· web viewfor example, if you read chocolate fever, you would consider attaching hershey’s...


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Page 1:  · Web viewFor example, if you read Chocolate Fever, you would consider attaching Hershey’s Syrup container, Cocoa Crispies boxes, Chocolate Milk containers, and any other chocolate

5th Grade’s Inaugural Reading & Writing Celebration

Your group has been chosen to design a display that represents a book that was selected especially for you! This project will be on display on Thursday, June 5 th at our celebration. What makes reading and writing so great? It is having the freedom to explore, invent, and have your own adventure without leaving the comfort of your room!

This project will have several parts that will allow you and others to appreciate the aspects of a novel. These parts include a tri-fold display, souvenirs/ mementos to represent your book and a bookmark that will be displayed as well as, handed out to members of the school and community that visit your group’s display.

Included within this packet are guidelines for your group that will guide you through the reading of the book, to the completion of the project and finally to the celebration itself. You will need to work diligently with your group to prepare for the big day.

You will be assigned a role within the design of your tri-fold, but the creative and artistic design of the tri-fold must be completed as a group. The souvenir/memento and the bookmark are all done individually and will be completed at home.

Below are the due dates of the pieces of the project. Please sign this sheet and have a parent/ guardian sign it in order to prepare for the day! Happy Reading!





Page 2:  · Web viewFor example, if you read Chocolate Fever, you would consider attaching Hershey’s Syrup container, Cocoa Crispies boxes, Chocolate Milk containers, and any other chocolate

My signature shows that I have read and understand the role I have in the Reading and Writing Celebration that will be held the morning of June 5, 2014.

Student Signature:______________________

Parent Signature:_______________________

Teacher Signature:______________________

MilestonesMilestones are homework assignments. These assignments allow me to check if you understand what you are reading, as well as, check if

you are keeping up with the reading. These milestones will count towards your homework grade in Reading.

Milestone #1: Due Friday 5/9Describe in details the setting of your book and how it fits into the story.

Milestone #2: Due Monday 5/12Describe an interesting or important character in your book.

Milestone #3:Due Wednesday 5/14Explain how the book reminds you of yourself or another book you have read. Does it remind you of people you know or something that happened in your life? Do the characters, events or setting remind you of another book you have read before?

Page 3:  · Web viewFor example, if you read Chocolate Fever, you would consider attaching Hershey’s Syrup container, Cocoa Crispies boxes, Chocolate Milk containers, and any other chocolate

Milestone #4: Due Friday 5/16Describe the conflict the main character is facing in the story? How has the character tried to resolve it?

Milestone #5:Due Tuesday 5/20Tell your thoughts or feelings about the theme of the story.

May 2014 Reading Project CalendarSunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

4 5

First meeting. Introduce book and project. Choose

project jobs.


Read together,

discuss questions and


7 8

Read together,

discuss questions and




Discussion and reading.


11 12


Discussion and reading.


Read together,

discuss questions and



MILESTONE #3 DUE. Discussion

and reading.


Read together,

discuss questions and




Discussion and reading.


18 19

Read together,

discuss questions and




Discussion and tri-fold

work drafting.

21 22 23




25 26 27 28 29 30 31

Page 4:  · Web viewFor example, if you read Chocolate Fever, you would consider attaching Hershey’s Syrup container, Cocoa Crispies boxes, Chocolate Milk containers, and any other chocolate




Monday, June 2: Souvenir/memento and bookmark design due

Thursday, June 5: Reading and Writing Celebration

Tri-Fold Guidelines

Congrats! You have read your book and are ready to show your creativity while expressing the story elements you have learned about!

Step 1- Carefully type your story elements in your group’s chosen font. As a group, decide what you want your theme to be and consider that while you are typing. For example, if your main character is a football player, you might want to choose a font like Impact to display this trait.

Step 2- Your story elements should be on the “wings” of the tri fold, and should each have a title displayed. Again, design of the tri-fold should be done as a group.

The titles are as follows:

Works CitedMain Characters

SettingPlot Summary

ConflictResolution (Solution)

Author’s PurposeTone or Mood

Step 3- The center of your tri-fold should contain the Title and Author at the top. The center of the tri-fold should contain:

*Props and supplies that are creatively chosen as a group to represent your story and theme. For example, if you read Chocolate Fever, you would consider attaching Hershey’s Syrup container, Cocoa Crispies boxes, Chocolate Milk containers, and any other chocolate themed items to the center. Props can be battery-

Page 5:  · Web viewFor example, if you read Chocolate Fever, you would consider attaching Hershey’s Syrup container, Cocoa Crispies boxes, Chocolate Milk containers, and any other chocolate

operated, but you cannot use electrical outlets and extension cords. Items cannot be alive, valuable, fragile, or dangerous. You DO NOT have to display the novel.

* A

display of what your group thinks your main character looks like. This can be taken from a cover illustration, or can be invented on your own.

You CANNOT display information or props over the edges of the tri-fold, but they should absolutely be 3 dimensional. Have fun with this!

