[vendor cms addon]vendor cms addon for cedcommerce multivendor marketplace provides full control to...

© CedCommerce. All rights reserved. [email protected] [Vendor CMS Addon] Vendor CMS Addon for Magento® provides extensive features to the vendor for managing and customizing the entire layout of the vendor shop page according to himself by creating multiple CMS, Static Blocks with own content and layout style. Vendor CMS Addon also facilitates the vendor to manage his pages on Multistore and Multi website view as per his requirement.

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[Vendor CMS Addon] Vendor CMS Addon for Magento® provides extensive features to the vendor for managing and customizing the entire layout of the vendor shop page according to himself by creating multiple CMS, Static Blocks with own content and layout style. Vendor CMS Addon also facilitates the vendor to manage his pages on Multistore and Multi website view as per his requirement.

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Vendor CMS Addon

Vendor User Manual

Version - 1.9

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Table of Contents Overview ....................................................................................................................................................... 3

Manage Vendor CMS .................................................................................................................................... 3

i. Add New Vendor CMS ....................................................................................................................... 4

i. Vendor CMS Form ......................................................................................................................... 4

ii. Manage Vendor Static Block ............................................................................................................. 8

i. Vendor Static Blocks Form ............................................................................................................ 8

Vendor CMS Add-on Admin Settings .......................................................................................................... 10

i. Vendor CMS Admin Settings ........................................................................................................... 11

ii. Vendor Static Blocks Admin Settings .............................................................................................. 12

Vendor CMS Addon Admin Configuration Setting ...................................................................................... 12

i. Enable Vendor CMS Page System ............................................................................................... 12

ii. Require Admin Approval ............................................................................................................. 13

Customize Vendor Shop Page ..................................................................................................................... 13

i. Create New Vendor CMS Page and Add the Content ................................................................. 15

ii. Add the Vendor Static Blocks in to CMS Page ............................................................................. 16

iii. Vendor Static Blocks ................................................................................................................... 16

iv. Add Content in static blocks (e.g. myshop_offfer_deals) ........................................................... 17

v. Add Addition Links Static block (e.g myshop_additional_links) ................................................. 17

Support ....................................................................................................................................................... 19

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Overview Vendor CMS Addon for CedCommerce Multivendor Marketplace provides full control to all the

vendors to manage his shop page content, add Additional Informational Links, Images, Magento

Layout different XML Blocks by own self.

Using this addon each vendor can create multiple CMS pages and Static blocks as required, on

multiple websites and store views. Vendor can set his created CMS Pages to be displayed on the

shop page as well as add other CMS pages like that of faq, contacts, about-us, terms &


Vendor can enhance the Shop Page Information and the Other CMS Content by adding Multiple

Static Blocks into the CMS. Vendor CMS Addon also provides an additional admin setting by

which the vendor’s CMS, Static Block pages will need to be approved first by the admin to

reflect their pages at frontend site.

Manage Vendor CMS Vendor CMS Addon adds the Manage Vendor CMS tab in the left navigation menu in the vendor

panel. All the CMS pages are listed in the grid with their respective CMS information as shown


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i. Add New Vendor CMS To add a new vendor CMS, Add New CMS button will be shown at the top right corner. By clicking on it, vendor will be able to set his CMS Content and Information.

i. Vendor CMS Form

It contains four tabs: Page Information, Content Design, Meta Data. So each vendor

will have to set the Information into the newly created CMS and Save it.

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i) Page Information

Page Title: CMS page Title.

URL Key: this is the CMS identifier URL key.

Note: CMS identifier URL Key will be appended to the “vendorshop/”. Every

vendor gets a unique shop url key at the time of registration. For e.g. You

became a new vendor on your site with shop url as “myshop”. So, when you will

create a new CMS, the cms url key prefix will be appended to


Store View: Using this feature, vendor can set the CMS display according to

multiple stores and multiple websites.

Is Home Page: Vendor can be able to set their CMS page by selecting yes over


Status: Used for enabling or disabling the Vendor CMS from the site.

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ii) Content:

Content Heading: Used for setting the CMS content heading.

Content: Vendor can manage his CMS Content by writing information, adding

links and images in the editor along with already created Static Blocks, if any.

