vi-sem question-core 2.doc

UNIVERSITY OF CALICUT VI Semester B.Sc. Physics (CC-SS) Core Prctic! II A"ri! #$%& P'Y   CORE#. # F . N Time & hrs Attempt the Question Marked ‘X’ 1. Determine the angle of emergence i 2  for various values of the angle of incidence i 1 using spectrometer. Draw i 1 i 2  curve and hence determine the refractive inde! of the material of the prism. 2. "ali#rate the given high range voltmeter using potentiometer. $. %a&Determine the refractive indices of 'uart( prism for the ordinar) and e!tra ordinar) ra)s. %#&Determine the *lank’s constant using different colors of +,D’s . -. Determine the diameter of a thin wire #) measuring the width of the interference #ands formed #) the air wedge arrangement and also the angle of the wedge. . Determine the reduction factor of the tangent galvanometer using potentiometer . /. Determine the temperature coefficient of resistance of the material of the coil using "are) 0oster’s ridge. . "onvert the given galvanometer into an ammeter to read up to 1A and cali#rate it using a standard ammeter. 3. 0ind the capacit) of a capacitor using .4. 5. Determine the specific rotator) power of sugar solution using polarimeter. 16. Determine the fre'uenc) of A." mains using sonometer. UNIVERSITY OF CALICUT

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7/25/2019 VI-Sem Question-core 2.doc 1/44


VI Semester B.Sc. Physics (CC-SS) Core Prctic! II

A"ri! #$%&

P'Y  CORE#. # F.N Time & hrs

Attempt the Question Marked ‘X’

1. Determine the angle of emergence i2 for various values of the angle of incidence i1 using

spectrometer. Draw i1 i2 curve and hence determine the refractive inde! of the material of

the prism.

2. "ali#rate the given high range voltmeter using potentiometer.

$. %a&Determine the refractive indices of 'uart( prism for the ordinar) and e!tra ordinar)

ra)s. %#&Determine the *lank’s

constant using different colors of +,D’s.-. Determine the diameter of a thin wire #) measuring the width of the interference #ands

formed #) the air wedge arrangement and also the angle of the wedge.

. Determine the reduction factor of the tangent galvanometer using potentiometer.

/. Determine the temperature coefficient of resistance of the material of the coil using "are)

0oster’s ridge.

. "onvert the given galvanometer into an ammeter to read up to 1A and cali#rate it using a

standard ammeter.

3. 0ind the capacit) of a capacitor using .4.

5. Determine the specific rotator) power of sugar solution using polarimeter.16. Determine the fre'uenc) of A." mains using sonometer.


7/25/2019 VI-Sem Question-core 2.doc 2/44

VI Semester B.Sc. Physics (CC-SS) Core Prctic! II


P'Y  CORE#. # A.N Time & hrs

Attempt the Question Marked ‘X’

1. Determine the "auch)’s constants of the given prism.

2. Determine the wavelength of sodium light #) forming 7ewton’s rings using reflected


$. Determine the thermal conductivit) of a #ad conductor using +ee’s disc method.

-. "ali#rate the given high range voltmeter using potentiometer.

. %a& 8tud) the variation of the magnetic flu! densit) along the a!is of a circular coil

carr)ing current using deflection magnetometer.

%#& Also find the value of hori(ontal component of the earth’s magnetic flu! densit) ‘h’

at a place using circular coil apparatus./. "onvert the given galvanometer into a voltmeter to read 6.19 per scale division and

cali#rate it #) using standard voltmeter.

. Determine the value of the given high resistance #) the method of leakage: using .4.

3. %a& Determine the numerical aperture of given optical fi#re #) using

semiconductor laser.

%#& Determine the *lank’s constant using different colors of +,D’s.

5. 0ind the fre'uenc) of alternating current %A"& #) using sonometer.

16.Determine the reduction factor of the tangent galvanometer using potentiometer.

7/25/2019 VI-Sem Question-core 2.doc 3/44


VI Semester B.Sc. Physics (CC-SS) Core Prctic! II


P'Y  CORE#. *FN Time & hrs

Attempt the Question Marked ‘X’

1. 8tandardi(e the grating using the green line of the mercur) spectrum and hence determine

the wavelength of the other prominent lines of mercur) spectrum #) the normal incidence


2. Determine the diameter of a thin wire #) measuring the width of the interference #ands

formed #) the air wedge arrangement and also the angle of the wedge.

$. Determine the magnetic dipole moment of the given #ar magnet #) using circular coil

apparatus.-. Determine the resistivit) of the material of the given wire #) finding the resistance using

"are) 0oster’s #ridge.

. "onvert the given galvanometer into a voltmeter to read 6.19 per scale division and

cali#rate it #) using standard voltmeter.

/. Determine the mutual inductance of a pair of coils using .4.

. Determine the diameter of a thin wire #) measuring the width of the interference #ands

formed #) the air wedge arrangement and also the angle of the wedge.

3. Determine the refractive indices of 'uart( prism for the ordinar) and e!tra ordinar) ra)s.

5. Determine the numerical aperture of given optical fi#re #) using semi conductor laser.16.Determine the *lank’s constant using different colors of +,D’s.


7/25/2019 VI-Sem Question-core 2.doc 4/44

VI Semester B.Sc. Physics (CC-SS) Core Prctic! II

P'Y  CORE#. *AN Time & hrs

Attempt the Question Marked ‘X’

1. 8tandardi(e the grating using green line of the mercur) spectrum and determine the

wavelength of the prominent lines of the mercur) spectrum using diffractive grating in

the minimum deviation position.

2. Determine the wavelength of the given laser source using plane transmission grating.

$. Determine the reduction factor of the tangent galvanometer using potentiometer.

-. "ali#rate the given high range voltmeter .

. %a& 8tud) the variation of magnetic flu! densit) along the a!is of a circular coil

carr)ing current.

%#& Determine the magnetic dipole moment of the given #ar magnet #) using circular

coil apparatus.

/. Determine the thermal conductivit) of a #ad conductor using +ee’s disc method.

. Determine the value of the given high resistance #) the method of leakage: using .4.

3. Determine the numerical aperture of given optical fi#re #) using semi conductor laser.

5. Determine the specific rotator) power of sugar solution using polarimeter.

16.Determine the fre'uenc) of A." mains using sonometer.


VI Semester B.Sc. Physics (CC-SS) Core Prctic! II

7/25/2019 VI-Sem Question-core 2.doc 5/44

P'Y  CORE#. +FN Time & hrs

Attempt the Question Marked ‘X’

1. 8tandardise the grating using the green line of the mercur) spectrum and hence determine

the wavelength of the other prominent lines of mercur) spectrum #) the normal incidence

method.2. Determine the "auch)’s constants of the given prism.

$. Determine the refractive indices of 'uart( prism for the ordinar) and e!tra ordinar) ra)s.

-. Determine the reduction factor of the tangent galvanometer using potentiometer.

. "onvert the given galvanometer into a voltmeter to read 6.19 per scale division and

cali#rate it #) using standard voltmeter.

/. 0ind the capacit) of a capacitor using .4.

. Determine the thermal conductivit) of a #ad conductor using +ee’s disc method.

