· web viewenergy grouped to together for a single purpose is what we call “energy compounds”...

The Spirit Code Christ-Centered Energy Healing ----- Compounds and Charts Written by Paul and Melissa Bunch ISBN-13: 978-1540816139 ISBN-10: 1540816133

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The Spirit CodeChrist-Centered Energy Healing

----- Compounds and Charts

Written by Paul and Melissa Bunch





Table of Contents

Section One: Purpose of Forming a Compound . . . . . 1

Section Two: How to Form a Compound . . . . . 3

Section Three: Template . . . . . 9

Section Four: Examples . . . . . 13

Section Five: Charts Used For Compounds . . . . . 16

Section Six: Five Elements . . . . . 32

Section Seven: Additional Charts . . . . . 34


Section One:

Purpose of Forming a Compound

Energy grouped to together for a single purpose is what we call “energy compounds” or “compounds of energy” or simply a “compound.” There are many reasons ways in which a compound can increase the healing capacity of an individual. For instance, compounds of energy can:

1. Assist in removing pathogens 2. Assist in removing toxin and poisons (identified differently within a body)3. Break down physical blocks within the body4. Assist in breaking down excess (such as “excess dense tissue,” which can be created by a

person’s body to store negative energy)5. Assist in healing damage to the body

Let’s take for instance a human form is devised of cells and particles from the universe. Imagine this universe is alive and ever moving, ever changing and ever evolving. The body would follow suit to this powerful universe. A body created at the time of Adam and Eve or even Moses does not have the same chemical make-up as a body created in the modern universe. Why is that? Have you ever studied how mankind lived hundreds of years in generations past and wondered how this could be possible? Assuming it was not a misprint or miscalculation of the seasons, this could not be possible even with modern medicine. Yet, it was so and even common as life was vastly different in the pre-modern society of the era before the great flood. Evolution has occurred but in a different manner than we have perceived by our limited understanding upon this planet. We see a certain outcome and misunderstand the entire complexity of the picture created by an all-powerful God.

Energy is all around. Everything is alive in its own respect. Intelligence of the universe runs deeply throughout every particle of existence. Once you choose to connect to this intelligence and offer it respect - respect for the Creator and respect for its existence, then this energy may choose to serve you in alignment with the will of the Lord.

These compounds of energy are quite simply ingenious; working together with the universe and the energy within to increase the capabilities of the human body to grow, heal, mature and evolve. We simply remove all we think we know about the chemical makeup and begin asking the energy itself in alignment with the body how to increase the speed of healing. We ask, what does my body need and then simply invite the energy of this intelligence into the human body through the meridians and to then be distributed throughout the body to the desired location. All through muscle testing. The sky is the limit; however abuse of these energies will decrease the unity of the progress. Having faith in God’s creations and respect for them while working in conjuncture with these energies, will offer your body the ability to produce healing at a growth unknown to the medical world.

Simply put, the world has so much more potential that we are not utilizing as we designate our own will above the ability of God. Compounds are a beginning to the lessons we are ready to learn


about the potential of the earth to heal our bodies. Of course, not to be forgotten; the healing in the mind and spirit, this is just one piece of the puzzle.

This is not a selling tool as we do not sell these products. We are communing with them and inviting their energy into our bodies. In the case your body is not capable of digesting or absorbing certain minerals, vitamins or nutrients; this invitation of energy is more effective than simply ingesting. When we invite in this energy it is without additives or GMO, because we are inviting into our bodies the creations of God. This is a small step towards becoming one with the universe and all of creation as we act as one in body, mind and spirit.

Negative energy is toxic to the body. Your body is a temple for your spirit. Your body and spirit are holy and sacred. Any memory, emotion, event, experience that creates negative energy is going to cause harm to your sacred body. Becoming aware of faulty patterns, changing the outlook on the past and expectations of the future will create a safe space for healing. Our goal is to spiritually and physically prepare for the second coming of Jesus Christ. Many see preparations as simply food and water storage, however having a body of health and strength along with spiritual awareness is one of the most basic preparation steps. The higher law entails being worthy in thought. Until we can heal from the wounds of the past and change our outlook on reality, the ability to have Christ-like thoughts will be near impossible as we naturally respond emotionally. This is further explained in the Spirit Code Self-Sabotage manual. Moving forward differently than you have in the past to experience different results requires a conscious effort which also requires shifting the core beliefs. If a tree in your orchard is producing rotten fruit; the root system must be healed before the fruit produced is healthy. The positive energy included in the compounds will counteract the impact of the negative energy on the body for as long as it is invited in properly, thus creating a balanced body where healing can occur.

The complete Spirit Code program is available online as it is complicated and requires visual lessons. Please visit spiritcode.net for complete classes on how to properly assist the body in healing in the spirit, mind, and body.


Section Two:

How to Form a Compound

We begin by using a template with 14 different types of energy that can be combined or merged within their own category. The sky is the limit and more categories may be created as the Spirit prompts. Each category has a chart and through muscle testing you can fill in the blanks with the needs of the individual. If an item is not listed, begin searching the internet for the specific needs or allow intuitive inspiration to guide the results.

We recognize that these energies are gifts from God and should be treated as such. When working with the energies we invite the energy into our bodies through the governing meridian and to be distributed to the desired locations. Energies have their own form of intelligence, which is how they respond to a person’s invitation. We do not want to restrict their free will, since that has the potential of turning them into negative energy. So when we are working the energies, we are communicating with them and asking them to assist us. There are 12 “regular meridians” or “main meridians” within a person’s body and eight extraordinary meridians. The extraordinary meridians act as energy reservoirs. The governing meridian is an extraordinary meridian the flows up a person’s back and over the top of a person’s head.

The governing meridian can flow into other meridians, allowing the energy to be absorbed into any part of the body. When working with the skin, sometimes it is best to invite the energy into the person’s energy fields and have it bathe this skin or absorbed into the skin. Other locations exist, to include: inviting the energy directly into a chakra, or directly into a pathogen, such as a parasite. Forming compounds outside of a person’s space can be done to remove toxins and pathogens (fungus, mold, bacteria, and virus) within a person’s home, vehicle and workspace. For obvious reasons, it is important to remember to remove the bacteria and viruses from these locations after removing them from a person’s body.

While working with the energies, we follow Dr. Bradley Nelson’s technique of using a magnet. The magnet will intensify/magnify the mind’s intention and the flow of energy within the meridian. The magnet, which can be a simple refrigerator magnet, is run over the governing meridian, either over the top of a person’s head (from front to back) or down a person’s back. In the case where blocks are present in the meridian, this must be removed before continuing.

We begin by bringing to light the imbalance (imbalance – referring to the health problem, whether it a negative energy, a pathogen, toxin, etc.). For example, if the purpose of inviting in the compound is to remove parasites within a person named Marvin, this can be done by simply stating, “I bring to light all parasites within Marvin.” (As a reminder, when removing parasites, also remove the eggs and the dead parasites that remain within a person’s body.)


We group the 14 energy categories into “Group A” and “Group B.” Each group will have a different set amount of time. We use muscle testing to designate the appropriate time frame for each group based upon the client’s needs.

1. Group A: will typically be invited to work continuously for a certain length of time. Group A is for the healing the damage caused to body. This group contains oils, herbs, nutritional supplements, spiritual energy, and much more.

