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VEST-ViOe-USG-002, REV B Page 1 APC Proprietary Information November 24, 2016 ViO Enhanced Model API Reference Manual VEST-ViOe-USG-002 Copyright © 2016 Advanced Products Corporation Pte Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be photocopied, reproduced, or translated to another language without the prior written permission of Advanced Products Corporation Pte Ltd.

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Page 1 APC Proprietary Information November 24, 2016

ViO Enhanced Model API Reference Manual


Copyright © 2016 Advanced Products Corporation Pte Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be photocopied, reproduced, or translated to another language without the prior written permission of Advanced Products Corporation Pte Ltd.


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TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Overview .........................................................................................................................................5

1.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ 5 1.2 List Of Acronyms ................................................................................................................................. 5 1.3 Reference Documents ........................................................................................................................ 5

2 ViO API Command ...........................................................................................................................6

2.1 ViO communication Protocol ............................................................................................................. 6 2.2 ViO API Command List ........................................................................................................................ 6 2.3 Peripheral Control Commands ........................................................................................................... 9

2.3.1 Move ........................................................................................................................................... 9 2.3.2 MoveToSensor .......................................................................................................................... 10 2.3.3 StartMove ................................................................................................................................. 11 2.3.4 Home ........................................................................................................................................ 12 2.3.5 SetPWM .................................................................................................................................... 13 2.3.6 GetPinValue .............................................................................................................................. 14 2.3.7 SetPinValue ............................................................................................................................... 15

2.4 Motion Profile Management Commands ......................................................................................... 16 2.4.1 SaveProfile ................................................................................................................................ 16 2.4.2 DeleteProfile ............................................................................................................................. 17 2.4.3 GetProfile .................................................................................................................................. 18 2.4.4 ListProfile .................................................................................................................................. 19 2.4.5 GenerateProfile ......................................................................................................................... 20

2.5 Configuration Access and Parameter Manipulation Commands ..................................................... 21 2.5.1 GetViOData ............................................................................................................................... 21 2.5.2 SetViOData ............................................................................................................................... 22 2.5.3 GetServoData ........................................................................................................................... 23

2.6 Project Management Commands ..................................................................................................... 24 2.6.1 SaveProject ............................................................................................................................... 24 2.6.2 DeleteProject ............................................................................................................................ 25

2.7 Script Execution Commands ............................................................................................................. 26 2.7.1 RunScript ................................................................................................................................... 26 2.7.2 StopScript .................................................................................................................................. 27

2.8 System Commands ........................................................................................................................... 28 2.8.1 GetFWVersion ........................................................................................................................... 28 2.8.2 ResetCard .................................................................................................................................. 29 2.8.3 PrepareForDownload ................................................................................................................ 30 2.8.4 Reset ......................................................................................................................................... 31 2.8.5 GetUnitID .................................................................................................................................. 32 2.8.6 SetKey ....................................................................................................................................... 33 2.8.7 GetKey ...................................................................................................................................... 34

3 ViO Objects .................................................................................................................................... 35

3.1 ViO Objects ....................................................................................................................................... 35 3.1.1 ViO System Objects ................................................................................................................... 35 3.1.2 ViO Daughter Board Objects..................................................................................................... 35

4 ViO Status and Error code .............................................................................................................. 41

5 Revision History ............................................................................................................................. 43


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6 Legal Notices ................................................................................................................................. 44


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Table 2-1: Command Data Type ......................................................................................................................... 7 Table 2-2: Command List .................................................................................................................................... 8 Table 3-1: Object index number grouping ....................................................................................................... 35 Table 3-2: ViO System Objects ......................................................................................................................... 35 Table 3-3: ViO Daughter Board Objects ........................................................................................................... 40 Table 4-1: Error Code List ................................................................................................................................. 42


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1.1 INTRODUCTION ViO Enhanced Model is a development tool designed by VEST for embedded control system application. ViO Enhanced Model consists of ViO hardware, ViO firmware and ViO IDE software. ViO firmware is pre-programmed into ViO hardware in factory and ViO API commands are sent from ViO IDE (or a host system) to ViO firmware for system configuration and device execution. The communication protocol used and a list of supported API commands will be presented in this document. For more information on ViO Enhanced Model, please refer to VEST-ViOe-QSG-001_ViO Enhanced Model Quick Start Guide and VEST-ViOe-USG-001_ViO IDE User Manual.

1.2 LIST OF ACRONYMS Acronym Abbreviation

VEST Venture Embedded Solutions Technology

APC Advanced Products Corporation Private Limited

ViO Venture IO

1.3 REFERENCE DOCUMENTS VEST-ViOe-QSG-001_ViO Enhanced Model Quick Start Guide

VEST-ViOe-USG-001_ViO IDE User Manual

VEST-ViOe-USG-003_ViO FCL Reference Manual

VEST-ViO-USG-001_Main Board External Reference Specification

ViO Daughter Board ERS documents:

1. VEST-ViO-USG-002_DC Motor Card External Reference Specification

2. VEST-ViO-USG-003_Stepper Motor Card External Reference Specification

3. VEST-ViO-USG-004_Power Control Card External Reference Specification

ViO Schematic Documents:

1. VEST-ViO-SCH-001_ViO Main Controller Board Schematic

2. VEST-ViO-SCH-002_ViO Brushed DC Motor Daughter Board Schematic

3. VEST-ViO-SCH-003_ViO Stepper Motor Daughter Board Schematic

4. VEST-ViO-SCH-004_ViO Power Control Daughter Board Schematic

5. VEST-ViO-SCH-005_ViO Sensor Daughter Board Schematic


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2.1 VIO COMMUNICATION PROTOCOL The communication protocol in ViO is a simple master-slave model. A command is sent by the host to ViO, and ViO will send a response back to host upon execution completed. The communication syntax is in ASCII string format as below

Commandname(para1, para2…)

For instance,

GetViOData() Move(S1DC, MOVE_ABS, DcProfile1, 20mm, NOW)

The maximum time between two bytes in a command is 250ms. When the time interval between two characters in a command string is more than 250ms, the command will be discarded and ignored.

