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Document Analysis Practice! (Unit 2) INTRODUCTION The AP U.S. History DBQ essay will require you to read and analyze documents, then use this analysis to defend a thesis. This packet will help you practice with analyzing the documents and connecting them to outside information. The purpose of this packet IS to hone your skills in document analysis. This does NOT include developing or defending a thesis with your analysis, since you are not writing a full essay here. That will come later, once you’ve mastered analyzing documents (and doing so quickly). THE SKILLS YOU MUST PRACTICE When analyzing documents, you must: 1. Analyze the information WITHIN the document and then… 2. Connect OUTSIDE information to the document 3. AFTER (not before!) doing the above, you should also be able to synthesize (connect) this information with a DIFFERENT historical period/trend. Further explanation follows: 1. Document Information: When analyzing each document, you should consider the following: H istorical Context, I ntended Audience, P urpose, and Author’s P oint of View. To remember this, use the “H.I.P.P.” acronym. Remember, it’s “H.I.P.P.” to be an AP student!:) H.I.P.P components are defined as follows: Hi storical Context —How does the document connect to broader history (the “setting”) of the time period? I ntended Audience —Which historical person/group/organization/etc. is the author addressing? P urpose —Why did the author produce the document? Are they responding to something or trying to create influence? Author’s P oint of View —Historically, what would this author’s point of view have been? ***NOTE*** The AP Exam may give you a map, chart, list of statistics, etc. that is factual and not from a historical period. For these documents, “historical context” is the only H.I.P.P. component that applies. 2. Outside Information: When analyzing each document, you should consider SPECIFIC historical examples related to the document but NOT mentioned in the document itself. 3. Synthesis: After analyzing the document, you should be able to synthesize (connect) your analysis with a different historical period/parallel trend. For example, with a document referring to nativism in the 1890s, you could compare it to nativism during the Antebellum period (different time period). With a document discussing Puritans’ treatment of Native Americans, you could compare it to treatment of Native Americans by the Jamestown settlers (parallel trend from the same time period) In a full DBQ essay, this should be at the END of the essay.

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Document Analysis Practice! (Unit 2)


The AP U.S. History DBQ essay will require you to read and analyze documents, then use this analysis to defend a thesis.

This packet will help you practice with analyzing the documents and connecting them to outside information. The purpose of this packet IS to hone your skills in document analysis. This does NOT include developing or defending a thesis with your analysis, since you are not writing a full essay here. That will come later, once you’ve mastered analyzing documents (and doing so quickly).


When analyzing documents, you must:1. Analyze the information WITHIN the document and then…2. Connect OUTSIDE information to the document3. AFTER (not before!) doing the above, you should also be able to synthesize (connect) this information with a

DIFFERENT historical period/trend. Further explanation follows:

1. Document Information: When analyzing each document, you should consider the following: Historical Context, Intended Audience, Purpose, and Author’s Point of View. To remember this, use the “H.I.P.P.” acronym. Remember, it’s “H.I.P.P.” to be an AP student!:) H.I.P.P components are defined as follows:

Hi storical Context —How does the document connect to broader history (the “setting”) of the time period?

I ntended Audience —Which historical person/group/organization/etc. is the author addressing? P urpose —Why did the author produce the document? Are they responding to something or trying to

create influence? Author’s P oint of View —Historically, what would this author’s point of view have been?***NOTE*** The AP Exam may give you a map, chart, list of statistics, etc. that is factual and not from a historical period. For these documents, “historical context” is the only H.I.P.P. component that applies.

2. Outside Information:When analyzing each document, you should consider SPECIFIC historical examples related to the document but NOT mentioned in the document itself.

3. Synthesis:After analyzing the document, you should be able to synthesize (connect) your analysis with a different historical period/parallel trend. For example, with a document referring to nativism in the 1890s, you could compare it to nativism during the Antebellum period (different time period). With a document discussing Puritans’ treatment of Native Americans, you could compare it to treatment of Native Americans by the Jamestown settlers (parallel trend from the same time period) In a full DBQ essay, this should be at the END of the essay.

Bringing it all Together: Writing with the Information:You must be able to coherently write about the documents, using both the document information and outside information. In a full DBQ essay, you use this writing to defend a thesis. In this packet, you do not defend a thesis; you only write to show you can analyze document information and outside information clearly and analytically. Afterward, you should synthesize your writing by explaining its connection different historical period/trend.


