - 3ft by sa teet and one Itory high. Tha buem ent was completed U st, w eek.. ipd-w ort will bo rushed to an earlr compIeUon. Approximate cost willbeiwoo. '


RUPERT, March 33 (Special to . The News)-Upon renocst of farmen In the sandy toll tectlon who desire ta ’W t t r i nu f a tu u week, watw w s - • turned In Uie Irrlgatlan canal Friday, acconllng to Manager A. L, WUlU, who said tha t the water ta avtUable. to 'all Waier’Utera and U trce'tmUl May 1. One hundred iecond*te«t ot waler w u the am ount turned In.

lear. —

le note to vour car

y of the man who


V N o . 2 2 vice Station^ NorthP A U S .-------------------------------

irtlnaketh ienew i id Investmwt.

iead engine, with' r .« . assuring the hlch Is so essential

lency of internal* heel brakes—blgtipply.

if four long seml« rlngs—imder the c shock absorbers.'

id safety of b ^ le s andstee l. . . pro- f-m llcs-of-qulet,_______

:hat contribute to il'day m o to rin g s

d; foot-controlled, iver’s seat in all ad safety ftasoUne

its—coupled with I C h ew le t line—I ., laytag'^eveiy-day—— —™ rcarinvM tm entl’i

- S S

Page 13: VIS NEV TH]E T V W ~:FAIJL SI)>AIL1Y'tnailUw ^ after tomorrow. ' Qotrti lau n d er ear hu been souneed nadr for Um trials aod

- - - -Pftse^Tw elT® • •

| - C u r r e n t

- f f l S i i i i rPllllEIIISl'lffi'S

^ M D S aF PVoiles and Printed, Poplins

Go. Into Tailored Blouses and Simple Dresses , lor Warm Seasons’ ' Apparel

B , D /uinA n/i B o r j i o n r fAiuocwtfd Pctss FMlilon Editor)

F RIS. Jfnrch 2 2 -C o tto n Ktcps out q t tlic sports clolhort c ft t c t ' <• f y I «

spring sty les nnd tnkca its place amon{r f«>'ncs for tntl-

• ored blouses nml h i m p l c (Ircssofl.

A wide variely o f cotton voile, plnin nnd printed, is dia. played fu r «iimnuir frocks.

One kadiilg couiurier fihoas sJiorl- •Irrv'ct ulmnlc alternoon drcMes ot B primed cottnn inmcriul WJiiilur lo rine crepc. A smnll Jiornl dr<lnn on A whlUi biickRtound In n lavorllc.

Vollc nlfo flKiirn Ior ^umme^ bloujiM to bc worn will) Rull.i. A!any iprlns lallorcd »ulU< linve crisp plqUD blouse.i. mostly slervelPsi.

TlJO wftlilcoat lypo of blouse, wlUi iliiglc-breasted iMlenlnR. Is new and widely used. -

. • Colored noplln is replacing linen to eome extent Ior « p o m n J 'b e i lc n - dreuci. I t rumples le u easily and cosla leu.

Whlto collon piqtie easily Is the favorllo Ior sport' and bead) dreu tkbrlcs- Plain-colored bcach cIoUxs. Incidentally, aro sm artest to r lliei

'■ comlnif Mimmer. • I ...Som e.iiilis, liowpvrr. liavo b v Jlowered prlnltd linen or-co iw s

— --Jsfket.1. ----- ^ ........... - .........- / Cotton pique Rloves arc an Inno-

rntion^t-bne-<lr«*4^ho»»^—^ w y —

blouse.i, or collar and cuffs uccom- panyln; dark blue tailored sulta.

Tho newcomcr amonj__styles In exclusive places Is' matUcM’ Keklhi;. FlnC'Strlped blue and white llcklne

used fcr trousered bcach sulia and biff sun hata.


PAniS, March 22 I/1-) - IJrliiKil chiffon evening drcucs havo short capcs. bsleros or threc*ciuarler itraU hl cccls of Uie snme mnterlal, Vinny elaborate chiffon s'bar 'cs and

- » p e sha«'l9 are shonn.

--------ntOl'SCRS-FOR-^ENNIH-------------ftlAV INVADK COURTS

PARIS. March 32 OT>-Wlmbledon'i lennls rules eommlttM. which Inilst- rd on women wearlns stockings In last year'a lournament, may liave to deal wllh the (rouscr problem this *f«»oa

summer sport styles shown In ex>------- eluilVflJininf« rifUnllrlv nOOrOVC Ot

tennis trousers.Tho common version b '^«nkle

length cotton jilquc trousers worn will)' a sleeveless, and sometimes backless. Jersey or vcsU

A fashionable houae whleb drctws w n y . women of i h ^ m a r t lUvlera m I jsponsom tennis '^ dreaes made oC flowered wash sllka wllh dlvldtd. sklrt« which rcach (our Inches below the knees.


PARIS. March 23 M-) ~ Flower prints for s^V afternoon coclumet comblno several flab colors on o white Rround. Many of tho print drettei ure mado up orer coJored aflps wWch rcacb Juat below tho kneea, althoiign the chiffon skirt may be ankle lenglli.

Evening prtnts arc mueh like thofe lo r ailernoon with H at colors pre­dominant on white or black grounds,


PARIS. Mnrch 22 (;P>-Mldsummer Afternooa chiffons fn (heir neaest form* havo pate printed patterns In shadow shades on white srounds, Palt«m s mny bc formalized deslRns j or flat color floral prints. Some | printed taffe ta b shown for after­noon and evenlns.


7000 women member# of lhc‘ Civil Service Clerical nssoclatlon believe women should nol be,allowed to keep Ihelr Jobs alter m arrta je. ,

Volea on an ouocMUon ballot showed an overwhelming majority

;_____InJuY or of compulsory reAlgnnllona1ong“wilh the weddlrig"be3Ia. '— :


■ RA LBiaH . N.’c T w a rc li 22 W>- C o ^ d t U H orttiC uo llna Slale col-

r : : ^ : a g g n ! C T o a < f c q ^ M oTtrn ^------ j f tb e boy» ha v a^ ^a jih la i- to -» ay------ ftbtwt.the:xiilei------------ l i ____ _

il r r, Mp«rai«, from

: tb 0 «M :M >M '.M w coalroU both boy. p M 'gtTTf ^ ^ n t i . ...............................

A p laa oC g o r a ^ e n t (or glrU only b u been dr»wn..up, tod «ui

____the aludent ccuacil

^ O o w M u t .d l 'U ' h l g b l T . i ^ -

A~. - '- .w . •••

t T ren d s A®

- I^ S aight


I- -

o^Aoclel./ly M olyncax- -• Dlack GeorgcLU Prws

?;* Wilh. McViT ftplarn/-and “ - D o l o v - B a : c l r C D r s : a g c -

In _ • c. ............................................ .....................1? ' -------- ^ -------^

M o d ern BoudoQ .............— — — . . —

f — — III ■ I*..............n 1 "**er 'J

'■ fUj ,|T T ®


r a 1 Slde ' H -t l!Ml. w u > | s a i a | | b | ^

es>t« Tbla boBdies;h B r ELSIB DREIV KENN EO r {» Plctorlol Review Decorator. W ritten ■*e For THE NEWS4 , I f you are fastidious of your , boudoir, you will like th is modem

adaptation of a U uU XV room. The ' modem woman who hna few hours

lor lebure. too, will welcome Its i{y restful chnrm.fV The hirnlture of Ihls Interior of*

fm Jinuritau comSotU i t Is scaled In to fit modem rooms and combines Ij, I several nece&sary furniture pieces, lit j (no faclom which create the spec* ne I lousness which Is a Ilrst essential for r . a charmlns In terior.. |

eK W dB TSi. ESmiSllOi WTve --------CD

cmCAOO, M arch 33 MV-Bock ol sent driving ts not only legal, SSI'S thc ,iy Clilcago Moior club, but It h u been )n IcRslly declared to be someUmes

Por authority, the club's legal dc- parim cnt point* to a recent decisfon

. . of the Missouri court of a p p e ^Y "U Is Impossible," w id th # 'e o u r t.••to lay lown fixed rules by which to

_ determine Juat when on sutomobilt ,1. sliould be driven from tbe rear seal nt- - t m i 6. J 0Urt*-anet|tel^jM W eV etL U th a ia p a a e « n c f :« 8u a flf f a n M U t-

moblle m ust ordinary. care_(or 73 filT ow h 'aale ty and. w liw -’lhls. re-

^ o j m i « t ‘T in[{jprM ^ajiar««fiw rne',0, must do It, o r be open to the charge py of contributory negUgence."

,u CCMRnSSION'COOTLBXES 'Ul . REPAIR OF EARTHQUAKE Cll SOFIA. M arch 32 W >-Tfie com-— mtsston * form ed 'lC "T epair-dsm ate

caused by the Bulgarian earthquaken - of April, 1«2S, h u reported Its work

Tirtuallr eompleted. Most of the- r t i W - ) » W W i t r o y a - o r d i i ^ ^ In |^ ; tb e quake‘haVe b m rebnUt and ! u w toads hcve bten constructed.

.................1------------------ ----------------- f --------- -----------


n d H a p p e n

i r iB p S

-'■ ^ c K i a p r c l l i - '- T l v n i c p ic c c 5 Blue, a n d Drov/a Tviem \ WitK l t i c r u , 5 t a l / i o n . s o f

• cJoan,|

lo ir R eflects A !


■" ^ f l ^ ^ 5 ^ 3

«Bdolr cllmloalet (hat crowded appeanuse

Tbe danger of too much In the len room Is eliminated In this Interior

In the comblnstlon of dressing table )ur and desk, boudoir ond desk chair, cm (wo plecea of Jurt\lture which serve ate for four. The dressing table and urs desk arrangement provldslaclllUes Its for spending an addlUonal hour in

(Ills lovely boudoir catching up with correspondence or scUlliig iiousehold accounts.

ncs ..The low plain headboard of—tho res. bed. which you niny decorate your- ec- «df. and lhe absence of a footboard. ' for rIv6 a dalnly character (o the bed,

[Dressed In organdy for summer


u In the maple through my windowr - 1 ean see a ray ot cheer.

“ „ I ean hear it eliirp lls carol,* J Telling me lh a t Spring U near.

— Winlcr'wlnd»Tl»v6-» [» n rrae lf-tu iy lie* Heaping high the riven snow,'“fl aweeplQf leaves which Autumn scat-

Here and th # rsr® h -io and fro..;,

>>l< Dirds I n -^ le a w en d e d ^ th w a rd ;^«t Panslu-aought their Icy bed: - •m gjoMj b t J gu tba oolof .J ad td .u .: ; .

Aud-lhe.c«ltimblno Jliy d a d . ■

rge Flew away to W inter homes.

- But the tulips a ad .the crocus -Have awakened from.ttaelr sleep,

, r . And I se< their pointed notes From their cover slyly peep. .

>ie When the Tolet of Nature-whlspera.-ike Back .to life they swUUy wing;Brk And U)e robin In the maple U» -Il the metaenger of spring.ted > . . . I I ’ I. I , , . ,ind ' The .Qtteka .were the I l t t t people

lo write musle.

aings C laim

'IS—Smar/ Noi

•j - S p r i r L q .- K W c I t ie s . l i i c lu d f i ? . - A - C r u d I a i C i : V s L a l . C i i r f - ■ M o ly ru iax . C a { x : l c t a.f> ft .

q J o a .ru I

. French Charm

L l J

I j n H H '

B 4 9 5

■ |j • r

w M :

, ' ihe months, or celancse laTfeta lor win- , or ter, Iho bed contrlbutea consldernble , . to Uie boudoir's beauty.I, Leisure houra ore suro to bc rest- '' . J ful In Utls tllogeUicr fem ln lv room.,S U Is a room In posteU, if one follows r .< (he sUndard of Louis XV Interiors, [| !(, color tones ever restful and soothing ^ th to Ured nen'es. uM More and more, the smnrt world ;

Is carpeting-IU floors to Uio wnlL As the JUustrsllon suggests, i t cre- «

10 ates a beautiful floor, wiilch slays !l r- unobsmisivcty In Its placc and itlves d. 0 feeling of nddcd apace, d. Color, correctly handled. Is thc j er keynote to the succcss of Uil) room.' q


J dent von Hlndenburg. llko mosl Germans, haa a radio set ailiomc, but he frankly admiUcd that he doesn't know hnw Its works.

■•My daughler Kcnerallj- sets It going," he said u> a visitor. ~I

M- donVqult«-ltuow-hotti.ta-do4t_l- thlnk It's a wonderful Invention."

t . ifavJBg over lo thc insirumcnt. he turned a knob or two. An ear-

• -tplllUng din readied. ----------- fr The old field 'm arshal stood '

• listening for a few momcnui,"A wonderful invention." he_

DtraLlN, Mnreh M MV-FoIlowlng „ reports Ui,at Free Slale lorltfs on te-

, leeted manufactured products had o' increased the number of persons em i rl ployed In those Industries from 10.- 0( B34 to 33JOO, the govemment dcclded tt to-eonUnu» tha-p61ley.-O ppm «nls n< argued th a t Inereased eosU to 'cbh- nuners exceeded the added waits.

' eT he car ln"whlch the~ArmUUee

lie w u algned Is now In the military museum a t Les Invalldcs, Paris.' ' u


ning Comm(


- | l -


£ \bl}'iiciix Tivord Dmss- T- er.Ay.jincl_Black_Wilfb.• . a .ad

/ I p f o a f u ,

Homemaker 'I u i tc ciiKKSR c n o q u rn c s ‘' ItrraJiIut

rvin.»i CfccaJ and Cfcun * ■ 8<nra(jlr.l C(s> D uiuirt Toul

Lunrhron ,8llr«Mlo.U n « I U a.I^^ rttM 0 C»kt» ,

OlnKcr njiinn cookla Tea ,liliinvr i

ni<-e CliKie CrogueUc«..DutUrf<t H«UUtr»i arspe Jelly v

......... .....................................................

__Olntff Itjuin CookiH (4 dwtn> 4

l>Ultcr) 1 traiaoon t* bru»» *liS» 1*1*”''* wUt' *

I 1 ?I]p r»I»lM

‘ S w T . t . ; H r 3 ‘«.. 1lulll viry Mfi nnil creamy. rtifiJ r a toC ingrntlrnu, sm wdl and' drop por- i tion* Jrom rmt o{ *poon onto peuwtbaatas alireui spaco 4 Inctiu. D«K« II b■mlnuie* in inodfrate oven, e

nir* Cheese CroqncKra t'

, ’ buuTr'*“"‘ ’4 t»blf«poonj 2 eup« cooked . J

' I ' i S f ' t . . . !

: i i f e f . - i s ' a ■ 3try «all or erkckir

i m urt idd m 'u w a *cS2kTnm^^ 1

i l E H K r S S S “,, unit allow to aland an hour or loni«r. r rry In deep hot fat until well biowned.

n»ked pe»che» and pear* ar« dflle- i. loiui, I'eel (re«h frull and tprlnkl* with r "•1 lemon juice tnd >u«ar and b»k« In n.‘ modrraielr slow ovca unm letiaer.



. MIAMI. Pin., Mnrcli 32 MV- rPound -a woman who likes to .wash dishes. "

She Is &11SS Dorothy Cunning- gb a m of ItidlanapoUs, woman C member from Ind ians of Uie Rc-

- .BU.blltan_nBUonsl commlUee. j, "Washing dUhes h u become I o

s loa tfl« ." jhe-sa )a .. “IhsredoDC ■ ndUhea alnee I was a child and k

~t T>evfr 'dUllked It. • Soft' n d iy U' water and clean gletimlnf dishes t<• -w h a t could be h lcerf" . ■ ci

_ ^ _____ '____________________ij


miuion 7orm c(rto~rcpilc:;iisfflige ? caused by the Bulgarian etrtbiiuakes .

4 ot April, 1«28, h u reporied lls work _ rlrtuslly completed. Most of the » , • a:

,- OOO houses dcslroyed-ordanisied by r d the quake luve been rebuilt and illa n«w-roads-hav^bcen.conitruct«d,__ iiI- ------------------------— sl

'T he female cobra lays soft-shelled b e iss Uie s lu ^ pigeon eggti ,

7 Oomprested a ir b being, u e d to e ' unload shlpi I t Oakland, CtUfonU. ii


le n t I n T h e

e World’s Fashi

■ Jdim, Ev6n,in,g W rapJ ifm -iat-CaiM-Gollap

L .Vlbil S ca£ f^ C lg 5 m g _ LA vd. 51it;.CetiicFB S i r ' 1 ' ' (i/oa'n. I

Pniiiii prepared (hli vay can b« itrr- ed wllh meau or aa a dmeri.

oiuNGi: nno p cakes Ucit Loar EtcalloDed routoca

naked Stuffed OaionlHead Lettuce and Italliti^O w rni

Sliced BanaUM Or«og« Drop C aa- ;Meal Lear (L'linc Leiuven) i

3 n p t chopptiS, bftad rrujob* i cookcd meat U leaapoon ,

1celery___ i

. ' thopp*a 2 u h l a ^ n a 1partlry butteror ■

, » u p ^ n » a tt gravy'’uw '’ln»T»<llenu anfl pack inuj but- • Itred loaf pan, Hake 30 mlnuie* In moderate oven. Carefully unmold.

' Lerionr reaat. iieak or chop* can i b« uted for thla loaf. i

4 cupi sliced «i teaapoon • raw pouuMa pepper

4 Ubleepooni « p a mUk_____ jI leaapQon salt. butter

UIX poutoe*. nour. aalt and pepper. ' rour into bututed baklD| dUlt asd . add milk. Dot Wllh lha bmier. Bakt : 40 minute* m moderat* oven, :

naked Stuffed Onions ]« l»r»» onloni !i teupoon eeitry , t>i eup* crumb* aalt I

« 4 la61e.poofta U taaapooa ' ' ‘ buiter, meli«<l ptppat i: U leupoon aalt 1 e tl •I Waan Uie onions, boU 10 minutea In• bollUiR aalied wa(er. lUnf* oalona la

cold waler. n«mQ«o parU ot lha ren­ter* and fUl with reat ot tntretUcnu which hava . been mixed toaeiber, n t into baking pan and add fi inch et <

, water. Bak* a mlnuMa la 'a moderaia Oranie Drop Cake* ■

4 e n yolks' lemon julea '

e | !Si !

! ’

• If de*lrM the** eakaa can be bakad r 5 In paper c i^ . ►

■ nOLLES njlN K s m K ' " e : TonStSS ■

Dread t^aebJam ) SHead Utluca and Freneb Dretaina

J Pineapple fUeo IMflding cor‘»«notled riank Sleak i


ITHACA. N. Y., March 23 MT- Chnnges In women's dress styles have added space to coUeje football grandstands, says Romeyn Berry, gradual# manager of athleUcs- a t , ComeU tfnlrerslty.

Berry explatocd th a t In 1010 U>e f £orrecLjrldth:lDCJi:«t« r, considered IS Inches. S^'lcs In wo- . men's appard began to change snd * k v t cnonglni. .WItWn a few years the width Of K sU had been reduced ^ to 17 and one-hsU Inches. Notv some " colleges want to make Uie wldUi 18 P InehM. • . .. ______________ **

• o n " ^ * *- Ion was sM e'to s4at 6000'more pet- " -- KO. ,

-----. BCB-TITtBS IN HEBREW “' T E L AVIV. PilesUne. March 22 Ml ■ ‘ -M ovies wtth sub-UUes In Hebrew <>- are a d v m te d by Um-"Language D«- r fen d m Leigue.** th e only films I shown here have French .or English- iub!UtktJiut-«m*U.>cree_M_ji4_tht _

side carry tronslaUont Into Ke- p1 brew. b

Austrafa exports mUUons of frot- li ) en .rabbits snd n b b lt skins to Eng- s- land each year, a

S, MARCH 28, 1930

E R ea lm O f

iion Capital—

- " S r -

f :<r. a >

' ■ I

J j , Sujaiuw TaM Cp^2_- G i ’M -. B l u i - .T w c a 6 „ W ! U b r ,

M s d ii iK . • S liL c h . T rin v ip P r e s s ^ S l u t i ’ Flares

r- t nsnk iletk chopped .1 leaapoon aalt l i.bre*poon Vt leaipson rnoppcd pan.

* ’ lAtleepoona

- J bacon. —Wipe off steak wttli a damp elolh.