In general, there are two types of response from ViO, immediate response and delayed response. For immediate response, a reply string is sent back to host immediately, normally less than 1 second. This applies to those get status, or set parameter commands. In contrast, the delayed response from ViO is for those motion control command, where a reply string is sent back only after the motion is completed.

Most of the commands and response messages of ViO are in ASCII string format. However, some commands and responses for the data exchange will contain partial data in binary format. For example the servo data upload and firmware upgrade commands.

As for the time when this document is prepared, the communication to ViO can be through USB or COM port. Communication through CAN, I2C and SPI will be supported in future.

Multiple commands from multiple ports are allowed. ViO will process the commands received in sequence on first-come-first-serve basis. However, when there are multiple motion commands sent for the same motor, the earlier command will be accepted and executed whereas the later command will be rejected with status code ViO_BUSY. Maximum characters at any time are 256 bytes, per communication port. The response string will be sent back to the respective port where the command is received.

2.2 VIO API COMMAND LIST In this section the API commands supported and the data type used will be presented.

The definition of each data type is shown below:

Type Value/Description

NAME_t A string composed of {‘0’-‘9’,’a’-‘z’,’A’-‘Z’}

STRING_t A string composed of {‘0’-‘9’,’a’-‘z’,’A’-‘Z’,’+’,’-‘,’.’}

MOVE_MODE_t A string of predefined move mode as below: MOVE_ABS: Absolute position from home MOVE_REL: Relative position to current position MOVE_FOREVER: Move forever, no end position


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Type Value/Description

MOVE_DIST_t A string composed of float number + predefined unit as below: mm: millimeter COUNT: Encoder count STEPS: number of step DEG: number of degree of angle REV: number of revolution e.g. 12.3mm, 500COUNT, 253STEPS, 186.5DEG, 10REV

RUNTYPE_t A string of predefined run type: NOW: Setup the motion controller for the specified motor and start motor immediately LATER: Setup the motion controller for the specified motor only, do not start motor. A separate Move command will be triggered later BLOCK: This is only used in FCL script where the script execution will be blocked until the motion command completed

MOVE_DIST_AS_t A string composed of positive float number + predefined unit as below: mm: millimeter COUNT: Encoder count STEPS: number of step DEG: number of degree of angle REV: number of revolution e.g. 12.3mm, 500COUNT, 253STEPS, 186.5DEG, 10REV

MULTI_NAME_t A string composed of NAME_t+NAME_t+…+NAME_t

STARTMODE_t A string of predefined start mode: SYN: Multiple control loops start simultaneously SEQ: Multiple control loops start sequentially

MOVEDIR_t A string of predefined move direction: FORWARD: Forward direction REVERSE: Reverse direction

OBJ_t A string of positive 16 bits integer in decimal or hexadecimal. e.g. 0 to 65535, 0x12AB, 0X1122 Refer to section 3 for details on ViO object.

UINT16_t A string of 16 bits unsigned integer in decimal

SINT16_t A string of 16 bits signed integer in decimal

UINT32_t A string of 32 bits unsigned integer in decimal

SINT32_t A string of 32 bits signed integer in decimal

STATUS_t A string of 16 bits status code or error code in hexadecimal. e.g. 0X0000, 0x00AB Refer to section 4 for details on error code.

BIN_t Binary data

FUNCTION_t A user defined FCL flow prototype. It support up to 12 parameters with UINT32_t type.

PWM_NAME_t A string specifying PWM pin names: PWMxL or PWMxH where x = 1 to 7 for Daughter boards 1 to 7. L and H are to specify the intended PWM pin on each Daughter board.

Table 2-1: Command Data Type


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Table 2-2 shows the description of the API commands supported in ViO. The details of each command are presented in the following sections.

Command Type Command Name Description

Peripheral Control Move Move to a position using a given profile

MoveToSensor Move to a sensor till it triggered using a given profile

StartMove Start to move selected motors

Home Do homing for an axle

SetPWM Set PWM value to a selected pin

GetPinValue Get Pin value by name

SetPinValue Set Pin value by name

Motion profile management

SaveProfile Save profile to ViO

DeleteProfile Delete profile to ViO

GetProfile Load profile from NVRAM to RAM

ListProfile Return profiles belong to a card

GenerateProfile Generate profile for a card

Configuration access and parameter manipulation

GetViOData Return ViO object data

SetViOData Set ViO object data

GetServoData Return servo data

Project management

SaveProject Save project to ViO

DeleteProject Delete current project on ViO

Script execution RunScript Start a script flow

StopScript Stop all running script flows

System GetFWVersion Return ViO firmware version number

ResetCard Reset the card function to initial state.

PrepareForDownload Go to download mode

Reset Reset ViO

GetUnitID Get unit ID

SetKey Set function code

GetKey Get function code Table 2-2: Command List


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2.3.1 Move Setup and/or move a selected motor to a specified position with a selected profile. This command will be executed only if the targeted motor is in idle state, error code ViO_BUSY will be reported otherwise.


Move( NAME_t card_name , MOVE_MODE_t move_mode , NAME_t profile_name , MOVE_DIST_t target_position , RUNTYPE_t run_type )

Parameter Description

card_name The name of ViO Daughter board as specified in ViO Object number n000. Refer to Table 3-3: ViO Daughter Board Objects for details.

move_mode Specify the move mode of MOVE_ABS, MOVE_REL or MOVE_FOREVER

profile_name The motion profile to be used. This profile must be saved in ViO non-volatile memory previously. Refer to section 2.4 Motion Profile Management Commands for more details.

target_position The position to be moved to

run_type Specify the run type of NOW, LATER or BLOCK

Delayed Response

Move( NAME_t card_name , STATUS_t status )

Parameter Description

card_name The name of ViO Daughter board as specified in ViO Object number n000. Refer to Table 3-3: ViO Daughter Board Objects for details.

status The status code or error code of the response. Refer to Table 4-1: Error Code List for error code definition.


Command : Move(S1DC, MOVE_ABS, DcProfile1, 20mm, NOW) Response : Move(S1DC, 0x0000)


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2.3.2 MoveToSensor Setup and move a selected motor to a sensor trigger position with a selected profile. Continue to move specified distance past sensor trigger.


