vertigo geje

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Post on 03-Apr-2018




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  • 7/29/2019 Vertigo Geje


    Dunia Serasa Berputar...

    Info I


    Ny.Ode berusia 30 tahun datang ke IGD RSMS diantar suaminyanya dengan keluhan kepala

    terasa pusing berputar. Keluhan dirasakan mendadak sebelum masuk rumah sakit. Pusing dirasakan

    terutama pada saat perubahan posisi. Awalnya pasien sedang tiduran di tempat tidur kemudian padasaat pasien mencoba untuk duduk pasien merasakan sensasi pusing berputar selama 10 menit setelah

    diam beberapa lama pusing mulai berkurang hingga menghilang. Ny. Ode juga mengeluh adanya mual

    dan muntah serta keringat dingin pada saat terjadi pusing. 4 hari sebelum sakit pusing berputar, Ny.

    Ode mengalami demam, batuk dan pilek tetapi kemudian merasa sembuh setelah minum parasetamol

    dan istirahat.

    Keluhan pendengaran berkurang, telinga terasa penuh, disangkal oleh Ny. Ode. Pasien juga

    menyangkal pernah terbentur pada daerah kepala, kejang dan juga menyangkal adanya pandangan

    ganda. Pasien tidak merokok dan tidak mengonsumsi alkohol.

    Vertigo: The sensation of moving around in space (subjective vertigo) or of having objectsmove about the person (objective vertigo).

    central v. Vertigo caused by disease of the central nervous system.cerebral v. Vertigo due to brain disease.epidemic v. Vertigo that may occur in epidemic form. It is believed to be due to vestibular neuronitis.epileptic v. Vertigo accompanying orfollowing an epileptic attack.essential v. Vertigo from an unknown cause.gastric v. Vertigo associated with a gastric disturbance.horizontal v. Vertigo that occurs while the patient is supine.hysterical v. Vertigo accompanying hysteria.labyrinthine v. An out-of-date term for Menie`res disease.laryngeal v. Vertigo and fainting during a coughing spell in patients with chronic bronchitis. SYN: laryngeal syncope.objective v. Vertigo in which stationary objects appear to be moving.ocular v. Vertigo caused by disease of the v. Vertigo due to a brain lesion.peripheral v. Vertigo due to disturbances in the peripheral areas of the central nervous system.positional v. Vertigo that occurs when the head is tilted toward a specific axis. SYN: postural vertigo. SEE: benign

    paroxysmal v.; Brandt-Daroff maneuvers; canalith repositioning maneuver.postural v. Positional vertigo.rotary v. Subjective v.subjective v. Vertigo in which the patient has the sensation of turning or rotating. SYN: rotary vertigo.toxic v. Vertigo caused by the presence of a toxin in the body.vertical v. Vertigo produced by tanding or by looking upor down.vestibular v. Vertigo due to disease or malfunction of the vestibular apparatus.

    Keringat: sweat (swet) [AS. sweatan] 1. Perspiration. 2. The condition of perspiring or

    of being made to perspire freely, as to order a sweat for a patient. 3. To emit moisturethrough the skins pores. SYN: perspire

    diplopia : Two images of an object seen at the same time. SYN: double vision.

    binocular d. Double vision occurring when both eyes are open. It results from misalignment

    of the ocular muscles.crossed d. Binocular vision in which the image is on the side opposite to the eye that sees it.

    monocular d. Double vision with one eye.homonymous d / uncrossed d. Double vision in which the image appears on the same side as

    the eye that sees it. SYN: homonymous diplopia. SEE: crossed d.

    vertical d. Double vision with one of two images higher than the other.

    Batasan Masalah:

  • 7/29/2019 Vertigo Geje


    Analisis masalah:

    Sistem keseimbangan tubuh, fisiologinya keseimbangan tubuhGangguan keseimbangan tubuh

    Anatomi organ vestibular dan nonvestibular

    Gangguan vestibular dan non vestibularVertigo? Klasifikasi? Karakteristik masing2 vertigoPemeriksaan nervus kranialis VIII dan Px neuro otologik(Romberg,tandem, head thrust, Dix

    hallpike, head shaking, past pointing, fukuda)

    DD: BPPV, Sindrom Meniere, Neuritis vestibuler, Lesi CNSAnamnesis dan px fisik

    Px penunjang yang dibutuhkan: Lab, EEG, EMG, EKG, TCD, LP, CT scan

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