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NASA / TM--2002-211790 AIAA-2001-3882 Verification Assessment of Flow Conditions for CFD Analysis of Supersonic Inlet Flows Boundary John W. Slater Glenn Research Ce:n-ter, Clevel.and, Ohio August 2002 2018-05-13T09:31:28+00:00Z

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NASA / TM--2002-211790 AIAA-2001-3882

Verification Assessment of Flow

Conditions for CFD Analysis of

Supersonic Inlet Flows


John W. Slater

Glenn Research Ce:n-ter, Clevel.and, Ohio

August 2002 2018-05-13T09:31:28+00:00Z

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Page 3: Verification Assessment of Flow Boundary Conditions for ... · PDF fileVerification Assessment of Flow Conditions for CFD Analysis of Supersonic Inlet Flows Boundary ... indicates

NASA/TM--2002-211790 AIAA-2001-3882

Verification Assessment of Flow

Conditions for CFD Analysis of

Supersonic Inlet Flows


John W. Slater

Glenn Research Ce:nter, Cleveland, Ohio

Prepared for the

37th Joi.nt Propu.lsi.on Conference and Exhibit

cosponsored by the AIAA, SAE, AIChE, and ASME

Salt Lake City, Utah, July 8-11, 2001

National Aeronau.tics and

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August 2002

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John W. Slater*

National Aeronautics and Space AdministrationGlenn Research Center

Cleveland, Ohio 44135


Boundary conditions for subsonic inflow, bleed, andsubsonic outflow as implemented into the WIND CFDcode are assessed with respect to verification for steadyand unsteady flows associated with supersonic inlets.Verification procedures include grid convergencestudies and comparisons to analytical data. Theobjective is to examine errors, limitations, capabilities,and behavior of the boundary conditions.Computational studies were performed onconfigurations derived from a "parameterized"supersonic inlet. These include steady supersonic flowswith normal and oblique shocks, steady subsonic flowin a diffuser, and unsteady flow with the propagationand reflection of an acoustic disturbance.


The use of gas turbine engines for aircraft capable ofsupersonic flight requires inlets that decelerate andcompress the supersonic flow to subsonic conditions forintake into the engine. The flow delivered to the enginemust be of high quality and directed in the axis of the

engine. The flow is characterized by supersonic flowwith strong shock waves interacting with turbulentboundary layers in an adverse pressure gradient withtransition to subsonic flow. The performance of such aninlet is measured in terms of maximizing the totalpressure recovery and minimizing the total pressuredistortion at the entrance to the engine. The use of flowcontrol devices such as porous bleed holes or slots isone approach for achieving the desired performance byremoving low-energy flow in the boundary layer that issusceptible to separation and stabilizing shock motion.

Such inlet flows are being analyzed at the NASAGlenn Research Center (GRC) using computationalfluid dynamics (CFD). A flow domain or control

volume is defined about the inlet for which the flow

field is computed. Boundary conditions must bespecified at the boundary of the flow domain. The CFDanalysis or simulation is highly dependent on theboundary conditions because the flow is internal andthe boundary conditions are applied in proximity to thecomplex flow features.

The boundary of the flow domain coincides with thesurfaces of the inlet and the specified extent of theexternal and internal flow. The extent of the flow

domain is often limited and approximations areintroduced to keep the size and complexity of the flowdomain at the minimum needed to obtain an accurate

solution with the available computational resources.The flow domain usually includes some of the flow

exterior to the inlet intake. The external flowboundaries can often be located close to the intake of

the inlet through consideration of the wave nature ofsupersonic flow. The boundary conditions for theseexternal boundaries are typically fixed inflow orextrapolated outflow, which are applied in astraightforward manner. These boundary conditions arenot discussed in this paper.

The flow domain for some simulations may consistonly of the subsonic diffuser, which usually starts at thethroat of the inlet and extends to the compressor face.This requires a subsonic inflow boundary condition forthe inflow boundary. Such simulations may examinethe effects of boundary layer blockage on the flow inthe subsonic diffuser. Thus the subsonic inflow

boundary conditions must have the capability to imposean inflow boundary layer. Such a boundary condition isdiscussed in this paper.

The flow domain typically does not include thesmall and complex geometric details of bleed slots orholes. Rather, a boundary condition is applied to modelthe effects of the bleed. The bleed slots or holes are

typically located on the internal surfaces of the inletwith the core flow tangent to the boundary. Three bleedmodels are discussed and applied in this paper.

Aerospace Engineer,Inlet Branch.AIAA Senior Member.

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Theflow domaintypicallyterminatesnearthecompressorfaceto avoidthecomplexityofmodelingthegeometryanddynamicsofthecompressor.Thisrequirestheapplicationofasubsonicoutflowboundarycondition.Thispaperdiscussesfivemodelsfor thesubsonicoutflowboundarycondition.

Thefirstobjectiveof thispaperis to describethesubsonicinflow,bleed,andsubsonicoutflowboundaryconditionsthathavebeenimplementedintotheWINDCFDcodeandappliedfortheanalysisofflowsthroughsupersonicinlets.1'2

Thesecondobjectiveof thepaperis to presentresultsof computationalstudiesaddressingtheverificationoftheseboundaryconditions.Thestudiesinvolvegeometricconfigurationsthatarederivedfroma "parameterized"supersonicinlet for whichthegeometryandgridcanbeeasilygenerated.Thisallowsa largenumberof simulationsto beperformedforavarietyof geometriesandflow conditions,whichstrengthenstheverificationprocess.