MoveToSensor( NAME_t card_name , MOVEMODE_t move_mode , NAME_t profile_name , MOVE_DIST_t max_distance , RUNTYPE_t run_type , NAME_t sensor_name , MOVE_DIST_AS_t dist_after_sensor )

Parameter Description

card_name The name of ViO Daughter board as specified in ViO Object number n000. Refer to Table 3-3: ViO Daughter Board Objects for details.

move_mode Specify the move mode of MOVE_ABS, MOVE_REL or MOVE_FOREVER

profile_name The motion profile to be used. This profile must be saved in ViO non-volatile memory previously. Refer to section 2.4 Motion Profile Management Commands for more details.

max_distance The maximum distance to move before a sensor trigger condition is met.

run_type Specify the run type of NOW or LATER

sensor_name The name of sensor to be used. This name is specified in ViO Object number n001 to n013. Refer to Table 3-3: ViO Daughter Board Objects for details.

dist_after_sensor The travel distance past sensor trigger

Delayed Response

MoveToSensor( NAME_t card_name , STATUS_t status )

Parameter Description

card_name The name of ViO Daughter board as specified in ViO Object number n000. Refer to Table 3-3: ViO Daughter Board Objects for details.

status The status code or error code of the response. Refer to Table 4-1: Error Code List for error code definition.


Command : MoveToSensor(S1DC, MOVE_ABS, DcProfile1, 20mm, NOW, home_sensor, 2mm) Response : MoveToSensor(S1DC, 0x0000)


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2.3.3 StartMove Move the selected motor(s) synchronously or sequentially.


Before a StartMove() command is sent, the motion setup of each motor must be completed successfully by respective Move() command(s) with run type set as LATER. Multiple, concurrent StartMove() commands for different motors are allowed.

The response to this StartMove() command is immediate, and there can be more than one delayed responses of Move() command to signify the completion of move for each motor. The number of responses will be as per the number of motor specified in the parameter. See the example below for details.


StartMove( MULTI_NAME_t card_names , STARTMODE_t start_mode )

Parameter Description

card_names Cascaded string of the names of ViO Daughter board as specified in ViO Object number n000. Refer to Table 3-3: ViO Daughter Board Objects for details.

start_mode Specify start mode or SYN or SEQ.

Immediate Response

StartMove( MULTI_NAME_t card_names , STATUS_t status )

Parameter Description

card_names Cascaded string of the names of ViO Daughter board as specified in ViO Object number n000. Refer to Table 3-3: ViO Daughter Board Objects for details.

status The status code or error code of the response. Refer to Table 4-1: Error Code List for error code definition.


Command : StartMove(S1DC+S2DC+S3Stepper, SEQ) Response(s) : StartMove(S1DC+S2DC+S3Stepper, 0x0000)

Move(S1DC, 0x0000) Move(S2DC, 0x0000) Move(S3Stepper, 0x0000)


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2.3.4 Home Perform homing sequence on a motor with given profile. The homing method is a project option set by user on ViO IDE. Refer to VEST-VIOe-USG-001_ViO IDE User Manual for details.


Home( NAME_t card_name , NAME_t profile_name , RUNTYPE_t run_type )

Parameter Description

card_name The name of ViO Daughter board as specified in ViO Object number n000. Refer to Table 3-3: ViO Daughter Board Objects for details.

profile_name The motion profile to be used. This profile must be saved in ViO non-volatile memory previously. Refer to section 2.4 Motion Profile Management Commands for more details.

run_type Specify the run type of NOW, LATER or BLOCK.

Delayed Response

Home( NAME_t card_name , STATUS_t status )

Parameter Description

card_name The name of ViO Daughter board as specified in ViO Object number n000. Refer to Table 3-3: ViO Daughter Board Objects for details.

status The status code or error code of the response. Refer to Table 4-1: Error Code List for error code definition.


Command : Home (S1DC, DcProfile1, NOW) Response : Home (S1DC, 0x0000)


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2.3.5 SetPWM Set ViO Daughter board PWM output value. A pair of PWM output pins (PWMxL and PWMxH) is assigned to each ViO Daughter board. Refer to ViO Main Board ERS document and ViO Schematics Documents for the PWM pin assignment on each daughter board.


SetPWM ( PWM_NAME_t name , SINT16_t value )

Parameter Description

name A string specifying targeted PWM output pin.

value For DC motors, the value range is [-100,100] which is PWM duty cycle in %. Positive value means move forward and negative value for reverse.

For Stepper motors, the value range is [-32768, 32767] which is frequency of pulse to drive stepper motor. Positive value means move forward and negative value for reverse.

Set to 0 to turn off PWM output for both type of motor.

Immediate Response

SetPWM ( PWM_NAME_t name , STATUS_t status )

Parameter Description

name A string specifying targeted PWM output pin.

status The status code or error code of the response. Refer to Table 4-1: Error Code List for error code definition.


Command : SetPWM(PWM1L,12) Response : SetPWM(PWM1L, 0x0000)


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2.3.6 GetPinValue Get pin value from input signal pin. Refer to ViO Daughter Board ERS documents for the signal pins assignment.


GetPinValue ( NAME_t pin_name )

Parameter Description

pin_name The name of targeted signal pin. This name is specified in ViO Object number n001 to n013. Refer to Table 3-3: ViO Daughter Board Objects for details.

Immediate Response

GetPinValue ( NAME_t pin_name , STATUS_t status , SINT32_t value )

Parameter Description

pin_name The name of targeted signal pin. This name is specified in ViO Object number n001 to n013. Refer to Table 3-3: ViO Daughter Board Objects for details.

status The status code or error code of the response. Refer to Table 4-1: Error Code List for error code definition.

value Digital input = 0 or 1

10-bit ADC = 0 to 1024; 12-bit ADC = 0 to 4096

Encoder = -2147483648 to 2147483647


Command : GetPinValue(C1Pin7) Response : GetPinValue(C1Pin7,0x0000,-2336442)


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2.3.7 SetPinValue There are 13 signal pins available on each ViO Daughter board. The output value of output signal pin can be set with this command. Refer to ViO Daughter Board ERS documents for the signal pins assignment.


