vacuolar-type proton pump atpases: roles of subunit ... · diverse functions of the enzyme,...

diverse functions of the enzyme, V-ATPases are distributed in various cellular locations: endomembrane organelles, including the lysosomes, endosomes, the Golgi apparatus, secretory granules, and coated vesicles. They are also present in the plasma membrane of specialized cells, including osteoclasts and epithelial cells in the kidneys, male genital tracts, and ocular ciliary bodies. This ubiquitous and specific distribution of V-ATPase suggests that the enzyme is required for diverse cellular processes, including receptor-mediated endocytosis, protein processing, and degradation; targeting of lysosomal enzymes; and activation of various degradation enzymes and processing of signaling molecules. V-ATPases are found in all eukaryotes, including fungi, plants, and animal cells, studied thus far. They are structurally conserved, regardless of kingdoms, i. e., Animalia, Plantae, or Fungi (Stevens and Forgac, 1997). V-ATPases are composed of two functional sectors known as V 1 and Vo (Fig. 1). The V 1 sector constitutes the catalytic sites for ATP hydrolysis and contains at least eight different types of subunits (A-H). The Vo part contains 4 to 6 subunits (a, c, c’, c’’, e and d), which form a membrane embedded sector, and this sector is required for proton translocation across the membrane. This proton movement occurs without any other ion flux through this enzyme complex, making this process electrogenic in nature, and is coupled tightly to ATP hydrolysis at the catalytic sites of the V 1 sector. As mentioned above, V-ATPases are distributed to various cellular membranes of the exocytic and endocytic pathways (Sun-Wada et al., 2004). From the viewpoint of cell biology, this is somewhat unusual, since most proteins and enzymes have their own cellular residents, implying that even if they appear in some subcellular compartments in transit, they eventually accumulate at one particular destination. However, V- ATPase is widely distributed in the post-Golgi compartments, including the trans -Golgi network, Review Vacuolar-type proton pump ATPases: roles of subunit isoforms in physiology and pathology Ge-hong Sun-Wada 1 and Yoh Wada 2 1 Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Doshisha Women’s College, Kohdo, Kyotanabe, Kyoto, Japan and 2 Division of Biological Science, Institute for Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University, Ibaraki, Osaka, Japan Histol Histopathol (2010) 25: 1611-1620 Offprint requests to: Dr. Ge-hong Sun-Wada, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Doshisha Women’s College, Kohdo, Kyotanabe, Kyoto, Japan. e-mail: [email protected]. Histology and Histopathology Cellular and Molecular Biology Summary. The vacuolar-type H + -ATPases (V-ATPases) are a family of multi-subunit ATP-dependent proton pumps involved in diverse cellular processes, including acid/base homeostasis, receptor-mediated endocytosis, processing of proteins and signaling molecules, targeting of lysosomal enzymes, and activation of various degradation enzymes. These fundamental cellular activities are naturally related to higher order physiological functions in multicellular organisms. V- ATPases are involved in several physiological processes, including renal acidification, bone resorption, and neurotransmitter accumulation. Both forward- and reverse-genetic approaches have revealed that V-ATPase malfunction causes diseases and/or pathophysiological states, demonstrating its diverse roles in normal physiology. Here, we focus on the recent insights into the function of mammalian V-ATPase in highly differentiated cells and tissues. Key words: Proton pump, V-ATPase, Subunit isoform, Acidification, Human disease, Mouse model Introduction Vacuolar-type ATPases (V-ATPases) are large multisubunit, membrane-associated protein complexes that carry out the active transport of protons across the membrane bilayer. V-ATPases are involved in the acidification of intracellular compartments and of the extracellular environment. The proton gradient generated by V-ATPases contributes not only to the acidity of the intracellular compartments and the extracellular environment but also to the formation of ion motive force across the membranes. Corresponding to the