SprmU* aalt and pepper on both aldm.

f f o r ; n ; ’'? u n i\ i - ‘rk tn “f" p " ? i !« 5lhe water and a. Ild. Oak* l i i houn Uj-. liiodrfaco" 0Ten,~~Baate lrtnuebtlr.'~lle^* more lh# cotd from lh* roll, ecrte on• planer, aam uh with pnlrr-

0 t- ,^ i^ il^a aai( 3 t a n in ^ n i u teaapoon butter, melied

------InirMlenia and lAUTbuiurtd baklni dUh. Bak* 20 mlnuin

oren. Ber.* I n J ^Plneabplt lUerPuddlHi----------1

a ^ p a co o k c l -; J^eipbeajen •* teaapoon tall

3'ct!Si^tiuV., '■*on*J«SJt‘*'°‘ 1 1 eup dieed 1 | ubleepooa

pineapple butterSoal th* rcsa and add reit of Inere- dl«nia.'UU welt and poirr Into bui- iw rt^U ktnj^iih.^ mlaufea in

a nefrethoenti for St. Falilck'i Parties

J rear Salad and Shamrock noil*] Ori?,''*''c?kT'“ “ '’ '^ '“ ‘* ‘” ® "£Sf«* Wain* iandwic'hn a'r* cood for Bun-!

day t«a-.,Put IWO bot waffle* together | w h^butter. honey and U teaipoon ef

Ks .’E S k S . s'B " .. TABllT-ONTHKNUFACrURED I1 PB.ODUCTS COU8E8 BATTLE I. DDBLIN, March 23 W>-Followlttg* reporis th s t Free 6 Dit« tariffs on Z selected manufactured productA had ^ Incressed Uie number of persons em- « ployed In those Industries from 10,-

«34 (0 ».S00, the governmeni decld- eaiocontljjuotJjepoJJcy. O pponeats'

* argued Uiat Increued cosU to con- I sumers exceeded the added wages.

* California power p lants were the first to use oU fuel under boUers. 1


; OLA6OOW, ScoUand, March 22 f/n—Twenty thousand S c o t t i s h school children have been enlisted In .

’ an experlmeot to determine the ef- \ feefrtrf-dirrereni-kinds-of-m llk-on;I gnwing chlldre. <' *, . lh e experiment, which Is the most , extenslve oritn tim rB T cn iiam p ted ;. w u insugurate^ 'by Tom Johnston,■ porlismentary ' undeiK cretuy of

state for ScoUand. ^[ ~Ten thou w a ^ 'c h lH ren artll rc-.

z milk-every momlng. 'o r these, 9ib00- will havfr-raw m llk-vhlle Uw-oUter

I DO. n l lk ' ailotment, bu t will- be ) trelghed and m euured with Uie ; OUiers. ,

j a u s t b Au a n s f o q m c o u p a n t 'J TO MABKET BEA FBODUCTS i -BRlM AN E^M arch 33.m=A.cornz- pany h u been formed locommerclsl-

Us Uie sea-produeu of Auslralls's -Oreat Baryler Jteef.** I t wUl deal

. In ttirtle soup, dried tad tnsh fish,> sea slugs <for China), shells u d


f W o m enT h e L a t c h a t r i n g —

Peace wlUiln and Joy beyond all ' doubt:

Welcome always, for Uie U tch- string's out. 1 .................

- By Boscmsry

FINK O F PERFECTION C leen had scarcely pulled Uie

.. Latch-String and enlered before I bnged h e r fo r a few fuh ion l«tns for " this column. Fuhlons are Eileen's business, you know, ‘ e l l .” rem uked Elieen. "since lU time to fling away th e winter garment of repentance, it'a the moment to don the spring raim ent of Joy, don't J'OU think?”

As I quite agreed.w ilh her and . asked ber to describe some of this

, 'CJofhes alwttj^ s « m W snd un- repentant every spring but especial­ly so tills y e o r . Perhaps It Is the new emphasis on pUik-Irom pastel lones In the light weight woolens to dueky pink prints and comitlon tinted, taffetas. Shrimp pink, sal­mon pink, melon pink, peoch pink —nil those delicious edible colors.

. Find your own particular pink and' mnke a t le u t one garment rose- colored Emphaslee (t with brown

, trimmings a iyl occeuorlcs ond be the very pink of perfecUon,

H andkenhlef Cellar- ' ^ 5 ”

ence. .For Instance, the collar and cuffs mode from dainty white linen handkerchiefs. Buy holt a dosen of these minute squares, cut them In oblong halves and use them (0 out­line the V-shnped neck of (hat new p ink , dress, finishing wllh Jabot ends In front. Or cut off Ibe lour corr.-rs of two .handkerchiefs-and make a sel of collar and cuftf^rom

Scarf-and-IIots Set"Hove you seen the scarf and

hots Kl—one scarf ond \wo hais lo wear w ith It? Very Frtnch they ore, done In colored linen, ploln or designed. One h a t will be a close

'f it ting sectional conm tlon with matching scarf In periwinkle, blue

•“ H n e it= T h ^o lH e j^ a i= lrT P = w ld « rbrtm m e‘d“ nralclilhi'rcT rw lth-lItllll ...incrustotlons. The same scarf

"niatclics" w ith each hat. you tee.Straw Jeraey

— “By-U ie-w oyrtW e-ore som# ett- ehanUng new materials for hats tills nea-wn. Straw Jersey which

: looks gleaming beads and is feather light and pliable. Jersey lulle Is ostrich, woven Into o wide-mrshed net. W hat w ith hand-knilted hemp and all. you belter save your string and make yourself a hnt.

"ea tln hats nre In again, with ths long tricky side effecu tha l are so bKomlng. Soft taffeta la also a

I. fovorlte matcrtol for those odorabls draped affairs.

, -'A nd 'the wide drooping hats to> 80 with the dipping sklrta, as fragile

aa n butterfly 's vring and u trons*—parent_A nd for th«,nfy.pnkc hnn».> neU. a m an I know calU them 'flirt

haU.' so you Juat know how mueh they'll be worni I've almply got to run ond make myself a set ot hat* boxes to house Uiem."

T——— rI • -

Ladi®“I You can’t n ffo rd to be w ith­

ou t a

Shelton || Permanent■ O ur Spccial will conlinae

■j th is week n t

: $4 ,00 .Com plete ' ^

1' Thcso pcmuincQts''haTe tho rin g le t ends nnd a re very

, so ft and natural loolcinir., Call in and tnlk It over with . us.

! National Beauty Shoppe

Phono 8 4 1 .

Wm. D. Reynolds

109 S.7Uaia VtwId FaUi,.Idab^

FLO W E R r aQ eees atonal

• ~3irthday8,-Annl»etMrteerW td-Tdingi, ParUes, BympaUiy' t:


W e Telegraph Flowera

Page 14: VIS NEV TH]E T V W ~:FAIJL SI)>AIL1Y'tnailUw ^ after tomorrow. ' Qotrti lau n d er ear hu been souneed nadr for Um trials aod

"tT^naurln^ To Regain I Sauth Ameri

• Commercial Enterprizesi Pul• into -Comalose, State by ' War, Unable to Overcome

■ ■ Lead ol United States

n r N12LR0N J. niLEV ■"■■■ i«BJ!tated Prew 08n wpowt«nt )-

DUBNOS AIIiES, ^fareh 23—Oreac . Britain b maUns a big effort to re­

gain her losl commerdol wprem- . .(c ; in South America.' Urlilah trwle, knockcd inlo a com­

atose Alate by the war. has been un- . able to overcome the leu l taken then

\ . by tho Unlled Stale*. anU nellher Li 11 recoverlnj »p*c« with tha t ot iome

W o t her pre-war trade rlvala, notably Germany.

' Drltaln'i attack along lhe Arjen- tlno irade Jronl was opened lail fall with the sendlnE of a spcclal

• t r a d e mlulon headed bjr Lord

I came hcnsto itudy condlUon* and lo promote Anglo-Aruntlne commer-

■ claJ xalaUow. F a r readilnB rwulla . are confidently predicted by local ' BrtUin* In view o t U*ie favorable Im-. presslon lefl by the mission In Ar-

' eentlna.OsenM Alrei Esblbll

Another major offensive will lake ^ place early next year-when a Brli-

Buenos Aire*. For »U weeks, from Febniary to April. South American* n lll be invited to lee and buy whal

" post-war Drltaln Is produclns. Spon- .sored by Uie British Chamber of , Commerce In Arsentlna and wlUi 't h e Prince o( Wales os' a patron, - there Is ln the maklns a trade lalr .V toroparabls' to thM of ..Wimbledon

--------- that-wlll-dniw Uiousands of visllora: from Argentina and nclghborlns re­

publics. '■The site chisen Is Usal of Uie spa^

1 . ..clous groiinils of Uie Argentine Rural T society in Palcmio—a suburb o( lhe •■clly.

Notional Slock Show ........Hero Is hen the annusl na llsm l

slock show that ranks wlUi the txst « r ' In the world. In addlUon to use mnde m ' of tfie permanent bulidlns* ot the

' Rural society's plant, pavllllons cov* ' erlng a fast area will be built lo ' house special exhibits,

aoods displayed will be.strlcUy ' limited (0 products of the Brltiih „ Empire. In planning the sho» te rm

■ . has been laid on firm machinery. ’ DrIUth automobiles, of which few ■;are seen In ArgenUna:'motor irucks

-------- .“ ■nd'trac tonrtcstlle -a tid .o ther fac-.. lory machinery and similar lines In . which Orllaln has been losing out. ' One display .will be the latest word ' tn Orltlsh iKomotlves and railway


____BERLIN F-lREBUG -HflEEI' '-DCRLIN.M3rch23.(/n-~Folkswho■ pillTillia— f^l**• time here last year, IherM elng 14.*■ S03 alarms, a new high r m r d and

4000 more IJjan Jn JOM. Afflny ot lhe1 Ures occurred during the phcnomen- I a l cold early in the year.

I OLD gS apTr RM FAILS. CA6SBL, Germany, March 23 (<r>-

< The Weigel Court and Government ; W nUng company of Waldeck. near } kere, ha* suspended payments alter r«o lng business (or 20g years. The1 Prm's dlfflculUes were ascribed to ' lallure ol Uie Prussian government

lo renew printing contracts.


" I t — ‘-----------7 DUBLIN. March 33 WV-The prac*• Uco of IrUh'Amerlcaiu ot sending

. .. I Qoney to enable lelaUvcs to emlgrale2 to the United Slates raised a curious I point of law Ju it decided by the• Baorstat high court.] . Tho Cunard company sells in I America cerUllcates which can be I exchanged by the reclplenU In Ire*I land for steamer Uckets. A large

) < proporUon ot the steerage passen* igers-havfl had Uielr passage Uius

.'provided.The Free Stale.revenue coraraU*

I iloners niled th a t the ptotlta on the J ptissages were proUU of trading in {■Ireland and so liable to tax here.»The Cunard company appealed to I Ihe high court where U .was held { Uiat. since (he contracts vere really Uaade tn America, the Cunard com* rpany was not liable to m e SUte

Income U x on them.


■ ^-vnW NA rM areh » « > -A :b a r-^ \ u h u diitrtd-fay^afrvAMo m r------ 1 -FM ertlH allwayaffltanyenewho— 7 •to trtr to -bu raxallnM id Bir-lor*-

; .o t Uiete luxurloui conveyahceir I . ^ b u t wlUi Uie Srtak'U p a t Uie end |

W e f Uie war, a lt excepc four o f them i - r 'T f te r e handed OTerWoielgbborlni- J

I Bationa. . - • |' The one now offered for u ie Is i

----f fft (nwg Tt hm « l«iing» Ifl J. TberUii. hot water heat, hot and I

COM running vater, wash room u d kltcbenett«. I t ti described i

. u Mpeelalljr ru tub la for week* i1 endparUei. - |



feMes~EffoTlr Lost Trade In rican Countries


ANGORA. March 33 (4v-T J» . . . rurU sh minister of eiSucaUon h u l6S taken a complicated way of teUIng

ichooi uachers of Uie naUon to » simple. ■

Orders were siren last year for- It)- tlddlng wheel marms tomw rom * 'eat i r wear silk gowns. Now & ncw re- mlnUterlal'decree procIalDis: r :m- ‘T h e punishment ot r^ m o n i '

trom their posu shall be InfUeUd im* jpdn teachcra of boUi s e « t whoer un- yliajes are Indicative of too pro* tien longed sojourns in beauty putora.' r l s _ime . 1, . , —ibly

= ' i m i i s n f l E

i H W i i f f iier* ,alls ■ —

Unfrocked Clergy Refusing “ ’ I to Quit Wearing C oss^s a . Subjects cl Punlshmnt

..MONREALS, ZUly, M an* a

tns Untrocked prtesU who refuse to quit liat wearing cassocks are henctforth to on* be punished exactly u are masoue*

or radera In the uniforms of Uie lu lla n rlU, armed Thtv Is provided by Uie eoooordat lalr between church and sUt«. and Nlcolo len Termini, suspended from priesUy ora^uneU«i*:by.tlio"AreWiUh(jporM«m- te . reale. h u ]ust found tl ouU

I _ Insures lUspeel ’ ' Prior to the conclusion of tbe Lat-

‘f o '. eran treaUes. the Cathollo auUiorlUes were powerless to enforce Uielr can­onical decisions on rebellious ex-cler-

llri. Now the Italian s u u Itselt in- nal aures lhe respect of the eecIeslasUcal K<t habit.Kde The Monreale case h u had wide; lhe repercussions. The well-known Em - o v cito Bonajutl. whose sacerdotal dig*

lo nlly was laken away In I9U by the iConjregatlon of Uie Holy Office, h u

:Uy a t last been obUgcd to forsake prtesUy iim raiment, • -f H Mo:eovtr_a curj) bas been pu t en •ry. the custom of mastiueradlng In der* tew leal garb during the carnival season, cks **’ —^-DENTISTS AID-LAPLAND’'11,■ VESTEIUJOTTEN. Sweden. March

33 (/P>-8cliool children In this re- mote section o t Lapland are having

' their first experience with a dentlsl’a chair in a clinic filled up In a large

SX-w>Wf. vm vnn tmyrlft f f t i snowbound U pU nd roads and chll-

I'ho dren who hardly knew Uie word ina-dentUiry-nrfl.havlng Uielr leeth reg* IV ularly inipectcd.

I m n m illGreek-Orthodox Community

Dislikes Appointee Inter- -estcd Solely In Luxuries

f B E m uT . Syria. Mareh M H V A man who Is InUresled "solely to lux-

.C ury. insofi'ttv wear-

.U Ing garments, o n H k sn and soldrn — ,U «u«i4s-not:U ».k lnd of.candldate.

Uie Greek*OrUiodox cohimunlty here „ w anu to fill the ase*old Bee ot Uie i„2 Pa trlanhate of AnUoct).

A conflict h u been In progress lor ^ m ore'thiin a year, slnce uw tleaUi he of the t u t PatrUTch ot AnUoch, be*

tween Uie Oreek-OrUiodox clergy In and Uie lay community. The laymen w claim Uie righ t of vote, while the , t . archbishops demsnd u Uieir cx- r l elusive right Uie selecllon o t U » [J! occupant ot Uie Chair of SalnU Peler iu . end Paul.

I DeclartUonli . I The laity Issued a declaraUon ad- ;he dressed to the archbishops setUng in forUi their (kmands. U said:, '

re. "Vft do n b l want the candldaU to to be chosen from among Uie egolsU

eld w lelr interested In luxury, tn aleo- Jly hoUo drinks, In soft living in palaces, m* in wearing garmenU of sitkea and Ite golden tissue, whilst U » clergy tn d

Uie tay eommunlty go hungry and__ naked, lacking Uie means to_teaeh= Uielr ChUdren. to care for Uwlr sick _ and lo clolhe »h<l feed ihelr unhappy

' “The w hol^of Uie OrthMox e ^. munlty' regards wllh dettstaUon the 1 appolnUnent of a perton wbo caret

for naught bu t to entertain hU reta* ” pptnsia-pCIUie-'com-

0 aecording to U u cutlomaty rule* ol^ . -------- ------------ -—

1 IN O E BM A N -ninO U T -B A T B d BERLIN. March a {ffHiiUd Win* n te r weather, reducing ths deniand g. j lor.coal and keeping water^rays open

I for thalr regular trade, were bU aed ( fo r*aharp redueU on tn tre lgh (tn f> g l i n e reported by the Federated G er- 4* {man Itallwayt.'A corn»p^Ing~ d»* n dine tn passenger service .w as u - d I o ibed to hard Umea.

I One*(enUt of a ffltaftroont tm 'Xoodvftlu#.


r ftS S H E S

r m i i FiOISv r B i i i i i i i f E i i

» n c E i E e m i

Coburg-Arranges Haborate ” Program c l , Exhibitions,

Plays and Musicals for “ Huge Flood of Tourists

r - ,n in . 4 n .,« COBl}RO, March tW I h e elevenUi

V eintury fortress and cu tle of Co* a j ' burg, whleh Inspired Luther to wrIU ed Ml ftmous hymn. “Eln feste Burg,’ IT ein>ecu to tee frc a April to 8ep'.ei]i* p . b tr a larger number of tourisu, et* k' peclally of the Lutheran falUi.wiUiln

l it calls Uian have pllgrUnaged there I _ In many a decade.

Four hundred yeart hare el«pt«d tlnce Luther, agalnit whom the pope hsd hurled an anathema and whom Emperor Charlea V bad declared an outlsw. lived In Ui^ castle and from

I IT 11 guided the pn>tfsUnt-«onv«ntlon

To eommemoraU the four*hun* dredlli annlverury ot LuUier** so­journ. Uie clly ot Coburg h u dcMted

infl an elaborate program of exhibition*, plays and musical rendlllons. The

IKS opening'date Is April IS, when a ( Luther exhibition Li to be Inaugurst- i f i t ed a t the eonvenUon hall ot Uie

"Veste," or elladel-casUe.The Luther library of Coburg will

^ show soiiietoo t tr tt edlOonrof-Liitn- JJ7 er-s wrlUngi, persona] autoaraphs by

' t - Uie great reformer, and plclorlal rep- ” resenuilons ot Uw delivery ot Uw

u - Auuaburg Confession. I- On the evening of April 15 an hls- torleal drama, “PropheU," by llum

. . I . Johsl, Is scheduled to. be performed a t the LandetlhceUr. followed threv dais UUc.byjLpetfstmance of Wag­ner’s "ParsKsL” Both these offer­in g wUI be repeaud a t Intervals throughout the festival season, which'

Jlt- ends In Oclober.- Ue* one ot Uie high spots of lhe fes- an- tlvsl will be the observance of Eun- ler- day. May IB, u "LuUier Daj-," pre* In* ceded Uie eight before by a torch- leal light proceulQD.


tl'* RIO DE JA N aRO. Marcii 23 l,7>- n. Immigrants arriving In Brasil In isa i

toUled 100.431. an Incrcaso of ie,*,

was tecond wlUi I6.M8. Poland th ird , with flOOS and then came iCaly C3M. and Spain iSM as other princlpol

'"S sources of Immigration.>IB The state of Rio Grande do Sul r je uxlcomed JJJO — principally Gcr-theip.«fi« _________111* +ord — ----------------------------------------—et* _______

C H R Y J:hity _____

:r- /n / i i S Sles

ate_____________erethe ,

I There’s SC

I --------in Ch]:Ur auT ilerttK lajrlsgm ioginon

honepem~cr, tn d doing moti , 4. b o a ^ o w a tb ia u y other n Ing c tr is tccompUsUag.

Th'ert are eng inee ring tea. Isu M aln ij i t is bccause o f th e un!^

cw utfucrion o f th e oew . ^ O uT iIefM uIti.R angefo iu . ; md ip a e d tr aD Jm ltlio D a ttd s< " J gear ih ifn^ -togeth tt w iil^„ J Ick ■ h lgh .co inp fe» ion engine* ^ )P7 B tingD ow n-D ra ftc trba re - c ~ = ^ d O f l ~ t p r in d p l# - th t^ h ^ • - • ^ the d e ff lo n ith u d m a rv e lo g * >•

t ^ a in aviation. , jn l - - : ~ I n « T ^ . c » f b e * r i o g e _ | ^ = -=q i n i i u " . u io w r = y o t ty w |> ^ ^ ■ i

I R e n d| D | | I

> 5 9 0 t o < 6 7 5 .


