vehicle application aplicaciones por … · oil press. switch manocontacto presión aceite...


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    Brake light switch Interruptor luz de stop Contacteurs de feu stopFan switch Termocontacto ventilador Thermocontact pour ventilateurHydraulic stop switch Interruptor stop hidralico Contacteur Hidraulique de feu stopOil press. switch Manocontacto presin aceite Manocontacts presion dhuileOil press. transmitter Transmisor presin aceite Transmetteurs pression dhuileOn clutch pedal IInterruptor pedal embrague Interrupteur en pedale dembrayagePneumatic stop switch Interruptor stop neumtico Contacteur pneumatique de feu stopPneumatic switch Interruptor neumtico Manocontact pneumatiqueRev. light switch Interruptor de luz marcha atrs Contacteur de phare de reculStop light switch Interruptor luz stop Contacteur de feu stopTemp. s. warning lamp Termocontacto temperatura Thermocontacts temperatureTemp. sending unit Termo-Resistencia ThermistancesThermistor-Thermocont. Termo-Resistencia - Termocontacto Thermistance - Thermocontact









    This Vehicle Application Catalog contains the data from vehicles, engines and Industrial Vehicles for the European market from year of manufacture 1988 up to and including the year 2011. On some engines, two or more References the same product can be fitted, indicate may have one or more at the same time. Example: Volkswagen fits two oil pressure switch in the same engine, but its possible that it may have various, we see Applications. To identificate the correct switch by matching the colour of plastic, to that of the unit you are replacing. Example: one to be fitted on the upper part of the engine block (cylinder head) and another on the coolant temperature the engine mounting.Some componenets for Tractors and Heavy Duty Vehicles are not listed in the Vehicle Application, but can be found in the Cross Reference List and/or Illustrated section of the Catalogue.

    Los datos recogidos en este Catlogo de Aplicaciones, para vehculos, motores y vehiculo industrial del mercado Europeo, abarcan los aos de fabricacin entre 1988 y 2011, inclusive.Algunos motores pueden montar dos o ms Referencias del mismo producto, independientemente cualquiera de ellas o varias a la vez. Por ejemplo, Volkswagen monta dos o mas interruptores presin de aceite en el mismo motor, pero vemos que puede llevar varios, como indicamos en las Aplicaciones. La identificacin se realiza a travs del color del conector, mismo color, misma ubicacin de montaje. Algunos componentes para Tractores y Vehculos Industriales no estn incluidos en la Lista de Aplicaciones, pero se encuentran en el Cruce de Referencias y/o en la parte Ilustrada del Catlogo.

    Le present Catalogue Applications mentionne les donnes spcifiques de vhicules, moteurs et Vhicules Industrialles pour le march europen depuis lanne de fabrication 1988 jusquau millsime 2011 inclus. Certains moteurs sont quips par deux ou plusieurs Rfrences dans la mme producte, indpendamment lune ou plusieurs de ces Rfrences. Exemple: Volkswagen est equip avec deux interrupteur pression dhuile dans la mme moteur, mais peut avoir incorpor plusieurs, voir Applications pour Vhicules. Lidentification est faite grce la couleur de la partie en plastique. Example: un est monte sur la partie haute du moteur (culasse) et lautre sur lensemble du liquide de Refroidissement du compartiment moteur.Certains composants pour Tracteurs et Vhicules Industriels ne sont pas inclus dans les Applications pour Vhicules, mais sont reprs dans le Tableau des Equi-valences et/ou partie illustre du Catalogue.

    For further applications seePara ms aplicaciones consulte tambinPour dterminer les autres affectations veuillez vous rfrer

    EG.B. F






    EIn this Catalog have been considered the vehicles with:

    - Left Hand Drive (L.H.D.) - Manual Gear, 5 speed. - Without Air Conditioning - Without Check Control - Without Cruise Control - Without ABSAs the Standard vehicle ( generic ).

    The rest of vehicles with other features (criteria) are treated in a specific way in the information column.

    En este Catlogo se han considerado los veh-culos con:

    - Conduccin a la izquierda ( L.H.D. ) - Cambio Manual, 5 velocidades. - Sin Aire Acondicionado - Sin Check Control - Sin Cruise Control - Sin ABScomo el vehculo Standard ( genrico ).

    El resto de vehculos con otras caractersticas ( criterios ) se tratan de forma especfica en la columna de informacin.

    Dans ce Catalogue sont considrs les vhicules avec:

    - Conduction gauche (L.H.D.) - Avec bote de vitesses manuelle, 5 vitesses - Sans air conditionn/climatisation - Sans tableau de contrle - Sans vitesse de croisire - Sans antiblocage (ABS)comme le vhicule standard (gnrique).

    Le reste des vhicules avec dautres carac-tristiques (critres) sont abords dune faon spcifique dans la colonne dinformation.

    G.B. F



    145 1.9 JTD 1999-01AR 32302 77 105Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24660Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40940

    ALFA ROMEOMODEL / MODELO / MODELE Date / Fecha / DateENGINE / MOTOR / MOTEUR KW/HP Product name / Denominacin producto / Nom du produit REF.FAEProduct name / Denominacin producto / Nom du produit Information / Informacin REF.FAEProduct name / Denominacin producto / Nom du produit Information / Informacin REF.FAE


    MAKER / FABRICANTE / CONSTRUCTEUR PGS.MAZDA 103 - 108MERCEDES BENZ 108 - 124MG 124 - 125MINI 125MITSUBISHI 125 - 130NISSAN 130 - 135OPEL 135 - 151PAYKAN 151PEUGEOT 151 - 169PIAGGIO 169PONTIAC 169PORSCHE 169 - 170PROTON 170PUCH 170 - 171RELIANT 171RENAULT 171 - 192ROVER 192 - 196SAAB 196 - 198SEAT 198 - 210SKODA 210 - 214SMART 214SSANGYONG 214SUBARU 214 - 216SUZUKI 216 - 218TOYOTA 218 - 224VAUXHALL 224 - 230VOLKSWAGEN 230 - 256VOLVO 256 - 264YUGO - ZASTAVA 264



    --- No disponible Not available Non disponible ... -> Desde ...-> From to ...-> Depuis ... -> -> ... ->... Hasta -> ... Up to ->... Jusqu -> N Hasta el nmero Up to number Jusqu numro N -> Desde el nmero From to number Depuis numro -> Ch. -> Desde/Hasta Chasis Up/From Chassis Jusqu/Depuis Chassis A. Amperio Ampere Ampre A.A Aire acondicionado Air conditioning Air conditionn / climatisation Adatt. Universal Adaptable a Universal Suitable to Universal Remplace Universelle After the catalytic converter Despus del catalizador After the catalytic converter Aprs le catalyseur Antipollution Standars Norma antipolucin Antipollution Standars Norme antipollution Bus Autobs Bus Autobus Before catalytic converter Antes del catalizador Before catalytic converter Depuis le catalyseur Camin/Truck Camin Truck Camion Check Control Tabla de controles Check Control Tableau de contrle Cil. Cilindros Cylinders Cylindres Com. Comercial Commercial Commercial Con/With Con With Avec Cont. Continuacin Continued Continuation / Suite East Europe Europa Este East Europe Europe de lEst Except. Excepto Except Sauf Fitted on the right side Montado a la derecha Fitted on the right side Mont droite Fitted on the left side Montado a la izquierda Fitted on the left side Mont gauche Front Frontal Front Frontale Front exhaust pipe Tubo de excape delantero Front exhaust pipe Tube dchappement Avant i.e. Inyeccin electrnica Electronic Injection Injection lectronique Leaded fuel Gasolina con plomo Leaded fuel Essence avec plomb L.H.D. Conduccin a la izquierda Left hand drive Conduire gauche Monopoint Inyeccin Monopunto Single-point Injection Injection Monopoint Motor Motor Engine Moteur Multipoint Inyeccin Multipunto Multi-point Injection Injection Multipoint On the exhaust manifold En el colector de escape On the exhaust manifold Sur le collecteur dchappemenet Rear Posterior Rear Postrieur Replaces Reemplaza Replaces Remplace R.H.D. Conduccin a la derecha Right hand drive Conduire droite See Ver See Voir See also Ver tambin See also Voir aussi Sin/Without Sin Without Sans Solo/Only Solo Only Seulement Ti Titanio Titania Titane Unleaded fuel Gasolina sin plomo Unleaded fuel Essence sans plomb V. Voltios Volts Volts With air conditioning Con aire acondicionado With air conditioning Avec climatisation With automatic gear Cambio automtico With automatic gear Avec boite vitesse automatique With electronic key Con llave electrnica With electronic key Avec cl lectronique With manual gear Con cambio manual With manual gear Avec bote vitesse manuelle Without catalytic converter Sin catalizador Without catalytic converter Sans catalyseur Zr Circonio Zirconio Zirconium 4WD 4 Ruedas motrices 4 Wheel drive Traction 4 roues

