vince 14 emphasis corectat

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  • 7/30/2019 Vince 14 Emphasis Corectat


    Vince 14


    1.Toate drumrile catre nord au fost blocate de zapada.All roads to the north have been blocked by snow.

    2.Deodata , a inceput sa ploua. ( phrasal verb)

    Suddenly down came the rain.3.Balonul a zburat in aer.

    Up into the air went the balloon.4.Nu stiu de unde vin banii.

    Where the money come from , I dont know.

    5.Monica a hotarat sa sune la politie la ora 6.At six oclock Monica decided to call the police.

    6.Cu toate ca pare a fi dificil , nu e imposibil.

    Difficult as it may seem , it is not impossible.7.Sue a fost cea care mi-a imprumutat bicicleta.

    It was Sue who had borrowed my bike.8.Aseara , ea mi-a imprumutat bicicleta.

    It was last night that Sue borrowed my car.

    9.Sue a imprumutat bicicleta mea.It was my bike that Sue borrowed.10.Pentru ca mi-a fost rau , de asta am plecat.

    It was because I was ill that I left.11.Nu se poate ca tu sa fi citit aceiasi carte.

    It cant have been the same book that you read.12.Ceea ce urasc e vreama ploioasa.

    What I hate is rainy weather.13.Ce a facut Peter a fost sa lase geamurile deschise.

    What Peter did was to leave the windows unlocked.14.Imi mai trebuie doar 2 $.

    All I need is 2 $.15.A fost ideea mea.

    It was my idea.16.In acelasi moment , telefonul a sunat.

  • 7/30/2019 Vince 14 Emphasis Corectat


    At the very same moment , the telephone rang.17.Era intr-adevar foarte frig.

    It was very cold indeed.18.Nu era deloc frig.

    It was not at all cold . / It was not cold at all.19.Nu eram citusi de putin interesata .

    I wasnt interested in the slightest.I wasnt the least bit interested.

    20.Nu era nici unul ramas.

    There were none left at all.21.Nu era nici macar un singur un bilet ramas.

    There were no tickets left whatsoever.

    22.Cu siguranta nu esti Mary , nu-i asa?Surely you are not Mary , are you?

    23.Oricine ti-ar fi zis asta , nu avea dreptate.

    Whoever told you that was wrong.24.Orice ai face , e treaba ta.

    Whatever you are doing , it is your business.25.Chiar imi place filmul , e interesant.

    I do like the movie , it is interesting.26.Sper ca vei veni in curand.(polite)

    I do hope you will come soon.27.Am mers si inauntrul piramidelor.

    I actually went inside the Pyramids.28.Nu e deloc sigur ca meciul va avea loc.

    Its by no means certain that the match will take place.29.Unii oameni purtau chiar pulovere , atat de frig era.

    Some people were even wearing jumpers, it was so cold.30.Performanta ei a fost intradevar magica.

    Her performance was sheer magic.31.Aceasta carte e un total nonsens .

    This book is utter nonsense.32.A fost cu totul fantastic!

    It was absolutely fantastic!33.Al treilea examen a fost imposibil.

  • 7/30/2019 Vince 14 Emphasis Corectat


    The third exam was completely impossible.34.Acest ghid nu avea nici un folos.

    This guide book was utterly useless.35.Nu mai praji carnea , e numai bine asa.

    Dont cook the meat any more , its just right this way.36.-Aceasta e carte ape care o cauti. Intradevar.

    This is the book you are looking for . So it is!37.Tom citeste aceasta zi de zi.

    Tom reads this book day in day out .38.Am tot incercat dar nu a fost de folos.

    I tried and I tried but there was no use.39.Casniciea lor a fost una fericita.

    Their marriage was a happy marriage/one.