validation of multivariate outlier detection analyses used ... · validation of multivariate...

Validation of Multivariate Outlier Detection Analyses Used to Identify Potential Drug-Induced Liver Injury in Clinical Trial Populations Xiwu Lin, 1 Daniel Parks, 1 Jeffery Painter, 2 Christine M. Hunt, 3 Heide A. Stirnadel-Farrant, 4 Jie Cheng, 1 Alan Menius 2 and Kwan Lee 1 1 Medical Analytics, GlaxoSmithKline, Collegeville, PA, USA 2 Medical Analytics, GlaxoSmithKline, Research Triangle Park, NC, USA 3 Global Clinical Safety and Pharmacovigilance, GlaxoSmithKline, Research Triangle Park, NC, USA 4 Worldwide Epidemiology, GlaxoSmithKline, Stockley Park, UK Abstract Background: Potential severe liver injury is identified in clinical trials by ALT >3 · upper limits of normal (ULN) and total bilirubin >2 · ULN, and termed ‘Hy’s Law’ by the US FDA. However, there is limited evidence or validation of these thresholds in clinical trial populations. Using liver chemistry data from clinical trials, decision boundaries were built empirically with truncated robust multivariate outlier detection (TRMOD), in a statistically robust manner, and then compared with these fixed thresholds. Additionally, as the analysis of liver chemistry change from baseline has been recently suggested for the identification of liver signals, fold-baseline data was also assessed. Objective: The aim of the study was to examine and validate the performance of fixed and empirically derived thresholds for severe liver injury in generally healthy clinical trial populations (i.e. populations without underlying renal, haematological or liver disease). Methods: Using phase IIIV clinical trial data, ALT and total bilirubin data were analysed using outlier detection methods to compare with empirically derived and fixed thresholds of the FDA’s Hy’s Law limits, which were then assessed graphically with the FDA’s evaluation of Drug-Induced Serious Hepatotoxicity (eDISH) assessing fold-ULN, as well as a modified eDISH (mDISH) to assess fold-baseline liver chemistries. Data from 28 phase IIIV clinical trials conducted by GlaxoSmithKline were aggregated and analysed by the TRMOD algorithm to create decision boundaries. The data consisted of 18 672 predominantly female subjects with a mean age of 44 years and without known liver disease. Results: Among generally healthy clinical trial subjects, the empirically- derived TRMOD boundaries were approximately equivalent to ‘Hy’s Law’. ORIGINAL RESEARCH ARTICLE Drug Saf 2012; 35 (10): 865-875 0114-5916/12/0010-0865/$49.95/0 Adis ª 2012 Springer International Publishing AG. All rights reserved.

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Page 1: Validation of Multivariate Outlier Detection Analyses Used ... · Validation of Multivariate Outlier Detection Analyses Used to Identify Potential Drug-Induced Liver Injury in Clinical

Validation of Multivariate OutlierDetection Analyses Used to IdentifyPotential Drug-Induced Liver Injuryin Clinical Trial PopulationsXiwu Lin,1 Daniel Parks,1 Jeffery Painter,2 Christine M. Hunt,3 Heide A. Stirnadel-Farrant,4

Jie Cheng,1 Alan Menius2 and Kwan Lee1

1 Medical Analytics, GlaxoSmithKline, Collegeville, PA, USA

2 Medical Analytics, GlaxoSmithKline, Research Triangle Park, NC, USA

3 Global Clinical Safety and Pharmacovigilance, GlaxoSmithKline, Research Triangle Park, NC, USA

4 Worldwide Epidemiology, GlaxoSmithKline, Stockley Park, UK

Abstract Background: Potential severe liver injury is identified in clinical trials by ALT

>3· upper limits of normal (ULN) and total bilirubin >2·ULN, and termed

‘Hy’s Law’ by the US FDA. However, there is limited evidence or validation

of these thresholds in clinical trial populations. Using liver chemistry data

from clinical trials, decision boundaries were built empirically with truncated

robust multivariate outlier detection (TRMOD), in a statistically robust

manner, and then compared with these fixed thresholds. Additionally, as the

analysis of liver chemistry change from baseline has been recently suggested

for the identification of liver signals, fold-baseline data was also assessed.

