web viewi think getty needs to reconsider what the word compelling means. “just as gene drives...

A powerful new technique for generating “supercharged” genetically modified organisms that can spread rapidly in the wild has caused alarm among scientists who fear that it may be misused, accidentally or deliberately, and cause a health emergency or environmental disaster. The development of so-called “gene drive” technology promises to revolutionise medicine and agriculture because it can in theory stop the spread of mosquito-borne illnesses, such as malaria and yellow fever, as well as eliminate crop pests and invasive species such as rats and cane toads. However, scientists at the forefront of the development believe that in the wrong hands gene-drive technology poses a serious threat to the environment and human health if accidentally or deliberately released from a laboratory without adequate safeguards. Some believe it could even be used as a terrorist bio-weapon directed against people or livestock because gene drives – which enable GM genes to spread rapidly like a viral infection within a population – will eventually be easy and cheap to generate.

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Post on 17-Mar-2018




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A powerful new technique for generating “supercharged” genetically modified organisms that can spread rapidly in the wild has caused alarm among scientists who fear that it may be misused, accidentally or deliberately, and cause a health emergency or environmental disaster.

The development of so-called “gene drive” technology promises to revolutionise medicine and agriculture because it can in theory stop the spread of mosquito-borne illnesses, such as malaria and yellow fever, as well as eliminate crop pests and invasive species such as rats and cane toads.

However, scientists at the forefront of the development believe that in the wrong hands gene-drive technology poses a serious threat to the environment and human health if accidentally or deliberately released from a laboratory without adequate safeguards. Some believe it could even be used as a terrorist bio-weapon directed against people or livestock because gene drives – which enable GM genes to spread rapidly like a viral infection within a population – will eventually be easy and cheap to generate.

According to Getty, there is no compelling evidence to suggest that genetically modified crops are any more harmful than conventionally grown food. I think Getty needs to reconsider what the word compelling means.

“Just as gene drives can make mosquitoes unfit for hosting and spreading the malaria parasite, they could conceivably be designed with gene drives carrying cargo for delivering lethal bacterial toxins to humans,” said David Gurwitz, a geneticist at Tel Aviv University in Israel.

A group of senior geneticists have called for international safeguards to apply to researchers who want to develop gene drives, with strict security measures placed on laboratories to prevent the accidental escape of “supercharged” GM organisms that are able to spread rapidly in the wild.

Last week the US National Academy of Sciences initiated a wide-ranging review of gene-drive technology in “non-human organisms” and in this week’s journal Science a group of 27 leading geneticists call on the scientific community to be open and transparent about both the risks and benefits of gene drives. 

“They have tremendous potential to address global problems in health, agriculture and conservation but their capacity to alter wild populations outside the laboratory demands caution,” the scientists say.

The researchers have drawn up a minimum set of safety rules to protect against laboratory escapes and have called for a public debate on the potential benefits as well as risks of a technology that allows geneticists to rapidly accelerate the inheritance of GM traits throughout an animal population within just a few generations.

Researchers have likened gene-drive technology to a nuclear chain reaction because it allows GM genes to be amplified within a breeding population of insects or other animals without any further intervention once the trait has been initially introduced. This is the case even if the trait is non-beneficial to the organism.

Laboratory experiments on fruit flies have shown that a modified gene introduced into one individual fly can take just a few generations to “infect” practically every other fly in the breeding population, in defiance of the normal rules of genetics which dictate a far slower spread.

Kevin Esfeldt, a gene-drive expert at the Wyss Institute at Harvard Medical School in Boston, said the technology was developed theoretically about 10 years ago but it has only been made possible in the lab in the past two years with the discovery of the sophisticated gene-editing tool Crispr/Cas9.

Dr Esfeldt explained that gene drives relied on a “cassette” of genetic elements that allowed a genetically modified gene to jump from one chromosome to another within the same individual so that eventually all of the sperm or eggs of the animal carried the GM trait, rather than half. This means that virtually none of the offspring is eventually free of an introduced GM trait.

Gene drives could benefit human health by altering insect populations that spread human diseases, such as mosquitoes that transmit malaria, dengue, chikungunya and Lyme disease, so that they were no longer a threat, he said.

They could also be used to reverse the mutations that make crop pests resistant to agricultural pesticides, or they might be used to spread genetic traits within a populations of an invasive species to help kill it off, such as making the skin of cane toads introduced into Australia non-toxic to indigenous predators.

“If we’re right about this, it’s a powerful advance that could make the world a much better place, but only if we use it wisely,” Dr Esfeldt said.

