vicarage primary school positive behaviour...

1 | Page VICARAGE PRIMARY SCHOOL POSITIVE BEHAVIOUR POLICY Person responsible for the policy Head Teacher – Shabana Khan Date shared with staff September 2017 Date to be next reviewed by staff June 2018 Date ratified by the Governing Body September 2017 Signed by Chair of Governors: Signed by Head Teacher :

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Person responsible for the policy Head Teacher – Shabana Khan

Date shared with staff September 2017

Date to be next reviewed by staff June 2018

Date ratified by the Governing Body September 2017

Signed by Chair of Governors: Signed by Head Teacher :

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At Vicarage Primary School our school motto ‘Be the best you can be’ reflects

the high aspirations we have for our school community. Our aim is for children

to enjoy their time at school, develop a love for learning, become responsible

citizens and achieve their potential.


For the Positive Behaviour Policy to be supported and followed by the

whole school community – parents, teachers, pupils and governors.

To foster a caring, nurturing atmosphere, in which teaching and learning

can take place in a safe and happy environment.

To teach moral values and attitudes to promote responsible behaviour,

self-discipline, self-respect and respect for other people and property.

To celebrate good behaviour, by providing a range of rewards for pupils

of all ages and abilities.

To make clear to pupils the distinction between minor misdemeanours and

serious misbehaviour and the sanctions that will follow.

To resolve behavioural problems by adopting a restorative justice


To ensure consistency through the use of the Behaviour Ladder across

the school.

Whilst this Positive Behaviour Policy applies to all pupils, careful

consideration must be taken of individual pupil’s needs e.g. those with

Autistic Spectrum Disorders, Emotional Behaviour Difficulties, Attention

Deficit Disorders, Behaviour Support Plans and Pastoral Support Plans.

The Governing Body should:

Promote and monitor the implementation of this policy

Promote whole school adherence to the practices within it

Ensure equality of delivery to individuals and groups through monitoring


Staff should:

Provide positive role models at all times

Follow procedures in this policy

Establish and maintain clear and consistent expectations and boundaries

Discuss with pupils when and how they could have made more positive

choices when something goes wrong.

Encourage, self-esteem and self-respect in pupils

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Work in partnership with parents to support pupils to develop positive

behaviour and celebrate their pupils efforts and achievements

Maintain well organised learning environments and appropriately

challenging learning opportunities.

Respect pupils and listen to their views without discrimination.

Ensure parents are verbally informed of all Level 3 incidents by the class

teacher or Level 4 incidents by the Deputy Head, Head Teacher or Phase


Ensure that parents are informed of rewards such as

- Attendance certificates

- Golden table tickets

- Star of the week certificates

- Marble winners

Parents and Carers should:

Ensure their children attend school regularly and punctually

Support the school in its strategies for managing behaviour

Inform the school (class teacher in the first instance) of any factors

which may influence a pupil’s behaviour.

Pupils should:

Arrive on time every day ready to learn

Tell an adult if they see something that they know is wrong

Take responsibility for the choices they make

We will not accept discriminatory behaviour of any kind from any party. All pupils and adults have a right to be respected and the responsibility to give respect to others including those with Special Educational Needs. This is in accordance with the 2010 Equality Act. Our School Rules

At Vicarage we have the following rules:

We try our best

We listen to each other

We join in and share

We are kind to each other

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The EYFS Behaviour Procedures

Early Years staff will encourage and support children to develop a sense of right

and wrong by helping children to cooperate at school. Staff will always try to

explain, reason with and calm the child. Children are always encouraged to

apologise and reflect on harmful behaviour. Any incidents will be brought to the

parent/carers attention and discussed with them.

Staff will be aware of the age and stage of development of the child and of any

cultural, linguistic or particular needs. Physical intervention (positive handling),

i.e. holding, will be used only to prevent injury to the child, other children or an

adult or serious damage to the property.

We adopt the Triple P (Positive Parenting Program) Start Routine for

encouraging children to cooperate with instructions. The Start Routine requires

children to follow an instruction after two requests. Children are rewarded with






















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The Stop Routine is used by EYFS for the following behaviour, which is

considered unacceptable at Vicarage, whether towards an adult or another






Inappropriate language

Throwing/breaking toys/equipment/furniture.

Examples of logical consequences are as follows:

Time out in class (with timer)

Time out in a different class (with another adult)


A conversation with the child

A conversation with parents

An example of the simplified version of the Behaviour Ladder

used in the EYFS.