Objective: The aim of the study was to examine and validate the performance

of fixed and empirically derived thresholds for severe liver injury in generally

healthy clinical trial populations (i.e. populations without underlying renal,

haematological or liver disease).

Methods: Using phase II–IV clinical trial data, ALT and total bilirubin data

were analysed using outlier detection methods to compare with empirically

derived and fixed thresholds of the FDA’s Hy’s Law limits, which were then

assessed graphically with the FDA’s evaluation of Drug-Induced Serious

Hepatotoxicity (eDISH) assessing fold-ULN, as well as a modified eDISH

(mDISH) to assess fold-baseline liver chemistries. Data from 28 phase II–IV

clinical trials conducted by GlaxoSmithKline were aggregated and analysed

by the TRMOD algorithm to create decision boundaries. The data consisted

of 18 672 predominantly female subjects with a mean age of 44 years and

without known liver disease.

Results: Among generally healthy clinical trial subjects, the empirically-

derived TRMOD boundaries were approximately equivalent to ‘Hy’s Law’.

ORIGINAL RESEARCH ARTICLEDrug Saf 2012; 35 (10): 865-875


Adis ª 2012 Springer International Publishing AG. All rights reserved.

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TRMOD boundaries for identifying outliers were an ALT limit of 3.4·ULN

and a bilirubin limit of 2.1 ·ULN, compared with the FDA’s ‘Hy’s Law’ of

3·ULN and bilirubin 2·ULN. Inter-laboratory data variations were ob-

served across the 28 studies, and were diminished by use of baseline-corrected

data. By applying TRMOD to baseline-corrected data, these boundaries be-

came ALT limit of 3.8 · baseline and bilirubin limit of 4.8 ·baseline. Cumu-

lative incidence plots of liver signals identified over time were examined.

TRMOD analyses identified normative boundaries and outliers that provide

comparative data to detect liver signals in similar trial populations.

Conclusions: TRMOD liver chemistry analyses of clinical trial data in gen-

erally healthy subjects have confirmed the FDA’s Hy’s Law threshold as

a robust means of detecting liver safety outliers. TRMOD evaluation of

liver chemistry data, by both fold-ULN and fold-baseline, provides com-

plementary analyses and valuable normative data for comparison in similar

patient populations. No liver signal is present when new clinical trial data

from similar patient populations lies within these normative boundaries. Use

of baseline-corrected data diminishes inter-laboratory variation and may be

more sensitive to possible drug effects. We suggest examining liver chemis-

tries using graphical depictions of both ULN-corrected data (eDISH) and

baseline-corrected data (mDISH), as complementary methods.


Drug-induced liver injury is the most frequentcause of postmarketing drug withdrawal,[1] com-monly terminates promising drug developmentprogrammes and is the foremost cause of acuteliver failure in the US.[2] To address these issues,the US FDA premarketing liver safety guidanceprovides subject safeguards through its standar-dized approach to liver safety and liver chemistrysubject stopping criteria, where study drug treat-ment is stopped when pre-specified liver chem-istry threshold criteria are reached.[1] Earlier andmore sensitive detection of drug-induced liverinjury and intervention during drug developmentis likely to enhance clinical safety.

Hy Zimmerman[3] reported that 10–50% ofpatients with drug-induced hepatocellular jaun-dice develop fatal liver failure. These data havebeen confirmed in large population studies report-ing 9–12% mortality with drug-induced hepato-cellular injury with jaundice.[4,5] The FDA-coinedterm ‘Hy’s Law’[1,6,7] is used to identify liver