However, some scientists fear that the ease with which gene drives can be generated will make them a target for any malign individual or organisation with access to modern laboratory equipment.

Dr Gurwitz said the precise instructions for making gene drives should be classified, just like the technology for making nuclear weapons. However, Dr Esfeldt and the other 26 scientists who have written to Science disagreed, arguing that complete openness and transparency was the best defense against the use of gene drives as a bio-weapon because classifying the information would be technically ineffective and politically counterproductive.

Planned Parenthood: The Billion Dollar Flesh Mills

Another Planned Parenthood executive has been caught on video discussing the prices for the bodies of unborn babies, noting that “it’s all just a matter of line items” for “intact fetal cadavers” or dissections from them.

It’s the fifth video in a series being released by the Center for Medical Progress, which set up a fake company and sent investigators undercover into Planned Parenthood abortion businesses to investigate whether body parts were being sold.

Under federal law, it’s illegal to buy or sell body parts of the unborn.

The latest interview was with Melissa Farrell, of the Planned Parenthood of the Gulf Coast, one of the biggest Planned Parenthood affiliates in the country.

When asked by the investigators about purchasing parts, and whether they could be obtained intact, she explains, “If we alter our process, and we are able to obtain intact fetal cadavers, we can make it part of the budget that any dissections are this, and splitting the specimens into different shipments is this. It’s all just a matter of line items.”

Troy Newman, of the abortion-fighting Operation Rescue and who is on the board for CMP, said, “The admission that Planned Parenthood abortionists manipulate procedures in order to better harvest organs or even intact late-term fetal cadavers for human experimentation purposes conjures images of H.G. Wells’ Dr. Moreau. It is all clearly illegal.

“Are ethical standards adhered to during these private experiments? Given Planned Parenthood’s propensity for unethical, above-the-law arrogance, it is doubtful.”

The video also reveals a technician producing from a freezer a bag of remains from an 18-20 week old fetus that was aborted hours earlier. She pours the tissue in a colander and rinses it, then dumped the chunky lumps of flesh into a glass pan.

There, the baby’s dismembered remains were inspected. Arms with hands attached and legs with feet were clearly observed, as well as eyeballs still within the orbital pockets.

The video also reveals discussions of an upcoming National Abortion Federation meeting where Planned Parenthood executives were to present on matters related to "fetal collection."

"This information implicates the National Abortion Federation in the illegal selling of fetal organs," said Newman.

Evidence of alleged NAF involvement comes one day after a San Francisco judge extended a temporary restraining order on videos taken during secretive NAF national meetings, citing NAF's arguments that their meetings are confidential and attendees must sign non-disclosure agreements.

"The NAF knows that if the public understood what really is discussed behind closed doors that there is no public relations firm in existence that could spin that in a favorable light. In order for abortion to continue, the veil of secrecy that conceals horrifying acts from the public must be maintained at any cost," said Newman.

"We will continue to fight to protect our freedom of speech and freedom of the press. The truth will ultimately come out, no matter how hard the abortion cartel tries to hide it."

Farrell openly discusses how the research department at Planned Parenthood contributes to the "revenue stream" of the abortion business, and says deviating from standard protocols can be considered.

"Anything that we integrate into that procedure, without having you cover the procedural cost, is going to be higher. Right. So anything of a higher gestational age there's more opportunity for complication. There's more administrative time involved. Sometimes the procedures are long, so then anything that we piggyback onto that for collection purposes obviously, would have to reflect the additional time, cost, administrative burden." she said.

CMP spokesman David Daleiden said, "This is now the fifth member of Planned Parenthood leadership discussing payments for aborted baby parts without any connection to actual costs of so-called tissue 'donation.' Planned Parenthood's system-wide conspiracy to evade the law and make money off of aborted fetal tissue is now undeniable."

He continued, "Anyone who watches these videos knows that Planned Parenthood is engaged in barbaric practices and human rights abuses that must end. There is no reason for an organization that uses illegal abortion methods to sell baby parts and commit such atrocities against humanity to still receive over $500 million each year from taxpayers."

Kristan Hawkins, president of Students for Life of America, said, "Once again, these undercover videos show the callousness of Planned Parenthood to eagerly strip away the human dignity of the prenatal child, rip it up (or keep it intact for a higher fee) and sell the baby piece by piece.

"Today’s video also shows without a doubt that Planned Parenthood sells the body parts of aborted babies. Planned Parenthood is also double dipping on costs. The mother pays for the abortion and then the fetal tissue company pays for the baby parts."