Thenextsectionsdiscusstheverificationassessmentprocedures,the WIND CFD code,the boundaryconditions,andthe"parameterized"verificationinlet.Thecomputationalstudiesarethendiscussedandincludeuniformsupersonicflowwithandwithoutanormalshock,anobliqueshock/ bleed interaction,subsonic diffuser duct, and an annular duct withunsteady flow of acoustic disturbances.

CFD Verification Assessment Procedures

Verification in the field of CFD is defined as

The process of determining that a modelimplementation accurately represents' thedeveloper's conceptual description of themodel and the solution to the model. 3

This is in contrast to validation, which examineswhether the models simulate real-world physics.Verification has its basis in comparison to analyticaldata, whereas validation has its basis in comparison toexperimental data.

The procedures of the verification assessment followthe guidelines of the AIAA 3 and the methods asdiscussed by Roache. 4 Verification examines 1) if thecomputational models are the correct implementation ofthe conceptual models, and 2) if the resulting code canbe properly used for an analysis. The strategy is toidentify and quantify the errors in the code and thesolution. Thus, the two aspects of verification are theverification of a code and the verification of a solution.The verification of a code involves error evaluation,that is, looking for errors in the coding (i.e., bugs) and

incorrect implementations of conceptual models. The

verification of a solution involves error estimation, thatis, determining the accuracy of a calculation and puttingan error band on the observed quantity. This paper isfocused on the verification of the subsonic inflow,bleed, and subsonic outflow boundary conditions underconditions common to those in supersonic inlets.

The verification assessment assumes that the

simulation has reached iterative convergence. For asteady-state flow simulation, the reduction andstabilization of the level of the residual of the flow

equations was one measure of iterative convergence.Another measure was the approach of the values of theduct mass flow, bleed mass flow, total pressurerecovery to asymptotic values with increasing numberof iterations. The iterations were continued for a

simulation until the bleed mass flow percentage wasinvariant to the third decimal place or the mass-weighted total pressure recovery was invariant to thefourth decimal place.

Verification assessment involves performingconsistency checks. One such check is that mass isconserved through the flow domain. For inlets andducts mass conservation can be assessed spatially alongthe streamwise coordinate of the duct. Mass flow

bookkeeping tracks the mass flow through bleedregions and the compressor face with that of thecaptured mass flow.

Verification has its basis in comparison to analyticaldata. Analytical data for verification of the boundaryconditions can be obtained from the constraints of the

model. The mass flow bleed model should preserve thespecified mass flow. Under the uniform conditions, theporous bleed models should provide the mass flow asindicated by the empirical relation for the specifiedbleed geometry and flow conditions. The boundary

conditions are indirectly verified through comparison ofthe simulation results to available analytic results forthe flow field. For the studies discussed here, there areseveral analytic results for steady, inviscid flow. For aninviscid, subsonic flow, the total temperature and totalpressure should be held through the duct. For flow with

shocks and turbulent flow the total pressure shoulddecrease through the duct.

One approach for verification of a solution is thegrid convergence study, which is a method fordetermining the "ordered" discretization error in a CFDsolution. It involves performing the simulation on twoor more successively finer grids. The method results inan error band on the computational result, whichindicates the possible difference between the discreteand continuum value. The study assumes that the gridis sufficiently refined such that the solution is in theasymptotic range of convergence, which is the range inwhich the discretization error reduces asymptoticallywith decreasing grid size. The objective is to determinethe level at which the solution is invariant to the grid.

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Thegridsof this workweregeneratedusingacharacteristicgridspacingh. The finest grid spacing isdenoted as hi. For each grid, the simulation results inan observed flow quantityf such as pressure recovery.The change in the quantity f between the grids isexpressed in terms of the grid convergence index(GCD .4 The GCI between a finer grid with spacing hiand coarser grid with spacing h2 is defined as

GCI: F_l(f2 - f_) / fd (1)r p -1

where r is the refinement ratio between the finer gridand coarser grid

r = h2 / h_ (2)

and p is the order of grid convergence observed in thesimulations

ln( :_- :_ ]

P= _f2-fi)/ln(r)"(3)

The F_ is the factor-of-safety. A value of F_ 1.25 wasused in this work. A second-order solution would have

p 2. The GCI is a measure of the percentagedifference of the computed quantity from the value ofthe asymptotic numerical value; it approximates anerror band. It also indicates how much the solution

would change with further refinement of the grid.Further details on conducting a grid convergence studycan be found in the book by Roache and on the NPARCVerification and Validation web site. 4's


The WIND CFD code is being developed by theNPARC Alliance (National Program for Applications-oriented Research in CFD), which is a partnership ofthe NASA Glenn Research Center, the Air Force'sArnold Engineering Development Center, and theBoeing Company. l'z WIND solves the time-dependent,Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations forturbulent, compressible flows using a cell-vertex, finite-volume, time-marching approach on multi-zone,structured grids. Spatial accuracy is nominally second-order using the Roe flux-diffbrence splitting upwindformulation. Steady flows are simulated through aniterative process using local time stepping. Unsteadyflows are simulated through a second-order marching intime. Turbulence is modeled using one- or two-equation eddy viscosity models. The Spalart-Allmarasand SST models are the most-often-used models.

WIND is capable of solving for flows of speeds rangingfrom low subsonic to hypersonic. The following threesections describe the boundary conditions that areassessed in this paper.

Subsonic Inflow Boundary Condition

A subsonic inflow boundary requires four physicalconditions to be specified and one numerical conditionto be evaluated from the interior of the flow domain.

