virtual memory primitives for user programs

CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems Virtual Memory Primitives for User Programs Presentation by David Florey

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Virtual Memory Primitives for User Programs. Presentation by David Florey. Overview. This paper provides basic primitives, how there used and the implementation details on various OSs Discuss the various primitives and how they are used (in user level algorithms) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Virtual Memory Primitives for User Programs

CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems

Virtual Memory Primitives for User Programs

Presentation by David Florey

Page 2: Virtual Memory Primitives for User Programs

CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems


This paper provides basic primitives, how there used and the implementation details on various OSs

Discuss the various primitives and how they are used (in user level algorithms)

Discuss the performance on various OSs Discuss the ramifications of these uses

(algorithms) on system design

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CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems

The Primitives (VM Services)

TRAPo Facility allowing user level handling of page faults (protection or otherwise)o An event that is raised (in the form of a message or signal from OS)

PROT1o Decreases accessibility of a single pageo A procedure call (via messaging, trap to OS, etc)

PROTNo Decreases accessibility of n pageso A procedure call (via messaging, trap to OS, etc)

UNPROTo Increases the accessibility of a single pageo A procedure call (via messaging, trap to OS, etc)

DIRTYo Returns a set of pages that have been touched since the last call to dirtyo A procedure call (via messaging, trap to OS, etc)

MAP2o Map two different virtual addresses to point to the same physical pageo Each virtual address has its own protection levelo This is in the same address space (not two different processes or tasks or address spaces)o A procedure call (via messaging, trap to OS, etc)

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CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems

VM Service UsageConcurrent Garbage Collection

Stop all threads Divide memory into from-space and to-space Copy all objects reachable from “roots” and registers into

to-space Use PROTN to protect all pages in unscanned area Use MAP2 to allow collector access to all pages while

preventing mutators from accessing the same pages Restart threads As mutator threads attempt to access pages in to-space

that are unscanned, TRAP event:o Stops mutator in its trackso Calls collector, collector scans, forwards and UNPROTs pageo Mutator allowed to continue

At some point this process is restarted and all objects left in from-space are considered garbage and removed

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Concurrent Garbage CollectionABCDE


From-Space To-Space





From-Space To-Space



A1.Data.B (Protection Fault)

Mutator Thread

A1 F1 F1

Collector Thread Forward B->B1



A1.Data.B1 B1



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CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems

VM Service Usage Shared Virtual Memory

Each CPU (or machine) has its own memory and memory mapping manager

Memory mapping managers keep CPU memory consistent with the “shared” memory

When a page is shared, it is marked “read-only” (PROT1) Upon writing this page, a fault occurs in the writing thread

causing TRAP event associated Mapping Manager Mapping Manager uses trap to notify other MMs, which in

turn flush their copy of the page (this mechanism may also be used to get an up-to-date copy of the page)

Page is then marked writable (UNPROT) and written MAP2 is used to allow the trap-handler to access the

protected page while the client cannot TRAP is also used by MM to pull down a page from another

CPU or disk when not available locally

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Shared Memory







Protected with PROT1




Threadattempts to

write CTRAP

Mapping manager trapswrite fault and tells other

mapping managers toflush their copies





Access to Callowed because of


Thread resumed andallowed to write to C








If thread in CPU2needs C, page faulthandled by Mapping

Manager whichretrieves up-to-date C

from CPU1

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CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems

VM Service Usage Concurrent Checkpointing

Checkpointing is the process of state such as heap, stack, etc – which can be slow

Instead of a synchronous save, we can simply use PROTN to mark the pages that need to be saved to disk read-only

A second thread can then run concurrently with the user threads writing out pages and UNPROTing each page as its written

If a user thread hits a “read-only” page, a fault occurs TRAPping to the concurrent thread which quickly writes the page and allows the faulting thread to continue

Could also just do this with the DIRTY pages using PROT1

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CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems

Concurrent Checkpointing

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Concurrent Checkpointing With DIRTY

1 2 3 4

1 Use DIRTY to see which pages have been modified


1 2 3 4

Pages 1, 2, and 4 are dirty so PROT1 each of these, then executeoriginal algorithm

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CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems

VM Service Usage Generational Garbage collection

Objects are kept in generations The longer an object lives, the older its generation Typically garbage is in younger generations, but an old

object might be pointing at a young object so… Use DIRTY checkpointing to see if pages containing old

objects were changed, objects in these DIRTY pages can be scanned to see where they point

Or PROTN all old pages and TRAP to a handler when old page is

written to, save page id in a list for later scanning and UNPROT page so writer can write

Later, collector can scan the list of pages to see if any objects within the pages are pointing to younger generations

Why use a small page size here?

