viridis town report

ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Better Livable Town Representation A Better Livable Town Viridis Maximilian Lim Jake Yang 0319604 FNBE APR 2014 Maximilian Lim Jake Yang | 0319604 | Ms. Delliya | FNBE APR 2014 | Taylor’s University 1

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My report of my town for the ENBE Final project assignment. I'm from the FNBE April intake


Page 1: Viridis town report

ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Better Livable Town Representation

A Better Livable Town

ViridisMaximilian Lim Jake Yang

0319604FNBE APR 2014

Maximilian Lim Jake Yang | 0319604 | Ms. Delliya | FNBE APR 2014 | Taylor’s University


Page 2: Viridis town report

ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Better Livable Town Representation

Content:1. Introduction – page 3

2. A Town – page 4-5

3. Investigation & Data Collection: Ancient and old cities/town - page 6-8

4. Investigation & Data Collection: The present towns/cities- page 9-10

5. Investigation & Data Collection: The future and better township – page


6. The New “X” Town / Or the new name – page 13-20

7. The Conclusion – page 21

8. References list – page 22

Maximilian Lim Jake Yang | 0319604 | Ms. Delliya | FNBE APR 2014 | Taylor’s University


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ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Better Livable Town Representation

1. IntroductionThis is the final project for the Element of Natural and Built Environment. We were

supposed to pretend to be the mayor of “X” Town. A new town has to be planned

because it is facing the problem of it being too crowded. My task in this project is to

propose a new layout of my town is to overcome this problem. I am required to

research the past, present and future cities in order to plan this new town layout.

The objective of the project is to expose the elements of the natural and built

environment in their basic unit, form and function. It will allow for the exploration of

their symbiotic relationship and thus, create an understanding of the importance of

maintaining the balance in such a relationship.

Maximilian Lim Jake Yang | 0319604 | Ms. Delliya | FNBE APR 2014 | Taylor’s University


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ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Better Livable Town Representation

2. The TownDefinition

According to the Oxford Dictionary, a town is a built-up area with a name, defined

boundaries, and local government that is larger than a village and generally smaller

than a city.

The reason my town is called Viridis is because it means ‘Green’ in latin. This

represents the objective of my town, which is to implement green technology

throughout the area. The population of my town is around 8000 people with the size of

10.44km – 11.54km.

What makes a town?

A town is usually a place with a large community and many buildings, but it is not a

city. For cities, there is more than one way to say what a town is in different countries.

Generally, the difference between towns, villages and cities is the kind of economy

they have. The citizens in towns usually get money from industry, commerce and public

service but uncommonly from agriculture. The population size of a town does not

define whether or not it is a town or a village. For example, India has a big village that

has a larger population than a small town. Besides that, sometimes a place is called a

city because it got the name “city” by law. But, people often claim it is a town because

of its small size. In the Middle Ages, a place became a town because of a charter, which

gave it town privileges. As town privileges, a monarch will grant the town special rights

which included – the right to have a market to form guilds or freedoms to determine

the government of the town.

Maximilian Lim Jake Yang | 0319604 | Ms. Delliya | FNBE APR 2014 | Taylor’s University


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ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Better Livable Town Representation

What makes a good town?

A good town must have the suitable population, zoning, accessibility, density,

transportation management and services.

1. Population – The population size of a town must not be too large as it may

cause overpopulation which may be hard for the town to handle.

2. Zoning – A town must have an appropriate zoning plan. A bad zoning plan

may affect the suitability for people to live in the area.

3. Accessibility – A good town must have the appropriate transportation

management and good walkability.

4. Density – The density of a town depend on the population. So, a good town

should have a minimum density rate even if the population grows.

5. Services – A good town must provide good services such as transportation,

waste management and clean water.

6. Environmentally friendly – A good town must not contradict but compliment

the environment around it. Implementing green technology is important in

creating a good town.

Future Town

The idea of a future town would be similar as to the idea on creating a future

city. Jane Wakefield, a technology reporter from BBC states that if the cities of the past

were shaped by people, the cities of the future are likely to be shaped by ideas. Some

of these revolve around the idea that smarter equals greener. Carbon-neutral cities full

of electric vehicles and bike-sharing schemes with great air quality will help to keep a

town sustained.

