vfto documentation.doc

 CHAPTER – 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Wh at is Ga s Insu la te d Swit ch e a!" A compact , mult i component assembly encl osed insi de a gr ounde d metall ic encapsulat ion , whi ch shields all ener giz ed parts fro m the environment. The pri mar y insulating medium is compressed SF6 gas. It generally consists of a. !us"bars  b. #ircuit"brea$ers c. %isconnecting switches d. &arthing switches e. #urrent transformers f. 'oltage transformers g. #able and bo(es h. )a s s uppl ying and gas monitor ing e*uipment i. %ens meters  +. ocal control )as Insulated Substations -)IS have found a broad range of applications in power systems over the last three decades because of their high reliability, easy maintenance, small ground space re*uirement etc.. In our country also, a few )IS units have been in operation and a large number of units are under various stages of installation. )IS is based on the principle of operation of complete enclosure of all energized or live parts in a metallic encapsulation, which shields them from the e(ternal environment. #ompressed SF6 gas, which has e(cellent electrical insulating properties, is employed as the ins ula tin g med ium bet wee n the enca psulat ion and the energized par ts. )as Ins ula ted Substations have a grounded outer sheath enclosing the high voltage inner conductor unli$e conventional e*uipment whose closest ground is the earth surface. /

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  • 5/19/2018 VFTO documentation.doc




    1.1 What is Gas Insulated Switchea!"

    A compact, multi component assembly enclosed inside a grounded metallic

    encapsulation, which shields all energized parts from the environment. The primary

    insulating medium is compressed SF6gas.

    It generally consists of

    a. !us"bars

    b. #ircuit"brea$ers

    c. %isconnecting switches

    d. &arthing switches

    e. #urrent transformers

    f. 'oltage transformers

    g. #able and bo(es

    h. )as supplying and gas monitoring e*uipment

    i. %ens meters+. ocal control

    )as Insulated Substations -)IS have found a broad range of applications in power

    systems over the last three decades because of their high reliability, easy maintenance, small

    ground space re*uirement etc.. In our country also, a few )IS units have been in operation

    and a large number of units are under various stages of installation.

    )IS is based on the principle of operation of complete enclosure of all energized or

    live parts in a metallic encapsulation, which shields them from the e(ternal environment.

    #ompressed SF6 gas, which has e(cellent electrical insulating properties, is employed as the

    insulating medium between the encapsulation and the energized parts. )as Insulated

    Substations have a grounded outer sheath enclosing the high voltage inner conductor unli$e

    conventional e*uipment whose closest ground is the earth surface.


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    The !asic Insulation evel -!I re*uired for a )as Insulated Substation -)IS is

    different from that of the conventional substation because of certain uni*ue properties of the

    former. )as insulated bus has a surge impedance -01 2hm more than that of the

    conventional oil filled cables, but much less than that of a over head line -311 4 511 2hms.

    In addition, the )IS is totally enclosed and therefore is free from any atmospheric

    contamination. ence, in general the )IS permit lower !I rating than the conventional one.

    A )IS re*uires less number of lightning arresters than a conventional one. This is mainly

    because of its compactness. The basic consideration for insulation co"ordination is '"t

    characteristic. The '"t characteristic of SF6 is considerably flat compared to that of air. Air

    can withstand to very high voltages for very short time. 2n the other hand SF6 e(hibits a flat

    characteristic. Thus the ratio of basic switching impulse level to basic lightening impulse

    level is close to unity for )IS, where as for the conventional substations this ratio varies

    between 1.6 and 1.76.

    1.# Ad$antaes %& GIS %$e! the C%n$enti%nal' O(en Ai! Su)stati%ns"

    / 'ery much reduced area and volume re*uirements resulting in lower costs.

    8 )reatly improved safety and reliability due to earthed metal housing of all high

    voltage parts and much higher intrinsic strength of SF6 gas as insulation.3 9ore optimal life cycle costs because of lesser maintenance, down time and

    repair costs.

    5 &limination of radio interference with the use of earthed metal enclosures.

    : It is not necessary that high voltage or e(tra high voltage switchgear has to be

    installed outdoors.

    6 They offer saving in land and construction costs.

    0 These substations can be located closer to load centers thereby reducing

    transmission losses and e(penditure in the distribution networ$.

    1.* Disad$antaes %& GIS"

    Although )IS has been in operation for several years, a lot of problems encountered

    in practice need fuller understanding. Some of the problems being studied are


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    /. Switching operations generate 'ery Fast Transient 2ver voltages -'FT2.

    8. 'FT2 may cause secondary brea$down inside a )IS and Transient &nclosure

    'oltages -T&' outside the )IS.

    3. Field non"uniformities reduce withstanding levels of a )IS.

    5. ;rolonged arcing may produce corrosive < to(ic by"products.

    :. Support spacers can be wea$ points when arc by"products and metallic particles are


    For these reasons, 'FT2 generated in a )IS should be considered as an important

    factor in the insulation design. For designing a substation it is essential to $now the

    ma(imum value of 'FT2. 9oreover, this 'FT2 in turn generates Transient &nclosure

    'oltages -T&' outside the )IS. ence studies are carried out on estimation of the 'FT2

    and T&' levels. For this purpose ;S;I#& can be used.

    In )IS, 'ery Fast Transient 2ver voltages -'FT2 are caused by two ways, due to

    switching operations, line to enclosure faults and internal insulation flashover.

    The internal FT2=s generated have traveling wave behavior of a surge. Since FT2=s

    have the characteristics of traveling wave, they can change significantly at different points

    within )IS. These FT2=s travel to the e(ternal system through enclosures, gas"air bushings,

    cable +oints, current transformers etc. and may cause damage to the outside e*uipments li$ehigh voltage transformers connected to the )IS.

    FT2=s can also lead to secondary brea$down in )IS. Further they may give rise to

    electro"magnetic interference.

    Since the contact speed of the dis"connector switches is low, re"stri$ing occurs many

    times before the interruption is completed. &ach re"stri$e generates 'FT2=s with different

    levels of magnitude.

    %is"connector Switches -%S are used primarily to isolate the operating sections of an

    ' installation from each other as a safety measure. !eyond this, they must also be able to

    perform certain switching duties, such as load transfer from one busbar to another or

    disconnection of bus bar, circuit brea$er etc.. Step shaped traveling wave generated between

    the dis"connector switch contacts propagates in both directions, reflecting at the components

    of )IS, thus resulting in a comple( waveform.


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    1.+ The ,ain P!%)le,s Ass%ciated with the -TO a!e as &%ll%ws"

    / Flashover to )round at the dis"connector switch contacts.

    8 Failure of electronic control circuits connected to )IS, because of electromagnetic

    interference of 'FT2.

    3 %ielectric strength is reduced under 'FT2, if non"uniform electric field is formed

    by the particles -mainly metallic.

    5 &ffect on components such as bushing and transformer.

    : Transient &nclosure 'oltage -T&' on e(ternal surface of the sheath. This may

    cause flashover to near by grounded ob+ects.

    For these reasons, 'FT2 generated in )IS should be considered as an important

    factor in the insulation design of not only gas insulated components, but the entire substation.

    The 'FT2 generated due to switching operation, the brea$down may occur if a sharp

    protrusion e(ists within the )IS. The over voltage pattern and the 'FT2 level changes after

    the 'FT2 brea$down. This type of brea$down is $nown as Secondary !rea$down. This type

    of brea$down is also possible at the switching contacts during the current interruption. From

    the insulation design point of view, this new 'FT2 level and amplitudes of the high

    fre*uency components are also important.For designing a substation it is essential to $now the ma(imum value of 'FT2.

    ence studies are carried out on estimation of the 'FT2 levels. For this purpose ;S;I#& can

    be used. In ;S;I#& simulation a suitable e*uivalent circuit is necessary for each component

    of the substation.

    From the above it can be seen that the estimation of magnitudes of 'FT2=s are

    essential for the design of a )IS. This has been the scope of this pro+ect.

    1./ Ai, and Sc%(e %& the P!esent Stud0"

    The present wor$ is aimed at calculating magnitude of fast transient over voltages in

    )IS due to Switching 2perations and ine"to &nclosure faults by suitably modeling a typical

    )IS system. A comparison is made for different lengths of )IS. For better understanding of


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    the transients, they are calculated with Fi(ed Arc >esistance and with 'ariable Arc

    >esistance. Attempts have been made to compare the transients with oad and without oad.

    Therefore in the present study, the following wor$ has been carried out.

    /. The ma(imum possible 'FT2 level for 85:?' substation is estimated.

    8. The effect of each component of )IS on the 'FT2 level is estimated separately.

    3. The length of the cable termination depends on station configuration. From 'FT2

    point of view, minimum length of the cable is estimated by considering different

    switching operations.

    5. A model of the spar$ channel development is proposed for estimating the 'FT2


    In #hapter"8, iterature Survey, ;rinciple and )eneration of 'FT2, Secondary

    !rea$down, Surges, >e"stri$es and ;re"stri$es, Trapped #harge and #urrent #hopping in

    )IS are discussed.

    In #hapter"3, 9odelling of )IS #omponents, ;S;I#& models, 9odelling details,

    #alculation of ;arameters and &*uivalent circuit of )IS components are presented.

    In #hapter"5, The transients due to switching operations and line"to"enclosure faults

    with Fi(ed Arc >esistance for different lengths of )IS and also the transients due to fault

    along with load and without load are described and analyzed.In #hapter":, The transients due to switching operations and faults with 'ariable Arc

    >esistance for different lengths of )IS and also the transients due to fault along with load

    and without load are dealt with.

    In #hapter"6, Suppression of fast transient over voltages is discussed.

    In #hapetr"0, #omparison between the transients due to switching operations with

    Fi(ed and 'ariable Arc >esistance for different lengths of )IS. #omparison between the

    transients due to fault for different lengths, with fi(ed and variable arc resistance, with and

    without oad, and suggestions for the further wor$ are presented.


