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Disclaimer: This manual is not intended for the treatment or prevention of disease, nor is it a replacement for seeking medical treatment or professional fitness advice. Do not start any nutrition or physical activity program without first consulting your physician. The use of this program is at the sole risk of the reader. The author is neither responsible nor liable for any harm or injury resulting from the use of this program.

No portion of this manual may be used, reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including fax, photocopy, recording or any information storage and retrieval system by anyone but the purchaser for their own personal use. This manual may not be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of Cida Fitness except in the case of a reviewer who wishes to quote brief passages for the sake of a review written for inclusions in a magazine, newspaper, or journal – and these cases require written approval from Cida Fitness prior to publication. For more information, please contact:

Louis Moore, M.S.

Cida Fitness

1239 Eldridge Road, STE B

Sugar Land, TX 77478


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Spring Break Challenge Exercise Protocols

Understanding High-Intensity Interval Training

Traditionally, the cornerstone of most strength training programs has been performing exercises in a straight set format – perform a specified number or reps for a given exercise, rest for 30 seconds to a few minutes, and then repeat before moving on to the next exercise. Fat loss and endurance programs typically prescribe shorter rest periods, while strength and power programs prescribe longer rest periods.

So, what’s the problem with this format? For one, it can get boring very quickly; and for most, that means the end of the program. Big problem! The other issue is the amount of time a traditional style workout can take.

For example, in most health clubs you’ll typically see someone perform 3 sets of 10 reps for an exercise; let’s use the bench press as an example. You’ll see guys pump out their 10 reps, go to the water fountain, talk with some buddies, watch a couple highlights on ESPN, and then casually walk back to the bench to pump out set number two. By the time you’re done with your third set, it’s taken you 10 – 15 minutes to complete only one movement pattern (a horizontal push). That means you’d need about an hour just to complete 4 different exercises!

90% of members who join a health club do so to lose weight and look better. If that’s you, a much more effective and time-efficient approach to ordering your exercises may be utilizing the alternating set format. Here you’ll perform one exercise, rest for a short period of time, then perform another non-competing exercise, rest for a short period of time, and so forth.

Alternating sets allows you to work different areas of your body when you would otherwise be resting with the straight set format. Plus, by working another area of your body with a non-competing exercise you allow your body to recover from the previous exercise(s). The result is improved training economy and density: more work accomplished in less time, the cornerstone of any sound fat loss program. There are a number of different ways to perform alternating sets:

Supersets: Alternate between 2 different non-competing exercises (e.g. upper body and lower body such as pushups and lunges)Trisets: Alternate between 3 different exercises (e.g. push, pull, and lower body such as pushups, rows, and lunges)

Circuits: Alternate between four or more different exercises

High-intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is an exercise strategy that employs an intense bout of exercise followed by a brief rest. HIIT protocols use a variety of work to rest ratios (i.e., 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off) and consist of 5 – 10 cycles per circuit. Typical workouts consist of 4

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– 6 circuits lasting 20 – 30 minutes (not including warm-up and cool-down).Our Core & More and IMPACT classes at Cida Fitness follow these programming formats of HIIT.In 1994, researchers for the Metabolism Journal discovered that each calorie you expend during high-intensity exercise burns up to nine times more fat than the same calorie expended during steady state aerobic exercise! HIIT accomplishes this in the following ways:

Creates the Optimal Hormonal Environment for Fat Loss: HIIT puts your body in a “fight or flight” mode. As a result, your body releases certain hormones that directly mobilize stored fat to be burned off as energy during exercise.

Burn a TON of calories both during and after exercise: Excess Post-exercise Oxygen Consumption (EPOC), otherwise known as post-workout “AFTER-BURN” is a measurably increased rate of oxygen intake after strenuous activity. This after-burn

creates an elevated metabolic rate for 24-48 hours after exercise where fat is the primary fuel source. In other words, you burn more fat while you’re resting!

Increased glycogen storage: HIIT training rapidly reduces glycogen (stored sugar in the muscle cells) during training. With proper post-workout refueling your muscle cells “learn” to store more sugar, thus preventing that unwanted sugar-to-fat conversion. Carbs aren’t the enemy when they have a place to go other than your butt and gut.

So, what’s an example of a HIIT circuit? Here’s one of my favorites. It’s an 8-exercise circuit that can be performed with a single resistance band anywhere:

Exercise #1: High PullExercise #2: Front SquatExercise #3: Overhead PressExercise #4: Hammer CurlExercise #5: Chest PressExercise #6: DeadliftExercise #7: Bent-over RowExercise #8: Straight-legged Deadlift

You will alternate between 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest for all 8 exercises followed by 1 minute of rest. Perform this circuit 4 times for a 20-minute total body fat burning workout.

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To recap, the key to creating the optimal hormonal environment for fat loss is to perform each exercise with maximal intensity while separated by brief rest periods in order to accumulate a high volume of total body work in the shortest amount of time possible. HIIT provides for the best of both worlds and is thus simply unmatched for simultaneously maximizing fat loss and lean muscle gain. It’s also a blast to perform!

Basically, in about the same time that it took to get in 3 sets of 2 exercises using the straight-set method approach you could have gotten in 4 sets of 8 different exercises for a staggering total of 32 sets! Not too shabby if you’re on a time crunch and you need an efficient no-excuses workout.

The 28-Day Spring Break Challenge WorkoutPart 1 – Metabolic Resistance Training

Training With Complexes

Success isn’t an accident, and it isn’t luck. People who are successful are intentional about their methods and habits. That is why I pay very close attention to those who excel at coaching and business. I want to learn what they know and then put it into practice.

And as I study the great minds, one rule continues to surface: the KISS rule:

Keep It Stupid Simple

This is a great rule to live by and to pattern one’s life after. It is also a great way to design workouts.

Everybody knows we need to exercise, but it can be overwhelming to figure out what the best workout is for weight loss. Time restraints (we are all busy!) and space considerations (few people have the luxury of a dedicated workout space in their homes) complicate the matter even further.

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And of course wading through the mountains of gimmicks and bad information out there adds another layer of difficulty. The average person doesn’t know where to begin!

You will be glad to learn that there is a simple way to blast through all the misinformation and create a workout program that is customized for your unique needs. It will burn fat, speed up your metabolism and tighten your entire body: it is called Complexes.If you want to get the most effective workout possible in the least amount of time and space, complexes is your answer. Do it at home, do it on vacation, do it at work. That is the beauty of complexes: it is doable, which means you will do it, which means you will get results!

What are Complexes?When building complexes, remember the following key points:

Decide on 2 (or more) similar exercises that use the same tool or weight, and do them for a set amount of time or a set amount of repetitions.

The secret to complexes is that you do each exercise in a sequence with no rest at all between them. (For example, do not put the weight down at all until you are completely finished with that particular complex.)

Keep in mind that in order to get the most benefit (such as burning belly fat, becoming more conditioned and adding lean muscle), you need to progressively ask more of your body. You can progress in a variety of ways:

a) Do more exercises in each Complex: For example, progress from 3 exercises to 6 exercises in your complex.

b) Add more intensity: Add more weight or do a more advanced variation of your exercises.

c) Raise the density: Do more repetitions in the same work session or keep the repetitions the same and add more weight. At the same time, shorten your rest/transition times.

What are the different kinds of Complexes?Listed below are the 3 basic kinds of complexes. They are arranged in order from the least difficult to the most difficult:

1. Succession Complexes:Succession complexes involve the completion of all the repetitions or work session for all exercises prior to going on to the next exercise. Here is an example of two variations of Succession Complexes. Perform each exercise for 15 seconds and then immediately move to the next exercise with no rest.

Kettlebell Complex 1- Snatch (L)

2- Snatch (R)

3- Clean (L)

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4- Clean (R)

5- Squat (L)

6- Squat (R)

Rest for 60 seconds and repeat up to 8 times for 20 total minutes

Body Weight Complex 1- Spiderman Climbs

2- Frog Jumps

3- Inchworms

4- Monkey Lunges

5- Duck Walks

6- Gorilla Jumps

Rest for 60 seconds and repeat up to 8 times for 20 total minutes

2. Sequence Complexes:When performing sequence complexes you will shift from one exercise to the next until you have completed the whole complex. This presents a bigger mental and physical challenge than the succession complexes. Here are some examples of total body sequence complexes that employ a 3-minute sequence:

3-Minute Sequence ComplexPerform 3 minutes of continuous work followed by 1 minute of rest for up to 5 total rounds. Here are a few examples:

Resistance Band: Curl + Squat + PressBody Weight: Reverse Lunge + Hip Hinge + Lateral Lunge (switch legs every 30 seconds)Dumbbells: Hip Extensions + Chest Press + Skullcrushers

3. Combination Complexes: Combination complexes require combining various exercises to create a smooth motion with very little rest/transition in between exercises. You can join a deadlift, high pull and squats-to-presses, for example. When these are joined you end up with a clean and jerk. Integrating small moves into a single large move causes this complex to be the most ‘complex’ of all.

You have a wide range of tools available to use with your complexes. Each of the following is appropriate: dumbbells, bands, kettlebells, barbells, cable systems, bodyweight, battle ropes, suspension trainers and medicine balls.