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Page 1: Vacuolar-type proton pump ATPases: roles of subunit ... · diverse functions of the enzyme, V-ATPases are distributed in various cellular locations: ... viewpoint of cell biology,

diverse functions of the enzyme, V-ATPases aredistributed in various cellular locations: endomembraneorganelles, including the lysosomes, endosomes, theGolgi apparatus, secretory granules, and coated vesicles.They are also present in the plasma membrane ofspecialized cells, including osteoclasts and epithelialcells in the kidneys, male genital tracts, and ocularciliary bodies. This ubiquitous and specific distributionof V-ATPase suggests that the enzyme is required fordiverse cellular processes, including receptor-mediatedendocytosis, protein processing, and degradation;targeting of lysosomal enzymes; and activation ofvarious degradation enzymes and processing of signalingmolecules.

V-ATPases are found in all eukaryotes, includingfungi, plants, and animal cells, studied thus far. They arestructurally conserved, regardless of kingdoms, i. e.,Animalia, Plantae, or Fungi (Stevens and Forgac, 1997).V-ATPases are composed of two functional sectorsknown as V1 and Vo (Fig. 1). The V1 sector constitutesthe catalytic sites for ATP hydrolysis and contains atleast eight different types of subunits (A-H). The Vo partcontains 4 to 6 subunits (a, c, c’, c’’, e and d), whichform a membrane embedded sector, and this sector isrequired for proton translocation across the membrane.This proton movement occurs without any other ion fluxthrough this enzyme complex, making this processelectrogenic in nature, and is coupled tightly to ATPhydrolysis at the catalytic sites of the V1 sector.

As mentioned above, V-ATPases are distributed tovarious cellular membranes of the exocytic andendocytic pathways (Sun-Wada et al., 2004). From theviewpoint of cell biology, this is somewhat unusual,since most proteins and enzymes have their own cellularresidents, implying that even if they appear in somesubcellular compartments in transit, they eventuallyaccumulate at one particular destination. However, V-ATPase is widely distributed in the post-Golgicompartments, including the trans-Golgi network,


Vacuolar-type proton pump ATPases: roles of subunit isoforms in physiology and pathology Ge-hong Sun-Wada1 and Yoh Wada21Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Doshisha Women’s College, Kohdo, Kyotanabe, Kyoto, Japan and 2Division of Biological Science, Institute for Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University, Ibaraki, Osaka, Japan

Histol Histopathol (2010) 25: 1611-1620

Offprint requests to: Dr. Ge-hong Sun-Wada, Faculty of PharmaceuticalSciences, Doshisha Women’s College, Kohdo, Kyotanabe, Kyoto,Japan. e-mail: [email protected]. andHistopathology

Cellular and Molecular Biology

Summary. The vacuolar-type H+-ATPases (V-ATPases)are a family of multi-subunit ATP-dependent protonpumps involved in diverse cellular processes, includingacid/base homeostasis, receptor-mediated endocytosis,processing of proteins and signaling molecules, targetingof lysosomal enzymes, and activation of variousdegradation enzymes. These fundamental cellularactivities are naturally related to higher orderphysiological functions in multicellular organisms. V-ATPases are involved in several physiological processes,including renal acidification, bone resorption, andneurotransmitter accumulation. Both forward- andreverse-genetic approaches have revealed that V-ATPasemalfunction causes diseases and/or pathophysiologicalstates, demonstrating its diverse roles in normalphysiology. Here, we focus on the recent insights intothe function of mammalian V-ATPase in highlydifferentiated cells and tissues. Key words: Proton pump, V-ATPase, Subunit isoform,Acidification, Human disease, Mouse model


Vacuolar-type ATPases (V-ATPases) are largemultisubunit, membrane-associated protein complexesthat carry out the active transport of protons across themembrane bilayer. V-ATPases are involved in theacidification of intracellular compartments and of theextracellular environment. The proton gradient generatedby V-ATPases contributes not only to the acidity of theintracellular compartments and the extracellularenvironment but also to the formation of ion motiveforce across the membranes. Corresponding to the

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endosomes, lysosomes, secretory vesicles, and plasmamembrane, and this proton pump in fact plays animportant role in the function of these subcellularcompartments. We raised a pertinent question more thanten years ago: what is the underlying mechanismenabling the diverse localization of V-ATPase within thecells and tissues? (Futai et al., 1998). More specifically,it is interesting to know whether the same enzyme showsvarious localizations within the cells or whetherstructurally distinctive pumps are distributed to thedifferent subcellular compartments. In the last fewdecades, genomic studies, including cDNA surveys,reveal that V-ATPase complexes distributed to thedifferent subcellular compartments exhibit structuraldifferences.

