
It is a common misunderstanding that free verse has no form or rhythm. In fact it has both. It is true that the rhythm of free verse does not come from metre, from rhyme or from stanza patterns, but it still has a rhythm obtained from the repetition of words, phrases or grammatical structures, from parallelisms, from the arrangement of words on the printed page or from other unconventional techniques. In the following excerpt from a poem by Walt Whitman, for instance, there is a strong sense of rhythm although an abstract pattern of regularity cannot be established. Beat! beat! drums! blow! bugles! blow! Through the windows–through doors–burst like a ruthless force, Into the solemn church, and scatter the congregation, Into the school where the scholar is studying; . It allows freedom from conventional forms but requires that a new form be created for every poem.The poetry of the Bible uses this form extensively and with the early English translations of the Bible (culminating in the King James Version of 1611) the form was introduced into English poetry, as well. The Psalms and The Song of Solomon in the King James Version of the Bible are, for example, free verse translations. By the mid-1900's, free verse had become the standard verse form in poetry, especially in the works of such American poets as Robert Lowell, Theodore Roethke, and William Carlos Williams.

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Page 1: Verse

It is a common misunderstanding that free verse has no form or rhythm. In fact it has both. It is true that the rhythm of free verse does not come from metre, from rhyme or from stanza patterns, but it still has a rhythm obtained from the repetition of words, phrases or grammatical structures, from parallelisms, from the arrangement of words on the printed page or from other unconventional techniques. In the following excerpt from a poem by Walt Whitman, for instance, there is a strong sense of rhythm although an abstract pattern of regularity cannot be established.

Beat! beat! drums! blow! bugles! blow!Through the windows–through doors–burst like a ruthless force,Into the solemn church, and scatter the congregation,Into the school where the scholar is studying;

. It allows freedom from conventional forms but requires that a new form be created for every poem.The poetry of the Bible uses this form extensively and with the early English translations of the Bible (culminating in the King James Version of 1611) the form was introduced into English poetry, as well. The Psalms and The Song of Solomon in the King James Version of the Bible are, for example, free verse translations.By the mid-1900's, free verse had become the standard verse form in poetry, especially in the works of such American poets as Robert Lowell, Theodore Roethke, and William Carlos Williams.

“the individuality of a poet may often be better expressed in free verse than in conventional forms. ” walt Whitman. His verse characterized by long lines and extended rhythmical patterns emlployeing frequent parallelism to correspond inclusive subject matter.

(image is the poem’s reason for existence )

Perhaps most telling of all is Eliot’s 1917 essay “Reflections on Vers Libre.

“It is this contrast between fixity and flux…which is the very life of verse,"

The author is given poetic license to be able to denote the distortion of fact, alteration of the conventions of grammar or language, or to reword pre existing

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text to improve his piece. Sometimes, poetic license is applied to preserve the flow of rhythm and thoughts - See more at: Walt Whitman, the Father of American free verse poetry, in his “A Noiseless Patient Spider,” best exemplifies his proficiency in this area with his uncontrolled use metaphoric phrases while the Mother of American free verse Emily Dickinson, effectively employed slant rhymes and metrical variations in her “Come Slowly Eden. - See more at: Regarded as the rebellious son of free verse was Ezra Pound - See more at: Wallace Steven was considered one of the best modern free verse poets known for his piece, “The Snow Man.” - See more at: Rolando Carbonell St.-John Perse, T. S. Eliot, Ezra Pound, Carl Sandburg, and William Carlos Williams are representative

88The poem omits rhyming or alliteration to suit the characteristics of fog, In this poem, Sandburg uses a metaphor, comparing fog with the stealth and swiftness of a cat. The purpose of free verse is not to disregard all traditional rules of poetry; instead, free verse is based on a poet's own rules of personal thought patterns and breath patterns j T. S. Eliot, Ezra Pound, and William Carlos Williams) who saw the open form as allowing for the more nimble representation of a modern fragmented and accelerated world.