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    #.1 Int!%ducti%n"

    %uring the current operation of dis"connector switch in a )IS, re"stri$es -pre"stri$es

    occur because of low speed of the dis"connector switch moving contact, hence 'ery Fast

    Transient 2ver voltages are developed. These 'FT2=s are caused by switching operations

    and line"to"enclosure faults.

    @hen a dis"connector switch is opened on a floating section of switchgear, a trappedcharge may be left on the floating section. In the opening operation of dis"connector switch,

    transients are produced and the magnitude of these transients and rise times depends on the

    circuit parameters. @hen there is a fault occurs, there is a short circuit in the system.

    Transients are also produced due to the faults in the system. %ue to this 'FT2=s are caused

    by switching operation can also lead to secondary brea$down with in )IS. >e"stri$ing surges

    generated by the dis"connector switches at )IS generally possess e(tremely high fre*uencies

    ranging from several hundred ?z to several 9z.

    In this chapter, the general layout of 85:?' )IS is given in section 8.8. The literature

    survey is presented in section 8.3. )eneration of 'FT2 is discussed in section 8.5. ;rinciple

    of FT2 generation is described in section 8.:. Secondary brea$down in )IS is e(plained in

    section 8.6. The occurrences of Surges, >e"stri$es and ;re"stri$es in )IS are presented in

    sections 8.0, 8.7 respectively. Trapped charge condition in )IS is also discussed in section

    8., and necessity of current chopping is described in section 8./1.

    #.# Gas Insulated Su)stati%ns"

    The general layout of 85:?' )as Insulated Substation comprises the following


    #ircuit !rea$er



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    %is"connector Switch

    &arthing Switch

    #urrent Transformer

    'oltage Transformer

    !us bar B #onnectors

    ;ower Transformer

    !ushing B #able

    @hen designing the )IS, space"associated costs are reduced, resulting in a substantial

    reduction in overall station costs, as )IS occupies only roughly /1C of the space re*uired by

    a conventional substation. Typical cases for which )IS is undoubtedly the more economicsolution -along with areas of ma+or cost savings are given below

    /. Drban and Industrial areas -space, pollution

    8. 9ountain areas -site preparation, altitude, snow and ice

    3. #oastal areas -salt"associated problems

    5. Dnderground substations -site preparation

    :. Areas where aesthetics are a ma+or concern -andscaping etc.

    #.* 2ite!atu!e Su!$e0"

    @or$ing )roup 33

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    S. Ganabu E5, has e(perimentally estimated fast transient over voltages in )IS. The

    ma(imum FT2 estimated from observation was 8.0 p.u. This was observed infre*uently and

    occurred only at the open end of the bus bars.

    S. A. !ogss E:, carried out field tests for measurement of dis"connector switch

    operation induced transients and indicated that transients do not e(ceed 8.1p.u. Further it

    gives that the trapped charge left during dis"connector switch opening depends on the design

    of the switch.

    S. 2gawa E6, proved that re"stri$ing surge of dis"connector switches can estimated

    by conducting calculations with considerably high accuracy than measured waveforms.

    Accuracy of as low as 3C to :C has been achieved for measured and calculated values.

    H. aznadar E0, >. @itzmann E7, has developed models for different )IScomponents and conducted e(periments with regard to waveform distortion on various

    models consisting of spacers, bushing etc..

    Amir 9ansour 9iri E, presented numerical and e(perimental evaluation of the

    transient behavior of )IS. @ith the help of electrical e*uivalent circuits of )IS components,

    the generation and propagation of transients inside )IS have been evaluated.

    obuhiro Shimoda E/1, J. 2zawa E//, describes the method of suppression of

    transient over voltages caused by dis"connector switch. This is obtained by insertion of

    resistor with appropriate value during switching operation.

    T. ). &ngel E/8, determined the resistance of high"current pulsed arc by various

    formulae. The results indicate that in the initial stages of discharges -t K 1.:s, e*uation

    developed by Toepler and some other authors are identical.

    ). &c$lin and %. Schlicht E/3, describes the operation and switching procedures with

    isolators occurring in )IS and the principle operation of FT2=s generated in )IS.

    Tohei itta E/5, describes surge propagation in )IS. Traveling velocity of surges is

    e*ual to the velocity of light. Any component, which adds e(tra ground capacitance to the

    system should be properly included in the calculation model. Small inductance plays

    important in the surge propagation performance of a given system.


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    ;. 2smo$rovic E/6, describes the formative times and Toepler=s constant approach to

    modeling the brea$down event and it depends on the macroscopic parameters of the


    #.+ Gene!ati%n %& -e!0 ast T!ansient O$e! $%ltaes 4-TO5 in a GIS"

    %uring the current operation of dis"connector switch in a )IS, re"stri$es -pre"stri$es

    occur because of the low speed of the dis"connector switch moving contact, due to the very

    fast voltage collapse within a few nano seconds -ns and the subse*uent traveling waves,

    'ery Fast Transient 2ver"voltages are developed. The main oscillation fre*uency of the fast

    transients depends on the configuration of )IS. 9oreover, the effect of comple(ity of the

    configuration of a )IS on the pea$ value of the transients has been studied in this thesis.

    For the development of e*uivalent circuits, low voltage step response measurements

    of the main )IS components have been made. Dsing the ;S;I#& the e*uivalent electrical

    models are developed. The pea$ value of the fast transients often occurs when circuit

    structure is relatively simple, but more fre*uently if the structure is rather complicated. The

    propagation velocity of traveling wave generated during dis"connector switch operation is

    about 31cm < ns.

    The representation of bushing is important for simulating the fast transients.

    )enerally, the transit time through a bushing is comparable to or greater than the rise time of)IS generated transients. For this reason, bushings cannot be considered as a lumped element

    in estimating the 'FT2 level.

    The generation of fast transients can be classified into two types. They are due to the


    a %is"connector switch operation

    b Faults between !us bar and &nclosure

    In case of line"to"earth fault, the voltage collapse at the fault location occurs in a

    similar way as in dis"connector gap during re"stri$ing. !y this event, step shape traveling

    surges are in+ected. For such a surge source inside )IS, two surges traveling in opposite

    directions are generated. owever, if voltage collapse occurs at the open end of )IS, only

    single surge propagates on the bus.

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    Spar$ collapse time is defined as the time to bridge the gap with the spar$ after the

    initiation of brea$down. A longer spar$ length causes longer spar$ collapse time. It was also

    observed that with a constant SF6gas pressure, a higher inter electrode brea$down voltage

    causes longer spar$ collapse time. @ith the same voltage, a lower gas pressure also causes

    longer spar$ collapse time.

    @hen SF6brea$down occurs it re"combines very *uic$ly, since it has a high electro"

    negative property. %ue to this property, re"stri$ing voltages of the order of nanoseconds rise

    time are produced. ence FT2=s are mainly because of SF6. As a conse*uence of

    characteristics of brea$down in electro"negative gases and short traveling wave times in )IS

    resulting from short overall length, transient over"voltages with steeper voltage rise and

    higher fre*uencies are produced.

    !rea$down in SF6starts initially by avalanche, starting with initiatory electron due to

    cosmic radiation, field emission or several other phenomena producing electrons. These

    electrons are accelerated by electric field thereby increasing its $inetic energy. As a result,

    number of electrons increases because of collisions. According to streamer criteria, first

    avalanche occurs followed by chain of avalanches bridging the gap between the electrodes

    and thus forming a streamer. Thus, to have brea$down there should be sufficient electric field

    to produce se*uence of avalanches and there should be atleast one primary electron to initiate

    first avalanche.In the above se*uence of events there e(ists a time lag for initiating electron to be

    available in the gap after the voltage is applied. This time lag is termed as the Statistical Time

    ag. Similarly the formation of spar$ channel ta$es definite time $nown as Formative Time

    ag -Tf and is defined below E/0.




    @here l L Spar$ ength

    ?TL Toepler=s #onstant

    D L Ignition 'oltage

    This time lag is of the order of nanoseconds. Therefore the rise time of FT2=s will be

    of the order of nanoseconds. The above phenomenon suggests that the FT2=s are generated


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    due to voltage collapse, which occurs when spar$ is produced. This spar$ is produced after a

    time lag of Tf.

    %is"connector Switches -%S are designed to interrupt small charging current that

    flows through the short lines as fast as the circuit brea$er. In this case, since the contact speed

    of %S is generally slow, re"stri$ing occurs a number of times before interruption is

    completed, resulting in generation of high fre*uency surge voltage each time re"stri$e ta$es

    place. %S operation in )IS generates the largest line"to"ground voltage transients imposed on

    the switchgear during normal operation.

    #./ P!inci(le %& TO Gene!ati%n"

    %uring opening operation of %is"connector Switch -%S, transients are produced due

    to internal oscillations. The magnitude of these transients and rise times depends on the

    circuit parameters li$e Inductance, #apacitance and #onnected oad. Assuming that some

    trapped charge is left during opening operation, transients can be calculated during closing

    operation of %S.

    Fast Transient 2ver voltages generated during %is"connector Switch operation are a

    se*uence of voltage steps created by voltage collapse across the gap at re"stri$ing. Specific

    over voltage shape is formed by multiple reflections and refractions. 2peration of %is"

    connector Switch -%S can be shown by using the below figure

    i #.1 Elect!ic Ci!cuit &%! e6(lainin !est!i7es


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    @here /L Inductance of Source

    #/L #apacitance of Source

    #8L #apacitance of )IS 2pen ;art

    D/L ;ower Fre*uency 'oltage

    D8L 'oltage of )IS Section

    The more fre*uent service situation of the isolator is its use to connect or dis"connect

    unloaded parts of the installation as is shown in figure 8./. For e(ample, a part of the )IS is

    dis"connected by an isolator from a generator or from an overhead supply line, where by the

    self"capacitance #8of this part of circuit can be upto several nF, depending on its length.

    First re"stri$e across the gap occurs when voltage across the gap e(ceeds the

    brea$down voltage. The occurrence of se*uence of re"stri$es is described with the following

    figure 8.8.

    i #.# -%ltae %& the %(enended GIS side %& the Is%lat%!