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Promoting Positive Behaviour

These must be promoted by the whole school community. They work on an

individual basis as well as whole classes working together. The following

incentives and rewards for achievements apply.

Significant achievement stickers (individual)

Marbles in the jar (class)

Certificates for excellent attendance (100%) at the end of term

and academic year

Golden table ticket – pupils who show good manners and are always

well behaved in the dinner hall will sit at the Golden Table on


Star of the week certificate and a pencil

Special Head Teacher/ Deputy Head Teacher stickers

Trophy for best weekly attendance in each phase

All certificates and prizes are kept in the PPA room.

Significant Achievement Sticker

Each piece of work or action is evaluated by the adults working with the child

and if significant learning (academic) or significant good behaviour occurs then a

sticker is given. When 25 stickers are gained this leads to a bronze certificate,

50 stickers are a silver award certificate, 75 stickers are a gold award

certificate and 100 for the Head teacher’s award certificate. All awards are

celebrated in the Friday celebration assemblies.

Marbles in the Jar

Each class in a year group are put into one of four Teams – Red, Yellow, Green

and Blue. When the class work together and behave well as a unit in an

appropriate manner then any adult within school can award a marble in the jar.

There is a maximum of 10 marbles to be given in any one school day.

At the end of the week the marbles are counted and announced in assemblies.

The class with the most marbles in a particular week are given the opportunity

to have extra time on the MUGA. A record is kept of the weekly total points by

the end of term. The team with the most points per phase wins a prize at the

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end of term. Totals are carried forward to the end of each big term – terms

2/4/6, when the prize is more significant.

Attendance Awards

Good, consistent attendance and punctuality also contribute to positive

behaviour and a strong work ethic. Certificates are given for 100% attendance

for the team and year. A class trophy is given for each class with the best

attendance in each phase every week.

Star of the Week

Each week, teachers will nominate 2 pupils in their class to receive a Star of the

Week certificate and pencil. This is announced in the Friday Celebration

Assembly. The certificate is sent home with the pupil, whereby the information

is also shared with parents.

Positive Behaviour Ladder

Each classroom and group room has a Positive Behaviour Ladder with 6 steps. At

the beginning of each session pupils names will be displayed on the Yellow step.

Pupil names will be moved up for good or improved behaviour and down the

ladder for unacceptable behaviour.

Classroom Playground

For excellent behaviour, work and meeting the expectations of the school rules:

We try our best

We listen to each other

We join in and share

We are kind to each other

All children begin on Yellow

Level 1 Informal Warning Level Informal Warning Level



Clear Verbal Warning

Use refocusing, redirecting, use ‘language

of choice’ or a reminder

Move down to Pink on Ladder

A verbal warning will be given in the first

instance of unacceptable behaviour

Level 2 Formal Warning Level (In Class Time Out) Formal Warning Level (In Playground Time Out)



The pupil remains in the classroom and is

moved away from the main activity for up

to 15 minutes in class separation time (In

Class Time Out)

Any repeated misbehaviour will require the

pupil to walk around with a member of staff or

stand against a wall for five minutes to reflect

on their behaviour

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Move down to Orange on Ladder

Level 3 Sanction and External Class Time Out – Persistent disruptive behaviour



The pupil is sent to another classroom for

up to 45 minutes (External Class Time Out)

Completes any work given

Move down to Blue on Ladder

If negative behaviour persists a blue sanction

card should be issued and handed to the

Learning Mentor.

Level 3 Blue Card completed by adult and taken by the child to the…

Next available Lunch Sanction where a…

Reflection sheet is completed. After discussing with child, reflection sheets are kept in the

phase folder.

Parents must be informed verbally by the class teacher

The child is moved back to Yellow after a sanction is completed.

They may also move back to Yellow at the beginning of a morning or afternoon session

(although incomplete sanctions still need to be completed)

Level 4 For serious behaviour related incidents



A Red Card must be completed and handed to the Deputy or Head Teacher. Internal and Fixed

Term Exclusions will be considered. Parents are informed.

Physically harming another, whether pupil or adult (which requires physical restraint)

Deliberately damaging/stealing school property

Refusal to follow reasonable requests with implications for health and safety of the

pupil or others e.g. leaving the school premises without permission


Threatening others/ threatening with and /or using a weapon

Bringing a weapon on the premises

Comments that discriminate along the lines of race, gender, religion and sexual



The same procedure applies to group rooms where the behaviour

ladder is also to be used.