1. For each document, fill in the charts for “H.I.P.P. Analysis” and for “Outside Information.” You need to get to the point where you can do this in about two minutes per document.

2. Write a summary of the document that blends the document information and outside information. Do not quote the document. You need to get to the point where you can do this in five minutes or less.

3. With your last sentence only, synthesize your summary with evidence or a different historical period/trend. (In a full DBQ essay, your synthesis should be 2-3 sentences.)


FOR EXAMPLE…Document Sample:

--Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation, 1862

H.I.P.P Analysis( H istorical Context, Intended Audience,Purpose, Author’s Point of View)H- Civil War, after Battle of Antietam, time of low northern morale, turning point of warI- Slaves, Northern citizens, southern citizens, European countriesP- gave war a moral cause, meant to boost morale, contributed to England not helping SouthP-Lincoln believed freeing slaves helped the Union war effort, but he had also believed in allowed slavery to exist where it was prior to war, his views on abolitionism varied publically and privately

Outside Information(Specific historical information related to the document but not stated in document)-Lincoln had previous endorsed slavery in southern states-slavery continued in border states-Northern morale increased for a time- England decided not to help the South fight-Eventually, southern slaves joined the Union military, such as 54th Massachusetts-Losing slaves hurt the South economically-Gave precedence to the 13th Amendment

Document Summary(Summarize document using at least two H.I.P.P. components (underlined) and two pieces of outside information (labeled with a “*”). Use complete sentences! With the LAST sentence, write the synthesis piece.) **this sample uses all four H.I.P.P. components as an example**

Mid-Civil War, Abraham Lincoln altered his 1860 position on allowing slavery to continue in the South.* Following the Battle of Antietam and falling northern support for the Civil War, he issued the Emancipation Proclamation. Though Lincoln was not necessarily against slavery everywhere, he felt the proclamation would help the reclaim northern support for the war. Lincoln’s proclamation was not only intended to influence northerners by increasing their desire to fight, but European nations as well, especially England. As a result, England decided not to aid the South in their war effort.* The proclamation also helped the Union cause as freedmen joined the Union army, such as the 54th Massachusetts.* Consequently, the Emancipation Proclamation played a role in helping the Union win the Civil War.*

Synthesis (connects to different historical period/trend): The Emancipation Proclamation addressed the rights of black Americans in the South during the Civil War. Similarly, the 14th and 15th Amendments addressed black rights during the Reconstruction Period. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Voting Rights Act of 1965 additionally addressed black rights during the 1960s.

It’s okay if your analysis and writing is not as thorough as this sample! The sample is a model to help you learn the process!

Document 1:

Document 2:

H.I.P.P Analysis(Historical Context, Intended Audience,

Outside Information(SPECIFIC historical information related to the

H.I.P.P Analysis(Historical Context, Intended Audience,Purpose, Author’s Point of View)H-




Outside Information(SPECIFIC historical information related to the document but not stated in document)

Document Summary(Summarize document using at least two H.I.P.P. components (underlined) and two pieces of outside information (labeled with a “*”). Overlap between H.I.P.P. and outside information may occur. Use complete sentences. With the LAST sentence, write the synthesis piece.)

Purpose, Author’s Point of View)H-




document but not stated in document)

Document Summary(Summarize document using at least two H.I.P.P. components (underlined) and two pieces of outside information (labeled with a “*”). Overlap between H.I.P.P. and outside information may occur. Use complete sentences. With the LAST sentence, write the synthesis piece.)

Document 3:

Document 4:

H.I.P.P Analysis(Historical Context, Intended Audience,Purpose, Author’s Point of View)H-




Outside Information(SPECIFIC historical information related to the document but not stated in document)

Document Summary

[Continued British rule will lead to] the ruin of the continent. And that for several reasons. First. The powers of governing still remaining in the hands of the king, he will have a negative over the whole legislation of this continent. And as he hath shown himself such an inveterate enemy to liberty…O ye that love mankind! Yet that dare oppose, not only tyranny, but the tyrant, stand forth! Every spot of the old world is overrun with oppression.