2. Group B: is more intense than Group A and will typically be invited to work in intervals. Group B typically breaks down an imbalance within the body, such as the toxins, pathogens, excess, etc. Group B has the potential to harm the body if it remains longer than necessary. It is typically broken down into minutes or hours: For instance, Group B could be invited into a person for 3 hours, 3 times a day for 5 weeks and 10 days. With intervals, Group B can work in harmony with Group A, since Group A can continue to heal while Group B takes a break. Keep in mind that the total number of days Group A and Group B will be the same. So if Group A is invited into a client’s meridian for 10 days, Group B will also be invited in for 10 days.

Since Group B has the potential to harm the body if it remains beyond the necessary time, it is important to make sure the energy is released at a specific time. To do this, a person can set the intention for Group B to be neutralized, defused, released and removed. It can be stated as follows, “I set the intention for Group B to be neutralized, defused, released and removed after the space of time specified for each treatment.”

It is common to have multiple energies within a category. Before identifying the energies, a practitioner can muscle test to see how many energies will be needed within the category. For instance, if a practitioner is adding emotional energies to a compound that requires four emotional energies, the practitioner can muscle test while stating, “Does this compound need one energy, two, three, four, five?” On number five, the test will be weak. This will indicated that the needed number is four, since it was still strong.

For each of the categories there is a chart to assist in identifying the specific energy. To identify the energy the practitioner must use muscle testing. The practitioner tests which column and which row the energy is in. For instance, when identifying an oil, a practitioner can first test to see if the oil is in Column A, B, C or D. This can be state as, “Is the oil that Marvin’s body needs in Column A?” If the test is positive, then test for the appropriate row the oil is located in. If negative, then proceed to the following columns until the test is positive. The practitioner will do the same with the rows. For the oils, there are five rows. If desired, a person can also test to see if the oil is in odd or even rows to narrow it down a little quicker. This can be stated as, “Is the oil in an odd row?” If it is a negative, then test for even rows. As a practitioner becomes more adept at testing, the practitioner can use their intention to assist. They can simple state the column, row, etc., rather than going through the full question.

Once the column and row has been identified, the practitioner can test each oil within that block. For example, if the oil is in Column C and Row 2, the practitioner will then have the following six oils to test: black pepper, cajuput, rosehip, baobab, marula and neem. (see chart on following page) After becoming comfortable with the process, the practitioner can simply think of the words to properly test. If the test is positive, that is the oil that is needed. If the test is negative, continue testing until a positive result is received.


A B C DCaraway Bay Black Pepper CalamusSpikenard Benzoin Cajuput Clary SageTagetes Bergamot Rosehip DillSesame Camphor Baobab J uniperWalnut Ginger Marula Tangerine

Sterculic Cedarwood Neem Peppermint


While testing each energy within a block, two unexpected possibilities may arise. 1) Occasionally, a negative result for each energy within the block will occur. This means that the energy that is needed is not listed on the chart. 2) Depending upon the method of muscle testing, it is possible to receive an answer that is not real strong or real weak. This can be identified by practitioners that are very confident and proficient with their muscle testing. This is an indication that the energy needed is close to the energy listed. For instance, when testing the herb “lily of the valley root” the test was between weak and strong. The particular energy needed was from the pollen, instead the root. In other instances the energy may not be part of the same plant, but instead a closely related plant. For example, there are many types of berries and the “close” result may land on a huckleberry, but the needed energy is a lingonberry, a cousin of the huckleberry. When a test result is negative or close, do not get discouraged. Relax and allow some inspiration to come into your mind. If, in the end, you are unable to identify the correct energy, acknowledge that there is an energy that is not listed and invite the energy to assist.

Depending upon the category, the practitioner may combine or merge the energies after inviting them to work with the client. The template provided in Section Three indicates whether or not the category can be combined or merged. Additionally, the lines 4 through 11 within Group A will often times need to be concentrated based upon each person’s needs. The combining and concentrating can be done in conjunction with each other. For instance, when inviting herbs into a client’s meridian, the practitioner may state, “I invite and absorb into Marvin’s meridian the herbs echinacea and white willow bark and I invite each of the herbs to concentrate based upon his needs and I invite them to combine.”

The elements are the first category in Group B. The elements are the only category that we merge. When two elements are merged they become a molecule. The merging of elements into molecules can become very complex; however, while working within a compound the need for a complex molecule is typically unnecessary. Within a compound it is common to have only one molecule that is comprised of two or three elements. The elements we work with are not limited to the ones identified by humans on a periodic chart, which stop at #118 (the atomic number – see image on the following page). The elements offered by the earth can reach into the tens of thousands. We can also invite elements from other planets, moons and stars to work with us. It is important to understand that the energy of these elements is being invited to assist in healing or breaking down of blocks or dense tissue. The energy of these elements has different properties than that of their physical counterpart; however, their intelligence and capabilities far surpasses our expectations.


The following steps assist with the identification process:

a. Test to see how many molecules are needed for the compoundb. Test how many elements are needed within each moleculec. Test which elements (test the atomic numbers 1 – #####?) are needed (elements are not limited

to the 118 identified by humans)i. This can be done by testing to see if the number is 50 or below. If positive, then cut the

number in half and test if it is 25 or below. Continue this process until the number is identified. A similar method can be used for numbers above 50. To narrow down the number, the practitioner can test to see if the number is above 50, 100, 200, 1,000, 10,000, etc. until a negative result is reached. Then the begin cutting the range in half.

d. Test to see if any sun elements or elements from any other location are needed (sun elements begin at 136)

e. Order of merging: Examples: i. Ex.1: You may have four elements that need to be merged into a molecule; however, three

of them may need to be merged first and the fourth element added to the molecule formed by the first three.

ii. Ex. 2: You may need to form three molecules and merge all three to form a new molecule. Again, test to see if all three molecules can merge at the same time or if there is a specific order that needs to be followed.

Energy waves may seem intimidating at first, but after a few times practicing it is actually a pretty simple process. There are two kinds of energy waves that we work with, light energy waves (sometimes called electromagnetic waves) and sound waves. Compounds typically used only one light wave; however, occasionally two light waves will be needed. Of note, light waves travel vertically and sound waves travel horizontally.

Charts are provided to identify the type light and sound waves. Frequencies and vibrations are the measurements of energy. We use abbreviations to simplify the charts: F = frequencies and V = vibrations. This is a common practice throughout all of our work. When identifying the proper F and V needed, a practitioner needs include whether it is a positive or negative F and V. Almost always the F and V will both be either positive or both be negative. On the very rare occasion a practitioner may come across an energy wave that requires the F to be positive and the V to be negative or vice-a-versa.

The F and V will each be identified with a number. The number will always have a decimal point in it. For example, the frequency may be 26.7 and the vibration 17.9. A practitioner may test to see how many digits are before the decimal and how many are after the decimal. In order to identify the number, the testing can be done in a similar manner as described above for the elements on a periodic chart.


The last category of energy is the chemicals/hormones. The chemicals are tailored to each individual’s needs. For instance, while using a compound for the same purpose on two different clients, one client may need the chemicals of adrenaline and cortisol and the other client may need chemicals of insulin and glucagon. The chemicals are broken down by the gland that excretes the chemical. A practitioner can identify the gland first and then test each chemical to identify the ones needed.