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How to create a Flawless Complex1. Decide on the amount of weight to use for each

complex by choosing the weight you can use for your weakest exercise in the complex. For example, if your weakest move is the overhead press, select the weight that is appropriate for that move (keeping in mind the number of repetition or length of work session required). This is the load that you will use for each of the exercises within the complex. It is better to pick a weight that can be used for most upper body moves since it is weaker than the lower body.

2. Perform your weak moves near the beginning of your complex, since this is when you will have the most energy. For example weak side (arm, leg, side rotation), muscle groups that lag (upper back, hamstrings, glutes) and movement patterns than lag (moves that pull the upper body and also moves that are hip dominant).

3. Also perform moves that are a higher skill level demanding more coordination and motor skill near the beginning of your workout. Example of these include cleans, jerks and snatches.

4. If your complexes contain any quick, explosive moves, be sure to perform them early in your workout session as well. Examples of this type of move include plyometrics (box jumps, squat jumps, etc.) and ballistic kettlebell movement variations.

5. Strive for a smooth flow to your workout by choosing the sequence of your movements carefully. For instance, since the hold position is the same at the top of both the KB Goblet Squat and the KB 2 Arm Overhead Press, do them in that order.

6. Choosing exercises for your complexes is limited only by your skill, tolerance for pain and level of fitness!

And now for something really cool…

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Thunder and Lightning!

Thunder and Lightning is also a form or complex training, but it is different from what we have been discussing. This complex type of training involves alternating between intense strength training and power training.

First, let’s get clear on some terms:

Strength - Your strength is a measure of the force that your neuromuscular system can create. Strength is the basis that all bio-motor skills are built upon. Therefore, strength-training moves are the THUNDER of the complex training. The speed with which you perform these exercises is slow and controlled (thirty seconds), but the resistance is high.

My recommendation is that you use a 3-1-X tempo, which allows for up to 6 repetitions in thirty seconds followed by a thirty second rest. This will enable you to lower the weight in three seconds, hold for one count and then explode back to the start position and repeat for time. This will eliminate the reflex to bounce and stretch your muscles. Rather, they will be completely engaged and will therefore work harder.

Power - Power is defined as the quantity of work you complete in a unit of time. Another way of saying it is that power is the culmination of both strength and speed. So the LIGHTNING part of our complex set is the power training portion. The speed with which you perform these moves is higher (fifteen seconds then follow with a thirty second rest) but the resistance is low to moderate (or at least lower resistance than the strength training portion).

For instance, you might do heavily loaded front squats for the strength portion and then do bodyweight jump squats for the power portion. You will perform the jump squats better if you precede them with the front squats.

The reason for this has to do with the muscles fibers that are engaged. Research has shown that if you do a strength-training move before a power-training move (in a similar pattern), you will use more Type II b fast twitch muscles. The result is an increased gain in power.

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Technically this is called Postactivation Potentiation (PAP) and it refers to the improved output of the muscle that occurs with explosive power moves after intense strength training. Because PAP results in a more natural enhancement of performance than if PAP is not used, it has become increasingly popular in the fitness industry. (Robbins, 2005)

In practical terms, this means that PAP makes it possible for you to enhance the effects of explosive moves such as sprinting, throwing, weight lifting and jumping. It is also useful for improving performance in sports such as baseball, soccer, basketball, football and track and field (French, Kraemer, Cooke, 2003; Hilfiker, Hubner, Lorenz & Marti, 2007).

Simply put, the PAP causes your central nervous system to completely engage which results in the usage of more muscle. This causes you to be more explosive in the subsequent power training moves.

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The Benefits of Thunder & Lightening Training Include:

Increased muscle building and fat burn (so you have a tighter, more toned body) Larger metabolic effect (so you burn more calories during the workout AND in the 24 to 48

hours after the workout). An increase in power and strength, as well as improvements in athletic performance. You

will also find that you are able to break through plateaus that have been holding you back.

Thunder and Lightning: Session length-20 minutes. Switch between 30 sec of a strength training move and 15 sec of a power-training move. Do 3 sets in sequence.

Station 1, Strength Exercise: Front SquatsStation 1, Power Exercise: Speed Squats or Squat Jumps Station 2, Strength Exercise: Push-upsStation 2, Power Exercise: Speed Punches or Medicine Ball Chest Pass Station 3, Strength Exercise: DeadliftsStation 3, Power Exercise: Burpees or Broad Jumps

Note: The insufficient rest times between moves will achieve an incremental and increasing fatigue during your work session. The result of this fatigue will be an improved work capacity, better cardiovascular building and increased muscle capacity. In effect, you get a great HIIT (high intensity interval training) workout!

Part 2 – Metabolic Cardio TrainingTraining with Intervals

Although performing metabolic circuits and conditioning is, in my opinion, a superior method for fat loss I understand that many of our members and readers are going to be performing cardio on machines, running outside, biking or any of the other numerous forms of cardio. Don’t get me wrong; I think that you can be successful with cardio intervals. Heck, I have been successful with them in the past personally and with clients. However, through my evolution as a coach I have realized that they may not be the most efficient use of time. A few reasons that you might want to use cardio intervals:

1) You are deconditioned or a beginner and need to gain/re-gain a base level of conditioning before adequately performing metabolic circuits at the optimal level.

2) You are injured or recovering from an injury and cardio intervals (normally stationary biking) are the best way to get in your interval work.

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3) You are hoping to get in some active recovery work. The trick to cardio interval programs is to pick a method that you can perform at the highest intensity for the work period and then quickly transition to the recovery period at a low to moderate pace. This is usually very difficult to do on a treadmill.

Your best bet for cardio intervals is to perform them outside on a grass field (this takes some of the stress off the joints when running) or on an air resisted stationary bike like the Schwinn Aerodyne. My favorite place to do this is the Sugar Land Middle School Stadium, which has an excellent grass field and is open to the public during non-school hours.

These two methods are the easiest to use and work with in all types of intervals. They are also the most effective.

I prefer running outside for intervals because it causes you to actually move and produce force into the ground to propel your body. This requires significantly more energy than running on a treadmill and it

actually works different muscle groups. In addition, being outside will expose you to the sun to enhance your dopamine, melatonin, and Vitamin D3 levels.

The Schwinn is great because it is almost impossible to hurt yourself on a stationary bike (and I know as soon as I say this someone will do it!). You also can transition quickly between hard and easy intervals. I also like the fact that you can use your arms to increase your speed during the hard work periods. If you don’t have access to one of these “old school” bikes, you can still perform awesome intervals on a regular stationary bike or an indoor bike trainer – hook your road bike and train indoors.

If you choose to perform cardio workouts on your own, here is a solid plan that you can follow pretty easily with stopwatch or interval timer.

The trick to designing an interval program is monitoring the work and rest periods. We will start off with a 1:3 work-to-rest ratio and decrease that over time to ensure you are making progress.

Note: Be sure to perform these workouts on non-consecutive days, and on different days than your metabolic strength training.

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Workout A – 30-second “Sprints”Level 1: Sprint for 30 seconds then recover for 90 seconds. Perform up to 10 rounds.Level 2: Sprint for 30 seconds then recover for 60 seconds. Perform up to 13 rounds.Level 3: Sprint for 30 seconds then recover for 30 seconds. Perform up to 20 rounds.

Workout B – 1-minute “Sprints”Level 1: Sprint for 1 minute then recover for 3 minutes. Perform up to 5 rounds.Level 2: Sprint for 1 minute then recover for 2 minutes. Perform up to 7 rounds.Level 3: Sprint for 1 minute then recover for 1 minutes. Perform up to 10 rounds.

To properly perform these intervals you will need to adequately warm up. You should foam roll your lower extremities, perform a flexibility routine and then perform a 5 minute warm up using the method that you are going to perform your intervals.

At the end of each interval work out you will cool down for 5 minutes and repeat your flexibility routine.

The work period on these intervals is supposed to be performed at maximal effort. You should barely be able to finish the required time. During the rest periods you will decrease your effort. On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the hardest you have ever worked, you will work around a 3 or 4 for your rest periods.

To maximize your efforts and help track the interval time I strongly recommend you use an interval training timer such as the iWorkoutMuse Pro App found in the iTunes store.

Cardio-Core Conditioning Workout at Cida Fitness

For the Spring Break Challenge, I’ve specifically chosen an intense cardio-core routine that has become an annual “favorite” – a routine our members have come to “hate to love.” The workout is extremely intense and highly effective.

Based on a basketball-conditioning program, and to go along with the March Madness theme, the Hoops March Madness Program is pretty awesome…

The Hoops March Madness Program includes 2 distinctly different high intensity interval-training (HIIT) programs:

1. 15:45 intervals that explode your metabolism for all day fat burning

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2. 30-second work periods with descending rest periods to burn an insane amount of calories and ramp up cardiovascular conditioning

To get the best of both worlds along with maximum calorie expenditure and metabolic boost, we’re doing Program 1 on Tuesdays and Program 2 on Thursdays month – that’s between our regular Monday, Wednesday, Friday Metabolic Resistance Training workouts. ;-)

Workout A – 15:45 Power BurstsExplosiveness is critical in just about every action sport, especially one like basketball. Power training with 15:45 intervals is an awesome way to develop sports-specific explosiveness. It’s also a great way to do metabolic training for weight loss.