Only a day earlier, Judge William H. Orrick, who was nominated to his post by President Obama and has strong financial links to him, having been both a major donor and bundler for Obama's 2008 presidential campaign, extended a protective order for the abortion industry. Every agency and federally appointed court position has been filled with either loyal Obama sycophants, or made nice and cozy by high-dollar bundlers of money for his campaign. The return on investment is typically ten to one.

Orrick, who had raised at least $200,000 for Obama and donated $30,800 to committees supporting Obama, the Federalist said Public Citizen documented, prevented CMP from releasing videos it acquired by going undercover to the National Abortion Federation and

recording comments and conversations there. Mr. Orrick has probably already used his position to leverage more than $2 million personally for his retirement. The Clinton’s leveraged her soldier role as Secretary of State into more than $1 billion for their foundation.

Orrick, worried about "people's privacy" and the history of "violence" against abortionists," protected the NAF at least through an Aug. 27 hearing.

After the CMP started releasing its undercover work – four videos already have been made public – the National Abortion Federation was one of two abortion interests to go to court to preemptively try to suppress public airing of their own statements.

As WND reported, NAF, in its court move, claimed it was seeking to protect "the safety and security of our members."

"That security has been compromised by the illegal activities of a group with ties to those who believe it is justifiable to murder abortion providers," said NAF President Vicki Saporta in an announcement about the filing. "CMP went to great lengths to infiltrate our meetings as part of a campaign to intimidate and attack abortion providers."

Saporta provided no support for her claim that CMP is tied to "those who believe it is justifiable to murder abortion providers."

Read the tested and proven strategies to defeat the abortion cartel, in "Abortion Free: Your Manual for Building a Pro-Life America One Community at a Time."

The other case in which statements reportedly obtained by the CMP are targeted for suppression was filed by StemExpress. There, a Los Angeles Superior Court ordered that a hearing be held in a few weeks on whether those can be released.

In response to that move, CMP said, "StemExpress, a for-profit company partnered with over 30 abortion clinics, including Planned Parenthood, to harvest and sell aborted baby parts and provide a 'financial benefit' to Planned Parenthood clinics, is attempting to use meritless litigation to cover-up this illegal baby parts trade, suppress free speech, and silence the citizen press reporting on issues of burning concern to the American public."

StemExpress claimed unfair competition, breach of contract, interference with contractual relations, fraudulent inducement of a contract, receipt of stolen property and invasion of privacy. The complaint explains that after the meeting with undercover videographers in a public restaurant, StemExpress insisted that a confidentiality agreement would be imposed.

StemExpress also said it "offers [the] largest variety of raw material in the industry, as well as fresh (non-frozen) and cryopreserved human primary cells" and that it works with 30 "procurement sites."

It was in an interview with CNN that CMP chief David Daleiden give his view as to why StemExpress was so concerned. StemExpress has since announce they are cutting ties with

Planned Parenthood, which everyone knows is a false announcement. The largest source of fresh fetal tissue is Planned Parenthood, and StemExpress reported $10 million in revenue from shipping their flesh to buyers all over the world.

He said, in an interview during which the CNN reporter was combative, that his StemExpress, which partners with Planned Parenthood to package and ship dissected unborn babies and the most valuable body parts, is trying to suppress "a specific video recording of a meeting with their top leadership where their leadership admitted they sometimes get fully intact fetuses shipped to their lab from the abortion clinics." They were unsuccessful. The video aired and there are still more condemning videos to come. The group says they have recorded thousands of hours of Planned Parenthood doctors, officers, and managers telling the most gruesome stories of cannibalism every recorded. If Nazi experiments on Jewish prisoners could be disclosed, they would pale in comparison.

The fact is that fully intact fetuses is prima facie evidence of born-alive infants. That's why they're trying to suppress that and they're very scared of it. It is just plain murder of a human being for the value of the flesh.

"Fully intact fetuses" – who logically could not become "specimens" without somehow having first to be killed while alive – could be protected by the Born Alive Infant Protection Act adopted in 2002.

To date, the video investigation has resulted in at least eight states beginning investigations of Planned Parenthood. Several congressional committees are doing the same, and on Monday the Senate narrowly failed to approve a ban on federal money for Planned Parenthood, which promises to keep the fight looming in Washington.

Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia said the videos were just too much.

"I am very troubled by the callous behavior of Planned Parenthood staff in (the) recently released videos," he explained, "which casually discuss the sale, possibly for profit, of fetal tissue after an abortion. Until these allegations have been answered and resolved, I do not believe that taxpayer money should be used to fund this organization."