The simplest of the V-ATPases is the yeast V-ATPase, in which only subunit a is encoded by morethan one gene, STV1 and VPH1 (Kawasaki-Nishi et al.,2001). In contrast, in a protozoan counterpart, inParamecium species, 17 distinctive genes are known toencode the subunit a (Wassmer et al., 2006). In themammalian counterpart, a subunit has four isoforms. Inaddition to subunit a, subunits B, E, G, H, and d alsocontain isoforms (Sun-Wada et al., 2004) (Table 1). Theexpression pattern analyses together with both forward-and reverse-genetic approaches have demonstrated thatspecific V-ATPase complexes participate in highlydifferentiated cellular and tissue functions, includingrenal acidification, bone resorption, and neurotransmitteraccumulation. The a3 isoform is associated with a lysosomalproton pump

Among the a subunit isoforms, the a3 isoform ischaracterized best in terms of its physiological relevance(Fig. 2). Genetic deficiency in this subunit results inautosomal recessive osteopetrosis (ARO) in humans andmice (Li et al., 1999, Frattini et al., 2000). Osteopetrosisis a bone disease characterized by impaired boneresorption. Bone is constructed by coordination ofopposite actions, deposition of minerals by an osteoblast,and degradation by an osteoclast—a multinucleated cellderived from bone-marrow stem cells. Bone-resorptionoccurs in specific areas called the lacunae, where theosteoclasts attach to the bone surface, leaving a narrowspace between the cell surface and the bone. The V-ATPase with the a3 isoform is specifically recruited tothe cell surface facing the lacuna and transports protonsto acidify the extracellular space to disintegrate themineral and protein matrix (Toyomura et al., 2000). Theabsence of a3 thus results in reduced bone-resorbingactivity, although osteoclast differentiation still occurs.The state of ARO has other etiologies, for instance,defective differentiation of osteoclasts and genetic lossof carbonic anhydrase, with the latter resulting in protonsecretion.

Proton transport driven by V-ATPase generatesmembrane potential across the plasma membrane.

Therefore, vectorial movements of ionic molecules thatdissipate the membrane potential are also required toestablish substantial acidification in bone resorption. Inthe bone-resorption lacunae, a chloride-conductingchannel (Clc-7 protein) plays an essential role incanceling the membrane potential (outside positive) toallow the V-ATPase to pump out more protons foracidification. Through the collaboration of V-ATPase(proton pump) and Clc-7 (chloride channel), theosteoclasts secrete HCl into the lacuna. Genetic loss ofeither of these causes ARO (Kornak et al., 2001). a3deficiency constitutes approximately half the AROcases, and Clc-7 malfunction follows a close second.Collectively, genetic lesions in a3 and Clc-7 constitute60-70 % of human ARO cases.

Although the a3 subunit is highly accumulated inosteoclasts, its presence is not restricted to this highlydifferentiated cell (Toyomura et al., 2000). This subunitisoform is expressed in a variety of cells, at variouslevels. The a3 subunit is predominantly associated withorganelles in the late stages of the endocytic pathway inmost cells; the V-ATPases with the a3 isoform act as themain proton pumps for acidification of the lumen of theendosomes and lysosomes. In undifferentiatedosteoclasts, the a3 subunit is distributed in intracellularcompartments scattered in the perinuclear region,showing lysosome and endosome characteristics(Toyomura et al., 2003). Upon receiving differentiation

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Fig. 1. Subunit organization of V-ATPase. V-ATPase is structurally andevolutionarily related to F-ATPase (ATP synthase), which is responsiblefor ATP synthesis in the mitochondria, chloroplast, and bacteria,although the physiological roles of these two enzymes are completelydifferent. V-ATPase consists of two major functional sectors known asV1 and Vo. The V1 sector comprises at least eight different subunits (A-H). This sector contains three catalytic sites for ATP hydrolysis formedfrom the A and B subunits. The Vo sector contains up to 6 subunits (a,c, c’, c’’, e, and d) and is responsible for proton translocation across themembranes. The subunits C, E, G, and H and the amino-terminal of thea subunit form a stalk-like structure connecting the ATP hydrolysisdomain and the Vo sector.