Maximilian Lim Jake Yang | 0319604 | Ms. Delliya | FNBE APR 2014 | Taylor’s University


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ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Better Livable Town Representation

3. Investigation & Data Collection:Ancient Cities / towns

Introduction to the History of Ancient Rome

Roman architecture has provided us with magnificent structures. By combining a wide

range of materials, the Romans were able to turn architecture into an art form. The result was

that architecture became an imperial tool to demonstrate to the world that Rome was

culturally superior. Even more significantly, the Roman use of concrete, brick, and arches

twinned with building designs like the amphitheater and basilica would immeasurably

influence architecture all around the world right up to this present day. 

Key Roman buildings and architecture

Aqueducts and Bridges

The function of the aqueduct was to transport fresh water to city centers from sources many kilometres away


The basilica was used as a place for any large gatherings, most common being used as law courts. They were usually built along one side of the forum.

Maximilian Lim Jake Yang | 0319604 | Ms. Delliya | FNBE APR 2014 | Taylor’s University


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ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Better Livable Town Representation

Roman Forum

The forum was used as a market place and an area where people came together. Many buildings were built around it, such as government buildings, temples and palaces.


Baths for bathing and relaxing was a common feature in Roman cities. They are huge bath complexes with a diversity of rooms offering different facilities such as swimming pools and places to relax and socialize.


An amphitheater is an open air venue used for entertainment, performances and sports. These theatres were built in a semicircle, with tiered seating above a performance area.

Maximilian Lim Jake Yang | 0319604 | Ms. Delliya | FNBE APR 2014 | Taylor’s University


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Centuriation was a method of land measurement used by the Roman. It is characterised by the regular layour of a square grid. It may appear in the form of roads, canals and agricultural plots.

The study of centuriation is very crucial for reconstructing landscape history in many areas of the Roman empire. It has been said that this system inspired Thomas Jefferson to create a grid of townships for survey purposes.

Elements that can be used for my town

The idea of centuriation shows the importance of having a good grid system in a town. These are a few benefits of the grid.

1. Walkability – the grid provides a walkable street network.2. Adaptability – As land uses change constantly, new land use can easily be use

with the existing infrastructure.3. Economical – Rebuilding the same block is economical.4. Sustainable – Building the blocks in similar fashion throughout the town is


The buildings in Ancient Rome has easy accessibility and is very suitable for creating a good town with this idea. Moreover, the buildings in Rome has their own important function in keeping the city alive and sustainable and I hope to implement this in my own town.

Also, I will also be able to implement to aqueduct design as an underground railway system for my town.

Maximilian Lim Jake Yang | 0319604 | Ms. Delliya | FNBE APR 2014 | Taylor’s University


Centuriation near Cesena, Italy – Roman grid system

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ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Better Livable Town Representation

4. Investigation & Data Collection:Present Towns / township


Copenhagen had caught my attention because of how they have used their environmentally friendly ideas on their city. They have been called the World’s greenest city and they aim to be the world’s first carbon neutral city by 2025.


Creating a green and sustainable society is one of the key goals for Copenhagen. More than 20 percent of Denmark’s energy already comes from renewable energy and the goal is to reach 100 percent by 2050. These are a few of examples of the technology they use.

Wind turbines

Copenhagen uses 28 percent of wind power in the electricity system. Because Copenhagen is a very windy area, it helps explain why they are so skilled at capturing the power of the wind.

Green Roofing

Green roofs are a modern and climate friendly solution, providing citizens with green breathing spaces on the roof tops. These are a few functions in green roofings.

It helps keeps the environment cool. They contribute effectively to urban climate adaptation.

Green roofs save energy and prevent carbon emissions.

Maximilian Lim Jake Yang | 0319604 | Ms. Delliya | FNBE APR 2014 | Taylor’s University


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ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Better Livable Town Representation

It provides a protective shield against the damaging effects of UV rays.