chemistry elevations of serious clinical concern:ALT >3 ·upper limits of normal (ULN) and totalbilirubin >2 ·ULN. Furthermore, the FDA gui-dance cautions that ‘‘Hy’s Law [is an] ominousindicator [of] a drug likely to cause severe drug-induced liver injury’’.[1] Recently, FDA researchershave developed a tool for evaluation of Drug-Induced Serious Hepatotoxicity (eDISH)[8] toidentify and help predict drug-induced liver in-jury. eDISH is essentially a graphical depictionof Hy’s Law, implementing its fixed decisionboundaries. The eDISH graph effectively orga-nizes the liver chemistry data by displaying peakserum ALT and bilirubin levels for each clinicaltrial subject. eDISH was recently applied tophase III rivaroxaban clinical trials.[9] Watkinset al.[9] concluded that eDISH is a highly efficientand effective way to examine and summarize se-rum ALT and bilirubin levels from randomizedcontrolled clinical trials.

Because of the clinical importance of Hy’sLaw in drug development, we examined its per-formance in clinical trial populations. Earlier

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analyses of phase II–IV clinical trial data frommorethan 18 000 predominantly female patients with-out known liver disease were employed;[10] femalesare disproportionally affected by severe drug-induced liver injury.[11] These analyses revealedthat no subjects met Hy’s Law criteria duringtreatment or follow-up when receiving investiga-tional compounds without liver signals.[10] Theseanalyses also examined liver chemistry elevations,using fold-upper limits of normal (or · ULN),and found the rates of liver chemistry elevationswere similar in patients receiving active drug tothose in placebo recipients.

The value of assessing change from baselineliver chemistry data during phase I clinical trialshas recently been reported by Cai et al.[12] andM’Kada et al.[13] Baseline-corrected data assistsin eliminating undesirable inter-laboratory varia-tion, and hence may be more sensitive to theeffects of underlying drug effects.[14] Baseline-corrected data is frequently used in drug efficacyanalyses. However, unlike the ULN-correcteddata, the decision boundaries based on the base-line-corrected (fold-baseline) data of ALT andbilirubin have not been established.

Robust multivariate analyses of liver chem-istry data have been examined for early identifi-cation of drug-induced liver injury.[15] Recently,Lin et al.[16] proposed a truncated robust distancefor assessing clinical laboratory safety biomarkerswhich is multivariate and robust to outliers,handling several biomarkers and their correla-tions simultaneously. Extremely small values ofsafety markers are generally clinically insignif-icant and truncation allows automatic exclusionof these clinically irrelevant outliers, thus focus-ing analyses on patients with clinically significantchanges. This method applied to outlier detec-tion of safety markers is known as Truncated Ro-bust Multivariate Outlier Detection (TRMOD).Unlike the fixed boundaries of Hy’s Law andeDISH, the statistical property of a TRMOD deci-sion boundary can be obtained since TRMODboundaries are flexible and determined by a givendata and can be adjusted readily by controlling thecorresponding tolerance probability of confidence.

Our study goals were to apply TRMOD to liverchemistries to assess and characterize the statis-

tical properties of decision boundaries (tolerancelimits) of Hy’s Law and eDISH, examining bothfold-ULN and fold-baseline data. To achieve thesegoals, we first applied TRMOD to liver chemistrydata from an aggregated clinical trial databaseto obtain decision boundaries and thresholds forALT and bilirubin and compare them with thoseof Hy’s Law. We then applied TRMOD to base-line-corrected data from the same aggregatedclinical trial database to obtain decision bound-aries and thresholds for fold-baseline data ofALT and bilirubin. Based on the thresholds forfold-baseline ALT and bilirubin data, we proposeda modified eDISH (mDISH) as a complementarytool to eDISH for detecting liver signals in othersimilar trial populations.