3. Determine the specific rotator) power of sugar solution using polarimeter.

5. 0ind the fre'uenc) of alternating current %A"& #) using sonometer.

16.Determine the *lank’s constant using different colors of +,D’s.


VI Semester B.Sc. Physics (CC-SS) Core Prctic! II

P'Y - CORE #. +A.N Time & hrs

Attempt the Question Marked ‘X’

7/25/2019 VI-Sem Question-core 2.doc 6/44

1. 8tandardise the grating using green line of the mercur) spectrum and determine the

wavelength of the prominent lines of the mercur) spectrum using diffraction grating in

the minimum deviation position.

2. Determine the diameter of a thin wire #) measuring the width of the interference #ands

formed #) the air wedge arrangement and also the angle of the wedge.

$. Determine the wavelength of the given laser source using plane transmission grating.

-. %a& 8tud) the variation of magnetic flu! densit) along the a!is of a circular coilcarr)ing current.

%#& Determine the magnetic dipole moment of the given #ar magnet #) using circular

coil apparatus.

. "ali#rate the given high range voltmeter.

/. Determine the temperature coefficient of resistance of the material of the coil using "are)

0oster’s ridge.

. Determine the mutual inductance of a pair of coils using .4.

3. Determine the thermal conductivit) of a #ad conductor using +ee’s disc method.

5. Determine the numerical aperture of given optical fi#re #) using semi conductor laser.16.0ind the fre'uenc) of alternating current %A"& #) using sonometer.


VI Semester B.Sc. Physics (CC-SS) Core Prctic! II

P'Y  CORE#. , F.N Time & hrs

Attempt the Question Marked ‘X’

7/25/2019 VI-Sem Question-core 2.doc 7/44

1. 8tandardise the grating using the green line of the mercur) spectrum and hence determine

the wavelength of the other prominent lines of mercur) spectrum #) the normal incidence


2. Determine the wavelength of sodium light #) forming 7ewton’s rings using reflected


$. Determine the wavelength of the given laser source using plane transmission grating.

-. Determine the refractive indices of 'uart( prism for the ordinar) and e!tra ordinar) ra)s.. Determine the thermal conductivit) of a #ad conductor using +ee’s disc method.

/. "ali#rate the given high range voltmeter using potentiometer.

. Determine the reduction factor of the tangent galvanometer using potentiometer.

3. Determine the resistivit) of the material of the given wire #) finding the resistance using

"are) 0oster’s #ridge.

5. Determine the mutual inductance of a pair of coils using .4.

16.Determine the specific rotator) power of sugar solution using polarimeter.


VI Semester B.Sc. Physics (CC-SS) Core Prctic! II

P'Y  CORE#. , A.N Time & hrs

Attempt the Question Marked ‘X’

7/25/2019 VI-Sem Question-core 2.doc 8/44

1. 8tandardise the grating using green line of the mercur) spectrum and determine the

wavelength of the prominent lines of the mercur) spectrum using diffraction grating in

the minimum deviation position.

2. Determine the "auch)’s constants of the given prism.

$. Determine the refractive indices of 'uart( prism for the ordinar) and e!tra ordinar) ra)s.

-. Determine the magnetic dipole moment of the given #ar magnet #) using circular coil

apparatus.. Determine the resistivit) of the material of the given wire #) finding the resistance using

"are) 0oster’s #ridge.

/. "onvert the given galvanometer into an ammeter to read up to 1A and cali#rate it using a

standard ammeter.

. Determine the value of the given high resistance #) the method of leakage: using .4.

3. Determine the numerical aperture of given optical fi#re #) using semi conductor laser.

5. 0ind the fre'uenc) of alternating current %A"& #) using sonometer.

16. Determine the *lank’s constant using different colors of +,D’s.


VI Semester B.Sc. Physics (CC-SS) Core Prctic! II

P'Y - CORE $ Time & hrs

Attempt the Question Marked ‘X’

7/25/2019 VI-Sem Question-core 2.doc 9/44

1. Determine the angle of emergence i2 for various values of the angle of incidence i1 using

spectrometer. Draw i1 i2 curve and hence determine the refractive inde! of the material of

the prism.

2. Determine the wavelength of the given laser source using plane transmission grating.

$. Determine the refractive indices of 'uart( prism for the ordinar) and e!tra ordinar) ra)s.

-. Determine the diameter of a thin wire #) measuring the width of the interference #ands

formed #) the air wedge arrangement and also the angle of the wedge.. Determine the reduction factor of the tangent galvanometer using potentiometer.

/. Determine the resistivit) of the material of the given wire #) finding the resistance using

"are) 0oster’s #ridge.

. Determine the value of the given high resistance #) the method of leakage: using .4.

3. Determine the numerical aperture of given optical fi#re #) using semi conductor laser.

5. 0ind the fre'uenc) of alternating current %A"& #) using sonometer.

16.Determine the *lank’s constant using different colors of +,D’s.


VI Semester B.Sc. Physics (CC-SS) Core Prctic! II

P'Y - CORE %$ Time & hrs

Attempt the Question Marked ‘X’

1. Determine the "auch)’s constants of the given prism.

2. Determine the wavelength of sodium light #) forming 7ewton’s rings using reflected


$. Determine the thermal conductivit) of a #ad conductor using +ee’s disc method.-. "ali#rate the given high range voltmeter using potentiometer.

. %a& 8tud) the variation of the magnetic flu! densit) along the a!es of a circular coil

carr)ing current using deflection magnetometer.

%#& Also find the value of hori(ontal component of the earth’s magnetic flu! densit) ‘h’

at a place using circular coil apparatus.

/. Determine the mutual inductance of a pair of coils using .4.

7/25/2019 VI-Sem Question-core 2.doc 10/44

. "onvert the given galvanometer into an ammeter to read up to 1A and cali#rate it using a

standard ammeter.

3. Determine the numerical aperture of given optical fi#re #) using semi conductor laser.

5. Determine the specific rotator) power of sugar solution using polarimeter.

16.Determine the fre'uenc) of A." mains using sonometer.


VI Semester B.Sc. Physics (CC-SS) Core Prctic! II

P'Y - CORE %% Time & hrs

Attempt the Question Marked ‘X’

1. 8tandardise the grating using green line of the mercur) spectrum and determine the

wavelength of the prominent lines of the mercur) spectrum using diffraction grating in

the minimum deviation position.

2. Determine the "auch)’s constants of the given prism.

$. Determine the wavelength of sodium light #) forming 7ewton’s rings using reflected


-. Determine the thermal conductivit) of a #ad conductor using +ee’s disc method.

. %a& "ali#rate the given low range voltmeter 

  %#& Determine the *lank’s constant using different colors of +,D’s.

/. %a& 8tud) the variation of the magnetic flu! densit) along the a!es of a circular coil

carr)ing current using deflection magnetometer.

%#& Determine the magnetic dipole moment of the given #ar magnet #) using circular

coil apparatus.

. Determine the temperature coefficient of resistance of the material of the coil using "are)

0oster’s ridge.

3. 0ind the capacit) of a capacitor using .4.

5. Determine the specific rotator) power of sugar solution using polarimeter.

7/25/2019 VI-Sem Question-core 2.doc 11/44

16.Determine the fre'uenc) of A." mains using sonometer.