For our program, I just had to feature everyone’s favorite exercise to hate – BURPEES.C’mon. How could I resist?! ;-b

I call this my Burpee Breakdown Series:

Exercise 1: BurpeesExercise 2: Speed JacksExercise 3: Speed SquatsExercise 4: Mountain ClimbersExercise 5: Sprint in Place

Perform each exercise with maximum intensity for 15 seconds followed by a 45 second rest and transition. One round takes 5 minutes. Perform up to 4 rounds for a 20-minute metabolic boosting workout that will knock the unwanted fat right off ya!

By the way, you could also use this protocol is in your metabolic resistance training workouts using non-competing exercises in a 5-exercise sequence. For example:

Exercise 1: Squat Jumps VariationExercise 2: Plyo Push-up VariationExercise 3: Kettlebell Swings VariationExercise 4: TRX Chin-up/Row VariationExercise 5: Medicine Ball Slams Variation

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Workout B – Descending Rest Intervals For the second interval program featured in The Hoops March Madness Program, there are 3 different protocols. I chose to work with a couple locomotion drills and one of the most basic exercises out there… although it’s deceivingly KILLER.

Protocol 1 – 30:30 Intervals: Alternate between 30 seconds of work and 30 seconds of rest. Perform 6 total rounds followed by a 1-minute rest and transition.

Exercise of Choice: Side Shuffle Variations

Protocol 2 – 30:20 Intervals: Alternate between 30 seconds of work and 20 seconds of rest. Perform 8 total rounds followed by a 1-minute rest and transition.

Exercise of Choice: Shuttle Run Variations

Protocol 3 – 30:15 Intervals: Alternate between 30 seconds of work and 15 seconds of rest. Perform 10 total rounds followed by a 1-minute rest and transition.

Exercise of Choice: Hops (Ankle Jumps) or Jump Rope Variations

By the way, Boston University Athletics Strength & Conditioning, Coach Glenn Harris, MS, CSCS inspired this particular interval-training format. He uses the descending intervals to get his players “Game-Fit” so they can play at maximum intensity all the way through…I use it to get maximum calorie expenditure, boost metabolism, AND have my clients and I feeling great when we’re at PLAY. The endurance benefit of this program is amazing! The post workout fat burn is off the charts!!

Part 3 – Stubborn Fat CardioSteady State (Endurance) Training

After reading everything up to this point, you may be thinking you should just forget all about your traditional steady state runs like tempo runs and long, slow distance (LSD)

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runs.  That’s not necessarily the case. There IS a place for steady state cardio in a fat loss program…

Yep, Cida even convinced me to sign up for a St. Patrick’s Day Marathon run in Sugar Land, which I never imagined I would ever do. I’m always open-minded to do things at least once, right?

At a physiological level, steady state training is important, although it generally does not need to be performed more than once (twice maximum) per week on it’s own in a weight loss program. 

Steady state training can be done at both low-intensity and moderate intensity where run times will generally be from 20 – 60 minutes in length.

There are 3 main goals to steady state training:

1. Increase Aerobic Base2. Increase Anaerobic Threshold3. Increase Fat Loss

Let’s break each of these down…

Aerobic Base

Aerobic Base (AB) is the intensity level at which your body burns the most fat calories per minute.  This is critical for endurance athletes because when we burn fat as our primary fuel source we can go for longer periods of time before running out of energy.  The higher your base, the longer and harder you can run or the faster you can complete your event (e.g., 5k). This is also important for those seeking maximum fat loss, because the better you are at burning fat for energy the easier it is to lose it…

Anaerobic Threshold

Your Anaerobic Threshold can also be improved by exercising at a level of intensity just below your Anaerobic Threshold thereby “pushing” it up.  Imagine high intensity interval training (HIIT) as a means to “pull” your Anaerobic Threshold up, while steady state training, specifically tempo or race pace training, will “push” it up.  Just like with a higher Aerobic Base, a higher Anaerobic Threshold will give you the ability to go harder for longer, ultimately burning more calories, thus ridding you of unwanted body fat…

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Increase Fat Loss

Steady state training primarily uses fat for fuel, especially when performed at lower intensities as you would doing either “stubborn fat cardio” or long slow distance (LSD) sessions.

“Stubborn Fat Cardio” is a neat little trick I like to use when trying to maximize fat loss…

By performing some low to moderate intensity cardio following your metabolic resistance training and/or metabolic cardio training workouts, you can accelerate the fat loss process.

More specifically, about 5 minutes following high-intensity exercise your body “dumps” stored triglycerides (fat) into your bloodstream, making it the perfect time to do some steady state aerobic training to eat up that fat before it gets re-stored.

We like to call this “stubborn fat cardio” and we prescribe a maximum of 10-20 minutes of steady state cardio (where you go at your aerobic base without stopping) 5 minutes following strength and cardio interval workouts. This really helps accelerate the fat burning process, specifically for those trouble spot areas like the abs, hips, and thighs!

Part 3 – Recovery

An all-too-often overlooked aspect of exercise is time off. This is especially true for people who lead busy and stressful lives. It’s critical to note that all your results come when the body is at rest – recovering from the intense bout of exercise it just went through. An effective exercise session places a lot of (good) stress on the body, but in this case too much of a good thing can be hazardous.

For example, an intense resistance-training workout actually causes micro-tears in the muscle fibers, essentially breaking them down. It’s during the rest period that they repair and grow bigger and stronger thus boosting your metabolism to burn unwanted, ugly body fat. If you never give your body rest, allowing it to recover, you’ll never see the results you desire.

To speed up recovery invest in a high-quality foam roller. It’s a phenomenal corrective self-massage tool that will dramatically bolster injury prevention and improve performance.

It’s ideal to use a foam roller for at least five minutes pre-workout to loosen your muscles up for a better workout. You can also use it post-workout

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to promote healing of the small micro-tears in your muscles that result from high-intensity training to jumpstart the recovery process.

Plus, a foam roller both kneads out and lengthens your muscle and connective tissues thus alleviating, if not eliminating, nagging aches and pains in your back, knees, hips, shoulders, and elbows.Finally, reserve one day of the week as a non-workout day. Rest up and be ready to GO!!!!!!!

Spring Break Challenge Nutrition Protocols

Understanding Supportive Nutrition for Fat Loss

The keys to a solid nutrition plan that will yield long-term sustainable results are: lean proteins, vegetables, healthy fats, small amounts of fruits, water, and a carbohydrate intake appropriate for YOU.

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As you begin or continue on your journey to health please remember that what has worked for you to achieve “results” in the past or what works for your friend, co-worker, etc may not be for you. You are an individual and everyone has a different body and different things going on inside of that body.

Before we get into the “nuts and bolts” of nutrition for fat loss, I want to talk about the fact that a calorie is not a calorie. If losing weight were as simple as calories in vs. calories out, fat loss would not be as hard as it is. Being overweight or obese is a disorder of excess fat accumulation, not energy balance, not over eating, not sedentary behavior. Overeating and inactivity are compensatory effects; they are not causes. We don’t get fat because we overeat; we overeat because our fat tissue is accumulating excess fat.

The 3500-Calorie Myth

A calorie is not a calorie. The equation calorie in vs. calories out says nothing about lean tissue and water; it states you will only lose fat. We know this is not true. If a calorie is just a calorie then they would all work the same way inside the body. We know is this not true as well. We know that lean proteins, vegetables, and healthy fat calories work different in the body than calories that come from sugar.

In his book Why We Get Fat, Gary Taubes talks about 20 calories per day. What he is referencing is that if you over eat by just 20 calories per day starting at age 25 you would gain 21 pounds in a decade. If you relied on counting calories you would need to have a .8% accuracy and let’s face it, no one can do that.

Instead we need to focus on eating the right types of food to turn on our fat burning and turn off fat storing. This is where our hormones come into play. The hormone that we have talked about for the last 50-60 years in regards to storing fat is insulin. As of late another important hormone that we need to balance to achieve our fat loss goals is leptin,


Insulin is the regulator of fat metabolism. It puts fat into fat tissue and it’s insulin that suppresses fat mobilization. In order to get fat out of fat tissues you must lower your insulin. The bottom line is when insulin is secreted or chronically elevated, fat accumulates in the fat tissue. When insulin levels drop, fat escapes from the fat tissue and the fat deposits shrink. We secrete insulin primarily in response to the carbohydrates in our diet. Insulin is not on or off in our body, it is secreted in either a trickle, stream, or flood based on what we eat. Carbohydrate is driving insulin is driving fat.


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Leptin is a relatively new hormone that has only come onto the scene in the late 1990’s. It is the king of all hormones and is the most powerful hormone in the human body because it is the commander in chief for the use of energy. No other hormone orders leptin. When leptin is not working correctly lots of issues can arise such as: fatigue, depression, irritability, inability to focus, poor metabolism, faulty immune function, problems extracting energy from food, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, and the list goes on and on.

Leptin is made in fat cells. If leptin is working well then you will have a healthy metabolism and your appetite will be at bay. If leptin is low you will have a slower metabolism and your appetite will be stimulated. So in theory if someone has a lot of fat stores they should also have a lot of leptin and have a high metabolism and not be hungry BUT quite the opposite is true most of the time overweight or obese individuals have a slow metabolism and are hungry all the time.