SetPinValue ( NAME_t pin_name , UINT16_t value )

Parameter Description

pin_name The name of targeted signal pin. This name is specified in ViO Object number n001 to n013. Refer to Table 3-3: ViO Daughter Board Objects for details.

value Digital output = 0 or 1.

PWM pin= 0 to 100 (in terms of duty cycle %)

Immediate Response

SetPinValue ( NAME_t pin_name , STATUS_t status )

Parameter Description

pin_name The name of targeted signal pin. This name is specified in ViO Object number n001 to n013. Refer to Table 3-3: ViO Daughter Board Objects for details.

status The status code or error code of the response. Refer to Table 4-1: Error Code List for error code definition.


Command : SetPinValue (C2Pin1, 1) Response : SetPinValue (C2Pin1, 0x0000)


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2.4 MOTION PROFILE MANAGEMENT COMMANDS A ViO profile is made up from a group of motion control parameters. Up to 30 profiles are saved into ViO non-volatile memory and only one profile for each ViO Daughter board will be loaded into ViO RAM memory as working profile. Each parameter in the working profile is represented by a unique ViO Object number and it can be accessed via SetViOData() command. Refer to section 3.1.2 ViO Daughter Board Objects for more details on ViO Object. Please refer to VEST-ViOe-USG-001_ViO IDE User Manual for more information about ViO profile management.

2.4.1 SaveProfile This command is used to save a working profile from ViO RAM to non-volatile memory.


SaveProfile( NAME_t card_name , NAME_t profile_name )

Parameter Description

card_name The name of ViO Daughter board as specified in ViO Object number n000. Refer to Table 3-3: ViO Daughter Board Objects for details.

profile_name The profile name given to this profile. This name will be used as a parameter in Peripheral Control commands.

Immediate Response

SaveProfile( NAME_t card_name , STATUS_t status )

Parameter Description

card_name The name of ViO Daughter board as specified in ViO Object number n000. Refer to Table 3-3: ViO Daughter Board Objects for details.

status The status code or error code of the response. Refer to Table 4-1: Error Code List for error code definition.


Command : SaveProfile (S1DC, DcProfile1) Response : SaveProfile (S1DC, 0x0000)


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2.4.2 DeleteProfile Delete a profile of selected daughter card from ViO non-volatile memory.


DeleteProfile( NAME_t card_name , NAME_t profile_name )

Parameter Description

card_name The name of ViO Daughter board as specified in ViO Object number n000. Refer to Table 3-3: ViO Daughter Board Objects for details.

profile_name Name of profile to be deleted.

Immediate Response

DeleteProfile( NAME_t card_name , STATUS_t status )

Parameter Description

card_name The name of ViO Daughter board as specified in ViO Object number n000. Refer to Table 3-3: ViO Daughter Board Objects for details.

status The status code or error code of the response. Refer to Table 4-1: Error Code List for error code definition.


Command : DeleteProfile (S1DC, DcProfile1) Response : DeleteProfile (S1DC, 0x0000)


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2.4.3 GetProfile Load a selected profile for selected ViO Daughter board from ViO non-volatile memory to ViO RAM as working profile.


GetProfile( NAME_t card_name , NAME_t profile_name )

Parameter Description

card_name The name of ViO Daughter board as specified in ViO Object number n000. Refer to Table 3-3: ViO Daughter Board Objects for details.

profile_name Name of profile to be used.

Immediate Response

GetProfile( NAME_t card_name , STATUS_t status )

Parameter Description

card_name The name of ViO Daughter board as specified in ViO Object number n000. Refer to Table 3-3: ViO Daughter Board Objects for details.

status The status code or error code of the response. Refer to Table 4-1: Error Code List for error code definition.


Command : GetProfile (S1DC, DcProfile1) Response : GetProfile (S1DC, 0x0000)


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2.4.4 ListProfile Return a list of profile(s) saved in ViO non-volatile memory for the selected daughter board.


ListProfile( NAME_t card_name )

Parameter Description

card_name The name of ViO Daughter board as specified in ViO Object number n000. Refer to Table 3-3: ViO Daughter Board Objects for details.

Immediate Response

ListProfile( NAME_t card_name , STATUS_t status , STRING_t profile_list )

Parameter Description

card_name The name of ViO Daughter board as specified in ViO Object number n000. Refer to Table 3-3: ViO Daughter Board Objects for details.

status The status code or error code of the response. Refer to Table 4-1: Error Code List for error code definition.

profile_list List all profiles with following format: Profile_name1, Project_name1, Card_name1, Operate_mode1, Card_Slot_No1, Card_type1, Remark1, Profile_name2, Project_name2, Card_name2, Operate_mode2, Card_Slot_No2, Card_type2, Remark2,

… Profile_nameN, Project_nameN, Card_nameN, Operate_modeN, Card_Slot_NoN, Card_typeN, RemarkN,


Command : ListProfile (S1DC2) Response :ListProfile(S1DC2,0x0000,DcProfile12,Defaultproj2,S1DC2,ProfilePos2,12,BDC02, 1.0000ip2,DcProfile112,Defaultproj2,S1DC2,ProfilePos2,12,BDC-02,1.0000ip)

Note: status code 0x00CB denotes no profile saved for the selected daughter card.


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2.4.5 GenerateProfile This command will get the profile parameters in the working profile of the selected Daughter board and calculate some indirect parameters that will be used in servo controller. These indirect parameters are managed by ViO and are transparent to user. After any profile parameter is changed via the SetViOData() command, GenerateProfile() command must be used to re-calculate the indirect parameters before the profile can be used for motion control.


GenerateProfile( NAME_t card_name )

Parameter Description

card_name The name of ViO Daughter board as specified in ViO Object number n000. Refer to Table 3-3: ViO Daughter Board Objects for details.

Immediate Response

GenerateProfile( NAME_t card_name , STATUS_t status )

Parameter Description

card_name The name of ViO Daughter board as specified in ViO Object number n000. Refer to Table 3-3: ViO Daughter Board Objects for details.

status The status code or error code of the response. Refer to Table 4-1: Error Code List for error code definition.