  • 5

    Integra 1.6 i, Coupe, Fastback, Sedan 1985-90 88 120Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite -> 01.1988 11610Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24600Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia 32310Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 37450Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40580Integra 1.6, Coupe, Fastback, Sedan 1985-90D16A3 74 100Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 11610Integra 1.8, Fastback, Sedan 1990-93F18A2 77 105Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 36430NSX 3.0 1990-97C30A3 201 274Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 10610

    145 1.4 i.e. 1994-96AR 33501 66 90Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24660Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia 31460Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. 35500Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador Without/Sin A.A. 37220Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador -> 11.1995, Climat 37900Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 11.1995 ->, Climat 38090Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 03.1995 -> 40490Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs -> 03.1995 40500145 1.4 i.e. 16V T. S. 1996-01AR 33503/AR 38501 76 103Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24660Thermistor-Thermocont./Doble funcin -> N 3174687 34060Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40520145 1.6 i.e. 1994-96AR 33201 76 103Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia 31460Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. 35500Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador Without/Sin A.A. 37220Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador -> 11.1995, Climat 37900Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 11.1995 ->, Climat 38090Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 03.1995 -> 40490Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs -> 03.1995 40500145 1.6 i.e. 16V T. S. 1996-01AR 67601/AR 38201 88 120Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24660Thermistor-Thermocont./Doble funcin -> N 3174687 34060Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40520145 1.7 i.e. 16V 1994-96AR 33401 95 129Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia 31750Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador Without/Sin A.A. 37220Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador -> 11.1995, Climat 37900Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 11.1995 ->, Climat 38090Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 03.1995 -> 40490Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs -> 03.1995 40500145 1.8 i.e. 16V 1998-01AR 32201 106 144Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24660Thermistor-Thermocont./Doble funcin -> 05.1998 34060Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40520145 1.8 i.e. 16V T. S. 1996-98AR 38401/AR 67106 103 140Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24660Thermistor-Thermocont./Doble funcin 34060Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40520145 1.9 JTD 1999-01AR 32302 77 105Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24660Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40940145 1.9 TD 1994-99AR 33601/AR 67501 66 90Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24660Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia Use with/con 32670 32540Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia -> N 2111692, Use with/con 32540 32670Thermistor-Thermocont./Doble funcin -> N 2111692 34380Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. -> 09.1996, Climat 35840Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. 10.1996 ->, Climat 35842Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. -> N 1761923 35910Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador Without/sin A.A. 37900Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador Climat 38090Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40520145 2.0 16V Quadrifoglio 1998-01AR 32301 114 155Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24660Thermistor-Thermocont./Doble funcin -> 05.1998 34060Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 2 fans or speeds/Ventil. o veloc. 37910Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40520145 2.0 16V T. S. 1995-01AR 67204 110 150Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24660Thermistor-Thermocont./Doble funcin 34060Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador -> 03.1998 37910Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40520



    146 1.4 i.e. 1994-96AR 33501 66 90Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24660Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia 31460Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. 35500Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador Without/Sin A.A. 37220Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador -> 11.1995, Climat 37900Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 11.1995 ->, Climat 38090Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 03.1995 -> 40490Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs -> 03.1995 40500146 1.4 i.e. 16V T. S. 1996-01AR 33503/AR 38501 76 103Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24660Thermistor-Thermocont./Doble funcin -> N 0165088 34060Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40520146 1.6 i.e. 1994-96AR 33201 76 103Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24660Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia 31460Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. 35500Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador Without/Sin A.A. 37220Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador -> 11.1995, Climat 37900Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 11.1995 ->, Climat 38090Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 03.1995 -> 40490Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs -> 03.1995 40500146 1.6 i.e. 16V T. S. 1996-01AR 67601/AR 38201 88 120Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24660Thermistor-Thermocont./Doble funcin -> N 0165088 34060Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40520146 1.7 i.e. 16V 1994-96AR 33401 95 129Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24660Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia 31750Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador Without/Sin A.A. 37220Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador -> 11.1995, Climat 37900Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 11.1995 ->, Climat 38090Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 03.1995 -> 40490Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs -> 03.1995 40500146 1.8 i.e. 16V T. S. 1996-01AR 38401/AR 67106 103 140Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24660Thermistor-Thermocont./Doble funcin 34060Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40520146 1.8 i.e. 16V T. S. 1998-01AR 32201 106 144Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24660Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40520146 1.9 JTD 1999-01AR 32302 77 105Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24660Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40940146 1.9 TD 1994-99AR 33601/AR 67501 66 90Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24660Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia Use with/con 32670 32540Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia -> N 2111692, Use with/con 32540 32670Thermistor-Thermocont./Doble funcin -> N 2111692 34380Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. -> 09.1996, Climat 35840Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. 10.1996 ->, Climat 35842Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. -> N 1761923 35910Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador Without/sin A.A. 37900Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador Climat 38090Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40520146 2.0 16V Quadrifoglio 1998-01AR 32301 114 155Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24660Thermistor-Thermocont./Doble funcin 34060Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40520146 2.0 16V T. S. 1995-01AR 67204 110 150Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24660Thermistor-Thermocont./Doble funcin 34060Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador -> 06.1996 37910Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40520147 1.6 16V T. S. 2001 ->AR 32104 88 120Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24411On clutch pedal/Int. pedal embrague Cruise control/Control veloc. 24412Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24413Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40520147 1.6 16V T. S. Eco 2001 ->AR 37203 77 105Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430On clutch pedal/Int. pedal embrague Engine control/Gestin motor 24411On clutch pedal/Int. pedal embrague Cruise control/Control veloc. 24412Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24413Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40520147 1.9 JTD 2001 ->937 A2.000 85 115Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24411On clutch pedal/Int. pedal embrague Cruise control/Control veloc. 24412Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24413Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40940

