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Download VHB-JOURQUAL2: Alphabetische Übersicht über alle Zeitschriften · PDF fileAccounting Review A 8,78 8,67 82 ACM Computing Reviews C 6,13 6,24 17 ACM Computing Surveys B 7,01 6,18

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  • VHB-JOURQUAL2: Alphabetische bersicht ber alle Zeitschriften 2008 by Ulf Schrader und Thorsten Hennig-Thurau

    Titel JQ2-

    Rating JQ2-Index


    N Leser (JQ2)

    4OR. A Quarterly Journal of Operations Research C 6,08 21

    Abacus: Journal of Accounting, Finance and Business Studies B 7,60 7,89 61

    Absatzwirtschaft. Zeitschrift fr Marketing E 2,19 2,87 101

    Academy of Information and Management Sciences Journal nachrichtl. 5,76 5,96 9

    Academy of Management Journal A+ 9,08 9,15 297

    Academy of Management Learning and Education C 6,92 70 Academy of Management Perspectives (ehemals: Academy of Management Executive) C 6,48 6,88 143

    Academy of Management Review A+ 9,07 8,56 270

    Academy of Marketing Science Review Online D 5,41 7,07 27

    Accountancy E 4,13 5,40 44

    Accountant E 3,27 4,56 21

    Accounting and Business Research C 6,93 7,42 58

    Accounting and Finance C 6,35 6,98 61

    Accounting and the Public Interest C 6,25 11

    Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal C 6,96 7,97 47

    Accounting Business and Financial History B 7,65 6,81 12

    Accounting Forum nachrichtl. 6,51 6,80 9

    Accounting Historians Journal C 6,91 11

    Accounting Horizons C 6,76 7,10 63

    Accounting in Europe D 5,84 39

    Accounting Management and IT D 5,79 6,38 12

    Accounting, Organizations and Society A 8,33 9,10 64

  • Accounting Review A 8,78 8,67 82

    ACM Computing Reviews C 6,13 6,24 17

    ACM Computing Surveys B 7,01 6,18 20

    ACM Interactions New Visions of HumanComputer Interaction nachrichtl. 6,15 7,50 5 ACM SIGMOD Record - Special Interest GROUP on Management of Data nachrichtl. 5,82 6,88 7

    ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes nachrichtl. 4,18 6,37 8

    ACM Transactions on Computer Human Interaction C 6,40 14

    ACM Transactions on Database Systems B 7,54 8,27 16

    ACM Transactions on Information Systems B 7,11 7,47 27

    ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems nachrichtl. 7,11 5

    Acta Psychologica nachrichtl. 6,62 5,25 8

    Acta Sociologica C 6,88 7,22 17

    Administrative Management C 6,11 7,30 26

    Administrative Science Quarterly A+ 9,48 9,31 255

    Advances in Accounting C 6,11 7,52 19

    Advances in Applied Probability nachrichtl. 7,54 9,47 6

    Advances in Comparative Management D 5,41 5,88 11

    Advances in Consumer Research C 6,35 7,31 72

    Advances in Econometrics C 6,08 7,68 10

    Advances in Experimental Social Psychology B 7,19 7,73 17

    Advances in Futures and Options Research C 6,47 7,24 12

    Advances in International Accounting D 5,98 0,00 14

    Advances in International Marketing C 6,03 7,29 24

    Advances in Managment Accounting D 5,88 0,00 20

    Advances in Strategic Management C 6,43 0,00 74

    Advancing Women in Leadership nachrichtl. 5,97 0,00 6

    AI Magazine nachrichtl. 5,51 5,01 5

    Allgemeines Statistisches Archiv nachrichtl. 6,20 7,88 7

    American Business Law Journal nachrichtl. 4,92 0,00 8

    American Economic Review A+ 9,75 9,61 122

    American Journal of Economics and Sociology B 7,22 8,47 22

    American Journal of Public Health B 7,20 0,00 10

    American Journal of Sociology A 8,83 8,91 56

    American Psychologist B 7,89 7,69 32

    American Review of Public Administration D 5,61 6,96 11

    American Sociological Review A 8,85 9,24 46

    American Sociologist nachrichtl. 7,03 0,00 9

    Analyse und Kritik. Zeitschrift fr Sozialwissenschaften C 6,69 7,59 18

  • Annals of Applied Probability nachrichtl. 7,39 8,94 6

    Annals of Operations Research B 7,70 8,17 50

    Annals of Probability nachrichtl. 7,83 9,52 5

    Annals of Statistics nachrichtl. 7,95 8,76 7

    Annals of Tourism Research nachrichtl. 6,84 7,54 6

    Annual Review of Psychology A 8,32 8,54 34

    Annual Review of Sociology B 7,95 8,73 25

    Applied Artificial Intelligence nachrichtl. 6,95 5,80 7

    Applied Economics B 7,34 7,50 31

    Applied Economics Letters D 5,95 7,15 29

    Applied Financial Economics C 6,97 6,96 19

    Applied Financial Economics Letters D 5,55 18

    Applied Health Economics and Health Policy nachrichtl. 6,59 0,00 7

    Applied Mathematical Finance C 6,89 8,22 17

    Applied Mathematics and Computation nachrichtl. 6,65 7,07 5

    Applied Psychology. An International Review C 6,71 7,68 43

    Applied Statistics: Journal of the Royal Statistical Society nachrichtl. 7,31 6,88 8

