vendsyssel catalogue en


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Vendsyssel offers a total range of products and preparations "made in excellence" using salmon and other smoked fish. Created 1883 by a young Dane from a long line of fishermen, Vendsyssel has been perpetuating the ancestral traditions of artisan smokers throughout all the different stages of production since that time including salting, smoking and slicing.


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Vendsyssel, past and present . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3smoking & slicing methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4origins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

smoked salmon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-9 Smoked Salmon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-7 Salmon prime filet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Smoked Salmon CubeS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9other preparations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-16 SliverS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-11 planCha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-13 marinated Salmon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 marinated Salmon CubeS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Salmon-goat CheeSe medallionS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16cooked salmon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 ‘the hot SmokehouSe’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17other smoked fish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

the Vendsyssel product lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-22

smoked salmon other preparations

cooked salmon other smoked fish

p . 6-9 p . 10-16

p . 17 p . 18-19

Table of ConTenTs

Page 3: Vendsyssel Catalogue EN

kristian mikkelsen, a young dane from a long line of fi shermen, came to the vendsyssel area of northern denmark in 1883, at the age of 28. that is where he started his own business, a seafood trading company to which he gave the name “vendsyssel”.

Until the 1890s the young company concentrated mainly on the lobster trade, enabling the region to become a recognized export center for the precious crustacean throughout northern and central europe. And yet, the company vendsyssel would soon turn its back on lobster to focus its activities around salmon.

thanks to his brother-in-law, theodore, who had emigrated to the United states, Kristian learned that the Americans had fi ne-tuned a new way to eat salmon. instead of canning the fi sh, they were now salting and smoking Pacifi c salmon. this new taste experience was a great success on the other side of the Atlantic. so, why not try to conquer the european market with it as well? so, Kristian and theodore took up the challenge. vendsyssel set up its headquarters in copenhagen and two American subsidiaries on the West coast, in seattle and Portland. the company was supplied by salmon caught in the columbia river, salted the fi sh on site, then shipped it to copenhagen, where it was then exported to the rest of europe, mainly to Germany, where vendsyssel had moreover built two smoking facilities.

the shipments of Pacifi c salmon from America were stopped during World War i and vendsyssel’s engines idled. Business picked up again in 1919, even though the German market temporarily disappeared because of the recession of the 1920s. vendsyssel then turned its gaze in other directions, and notably toward Belgium, where Kristian built the country’s fi rst smoking facility. vendsyssel smoked salmon was immediately rather successful in our area, but also in France and switzerland.

Kristian Mikkelsen passed away in 1932, at the age of 77, happy in the knowledge that he had turned his little business into a company with a international dimension. His son, who had been involved in the family business for close to ten years, took over as head of the group, while the Belgian company’s management was entrusted to Borge Kehler.

Maison vendsyssel did a fl ourishing business in Belgium and France, where a new establishment was set up in Paris, up until World War ii broke out. At the time, vendsyssel was clearly the largest smoked salmon supplier in all of europe. during World War ii vendsyssel’s facilities in denmark, Belgium, and France miraculously

escaped being damaged. Business continued as well as it could, thanks to supplies of salmon from the Baltic sea.

in the immediate post-war period American salmon became a luxury item that cost a pretty penny. trade in the fi sh slowed down considerably in europe, where people were going through hard times. vendsyssel thus decided to stop importing salmon from the United states once and for all and turned toward the waters of norway, sweden, and even scotland to obtain its precious resource. so, still under Borge Kehler’s dynamic leadership, the Brussels-based Maison vendsyssel grew strongly in the 1950s, notably because of the exceptional free-market business conditions in the country at the time, and became the corporate headquarters.

so, having sailed through the stormy periods of two World Wars, vendsyssel continued its journey. the Kehler family members took over the company’s management one after the other until salm invest bought it in 2006. since then, salm invest has taken care to perpetuate the values and methods of home-style production developed by its founder more than a century ago.


backgroundVendsyssel, from yesteryear to the present

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smoking & slicing methods

Vendsyssel perpetuates the age-old practices of home salting at every stage of production…

Saltingvendsyssel’s specialized workers salt the fi sh entirely by hand using the same age-old techniques that the company fi rst adopted in 1883. they use dry salt, and for some of vendsyssel’s secret recipes, add mixtures of carefully selected spices in just the right balance.