The choice of how the four physical conditions arespecified and the numerical condition evaluatedcharacterize the boundary condition. Here our choiceis to specify the local total pressure Pt, total temperature

Tt, and flow angles c_ and [3 as the physical conditions.Such conditions are consistent with an inflow from a

plenum, boundary layer profile, or freestream.A Newton iteration of the form

Tm+l : T m __ f/f, (4)

is used to converge on the value of static temperature Tat the boundary. The function f is derived from thedefinition of the total temperature

f =Tt_ T Y -1V2 (5)2 yR

and approaches zero as the iteration converges. Thedifferentiation off with respect to T is

f' =- (l+V/Ac). (6)

The functionsfandf and the speed of sound c are allonly functions of static temperature T. The V ismagnitude of the velocity _. The A comes from the


.v._l=V(all+a2"j+a3k).(nll+n2"j+n3k)=VA (7)

where a_, a:, and as are the direction cosines of thevelocity and are evaluated by the expressions

a 1 = (l+tan 2 _z+ tan 2/3 ) 1/2 (8a)

a2 =tanc¢ (l+tan2ce+tan2/3) 1/2 (Sb)

a3 = tan/3 (l+tan2c_+tan2/3) 1/2 (8c)

Since ct and [3 are fixed, a_, a2, and as are also fixed.The n_, n2, and n3 are the direction cosines of the

normal vector _ of the boundary surface, which isdirected into the flow domain. Thus A is a constant in

Eq. 6. From the definition of the Riemann invariant R-,the velocity magnitude is expressed as

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TheRiemanninvariantisevaluatedfromconditionsfromwithintheflowdomain,andso,is thenumericalconditionrequiredat thesubsonicinflowboundary.Thus,Vis also only a function of the static temperature.With the static temperature determined from theiterations on Eq. 4, the Mach number, static pressure,static density, and velocity magnitude can easily bedetermined. The local flow angles determine themagnitudes of the velocity components.

For WIND, the local total conditions and flowangles can be specified as uniform values over theboundary or point specific as specified in the input datafile or read from the boundary grid of the solution file.

Bleed Boundar v Conditions

A bleed boundary condition is a subsonic outflowboundary, which requires one physical condition to bespecified and four numerical conditions to be evaluated.It is a subsonic outflow even for supersonic core flowsbecause the component of the flow normal to thesurface is subsonic.

The basic premise of the bleed boundary conditionsis the establishment of the bleed velocity defined as

Ubleed = -- Ubleed ?l (10)

where g is the boundary normal surface vector, whichis directed into the flow domain. For all of the bleed

boundary conditions, Ublee_is defined as

U bleed --mbZeed (11)

P Aregion

where p is the density. The Are_on is the area overwhich the boundary condition is applied. The manner

in which mbleed is specified constitutes the physical

boundary condition.

Mass Flow Bleed Model

The mass flow bleed model directly specifies mbleed"

Options allow the specification of either the actual orcorrected mass flow. One disadvantage of thisboundary condition is that the bleed mass flow is fixedand can not adjust to local conditions, such as pressurechanges due to shock motion.

Porous Bleed Model

The porous bleed model uses local flow conditionsand some empirical data on the bleed system to allowthe local bleed mass flow to vary. This boundarycondition defines the bleed mass flow as

n_bleed = Cdn_ideal (12)

where Ca is a specified discharge coefficient whosevalue may be obtained from empirical data for the bleed

system. The nVidea_ is the ideal mass flow for an

isentropic flow of air through a circular bleed hole

- dbleedM(]/)l/2 0 [(,+1)/2(,1)]

mideal = Pt _RTt )



= 1+ 7-1M 2" (14)2

One can see that the ideal mass flow is a function of the

local Mach number M and the total conditions pt and Tt.A bleed region is assumed to consist of some pattern

slots or bleed holes. The AbleeUis the cumulative area ofthe bleed holes or slots. It is related to area of the

bleed regionAre_on by the porosity qb as

Ableed = d2J Aregio n . (15)

The condition holds that 0 _<d__<1. For a slot covering

the entire bleed region, • 1.One disadvantage of this boundary condition is that

the value of the discharge coefficient Ca is fixed duringthe simulation. It is known to usually be a function ofthe local flow conditions.

Boeing Bleed Model

The Boeing bleed model 6 defines the bleed massflow as

l_lbleed = Qsonic l_l ..... (16)

where Qsonic is the sonic mass flow coefficient, whichwas empirically determined to be a function of the form

onic=+ leed local....I (17)

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Theo_blee_is the angle of the bleed hole with respect tothe inlet surface. The Mlocal andp_ are the Mach numberand total pressure at the edge of the boundary layerabove the bleed hole. The Ppm,,m is the static pressureof the bleed plenum, which is usually held constant in ableed system. The empirical data for Q_onic wasobtained from the implementation of this boundarycondition in the NPARC code as described in Reference

6. Figure 1 shows the variation of Q_oni_. A bilinearinterpolation is used to interpolate between the discreteempirical data. The effect of the Q_on_ variation is thatthe bleed can turn off as the pressure ratios movetowards unity. This prevents the bleed holes fromblowing flow into the inlet.

The mmax is the maximum mass flow determined by

sonic conditions in the throat of the bleed hole, which is

a "choked" bleed hole. The ram,x is evaluated from Eq.

13 with the Mach number M 1.