Because their brains have become resistance to leptin and therefore thinks leptin is low which slows down their metabolism and increases their appetite. Insulin resistance and leptin resistance mean that the hormones don’t communicate efficiently in response to food. Therefore, a person has to overeat in order to get enough leptin into the brain to get a full signal.

What causes leptin resistance?

Caloric restriction, insulin and blood sugar issues, stress, unbalanced living, overeating, increased triglycerides, and fructose (specifically high fructose corn syrup). Whenever insulin is negatively impacted, leptin is negatively impacted as well.

How do we manage leptin?

By first managing insulin, we know insulin is increased when more carbohydrates than the body can handle are eaten, you manage insulin by managing carbohydrate intake. Decrease stress and put in place stress management techniques (see section on stress). If cortisol is deregulated, you will have blood sugar issues despite a diet low in carbohydrates. Always including protein at breakfast and not overeating will help to control leptin. If you are overweight, always try to finish a meal when you are slightly less than full. It takes 10-20 minutes for the brain to catch up and signal the body that you are full. Eating slowly can assist with this as well. In the following section, meal timing, I will address other strategies to manage leptin…stay tuned!

Meal Timing

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Meal timing is key in managing blood sugar and hormones especially leptin. There are two strategies in which to do this, never eat after dinner and eat three meals a day.

Leptin follows a 24-hour pattern where levels are highest in the evening hours and peak late at night. It sets the timing for nighttime repair as well as coordinating the function of melatonin, thyroid hormone, growth hormone, sex hormones, and immune system function to carry out restorative sleep. Leptin will also burn fat at a greatest rate at night but only if you allow it to do so. In a person with normal leptin function, the brain gets the signal that they are full and do not require any more food in the evening. However, those with leptin problems or leptin resistance never get a proper full signal (until they overeat) and they are driven by subconscious urges to eat from the time dinner is over until the time they go to bed. Allow three hours between your last meal of the day and the time you go to bed. Space dinner and breakfast out so that there is at least 11-12 hours in between.

Leptin is what gives your body the full signal after you eat a meal. In order to avoid leptin issues in the evening you must properly manage leptin during the day. No matter what you eat you will get some form of insulin response after you eat. Depending on what you eat that response may be a trickle, stream, or flood of insulin. Once insulin has done it’s job after a meal, only then can your body enter a true fat-burning state. Our metabolism is not meant to handle eating and snacking all day. When a person eats a snack it raises insulin, no matter what that snack is. When insulin is secreted it shuts off fat-burning mode, and allows triglyceride levels to stay too high for proper leptin function, reducing proper leptin entry into the brain. This can cause excessive food cravings, an unstable energy level, poor head function, and unproductive sleep. Those with healthy leptin levels will end up burning 60% fatty acids during sleep, the prime fat-burning time. When leptin is managed well, fatty acids will be burned from the triglycerides that are stored in the abdominal area, hips, and thighs. If leptin is poorly managed throughout the day, fatty acids from triglycerides that are piled up too high in the blood will be burned during sleep instead.

Three to four hours after a meal blood sugar levels naturally begin to drop because insulin is done doing it’s job of transporting calories into cells. Now our bodies can use stored calories for energy. The drop in insulin signals the pancreas to produce glucagon. Glucagon’s job is to maintain blood sugar in absence of food. Glucagon then signals the liver to release glycogen (stored glucose) in order to maintain blood sugar levels. In a sense your body is getting a snack, just not from food. Between meals about sixty percent of fuel will come from sugar that was stored in the liver, and under the signal from glucagon the liver will burn forty percent fatty acids. Triglycerides from fat stores are now being used as fuel. This starts happening three to four hours after a meal and continues until the next meal is eaten. This is fat-burning time. As long as energy levels are maintained the longer a person stays in fat burning mode the more fat they will burn. Snacking or eating too often confuses leptin, and sooner or later this will catch up with you.

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Sample Meal Templates

5:45 am Workout5:45 am WORKOUT7:00 am Workout Shake8:30 am Meal 11:30 pm Meal 26:00 pm Meal 3

7:00 am Workout6:30 am ½ Workout Shake 7:00 am WORKOUT8:00 am ½ Workout Shake9:30 pm Meal 12:30 pm Meal 27:00 pm Meal 3

9:15 am Workout7:00 am Meal 1 9:15 am WORKOUT10:30 am Workout Shake12:30 pm Meal 26:00 pm Meal 3

4:30 pm Workout6:00 am Meal 1 11:00 am Meal 24:00 pm ½ Workout Shake4:30 pm WORKOUT5:30 pm ½ Workout Shake7:00 pm Meal 3

6:00 pm Workout

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7:00 am Meal 1 12:00 pm Meal 25:00 pm ½ Workout Shake5:45 pm WORKOUT6:45 pm ½ Workout Shake7:30 pm Meal 3

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What to EatLean Proteins

Protein sources include but are not limited to: grass-fed beef, organic free range chicken, chicken sausage, organic free range turkey, organic pasture raised pork, nitrate-free sausages or bacon, wild Alaskan salmon, cod, scallops, white fish, shrimp, tuna, bison, ostrich, elk, venison, organic free range eggs, whey protein powder, vegetarian (rice, pea) protein powder, and goat milk, cheese, yogurt. If you can handle dairy, plain Greek yogurt, cheese and milk from organic grass-fed cows.

Eat complete, lean protein with every meal. To figure out protein intake per day, take your goal body weight and divide by 2.2. Take that number and multiply it by 1.5, and then by 2 to get your range of protein intake in grams per day.

All of the following equal 7 grams of protein: 1 ounce of meat, 1 egg, 3 egg whites, 1 ounce of cheese, 24 almonds, and 2 TBSP of nut butter.

For example: A female who’s goal weight is 140 lbs. would want to eat 95-127 grams of protein per day. This would equate to about 30 grams of protein per meal plus a post-workout shake.


Include 1-3 servings of vegetables with each meal and aim for 7-9 servings per day. One servings equal’s ½ cup of cooked, 1 cup of raw, and 2 cups of salad greens.

Non-starchy vegetables include but are not limited to: beets, red cabbage, red peppers, radishes, tomatoes, butternut squash, carrots, pumpkin, rutabagas, yellow summer/winter squash, yellow peppers, artichokes, avocados, broccoli, green cabbage, cucumbers, kale, green peppers, swiss chard, asparagus, green beans, Brussels sprouts, celery, lettuce, snap peas, spinach, zucchini, eggplant, cauliflower, jicama, mushrooms, onions, parsnips, and turnips.

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Organic or not? The first priority is to eat the recommended servings of vegetables organic or not. Then focus on buying organic for the “Dirty Dozen.” This includes: peppers, celery, kale, lettuce, and spinach.

Here are a few ideas to increase the amount of vegetables you eat everyday. Add spinach to a protein shake. I promise you will not taste it. Add spinach, peppers, onions, mushrooms, etc. to eggs. Substitute a vegetable for a starchy carbohydrate such as spaghetti squash or zucchini for noodles. Cauliflower or butternut squash for pizza crust. For rice, oatmeal, wraps or mashed potatoes use cauliflower as well.


If your goal is fat loss consume 0-2 servings of fruit per day. Males may be able to consume 0-4 servings per day. A serving consists of ½ banana, ½ large apple or pear, ½-3/4 cup berries. The best fruits to eat are raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, and red, green, or yellow apples.

Apples, strawberries, and blueberries are part of the “Dirty Dozen”, buy organic if possible.

Healthy Fats

Nuts and seeds: almonds, pecans, brazil nuts, pistachios, cashews, pumpkin seeds, hazelnuts, sesame seeds, macadamia nuts, sunflower seeds, and walnuts.

Fats and oils to use: almond oil, macadamia nut oil, flax seed oil, coconut oil, sesame oil, extra virgin olive oil, avocados, MCT oil, butter (or Ghee), hemp seed oil.When cooking with oils and fats, especially at high heat, saturated fats are generally a better choice. Use butter, ghee, or coconut oil when heating to high temps. Unsaturated fats are less stable and more prone to becoming trans-fats at high heat. Heat, light, and air can cause oxidation to these otherwise healthy oils.

Just because nuts and seeds are healthy fats does not mean you can eat as many of them as you want. Limit nut and seed intake to 1-2 ounces per day.

Below are examples serving sizes of healthy fats per meal:

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All oils and cooking fats (olive oil, animal fats): 1-2 thumb size portionsAll butters (ghee, coconut butter, nut butters): 1-2 thumb size portionsCoconut (shredded or flaked): 1-2 open handfulsAvocado: ½ to 1 Coconut milk: between ¼ and ½ of one (14 oz.) canMCT oil: 1 tsp – 1 tbsp

Fats and oils to avoid: canola oil, margarine, and hydrogenated oils (trans fats).


Carbohydrates are not an essential nutrient like fat is. Most of us can get our carbohydrate need for the day met through vegetables and a small amount of fruit if necessary. Remember what we talked about in the beginning of this manual with relationship to insulin. Insulin drives fat storage and eating carbohydrates drives insulin.

When fat loss is the goal, eat vegetables with each meal and “other carbohydrates” only after exercise or not at all. You must earn your starchy carbohydrates. If you are not seeing the results you want, you are most likely eating too many carbohydrates for your body. Everyone’s toleration and ability to process carbohydrates is different. When it comes to changing body composition, reducing or timing carbohydrate intake is the single most effective strategy to kick-start fat loss in people with stubborn and hard to remove body fat stores.