From statements by Planned Parenthood officials that ranged from "I want a Lamborghini" to discussion about how to salvage certain saleable parts by crushing surrounding parts, the videos are self-explanatory.

An old story

As horrific as the videos appear, they should surprise no one, since such practices have been documented for nearly two decades already. In fact, while I was president of the Rutherford County Chapter of Tennessee Right to Life in 1989, Planned Parenthood was already a multi-billion dollar flesh merchant that spent millions on political campaigns to protect their industry.

One price list uncovered by a pro-life organization dated June 1998 shows that the price per specimen from a second trimester abortion is $90 fresh and $130 frozen.

Mark Crutcher, whose Life Dynamics organization was a ground-breaker in investigating the abortion behemoth that gets some $500 million annually from U.S. taxpayers, worked on that investigation.

His group reported back in February 2000 how the baby parts market works: "A baby parts 'wholesaler' enters into a financial agreement with an abortion clinic in which the wholesaler pays a monthly 'site fee' to the clinic. For this payment, the wholesaler is allowed to place a retrieval agent inside the clinic where he or she is given access to the corpses of children killed there and a workspace to harvest their parts."

He continued: "The buyer – usually a researcher working for a medical school, pharmaceutical company, bio-tech company or government agency – supplies the wholesaler with a list of the baby parts wanted. … when such orders are received … they are faxed to the retrieval agent at the clinic who harvests the requested parts and ships them to the buyer."

The documentation was provided at that time to Life Dynamics by a worker who left Comprehensive Health for Women, a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic in Overland Park, Kansas.

Among the documents was a "Fee-for-Services" Schedule A, effective June 1998, which outlined a charge of $220 per specimen for first-trimester aspiration abortions and $260 if the baby parts were frozen.

Crutcher's report, citing Planned Parenthood's own paperwork, found that one agent sold during February 1996 alone 47 livers, 11 liver fragments, seven brains, 21 eyes, eight thymuses, 23 legs, 14 pancreases, 14 lungs, six arms and one kidney-adrenal gland.

Read the tested and proven strategies to defeat the abortion cartel, in "Abortion Free: Your Manual for Building a Pro-Life America One Community at a Time."

He also sold three orders of blood from the unborn child. The retrieval agent "harvested all of the parts," the report said, explaining that "in order for the blood of an aborted child to be sold, the dead baby had to be brought to him intact."

The "specimens," the report said, would have generated up to about $25,000 in revenue for one month from one retrieval agent at one Planned Parenthood business.

Crutcher reported that the tissue logs reveal that one baby is often chopped up and sold to many buyers.

For example, babies taken from donors 113968 and 114189 were both killed late in their second trimester and cut into nine pieces. By applying the price list, buyers would have been invoiced between $3,510 and $5,070 for these parts, he said.

Chinese Explosion: Latest Financial District Attack

Wednesday night, a munitions storage facility caught fire and two massive explosions shattered windows for a radius of 5 miles. The death toll is climbing as the Binhai New Area was at the epicenter of the blast zone. This is one of China’s new megacities built with profits pouring into China’s economy from U.S. outsourcing. Binhai New Area is located on the coast of the Bohai Sea east of Tianjin's main urban area, and is part of the Bohai Economic Rim. It is a new growth area in China, and as of the end of 2010, 285 Fortune Global 500 companies had invested and established branch offices here. Binhai is intended to be a base for China's advanced industrial and financial reform and innovation. A number of major companies including Rockefeller, Tishman Speyer, Motorola and Airbus have built branches here. For instance, EADS Airbus has already opened an assembly plant for its A320 series airliners, operational since 2009. It is almost energy independent as well. It has proven oil resources totalling more than 100 million tons, and 193.7 billion cubic meters (6.84 trillion cubic feet) of natural gas.

This was not an old, dilapidated warehouse district full of military storage. In fact, it is a highly developed, modern shipping port that has blossomed as one of the major financial districts of China. Why, would you suppose, were thousands of tons explosives (some of which did not detonate during the two blasts) collected at this location?

Strange that this fire would occur in a building that is specially designed not to have anything flammable in it. Even stranger that so much ordinance would be stored in a business district with no military facility nearby. What makes this really suspicious is that the explosion occurred on the third day of massive self-imposed devaluation of Chinese currency to stop the implosion of the Chinese financial markets. These markets are based and managed in the Binhai New Area, just outside of Beijing. New York had a similar event occur the very day legal hearings and audits were to begin to discover where $2.2 trillion went missing from the Pentagon, and whether the vaults beneath the World Trade Center towers actually had the gold reported to be there.