Command : GenerateProfile(S1DC) Response : GenerateProfile(S1DC, 0x0000)


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2.5.1 GetViOData Get ViO object value. Refer to section 3 ViO Objects to learn more about ViO objects.


GetViOData( OBJ_t object )

Parameter Description

object The index number of the object. Refer to section 3 ViO Objects for ViO object list.

Immediate Response

GetViOData ( OBJ_t object , STATUS_t status , STRING_t OBJ_value )

Parameter Description

object The index number of the ViO object. Refer to section 3 ViO Objects for ViO object list.

status The status code or error code of the response. Refer to Table 4-1: Error Code List for error code definition.

OBJ_value The value of the object.


Command : GetVioData (1002) Response : GetVioData (1002, 0x0000, 234)


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2.5.2 SetViOData Set ViO object value. All ViO project and profile settings can be identified by a ViO object index.


SetViOData( OBJ_t object , STRING_t OBJ_value )

Parameter Description

object The index number of the object. Refer to section 3 ViO Objects for ViO object list.

OBJ_value The value of the object.

Immediate Response

SetViOData ( OBJ_t object , STATUS_t status )

Parameter Description

object The index number of the object. Refer to section 3 ViO Objects for ViO object list.

status The status code or error code of the response. Refer to Table 4-1: Error Code List for error code definition.


Command : SetVioData (1002, 234) Response : SetVioData (1002, 0x0000)


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2.5.3 GetServoData Get servo data of a daughter card.


GetServoData( NAME_t card_name )

Parameter Description

card_name The name of ViO Daughter board as specified in ViO Object number n000. Refer to Table 3-3: ViO Daughter Board Objects for details.

Immediate Response

GetServoData( NAME_t card_name , STATUS_t status , STRING_t timer_info , STRING_t data_length , BIN_t servo_data )

Parameter Description

card_name The name of ViO Daughter board as specified in ViO Object number n000. Refer to Table 3-3: ViO Daughter Board Objects for details.

status The status code or error code of the response. Refer to Table 4-1: Error Code List for error code definition.

timer_info Servo timer setting specifying the servo interrupt rate. This is in terms of the number of system clock ticks, where system clock is running at 70MHz.

data_length Length of following servo data in terms of number of bytes.

servo_data Servo data in binary format. Each servo data entry consists of the PWM value, target position and measured position captured at a certain sampling interval in servo controller. Each data is a signed 32-bits number. Example: First data entry : 1000, 5000, 4990 (0x3E8, 0x1388, 0x137E) Second data entry : 1050, 5010, 4998 (0x41A, 0x1392, 0x1386) And so on…. servo_data (in HEX representation here for readability) = 00 00 03 E8 00 00 13 88 00 00 13 7E 00 00 04 1A 00 00 13 92 00 00 13 86 ……


Command : GetServoData (S1DC) Response : GetServoData (S1DC, 0x0000, 12, 6000,***) Remark: *** - first byte of binary data is right after the ‘,’ character. In this case, there will be 6000 bytes of binary

data between the ‘,’ and ‘)’ characters.


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2.6 PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMANDS A ViO project is holding the hardware configurations of your system, such as communication port used, ADC module setting, I/O pins configurations etc. Refer to section 3.1.1 ViO System Objects for more details. Upon ViO power up, if there is no project saved in the non-volatile memory, a default project will be created based on the Daughter board(s) inserted. Project setting can be changed via SetViOData() command, and use SaveProject() command to save updated project setting to the non-volatile memory. Please refer to VEST-ViOe-USG-001_ViO IDE User Manual for more information about ViO project management.

2.6.1 SaveProject Save project settings to ViO non-volatile memory. Existing project in ViO will be overwritten.



Immediate Response

SaveProject ( STATUS_t status )

Parameter Description

status The status code or error code of the response. Refer to Table 4-1: Error Code List for error code definition.


Command : SaveProject () Response : SaveProject (0x0000)


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2.6.2 DeleteProject Delete a project (if exist) from ViO non-volatile memory.



Immediate Response

DeleteProject ( STATUS_t status )

Parameter Description

status The status code or error code of the response. Refer to Table 4-1: Error Code List for error code definition.


Command : DeleteProject () Response : DeleteProject (0x0000)


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2.7.1 RunScript This command will execute a precompiled FCL script (flow) that has been saved in ViO non-volatile memory.

Refer to VEST-ViOe-USG-001_ViO IDE User Manual on how to create and save FCL script in ViO.


RunScript( FUNCTION_t FCL_flow )

Parameter Description

FCL_flow A user defined FCL flow name and parameters if any. Up to 12 parameters in SINT32 format are supported in a FCL flow.

Immediate Response

RunScript ( FUNCTION_t FCL_flow , STATUS_t status )

Parameter Description

FCL_flow A user defined FCL flow name and parameters if any. Up to 12 parameters in SINT32 format are supported in a FCL flow.

status The status code or error code of the response. Refer to Table 4-1: Error Code List for error code definition.


Command : RunScript(rb_release(3)) Response : RunScript (rb_release(3), 0x0000)


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2.7.2 StopScript Terminate any FCL scripts running on ViO.



Immediate Response

StopScript ( STATUS_t status )

Parameter Description

status The status code or error code of the response. Refer to Table 4-1: Error Code List for error code definition.


Command : StopScript () Response : StopScript (0x0000)


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2.8.1 GetFWVersion Return ViO firmware version.




GetFWVersion( STATUS_t status , STRING_t version_number )

Parameter Description

status The status code or error code of the response. Refer to Table 4-1: Error Code List for error code definition.

version_number A string, such as “7.00R”. It is valid only when status is 0x0000.


Command : GetFWVersion() Response : GetFWVersion(0x0000,7.00R)


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2.8.2 ResetCard This command is used to terminate the current job running on selected Daughter board regardless of system status.


ResetCard( MULTI_NAME_t card_names )

Parameter Description

card_names Cascaded string of the names of ViO Daughter board as specified in ViO Object number n000. Refer to Table 3-3: ViO Daughter Board Objects for details.

Immediate Response

ResetCard( MULTI_NAME_t card_names , STATUS_t status )

Parameter Description

card_names Cascaded string of the names of ViO Daughter board as specified in ViO Object number n000. Refer to Table 3-3: ViO Daughter Board Objects for details.

status The status code or error code of the response. Refer to Table 4-1: Error Code List for error code definition.