0.00.0 1.0

90 Deg Hole

UD = 3

0.6 \0.4 = Mlocal


0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

P plenum / Pt local

Figure 1. Variation of Qsonic with Mach number and

pressure ratio for a o_= 90-degree hole with a length/ diameter ratio L/D = 3.

Subsonic Outflow Boundary Conditions

The subsonic outflow boundary requires onephysical condition to be specified and four numericalconditions to be evaluated. The numerical conditions

are usually extrapolations of four of the conservative

variables, usually density and the momentumcomponents. In WIND, the physical boundarycondition is the evaluation of the static pressure at theboundary in some reasonable manner. This is doneusing a variety of models, which behave differently forsteady and unsteady flows. The models affect steadyflow simulations in their convergence to the steady stateand the characteristics of the flow near the outflow

boundary. The models affect the unsteady flow

simulations in their acoustic responses to flowdisturbances interacting with the boundary.

Specified Pressure Model

The specified pressure model directly specifies thestatic pressure. It can be specified as steady or timevarying and uniform or spatially varying.

Mass Flow Model

The mass flow model matches a specified mass flowby adjusting the static pressure through a relaxationwith respect to the time-marching iterations

pn+l =/on [l+O(r_B- r_,,)/r_B] (18)

where 0 is the relaxation factor and reB is the desired

mass flow on the boundary. The mass flow may be theactual or corrected mass flow.

Mach Number Model

The Mach number model imposes a Mach numberM d-at the boundary. 7 The specified Mach number canbe imposed locally or as an average on the boundary,which may indicate the expected Mach number at thecompressor face. From the definition of total pressure,the static pressure at the boundary is

/ __. x _//(_/ 1)


where pt can be the local total pressure or an averageover the outflow boundary.

Nozzle Model

The nozzle model uses the nozzle section of the

verification inlet to vary the mass flow through theinlet. A choked nozzle operates at a constant mass flowand the boundary condition at its supersonic exit is asimple extrapolation of the conservative quantities. Thisapproach has been used extensively in supersonic inletapplications for studies to determine the "mass flowcane" curve for the performance of inlets described bythe variation of the total pressure recovery for a rangeof inlet mass flows. The mass flow is adjusted byvarying the nozzle height r.

Paynter Compressor Face Model

The Paynter compressor face model is applied for

unsteady flow applications and models the interactions

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of acousticandconvectivedisturbanceswithaxialcompressors.8lo The premiseof the Payntercompressorfacemodelis thatthestaticpressureisalinearsumofacousticandconvectiveresponses

pn+l = pn + 6p ...... ic -}- 6p ....... l_ve (20)

The acoustic component has the general form of


where a is the CFL number and dpdi_f,rb..... is theincident pressure disturbance at the compressor face.

The 13is the acoustic reflection coefficient defined as


The details of the model are presented in references8-10. It should be noted that there are expressions forthe other flow properties at the boundary that are usedalong with equation 20. The model has built into it a

non-reflecting option with fl 0. Reference 10discussed the implementation of this model into theNPARC CFD code. The current paper updates thepresentation to show the implementation of this modelinto WIND.

Verification Inlet

A "parameterized" supersonic inlet has been devisedfor the current verification studies to allow the study ofvarious geometric configurations. Figure 2 shows thevarious parameters defining the axial and transversedimensions of the inlet. It is possible to generate planarflow domains for two-dimensional or axisymmetricsimulations or three-dimensional flow domains with

rectangular or axisymmetric cross-sections.The inlet consists of five sections: foreduct, ramp,

diffuser, isolator, and nozzle. The foreduct, isolator,and nozzle can each be removed independently fromthe flow domain. The lower surface of all of the

sections is straight with a dimension of g units. For athree-dimensional, axisymmetric domain, lower surfacebecomes a constant-radius surface of g units. The

foreduct has a length of a units and height of h. Theforeduct is a straight section ahead of the ramp sectionand is used to generate a boundary layer or place theinflow boundary condition a certain distance forward ofthe ramp. The ramp section has a length of (b+c) units.The length c denotes the bleed region on the lower

surface. The ramp can deflect down to generateoblique shocks in supersonic flow or deflect up togenerate an expansion wave in supersonic flow or aconical expansion surface in subsonic flow. The

diffuser section transitions the duct to the exit height ofo units over a length of d units. The upper surface ofthe diffuser is defined as a cubic spline with zero-tangent slopes at the start and end. A compressor facewould nominally be placed at the end of the diffuser.The isolator is a constant-height section meant to placethe outflow boundary condition farther downstream ofthe diffuser exit. Such an approach attempts tominimize the local effects of the boundary condition onthe flow at the compressor face. The isolator has alength of e units. The nozzle is used as one model for asubsonic outflow boundary. The height of the nozzlethroat is r units.

A Fortran program was written to automaticallygenerate the geometry, grid, and boundary conditionsetup files for the simulations. The grid was generatedbased on specified grid axial and wall spacings and gridquality controls. The grids are structured H-gridsconsisting of a single zone. Axial grid planes are atconstant-x coordinates. Inputs allow global control ofthe grid spacings to allow for easy scaling of the gridsizes for use with grid convergence studies.

F*re4act T R_ap Diffuser Isdat_ l%azle

, x

Figure 2. Verification inlet with parameters.

Computational Studies

Computational studies were performed using theverification inlet for various geometric configurationsand flow conditions. The objective of the studies wasto examine the behavior of the boundary conditionsunder relatively simple circumstances with theemphasis on verification. Each study examines aspectsof one or more of the boundary conditions. The studiesare discussed in the following sections.