If you are going to consume “other carbohydrates”, make them gluten free. Gluten has been linked to 55 health issues and is highly inflammatory in the body. Gluten free carbohydrates include: brown rice, beans, corn tortillas, sweet potatoes, flax seed, beans, lentils, corn, amaranth, millet, red potatoes, and quinoa.

Keep portions to 1 serving for females and 2 servings for males if you choose to have other carbohydrates. Servings sizes are listed below:

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1/3 cup of beans1/3-1/2 cup of rice or quinoa½ sweet potato

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Don’t drink beverages with more than zero calories. Drink half your body weight in water each day. Your body is make up of 60% water and water is absolutely essential for a variety of physiological functions, your health, performance, and body composition will suffer if you don’t drink enough water.

Eat your fruits and vegetables, and drink water as your beverage. Fruit juice has little nutritional value and it will increase blood sugar much quicker than eating a piece of fruit. Green tea is another great choice. Black tea, white tea, and yerba mate are also excellent choices. Coffee can be enjoyed in moderation. Don’t use coffee to mask drops in energy or fatigue from improper nutrition or meal timing. Post-workout and protein shakes are excluded.

Meal Composition

Each meal should be made up of 1-2 palm sized protein sources, depending on if you are female or male. Fill the rest of your plate with vegetables and add fat in the appropriate servings sizes listed above.

Post Workout Nutrition

For maximum recovery after a high intensity interval training session, post workout nutrition is key. This is the only time when liquid calories are superior. Focus on the ratio of carbohydrates to protein for this meal. It will be different depending on your body fat levels and goals.

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A good quality multi-vitamin is essential to any supportive nutrition plan. It is VERY hard to achieve optimal levels through food alone.

Our soils don’t have anywhere near the nutrients they once did. Commercial farming and fertilizers have dramatically changed the nutrients in our soils. Mineral content has been reduced by 85% over the past 100 years.

Exercise also increases the body’s nutrient needs. Yet most people rarely increase their vitamin and mineral intake when they increase the amount and intensity of their exercise. This can results can be decreased recovery abilities, decreased performance and a suppressed immune system.

Another result of inadequate amounts of vitamins and minerals is continued and unexplained cravings. Your body tells you to keep eating in hopes of meeting its nutrient needs. High-quality multivitamins can help avoid issues resulting in long-term deficiencies.

Essential Supplements

Multi-vitamin – Life Extension, Paradise HerbsFish Oil – NowfoodsVitamin D3 and K2 – NowfoodsMicronutrients (zinc, magnesium) - Nowfoods

Program Enhancing Supplements

Protein Powder – Paradise Herbs, MacroLife, Garden of Life, Life ExtensionGreen Drink/Red Drink – Paradise Herbs, MacroLifeEssential Amino Acids (EAA) – Nowfoods, Optimum NutritionAdaptogenic Herbs (ginseng, rhodiola, shizandra, ashwhaganda, spirulina, maca, etc.) – Paradise Herbs, Nowfoods

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Tips for SuccessEat Whole foods whenever possible

Sometimes it is easier to grab and energy bar or protein shake instead of preparing a whole food meal. However, when you do this you often times miss out on fiber and quality nutrients. If you are crunched for time or do not have food prepared your best bet is a protein shake or a bar. “Health” food bars are just glorified candy bars in disguise. They are full of sugar and most often low quality protein from GMO soy.

The only exception to this is post workout when liquid nutrition is superior.

Plan ahead and prepare food in advance

If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Good nutrition is not only about the eating high quality food but also making sure the food is available when it’s time to eat. Cooking several meals on Sundays, freezing single serving portions, and getting up 30 minutes earlier to prepare food for the rest of the day are just a couple food preparation strategies. Schedule time in your calendar to prepare food, if it is not schedule then it’s not important to you.

Another key to meal preparation success is having 2-3 “go-to” meals when time is limited. My two “go-to” meals are eggs w/vegetables & bacon or sausage, and rotisserie chicken & steamed vegetables or on top of a salad. My crock pot is also a wonderful resource!

Meal planning does not have to be complex, use the acronym K.I.S.S. Keep it stupid simple, protein, vegetables, and fat.

Eat as wide of variety of good nutritious food as possible

Most of us eat in a very habitual manner, taking in similar breakfasts, lunches, and dinners every day. Boring, but easy. If you eat the same foods day after day you could be missing out on important nutrients. Try new vegetables and foods, you may just be surprised at how much you like them and find some new favorites. If possible strive to eat seasonally. Our ancestors didn’t eat anything that wasn’t

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growing in season. It is a privilege that we can eat berries in February, but that doesn’t mean we should.

Cheat Meals

Yes, we can have occasional cheat meals, which means you can eat whatever you desire, such as cheesecake, pizza, and beer.

But first, a few rules.

Make sure you have food that’s not loaded with chemicals and trans fats. They are never good for you. For example, if you desire to have cookies, go to Whole Foods Market and purchase cookies that don’t have trans fats. Trust me, they sell cookies that are absolutely delicious and don’t have trans fats.

Second, you must do a HIIT workout on a day that you have a cheat meal. Something like our IMPACT class or Core & More will work fine. A 50-minute walk in the park will not work, though.

And third, MODERATION. Having a piece of cake means a normal serving and not what they would give you at the Cheesecake Factory.


Aim for 7-9 hours of uninterrupted sleep per night. The most restful sleep is between 9pm and 9am. Going to bed at 9 or 10 pm and getting up at 5 or 6 am is more restorative than sleeping from 3 am to 11 am. Getting 5 or fewer hours of sleep make you 2.5 times more likely to be diabetic, if you get six or fewer hours of sleep you are 1.7 times more likely to be diabetic.

Poor sleep can: add to stress, interfere with productivity, decrease immune function, decrease production of growth hormone, and decreases leptin and increases ghrelin.

Stress Management/Self-Care

Establish daily practices/rituals to combat the daily stresses of life. This will ensure you will not turn to food when your stress levels increase. Everyone will be different

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when it comes to stress management/self-care. Here are a few ideas: take a warm bath, call a friend, get outside for some fresh air, journal, meditate, deep breathing, yoga or stretching, set boundaries (say NO), read, or engage in an activity that you enjoy and find relaxing. Get outside in the natural sunshine and experience nature.

This does not need to take more than 5-10 minutes daily. By slowing down and being in the moment you will become more conscious of what and when you are eating as well as truly listening to what your body wants. Too often our “cravings” are not food related at all. We are “craving” solitude, rest, hydration, or enjoyment.

Social Activities

More often than not our social gathering involve and are surrounded by food. I challenge you to create a “new normal” and think outside the box. Instead of meeting a friend for drinks, lunch dinner, etc. meet for a walk, workout, Zumba class, or tea. That way you are setting yourself up for success by controlling your environment.

When you are faced with going out to eat or just want a break from cooking, take control and choose the restaurant so you have more say in what you are eating. If that is not possible, look up the menu ahead of time and decide what you will order so you are not faced with a last minute decision. Order first so that you are not tempted to change your order based on what others are having. Two of our favorite places to eat in the cities are: People’s Organic and Mill Valley Kitchen. You can also make good choices at grocery stores like Whole Foods, Lakewinds, or Kowalski’s.

Establish a Support System

Who will support you as you start or continue making changes to lead a healthier life?

You need to have people or a person in your life that you can turn to when you are lacking motivation or get discouraged and frustrated. Sometimes those closest to you are not a support system but rather an obstacle. You and only you can decide how you will handle that situation. If those closest to you are not a support to you then find someone or people who are.

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You are a sum of the 5 people you spend the most time with, so choose wisely. Remember, your FR family is always a support to you!!!

Reduce Your Exposure to “Dirty Electricity”

Reduce your exposure to modern technology, EMF, wi-fi, LED lighting, internet, etc. This is extremely harmful to your health and disrupts your endocrine system, such as decreasing melatonin, dopamine, and messing up leptin. It also increases insulin, which you don’t want to happen.


Why We Get Fat and What to Do About It, by Gary Taubes

The Leptin Diet, by Bryron J. Richards

Precision Nutrition, by John Berardi, PH.D.

What to NEVER Eat After You Workout, by Jayson Hunter, R.D., Dr. Cassandra Forsythe, R.D.

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5-Ingredient Avocado PuddingOriginal Recipe from Paleo OMG

Prep time:  3 mins Total time:  3 mins Serves: 1  


½ avocado, mashed1-2 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder (the more, the chocolatey-er)2 Tbsp. mashed ripe banana1-teaspoon sun butter (or other nut butter)Pinch of salt

DirectionsMash up your avocado.

Add in your cocoa powder, raw honey, sunbutter, pinch of salt and mix thoroughly.

If you want to go over the top it chocolatey flavor and give your pudding a protein boost, add a tablespoon of chocolate Prograde Protein powder.


For an even creamier texture, puree in your food processor.

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Baked Acorn Breakfast SquashOriginal Recipe from Edible Harmony

Yield: 2 servings


1 acorn squash2 eggs ½ lb. of nitrate free turkey or pork ground sausage1 tbsp of butter or coconut oil1-2 garlic cloves½ cup of chopped onions2 tbsp of fresh sageSalt and pepper to taste

DirectionsPreheat oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit.