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    The voltage across the gap is the difference between D/and D8. If it is assumed that

    the brea$down voltage D!of the gap increases with increasing separation and therefore with

    time as shown in figure 8.8. Then the curve D8can be constructed as follows.

    At the instant of mechanical contact separation, D/and D8have the same value, the

    voltage D8 continues to retain this value, while D/ changes with power fre*uency. The

    voltage -D8" D/ across the gap of the isolator also changes. As soon as, -D 84 D/ e(ceeds

    the dielectric strength D!of the gap, a brea$down and thus a first re"stri$e occurs. !oth

    electrodes are there by electrically connected by a conducting spar$, whereby )IS section

    with initial voltage D8is very rapidly charged to instantaneous value of D /. The transient

    current flowing through the spar$ then interrupts as soon as the )IS have been charged to D /

    and spar$ e(tinguishes.

    The voltage D8now remains constant with time, while the voltage D /, on the side of

    supply $eeps changing. This continues until the second re"stri$e occurs with an increased

    brea$down voltage D!as a conse*uence of larger separation. ence D 8 follows D/, until

    finally at the end of the switching process the gap no longer can be bro$en down. Transients

    are also produced due to faults in the system. @hen there is a fault, there will be short circuit

    in the system. %ue to this, oscillations occur due to presence of inductance and capacitance

    on both sides of the fault section causing transients.

    #.8 Sec%nda!0 9!ea7d%wn in a GIS"

    'ery Fast Transient 2ver voltages -'FT2 caused by switching operations can lead to

    Secondary !rea$downs within )as Insulated Substations.

    In the first type, the flashover to ground at the dis"connector switch contacts is due to

    the streamer generated during re"stri$e or pre"stri$e between the dis"connector switch

    contacts. Secondly, inside the )IS, li$e particles or fi(ed protrusions cause an

    inhomogeneous field distribution and insulation can fail. In these two types of earth faults,

    'FT2 are developed. The flashover voltages under these two conditions are appreciably

    lower than the normal withstand voltages to the ground.

    ;ractically, it can be observed that,


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    /. Streamers are generated from several locations over a contact. Apparently one of

    these streamers develops a flashover between the contacts, while the flashover to ground is

    caused by the development of the other streamers.

    8. The flashover voltage to ground is lower when the spar$ is generated between the dis"

    connector switch contacts by an impulse voltage than when the spar$ is simulated with a

    piece of wire. This is because of the e(istence of streamers.

    ;ractically, it can be observed that the 'FT2 induced earth faults are possible at the

    dis"connector switch contacts during its operation. This is because of the development of the

    enhanced field gradient to earth and later 'FT2 will be generated in the )IS.

    The brea$down from the live conductor to the outer conductor is possible under

    'FT2 or impulse voltages. Thus it is important to develop a simulation model for the

    brea$down and the characteristics of the spar$ channel. The time varying process during

    voltage brea$down and the resulting 'FT2 can be measured. The computer simulation

    model for this brea$down can be developed. The results obtained with ;S;I#& are compared

    with measured values. The time varying process during the building of the spar$ will be

    simulated by using the Toepler=s spar$ law.

    #. : Su!es in GIS"

    The discharge process during each individual re"stri$e begins with a voltage collapse

    across the contact gap, which because of the particular brea$down mechanism in

    electronegative gases ta$es place within only appro(imately /1 "7 sec. This voltage collapse is

    directly related to the formation of the spar$ channel. @ith a typical voltage decrease rate of


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    towards the open end of the )IS and is there again reflected. For this reason, the discharge

    transient shows a periodicity of double the traveling time of the wave in the )IS.

    The amplitudes of the voltage and current surges depend on the re"stri$ing voltage

    and on the parameters of the circuit. Therefore very different amplitudes can occur depending

    on the comple(ity of the installation.

    #. ; ReSt!i7es and P!eSt!i7es in GIS"

    %is"connector Switch -%S operation typically involves slow moving contacts which

    results in numerous discharges during operation. For e(ample, a floating section of

    switchgear between a disconnect switch and an open brea$er -load side may be disconnected

    from an energized )as Insulated System -supply side.

    For capacitive currents below M / amp, a re"stri$e occurs every time the voltage

    between the contacts e(ceeds the dielectric strength of the gaseous medium between them.

    &ach re"stri$e generates a spar$, which e*ualizes the potential between the switch

    contacts. Following spar$ e(tinction, the supply and load side potentials will deviate

    according to the A# supply voltage variation and the discharge characteristics of the load

    side respectively. Another spar$ will result when the voltage across the electrode gap

    dependent brea$down voltage D!and the potential difference of the load and supply side, D.&ach %is"connector Switch -%S operation generates a large number of ignitions

    between the moving contacts. The number of ignitions depends on the speed of the contacts.

    The largest and steepest surge voltages are generated only by those brea$downs at the largest

    contact gap. Therefore, only a few brea$downs -/1 4 :1 need be considered for dielectric


    The slow operation and very rapid brea$down give rise to T>A;;&% #A>)& and

    traveling wave surges within )as Insulated Substation -)IS.

    #. < T!a((ed Cha!e in GIS"

    @hen a %isconnect Switch is opened on a floating section of switchgear, a Trapped

    #harge may be left on the floating section. The potential caused by this charge will decay


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    very slowly as a result of lea$age through spacers. A trapped charge near /.1 p.u -pea$ can

    levitate particles.

    ;article motion under %.# conditions is much more severe than that for A.#

    e(citation and may lead to scattering of particles onto insulating surfaces. owever, such

    particle motion leads to appreciable -A %.# currents, which will normally discharge the

    floating section in a relatively short time.

    A trapped charge of / p.u implies that the first brea$down upon closing the disconnect

    switch will occur at 8 p.u across the switch contacts and may lead to conductor4to4ground

    over voltages of upto 8.: p.u. Thus the magnitude of trapped charge left after operation of a

    disconnect switch may be of some conse*uence to switchgear reliability.

    %uring recent field tests on a :11 ?' sub station, measurements were made of the

    trapped charge left when a %S was opened onto a floating section of switchgear. umerous

    measurements led to the conclusion that for this switch, a potential of 1./ 4 1.8p.u is left on

    the floating section and that this result is consistent. The reason for this consistent result is

    that the negative brea$down occurs at appro(imately /:C greater potential difference than

    the positive brea$downs for this switch.

    The asymmetry in brea$down voltages leads to the NfallingO pattern near the end of

    operation which continues until the potential is low enough that brea$downs can occur

    during the rising portion of a power fre*uency cycle as shown in below figure 8. 3.

    i #. * 2%ad side $%ltae wa$e&%!, du!in %(enin %& disc%nnect switch


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    Two such brea$downs bring the potential bac$ to a large positive value after which

    the falling pattern is re"established. The end point of this process is inevitably a transition

    from a large negative potential to a slightly positive potential at a gap distance for which the

    positive brea$down potential is /./ p. u -pea$ and the negative brea$down potential is

    /.8 p. u -pea$. At this point another positive and negative brea$down cannot occur, as a

    result 1./ " 1.8 p. u -pea$ is left on the floating switchgear.

    The salient features which lead to this small trapped charge are the asymmetry in

    brea$down potential and relatively long arcing time. This trapped charge can be controlled

    through careful design of contact geometry. For the purpose of calculating transient

    magnitudes, a trapped charge of /.1 p. u -pea$ prior to closing of %is"connector Switch -%S

    is assumed. 2ne of the methods suggested to suppress these over voltages is by insertion of a

    resistor with an appropriate value during switching.

    #. 1= Cu!!ent Ch%((in"

    @hen a #ircuit !rea$er -#.! is made to interrupt low inductive currents such as

    currents due to no load magnetizing current of a transformer, it does so even before the

    current actually passes through zero value, especially when the brea$er e(erts the same de"

    ionizing force for all currents within its short circuit capacity. This brea$ing of current before

    it passes through the natural zero is termed as N#urrent #hoppingO.

    The energy contained in the electro"magnetic field cannot become zero

    instantaneously. The only possibility is the conversion from electro"magnetic to electro"static

    of energy.

    i.e. #'8



    / 88 =


    ,' =


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    )enerally in 'acuum or SF6circuit brea$ers the currents chopped are of the order of

    : Amps. @hen a constant de"ionizing force is applied by a brea$er for arc interruption, then

    force must be high enough to interrupt highest value of short circuit current.

    i #. + wa$e&%!, %& %$e! $%ltae with cu!!ent ch%((in

    ow, if the brea$er is called upon to brea$ a load current which is less than thehighest short circuit current, then the de"ionizing force would be sufficient enough to force

    the arc from its high value straight to zero before the same actually reaches to natural zero.

    This results a tremendous amount of over voltage as shown in the above figure 8.5. This

    phenomenon is termed as N#urrent #hoppingO.


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    #.11 C%nclusi%n"

    Switching operations in a )as Insulated Switchgear lead to very fast transient

    phenomena. These 'FT=s stress the e*uipment in )IS as well as the secondary e*uipment.

    Switchgear reliability can be improved by assuring that dis"connectors minimize the trapped

    charge left on the switchgear. >educed trapped charge carries two benefits. Firstly, the

    magnitude of dis"connector operation induced transients is reduced and Secondly, the

    tendency for free conducting particles to be scattered onto spacers is reduced.

    ence it is essential to $now the ma(imum value of 'FT2=s produced in the

    switching operation. For this reason ;S;I#& is used. In pspice simulation a suitable

    e*uivalent circuits is necessary for each component of the substation. The designed

    e*uivalent circuit of each component in the substation using pspice simulation is used in the

    5thand :th#hapters.


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    *.1 Int!%ducti%n"

    For accurate analysis of transients, it is essential to find the 'FT2=s and circuit

    parameters. %ue to the traveling nature of the transients the modelling of )IS ma$es use of

    electrical e*uivalent circuits composed by lumped elements and especially by distributed

    parameter lines, surge impedances and traveling times. The simulation depends on the *uality

    of the model of each individual )IS component. In order to achieve reasonable results in )IS

    structures highly accurate models for each internal e*uipment and also for components

    connected to the )IS are necessary.

