viola school - hle dealersb b c œ ≥ 0 œ œ œ œ 0 œ #œ œ 0 œ œ vivace (q = 96)f tutti #œ...

© 1993, 2000 Dr. Shinichi Suzuki Sole publisher for the entire world except Japan: Summy-Birchard, Inc. Exclusive print rights administered by Alfred Music Publishing Co., Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in USA. ISBN 0-87487-491-2 The Suzuki name, logo and wheel device are trademarks of Dr. Shinichi Suzuki used under exclusive license by Summy-Birchard, Inc. Any duplication, adaptation or arrangement of the compositions contained in this collection requires the written consent of the Publisher. No part of this book may be photocopied or reproduced in any way without permission. Unauthorized uses are an infringement of the U.S. Copyright Act and are punishable by law. VIOLA SCHOOL Volume 6 Viola Part Revised Edition VIOLA PART I VOL. 6 AMPV: 1.01

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Page 1: VIOLA SCHOOL - HLE DealersB b c œ ≥ 0 œ œ œ œ 0 œ #œ œ 0 œ œ Vivace (q = 96)f Tutti #œ œ œ. nœ œ œ≤. œ. œ≥ œ 1 bœ 3 œ2 #œ1 œ 2 œ0 œ 3 B b 4 œ Ÿœ œ4

© 1993, 2000 Dr. Shinichi SuzukiSole publisher for the entire world except Japan:

Summy-Birchard, Inc.Exclusive print rights administered by

Alfred Music Publishing Co., Inc.All rights reserved. Printed in USA.

ISBN 0-87487-491-2

The Suzuki name, logo and wheel deviceare trademarks of Dr. Shinichi Suzuki used

under exclusive license by Summy-Birchard, Inc.

Any duplication, adaptation or arrangement of the compositions contained in this collection requires the written consent of the Publisher.

No part of this book may be photocopied or reproduced in any way without permission.Unauthorized uses are an infringement of the U.S. Copyright Act and are punishable by law.

VIOLA SCHOOLVolume 6Viola PartRevised Edition


AMPV: 1.00AMPV: 1.01

Page 2: VIOLA SCHOOL - HLE DealersB b c œ ≥ 0 œ œ œ œ 0 œ #œ œ 0 œ œ Vivace (q = 96)f Tutti #œ œ œ. nœ œ œ≤. œ. œ≥ œ 1 bœ 3 œ2 #œ1 œ 2 œ0 œ 3 B b 4 œ Ÿœ œ4


Page 3: VIOLA SCHOOL - HLE DealersB b c œ ≥ 0 œ œ œ œ 0 œ #œ œ 0 œ œ Vivace (q = 96)f Tutti #œ œ œ. nœ œ œ≤. œ. œ≥ œ 1 bœ 3 œ2 #œ1 œ 2 œ0 œ 3 B b 4 œ Ÿœ œ4


Page 4: VIOLA SCHOOL - HLE DealersB b c œ ≥ 0 œ œ œ œ 0 œ #œ œ 0 œ œ Vivace (q = 96)f Tutti #œ œ œ. nœ œ œ≤. œ. œ≥ œ 1 bœ 3 œ2 #œ1 œ 2 œ0 œ 3 B b 4 œ Ÿœ œ4

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Vivace (q = 96)


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J. S. Bach

Concerto for Two Violins in D Minor, BWV 10431st movement

(Violin II arranged for Viola)*


* Violin I part can be found in Suzuki Violin School, Volume 5.