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stimuli, it relocates to the cell surface via a microtubule-dependent mechanism (Toyomura et al., 2000, 2003). Inmacrophages, the a3 subunit is mainly localized to thelysosomes, and during phagocytosis it is recruited to thenascent phagosomes via tubular extensions radiatingfrom the lysosomes in the perinuclear region (Sun-Wadaet al., 2009). This wide array of expression andlocalization profiles suggests that the function of a3 isnot merely restricted to bone-resorption; it alsoparticipates in other vital functions. In fact, human AROpatients display diverse disorders, including defectiveimmune response and hepatosplenomegaly (Del Fattoreet al., 2007). The former may reflect malfunction in thebone marrow due to narrowing of the hollow interior ofthe bones, with subsequent compensation in the spleenresulting in splenomegaly. In addition, directparticipation of the V-ATPase a3 subunit in innateimmune functions has been suggested in mouse models(Sun-Wada et al., 2009). ARO patients often develop

macrocephaly and sensorineural defects in vision and/orin hearing. These phenotypes could be explained bydeformation of the foramina, which compresses the opticand auditory nerves and constricts brain-cerebrospinalfluid flow. Furthermore, the a3 isoform localizes on themembranes of secretory granules in pancreatic ß-cells(Sun-Wada et al., 2006). Although the mouse modelsand human patients do not display an apparenthyperglycemic state, loss of the a3 subunit reduces theefficiency of insulin secretion (Sun-Wada et al., 2006). The a4 isoform as a subclass of the renal protonpump

Atp6v0a4, previously known as Atp6n1b, encodingthe a4 subunit, is the gene responsible for the autosomalrecessive form of distal renal tubular acidosis (dRTA)(Smith et al., 2000). In contrast to the other a1, a2, anda3 isoforms, the a4 isoform is highly restricted to

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Table 1. Characteristics of V-ATPase subunit isoforms.

Domain Subunit Yeast gene Mouse isoforms (expression) Mouse gene


Catalytic hexamer(A3B3)

A VMA1 Atp6a1

B VMA2B1 (renal, epididymis, otic) Atp6V1B1B2 (ubiquitous) Atp6V1B2


C VMA5C1 (ubiquitous) Atp6V1C1C2-a (lung) Atp6V1C2aC2-b (lung, kidney) AtpV1C2b

D VMA8 Atp6V1D1

E VMA4E1 (testis) Atp6V1E1E2 (ubiquitous) Atp6V1E2

F VMA7 Atp6V1F1

G VMA10G1 (ubiquitous) Atp6V1G1G2 (neural) Atp6V1G2G3 (renal, epididymis) Atp6V1G3

H VMA13 H1 (two alternatively spliced isoforms found in human) Atp6V1H1

Vo Proton pathway

d VMA6d1 (ubiquitous) Atp6Vod1d2 (renal, epididymis) Atp6Vod2

e VMA9 Atp6v0e


a1(ubiquitous, synaptic vesicle localization) Atp6Voa1a2 (ubiquitous, Golgi localization) Atp6Voa2a3 (ubiquitous, lysosomal localization) Tcirg1 (Atp6Voa3)a4 (renal, epididymis, optic) Atp6Voa4

c VMA3 Atlp6Vocc’* VMA11 No mammalian genec’’ VMA16 Atp6VofAc45 No yeast gene ATP6AP1Ac8-9 No yeast gene Identical to (pro)renin receptor ATP6AP2

*Ac45 and Ac8-9 are accessory subunits of V-ATPase (Feng et al., 2008; Kinouchi et al., 2010).