If a pupil refuses to go to another class or to attend to the sanction

room support should be sought from the Learning Mentor, Phase

Leader, Deputy Head or Head Teacher.

Refer to procedures as set out in the school’s Anti-Bullying Policy for

all allegations of bullying.

Missing educational visits must not be used as a sanction.

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Level 3 and 4 Cards must be completed for all Level 3 and 4 incidents

Pupils who get to Level 3 will be managed by the class teacher and phase

leader where needed. Level 3 incidents must be recorded in the Level 3

log. Parents must be informed verbally by the class teacher.

Pupils who get to Level 4 will be sent to a member of the Leadership

Team who will investigate the incident and take appropriate action.

All completed reflection sheets for Level 4/ Red Card incidents will be

kept in the Internal and Fixed Term Exclusions Folder. The Deputy Head

or Head Teacher will inform parents of incidents.


Pupils at Level 3 or 4 will go to the lunchtime sanction following the incident for

30 minutes. The teacher on sanction room duty will record the incident in the

sanction log using details from the Level 3 Card. The Reflection Sheet and Blue

Card are returned to the class teacher and used to inform parents. Following

this the Reflection Sheet and Blue card must be kept in the Level 3/Blue Card

folder for the Phase. The sanction room is not to be used for the completion

of work.

The Phase Leader will monitor the sanction room log on a weekly basis. If a pupil

incurs five sanctions within a half term period, the Phase Leader will contact

parents to arrange a meeting to discuss concerns. A behaviour support plan will

be devised with involvement of class teacher and other relevant staff.

Internal Exclusion:

For some children a fixed term exclusion is not appropriate. A one day

internal exclusion will be considered. Parents will be informed before the

end of the school day.

Fixed Term Exclusion:

The school will contact the parents/carers as soon as possible before the

end of the school day.

It is expected that parents will collect their children as soon as possible

on the day of the issuing of an exclusion. If this is not possible, then the

child will be kept away from their class and the exclusion will be

postponed to commence the next day.

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A letter will be sent home within 24 hours outlining the reason(s) for the


Work will always be provided for the length of the exclusion. The work is

expected to be returned to school.

Parents are expected to meet with a member of the Leadership Team on

the day that the pupil returns to school.

Only a Deputy Head or Head Teacher can exclude a pupil from school.

If a fixed term exclusion of more than 5 days is deemed the appropriate

consequence, then the school will endeavour to obtain a place at Re-Integration

into Education Team (RIET) for the pupil to attend during this period. RIET is a

Newham provision specialising in supporting pupils who have been excluded.

Attendance at RIET also provides the opportunity for pupils to explore the events that

led to the exclusion and identify different choices which could have been made.

Pastoral Support Plans

On occasion it may be felt that a pupil is at risk of permanent exclusion due to

consistent unacceptable behaviour being displayed. In this circumstance the

school will put a Pastoral Support Plan (PSP) into place in order to support the

pupil and try to prevent this occurring. This is a plan that involves the pupil,

school, parents and Behaviour Support team working together to establish clear

targets for improvement and the support measures (both at home and school)

needed to achieve these. There are regular reviews to assess progress.

Physical Intervention

The general principle is that the use of physical intervention (positive handling)

should, wherever possible, be avoided. Before using physical intervention staff

should always attempt to use diversion or diffusion to manage the situation.

However the Education Act 1996 allows all teachers to use reasonable force to

prevent a pupil from:

1. Assaulting or injuring another person

2. Injuring themselves

3. Putting himself/herself into danger

4. Damaging property

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Confiscating Items

Items that can be potentially harmful to an individual brought into school may

be confiscated by a member of staff. Parents will be informed. In the case of

confiscation of a weapon or other illegal item the police will be informed and the

item released only to them.

The Head teacher can authorise a search without consent for items including

stolen property, this search would occur with the pupil present. This would only

be used as a final resort and parents of pupils affected would be informed.

Incidents Outside of School

In accordance with the Department for Education “Behaviour & Discipline in

Schools” Policy, the school has a statutory power to discipline pupils for

misbehaving outside of the school premises. Section 89(5) of the Education and

Inspections Act 2006 gives Head Teachers a specific statutory power to

regulate pupil’s behaviour in these circumstances “to such extent as is


At Vicarage this is seen as unacceptable behaviour when:

Taking part in any school-organised or school-related activity

Travelling to or from school

In some way identifiable as a pupil at the school, ie, wearing school


In extreme cases (such as cyber bullying) misbehaviour at any time, whether or

not the conditions above apply, that:

Could have repercussions for the orderly running of the school

Poses a threat to another pupil or member of the public

Could adversely affect the reputation of the school.