S f R O M f /

Widow BnriesScar l 1 ToEndSevtfn

N BRADLEY, Kngland. March 32 W ki A scarab Uken from an anolenl w EgypUon tonb w u blamed by U n , In Jobn Bcrtam Parkes for («ven yean sc

. of poverty and mWortupe. eulmln- I . ating to wldowhood.~8b she'biirled ti

m e Uiing in Uio woods near her It:


" i __ ^!r». John n c r trn m P arkw"r ti-hfch h e r m iiitary htisbatfd crc p. (0 an anclcnt scarub, cast its shn^ I home here. ! n'

Tho scarab was Inscribed wlUi part lc ** of the slxly*fourth chapter of the

Egyptian Book ot the Dead, which . ^ Identified It with tho heart of the " y deceased person and urged It not to

*■ 0 «lrls. 11 was found by her hus- Hband when lie w u In Egypt u a col* o'onel In England's crack Grenadier “ guards.

*■ Shortly ntterward*, ho was demo, u2 ; blllzed. For a tlma fto worked, first ci

as a coal dealer, and la ter aa a mar* [ri

SISTIIJLIFISBIN ■; S lliilE D R llT S :- SVDNE\’, Australia, March 23 Ml h;a i '—The prohlblUon against ImporU* »1,. tlon of.rabbia has been lifted and »•,

I tnnclerj are Importing fur-bcarlnguv bUiinles In grenl u ¥ m W » n n “ nnB trd hope of cstabUslilng o new Indus* pi(8. try . n;a t Mosl of..llie newcomers are of tlw

Angora anil Chinchilla long hulreu ul types and some ot the bucks are val* er r- ued nt tlOOO each. j at

S L E R 7 7

iomething unm tirysler performo r e o s d o f eag ioe (he u f e ty o f inte lOte m / i engine fo tu> w he^ brakes, r t a a ie o f ao tor* O u p le t t offer tbe

n ew , luxurious b< te aso o i fo r this. • ro o m , m ore leg-nx loique design aod crad led from road

NBW atRYSLBR“77’ PRICBS-B»«A ‘mm Ctipf. tiSifi KudUtr WUh nmV, ■m i), $i66a R ^ l CtMpt (ifiib nmUt iUMt), |i7 3 ); R*jalS*dd», t t j t v Cntn ^

'N IW C H R Y S U R ’n o “ P R lC S S - » « - ' 1 » a , $i39fl Knuiiltr {ufilh nmUt iMi), |

s“, T q

J t a f t

i a h l A u t <


A R .ftU N (is = s = = ^ = ^ = s s s = =

gbinAttempt_JlYear&ofBadLucF^ ket.gardener, toy maker and fire* t wood seller. Then for several years I, he w u unable lo tand a Job of any 1 sort,I* Finally he w u forced to build a d two*room shack In Uie woods here c ir In order lo have shelUr for Ills wife


f(M nnd th e “g h ac k b u n g a lo w " tl crccied li j ju e jf, a s e r ib e d ' J shndou’s u p o n th c 'f a m U y .

< nnd four children. Then he died,X Icavbg Ills family desUtute. h Mr*. Parkes said her husband tl ‘‘ blamed all his mUforlunes on Uie - scarab, ' wff — “HfTniy-toosuprrsfltJous-to-thTwr *

11 away, but he asked me lo get r id • *1 . of ll." Mie explained. ' ‘Ke'felt 11 w as'

'•Wlini ho fell sick an Ironic fa to llJ len t him n half dozen offer* ot lu* “

It cntlve employment. B ut he w u a l- " ■'[ready on tils deaUi bed." _____ *]

bll ran bc exlermlnated or crossed w lth 'hls artsiocrauc fur-bearing relative nnd thus changed from a p,

> licit 10 on usset. j8


LISBON, March 22 WV-Porttigol ni ’) has auUiorlMd a movlo company U>* reproduce the light between the mine■t sweeper Anglo CasUlho and a G er- ei 8 man submarine In Uie WorJd war. _ » TlTe film Is to be u»ed as'part of Uip ‘ “ ' propaganda for restoraUon of Uk*'


a A burled f o ra t Juti been dlscov-• I ered near'Peterborough, England

I and Is bcln; used for lumber anc

Y ju a r « " ‘ »OVAt-

U 5 '■

matchable tnance—internal«expanding hydraulic ikes. And (o addition, today's ' tbe. better iidiog qualide* of

I bodies-w ith more elbow- ';-room tn d more bead'foom-* • oad shock* by t new type o f ^ e q u i lh i i ig ip r to g mnpeo-

lio Q t a d r u b b e r sp r lo g '< sb te k le * , ' u w e l l a s by* .' d rtuU c shock tbsprber*.' - I b o u tw a r d deslgd-, ^ ■ - -

n e w 'im tt tn e t* t n d grace;.__ frltWj g ,

m a te e leg to c e . .I; Tralytnew M uIti'R toge i „ Q u r r i ^ t o p ^ . . « . pri^ _____ _

t o G o .

10, sundayVhobning, m


i lE iC l i lPilSMLOllO ftF R O im Y .

Estimates Indicate Plania-''' ticns Containing Several , Million Trees Will Be Forced Out of Production

feo prfces Ml this colony a hard th blow.' I t ll eiUmaled th a t plama- rt. lions conUlnlng teveral million trees' ju ^U1 be forced out ol production. of

Largo slocks of coffeti nro lying qv In warehouses nnd the prosiircls of |g disposing of it arc so |)oor tha t it |« lias betn Kf lously suggested lhat iho of tOK-er sndes be destroyed.

G roven Appeal Grower* lutvc maao preulng nu* sr

peats lo the government, bu t the col- nt ony's financial sltuatloii U precar- s« lo u i This IiUter phase rcached sueh „) a muddle that Dr. Cunlia Leal was u reiievect as governor' of Uib Bbi^ of Angora and replaced 4ivI-.Com- th mnnder Csiisadas, o navul o It[»r or wllliout business exiMrfenco bul upon whom llio homo eovernment itUes to carry out the order* of llie federsi department ot finance. • “ ■ ' The coffeo growers m ust, there- fore, rely upon the ir own resources for. a t least six months oa that Is th s shortest period In wtilch the

- goremment-aays-iti-ean-stralghten oul the tlnsnclal tangle. {”

Efoaomy Campaign Meanwhile there U nn Intense

’ eeonomy campaign In official qiiac* "> tet* and th b has turlher lightened >n

: the general money eJluutlon.I O ne'o f the rellet. measures for sl

which tlie coffee men' are pressing la i >>- » -h lgh -U rlff-ln -Porluga l-on-B ra . OC' slllan products. Although this ondjbi

:mother possessions of Portugal mnkejfo , I t the second coffeo producing comi* |

try of the world, ll ImporU tmn* U' Idreds of Ihouinnd* of ions_from T Bratll yetrly. The local coffee grow- tl e n hope lo gel a larger share In Ults■•liomo’' m a rk e t.- ------------------------- ni


' TO MARKET BEA PH0DUCT8 pi BRISBANE, March 23 iirt-K com* d<

pany has been fonned lo commercial* b; l u tho ses'producls' of Australia's h< "Great Barrier Reef." I t will deal In turUe soup, dried nnd fresh fish, bi

’ sea slugs (tor China), shells and bi 1 many by-products, b<

----------------^ ■■ e'' Tlie Clilnfse train corm oruiU 'to ti ’ caich llsh for Uiem, . ' oi

| - ■■ • \ _


— Ed GeaiK^MSi

MAnCH 23, 3930

O lE L D S

Tokyo Plans tc Completion of After Eartht

Government Makes' Ready to Commemorate Ending of ^ Gigantic Task'd Repair; Within Devastated Areas m

WJ-------- th

ny GLENN OABB lhfA tw U t-ri Correroonrtenll oc TOICYO. March 23-New Tokyo,

the finer, more spacious and <n some <g rtspecls more beatiUfuUmperlal cap- t u t lhat has arisen from the ruins th of the clly devafUted by Uie earth* wl (juake and ftre of September 1,1B23,Is ready u> celebrtto Uw almost to* lal obllterollon of the hideous scart o t j h e d lw U r of sU and a half °{,

Ttie formal reconstrucllon pro- fi| gram ol th e government U Bt an end iii nnd three days, March 2t, U and cr 38, have been fixed for suitably com- ei inemorsUng the completion ot this 7 ] »iMt hhnr The chief event will bo jij the,Journey of Inspection ilirtugh er Uic'rebullt ctty by Emperor Jllrohlto or on March S*.

Sovereign Soney T Tlic soi-erctgn wilt spend’ Uie j

whole day In nn Imperial progrets CQverlng'sorrH 30 miles, wlih many halts for worstilp and liispKtlon. I t will add another precedent to those alretdy se t by h im In abandoning the seclusion, bedged abeufrwlUi re- llg loa awe, m tfn ta ln ^ by 'H lE aa^ before him. m

On September 1. 1023, a t noon, the most terrific carUiquake disaster In modem times overwhelmed the To* pi kyo*Yokohama district. loUUy de* U stroylng Yokohama and wiping out Li

I Ilve-elghU of Uw eapluL About 120,* tt .1000Jlvesj«{.allin8 m [buildings or the raging flames that ^ foltowed Uie shock.

.{ Yokohama celebrated'Uie comple- w!Uon ot i u rtconstrucllon last year. a>

, Tlie larger job of t'cbulldUig the cap- U . U ar eu tailed"lhe ‘ 'expendliur6 'o r U I 700.000.000 yen <»3S0,000,000) by tbe «

naUonai;prefectural and d ty govern- . ments. T hat figure represenU only 2. Uie cost o f new streets, bridges and U:

; parks and • few publie buildings. I t U does nol Include-Uie buttons spent

' by the public on otficcs, shops and Ui 1 homes, A

AlthDugh Tokyo Is aboul to cele- le , brale tts reconsirucUon, the actual, t t 1 building o t the new'ctty Is only well b«

begun, a u e l skdetons sUll are to evldenee, although Uw earUiquake

1 menace precludes tbe towering height \ df American bulldtogs. Ek'eryw.hera d


In d u eMore beautiful bodh

Fully-eiKlosei;four-i Lonteruieartnt ut

Monmwfortab: TUied noiutlare w

Improved car bu M orerapomive.

. . . b u t n o t o n e c h i n i e l n t w h lc l i n u n le f l i h o i r J O iK W i

____ of th o u u n d a of owners. O■ ~ O ia im o I in » ’l “lniproT«Mn(

[ R E A U T O S5 p - -------------------------- -


0 Celebrate ' f Rebuilding quake in 1923Is the strident chatUr of riveUng, {te dirt and confusion of building. '

W hat h«a been accomplished bas been the rcmnpplng of tbe d ty . the laying out of brood nev Uiorougli* fare;, ajiphalted and lined by vide"' sidewalks, the building or 348 'new bridges over the' eanats'luid 'otJiar ‘ waterways lha t proved deathtraps for thousands In Uw holocAJut o t 1B23, the exUnslon of the porU and other '

Under governhienl dlrecUon 303.* 401 liouses have been m o4d to Rake way for llte new highways. Fifty* three o t these are more Uiaa IS ieet wide. In addlUon 121 oUier ncw StreeU tiavc been tald oot.

Oiw tiling on whicti the r^bultders of Tokyo pride. UiemMlves U Uie new elenientary scI\mI sj’stem wllb 116 up-io-dato schoolhouses. 3 ut the finest o t Iho new stnicCures wlU be the nev parilamenc building rlstog cn the height In .the central KoJIma* (lit district a l a cost ot 116,000,000. The Ajneriean Embassy, lo be com-

embatsy burned In 1033, wilt atso<M ono of the omamenU of U>e c a p it^

TyilislfT fl - EliiyiEMETS

men vho v lll vork 'and womeo vho llko movlet.

These words sum up tbe economie problem In North Africa, aeco<<dlnK u> tlie prtndpal Tunis newtpaper. La Depecho Tuntsluine, v h le h 'u y s Uiere are 500,000 Jobs open for good- men In Tunisia and 500,000 tmem- p iow j: ■ ■ - =»— —

The unemployed are naUve Arabs who>ar« paid about SO cenU t day, and vo rk two or three daya a veek.If they .were paid twlco u much. I4 - D epe^B Ij-cfrtain , tlw y v o u ld — Vork only half u long.. TuDlsla'has a total popuUUon ot 2300,000, governed by France, but there are le u than SOOO European Uborers bere.

La Depeche sees Uw movtog plo- lures as a partial solution. Onco tho Arab vomen begin going to tbe mov> let, i t predlcU, Uw men vUl discover Uiey need m orcm onertnd Uiere vUi be more vork done. -

T he underground aqueduct ot Nev York City is big enough to cazry drinking v a ter for Uie enUre vorld.

lENTS■Je-ffef py FJsher •wheel brakes iphdlstery ble seats windshield mreHon'- - 9 steering ' ' ' "1-th e fu a d a m c n ta ls p u U r in th s h a n d i Ck>me in . E jam ln* Q t i . -T * k ® -a - t! r lT e ,- - - --------- ^

^ r . lC S r K o k # .-U a ila t '- ™ “ ^ ^

S H O P ^^ h b h e - 7 6 8 4 ^ ^ ^ S

. . V,.V,

F « j;e .TblrteCD'

Page 15: VIS NEV TH]E T V W ~:FAIJL SI)>AIL1Y'tnailUw ^ after tomorrow. ' Qotrti lau n d er ear hu been souneed nadr for Um trials aod



To_____ Pm

__ W»I a n fe liil i; o t W e e k -E n d P r o - K

f it^ T a k in g S a le s C a n c e ls J j

T w o D a y s ’ A p p re c ia tio n

, —

M a rk e ts a t a G lance “-------- UJ

MB\V YORK. Mnrcli K (/IV- ttiStockii; Jlfiny ; W o o lw o r th j j ,

jrop* W yci»r‘« lowi';.l.' T rDomlt; Finn; liucjtm cnl luuea xp

Caln.•Curb: Henvy; United Kouiutcra

a itifw lo»:siiK-r.liMini:’. j• Korclsti exchniiRrv SlMily; ,Jn p in rfcy p n n t n r* lOJO Itlgh.

Cotlon: Irrcciilnr: fpot llou c l— boyiltw' lii'ur aim J.riiinii uunm t-

l>oMSloil». Sll,5 u c n r : lja.\v; tllMi|'i«liilln8

(pot (li'iiiHnd.CollcoStcnrty; (otclgn buylns. ^

ClIICAaO: nix Wlicat: Lowfr; brnriOi Mblcri.Corn: Eit-'y: hciiflLli'l rnliis j j i

Aricfullnt, IC»llle r.siiady. polHors: S^ciuly. wll

' nra»y < I.AL'HK A. JAOCJKK Uia

lAuoctaiei} P rra Mii.i;irliil Writer) He.■ ■■ WKW v n n K Mnrcli ?.■-T hc bull nill!

niovfnieiit In Mocks *as biirlril iin» ew{Irr a liiniilldf of wcc)c-fii<l iirolll- dlMlaklnc m Ica In lodny'ft mnrkPt wlilcli devcnncclled mosl ol llir calm of llic Insl conlao sfttlons. Tolal unlfs Jor tlic Iwo- arplioiir irndliijj period wrrc 2JH .000 am!iJiBrc5, wlilcli WM lit llic rate of cla-nearly 3,800.000 sliarcs for a lull InRtfwlon. «et

The non-cominltul tone nf the»e<lt-cnd bii>lncfc5 und Irude rc- N'o.view*. yMlcrdaVn ubriiiH end lo the l» fperiod of nbiiornially eiuy nioiicy. I'lRand Bculc weaknrM lu a liandliil uf Hicliotftied itocks. apnearixl lo liikvc Inel ihakcn buIlUh conlldciice. '

Wwlerti Union broke (ilmrply, ‘'«a:touchlns l8^‘i . off I8’i und a new Sep

— low for llir year, bu l ll rnlllcti U> a J«nclose a l 190. Allli'rt Chcmlcal reccd- P f

— fd-6 polni.vantl-WwtlmilioiiN! Elco- W.B me. JohiLvManvlllc and Auburn ^ Auto about 5 caelv fhx

Some of the mcrchaiidUlnR slmrcswere dfprcjsfd by unfavorable p rl- «

~ vale utlm 'ates of (iral.quarlcr rnrn- HInss. Woolworth dKltncd more U un, Out

. 4 point! 10 a ne«- low for tlie yeur oa t 5 6 \ . MoniRomery Ward saRgeU t l. imore than a point. eoIiir below 40 pand within a~i>olnl*of ihe year's mln- lo tImuni. Simmons continued down* Iiiri

— ward. touchliiR 43^i, off more than .Sar 4 poliil5. Laiil year 11 oold up 183.- Oai

Kterl FalU lUrk Unllfd Stales Steel and American

Teleplione fell baek a points, and ctliares loslnR 'J to 4 IncluOed Amer- Slelean Can. Amerlean Tobacro B. J. I. cryCase. Coco Cola. DruR liicorporaled, ext:Fox, Underwood-Elllotl and W arn- to ;c r Brothers. NaUonai Caah RtrLii. e

- t e r vas ncaln on the sklda; touching exlianolhernew tow fortheyenra lC O U . 24c

Opcralloiu for lh e advaiwe were 23'icontinued In a few Issues, however, stoUnited Aircraft, Newport company p•nd Industrial Rayon gained aboul irui I polnta, Ihr f ln l two named reacli-

commodity morkela were also ” Vnder pressure. W heal lost • couple 6 I t t cents, rcflectlns heaviness In Uie stct

^■Uvefpool*mBfkel'aud*bcarlsh*wealh^ lo^ cr reporu. Com sasffcd aboul a cent, lo :

Foreign exchanges wTre generally lo i steady. c - sire ----------------: --------------T T — ~ T T . *13.


Tb* Twin' Palli d liuicl maiktt rn* — Urfli» WI* »» roiiowi:,._ - .......

Utti(»ek I.Ilhl bulchrr*............. - - _ « ionn |l»»»y wwi ■ ___

c:.............. A i-


llt»rr hfiu. a lb».. »n7un __.__...}0etia h i hen*, undtr S ita.. b ---------- 17c K™Lnliorn* tieni. l b . _____________ lie strou jn t ifRhorns-------------------------- lie ,in„m S * ------------- -----------------------RCSl

•:------ tilllnm urf.i. .»*Mt , __________ Me " mmitt«r(kt. wur ... ............................33c cullt s t i ------------------------------ He to ISC held

• SB tii-w Tolm l* '. Cans ______ cxlr

» » « i-------------- fnl IV Fslaleca ’ “S®

num ts ' - ____1330 ts 4330 arotKo. 2a , , tiJO to IIM rrs

' Grrat.Hcrrthfm. Ho. 1 .............S<a 61a rta t Noitberti. No. 3 — ......M00

S-««*<_________ 38i(

****'** “ “ “ ^ SlDttWktat aad UIU rttH lam!

l ip '

• - " r c n r S S teed

"Turalpa,-poufld . ■ 4c »PredBM • <•!«'

■ ZZZT'--------------- pric-

Patfti Foartccn

I S to c k - M a rk e t A v e ra g e s | ~

'm W TO iuc.U»w naJ(iO-eioekm ar. _k(t Bvnacn. irflpin>s»t. IttO. Uund- ^arts StalUUea rampiinrK . 1-,

. .10 20 M ■ 'vIiii)l‘« lUU’da Util'a Tola v

T « l» jr__ 111.40 IJS.10 a iM IVO.PO ' •/t e a S r i K I K S I S ISSS

] r n aao i r IIMU noao lo ja o ^ io as y ,a \

Total Mln 3.IM.W0 iliatn. ' U

■ GOVERNMENT BONUS V t ■ NEW VOriK. March 72 (,i;i-U nlt- / ;rd Stales sovemnifnt boml.i clw rd: 'Liberty 3'.■! 32-47 .....V ......1100.10 j \Uberty Ilr» i4 '!S _______ __*101.15Uberty IourU i4 '.,s_ :---------*102.70 tTreaaury 4 'is 4 7 - J J *112.20 ^ iTrea-iury 4* 44-54....... ......... '*10830 '/hTreaiiury' 3%s 4S-C0______ *100.60 m lTrcosury 3 \ s 43-47 .............$100.14 ^

3urr.ii.s - . “NOW YORK,'March 'JJ '.i 't-M et- ^

als noniliislty. unchanged. ^

_______ . llAlt Sll.VHK__________ ^NEW VOUK. Mnrch 2: o r ,-U a r

silver 43'lc. P a

Sl'dAK ■NBW YOflK. Miireh 22 (.V/-^Raw s r :

Migar W.-UI e.i»ler loriny. Salea were — nbout 210.000 bns^ of Cuban from More lo locnl rrlliitrx at *3.S3 lo *3..'(S. occonllui: lo ilelivery.