VI Semester B.Sc. Physics (CC-SS) Core Prctic! II

P'Y - CORE %# Time & hrs

Attempt the Question Marked ‘X’

1. 8tandardise the grating using the green line of the mercur) spectrum and hence determine

the wavelength of the other prominent lines of mercur) spectrum #) the normal incidence


2. Determine the angle of emergence i2 for various values of the angle of incidence i1 using

spectrometer. Draw i1 i2 curve and hence determine the refractive inde! of the material of

the prism.

$. Determine the wavelength of the given laser source using plane transmission grating.

-. Determine the magnetic dipole moment of the given #ar magnet #) using circular coil


. Determine the resistivit) of the material of the given wire #) finding the resistance using

"are) 0oster’s #ridge.

/. Determine the reduction factor of the tangent galvanometer using potentiometer.

. Determine the mutual inductance of a pair of coils using .4.

3. Determine the numerical aperture of given optical fi#re #) using semi conductor laser.

5. 0ind the fre'uenc) of alternating current %A"& #) using sonometer.16. %a& Determine the *lank’s constant using different colors of +,D’s.

%#& "ali#rate the given low range voltmeter 

7/25/2019 VI-Sem Question-core 2.doc 12/44


VI Semester B.Sc. Physics (CC-SS) Core Prctic! II

P'Y - CORE %& Time & hrs

Attempt the Question Marked ‘X’

1. Determine the "auch)’s constants of the given prism.

2. 8tandardise the grating using green line of the mercur) spectrum and determine the

wavelength of the prominent lines of the mercur) spectrum using diffraction grating in

the minimum deviation position$. Determine the wavelength of the given laser source using plane transmission grating.

-. Determine the refractive indices of 'uart( prism for the ordinar) and e!tra ordinar) ra)s.

. Determine the thermal conductivit) of a #ad conductor using +ee’s disc method.

/. "ali#rate the given high range voltmeter using potentiometer.

. Determine the temperature coefficient of resistance of the material of the coil using "are)

0oster’s ridge.

3. 0ind the capacit) of a capacitor using .4.

5. Determine the specific rotator) power of sugar solution using polarimeter.

16.Determine the fre'uenc) of A." mains using sonometer.



VI Semester B.Sc. Physics (CC-SS) Core Prctic! II

7/25/2019 VI-Sem Question-core 2.doc 13/44

P'Y - CORE %/ Time & hrs

Attempt the Question Marked ‘X’

1. 8tandardise the grating using the green line of the mercur) spectrum and hence determine

the wavelength of the other prominent lines of mercur) spectrum #) the normal incidence

method.2. Determine the "auch)’s constants of the given prism.

$. Determine the wavelength of sodium light #) forming 7ewton’s rings using reflected


-. Determine the refractive indices of 'uart( prism for the ordinar) and e!tra ordinar) ra)s.

. Determine the thermal conductivit) of a #ad conductor using +ee’s disc method.

/. Determine the magnetic dipole moment of the given #ar magnet #) using circular coil


. Determine the resistivit) of the material of the given wire #) finding the resistance using

"are) 0oster’s #ridge.3. Determine the mutual inductance of a pair of coils using .4.

5. 0ind the fre'uenc) of alternating current %A"& #) using sonometer.

16.Determine the *lank’s constant using different colors of +,D’s.


VI Semester B.Sc. Physics (CC-SS) Core Prctic! II

P'Y - CORE %% Time & hrs

Attempt the Question Marked ‘X’

1. 8tandardise the grating using green line of the mercur) spectrum and determine the

wavelength of the prominent lines of the mercur) spectrum using diffraction grating in

the minimum deviation position.

7/25/2019 VI-Sem Question-core 2.doc 14/44

2. Determine the "auch)’s constants of the given prism.

$. Determine the wavelength of sodium light #) forming 7ewton’s rings using reflected


-. Determine the thermal conductivit) of a #ad conductor using +ee’s disc method.

. Determine the magnetic dipole moment of the given #ar magnet #) using circular coil


/. Determine the resistivit) of the material of the given wire #) finding the resistance using"are) 0oster’s #ridge.

. Determine the mutual inductance of a pair of coils using .4.

3. "onvert the given galvanometer into a voltmeter to read 6.19 per scale division and

cali#rate it #) using standard voltmeter.

5. Determine the numerical aperture of given optical fi#re #) using semi conductor laser.

16.0ind the fre'uenc) of alternating current %A"& #) using sonometer.


VI Semester B.Sc. Physics (CC-SS) Core Prctic! II

P'Y - CORE %* Time & hrs

Attempt the Question Marked ‘X’

1. 8tandardise the grating using green line of the mercur) spectrum and determine the

wavelength of the prominent lines of the mercur) spectrum using diffraction grating in

the minimum deviation position2. Determine the "auch)’s constants of the given prism.

$. Determine the diameter of a thin wire #) measuring the width of the interference #ands

formed #) the air wedge arrangement and also the angle of the wedge.

-. Determine the refractive indices of 'uart( prism for the ordinar) and e!tra ordinar) ra)s.

. Determine the thermal conductivit) of a #ad conductor using +ee’s disc method.

/. Determine the magnetic dipole moment of the given #ar magnet #) using circular coil


7/25/2019 VI-Sem Question-core 2.doc 15/44

. Determine the resistivit) of the material of the given wire #) finding the resistance using

"are) 0oster’s #ridge.

3. Determine the mutual inductance of a pair of coils using .4.

5. 0ind the fre'uenc) of alternating current %A"& #) using sonometer.

16.Determine the *lank’s constant using different colors of +,D’s.


VI Semester B.Sc. Physics (CC-SS) Core Prctic! II

P'Y - CORE %+ Time & hrs

Attempt the Question Marked ‘X’

1. Determine the angle of emergence i2 for various values of the angle of incidence i1 using

spectrometer. Draw i1 i2 curve and hence determine the refractive inde! of the material ofthe prism.

2. 8tandardise the grating using the green line of the mercur) spectrum and hence determine

the wavelength of the other prominent lines of mercur) spectrum #) the normal incidence


$. Determine the "auch)’s constants of the given prism.

-. Determine the refractive indices of 'uart( prism for the ordinar) and e!tra ordinar) ra)s.

. Determine the thermal conductivit) of a #ad conductor using +ee’s disc method.

/. %a& "ali#rate the given low range voltmeter 

  %#& Determine the *lank’s constant using different colors of +,D’s.. %a& 8tud) the variation of magnetic flu! densit) along the a!is of a circular coil

carr)ing current.

%#& Determine the magnetic dipole moment of the given #ar magnet #) using circular coil


3. Determine the resistivit) of the material of the given wire #) finding the resistance using

"are) 0oster’s #ridge.

5. Determine the mutual inductance of a pair of coils using .4.

16.Determine the numerical aperture of given optical fi#re #) using semi conductor laser.

7/25/2019 VI-Sem Question-core 2.doc 16/44


VI Semester B.Sc. Physics (CC-SS) Core Prctic! II

P'Y - CORE %, Time & hrs

Attempt the Question Marked ‘X’

1. Determine the wavelength of sodium light #) forming 7ewton’s rings using reflected

light.2. 8tandardise the grating using green line of the mercur) spectrum and determine the

wavelength of the prominent lines of the mercur) spectrum using diffraction grating in

the minimum deviation position.