Cut the acorn in half, lengthwise.

Place the acorn face down over a cookie sheet or baking dish and bake for about 20-25 minutes or until the squash is tender.

Meanwhile in a medium skillet sauté the onions, garlic, sage and sausage with the oil, until the sausage in fully cooked.

Scoop most of the meat from the squash out being careful not to break the skin or leave the acorn “shell” too thin.

In a large bowl mix the squash, and sausage. Scoop back into the acorn.

With the back of a spoon push down in the middle of the squash to create room for the eggs.

Crack the eggs open and pour one egg in the center of each squash.

Bake for an additional 10-20 minutes or until desired doneness.

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Banana Walnut PancakesYield: 4 servingsMakes 8 pancakes


2 large organic eggs½ banana½ cup almond milk1 ½ tsp. vanilla1 ½ cups almond flour1 ½ tsp arrowroot flour½ tsp. sea salt½ tsp. baking soda½ tsp. cinnamon½ cup chopped walnuts (I use almonds as I am allergic to walnuts)


Measure out ¼ cup batter and cook 3-4 minutes on each side in coconut oil or ghee.

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Bison MeatballsOriginal Recipe from Multiply Delicious

Yield: 12-15 meatballs


1-pound ground bison (grass-fed)1 to 2 green onion, finely diced1/2 sweet potato, finely diced1 clove garlic, minced1 egg1/2-teaspoon salt1/4-teaspoon fresh ground black pepper1/2-teaspoon ground paprika1 tablespoon fresh parsley, minced1/4-cup tomato paste


Preheat oven to 375 degrees.  Oil a baking sheet with coconut oil, or you can use aluminum foil (nonstick) or parchment paper to avoid a mess.

Place all the ingredients in a large bowl.  Using a fork, or your hands, mix until everything is evenly combine. 

Using a scoop or a large spoon, scoop evenly distributed meatballs onto prepared baking sheet. 

Bake for about 15 to 20 minutes or until meatballs are cooked through.

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Cauliflower “Oatmeal”Original Recipe from Healthy Living How To

Yield: 1 serving


1 cup of “riced” cauliflower1/3 cup of full fat canned coconut milk2/3 cup of water2 Tbsp. golden ground flax seed1.5 tsp. cinnamonPinch sea salt¼ cup canned pumpkin1 serving vanilla protein powder


“Rice” your cauliflower by cutting a head of cauliflower into small chunks and pulsing in a food processor. Or using a grater, grate your head of cauliflower.

Add “riced” cauliflower, coconut milk, and water to a small saucepan on medium heat and cook for 10-12 minutes.

Remove from heat and stir in flax seed, cinnamon, sea salt, pumpkin, and protein powder.

Serve with 1-2 Tbsp. of sliced almonds on top.

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NOTE: You can make this without the protein powder and have a side of eggs or other protein with it. Or you can omit the pumpkin and use ½ apple or 2/3 cup fresh berries.

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Cauliflower Pizza CrustIngredients

1 cup cooked, riced cauliflower1 cup shredded mozzarella cheese (I use goat cheese) 1 egg, beaten1 tsp dried oregano1/2 tsp minced garlic1/2 tsp kosher saltolive oil (optional)pizza sauce, shredded cheese and your choice of toppings*

DirectionsRemove stems and leaves from 1 head of cauliflower, and chop the florets into chunks. Add to your food processor and pulse until it looks like grain. Do not over-do pulse or you will puree it. (You can also use a cheese grater).

Place the “riced” cauliflower into a microwave safe bowl and microwave for 3-4 minutes (may need to adjust according to your microwave). No need to add water.

One large head will produce between 2 and 3 cups of riced and cooked cauliflower. The remainder can be used to make additional pizza crusts immediately, or can be stored in the refrigerator for up to a week.

To make the pizza crust:Preheat oven to 450 degrees. Spray a cookie sheet with non-stick cooking spray (or use non-stick aluminum foil on a cookie sheet, which is what I did).

In a medium bowl, stir together 1-cup cauliflower, beaten egg and mozzarella. Add oregano, minced garlic and salt, mix well. Transfer the mixture to your cookie sheet, and pat out into a 9″ round.

Bake at 450 degrees for 12-15 minutes.

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Remove from oven and let cool awhile. This helps to make the crust more solid.

To make the pizza: Add sauce, toppings and cheese. Place under a broiler at high heat just until cheese is melted (approximately 3-4 minutes). *Toppings need to be precooked since you are only broiling for a few minutes.NOTE: I used goat cheese when I made this as I avoid dairy.

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Cauliflower WrapsOriginal Recipe from Empowered Sustenance

Yield: 2 wraps


Curry Wraps: 1/2 head cauliflower, cut into florets 1 egg plus 1 egg white 1/2 tsp. curry powder 1/4 tsp. salt

Garlic Herb Wraps: Substitute 1 minced garlic clove and 3/4 tsp. dried herbs (basil, oregano, thyme or a combo) for the curry powder

DirectionsPreheat the oven to 375 and line two baking sheets with parchment paper. In a food processor, pulse the cauliflower florets until they form a crumb-like texture. Place the crumbles and 1/4-cup water in a saucepan with a tight fitting lid. Cook on medium high heat for 8 minutes, until tender.

Drain the cauliflower in a sieve, and then transfer to a clean kitchen towel. Firmly squeeze any excess water from the cauliflower. In a bowl, stir together the cauliflower and remaining ingredients. Form two thin circles on the parchment-lined baking sheets. With a spatula, press down the "dough" so it forms a thin layer. Keep the wraps compact--there should be no parchment showing through the mixture in any area of the wrap.

Bake for about 25 minutes until dry and pliable. Gently remove to a wire rack to cool so the bottom does not become soggy. Use with light fillings or tear into pieces and use to scoop up fillings.


These delicate wraps are best served within a few hours of baking.

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Chicken Apple SaladIngredients:

3-4 cups cooked, diced chicken (I tore up a whole rotisserie chicken)1/2 cup chopped apple (about 1/2 of an apple)1/4-cup raisins1/4-cup pecans, chopped4-5 Tbsp. canned coconut milk “cream” (the hard stuff that separates to the top after refrigerating for a day or so)2-3 Tbsp. almond butter1/4 tsp. salt1/8 tsp. pepperLettuce (to serve on or over)


Mix all ingredients together.

Adjust to taste (more coconut milk, almond butter, salt/pepper, etc.).

Serve over lettuce or wrapped up in a lettuce leaf to make a lettuce wrap.

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Cilantro Lime Shrimp

Yield: 4 servings


2 tsp. coconut oil2 lb. shrimp, shelled and deviened6 cloves garlic, crushed1/3 cup chopped fresh cilantro1 limeSalt and pepper


Heat a large frying pan on medium-high heat. Add oil to the pan, when hot add shrimp. 

Season with salt and pepper. When the shrimp is cooked on one side, about 2 minutes, turn over and add garlic.

Sauté another minute or two until shrimp is cooked, careful not to overcook. Remove from heat. Squeeze lime all over shrimp and toss with cilantro. Serve hot.

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“Creamy” Chicken Tomato Soup

Original Recipe from Everyday Paleo

Yield: 6 servings

Ingredients4 frozen skinless boneless chicken breastGarlic salt to taste2 tablespoons Italian Seasoning1 tablespoon dried basil1 clove garlic1 14 oz. can of coconut milk (full fat)1 14 oz. can diced tomatoes and juice1 cup of chicken broth (I used homemade chicken broth but you can use store bought)Sea Salt and pepper to taste

DirectionsPut all the above ingredients into the crock-pot, cook for 9 hours on low.

After 9 hours take two forks and shred the chicken, set the crock-pot on warm till ready to serve (making sure to taste it before serving to make sure there is enough salt and pepper).

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Golden Cauliflower SoupOriginal Recipe from The Clothes Make the Girl

Yield: 4-6 servings

Prep: 10 minCook: 60 min

Ingredients1 large head cauliflower (about 3 pounds)1 tablespoon coconut oil1 medium onion, diced (about 1 cup)2 large carrots, diced (about 2 cups)2 cloves garlic, smashed2 cups beef broth1 cup water1 teaspoon salt1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper1/2 cup coconut milk

DirectionsWash and core the cauliflower, then coarsely chop. Set aside.

Heat a large, deep pot over medium-high heat, then add the coconut oil. When the oil is melted, add onions, carrots, and garlic. Stir with a wooden spoon and cook until they’re soft and golden, about 5 minutes. Add the chopped cauliflower and cook until beginning to brown, about 5 minutes.

Add the broth and water, and then bring to a boil. Reduce heat to simmer and cook, covered, until the vegetables are very tender, about 45 minutes.

Working in batches, carefully transfer the cauliflower and some of the broth to a blender or food processor. Cover the top with a dishtowel to protect yourself from splatters, and purée the cauliflower until smooth, adding more broth as necessary.

Pour the purée back into the soup pot, and then add the salt, pepper, and coconut milk. Stir to combine and cook over medium until heated through. Serve immediately with garnishes, or store covered in the refrigerator. To reheat, warm the soup gently over medium-low heat until bubbly.