Fulures cifciird iiiiclmiiKcd lo 4 polnt-n lower under Ilfiuldailon nnd wlllnR by lioittcs ivltli Cuban con- nestlons. Shoria coverrd on ihc lii- lllal decline and l i r lm milled n Ut­ile. allhough IradhiR uas not InriiC and otwrotlona consl^lr<l maUily bf ^ exclmtiRlnB between iiir nr;ir atiu dl.Hnnl positions. Uncrrl.iliity over developments In Cuba triallvc lo tho am . contlniiiinco of the sliiRle acllIni; aRency seemed in rc.'lrlct <i|>erullons Am nnd prlcea e.iaed nRnln near ilic Am clMC under commlulon house sell-:InR. Final prices were 1 lo 4 jwUiUJ Ant< net lower. , . Jf™

Tlirre wrrc no IraiMcilotu in thc No. 2 conlmcl, mIHi prices c.vler iiaii In ^ynllulhy wllh ih r N'». 1 aiul rios- |j« i Iiir u l 3 imlnia net drrllnr. Sales In u,,,, Ihc No. 1 ewilract mtic 2J.300 Ions. Call; InehidliiR over Imlf Jn lhe form o f g*}'' rxchaiiRr.'. CIokUir iirlcri: No. 1, c*>e Mnreh *1.06; May July $1.74; crrr September tl-fll; Drccmbcr JI.RO; J-.''" Januao ' *lilQ; Muy 11.83; No. 2, July c n P fi2 ; sr;il:m ber $3.71; DecenilKr ciirjW .M - — _________________

Refined uns unchnnccd Dl for com fine granulated. • - ‘;oU)


Bultcrfiit 4I'iC. nrxii Oniona: Jobbing AiuiralLiu browns

*1.19 to * l ,« , •. „ ! 'Potatoes: JoblilnR Slo:klon *2.50 Krir

lo (.1 cwt.. poorer tow a. ll.W: Wiiah- ‘ji;''Injtlon Oems *2.00 to $253: nrw Mock i„ n.San D.Vko 7e to flc imiuul; Colma OruOariicttf flc lo 12c pound. _

CHICAGO rRODUCE pou:CHICAOO. March 23 MV-Dultcr: pou:

Slendy; rccelpu DflOO tubs; crcnm- pou ery extras 38’jc ; alnndatrts 3 8 '.c; $C5! extra tlrsis 37Se to 38:: flr:.ta 33^30 80 t to SQ'jC; seconds 31c lo 3:';c .

Epgs: Easy: reeelpU 2BJJ3 ca.irs: extra fIrsU 25c lo 25 'ic; Rtaded flrsla „ 24c to ■J4‘jc: ordinary 'flrsu 53c to 23 'ic: slorase packed flrsu 20',ic; StorttRC packed extras Jfl\c .

Poullry: Allve.sleadyi rccelpta one ^ ‘ truck; priccs unchanged.

___ i,ii« r i i n n i i r F , . ^ g iI«OS ANOELES. March 23 (/!>- (U ‘

S D A ) — Recelpu for week 5700;steady to ISc higher; three loada ISO Cto-209-pounds-»n.65-to-»I3.3»|-a8fl fof to SOC higher; top >13JS; bulk 111.6010 *12.10; sows $8.50 to %OiO. ' co*'

Catlle: Recelpu for week 9000;stroRtr to SSc higher; l«p atecrs ■>'69*t3J5: b u lk 't l l 'lo $13; fed heUers »»»$I1J0; others <0J0 lo $10.79; top «>>ol cowa *OJS; bulk common to medium f«l<7 10 $8.75; low cutlcra and c u tters ers$1 to $0.8S; bulls $7 to $8. *!<>:

Calves: ReeelpU for week 900: *» ' Ileady; practical vealer lop $16.50; bulks $11 to $19.79; cullera down toMiO. 5t^

Shrep: ReeelpU for week SlOO; uthiIambs unevenly hteher: top $1125; Inrg bu^ $S.U to $11; fresh thorn $0.63; ewes steady; lop$0.

-------- S.DRIED FRUIT gj

NBW YORK. March 33 W T-Dried , u ifrull unclianged. jdjg

-------- weel


CinCAGO. March 23.MV-,tU.8D M -C a itle : Recelpu 400; compared f ‘” ' *cek BRo: fed steers and yearling*Uc to 90c. moslly 90c lower; lower itrndea clo«d weak; belter grodea ilrong to unevenly higher llian low ilme: dressed trade condltloru blR- ;esi bearish factor making for de- Clines In the lacc of smaller r« - " relpU; fa i cows losl 35c to iOc; besl :ullcm nnd mosl buwher heifers :ield nboul sieady; bulls 2ic to 40c ower nnd vealers 25c to 60c higher; rxlreme lop fed steer* $15: pracU* , rni lop $14J5; bulk $11 to $13; aver- igo cosl fed steers and yearllnga iround $12; lowest of season, slock-''rs and feeders unevenly 3Se to Mc

eiiccp: Recclpu 5000; receipts i l l llrecl; morkel nominal; by the iM -doublM-lrqm .lecdlng.-*tttlo n i;18500 direct; recelpu thV largest of “ J ' he year; e u te n i dressed Iamb trade * ;*'* tlDw; compared onQ week ago: f* t ' ambs and yearlings SOc to 7$o low* !fU »>t:tytajitetdy;.iitc.bulkj)ricea;. _ K rtC?1A m biF8f;lom .-pbU hd4iflO ^ 1 7 ^ no 2 5 rtcw —ettoiee—H jn n r e i e h u on.e 110,40 to $104i: early top ^ j h o m paiv

:o-«a;^«l ewei '$ 3 ^ lu _ y ; wy ic JS ; ITgnt!(cdlns~1am b u ire « : p rices'uh- fcedi:hanged; (ew 70 to TS pound feed- ers 4•rs to.SO lo $10; odd choieo -loada welg110.3S to 110.35 cariy. les n

HogsfRm^U'TCOO,rocludlHTfiOOO lng .ilrect; hardly enough bogs oa solo snio(a-catttbllsh fl , market;, oad.noetly steady with je tle rday 's pouriricet; top $10«) paid for chotca 300 fced< wundjrelght> p*Rd.onejveek ca tgor p r im moaUy a teadr'ah lppers caltl«0:M tlmated holdovers IDOO; bulch- weeln , acd liun to choice 390 to SOO she uuiMU'tO.80 to IIOJS: 200 Ia aSOlond


Y CLOVAMlfrNS ARB A.M ' , / lK \P |= T 0 9 0 a PG O P L 6 , KAR.CC

tM £ v v j 'e R s c«sb a .t Ts p ie o3 li£ J IlB £ I_W lL L _B E Q ueA T »rU l

' '1 CODA’S M O M ES TO Ml9 6 0 kI ' ^ i | TWES A R S IM 'A PE R M E kJT (


B f

N E W Y (

is n c K N

AIIU Clul aiU*.... .M 'i (loKI Diut . . .Am C a n ................Ufl OouUrlrli <OPl CoAm it n r I’vtfr . . n (Iralxm Palso.....Am t«co .. ....S3 U iN otm R rpI...Am ttmeii ft U ff....H 'i Ol Wni yiiaAm 0u(sr p( .. . lol7« Ilupp Stotor Ctr ..A m T-SiT . Int rrm rnl .Am Tul> . u s Int llamnirr , ..Am Walrr WoiHj. , IM'i Int Nlen ...........AntconUa fo|) , ...73’, I n l T f e T ...........Armour IW iif . 7<‘j Krnnrroli ............AtcIilMn T A H ZDS Kokirr lUcllo.......Ilalilwin l«co |I( . KraU r iirri..........ItallitO Iuo. IIS'. Kr«ae iw tico .,Ilariwlatl A ______Kriicrr ti Toll .Ufllilrlitm lliiTi . u« I.1KB i: M>rn>'itiii IUiirtouKlw Alia . ■i7't aiBllilFAnii Alkali .Calif rack ... 73 SlUiiU CnppftCaliimn A: llrrla . 2Sij Mia Cnn ivt ......CaiiaaiBii Pac . .. J03>, Monl W.ra ........Ca»e Thrn>h . .. 318 • Molcf Wliffl. .. .Crrto.rto IMk'O . .. «J Na li Moluri.........CliPS Sl Olilo-------SJlli Nal CaiJl Ileil A....C M Ht 1> Al P p: . 40>, Nal I\>< A UKc m * p i:» UMI Hiiffir .Clirr»liT corp . . «n N Y CfiiltalCo<» CflU . ____ [7J N V K 11 & iinaCom Wiv .11’. Mofiii r«ntir C'omm Houlli ........Packard MotorCorn IToAiicla . . u i'j I’aram riim<lj«irr Coir. ...5 9 ’, iT n u n n .CiirjlM WflKlit . n__ ITalrle Plnf Lliirn™« Ine . s i 'j riri»"o"niiiimi cir Nrm . n i luctm Coii> of tvm Ka«(inan Kn-Jik . 2S1 - nrrnoldt Tab nK^l'ow * L tg ....... 7*<i B'otfli .(iMl A»pli«ll . r..'! ", IvilJ HclliiHr Ilfl H'.ckn fUfc ------7fl n»r>r» nofbiick .Cirn Pivxl* . . .. <o»i flrr Kali Iiie . .. Orn Moloii ......... 47>, laiirll Union .. .

pounds 90.73 lo *lt).80; IM lo 200 steei pomuls $10 t(i $l0.8t); 130 lo IGO diun pounds; $0.8^ ta 510,'S ; packlnR sows conn $R.2S to $:>.19; iHrs. medium lo cliolce helfi 80 to 130 pounds *9.35 10 $10.50. bulk

—!— ClllllKANSAS CITY LIVESTOCK . . tulls

KANSA.S CITY. March 33 Wl — lU 8 0 A )-H ogs; ReeelpU IBOO; ” “ steady to ODc lower lhah Friday's av- eraRc; offerings acallng XIO pounda ° down showing decline; top $10,30 on ,325 pound wclghU desirable llo to 2 « poimds *0.75 lo *10.15; 250 to 300i r o a n ' ffB~ iu Mifco; le i. m nam

Callle: Recelpu 400, calves IOO; cjfor -week:-Ied slecra^'C irllngLlunLj____fed helfera mostly 50c io 75c lower; cows aieady lo weak:.bulls 3Sc to SOe lower; week's lops: light mixed yearl* 81 Ings $I3.S0; vealers $13;-heavy and D A llitht weight seers $13; no slrlcUy evee: choice sieers offered; hulk prices: a s": fed sleera $10.75 lo $12.;9; fed lielf- age; rrs *9 to $11.39; plain doRle;. steera 300 *lo; tiockers and feeders *OJi-lo a O r $11.75. ly $1

Sheep; ReeelpU none; for week: pour lambs 25c to 40c lower; sheep lully pour 50c higher: top wooled lambs *10; ed $' ulhcrs mostly *0.35 lo $9.85; olhcr Ca largely $575 to $0.10; few good gride slaui feeding lambs «0iO to $8.65. gelh«: -------- to 7J


{U SD Al-HoRs: Recelpu for week ‘®’ ,' 5050; dIrecU 1317; closing 35c lower; week's bulk $11.75 lo $13; packingjfl*s.$fl;.today 360: aU.dlrcct.______.Cn5lHf: lUcelBU for week 3100; dl- fly,*; reef 257; largely fed Einds; steersljT"' ateady lo 35o higher;,.helfera fully il* , sieady; ihbetwecn cowa 35c lo SOe •* ,J lower; low cutters and eu lten un- P“;:‘ changed; two loods fed yearling steers and heifers $12 lo $13i0; ex- treme lops; three cars 900 to 934 iwund central Callfornlas $1235; bulk m cdlum io good $1.75 to $1215;Olhers $10.85 to $11; load fed 835 . pound Idaho helfera $10.50; four pars eastern cowa $9 lo *9J0; two QC loiirts lOSO to lOlS pounds *8.79; nine Hogs cnrs $8.25 to $8M; common cows marl loilay 540; direct 116; steady; 13 ed 11 ears idahO'Oregon steera $13 to era $ $13.25; yenrllngs.$13,40 to $12.90; two lng t cars 1195 pound Nevadas $1145; she Ca slock scarcf. ‘ ' for i

Sheep: ReeelpU for week 5400; dl- few 1 reel 1005; wooled lambs strong; cows about 950 fed 74 iwunds New Mexl- week cos'113; bulk 83 to 88 pounds Ne- tve. i vn<laa“ and‘ Walios. $10 lo‘ $I0J0; welgl shorn Oregona $8.35 to $10; ewes 35c $9JS luwer. $1; sprm tlam bs weak;-undn- fted< lone lower: •o tiiers^lU JSi -ciorfBC' $7.35 $13.25 to $13. bulk!


_P0RTIiAWD.-M»rch-3J MV-tU 8 D ^ D )9 i= R e ec ip { s^ a ieM )y .- f ttt: ^ on .eo ttifla irtfR k’a to u r* # 5 o r« o « -rr!? ; paj^ jg e e k ago; kllUng daase* 3$cJ | ^ ?

M n . O clm a: bSjt lijhfbitcli:ers $11.35 to $11.40; over and under welghu $11.15 down; extftme heav­ies mostly $10 to $1030; rough pack- . 0& lng 40wa $8.M to $8,75; odd head Hogs smooth $9 to $9.50; slaushter plga. steadnn/l 1|ghL llghiapounds mostly llO JO 'lo f l l : ,b u lk U M t feeder pigs $11J0 to 113. , 1230 p

CatUs: RecalpU 70; weeli's toUl 360 | caltle asss, c a lm 370: compared 260 I week ago: s te m 3So to SOe loVer; D si Fhe stock and bulls aieady: calres |<ack and VMlers'at<ailv ta Ue kmcr: mad



^ / B U T w s B U 6IM B & 5 IM T E R E ST S C G M T E R e

I rf.i h E Q B IM UOMOOM AW( I H \ H IS W E A R E S T O F K IM A


111 B. ' Wu fSI I Iill f]ll VMf O R K Dll

“ >;;; H1, 'si;; S s K S iE : ! ; ] ! : u

■ g' r » ; s r * S i :....... 41I'. Hlana OII N Y ....... 34!j

8t»wvt Warn Hp*>»«l 411 M '! Bliinebakrr Corp... . «jv,

...... ^1* Tftr* Corp , ' . ... S«’4 '

......Hr.ll Ik ar.. M l, Clli n Un L'arblilr .........n t;ri

all . « '! "niiPil Airciafl......78i', rc.irliS l i u

...... 30»' ; «' H « i» 'l .......... -. ... IB7*i.......301* 1 Vanaaiiim . . ___ 109 duluu....... 4(1* VtrB cam Chrm ..... 0 t;,,jn

r- o': S irS L v ? '?'■* '. i ” w ookw ii C o J 9 ’b off«i

■«“ |« ; i ___ ___ iinii"-. W’J. cunn .MARKKT upon

----- 21'., KtVf VORK, March 33 Chl(11 — Curb ciuoinilou* werr

M’t fliMul; nriilliur . M Am Sllll Pnwfr...... JO '.C 1

tVm 40-, H K U U iaharepriO T U ‘ '■‘‘1“ n l i Oulf oil ol l>a HA. . M 'i llfda, UiDlnB ......... «>■,

IIJ. N»w nra.Uord ....... 2 '. Ali-• NIaq lin d ............ . 15'J.

4 uuirM’l I Traiui-AmrrIc.t ntlr

— — , , . tn ; I C.iii.i

leers nio.^ily <11.75 lo $1255; m e- tar -.Hum Rradc largely $1050 to $11.50: ih r nonimon down lo SD nnd below; good e.irlii le lfrn up lo *10.85; cows up lo $40;lulk dcAlrablr’r.he slock $8.75;tlow p:o;.|: litters down lo$4; cutler to iiMdtum. .iwtiilull* mostly $8-40 to *7.50: beef type avnU7.7ri 10 <a; br»t llRht vealers offer- Ad'd brought $12.50; choice auolsd up chlci0 $13; calves moslly $10 down; off Kamrades largely $S to $7. fineSheep: ReeelpU none: week's to ta l lng, i

500; quolAbly steady wlih-week ago; mlnliirlctly choice gram fed lambs (juot- • CO: rt .lln tr> aiOM.- nothinir nrrlvlnc-lesl $10 medium to choice yearllnga duett.uoled nominally $0.50 to $850; cull total0 choice ewea $3 lo $850. p n


) AlHcgs: Rccelpu ISOO: alow; un- Mayveen; moilly steady; spoU as'mucli JulyIS "SSc lower lhan Friday's over- SepIgc; lop $10.16 for load choice nround Com00 pound hogs; other sales .170 to Mar30 pound welfihU$9.75 to$IO; large- Mayy $9.73; odd bunches 330 to 260 Julylounds $0.45 to $9.75; 300 to 300 sepI«unda $8.10 to $S,4S; sows unchang- OaU-d $7.75 lo $8.50. MarCattle: Rccelpu 200; for week: May

laughter steers and yearilngs, to - July e ther wllh mosl butcher slock 50c0 75c and In cxlremes $1 lower: lit- = le change In cutter and low cuttcrowa, bulU and vealers: relatively ^ 5.,*; DW quality, and sciu<UoLB<Md andholce fa t cntllo a pronounced feq- ,in .kure; lop steers $13.75; bulk to kill- 7^ ^ra $10 to $13; replncement sieers iWrt > hared full loss wlih fat kinds; b u l t elllnn-$lO-to-$UJO: few-golng-over11 late; most fat heifers for period Mum 9 to $11J5; beef cows $6.50 lo $8; utter grades *4.35 lo $5.75; inedlufulU $eiO to $750; top vealers $14.Sheep: Rccelpu 5500: today's Irade „ ;7 i ;

teady; 82 to 83 pound wooled lambs ,i‘ a , , 9.85; best clippers $8.75; for week: L .1 imbs 10c to 2Sc lower.

OGDEN LIVESTOCKO O DEN .M arch33 (ff7 -(U S D A ) sheep

logs: Recelpu 997. Including C5 for lamb)larkel; ateady; several loU mix- fed td light and medium weight butchf $10; fra $10.50; lot 133 pounds $10: pack- goodIS MWS $8 to $1.35.' I feedliC altle: Recelpu 377. IM udlng 131 to (9:

>r m arket;' no l mueh done early:>w lo u helfera $7 to *9i0; few good Dwa $8; lo t medium calves $9; fo t•eek: recelpu 3134; moderately act- DOre. moslly suady ; top slcers $11.35; Sheei:elghed off CTra:~bulk'good atecM o n 'k lIJS to $11: common and medium day. $?ed«rs $7J9 to '88,75; bulk heifers '*® tar3 5 tb $ » « fm ea iu m andipjod c6wB hlgheulked $«A0 to $8J5; lower gradea l»mbeown to $3.35; bulls $6,75 to $8; veal- »rst9 to$13 . to p «Sheep: RecclpU 493, Ineludlnj; five cl< g-m arket; iw « r ly salMMateryea.

iffibs $8: fo r week; recelpu 4687; ^ a r kat.uiw»C«i;-«f^TTTlMTwdi-«ariv to t t . .

l6 r e l lS « l lambia near cioae $8.------ ------

OIIAUA U V ^'TO CK | „ ^OMAHA.March33 ( /h - (U S D A ) .vcek :ogs: Recelpu SSOO; slow; unevenly; lines. :eady to ISo lower; heavy bulchers,orlgai aowlog-:^iott-decllne! Iop-$t0-on|-ln8-w » to MQ pound IlghU; bulk 190 to je d M >0 pounda |3.T0 to I9M : bulk 330 to ; Prieei u pound butchers $9M to $9.78; wiek. » to 380 pounds tSJS to $940: 380- Inc 1 ) SIO pound kveraiei $0 to $8.3S: no te aeklng tows UM lo $8.60. ' ever.

niwwltlta IDO. c«lv*i 1K> twilM



0 , . S U N D A Y M d R N IN G . M


s T ' AWS R A 76 TWe•J \ ^ S e C O id D W iL L lS B C P O<1ES. V THE PROBATe COURT AiXiJC----- L - a U S S -A f te MOnM GOIts(QWATSR.. • (MTO ' thb AOn^BSlTlClT' j A O P BO TH O P T H E M . IRTt-l V n r v - . i g f i v v / ~ ---------— ’

S e o %AMO ‘Y /M sW \\M ARE V// yjm X ?.RlCA,^ ///, I

I S{'[I; tj

iliP T llIB :ISH Ficnin:!

