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VHDL VS VERILOG 1 http://www.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/~mcyang/teaching.html

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VHDL & Verilog

• They are both hardware description languages

for modeling hardware.

• They are each a notation to describe the

behavioral and structural aspects of an electronic

digital circuit.


VHDL Background

• VHSIC Hardware Description Language

• VHSIC is an abbreviation for Very High Speed

Integrated Circuit.

• Developed by the department of defense (1981)

• In 1986 rights where given to IEEE.

• Became a standard and published in 1987.

• Revised standard we know now published in 1993

(VHDL 1076-1993) regulated by VHDL international (VI).


VHDL Design Concept

• VHDL uses top-down approach to partition design

into small blocks (i.e., “components”)

• Entity: Describe interface signals & basic building blocks

• Architecture: Describe behavior, each entity can have

multiple Architectures

• *Configuration: Specify different architectures for a

single entity.

• The internals can change while the interface remains the same.

• It is not required to get a basic VHDL design running.

• *Package: Contain user-defined subprograms, constant

definitions, and/or type definitions to be used throughout

one or more design units.


Verilog Background

• Developed by Gateway Design Automation


• Later acquired by Cadence Design(1989) who made it

public in 1990

• Became a standardized in 1995 by IEEE (Std 1364)

regulated by Open Verilog International (OVI)


Verilog Design Concept

• Verilog only has one building block: module

• Modules connect through their port similarly as in VHDL.

• There is only one module per file usually.

• A top level invokes instances of other modules.

• Modules can be specified behaviorally or structurally.

• Behavioral: Define behavior of digital system.

• Structural: Define hierarchical interconnection of modules.


HDL Modeling Capacity


Graph source: Douglas J. Smith, "VHDL & Verilog Compared & Contrasted Plus Modeled Example Written in VHDL, Verilog, and C"

• High-Level: VHDL is better.

• VHDL provides more features for

high-level hardware modeling.

• Such as user-defined data types,

package, configuration, library


• Low-Level: Verilog is better.

• Verilog is originally created for

modeling/simulating logic gates.

• Verilog has built-in primitives or

low-level logic gates.

• Verilog supports user-defined

primitives (UDP).

IC Design Flow


VHDL vs. Verilog

• Programming Style (in syntax)

• VHDL is more “verbose” than Verilog.

• Popularity

• VHDL is more popular with European companies.

• Verilog is more popular with US companies.


• VHDL is similar to Ada

programming language.

• VHDL is NOT case-


• Verilog is similar to

C/Pascal programming


• Verilog is case-sensitive.

VHDL vs. Verilog: In details

• Overall Structure

• I/O Declaration

• Process Block

• Bus

• Signal Assignment

• Nonblocking vs Blocking Statement

• Structural Design

• Finite State Machine

• Examples


VHDL vs. Verilog: Overall Structure


Library Declaration

• library IEEE;

• …

Entity Declaration

• entity mux is

• …

• end mux

Architecture Body

• architecture arch of mux is

• begin

• …

• end arch;

• Verilog

One Module

• module mux (a,b,s,y);

• …

• endmodule


VHDL vs. Verilog: I/O Declaration

• VHDL• entity mux is

• port ( a,b,s: in std_logic;

• y: out std_logic);

• end mux

• architecture arch of mux is

• begin

• …

• end arch;

• Verilog• module mux (a,b,s,y);

• input a,b,s;

• output y;

• …

• endmodule


VHDL vs. Verilog: Process Block

• VHDL• architecture arch of mux is

• begin

• …

• process (siga, sigb)

• begin

• …

• end;

• …

• end arch;

• Verilog• module mux (a,b,s,y);

• …

• always @ (siga or sigb)

• begin

• …

• end

• …

• endmodule


VHDL vs. Verilog: Busses

• VHDL• signal a,c: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);

• begin

• a(3 downto 0) <= c (7 downto 4);

• c(0) <= ‘0’;

• c <= “00001010”;

• end;

• Verilog• wire [7:0] a,c;

• begin

• assign a[3:0] = c[7:4];

• assign a[0] <= 0;

• assign a = ‘b0000000; (‘b: binary)

• end;


VHDL vs. Verilog: Signal Assignment

• VHDL• signal a, b, c, d: std_logic;

• begin

• a <= b and c;

• d <= (c or b) xor (not (a) and b);

• end;

• Verilog• wire a,b,c,d;

• assign a = b & c;

• assign d = (c | b) ^ (~a & b);

• assign: Continual assignment to wire outside an always statement. Value of LHS is updated

when RHS changes.