Command : ResetCard (S1DC+S2DC+S3Stepper) Response : ResetCard (S1DC+S2DC+S3Stepper, 0x0000)


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2.8.3 PrepareForDownload This command is used during ViO firmware upgrade. ViO firmware will switch from application mode to download mode.



Immediate Response

PrepareForDownload ( STATUS_t status )

Parameter Description

status The status code or error code of the response. Refer to Table 4-1: Error Code List for error code definition.


Command : PrepareForDownload() Response : PrepareForDownload(0x0000)


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2.8.4 Reset This command will trigger a soft reset on ViO Main Controller board. Please save the ViO project and profiles to ViO non-volatile memory with SaveProject() and SaveProfile() commands before sending a Reset() command, all unsaved project and profile information will be lost after a soft reset.



Immediate Response

Reset ( STATUS_t status )

Parameter Description

status The status code or error code of the response. Refer to Table 4-1: Error Code List for error code definition.


Command : Reset () Response : Reset (0x0000)


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2.8.5 GetUnitID Get unit ID of ViO Main Controller board.



Parameter: None

Immediate Response

GetUnitID ( STATUS_t status , STRING_t unit_id )

Parameter Description

unit_id A string containing unit ID. Each unit ID is a unique number pre-programmed in factory.

status The status code or error code of the response. Refer to Table 4-1: Error Code List for error code definition.


Command : GetUnitID () Response : GetUnitID(0x0000,VIO-MOTO12345678)


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2.8.6 SetKey Some ViO features are available only after ViO function key activation. Each ViO function key is generated based on the targeted unit ID, and therefore can only be used on the intended ViO unit. Please refer to VEST website for ViO functions available and request ViO function key from VEST sales representative.


SetKey ( STRING_t unit_id , STRING_t key )

Parameter Description

unit_id A string containing unit ID. Each unit ID is a unique number pre-programmed in factory. Use GetUnitID() to read this ID from ViO Main board.

key A string contains function key. This key is provided by VEST sales representative.

Immediate Response

SetKey ( STRING_t unit_id , STATUS_t status )

Parameter Description

unit_id A string containing unit ID. Each unit ID is a unique number pre-programmed in factory.

status The status code or error code of the response. Refer to Table 4-1: Error Code List for error code definition.


Command : SetKey(12345678,QpGLLSj8u4P9+C80ARsBVoDbAjKZzjFwTsTgN8sVZolUAWgO) Response : SetKey(12345678,0x0000)


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2.8.7 GetKey Read the function key saved in ViO non-volatile memory.


GetKey ( STRING_t unit_id )

Parameter Description

unit_id A string containing unit ID. Each unit ID is a unique number pre-programmed in factory. Use GetUnitID() to read this ID from ViO Main board.

Immediate Response

GetKey ( STRING_t unit_id , STRING_t key )

Parameter Description

unit_id A string containing unit ID. Each unit ID is a unique number pre-programmed in factory. Use GetUnitID() to read this ID from ViO Main board.

key A string contains function key. This key is provided by VEST sales representative.


Command : GetKey(12345678) Response : GetKey(12345678,QpGLLSj8u4P9+C80ARsBVoDbAjKZzjFwTsTgN8sVZolUAWgO)


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3.1 VIO OBJECTS ViO Objects is a set of system settings used in ViO for project and profiles configuration. Each ViO object is represented by a 4-digit object index number and is grouped according to Daughter board number as shown in Table 3-1: Object index number grouping. Each ViO object is accessible through the SetViOData() and GetViOData() command. Refer to section 2.5.1 GetViOData and section 2.5.2 SetViOData for more details.

Object index range Description

0000 to 0999 For system or project

1000 to 1999 For Daughter board 1

2000 to 2999 For Daughter board 2

3000 to 3999 For Daughter board 3

4000 to 4999 For Daughter board 4

5000 to 5999 For Daughter board 5

6000 to 6999 For Daughter board 6

7000 to 7999 For Daughter board 7 Table 3-1: Object index number grouping

3.1.1 ViO System Objects The common object items used for system and project setting are listed as below:

Object index

Object name Comment

0 DATAID_project_name Project name

1 DATAID_system_status, System status

2 DATAID_comm_port_uart_enable UART enable

3 DATAID_comm_port_usb_enable USB enable

4 DATAID_comm_port_can1_enable CAN bus 1 enable

5 DATAID_comm_port_can2_enable CAN bus 2 enable

6 DATAID_comm_port_i2c_enable I2C enable

7 DATAID_comm_port_spi_enable SPI enable

8 DATAID_comm_port_lcd_enable LCD enable

9 DATAID_comm_port_uart_debug_enable UART debug enable

10 DATAID_ADC_12bits ADC bits setting => 0: 10bits AD 1: 12bits AD

11 DATAID_ADC_data_format ADC data type => 0: AD Unsigned integer 1: AD Signed integer 2: AD Unsigned Fractional 3: AD Signed Fractional

12 to 999 Not applicable Reserved. Table 3-2: ViO System Objects

3.1.2 ViO Daughter Board Objects The object indexes for daughter board are listed as below. Each daughter board will have an identical list of objects. The most significant digit of the object index denotes the daughter board number, and the following digits are used for object numbering.