A few examples of tri-fold displays:

Page 6:  · Web viewFor example, if you read Chocolate Fever, you would consider attaching Hershey’s Syrup container, Cocoa Crispies boxes, Chocolate Milk containers, and any other chocolate

Group Roles

Each person in your group will be designated specific aspect of the story elements of the novel. Amongst your group, decide who will take each role. Remember to place the role you are choosing on the front of this packet! Forms for each person to fill out can be found on the following pages.

ROLE 1- Main Character descriptions and Setting

This person will determine the main characters of the novel and describe each one briefly. The setting must also be described. Both the characters and setting must use direct quotes from the novel to help support your explanation. Quotes must be cited.

ROLE 2- Plot Summary and Works Cited

This person will determine what must be included in a detailed summary of the novel. This summary must include the main characters, climax, resolution, and quotes to support your summary. The works cited must also be completed. Quotes must be cited.

ROLE 3- Author’s Purpose and Tone/Mood

This person must determine both the purpose the author was writing with as well as how the author was try to make us feel. Quotes must be included to support your reasoning. Quotes must be cited.

ROLE 4- Conflict and Resolution

Page 7:  · Web viewFor example, if you read Chocolate Fever, you would consider attaching Hershey’s Syrup container, Cocoa Crispies boxes, Chocolate Milk containers, and any other chocolate

This person must determine what the main problem (only one) in the story is and determine how this problem was solved. Quotes must be included to support your reasoning. Quotes must be cited.

Role 5- ThemeThis person must determine the important lesson the character learned throughout the story as well as identify the theme of the story. Quotes must be included to support your reasoning. Quotes must be cited.

Role 1

Main Character Description and Setting

Do not list more than three characters. Write short descriptions in sentence form. Use adjectives to describe characters and every character must include a quote as a part of the description. Characters listed below MUST be included in the summary.

Character name: ___________________

Description of character: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Quote and page number: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Character name: ___________________

Page 8:  · Web viewFor example, if you read Chocolate Fever, you would consider attaching Hershey’s Syrup container, Cocoa Crispies boxes, Chocolate Milk containers, and any other chocolate

Description of character: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Quote and page number: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Character name: ___________________

Description of character: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Quote and page number: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Main Characters and SettingThere are two parts to a book’s setting. Both of these aspects must be included in sentence form and both aspects must include quotes.


When did the story happen? Did it take place in current day, during the Civil War, the Renaissance…? BE SPECIFIC!




Page 9:  · Web viewFor example, if you read Chocolate Fever, you would consider attaching Hershey’s Syrup container, Cocoa Crispies boxes, Chocolate Milk containers, and any other chocolate

Quote and page number:



2. PLACEWhere did the story take place? Did it take place in the real world or imaginary? Write the name of city, school, country… any detail you could possibly include! If the story takes place in more than one place, choose ONLY the most important place.

Quote and page number:



Plot Summary and Works Cited


DO NOT RETELL THE STORY!Summarize what has happened. Be sure to talk to your group mate about what main characters they have included in their part of the tri-fold. The summary also must include the climax, resolution, and at least one quote to support your summary. You must include the page number of the quote.









Page 10:  · Web viewFor example, if you read Chocolate Fever, you would consider attaching Hershey’s Syrup container, Cocoa Crispies boxes, Chocolate Milk containers, and any other chocolate






DO NOT look for bibliographic information on the cover of the book. Use the title page! Spelling is important. Copy everything correctly. Then, using the given website, create a works cited.

Title: name of book MUST be underlined



Illustrator or cover art designer:



_____________________________________________________________Copyright Date: (look for the copyright date on the back of the title page.)_____________________________________________________________

Page 11:  · Web viewFor example, if you read Chocolate Fever, you would consider attaching Hershey’s Syrup container, Cocoa Crispies boxes, Chocolate Milk containers, and any other chocolate

Role 3Author’s Purpose and Tone/Mood

Author’s PurposeWhy did the author write the story? To entertain, inform, persuade, express, or a combination of the listed?

The author wrote the book to: _____________________________________________________

I know this because (include quote and page number here):





How does the author want you to feel when you read the story? Sad, excited, happy, scared, curious? Use fully detailed sentences to describe this feeling. Make sure you use adjectives that are exciting and interesting. Not the basic emotion words (happy, sad, etc).

Page 12:  · Web viewFor example, if you read Chocolate Fever, you would consider attaching Hershey’s Syrup container, Cocoa Crispies boxes, Chocolate Milk containers, and any other chocolate

The author wants the reader to feel _________________________________________________

I know this because (use a quote and page number here)________________________________________________________________________





Conflict and Resolution

Conflict What is the MAIN problem in the story? Choose only ONE problem and you must use a quote to support this. Describe the problem in detail and in full sentences.








ResolutionHow is the above problem solved? Again, describe the problem in detail and in full sentences. You MUST use a quote to support this.

Page 13:  · Web viewFor example, if you read Chocolate Fever, you would consider attaching Hershey’s Syrup container, Cocoa Crispies boxes, Chocolate Milk containers, and any other chocolate








Role 5:Identifying the Theme:


In every fiction book, the character learns something at the end of the story, and you as the reader have learned an important lesson or moral that can be applied to your own life.