After each energy has been identified within each category, the practitioner can begin inviting the energy into the most appropriate location. When doing this, remember that the intention is the most important part. With that said, there is no set way to do this. An example of how this can be done is as follows:

I invite and absorb into my meridian group A (list off all the components in group A) to be continuously invited into my body for (amount of time) and to be distributed throughout my body for the purpose of reducing inflammation. I invite and absorb into my meridian Group B (list off all the components in Group B) to be invited into my body for (amount of time) and to be distributed throughout my body for the purpose of breaking down the toxicity creating inflammation. I neutralize and defuse, release and remove Group B after the space of time specified. I lovingly thank these energies for their service and assistance. Where necessary, combine or merge and/or concentrate the energies based upon the needs of the body. Also, synergistically combine all of the energies together. Synergistically combining the energies will multiply their effectiveness.


When broken down into each category, we are able to more specifically calculate the needs of the human body. Energy is raised with higher frequencies and vibrations; however these levels raise based upon our own capability, faith, health, spirituality, knowledge, positive flow of emotions and evolution. When a level is low, it can be raised. We can raise the F and V of our water to increase the hydration for our bodies simply by playing hymns to a jug of filtered water. The same can be done with our food sources by offering it respect, positive energy and joyful sounds in the home. Respect for the energies that sustain life, increases the F and V of their energy flow. When there is contention in the home, the F and V of the food in the pantry can actually receive negative energy flow, thus decreasing the health of the body that consumes that food. It is said that a blessing over the food will increase the F and V of the food we consume; however, it can also be increased even more due to the energy we release from our bodies. If you stop and think about the process of the food that you are about to eat from the beginning of its existence until the moment it touches your mouth and then until it completes the digestion process within your body; a healthy respect is formed between you and the food. On the other hand, if you eat unconsciously and send hateful thoughts to the spare tire around your waist and complain about your body’s poor health, the ability of the body to rise to healthier standards is borderline impossible.

In the end, we are working off faith. We receive the results we expect. When an individual is not willing to heal or is unbelieving, this process doesn’t work. The spirit and the mind and the body must be working together as a team. When we desire to heal another who is not ready, this process will be rejected and healing will discontinue. The intelligence of this energy respects God’s plan of agency. Whenever we consciously or subconsciously reject the energy, it will discontinue its treatment. This is not to say we do not desire healing, but until we are fully ready to come unto Christ with a pure heart, we may still reject the process. We limit the capabilities of the human experience by placing our own limits upon our existence. We are all mortals and we are all here together to experience life. Once we learn how to live in peace with one another and accept ourselves and God, we will begin to see a change in our results. Then we can see the remaining capabilities of our bodies and what lies ahead.


These compounds are a small fraction of what we are capable of doing. Christ taught us that we can move a mountain if only we had the faith of a grain of mustard seed.

When understanding curses and dark energies, lifestyle energies, sexual and destructive energies; compounds greatly assist, but you can go much further with the earth’s involvement. Most times we are not alone in this experience of life and, therefore, we are not alone in the healing process either. Taking steps alone is futile and will lead to emptiness as the healing journey must exist in a space of a support system. Always take with you a friend that will not let you down. For many, this is family or friends, while others find their refuge in the Lord. Might the earth be added to this list along with the many other creations of God. The sun has healing properties that are well known, but the earth stabilizes life by providing nourishment within her soils. Many overlook her involvement, but her partnership offers the potential to live in ways that would not exist without her. Therefore, healing also involves the earth’s abilities to enter into the body’s cavities and fill you up with countless energy, vibrations, connection, purpose and healing.


Section Three:Compound Template

Group A:1) Spiritual energies: _______________________________ – combine 2) Emotional energies: _______________________________ – combine 3) Love and strength of Spirit Animals: ___________________– invite 4) Oils: ________________________________ – combine5) Precious stones: _______________________________________ – combine 6) Nutritional Supplements: ______________________________________ – invite7) Bacteria: ______________________________– combine8) Herbs: _______________________________– combine9) Foods: ________________________________ – invite10) White powder gold + Chlorophyll + O17 + Mumio – combine 11) Ionized Water + Kombucha – combine12) 8 hrs of restful sleep daily (NREM stage 3)

Group B: (F = Frequency; V = Vibration)13) Elements: __________________________________ – merge14) Light energy wave: ____________________________

positive/negative F ______ & V______ – combine15) Light energy wave: ____________________________

positive/negative F ______ & V______ – combine16) Sound wave: ____________________________

positive/negative F ______ & V______ – combine17) Chemicals/Hormones (based upon individual’s needs): ________________________ – invite

Note – Remember, many of the energies on lines 4 through 11 may need to be concentrated Note – Ask if anything else needs to be addedInvite the energy above to synergistically combineGroup A Time: ## daysGroup B Time: ## hour(s) / ## times a day / ## days

For the times: Invite the group of energy into the meridian (or the appropriate location) for the space of ## and ask for the energy to combine and merge based upon its needs

Ask for the group of energy to be distributed to the proper locations within the spirit, mind and bodySet the intention for it to be Neutralized / Defused / Released / Removed after the space of time specified for each treatmentLovingly thank these energies for their service and assistance


Step by Step

Bring to light all . . . (Ex.: bacterial infections)

Invite and absorb each grouping into the meridian to merge or combine

- Or into the appropriate location such as the energy fields (to bathe the skin), a chakra, directly into the affected area (such as a pathogen), or into a home, vehicle or workspace. These are not the only possibilities, so let the Holy Spirit guide you as you look for the correct location.

Group A

1. Spiritual Energy: These energies are Godly in nature2. Emotional energy: extremely vital in the healing as most problems occurred originally from

negative emotions – then combine the emotions3. Love and Strength of Spirit Animals – this is a special opportunity to join together with the

animals that watch over and protect you and allow them to assist in the healing process.

- Lines 4 through 9, simply test to see which energies are needed4. Oils: test for which oils are needed – combine 5. Precious Stones: – combine6. Nutritional Supplements: – invite (Due to the wide variety of possibilities, we do not combine

these energies)7. Bacteria: – combine8. Herbs: – combine9. Foods: – invite (Due to the wide variety of possibilities, we do not combine these energies)10. White powder gold + Chlorophyll + O17 + Mumio

a. Notes: the white powder gold (WPG) assists in binding the previous groups of energy together. WPG has a unique ability to be used in a physical form and a spiritual form. Nano-gold is a man-made version of WPG and can only be used in a physical form. Due to the spiritual nature of WPG, it is important to acknowledge this element as pure and holy. Chlorophyll is rich in nutrients. O17 is type of oxygen atom; although this element has not been extensively studied for its healing abilities, we have discovered that it has incredible power to heal. Mumio is also known as shilajit. It is a naturally occurring substance that is also rich in minerals, as it is grown on rocks. Multiple studies have shown a wide variety of health benefits from mumio, but the magic behind its healing properties has continued to elude the scientists.

11. Ionized Water + Kombucha – combine to assist in hydrating the body.a. Notes: Ionized water is formed into smaller water clusters than a normal water cluster,

thus, allowing the body ionized to absorb it more efficiently. Kombucha, a drink, is packed with probiotics, enzymes and other nutrients.

12. 8 hrs of restful sleep daily (NREM stage 3) to assist in the healing process especially a. Notes: The effected part of the body often needs rest to heal. 8 hrs is the most common

amount needed; however, there are some instances where a client may need either less or more hours. NREM (non-rapid eye movement) stage 3 is the stage in which a person goes into the deepest level of sleep.