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Generation X Generation Y

The Problem (in red), older generationpointing to object in younger

generation, which means we can’tcollect that object

1 Use DIRTYPretend each generation is in its own page for now

Page 1

Generation X Generation Y

Page 2

Time t1 (nothingDIRTY)

Page 1

Generation X Generation Y

Page 2

Time t2 (p1 is dirty)

At t3, collector kicks in and scans the listof dirty pages for reverse dependencies

2 USE PROTN, TRAP to create a list of modified pages

Page 1

Generation X Generation Y

Page 2

Time t2 - PROTN all GenXpages

Page 1

Generation X Generation Y

Page 2

Time t2 (p1 is being written to, Add to a list andallow the write to continue (UNPROT page)

At t3, collector kicks in and scans theMANUALLY created list of written pages

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CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems

VM Service UsageOthers…

Persistent Storeso Can use VM services to protect pages, trap on writes and persist dirty pages on

commit or toss them on aborto TRAP, UNPROT and PROTN, UNPROT, MAP2

Extending addressabilityo After translating 64-bit32-bit pages may need to be protected so that a TRAP

handler can properly “load” the page for suitable access, then UNPROT ito TRAP, UNPROT, PROT1 or PROTN and MAP2

Data-compression Pagingo Compressing n pages into a couple of pages may be faster than writing these

pages to disk. The compressed pages can then be access-protected. When user then tries to access such a page, TRAP, decompress, UNPROT

o Could also use PROT1 to test access frequency of pageo TRAP, PROT1 or PROTN, TRAP, UNPROT

Heap overflow detectiono Terminate memory allocation with a “guard” (PROT1) pageo Upon access to this page call TRAP-handler which triggers collectoro Alternative is conditional brancho PROT1, TRAP

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Persistent Store Example& Data Compression Example

Page 1 Page 2




Page 1 and 2 are PROTNinstead of copy-on-wrtie


1a) Save A on Commit1b) Save C on Commit

2a, b) UNPROT Pageand allow write

Page 1


Page 2


Page 3


Compressed paged


Page 1



Compressed paged


Page 1


Page 2


Page 3



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CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems

Performance in OSs

Devised Appel1 and Appel2 based on algorithms’ patterns of primitive usage

Appel1o PROT1, TRAP, UNPROTo e.g. Shared Virtual Memory

Appel2o PROTN, TRAP, UNPROTo e.g. Concurrent garbage collection,

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CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems

Performance in OSs

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CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems

Performance of Primitives

All data normalized based on speed of Add instruction on CPU

Some OSs didn’t implement Map2 Some OSs did a crummy job of implementing

these primitiveso mprotect does not flush the TLB correctly

OS designers seem to be relying on old notions like disk latency

o Not relevant with CPU-based algorithms like these One OS performed exceptionally well showing

that these instructions don’t have to perform poorly

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CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems

Ramifications on System Design

Fault handling must be fast because we are no longer at the mercy of the disk – we can do it all in the CPU

TLB Consistencyo Making memory more accessible is good for TLB

consistency• One less thing you need to worry about

o Making memory less accessible in the multi-processor case forces TLB “shootdown”

• Stop all processors and tell each to flush entry 123 in TLB• Better if done in batches• In fact, paging out could improve if done in batches too

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CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems

Ramifications on System Design

Optimal Page Sizeo Some operations depend on the size of the page

• “HEY OS DESIGNERS LISTEN UP!”o Disk latency can no longer be counted on for crummy

designo Computations linearly proportional to page size are now

going to be noticed, so we might benefit by cutting down the page size

• Those algorithms that do a lot of scanning – like the Generational Garbage collector – would benefit from a smaller page size

o Also be aware that shrinking page sizes will cause more page faults and more calls to the fault trap handler, so its overhead must also be very small

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CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems

Ramifications on System Design

Access to Protected Pageso Mapping same page two different ways with two

different protections in same address space is FAST• Although it does add some bookkeeping overhead• And cache consistency could be a problem

o You could achieve the same results by copying memory around – only 65 copies and you’re there!

• Or pounding your head on the desk – that works tooo You could also use a heavyweight process and super

heavy RPC to context switch heavily, relying on the shared page between processes support in OSs

• Techniques employeed in LRPC and URPC can alleviate the context switch problem

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CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems

Ramifications on System Design

What about pipelined processors?o Out-of-order executiono Dependence on sequential executiono Only a problem in the heap overflow detection case

• Register tweaking can be a problem• All other algorithms work just like a typical page fault

handler – handle fault, pull page in, make page accessible

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CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems

Final Considerations

Making memory more accessible one page at a time, and less accessible in large batches is good for TLB consistency

The total performance effect of page size should be considered (fixed costs vs variable costs)

Locality of reference is exploited in these algorithms

o Better locality improves fault handling overhead (as data is closer to CPU)

Pages should be accessible in different ways in a single address space