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*Object index

**Object name Comment

n000 DATAID_card_name_n Daughter Board name

n001 DATAID_pin1_name_n Pin name

n002 DATAID_pin2_name_n

n003 DATAID_pin3_name_n

n004 DATAID_pin4_name_n

n005 DATAID_pin5_name_n

n006 DATAID_pin6_name_n

n007 DATAID_pin7_name_n

n008 DATAID_pin8_name_n

n009 DATAID_pin9_name_n

n010 DATAID_pin10_name_n

n011 DATAID_pin11_name_n

n012 DATAID_pin12_name_n

n013 DATAID_pin13_name_n

n014 DATAID_pin1_type_n Pin function=> 0: DI – Digital input 1: DO – Digital Output 2: ADC 3: AD SSH – ADC simultaneously sample and hold 4: PWM 5: Encoder 6: Reserved 7: Unused

n015 DATAID_pin2_type_n

n016 DATAID_pin3_type_n

n017 DATAID_pin4_type_n

n018 DATAID_pin5_type_n

n019 DATAID_pin6_type_n

n020 DATAID_pin7_type_n

n021 DATAID_pin8_type_n

n022 DATAID_pin9_type_n

n023 DATAID_pin10_type_n

n024 DATAID_pin11_type_n

n025 DATAID_pin12_type_n

n026 DATAID_pin13_type_n

n027 DATAID_pin1_inverse_n Polarity inversion => 0: Not inversed 1: Inversed

n028 DATAID_pin2_inverse_n

n029 DATAID_pin3_inverse_n

n030 DATAID_pin4_inverse_n

n031 DATAID_pin5_inverse_n

n032 DATAID_pin6_inverse_n

n033 DATAID_pin7_inverse_n

n034 DATAID_pin8_inverse_n

n035 DATAID_pin9_inverse_n

n036 DATAID_pin10_inverse_n

n037 DATAID_pin11_inverse_n

n038 DATAID_pin12_inverse_n

n039 DATAID_pin13_inverse_n


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*Object index

**Object name Comment

n040 DATAID_pin1_value_n value of the pin

n041 DATAID_pin2_value_n

n042 DATAID_pin3_value_n

n043 DATAID_pin4_value_n

n044 DATAID_pin5_value_n

n045 DATAID_pin6_value_n

n046 DATAID_pin7_value_n

n047 DATAID_pin8_value_n

n048 DATAID_pin9_value_n

n049 DATAID_pin10_value_n

n050 DATAID_pin11_value_n

n051 DATAID_pin12_value_n

n052 DATAID_pin13_value_n

n053 DATAID_card_type_n Card type => 0: Stepper motor 1: Brushed DC 2: Power 3: Sensor

n054 DATAID_card_model_n Card model => 0 to 7

n055 DATAID_default_move_unit_n Move unit => 0: mm 1: Encoder count 2: Degree 3: Revolution 4: Steps

n056 DATAID_need_homing_first_n Homing needed for motor

n057 DATAID_home_sensor_in_n Present of home sensor => 0: Not present 1: Present

n058 DATAID_end_sensor_in_n Present of end sensor => 0: Not present 1: Present

n059 DATAID_encoder_type_n Encoder type => 0: Linear 1: Rotary 2: None

n060 DATAID_motion_type_n Motion type => 0: Linear 1: Rotary

n061 DATAID_unlimited_path_n Borderless rotary motion => 0: False 1: True

n062 DATAID_LinearMMPerRevolution_n Distance in mm per motor revolution

n063 DATAID_stepper_spr_n Number of full steps per revolution


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*Object index

**Object name Comment

n064 DATAID_min_count_n Stepper motor : Max and min full steps Brushed DC motor : max and min encoder counts

n065 DATAID_max_count_n

n066 DATAID_default_home_position_n Home position value

n067 DATAID_encoder_res_n Encoder resolution setting in the following unit: Linear : Dot per Inch (DPI) Rotary : Dot per Revolution (DPR) Refer to VEST-VIOe-USG-001_ViO IDE User Manual for details.

n068 DATAID_profile_name_n Profile name

n069 DATAID_operation_mode_n Operation mode => 0: Homing 1: Profile position

n070 DATAID_speed_unit_n Velocity unit => 0: IPS 1: RPM

n071 DATAID_speed_n Velocity setting

n072 DATAID_rampup_g_n Acceleration setting

n073 DATAID_rampdown_g_n Deceleration setting

n074 DATAID_micro_steps_n Microstep setting => 0: Full step 1: Half step 2: 1/4 step 3: 1/8 step 4: 1/16 step

n075 DATAID_homing_method_n Homing method => 0 to 35. Refer to VEST-VIOe-USG-001_ViO IDE User Manual for details.

n076 DATAID_encoder_monitor_steps_n Stepper motor drive feature. Refer to VEST-VIOe-USG-001_ViO IDE User Manual for details.

N077 DATAID_last_step_refer_encoder_n Stepper motor drive feature. Refer to VEST-VIOe-USG-001_ViO IDE User Manual for details.

N078 DATAID_checkStall_n 0: Do not report stall 1: Report stall

n079 DATAID_checkStallms_n Stall detection time limit in millisecond.

n080 DATAID_slew_pid_FWD_kp_n PID setting for slew phase

n081 DATAID_slew_pid_FWD_ki_n

n082 DATAID_slew_pid_FWD_kd_n


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*Object index

**Object name Comment

n083 DATAID_slew_pid_REVERS_kp_n

n084 DATAID_slew_pid_REVERS_ki_n

n085 DATAID_slew_pid_REVERS_kd_n

n086 DATAID_rampup_pid_FWD_kp_n PID setting for ramp up phase

n087 DATAID_rampup_pid_FWD_ki_n

n088 DATAID_rampup_pid_FWD_kd_n

n089 DATAID_rampup_pid_REVERS_kp_n

n090 DATAID_rampup_pid_REVERS_ki_n

n091 DATAID_rampup_pid_REVERS_kd_n

n092 DATAID_rampdown_pid_FWD_kp_n PID setting for rampdown phase

n093 DATAID_rampdown_pid_FWD_ki_n

n094 DATAID_rampdown_pid_FWD_kd_n

n095 DATAID_rampdown_pid_REVERS_kp_n

n096 DATAID_rampdown_pid_REVERS_ki_n

n097 DATAID_rampdown_pid_REVERS_kd_n

n098 DATAID_rampup_mm_or_rev_n Ramp distance or revolution

n099 DATAID_rampdown_mm_or_rev_n

n100 DATAID_slew_max_pwm_fwd_n Max PWM in percentage of duty cycle for brushed DC motor n101 DATAID_rampup_max_pwm_fwd_n

n102 DATAID_rampdown_max_pwm_fwd_n

n103 DATAID_slew_max_pwm_rev_n

n104 DATAID_rampup_max_pwm_rev_n

n105 DATAID_rampdown_max_pwm_rev_n

n106 DATAID_max_current_fwd_n Max current in percentage of peak current for stepper motor n107 DATAID_hold_current_fwd_n

n108 DATAID_max_current_rev_n

n109 DATAID_hold_current_rev_n

n110 DATAID_QEI_n Encoder type => 0: single channel 1: QEI

n111 DATAID_init_pwm_fwd_n PWM in percentage of duty cycle for DC

n112 DATAID_init_pwm_rev_n PWM in percentage of duty cycle for DC

n113 DATAID_current_position_n Current motor position

n114 DATAID_current_encoder_n Current encoder position

n115 DATAID_motor_state_n Motor state => 0: IDLE 1: Ready to go 2:Busy 3: Not mount 4: Error