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Grain-Free Zucchini PancakesOriginal Recipe from Balanced Bites

Yield: About 5 large pancakes


1 Tbsp coconut flour3 eggs sea salt & pepper to taste2 cups shredded zucchini (using a food processor with a shredding disc is ideal, or you can shred them by hand)Coconut oil or bacon grease to pan-fry in (amount will vary)

DirectionsSift the coconut flour into the eggs and beat them together. Mix in the shredded zucchini, sea salt & pepper.

Use a large cast iron skillet over medium-low heat with coconut oil or bacon grease coating the pan.

Spoon the mixture into the pan in desired sized “cakes.” If you make them large, roughly 4-6” in diameter cook them one at a time or you can make smaller ones and cook 3-4 at a time.

Serve warm or at room temperature/on-the-go- alone or with sausage or bacon.


Add any other spices or fresh herbs that you like. Cilantro or basil would be a nice addition to these grain-free veggie pancakes!

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MeatzzaOriginal Recipe from Healthy Living How To


2 lbs. ground beef, turkey, or pork (I use a combination)2 eggs1/2 cup Parmesan cheese (I omit this)2 Tbsp. pizza seasoning1 cup mozzarella cheese (I use goat cheese)Pizza sauceSautéed Vegetables (onions, peppers, olives, mushrooms)


Mix together the meat, eggs, Parmesan cheese, and seasoning. Line a pan with aluminum foil and pat meat mixture in pan.

Bake at 450 for 10 minutes. You may want to drain the fat from the meat or pat with paper towel.

Top with sauce, vegetables, and cheese. Broil until cheese is melted.

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Nut-Free One Minute MuffinOriginal Recipe from Healthy Living How To

Prep Time: 1 minute

Cook Time: 1 minute

Yield: 1 Muffin


2 Tbsp. Sunflower Seed Flour 1 Tbsp. Coconut Flour 1/2 tsp. Aluminum-Free Baking Powder Pinch Celtic Sea Salt 1 Large Egg 1 tsp. Ghee

DirectionsMelt ghee in a 4 1/2 inch ramekin in the microwave for 20-30 seconds.

In a small bowl, sift together sunflower seed flour, coconut flour, baking powder and salt. Add egg to flour mixture and whisk until all lumps are gone. Drizzle in melted ghee and whisk again.

Spoon batter into ramekin and microwave for one minute. Remove from microwave with dishtowel and invert on a cooling rack.

Once cool, split in half, toast and enjoy.


To make sunflower flour, simply take raw, whole hulled sunflower seeds and put in a blender until it is flour like consistency.

These muffins make an amazing egg sandwich with eggs and bacon or sausage!!!

For those of you who don’t have a microwave or limit microwave use, this can be baked in the oven at 350 degrees F for 15-20 minutes. However, it is important to note it will not rise as much.

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Paleo Chicken NuggetsIngredients

2 large chicken breasts2 eggs3 tbsps. of arrowroot powder1/2 tsp. of cumin1/2 tsp. of smoked paprika1 tsp. of garlic powderSalt to taste1 cup of almond mealCoconut Oil

DirectionsPreheat oven to 450. Cut the chicken into small nugget-sized pieces.

In a bowl, combine the eggs, arrowroot powder, salt, and spices. Put almond flour in a separate bowl.

Dip each piece of chicken into the egg mixture and then coat with the almond meal. Place into a greased cookie sheet, or put down parchment paper.

Spray or gently brush with coconut oil. Bake for 10-12 minutes, turn and spray with coconut oil.

Turn oven to broil and continue cooking until golden brown.

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Paleo MeatloafOriginal Recipe from Civilized Caveman

Servings: 8Prep Time: 15 MinutesCook Time: 50 Minutes


1.5 Cups Almond Flour1 Lb Grass Fed Ground Beef1/3 Cup Coconut Milk2 Cloves of garlic, minced2 Carrots, minced1/2 Onion, minced1 Zucchini, minced1 Egg3-4 Tbsp Italian SeasoningSalt and Pepper to taste

DirectionsPreheat your oven to 350 Degrees F.

Combine your almond flour and coconut milk in a bowl and mix well.

Heat a sauté pan on medium heat and sauté your onions, carrots, and zucchini stirring often until cooked. With about a minute left of sautéing add in your garlic.

Take your sautéed vegetables and combine them in the bowl with the almond flour and coconut milk

Add in your grass fed ground beef, egg, Italian seasoning, and salt and pepper and using your hands mix well.

Place your loaf in a greased loaf pan. Bake in the oven for 40 - 50 minutes.

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Paleo Zucchini GoulashOriginal Recipe from Nourished Meadow


2 lbs. Ground Beef, Venison or Buffalo1 medium Onion, chopped1 medium Bell pepper, chopped2 Garlic Cloves, minced1 cup Mushrooms, chopped1 14.5 oz Canned Diced Tomatoes1 8 oz Canned Tomato Sauce3-4 medium Zucchini and/or Yellow Squash, Peeled into ribbons1 tsp. Kosher Salt1/2 tsp. Fresh Ground Black Pepper1/2 tsp. Dried Rosemary, crushed1/2 tsp. Dried Marjoram1/2 tsp. Dried Thyme


Brown the ground meat in a large skillet, drain if needed.

Add onions and bell peppers; allow to soften on medium to medium high heat for about 5 minutes.

Add garlic, stir for 30-60 seconds, then add in diced tomatoes, tomato sauce, mushrooms, and all seasonings. Allow to simmer on medium heat for an additional 5-10 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Add zucchini and yellow squash ribbons, stir well, cover, and simmer an additional 5 minutes. Test seasoning and adjust if necessary.

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Pizza Kale ChipsOriginal Recipe From The Food Lovers Kitchen

Yield: 6 servings

Ingredients8 cup Kale, leaves from about 6 stalks, veins removed1 cup Cashews (Raw)1/2 cup Tomato Paste, 1 small can2 Tbsp Nutritional Yeast, Lewis Labs Brewers Yeast Buds (from sugar beets)1 tsp Dried Oregano1 tsp Dried Marjoram1 tsp Garlic Powder1 tsp Onion Powder1 tsp Dried Basil1/2 tsp Dried Rosemary1/2 tsp Salt1/4 tsp Red Pepper Flakes

DirectionsPlace the cashews in a bowl, cover with filtered water, and allow cashews to soak refrigerated for a minimum of 2 hours, ideally overnight.

Drain the water from the cashews. Place the cashews in a blender or food processor. Add filtered water to just cover the cashews, and process until creamy smooth.

In a large mixing bowl, stir together the cashew cream with all remaining ingredients except the kale. Stir until evenly combined.

Rinse the kale, and pull the leaves from the fibrous stems. Tear into "chip" sized pieces.

Toss the kale with the "pizza" flavored cashew cream. You may need to do this a little bit at a time, taking care to ensure even coverage.

Dehydrate the kale chips at 105-115 degrees for 12 hours.

NotesIf you don't have a dehydrator, place the kale chips on a cookie sheet. Turn your oven to its lowest setting, and allow the chips to dehydrate lightly for 1-2 hours (more or less, depending on your oven settings).

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Protein Breakfast CookiesOriginal Recipe from Eat, Lift, and Be Happy

Yield: 12 cookies


1/4 cup vanilla protein powder2 tbsp. coconut flour 2 eggs1/3-cup coconut oil1 ripe banana1 tsp. vanilla1 tsp. baking soda1 tbsp. cinnamonHandful pecansHandful raisins


Melt coconut oil in a large dish. Add protein, coconut flour, baking soda, vanilla and cinnamon-mix well.

Add eggs, mix until smooth. Fold in pecans and raisins.

Form into balls with your hands and place on a parchment paper lined cookie sheet.

Bake at 350 for about 12 minutes.

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Pumpkin 2-Minute Muffin

Original Recipe from Healthy Living How To

Prep Time: 3 MinutesCook Time: 2 MinutesServings: 1


2 Tbsp. Coconut Flour2 Tbsp. Bob's Red Mill Flaxseed MealPinch Celtic Sea Salt1/2 tsp. Cinnamon1/2 tsp. Rumford Baking Powder (Aluminum-Free & Gluten-Free)1 Large Organic Egg1/2 Tbsp. Organic Unsalted Butter or Ghee1 Tbsp. Water1/4 c. Pumpkin Puree (Canned or Fresh)


Melt butter in a 4 1/2 inch ramekin. Whisk egg with water, pumpkin, stevia and melted butter.

Add coconut flour, flaxseed meal, sea salt and cinnamon and mix well. Sprinkle with baking powder and mix one more time.

Spoon into ramekin and microwave for 2 minutes. Remove from microwave with dishtowel and invert on cooling rack.

I cut it in half and put a little ghee on it…YUM!

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Roast Chicken Soup w/Roasted Vegetables

Original Recipe from Against All Grain


2 garlic cloves, minced2 carrots, peeled and cubed2.5 cups butternut squash, peeled and cubed½ yellow onion, quartered2 Tbsp. coconut oil4 cups chicken stock, store-bought or homemade4-6 cups of shredded chicken or 1-2 lbs. uncooked chicken breasts¾ tsp. dried parsley1 tsp. sea salt½ tsp. dried thyme½ tsp. dried rosemary¼ tsp. dried oregano¼ tsp. cracked pepper1-cup water2 cups or more baby spinach

DirectionsPreheat oven to 425 degrees F.

Toss the vegetables in the coconut oil and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Roast for 20 minutes, until the vegetables are tender.