Truncated Robust Multivariate OutlierDetection (TRMOD) for Liver Chemistries

Identification of abnormal liver chemistry datamay be considered as an outlier detection prob-lem. An outlier refers to an observation that de-viates markedly from the pattern or distributionof the majority of the data, and is usually identifiedthrough robust statistical methods. Multivariateoutlier detection based on a robust distancehas been studied extensively[17] and applied todetect outliers in multivariate laboratory data.[15]

Mahalanobis Distance[18] measures the distanceof a subject from the centre of the data defined bycorrelated multivariate variables, assumed to benormally distributed. Robust distance is obtainedby using the robust estimate of mean and covar-iance in the calculation ofMahalanobis Distance.In essence, the robust estimates assume that themajority of data come from a multivariate normaldistribution, but that some outliers exist. Relax-ing the assumption of normality in this way en-ables the outliers to be more easily identified.Subjects with robust distance greater than a givencutoff will be considered as outliers. The decisionboundary for multivariate outlier detection basedon multivariate normal distribution has an ellip-soidal shape in general[19] and is an ellipse forthe bivariate (two markers) case (figure 1a). The

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cutoff of robust distance or the decision bound-ary can be adjusted based on a specified falsedetection probability value. The false detectionprobability here refers to the probability of thedata generated from the underlying multivariatenormal distribution (i.e. non-outlier subject) fall-ing outside of the decision boundary. The ‘slope’of the ellipse gets steeper as the correlation be-tween the two measurement increases.

Multivariate outliers detected based on suchdecision boundaries will include outliers in alldirections. However, only abnormally high ele-vations of liver chemistry measurements indicatea potential liver safety issue. Hence, the outlierswith abnormally small values of liver chemistriesare not of interest in identifying potential livertoxicity and would be considered clinically irre-levant outliers. TRMOD[16] was proposed asa robust statistical method for identification ofclinically relevant outliers in laboratory safetydata while automatically excluding clinically ir-relevant outliers. The TRMOD method eliminatesclinically irrelevant outliers in any variable byfixing their values at a truncation point near thecentre of the data before computing their robustdistances. Specifically, the value of the truncatedpoint will be used in the calculation of a robustdistance if a variable has a value less than thevalue of the truncated point for the correspond-ing variable. Subjects with truncated robust dis-tance greater than a given cutoff will be consideredas clinically relevant outliers. The truncation ef-fectively blocks irrelevant outliers and the deci-

sion boundary defined by the truncated robustdistance is shown in figure 1a as a solid line.[16]

The TRMOD boundaries can be adjusted basedon specified false detection probability value.A false detection probability of 0.001 (or 1 in1000) means only about 0.1% of data randomlyselected from the underlying normal distributionmay be expected to be outside of the decisionboundary. In other words, if all the data arerandomly sampled from the normal distributionand hence no true outlier subject is presented, wewould expect about 0.1% of the data to fall out-side the decision boundary when a false detectionprobability of 0.001 is used. The choice of valuefor false detection probability will depend on anacceptable level defined by clinical practitioners.However, the false detection probability in mostcases may be limited to very small values such as1 in 1000 or 1 in 10 000. In applying TRMOD toliver chemistry data, log transformation of ALTand bilirubin will be used so that the majority ofthe data can be modelled approximately as amultivariate normal distribution. The two liverchemistry measurements, ALT and bilirubin, arenot highly correlated, and the decision boundarythen appears rounded, similar to figure 1b.

An important feature of the TRMOD bound-aries involves the truncation lines, which are de-termined by their intersection with the horizontaland vertical axes. We will call them the x-limitand y-limit for future referencing, where x and yindicate coordinates of the horizontal and ver-tical axes, respectively. A very important featureof the TRMOD boundary information is rep-resented by the (x-limit, y-limit), which can beused for comparison with other thresholds basedon methods such as eDISH. By extending thetruncation line as given in figure 1b, it is possibleto achieve decision boundaries very similar toeDISH using TRMOD. For the two liver chem-istry measurements, ALT limit will be interpretedas the x-limit and the bilirubin limit as the y-limit.ALT and bilirubin data can be either ULN-corrected or baseline-corrected. ALT and bilirubinlimits define regions similar to eDISH. Together,they form regions identified as Region I, severetoxicity or potential Hy’s Law; Region II, ele-vated bilirubin; Region III, elevated ALT; and

Marker 1




Relevant outliers

Irrelevant outliers









Fig. 1. TRMOD boundaries in (a) a typical scenario, and (b) for thefour outlier regions when ALT and bilirubin are the biological markers:region I = severe toxicity; region II = elevated bilirubin; region III =elevated ALT; and region IV = potentially severe toxicity. TRMOD =truncated robust multivariate outlier detection.