    Appraisal Journal nachrichtl. 7,00 0,00 5

    Arbeit D 5,71 5,48 25

    Arbeits und Organisationspsychologie AO D 5,50 6,37 36

    Arbeit und Wirtschaft nachrichtl. 3,81 3,41 9

    Artificial Intelligence B 7,21 8,23 23

    Asian Journal of Marketing E 4,67 5,86 10

    Asia-Pacific Business Review D 5,61 0,00 30

    Asia-Pacific Journal of Management D 5,24 43

    AsiaPacific Journal of Management Sciences nachrichtl. 6,27 6,92 5

    AsiaPacific Journal of O.R. nachrichtl. 5,27 5,00 7

    ASTIN Bulletin nachrichtl. 7,46 0,00 7

    Atlantic Economic Journal nachrichtl. 5,21 8,00 5

    Auditing Journal of Practice and Theory B 7,93 8,71 22

    Australasian Marketing Journal D 5,39 5,85 15

    Australian Accounting Review C 6,79 0,00 14

    Australian Journal of Electronic Commerce nachrichtl. 4,94 0,00 7

    Australian Journal of Information Systems nachrichtl. 5,71 6,10 8

    Australian Journal of IS nachrichtl. 5,96 5,38 7

    Australian Journal of Management D 5,41 5,72 30

    Austria Innovativ nachrichtl. 1,66 6,00 5

    Bank, Accounting and Finance D 5,30 7,00 13

  • BankArchiv (ehemals: sterreichisches BankArchiv) E 4,18 4,69 49

    Bankhistorisches Archiv D 5,31 12

    Bank- und Kapitalmarktrecht E 4,48 21

    Behavioral Research in Accounting B 7,19 8,02 46

    Berliner Journal fr Soziologie C 6,02 7,18 17

    Berufsbildung in Wissenschaft und Praxis nachrichtl. 3,55 0,00 8

    BetriebsBerater E 3,74 5,45 119

    Betriebswirtschaftliche Bltter E 2,80 3,54 55

    Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis BFuP D 5,57 5,73 416

    Betrieb und Wirtschaft E 3,45 3,00 20

    BIT - Banking and Information Technology D 5,07 13

    British Accounting Review C 6,52 6,74 32

    British Journal of Health Care Management C 6,77 5,53 10

    British Journal of Health Psychology nachrichtl. 7,07 0,00 5

    British Journal of Industrial Relations C 6,65 8,76 13

    British Journal of Management B 7,28 7,76 119

    British Journal of Psychology C 6,63 0,00 12

    British Journal of Social Psychology nachrichtl. 6,07 0,00 8

    British Journal of Sociology B 7,21 8,21 15

    British Taxation Review D 5,71 7,58 12

    Brookings Papers on Economic Activity B 7,11 8,15 23 Buchfhrung Bilanz Kostenrechnung Zeitschrift fr das gesamte Rechnungswesen E 3,50 4,01 43

    Bulletin for International Fiscal Documentation E 4,61 0,00 11

    Bulletin of Economic Research nachrichtl. 5,27 0,00 8

    Business and Accounting Research C 6,62 0,00 28

    Business Ethics: A European Review D 5,62 6,66 21

    Business Ethics Quarterly B 7,88 25

    Business Horizons E 4,75 0,00 111

    Business Process Reengineering Management Journal nachrichtl. 5,44 2,00 6

    Business & Society B 7,44 15

    Business Strategy and the Environment B 7,57 7,48 17

    Business Strategy Review E 4,98 6,72 42

    California Management Review C 6,25 6,69 232

    Cambridge Journal of Economics C 6,54 8,10 14

    Canadian Journal of Economics C 6,94 8,21 18

    Canadian Tax Journal C 6,08 0,00 11

    CEMS Business Review online E 3,89 5,25 21

    Central European Journal of Operations Research C 6,09 6,55 38

  • Chronicle of Higher Education E 4,90 4,02 10

    Cognitive Psychology B 7,25 7,66 21

    Cognitive Science C 6,95 7,42 12

    Communication Research C 6,36 6,84 13

    Communication Research nachrichtl. 5,54 6,84 5

    Communications and Strategies nachrichtl. 4,68 0,00 8

    Communications of the ACM CACM C 6,33 7,64 56

    Communications of the AIS C 6,58 6,85 32

    Computational Statistics and DATA Analysis nachrichtl. 7,19 7,97 7

    Computer Journal nachrichtl. 5,21 2,00 5

    Computers and Industrial Engineering C 6,12 6,69 28

    Computers and Operations Research B 7,44 7,63 51

    Computers and Security nachrichtl. 6,37 4,99 8

    Computers & Chemical Engineering nachrichtl. 7,70 5

    Computers in Industry D 5,42 6,67 10

    Computer Supported Cooperative Work C 6,63 7,45 13

    Computing nachrichtl. 5,87 0,00 6

    Consumer Policy Review E 4,01 0,00 11

    Consumption, Markets and Culture D 5,58 0,00 10

    Contemporary Accounting Research A 8,08 8,94 61

    Contemporary Sociology nachrichtl. 6,74 6,00 6

    Controller Magazin E 2,77 3,03 59 Controlling. Zeitschrift fr erfolgsorientierte Unternehmenssteuerung E 4,57 5,04 90

    Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly nachrichtl. 5,35 5,93 9

    Corporate Environmental Strategy nachrichtl. 5,56 5,86 9

    Corporate Governance. An International Review D 5,51 5,98 63

    Corporate Ownership and Control D 5,37 0,00 15

    Corporate Reputation Review D 5,55 5,70 19 Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management frher EcoManagement and Auditing D 5,43 7,04 13

    Creativity and Innovation Management C 6,36 5,07 38

    Critical Perspectives on Accounting B 7,68 7,47 34

    CrossCultural Research C 6,35 6,54 16

    CrossCultural Studies C 6,12 6,19 10

    Cultural Studies nachrichtl. 7,02 7,00 6 Culture and Organization (ehemals: Studies in Cultures, Organizations and Societies)