    The dis"connector spar$ itself has to be ta$en into account by transient resistance

    according to the Toepler=s e*uation and subse*uent arc resistance of a few ohms. The waveshape of the over voltage surge due to dis"connector switch is affected by all )IS elements.

    Accordingly, the simulation of transients in )IS assumes an establishment of the models for

    the !us, !ushing, &lbow, Transformers, Surge Arresters, !rea$ers, Spacers, %is"connectors,

    and &nclosures and so on.

    In this chapter, the modeling concept of )IS is given in section 3.8. The ;S;I#&

    models are developed in section 3.3. #alculation of parameters of )IS is described in section

    3.5. &(perimental apparatus of )IS is described in section 3.:. Single"line diagram

    dimensions of 85:?' )IS are given in sections 3.6 B 3.0 respectively. The e*uivalent circuit

    of )IS components is given in section 3.7.


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    *.# >%dellin C%nce(t"

    A )IS system comprising of an Input #able, Spacer, %is"connector Switch, !us bar

    of :mts length and load has been considered for modeling into electrical networ$ and


    The Fast Transient 2ver voltage waveform generated during #losing and 2pening

    operation of %is"connector Switch and ine"to"&nclosure faults has been considered for


    Spacers are simulated by lumped #apacitance. The Inductance of the busduct is

    calculated from the diameters of #onductor and &nclosure. #apacitances are calculated on

    the basis of actual diameters of inner and outer cylinders of central conductor and outer

    enclosure. #one Insulators used for supporting inner conductor against outer enclosure are

    assumed to be dis$ type for appro(imate calculation of spacer capacitance.

    The busduct can be modeled as a series of ;i"networ$ or as se*uence parameters.

    owever in this model, it is considered as distributed ;i"networ$. The Schematic %iagram of

    a Typical )as Insulated System -)IS is shown in below figure 3./.

    i *.1 Sche,atic dia!a, %& a t0(ical Gas Insulated Su)stati%n

    Assuming that some trapped charge is left on the floating section of switchgear during

    opening operation of dis"connector switch, a voltage of certain value is considered during



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    *.* PSPICE >%dels"

    To simulate the 'ery Fast Transient 2ver voltages in )IS, ;S;I#& is used. The

    e*uivalent circuit of )IS is shown in below figures 3.8 B 3.3.

    i *.# E?ui$alent ci!cuit %& GIS


    H/L Surge Impedance of )as Insulated !us duct w.r.to &nclosure Interior surface

    H8L Surge Impedance of 2verhead Transmission ine w.r.to &arth Surface

    H3L Surge Impedance of &nclosure &(terior Surface w.r.to &arth Surface

    #bL #apacitance of the !ushing

    # L #apacitance of the #urrent Transformer

    i *.* E?ui$alent ci!cuit %& GIS


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    @here l/, l8be the length of the source side bus bar, length of the load side bus bar, #/

    and #8are source side capacitance and the load side capacitance respectively. et H cand lcbe

    the surge impedance and length of the cable respectively.

    For estimating these voltages, the e*uivalent impedance networ$s for the components

    li$e #apacitance, Inductance of the )round @ire, )rounding )rid, Spar$ #hannel, and the

    >esistance of )round )rid, Switch -@hich follows Toepler=s Spar$ aw are re*uired.

    *.+ Calculati%n %& Pa!a,ete!s"

    *.+.1 Calculati%n %& Inductance"

    The inductance of the bus duct can be calculated by using the formula E/6

    given below

    @here r/, r8, r3, r5, are the radii of the conductors in the order of decreasing

    magnitude and Pl= is the length of the section.




    = /



























    i *.+ C!%ss secti%n %& t0(ical GIS S0ste,


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    *.+.# Calculati%n %& Ca(acitance"

    The #apacitance is calculated with the assumption that the conductors are

    #ylindrical. #apacitance is calculated by using the standard formulae given below

    @here oL 7.7:5 Q /1"/8, r L /

    b L 2uter #ylinder >adius

    a L Inner #ylinder >adius

    l L ength of the Section

    *.+.* Calculati%n %& Ca(acitance due t% S(ace!"

    Spacers are used for supporting the inner conductor with reference to the outer

    enclosure. They are made with Allumina filled epo(y material whose relative

    permittivity -r is 5. The thic$ness of the spacer is assumed to be the length of the

    capacitance for calculation.

    *.+.+ Calculati%n %& Sh%!t Ci!cuit Inductance @ Resistance"

    Assuming a short circuit fault level of /1119'A for /38?' system voltage,

    Inductance and >esistance are calculated as follows






    IQRHC =


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    'QCHR =

    !ut ,QfQQ8R =




    And it is assumed that > L R

    *.+./ Calculati%n %& Inductance due t% 2%ad 4T!ans&%!,e!5"

    For 6119'A, /38?' transformer with /1C impedance and 1.7 power factor

    the inductance is calculated as follows

    ;#osQIQ'Q3 =




    IQRHC =



    QCHR =

    !ut ,QfQQ8R =




    *.+.8 Calculati%n %& -a!ia)le A!c Resistance"

    !ased on earlier studies in SF6 gas, Toepler=s Spar$ aw is valid for

    calculation of 'ariable Arc >esistance. The 'ariable Arc >esistance due to Toepler=s

    formulae E: is given below


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    > L( )+







    @here ? TL Toepler=s #onstant L 1.11: volt.sec-t, is calculated until it reaches a

    value of / to 3 ohms. The integral in the denominator sums up the absolute value of

    current Pi= through the resistance >-t over the time beginning at brea$down inception.

    Thus, it corresponds to the charge conducted through the spar$ channel upto timePt=.

    Initial charge *ois an important parameter while considering the non"uniform

    fields. !ut the field between the dis"connector contacts is almost uniform. Therefore

    *ois very small.

    *./ E6(e!i,ental A((a!atus 4>%dellin details5"

    A )IS unit with the following arrangement is assumed for developing the model as

    shown in below figure 3.:.


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    i *./ S7etch %& E6(e!i,ental A((a!atus

    The apparatus has a dis"connector with an earthing switch, four dis$"type spacers, a

    load bus bar about /1m long with three post"type spacers and a ::1?' gas bushing

    containing stress capacitor.

    The / )z surge sensor mentioned in the diagram is located at a distance of /.6m

    from the dis"connector. Further, holding the load side bus bar at zero potential, dc voltage


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    was applied from the high voltage dc power supply to the bushing via a / 9 resistor and

    'FT2 waveform of the closing operation was observed.

    The dc voltage applied was positive and moving contact of the dis"connector was

    located on the load side.

    *.8 Sinle2ine Dia!a, %& #+/ - Su)stati%n"


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    i *.8 Sinleline dia!a, %& #+/7$ GIS

    *.: Di,ensi%ns %& a #+/ - Gas Insulated Su)stati%n"


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    #omponents of a )IS %istance in meters

    /. 2verhead Transmission ine

    8. #able

    3. #able to ightening Arrester -A

    5. #able to 'oltage Transformer -'T

    :. 'T to #urrent Transformer -#T

    6. #T to &arthing Switch -&S

    0. &S to %is"connector Switch -%S/

    7. %S/ to !DS"II

    . !DS"II

    /1. !DS"II to %S3

    //. %S3 to &arthing Switch -&S/

    /8. &S/ to #ircuit !rea$er -#!3

    /3. #!3

    /5. #!3 to #!:

    /:. %S: to ;ower Transformer -;T

    /6. ;T to %S6

    /0. %S6 to &arthing Switch -&S8

    /7. &S8 to #!5



















    *.; E?ui$alent ci!cuit %& GIS c%,(%nents"


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    !DS %D#T

    Transmission line with

    distributed parameters.

    oss in transmission line

    because of s$in effect.

    S;A#&>umped #apacitance

    towards the ground.# 81pf


    Transmission line with

    distributed parameters

    and capacitance added in

    between the line.

    ;arameters depending on

    the ratio between conduct

    and enclosure radius. 'alu

    of the capacitance #

    depending on the system



    Transmission line with

    distributed parameters.

    &ach end of cable is

    terminating with a

    lumped capacitance.



    umped capacitance

    towards the ground




    umped capacitance

    towards the ground



    )raded !ushing

    Transmission line of

    varying surge impedances

    are connected in series

    Hg/, Hg8, U are variable

    surge impedance in SF6

    side. Ha/, Ha8, U are

    variable surge impedance

    air side.


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    Arrester capacitance is

    considered. ;rotection

    characteristic connected

    in parallel with arrester


    In case of 'FT -1.:Vs the

    protection characteristic i

    corrected in reference to t

    characteristic for the surge



    umped capacitance

    towards the ground

    'alue of capacitance

    depends on the transforme

    type, voltage level, windin

    connection and winding




    Transmission line with

    distributed parameters.

    #apacitance of the

    switching contacts

    towards the ground is


    ;arameters depending on

    the ratio between conduct

    and enclosure radius. 'alu

    of capacitance # depends

    on the system topology.



    Inter electrode

    capacitanceof the

    switching contacts

    towards the ground is


    # includes spacer

    capacitance also.



    umped capacitance

    towards the ground.


    >&SISTA#& -in

    case of %S operation

    It is a non"linear function

    of time. It varies

    according to the Toepler=s

    Spar$ aw

    if t K /Vs, > L 1

    if t /Vs, > varies

    from 1 to :


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    -earth fault

    Spar$ resistance varies

    according to Toepler=s

    Spar$ aw. is the

    inductance of the spar$


    > is in the range of

    / to 3


    !>&A?&> -#.!


    Transmission line with

    distributed parameters

    e*uivalent capacitance of

    switching contacts

    towards the ground is


    The surge impedance of

    #.! bus duct is less than

    because of additional



    !>&A?&> -#.!


    The capacitance between

    switching contacts is

    considered. #.! bus duct

    is represented with

    distributed parameters on

    both sides of the contacts.