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Region IV, potential toxicity. Outliers lying inregion IV as a result of the multivariate analysismay indicate some abnormality in both ALT andbilirubin simultaneously which may require furtherattention. In fact, if we ignore region IV, the shapeof the decision boundaries are exactly the same inboth TRMOD and eDISH. An important dif-ference, however, is that the TRMODboundariesare estimated from data (data for our analyseswere from generally healthy patients enrolled inclinical trials), compared with the eDISH bound-aries which are fixed since they were derived fromHy’s Law.

TRMOD decision boundaries and thresholdswere computed for two liver safety biomarkers,ALT and bilirubin, for a generally healthy patientpopulation participating in clinical trials,[10] ap-plying both fold-ULN and fold-baseline. The 95%confidence intervals (CIs) of ALT limit andbilirubin limit were estimated through use of arepeated bootstrapping method (random sam-pling with replacement). Once the TRMODbound-aries and thresholds are computed, they werecompared with those proposed by Hy’s Law andeDISH fixed boundaries, and then compari-sons of statistical properties were performed.Additionally, the TRMOD boundaries based onfold-baseline data were used to form an mDISHmethod.

Generally Healthy Patient Populations

In order to estimate the decision boundariesof TRMOD, liver chemistry data of 18 672 gen-erally healthy patients from 28 phase II–IV trialsconducted by GlaxoSmithKline were used.[10]

The details on how these trials are selected aredescribed in reference.[10] Generally healthy pa-tients refer to patients without underlying renal,haematological or liver disease. Of these patients,92.3% of patients were female, with the malepatients (n = 1400) having graded ALT elevationsduring treatment and follow-up that were similarto those of the female participants. The mean ageof patients was 44.3 years. These patients arerepresentative of many therapeutic area popula-tions (e.g. migraine, osteoporosis, functionalbowel disease, etc.).


Hy’s Law, Evaluation of Drug-Induced SeriousHepatotoxicity (eDISH) Decision Boundary forLiver Safety Data

The peak ULN-corrected ALT and bilirubinlevels of 18 672 generally healthy patients areplotted on eDISH (figure 2). Potential severe liverinjury can be identified by ALT >3 ·ULN andbilirubin >2 ·ULN, and is depicted graphicallyas the potential Hy’s Law region in the upperright quadrant.[8] Isolated bilirubin elevationsare generally due to an innocuous bilirubin con-jugating defect, termed Gilbert’s syndrome,[20]

and appear in the ‘Gilbert’s cholestasis’ quad-rant. The ‘Temple’s corollary’ region displaysALT >3 ·ULN, observed frequently in drugs as-sociated with hepatotoxicity. And finally, the ‘Nor-mal’ region is occupied by most subjects withoutdrug-associated liver injury. No patient data arefound in the potential Hy’s Law region.

TRMOD Boundaries Estimated from GenerallyHealthy Patients’ Data

The TRMOD and eDISH decision boundariesboth look alike and are comparable. Therefore, theTRMODboundaries were estimated based on datafrom the generally healthy patient populations,

Peak ALT (× ULN)


k bi


in (



1/16 1/4 1 2 3 8 16





cholestasisHy’s Law



Fig. 2. eDISH plot: scatter plot of peak ULN-corrected ALT andbilirubin with eDISH decision boundaries showing region I, Hy’s Law;region II, Gilbert’s cholestasis; and region III, Temple’s corollary.eDISH = evaluation of Drug-Induced Serious Hepatotoxicity; ULN =upper limit of normal.