Group B10

13. Elements: test for which elements are needed – merge the elements to form molecules a. Test to see how many molecules are needed for the compoundb. Test how many elements are needed within each moleculec. Test which elements (test the atomic numbers 1 – #####?) are needed (elements are

not limited to the 118 identified by humans)i. This can be done by testing to see if the number is 50 or below. If positive, then

cut the number in half and test if it is 25 or below. Continue this process until the number is identified. A similar method can be used for numbers above 50. To narrow down the number, the practitioner can test to see if the number is above 50, 100, 200, 1,000, 10,000, etc. until a negative result is reached. Then the begin cutting the range in half.

d. Test to see if any sun elements or elements from any other location are needed (sun elements begin at 136)

e. Order of merging: Examples: i. Ex.1: You may have four elements that need to be merged into a molecule;

however, three of them may need to be merged first and the fourth element added to the molecule formed by the first three.

ii. Ex. 2: You may need to form three molecules and merge all three to form a new molecule. Again, test to see if all three molecules can merge at the same time or if there is a specific order that needs to be followed.

14. Energy Waves (First Light / Sound second) – Test to identify the type of energy wave needed and then invite that energy wave into the meridian. (Note: These waves have the ability to break down the blocks in the spirit).

a. Test for the frequencyi. Ask the number of digits before the decimal; Identify each digit

ii. Ask the number of digits after the decimal; Identify each digitb. Test for the vibration

i. Ask the number of digits before the decimal; Identify each digitii. Ask the number of digits after the decimal; Identify each digit

c. Test for positive or negatived. Invite each in and combine the frequency and the vibratione. Example: Ultraviolet wave Frequency of negative 26.7 and a Vibration of negative 17.9

15. Hormones: 16. Ask if there is anything that needs to be added to this group of energy

a. Ask if this group of energy is whole / complete

Note – Remember, many of the energies on lines 4 through 11 may need to be concentrated

17. Invite the energy above to synergistically combine 18. Ask that your meridian distribute these energies to the proper locations within the body or to a

specific location in which the energy is needed 19. Time it:

a. Group A may take several daysb. Group B will be in intervals – a certain amount of minutes or hours / a certain amount of

times in a day (example: 4 times a day) / for a certain amount of days. i. Note: The total number of days in Group A will be the same amount of days in

Group B.


20. Set the intention that this energy group be Neutralized / Defused / Released / Removed after the space of time specified for each treatment

c. Note: On the rare occasion the energy will not need to be time or neutralized, etc., because it is likely converting something within the body; if so, nothing else needs to be done

21. Additional questions a practitioner may ask if they feel it is necessary: a. Is safe compound safe for (client)b. Will this compound overwhelm (client)

i. If so, what percent (10%, 20%, etc.)22. Thank the group of energy for its assistance


Section Four:


The first two examples are for removing physical blocks within a person’s body. A physical block may occur for many reasons including scar tissue which interferes with the flow of energy in the meridian. Other times the body can create a block of energetic flow as protection from a memory or event that created such distress it is harming to the individual. Until the flow of energy is cleared of all blocks (energetic and tangible), there will be limitations to successfully releasing negative energy or inviting in positive healing energy.

Example 1:

1. Bring to light all blocks in the spirit, mind and bodya. Group A:

i. Spiritual energy: Faith in God’s will + The pure love of Christ – combine ii. Emotional energy: Fulfillment + Peace + Cherishment – combine

iii. Strength and love from Spirit animal’s: Dove + Komodo Dragon – invite iv. Oils: Rosewood + Wintergreen + Sage – combinev. Stone: Coral + Sillimanite Cat’s Eye – combine

vi. Nutritional Supplements: Omega 3 + Isoleucine + Colloidal Silver + Hesperidin + Chromium – invite

vii. Bacteria: S. Faecium + SBO #2 + Bacillus Coagulans – combine viii. Herbs: Hawthorne flower and berry + Burdock seed – combine

ix. Foods: Lychee + Kelp + Kale + Barley + Mangosteen – invite x. White powder gold + Chlorophyll + O17 + Mumio – combine

xi. Ionized water + Kombucha – combinexii. Energy of 8 hrs of restful sleep each night (NREM stage 3)

b. Group B: i. Element: Hydrogen + Neon – merge

ii. Light wave: Cosmic wave – negative F 75.1 & V 81.1 – combineiii. Light wave: Radio wave – positive F 6.6 & V 5.1 – combineiv. Sound wave: Infrared – positive F 4.5 & V 2.3 – combine

c. Synergistically combine all of the aboved. Group A Time: ## Days e. Group B Time: ## hours / ## times a day / ## days f. Invite the group of energy into the meridian for the space of ## and ask for the energy

to combine and merge based upon its needsg. Ask for the group of energy to be distributed to the blocks that are safe to be removed

within the spirit, mind and bodyh. Set the intention for it to be Neutralized / Defused / Released / Removed after the space

of time specified for each treatmenti. Lovingly thank these blocks for providing protection in the past and thank the group of

energy for providing their service and assistance


Example 2: This energy compound will breakdown the blocks on a person’s transmitters and receivers. The transmitter and receivers are a small, but important part within the nervous system. Because they are exceedingly small and delicate, it is necessary to form a special group of energy to remove the blocks.

Remove blocks upon the transmitters and receivers

1. Bring to light all blocks upon the transmitters and receivers2. Identify whether all blocks are safe to remove

a. Detach the blocks b. Detach the cords to the blocks / Cut the cords to the blocks with an Alternating Sapphire

Current Laser / Release the cords / Remove the cordsc. Invite and absorb into the meridian –

i. Group A:1. Spiritual energies: Freedom with God’s Plan + He is my pattern and

eternal friend – combine 2. Emotional energies: Encouragement + Balance – combine 3. Love and strength from Spirit Animals: Leech + Octopus + Eel + the

energy of the idea/myth of the Loch Ness Monster + Cabbage worm – Invite (These animals are symbolic of something that is elusive and lurks beneath the surface).

4. Oils: Eucalyptus + Neem – combine 5. Stones: Diamond + Iolite + Star Moonstone – combine 6. Nutritional Supplements: Iodine + Phosphatidylserine + DHA + Collagen

Supplements – combine 7. Herbs: Eucalyptus leaf + Partridge Berry + Gotu Kola + Kava + Tulsi –

combine 8. Foods: Pomegranate peel + Flaxseed + Poria + Flaxseed and Cottage

Cheese + Mangosteen + Strawberry Cactus – invite 9. White powder gold + Chlorophyll + O17 + Mumio – combine10. Ionized Water + Kombucha – combine 11. 24hrs of restful, safe sleep daily (NREM stage 3)

ii. Group B:1. Compound / Molecule

a. 1: Potassium + Lysine positive – merge and then add Lutetium to form the PLL compound

b. 2: Holmium + Iron + Promethium + Erbium – merge and then add Lutetium to form the HIPEL molecule

c. 3: Now merge the PLL compound and the HIPEL molecule to form the PLLHIPEL compound

2. Light wave: X-ray: negative F 224.23 & V 235.25 – combine iii. Synergistically combine all of the aboveiv. Group A Time: ## Days v. Group B Time: # hours / # times a day / ## days

1. Invite the group of energy into the meridian for the space of ## and ask for the energy to combine and merge based upon its needs


vi. Ask for this group of energy to be distributed to the all of the blocks that are safe to be removed and to break down the tissue forming the blocks on the transmitters and receivers

vii. Set the intention for it to be Neutralized / Defused / Released / Removed after the space of time specified for each treatment

viii. Lovingly thank these blocks for providing protection in the past and thank the group of energy for providing its service and assistance

Example 3: This example is provided to demonstrate the possible complexity of forming a compound with the elements. This was used to remove a staph infection. This was formed during the early learning process, so Groups A and B were not designated yet. When using just the elements, the result was a molecule. When adding something more complex, such as the antioxidants, we designated this as a compound. As you can see while studying it; this compound still needs a Group A with healing components. (Disclosure: Staph infection is a very serious bacterial infection. We, Paul and Melissa, would like to emphasize that we are not doctors and we do not diagnose. We recommend that you, the reader, follow your own judgment when seeking solutions to healing.)