Write about an important lesson that the character had learned in the story.






What was the theme of the story? What did the author want to teach you as the reader?

Page 14:  · Web viewFor example, if you read Chocolate Fever, you would consider attaching Hershey’s Syrup container, Cocoa Crispies boxes, Chocolate Milk containers, and any other chocolate







Fill out the form below. Cut and paste it onto the BACK of your tri-fold board.

If your name is on the front of your tri-fold board or on any of your props, you cannot display it!


Names of group members: _______________________________________





Page 15:  · Web viewFor example, if you read Chocolate Fever, you would consider attaching Hershey’s Syrup container, Cocoa Crispies boxes, Chocolate Milk containers, and any other chocolate

Novel Title and Author: _________________________________________

Homeroom Teacher: ___________________________________________

Homeroom Number: ___________________________________________

Tri-Fold Checklist

Project has the following:

____ title

____ author

____ works cited

____ main characters and descriptions with quotes and page numbers

____ setting with quote and page number

____ plot summary with quote and page number

____ conflict with quote and page number

____ resolution with quote and page number

____ author’s purpose with quote and page number

____ tone/mood with quote and page number


____ writing is neat and inventive

____ writing is easily understood


____ project is original

Page 16:  · Web viewFor example, if you read Chocolate Fever, you would consider attaching Hershey’s Syrup container, Cocoa Crispies boxes, Chocolate Milk containers, and any other chocolate

____ project displays imagination

____ unique materials are used to portray novel

Quality of project:

____ project follows the guidelines

____ project displays props that will stay on tri-fold throughout the day

Interest evoked:

____ project demonstrates groups best abilities

____ project encourages curiosity about the book

____ project attracts others and makes them interested in the work

Project is ready to be graded and displayed. All group members have worked to the best of their ability on tri-fold.

Signatures of group members:



10 Points will be given for each of the following displayed on the tri-fold (100 points total for this section)

____ title

____ author

____ works cited

____ main characters and descriptions with quotes and page numbers

____ setting with quote and page number

____ plot summary with quote and page number

____ conflict with quote and page number

____ resolution with quote and page number

____ author’s purpose with quote and page number

____ tone/mood with quote and page number

Writing: (10 points total)

____/5 writing is neat and inventive

____ /5 writing is easily understood

Creativity: (30 points total)

____/ 10 project is original

Page 17:  · Web viewFor example, if you read Chocolate Fever, you would consider attaching Hershey’s Syrup container, Cocoa Crispies boxes, Chocolate Milk containers, and any other chocolate

____/ 10 project displays imagination

____/ 10 unique materials are used to portray novel

Quality of project: (20 points total)

____/10 project follows the guidelines

____/10 project displays props that will stay on tri-fold throughout the day

Interest evoked: (20 points total)

____/5 project demonstrates groups best abilities

____/5 project encourages curiosity about the book

____/5 project attracts others and makes them interested in the work

____/5 project is visually appealing

Thoroughness of Written Information: (20 points total)

____/ 10 proper emphasis placed on important items

____/ 10 completely portrays the concept of the book

TOTAL POINTS:______________/ 200 points

Souvenirs and Mementos

Each student is responsible for displaying one souvenir or memento with an explanation next to each object describing its significance. This should be a well-constructed typed paragraph and the souvenir or memento should be well thought out and planned. The paragraph should include a quote and page number where the quote was found.

Your souvenir or memento should be drawn, collected, created, or found. It should represent items that the main character would put in a scrapbook to represent a piece of their time described in the novel. This item could be from a significant event, a hobby, or any other item you can think of that is creative.

Ideas for souvenir/memento:



Why did you choose this item or these items?

Page 18:  · Web viewFor example, if you read Chocolate Fever, you would consider attaching Hershey’s Syrup container, Cocoa Crispies boxes, Chocolate Milk containers, and any other chocolate







Each student will be given a blank bookmark stencil. One side of the bookmark should be an illustration that represents an aspect of the novel that you particularly enjoyed. The other side of the bookmark will be a list of reasons to read the book. The goal of your bookmark is to get people interested in reading the book that you have worked so hard to show off!

Sketch below some ideas you might have.

Page 19:  · Web viewFor example, if you read Chocolate Fever, you would consider attaching Hershey’s Syrup container, Cocoa Crispies boxes, Chocolate Milk containers, and any other chocolate

Souvenir and Memento Rubric

____/ 15 the souvenir is creative

____/ 15 the souvenir represents the character and the story appropriately

____/ 20 grammar and sentence structure are correct

____/ 20 paragraph is constructed and detailed to appropriately explain the souvenir/ memento

____/ 10 quote is chosen from the novel and accurately represents the souvenir/ memento and page number is included

Bookmark Rubric

____/ 10 illustration represents an event in the plot of the story

Page 20:  · Web viewFor example, if you read Chocolate Fever, you would consider attaching Hershey’s Syrup container, Cocoa Crispies boxes, Chocolate Milk containers, and any other chocolate

____/ 10 list of reasons to read the book is neat and spelling is accurate

____/100 points total for souvenir/memento and bookmark