  • 6

    ALFA ROMEO Cont. ALFA ROMEO Cont.147 1.9 JTD 2003 ->182 B9.000 74 101Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430On clutch pedal/Int. pedal embrague Engine control/Gestin motor 24411On clutch pedal/Int. pedal embrague Cruise control/Control veloc. 24412Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24413Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40520147 1.9 JTD 16V 2002 ->192 A5.000 103 140Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430On clutch pedal/Int. pedal embrague Engine control/Gestin motor 24411On clutch pedal/Int. pedal embrague Cruise control/Control veloc. 24412Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24413Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40940147 1.9 JTD 16V 2003-04937 A4.000 93 126Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430On clutch pedal/Int. pedal embrague Engine control/Gestin motor 24411On clutch pedal/Int. pedal embrague Cruise control/Control veloc. 24412Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24413Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40940147 1.9 JTD 16V 2004 ->192 B1.000 100 136Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430On clutch pedal/Int. pedal embrague Engine control/Gestin motor 24411On clutch pedal/Int. pedal embrague Cruise control/Control veloc. 24412Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24413Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40940147 1.9 JTDM 16V 2005 ->937 A5.000 110 150Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430On clutch pedal/Int. pedal embrague Engine control/Gestin motor 24411On clutch pedal/Int. pedal embrague Cruise control/Control veloc. 24412Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24413Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40940147 1.9 JTDM 16V 2004 ->939 A7.000 85 115On clutch pedal/Int. pedal embrague Engine control/Gestin motor 24411On clutch pedal/Int. pedal embrague Cruise control/Control veloc. 24412Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24413147 1.9 JTDM 8V 2005 ->937 A3.000 88 120Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430On clutch pedal/Int. pedal embrague Engine control/Gestin motor 24411On clutch pedal/Int. pedal embrague Cruise control/Control veloc. 24412Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24413Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40940147 2.0 16V T. S. 2001 ->AR 32310 110 150Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24411On clutch pedal/Int. pedal embrague Cruise control/Control veloc. 24412Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24413Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40520147 3.2 GTA 2003 ->932 A.000 184 250Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430On clutch pedal/Int. pedal embrague Engine control/Gestin motor 24411On clutch pedal/Int. pedal embrague Cruise control/Control veloc. 24412Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24413Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40940155 1.6 16V T. S. 1996-97AR 67601 88 120Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430Stop light switch/Int. luz stop -> 11.1996 24410Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 11.1996 -> 24660Thermistor-Thermocont./Doble funcin 34060Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador Without/Sin A.A. 37220Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador Climat 37910Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40520155 1.7 T. S. 1993-96AR 67103 83 113Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite -> 10.1993 11060Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 10.1993 ->, 0.35 bar 11410Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite Open/Conecta 12960Oil press. transmitter/Transm. pres. aceite 14500Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24410Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia 31460Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador Without/Sin A.A. 37220Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador N 0136807 ->, Climat 37910Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador -> N 0136807, Climat 38090155 1.7 T. S. 16V 1996-97AR 67106 103 140Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24410Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 2 fans or speeds/Ventil. o veloc. 37910Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40520155 1.7 T.S. 1993-96AR 67105 85 115Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite -> 10.1993 11060Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 10.1993 ->, 0.35 bar 11410Oil press. transmitter/Transm. pres. aceite 14500Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24410Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 2 fans or speeds/Ventil. o veloc. 38090Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40520155 1.8 T. S. 1992-97AR 67402 77 105Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430Stop light switch/Int. luz stop -> 11.1996 24410Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 11.1996 -> 24660Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia -> 04.1996 31460Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia Oil temp./Temp. aceite 31600Thermistor-Thermocont./Doble funcin 05.1996 -> 34060Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador Without/Sin A.A. 37220Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador N 0136807 ->, Climat 37910Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador -> N 0136807, Climat 38090Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40520

    155 1.8 T. S. 1992-93AR 67101 95 129Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 11060Oil press. transmitter/Transm. pres. aceite 14500Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24410Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia 31460Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador Without/Sin A.A. 37220Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador N 0136807 ->, Climat 37910Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador -> N 0136807, Climat 38090Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40520155 1.8 T. S. Sport 1992-96AR 67101/AR 67102 93 127Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite -> 10.1993 11060Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 10.1993-04.1996, 0.35 bar 11410Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 04.1996 -> 12430Oil press. transmitter/Transm. pres. aceite -> 04.1996 14500Stop light switch/Int. luz stop -> 11.1996 24410Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 11.1996 -> 24660Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia 31460Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador Without/Sin A.A. 37220Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador N 0136807 ->, Climat 37910Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador -> N 0136807, Climat 38090Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40520155 1.9 TD 1993-97AR 67501 66 90Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430Stop light switch/Int. luz stop -> 11.1996 24410Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 11.1996 -> 24660Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia -> N 1761923 32540Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia N 2111692 -> 32670Thermistor-Thermocont./Doble funcin 34380Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. Climat 35840Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. 05.1996 -> 35842Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. -> N 1761923 35910Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador Climat 37900Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40520155 2.0 16V Turbo Q4 1992-97AR 67203 137 186Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 2 fans or speeds/Ventil. o veloc. 38090Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs N 0122367 -> 40540Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs -> N 0122367 41220155 2.0 16V Turbo Q4 1992-97AR 67203 140 190Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24410Thermistor-Thermocont./Doble funcin 34060Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 2 fans or speeds/Ventil. o veloc. 38090Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs N 0122367 -> 40540Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs -> N 0122367 41220155 2.0 T. S. 1992-93AR 67201 106 144Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 11060Oil press. transmitter/Transm. pres. aceite 14500Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24410Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia 31460Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador Without/Sin A.A. 37220Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador N 0136807 ->, Climat 37910Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador -> N 0136807, Climat 38090Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40520155 2.0 T. S. 16V 1995-97AR 67204 110 150Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430Stop light switch/Int. luz stop -> 11.1996 24410Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 11.1996 -> 24660Thermistor-Thermocont./Doble funcin 34060Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador Without/Sin A.A. 37220Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador N 0136807 ->, Climat 37910Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador -> N 0136807, Climat 38090Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40520155 2.0 T.S. 1992-95AR 67202 104 141Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite -> 10.1993 11060Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 10.1993 ->, 0.35 bar 11410Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430Oil press. transmitter/Transm. pres. aceite 14500Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24410Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia 31460Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador Without/Sin A.A. 37220Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador N 0136807 ->, Climat 37910Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador -> N 0136807, Climat 38090Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40520155 2.5 TD 1993-97VM 07 B/VM 31 B 92 125Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 11060Oil press. transmitter/Transm. pres. aceite 14500Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24410Thermistor-Thermocont./Doble funcin 34270Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 2 fans or speeds/Ventil. o veloc. 37910Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs N 0122367 -> 40540Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs -> N 0122367 41220155 2.5 V6 1992-97AR 67302/AR 67303 120 163Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430Oil press. transmitter/Transm. pres. aceite 14500Stop light switch/Int. luz stop -> 11.1996 24410Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 11.1996 -> 24660Thermistor-Thermocont./Doble funcin 34265Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador Without/Sin A.A. 37220Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador N 0136807 ->, Climat 37910Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador -> N 0136807, Climat 38090Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs N 0122367 -> 40540Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs -> N 0122367 41220

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    155 2.5 V6 1992-96AR 67301 121 165Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 0.35 bar 11410Oil press. transmitter/Transm. pres. aceite 14500Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24410Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 2 fans or speeds/Ventil. o veloc. 38090Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs N 0122367 -> 40540Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs -> N 0122367 41220156 1.6 16V T. S., Sportwagon 1997-06AR 32102/AR 32103/AR 32104/AR 67601 88 120Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430On clutch pedal/Int. pedal embrague Engine control/Gestin motor 24412On clutch pedal/Int. pedal embrague Cruise control/Control veloc. 24413Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24660Thermistor-Thermocont./Doble funcin -> N 0084340 34060Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40520156 1.8 16V T. S., Sportwagon 1997-00AR 32201 106 144Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24660Thermistor-Thermocont./Doble funcin -> N 1045141 34060Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40520156 1.8 16V T. S., Sportwagon 2000-06AR 32205 103 140Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430156 1.9 JTD 16V, Sport Wagon 2002-05192 A5.000 103 140Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430On clutch pedal/Int. pedal embrague Cruise control/Control veloc. 24412Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24413Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40940156 1.9 JTD, Sport Wagon 1997-00AR 32302 77 105Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 01.1998 -> 24413Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24660Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia -> N 1415541 31140Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40940156 1.9 JTD, Sport Wagon 2000-01AR 37101 81 110Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430On clutch pedal/Int. pedal embrague Cruise control/Control veloc. 24411Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24660Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40940156 1.9 JTD, Sport Wagon 2001-05937 A2.000 85 115Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430On clutch pedal/Int. pedal embrague Engine control/Gestin motor 24412On clutch pedal/Int. pedal embrague Cruise control/Control veloc. 24413Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24660Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia -> N 1415541 31140Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40940156 1.9 JTD, Sport Wagon, 16V Q4 2004-06937 A5.000 110 150Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430On clutch pedal/Int. pedal embrague Cruise control/Control veloc. 24412Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24413Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40940156 2.0 16V T. S., Sport Wagon 1997-00AR 32301 114 155Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24660Thermistor-Thermocont./Doble funcin -> N 1045141 34060Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40520156 2.0 16V T. S., Sportwagon 2000-02AR 32310 110 150Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430On clutch pedal/Int. pedal embrague Cruise control/Control veloc. 24412Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24413Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40520156 2.0 JTS, Sport Wagon 2002-05937 A1.000 122 166Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430On clutch pedal/Int. pedal embrague Cruise control/Control veloc. 24412Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24413Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40520156 2.4 JTD, Sport Wagon 1997-00AR 32501 100 136Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24660Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia -> N 1283805 31140Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs -> 09.2000 40940156 2.4 JTD, Sport Wagon 2000-05839 A6.000 103 140Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24411Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40940156 2.4 JTD, Sport Wagon 2002-05841 C000 110 150Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430On clutch pedal/Int. pedal embrague Cruise control/Control veloc. 24412Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24413Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40940156 2.4 JTD, Sport Wagon 2003-05841 G.000 129 175Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430On clutch pedal/Int. pedal embrague Cruise control/Control veloc. 24412Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24413Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40830156 2.5 V6 24V, Sport Wagon 1997-00AR 32401 140 190Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24660Thermistor-Thermocont./Doble funcin 34060Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40940