-------- ■ 4 wl

AHndy- City- Closing-Price^ - S Heavy 13-8 to 21-4 Ccnts al Under Previous Day Finisli

8T.-------- Cnsh

v .j JOHN r . n ou r.iiA N ,(A;v>;m-e<l Pres.t Markel Edllot) , Coi Clia'ACiO, .March 22 — PurtulUB 1 ® crnernl downward coun.e. wheal'

iKlsr-vio^l— III—llie-Ifiwwt-lfvi‘lr«®';jr c.irlifd. Among many traders this- ci:on of the mnrkel fras looked *‘;2 j)n:i 11. 11 imliiral s'A'hu; of llie pen- uluin M|cc<‘cdu)g rccrnl sharp up- iiriis. \Vcnknes.s of Uvrrpool and -, VinniprK wheal quoiatlon.s. how- ^ ;Vr, wiiU word of clieapiT export fferlns* frnm Argentina and Aus- mlla did a saod deal lo weigh pon vftliir^ lierc. 'ChlcaRO clo.<!ii(t prices for wheal “““J

■Trr licnvy. 1 to 2%c a busliel bc- .riiih ,vr>.icr(lny» Ilnlsh. Corn ilosed .c lo I ’.c down, onls >.c lo ',c lfT-n(HHM'"vWw*-vni'ylii«-from--So —— = ri-llne to 5c advance,

Alnriiee of Buyliis |Ali-:iirr ot ony aRRrewlvs buylnR j c lo

;ip;ii>ii left wlirat lodny sliowlnR bill j $ i,o i: iiilr (lwpf>»itlon 10 ri-lly. Consider- No. 2 ,t!r nntu-r toward Ihc lasl wa.s be- No. : r s (I<-votcd lo lic.ivy snowfalls'In .*<o, 3 :,i:i, illsirlct.i whem moisture cic 3r -Ali-al Iui5 been detlclenl, but coi lir main ilrpre.NsliiR Influence came ic ic ■-irlic-,* Irom Liverpool owing to re- 7Bc; 1 KW thrre lelllim of nunplelous crop 2 ml: iro: preu 111 Uie Unlled<-8talcs'and cic ■uttliii; nniih'a.'-fS on big supplies (mib ivnllnble in Norlh America. Oa

Addti'-g 10 bearish sentiment Jn the ehan ;iilcni:o wlieat market today were nomi (ansfts dl^patche.i currcnt saying Ry Ine weather for wheat was prevail- Ba ng, nnd thal crop damage was a t a ninlmum for Ihls ilme of year.• co rn and. oau eased down wlUi Ml rheat, rft i pliM lk^lhood of w me i'e»i r i mii luctlon nf the com vlslblje supply ||y p. olol on Mond.iy. bam

Provisions were firm because of shlpi l*^ln*s*4«.M«^hog markel.--------------B r

Vheat— Open lll ih Low Clow n/jM arch,.. 106'. lOO’i 109?: lOS^i p rMay .....ICO''. 110 ' 108H 1O8S fniuiJuly _..10B-'. 108'; I07S 107S s ,n ,Sept. _ . . . l l l '; l l i u 109!i JOO'i BeneIom— gjjj, ,March wintiMay > --8 » ‘,- S4H 83H 83»; .107July 85'i 80'1 85!4 85 'i c asep t. ..... 80-. 88!, 8S 8C« w hehit»— oaUM o r c h 4 2 ' i 42?;. 42*4 42*JMay 43'S _ 4 3 ia .4 3 ! i ■■ _____July 4i>. 43%r 43,i .4 jii

ompared week ago: most killing larses 35c to SQc lower; lower grade ows Including cuiters fully steady; ) - tockcrs and feeder unevenly SSc to II 5c lower: bulks for week: fed sieers 8 E nd yearlings $10.75 to $13.75; num- roo. rous loads-light-8teere_ond yearllnga irio*«335;"w erghty steers 1388 aom ounds $13.60; llghl steers $13.85; to * elfers $10.50 to $11 JO; few loads up T > $13.35: bulk beef cows $8.75 to foo. 8J5: bulk nil cutter* $4.79 to $5.75; ledlum bulls $6.75 to, »7J5; p rte - »t4 cal top vealers $13; odd head $13.M ) $14; slpckers and feedera $10.SO >$11.75; light stockers $ ll70 . C!Sheep: Recelpu -IW; 'compared P ^

•eek ago: lambs 25c to 50c Oower; J” ' ieep steady; feedlngiand shearing imbs 50c to 7Jc lower; closing bulks *d wooled lambs $9 lo $9.7S: lop 10; fed clipped lambs $8.50 to $845; ood and choice ewes $9.33 to $0; ie d W and shtarlns Iambs $845. „


DENV nj. March 23 D A) fornheepl Rccelpu eeoo; nothing done Idai r k l l le t» r to p fea-lsmbs->ate-Frt- - Mln ly .$9.40;.load fed Texas shearing Ye^i imbaBO pounds a t $9:.lookSBll«hlly ingt l |h e r: Torweeki UghVhandinnlahV.mbs 40c to 50c lower; weighty kinds ------[f more: ewea 50c to I 80 hlfher; ------->p 8410 03 pound lambs ealrIy$9M;I close $9.40; bulk 05 pounds.up b l l t,^ .tfup.W ;.m »d>uni-O T a*-<i a | ^ } j

!W lo a d s 'w rsh e irin ff f i 5 a ‘ $8.70 ^

BOSTON, Marcli 33 «>)-rBu»taes* Ft th e wool market during the l u t beeek h u lew. nu:nes. consisting chiefly of territory tenrlsinol 64s and finer m n c h m n b - tlveig.voolaa^-sm aU-am ousl-oLsrtd- -big.1 58-8QI strictly eorablns wool, s inrieei A alHbtly easier t h u Ust t^ u ld e from ft few lines. T rad . I sale« VM extremely llih t to d w u me:0 te sl ror values. Offerings, how- ararer^ on several lines of e8rWls and floe•Inw »«nt niinlMl a t ta»*p nrleea. • I - , 1

MARCH 23'. 1930


p c e S \ , _ 11 ^soOTT^vr.— w ^

\ /On-LIMCWATER W___ 4 I F E E U IT j'.y

\ 16 ALLIM h i V tH B B E S T o p M I

I y 1 = 3 J | b iis is i

m i O w w l .

v r “

S e p t . .....43?; 43^; 43S 43 'i r r


fo sales.Com : No. 2 yellow 84c; No. 3

.'hite insic.O au ; No. 3 whlU 44e lo 44fic; No. while 41'.ic.Rye: No saies.

Timolhy seed $5 40 10 *6JS.Clover seed $3.75 to $17.75. f

ST. LOUIS GRAIN <8T. LOUIS. March 23 (/T>-Wlieal: ush No. 3 red winler $1,10; No. 2 ird $l,05^. JJICom : No. 3 mLied 83c; No. 2 yei- “ w 83!ie: No. 2 while 8»'ic. “ ‘ 'vOaU: No, 3 while 40c lo 46!ic; V,,. ,j.J!.nlxcd_16c,_______________ 1_ ir.MW heat: Cltx*. May $ lM i;; July ,0 5 \. IJCom :Close,M ay84Hc: JutyaoUc.

TOLEDO GRAIN TOLEDO. March 33 (,1'h-Wheat: ‘®D, 2 red $1.13 to $1.14,Corn: No. 3 yellow 84e lo 86e.OaU: No. 2 white 48'.,c to 49'ic. O lovrr-aeed: Cash doniestlo-new Id M aKh $10.50; December $11J0; ^ ' .sh LiiporU'd old (9; choice March LIS. . , IniAlslke: Cash and Mareh $10.00. ' »pes1

------------------------- nndKANSAS CITY GRAIN Parii

KANSAS CITY. Mareh 33 ( « — Prcsl 'lieai: Recclpu '5 cara; lone down : to I 'i c ; No. 2 dark hard 83’ic lo *)*ich .01: No. 3 nomlnaly 88c lo $1.05; 'oUe 0. 2 hard 98‘s t ; No.398cto$IOO>i; Ol** 0. 2 red nominally $1.13 lo $1.14; WIUI 0. 3 nomlnaly *108 lo $1,11. OoluCloso: May 9 9 \c ; July 90’>c, <Com : Rccelpu 45 cars; lone down educ : 10 I 'i c ; No. 3 while 79c; No. 3 Ic; N o,3yellow79':c; No.37«c; No. Nall.mixed 77c; No. 3 79‘,c to 78';c. -----Closc: May 79Sc; July 82c; Sep- -----mber 83'ic.Oals; Receipts eight cars; toneun- innged lo 'jc lower; No. 3 while omlnally 44c to 45c; No. 3 44e.Rye: Nominally Oflc lo 69c.Barley: Nomlnolly 93c to 57c. 1


10Tin5CTllBhcr:ltrr»rtoad4ot*-lam-_ __ :y patenU quoted a t *0,75 to $6,89 a arrel In 89 pound cotlon sacks; ilpmenU 41009. pounds. -flr*n-»22#^lo-$33;----------------------------

PORTLAND HAY AND GRAIN P O R T L ^ , March 33 CD -W heat —

iturescIosedi May $1.10*4, July and ___eplember $1.00r^Cash wheat: Big — end Bluestem, hard while $1.30;)ft white, western white $1,00; hard Inter, northern spring, ^'estem red 1.07.C ar recelpU Portland Saturday:

/h e at 17. barley 3, flour 5, eom 7. lU 3, hay 4.


IDAHO FALLS, March I t OP)(U S D A l^PoU toea: Demaad fairly rood: market r im i Rnasel No. Is I K.40 (0 $UOi oecaslenal car a s 5 : - = wme lower: No. 2 a 's tro n ie r,- f I« - lo 11.70, few higher and fewer. •

Twin FalU: Demand fairly rood: market Hrm: Russet No. Is fU 5 to R JO : few hlgber: mostly F^49 to t24«{ No, ts 11.65. .


DA) — PoUtoea: ReetlpU 73, on t' rack 24: total United SUtes ahlp- tienU S tt c an ; Iradlsg Just fair, narket f l r a ; Wiseo&sin aacked -ound whites $245 to ttS J ; Idabo >acked RusseU $1151« $3.35.


(U S D Al—Marcb t l . total Unit­'d s u te a poUto ablpmeoU t a arloadsMirincJpal lUIca — Call- ernla t t , Colorado 41, Florida 17,Idaho 114, BUlne SIT, Miebltan U ,'llnne*po1li-S8,-KebTa*k»-l«,Ne»----------I 'e n Sl, NoHb OakaU 17, H'ash- i^ o n 18. W tsc o !^ S i


OANBBRR^ M k r S j .a 'i R lA :

For years the natlTts refused to ^ be vaccinated. S ir Heriiert Mur-rw.,:ileutenanU'feoV«nior.of-the ■ 2territory, finally called In the n«- ® tlve chlefa and told them that i ” blg.devU-devll-*u e m ln c 'to -d e^ - slroythem .

Their only hope of escape, be said, was to have tbe lo rem - S m enfs chann bnmded on thelr arms. . The natives Immediately 1 flocked to the government clinic, ,


THB BN| g J J | ^ * ^ A . O 0 t J T E P E O P L


j y i W M ILa,

s. rM 011 C«^iiH l»a w TW IIS'____________ •.



(Sand—Empire—Assooiation-biM PrepSi'es List ol Noted u™ Speaker to be Present t

-------- ' , *celiBOISE, Mnreh 33 OPI—A Wide field

[ cdiicutlonal problcm.i will be dU-•mbled and pul together agnln n l Th '’le thirty-second annunl convenuon Di ' Uie-lnlanrt-Bmplr^Edueatlon-aa- O miclatlon lu Spokane Apdl 9,10, and o iI- A. 1A copy of Ihe .projram received Iden,• ediicnlors hero who plan to a t- Idalnd Iho convention shows speakera Burlleeted from many parls of the D. :iunir>- who will address general and trea !partmental seulons. RepreicnU-i-o educators of thc norihwesi will PRCso s^Jeak.-' ------------------ —

List of Speakers L( Included In the llsl of special wakers are Lewis Browne, authorId authorlly on problems of com- >>«>“ irutlvc rclisian;-JaitlerxrR 6Bcr»r 'Hie;rcsldenl.of Uie National Playground fh oisocUtlon, New York; A. R B rui lltUi icher, president of f lu te Teachers’illese, Albany. New York; James .M. PI*E lass, Rollln college, Florida; Dean’lUlam P. Russell. Teachers' collcse, Blolumbla university; Jane S. Hink- Mary. federal agenl In home economics rc\elucatlon for the Pacific reslon; hum[Us E. Ruth Pyrtle, president of the tureatlonal Education association; C. muc


Live F ia h -S c lc c t Herrlnp

be sold Sunday. .Come cai

dt|r Lliuiii fui' )'ou o u t-o f-

— ------------^ ^ T H E - M A i n e A t i


W ater will bc tu rned o u t 0

__^ f r o m Slonday, M arch 24 toi^cluslv

Twin F a lls C;

C o rru jg iTwo and th ree row m achines. 1 th in s . Special shovels fo r hilling

.:rop% also thinniiiR a lfa lfa seed :h ine on tho marlcet. You will

use th is ma(

. r t

NOW is the Ume lo Ret y o u r 01

M D W iI” ElectricaTSi

210-220 Second T n rm^ y e n n e S o n t h

j n o u s h ' ^’ LBIX WlS&ELP __

. Howard, superliilendenl of puhllo istructlon cf Oregon.

SnbJecU tor Seasioas SubJecU to be u k e n up In special Mlons Includs Bnjllih . a ru , bus- less and finance, the county unit :an. educational and vocational ildanec. mathamatlcs, manual arts, .clal science, parent-leacher 'p'ro-

leaklng. psychology nnd eduea- on. music, health and home' cco- jmlcs.Two banqueu ' will feature Iho • cetlnK, Including the annual as- clatlon banquel In the Davenport*)tel on Wednesday nlRhU April 0, n d the Khoolmasl,crs' banquet nursdny evenin;. 1Delegates from M ontana, Idaho.

Officers of the association arc C. Ham ptfin-Aflona, Oregou, pres­

ent; .M. D. Pacc, Bonners Ferry, aho, vice president;. Jamea A. irke. Spokane, secretfiry; and L.. Baker, D ivcnpott, Washington, , easurer.. . - . —J___L ._ . ..........


LONDON. March 32 (-r>-Juvcnllo urts have been reonianizcd so th a t lunj offenders -are no -IsnRett.. ought Into Londcn police courUl-jc rc o -b efo re womcn-magtolratCT-----10 conduct Informa] proceedings aa .Ue llko a courl room nx possible. .


BEDElLltAC-ET-AYNAT. Fmnce ) arcli 33 (<!’}—Cavea nenr here havo \calcd new detalU of prchLilcrlo m a n life, one of the bUs of wulp-l ire showing a Ite.-id In a fur hcod. uch like the ones worn by fsklmos.'^ -


n{f,‘2000 pounds will

!arly, comc la te . We

f-eohl miring wa te r - --------- —

b i e E - p A R K -------:— :


o f th e Low-line CnmU ;o Thuraday, M arch 27 Ivo ;

Canal Co.

f a t o r s. They will co rru g a te any- ng potatoes a nd cultivated ' ed .T h e ligh test d r a f t ma*I do less shoveling i f you achine.'

o rder in fo r a C o m ig a lo r. vw-youjr-Bpring-w an ts.-- -

A R E 'iuppllei


Page 16: VIS NEV TH]E T V W ~:FAIJL SI)>AIL1Y'tnailUw ^ after tomorrow. ' Qotrti lau n d er ear hu been souneed nadr for Um trials aod


. B y M IL T O N M

Blakely broke In «»«erly »IU> ti* l the detecUve; y<

J r g S ! I MW tn rjO iiag *vM S;I 'm «ure *8 cwj

tirf h»ve noUUnt to »orrjr HM V i ? t we Mr. lUnUDT You hJ2 « Jerw #nd I really were a t the, mS r t OT Sunday n lfh t. Just iot a IS ^ e » m U e a e u n lc m n n lfu n ,T O U fc

• im«i«nt»nd. But o f couree w e wS t f ? U e t Mr.. Bond Hnd oul. for YS l h u ««•’ “ J***’'’" *tftd Uilnk* lUCb unfair thing* o{ my ftl

■''-Tiwrnui- iwaai™ trf tini | a;ooBdJUoa a t . the Enderley A part-;» menu, tier oairatlff w u ;«both dWrmlng tn d amujlng. "W hat; time did you.Jto to the park?" [»1

ft bll iattr. Jerry called for me In di h ll car a t my place and we came oul R A bit allerward. W# stayed In Utf ii p a rt (Ul about U:30 ood then took dl ■ coiy ride lh the country.” She o: (mlled a t him Innocently throush b.

. .tw opispooU ofllqu ldb lue.“A ndIf* ri ; ti l leuled nov. We can so, can't h

'T h e Note Af«In | ”V u it one moment. There are cne *

or two queitlons th a t Mr. Bond m utt | ellher awwer here or ipeak la court. . Ue reluwd the laat Ume I uk ed htm.: L tnd i l i not KU m e the truth.* Uo- „

■ meintfr.'*"A^ ^SS”umM l*tQM l be ’ ,l tbe tmth.” ”

The financier fluihed o t the tone h and changed iUa poillloa nenoutly. d, Ue was not allogeUier reassured u to Rankin'* status, and he feared a tl snare. u

“Why, IVe already told you tha t I (, kaow alaolutely naihioe about X." oi

‘At least you know," the' delectlTe {, went on. “why Mis* Young left you." I ci

- “ ^ ■ ^ u iT w r e i r y f i i r i i i i i t r B J iO K r c i an gifer of a belter position." i

- t laid, Mr. Bond. U u t 1 ft-anted I the tniUi.'' I Iji

The financier resordcd hi* com -'« -panlon uncertainly and tried to (ji appear unconcerned. “D o n t you o

. . . th lnk fC ora d ea a ty o u tu d b e ltc r n BO downslaln? X'U you in Just, ij a moment.” .«

‘'No, I'm solns to stay bere-wlUiLs; you. You know you mustn’t have any , #i te a e ls from me, dear.” Her sw ift,'] ( shrewd look of worldly complacency sl only dlstresied him further, iie tl

------claared-hls-throat nervouily-, I bi“No, of coursc not. D o ju s ta sy o o ;

please, my chUd. I suppose. Mr,;ii! Rankin, tha t she left me becauie she (t

^ vasn 't satisfied' with her poslUon.” <di J | “Ah. th a fi better; --And why was » ^ she not satisfied?'’ 11.

"Became—because—“ . I ic With an Impulse to punlsli th e ,p

financier, for the trouble for which |o his seerellvcnesa was responsible. ;jc RonUn tiroke (n In a voice of mingled ai conUmpt antl uU sfactlon. !el' '’I'll help you. Mr. Bond, with th e ' ci

reasons. W asnt it because you were; forcing yonr. unwelcome attentions tf «pon;her: iHd'Becouie shtf was o ’ tc decently raised girl vho refused to 'r i

Ermlt such aa you to become fam ll-! ti ■ wllh hcr? And you penlsled.isi Uke moat cf your kind do, believing h

yourself superior and every gin your f it prey. And w hat about this nole Itl you wroto her. asking her to meet you {t on Sunday night? w hich I have no oidoubt She rc lu se tl-“ --------p

“Jerryl" Cora Blakely's voice rang with Indignation. "And you said thul ct ynw pn*!lthTr Qltli^JdYou said Ihot you thought a t me and ir no one else. Oh, you unfaithful c o d r il

The harasseci financier started ni toward her wUb arm s outsUotched. Si

"Listen, Cora. I awjar by O o d -" ni “Don't you dare touch me. You tt

ean't explain th a t note M r Rankin in has (here In his hand, con you? Ii'Sjbc In your wrlUng. i recognize It. all tt right.'* Melodramatically she shrank w away from him. “You've been decelv- in loff m e -a poor laaocent glrl-w ith ol your riches and money." qi

• "Lllscn. Cora—- tli' "I won't listen. I d o n t want you to R

. cverspeak to me agoln. I ’ll suo you. t^ Jerry, for ruining my Ufe, tha t's whol e) y i ld o - dj

In a fit of petulance nnd anger, tl I3ISS Blakely dashed-lo the door, u flung It open, and was out before ol rtther of the t%o men could prevent al

In desperation. Bond,' sweat > M o l g down hU brow, atarted to foi- bi

■ ■ '^ w . but he wos brought‘u p 'ih o rfa t Tii — “ Ih s floortiy tbe ■Bharp'command-of w

tbe delecUve. stI AnoUier Error ec

. |*‘A nom ent,M nB ondlY ouhavent

: O’NeillandWi:

__ j l r m R N P . rfriji^n tla tr C a r lo t ta M o n te re y , posed ; n e a r T o u r s , F ra n c e . T h e an I 'b t i t r s o u t r e p o f t s o f fricn<

c h e e r ie r a n d in b e t t e r h ealtl


................. • • '


I explained away (hi* note. And U : yoU'dODtDOW.youvlUbeforflaiuiT.' Sueh puWfdty is b tri} / deainbJa.”