Online Safety

All pupils must follow the rules in the Responsible Internet Use when using

technology including the internet, this may also apply to use outside of school

and is not limited to school equipment.

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Responsible Internet Use

I will ask permission before using the Internet

I will use only my own login and password, which is secret.

I will only look at or delete my own work/files.

I understand that I must not use my own software or disks in school

without permission.

I will only email people that I know or people that my teacher has


The messages I send will be polite and sensible.

I understand that I must never give my home address or phone number,

or arrange to meet someone over the internet.

I will ask permission before opening an email or an email attachment sent

by someone I do not know.

I will not use Internet chat rooms.

If I see anything I am not happy with or I receive messages I do not like,

I will tell a teacher immediately.

I understand that the school may check my computer files and the

Internet sites I visit.

I understand that if I deliberately break these rules, I may be banned

from using the Internet and computers.

Pupils that do not follow these rules may find:

They are not allowed to use the technology (including computers, mobile

devices and any or any other devices used for communication and

accessing information).

The parents/carers are informed.

They will follow the consequences outlines in the Schools Positive

Behaviour Policy.

Permanent Exclusion

Permanent exclusions: Ref: DfE document “Exclusion from maintained

schools, Academies and pupil referral units in England”

Decisions to exclude pupils are only taken in response to a serious breach, or

persistent breaches of the school’s behaviour policy and where allowing the pupil

to remain in school would seriously harm the education or welfare of the pupils

or others in the school.

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Categories of behaviour that may result in Permanent Exclusion are:


Serious assault against a Pupil

Serious assault against an Adult

Bullying on the lines of race, gender, religion, sexual orientation

Sexual Misconduct

Drug and Alcohol Related Incidents

Substantial Damage to School Property


Managed Moves

A managed move to another school can be successful for pupils at risk of

exclusion and as an alternative to permanent exclusion as it enables the pupil to

have a fresh start in a new school.

It is done with the full knowledge and co-operation of all the parties involved,

including the parents, governors and the LA, and in circumstances where it is in

the best interest of the pupil concerned.

15. A pupil can also transfer to another school as part of a `managed move`

where this occurs with the consent of the parties involved, including the

parents. However, the threat of exclusion must never be used to influence

parents to remove their child from the school. DfE.

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Best Practice to Manage Behaviour

Be a role model – Act in a professional manner when addressing pupils and


Be consistent – have high expectations of behaviour

Be visible - supervise children to and from classrooms and playgrounds

- all available staff/adults in corridors, on staircases as children

move around the building.

Be positive - highlight good behaviour – positive v negative 4:1

Comment to parents about improved behaviour in the Home-

School diary.

Be discreet - where possible speak to children about their behaviour quietly

and out of earshot of others.

Classroom management and procedure:

- Establish defined classroom areas.

- Label resources clearly and make them accessible.

- Design classroom layout to facilitate ease of movement.

- Establish consistent classroom routines, lining up, seating etc.

- Maintain a quiet, calm atmosphere.

- Be well prepared and organized.

- Ensure work is differentiated, purposeful and enjoyable.

Refer to the Inclusion Lead/SENCO/Learning Mentor/Attendance

Lead/Phase Leader for support.

Encourage group/team games in the playground, placing emphasis on turn


Offer positive choices:

If you do this, then this will happen, (positive outcome). If you choose to do

this, then this will happen (negative outcome). Now you choose what you are

going to do.

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Distract if a difficult situation is likely to develop distract the child’s

attention, e.g. give a specific task, send a message etc.

Give a choice – Either put your cards away in the drawer or give them to me.

State the obvious – You are not doing what you have been asked to do.

Repeat/reiterate – You should be doing your maths.

Positive questioning – What should you be doing? – Good you know what to do so

now you can do it.

Most importantly establish a positive and supportive relationship with the

pupils in your care.