$. Determine the diameter of a thin wire #) measuring the width of the interference #ands

formed #) the air wedge arrangement and also the angle of the wedge.

-. Determine the wavelength of the given laser source using plane transmission grating.

. Determine the thermal conductivit) of a #ad conductor using +ee’s disc method.

/. "ali#rate the given high range voltmeter using potentiometer.

. Determine the reduction factor of the tangent galvanometer using potentiometer.3. Determine the magnetic dipole moment of the given #ar magnet #) using circular coil


5. Determine the value of the given high resistance #) the method of leakage: using .4.

16.Determine the numerical aperture of given optical fi#re #) using semi conductor laser.


VI Semester B.Sc. Physics (CC-SS) Core Prctic! II

P'Y - CORE % Time & hrs

7/25/2019 VI-Sem Question-core 2.doc 17/44

Attempt the Question Marked ‘X’

1. Determine the "auch)’s constants of the given prism.

2. 8tandardise the grating using the green line of the mercur) spectrum and hence determine

the wavelength of the other prominent lines of mercur) spectrum #) the normal incidence


$. Determine the diameter of a thin wire #) measuring the width of the interference #ands

formed #) the air wedge arrangement and also the angle of the wedge.

-. Determine the refractive indices of 'uart( prism for the ordinar) and e!tra ordinar) ra)s.

. Determine the thermal conductivit) of a #ad conductor using +ee’s disc method.

/. Determine the magnetic dipole moment of the given #ar magnet #) using circular coil


. %a& "ali#rate the given low range voltmeter 

  %#& Determine the *lank’s constant using different colors of +,D’s.

3. %a& 8tud) the variation of magnetic flu! densit) along the a!is of a circular coil

carr)ing current.

%#& Determine the magnetic dipole moment of the given #ar magnet #) using circular coil


5. Determine the mutual inductance of a pair of coils using .4.

16."onvert the given galvanometer into a voltmeter to read 6.19 per scale division and

cali#rate it #) using standard voltmeter.


VI Semester B.Sc. Physics (CC-SS) Core Prctic! II

P'Y - CORE #$ Time & hrs

Attempt the Question Marked ‘X’

1. Determine the angle of emergence i2 for various values of the angle of incidence i1 using

spectrometer. Draw i1 i2 curve and hence determine the refractive inde! of the material of

the prism.

2. Determine the "auch)’s constants of the given prism.

7/25/2019 VI-Sem Question-core 2.doc 18/44

$. 8tandardise the grating using green line of the mercur) spectrum and determine the

wavelength of the prominent lines of the mercur) spectrum using diffraction grating in

the minimum deviation position.

-. Determine the thermal conductivit) of a #ad conductor using +ee’s disc method.

. "ali#rate the given high range voltmeter using potentiometer.

/. Determine the reduction factor of the tangent galvanometer using potentiometer.

. Determine the resistivit) of the material of the given wire #) finding the resistance using"are) 0oster’s #ridge.

3. Determine the magnetic dipole moment of the given #ar magnet #) using circular coil


5. "onvert the given galvanometer into an ammeter to read up to 1A and cali#rate it using a

standard ammeter.

16.0ind the capacit) of a capacitor using .4.

UNIVERSITY OF CALICUTVI Semester B.Sc. Physics (CC-SS) Core Prctic! II

P'Y - CORE #% Time & hrs

Attempt the Question Marked ‘X’

1. Determine the "auch)’s constants of the given prism.

2. Determine the wavelength of sodium light #) forming 7ewton’s rings using reflected

light.$. 8tandardise the grating using the green line of the mercur) spectrum and hence determine

the wavelength of the other prominent lines of mercur) spectrum #) the normal incidence


-. Determine the thermal conductivit) of a #ad conductor using +ee’s disc method.

. "ali#rate the given high range voltmeter using potentiometer.

/. %a& 8tud) the variation of the magnetic flu! densit) along the a!es of a circular coil

carr)ing current using deflection magnetometer.

7/25/2019 VI-Sem Question-core 2.doc 19/44

%#& Also find the value of hori(ontal component of the earth’s magnetic flu! densit) ‘h’

at a place using circular coil apparatus.

. Determine the resistivit) of the material of the given wire #) finding the resistance using

"are) 0oster’s #ridge.

3. Determine the value of the given high resistance #) the method of leakage: using .4.

5. 0ind the fre'uenc) of alternating current %A"& #) using sonometer.

16."onvert the given galvanometer into an ammeter to read up to 1A and cali#rate it using astandard ammeter.


VI Semester B.Sc. Physics (CC-SS) Core Prctic! II

P'Y - CORE ## Time & hrs

Attempt the Question Marked ‘X’

1. Determine the angle of emergence i2 for various values of the angle of incidence i1 using

spectrometer. Draw i1 i2 curve and hence determine the refractive inde! of the material of

the prism.

2. Determine the diameter of a thin wire #) measuring the width of the interference #ands

formed #) the air wedge arrangement and also the angle of the wedge.

$. 8tandardise the grating using green line of the mercur) spectrum and determine the

wavelength of the prominent lines of the mercur) spectrum using diffraction grating in

the minimum deviation position.

-. Determine the thermal conductivit) of a #ad conductor using +ee’s disc method.

. "ali#rate the given high range voltmeter 

/. %a& 8tud) the variation of magnetic flu! densit) along the a!is of a circular coil

carr)ing current.

%#& Determine the magnetic dipole moment of the given #ar magnet #) using circular coil


. Determine the reduction factor of the tangent galvanometer using potentiometer.

3. Determine the resistivit) of the material of the given wire #) finding the resistance using

"are) 0oster’s #ridge.

7/25/2019 VI-Sem Question-core 2.doc 20/44

5. "onvert the given galvanometer into an ammeter to read up to 1A and cali#rate it using a

standard ammeter.

16.0ind the capacit) of a capacitor using .4.


VI Semester B.Sc. Physics (CC-SS) Core Prctic! II

A"ri! #$%&

P'Y - CORE $% Time & hrs

Attempt the Question Marked ‘X’

11. Determine the angle of emergence i2 for various values of the angle of incidence i1 using

spectrometer. Draw i1 i2 curve and hence determine the refractive inde! of the material of

the prism.

12. "ali#rate the given high range voltmeter using potentiometer.

1$. %a&Determine the refractive indices of 'uart( prism for the ordinar) and e!tra ordinar)

ra)s. %#&Determine the *lank’s

constant using different colors of +,D’s.

1-. Determine the diameter of a thin wire #) measuring the width of the interference #ands

formed #) the air wedge arrangement and also the angle of the wedge.1. Determine the reduction factor of the tangent galvanometer using potentiometer.

1/. Determine the temperature coefficient of resistance of the material of the coil using "are)

0oster’s ridge.

1. 0ind the capacit) of a capacitor using .4.