The threa t brought blm complete­ly to a halt. “O reat beaTeas, Bankln, haven t you made enough trouble for ,

I me idready? Of c ount, It Is my noK. ; I wroto U on Friday (o make a daU 1 for tb a t night while Miss Cochrane ( was in the office. On ThurKlay Mist ' Young had been a t ray home for aomeI wort, and something 1 aald must' I ' ftave offended her. for she refused to I lipeak to me the next day. B u t l I

II didn't believe It v a t serious, so I tried . that. But it was; and, damn U. th a tiI ! what caused her to le a v e r |

The last word* were flung over U* (shoulder. Befora they, were barely

> door, slamming It noisily behind him. I■ Raekln h e a n L ^ U sUpa banfing! svifily down th r t ta lr a llll their echo': died out far below. And h«. eould - ! only stars a t tha doted portal I n ;I am aum ent and tnexprrr-slble dls- I Rust. Prom the very beginning b« t had assumed Uiat the note discover- I ed In Mary Young'* ba* applied lo a meeting on Bunday evening and had

, ' worked on th a t premise. And yel .. : there was no basis for Ujo asiump- ^ ' ' tlon. The note w u undated: it eould •; have applied to Priday or any oUier ’ ' day of U a week u weU. Me realUed - , Iho enormity of h it error. *<

’ throughout and compUealed the tra i l: ' wherever he turned, it conlronled r.

> him. And it had nothing a t all to -p■ do wlUi the problem. i> Yet. according to the patrolman oi; | the Reed slreet-Morton street Inlt}-

section. Mary Young had undoubt- T ‘ edly waited tor some one a t 6 o’clock

on Sundoy evening. For oaf ot the p, ’ few times In his Ufe. Tommy-Ronklo 'cursed aloud In definite.and clear-

I C b n t baka from Tiny Aeem* ti i ! WlUi all hU suspeeu eliminated Ai I but one, Rankin se t resolutely to

'! work on the Rogers troll where Oor- t.<• don hod left off. A t IO;SO he was in> Brood Slreet ita t lo a The terminal Ai ' a t U u t hour on a week-day night. Ai ^ Is yet talrly crowded with travelersI waiting for their trains. Eltlier they

i-aro seated In-the lanre walUng-room-Ai ’. a t th e rc o ro f the vide staircase lhat u• leods to the train levels, o r they ai ’. tlroll In the concourse beyond. Bolh 1/> the ticket offices and the Information -i-biireau-are-on the-«round-fk>or.------- Ai

To the latter Rankin first directed L:' i Ills steps. Tlte list of outgoing trains At!; from mlrtnlght to.1 o'clock thot Oor- Lt ‘<don hnd given him Ineludu only‘ two lhat deparud between n ;3 0 and Ai] 1. A Trenton theatrejDers’ speclsl LcI lett a t 13:41 and the final cars for Tl

! .Paoll went out a t }3;4S. Bolh vere LcI ' locals and he ogreed wllh his col- Ai .;icatnie th a t it was allogeiher un- t likely Ihot the fugitive hod takenI either one. Accordingly he ellmlnat- efi

> ed th r a . dl(He began to labor upon his own de

) ;theory. Olving Rogers sutfident time cqI to Jsurney tb West Pliila'detphio and tjL• ! rclurn to the station, it must have tft ■{token till 12:30 a t the eorllest. SUlt. . ‘granting tho Oordon premise thatI he would not have cored to wilt th ’{more than an hour about the sto- hi M Ion. tha t hour would now extend I from J t n to 1:30. Whot were the qb> outgoUig trains beiween I and 1:307 _

The employe n t the informotlon f|( jw u n le r supplied him wlih the neces- gg

I iro ln s-th e Chicago - Wealem Filer, ea ’ IhrouRh Cleveland and Toledo lefl i n t 1:1S The Hot Sprlngs-Loulsrllle nv - 8peclal-wtn(.al'l434, to be tolloved bo ' nt 1:30 by the Bar Horbor E x p r ^ H;I through New York and New Haven {q 1 Into Maine. One of these must have ^I j borne ths fugitive away; tho next >r I troln did no t leave till 3:30. But ; whleh one w u another question. How ■ ’ lie wos to discover this was far Irom ^I obvfous. R w u endless work to In- ba

qulre'of every employe In the sta-tlon wtieUier he recalled U u man „

I Rankin sought. Gordon bad covered », , tb a t ground. In bis search,, falriy : exbauaUvtly. Yet a t 13:30 on a Sun-

day night the tennloal J t cbmpara- • . , lively deserted, and one of tbe por- . lers or tldcet agenia might veil lu ra _ I observed a man w ith an axce^lon- ally l a r n black bag. - R o i ^ made a beginning a t Uie = ' baggaee-rooffi. Oordon would not * : Tiave ftled U ut! b u t if Rankln's'ihe- “

shoyld f l n d * ^ t B e J e r e * ^ c h ^ * * ed his bag.

; As luck vould bave It, bis flrtt ^

Vife in Europe

iaL and h la w ife, th e fo rm tf j :d inform ally fo r tb ia picture smilo on th e-p layw righ t'a -fa ie -

icnda Who say th a t O’Neill ia a l t h . - m Photo . ‘ ' ! -

■______ TWI

' f f V - A N b I MSAN r r “1 tlO N T WAXlT ANY MORf 8 »

An ‘t h n t zto kz - o r k t w jDO vou ? ^OMEi




AWAY FROM YWE S W O P S ^ r STAY OUY 6 f YHEM ! / 7 ^ J C«0 OOWM T O W N ljc^^ ‘ , |

I ' J s i• i . ' - o ’— '. f c a ,

i| ^B* _______________________________

I’lffllE T ^L E S r 1SrhedDleaof PasMoier Trakis and '

‘ .Molar UiuK* fassln j Tbrosfh - : Twin Fallfc —, OBEOON SilOUt LIN'Ei .......... .. Eastboond

rrain Si leara , PU

: ' Westbaond „I rrain 83 leaves ■______ 11;SSA M» Train 155 leave*-----------3i4a P.M, I WELLS DIUNCIIJ ' SoDtbboaod ^. Train JM leaves_______ J:30 P UI Nortbboond’ rrain 3tO orrlves_____ 5:3* P MI ■ riCRWICR BTAQgS “

Leave eutbound la Noon »iI Arrive from e u t ______ 8:40 P td s-r] W ntern Srhtdale $35. U avew ttlbound ------------- I A M -, Leave » « tb o u n d _________2 P M1 Arrive (rom v e s t______11:40 A M ^, Arrive from w est______ 7 :« P U - r uI UNION PA CinC STAOES r Westboaad1 -Arrive ___________ 8 A MI U a v e _ _ i - i __________ 7 A M - “ ‘‘' Arrive________________8:M P M -I Leave . arsa P MI Eastbound |

-----------------P M - _

1 S - = = - = h J 1 !! “■ L eave....... ............ ________IJ Noon’ TWIN FALLS-WELLS 8TA0E WiI A n lves________________ 1:15 P M rI Lea«* ________________3:30 P M Ne■ TWIN FA1L6-SU0SU0NE STAGE! Leoves _________________1 P M Wi

Arrives_______________ 4:10 P M fDr

I . _ , , ■ -effort VM succesaful The ebecker. vdid recaU such a genUemin u the o .

' detective Inquired after. He bad (Jl ' come o to btt a lk r midnight to check ' his bag. since very few coma ot, he ‘ the hour wiUi their luggage, and ll i■ w u 0 parUcularly heovy piece, he Op■ remembared It when he took it trom mo• tho traveler. The bag hod allracted thi ’ his aiientlon more than lls owner, py ' “I don't suppose I'd knov him o a ; again if f sow him.” he said.

' tioned. “I suppose It w u the same net■ genlleman." P« “ —’ o n ry e jn rw a i-th f l-s im B :— H s -v r■ came Just ono hour later. You see. ~ i wo closa the checking offico At 1 ” [ o'clock, ancLvhen lie turned in the ' ‘ bog-he a s k d me aboul'lt.— X -t o I d ^■ blm ond he said he'd be back lo tim i I for it. Sure enough, he camo Just ' u I WO) obout to ahul the window.■ and took It v lth hlra.“ o l

On lU ih t Track ,' The checker had tailed to observe (0‘ any IdentlllcaUon marks upon' the bu

bog. or whore IU owner had gone h(v after he colled for It. Ronkln w u

I not much wiser lhan before, lorI Rogers could yet have taken any ono W,

of the three night fllera. They aU, t’ le tt after 1 o'dock. I t merely served pb’ to IndlQite tha t he v u on the right bo• trade.____________________________ an L .— _____________________dll

(OoBtlBBCd b Next Im e ) to

I i

; 'C a n a d ia n P a c ific R a ilw a y ^ Co. Dt

Irr ig fa ted L and In S u n n y s A lb e rta

$35 to 960 p e r a c rc inc ludingr w a te r r i g h t s »

35 y e a r s to p a y First payment 7r> of the pur- .P l

diaae price, to .which one year^ an free use of land wlihout InUraat o r water charge, tnen 34 yeara on the a ian c e . ' ' . • , . .

Bpeeui settlement. eondlUo&a ^ give you second year’s free use of land abd vater.

SOIL =BttepUonal depth and fertUI^r. e,

t m from rofks, stumpa and “ I bnuh . ' - ~

- ---------GOOD'CLIMATB ' «Teoaloes. beans, com, etc., and _

le i*.tender products grown sue-



’ -■penoiui-lit-A lto t B ^ ^ e u o f ^ park land and some p ra lr ls ja m t a t o g S O a n a c r e o n S S y u i _

- Bor further InformaUon eail:oi-TTi v rtU A]U r . niOBNTON, AsaL S n p t Pr

1 J ? J1 0 (j iU iiB ..f i9 6 k a a i .Jn ra ib . J iI J . N .C U A H “f ---------l« e al ReprcMBUUvt------ ^ ~I . . , Twin FaUi' V , ■


------- ------------ . V . '. - .-T -------- -J


E ltP E N S E S / m

SC Y h a N TWE ) ' , M

iA W t> T A L W N y '^ ^ ^


W a n t A (


AU W anL4dl alive aod aeUvc and ^ - tb e y bring th r bayer. Iltoc

Pboae » I eaI-------- --------------------- ------------------- 1 HOI

F o i R e n t— U n tu m is h e d ^ -------------------------------- 7-------------- no(

O A fW aE fO R R S N T -aM H O H T H W ovenue o u t. Pbone MO-W. ^

x 6 N0's -M > ^ > R b o M -M O I> B H H -73house. 135: e-room modem, »iS; „

5-room mcdem, 130; firroom modem.535/ A. NrLbng.- PbOBO J« 3 : 3'

a i jT E ftS ATTENTIOK-5 ROOMS FOI ' modem. 3 lorgo lou , trce i and av :ruli trees, garage, diicken coop and ulher shed* for eow con b« bought Rllh very small down payment, bal­ance llko rent, prlco »1600. CoU a t f q i

.140 PUie street. . - 4i

------- F o r

H e lp W a n te d

CAPABLE H O U S E K E E P E R - POI Phene 36211. _ ®


mliilns Slock, W rllc Bo* 37. ca{t SHC NewJi. «


founuln g ir l Schiamm-JohnsonDrug company. ____ ^0*WANTED-SALESMAN OR SiUiES- clas:

. woman tor either tull or pa rt tune o a r CaU in person a t Brown’s Muslo Sicre —tor our proposltloo.________________

i!ap i^B T a ” w n o coR PO R A 'noN u jh seeks manager fo r open territory, ture

Opportunity lo earn 13 JOO. 15000 and non more yearly. W s fumish every- thing, Experience unnecessary. P jr- — Pyter Co.. 1957 Fyr-Fyter Bldg.. Dayton.O.

RELIABLE M A N DISTRIBUTE FOI and coUect store route in county; “ Ti

nels $00 weekly up. Permaneni, profitable work. FUU Information


EA W MONEY SPARE TIM E - — , plfosant work on handkerchiefi *

Experlenco unnecessary. Liberal pay. _ ” T4o selling. W rite for free details.Atlas Haniikercblef Co., Bridgeport, Conn. al

s'a l e s m e n ^ i a k e »50 'T o 'l is o week show full samples take orders

f o r voolen sh irts, underwear. blankets. Jackets, overcoats, swealtn. hosiery, ctc. W rit* N ortbem Woolen Co, Dept. 8. P e rsu t FaUs, Mmn. FOf

WANTED-AMBITIOOS, INDUS- trlous person to Uitroduee and sup- . . qo

ply the demand for Rawleigh House­hold ProdueU in Minidoka county FOI and various oU>er towns or ru n i tu dUtrlcU in th is p a rt of Idaho. 11^0 low to 1400 a month or more clear pro- ineu IIL Rawleigh MeUiodt get business! everyvhere. No selling experience, required. Wo supply Produets, OuUlt. I II Sales a n d .S en lce .'M elhod*^ e.t< £ .n2 i thing you need. Profits laerssse ^ every month. L ovest-prices! Deit Twl valuei: mosi complete service. W. _ .T, Rawleigh Co., Dept. lD-4733. Denver, golo. ____ _

P e r s o n a l ■

m J E S J a n u g a T M S S c S S T w r a •fingerwaves. 35c. Students vanled. ^

.Pbone 337. O rpheum Beauty Shop andschooL

WOOD.^INFOltMA'nON WANTED ‘ on reUtlvei o f J a m u Wood, born g r Kentucky about i m Nleea riported Idaho. EiUU a a t t s r , W, 0 . Cox. " 184 w . Jackson, Ohlcafo. v a

F o r S a l e - ^ F r u i t s , V e g e ta b le s w a

■roR“ s A L M i ^ - o X i i w O T ^ i/h W. ChampUn. Pboae M4R3. ^

p - . U g a l A d v e r t l M m w i t s ^

, BOND.OAu T '^ " ''^ w *Bonds of Isdepcodeot Bcbool ^

trlct No. 1. num ben 1 to 18 indusfie- , u . r'dM ed-:Ttprii::irin9.^ '»«tt^btf'pald

BOND CALL 7 ^NoUcs is hereby given th a t Twin

Falls Highway Dls^ t Coupon Itonds

Aptll 1st, 1B19, v ill be pald 'iipon f n preienUllon a t Kouotse Brothers

on U u t date. FDIBTOART H. TA.YL0R,-------- .------ ll

I T tvuurer. T v ln Pallt Highway elet DUtrlet. M r


^ / T W E R fS D E V O T IO N - ^ MOW iW 6 EY AN M HI





_ / y - ;

- J a v 5 ■ / ' a - - - S i S R v ( - < v ,

-M Mids-Barg

, For R e n t— F u rn ls l ie d


Pnnwiq»TT> nty>M3 - PHONt P:

_ . WEItOOM TOR RENT-311 4TH AVE, 01

HOUSES R E N T ^ O E IT O T Real Est.

ROOMS-131 n ii'*A V E NOR-rtl PimeSSt L. “

POR RENT - SLEEPING ROOM.—730-and-aw -norU i.-.----------------

ROAM ANO BOARD 'CLOSE IN rals 315 '.’nd ove north. ^

FOR RENT-DEDROOM. 443"4TT1 |0c ave. iiorih. Phone 1023J. wb.

POR RE.ST-L10HT HOUSEKECT- FGI Ing ap8riment,_644 Main north di

FOUR ROOM FURNISHED HOOSE 4i0 7ih ave. c u t , CEI

K3R RENT-FURNISHED ROOM q J?gentlemen preferred. 311 Srd ave. ^ i

north, rhono I4C8.

FURNISHED ROOM - OENTLE- man prelerred 353 Jro ave nortn dcji

Phone SfllJ. . _____ , ___ Bui

SH0DArn*?l’0 T n i-1 3 3 MAIN AVE q q east, ipfflal monlhly rales lo per- y

maneni Kuesia Plenty of heat ana hot water _ _ _ _

POR RENT-DE3TRABLS MOD- pQ, em fumlshed apartment In Unit

c tnu '. condition and vtU locnttd h<u Oarugc. No children.' Wone 293-J.

F U R N I S H E D APARTMENTi- den itoam heot. hot water, electrle

tight and cooking. Nice new turn i- .. lurc. 350 2nd ave. north, one block north of Postofflce. Phone 1005. :^ = = s = = = = s r Cot

F o r S a lo M isc e lla n e o u s

n.uU. 303JI3. ^

FOR SALE-DELIVERED. OOOD, of 1 _ c lea n hay. chQPE«L»l3 J9 m U 1 U L ^ Phone 305. pQ.

A*“ THOR WASinNO MACHINE t( and piano for sale a t bargoio. alfl

Phcne 8C3-J..-..-.. - ----------- --------------------- I elo'

POR SALB-OLOVER AND ALP- Tv: a lfa hay, oats, wheat' and batley. u .

Horry Wohllalb. —

r o iT SALE CHEAP - ELECITUC ~Z era tor in excellent condlUon. CaU ^

forenoeni. M3 4th ava, north.

FOR SALK - OOOD D S m SHOP “ equipment ot various kinds; also '

paint spray machUics. Call phone

.. i elFOR SALB - LEASE AND FIX - I p: ' tures. 330 Main ave north, big room, b lov rent. EstabUsh your own busl- „ ineu. Fargo. Phone 488. ____ —

■ H E R B S -F O R 'SALE BY U J.I Raucb, good for all slomocn. kid- neyrbowelrllver-and blood troublesr •om rs-PolntTtorcj'B lus Lakes store.- t h Twin Falls. Idaho. s

" '■ ■' - PC

W a n te d to R e n t -___________ ____________________ FOWANTED-PARM COttPLErELY 1

equipped to rent or leose. by ex- perlepccd and reliable party Can 30 fumlah references. Wm. B SUrk 130 A Street. S a lt Lake Clly. Otoh ™ --------------------------:-------------------- IXl

W a n te d — M lso e lla n eo u s

WANTED^POin;.TOY"H. Q?OTNT- ™ er. Phone 903W. £

W A M T E D -O tiiss SH O w ' CASE. ' W rits Box 88,' care News. pQ

WANTTO - ? B l T o W T o ^ ,l Pboni 50SR3 aflcr 1 P M H P

_______ ‘f WW A Jfrib T O B U Y - B T O O K ' - lr tU »f.=P I»a*= .Itl«b«fly_ iW R 8/ « Oarrlson. PO

W A M T ID ^-B O t^ W ^ E OIRLS , ean work for board and room WhUe »

altesdUti. a r e a - Bualacu..coUegti. ^ OA

FOR SALE-ELBOTRIO REFRIO- era tor In excellent condltloiL 043 s

F U R M T ^ POr T FIVE “r o o m s - includ lnrp lano asd-WesUngbouie eleetrlo r a n n . W. 0.1 Caughey.ViulK LC

^ M lt o t W atUogtoa totiooL j r


H lf A - I DON'T K N O W ^? THEY .MAKE - g


m ' w

' f fl 'i I^ • \ «h I-W

gains-0F o r S a le — S e e d s

3LEAN REO CIX>VER SEED Phone 813J3, R. C. Wark. ^ o :

iVE HAVE ■niEM-THOSE FINE omon sets. Darrow Brothen. ggv

, » _ . p TOR SALE-EXTRA OOOD SEED .barley . Phone-&Irll. Klmt>etir m a :


tatoes, Krown ot Salmon Clly E d ; n*A' L Turnor. Phone I35J. j fli

POR SALE - EARLY OHIOS AND I MR Bliss Triumph Ked spuds. <QRloS~~tl

raised. Ed Vonce. PubUo Market

H im i TEST RED CLOVER SEED- k. I8c lb. Danver onton seed. $l 10 iVblte Clly Tourtst Park.