VHDL vs. Verilog:

Nonblocking vs Blocking Assignment• Nonblocking Assignment: Schedule assignments without

blocking the procedural flow.

• Works like a signal assignment (<=) in VHDL

• In Verilog: A nonblocking assignment (<=) samples right hand side

(RHS) at beginning of timestep; with the actual assignment (LHS)

taking place at the end of the timestep.

• Blocking Assignment: Executed before the execution of

the statements in a sequential block.

• Works like a variable assignment (:=) in VHDL

• In Verilog: A blocking assignment (=) will evaluate the RHS and

perform the LHS assignment without interruption from another

Verilog statement.


Nonblocking Assignments in Verilog

• Should use nonblocking assignments in always blocks to

synthesize/simulate sequential logic.

• module timetest (y1,y2,a,clk);

• output y1,y2;

• input a,clk;

• reg y1,y2;

• always @(posedge clk) begin

• y1 <= a;

• y2 <= y1;

• end

• endmodule


Blocking Assignments in Verilog

• Use blocking assignments for always blocks that are

purely combinational.

• reg y, t1, t2;

• always @(a or b or c or d) begin

• t1 = a & b;

• t2 = c & d;

• y = t1 | t2;

• end


Nonblocking vs Blocking (in Verilog)

Nonblocking (Behavior Level)

• module Full_Adder( A, B, Cin,

Sum, Cout );

• input A, B, Cin;

• output Sum, Cout;

• wire W1, W2, W3;

• always @( A, B, Cin ) begin

• { Cout, Sum } = A + B + Cin;

• end

• endmodule

Blocking (Dataflow Level)

• module Full_Adder( A, B, Cin,

Sum, Cout );

• input A, B, Cin;

• output Sum, Cout;

• wire W1, W2, W3;

• assign W1 = A^B;

• assign W2 = W1&Cin;

• assign W3 = A&B;

• assign Sum = W1^Cin;

• assign Cout = W2|W3;

• endmodule


Structural Design (VHDL)


Component C

Related by port map

in architecture

Component B

Component A

Structural Design (VHDL)1) library IEEE;

2) use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL;

3) entity and2 is

4) port (a,b: in STD_LOGIC;

5) c: out STD_LOGIC );

6) end and2;

7) architecture and2_arch of and2 is

8) begin

9) c <= a and b;

10) end and2_arch;

11) -------------------------------------------

12) library IEEE;

13) use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL;

14) entity or2 is

15) port (a,b: in STD_LOGIC;

16) c: out STD_LOGIC );

17) end or2;

18) architecture or2_arch of or2 is

19) begin

20) c <= a or b;

21) end or2_arch;

a) library IEEE;

b) use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL;

c) -------------------------------------------

d) entity test is

e) port ( in1: in STD_LOGIC; in2: in STD_LOGIC;

f) in3: in STD_LOGIC;

g) out1: out STD_LOGIC );

h) end test;

i) architecture test_arch of test is

j) component and2 --create component

k) port (a,b: in std_logic; c: out std_logic);

l) end component ;

m) component or2 --create component

n) port (a,b: in std_logic; c: out std_logic);

o) end component ;

p) signal con1_signal: std_logic;

q) begin

r) label1: and2 port map (in1, in2, con1_signal);

s) label2: or2 port map (con1_signal, in3, out1);

t) end test_arch;


Structural Design (Verilog)

• One top module, several (sub) modules.