Copenhagen has become an inspiration for other cities to become a more environmentally friendly city. Copenhagen is setting an example on how we can use sustainable green energy and modern design concepts to create a sustainable future for cities without creating a large environmental impact.

Elements that can be used for my town

I can implement some of Copenhagen’s green technology and design on my town to create an eco-friendly town while giving the people a high quality of life. The designs that I can implement are Copenhagen’s green roof policy and wind technology.

Maximilian Lim Jake Yang | 0319604 | Ms. Delliya | FNBE APR 2014 | Taylor’s University


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ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Better Livable Town Representation

5. Investigation & Data Collection:The future of towns and Better Towns

Hexagon Grid

The picture on the right shows a hexagonal grid neighbourhood unit designed by urban designer Barry Parker.

This design was regarded as a very economically efficient. It had many open spaces and high walkability. Children and other people would not need to worry about cross roads of cars to get to school as there’re no cars.


The large-scale urban farming concept called Greenbelt aims to provide cities with a way to utilize their own resourcefulness rather than depend on costly imported goods. The Greenbelt actually surrounds the city, using vertical, space-saving structures to support aquapronics (fish farming combined with soil free growing). Water is led to a hydroponic system where by-products from the fish are filtered out by plants as vital

Maximilian Lim Jake Yang | 0319604 | Ms. Delliya | FNBE APR 2014 | Taylor’s University


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ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Better Livable Town Representation

nutrients. Cleansed water is then recirculated back to the fish and the process continues. []


The hexagonal grid design is a great design that demonstrate how efficient the hexagon grid is towards creating a town. The Greenbelt design concept is also a great design in demonstrating the importance and the advantages in creating an eco-friendly town.

Elements that can be used for my town

I am able to implement this efficient hexagonal grid into my town as in can help in sustainability and walkability. The Greenbelt design can also be implemented to help improve my town to become a much better, greener and cleaner place.

Maximilian Lim Jake Yang | 0319604 | Ms. Delliya | FNBE APR 2014 | Taylor’s University


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ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Better Livable Town Representation

6. The New “X” Town - ViridisIntroduction

The people in “X” town because of reasons that is too crowded. As the mayor of Viridis, I will need to propose a new layout for my town. The reason my town is located with a lake is because the plays an important role in recreation and leisure activities for my town. My town also sources their seafood supply from the lake as it is a freshwater lake. The aim of my town is to keep it sustainable by using green technology and keeping away from the usage of fossil fuels. It is always aimed to give the citizens clean air and a pollution free environment. It will provide -

fresh, clean air by implementing green buildings, good walkability (no cars) in residential areas, Easy mobility for pedestrians to get from one place to another by public

transportation. Prevention of having an area that is too dense Renewable energy from lake.

Maximilian Lim Jake Yang | 0319604 | Ms. Delliya | FNBE APR 2014 | Taylor’s University


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ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Better Livable Town Representation

Location of my townMy town is located in Terengganu, beside a highway named Jalan Jabor Al Muktafi Bilah Shah.

Maximilian Lim Jake Yang | 0319604 | Ms. Delliya | FNBE APR 2014 | Taylor’s University


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ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Better Livable Town Representation

Residential area

The residential areas are located at the south part of my town. Both residential areas are far apart from each other so it will not feel too dense. I was inspired to follow Barry Parker’s design with a hexagonal grid. Reasons because it has many open spaces in each zones.

Each district will contain 11 residential areas, 3 pocket parks and 2 schools.

Not only that, schools are located at the sides of the areas and there will be no cars. So that it is entirely safe to walk around without worrying about cars on the road.

All cars will be parked at an underground car park beneath each residential area. Residents can use the elevator to go up to their houses easily from the car park.

Maximilian Lim Jake Yang | 0319604 | Ms. Delliya | FNBE APR 2014 | Taylor’s University


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Housing Typology

The picture on the right show the typical house in my residential area. It contains 4 floors. 2 being which are for one family. In other words, 2 families can stay in one house.