Smokingvendsyssel’s fi sh are smoked using home-style methods over beech chip fi ensure that each product is unique, with a specifi c taste and texture, vendsyssel’s smokers use various smoking techniques (different durations, temperatures, and so on):• “traditional” smoking takes from 8 to 12 hours and is

done “indian style”. the fi sh is hung by its tail, so that its fat slowly drains away, drop by drop. the resulting smoked salmon thus has a drier, more authentic, taste .

• “Long” smoking, which is slower (from 24 to 48 hours) and milder, enhances the fi sh’s typical fl avor.

• “Hot” smoking entails cooking the fi sh at low temperatures (60-70°c), which gives the fi sh a smoky taste while preserving its buttery texture and natural fl avors.

SliCingvendsyssel’s highly skilled slicers continue to do all the slicing by hand, as they did from the start, for extreme precision in the fi nal product. Hand slicing, being more delicate, preserves the fl esh’s structure and all the fi nesse and subtlety of its fl avor. these delicate motions, carried out in exactly the same way for more than a century, explain why the slices of vendsyssel salmon are so long and thin, revealing all the nobility of this king of fi sh.

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originsvendSYSSel Salmon, Salmon made in…

norWaYthanks to the purity of its coastal waters and quality of its streams and fjords, norway is the ideal country for extremely high quality salmon. it is no accident if

the country is the world’s leading producer of salmon!

irelandLocated in an area of mild southwesterly winds and warmed

by the Gulf stream’s waters, ireland’s coastal waters enjoy an extremely regular climate all year round. it is thus a region of predilection for raising salmon. irish

salmon, with its particularly fi rm fl esh, is renowned for its very high quality.

SCotlandthe salty waters of scotland’s wild coastal areas and the extremely pure freshwater that runs in the streams from the Highlands’ snow-covered peaks

gives scottish salmon unique fl avor and texture that make it one of the most highly appreciated by gourmets.

Wild Salmonthe wild salmon that is caught in the Atlantic ocean or Baltic sea is characterized by its typical fl avor, which is fi ne and refi ned, special texture, and unique color. these specifi c features are linked to its diet, which is entirely natural and wild.

mSC Certifiedvendsyssel gives priority to working with marine stewardship council (MSC)-certifi ed fi sheries. the Msc label is granted on the basis of various criteria to fi shing enterprises and farms that respect the marine ecosystem and guarantee the survival of the ocean’s fi sh populations.

the WillikSen fiSh farmin its constant search for excellence vendsyssel struck up a close partnership with the Williksen Fish Farm, a business anchored in norwegian fi shing and

piscicultural traditions since 1883.

Located on vikna island, in the heart of the fjords of norway’s central coast, Williksen Fish Farm is ideally situated in an area that is particularly suitable for farming salmon.

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smoked salmonThe full fl avor of tradition…

“tradition” smoking, done “indian-style”. the fi sh is hung by its tail in the smokehouse.

Smoked Salmon

the long, thin slices of salmon are separated by sheets of plastic fi lm to make them easier to serve.

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Whether it comes from the Baltic sea or the Atlantic ocean, vendsyssel salmon is salted, smoked, and sliced according to home-style methods perpetuated by masters in the art of salting for more than a century. the salmon is salted entirely by hand before being smoked home-style over beech chips. it is then sliced by hand. this hand slicing, being more delicate, yields long, thin slices that respect the structure of the product, the fi neness of its fl esh, and subtlety of its fl avor.