Note: Vendor can add his Static block in the content area by using {{block

type="cscmspage/block" block_id="use_vendor_staticblock_identifire"}}

iii) Design:

Layout: Using this vendor can set different page layouts (1 column, 2-column

left-bar, 2 column right-bar, 3 column) on his CMS for display on the fronted.

Layout Update XML: With this the vendor can set the default layout block pages

like (product list, customer information, blocks, etc.).


Add Vendor CMS by use of Layout XML

<reference name="content"> <block type="cscmspage/block" name="myblock" >

<action method="setBlockId"><block_id>block1</block_id></action> </block>

</reference> Checkbox: When vendor selects the checkbox, the default vendor layouts (e.g. vendor profile, vendor product) will be added in the Layout Update XML.

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iv) Meta Data: Vendor can set the meta Keywords and Meta Description on his

CMS page.

After creating the vendor CMS pages, vendor can also check the preview of his created CMS

pages and update the changes himself very easily.

Vendor Cms Pages

Listing on grid.

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Note: Vendor CMS page will go for the Approval by Admin When Admin will Approved the

Vendor CMS will be Reflect on the frontend.

ii. Manage Vendor Static Block

Vendor has the facility to add static blocks according to multistore and multi


Note: vendor static blocks changes will be reflecting on the frontend site when site

Admin will be Approved successfully.

i. Vendor Static Blocks Form

Block Title: used for static Block Title.

Identifier: used for unique identifier of block page.

Store View: vendor can set the multiple store or website for the static block

page rendering on frontend.

Status: vendor can be enable or disable the Static Blocks.

Content: add the content and images in the static blocks.

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After saving the block, vendor can be able to see his static blocks on his vendor panel.

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Vendor CMS Add-on Admin Settings The admin setting for checking the vendor created CMS pages or Static Blocks is also available.

Vendor CMS Addon tab will be shown in the admin panel under CsMarketplace >> Vendor CMS


Static blocks

listing on vendor


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i. Vendor CMS Admin Settings

To open the settings of CMS addon, go to CsMarketplace >>Vendor CMS >> Manage

Vendor CMS.

Admin will be able to see all the vendor created CMS pages from his

admin panel.

Admin has the authority to first approve the Vendor CMS page before

rendering on the frontend.

Admin can modify the vendor created CMS page content and can also

preview it before approval.

Mass Approval, Mass Disapproval, Mass Delete Feature is also available

to control the vendor CMS page.

Notification message is also shown in the admin notification area, if any

request comes for CMS approval.

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ii. Vendor Static Blocks Admin Settings

The Static Block setting can be opened from CsMarketplace > Vendor CMS >

Manage Vendor Blocks.

Admin can see all the vendor created Static Blocks from his admin panel.

Admin has the authority to first approve the vendor created static blocks

before rendering them on frontend.

Admin can modify the vendor created Static Blocks content and can

check before approval.

Mass Approval, Mass Disapproval, Mass Delete feature is available to

control the vendor’s CMS page.

Vendor CMS Addon Admin Configuration Setting

i. Enable Vendor CMS Page System

Admin can enable or disable the Vendor CMS Addon.

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ii. Require Admin Approval

Yes: If yes, then the admin will have to approve the CMS and Static Blocks.

No: If no, then the vendor CMS and Static Blocks will be auto “Approved”

without the permission of Admin.

Customize Vendor Shop Page The vendor has the ability to customize his shop page according to his needs by adding the

design, links or content as he wants. Thus, every vendor can make his shop page look the way

he wants it to be.

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i. Create New Vendor CMS Page and Add the Content

Vendor Demo

CMS Shop page.

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ii. Add the Vendor Static Blocks in to CMS Page

iii. Vendor Static Blocks

Offer Block

show in left


Shop Page


Links Block

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iv. Add Content in static blocks (e.g. myshop_offfer_deals)

v. Add Addition Links Static block (e.g myshop_additional_links)

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When CMS Is Home Page Setting is “Yes” and admin has approved the CMS page of the

vendor, then it will be shown as below.

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Support If you need support or have questions directly related to Vendor CMS Addon, please use our Online Message Form to contact our support team or send us an email at [email protected]

Best Regards,

CedCommerce Team