Meanwhile, bring the chicken stock to a simmer in a large stockpot. Add the chicken, herbs, and salt and pepper. Cover and cook while the vegetables are roasting, about 15 minutes. For raw chicken breasts, cook for about 45 minutes, until chicken is cooked through and tender enough to shred with a fork.

Add half the vegetables to the soup, and place the other half in a blender. Make sure to put all of the onions quarters into the blender. Puree the vegetables with the 1-cup of water.

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Add the vegetable puree and baby spinach to the soup. Simmer for 5-10 minutes, until the spinach is wilted and the soup is hot. Adjust seasonings to your taste.

NOTE: I roasted a chicken in the crock pot and ended up putting the whole thing in this soup.

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Rosemary Pot RoastOriginal Recipe from Three Diets One Dinner


1 Tbsp Coconut Oil1 lb Top Round, trimmed of fat and cut in half1 onion, chopped medium1 sprig fresh rosemary2 Tbsp Coconut AminosCoarse Salt and Pepper


Scatter onion at the bottom of your crock pot. Use a liner if you have one. Reynolds wrap makes one and it makes clean up unbelievably easy.

Next, heat the coconut oil in a skillet to screaming hot. Very liberally season the roast with salt and pepper rubbing it into all sides. Brown the meat on all sides.

Place the meat over the onions and add the rosemary. Deglaze the skillet with coconut aminos, scraping up the brown bits. This should take 5 seconds or so.

Pour it over the meat and onions. Cover and cook on High for 3 hours. Turn to low and cook another 3 hours. Uncover and shred meat with a fork.

Stir shredded meat into the onions and juices and serve. 

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Sausage Spaghetti Squash BakeOriginal Recipe from Paleo OMG

Yield: 4 servings


1 lb Italian sausage1 medium spaghetti squash, halved and seeds removed1 bundle of kale, roughly chopped1 red onion, halved and sliced1 egg⅓ cup chicken broth½ cup canned coconut milk1 garlic clove, minced1-tablespoon garlic powder1-teaspoon tarragon1-teaspoon salt½ teaspoon black pepper¼ teaspoon ground sage

DirectionsPreheat your oven to 400 degrees. Cut your spaghetti squash in half and use a spoon to remove the seeds and excess threads from your squash.

Place open side down on a baking sheet and bake for about 20-25 minutes or until you can press into your squash and it gives a bit.

While your squash bakes, heat up a large pot under medium-high heat and add your Italian sausage. Break up with a wooden spoon or spatula. Once your sausage is cooked through, remove with a slotted spoon and put in a bowl.

Keep the extra fat from the meat in the pot, add your minced garlic and add your kale, onions, and chicken broth. Combine. Then add your coconut milk and spices. Cover and let simmer for about 5 minutes.

Pull your spaghetti squash out of the oven and dethread with a fork.

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Once your kale is wilted and onions have begin to become translucent, remove from heat and add your spaghetti squash as well as your egg to the kale/onion mixture. Mix thoroughly. Then add your cooked Italian sausage and mix together.

Place the mixed ingredients into a baking dish (or same pot if it’s oven safe) and spread out evenly. Bake 15-20 minutes or until top is slightly browned.

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Seared Scallops w/Sautéed KaleOriginal Recipe from Against All Grain


1 lb. large scallops½ lb. pork sausage½ lb. bacon, cooked and chopped (set aside 1 tbsp. of the bacon grease)¼ lb. kale, coarsely chopped1 shallot, chopped finely½ cup chicken broth1 tsp. apple cider vinegar1 tsp. each salt and pepper ¼ tsp. red pepper flakes3 Tbsp. butter or ghee

DirectionsIn a large pan on medium heat, sauté the sausage until cooked through. One note while cooking the sausage, be sure to break it up pretty often with a wooden spoon as it cooks. The point of this recipe is to let the sausage fall all over the kale and scallops, so you don’t want big chunks of sausage.  Once the sausage is cooked, set it aside with the cooked and chopped bacon. Be sure to keep the pan that you cooked the sausage in handy, you’ll be using it to sear the scallops.

In a skillet, warm 1 tbsp. of the bacon grease and 1 tbsp. butter on medium/low heat for about two minutes.  Add the chopped shallot and sauté for about three minutes, until aromatic and slightly translucent.  When the shallot is ready, add the coarsely chopped kale and mix it together with tongs until well coated. Sauté for two minutes, turning often.  Add the red pepper flakes, apple cider vinegar, chicken broth, and the remaining 1/2 tsp. salt and pepper to the kale, mix together, then cover and simmer for about four minutes. Most of the chicken broth will have evaporated at this point. Turn off the heat and set aside.

Heat the remaining 2 tbsp. of butter in the pan you used to cook the sausage, on med/high heat, until melted but before the butter starts to brown – about two minutes.  Raise the heat to high and add the scallops.  Sear the scallops for about three minutes per side, until slightly browned.  That’s basically it – just plate the dish with the kale, then the sausage, then the scallops, and sprinkle the bacon on top.

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Tuna Bacon CakesOriginal Recipe from Multiply Delicious

Yield: 4-6 patties


1 cup cooked sweet potato, mashed2 to 3 green onions, finely diced10 ounces canned wild albacore tuna, drained2 to 3 slices cooked bacon, diced2 tablespoons cilantro, finely chopped1 small garlic clove, mincedZest from 1/2 lemon (about 1/2 teaspoon)2 pastured eggs2 tablespoons coconut flourSea salt and fresh ground pepper to tasteCoconut oil, ghee, or bacon grease


In a large bowl mix together all ingredients through coconut flour.  Season with salt and pepper.

In a large non-stick skillet over medium-high heat add fat of choice (coconut oil, ghee, or bacon grease), just enough to coat pan.

Form mixture into patties, should make about 4-6 patties.

Place about 3 to 4 patties into skillet, leave enough room around patties so they cook evenly.  Cook patties on each side until golden and cooked through, about 3 to 4 minutes on each side.

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Turkey Meatball & Best Sauce EverOriginal Recipe from Eat, Lift, and Be Happy

Yield: 8 meatballs


1 package extra lean ground turkey (about 1 pound)1/4 cup chopped cilantro1/4 cup chopped onion1 eggBig pinch each of sea salt, cumin, and pepperCoconut flour (optional)


Combine everything but the coconut flour in a medium bowl with your hands

Roll the meat into medium-large sized balls, coat lightly with coconut flour if desired.

Line a 9×13 dish with aluminum foil (makes clean up 1000 times easier) and place meatballs in the dish.

Bake at 400 degrees for about 25 minutes or until cooked through.

Best Sauce Ever


1/2-cup organic tomato sauce (more if you want more sauce!)10 or so sprigs of cilantro1 jalapeno pepper, top removed and seeded if you wish (I didn’t use this)4 cloves garlic2 tbsp. coconut oil, meltedPinch of sea salt

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DirectionsCilantro, jalapeno and garlic in a food processor. Pulse until finely minced.

Heat tomato sauce on medium-high heat, mixing in the cilantro mixture and coconut oil.

Once sauce comes to a light boil, reduce heat to low and let simmer until slightly thickened. Add salt to taste.

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Turkey Taco Burgers

Yield: 4 patties


1 lb Lean Ground Turkey1 Avocado3 Mini Bell Peppers - I used one orange, yellow and red - Diced1/2 Small Onion, chopped1 Roma Tomato - chopped1/2 Cup Salsa1/2 Cup Sour Cream (I did not use this, could substitute Greek yogurt)8 Black Olives - Sliced4 oz. Sharp White Cheddar Cheese - Shredded – Divided (I used goat cheese)2 Tbs. Chili Powder1 Tbs. Cumin1 Tbs. Garlic Powder1 Tbs. Onion Powder1 tsp. Kosher Salt1 tsp. Crushed Red Pepper Flakes1/2 tsp. Cayenne Pepper


In a large mixing bowl combine ground turkey, seasonings, salsa, 2 oz. cheese, salsa, and diced peppers. Mix until all ingredients are well combined.  Form 4 patties.

Spray a grill pan with cooking spray and cook the patties over medium-high heat until they are cooked all the way through.  

Top each patty with cheese, avocado, tomato, sour cream and olives.

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Tuscan Turkey Cutlets


1 tsp. avocado oil, divided1 lb. turkey cutlets cut in ½ inch strips ¾ tsp. salt and pepper, divided1-cup onion, chopped1-cup carrot, chopped3 garlic cloves, minced½ tsp. oregano (or 2 TBSP fresh)½ tsp. thyme10 oz. spinach leaves (or more) 1-14.5 ounce can diced tomatoes w/juice1-19 ounce can cannellini beans, drained ¼ cup Parmesan cheese


Saute turkey cutlets with ¼ teaspoon each salt and pepper in ½ teaspoon oil. Remove turkey.

Saute onion, carrot, garlic, oregano, and thyme in additional ½ teaspoon oil. Add spinach and sauté 2 minutes.

Add tomatoes and remaining salt and pepper and cook 2 minutes. Add beans with turkey. Sprinkle cheese on top when serving.

Note: I have used chicken breast in replace of turkey. I have also made this recipe without the beans and Parmesan cheese and it is still delicious!

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Recipe Resourceshttp://paleomg.com/5-ingredient-avocado-pudding/













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