    156 2.5 V6 24V, Sport Wagon 2000-05AR 32405 141 192Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430On clutch pedal/Int. pedal embrague Engine control/Gestin motor 24411On clutch pedal/Int. pedal embrague Cruise control/Control veloc. 24412Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24413Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40940156 3.2 GTA, Sport Wagon 2002-05932 A.000 184 250Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430On clutch pedal/Int. pedal embrague Engine control/Gestin motor 24411On clutch pedal/Int. pedal embrague Cruise control/Control veloc. 24412Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24413Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40940159 1.8 MPI, Sport Wagon 2007 ->939 A4.000 103 140On clutch pedal/Int. pedal embrague Cruise control/Control veloc. 24412Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24413Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40510159 1.9 JTDM 16V Sport Wagon 2006 ->937 A8.000 100 136Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430On clutch pedal/Int. pedal embrague Cruise control/Control veloc. 24412Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24413Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40510159 1.9 JTDM 16V, Sport Wagon 2005 ->939 A2.000 110 150Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430On clutch pedal/Int. pedal embrague Cruise control/Control veloc. 24412Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24413Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40510159 1.9 JTDM 16V, Sportwagon 2005 ->939 A8.000/937 A8.000 100 136Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430On clutch pedal/Int. pedal embrague Cruise control/Control veloc. 24412Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24413Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40510159 1.9 JTDM 8V, Sport Wagon 2005 ->939 A1.000 88 120Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430On clutch pedal/Int. pedal embrague Cruise control/Control veloc. 24412Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24413Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40510159 1.9 JTS, Sport Wagon 2005 ->939 A6.000 118 160On clutch pedal/Int. pedal embrague Cruise control/Control veloc. 24412Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24413Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40510159 2.2 JTS, Sport Wagon 2005 ->939 A5.000 136 185On clutch pedal/Int. pedal embrague Cruise control/Control veloc. 24412Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24413Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40510159 2.4 JTDM, Q4, Sport Wagon 2007 ->939 A9.000 154 210Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430On clutch pedal/Int. pedal embrague Cruise control/Control veloc. 24412Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24413Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40510159 2.4 JTDM, Sport Wagon 2005 ->939 A3.000 147 200Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430On clutch pedal/Int. pedal embrague Cruise control/Control veloc. 24412Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24413Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40510159 3.2 JTS Q4, Sport Wagon 2005 ->939 A.000 191 260Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24413Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40510164 2.0 T. S. 1987-92AR 06416 105 143Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 11060Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite Open/Conecta 12960Oil press. transmitter/Transm. pres. aceite 14500Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia 31460Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador Ch. 06210070 -> 37320Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador -> Ch. 06210070 37420Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 10.1991 -> 41220164 2.0 T. S. 1987-90AR 06420 109 148Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia 31460164 2.0 T. S. 1992-98AR 64103 106 144Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite -> 10.1993 11060Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 10.1993-04.1996, 0.35 bar 11410Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite Open/Conecta 12960Oil press. transmitter/Transm. pres. aceite 14500Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia 31460Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador Ch. 06210070 -> 37320Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador -> Ch. 06210070 37420Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 11.1992 -> 40540Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs -> 11.1992 41220164 2.0 Turbo 1987-98AR 06476 128 174Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite Open/Conecta 12960Oil press. transmitter/Transm. pres. aceite 14500Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador -> 07.1990 37310164 2.0 V6 Turbo 1992-98AR 64102 148 201Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 11060Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 2 fans or speeds/Ventil. o veloc. 38280Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40540


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    164 2.5 TD 1992-98VM 32 B/VM 08 B 92 125Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 11060Oil press. transmitter/Transm. pres. aceite 14500Thermistor-Thermocont./Doble funcin 34270Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador Without/Sin A.A. 37420Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40540164 2.5 TD 1987-92VM 84 A 84 114Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite Open/Conecta 12960Oil press. transmitter/Transm. pres. aceite 14500Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador Ch. 06210070 -> 37320Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador -> Ch. 06210070 37420Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 10.1991 -> 41220164 3.0 1987-91AR 06410 138 188Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 41220164 3.0 1993-95AR 64304 168 228Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 2 fans or speeds/Ventil. o veloc. 38090Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40485164 3.0 1995-97AR 66302 154 209Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 2 fans or speeds/Ventil. o veloc. 38090Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40540164 3.0 24V 1992-98AR 66301/AR 66302 155 211Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 2 fans or speeds/Ventil. o veloc. 38280Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40540164 3.0 24V Q4 1994-98AR 64308/AR 64307 170 231Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 0.35 bar 11410Oil press. transmitter/Transm. pres. aceite 14500Thermistor-Thermocont./Doble funcin 34265Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador -> N 0009746 38090Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador N 0009746 -> 38280Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40485164 3.0 24V QV 1992-98AR 64304 171 233Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 0.35 bar 11410Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 2 fans or speeds/Ventil. o veloc. 38280Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40485164 3.0 Allrad 1992-97 171 233Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 2 fans or speeds/Ventil. o veloc. 38090Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40485164 3.0 i.e. QV 1990-92AR 64301/AR 06430 147 200Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite Open/Conecta 12960Oil press. transmitter/Transm. pres. aceite 14500Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador Ch. 06210070 -> 37320Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador -> Ch. 06210070 37420Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador Climat 38090Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40485164 3.0 V6 1987-92AR 06410 141 192Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite Open/Conecta 12960Oil press. transmitter/Transm. pres. aceite 14500Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador Ch. 06210070 -> 37320Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador -> Ch. 06210070 37420Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador Climat 38090Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 10.1991 -> 41220164 3.0 V6 1992-98AR 66303/AR 64305 132 180Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430Thermistor-Thermocont./Doble funcin 34265Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador -> N 0009746 38090Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador N 0009746 -> 38280Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40485164 3.0 V6 1987-92AR 06412 135 184Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite Open/Conecta 12960Oil press. transmitter/Transm. pres. aceite 14500Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador Ch. 06210070 -> 37320Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador -> Ch. 06210070 37420Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 10.1991 -> 41220166 2.0 T. S. 1998-00AR 34103 114 155Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430Stop light switch/Int. luz stop Without/Sin check control 24400Stop light switch/Int. luz stop Check control 24410Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24413Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40940166 2.0 T. S. 2000 ->AR 36301 110 150Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24413Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40940166 2.0 V6 1998 ->AR 34102 151 205Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 11060Stop light switch/Int. luz stop Without/Sin check control 24400Stop light switch/Int. luz stop Check control 24410Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24413Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40940166 2.4 JTD 1998-00AR 34202 100 136Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40940166 2.4 JTD 2000 ->839 A6.000 103 140Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24413Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40940