Uniform Mach 1.3 Flow in a Straight Duct

This study examined the uniform flow of Mach 1.3in a straight duct with a boundary layer formed on thebottom surface of the inlet. Figure 3 shows the flowdomain along with the Mach number contours and liststhe values of the geometric parameters in units of feet.The flow domain is a straight, two-dimensional duct ofwidth 1.0 feet and does not contain an isolator ornozzle. Mach 1.3 is a common Mach number ahead of

the normal shock dividing the supersonic and subsonicflows in a supersonic inlet. It is considered the

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minimumMachnumbertoensureastabletransitiontosubsonicflowwithouta too greatof lossof totalpressureacrosstheshock.A bleedregionextendsfromx 2.0 to x 3.0 feet and extracts some of the flow

from the boundary layer. The objective is to examineand compare the behavior of the bleed models inuniform flow. Since the flow is supersonic, the inflowboundary condition is fixed and the outflow boundarycondition is an extrapolation of the conservativevariables. Thus, the bleed boundary condition isessentially isolated from the inflow and outflowboundary conditions.

a b c d g h o1.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 0.0 1.0 1.0


0 20 .....0 300 40 .....

_" 0 50

o 60 .....

-..;,,: 070-+-; 0 80 .....0 90

1_ Ioo .....1IO +0 ....... t'-I__ 1 20 .....

0 1 2 3 4 5 1 301 40 .....

x (ft)

Figure 3. Flow domain, Mach number contours,and geometric parameters for the uniform flow ofMach 1.3 in a straight duct.

A grid convergence study was performed to examinethe effects of grid spacing on the bleed mass flow.Simulations were performed on five grids for which the

grid refinement ratios were r 1.5. The simulationsused the Boeing bleed and Spalart-Allmaras turbulencemodels. The resulting order of convergence was p1.419. Figure 4 shows the variation of the bleed massflow with respect to the normalized grid spacing. Theplot shows a predicted zero-grid value of bleed flow of2.169%. The GCI values were 0.66%, 1.17%, 2.04%,and 3.96% over the pairs of successively coarser grids.This suggests an error band of 0.014% for the vlaue ofbleed mass flow. The asymptotic nature of thesimulated bleed flows is observed in Fig. 5. The ratiosof the GCI values indicated that the simulations on four

finest grids were within the asymptotic range.Simulations were performed on the medium grid of

the grid convergence study for the various bleed modelsand turbulence models. Figure 5 shows the character ofthe bleed flow in the form of the streamwise

distribution of the mass flow along the duct across thebleed region. Shown are the results of simulationsusing the Spalart-Allmaras and SST turbulence models.The simulation using the Boeing bleed model with theSpalart-Allmaras model was performed first andresulted in a total mass flow bleed of 2.215% of the

captured mass flow. The simulation using the porousbleed model was then performed using a discharge

coefficient that was adjusted until the mass flow bleedwas also 2.215%. The simulation using the mass flowbleed model directly specified the bleed mass flow tobe 2.215%. Verification of the mass flow bleed model

was a simple check that the computed bleed was thesame as the specified bleed, which it was. Figure 5shows that for uniform flow, all three modelsperformed the same, which one would expect. Thevariation is linear, which indicates that each boundarygrid point bleeds the amount of flow proportional to itscell-face area. The Boeing and porous models perhapshave a slight curvature indicating a slightly higher bleedrate at the downstream portion of the bleed region.





¢ 2.21


2.150.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5

Normalized Grid Spacing

Figure 4. Variation of the bleed mass flow over aseries of finer grids.







,_, 0.980


B_ (S_,) "_._

_.Bleed _,4o,d,e! (S A) _'._Ma_ Flow Model (S A) "'._N.

Bleed Model (SST) _".'_..

"-\ --.. _

211 213 215 217 219 3.1

X, ft

Figure 5. Streamwise distribution of the mass flowalong the duct over the bleed region in a uniformflow of Mach 1.3 with a 2.215% bleed.

Simulations using the Baldwin-Lomax and Chien k-eturbulence models resulted in the same mass flow as the

simulation using the Spalart-Allmaras. The simulationusing the SST indicated a total bleed mass flow of

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2.298%,whichis 3.75%higherthanthesimulationsusingthe Spalart-Allmaras.Thereasonsfor thisdifferencearenotyetclear.

Normal Shock Interactin_ with a Bleed Re_ion

This study examined the flow of Mach 1.3 in astraight duct in which a normal shock interacts with thebleed region. A normal shock is often used insupersonic inlets to decelerate the flow from supersonic

to subsonic speeds. Bleed is used to stabilize themovement of the normal shock and minimize adverse

effects of shock/boundary interaction.The geometry and flow conditions of this study were

the same as the previous study; however, for this studya nozzle section was used. Choking the flow in thenozzle generates a normal shock. The forward motionof the normal shock is due to the imbalance of the

captured mass flow ahead of the shock and the lessermass flow behind the shock going through the nozzlethroat. This condition is essentially a hammershock.Since the flow is choked at the nozzle throat, the massflow can be adjusted by varying the throat height r ofthe nozzle. Figure 6 shows the flow domain for thisstudy. The Mach number contours of Fig. 6 show thenormal shock in the bleed region, which is from x 2.0tox 3.0 feet.

2 S 4 5 6

X (ft)

000 .....010020 .....030 --8--040 .....050

060 .....070080 .....

0901oo .....

11o --_

12o .....

13o1 40 .....

Figure 6. Flow domain and Mach number contoursfor a normal shock positioned over a bleed region.