Salting, smoking, and slicing: three steps carried out according to time-honored tradition by vendsyssel’s master craftsmen since 1883.

vendSYSSel knoW-hoW SinCe 1883…

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sliced salmon prime fi let, for hors-d’œuvres or tapas!

Whole salmon prime fi let

at the heart of taSte…

the prime fi let of salmon is selected from the meatiest and most tender part of the fi sh. it reveals all the nobility and refi nement of this king of fi sh.Presented whole or in longitudinal slices and served as an appetizer, as a no-frills hors-d’œuvre on toast, or as refi ned tapas, salmon prime fi lets will warm the cockles of every gourmet’s heart.

at the heart of taSte…

salmon prime filetsThe most noble of smoked salmon…

Smoked Salmon

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As tapas in a pasta dish or in a mixed salad

09QUicK, eAsy, And deLicioUs!

vendsyssel smoked salmon cubes are quick and easy fl avor extenders!As hors-d’œuvres or tapas, in pasta dishes, souffl és, and mixed salads, or even as ingredients in salmon tartar, they will let you explore all possible taste sensations!

smoked salmon Cubes“Ready-to-eat” salmon!

Smoked Salmon

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in elegant rings…

A gracefully strung necklace…

With exquisitely imaginative settings…

A diaphanous ribbon…

As if straight from a savory showcase…

A tumble of colors…

salmon sliversA new slice on salmon

other preparationS

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reAdy For everytHinG!

vendsyssel aiguillettes or slivers are mildly smoked and marinated to over a new way to eat salmon. these refi ned, sophisticated tidbits will be the toast of the town not only among salmon lovers, but among gourmet diners as well, as they mix with a whole series of fl avors.vendsyssel salmon slivers, ready for everything, from traditional fi xings to surprising, unprecedent-ed innovations, but delicious every time!

natural, dill, dill & Lemon, tandoori, Mustard & Hazelnuts, truffl es & champagne, citrus fruit, 5 Peppers, chives

so many invitations to pleasure!


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PlanchaSalmon on the grill!

other preparationS

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Grllled or barbecuedon hot stones Pan-fried


refined and balanCed…

An innovative product that is resolutely with the times, our Plancha salmon fi lets will draw consumers on the lookout for foods that are both refi ned and nutritionally balanced. vendsyssel’s Plancha salmon is lightly salted and smoked for grilling over a strong fl ame (on a barbecue, hot stones, a grill, or in a frying pan) without butter or oil. its high omega-3 content makes it excellent for one’s health. And pleasure should always be varied, vendsyssel encourages you to discover its Plancha fi lets in three versions: natural, fi ve peppers, and dill.three fl avors… but the same delight!

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authentiCitY and originalitY…

vendsyssel marinated salmon is fresh – not smoked – salmon that has been marinated using the company’s original recipes so as to combine authentic salmon fl avor with unprecedented new tastes without changing the tender, unctuous texture of its fl esh. ideal for a cold appetizer accompanied by a small salad!

Marinated salmonA slice of originality

other preparationS

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Salmon in another form!


An invitAtion to (re)discovery!

the vendsyssel line of marinated salmon cubes explores new tracks, far from traditional preparations. it opens the door to discovery through an original assortment of flavors. the originally raw cubes of salmon are cooked ever so slightly by the vinegar mixture in the marinade. cutting them into cubes makes it possible to use them with infinite variety, to add an unexpected salmon touch to a plate of hors-d’œuvres or as tapas.

marinated salmon Cubesother preparationS

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medallionS of goat CheeSe With BeLts oF sMoKed sALMon: WeddinG mildneSS to CreamineSS

these goat cheese patties belted with smoked salmon are made from top quality ingredients for a wealth of scents and fl avors. these medallions belong to our line of practical but sophisticated “convenience foods”. simply grill them in a pan and serve them accompanied with a tossed salad and a glass of good wine. Heavenly! the unctuousness of the smoked salmon and mild creaminess of goat cheese: an unexpected, but perfect, blend!

salmon-goat cheese medallions

Practical and sophisticated!

other preparationS

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Sublimated fl avor!