One has to ask if the Binhai New Area had something to hide that needed to be buried deep beneath an industrial accident.

A year ago, there was real talk about an organization called BRICS. This multi-national economic coalition had a general mission to replace the US dollar as the reserve currency, and to establish a new bank called the Development Bank. China and Russia were the two largest anchors to the new venture, but there were more than 124 different countries in the organization.

But the transatlantic Banks are much more powerful than anyone thinks. They are centuries old and have many thousands of assassinations, asset seizures, and fiat currency creations that have made them wealthy beyond imagination. When we realize that 85% of the world’s cash is owned by less than 100 families, it staggers the mind.

When China and Russia openly announce they are going to unseat the cartel that has owned the world for hundreds of years, they did not know the power of the dark side. Russia soon saw its currency attacked and seriously reduced in buying power. There is no sign of recovery, because their main source of income, oil exports, was also attacked with massive surpluses at the same time. They have no buying power and no selling power.

China owns most of the US debt. They are criticized for artificially manipulating the value of their currency, but the Fed does the same thing by creating money out of thin air with ones and zeroes. About $85 billion a month is simply pulled from the magic hat, and thus the dollar is pumped up in value to the highest level in more than a decade. Still, when president Xi Jin Ping proudly announced the establishment of the Development Bank, called out the corruption of the IMF and the World Bank, he really thought the trillions he owns in US debt would give him enough power to pull this off.

A few months later, a massive cyber attack wiped out trillion in stock. Within weeks, China had to wrestle its collapse to the ground by devaluing their currency three times in three days. The result is that China is in very bad shape.

So, we have China in bad shape and Russia in bad shape, and neither one of them really considers the US their friend. Could they go to war with us? Yes, for about a week. Unless they strike preemptively.

We have spoken many times about this scenario, and I can explain that plan again. There was a time when this plan simply would not work, because the defensive systems were in place to stop it. Obama has since dismantled most of those systems and fired nearly everyone who knew how to run them.

The plan is three-fold, but these events happen within minutes of eachother. The total time elapsed for the preemptive attack is about 10 minutes. When is the last time you saw a response, any response from the government in 10 minutes? Never. After the first two minutes, there is nothing we can do, and there is no leadership in the White House competent enough to respond at all.

Here are the steps and the timeline, just so you know.

1. One or two EMP blasts would take place at about 30-50 thousand feet. One would be east of Louisville, Kentucky. That is the epicenter of 73% of the country’s population. The other would take place just west of the Rockies. There are two strategies about when the blasts would take place. One is during the busiest time of the day when all the roads are choked with cars, trucks, and the airports are fully scheduled. The EMP blast will knock out everything that runs on electricity, is networked, broadcast, or in some kind of SCADA system. Some of it would come back up, but most of it would be permanently damaged. All the lights would go out. All the cars would quit. All the aircraft would go dark.

2. Within one to two minutes, offshore submarines will launch very fast tactical weapons. These do not have to be nuclear, because they are extremely accurate and their targets

will be strategic, designed to knock out fuel supplies, power generation, and command and control. These would take less than ten minutes to hit all of their targets.

3. This step could be optional. It depends on how angry they are at America and their level of commitment. The instant the EMP blasts occur, long range ICBM’s would be launched to strike as strategic weapons to dig up our ability to strike back from this country.

When this occurs, there will be no command and control in the USA, except for a loose coalition of agencies who cannot agree on anything at any time. They will be given a choice. If they strike back, the USA will be hit again and will be wiped out completely. If we do not strike back, and choose instead to rebuild and take care of the wounded and restoring our energy flow and provide food and clean water for our people, then we will be left alone. America will never be the same.

Is there any way to stop this? Not right now. We would need to rebuild the systems Obama has dismantled. We would also need to reinstate the flag officers with the battle experience to know how to lead. There is no way to do this in the short order. Not in time?

The arguments for this scenario are many, but they fall into two camps. The US has meddled so much and made so many enemies from its many assassinations, economic hits, and economic terrorism to topple regimes it does not like, that the world community colludes to take us out as a nation. They look it as a preemptive path for self defense.

The other school of thought is that these nations want the king’s seat so badly, that they will do anything to topple the sitting king; America. The dark side never ever allows its believers to get along. It always makes the members fight, cheat, and suppress one another.