This study shows the capability of a bleed boundarycondition that can adjust its bleed mass flow accordingto local flow conditions, such as the Boeing bleedmodel. Once the shock moves into the bleed region, theforward portion of the bleed region is under asupersonic flow condition while the rearward portion ofthe bleed is under a subsonic flow, which is at a higherpressure. In a bleed stability system, the bleed plenumpressure is usually held constant. A higher ductpressure, as found behind the shock, would cause anincrease in the bleed flow. This has a stabilizing effecton the shock since now the excess captured mass flowcan be directed out through the bleed region. If enoughmass flow is removed through the bleed, the normalshock position can be stabilized.

Simulations were performed using the Boeing bleedmodel in which the nozzle throat heights were varied toproduce a range of nozzle mass flows. The simulationsused the Spalart-Allmaras turbulence model. Thenormal shock moved into the bleed region and theBoeing bleed model was able to stabilize the normalshock and a steady-state flow solution was obtained.Figure 7 plots the variation of the bleed mass flow withnozzle throat mass flow. As can be seen, as the nozzlemass flow decreased (smaller nozzle throat area), thebleed mass flow increased. Two observations are thatthe variation is linear and the sum of the bleed mass

flow and the nozzle throat mass flow percentages is100%. The variation will intersect the 0% bleed mass

flow at a 100% nozzle throat mass flow. Figure 8shows the streamwise distribution of the mass flow over

the bleed region for the simulation at which the normalshock is positioned at approximately x 2.5 feet. Onecan see the "kink" in the curve at the shock location andan increase in the mass flow behind the shock. Shown

are the distributions for the simulations using theSpalart-Allmaras and SST turbulence models, whichbehave in a similar manner.











0_0 Simulations

75.0 80.0 85.0 90.0 95.0

Throat mass flow / Captured Mass Flow (%)


Figure 7. Streamwise variation of the bleed massflows with various nozzle throat mass flows for a

normal shock positioned over the bleed regionmodeled with the Boeing bleed model.

The mass flow and porous bleed models were unable tostabilize the shock. The mass flow bleed model holds

the total mass flow fixed, and so, was unable to increasethe mass flow through the bleed region. The porositybleed model had no mechanism to adjust the dischargecoefficient. Both bleed models resulted in the unstart of

the inlet, which was characterized by the normal shock

moving ahead of the bleed region.

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O 0.94

o_LT_ 0.92



I Boei

Boeing Bleed Model (SST) \

0.861.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5

X, ft

Figure 8. Streamwise distribution of the bleed massflow along the duct over the bleed region with anormal shock positioned over the bleed region.

Oblique Shock / Bleed Interaction

This study examined the flow of Mach 2.35 with anoblique shock generated by a 10-degree ramp thatreflects off and interacts with a bleed region on thelower wall of the inlet. This flow condition is

illustrated in Fig. 2. Figure 9 shows part of the flowdomain in the area of the ramp and bleed region alongwith the Mach number contours. Figure 9 lists thevalues of the geometric parameters for this study inunits of feet. The foreduct length a was chosen longenough to generate a boundary layer in the bleed regionsuch that a separation bubble developed when no bleedwas used. The resulting boundary layer thicknessahead of the bleed region was approximately 0.1 feet.The ramp was positioned such that the oblique shockimpinged at the center of the bleed region, x 1.5 feet.The domain does not include an isolator or nozzle. The

domain and grids were two-dimensional with aspecified width of 1.0 feet.

a b c d g h o7.0 1.252 0.5 2.0 0.5 1.0 0.821

oF .........

1 0 1 2 3

X (It)

oo .....02 _-04 .....06 _-08 .....1012 .....14 +16 .....1820 .....22 +24 .....26

Figure 9. Flow domain, Mach number contours,and geometric parameters for an oblique shock

interacting with a bleed region in Mach 2.35 flow.

The objective of the study was to create varyingconditions over the bleed region, but not those as severeas for the normal shock study. Such oblique shockreflections exist in supersonic inlets. The bleedattempts to minimize the separation due toshock/boundary layer interactions.

A simulation was performed assuming inviscid flowso as to compare with inviscid, steady flow theory.Figure 10 shows the comparison. Shown is the stepdecrease in Mach number across the oblique shock onthe upper surface and the reflected shock on the lowersurface. The comparison is good.

A grid convergence study was conducted to examinethe variation of mass flow bleed with respect to gridrefinement. Three grids were used with a gridrefinement ratio of r 2.0. The Boeing bleed and theSpalart-Allmaras turbulence models were used. Asignificant amount of variation was observed such thata negative value of the order-of-convergence p wascalculated. When a value ofp 1.5 was assumed, theGCI values ranged from 4.2% on the coarse grid to11.6% on the fine grid.

Simulations were performed using medium grid withthe Spalart-Allmaras turbulence model and varying thethree bleed models. The Boeing and porous bleedmodels each used the same bleed plenum pressure. Thedischarge coefficient of the porous bleed model wasadjusted until the total bleed flow was the same as that

of the Boeing bleed model, which was 1.838%. Thisamount of bleed flow was then specified for mass flowbleed model. Figure 11 shows the streamwisedistribution of the mass flow across the bleed region.The mass flow bleed model resulted in a linear

distribution. The Boeing bleed model essentially does

not bleed any flow upstream of the shock. The porousbleed model actually injects some flow prior to theshock, but then bleeds the flow downstream of theshock to get to the same level of total bleed.

