valpak of albuquerque media kit

Valpak ® Solutions Influence, Attract and Nurture Customers 2012 Media Kit

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Valpak® SolutionsInfluence, Attract and Nurture Customers

2012 Media Kit

Page 2: Valpak of Albuquerque Media Kit

3 I N C r e A S e yo u r o p t I o N S

5 M A x I M I z e yo u r M e d I A d o l l A r S

7 tA r g e t e d , I N N o VAt I V e , C u S t o M I z e d

9 M A x I M I z e yo u r M e S S A g e

10 VA l pA k ® d I r e C t M A I l S o l u t I o N S

11 d I g I tA l pA C k A g e S

12 M o N t h ly p r o M o t I o N S

14 C o M p r e h e N S I V e S u p p o r t S e r V I C e S

15 d e S I g N A N d p r o d u C t I o N

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“Valpak® is one of the strongest

consumer brands I know of

for awareness and quick,

clear relevance to consumers.

They call it “Value Pack,”

and to millions of Americans

every month, it is just that.

Cox Target Media has made the

right choice in putting their

resources behind this brand.”

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Valpak® Ensures Your Message Hits Home In More Ways Than OneValpak is a results-driven marketing company that offers advertisers full service, targeted,

direct marketing solutions and support services. Valpak is an affiliate of Cox Enterprises, Inc.,

one of America’s leading media companies with major holdings in newspaper, television,

radio, cable TV and Internet/interactive industries. Taking advantage of our collective

understanding of media, Valpak has created integrated programs to maximize your

campaign potential.




• responsive consumer audiences know and trust our nationally branded products.

• Valpak works with you to develop unique direct marketing programs

using your own consumer databases or by creating micro-targeted

audience profiles based on your campaign needs.

• Buy nationally and execute locally. This enables you to target

messages by market or neighborhood.

• Select trade areas as small as 10,000 households, online

and/or offline, or as large as 40+ million throughout

north America.

• utilize our research services group to customize your

campaign targeting methodology.

• Take advantage of our award-winning creative services design

team to develop a new campaign or to extend your existing

creative design.


Targeted Media Will Increase Your Options

Not lIMIt theM

Page 5: Valpak of Albuquerque Media Kit


“With Valpak® having Molly Maid templates ready

to go, it’s a no-brainer. My business profile has

increased online because of the added exposure

that® gives me. Moreover, my presence

on google® is more prominent. Lots of people are

using the Internet to find good deals, and I want

them to find my Molly Maid.”

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Valpak® DeliversMore Efficient Than Other Media

radio, television, newspapers and other media blanket large areas, reducing the

effectiveness of your advertising dollars.

Because we have a thorough understanding of, and presence in, local, regional and

national markets and a strong success rate in targeting “qualified” members of our audience,

we can design a comprehensive proposal that hits home for you every time.

tArgetAble – Audiences can be identified by age, income, family status and other

demographic, geographic, consumer behavior or expenditure identifiers. Our branded

programs can be designed to target an area surrounding specific retail locations or

pre-designated trade areas as small as

10,000 homes, or even smaller if your

proprietary program requires it.

trACkAble – using national

campaigns with total-market versioning

or creating unique local neighborhood

promotional programs, Valpak can help

you create or match databases of sales

and customer information that will help

you to maximize your current and

future customer acquisition and

loyalty programs.

effeCtIVe – We take the guesswork

out of your marketing efforts. no matter which solution or service

you use, we provide measurable and quantifiable results.

CoSt-effICIeNt - Our programs provide you with dynamic marketing options

designed to suit your specific budget and campaign objectives without the

inefficiency of traditional media.

SyNergIStIC – All of our Valpak product options can be used as stand-alone

marketing programs, or they can be combined to create a comprehensive

solution to meet all of your marketing needs.

Hit More Homes. Hit More Accurately.

MAxIMIze your MedIA dollArS

Page 7: Valpak of Albuquerque Media Kit


“Since the coupons

started mailing in

July 2009 we have

continued to see

tremendous results

with Valpak®.

It continues to

exceed our

expectations every

month. I encourage

any restaurant to

work with Valpak and

run Buy 1, get 1 Free

offers. now with® we

average 170 prints

a month from the site and

the phone apps that

customers bring in.”

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Solutions That WorkValpak® offers a number of distinctive products and services that work together to create

full-circle direct marketing support, regardless of how dispersed or diverse your audience

might be. Our solutions can consistently connect you with your best prospects.

prINt SolutIoNS• Branded consumer products, with a loyal readership base.