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with the main focus being the ULN-correctedALT limit and bilirubin limit. Note that for po-tential ‘Hy’s Law’, the ULN-corrected ALT andbilirubin limits are 3 and 2, respectively. TheTRMOD ULN-corrected ALT and bilirubinlimits with a 95% CI based on 500 bootstrappedsamples for two different false detection prob-abilities of 1/1000 and 1/10 000 are summarizedin table I. From table I, the TRMOD ULN-corrected ALT and bilirubin limits of 3.4 and2.1, respectively, were slightly higher than eDISHlimits 3 and 2, respectively, which made theTRMOD boundary for false detection probabilityof 1/10 000 slightly wider than eDISH (figure 3).No patient data appear in region I (potential Hy’sLaw quadrant).

Furthermore, in table I, it is apparent thatHy’s Law limits lie somewhere between the esti-mated TRMOD limits calculated with false de-tection probabilities of 1/1000 and 1/10 000, butwas closer to limits estimated with a false detec-tion probability of 1/10 000 on average. Hence,eDISH, which is based on Hy’s Law, performssimilarly to TRMOD in its functionality.

Outlier Analysis Based on Baseline-CorrectedData

Baseline-corrected data (fold-baseline) was alsoexamined and compared with ULN-correcteddata (fold-ULN). Raw data, ULN-corrected dataand baseline-corrected data of ALT by differentULN values are plotted in figure 4. DifferingULN values approximately correspond to thevarying laboratories performing the ALT mea-surements, which revealed numerous inconsisten-cies across the laboratories. Both the raw andULN-corrected ALT show high variability amongthe laboratories. In contrast, baseline-correcteddata demonstrate consistency across the labora-

tories and an average close to 0 (in log scale),meaning ALT values stay the same on averageas the baseline during the trial. Similar perfor-mance was noted for ULN-corrected and base-line-corrected bilirubin values. In summary,baseline-corrected data is more consistent acrosslaboratories compared with ULN-corrected data.Therefore, baseline-corrected data would be moresensitive to drug effects and are complementaryto ULN-corrected data.

Next, the TRMOD was applied to baseline-corrected data to estimate the decision boundary,and compared with the eDISH boundary of (3, 2)using a false detection probability of 1 in 10 000.The TRMOD limit for baseline-corrected ALTwas estimated as 3.8 (95% CI 3.5, 4.0) and thelimit for baseline-corrected bilirubin was 4.8(95% CI 4.4, 5.2). The baseline-corrected ALTlimit of 3.8 and bilirubin limit of 4.8 are used inour mDISH, which applies baseline-correcteddata. Figure 5 shows the mDISH plot of peakbaseline-corrected ALT and bilirubin data. Basedon figure 5, data of one patient appears in thepotential Hy’s Law quadrant (region I), suggest-ing potentially serious liver chemistry elevationsfrom baseline.

Table I. Upper limit of normal-corrected ALT and bilirubin limits with

95% CIs based on 500 bootstrapping samples

False detection


ALT limit

(95% CI)

Bilirubin limit

(95% CI)

1 in 1000 2.5 (2.4, 2.6) 1.55 (1.5,1.6)

1 in 10 000 3.4 (3.1, 3.6) 2.1 (1.9, 2.3)

Peak ALT (× ULN)


k bi


in (



1/16 1/4 1 2 3 16





32II I



Fig. 3. Scatter plot of peak ULN-corrected ALT and bilirubin withestimated TRMOD boundaries based on ULN-corrected data fromgenerally healthy patients participating in clinical trials given falsedetection probability of 1/10 000 showing region I, severe toxicity(type I); region II, elevated bilirubin (type II); region III, elevated ALT(type III). TRMOD = truncated robust multivariate outlier detection;ULN = upper limit of normal.

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Modified eDISH as a Complementary Toolto eDISH

We can further compare the occurrence ofliver signals over time between treatments afterpatients with liver signals are identified. The cu-mulative incidence plots display the appearanceof liver signals in the three outlier regions ofeDISH and mDISH over time in the generallyhealthy patient data (figure 6). This tool addsvalue by allowing the user to compare an experi-mental drug with a control or an historically ‘liver

safe’ drug for assessing safety issues and monitor-ing liver chemistry during development. Whileliver chemistry elevations may occur at similartimes in the active or placebo groups, as shown infigure 6, the delayed appearance of marked liverchemistry elevations in the treated groups isominous and has been observed in drugs with-drawn from the market (e.g. troglitazone).[21]