Staph Infections

1. Compound for a Staph Infection a. Invite and absorb into the meridian b. Antioxidants + Iron = AI compoundc. Protactinium + Tellurium + Lawrencium + Carbon = PTLC moleculesd. AI + PTLC = AIPTLC compound

e. Antioxidants + Iron = AI compoundf. Nitrogen + Lutetium + Hydrogen + Dysprosium + Terbium + Gallium = NLHDTG

moleculesg. AI + NLHDTG = AINLHDTG compound

h. AIPTLC + AINLHDTG = Staph Zapper + plus bind together with white powdered gold

i. Then ask the meridian to distribute the compound to the thymus gland to be distributed to the blood stream by means of the heart

j. Time it for ## minutesk. Neutralize and Defuse, release and remove


Section Five:



A B C D ECleanliness for the

creation of the body God's Love The Savior's Healing Light Faith in God's will Holiness to the Lord,

the house of the LordFaith in God's healing

touch God's perspective Peace and tranquility The Atonement Heavenly Mother's Love

Gratitude Marrow in the bones Patience Humility Faith in God

Pure Love of Christ The original purpose and creation

Patterns of healthy living

Oneness with the earth

Dependency on the atmospheric conditions

The release of all components that are

seen as foreign to the body from the original creation of

your body

The rejection of the internal growths

those are poisonous to the system

because you deserve cleanliness and an opportunity at life

Peace with the planet as we respect

her mercy upon us and a promise to not

harm her in return

Spiritually calm and rest assured that

the plan of happiness was created for me

Sharing all that I have, even the clothes off

my back for the stranger on the street

who is cold and hungry...without

judgment, only love


Proper function of the body He created

Rejecting all uncleanliness that is

not of God

Mine Eyes have seen the glory of the

coming of the Lord

Acceptance and Acknowledgement Self-forgiveness

Faith The pure of love of God I am a Child of God The Creation Perfection in God's

planPeace with the

unknown Neutral resolution Patience with the healing of the body Godly Peace Acceptance of God's


Faith in God to Support you Creation of Life Trust in God

Accepting love from my Heavenly


Assurity that - I helped write my own personal

story Complete harmony

with the earth and all of the creatures and

humanity within

Finding financial freedom through

tithes and offerings of service

Alignment with God’s original intention for his/her body, mind

and spirit

Faith in His PlanGratitude for the

perfect body God created


Acceptance of the life you are currently


Strength to do what is right in order to

take care of yourself

A vision of the eternities with an embrace of your heavenly parents

Fully accepting the gift of God’s free


Enlightenment to a higher understanding

of yourself

Forgiveness Peace in the plan of happiness

The divinity of my holy spirit Godly self-love Preparation for the

second coming

Alignment with God's Will Spiritual Freedom Spiritual Stability Faith in God's


Complete acceptance of my

body The love of my

Heavenly parents The love of my Savior The love of the Holy Ghost

The power of God's healing touch

The Faith to move a mountain

Strength of spirit My testimony Power of the Priesthood

Cleanliness through the atonement

Perfection in the stability of my divine


Spiritual Energies part 1





A B C D EThe outpouring of

Heavenly Blessings Alignment with my

divine destinyAcceptance of my purpose on earth

Remembrance of my creation

Acceptance of my current reality

The Desire to progress towards Christ's example

Christ like love for my brothers and sisters

Forgiveness for my enemy Love for my enemy

Compassion for all those who disagree

with meCompassion for those

less fortunate than myself

Strength to serve others

Forgiveness for my many imperfections

Patience with my fellow man

Patience with myself and gentleness as I slowly

move forward

Eternal progression Sharing the gospel with my fellow man

Patience and fortitude

Humility in my actions and Swift to


Placing others first the way Christ taught

The light of God flowing through my

entire being

The love of the angels into my heart

Complete respect for all of creation Godly Peace Love for all mankind


Faith to move a mountain

Choice and accountability for the


Perseverance of truth

Forgiveness for that which cannot be


Choosing to remember the past through God's


Seeing other's through God's eyes

Letting go of the past and inviting only

peace to overwhelm my memories

Accepting my current life and my


Letting go of control and

handing it over to God

Complete reassurance in the plan of


Relaxation on the Holy Sabbath in

reverence to God

Proper nourishment for the body created

to house my spirit

Proper exercise to strengthen this holy


Patience in the healing process

Lack of responsiveness towards temptation or


Invisibility towards ill intent

Conversion of all negativity into loving


Plain and simple gospel truths

Obedience to the laws of God

Obedience to the laws of mankind

Reverence to the ways of the Lord

Comfort and safety within the arms of


Identification of the corrupted cells in the


Patience with God's timeline

Respect for the precious life that I am

blessed to live

A B C D ESight past

imperfections and into the pure spirit


Conversion of my heart towards a

higher power

Creation of holy attributes to redefine

my worth

Letting go of expectations and allowing God to rewrite our lives

Baptism by immersion for the remission of sins

The gift of the Holy Ghost

Transformation into a perfect being The God-head The sun, moon, stars

and the universe Heaven and Kolob

Infinite space and its potential within

The proper use of the power of the Priesthood

Progression to a state of Christ-like perfection

Continuous tolerance for all


Reverence unto the holiness of God's

powerful messageUndying love and

peace and tranquility

Uniformity with what deems right, just and


Preparedness for what lies ahead

Families are Forever

Eternal families filled with love and joy

The ultimate reunion in the after-life with

loved onesTemple service

The return of our Lord and Savior J esus


Obedience to the 10 commandments

Obedience to the Higher Law of Moses

Spiritual Energies part 2





A B C D ECaring Mercy Upholding Serenity Bravery

Salvation Happiness Calm Trust InvincibilityForgiveness Hope Competence Capability Honor

Love Faith Encouragement Tolerance HarmonyPeace Accountability Teachable Relaxation Virtue

A B C D ELight Excitement Cheerfulness Certainty Protection

Eagerness Cherishment Acceptance Balance EsteemEnlightenment Assertiveness Strength Admiration Relief

Stability Stillness Favor Success WisdomHumility Modesty Decency Resolution Collectiveness

A B C D EIntuition Preciousness Enthusiasm Decisiveness Infinite worthMercy Exuberance Understanding Reassurance UpliftingGrace Purpose Flexibility Compassion Benevolence

Sweetness Focus Allowance Respect CenterednessHumor J oy Reassurance Self-worth Divine nature

A B C D EDivinity Support Confidence Support Content

Self-confidence Courage Self-acceptance Power TemperanceLaughing Fearlessness Self-forgiveness Self-love RighteousnessCharity Ability Composure Appreciation Pleasantness