    166 2.4 JTD 2002 ->841 C000 110 150Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430Stop light switch/Int. luz stop Without/Sin check control 24400Stop light switch/Int. luz stop Check control 24410On clutch pedal/Int. pedal embrague Cruise control/Control veloc. 24413Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40940166 2.4 JTD 2003 ->841 G.000/841 H.000 129 175Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430Stop light switch/Int. luz stop Without/Sin check control 24400Stop light switch/Int. luz stop Check control 24410Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24413Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40940166 2.4 JTD 2006 ->841 M.000 132 180Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24413Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40830166 2.4 JTD 2005 ->936 B.000/841 M.000 136 185Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24413Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40830166 2.5 V6 24V 1998-00AR 34201 140 190Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430Stop light switch/Int. luz stop Without/Sin check control 24400Stop light switch/Int. luz stop Check control 24410Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24413Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40940166 2.5 V6 24V 2000 ->AR 36201 138 188Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24413Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40940166 3.0 V6 24V 1998-00AR 34301 166 226Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430Stop light switch/Int. luz stop Without/Sin check control 24400Stop light switch/Int. luz stop Check control 24410Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24413Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40940166 3.0 V6 24V 2000 ->AR 36101 162 220Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24413Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40940166 3.2 V6 24V 2003 ->936 A.000 176 240Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24413Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 4094033 1.2 1983-89AR 30585 50 68Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 11250Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24390Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia 31460Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 37310Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 4050033 1.3 1983-89AR 30586/AR 30502 55 75Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 11250Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24390Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia 31460Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia Oil temp./Temp. aceite 31700Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 37310Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 4050033 1.3 1984-89AR 30168/AR 30587 63 86Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 11250Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia 31460Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia Oil temp./Temp. aceite 3170033 1.3 1983-89AR 30502 58 79Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia 31460Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia Oil temp./Temp. aceite 3170033 1.3 i.e. 1983-89AR 30168 66 90Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 11250Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia 31460Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia Oil temp./Temp. aceite 31700Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. 35500Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 4050033 1.4 i.e. Sport Wagon 1991-94AR 30755 65 88Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite -> 04.1994 11250Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 04.1994 -> 12430Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia 31460Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. 35500Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 4050033 1.4 i.e., Sport Wagon 1991-94AR 30755/AR 30753 65 88Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite -> 04.1994 11250Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 05.1994 -> 12430Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia AR 30755 31460Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. 35500Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador AR 30753 37220Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador AR 30755 37310Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40500


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    33 1.4 i.e., Sport Wagon 1991-94AR 30587/AR 30755 66 90Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite -> 04.1994 11250Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 05.1994 -> 12430Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24380Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia AR30755 31460Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. 35500Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador AR 30755 37220Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador AR 30587 37310Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 4050033 1.4 i.e., Sport Wagon, 4x4 1990-94AR 30755 66 90Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite -> 04.1994 11250Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 04.1994 -> 12430Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia 31460Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. 35500Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 4050033 1.5 1990-93AR 30734 77 105Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 11250Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia 31460Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 4050033 1.5 4x4 1986-89AR 30588/AR 30146 77 105Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 11250Oil press. transmitter/Transm. pres. aceite 14530Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia 31460Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia Oil temp./Temp. aceite 31700Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 4050033 1.5 i.e. 1990-91AR 30750 74 101Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 11250Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite Connector 12430Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia 31460Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. 35500Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador Ch. 8L-W-200001 -> 37220Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador -> Ch. 8L-W-200000 37310Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 4050033 1.5 i.e., Sport Wagon 1990-94AR 30751 71 97Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite -> 04.1994 11250Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 05.1994 -> 12430Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24380Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia 31460Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. 35500Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 37220Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 4050033 1.5 QV 1984-89AR 30588/AR 30508/AR 30146 77 105Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 11250Oil press. transmitter/Transm. pres. aceite 14530Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia 31460Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia Oil temp./Temp. aceite 31700Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 4050033 1.5 Sport Wagon, 4x4 1986-89AR 30588/AR 30508/AR 30146 77 105Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 11250Oil press. transmitter/Transm. pres. aceite 14530Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24390Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia 31460Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia Oil temp./Temp. aceite 31700Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 4050033 1.5, Sport Wagon 4x4 1983-93AR 30182 70 95Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 11250Stop light switch/Int. luz stop -> 06.1990 24390Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia 31460Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia Oil temp./Temp. aceite 31700Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 37310Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 4050033 1.5, Sport Wagon, 4x4 1986-89AR 30588 75 102Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 11250Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24390Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia 31460Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia Oil temp./Temp. aceite 31700Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 37310Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 4050033 1.5, Sport Wagon, 4x4 1984-89AR 30514 70 95Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia 31460Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia Oil temp./Temp. aceite 3170033 1.7 1986-89AR 30550 95 129Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia 31460Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia Oil temp./Temp. aceite 3170033 1.7 16V, Sport Wagon, 4x4 1990-94AR 30747 95 129Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite -> 04.1994 11250Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 04.1994 -> 12430Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24380Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia 31460Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador N 0009746 -> 37220Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador -> N 0009746 37310Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 4050033 1.7 16V, Sport Wagon, 4x4 1990-94AR 30747 97 132Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite -> 04.1994 11250Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 04.1994 -> 12430Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia 31460Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40500

    33 1.7 16V, Sport Wagon, 4x4 1990-92AR 30746 101 137Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite -> 04.1994 11250Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 05.1994 -> 12430Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia 31460Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador N 0009746 -> 37220Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador -> N 0009746 37310Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 4050033 1.7 i.e. Sport Wagon 1992-94AR 30737 77 105Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite -> 04.1994 11250Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 04.1994 -> 12430Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia 31460Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. 35500Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 4050033 1.7 i.e., Sport Wagon 1992-94AR 30737 A 77 105Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24390Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. 35500Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 37220Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 4050033 1.7 i.e., Sport Wagon, 4x4 1988-89AR 30558 77 105Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 11250Oil press. transmitter/Transm. pres. aceite 14530Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24380Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia 31460Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia Oil temp./Temp. aceite 31600Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. 35500Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 37310Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 4050033 1.7 i.e., Sport Wagon, 4x4 1990-92AR 30736/AR 30737 79 107Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 11250Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24390Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. 35500Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 4050033 1.7 QV 1988-89AR 30550 84 114Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 11250Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24390Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia 31460Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia Oil temp./Temp. aceite 31700Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 37320Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 4050033 1.7, Sport Wagon 1986-89AR 30550 87 118Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 11250Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24390Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia 31460Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia Oil temp./Temp. aceite 31700Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 37320Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 4050033 1.8 TD 1986-90VM 82 A 54 73Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite -> 12.1989 11060Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24390Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 2 fans or speeds/Ventil. o veloc. 37810Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 4050033 1.8 TD, Sport Wagon 1986-89VM 96 A 62 84Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 03.1988 -> 11060Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24390Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 2 fans or speeds/Ventil. o veloc. 37810Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 4050075 1.6 1989-92AR 61101 81 110Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 11060Oil press. transmitter/Transm. pres. aceite 14500Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24380Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia 31050Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 37420Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 4050075 1.6 1985-89AR 06100 81 110Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 09.1988 -> 11060Oil press. transmitter/Transm. pres. aceite 14500Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24380Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia 31050Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 37420Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 4050075 1.6 1985-89 76 103Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 11060Oil press. transmitter/Transm. pres. aceite 14500Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24380Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 3742075 1.8 1985-89AR 06202 85 116Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 11060Oil press. transmitter/Transm. pres. aceite 14500Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24380Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia 31050Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia Oil temp./Temp. aceite 31600Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 37420Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 4050075 1.8 1988-92AR 06168/AR 61102 88 120Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 11060Oil press. transmitter/Transm. pres. aceite 14500Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24380Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 37420Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40500


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    75 1.8 1989-92AR 61201 90 122Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 11060Oil press. transmitter/Transm. pres. aceite 14500Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24380Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia 31050Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 37420Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 4050075 1.8 1989-92AR 67101 95 129Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 11060Oil press. transmitter/Transm. pres. aceite 14500Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24380Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 3742075 1.8 Turbo 1986-92AR 06134 110 150Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite -> 01.1990 11060Oil press. transmitter/Transm. pres. aceite 14500Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24380Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia 31050Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 37420Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 4050075 1.8 Turbo i.e. 1986-90AR 06158 114 155Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12.1986-12.1987 11060Oil press. transmitter/Transm. pres. aceite 14500Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24380Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 3742075 2.0 T. S. 1987-92AR 06166/AR 06224 107 146Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite -> 09.1987 11060Oil press. transmitter/Transm. pres. aceite 14500Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24380Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia 31460Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 37420Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 4050075 2.0 T. S. 1985-92AR 06224 109 148Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 01.1987 -> 11060Oil press. transmitter/Transm. pres. aceite 14500Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24380Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia 31460Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 37420Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 4050075 2.0 TD 1985-92VM 80 A 70 95Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite -> 02.1992 11060Oil press. transmitter/Transm. pres. aceite 14500Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24380Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 37420Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 4050075 2.4 TD 1989-92VM 81 A 82 112Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 11060Oil press. transmitter/Transm. pres. aceite 14500Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24380Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 37420Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 4050075 2.5 V6 Kat 1986-89AR 01648 113 154Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 11060Oil press. transmitter/Transm. pres. aceite 14500Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24380Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 3742075 3.0 V6 1987-90AR 06120 136 185Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 11060Oil press. transmitter/Transm. pres. aceite 14500Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24380Thermistor-Thermocont./Doble funcin 34265Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 37420Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 4050075 3.0 V6 1987-92AR 06124 136 185Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 11060Oil press. transmitter/Transm. pres. aceite 14500Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24380Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 37420Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 4050075 3.0 V6 1990-92AR 61503 141 192Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 11060Oil press. transmitter/Transm. pres. aceite 14500Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24380Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 37420Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40500Alfasud Sprint 1.4 1979-89AR 30168 63 85Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 11250Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 37320Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40500Alfasud Sprint 1.7 1987-89AR 30550 87 118Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 11250Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 37320Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40500Alfasud Sprint 1.7 i.e. 1987-89AR 30558 77 105Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 11250Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 37320Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40500Brera 2.2 JTS 2006 ->939 A5.000 136 185On clutch pedal/Int. pedal embrague Cruise control/Control veloc. 24412Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24413Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40510