POR SALE - IDAHO R0S3ETT3 ran dry land raised. Blue Tag if desired,

\ndrew C . Ung,Tw in PaUs. Idaho.-

^ f i n E D IMPROVED DICK- Cat low seed wheat. Otowb I>> A I

aoodrich. see a l.T w in . PalU MUi “ ‘f t Elevator. ’

r o i v . j 3 2 i ^ i i i A j I b _ J l U 5 S ^ seed potatoes, bluo or red Ug u . . .

leslred, Bert Wolf. Phone 13W, Burley, Idoho.o iiiT iF iE D r u r a l ’s e e d POTA- cai

toes, raistd a t U va Hot Spring*, about 80 bass. Robert Blutock. — FUer. Phone IIJB.

FOR SALE-60 SACKS BEANS,’ 3 years from certification, yielded 35 FO

bushels, on Salmon. 10. Ono ex trf 0 good SouU) Bend Range. R. C Sou- Wy ders. Routo 3, Twin FaUt. ^C E R T lF iro FEDERATION WHEAT B

o t tho fUieit quality for a trifle » 4 moro th in you pay for common mbs- ~ ed wheat. Treaied, too. if you desire. Come in and let us show you. Dar- ' row Bros.PINTO ViXD BEANWOHNSON’S

Early PlnW, two weeks earUer than ® O rfflt Nortlifrn beans outylelds then 5 to 10 busbrlj; ecly a amaU omount S’” of thU seed for sale. 1‘.4 miles vetJ oW erome. T. S ^ Johnson. ,,FOR SALE-HIOH P O R m r STATE J“>'

tested seeds. Blue tag Orlmm AU- ““ alfa. Blue tag Cossack Alfalfa com* mon alfalfa. Red Clover. Sweet m elover“ W el« I‘blBh’gTa4e seed onlj . T v ln FaiU Feed it lee Compaay. A'U . Sande, Prop. xq,

..................................— ■ Ph

CERTIFIED OREAT NORTB* ' *“ em seed beans. T hird year cer­

Ufled stock. Oro'vn bn tecond ^ year ou l of sage brush land. Yield- j 61 busheU, t8M per c v t . P O D. Hansen. See samples a t aay W. elevator or seed house. Write er ’ 1 phone O.V. TWI. M uruugh, Ida- » 14:

>“ ■ U------ ' ■ ' I

' "" ~ 7 ----------------------------■. La

F o r S a le — L lv e s to o k . w.--■ ~ <

t w o - ^ e r s e V c o w s = p a o w B ~ 810J11.

F O R 6A L B -SP0IT E D POLAND '.. China gllu. Phono 878 rl' ^

roR 8A L B -L IV B F IS l#H E R R lH 0i T he Msry Alice Park.

30 YOUNO ORADE EWES WTTO < lamb. R. 0 . Evans. Route 3. TwUi Ph

P-Us. _ _

roOR-YEAR O L D OCERNSST 1 cow. 3K giL R. 0 . Wark. Pboae Pl<


Belgian atalUan. First bouse to u t t J- of Curry. ^

FO R S A L B 'o R E A ^ ^ IS T X R E O > Irish Setter, dark red. f u t and an

vlde..Phone83TrI. ^ P .O R - S A L X iB B A ir M t l L T S “ 1

velgbt 3800, sound ahd ready to P r work. A. & Anderson. WendiU. ___Hi

FOR SALZ^I PAIR GOOO MMtES^ ^ 3 ipaa extra good mules, prioed 1

to w iro n s U e V e y and floi}, x im - Reberly.___________________

CAlFBHOW Y O O -A iaiO W 'A Jnr W • ^ a d H n n w r en t N -aarttev-6e» tia b e t ^ y e o blty' E- J P*

r o R 8ALB-.ONB C 6 w CUl^ belfers, all high grade Ouenutytt Tu record on c iv : also on dams of M if- up

Son*, a mUes e u t of H a n i e n . T n

■ tO S I • • R

LOST-BRINDLE B U L L D O a eh I nam e^w k . Jtevard. Pbot^ m j l . j p e

lARCH 28. 1980—' ------------- — ---------- .-------'

z ' O M - W E J . I - - '-------- THERE'S AN 6L 6

. THAT t n e W0R3T V WAtoON MAKES n

- f MI

)pporttiS i tu a t io n s W a n le d p

iiAUNDnY^HONE I S J O R . ' '^

VOMAN WANTS'WORK BY HOUR Phono S78W:------ " • • • • _

5E W |N a -P H O N B 1477J. Mrs. Frank 'roggort.

ktARRJED Ma n w a n t s JOB ON ranch. Phone ,391W.

\*A'rERNITy NURSINO-MOLUl flmiter Phone «7R4 —

\IRS EAIMA OAMMETER PRAC- ti t i a r n u r s a Phone llOSW------Z.ATANTED^POSmON Afl HOUSE- R

keeper In town. Phone 1304R. ^

IVOMAN W m i TWO SM A L L children wants work eookini 00 JOI

ranch Phone 144JW. a

WORK WANTED-BY TWO MEN. SW strong, nllilng to work.' Ctll a t

Cabin 33, Wegener* Tourlii P o r t ^

BOOKKEEPE3l-^0 YEARS E X - Jperienoe, good locnl references. —

Phone 1450W. or write Box 17, careNews. — ...... ...

MARRIED* MAN WI'HI PAMn.Y —w anu work on'farm . One boy can IIO

work p a rt 'o r aU Ume. Enperlenced. CCsn give reference. Roy Adoms, box 1)1:?33, Buhl._______________________ -

IF o r S a le — R e a l E s ta te

I^ 8 A L B ^ v b ~ 4 T A C R B HOMESor cash rent. Phone 5l7r3, Patrick p J


FOR SALE 6 R RENT-8 ROOMS and batb: garage; cloae Ui Box A t

» 4 . Clly. I

FOR SALE-CHEAP. O d 'O D 8- “ n o m bouse. Could u k e cheap ear ^

n o n It. P .O ,.Box88. . , Wi

roR 'S A L EO R LE A S E-bN E U U N - h S dred shares Salmon River pruject .

waters Oeorge W. Brown Miller. 403 81'

P U L L aCiU IPPB> ^ U L T R Y = .formuif^.1tUier«s.-glU>400-3-year F.

oylng hens. 0-room house, double _ garogc. Phonc.Klmberly 40W 11 Ul- terested.

480 ACRES IN NORTHERN NEB- “ raska well balanee'd liock farm.

vUl seU or trade tor small aerene Inquire iccond house norUi HoipUai , Phone 353RI3 =

W a n te d — L iv e s to c k -

w w n r e & ^ L D ^ ^ y ,

WANTTO TO B U Y ^A T T L E M all kUids Leo BecksMsd Pbon> ,

. i u !WANTED-PIGS, 80 TO 100 LBS T

Phone 808R3. alter 7 P M B P ,I f r d . ___________ • _ ^WANTED - OLD O R IP P tjb AND

dead hones end cows R R Nmm ^ oerry Phone Filet 18113 . ^

- F d r S a lo - P o u l t r y ^ ° \

RHODE ISLAND "r t o HA'TOHtNa --eggs, Pbone 817R3, Patrick Wynn. ^

B A R R E D ROCK ROOSTERa ‘ !cheap. 443 No. Blue Ukea Blvd. uii

P h w e 1148. oti

POR SALE-STATE ACCREDrTED Rhode Island Red eggs. Elsie

Plowerdow. Pbone 878r8.

r o R SALE-400 LEOnORN HENS. _ 1 and 3 years old. Pbooe 11S4J4. F (

J. A. F l y n n . ___ . 1

FOR SALE-ARISTOOBAT'b' aR- “ ted Rock letUng e n s . J. H. Bry- TV

an t. Maurfce ave. Phone 1357W. 1 . . . . - (hi

FOR iSALB> MAMMOra BRONZE j . -turtey*.-extT8-tlne breedUi«.«oc»- Pricea right Mrs-OUtford Denney FC Bjiteltoii. Idaho <

S w o N l r S j c ^ B r a A n r L : ^ Sbom baby chicks and Rhode islana m

Redi Also do custom bstcblag. R « - = le rta Quality Hatchery Phone ISBSj'J

.^ J > ^ ; f r o n J iO T n .a D ( l l f t^ £

cunt always r w heavltt lo puuttt m Tues., W ed. Priday and & t. are clean " up days. Custom batchUig 4e per 40

T v to Fam and J ^ e . — - ........^

” F o r S a le — Autom trtjilM ” ■

FOR BALE-OH w h x -n iA D S Igif W -flTS .pattettgei-iedan.U L tood.iiif. ; 1 chanlcal condUlon for tm tll elty or- A ipertjr a a t i r M ii . Wofte 199a. -iM,

. . - - J g g g g B g g g ^ -Jk

.t> lA .yiN 6r -W M ESl O f A • — • ,

M O tT

n ,

in ities”- r r : j , i

i i iP r b le s s io n a l

' ~ A T f0 B N E i5 ^

Ih a d iT o o o in . Roomt 4 tiank aod Trust BuUdiag Phooe e.

V.'C DUNN .lluio*u3 a n d T s ^ Rice Building. •

t. 0. U a U - ^ e t Clot' Bwk I t m

OUN W. ORADAM-^Uwyir BlSi and Trust Builduig Phne93»-W

IWEELEY A S W e k e Y ^ a iro tf lc c i ~ Moorman BuUdlng.

k t . M T E R S ^U vyir. Bank fedT rm t Balldtag Phoaa l3gi

B u s in ess

" ^ P L U M^ O

io ^ F L U M B I N Q A BEATINa - CO.—Show Room and Shops. 4

nurd east. Fhone 3g3.

JALLANTYNE PLU M D IN O * HeaUng C o ^ b e e t Metal Works.

*or heating tnubles, phone 331-W.

t’OWELL BBOSS^POR ? O U R plumWug troueies call 1172B

?rlce* reosonable. work guaranteea

■ “ in s u r a n c e

VUTO' iNBURANCi..Ar eovm gea P o tu r Reot Esu te Phone 374


i v A R B ® E j r a A V s n « ^AOE c o l ^ o a l asd vood Phone___

143. -

u 'm c n o L S t e a n s f e r a sto^

pnonf too____________ '


P. A. ROWAN-PaUiUog; paperbang- lng and kaUomUUni. 335 6tb aw .

t u t . Pbone 134W.


ALOERf E F B ^ S - Accredited vlolto teacher. PhQDe813J3

L o an s

f i 5 3 T S A 5 5 ^ w i i r * c o ~ ^

W O N E Y 'T O L O A N -PoriiR B E A t , eetate. <

f S s ia T F A R M L O A N IS A F S D * era! 8 H « . now avaUable. J . W ,

tfcDowell. phone QTljl. , ~

8 PER OENT LOANS. NO OOM* mlsalons. fUst clasa resldeaoe pro­

perty only CaU 300 or 1S3L

m 6 nE Y ”F0R STRMOOT LOAIW ^ -«n.fflodeni.D ous«i la TvUtJIaUa—A rtbur-U Swua A O a . ........ .................

DUR TEN YEAR FARM LOAN OF- fe n tbe oeit ot UiKretl ratea aott

repaymeut pfivUeget No eaib cdm- Dilstloa Leueh & WlUlami

fA M o w r a i N o A v r a i r c S A P aod desirable farm .oan 1 tn iis

me b u t tarm ioan propcelUon a m Btfered on the Twm FaU* trac t I t vUl pay you to *eo me Defore placug your loan 0 A ftot.nto-

F o r S a i e o r t i i c l B

P O R 6 A L B ,6 r T O A O ^ in b Model Natb’iM sa WrtU B el K.

» re N ew i____________ ________ _

r w o ' TON F iR ffr c tr r r iN O a l . ' falfa ; nev 3-bole Jobn Deere com

ibeUir. or vUl trade for young ttoek..';. W. KeUn. pentoe ttotel F 0R SAL&-3-YEAR-0LD JER8K ?' (

oov. Just fresh, vltti belter calf, < 9 e .v l] l . tM i] a jQ r .l^ tz n f ib ; .f iL .a .^ Oaughey. K a ^ n crtb. t t eait ot'

F o r R e n l— F a m i t ■ ^

» f lo r a s ’ .obcm ,-spjip

; tetvloe.M trd

Page 17: VIS NEV TH]E T V W ~:FAIJL SI)>AIL1Y'tnailUw ^ after tomorrow. ' Qotrti lau n d er ear hu been souneed nadr for Um trials aod

- S F E l "

IBEHIMillS. He r ma n V o ss , T w in F a lls

C oun ty R e s id e n t a n d F a r m ­

e r S in c e 1 9 0 7 , S u c c u m b s

Hrrman Va;?, r i f of T«ln FnlU foimty's mo.s: ami sub-h'.nii;i,il i)|oii«>cr riiL'cn.', <llfd « r ly

• Ciliirt.ij- nlu-.'tioon nt thc rrstdcnrp of Ills niul il.mshtfr. Mr.

. mid M r. C. il. Allrn, &10 Hecotid• iivfimc c;i'l, 'lllll \ilio;ii lie liiiil “

nintlr liit home for mjiiic innmhs ■ n.'.'iUi lollonrd iMii'ivS o( alxiiil fuur ’ ttcclti, V.M “8 old.

Mr. V..'.';-liad Ix-ii it r<'-.l(l<'ril ol _!lu.i coillllvy (or ZI yv:n:-. lilii'kliu his ”lionir on u I.inn fuur iiiilri soulh rnnrt n Ii:i1t mlV 'vc 't of T*ln FnllJ. J

h)5 iiiittl nbniit i n w yniM iiito *h«n • Inillii!: hr.iith cfimi'riicd liLi retire- :Kcni. Wllh hl.« f.-iiiiily of Ilvc Rlrls Hild Iwv.s, he cnriip licrc rurly lu 1007

. Irom Ojrtcii wlirrc he Ind been cii- I'atjfd. lei fnnalni: for ft <|imrter of _.

“ 11 I'fiitiirv. , 'fHr w.Ti Itorti 111 Eiiidcii, Ccniuiiy. "I

.»,iiiit.iry 2j. It'.:’, ;mil c:ii;ic lo thc «' L'lilli-d Siiitri ulirii ii youiiz nrnn ol ui I'boti; 21 jrar.'.. Hi: lUnl for u year ni or tao In IllliinU Ix-fore inovlD? m u'fMM;ird III Ul;ili and ihi*:i to Idnho. c'

Mr, Vn,>.'.',i Mile nnd llie niothrr ot ft-' llli children <!;nl In Ut,ih. 2.1 ycnr* cc iijo. 111* l i Mn'vivitl by Ilitrc dniish- leri nnd l«o luiii.i mid It grnnd- chlldrrii. Tlie MirvlvhiK rhilclreii are Mr.s. C*n. Allen, .^t^, J, O. Compton. ’T' MI.V! Miln Vius, Croricc Vm . u]| of a v m KalU. n:id Hrrnum Vou. Jr.. Hflenii, Moniaii,!,

Arransrmeiil.i for funeral wrvlees nvialtccl word liisl cvoiiliii; from the **' Mil in Montnnn,

Thf body re.«.i ftt lhe GrosMnan Jliiiera!-ii.irlors, .

' I i i i i i l 1■ ie w iiiiH ic T i

.— ^-1.-...-..------ . ..................... -- \-nA. Jury In dbtrlct eoiirl lierc yen- j"’|

IfRlny awftrded lo Chnrles Ii, Simp- '®'___ ten.J«lltEflHaj'iCtiflrdJJWiiC£-Jutl2^ "'J

mem for J200 Irom the T»ln Falls Feeder company Ior.200 acres of pas- J’‘' lure tha t was nol touched by the feeder company's nhcep, tosethcr "

:^-g«n-»tl3;U-tor^6Q=M rgC3i{-HtHI>' llial vas consumed by Uie eoiiipaiiy's cheep durlns Uie K u o n of 1937. Tiie Jur>''8 vcrdlct vaa sealed Biter ll wna reached Friday evenlns and was. !j[ reiunied to the coutt )eslerday ^ mornlni}.

Slnijaon, reprewnled by J, II. P® Uamcj. T uin FalU aliorney, sued ‘ the feeder company (or alleged - breach ot conlracl lo r purciiase ot ZOO Bcre.i ol p.nsiurr, nnd nllmaled the value ol the 200 acrcs llial was = : not UKd ai.»2,71 per acre. ..

Tlie Iccder company asserted Utal if, . . .lU IJocks Imd been ordered /rom the ^

premises, and Uiat .the Bgreemenl ^ , 10 purcliOM tlie pasture had oeen

broken In lha t m anner. Tiie com- , pany tendered paj-raent ot lUa.W tor tho pu tu re consumed.

U M l iS - f i i l - i l — lINfflmESiNT-

• Mr. and Mrs; Cloudo II. Dctwcller , and Mrs. F. C. Patterso^ have re­

lumed (rom Lebanon. brcRon, where they were called Morch » , by tiie , (atnl lllneu o( Edward Hnek. 87.1 (ather of Mrs. Deiweller and Mr>. ‘ Patterson.‘Mr. Ilack was a resident >

. o( Twin Palli (or a short Ume about eight years ago. D eath occurrcd the day (oIIoA'lnii arrival In Lebanoii'<£l his daughters nnd son>ln«law.

• • Mr. Hack is survived by his w id-'■ ow nnd (Ive sons and three da iijh -;

ter*. Mrs. Deiweller nnd Mrs, P a t- : lerson are thc only children In the |

, lamlly known here: o ilicn live I n ' Ihe coasi slntei, Tlie funeral was held Tuesday In Lebanon.