13. Determine the specific rotator) power of sugar solution using polarimeter.

7/25/2019 VI-Sem Question-core 2.doc 21/44


VI Semester B.Sc. Physics (CC-SS) Core Prctic! II


P'Y - CORE $# Time & hrs

Attempt the Question Marked ‘X’

11.Determine the "auch)’s constants of the given prism.

12.Determine the wavelength of sodium light #) forming 7ewton’s rings using reflected


1$.Determine the thermal conductivit) of a #ad conductor using +ee’s disc method.

1-."ali#rate the given high range voltmeter using potentiometer.

1.%a& 8tud) the variation of the magnetic flu! densit) along the a!is of a circular coil

carr)ing current using deflection magnetometer.

%#& Also find the value of hori(ontal component of the earth’s magnetic flu! densit) ‘h’

at a place using circular coil apparatus.

1/."onvert the given galvanometer into a voltmeter to read 6.19 per scale division and

cali#rate it #) using standard voltmeter.

1.Determine the value of the given high resistance #) the method of leakage: using .4.

13.Determine the reduction factor of the tangent galvanometer using potentiometer.

7/25/2019 VI-Sem Question-core 2.doc 22/44


VI Semester B.Sc. Physics (CC-SS) Core Prctic! II


P'Y - CORE $& Time & hrs

Attempt the Question Marked ‘X’

11.8tandardi(e the grating using the green line of the mercur) spectrum and hence determine

the wavelength of the other prominent lines of mercur) spectrum #) the normal incidence


12.Determine the diameter of a thin wire #) measuring the width of the interference #ands

formed #) the air wedge arrangement and also the angle of the wedge.1$.Determine the magnetic dipole moment of the given #ar magnet #) using circular coil


1-.Determine the resistivit) of the material of the given wire #) finding the resistance using

"are) 0oster’s #ridge.

1."onvert the given galvanometer into a voltmeter to read 6.19 per scale division and

cali#rate it #) using standard voltmeter.

1/.Determine the mutual inductance of a pair of coils using .4.

1."ali#rate the given high range voltmeter

13.Determine the *lank’s constant using different colors of +,D’s.

7/25/2019 VI-Sem Question-core 2.doc 23/44


VI Semester B.Sc. Physics (CC-SS) Core Prctic! II

A"ri! #$%&

P'Y  CORE $/ Time & hrs

Attempt the Question Marked ‘X’

11.8tandardi(e the grating using green line of the mercur) spectrum and determine the

wavelength of the prominent lines of the mercur) spectrum using diffractive grating in

the minimum deviation position.12.Determine the wavelength of the given laser source using plane transmission grating.

1$.Determine the reduction factor of the tangent galvanometer using potentiometer.

1-.%a& 8tud) the variation of magnetic flu! densit) along the a!is of a circular coil

carr)ing current.

%#& Determine the magnetic dipole moment of the given #ar magnet #) using circular

coil apparatus.

1.Determine the thermal conductivit) of a #ad conductor using +ee’s disc method.

1/.Determine the value of the given high resistance #) the method of leakage: using .4.

1.Determine the numerical aperture of given optical fi#re #) using semi conductor laser.13.Determine the specific rotator) power of sugar solution using polarimeter.


VI Semester B.Sc. Physics (CC-SS) Core Prctic! II

A"ri! #$%&

P'Y - CORE $ Time & hrs

7/25/2019 VI-Sem Question-core 2.doc 24/44

Attempt the Question Marked ‘X’

11.8tandardi(e the grating using the green line of the mercur) spectrum and hence determine

the wavelength of the other prominent lines of mercur) spectrum #) the normal incidence


12.Determine the "auch)’s constants of the given prism.

1$.Determine the refractive indices of 'uart( prism for the ordinar) and e!tra ordinar) ra)s.

1-.Determine the reduction factor of the tangent galvanometer using potentiometer.

1."onvert the given galvanometer into a voltmeter to read 6.19 per scale division and

cali#rate it #) using standard voltmeter.

1/.Determine the specific rotator) power of sugar solution using polarimeter.

1.0ind the fre'uenc) of alternating current %A"& #) using sonometer.

13.Determine the *lank’s constant using different colors of +,D’s.


VI Semester B.Sc. Physics (CC-SS) Core Prctic! II

A"ri! #$%&

P'Y - CORE $* Time & hrs

Attempt the Question Marked ‘X’

11.8tandardi(e the grating using green line of the mercur) spectrum and determine the

wavelength of the prominent lines of the mercur) spectrum using diffraction grating in

the minimum deviation position.

12.Determine the diameter of a thin wire #) measuring the width of the interference #ands

formed #) the air wedge arrangement and also the angle of the wedge.

7/25/2019 VI-Sem Question-core 2.doc 25/44

1$. %a& 8tud) the variation of magnetic flu! densit) along the a!is of a circular coil

carr)ing current.

%#& Determine the magnetic dipole moment of the given #ar magnet #) using circular

coil apparatus.

1-. "ali#rate the given high range voltmeter.

1.Determine the temperature coefficient of resistance of the material of the coil using "are)

0oster’s ridge.1/.Determine the mutual inductance of a pair of coils using .4.

1.Determine the numerical aperture of given optical fi#re #) using semi conductor laser.

13.0ind the fre'uenc) of alternating current %A"& #) using sonometer.


VI Semester B.Sc. Physics (CC-SS) Core Prctic! II

A"ri! #$%&

P'Y - CORE $+ Time & hrs

Attempt the Question Marked ‘X’

11.8tandardise the grating using the green line of the mercur) spectrum and hence determine

the wavelength of the other prominent lines of mercur) spectrum #) the normal incidence


12.Determine the wavelength of sodium light #) forming 7ewton’s rings using reflectedlight.

1$.Determine the wavelength of the given laser source using plane transmission grating.

1-.Determine the refractive indices of 'uart( prism for the ordinar) and e!tra ordinar) ra)s.

1.Determine the thermal conductivit) of a #ad conductor using +ee’s disc method.

1/."ali#rate the given high range voltmeter using potentiometer.

1.Determine the reduction factor of the tangent galvanometer using potentiometer.

13.Determine the resistivit) of the material of the given wire #) finding the resistance using

"are) 0oster’s #ridge.

7/25/2019 VI-Sem Question-core 2.doc 26/44


VI Semester B.Sc. Physics (CC-SS) Core Prctic! II

A"ri! #$%&

P'Y - CORE $, Time & hrs

Attempt the Question Marked ‘X’

11.8tandardise the grating using green line of the mercur) spectrum and determine the

wavelength of the prominent lines of the mercur) spectrum using diffraction grating in

the minimum deviation position.

12.Determine the "auch)’s constants of the given prism.

1$.Determine the refractive indices of 'uart( prism for the ordinar) and e!tra ordinar) ra)s.

1-.Determine the magnetic dipole moment of the given #ar magnet #) using circular coil


1.Determine the resistivit) of the material of the given wire #) finding the resistance using

"are) 0oster’s #ridge.

1/."onvert the given galvanometer into an ammeter to read up to 1A and cali#rate it using a

standard ammeter.

1.Determine the value of the given high resistance #) the method of leakage: using .4.

13.Determine the numerical aperture of given optical fi#re #) using semi conductor laser.