    Brera 2.4 JTDM 20V 2006 ->939 A3.000 147 200Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430On clutch pedal/Int. pedal embrague Cruise control/Control veloc. 24412Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24413Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40510Brera 2.4 JTDM 20V 2007 ->939 A9.000 154 210Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430On clutch pedal/Int. pedal embrague Cruise control/Control veloc. 24412Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24413Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40510Brera 3.2 JTS, Q4 2006 ->939 A.000 191 260Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24413Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40510GT 1.8 TS 2003 ->AR 32205 103 140Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430On clutch pedal/Int. pedal embrague Engine control/Gestin motor 24411On clutch pedal/Int. pedal embrague Cruise control/Control veloc. 24412Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24413Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40520GT 1.9 JTD 2003 ->937 A5.000 110 150Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24411On clutch pedal/Int. pedal embrague Cruise control/Control veloc. 24412Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24413Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40940GT 2.0 JTS 2003 ->932 A2.000/937 A1.000 121 165Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24411On clutch pedal/Int. pedal embrague Cruise control/Control veloc. 24412Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24413Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40520GT 3.2 GTA 2003 ->936 A.000 176 240Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24411On clutch pedal/Int. pedal embrague Cruise control/Control veloc. 24412Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24413Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40940GTV 1.8 16V 1998 ->AR 32201 106 144Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24410Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40520GTV 2.0 JTS 2003 ->937 A1.000 121 165Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24413Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40520GTV 2.0 T. S. 16V 1995 ->AR 16201/AR 32310 110 150Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430Stop light switch/Int. luz stop AR 32310 24410Stop light switch/Int. luz stop AR 16201 24413Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40520GTV 2.0 T. S. 16V 1998-00AR 32301 114 155Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24410On clutch pedal/Int. pedal embrague Engine control/Gestin motor 24413Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40520GTV 2.0 V6 Turbo 1995 ->AR 16202 148 202Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 11060Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24410Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40540Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 09.1997 -> 40940GTV 3.0 V6 24V 1996-00AR 16102 162 220Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24410On clutch pedal/Int. pedal embrague Engine control/Gestin motor 24413Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs -> 08.1997 40540Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 09.1997 -> 40940GTV 3.0 V6 24V 2000 ->AR 16105 160 218Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24410On clutch pedal/Int. pedal embrague Engine control/Gestin motor 24413Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40940GTV 3.2 V6 24V 2003 ->936 A6.000 176 240Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24413Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40940Mito 1.4 TB 2008 ->199 A8.000 114 155Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40510Mito 1.6 JTDM 2008 ->198 A2.000/955 A3.000 88 120Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40510RZ 3.0 V6 Zagato 1992-94AR 61501 152 207Thermistor-Thermocont./Doble funcin 34260Spider 1.8 16V 1998-05AR 32201 106 144Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24400On clutch pedal/Int. pedal embrague Cruise control/Control veloc. 24410Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40520


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    Spider 1600 1976-90AR 00526 76 103Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 01.1987 -> 11060Oil press. transmitter/Transm. pres. aceite 14500Stop light switch/Int. luz stop -> 01.1987 24010Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 01.1987 -> 24410Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia 31050Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 01.1987 -> 37420Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40500Spider 1600 1990-93AR 01563 79 107Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 11060Oil press. transmitter/Transm. pres. aceite 14500Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24410Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia 31050Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 37420Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40500Spider 2.0 JTS 2003-05937 A1.000 121 165Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24413Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40520Spider 2.0 T. S. 16V 1995-05AR 16201/AR 32310 110 150Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24400On clutch pedal/Int. pedal embrague Cruise control/Control veloc. 24410On clutch pedal/Int. pedal embrague Engine control/Gestin motor 24413Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40520Spider 2.0 T. S. 16V 1998-00AR 32301 114 155Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24400On clutch pedal/Int. pedal embrague Cruise control/Control veloc. 24410On clutch pedal/Int. pedal embrague Cruise control/Control veloc. 24413Thermistor-Thermocont./Doble funcin 34060Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 2 fans or speeds/Ventil. o veloc. 37910Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40520Spider 2.0 V6 Turbo 1998-05AR 16202 148 202Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 11060Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24400On clutch pedal/Int. pedal embrague Cruise control/Control veloc. 24410Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40940Spider 2.2 JTS 2006 ->939 A5.000 136 185On clutch pedal/Int. pedal embrague Cruise control/Control veloc. 24412Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24413Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40510Spider 2.4 JTDM 2007 ->939 A3.000 147 200Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430On clutch pedal/Int. pedal embrague Cruise control/Control veloc. 24412Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24413Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40510Spider 2000 1986-90AR 01544 85 116Oil press. transmitter/Transm. pres. aceite 14500Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24010Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia 31050Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40500Spider 2000 1986-90AR 00515 92 125Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite -> 12.1989 11060Oil press. transmitter/Transm. pres. aceite 14500Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24010Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia 31050Spider 2000 1990-93AR 01588 88 120Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 11060Oil press. transmitter/Transm. pres. aceite 14500Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24410Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia 31050Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 37420Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40500Spider 2000 Veloce 1977-93AR 00515/AR 01590 93 126Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 11060Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24410Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia 31050Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40500Spider 3.0 V6 1995-05AR 16101 141 192Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite -> 09.1997 11260Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 09.1997 -> 12430Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24400On clutch pedal/Int. pedal embrague Cruise control/Control veloc. 24410On clutch pedal/Int. pedal embrague Engine control/Gestin motor 24413Thermistor-Thermocont./Doble funcin 34265Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 2 fans or speeds/Ventil. o veloc. 37910Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs -> 09.1997 40540Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 09.1997 -> 40940Spider 3.0 V6 2000-05AR 16105 160 218Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24410On clutch pedal/Int. pedal embrague Engine control/Gestin motor 24413Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40940Spider 3.2 JTS, Q4 2006 ->939 A.000 191 260Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24413Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40510Spider 3.2 V6 24V 2003-05936 A6.000 176 240Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 12430Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24413Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40940

    SZ 3.0 V6 Zagato 1988-94AR 61501 152 207Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 11060Oil press. transmitter/Transm. pres. aceite 14500Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 24380Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 37420Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40500

    V6 2.5 Turbo 1988-90Z7U 147 200Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 41080V6 2.9 GT 1985-90Z6W 116 160Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 41080