What the forces obviously don’t seem to understand, is the level of participation of America in this very small group of elite that seem to hold the world’s cash. That is to say, America is not in charge of these ancient owners. America is also a pawn. If you don’t believe me, just spend a week in Washington or try to start a business of your own. You’ll quickly find out that there is a vast fungus that consumes everything and everyone in and out of the bureaucracies.

Now, I am not advocating the redistribution of anyone’s wealth in the form of money. There is no force on Earth, and history has shown no force in heaven, that can take the wealth from the seed of Cain. They have controlled the monetary power on the planet for thousands of years. Over the centuries, their greed and lust for power has created a class of consumers like nothing else on the Earth. They are cannibals, completely dedicated to their own bloodline. They can buy up armies and navies and popes and kings. Any banker who threatens to expose them suddenly commits suicide. Any politicians who become a liability to them will be betrayed and tossed to the courts and the press like raw chicken to a crocodile.

Governments and countries are board pieces to be overthrown and bought and sold to increase their wealth, or even more importantly, to keep the wealth out of everyone else’s hands. It is not enough to win. All others must lose.

What I think can be done is to create a new system of value for trading between people. This is exactly what BRICS tried to do, but they were large enough to make easy targets for the global elite. What is possible, is to reject the system of trade established and recognized by the global elite and to establish a local system that does not require their blessing or recognition.

The Wall

I have had many discussions over the years about a secure border between Mexico and America. The fact is that for more than 35 years, we have not had a system of immigration between Mexico and America. We have had an invasion. The latest numbers document at least 51 million people have crossed the border from Mexico into America. That is many times the largest armies in history.

With legal immigration, we get high quality, law abiding citizens who know English and probably more about the Constitution that most high school seniors. With the invasion, we get criminals, drug dealers, illiterates, and people who may never learn English. They also work as landscapers, painters, field laborers, and perhaps supporting gangs of robbers and soldiers.

The overall passion for this invasion is based on the argument that these people want to feed their families, and in order for them to accomplish this, they have to come to America. They can earn in one day here what it takes a month to make in Mexico. That is simple greed and economics. Besides, what’s going to stop them?

Since Ronald Reagan, there have been campaign promises to build a wall between the countries. Of course, there has been little or no action. The Israelis built a fence between Palestine and Israel. Terror attacks and kidnappings dropped by more than 95% when it was done. There have been a few tunnels built with materials donated to the Palestinians to make water lines and schools. Other than this, the fence has been effective. Aerial pictures of the area show the Israeli side of the fence is clean, green, and lush with trees and beautiful homes. The Palestinian side is full of trash, there is not a bush or a lawn to be found, and piles of rubble populate every block of dusty, unpainted structures for miles.

They want the lush green side for themselves. They claim the Jews are occupying their paradise. Logic would show that the lush, green side is kept that way through hard work and careful management of the resources. The Palestinians could have the same paradise if they chose to work to build it, instead of spending every waking hour hating the Jews and wanting to destroy what they have built. Then everything would be destroyed, just as it has been for thousands of years for them.

Mexico is exactly the same situation. They have lush, rich land, they have the world’s most perfect weather They have two oceans, vast natural resources, including oil, gold, silver, and jewels of every kind. They have an intelligent and skillful people capable of the finest workmanship on Earth. They have a rich heritage with the world’s finest music, passionate dancing, and tremendous sportsman in nearly every sport. And yet, they all want to come to America.

It doesn’t make much sense, does it? We don’t see people from Idaho invaded the State of Colorado. We don’t see people in Alabama invading the State of Florida. Why? Because it is just as nice to live in one State as another. Opportunities for jobs, education, housing may vary from time to time, but governors fix that if they see lots of people leaving their State. They are constantly incentivizing companies to relocate to make jobs and opportunity. Does Mexico do this? No. Do they care if millions of people leave the country? No. Do they care if citizens hate Mexico’s corruption or criminal behavior? No.

Why? Because their government is the most corrupt in the western hemisphere. They have chosen three sources for their major gross national product. They have oil. Then, they have the cash that Mexicans in America send home to relatives. Then they have drugs.

The oil, like all third-world countries financed by the IMF, only shares 3% of the revenue with the people of Mexico in the form of public works. The cash destroys the Mexican economy, because the money is unearned. That is to say there was no value delivered for the money, so it creates unstable inflation making it impossible for working Mexicans to survive in Mexico. The drug cartels murder thousands, bribe everyone, and they have only one market; America.