Simulations using other turbulence models showedsome variation in the bleed mass flow. The simulation

using the SST turbulence model resulted in the lowestbleed mass flow of 1.662%.

Three simulations were also performed using thewall function with the Spalart-Allmaras turbulencemodel. The medium grid was used with sublayer gridpoints removed at y+ values of 28, 51, and 94. Thebleed mass flow remained fairly constant at 1.84% forall three simulations.

A simulation was performed with a three-dimensional domain and grid with a rectangular cross-section and a width of 1.0 feet. It was verified that the

bleed mass flow was identical to that of the two-

dimensional domain and grid.

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=Ez 2.00





Theory: Bottom Wall

o Inviseid: Bottom Wall

Theory: Upper Wall

• Inviscid: Upper Wall


1.50-0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

X, ft

Figure 10. Comparison of surface Mach numberswith theory for inviscid, Mach 2.35 flow with anoblique shock and no bleed.


o_,T 1.000




o 0.990u_




//x. j/ \

', \\

Bo \/

Mass Flow Bleed Model (S-A) "X_/

Porous Bleed Model (S-A) "_/

1'.2 114 116 118 2.0

X, ft

Figure 11. Streamwise distribution of mass flow in

the duct across the bleed region with an obliqueshock in Mach 2.35 flow interacting with the bleed.

Subsonic Diffuser Duct

This study examined the steady, subsonic flow in adiffuser duct. The objective was to verify the operationof the subsonic inflow and subsonic outflow boundaryconditions. Figure 12 shows the flow domain, Machnumber contours, and the values of the geometricparameters in units of feet. The flow domain isaxisymmetric. The subsonic inflow boundary conditionwas applied at the inflow to hold fixed the inflow totalpressure, total temperature, and flow angles, which aredirected axially. The subsonic outflow boundaryconditions are applied at the outflow. The area

distribution and boundary conditions result in a Mach0.35 outflow and a Mach 0.786 inflow for the inviscidflow simulation. The Mach 0.786 inflow is the Machnumber behind a normal shock with a Mach 1.3 inflow

and is a typical design Mach number at the entrance tothe subsonic diffuser of a supersonic inlet. The Mach0.35 outflow is a typical design Mach number at theentrance to the compressor face of the gas turbineengine.

a b c d g h o1.0 0.5 0.5 5.0 0.0 1.0 1.305

000.......+OlO .....o15020 .....O250 so .....035 --o--o 40 .....045 --x-050 .....055 ---te-

O o 60 .....065

X (It) 070 .....o75 --4--

Figure 12. Flow domain, Mach number contours,and geometric parameters for the axisymmetric flowin a subsonic diffuser duct.

Simulations were performed assuming a steady,inviscid flow. Verification of the subsonic inflow

boundary condition involved a straightforward check onwhether the total pressure and total temperature at theinflow boundary matched that, which was specified inthe input file. A check indicated that there was a matchto seven significant digits. Verification of the solutioninvolved a comparison with the analytic solution for theaxial distribution of the Mach number through the ductas determined through quasi-one-dimensional theory, n

Figure 13 shows a good comparison. Simulations wereperformed with both planar and three-dimensionalaxisymmetric domains and comparisons verified theequality of both domains. Verification of the subsonicoutflow boundary conditions involved checkingwhether the outflow Mach number was 0.35, theoutflow static pressure matched the value specified, andthe outflow mass flow matched the specified value,which all did within 0.1%. Simulations were

performed using the mass flow, Mach number, andnozzle boundary conditions. The results agreed withthe use of the constant-pressure boundary condition.

Simulations were performed assuming turbulentflow. The Spalart-Allmaras turbulence model was usedwith constant-pressure, Mach number, and mass flowboundary conditions. An axisymmetric simulationmatched the mass flow and exit Mach number of a

three-dimensional, axisymmetric simulation. Thelength of the isolator affects the conditions at thecompressor face with respect to the type of outflowboundary condition.

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0.300.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0

X, ft

Figure 13. Distribution of Mach number along thesubsonic diffuser duct in comparison to theory.

Step Acoustic Disturbance in an Annular Duct

This study examined the unsteady, inviscid flow in astraight, annular duct with a step acoustic disturbancepropagating down the duct and interacting with thesubsonic outflow boundary condition. The objectivewas to examine the unsteady acoustic response from the

subsonic outflow boundary conditions. The simulationof such responses are of importance in supersonic inletdesign with respect to the stability of the inlet flow.Figure 14 shows the flow domain and Mach numbercontours for the study at the start of the simulation. Thestep acoustic disturbance had a magnitude of +10% ofthe nominal static pressure and was initially locatedfrom x 0 to 5 inches. The values of the geometricparameters in units of inches associated with this studyare listed in Fig. 14. The flow domain is anaxisymmetric, annular duct. The subsonic inflowboundary condition was applied at the inflow to holdfixed the inflow total pressure, total temperature, andflow angles, which are directed axially. The subsonicoutflow boundary conditions were applied at theoutflow.

a b c d g h o1.0 10.0 5.0 5.0 0.5 1.0 1.0

'_ll ' ' 0.20 --E}--


0 5 10 15 20

X (in)

Figure 14. Flow domain, Mach number contours,and geometric parameters for flow with a 10%acoustic disturbance in an annular duct.

Verification of the subsonic inflow boundarycondition involved a straightforward check on whetherthe total pressure and total temperature at the inflowboundary matched that, which was specified in theinput file. A check indicated that there was a match toseven significant digits.

