verbs followed by infinitive or gerund with a

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  • 8/14/2019 Verbs Followed by Infinitive or Gerund With A


    By Mara Hidalgo. EOI Eivissa. 2009

  • 8/14/2019 Verbs Followed by Infinitive or Gerund With A


    I still remember buying my first bike. Ill never forget meeting the Queen.

    They look back at the past, at things onedid

    I still remember when I bought my first bike Ill never forget when I met the Queen

  • 8/14/2019 Verbs Followed by Infinitive or Gerund With A


    You must remember to fetch Mr Lewis fromthe station.

    Dont forget to buy some milk.

    They look forward in time, at things one stillhas to do

    You must remember that you have tofetch Mr Lewis from the station.

    Dont forget that you have to buy somemilk

  • 8/14/2019 Verbs Followed by Infinitive or Gerund With A


    I regret leaving school at 14 It was a great


    It looks back at the past, at something you aresorry that you did

    = I wish .... ...I hadnt left school

    what about using a phrasal verb???

    I wish I hadnt dropped out ofdropped out of school

  • 8/14/2019 Verbs Followed by Infinitive or Gerund With A


    We regret to inform passengers that the14.50 train is one hour late.

    It is used in announcements of bad news

  • 8/14/2019 Verbs Followed by Infinitive or Gerund With A


    She went on talking about her illness untilwe all went to sleep.

    = she continued the activity of talking

    I stopped running.

    = she stopped the activity of running

  • 8/14/2019 Verbs Followed by Infinitive or Gerund With A


    She stopped talking about that and went onto describe her other problems.

    I stopped to rest.

    They refer to a change of activity

    Infinitive of purpose!!

  • 8/14/2019 Verbs Followed by Infinitive or Gerund With A


    He tried sending her flowers, writing herletters, giving her presents but she stillwouldnt speak to him.

    The gerund is used to talk about making an experiment -doing something to see what will happen

    It answers the question HOWHOW : How did he try to win her heart? By

    sendingsending her flowers,....

  • 8/14/2019 Verbs Followed by Infinitive or Gerund With A


    He tried to change the wheel but his hands weretoo cold.

    To talk about making an effort to do something


    It answers the question WHATWHAT:

    What did he try to do?

  • 8/14/2019 Verbs Followed by Infinitive or Gerund With A


    I wouldnt advise takingtaking the car theres nowhere to park. I wouldnt adviseyouto taketo take the car.

    We dont allow/permit smokingsmoking in the lecture room.

    We dont allow/permitpeopleto smoketo smoke in the lecture room.

    The headmaster has forbidden singingsinging in the corridors. The headmaster has forbidden childrento singto sing in the


    When there is an object between the two verb forms, the

    infinitiveinfinitive is used!!

  • 8/14/2019 Verbs Followed by Infinitive or Gerund With A


    Smoking is not allowed/permitted in the lecture room. Rephrase: People ... ...are not allowed/permitted to smoketo smoke in the lecture


    Singing is forbidden in the corridors. Rephrase: Children ... ...are forbidden to singto sing in the corridors.

  • 8/14/2019 Verbs Followed by Infinitive or Gerund With A


    I looked out of the window and saw Mary crossing the road.

    As I passed his house I heard him practising the piano. The actions were already going on at that moment:

    When I looked out of the window Mary was crossingwas crossing the road

    When I passed his house I heard that he was playingwas playing the piano

  • 8/14/2019 Verbs Followed by Infinitive or Gerund With A


    I saw Mary cross the road and disappearinto the post office.

    I once heard Brendel play all the Beethovenconcertos.

    ( it refers to a complete action which is seen /heard from beginning to end)

    I saw how Mary crossed he road and then disappeared intothe post office

    I once heard how Brendel played all the Beethoven concertos

  • 8/14/2019 Verbs Followed by Infinitive or Gerund With A


    If you want to pass the exam it will meanstudying hard.

    *mean = involveinvolve

    I dont think she means to get married for themoment.

    *mean = intendintend

  • 8/14/2019 Verbs Followed by Infinitive or Gerund With A


    Complete: I didn't mean .you. (UPSET)

    I didnt mean to upsetto upset you

    (it wasnt my intention)

    Dieting also means ..careful about which foodsyou buy.(BE)

    Dieting also means beingbeing careful about which foodsyou buy.

    (it involves being careful

  • 8/14/2019 Verbs Followed by Infinitive or Gerund With A


    Compare: She goes to school twice a week to learn


    Mr Garland teaches skiing in the winter.

    She learnt to read German at school, butshe learnt to speak it in Germany.

    I taught myself to type.

  • 8/14/2019 Verbs Followed by Infinitive or Gerund With A


    She goes to school twice a week to learn typing. Mr Garland teaches skiing in the winter. (referring to lessons or subjects of study)

    She learnt to read German at school, but shelearnt to speak it in Germany.

    I taught myself to type. ( to refer to how to do something; it is about

    learning a skill successfully )

  • 8/14/2019 Verbs Followed by Infinitive or Gerund With A


    It's often hard toremember vitamin pills.(TAKE)

    It's often hard toremember to take

    vitamin pills.

  • 8/14/2019 Verbs Followed by Infinitive or Gerund With A


    Ill never forget..Halloween withmy grandparents when Iwas a child.(CELEBRATE)

    Ill never forget

    celebratingcelebratingHalloweenwith my grandparentswhen I was a child.

  • 8/14/2019 Verbs Followed by Infinitive or Gerund With A


    I have alwaysregretted .up my pianolessons.(GIVE)

    I have alwaysregretted givingup

    my piano lessons

  • 8/14/2019 Verbs Followed by Infinitive or Gerund With A


    The managementregrets .you thatyour contract will notbe renewed next

    month. (INFORM)

    The managementregrets to informto inform youthat your contract willnot be renewed nextmonth.

  • 8/14/2019 Verbs Followed by Infinitive or Gerund With A


    Try .. off and.. on again ifyou cant downloadthe image. (LOG)

    Try logging off andlogging on again if

    you cant downloadthe image .

  • 8/14/2019 Verbs Followed by Infinitive or Gerund With A


    I tried everything. weight withno success. (LOSE)

    I tried everything

    to loseto lose weight withno success.

  • 8/14/2019 Verbs Followed by Infinitive or Gerund With A


    I strongly adviseyou medicalinsurance if you'retravelling abroad.


    I strongly advise

    you to getto get medicalinsurance if you'retravelling abroad.

  • 8/14/2019 Verbs Followed by Infinitive or Gerund With A


    It's advisable.your appointmentat least a week inadvance.(MAKE)

    It's advisable toto

    makemake youryour

    appointmentappointment atleast a week inadvance.

  • 8/14/2019 Verbs Followed by Infinitive or Gerund With A


    Their religionforbids ..pork.


    Their religionforbids eatingeatingpork.

  • 8/14/2019 Verbs Followed by Infinitive or Gerund With A