    The length of bus duct o

    both sides of contacts is

    e*ual. The inter electrod

    capacitance incase of #.!

    high, because of large arc

    the contacts.

    T>ASF2>9&>@here r L /V

    L /8.7 m

    *.< C%nclusi%ns"

    A model is developed for the prediction of the 'FT2 phenomena in the circuit of

    voltage and current transformers in )IS. The main advantage of such model is to enable the

    transient analysis of )IS. A spar$ collapse time was correctly simulated by the variable


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    resistor. !y this spar$ collapse time, resistance of the 'FT2 is e(tended, and the component

    caused by short surge impedance discontinuities such as spacers, dis"connectors and short

    bus branches were damped.

    A )IS system comprising of spacers, bus bar and dis"connectors has been considered

    for modeling into electric networ$. The inductance of the bus bar is calculated from

    diameters of conductors and enclosure using standard formulae. #one insulators used for

    supporting inner conductor against outer enclosure are assumed to be dis$ type for

    appro(imate calculation of spacer capacitance. The busduct capacitance is calculated using

    formulae for concentric cylinders. The entire bus length is modeled as distributed pi"networ$.





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    +.1 Int!%ducti%n"

    %uring the switching operation of the circuit, the transients are developed. !y the

    calculated values of the circuit parameters in previous chapter, the e*uivalent circuits are

    constructed by using ;S;I#& software. !y using the circuits the transients are calculated for

    different lengths of )as insulated substation. The transients are also calculated during the

    faults with and without load at different distances.

    #onsider a circuit with the elements as shown in below figure 5./.

    i +.1 Elect!ic ci!cuit &%! e6(lainin Rest!i7es

    I/, I8are Isolators and

    #! is #ircuit !rea$er

    In this chapter, the transients due to switching operations for :mts and /1mts length

    )IS are given in section 5.8. The transients due to faults for :mts and /1mts length )IS

    without load are presented in sections 5.3./ B 5.3.8 respectively. The results of transients due

    to faults for :mts and /1mts length )IS with load are described in sections 5.3.3 B 5.3.5


    +.# T!ansients due t% switchin %(e!ati%n"

    +.#.1 Sinle Phase e?ui$alent ci!cuit &%! /,ts lenth GIS"

    The bus duct is divided into three sections of length 8.:mts, /.:mts, and /.1mts

    respectively from load side. The )IS bushing is represented by a capacitance of 811pf. A


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    Fi(ed >esistance of 8ohms of the spar$ channel is connected in series with the circuit

    brea$er. The e*uivalent circuit is shown in figure 5.8.

    %ue to trapped charge some voltage remains on the floating section which can create

    severe conditions because the first re"stri$e can occur at the pea$ of power fre*uency voltage

    giving a voltage of 8. 1 p.u. 2n re"stri$e the voltages on each side will collapse initially zero

    and hence creating two /.1 p.u voltage steps of opposite polarities. In this, it is assumed that

    re"stri$ing is created at /.1 p.u and "/.1p.u respectively on either side of dis"connector Switch

    -%S. The transients due to different switching operations are observed.

    i +.# Sinle Phase e?ui$alent ci!cuit &%! /,ts lenth GIS due t% Switchin %(e!ati%n

    Dsing the circuit given in Fig 5.8, transients due to closing of the circuit brea$er are

    calculated as given in Fig 5.3. 9a(imum voltage obtained is 3.18p.u with a rise time of 31ns.

    The graphs are obtained from ;S;I#& simulations and software is given in Appendi("/.

    In figure 5.8, the voltages before and after circuit brea$er is ta$en to be /.1 p. u and

    " /.1 p.u as the most onerous condition. !ut depending on the time of closing of #.!, the

    magnitude of the voltage on the load side changes.


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    i +.* T!ansient $%ltae wa$e&%!, du!in Cl%sin %(e!ati%n %& C9 &%! /,ts GIS


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    For different values of voltages on the load side, the magnitudes and rise times of the

    voltage waveform are calculated $eeping source side voltages as constant at /.1 p.u. The

    values are tabulated as shown in Table 5./.

    S. N%

    2%ad Side -%ltae


    >anitude %&

    -%ltae 4(.u5

    Rise Ti,e

    4ns5/ "/.1 8.5:

    8 "1. 8.33 /8

    3 "1.7 8./0

    5 "1.0 8./5 /1

    : "1.6 /.6 /8

    6 "1.: /.70 /1

    0 "1.5 /.01 /8

    7 "1.3 /.61 /8

    "1.8 /.50 /8

    /1 "1./ /.37 /1Ta)le +.1 T!ansients due t% $a!iati%n %& $%ltae %n l%ad side

    Similarly by changing the magnitudes of the voltage on the source side, $eeping

    voltage on load side constant at "/.1 p.u. Then the transients due to variation of voltage on

    source side obtained. The values are tabulated as shown in Table 5.8.

    S. N%S%u!ce Side -%ltae


    >anitude %&

    -%ltae 4(.u5

    Rise Ti,e


    / /.1 8.5:

    8 1. 8.37 //

    3 1.7 8.86 //5 1.0 8.1 /8

    : 1.6 8.18 //

    6 1.: /.75 /8

    0 1.5 /.03 /1

    7 1.3 /.63 //

    1.8 /.:1 /1

    /1 1./ /.37 /1

    Ta)le +.# T!ansients due t% $a!iati%n %& $%ltae %n s%u!ce side

    %uring closing operation, the current through the resistance of the circuit brea$er is

    shown in Fig 5.5. From the graph, it was found the ma(imum current is 31mA at a rise time

    of /8ns.


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    To introduce current chopping, the circuit brea$er is opened. ence to calculate

    transients due to opening operation the #.! is opened at /1ns -say. The transients are

    obtained and as shown in Fig 5.:. From the graph, the ma(imum voltage obtained is 8.1/p.u

    with rise time of /7ns.

    Assuming that there is a second re"stri$e, another switch is connected in parallel to

    the circuit brea$er for simulation in ;S;I#& modeling. Transients are calculated by closing

    this switch when voltage difference across the contacts of the circuit brea$er reaches

    ma(imum value. Transients calculated due to second re"stri$e gives the pea$ voltage of

    8.88p.u at a rise time of /6ns as shown in Fig 5.6. The values are tabulated as shown in

    below Table 5.3.

    >%de %& O(e!ati%n>anitude %&

    -%ltae 4(.u5

    Rise Ti,e

    4nan% sec%nds5

    %uring #losing

    2peration3.18 31

    %uring 2pening

    2peration8.1/ /7

    %uring Second

    >e"Stri$e8.88 /6

    Ta)le +.* T!ansients due t% switchin %(e!ati%ns &%! /,ts lenth GIS


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    i +.+ Cu!!ent wa$e&%!, du!in Cl%sin %(e!ati%n %& C9 &%! /,ts GIS


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    i +./ T!ansient $%ltae wa$e&%!, du!in O(enin %(e!ati%n %& C9 &%! /,ts GIS


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    i +.8 T!ansient $%ltae wa$e&%!, du!in Sec%nd Rest!i7e &%! /,ts GIS


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    +.#.# Sinle Phase e?ui$alent ci!cuit &%! 1=,ts lenth GIS"

    The circuit is divided into three sections of /mt, 5mt, and :mts respectively from load

    side and by using the below circuit shown figure 5.0. The transients due to closing of the

    circuit brea$er are calculated as shown in Fig 5.7. From this graph, the pea$ voltage obtained

    is 8.5: p.u at a rise time of 0/ns.

    i +.: SinlePhase e?ui$alent ci!cuit &%! 1=,ts lenth GIS due t% switchin %(e!ati%n

    To introduce current chopping, the circuit brea$er is opened. The transients are

    obtained during opening operation is shown in Fig 5.. From the graph, the ma(imum

    voltage obtained is /.85 p.u at a rise time of 6:ns.

    Assuming a second re"stri$e transients are calculated by closing another switch at the

    time ma(imum voltage difference occurs across the circuit brea$er. The transient obtained

    due to second re"stri$e is shown in Fig 5./1. From the graph, the ma(imum voltage obtained

    is 8.:/ p.u at a rise time of /80ns.

    >%de %& O(e!ati%n>anitude %&

    -%ltae 4(.u5

    Rise Ti,e

    4nan% sec%nds5

    %uring #losing

    2peration8.5: 0/

    %uring 2pening

    2peration/.85 6:

    %uring Second

    >e"Stri$e8.:/ /80

    Ta)le +.+ T!ansients due t% switchin %(e!ati%ns &%! 1=,ts lenth GIS


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    i +.; T!ansient $%ltae wa$e&%!, du!in Cl%sin %(e!ati%n %& C9 &%! 1=,ts GIS


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    i +.< T!ansient $%ltae wa$e&%!, du!in O(enin %(e!ati%n %& C9 &%! 1=,ts GIS


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    i +.1= T!ansient $%ltae wa$e&%!, du!in Sec%nd Rest!i7e &%! 1=,ts GIS


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    +.* T!ansients due t% aults"

    +.*.1 GIS %& /,ts lenth t% calculate t!ansients due t% &aults"

    i +.11 GIS %& /,ts lenth t% calculate t!ansients due t% &aults

    The e*uivalent circuit of :mts length )IS is shown in figure 5.//. This circuit is

    divided into three sections of /mt, /.:mt and 8.:mts lengths respectively from the load side.

    The transients are obtained without fault is shown in Fig 5./8. From this graph, the ma(imum

    voltage is obtained at 8.1 p.u at rise time of 5311ns.

    Fast transient over voltages are generated not only due to switching operations but

    also due to single"line"to"ground faults. A fault at a particular point is e*uivalent to a short"

    circuit at that location. This situation can be simulated by connecting a switch at a particular

    point and closing it at the pea$ of the voltage.