    100 1.8 Kat, Avant, Quattro 1985-90PH/4B 66 90Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 0.40 bar 11070Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite Open/Conecta, 1.80 bar 12910Oil press. transmitter/Transm. pres. aceite 14740Stop light switch/Int. luz stop -> 12.1987 24320Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 01.1988 ->, 2 terminals/bornes 24560Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia 32110Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia Oil temp./Temp. aceite 32200Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. 35420Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. Intake manifold preh./Prec. tubo adm. 35440Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. 35660Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 36370Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador -> 12.1987 37400Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 01.1988 -> 37820Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40310100 1.8, Avant 1983-89JW /NP/DS 66 90Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 0.40 bar 11070Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. Intake manifold preh./Prec. tubo adm. 35440Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 01.1988 -> 37820100 1.8, Avant, Quattro 1986-90SH 65 88Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 0.40 bar 11070Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite Open/Conecta, 1.80 bar 12910Oil press. transmitter/Transm. pres. aceite 14740Stop light switch/Int. luz stop -> 12.1987 24320Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 01.1988 ->, 2 terminals/bornes 24560Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. 35420Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. Intake manifold preh./Prec. tubo adm. 35440Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. 35660Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 36370Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador -> 12.1987 37400Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 01.1988 -> 37820Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40310100 2.0 D, Avant 1982-90CN 51 70Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 0.40 bar 11070Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite Open/Conecta, 1.80 bar 12910Oil press. transmitter/Transm. pres. aceite 14740Stop light switch/Int. luz stop -> 12.1987 24320Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 01.1988 ->, 2 terminals/bornes 24560Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia Oil temp./Temp. aceite 32200Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. 35420Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. Intake manifold preh./Prec. tubo adm. 35440Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. 120 C 35520Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 36370Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador -> 12.1987 37400Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40310100 2.0 E 16V, Avant, Quattro 1992-94ACE 103 140Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 0.40 bar 11070Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite Open/Conecta, 1.80 bar 12910Oil press. transmitter/Transm. pres. aceite 14740Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 2 terminals/bornes 24560Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. 35470Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 2 fans or speeds/Ventil. o veloc. 37820100 2.0 E Quattro, Avant 1990-92AAD 85 115Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 0.40 bar 11070Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite Open/Conecta, 1.80 bar 12910Oil press. transmitter/Transm. pres. aceite 14740Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 2 terminals/bornes 24560Thermistor-Thermocont./Doble funcin 34220Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. 110 C 35480Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 2 fans or speeds/Ventil. o veloc. 37820100 2.0 E, Avant 1990-94ABK/AAD 85 115Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 0.40 bar 11070Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite Open/Conecta, 1.80 bar 12910Oil press. transmitter/Transm. pres. aceite 14740Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 2 terminals/bornes 24560Thermistor-Thermocont./Doble funcin 34220Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. 110 C 35480Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 2 fans or speeds/Ventil. o veloc. 37820100 2.0 E, Avant 1991-94AAE 74 100Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 0.40 bar 11070Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite Open/Conecta, 1.80 bar 12910Oil press. transmitter/Transm. pres. aceite 14740Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 2 terminals/bornes 24560Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia 31390Thermistor-Thermocont./Doble funcin 34220Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. 110 C 35480




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    100 2.0 Kat, Avant 1988-90RT 85 115Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 0.40 bar 11070Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite Open/Conecta, 1.80 bar 12910Oil press. transmitter/Transm. pres. aceite 14740Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 2 terminals/bornes 24560Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia 32110Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. 35460Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. 80 C 35525Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 36370Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 2 fans or speeds/Ventil. o veloc. 37820Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40310100 2.0 TD Avant 1988-90NC 74 100Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 0.40 bar 11070Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite Open/Conecta 12930Oil press. transmitter/Transm. pres. aceite 14740Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 2 terminals/bornes 24560Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia 32110Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. 35420Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. Intake manifold preh./Prec. tubo adm. 35440Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. 2 terminals/bornes, Gray/gris 35460Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. 120 C 35520Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. 80 C 35525Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 36370Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 2 fans or speeds/Ventil. o veloc. 37820Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40310100 2.0, Avant 1990-94AAE 74 100Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 0.40 bar 11070Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite Open/Conecta, 1.80 bar 12910Oil press. transmitter/Transm. pres. aceite 14740Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 2 terminals/bornes 24560Thermistor-Thermocont./Doble funcin 34220Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. 110 C 35480Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 2 fans or speeds/Ventil. o veloc. 37820100 2.2 Kat, Quattro, Avant 1989-90KU/HX 101 137Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 0.40 bar 11070Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite Open/Conecta, 1.80 bar 12910Oil press. transmitter/Transm. pres. aceite 14740Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 2 terminals/bornes 24560Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia Oil temp./Temp. aceite 32200Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. 35420Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. 2 terminals/bornes, Gray/gris 35460Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. 80 C 35525Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 36370Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 2 fans or speeds/Ventil. o veloc. 37820Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40310100 2.2 Turbo, Avant, Quattro 1986-90MC 121 165Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 0.40 bar 11070Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite Open/Conecta, 1.80 bar 12910Oil press. transmitter/Transm. pres. aceite 14740Stop light switch/Int. luz stop -> 12.1987 24320Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 01.1988 ->, 2 terminals/bornes 24560Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia Oil temp./Temp. aceite 32200Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. 35420Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. 2 terminals/bornes, Gray/gris 35460Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. 80 C 35525Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 36370Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador -> 12.1987 37400Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 01.1988 -> 37820Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40310100 2.3 E, Avant, Quattro 1986-90NF 100 136Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 0.40 bar 11070Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite Open/Conecta, 1.80 bar 12910Oil press. transmitter/Transm. pres. aceite 14740Stop light switch/Int. luz stop -> 12.1987 24320Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 01.1988 ->, 2 terminals/bornes 24560Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia Oil temp./Temp. aceite 32200Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. 35420Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. 2 terminals/bornes, Gray/gris 35460Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. 80 C 35525Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 36370Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador -> 12.1987 37400Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 01.1988 -> 37820Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40310100 2.3 E, Avant, Quattro 1990-94AAR 98 133Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 0.40 bar 11070Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite Open/Conecta, 1.80 bar 12910Oil press. transmitter/Transm. pres. aceite 14740Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 2 terminals/bornes 24560Thermistor-Thermocont./Doble funcin 34220Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. 2 terminals/bornes, Gray/gris 35460Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. 110 C 35480Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 2 fans or speeds/Ventil. o veloc. 37820100 2.3, Avant, Quattro 1990-90AAR 98 134Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 0.40 bar 11070Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite Open/Conecta, 1.80 bar 12910Oil press. transmitter/Transm. pres. aceite 14740Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 2 terminals/bornes 24560Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia Oil temp./Temp. aceite 32200Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. 35420Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 36370Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 2 fans or speeds/Ventil. o veloc. 37820Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40310100 2.4 D, Avant 1990-94AAS 60 82Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 0.40 bar 11070Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite Open/Conecta 12930Oil press. transmitter/Transm. pres. aceite 14740Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 2 terminals/bornes 24560Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia 32110Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 2 fans or speeds/Ventil. o veloc. 37820

    100 2.4 D, Avant 1989-913D 60 82Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 0.40 bar 11070Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite Open/Conecta, 1.80 bar 12910Oil press. transmitter/Transm. pres. aceite 14740Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 2 terminals/bornes 24560Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia Oil temp./Temp. aceite 32200Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. 35420Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. Intake manifold preh./Prec. tubo adm. 35440Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. 2 terminals/bornes, Gray/gris 35460Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. 120 C 35520Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. 80 C 35525Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 36370Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 2 fans or speeds/Ventil. o veloc. 37820Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40310100 2.5 TDI, Avant 1990-901T 88 120Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 0.40 bar 11070Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite Open/Conecta, 1.80 bar 12910Oil press. transmitter/Transm. pres. aceite 14740Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 2 terminals/bornes 24560Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia Oil temp./Temp. aceite 32200Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. 35420Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. Intake manifold preh./Prec. tubo adm. 35440Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. 2 terminals/bornes, Gray/gris 35460Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. 120 C 35520Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. 80 C 35525Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 36370Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 2 fans or speeds/Ventil. o veloc. 37820Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40310100 2.5 TDI, Avant 1990-94AAT/ABP 85 115Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 0.40 bar 11070Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite Open/Conecta 12930Oil press. transmitter/Transm. pres. aceite 14740Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 2 terminals/bornes 24560Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 2 fans or speeds/Ventil. o veloc. 37820Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs Gear box/Cambio MA, ME, MG, ML 40570100 2.6, Avant 1993-94ACZ 102 139Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 0.40 bar 11070Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite Open/Conecta, 1.80 bar 12910Oil press. transmitter/Transm. pres. aceite 14740Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 2 terminals/bornes 24560Thermistor-Thermocont./Doble funcin 34220Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. 110 C 35480Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 2 fans or speeds/Ventil. o veloc. 37820100 2.6, Avant, Quattro 1992-94ABC 110 150Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 0.40 bar 11070Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite Open/Conecta 12930Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite Open/Conecta 12950Oil press. transmitter/Transm. pres. aceite 14740Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 2 terminals/bornes 24560Thermistor-Thermocont./Doble funcin 34220Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 2 fans or speeds/Ventil. o veloc. 37820100 2.8 E, Avant, Quattro 1990-94AAH 128 174Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 0.40 bar 11070Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite Open/Conecta 12930Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite Open/Conecta 12950Oil press. transmitter/Transm. pres. aceite 14740Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 2 terminals/bornes 24560Thermistor-Thermocont./Doble funcin 34220Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 2 fans or speeds/Ventil. o veloc. 37820100 S4 Turbo Quattro, Avant 1991-94AAN 169 230Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 0.40 bar 11070Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite Open/Conecta, 1.80 bar 12910Oil press. transmitter/Transm. pres. aceite 14740Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 2 terminals/bornes 24560Thermistor-Thermocont./Doble funcin 34220Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. 110 C 35480Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 2 fans or speeds/Ventil. o veloc. 37820100 S4 V8 Quattro, Avant 1994-94AEC 213 290Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 0.40 bar 11070Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite Open/Conecta, 1.80 bar 12910Oil press. transmitter/Transm. pres. aceite 14740Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 2 terminals/bornes 24560Thermistor-Thermocont./Doble funcin 34220Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. 110 C 35480Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 2 fans or speeds/Ventil. o veloc. 37820100 S4 V8 Quattro, Avant 1992-94ABH 206 280Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 0.40 bar 11070Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite Open/Conecta, 1.80 bar 12910Oil press. transmitter/Transm. pres. aceite 14740Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 2 terminals/bornes 24560Thermistor-Thermocont./Doble funcin 34220Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. 110 C 35480Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 2 fans or speeds/Ventil. o veloc. 37820200 2.2 20V Turbo Quattro, Avant 1989-903B 162 220Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 0.40 bar 11070Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite Open/Conecta, 1.80 bar 12910Oil press. transmitter/Transm. pres. aceite 14740Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 2 terminals/bornes 24560Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia 32110Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. 110 C 35480Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. 120 C 35520Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. 80 C 35525Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 2 fans or speeds/Ventil. o veloc. 37820Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40310