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*Object index

**Object name Comment

n116 DATAID_capture_mode_n Motion data capture setting => 0: No capture servo data 1: Capture all servo data 2: Capture ramp up only 3: Capture slew only 4: Capture ramp down only 5: Capture ramp up and slew 6: Capture slew and ramp down

N117 DATAID_fwd_offset_n Forward offset in counts for brushed DC motor servo profile.

N118 DATAID_rev_offset_n Reverse offset in counts for brushed DC motor profile.

n119 to n999

Not applicable Reserved.

Table 3-3: ViO Daughter Board Objects

Note :

* Object index nXXX where n denotes the daughter board number.

** Object name XXX_n where n denotes the daughter board number.


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ViO status and error code will be reported in the response message whenever a command execution has completed. This status or error code is represented in ASCII string of hexadecimal value as shown below:

Error code Symbol Comment

0x0000 ViO_OK ViO OK

0x0080 ViO_INTERNAL_ERROR ViO internal error

0x0081 ViO_BUSY ViO is executing the previous command

0x0083 ViO_SYNTAX_ERROR Syntax error in found command

0x0086 ViO_INVALID_OPCODE An unsupported command is received

0x0087 ViO_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid parameter is found in command






0x00A4 ViO_SCRIPT_NO_SPACE_ERROR Script file is too big

0x00A6 ViO_SCRIPT_RUN_NOFLOW_ERROR Flow is not found during running

0x00A7 ViO_SCRIPT_RUN_MPARA_ERROR Wrong with parameter

0x00A8 ViO_SCRIPT_RUN_MFLOW_ERROR Flow name is not found or duplicated.

0x00A9 ViO_SCRIPT_RUN_BSIZE_ERROR Flows name too long

0x00C0 ViO_PROFILE_INVALID Invalid ViO profile. Tips: Check profile name in command and profiles stored in ViO.

0x00C1 ViO_SELECTED_SPEED_TOO_HIGH A selected move distance is too short or profile speed is too high. Tips: Use a lower velocity profile, or a greater move distance.

0x00C2 ViO_MOTOR_NOT_MOUNT The selected motor card is not mounted on ViO mainboard.

0x00C3 ViO_MOTOR_NOT_READY Motor move setup is not done, motor is in not ready state. Tips: Use Move(……,LATER) to setup motor move. See section 2.3.1 Move.

0x00C4 ViO_RECEIVE_TIMEOUT Communication port receiver timeout.

0x00C5 ViO_PROFILE_SPACE_FULL ViO profile memory is full.

0x00C6 ViO_PROFILE_NOT_FOUND Selected profile is not found in ViO profile memory.

0x00C7 ViO_PROFILE_EXIST Selected profile name is existed in ViO memory space.

0x00C8 ViO_PROFILE_ERROR Error detected in selected profile.

0x00CA ViO_MEMORY_NOT_ENOUGH ViO memory full

0x00CB ViO_NO_PROFILE No profile is saved in ViO. Tips: Create a motion profile and save it in ViO.


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Error code Symbol Comment

0x00CD ViO_PROFILE_CANNOT_HOME Selected profile does not support homing sequence. Tips: Choose a motion profile with homing support or create a new homing profile.

0x00CE ViO_MOVE_OUT_OF_RANGE Selected move position is out of range. Tips: Check the maximum and minimum move distance of your project setting.

0x00CF ViO_PIN_NAME_NOT_FOUND Selected pin name not exist.


The travel distance after sensor trigger is shorter than rampdown distance. Tips: use a greater dist_after_sensor value, or a motion profile of shorter rampdown distance.

0x00DD ViO_FUNCTION_DISABLED Selected function is not enabled.

0x00DE ViO_INVALID_KEY Invalid function key.

0x00DF ViO_KEY_NOT_FOR_THIS_UNIT Invalid function key for this unit. Table 4-1: Error Code List


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Version Date Released Changes

A 14 JULY 2016 Initial Release

B 24 NOV 2016 Beta release


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The signed agreement between Purchaser and APC will govern the sale and purchase of APC’s Venture Embedded Solutions Technology (“VEST”) products (“Products”). In the event that no agreement has been concluded, APC’s terms and conditions of supply will apply.

Testing and other quality control techniques are used to the extent that APC deems necessary to support its warranty.

Except where required by law, specific testing of all parameters of each Product is not necessarily performed.

Purchaser must provide adequate design and operating safeguards to minimize inherent or procedural and technical risks associated with Purchaser products and applications. Purchaser is solely responsible for its selection and use of APC Products. APC assumes no liability for applications assistance, Purchaser product design or any incompatibility of the Product with Purchaser product.

Products supplied by APC are not designed, intended or authorized for use in life support, life sustaining, medical systems or devices, aircraft navigation, nuclear, or other applications, including, but not limited to, public transportation operating systems, in which the failure of such Products could reasonably be expected to result in personal injury, loss of life or severe property or environmental damage. Purchaser acknowledges that use of APC’s Products in such product applications is understood to be fully at the risk of Purchaser and that Purchaser is responsible for verification and validation of the suitability of APC’s Products in such applications. Purchaser agrees that APC is not and shall not be liable, in whole or in part, for any claim or damage arising from use in such applications. Purchaser agrees to indemnify, defend and hold APC harmless from and against any and all claims, damages, losses, costs, expenses and liabilities arising out of or in connection with any such use or application.

APC retains all rights to all proprietary intellectual property in the Products and associated manufacturing processes and has the right to file for and obtain intellectual property protection for same.