• Weekly scheduled mailings and a variety of ad format options.

• Solo direct mail programs for customized messages and audiences.

dIgItAl SolutIoNS• Enable you to reach a responsive audience online and on the go.

• Extend your reach via exclusive distribution partnerships.

INtegrAted SolutIoNS• Convert Web traffic to store traffic and vice versa.

• Create your own custom consumer profiles for

enhanced performance.

• Free design services to help you maintain brand efficacy.

Targeted, Innovative & Customized Solutions

tAIlored for your SuCCeSS

Page 9: Valpak of Albuquerque Media Kit


“recently, one of our

customers brought

us a Valpak® coupon

which prompted us

to call. We never

realized the power of

The Blue Envelope®

until we watched

coupon after coupon

being redeemed.

Valpak is the only

form of advertising

that has worked for

us. We have already

recommended Valpak

to friends who are

business owners as

well as others who

have asked us

about it.”

Page 10: Valpak of Albuquerque Media Kit


• Consumers throughout north America know and trust Valpak to deliver savings and values.

That’s why nearly 9 out of 10 households receiving Valpak open and look through

The Blue Envelope®.

• The Valpak envelope contains a mix of ads from national,

regional and local advertisers, including dining and

entertainment, home improvement, health and beauty,

automotive and more.

• From savings alerts, special discounts and offers,

to menus and more, consumers look to Valpak

each month to deliver rewarding, relevant and

reliable ads from neighborhood businesses and

national brands.

• We have over 40 years of experience developing

the most effective strategies for businesses

of all sizes.


• Valpak is delivered to households in

approximately 110 u.S. nielsen Designated

Market Areas (DMA), in 45 states, and

4 Canadian Provinces.

• In 2011, over 485 million envelopes were

mailed to over 41 million unique

addresses across the u.S. and Canada.

• In 2011, over 20 billion ads were mailed

inside Valpak.

2011 Valpak readership Study, Winter 2012, Valpak company records

Complementary Products Maximize Your Message

WIth Core CoNSuMerS


Direct Mail Solutions:The Blue Envelope®

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Solutions That WorkFrom mass-targeting to precision placement, Valpak® offers advertisers multiple ways to speak to those

qualified consumers who are most likely to want or need your products and services. And whether

you want to reach busy families, professionals, or active retirees, advertisers can trust Valpak to treat

consumers as smart, sophisticated shoppers who want offers that are relevant to their lifestyle.

• Valpak direct mail solutions enable you to focus your messages on a single neighborhood, city,

DMA or a combination that matches your store coverage areas or desired consumer profile.

• Valpak makes planning your campaign easy. By utilizing the Valpak regional mailing areas,

you can set up your campaign’s in-home dates with ease.

• Valpak mails each region of the u.S. and Canada once a month so your advertising message

arrives within a targeted time frame in the city, DMA, state/province or region you choose.


Single parent family

teenagers who actively

use the web

traditional family With

Children, drives Mini-Van

professional Couple in 30s

dual Income, outdoor loversprofessional Woman

Active Smart phone user

travels often

homeowners Who

like gardening

females 25-54hh Income $35,000+

excessive Clothes buyers

professionals 25-45hh Income $60,000+dine out frequently


Single parent

book purchasersActive retirees

household that Never Misses

A Summer Vacation

professional Male/female

Internet purchasersMale Music lover


dIreCt MAIl SolutIoNS

Valpak direct mail solutions use a demographic segmentation system called neighborhood Trade Areas® (nTA®). The selection criteria for an nTA ispart of the reason why Valpak direct mail solutions offers advertisers a high level of performance. Mailing by nTA allows advertisers to target qualified customersgeo-demographically for the best possible results. The Valpak audience is profiled using syndicated research from Scarborough researchTM and Experian® SimmonsSM. When combined with nielsen PrIZM®, it provides advertisers with useful lifestyleand predictive behavior data.

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• Over 640 million offers were viewed on® in 2011, an average of

53.5 million per month!*

• In 2011, over 3.6 million coupons were printed from®.

• At the end of 2011, the total number of individuals (double opt-in only),

registered for® Member Exclusives was approximately 1.24 million.

Source: “elevating the Mobile love Affair with Coupons,” the yankee group, April 2010. omniture logs/records.

*Cox target Media, Inc. internal server logs/records

• reACh CoNSuMerS WhereVer they go. Valpak® Smartphone Applications put your name in front

of consumers searching for local businesses on their mobile devices. The number of mobile coupons

redeemed in north America in 2011 and 2012 is set to increase by triple digits from 2010.