Structural Design (Verilog)

(Sub) Module

• module Full_Adder( A, B, Cin,

Sum, Cout );

• input A, B, Cin;

• output Sum, Cout;

• wire W1, W2, W3;

• always @( A, B, Cin ) begin

• { Cout, Sum } = A + B + Cin;

• end

• endmodule

Top Module

• module Top_Module( A, B, Cin,

Sum, Cout );

• input A, B, Cin;

• output Sum, Cout;

• Full_Adder FAD(

• .A(A),

• .B(B),

• .Cin(Cin),

• .Sum(Sum),

• .Cout(Cout)

• );

• endmodule


Finite State Machine in Verilog (1/2)


Finite State Machine in Verilog (2/2)• module Finite_State_Machine( CLK, RST, State );

• parameter State_A = 2'b00, State_B = 2'b01,

• State_C = 2'b10, State_D = 2'b11;

• input CLK, RST;

• output [1:0] State;

• reg [1:0] State;

• always @( posedge CLK, negedge RST ) begin

• if( !RST )

• State = State_A;

• else

• case( rState )

• State_A: State <= State_B;

• State_B: State <= State_D;

• State_C: State <= State_A;

• State_D: State <= State_C;

• default: State <= State_A;

• endcase

• end

• endmodule



• …

• ENTITY Counter IS


• Max_count: IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 downto 0);

• Count : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 downto 0) );

• END Counter;

• ARCHITECTURE behaviour OF Counter IS

• SIGNAL internal_count: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 downto 0);


• Count <= internal_count;

• PROCESS(Reset,Clock)


• IF reset='0' THEN

• internal_count<="00000000";

• ELSIF clock 'EVENT AND clock='0' THEN

• IF updown='0' THEN

• IF internal_count<Max_count THEN

• internal_count<=internal_count+1;


• internal_count<="00000000";


• ELSIF updown='1' THEN

• IF "00000000"<internal_count THEN

• internal_count<=internal_count-1;


• internal_count<=Max_count;





• END behaviour;


Verilog• MODULE counter (updown,clock,reset,MaxCount,Count);

• output[7:0] Count;

• input[7:0] MaxCount;

• input clock, reset, updown;

• reg[7:0] Cnt;

• assign Count=Cnt;

• ALWAYS@(negedge clock or negedge reset)

• begin

• if(~reset)

• Cnt=8'b0000_0000;

• else if(updown)

• if (Cnt<MaxCount)

• Cnt=Count+1;

• else

• Cnt=8'b0000_0000;

• else if(~updown)

• if (8'b0000_0000<Cnt)

• Cnt=Cnt-1;

• else

• Cnt=MaxCount;

• end


Working Example: Counter

Working Example: Multiplexer

VHDL• library IEEE;

• use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL;

• entity mux is

• port (in1,in2,ctrl: in std_logic;

• out: out std_logic);

• end mux;

• architecture mux_arch of mux is

• begin

• process (in1, in2, ctrl)

• begin

• if ctrl = '0' then

• out <= in1;

• else

• out <= in2;

• end if;

• end process;

• end mux_arch;

Verilog• module mux( in1, in2, ctrl, out );

• input in1, in2, ctrl;

• output out;

• wire in1, in2, ctrl;

• reg out;

• always @( in1, in2, ctrl ) begin

• if( !ctrl )

• out <= in1;

• else

• out <= in2;

• end

• endmodule


Wire vs. Register in Verilog (1/2)

• Wire: Has no memory

• Physical wire in the circuit

• A wire does not store its value, it must be driven by

• connecting the wire to the output of a gate or module

• assigning a value to the wire in a continuous assignment

• Cannot use “wire” in left-hand-side of assignment in procedural block.

• Register: Has memory

• Not “register” of CPU

• No guarantee to be a DFF (D-flip flop)

• Maybe a physical wire

• Holding its value until a new value is assigned to it (event-driven).

• Cannot use “reg” in left-hand side of continuous assignment.


Wire vs. Register in Verilog (2/2)



• Verilog and VHDL are equivalent for RTL modeling.

• For high level behavioral modeling, VHDL is better.

• Verilog does not have ability to define new data types

• Other missing features for high level modeling

• Verilog has built-in gate level and transistor level


• Verilog much better than VHDL at below the RTL level.

• Bottom Line: You should know both!!!



• VHDL & Verilog Compared & Contrasted - Plus Modeled

Example Written in VHDL, Verilog and C.

• Verilog vs VHDL: Explain by Examples

• Verilog VS VHDL (By Kurt Leyba)

• Verilog VHDL vs. Verilog – MWFTR

• Verilog Tutorial (Chao-Hsien, Hsu)

• https://hom-wang.gitbooks.io/verilog-