Analysis of clinical safety laboratory data usingeDISH and mDISH, together with the cumula-tive incidence plots, could be used to enhancefuture regulatory submissions. A proportionally











17 22 29 30 31 32 34 35 37 38 40 43 45 48 50 55




LT [×








17 22 29 30 31 32 34 35 37 38 40 43 45 48 50 55




LT [×



) 8

17 22 29 30 31 32 34 35


37 38 40 43 45 48 50 55







Fig. 4. Box plots of (a) raw ALT (in log transformation) by each ULN value; (b) ULN-corrected ALT (in log transformation) by each ULN value;and (c) baseline-corrected ALT (in log transformation) by each ULN value. The box within a box plot shows the range from the lower to upperquartile, with the grey circle and the solid line inside the box indicating the mean and median, respectively. ULN = upper limit of normal.

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similar, small number of subjects receiving activedrug and placebo exhibited ALT ‡3 ·ULN (upto 12 months) in the Temple’s corollary region(figure 6c). The 12-month cumulative incidencerates of ALT elevations from baseline are alsosimilar for patients receiving active drug com-pared with those receiving placebo (figure 6f).Results such as these might be used to guide fur-ther investigation of a potential liver injuryduring a clinical trial.


Using the TRMOD in generally liver-healthyclinical trial subjects, Hy’s Law (ALT >3 ·ULNand bilirubin >2 ·ULN) and eDISH were shownto be simple and reasonable tools to detect po-tential liver safety outliers. The characteristicsof Hy’s Law limits and eDISH for detecting po-tential liver safety outliers in differing patientpopulations deserve further study. In this partic-ular patient population, Hy’s Law and eDISHlimits are approximately equivalent to TRMODboundaries when applied to fold-ULN data withmean ALT 3.4 ·ULN and bilirubin 2.1 ·ULN.Additionally, TRMOD methods allow us to pro-

duce normative liver chemistry data boundarieswhich can be used to compare new clinical trialdata from similar patient populations, and alsosupport the use of fold-baseline changes in theassessment of liver signals.

The flexibility of TRMODallows it to be appliedto baseline-corrected data as well as ULN-correcteddata. With increasing interest in evaluating thechange from baseline to minimize laboratoryvariation,[12,13] the mDISH method was devel-oped by examining fold-baseline elevations. Thisbaseline-corrected data may be more sensitive topossible drug effects. However, baseline-correcteddata may be less sensitive than ULN-correcteddata in populations with baseline liver chemistryelevations such as chronic hepatitis or non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

mDISH is a graphical tool complementary toeDISH where both baseline-corrected peak ALTand baseline-corrected peak bilirubin of each pa-tient are plotted. mDISH yielded a modified Hy’sLaw limit of ALT 4 · baseline and bilirubin 5 ·baseline (compared with the FDA’s Hy’s Law ofALT >3·ULN and bilirubin >2·ULN). mDISHlimits of ALT >4· baseline and bilirubin >5·base-line may be used for populations similar to thegenerally healthy patient populations used in thisstudy. The greater analytic and biological variabilityof bilirubin due to Gilbert’s syndrome,[22] andpossible drug-related UDP-glucuronosyltransferase(UGT) inhibition,[23] likely accounts for the2-fold greater variation in bilirubin observed inmDISH versus eDISH. mDISH is reliant on thebaseline values. The use of a single baseline valuefor comparison introduces potential issues withanalytic and biological variation,[22] suggestingthe use of averaged pre-treatment baseline andscreening values when available. While use offold-baseline data appears promising, additionaldata is needed to confirm the value it adds to theanalysis for detecting potential liver injuries.