7/25/2019 VI-Sem Question-core 2.doc 27/44


VI Semester B.Sc. Physics (CC-SS) Core Prctic! II

A"ri! #$%&

P'Y - CORE $ Time & hrs

Attempt the Question Marked ‘X’

11.Determine the angle of emergence i2 for various values of the angle of incidence i1 using

spectrometer. Draw i1 i2 curve and hence determine the refractive inde! of the material of

the prism.

12.Determine the wavelength of the given laser source using plane transmission grating.

1$.Determine the refractive indices of 'uart( prism for the ordinar) and e!tra ordinar) ra)s.1-.Determine the diameter of a thin wire #) measuring the width of the interference #ands

formed #) the air wedge arrangement and also the angle of the wedge.

1.Determine the reduction factor of the tangent galvanometer using potentiometer.

1/.Determine the resistivit) of the material of the given wire #) finding the resistance using

"are) 0oster’s #ridge.

1.Determine the value of the given high resistance #) the method of leakage: using .4.

13.Determine the numerical aperture of given optical fi#re #) using semi conductor laser.


VI Semester B.Sc. Physics (CC-SS) Core Prctic! II

A"ri! #$%&

P'Y - CORE %$ Time & hrs

Attempt the Question Marked ‘X’

7/25/2019 VI-Sem Question-core 2.doc 28/44

11.Determine the "auch)’s constants of the given prism.

12.Determine the wavelength of sodium light #) forming 7ewton’s rings using reflected


1$.Determine the thermal conductivit) of a #ad conductor using +ee’s disc method.

1-."ali#rate the given high range voltmeter using potentiometer.

1.%a& 8tud) the variation of the magnetic flu! densit) along the a!es of a circular coil

carr)ing current using deflection magnetometer.%#& Also find the value of hori(ontal component of the earth’s magnetic flu! densit) ‘h’

at a place using circular coil apparatus.

1/.Determine the mutual inductance of a pair of coils using .4.

1.Determine the specific rotator) power of sugar solution using polarimeter.

13.Determine the fre'uenc) of A." mains using sonometer.


VI Semester B.Sc. Physics (CC-SS) Core Prctic! II

A"ri! #$%&

P'Y - CORE %% Time & hrs

Attempt the Question Marked ‘X’

11.8tandardise the grating using green line of the mercur) spectrum and determine the

wavelength of the prominent lines of the mercur) spectrum using diffraction grating in

the minimum deviation position.

12.Determine the "auch)’s constants of the given prism.

1$.Determine the wavelength of sodium light #) forming 7ewton’s rings using reflected


7/25/2019 VI-Sem Question-core 2.doc 29/44

1-.Determine the thermal conductivit) of a #ad conductor using +ee’s disc method.

1.%a& "ali#rate the given low range voltmeter 

  %#& Determine the *lank’s constant using different colors of +,D’s.

1/.%a& 8tud) the variation of the magnetic flu! densit) along the a!es of a circular coil

carr)ing current using deflection magnetometer.

%#& Determine the magnetic dipole moment of the given #ar magnet #) using circular

coil apparatus.1.Determine the temperature coefficient of resistance of the material of the coil using "are)

0oster’s ridge.

13.0ind the capacit) of a capacitor using .4.


VI Semester B.Sc. Physics (CC-SS) Core Prctic! II

A"ri! #$%&

P'Y - CORE %# Time & hrs

Attempt the Question Marked ‘X’

11. 8tandardise the grating using the green line of the mercur) spectrum and hence determine

the wavelength of the other prominent lines of mercur) spectrum #) the normal incidence


12. Determine the angle of emergence i2 for various values of the angle of incidence i1 usingspectrometer. Draw i1 i2 curve and hence determine the refractive inde! of the material of

the prism.

1$. Determine the wavelength of the given laser source using plane transmission grating.

1-. Determine the magnetic dipole moment of the given #ar magnet #) using circular coil


1. Determine the resistivit) of the material of the given wire #) finding the resistance using

"are) 0oster’s #ridge.

7/25/2019 VI-Sem Question-core 2.doc 30/44

1/. Determine the reduction factor of the tangent galvanometer using potentiometer.

1. Determine the mutual inductance of a pair of coils using .4.

13. Determine the numerical aperture of given optical fi#re #) using semi conductor laser.


VI Semester B.Sc. Physics (CC-SS) Core Prctic! II

A"ri! #$%&

P'Y - CORE %& Time & hrs

Attempt the Question Marked ‘X’

11.Determine the "auch)’s constants of the given prism.

12.8tandardise the grating using green line of the mercur) spectrum and determine thewavelength of the prominent lines of the mercur) spectrum using diffraction grating in

the minimum deviation position

1$.Determine the refractive indices of 'uart( prism for the ordinar) and e!tra ordinar) ra)s.

1-.Determine the thermal conductivit) of a #ad conductor using +ee’s disc method.

1."ali#rate the given high range voltmeter using potentiometer.

1/.Determine the temperature coefficient of resistance of the material of the coil using "are)

0oster’s ridge.

1.Determine the specific rotator) power of sugar solution using polarimeter.

13.Determine the fre'uenc) of A." mains using sonometer.


7/25/2019 VI-Sem Question-core 2.doc 31/44



VI Semester B.Sc. Physics (CC-SS) Core Prctic! II

A"ri! #$%&

P'Y - CORE %/ Time & hrs

Attempt the Question Marked ‘X’

11.8tandardise the grating using the green line of the mercur) spectrum and hence determine

the wavelength of the other prominent lines of mercur) spectrum #) the normal incidence


12.Determine the "auch)’s constants of the given prism.

1$.Determine the wavelength of sodium light #) forming 7ewton’s rings using reflected


1-.Determine the refractive indices of 'uart( prism for the ordinar) and e!tra ordinar) ra)s.

1.Determine the thermal conductivit) of a #ad conductor using +ee’s disc method.

1/.Determine the magnetic dipole moment of the given #ar magnet #) using circular coilapparatus.

1.Determine the resistivit) of the material of the given wire #) finding the resistance using

"are) 0oster’s #ridge.

13.Determine the *lank’s constant using different colors of +,D’s.

7/25/2019 VI-Sem Question-core 2.doc 32/44


VI Semester B.Sc. Physics (CC-SS) Core Prctic! II

A"ri! #$%&

P'Y - CORE % Time & hrs

Attempt the Question Marked ‘X’

11.8tandardise the grating using green line of the mercur) spectrum and determine the

wavelength of the prominent lines of the mercur) spectrum using diffraction grating in

the minimum deviation position.

12.Determine the "auch)’s constants of the given prism.

1$.Determine the wavelength of sodium light #) forming 7ewton’s rings using reflected


1-.Determine the magnetic dipole moment of the given #ar magnet #) using circular coilapparatus.

1.Determine the resistivit) of the material of the given wire #) finding the resistance using

"are) 0oster’s #ridge.

1/.Determine the mutual inductance of a pair of coils using .4.

1."onvert the given galvanometer into a voltmeter to read 6.19 per scale division and

cali#rate it #) using standard voltmeter.

13.0ind the fre'uenc) of alternating current %A"& #) using sonometer.