Each house also has been implemented green roofing with solar panels to generate electricity using solar energy. But most of its electrical supply will come from the city generators.

The elevator and emergency staircases is used for the families living on the upper levels.

Maximilian Lim Jake Yang | 0319604 | Ms. Delliya | FNBE APR 2014 | Taylor’s University


Sketch of a district in the residential area

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Commercial area

This is located at the center of the town and the north-west side. In the center of the town, is where a large plaza and the government buildings are located. Shops lots are built all around this area and the plaza.

On the north-west side of the town, its where part of the lake is located. This commercial area is built around this part of the lake. This is where a hotel built on the side of the lake is located. This is to improve the town on tourism so that visitors can enjoy their time in this town. People can also enjoy leisure activities such as fishing or kayaking on the lake. They can also enjoy the mountain view from there.

Agricultural area

Maximilian Lim Jake Yang | 0319604 | Ms. Delliya | FNBE APR 2014 | Taylor’s University


Perspective of a part in residential area.

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ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Better Livable Town Representation

This area is located at the north and the north-east side of the town. This is where most of the green harvesting is implementing. A sunflower farm is located so that sunflower oil can be harvest. Sunflower oil can be used to replace diesel oil and fossil fuels after being processed. A wind farm is located on the mountains where wind impact is high and a dam located on the lake at the bottom of the mountain. This is to generate electrictiy through renewable energy.

Green belt park

This area is located at the center of the town, around the town center. The function of this area is to prevent more development and implement more greenery in the town. Citizens can enjoy the parks and play sports, have picnics and do other leisure activities.

Maximilian Lim Jake Yang | 0319604 | Ms. Delliya | FNBE APR 2014 | Taylor’s University


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An underground railway system is implemented connecting to all areas in my town. The commercial area in the center of my town being the center of the connection.

Besides that, bus and bicycle lanes are implemented on the roads in my town. Like Copenhagen, people are encouraged to use more public transportation and bicycles as a form of transport in the town.

Sunflower oil will be used for petroleum based cars and electric cars are used.

Maximilian Lim Jake Yang | 0319604 | Ms. Delliya | FNBE APR 2014 | Taylor’s University


Drawing of the underground train station

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Viridis is a town that encourages healthy living is every aspect. The layout and every component of the town will function to enable quality living for the people.

Maximilian Lim Jake Yang | 0319604 | Ms. Delliya | FNBE APR 2014 | Taylor’s University


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Viridis Town Master Plan

Maximilian Lim Jake Yang | 0319604 | Ms. Delliya | FNBE APR 2014 | Taylor’s University


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7. ConclusionFrom this assignment I have learnt many things. One being that it takes a long

thought process to think about planning a town. There are many details in planning a town, each just as important as the other. The smallest mistake in these details will very much affect the entire town and will result in disastrous consequences.

I believe that people should learn to appreciate the cities that we live in. Many people work together to painstakingly plan a comfortable and suitable environment for the people to live in.

Maximilian Lim Jake Yang | 0319604 | Ms. Delliya | FNBE APR 2014 | Taylor’s University


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8. Reference LinksSustainable Cities Collective [online] Retrieved from: [Accessed: 14 July 2014] [online] Retrieved from: [Accessed: 30 June 2014]

E. Ben- Joseph & D. Gordon. Journal of Urban Design, vol 5, no. 3, 237-265,2000 Retrieved from:

BBC News Technology [online] Retrieved from: [Accessed: 14 July 2014]

Wikipedia [online] Retrieved From: [Accessed: 14 July 2014]

Wikipedia [online] Retrieved from: [Accessed: 14 July 2014]

Ancient History Architecture [online] Retrieved from: [Accessed: 14 July 2014]

City of Copenhagen [online] Retrived from: [Accessed: 14 July 2014]

Denmark, The official website of Denmark [online] Retrieved from: [Accessed: 14 July 2014]

Yanko Design, Form Beyond Function [online] Retrieved from: [Accessed: 14 July 2014]

Maximilian Lim Jake Yang | 0319604 | Ms. Delliya | FNBE APR 2014 | Taylor’s University