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Vicarage Level 3 Behaviour Card

Name: _____________ Class: _________

Sent by: _________ Date/Time: ________

Witnesses: ________________________


Reason: ___________________________





Parent Informed: YES/NO

To be managed by the class teacher

Vicarage Level 3 Behaviour Card

Name: _____________ Class: _________

Sent by: _________ Date/Time: ________

Witnesses: ________________________


Reason: ___________________________





Parent Informed: YES/NO

To be managed by the class teacher

Vicarage Level 3 Behaviour Card

Name: _____________ Class: _________

Sent by: _________ Date/Time: ________

Witnesses: ________________________


Reason: ___________________________





Parent Informed: YES/NO

To be managed by the class teacher

Vicarage Level 3 Behaviour Card

Name: _____________ Class: _________

Sent by: _________ Date/Time: ________

Witnesses: ________________________


Reason: ___________________________





Parent Informed: YES/NO

To be managed by the class teacher

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Vicarage Level 4 Behaviour Card

Name: _____________ Class: _________

Sent by: _________ Date/Time: ________

Witnesses: ________________________


Reason: ___________________________





Parent Informed: YES/NO

To be managed by the Leadership team

Vicarage Level 4 Behaviour Card

Name: _____________ Class: _________

Sent by: _________ Date/Time: ________

Witnesses: ________________________


Reason: ___________________________





Parent Informed: YES/NO

To be managed by the Leadership team

Vicarage Level 4 Behaviour Card

Name: _____________ Class: _________

Sent by: _________ Date/Time: ________

Witnesses: ________________________


Reason: ___________________________





Parent Informed: YES/NO

To be managed by the Leadership team

Vicarage Level 4 Behaviour Card

Name: _____________ Class: _________

Sent by: _________ Date/Time: ________

Witnesses: ________________________


Reason: ___________________________





Parent Informed: YES/NO

To be managed by the Leadership team

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Reflection Sheet Take time to think about why you have been given time out

Your Name: ____________ Class: _________ Date: ___________

Please support the child with this sheet; they may draw pictures if it is easier:

What happened?

Who was upset or lost something as a result of what happened (consequence)?

What can we do to fix this? How can you stop this happening again?

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Reflection Sheet Take time to think about why you have been given time out

Your Name: ____________ Class: __________ Date: ___________

What happened? _____________________________________________

What did you choose to do? _________________________________________

Who was upset or lost something as a result of what happened (consequence)?



What can you do to make fix this? _________________________________________


How can you stop this happening again? _____________________________________

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Blue Card

Red Card

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Classroom Playground

For excellent behaviour, work and meeting the expectations of the school rules:

We try our best

We listen to each other

We join in and share

We are kind to each other

All children begin on Yellow

Level 1 Informal Warning Level Informal Warning Level



Clear Verbal Warning

Use refocusing, redirecting, use ‘language

of choice’ or a reminder

Move down to Pink on Ladder

A verbal warning will be given in the first

instance of unacceptable behaviour

Level 2 Formal Warning Level (In Class Time Out) Formal Warning Level (In Playground Time Out)



The pupil remains in the classroom and is

moved away from the main activity for up

to 15 minutes in class separation time (In

Class Time Out)

Move down to Orange on Ladder

Any repeated misbehaviour will require the

pupil to walk around with a member of staff or

stand against a wall for five minutes to reflect

on their behaviour

Level 3 Sanction and External Class Time Out – Persistent disruptive behaviour



The pupil is sent to another classroom for

up to 45 minutes (External Class Time Out)

Completes any work given

Move down to Blue on Ladder

If negative behaviour persists a blue sanction

card should be issued and handed to the

Learning Mentor.

Level 3 Blue Card completed by adult and taken by the child to the…

Next available Lunch Sanction where a…

Reflection sheet is completed. After discussing with child, reflection sheets are kept in the

phase folder.

Parents must be informed verbally by the class teacher

The child is moved back to Yellow after a sanction is completed.

They may also move back to Yellow at the beginning of a morning or afternoon session

(although incomplete sanctions still need to be completed)

Level 4 For serious behaviour related incidents



A Red Card must be completed and handed to the Deputy or Head Teacher. Internal and Fixed

Term Exclusions will be considered. Parents are informed.

Physically harming another, whether pupil or adult (which requires physical restraint)

Deliberately damaging/stealing school property

Refusal to follow reasonable requests with implications for health and safety of the

pupil or others e.g. leaving the school premises without permission


Threatening others/ threatening with and /or using a weapon

Bringing a weapon on the premises

Comments that discriminate along the lines of race, gender, religion and sexual


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