    P!%cedu!e &%! calculati%n %& t!ansients at di&&e!ent distances"

    Case 4i5" -%istance of 8.:mts


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    i +.1# T!ansient $%ltae wa$e&%!, &%! /,ts GIS with%ut ault' with%ut 2%ad


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    i +.1* A &ault %ccu!s at a distance %& #./,ts lenth &!%, l%ad side

    The circuit is shown in above figure 5./3. From this circuit, the ma(imum voltageacross the circuit brea$er can be found. The transients that are obtained in this case is shown

    in Fig 5./5. From this graph, the ma(imum voltage is obtained at 8.18p.u at a rise time of 83


    Case 4ii5" -%istance of 5mts

    i +.1/ A &ault %ccu!s at a distance %& +,ts lenth &!%, l%ad side

    The circuit is shown in above figure 5./:. From this circuit, the ma(imum voltage

    across the circuit brea$er can be found. The transients that are obtained in this case is shown

    in Fig 5./6. From this graph, the pea$ voltage is obtained at 8.7p.u at a rise time of :8 ns.


  • 5/19/2018 VFTO documentation.doc


    Case 4iii5" -%istance for :mts

    i +.1: A &ault %ccu!s at a distance %& /,ts lenth &!%, l%ad side

    The circuit is shown in above figure 5./0. From this circuit, the ma(imum voltage

    across the circuit brea$er can be found. The transients that are obtained in this case is shown

    in Fig 5./7. From this graph, the pea$ voltage is obtained at 3./8 p.u at a rise time of /18 ns.

    The magnitudes and rise times of :mts length )IS due to faults are tabulated in the

    Table 5.:.

    S. N%Distance in


    >anitude %&

    -%ltae 4(.u5

    Rise Ti,e

    4nan% sec5

    / 1.1 1 1

    8 8.: 8.18 83

    3 5.1 8.7 :8

    5 :.1 3./8 /18

    Ta)le +./ T!ansients due t% &aults &%! /,ts lenth GIS with%ut 2%ad

    Form the above table, it is clear that as the length of the bus bar between faulted point

    and load is increasing, higher degree of oscillations are obtained in the circuit.


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    i +.1+ T!ansient $%ltae wa$e&%!, at a distance %& #./,ts &!%, l%ad side' &%! /,ts GIS' with%ut 2%ad


  • 5/19/2018 VFTO documentation.doc


    i +.18 T!ansient $%ltae wa$e&%!, at a distance %& +,ts &!%, l%ad side' &%! /,ts GIS' with%ut 2%ad


  • 5/19/2018 VFTO documentation.doc


    i +.1; T!ansient $%ltae wa$e&%!, at a distance %& /,ts &!%, l%ad side' &%! /,ts GIS' with%ut 2%ad


  • 5/19/2018 VFTO documentation.doc


    +.*.# GIS %& 1=,ts lenth t% calculate t!ansients due t% &aults"

    i +.1< GIS %& 1=,ts lenth t% calculate t!ansients due t% &aults

    The e*uivalent circuit for /1mts length )IS is shown in above figure 5./. The above

    circuit is divided into three sections of :mt, 5mt and /mts respectively from load side.

    The transients are obtained without fault is shown in Fig 5.81. From this graph, the

    ma(imum voltage is obtained at /. p.u at a rise time of :701 ns. The transients are

    calculated at different distances by short circuiting at their respective distances are given


    P!%cedu!e &%! calculati%n %& t!ansients at di&&e!ent distances"

    Case 4i5" -%istance of /mts

    i +.#1 A &ault %ccu!s at a distance %& 1,ts lenth &!%, l%ad side


  • 5/19/2018 VFTO documentation.doc


    i +.#= T!ansient $%ltae wa$e&%!, &%! 1=,ts GIS with%ut ault' with%ut 2%ad


  • 5/19/2018 VFTO documentation.doc


    The circuit is shown in above figure 5.8/. From this circuit, the ma(imum voltage

    across the circuit brea$er can be found. The transients that are obtained in this case is shown

    in Fig 5.88. From this graph, the ma(imum voltage is obtained at /.: p.u at a rise time of 78


    Case 4ii5 -%istance of :mts

    i +.#* A &ault %ccu!s at a distance %& /,ts lenth &!%, l%ad side

    The circuit is shown in above figure 5.83. From this circuit, the ma(imum voltage

    across the circuit brea$er can be found. The transients are obtained in this case is shown in

    Fig 5.85. From this graph, the ma(imum voltage is obtained at 8.17 p.u at a rise time of 75


    Case 4iii5" -%istance of /1mts

    i +.#/ A &ault %ccu!s at a distance %& 1=,ts lenth &!%, l%ad side

    The circuit is shown in above figure 5.8:. From this circuit, the ma(imum voltage

    across the circuit brea$er can be found. The transients that are obtained in this case is shown

    in Fig 5.86. From this graph, the ma(imum voltage is obtained at 8.65p.u at a rise time of

    /88 ns.


  • 5/19/2018 VFTO documentation.doc


    i +.## T!ansient $%ltae wa$e&%!, at a distance %& 1,ts &!%, l%ad side' &%! 1=,ts GIS' with%ut 2%ad


  • 5/19/2018 VFTO documentation.doc


    i +.#+ T!ansient $%ltae wa$e&%!, at a distance %& /,ts &!%, l%ad side' &%! 1=,ts GIS' with%ut 2%ad


  • 5/19/2018 VFTO documentation.doc


    i +.#8 T!ansient $%ltae wa$e&%!, at a distance %& 1=,ts &!%, l%ad side' &%! 1=,ts GIS' with%ut 2%ad


  • 5/19/2018 VFTO documentation.doc


    The magnitudes and rise times of /1mts length )IS due to faults are tabulated in the

    Table 5.6.

    S. N%Distance in


    >anitude %&

    -%ltae 4(.u5

    Rise Ti,e

    4nan% sec5

    / 1.1 1 1

    8 /.1 /.: 78

    3 :.1 8.17 75

    5 /1 8.65 /88

    Ta)le +.8 T!ansients due t% &aults &%! 1=,ts lenth GIS with%ut 2%ad

    +.*.* GIS %& /,ts lenth t% calculate t!ansients due t% &aults with 2%ad"

    In this analysis, it has been carried out by connecting a transformer as oad. The load

    is represented as a capacitance and short"circuit inductance connected at the end of )IS.

    i +.#: GIS %& /,ts lenth t% calculate t!ansients with 2%ad due t% &ault

    The e*uivalent circuit for :mts length )IS with load is shown in above figure 5.80.

    The transients are obtained without fault is shown in Fig 5.87. From this graph, the ma(imum

    voltage is obtained at /.3 p.u at a rise time of :178ns. The transients are calculated at

    different distances by short circuiting at their respective distances are given below.


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    i +.#; T!ansient $%ltae wa$e&%!, with%ut &ault &%! /,ts GIS' with 2%ad


  • 5/19/2018 VFTO documentation.doc


    P!%cedu!e &%! calculati%n %& t!ansients at di&&e!ent distances"

    Case 4i5" -%istance of 8.:mts

    From the above circuit, the ma(imum voltage across the circuit brea$er can be found.

    The transients that are obtained in this case is shown in Fig 5.8. From this graph, the

    ma(imum voltage is obtained at /.05 p.u at a rise time of 66 ns.

    Case 4ii5" -%istance of 5mts

    From the above circuit, the ma(imum voltage across the circuit brea$er can be found.

    The transients that are obtained in this case is shown in Fig 5.31. From this graph, the

    ma(imum voltage is obtained at /.0: p.u at a rise time of 68 ns.

    Case 4iii5" -%istance of :mts

    From the above circuit, the ma(imum voltage across the circuit brea$er can be found.

    The transients that are obtained in this case is shown in Fig 5.3/. From this graph, the

    ma(imum voltage is obtained at /.7/ p.u at a rise time of 67 ns.

    The magnitudes and rise times of :mts length )IS due to faults with load are

    tabulated in the Table 5.0.

    S. N%Distance in


    >anitude %&

    -%ltae 4(.u5

    Rise Ti,e

    4nan% sec5

    / 1.1 1 1

    8 8.: /.05 66

    3 5.1 /.0: 68

    5 :.1 /.7/ 67

    Ta)le +.: T!ansients due t% &aults &%! /,ts lenth GIS with 2%ad


  • 5/19/2018 VFTO documentation.doc


    i +.#< T!ansient $%ltae wa$e&%!, at a distance %& #./,ts &!%, l%ad side' &%! /,ts GIS with 2%ad


  • 5/19/2018 VFTO documentation.doc


    i +.*= T!ansient $%ltae wa$e&%!, at a distance %& +,ts &!%, l%ad side' &%! /,ts GIS with 2%ad


  • 5/19/2018 VFTO documentation.doc


    i +.*1 T!ansient $%ltae wa$e&%!, at a distance %& /,ts &!%, l%ad side' &%! /,ts GIS with 2%ad


  • 5/19/2018 VFTO documentation.doc


    +.*.+ GIS %& 1=,ts lenth t% calculate t!ansients due t% &aults with 2%ad"

    i +.*# GIS %& 1=,ts lenth t% calculate t!ansients with 2%ad due t% &ault

    The e*uivalent circuit for /1mts length )IS with load is shown in above figure 5.38.

    The transients are obtained without fault is shown in Fig 5.33. From this graph, the ma(imum

    voltage is obtained at /.5 p.u at a rise time of 6188ns. The transients are calculated at

    different distances by short circuiting at their respective distances are given below.

    P!%cedu!e &%! calculati%n %& t!ansients at di&&e!ent distances"

    Case 4i5" -%istance of /mts

    From the above circuit, the ma(imum voltage across the circuit brea$er can be found.

    The transients that are obtained in this case is shown in Fig 5.35. From this graph, the

    ma(imum voltage is obtained at /.58 p.u at a rise time of //8 ns.

    Case 4ii5" -%istance of :mts

    From the above circuit, the ma(imum voltage across the circuit brea$er can be found.

    The transients that are obtained in this case is shown in Fig 5.3:. From this graph, the

    ma(imum voltage is obtained at /.8 p.u at a rise time of /85 ns.

    Case 4iii5" -%istance of /1mts

    From the above circuit, the ma(imum voltage across the circuit brea$er can be found.