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Fig. 3. Localization of the a4 isoform on the two major subtypes ofintercalated cells in the cortical collecting duct. The upper panel is aschematic representation of the two major subtypes of intercalated cellsin the cortical collecting duct. The lower panel shows the histochemistryof the areas around the renal cortical region, using paraffin sections.The α-cells, proton-secreting cells, have an apical V-ATPase with an a4isoform, and ß-cells have a4 containing V-ATPase of the oppositepolarity.

Fig. 2. Localization of the V-ATPase a3 isoform in the osteoclast plasmamembrane. The upper panel, the model of an osteoclast, is showntogether with a resorption lacuna formed between the plasmamembrane and the bone surface. The presence of V-ATPase in theplasma membrane is schematically shown. The lower two panels showthe histochemistry of the areas around the bone surface. Mouse tibiaewere fixed, decalcified, and embedded. Succesive paraffin sections (4µm) were stained for tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP) (amarker for osteoclasts) and the a3 isoform (a3) of V-ATPase. Theoutline of the multinuclear osteoclast is indicated by a broken line. Thelocalization of a3 on the plasma membranes of osteoclasts is indicatedby arrowheads. Bar: 25 µm.

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epithelial cells in certain tissues, including the renaltubules, epididymis, and cochlea. This tight tissuespecificity is regulated by a transcription factor Foxi1,which is also responsible for distal renal acidosis(Vidarsson et al., 2009).

The kidney-specific expression of the a4 and B1isoforms then raised the speculation that they assembleto form a kidney-specific V-ATPase complex. This ispartially true since B1-specific antibodies precipitate thea4 subunit isoform but not the other a subunits (a1, a2,and a3) under non-denatured conditions, showing thatthe B1 subunit is specifically composed of V-ATPaseand the a4 subunit. However, the situation iscomplicated further when antibodies against the B2subunit, the ubiquitously expressed isoform, are used inimmunoprecipitation experiments. In this case, the a1,a2, and a3 isoforms are precipitated as expected, but inaddition to these “ubiquitous” a subunits, the a4 subunitis also found in the precipitates. This suggests that a4 isassociated with B1 and is able to form a V-ATPasecomplex with the B2 subunit isoforms. This molecularnature of a4 is noteworthy in terms of functionalredundancy.

Another complication is with respect to thefunctional phenotype due to genetic loss. We recentlyfound altered expression of the a4 subunit in the oculartissues lacking the a3 subunit. The transport epithelium-specific a4 subunit is highly expressed in the retinalpigmented epithelial cell layer, while the a3 subunit ismainly localized to uveoscleral tissues where the a4subunit is expressed below detection levels. However, inthe mutant ocular system lacking the a3 subunit, the a4subunit becomes positive in the scleral/uveal tissues,probably compensating for the lack of the a3 subunit(submitted). This ectopic expression of the a4 subunitimplies the presence of a regulatory mechanism tocompensate for the loss of one of the subunits of the V-ATPase complex by substitution with the other subunita, most likely at the level of gene expression. Similarupregulation of the other subunit isoforms was observedin pancreatic Langerhans islets lacking the a3 subunit(Sun-Wada et al., 2006). In gene knock-out experimentsof the a3 locus, we found that the a2 subunit becamemore abundant in the islets of both α- and ß-cells,suggesting that the amount of V-ATPase complex isregulated in the cells, and reduced supply of one of the asubunit isoforms turns on the production of the otherisoform(s) for compensation. The mechanism by whichthe cells sense the amount of proton pump, or morelikely, the levels of acidification, and transmit suchinformation to the gene expression machinery remains tobe discovered.

In addition to such regulation in terms of theproduction of the V-ATPase complex, their subcellularlocalization might be regulated by the sensingmechanism as well. The a4-containing V-ATPasecomplex is usually found on the plasma membranes ofcells with epithelial characteristics. The a2 subunit, incontrast, is mostly localized in the Golgi apparatus (see

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Fig. 4. Golgi localization of the a2 isoform. The B16 cells were fixed andstained with antibodies against the a2 isoform and adaptin γ, a markerprotein of the Golgi apparatus.