A T T H E H O T E I ^

noCEnSON — Charles ’ PIsck.! • nrcuicrion, W aililneion: -M ri l l . E. Ahle. Aimer Bciuilr, Lonnmonl. Col-

' orodo; M, A. Sim.i. Qurley: II, W, Conklin, OKdeu; Oitrland Blffle. Los Anseles; R. C. Oreen. Lorbii; Mil­dred Smith. Portland; noy Jonc.i. A.W. Wcart, Sail Lake Cliy; A, K. I

In s t i r c c ^ r ^A RE YOU I’ROTECTHl) |

■' U rt itliy o u r car U Insured you r - ^ r i a k j i eeripus-finimclal lo a pycj^ ,

tiuW'iu u 'd rlr t'lc ."E T ro’ a minnr

w h«*>wi b a re U> p«y U)o repair ' m \. Sow much beU«r U ts to

■ _ jiaT fl.jT O r-car.ttw if^ -* t.p ro itcw . _....“ t l o a - a g i lM t- a U n ie h money



Pofo sixteen


i ___^

\ 'M r 5I “Papa anyH llnelr i:.r „ i.llncy, but tliI 'h e nln'l. lie 's coin' (n E lvr.rir o Cl- ’ Uryrlr fur hertiln' Iil« laun ru l H ot

.1 don'l »m»ke Illl l’iii,l«rnl)-.iiir.- Ar

i E M i E j t i IT li GIID m ih

' . :fiulen

.. .Ed J . Ilotx■r!. who-'.'i il In Twin t'nlL'i i.rirr i<> ;-onie 15 yrnr.% | ni:o when lie niuiifi'ied u lili n , number cf lonil orrluud iirnjic;.''. • und wa» iiLio tni(Tr.M< <l In inliiUm | R n l Conlncl. mnirs lu for prmnliivnt; I . mention In ctmiirciinn kuIi n m’t i U cent joiU ftrilie In what to known M the IniiiiTlnl dWrlci la i-.mdrr I counly. Neviida. 1

Mr. Iloboru ni>u .......... i:i Sanl-’rnncl/.co nnd h .i' li' n i ' . n i t t y m - j KnRpd In nitiilin: Ii-avinKiTwin >'all.i. With tan‘‘ (i;iii’r iinT.s hc iiUA ln!fh cciiii|ilri''d <x- o f tenMvc iampllni! (il ilii' drpiv-iw deidrd lo tiic Iniiirri:il (lold Mini's foriiorntlon of whkh In- Ls oia' ot tho orRnnlzerx. '

Tlic property Li .■.ilil tf) coninlH the b rc c i t body ot Irii millUit: or'p ol commercial i:r.idr' (ipcm d in ] tiic we.ll within ihr iirc.-ciil nm eni- j . . Hon. iu commtnilii;: on the 'di-vel- opment the Commicrlal Ncun of , San Francisco cnrrlf.i tiie (ollowinc: ,

While many liltili-Krudc “ imiilc.i, were obUlned, n.v'.iyliii: Irnm J.w to | ' nearly *300 per lon, nnd widths o( | " ' 10 to 2 3 -(ccf Rave idgh nillllm :; t vTiliirjc-thp-nrcnmia.'-.'i-nr'nre k m : Iinlleiiled to nveraiic arouni! $7 i ie r j j ton. The reporLi .Hated lliat th e l ” ' ' mjiln ore body i:fc.>fni.s nn rM-cn-1 linnnl opporlunlly Inr n l;'.ri;e ion-I miBe oiwruUon. I t ti eilimBlfd Hint j thte ore cun bc mlnni nnd milled o l . „ ' n tolnl CO.M nol in fKcecd 11.60 piT \ton. In-n-lnme cntrarliv mill:------ '

BamplliiB of Ihe nnin deposit wn.i Mid lo show n width ot n t 100 leet nnd nn Indicated Irnutli of l.'-oo; < feet. Tills, i l Is decbrrd. couiileci, " f with tiie vaiuefl *hnwn by fiiinplini!. ‘ S'i’' Is Indlcntlve of n Roid drixvll x u r - : <>U' puulnic in mniwltude llial rf die I bn famous Hoinesliffc mine nnd ol In consldcmbly lilRher nvernRir nrndr. bir Enrlciimenl In tiie dLitrlci h wild ciil 10 estend over a inrse .area. n"'

. ____________ till

Binfilnheimer. KO', and Mrs. II,Churehiil. Bpokono; O, H, Payne. C. eriH. Pockcniiam. W. P. PnrMii, Jacob FnWaiter, Vincent Dnvis. Fronds For- ditber. Seise; Don Switzer, San Fran- Ihicisco; Iloiper Simpson, Wendell; B. lOU, Cauell. Senltic; Al II, Andemon, 'Denver; Mr. nnd Mr».-Ale*-Brcck- lc«moy, A. R. Brockmoy, Ponell Bulte, FMOre^an; Mr, and tiUs. T lu m u D. lui■Itcff ■ ___________r—t—

/jMTrade You That su p 1

I’ul nouble Eaele* on no*;I 'Riiit be like new. T hcir <lcc|

Weather Tread in almo«t «]nu is super-loujih: the Supert Buper-endurance.

These are (he finest l i m n recardless of e o i t Imilate breouxe of Ihe crealer

■ ' ' Goodyear enjoys by. bulldii all tires told llf A n'erlea. '

Arold the r{ski. delays and t mean. Obtain, also, b IjIi:r< by seelnjr u i now. Wo eai Eradex and back th e n with (

— T ------ful7««iirouad”serrlce^

- l ow 1930]


Officc and Shop Phone 250 OrficJoI Boech Afncncto .Bales and Service S tation

'_______ T?

l i i i e l i r

QlllRI[|yBEPflfiT8s' - . Idl

- T w in F a lls - C o u n ty . C o m m ls-

_ s io n c r s . P ro v id e for. In n o ^ jl )

v a t io n in N ew C o n t r a c t iK|Mfu

An nnnual Tw in Folln county audit I!i Including a qunrierly clieck on the | rccord.i nnd rr|>orLi uf c.icli counly ' r i oftlce aitd dcp.irlMrrnl will bo (ur- f l

Inl.iiicd iindl-r cnntracl neantloted by I the counly fnmmlMlonen w i th », Chnrles II. IJavu, locnl representative t ol llyron Ui’feiibach and Sons and* Ar-'.nclair.i, public nccountarits, il ' . wn.i niiniiunrcd l,Mt evcnliiB.■ The iimiiii'rly check on county of-

flrr.n un'.t ilrpiirliitenls Is on Innova-1 tlo inn “uilliln^^^o . Jw lii Falls county |

Undrr thi- contract, an niidll 'lo be iii.idr for two yenrs bfitlnnlng 1

.J a n u a ry , 1K9. wllh n report on tiie ,Jfi :fiu.irlcrly niWU.i lo be mnde a l tiie ■ ["' lend o( each thrcc-monihs period

■ 'durhiR the current jesr.■| ° ' j ----------- --------------- Cll


i fiEG M O W IH l! • heI -------- lllll

S p c a k e r s .B e fo r e G ra n g e S e s - S

s io n in F i le r D e s c r i b e 'S '

' D e v e lo p m e n t o f B u s i n e s s e s _____ j :.o

PII.Et{. March Tl (Sp«lnl lo Tlie ' New»)-Coop«aU;<^-dalrilnt(-«ndl--RE tlons nnd (rowlli hi Twin Fails roun- 'r ty and Ip.i.oiiihrrn Idaho were de-i '

I clured to bi- and to |I promise Rrimih. by tpcakers nt n ' S [ meetlnc oi tlu- I' ller Ciraitcp iierc Iilii TIk ; ntKht; which was nttrndnl by u br^o lulc Inuuiber—or vuitors - trom'- oilior-Vct^ iRrnnRcs. Ou.stnv Kun;:. flulil, | Pfii I deni o t the Twin F,i:n c'liimty Dairy- "IH [men's iij.'.uciiitliiii, on the Mib- cnp

T]ecrnT conpfr.nrfiiT,"onrnieiriic.'nM~~P-~-* i been nil ndvociiic lor ninny yeurs, -ccn i Merle E, Il'-cd. iiiiui.iRcr ol the ^ iiluhl ptiiiit ot lh" .li'ionir Cooper-|Pfl'

-LaUva..t:muui:rj. urmd iiiuliitciiurce iDs io l llic liir.Mrr.t Sliiii(l;ird ol n u a m y ; '^ \ hi prwlitcilon of all dairv products, •I O- T . Kosier, T.viii Fitll.i, niannser 'n f lhe Jerome Cooiicrallvccrciimco'. i®'.’ I liild lhal lhe er.'iiinrry r.ow pro*|^*''; tlurcn rliher In Jeimiie or In 11*1'’ , [ bninclie.i rverythlns tlial Is produced in ft modern ire,inicry, lie nnmed butter. Ice rrram . dried buttermilk. SC culturcd buttermilk, cottaRr cheese niKi Cftseln, In addillon lee nnd dls* ttllert water nre produced, ' •

Join) S, Fcldhusen, Held reprucn- 1 latlve of tho Jeroine • Cooperative ors crenniery.njid master ol Uic Twin, thc Falte OrnnRe. spoke on gewral con- Ing dItlon.H tn the dairy business and.on Del Ihe .iiibjrct of cooperation as applied wa; Id da iry lrj. cle<

Tlie creamery company turnlshed cloj lee-crenm. nnd the women ol-Ute slsl Pller Clranite (uriiWicd m1:c lor tiie Ne! tuiiclicaii wUlclx tollowed llw meet- me I'lg- T..

E ag le*

ur T jres5^ 'for Tires' t l

o»; next summer Ihey’il <I«P-eul, durelooleil A il. , dnuble-thlek; Ihe-wLber

perlniai Cord body has

M CMMlytar e«n produce ilated bul neter equaled j;,experience and u r ln c ii r .1.

ilidini: ftiore th a n ' \\ of- ■’■ »-l

md expcnie lhat otd lire* JifiIliRer Iradc-in atlowineo (o• carry fioflyiyean in atlIth our courteous, witch-_____________

iO l ’ricM , S


• n nH


THREE FACE CHARGES OF-Tl furnishing CIGARETTES IIThree misdemeanor complalnia

BlIeslnR lum lshing o( c isareltts to -minors were filed by W .O.Burchard, -. Cftsiltlord, In ptobale ccutV h tr« TO-

I duy.I Uciendnnls named In Ihese acUoiu p .

■ t'are Ed Gfaybeal.'iitlejed to httve-fur'.' nlihi^ c ljarettcs to M»urlee Burch-

:;u{U-on-Marcii IIS; IllfJ. Alley, ae* , ,. Inuetl of (iirnlshins (orblddentmokea

. I to i.loyd Dohannan on Msrch 3. and iMr^ John Oliver, allesed to have lurnbhed cisarettea to Maurlco

' Iiurchard last December 37. TI ■ J .---------------- cla:

Til: M TE K TO ?j j i s s jca iiG o n ?

Nrlshbors' and Irlends of the late I James fi, McClilRoit during his resl- •.n.p ; d tnet nl some n ye an l« Twin PbH»

! church here Saturday mominc to h'A' I pay Uielr losl respects a t funeral n.p' Mrvlce* conducted by the Rev. P a - this

: ther Reml s . Keyicr. Burial was In e j;: the Flier cemetery and Ihe body w u bomii to lU last re.ulng placo by A. .'cj,, O, Msdlund, Oeorse Anlhls a t ^ ^ tj ClKJter KreiiRel of Twin Falls, anO OtnrKc E/hurdl. Fred J, lUoss and Al Hiis-wli ol riler.

Mr. McClllffoil's death occurred lnil Thiirulay (ollowlns on operation /

‘ III the counly eeneral hospital here. T‘ Ilr WM lor 13 yeors o resident of Fnl; I-'ilcr wiicrc.he H'ax.enitoited In bus- thr< incM 111 ll blitcksmlili. Five years oto he purchftscd u farm near Murtaugh mor mid made Ills home Uiere alnce tha t time. Hr Is survived by hts widow nnd lour chlldrcn. all ol whom a l- tended the (unoral Mrvlce, Thc sur-

' viviiii: chlldrcn nre Clifford McEl- IllKoit. J,mies McElllgait and Mrs. !»' Mnrle Moore, nil of Los Angeles, and ^

1 Etilih McElIlKOlt. Bt home. ‘ __________________tlitf

-R E L A -T IV E S -P L A N -R IT E S—


S110SII0NS.'Marcii 23 (Special to ,inyThe N easi-F in ierai services for Uie bu.illutc.Joiin W. Savlcrs, 00 Civil war nienveteran. and .resident -.of- C a m a s-----Priilrle mid Shoshone (or 34 years,- -tiwlll bc held In tiie Methodist Epis- F-.mcnpsi church here cn'Siinday n t 1:30 nlni;

ccmctery. of ll Mr, Snvlers' dealh occurred Insl

Prlday nl the Veterans’ hosplUl In —nniii. «i-ire-jic_iiart been a potlent fgm

by hts widow and three children.Mrs. A, I. McMahon. Shoshone; Mrs.S. D. Perrlne and Oeorge D. Salvers, both or Tv.'ln Falls, and a number of Rrnndciilldrca and great grand­children.



The Mysterious Four club met and orsanL-^d Thursday a t 7:30 P. M. a t the iiome of Shhrley Melson. by elect­ing Shirley NeUon. pretldent, and o a Betty Mark, secretary-treasurcr. I t _ was decided to hnve a code and to — elect other members later on. Al the f ^ close of Ihe meetlns. the hostess^ as- slsted-by-hcr-m olher. M n: L .‘ N. Nelton. ser\-ed delicious refresh- meftU. M emben a te sWiScnls In Kbn


te' J Standard le* jif; Tlr«DIFFERENCE -----


hat G rip!\ ■(

You'll N oticc Double E agle - T ire s I

• E veryw here

Everj-wliere, on thc ta ta o t people wlvo

■ demand tne bc*t. you •' ' wlll u e Double Ea«te : q u l p m e n t a l lsround. Ju s t notice for yourself.

- f - -----------------( -------- T“ -

Here. (00, more peopU ' rrtUt.w. C ^ . « « ^


i le jC o ._ _3 IN THB WEST

Parts Phono 298 rimken, New Departure and I Hyatt ^ r i R R p i8lributor> |


ira m E T iT L E sCn

-------- dui

C e n te n d e r s -F ro m H e r e - W il l j , ';

. .M e e t , M e rid ian i n . I n t e r - 1 ,*

D is tr ic t F o re n s ic C o n te s t 11.1lia<

— forr* ln F11IL1 debitcr^ have been de- l>l“

flarfd dLMriet champions l i ' u a j alftislnud insl cvcnlnj by U. N. Terry, *>*■:liuh nrhool principal, and wlll en ter Insan l;itrr*dWricl debate with Werld- f'allan, i.ontcnders, winners In Uie BoUe cat' OLitrk'i Wllhln a week, on a date nndIII B i>lacr U) be asreed on. ['f‘*

In L.i.iKm Jdalio, Preston won In ^ ■ the rocitello dLitrlci, and ncxbunr III tho Idaiio Falls district. TlioM- ACl wlniiiiij icanw will compete Uiere. •nirrn wns no debate In the Aico-Midiny dlMrlct thU yenr, Lewiston p r

d'Ali'iir Is .lalil lo be tiie winner In llierxirrm e n w ;^ m dlslrlcl. Uiough t tlilrn.'B nofUfciTofflcniUy conllrm- I

. ^nllowliie iheM iiler-dUitrlcrcon- tcii.i, arniiiRemenl.i will ix made for a ui.msuiar stale coiilKt. V

-------------------------- CllB

D E A T H S ■

’ I'O/lD-Kdwnrcl c . Ford, « , Twin FnlLi counly rr.\ic!rnt /o r about thrro ypura pani. and recenlly of KimlKrly, dlrd r a r l y Saturday m ornlnj ot the ciimiy Keneral hc»- . li pltai here followlni; an ojieraUoii.. _ Arr.mii)jnlpd by tl;c' -.Udow and two _ * xurvivinK clilldieii. Eleanor, 13. and i:da;iid, 8, lhe body will Iw taken .Monday lo the (ormer Ik'.tic nt liiivrlock. North Dakota, w lrrc Mr,I'lird wft.1 emplnycd to.* mnny year^11.1 n miner. The body rojiU now a l tlitf Drnko funeral parlors Iutc,

e tn

“A T f N O U N C E M E N T S ,™

KImberiy CranKe wlll meet Tues- by day evenlns. Mnreh iC, Imporlnnt a . 1bu.ilii-M ll to be tranuicted. nml ail and members ure urged lo be present. ,

•Thc Twill Falls chapter of thc aEiiMrra Slur wlll mccl 'I'lic.iday eve- Anlm; nt ilie Mar.nnlc Tiinplc, There « j win~i)r n7::n;iinT5ir ' Tin;' inembeM uf the SVviidclt chaplcr will be guests.



Uic I 'sp i I hei

neiialrlriif J*’'!

TIIO .M ET/: TOI* A N D ' co

nO D Y W O R K S

Ilaek ol Daneeland pte

T h a t ~ R

' S O M E T

CAlle s ‘


= = p s ip trO T 5 E is r5 S S r :

- — — $3-7:5

7 ' S I N C L ]"QmUly Almiyt at a



Alleglns oueity m sniresltd by fffUlt-flndinR'‘eonllhulng over a pe­riod of more thsn 10 years, Elmrr Crawford. Oreson Short L ine eoij- d u c to r ,^ m ^m inijia l uft- i r d i i :

M rs-tnoslnT C r a w l 2 r d * ' t r w ^ ‘ was married In Montpelier, Idaho in .he foil‘ of 1910. Since Au«u*t 1928. when slie left tlielr home here, taking the furniture, Mrs, Crawford has made her retidence a t their former home In Pocatello, th e eom- plolnt allcRe* Crawford a^ks for as- slftnmem by ijje 'court of commu- nlty property consUtinu of a dweli- Ins Bt 013 Second aveniu wcM. Twin Falls, and u house arjJ lo u in Po­catello, acquired a lier the inarrlage, and for decree eAUibltihliiR his sep- nrnte title lo aiioilier house and loU in Poealello that lie .had belore Uio morilnKr. i ic is reprtsenled In <iie action by J . n , Botliwcll, and W. Orr Clinpinan.

s i t t i m M -UTEJOSE|FLETCIIEIW llh Mtleinii service In th e Wiilte

cliBpel here Saturday nfternoon. o (Inni tribute was paid In Uie Inte Jo­seph Fletcher, 79. resident o l Twin Falls (or 20 years, ond fnthcr of Mrs.C. V. Hinkle, T«'ln Falls, ond Mra.W, H. Hopkln.1. Elalnorc. Catllomla, whose d ta lh occurred suddenly at Paenlello Jn.iC .Momfjy wlilfe he was returiilnn alter a v'wit nt the ijome ol‘| liLs daughter In California. '

The llev, Janie-, Millar ot Uie Presbytcrlnn church, delivered a I brief luneral rernon. brUiRlng ii mes- a snse c l comlon nnd iHvlne awur-1 Q nncr. The .lervlcj Included ting- j I iiiirby'A-.-Wllton 1‘cclc ol two hymns, 0 "ilock o( Arcs" nnd "Somewhere the | Sun is Shining." — 1

IntcrmcQl wa.n In Twin Falls cem- eti-ry beside the grave o l Mrs. Flutcifer wiicse death occurred .here on Mnrcli 30, In-it and the body wa* borne lo Itt last reslins place by L, A, Chnpln. W. T. Combes, n .A. ReynoldJ, Jack Plnce, C. P . Jaucli nnd D, D. Uynn, .

A GREAT DISCOVERY^ W G R E th a n -h a lf t r c e n h n y nra,- * '* th e d is c o v e jy w a s m a a e th a l e m a /s r ' / i c a t i o n h e l p e d m ake c od-livcr o il casjr_to ta k e a n d [ .d li^ a L .:_ lt.a the .adng ta tion -oL L th is p r in c ip le in

SCOTFS EMULSIONth a t h a s m a d e possib le t h e w idfr s p re a d u se ond rea liza tio n o i the heallli-rav in s b e n e f i t s o f d x l live r o il.

Where thereis need for . eodAioer oil—S c o t t '* £ m a / s /o n uiill se roe (h o t V m n e e d a d e q n a i e l y a n d TW. p teosan tfi).' '

Mrn j; y l o i s m o r e t h a n t h e

i t o i v p a t t o r n o r e u t o f

s u i t — f o r t h e m a n

. a t \ y e a r s t h e c l o t h e s

l a y s a n i m p o r t a n t

l i e , t o o ! T h e s a m e

lit*, w i l l i i i a k e o n e

i a p : l o o k ' l i k e r a ; . t a i l - -

• 's d u m m y a n d a n -

; h e r l o o k l i k e h e

: e p p e d f r o m t h e

i g e s o f “ V a n i t y

• l i r . ”

e p ride ourselves on 0 k n ac k o t f it tin g e r ig h t clothes to the gh t m an and help ing ir-custpm ersdi'oss-in- e m a n n e r m ost be- irning"ttf“cai3lr1rrdi^ dual.

i f o n a g l g t f e s l ^ g j ^

: 5 0 UP _____

A IK ’S0 Modemte Piic^’

, MARCH 23, 1930

q c r a i N i

--------------- — M A IN -A T-2N D


__ Silk I

I n M lf i 1I iKiIhipGiI '' ^

. . . . . . \ I I

l l *'

i ' ^

— Ncv> tmsrt and ' are the Spring dn

xniny, many oet------ —----<white-collir»-an

make them as imi

Spring Er

. 'We know how many v mcn wili welcome these

■~~'iemb!«r.~TKey’frio l

(ofc and ferine . , .• illk blouses iri Mntrartii

— — w l l l 'b i - d c l i g h w r T m h " pew chad^

NEYCO.D -S T rE A S T ----------------- —


Dresses,WilK ImporfanT

Sfylo Touches — on ly —


$14.75 ~ ■

The to rt o f froclu tliat fill to msny placea in the average

•^■j'rdrobe. ’K^caf th tm .und tr c o a ts . . . v t i t them on the street, without a coat . . . and you will look ai smart as if you lu d spent your entire budgeF M one frock . . .Inttead of saving coough to buy two or threci

id iniinitely w ara tle . thes# .. drestes women will wear fo r xcasionti U tei of flares,and-<u(fs,-fem im r»-d«i«ls— r- —m a t as higher priced models.^


^ 2 4 ^ 5 :

' . . 1 : ^

wcll-dre^wH xro^ ae three-piece cn \ . "smiut,' j» w b r; ] _

. w ith d i a r i n l n f f ' ^t ing colon. ~Yoa ~'~......... . di - the-.variety.. d £ - - - >

.......... ,■ ’ ?