    The transients that are obtained in this case is shown in Fig 5.36. From this graph, the

    ma(imum voltage is obtained at /.36 p.u at a rise time of /08 ns.


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    i +.** T!ansient $%ltae wa$e&%!, with%ut &ault &%! 1=,ts GIS' with 2%ad


  • 5/19/2018 VFTO documentation.doc


    i +.*+ T!ansient $%ltae wa$e&%!, at a distance %& 1,ts &!%, l%ad side' &%! 1=,ts GIS with 2%ad


  • 5/19/2018 VFTO documentation.doc


    i +.*/ T!ansient $%ltae wa$e&%!, at a distance %& /,ts &!%, l%ad side' &%! 1=,ts GIS with 2%ad


  • 5/19/2018 VFTO documentation.doc


    i +.*8 T!ansient $%ltae wa$e&%!, at a distance %& 1=,ts &!%, l%ad side' &%! 1=,ts GIS with 2%ad


  • 5/19/2018 VFTO documentation.doc


    The magnitudes and rise times of /1mts length )IS due to faults with load are

    tabulated in the Table 5.7.

    S. N%Distance in


    >anitude %&

    -%ltae 4(.u5

    Rise Ti,e

    4nan% sec5

    / 1.1 1 1

    8 /.1 /.58 //8

    3 :.1 /.8 /85

    5 /1.1 /.36 /08

    Ta)le +.; T!ansients due t% &aults &%! 1=,ts lenth GIS with 2%ad

    +.+ C%nclusi%ns"

    The transients due to switching operations and line to enclosure faults with fi(ed arc

    resistance for different lengths of )IS was made. Transients are calculated along with load

    also. It was observed that the transients obtained due to switching operations and faults in

    :mts length )IS will affect the system more than that obtained in /1mts length )IS. It was

    also found that during fault analysis, as the distance between the fault point and load

    increases the magnitudes and rise times of the transients also increase. @hen load is

    connected at the open end of )IS, the pea$ voltages and rise times that are obtained due to

    short"circuit do not follow a definite pattern.


  • 5/19/2018 VFTO documentation.doc





    SPAR 2AW

    /.1 Int!%ducti%n"

    In previous chapter, transient over voltages calculated on the basis of fi(ed arc

    resistance have been presented. It is however, $nown that the resistance of the spar$ channel

    varies with current. At the instant of initiation of arc the resistance is very high. As the

    current in the arc increases the value of resistance starts decreasing until it saturates at very

    low value. In general, the arc resistance appears to be inversely proportional to some function

    of current.

    Several authors have given arc resistance e*uations which can be divided into two

    groups as given below.

    /. Inverse integral e*uation reported by Toepler et al. E/8

    8. Inverse e(ponential e*uation reported by %emeni$ et al. E/8

    These e*uations were numerically evaluated for a given arc current and then

    normalized with the e(perimental arc resistance at t L 1.:Vs -appro(imate time of ma(imum

    current. 2f all these e*uations, one e*uation has been used for the analysis in this thesis.

    !ased on earlier studies in SF6gas, Toepler=s Spar$s aw is valid for calculation of

    variable arc resistance. The variable arc resistance due to Toepler=s formulae E/8 is

    calculated as given below.

    > -t L+









    @here ?TL Toepler=s #onstant

    L 1.11: volt.sec

  • 5/19/2018 VFTO documentation.doc


    L Spar$ ength in meters

    *1 L Initial #harge

    t L Spar$ #ollapse Time in sec.

    The value of time varying spar$ resistance > -t is calculated until it reaches a value

    of / ohm. Initial charge *1 is an important parameter while considering the non"uniform

    fields. !ut the field between the dis"connector contacts is almost uniform. Therefore, initial

    charge *1is very small and can be neglected.

    @hen a circuit brea$er operates a conducting spar$ channel is established with time

    lag of few nanoseconds after the brea$down channel is connected the electrodes. %uring this

    time only the spar$ resistance changes from a very large value to very small value. For

    homogeneous fields, this time is given by

    tzL/3.3 Q1E


    @here &1L!rea$down field strength

    L 7.6 Q /16volt

  • 5/19/2018 VFTO documentation.doc


    /.# T!ansients due t% switchin %(e!ati%n"

    /.#.1 Sinle Phase e?ui$alent ci!cuit &%! /,ts lenth GIS"

    i /.1 /,ts lenth GIS with -a!ia)le A!c !esistance due t% switchin %(e!ati%n

    Dsing the e*uivalent circuit of :mts length )IS given in Fig :./, transients due to

    closing operation of the circuit brea$er are calculated as given in Fig :.8. From this graph,

    the ma(imum voltage obtained is 3.37p.u with a rise time of 50ns. The difference between

    ma(imum value for Fi(ed and 'ariable Arc >esistance is found to be insignificant.

    !y using the above circuit, the transients due to opening operation of the circuit

    brea$er is shown in Fig :.3. From this graph, the ma(imum voltage obtained is /.37p.u at a

    rise time of 3/ns. The difference between ma(imum value for Fi(ed and 'ariable Arc

    >esistance is found to be significant.

    Assuming that there is a second re"stri$e, another switch is connected in parallel to

    the circuit brea$er for simulation in ;S;I#& modeling. Transients are calculated by closing

    this switch when voltage difference across the contacts of the circuit brea$er reaches

    ma(imum value. Transients calculated due to second re"stri$e gives the pea$ voltage of

    8.::p.u at a rise time of /3ns as shown in Fig :.5.


  • 5/19/2018 VFTO documentation.doc


    i /.# T!ansient $%ltae wa$e&%!, du!in Cl%sin %(e!ati%n %& C9 &%! /,ts GIS' with -a!ia)le A!c Resistance


  • 5/19/2018 VFTO documentation.doc


    i /.* T!ansient $%ltae wa$e&%!, du!in O(enin %(e!ati%n %& C9 &%! /,ts GIS' with -a!ia)le A!c Resistance


  • 5/19/2018 VFTO documentation.doc


    i /.+ T!ansient $%ltae wa$e&%!, du!in Sec%nd Rest!i7e &%! /,ts GIS' with -a!ia)le A!c Resistance


  • 5/19/2018 VFTO documentation.doc


    The magnitudes and rise times of :mts length )IS are tabulated in the Table :.3.

    >%de %& O(e!ati%n>anitude %& -%ltae


    Rise Ti,e

    4nan% sec5

    %uring #losing

    2peration3.37 50

    %uring 2pening

    2peration/.37 3/

    %uring Second

    >e"Stri$e8.:: /3

    Ta)le /.1 T!ansients due t% switchin %(e!ati%n &%! /,ts lenth GIS with -a!ia)le

    A!c Resistance

    /.#.# Sinle Phase e?ui$alent ci!cuit &%! 1=,ts lenth GIS"

    i /./ 1=,ts lenth GIS with -a!ia)le A!c !esistance due t% switchin %(e!ati%ns

    The e*uivalent circuit of /1mts length )IS is given in Fig :.:, transients due to

    closing operation of the circuit brea$er are calculated as given in Fig :.6. From this graph,

    the ma(imum voltage obtained is 8.30p.u with a rise time of 06ns.

    !y using the above circuit, the transients due to opening operation of the circuit

    brea$er is shown in Fig :.0. From this graph, the ma(imum voltage obtained is /.17p.u at a

    rise time of 08ns.


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    i /.8 T!ansient $%ltae wa$e&%!, du!in Cl%sin %(e!ati%n %& C9 &%! 1=,ts GIS' with -a!ia)le A!c Resistance


  • 5/19/2018 VFTO documentation.doc


    i /.: T!ansient $%ltae wa$e&%!, du!in O(enin %(e!ati%n %& C9 &%! 1=,ts GIS' with -a!ia)le A!c Resistance


  • 5/19/2018 VFTO documentation.doc


    i /.; T!ansient $%ltae wa$e&%!, du!in Sec%nd Rest!i7e &%! 1=,ts GIS' with -a!ia)le A!c Resistance


  • 5/19/2018 VFTO documentation.doc


    Assuming that there is a second re"stri$e, another switch is connected in parallel to the

    circuit brea$er for simulation in ;S;I#& modeling. Transients calculated due to second re"

    stri$e gives the pea$ voltage of /.76p.u at a rise time of :1ns as shown in Fig :.7. The

    magnitudes and rise times are tabulated as shown in below Table :.8.

    >%de %& O(e!ati%n>anitude %&

    -%ltae 4(.u5

    Rise Ti,e

    4nan% sec5

    %uring #losing

    2peration8.30 06

    %uring 2pening

    2peration/.17 08

    %uring Second

    >e"Stri$e /.76 :1

    Ta)le /.# T!ansients due t% switchin %(e!ati%n &%! 1=,ts lenth GIS with -a!ia)le

    A!c Resistance

    /.* T!ansients due t% &ault"

    /.*.1 GIS %& /,ts lenth t% calculate t!ansients due t% &aults"

    i /.< GIS %& /,ts lenth t% calculate t!ansients with -a!ia)le A!c Resistance

    due t% &aults

    P!%cedu!e &%! calculati%n %& t!ansients at di&&e!ent distances"


  • 5/19/2018 VFTO documentation.doc


    Case 4i5" -%istance of 8.:mts

    The e*uivalent circuit is shown in above figure :.. From this circuit, the ma(imum

    voltage across the circuit brea$er can be found. The transients that are obtained in this case is

    shown in Fig :./1. From this graph, the ma(imum voltage is obtained at /.75 p.u at a rise

    time of //8 ns.

    Case 4ii5" -%istance of 5mts

    From the above circuit shown in fig :., the ma(imum voltage across the circuit

    brea$er can be found. The transients that are obtained in this case is shown in Fig :.//. From

    this graph, the ma(imum voltage is obtained at 8.:8 p.u at a rise time of 68 ns.