The Hot smokehouse

hot-Smoked Salmon for Sublimated flavor…

“the Hot smokehouse” line is a new generation of fi sh prepared according to an exclusive hot-smoking process. this smoking method gives them a typical bouquet and sublimates their fl avor while keeping their unctuous texture intact. “the Hot smokehouse” fi sh are easy and practical to serve and eat, and will be appreciated both hot and cold.

Cooked Salmon

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other smoked fishVariations of flavor

smoked escolar

smoked funa

smoked halibut smoked marlin

other Smoked fiSh

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Smoked tunathe Albacore (or yellow-fi n) tuna that is caught in the high seas of the indian ocean not far from indonesia is particularly suitable for smoking. After being salted entirely by hand according to a traditional method kept alive by vendsyssel’s master salters since 1883, the tuna fi lets are then allowed to cure for a long period before being smoked over a sawdust fi re. the combination of time and passion is what gives them their incomparable taste. to discover – or rediscover –without moderation!

Smoked halibutthe halibut is a wild fi sh that lives in the cold, deep waters of iceland in the northeastern Atlantic ocean. vendsyssel halibut fi lets are packed in large-grain salt before being smoked for hours over a sawdust fi re. this traditional home-style smoking method reveals all the subtleties of the halibut’s taste and texture, which is tender yet with a slight crispness.

Smoked eSColarcaught in the tropical waters of the Pacifi c, then salted and smoked according to our home-style tradition, the smoked escolar (also known as the butterfi sh) delivers its unique taste and texture, with amazing soft fl esh that melts in your mouth; just as unique as the beige color of its fl esh.

Smoked marlincaught in the warm waters of the indian ocean, the marlin is salted and smoked by vendsyssel’s master craftsmen using a method that conserves its unctuous texture and refi ned fl avor. An indispensable ingredient of a cold tropical fi sh plate, smoked marlin is delicious on toast or simply accompanied by a few leaves of lettuce.

All vendsyssel smoked fi sh are sold whole, in fi lets, or hand-sliced.

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Wooden box vendsyssel box smoked salmon box


slicing smoking origin Weight shelf-life

smoked salmon filet

indian-style whole smoked salmon – “Ficelle” -traditional,

hungnorway 0 .9-1 .2 kg/1 .2-1 .5 kg 21 days

hand-sliced smoked salmon

indian-style hand-sliced smoked salmon – “Ficelle”

Hand cuttraditional,

hungnorway 0 .9-1 .2 kg/1 .2-1 .5 kg 21 days

Hand-sliced smoked salmon Hand cut traditional norway 150 g 21 days

machine-sliced smoked salmon


Medium long

norway 250 g/1 kg 21 days

salmon prime filet


Whole smoked salmon prime fi let - traditional norway 250 g/approx. 400-500 g 21 days


sliced smoked salmon prime fi let vertical traditional norway 250 g 21 days

salmon cubes

cubes of smoked salmon cut machine traditional norway 250 g/500 g 21 days

smoked salmon – long smoking


Whole smoked salmon - long norway, scotland 1 .8-2 .5 kg 28 days

Whole smoked salmon, trimmed - long norway, scotland 1 .8-2 .5 kg 28 days


Hand-sliced smoked salmon Hand cut long norway, scotland 150 g/500 g/1 .8-2 .5 kg 28 days

Hand-sliced and trimmed smoked salmon Hand cut long norway, scotland 1 .8-2 .5 kg 28 days

smoked salmon – long smoking – Wild


Whole smoked salmon – Wild - long eastsea 1 .8-2 .5 kg 28 days


Hand-sliced smoked salmon – Wild Hand cut long eastsea 150 g/1 .8-2 .5 kg 28 days