VI Semester B.Sc. Physics (CC-SS) Core Prctic! II

A"ri! #$%&

7/25/2019 VI-Sem Question-core 2.doc 33/44

P'Y - CORE %* Time & hrs

Attempt the Question Marked ‘X’

11.Determine the "auch)’s constants of the given prism.

12.Determine the diameter of a thin wire #) measuring the width of the interference #ands

formed #) the air wedge arrangement and also the angle of the wedge.

1$.Determine the refractive indices of 'uart( prism for the ordinar) and e!tra ordinar) ra)s.

1-.Determine the thermal conductivit) of a #ad conductor using +ee’s disc method.

1.Determine the magnetic dipole moment of the given #ar magnet #) using circular coil


1/.Determine the resistivit) of the material of the given wire #) finding the resistance using

"are) 0oster’s #ridge.

1.Determine the mutual inductance of a pair of coils using .4.

13.0ind the fre'uenc) of alternating current %A"& #) using sonometer.


VI Semester B.Sc. Physics (CC-SS) Core Prctic! II

A"ri! #$%&

P'Y - CORE %+ Time & hrs

Attempt the Question Marked ‘X’

11.Determine the angle of emergence i2 for various values of the angle of incidence i1 using

spectrometer. Draw i1 i2 curve and hence determine the refractive inde! of the material of

the prism.

12.Determine the "auch)’s constants of the given prism.

7/25/2019 VI-Sem Question-core 2.doc 34/44

1$.Determine the refractive indices of 'uart( prism for the ordinar) and e!tra ordinar) ra)s.

1-.Determine the thermal conductivit) of a #ad conductor using +ee’s disc method.

1.%a& "ali#rate the given low range voltmeter 

  %#& Determine the *lank’s constant using different colors of +,D’s.

1/.%a& 8tud) the variation of magnetic flu! densit) along the a!is of a circular coil

carr)ing current.

%#& Determine the magnetic dipole moment of the given #ar magnet #) using circular coil


1.Determine the resistivit) of the material of the given wire #) finding the resistance using

"are) 0oster’s #ridge.

13.Determine the mutual inductance of a pair of coils using .4.


VI Semester B.Sc. Physics (CC-SS) Core Prctic! II

A"ri! #$%&

P'Y - CORE %, Time & hrs

Attempt the Question Marked ‘X’

11.Determine the wavelength of sodium light #) forming 7ewton’s rings using reflected


12.8tandardise the grating using green line of the mercur) spectrum and determine the

wavelength of the prominent lines of the mercur) spectrum using diffraction grating in

the minimum deviation position.

1$.Determine the diameter of a thin wire #) measuring the width of the interference #ands

formed #) the air wedge arrangement and also the angle of the wedge.

1-.Determine the thermal conductivit) of a #ad conductor using +ee’s disc method.

1."ali#rate the given high range voltmeter using potentiometer.

7/25/2019 VI-Sem Question-core 2.doc 35/44

1/.Determine the reduction factor of the tangent galvanometer using potentiometer.

1.Determine the magnetic dipole moment of the given #ar magnet #) using circular coil


13.Determine the value of the given high resistance #) the method of leakage: using .4.


VI Semester B.Sc. Physics (CC-SS) Core Prctic! II

A"ri! #$%&

P'Y - CORE % Time & hrs

Attempt the Question Marked ‘X’

11.8tandardise the grating using the green line of the mercur) spectrum and hence determine

the wavelength of the other prominent lines of mercur) spectrum #) the normal incidence

method.12.Determine the diameter of a thin wire #) measuring the width of the interference #ands

formed #) the air wedge arrangement and also the angle of the wedge.

1$.Determine the refractive indices of 'uart( prism for the ordinar) and e!tra ordinar) ra)s.

1-.Determine the thermal conductivit) of a #ad conductor using +ee’s disc method.

1.Determine the magnetic dipole moment of the given #ar magnet #) using circular coil


1/.%a& "ali#rate the given low range voltmeter 

  %#& Determine the *lank’s constant using different colors of +,D’s.

1. %a& 8tud) the variation of magnetic flu! densit) along the a!is of a circular coilcarr)ing current.

%#& Determine the magnetic dipole moment of the given #ar magnet #) using circular coil


13."onvert the given galvanometer into a voltmeter to read 6.19 per scale division and

cali#rate it #) using standard voltmeter.

7/25/2019 VI-Sem Question-core 2.doc 36/44


VI Semester B.Sc. Physics (CC-SS) Core Prctic! II

A"ri! #$%&

P'Y - CORE #$ Time & hrs

Attempt the Question Marked ‘X’

11.Determine the angle of emergence i2 for various values of the angle of incidence i1 using

spectrometer. Draw i1 i2 curve and hence determine the refractive inde! of the material of

the prism.

12.8tandardise the grating using green line of the mercur) spectrum and determine the

wavelength of the prominent lines of the mercur) spectrum using diffraction grating in

the minimum deviation position.

1$.Determine the thermal conductivit) of a #ad conductor using +ee’s disc method.

1-."ali#rate the given high range voltmeter using potentiometer.

1.Determine the reduction factor of the tangent galvanometer using potentiometer.1/.Determine the resistivit) of the material of the given wire #) finding the resistance using

"are) 0oster’s #ridge.

1."onvert the given galvanometer into an ammeter to read up to 1A and cali#rate it using a

standard ammeter.

13.0ind the capacit) of a capacitor using .4.


7/25/2019 VI-Sem Question-core 2.doc 37/44

VI Semester B.Sc. Physics (CC-SS) Core Prctic! II

A"ri! #$%&

P'Y - CORE #% Time & hrs

Attempt the Question Marked ‘X’

11.Determine the wavelength of sodium light #) forming 7ewton’s rings using reflected


12.8tandardise the grating using the green line of the mercur) spectrum and hence determine

the wavelength of the other prominent lines of mercur) spectrum #) the normal incidence


1$.Determine the thermal conductivit) of a #ad conductor using +ee’s disc method.

1-."ali#rate the given high range voltmeter using potentiometer.

1.%a& 8tud) the variation of the magnetic flu! densit) along the a!es of a circular coil

carr)ing current using deflection magnetometer.%#& Also find the value of hori(ontal component of the earth’s magnetic flu! densit) ‘h’

at a place using circular coil apparatus.

1/.Determine the resistivit) of the material of the given wire #) finding the resistance using

"are) 0oster’s #ridge.

1.Determine the value of the given high resistance #) the method of leakage: using .4.

13."onvert the given galvanometer into an ammeter to read up to 1A and cali#rate it using a

standard ammeter.


VI Semester B.Sc. Physics (CC-SS) Core Prctic! II

A"ri! #$%&

P'Y  CORE.## Time & hrs

Attempt the Question Marked ‘X’

7/25/2019 VI-Sem Question-core 2.doc 38/44

1 8tandardise the grating using green line of the mercur) spectrum and determine the

wavelength of the prominent lines of the mercur) spectrum using diffraction grating in

the minimum deviation position

2 Determine the thermal conductivit) of a #ad conductor using +ee’s disc method.

3 a& "ali#rate the given high range voltmeter. #& Determine the *lank’s constant using

different colors of +,D’s.


/ %a& 8tud) the variation of magnetic flu! densit) along the a!is of a circular coil

carr)ing current.