    AUDI Cont. AUDI Cont.

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    200 2.2 Turbo 1988-902B 140 190Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 0.40 bar 11070Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite Open/Conecta, 1.80 bar 12910Oil press. transmitter/Transm. pres. aceite 14740Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 2 terminals/bornes 24560Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia 32110Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. 110 C 35480Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. 120 C 35520Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. 80 C 35525Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 2 fans or speeds/Ventil. o veloc. 37820Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40310200 2.2 Turbo, Avant, Quattro 1983-91MC 121 165Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 0.40 bar 11070Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite Open/Conecta, 1.80 bar 12910Oil press. transmitter/Transm. pres. aceite 14740Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 2 terminals/bornes 24560Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia 32110Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. 110 C 35480Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. 120 C 35520Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. 80 C 35525Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 2 fans or speeds/Ventil. o veloc. 37820Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40310200 2.2 Turbo, Quattro, Avant 1988-911B 147 200Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 0.40 bar 11070Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite Open/Conecta, 1.80 bar 12910Oil press. transmitter/Transm. pres. aceite 14740Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 2 terminals/bornes 24560Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia 32110Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. 110 C 35480Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. 120 C 35520Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. 80 C 35525Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 2 fans or speeds/Ventil. o veloc. 37820Rev. light switch/Int. luz marcha atrs 40310200 2.3, Avant 1986-91NF 100 136Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 0.40 bar 11070Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. 120 C 35520Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 2 fans or speeds/Ventil. o veloc. 3782080 1.6 1986-91RN 55 75Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 0.40 bar 11070Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite Open/Conecta, 1.40 bar 12900Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite Open/Conecta, 1.80 bar 12910Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite Automatic 12920Oil press. transmitter/Transm. pres. aceite 14740Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 2 terminals/bornes 24560Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia -> 01.1988 32110Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. 35340Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. Intake manifold preh./Prec. tubo adm. 35440Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. 35660Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 36370Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 2 fans or speeds/Ventil. o veloc. 3782080 1.6 1987-91PP 51 70Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 0.40 bar 11070Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite Open/Conecta, 1.40 bar 12900Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite Open/Conecta, 1.80 bar 12910Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite Automatic 12920Oil press. transmitter/Transm. pres. aceite 14740Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 2 terminals/bornes 24560Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia 32110Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia Oil temp./Temp. aceite 32200Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. 35340Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. 35660Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 36370Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 2 fans or speeds/Ventil. o veloc. 3782080 1.6 1991-94ABM 52 71Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 0.40 bar 11070Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite Open/Conecta, 1.80 bar 12910Oil press. transmitter/Transm. pres. aceite 14740Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 2 terminals/bornes 24560Thermistor-Thermocont./Doble funcin 34220Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 36370Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 2 fans or speeds/Ventil. o veloc. 3782080 1.6 1990-91ABB 75 102Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 0.40 bar 11070Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite Open/Conecta, 1.40 bar 12900Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite Open/Conecta, 1.80 bar 12910Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite Automatic 12920Oil press. transmitter/Transm. pres. aceite 14740Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 2 terminals/bornes 24560Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia Oil temp./Temp. aceite 32200Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. 35340Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 36370Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 2 fans or speeds/Ventil. o veloc. 3782080 1.6 D 1986-91JK 40 54Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 0.40 bar 11070Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite Open/Conecta, 1.40 bar 12900Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite Open/Conecta, 1.80 bar 12910Oil press. transmitter/Transm. pres. aceite 14740Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 2 terminals/bornes 24560Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia -> 01.1988 32110Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia Oil temp./Temp. aceite 32200Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. 35340Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 36370Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 2 fans or speeds/Ventil. o veloc. 37820

    80 1.6 E, Avant 1993-96ADA 74 101Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 0.40 bar 11070Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite Open/Conecta, 1.80 bar 12910Oil press. transmitter/Transm. pres. aceite 14740Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 2 terminals/bornes 24560Thermistor-Thermocont./Doble funcin 34220Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 36370Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 2 fans or speeds/Ventil. o veloc. 3782080 1.6 TD 1986-91RA/SB 59 80Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 0.40 bar 11070Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite Open/Conecta, 1.40 bar 12900Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite Open/Conecta, 1.80 bar 12910Oil press. transmitter/Transm. pres. aceite 14740Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 2 terminals/bornes 24560Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia -> 01.1988 32110Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia Oil temp./Temp. aceite 32200Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. 35340Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 36370Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 2 fans or speeds/Ventil. o veloc. 3782080 1.8 1986-90RU 55 75Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 0.40 bar 11070Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite Open/Conecta, 1.40 bar 12900Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite Open/Conecta, 1.80 bar 12910Oil press. transmitter/Transm. pres. aceite 14740Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 2 terminals/bornes 24560Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia -> 01.1988 32110Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. 35340Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. Carb. 35440Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. 35660Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 36370Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 2 fans or speeds/Ventil. o veloc. 3782080 1.8 E, Quattro 1986-91DZ 82 112Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 0.40 bar 11070Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite Open/Conecta, 1.40 bar 12900Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite Open/Conecta, 1.80 bar 12910Oil press. transmitter/Transm. pres. aceite 14740Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 2 terminals/bornes 24560Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia -> 01.1988 32110Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia Oil temp./Temp. aceite 32200Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. 35340Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 36370Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 2 fans or speeds/Ventil. o veloc. 3782080 1.8 S, Quattro 1986-90SF 65 88Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 0.40 bar 11070Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite Open/Conecta, 1.40 bar 12900Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite Open/Conecta, 1.80 bar 12910Oil press. transmitter/Transm. pres. aceite 14740Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 2 terminals/bornes 24560Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia -> 01.1988 32110Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. 35340Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. Intake manifold preh./Prec. tubo adm. 35440Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. 35660Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 36370Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 2 fans or speeds/Ventil. o veloc. 3782080 1.8 S, Quattro 1986-91NE/PM/JN 66 90Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite 0.40 bar 11070Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite Open/Conecta, 1.40 bar 12900Oil press. switch/Int. pres. aceite Open/Conecta, 1.80 bar 12910Oil press. transmitter/Transm. pres. aceite 14740Stop light switch/Int. luz stop 2 terminals/bornes 24560Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia -> 01.1988 32110Temp. sending unit/Termo-Resistencia Oil temp./Temp. aceite 32200Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. 35340Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. Intake manifold preh./Prec. tubo adm. 35440Temp. s. warning lamp/Termocont. temp. 35660Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 36370Fan switch/Termocontacto ventilador 2 fans or speeds/Ventil. o veloc. 3782080 1.8, Quattro 1986-90S