There are two ways to stop this invasion and get the two countries back on the right track. One, is to turn Mexico around and make it a good place to live again. In order to do that, we need to stop the transfer of cash from America to Mexico, stop doing drugs so the market goes away, and inject loans to get Mexican factories going again, creating jobs in Mexico. All this, while creating jobs in America.

The other way, begins with a wall. Yes, that means about 1,400 miles of wall to build. Will it stop everyone? No. Some will scale it or tunnel under it. But the invasion will be stopped, just as it was stopped in Israel. Then comes the hard part. We have to find and deport millions of undocumented invaders. Can it be done? Yes. Should it be done? Good question.

We cannot have this discussion until the wall is built. A 25-foot high concrete and steel wall with a tower where it is needed is a good start. It would create thousands of jobs, perhaps employing the Corps of Engineers and private contractors by the hundreds. It would cost anywhere from $500k to about $10 million per mile, depending on the terrain and resources. Then, we would have a border. Then we would have a country. Then our sovereignty would be recovered.

The man who promises to build the wall, and whom the people trust to actually build the wall, will be president.

Currency War UpdateWith China’s economic crash driving U.S. oil prices down to $42 a barrel, Saudi Arabia is the oil-exporting nation suffering the worst economic decline.

The 15,000 members of the six branches of the Saudi royal family have been buying national support with massive social welfare spending. But with the oil price plunging by 60 percent,

causing a massive budget deficit, the kingdom’s foreign exchange reserves could be wiped out in four years. The royals are losing the fat lifestyle they have had since they nationalized the oil in the 1960’s.

Most analysts have focused on Russia as suffering the worst impacts of the oil price crash. The value of Russia’s oil & gas production is approximately $350 billion per year; it accounts for 20 percent of Russia’s GDP, and equals two thirds of all exports. But even at current prices, Russia will still achieve a trade surplus of about three percent of GDP. As an oil exporter, Russia’s is uniquely self-sufficient and a military exporter.

Saudi Arabia’s oil and gas sector makes up 45 percent of GDP, funds about 80 of the government’s budget, and accounts for 90 percent of exports. Saudi Arabia’s 2014 budget spending was $294.3 billion, with a $14.4 billion deficit. The 2015 Saudi budget was cut down to $229.3 billion in spending, with an expected $38.6 billion deficit.

But in June with the average price of oil estimated to be $60 a barrel for the year, the IMF estimated that Saudi Arabia’s $745 billion GDP would fall to $649 billion and the nation would post a budget deficit of 20 percent of GDP, or $130 billion.

With international oil prices at $49 a barrel, the Saudi deficit will jump to about $163 billion and Saudi GDP will plunge by another $80 billion, to $570 billion.

The IMF also did not make any mention of the added cost of Saudi Arabia’s air campaign against the Islamic State in Syria, and its war and invasion of Yemen.

Unlike the Russians’ legendary ability to hunker down and rely on their own self sufficiency in food and production, Saudi Arabia imports 70 percent of its food and does not produce military hardware, cars, refrigerators, civil airplanes, ships, or most manufactured consumer and industrial goods. Saudi Arabia’s only real domestic industry is petrochemicals. They also do not do their own work. They hire Somalis, Jordanians, and Egyptians to cook food, clean houses, do construction work and thousands of other jobs.

The Saudi Arabian kingdom is in no position to implement severe austerity measures, like Russia, because they don’t know how to do anything. The vast majority of Saudis enjoy their standard of living due to government handouts. They have no skills of their own, and find it beneath them to do something like clean their own toilet, or wash clothes. Saudis are culturally not inclined to work. Of the 30 million residents, only 5.5 million work and 3 million work directly for the government.

When 80 year old Salmanbin Abdulaziz Al Saud ascended to the throne in February, he distributed $32 billion to the people to cement his popular support. He was known as the war prince, but now he is too old to fight.

Saudi Arabia was a prime beneficiary from the 1998 to 2013 “supercycle” that saw commodity prices experience double-digit after-inflation growth. The price of oil rose 1,062 percent. But the

price of copper rose 487 percent and corn rose 240 percent, as growing emerging market demand, led by China, drove up prices across various commodity markets, according to PIMCO.

Since China’s economy faltered last year, commodity prices have crumbled. But despite those falling prices, oil production and commodity supply is still expanding.

As a result, Saudi Arabia’s foreign exchange peaked in August 2014 at $750 billion, and fell $91 billion to $659 billion by June 2015, according to the IMF.