Grounding Solace Settlement Renewal Healthy Boundaries

A B C D EComfort Direction Security Self-reliance ExceptionalnessControl Protection Infallibleness Optimism Care

Rejoicing Acceptance Self-control Poise EagernessExalting Value Excitement Patience Comprehending

Gratitude Energy Enthusiasm about life Importance Integrity



Healthy Emotions





A B C DCassia Arnica Chamomile Tuberose

Mustard Savin Tarragon VanillaSassafras Yarrow Thuja Grape Seed

Tansy J ojoba Wintergreen HazelnutAlmond Macadamia Wormwood HempOregano Olive Red Palm Flaxseed

A B C DCaraway Bay Black Pepper CalamusSpikenard Benzoin Cajuput Clary SageTagetes Bergamot Rosehip DillSesame Camphor Baobab J uniperWalnut Ginger Marula Tangerine

Sterculic Cedarwood Neem Peppermint

A B C DBasil Nutmeg Cinnamon Hyssop

Carrot Seed Orange Clove J asmineRosewood Origanum Saffron MarjoramTea Tree Palma Rosa Sage MelissaAngelica Vetiver Spearmint Pine

Rue Peppermint Aloe Vera Petitgrain

A B C DYlang-ylang Allspice Citronella Lavandin

Birch Aniseed Coriander RoseCardamom Eucalyptus Cypress Rose Geranium

Elemi Frankincense Fennel RosemaryCalendula Pumpkin Seed Safflower Coconut

Wheatgerm Mandarin Geranium ThymePennyroyal Cottonseed Thieves Tamanu

A B C DBitter Almond Lemongrass Lemon Grapefruit

Mugwort Myrrh Lemon Verbena HelichrysumRose Otto Neroli Lime LavenderAvocado Niaouli Pimento Boldo

Evening Primrose Sunflower Wormseed CuminPatchouli Apricot Kernel BuchuHibiscus Sandalwood








A B C D EAlexandrite Aventurine Carnelian Melanite Sodalite

Almandine Garnet Citrine Chrysoprase Orthoclase Star DiopsideAmethyst Danburite Chrysocolla Rubellite Tourmaline Star GarnetAmetrine Demantoid Garnet Coral Ruby Tiger’s Eye Matrix

Boulder Opal Lapis Lazuli    Smoky Quartz Crystals Ruby-Zoisite Titanite Quartz Crystals Larimar Quartz Cat’s Eye Sapphire Tremolite-Hexagonite

Verdite Variscite Zircon Opal on Pluto Sand

A B C D EAzotic Topaz Bloodstone Cassiterite Moldavite Sinhalite

Azurite Cat’s Eye Aquamarine Color-Change Sapphire Onyx Star Lemon QuartzBeryl Cat’s Eye Tourmaline Enstatite Opal Star Moonstone

Chrysoberyl Charoite Gaspeite Pearl (Black) TanzaniteChrysoberyl Cat’s Eye Chrome Tourmaline Grossularite Garnet Seraphinite TopazColor-Change Garnet Color-Change Diaspore Rhodonite Sillimanite Cat’s Eye Turquoise

A B C D EActinolite Cat’s Eye Calc ite Goshenite Albite Smithsonite

Amazonite Cat’s Eye Apatite Hackmanite Plagioclase Spessartite GarnetAmmolite Cat’s Eye Scapolite Hambergite Obsidian SodaliteHematite Chalcedony Iolite Paraiba Tourmaline Spodumene

Hemimorphite Diamond J ade (J adeite) Pearl (White) Star Rose QuartzHowlite Fire Agate J ade ( Nephrite) Pietersite Strawberry Quartz

A B C D EAgate Cat’s Eye Diaspore Heliotrope Microcline Feldspar Snowflake Obsidian

Andalusite Chrome Diopside Labradorite Peanut Wood SphaleriteAquamarine Dumortierite Quartz Maw-Sit-Sit Peridot Sphene

Hessonite Emerald Moss Opal Pyrope Garnet SpinelHiddenite Pyrope Rainbow Moonstone Rock Crystal Star Ruby

Imperial Topaz Spessartine Rainbow Pyrite Rutile Quartz Star SunstoneKunzite Uvarovite Rhodolite Rutile Topaz Tashmarine Diopside

A B C D EAmber Clinohumite Heliodore Morganite Star Sapphire

Andesine Labradorite Fire Opal J asper Nuumite SugiliteApatite Fluorite  Kyanite Prehnite SunstoneAxinte Fossil Coral Lepidolite Rose Quartz Tiger’s Eye

Benitoite Almandine Malachite Ruby-in-Fuchsite Tourmaline Idocrase Andratite Mali Garnet Scapolite Tsavorite

Kornerupine Grossularite Rhodochrosite Serpentine Volcanic Rock







Additional: q-carbon



Astaxanthin Acacia Fiber Alpha Ketoglutaric Acid Avocado/soybean unsaponifiables Ammi Visnaga Choline

Garcina Cambogia Alpha Lipic Ac id Capsaicin Caprylic Acid Glucosamine L-HistidineHibiscus Digestive Enzymes Ecklonia Cava Gamma-Linolenic Ac id Grapefruit seed extract Calcium

L-Arginine Fucoxanthin Hesperidin Glucomannan Grape seed extract IodinePotassium Krill Oil Monolaurin Lactase Supplements Graviola Iron

Xylitol Toothpaste Piracetam Vitamin C Vitamin D L-Carnitine ZincCoQ10 Colostrum Yohimbe Cetyl myristoleate Chlorella Sulfur


Andrographis GABA (Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid Acidophilus Anthocyanins Diindolylmethane Carotenoids

Asparagus Extract Apple Pectin Anise Berberine Glutathione Riboflavin B2

Phytoestrogens Black Currant Oil and Extract Lycopene Black Tea Livaplex* Chromium

Polypodium leucotomos

AHCC (Active Hexose Correlated Compound) L-Lysine Forskolin Collagen Supplements Copper

Raspberry Ketones Omega-3 Fatty Acids Magnesium Lutein Policosanol MolybdenumVitamin E Phyllanthus Vitamin K Progesterone Vitamin K2 FlavonoidsCholine Chondroitin Creatine Cod Liver Oil Olive Leaf extract Lycopene

A B C D E FBeta-Sitosterol Aloe Vera Amla Oil Bee Pollen Bromelain Thiamin B1

DHEA (Dehydroepiandrostero

ne; hormone)

5-HTP (Hydroxytryptophan) Aniracetam Benfotiamine L-Cysteine Biotin B7

Catalyn* Inositol Arabinoxlyan Borage Oil Nopal Folate B9Super-EFF* Manganese B12* Beta-Carotene Cytyl Myristolaete Orchex* Cobalamin B12

Psyllium PolyGlycopleX Celery Seed Pterostilbene Cataplex* BoronS-Adenosylmethionine Phosphatidylserine Strontium Royal J elly Wild Indigo Cobalt

D-Limonene Vitamin C Sea Salt D-Mannose

A B C D E FAllic in Arnica Beta-Glucan DHEA, 7-Keto Blood of the Dragon Pantothenic Acid B5

Huperzine A Diosmin Black Seed Oil Neuroplex* L-Glutamine InulinResveratrol Hyaluronic Acid Oligonal Ovex* Melatonin Phosphorus