%#& Determine the magnetic dipole moment of the given #ar magnet #) using circular coil


Determine the reduction factor of the tangent galvanometer using potentiometer.

3 0ind the capacit) of a capacitor using .4.

9 %a& Determine the refractive indices of 'uart( prism for the ordinar) and e!tra ordinar)

ra)s. %#&Determine the *lank’s constant using different colors of +,D’s.16


VI Semester B.Sc. Physics (CC-SS) Core Prctic! II

A"ri! #$%/

  P'Y - CORE #.#FNS Time & hrs

Attempt the Question Marked ‘X’

1. 8tandardise the grating using green line of the mercur) spectrum and determine the

wavelength of the prominent lines of the mercur) spectrum using diffraction grating in

the minimum deviation position

2. Determine the diameter of a thin wire #) measuring the width of the interference #ands

formed #) the air wedge arrangement and also the angle of the wedge.

$. "ali#rate the given low range voltmeter. #& Determine the *lank’s constant using

different colors of +,D’s.

-. %a& 8tud) the variation of magnetic flu! densit) along the a!is of a circular coil

carr)ing current.

7/25/2019 VI-Sem Question-core 2.doc 39/44

%#& Determine the magnetic dipole moment of the given #ar magnet #) using circular coil


. Determine the reduction factor of the tangent galvanometer using potentiometer.

/. Determine the resistivit) of the material of the given wire #) finding the resistance using

"are) 0oster’s #ridge.

. 0ind the capacit) of a capacitor using .4.

3. "onvert the given galvanometer into a voltmeter to read 6.19 per scale division andcali#rate it #) using standard voltmeter.


VI Semester B.Sc. Physics (CC-SS) Core Prctic! II


  P'Y - CORE #.#ANS Time & hrs

Attempt the Question Marked ‘X’

1. 8tandardi(e the grating using the green line of the mercur) spectrum and hence determine

the wavelength of the other prominent lines of mercur) spectrum #) the normal incidence


2. Determine the wavelength of sodium light #) forming 7ewton’s rings using reflectedlight.

$. Determine the resistivit) of the material of the given wire #) finding the resistance using

"are) 0oster’s #ridge.

-. "ali#rate the given high range voltmeter using potentiometer.

. %a& 8tud) the variation of the magnetic flu! densit) along the a!is of a circular coil

carr)ing current using deflection magnetometer.

7/25/2019 VI-Sem Question-core 2.doc 40/44

%#& Also find the value of hori(ontal component of the earth’s magnetic flu! densit) ‘h’

at a place using circular coil apparatus.

/. "onvert the given galvanometer into a voltmeter to read 6.19 per scale division and

cali#rate it #) using standard voltmeter.

. Determine the value of the given high resistance #) the method of leakage: using .4.

3. Determine the reduction factor of the tangent galvanometer using potentiometer.


VI Semester B.Sc. Physics (CC-SS) Core Prctic! II


  P'Y - CORE#.&$FNS Time & hrs

Attempt the Question Marked ‘X’

1. 8tandardi(e the grating using the green line of the mercur) spectrum and hence determine

the wavelength of the other prominent lines of mercur) spectrum #) the normal incidence


2. Determine the diameter of a thin wire #) measuring the width of the interference #ands

formed #) the air wedge arrangement and also the angle of the wedge.

$. Determine the magnetic dipole moment of the given #ar magnet #) using circular coil


-. Determine the resistivit) of the material of the given wire #) finding the resistance using

"are) 0oster’s #ridge.

. "onvert the given galvanometer into a voltmeter to read 6.19 per scale division and

cali#rate it #) using standard voltmeter.

/. Determine the mutual inductance of a pair of coils using .4.

. "ali#rate the given low range voltmeter using potentiometer

7/25/2019 VI-Sem Question-core 2.doc 41/44

3. Determine the *lank’s constant using different colors of +,D’s.


VI Semester B.Sc. Physics (CC-SS) Core Prctic! II

A"ri! #$%/

  CORE#.&$ANS Time & hrs

Attempt the Question Marked ‘X’

1. 8tandardi(e the grating using green line of the mercur) spectrum and determine the

wavelength of the prominent lines of the mercur) spectrum using diffractive grating in

the minimum deviation position.

2 Determine the wavelength of sodium light #) forming 7ewton’s rings using reflected


$ %a& 8tud) the variation of magnetic flu! densit) along the a!is of a circular coil

carr)ing current.

%#& "ali#rate the given low range voltmeter using potentiometer4 "onvert the given galvanometer into a voltmeter to read 6.19 per scale division and

cali#rate it #) using standard voltmeter.

Determine the value of the given high resistance #) the method of leakage: using .4.

/ Determine the resistivit) of the material of the given wire #) finding the resistance using

"are) 0oster’s #ridge.

Determine the "auch)’s constants of the given prism.

3 Determine the reduction factor of the tangent galvanometer using potentiometer.

7/25/2019 VI-Sem Question-core 2.doc 42/44


VI Semester B.Sc. Physics (CC-SS) Core Prctic! II

A"ri! #$%/

  P'Y - CORE#.#FNS Time & hrs

Attempt the Question Marked ‘X’

1. 8tandardi(e the grating using the green line of the mercur) spectrum and hence determine

the wavelength of the other prominent lines of mercur) spectrum #) the normal incidence


2. Determine the diameter of a thin wire #) measuring the width of the interference #ands

formed #) the air wedge arrangement and also the angle of the wedge.

$. Determine the angle of emergence i2 for various values of the angle of incidence i1 usingspectrometer. Draw i1 i2 curve and hence determine the refractive inde! of the material of

the prism.

-. Determine the reduction factor of the tangent galvanometer using potentiometer.

. Determine the resistivit) of the material of the given wire #) finding the resistance using

"are) 0oster’s #ridge.

/. Determine the magnetic dipole moment of the given #ar magnet #) using circular coil


. 0ind the fre'uenc) of alternating current %A"& #) using sonometer.

7/25/2019 VI-Sem Question-core 2.doc 43/44

3. Determine the *lank’s constant using different colors of +,D’s.


VI Semester B.Sc. Physics (CC-SS) Core Prctic! II

A"ri! #$%/

P'Y - CORE#.ANS Time & hrs

Attempt the Question Marked ‘X’

1. 8tandardi(e the grating using green line of the mercur) spectrum and determine the

wavelength of the prominent lines of the mercur) spectrum using diffraction grating in

the minimum deviation position.

2. Determine the diameter of a thin wire #) measuring the width of the interference #ands

formed #) the air wedge arrangement and also the angle of the wedge.

$. %a& 8tud) the variation of magnetic flu! densit) along the a!is of a circular coil

carr)ing current.

%#& Determine the magnetic dipole moment of the given #ar magnet #) using circular

coil apparatus.-. Determine the reduction factor of the tangent galvanometer using potentiometer 

. Determine the resistivit) of the material of the given wire #) finding the resistance using

"are) 0oster’s #ridge.

/. Determine the mutual inductance of a pair of coils using .4.

. "ali#rate the given low range voltmeter. #& Determine the *lank’s constant using

different colors of +,D’s.

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3. Determine the wavelength of sodium light #) forming 7ewton’s rings using reflected