    Case 4iii5" -%istance for :mts

    From the above circuit shown in fig :., the ma(imum voltage across the circuit

    brea$er can be found. The transients that are obtained in this case is shown in Fig :./8. From

    this graph, the pea$ voltage is obtained at 8.78 p.u at a rise time of :6 ns.

    The magnitudes and rise times of :mts length )IS due to faults with variable arc

    resistance are tabulated in the Table :.3.

    S. N%Distance in


    >anitude %&

    -%ltae 4(.u5

    Rise Ti,e

    4nan% sec5

    / 1.1 1 1

    8 8.: /.75 //8

    3 5.1 8.:8 68

    5 :.1 8.78 :6

    Ta)le /.* T!ansients due t% &aults &%! /,ts lenth GIS with $a!ia)le a!c !esistance'

    with%ut 2%ad


  • 5/19/2018 VFTO documentation.doc


    i /.1= T!ansient $%ltae wa$e&%!, at a distance %& #./,ts &!%, l%ad side &%! /,ts GIS' with%ut 2%ad


  • 5/19/2018 VFTO documentation.doc


    i /.11 T!ansient $%ltae wa$e&%!, at a distance %& +,ts &!%, l%ad side &%! /,ts GIS' with%ut 2%ad


  • 5/19/2018 VFTO documentation.doc


    i /.1# T!ansient $%ltae wa$e&%!, at a distance %& /,ts &!%, l%ad side &%! /,ts GIS' with%ut 2%ad


  • 5/19/2018 VFTO documentation.doc


    /.*.# GIS %& 1=,ts lenth t% calculate t!ansients due t% &aults"

    The e*uivalent circuit of /1mts length )IS with variable arc resistance is shown in

    below figure :./3.

    i /.1* GIS %& 1=,ts lenth t% calculate t!ansients with -a!ia)le A!c Resistance

    due t% &ault

    P!%cedu!e &%! calculati%n %& t!ansients at di&&e!ent distances"

    Case 4i5" -%istance of /mts

    From this circuit, the ma(imum voltage across the circuit brea$er can be found. The

    transients that are obtained in this case is shown in Fig :./5. From this graph, the ma(imum

    voltage is obtained at /.73 p.u at a rise time of / ns.

    Case 4ii5" -%istance of :mts

    From the above circuit, the ma(imum voltage across the circuit brea$er can be found.

    The transients that are obtained in this case is shown in Fig :./:. From this graph, the

    ma(imum voltage is obtained at 8.5: p.u at a rise time of /33 ns.


  • 5/19/2018 VFTO documentation.doc


    Case 4iii5" -%istance for /1mts

    From the above circuit, the ma(imum voltage across the circuit brea$er can be found.

    The transients that are obtained in this case is shown in Fig :./6. From this graph, the pea$

    voltage is obtained at 8.73 p.u at a rise time of /38 ns.


  • 5/19/2018 VFTO documentation.doc


    i /.1+ T!ansient $%ltae wa$e&%!, at a distance %& 1,t &!%, l%ad side &%! 1=,ts GIS' with%ut 2%ad


  • 5/19/2018 VFTO documentation.doc


    i /.1/ T!ansient $%ltae wa$e&%!, at a distance %& /,ts &!%, l%ad side &%! 1=,ts GIS' with%ut 2%ad


  • 5/19/2018 VFTO documentation.doc


    i /.18 T!ansient $%ltae wa$e&%!, at a distance %& 1=,ts &!%, l%ad side &%! 1=,ts GIS' with%ut 2%ad


  • 5/19/2018 VFTO documentation.doc


    The magnitudes and rise times of /1mts length )IS due to faults with variable arc

    resistance are tabulated in the Table :.5.

    S. N%Distance in


    >anitude %&

    -%ltae 4(.u5

    Rise Ti,e

    4nan% sec5

    / 1.1 1 1

    8 /.1 /.73 /

    3 :.1 8.5: /33

    5 /1 8.73 /38

    Ta)le /.+ T!ansients due t% &aults &%! 1=,ts lenth GIS with $a!ia)le a!c !esistance'

    with%ut 2%ad

    /.*.* GIS %& /,ts lenth t% calculate t!ansients due t% &aults with 2%ad"

    i /.1: GIS %& /,ts lenth t% calculate t!ansients with -a!ia)le A!c Resistance

    due t% &ault

    The e*uivalent circuit for :mts length )IS with load is shown in above figure :./0.

    The transients are calculated at different distances by short circuiting at their respective

    distances are given below.

    P!%cedu!e &%! calculati%n %& t!ansients at di&&e!ent distances"


  • 5/19/2018 VFTO documentation.doc


    Case 4i5" -%istance of 8.:mts

    From the above circuit, the ma(imum voltage across the circuit brea$er can be found.

    The transients that are obtained in this case is shown in Fig :./7. From this graph, the

    ma(imum voltage is obtained at /.51 p.u at a rise time of 03 ns.

    Case 4ii5" -%istance of 5mts

    From the above circuit, the ma(imum voltage across the circuit brea$er can be found.

    The transients that are obtained in this case is shown in Fig :./. From this graph, the

    ma(imum voltage is obtained at /.83 p.u at a rise time of 63 ns.

    Case 4iii5" -%istance of :mts

    From the above circuit, the ma(imum voltage across the circuit brea$er can be found.

    The transients that are obtained in this case is shown in Fig :.81. From this graph, the

    ma(imum voltage is obtained at /.35 p.u at a rise time of 0 ns.

    The magnitudes and rise times of :mts length )IS due to faults with load are

    tabulated in the Table :.:.

    S. N%Distance in


    >anitude %&

    -%ltae 4(.u5

    Rise Ti,e

    4nan% sec5

    / 1.1 1 1

    8 8.: /.51 03

    3 5.1 /.83 63

    5 :.1 /.35 0

    Ta)le /./ T!ansients due t% &aults &%! /,ts lenth GIS with $a!ia)le a!c !esistance'

    with 2%ad


  • 5/19/2018 VFTO documentation.doc


    i /.1; T!ansient $%ltae wa$e&%!, at a distance %& #./,ts &!%, l%ad side &%! /,ts GIS' with 2%ad


  • 5/19/2018 VFTO documentation.doc


    i /.1< T!ansient $%ltae wa$e&%!, at a distance %& +,ts &!%, l%ad side &%! /,ts GIS' with 2%ad


  • 5/19/2018 VFTO documentation.doc


    i /.#= T!ansient $%ltae wa$e&%!, at a distance %& /,ts &!%, l%ad side &%! /,ts GIS' with 2%ad


  • 5/19/2018 VFTO documentation.doc


    /.*.+ GIS %& 1=,ts lenth t% calculate t!ansients due t% &aults with 2%ad"

    i /.#1 GIS %& 1=,ts lenth t% calculate t!ansients with -a!ia)le A!c Resistance

    due t% &ault

    The e*uivalent circuit for /1mts length )IS with load is shown in above figure :.8/.

    The transients are calculated at different distances by short circuiting at their respective

    distances are given below.

    P!%cedu!e &%! calculati%n %& t!ansients at di&&e!ent distances"

    Case 4i5" -%istance of /mts

    From the above circuit, the ma(imum voltage across the circuit brea$er can be found.

    The transients that are obtained in this case is shown in Fig :.88. From this graph, the

    ma(imum voltage is obtained at /.51 p.u at a rise time of //3 ns.

    Case 4ii5" -%istance of :mts

    From the above circuit, the ma(imum voltage across the circuit brea$er can be found.

    The transients that are obtained in this case is shown in Fig :.83. From this graph, the

    ma(imum voltage is obtained at /.8 p.u at a rise time of /85 ns.

    Case 4iii5" -%istance of /1mts

    From the above circuit, the ma(imum voltage across the circuit brea$er can be found.

    The transients that are obtained in this case is shown in Fig :.85. From this graph, the

    ma(imum voltage is obtained at /.58 p.u at a rise time of /01 ns.


  • 5/19/2018 VFTO documentation.doc


    i /.## T!ansient $%ltae wa$e&%!, at a distance %& 1,t &!%, l%ad side &%! 1=,ts GIS' with 2%ad


  • 5/19/2018 VFTO documentation.doc


    i /.#* T!ansient $%ltae wa$e&%!, at a distance %& /,ts &!%, l%ad side &%! 1=,ts GIS' with 2%ad


  • 5/19/2018 VFTO documentation.doc


    i /.#+ T!ansient $%ltae wa$e&%!, at a distance %& 1=,ts &!%, l%ad side &%! 1=,ts GIS' with 2%ad

  • 5/19/2018 VFTO documentation.doc


    The magnitudes and rise times of /1mts length )IS due to faults with load are

    tabulated in the Table :.6.

    S. N%

    Distance in


    >anitude %& -%ltae


    Rise Ti,e

    4nan% sec5

    / 1.1 1 1

    8 /.1 /.51 //3

    3 :.1 /.8 /85

    5 /1.1 /.58 /01

    Ta)le /.8 T!ansients due t% &aults &%! 1=,ts lenth GIS with $a!ia)le a!c !esistance'

    with 2%ad

    /.+ C%nclusi%ns"

    The variable arc resistance is calculated by Toepler=s formulae. Transients are

    calculated due to switching operations and faults with variable arc resistance along with load.

    For any length of )IS it was found that transients due to variable arc resistance give lower

    value of pea$ voltages than that obtained with fi(ed arc resistance. @hen load is connected at

    the open end of )IS, the pea$ voltages that are obtained due to faults do not follow a definite



  • 5/19/2018 VFTO documentation.doc




    8.1 Int!%ducti%n"

    The fast transient over voltages during switching operation and faults can cause

    damage to the system e*uipment. ence it is advisable to suppress these over voltages for

    protection of e*uipments. 2ne of the methods of suppressing these over voltages is by

    insertion of resistance during switching. )enerally a >esistor of :11 is used for this

    purpose E/1.

    In this analysis, a resistor of :11 is connected in parallel with the circuit brea$er and

    a switch is connected in series with the resistor. The transient over voltages are suppressed

    only if the current during contact operation flows through the resistor. The switch connected

    in series with the resistor is closed at the time ma(imum