Superoxide Dismutase Lumbrokinase Thytrophin PMG* Oscillococcinum A-F Betafood* ChlorideTaurine Nattokinase Shilajit Rutin Sulfur CharcoalLignite Propolis Vanadium Omega 6 Vinpocetine

A B C D E FLion's Mane Bacillus Coagulans Catuaba Calcium-D-Glucarate Limonene CarnitineMastic Gum Lithium Orotate Cha De Bugre Carnosine Shatavari L-Isoleucine

(MSM) Methylsulfonylmethane Niacin B3 DHA (Docosahexaenoic

Acid) Cat's Claw Medium-Chain Triglycerides L-Valine

Hypothalamus PMG* Mullein Horsetail Chamomile Tea (NAC) N-Acetylcysteine SeleniumL-Tyrosine Serrapeptase Linden Lactoferrin Pyridoxine B6 LecithinOmega 9 ER 911 L-Theanine Malic Acid White Bean Extract Oxygen


Lutein / Zeaxnthin L-Threonine HDL Cholesterol (High-density Lipoproteins) Monounsaturated Fats L-Methionine L-Serine

L-Alanine L-Cysteine L-Asparagine Polyunsaturated Fats L-Tryptophan L-AsparatateColloidal Silver L-Selenocysteine L-Glyc ine L-Phenylalanine L-Proline Nitric Oxide






Nutritional Supplements



* Supplemental Product from Standard Process


A BL. Acidophilus L. BrevisE. Acidophilus L. Fermentum

Saccharomyces Boulardii L. LactisPediococcus Acidilacti Soil Based Organism #1Soil Based Organism #3 Soil Based Organism #6

A BL. Helveticus L. Rhamnosus

L. Gasseri L. ReuteriS. Thermophilus B. Breve

S. Faecium Bacillus CoagulansL. Fermentum Soil Based Organism #4

A BL. Bulgaricus L. CaseiL. Paracasei L. SalivariusB. Longum B. Lactobacillus

Bacillus Subtilis E. FaeciumB. Animalis S. Cremoris

A BB. Lactis (Infantis) L. Plantarum

S. Infantis B. BifidumSoil Based Organism #2 E. FaecalisSoil Based Organism #5 L. SporogenesSoil Based Organism #7 Soil Based Organism #8

A BS. Florentinus Pediococcus Pentosaceus

S. Diacetylactis Marine Based Organism #1Leuconostoc Cremoris Marine Based Organism #2

Leuconostoc Mesenteroides Marine Based Organism #3L. Cremoris Marine Based Organism #4







Notes: There are other probiotics, SBOs (soil based organisms) and MBOs (marine based organisms) that are not listed and are unknown. When these are needed, a practitioner can test to see if the organism has a higher number than what is listed for the SBOs and MBOs. The practitioner can also simply acknowledge that is name is not recognized at this time and still invite the organism to work with the client while thinking of the unnamed organism. This can apply to all categories within the compound.


A B C D EEchinacea root Arnica flower Blessed Thistle herb Benzoin gum Greater Celandine

Banaba Ginseng, American Dogbane root Blue Flag rhz. Green TeaLily of the Valley root Horse Chestnut Ginseng, Korean Red Ginseng, Asian J iaogulanRed Raspberry leaf Magnolia bark Gotu Kola Pycnogenol Licorice root

Viburnum Quassia wood Horny Goat Weed Rhodiola Lavender leafRooibos Milk Thistle herb Clove Valerian

Coptis Chinensis Corydalis

A B C D EBaptisia root Blueberry leaf Clematis herb Blue Vervain herb Cayenne fruit

Bayberry root bark Catnip herb Cow Parsnip root Chaparral leaf MistletoeBacopa Cramp bark Damiana herb Desert Willow bark Parsley

Galangal herb Dong Quai root Dandelion root Devil's Claw root Sage TeaGingko Eyebright herb Arjuna Pueraria Mirifica Sea Cucumber

Vitamin B Complex Feverfew herb Boswellia Pygeum Cat's Claw

A B C D EAlfalfa herb Bugleweed herb Betony flower Comfrey leaf Ivy Gourd

Angelica root Calendula flower Buchu leaf Peppermint PassionflowerBlack Cohosh root Eleuthero Cotton Root bark Kava Pelargonium

Ashwagandha Lemon Balm Ferulic Acid Lady's Mantle SchisandraMulungu Pau D'Arco Motherwort Monterey Pine TriphalaYarrow Prunella Vulgaris Nigella Sativa Thymus Vulgaris Catuaba

A B C D EAspen bark Brickellia herb Cleavers herb Chamomile flower Butcher's Broom

Cinnamon bark Burdock root Corn Silk St. J ohn's Wort NeemBurdock Burdock seed Bishop's Weed Saffron Sea BuckthornNettle Saw Palmetto Eucommia Saussurea White Tea

White Birch Spirulina Goldenseal Slippery Elm ChickweedYerba Santa Thunder God Vine Guarana Tribulus Chinese Licorice

A B C D EAstralagus root Bloodroot Black Haw root Caraway SennaBarberry root Cascara Sagrada root Black Walnut hull Oregon Grape Shepherd's Purse

Kudzu Lobelia Blue Cohosh root Suma TulsiOregon Grape Skullcap Soy Boneset Tongkat Ali Xiao Yao Wan

White Willow Bark Turmeric Celandine, Greater herb Umcka Cissus QuadrangularisWhild Cherry Bark Wormwood Chastetree berry Yerba Mate Codonopsis








A B C D EAcai Alfalfa African Mango Cocoa bean Carob

Garlic Chia Seeds Haritaki (fruit) Kombucha PapayaGinger Elderberry Kelp Maca Wheatgrass

Breast Milk Plantain or Banana Licorice Tart Cherries YuccaCelery Seed Pomegranate Peel Maqui White Mulberry Chaga

Budwig Cream Raspberry Ziziphus Huckleberry New Potato

A B C D EBaobab (fruit) Acerola Beet Root J uice Amalaki Hawthorn berryBarley (wheat) Agaricus Red Onion Black Raspberry Tomato

Flaxseed Aloe J uice Flaxseed + Cottage Cheese Camu Camu (berry) Wild Lettuce

Honey Artichoke Black Cherry J uice Pomegranate Hemp seedsChokeberry Bael Fruit Miracle Fruit Baking Soda Cottage Cheese

Yam Oats Farro Sweet Potato Pine Nut

A B C D ESoybean Bitter Cucumber Bitter Melon Bilberry LucumaGoji Berry Kale Red Yeast Rice Broccoli Red Grapes

Kefir Ganoderma (mushroom) Sacha Inchi Mangosteen Carrot

Lychee Phellinus Lineteus Wild Yam Cordyceps (mushrooms) Sea VegetablesYellow Dock Ribose (sugar) Seaweed Reishi Mushroom Kimchi

Pecans Black Walnuts Elderberries Quinoa Amaranth

A B C D ENoni J uice Apple Cider Vinegar Squash Coconut Cha De Bugre

Stevia Barley Grass Poria Shiitake Mushrooms Cow Parsnip rootBrown Eggs Soy (fermented) Rhubarb Sugar Beet Einkorn

Miso Black Plums Rosehip Persimmon Almonds

Leeks Grapefruit Chyawanprash Fennel Strawberry Cactus (E. Dasyacanthus)