Verification of the subsonic outflow boundarycondition models involved examining the propagationof the acoustic disturbance and the reflection of the

acoustic response of the models to the step acousticdisturbance. Figure 15 shows the time-varying staticpressure as observed at a sensor position located at x15.0 inches. The propagation speed of thedownstream-traveling acoustic disturbance is u+cwhere u is the axial flow speed and c is the acousticspeed. Thus, the disturbance reaches the sensorlocation at 0.621 msec. The propagation speed of theupstream-traveling acoustic response is u-c. Thus, theresponse reaches the sensor location at 1.434 msec.Figure 15 shows that the simulations do propagate thedisturbance and responses at the correct speeds. Thebehavior of the subsonic outflow boundary conditionswith respect to the acoustic responses is consistent withthe respective boundary condition. The pressure modelimposes a constant pressure at the outflow, and so, theresponse is equal to the specified pressure. The Machnumber model imposes the constant Mach number, andso, the response is of the same sign and magnitude asthe disturbance. The Paynter compressor face model

gives a response of the same sign, but of less magnitudeas the disturbance. The non-reflecting model (Paynter

Model with 13 0) essentially gives no response,although a slight reflection is noticed and the reasonsfor this are still under study.




_- 1.10





Solid: NPARC (ref 9)

Dashed: WIND

o:6 ' 11oTime, t, msec

_' _N_o_n_-_R_ef_le ct i n¢


' 115 ' 2.0

Figure 15. Response from the outflow boundarycondition to an acoustic disturbance in a straightannular duct.

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Figure15alsoshowsthetimevaryingpressuresasobtainedfromsimulationsusingtheNPARCCFDcode,whichwereoriginallypresentedinreference10.Thetwo codesagreewell, but WIND removesoscillationsatthepressurediscontinuities.

Summarv and Conclusions

Boundary conditions for subsonic inflow, bleed, andsubsonic outflow used for computational analysis of theflow through supersonic inlets have been discussed andassessed with respect to verification. The relativelysimple configurations and flow simulations weredemonstrated to be powerful in providing importantinformation on the behavior of the boundary conditions.However, verification is a never-ending process thattends to create numerous issues for further examination.


1. Bush, R.H., G.D. Power, and C.E. Towne, "WIND:The Production Flow Solver of the NPARC

Alliance," AIAA Paper 0935, January 1998.2. WIND Code web site,

3. AIAA, "Guide for the Verification and Validationof Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations,"AIAA @077 1998, 1998.

4. Roache, P.J., Verification and Validation inComputational Science and Engineering, HermosaPublishers, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 1998.

5. NPARC Verification and Validation web site,)v/www/wind/vaiid.

6. Mayer, D.W. and G.C. Paynter, "BoundaryConditions for Unsteady Supersonic InletAnalyses," AIAA Journal., Vol. 32, No. 6, June1994, p. 1200 1206.

7. Chung, J.K. and Cole, G.L., "Comparison ofCompressor Face Boundary Conditions forUnsteady CFD Simulations of Supersonic Inlets,"AIAA Paper 95 2627.

8. Paynter, G.C., "Modeling the Response From aCascade to an Upstream Convective VelocityDisturbance," AIAA Paper 98 3570.

9. Paynter, G.C., L.T. Clark, and G.L. Cole,"Modeling the Response from a Cascade to anUpstream Acoustic Disturbance," AIAA Jouma!,Vol. 38, No. 8, August 2000, p. 1322 1330.

10. Slater, J.W. and G.C. Paynter, "Implementation ofa Compressor Face Boundary Condition Based on

Small Disturbances," NASA/TM--2000-209945,March 2000. (Also ASME 2000 GT 0005).

11. Anderson, J.D., Modem Compressible Flow,McGraw-Hill, 1984.

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August 2002 Technical Memorandum


Vcrification Assessment of Flow Boundm'y Conditions for CFD Analysis

of Supersonic Inlet Flows


John W. Slater


National Aeronautics and Space Administration

John El. Glenn Resem'ch Center at Lewis Field

Cleveland, Ohio 44135 - 3191





National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Washington, DC 20546-0(101 NASA TM------2002-211790



Prepared for the 37th Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit cosponsored by the AIAA, SAE, AIChE, and ASIVlE, Salt

L_e City, Utah, July 8-11, 2.001. Responsible person, John W. Slater, organization code 5850, 216-433-8513.


Unclassified - Unlimited

Subject Categories: 02, 07 and 34 Distribution: Nonstandard

Available electronicaJly at bttp://glt:.-s._rc.nasa.aov

"l-his publication is available from the NASA Center for AeroSpace Infbrmadon, 301-621-0390.


13. ABSTRACT (Maximum 200 words)

Boundm'y conditions for subsonic inflow, bleed, and subsonic outflow as implemented into the WIND CFD code m'e

assessed with respect to verification for steady and unsteady flows associated with supersonic inlets. Verification

procedures include grid convergence studies and comparisons to analytical data. The objective is to examine errors,

limitations, capabilities, and behavior of the boundary conditions. Computational studies were performed on

configurations derived from a "pm'ameterized" supersonic inlet. These include steady supersonic flows with normal

at_d oblique shocks, steady subsonic flow in a diffuser, aid unsteady flow with the propagation aid reflection of an

acoustic disturbat_ce.


Computational fluid dynamics; Boundary conditions



NSN 7540-01-280-5500




Unclassified Uncl assifi ed

Standard Form 298 (Rev. 2-89)

Prescribed by ANSI Std. Z39-18298-102