Thomas Paine, Common Sense, 1776

H.I.P.P Analysis(Historical Context, Intended Audience,Purpose, Author’s Point of View)H-




Outside Information(SPECIFIC historical information related to the document but not stated in document)

Document Summary(Summarize document using at least two H.I.P.P. components (underlined) and two pieces of outside information (labeled with a “*”). Overlap between H.I.P.P. and outside information may occur. Use complete sentences. With the LAST sentence, write the synthesis piece.)

(Summarize document using at least two H.I.P.P. components (underlined) and two pieces of outside information (labeled with a “*”). Overlap between H.I.P.P. and outside information may occur. Use complete sentences. With the LAST sentence, write the synthesis piece.)

Document 5:

H.I.P.P Analysis(Historical Context, Intended Audience,Purpose, Author’s Point of View)H-



Outside Information(SPECIFIC historical information related to the document but not stated in document)


Document Summary(Summarize document using at least two H.I.P.P. components (underlined) and two pieces of outside information (labeled with a “*”). Overlap between H.I.P.P. and outside information may occur. Use complete sentences. With the LAST sentence, write the synthesis piece.)

Document 6:

H.I.P.P Analysis(Historical Context, Intended Audience,Purpose, Author’s Point of View)H-


Outside Information(SPECIFIC historical information related to the document but not stated in document)



Document Summary(Summarize document using at least two H.I.P.P. components (underlined) and two pieces of outside information (labeled with a “*”). Overlap between H.I.P.P. and outside information may occur. Use complete sentences. With the LAST sentence, write the synthesis piece.)

Document 7:

H.I.P.P Analysis(Historical Context, Intended Audience,Purpose, Author’s Point of View)H-




Outside Information(SPECIFIC historical information related to the document but not stated in document)

Document Summary(Summarize document using at least two H.I.P.P. components (underlined) and two pieces of outside information (labeled with a “*”). Overlap between H.I.P.P. and outside information may occur. Use complete sentences. With the LAST sentence, write the synthesis piece.)

[T]his Day I have received intelligence that the ministerial troops under the Command of [British] general Gage did Last evening march out of Boston and marched to Lexington & there Killed a number of our American Soldiers & thence proceed[ed] to Concord Killing and Destroying our men and interest. These [orders] are therefore to Order you forthwith to Mobilize and muster as many of your under officers and Soldiers as you can possible to meet immediately to Some suitable place: and then to march of[f] forthwith to Concord or Else where as in your Discretion you shall think best to the relief of our [American] Friend[s] and Country....

Colonel Isaac Merrill, 1775

Document 8:

H.I.P.P Analysis(Historical Context, Intended Audience,Purpose, Author’s Point of View)H-




Outside Information(SPECIFIC historical information related to the document but not stated in document)

Document Summary(Summarize document using at least two H.I.P.P. components (underlined) and two pieces of outside information (labeled with a “*”). Overlap between H.I.P.P. and outside information may occur. Use complete sentences. With the LAST sentence, write the synthesis piece.)

Document 9:

H.I.P.P Analysis(Historical Context, Intended Audience,Purpose, Author’s Point of View)H-




Outside Information(SPECIFIC historical information related to the document but not stated in document)

Document Summary(Summarize document using at least two H.I.P.P. components (underlined) and two pieces of outside information (labeled with a “*”). Overlap between H.I.P.P. and outside information may occur. Use complete sentences. With the LAST sentence, write the synthesis piece.)

Document 10:

H.I.P.P Analysis(Historical Context, Intended Audience,Purpose, Author’s Point of View)H-




Outside Information(SPECIFIC historical information related to the document but not stated in document)

Document Summary(Summarize document using at least two H.I.P.P. components (underlined) and two pieces of outside information (labeled with a “*”). Overlap between H.I.P.P. and outside information may occur. Use complete sentences. With the LAST sentence, write the synthesis piece.)

Document 11:

H.I.P.P Analysis(Historical Context, Intended Audience,Purpose, Author’s Point of View)H-




Outside Information(SPECIFIC historical information related to the document but not stated in document)

Document Summary(Summarize document using at least two H.I.P.P. components (underlined) and two pieces of outside information (labeled with a “*”). Overlap between H.I.P.P. and outside information may occur. Use complete sentences. With the LAST sentence, write the synthesis piece.)