• StIr CoNSuMerS to ACtIoN WIth SAVINgS offerS ANd INCeNtIVeS.

An estimated 53 million adults print internet coupons, up 14% from 2010 (Experian® SimmonsTM,

Summer 2011 nCS Adult Survey 12-month.)

• AlloW your beSt CuStoMerS to SpeAk for your buSINeSS. ratings and reviews

for your business on provide influential, decision-making content to consumers.

• MeASure roI. Ensure your marketing dollars are being spent effectively with clear-cut

reporting and tracking.

• reSIde oN MultIple plAtforMS WIthout hAVINg to MANAge eACh INdIVIduAlly.

We provide central ordering and management.

In Front of Your Customers Wherever They Are!

dIgItAl pACkAgeS

Page 13: Valpak of Albuquerque Media Kit


The Valpak® national Promotions Program Builds Awareness, Consumer Excitement and Anticipation Around Every Mailing• Each blue envelope becomes interactive as consumers respond emotionally to the element

of surprise and the chance of winning exclusive prizes and rewards.

• Valpak consumers are engaged to open the envelope, not only to look for local values,

but also to participate in exciting lifestyle promotions.

• Valpak national promotions are a consumer favorite, increasing the brand’s #1 market leader

position and generating the highest open rates in the industry to ensure your marketing

messages are seen.

• Promotional partners include Food network, HgTV, CBS, WE TV and others, providing strong

consumer interest in the envelope.

MoNthly proMotIoNS

Page 14: Valpak of Albuquerque Media Kit


I’ve seen the results…it’s as simple as that. Valpak®

has exceeded

all expectations. It has brought nEW customers in our doors…

I love that I can measure the effectiveness of marketing with

Valpak. We live in tough economic times and people are

looking for coupons like never before. They don’t throw

The Blue Envelope® away.”

Page 15: Valpak of Albuquerque Media Kit


Custom Fit For Your Business SuccessrESEArCH SErVICES AnD COnSuMEr BEHAVIOr TOOLS

Valpak® uses nationally recognized research services to obtain census, demographic,

consumer behavior and consumer expenditure data to ensure precise audience targeting for

the best possible results. Our knowledge and understanding of the Valpak consumer means

your advertising dollars are maximized.

Valpak has the ability to identify specific consumer behaviors using nielsen PrIZM and

survey data from Scarborough research™ and Experian® SimmonsTM which plays a key role

in getting your message to the right audience. When combined with nielsen Consumer

Buying Power you have a winning formula that gives you the power to find consumers who

look like your customer.


Professionally trained research consultants are available to

provide pre- and post-analytical support to advertisers who

need unique quantitative data on individual programs:

• geographical Targeting/Mapping services are provided based

upon neighborhood demographics, retail shopping locations,

and postal carrier routes.

• Pre-Analytic support includes using sophisticated targeting

techniques to ensure advertisers are purchasing the most

appropriate portion of the Valpak audience.

• Post-Analytic support includes a variety of testing methods to

measure the success of the Valpak program or the offer itself.

The Service and Support

your buSINeSS deSerVeS

Page 16: Valpak of Albuquerque Media Kit


Production ServicesAdvertisers looking for something more unique can choose

from a variety of printing, design and fulfillment options

including four-color coupons, flyers, coupon booklets, magnets

and more, to fit your product, message and budget. Valpak®

account representatives will help you obtain mail lists that will

accurately target your qualified audience.

Creative ServicesOur creative department works with advertisers to develop

interactive online and high-quality printed marketing

materials that project your company’s image and style.

Our award-winning team of graphic designers and copywriters

can create unique campaigns or use existing design elements,

supplied by you or your agency, to produce a robust and

well-thought-out ad solution that suits your needs.

deSIgN & produCtIoN

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Expires 12/12/2012

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Page 17: Valpak of Albuquerque Media Kit

Connect with your best Customers


Cox Enterprises, the parent company of Valpak, is the 6th largest advertising media company, by sales, in the united States. (Source: “Media Industry”, Hoovers. Web. 06 Jan 2012

Valpak®,®, neighborhood Trade Area®, nTA®, The Blue Envelope®, The Envelope DesignTM andConnecting Advertisers with Audiences® are registered trademarks of Valpak Direct Marketing Systems, Inc.,its subsidiaries and affiliates. Copyright © 2012 Valpak Direct Marketing Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.

All other products and company names are used for identification purposes only and may be trademarks and/or registered trademarks of their respective owners. Valpak Direct Marketing Systems, Inc. makes no claims to these trademarks.

In the mail. Online. On the phone.