The TRMOD approach, with use of bothmethodologies (eDISH and mDISH) to developnormative data and identify outliers, is likely tofurther enhance the detection of drug-inducedliver injury and liver signals during drug develop-ment. For potential Hy’s Law cases, trace plotscan provide detailed case data on adaptation and

Peak ALT (× baseline)


k bi


in (




1/16 1/4 1 2 323






32II I



Fig. 5. mDISH plot: scatter plot of peak baseline-corrected ALT andbilirubin with estimated TRMOD boundaries based on baseline-corrected data from generally healthy patients participating inGlaxoSmithKline clinical trials given false detection probability of1/10 000 showing region I, severe toxicity (type I); region II, elevatedbilirubin (type II); region III, elevated ALT (type III). mDISH = modifiedevaluation of Drug-Induced Serious Hepatotoxicity; TRMOD =truncated robust multivariate outlier detection.

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liver chemistry course while additional clinicaland laboratory data are obtained for case adju-dication.[24] The combined use of the complemen-tary eDISH (which assesses fold-ULN data) andmDISH (analysing fold-baseline-corrected data)methodologies is suggested in the evaluation ofnew clinical trial data.

The TRMOD approach can be used to estab-lish a reference boundary to monitor patientsduring ongoing trials, identify outliers for de-tailed clinical evaluation and assess the appear-ance of liver signals during drug development. Byestablishing normative data in specific patient

populations using both fold-ULN and fold-base-line, TRMOD also provides a valuable measurefor comparing new clinical trial data from similarpatient populations. However, the clinical utilityof the TRMOD boundaries may need furthervalidation since the boundaries are determinedstatistically.

The real utility of the multivariate outlier anal-ysis tool (TRMOD) lies in its flexibility of appli-cation. It can be applied to any number of safetybiomarkers, including cardiotoxicity, hepatotox-icity, nephrotoxicity and hematotoxicity. In thisstudy, TRMOD was applied to aggregated liver









e ra

te (







e ra

te (










0 2 4 6 8 10 12

0 2 4 6 8 10 12



Duration (mo)

Duration (mo)









0 2 4 6 8 10 12

0 2 4 6 8 10 12











0 2 4 6 8 10 12

0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Fig. 6. Plots of cumulative incidence rates of potential liver injury signals identified by eDISH [(a) Hy’s Law; (b) Gilbert’s cholestasis; and(c) Temple’s corollary] and mDISH [(d) type I; (e) type II; and (f) type III]. eDISH = evaluation of Drug-Induced Serious Hepatotoxicity;mDISH = modified evaluation of Drug-Induced Serious Hepatotoxicity.

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chemistries in generally healthy patient popula-tions in clinical trials. Similarly, the methodologycould be applied to patients with underlying liverdisease or in those in various therapeutic areas(e.g. oncology patients). This will be the focus offuture research efforts in applying TRMOD andmDISH.

The combined use of mDISH and eDISH maymore confidently confirm normal liver chemistrydata in similar patient populations. It may also,more sensitively, detect potential drug-inducedliver injury cases. mDISH is likely to be of particularvalue for patient populations with underlying liverdisease or baseline liver chemistry elevations, where-as TRMOD may be applied to baseline-correcteddata. There are many unanswered questions re-maining regarding the application of TRMODto various therapeutic areas and patient popula-tions. We look forward to continually expandingTRMOD’s use and explore its role in drug safety.


TRMOD analysis of liver chemistry datain generally healthy clinical trial populationsproduced normative boundaries with limits sim-ilar to the FDA’s Hy’s Law threshold. Baseline-corrected data diminished inter-laboratory variationandmay be more sensitive to possible drug effectsthan raw or ULN-corrected data. By applyingTRMOD analysis to both fold-ULN and fold-baseline liver chemistry data, we can obtain val-uable normative data for comparison in similarpatient populations.


No sources of funding were used to conduct this study orprepare this manuscript. All authors of this manuscript arefull time employees of GlaxoSmithKline.

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Correspondence: Dr Xiwu Lin, Medical Analytics, Glaxo-SmithKline, 1250 South Collegeville Rd, Collegeville, PA19426, USA.E-mail: [email protected]

Liver Injury Identified with Multivariate Analyses 875

Adis ª 2012 Springer International Publishing AG. All rights reserved. Drug Saf 2012; 35 (10)