Millet Spelt Lentils Manna Hemp Milk

A B C D EGranny Smith Apples Orange Cassava Sorghum SalmonCaralluma (cactus) Cod Lemon Celery Collard Greens

Avacodo Asparagus Lime Pineapple Turnip GreensCucumbers Figs Coconut Milk Yogurt Dates Black BeansRambutan Spinach Eggplant Aguaje Purple Viking (potato)J ackfruit Purple Melon Bragg Liquid Aminos Ionized Water Tangerine










Cosmic Ray Gamma Ray X-Ray Ultraviolet

2 Visible Light Infrared Microwaves Radar

3 Television NMR: Nuclear Magnet Resonance Radio Broadcast

4 Electrical Power EMP: Electromagnetic Pulse

Sun light wave: Polarity Magnetic Connection

Energetic WaveMoon light wave

5 North Star light wave South Star light wave Other

Light Waves1

Note: waves from the sun/stars and moon: use only a small fraction or portion

Visual chart for light energy waves:



Infrasound Acoustic Ultrasound Other

Sound Waves1

Visual chart for sound energy waves:


Oxytocin Stimulates contraction of uterus and mammary gland cells Too Much or Too Little

Vasopressin aka Antidiuretic hormone


Promotes retention of water by kidneys

Growth hormone (GH) Stimulates growth (especially bones) and metabolic functions

Prolactin Stimulates milk productionFollic le-stimulating

hormones (FSH)Stimulates production of ova and

spermLuteinizing hormone

(LH) Stimulates ovaries and testes

Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) Stimulates thyroid gland

Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)

Stimulates adrenal cortex to secrete glucocorticoids

Melanocyte-stimulating hormones Controls skin pigmentation

Melatonin Involved in rhythmic activities (daily and seasonal)

Calc itonin Lowers blood calc ium level

Thyroxine (T4) Stimulate and maintain metabolic processes

triiodothyronine (T3) Stimulate and maintain metabolic processes

Parathyroid hormone (PTH) aka

ParathormoneRaises blood calc ium level

Thymosin Stimulates T-cell developmentThymopoietin

ThymulinThymus humoral factor

Thyroid Gland

Glands and Chemicals - part 1

Pituitary Gland

Pineal Gland

Parathyroid Glands




Stimulates a variety of mechanisms to prepare the body for emergency

action, including the conversion of glycogen to glucose

NorepinephrineStimulates sympathetic nervous system; constricts blood vessels;

stimulates other glandsAdrenaline Stress hormone

Glucocorticoids Increase blood glucose

Mineralocorticoids Promote reabsorption of Na+ and excretion of K+ (potassium) in kidneys

CortisolStimulates conversion of proteins to

carbohydrates, controls fats, proteins, BP and metabolism

Aldosterone Regulates salt metabolism; Stimulates kidneys to retain Na+ and excrete K+


Insulin Lowers blood glucoseGlucagon Raises blood glucose

SomatostatinInhibits insulin and glucagon secretion

from pancreas and release of numerous gut peptides

Amylinslowing down gastric emptying,

inhibition of digestive secretion, and reducing food intake

AndrogensSupport sperm formation;

Development and maintenance of male secondary sex characteristics


EstrogensStimulate uterine lining growth;

Development and maintenance of female secondary sex characteristics

Progesterone Promotes uterine lining growth

EstradiolStimulates development of female

sex characteristics; regulates changes during menstrual cycle



Adrenal Glands

Glands and Chemicals - part 2





Section Six:

Five Elements

For those who become familiar with the practice of using energy compounds, there are two additional actions that can be taken. There are five elements (not the type that are on the periodic table) that can assist in the healing process. The information regarding the five elements is intentionally left vague. These are very powerful combinations and we encourage practitioners to seek heavenly guidance when using these energies.

First, the five elements can be invited into the body to assist into a person for healing for a universal healing of the soul.

Five elements in their proper order:

1) Love 2) Best earth element – 7 chakra elements 3) Best fire element – sun4) Best water element – Ionized water 5) Best wind element – atmosphere (oxidation molecule is the best clean air molecule) Hydrogen +

Nitrogen + Oxygen + Oxygen = Merge and then add Helium = H N O2 He

Synergistically combine the above elements

Test to see where these elements need to be invited in, such as the meridian / heart chakra / hypothalamus gland / skin.

Second, proper functioning allows the body to heal on its own, a practitioner’s assistance speeds this process by removing the components blocking healing from occurring. Extreme cases require manipulation of periodic elements and some elements must be contained for maximum benefits. Containing requires blocking the morphing process with the basic four elements.

Properties are inherently transformational. Relinquish the energy’s ability to transform itself - for the purpose of solidifying the element when emulsion occurs. Relinquish by commanding the element (periodic) to backtrack its natural reaction and control the reaction with the natural element of wind, fire, water or earth.

Two groups of energy will be needed. The first group will be comprised of energies in Group A and the elements on the periodic table. The second group will be the five elements.


Emulsify or combine the elements (periodic) and other energies, depending upon the situation. The following phrases can be used to backtrack the first group.

- “I backtrack this group of energy’s ability to naturally transform with love, earth, wind, fire and water” Or

- “With the use of the elements of love, earth, wind, fire and water, I backtrack the first group of energy’s ability to naturally transform.”


Section Seven:

Additional Charts

Chakras and Energy Fields:


Glands and Organs:



SwordsA C D E

Flaming Sword Q-Carbon Sword Stationary Sword Dissolve with Sunlight

Thoughts Sword Nocturnal Sword Family Sword Weight Reducing Sword

Fortified Image Sword Covenant Sword Hellfire Sword Nocturnal multi-

dimensions SwordSword of Truth and

Righteousness Lightning Sword Living Energy Septuple Sword Feeling Sword

A C D EImage Sword Light Sword Chastity Sword Dissolve with Fire

Sword of J ustice Love Sword Moon Sword Final J udgment SwordFaith Sword Patience Sword Co-Creator Sword Laser

Fortified Thoughts of Truth Sword

Fortified Subconsc ious Sword Simplic ity Sword Living Sapphire Sword

A C D EFlaming Energy

Sword Sword of Innocence Ice Sword Dissolve with Christ-like Brotherly Love

Discernable Sword Financial Sword Flying Sword and the Golden Net Sword of the Rebellion

Dual Curse Sword Singing Sword Creation SwordConvert with the Light

of Truth and Knowledge

Sapphire Laser Sword of Certainty Divorce Sword Eternity Sword


Mercy Sword Energy SwordGold Sword (ask an angel to use

this)Dissolve with Love

Dual Twin Sword Loving SwordPriesthood Sword (ask an angel to

use this)

Dissolve with the Light of Truth and Happiness

Gold Hammer (ask an angel to use this) Health Sword

Comfort / Compassion


Sword of Certain Limited Freedom

Healing Stick Safety Sword Loops Sword Dual-subconscious Sword


Memory Sword Self-Loving Sword Forgiving Sword Integrity Sword Dissolve with the Light of the Atonement

Strength Sword Peace Keeping Sword

Sun Sword (cauterize)

Subconsc ious Sword


BWeight Increasing


Atonement Sword

Plan of Salvation Sword

Iron Rod





Genealogy Sword

BRelief Sword

Personal Development Sword

Thoughtful Sword

Fortified Sword

Anti-Fungal Sword


Anti-Mold Sword


Truth Sword

Dual Sword of Truth and Light

Sword of Understanding

Dream Sword

Sword of Limited Freedom