Hand-sliced and trimmed smoked salmon – Wild Hand cut long eastsea 1 .8-2 .5 kg 28 days

smoked salmon

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slicing smoking origin Weight shelf-life

marinated salmon

Whole marinated salmon

Whole marinated salmon – dill - Mild norway 0 .9-1 .2 kg 14 days

Whole marinated salmon – coriander - Mild norway 0 .9-1 .2 kg 14 days

Whole marinated salmon – truffles and champagne

- Mild norway 0 .9-1 .2 kg 14 days

sliced marinated salmon

sliced marinated salmon – dill Hand cut Mild norway 0 .9-1 .2 kg 14 days

sliced marinated salmon – coriander Hand cut Mild norway 0 .9-1 .2 kg 14 days

sliced marinated salmon – truffles and champagne

Hand cut Mild norway 0 .9-1 .2 kg 14 days


… of smoked salmon

norwegian smoked salmon slivers vertical Mild norway 140 g/500 g 14 days

… of marinated salmon 140 g (slabs and map pouches) and 500 g

Marinated salmon slivers – dill vertical Mild norway 140 g/500 g 14 days

Marinated salmon slivers – tandoori vertical Mild norway 140 g/500 g 14 days

Marinated salmon slivers – mustard and hazelnuts

vertical Mild norway 140 g/500 g 14 days

Marinated salmon slivers – truffles and champagne

vertical Mild norway 140 g/500 g 14 days

Marinated salmon slivers – citrus fruit vertical Mild norway 140 g/500 g 14 days

Marinated salmon slivers – 5 peppers vertical Mild norway 140 g/500 g 14 days

Marinated salmon slivers – dill and lemon vertical Mild norway 140 g/500 g 14 days

Marinated salmon slivers – chives vertical Mild norway 140 g/500 g 14 days

marinated salmon cubes

Marinated salmon cubes – tomatoes and basil cut machine - norway 200 g/1 kg 30 days

Marinated salmon cubes – dill cut machine - norway 200 g/1 kg 30 days


160 g (map) and 250 g (mVc)

Plancha – natural vertical Mild norway 160 g/250 g 18 days

Plancha – 5 peppers vertical Mild norway 160 g/250 g 18 days

Plancha – dill vertical Léger Mild norway 160 g/250 g 18 days

medallion of smoked salmon and goat cheese

Medallion of smoked salmon and goat cheese

- - - 90 g 14 days

Medallion of smoked salmon and goat cheese + pine nuts and oil in a “snack pack” tray

- - - 60 g + pine nuts and oil 14 days

other preparations

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slicing smoking origin Weight shelf-life

hot smoked

thick hot-smoked salmon fi let (“pavé”) - hot norway 150 g/400 g 14 days

hot smoked

other smoked fishslicing smoking origin Weight shelf-life

other smoked fish


Whole halibut - traditional Groenland 0 .9-1 .2 kg 21 days

Whole escolar - traditional Pacifi c ocean 0 .9-1 .2 kg 21 days

Whole tuna - traditional thailand 0 .9-1 .2 kg 21 days

Whole marlin - traditional vietnam 0 .9-1 .2 kg 21 days


sliced halibut Hand cut traditional Groenland 150 g/500 g/0 .9-1 .2 kg 21 days

sliced escolar Hand cut traditional Pacifi c ocean 150 g/0 .9-1 .2 kg 21 days

sliced tuna Hand cut traditional thailand 150 g/0 .9-1 .2 kg 21 days

sliced marlin Hand cut traditional vietnam 150 g/0 .9-1 .2 kg 21 days

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To fi nd out more about our ranges and our products, please contact us!

maison VendsysselAvenue de Lambusart, 11 - 6220 Fleurus – Belgique

tel.: + 32 71 816 180 - Fax: + 32 71 810 376

people to contactmichel fontinoy – sales manager: + 32 495 874 430

[email protected]

philippe picalausa – sales: +32 495 279 [email protected]

karel care – sales: + 32 473 838 [email protected] un