And that was before China’s $3 trillion stock crash. Couldn’t happen to nicer bunch of guys, I would say. They didn’t drill for or produce the oil found in their country. What they did do was steal what had been built when they Nationalized the assets. They then formed OPEC and immediately started holding the world hostage to their production. Gasoline went from 35 cents a gallon to well over 80 cents under Carter, because he did not know how to negotiate, and refused to authorize new production in the US.

The Kill Switch

The last time I was in Egypt, there was a whole different kind of buzz on the Giza Plateau. I left two days before the Arab Spring. The entire surge of public outcry to depose the corrupt Mubarak from the presidency of Egypt was foaming through Twitter and texts on the phones of millions of young people. They knew when and how, but the government did not. Within days, the government shut down the cell phone system. Well, the federal government has a plan to kill all cell-phone service in certain areas when officials decide it’s necessary.

But you aren’t allowed to see the plan. You don’t know the circumstances. Your ability to make a police brutality video go viral. Your ability to report on military movement in your neighborhood. Your ability to communicate your discontent with the way government is ruling is all being monitored and can be stopped with the flick of a switch. Your phone, your family’s phones, or your neighborhood’s phones can all be disconnected from the network with this new capability. Just like Mubarak, the Federal government can stop your speech from reaching the next person within seconds.

And the fact that you cannot learn what might justify its use or who has the authority to push the kill button is the focus of a new case before the U.S. Supreme Court.

Pulling the plug on local cellular service already has been done. In 2011, officials with the Bay Area Rapid Transit system in San Francisco cut off service inside four transit stations for three hours after a BART security officer shot and killed a homeless man and protests erupted in reaction.

The shutdown order was made when a protest organizer sought to coordinate activists via cell phone. Oh, you still have the constitutional right to protest. You just cannot organize it using a cell phone or tablet.

The San Francisco shutdown, which is supposed to be controlled by the Department of Homeland Security’s Standard Operating Procedure 303, prevented anyone inside the transit stations “from sending or receiving phone calls, messages, emergency notifications and other transmissions,” according to the Electronic Privacy Information Center, or EPIC.

EPIC now is taking its fight for access to the SOP303 plan to the U.S. Supreme Court after a district judge agreed the information should be made public but an appeals court disagreed.

The plan was adopted in 2006 by the National Communications System, but it never has been released to the public, even though it codifies a “shutdown and restoration process for use by commercial and private wireless networks during a national crisis.”

Its existence was affirmed in a 2011 report from the Obama White House that asserted the “National Security Council and the Office of Science and Technology Policy have the legal authority to control private communications systems in the United States during times of war or other national emergencies.”

In fact, the White House, through executive order, granted DHS “the authority to seize private facilities, when necessary, effectively shutting down or limiting civilian communications,” EPIC said.

But information such as the text of the policy and the protocols for when cell service is taken over need to be made public, the organization argues.

In a request to the U.S. Supreme Court to hear and reverse the appeals court’s decision, EPIC explains it was unable to obtain details because the government claimed an exemption to the federal Freedom of Information Act allowed it to keep the program secret.

The government’s claims were based on assertions FOIA exemptions 7(E) and 7(F) allow withholding of “techniques and procedures for law enforcement investigations or prosecutions” and information that could endanger someone.

DHS argued that allowing the public to see the plan would “enable bad actors to insert themselves into the process of shutting down or reactivating wireless networks by appropriating verification methods and then impersonating officials.”

EPIC said while withholding names of witnesses or sources is a valid standard, precedents from other courts don’t allow the vast withholding that DHS demands.

The DHS plan “contravenes not only the basic structure and purpose of the Freedom of Information Act, but also goes against this court’s clear guidance,” EPIC said.

The Supreme Court should review and reverse the result in order to remove “overly expansive interpretations” of the law, which violate congressional intent, EPIC said.

The group warned that the existing ruling could “create a new catchall exemption for any record related to a security procedure.”

BART had justified its shutdown of cell service because a protest “could lead to platform overcrowding and unsafe conditions for BART customers, employees and demonstrators.”

The transit authority said it “accommodates” constitutionally protected activity but said it could not allow assemblies or demonstrations in areas “reserved for ticketed passengers who are boarding, existing or waiting for BART cars and trains.”

EPIC is an independent non-profit research and advocacy center for privacy issues.

EPIC President Marc Rotenberg said the secret DHS policy “to shut down cell phone service threatens public safety, open government and First Amendment freedoms.”

Forbes noted the fight is over “a document that is vitally important to the public’s right to the underlying policy that regulates the deprival of vital communications services.”