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next section). The a3 subunit resides in the endosomesand lysosomes. In the event of functional compensationbetween these subunit isoforms, the V-ATPasecontaining each isoform should be transported towarddistinct destinations upon the loss of one of theseisoforms. This implies that there is a cellular mechanismthat regulates the subcellular localization of the V-ATPase complex by sensing the extent of acidification.The acidification of endomembrane systems areconsidered as a regulatory parameter in protein sortingalong the endocytic and exocytic compartments(Mellman et al., 1986), although discovering themolecular basis of this sorting has only started recently(Hurtado-Lorenzo et al., 2006). The functionalcompensation among the subunit isoforms suggests thatthe regulatory circuit must be operating in the oppositedirection within the cells.The a2 subunit: a Golgi resident

Most recently, mutations at the ATP6V0A2 locusencoding the a2 subunit are shown to be responsible foran inherited skin disease cutis laxa (Kornak et al., 2008).The loss of a2 function causes defective post-translational glycosilation of the secreted proteins,resulting in abnormal assembly of the extracellularmatrix and skin. At the cellular level, defective sugarprocessing is consistent with the previous observationthat the a2 subunit is predominantly localized in theGolgi apparatus, where sugar moieties are added toproteins targeted to the cell surface (Toyomura et al.,2000). The Golgi localization of a2 has also beenreported in that V-ATPase with the a2 and E2 subunit isexpressed at high levels in the acrosome, a specializedform of the Golgi apparatus in sperm (Sun-Wada et al.,2002). The acidification inside the Golgi apparatus isconsidered to be rather mild compared to other exocyticand endocytic compartments that are more distallylocalized. Loss of the c subunit, a common componentof all the V-ATPases, severely affects Golgi morphology,especially the trans-Golgi network (Sun-Wada et al.,2000). The a2 subunit has also been shown to recruitproteins that regulate vesicular trafficking (Hurtado-Lorenzo et al., 2006). These facts underscore thephysiological importance of V-ATPase function in theGolgi apparatus.

Because the a2 subunit is expressed ubiquitously atvarious levels in all tissues, a rather restricted phenotypeassociated with the human mutations suggested that themutations associated to the cutis laxa representhypomorphic alleles. However, this is not the casebecause the mutations are shown to occur at splicingsites resulting in frame shifts or premature termination ofthe translation. The truncated forms of the protein aremost likely non-functional since the a subunit has trans-membrane segments at the C-terminal half of themolecule; thus, premature termination of translationproduces proteins lacking some transmembranesegments. These abnormal proteins are expected to be

mislocalized and be degraded even if they could leavethe endoplasmic reticulum. Therefore, the rather mildphenotype associated with the mutations on ATP6V0A2suggests that there may be functional compensation bythe other a subunit isoforms. The a11 subunit isoform is distributed in most tissues

At present, no phenotypes associated with thedysfunction of the V-ATPase a1 subunit have beenreported in human or other mammalian models. The a1subunit is highly expressed in neuronal cells. V-ATPaseis a component of the synaptic vesicles where the protonpump provides a pH gradient and membrane potentialrequired for the accumulation of various neuro-transmitters into the vesicles (Moriyama and Futai,1990; Takamori et al., 2006). This subunit isoform isalso expressed in various other tissues as seen in the a2and a3 subunit isoforms. The lack of identification ofgenetic phenotypes in natural mutations may indicate theimportance of the a1 subunit in the general cellularphysiology since mutations in these “essential”components will threaten cell viability, resulting inlethality in the earliest stages of embryonic development.This has been proven in the case of the V-ATPase csubunit mutation. The c subunit is the component of theVo part of V-ATPase. This 16-kDa protein is extremelyhydrophobic and constitutes the Vo ring unit with the asubunit. Unlike the a subunit, the c subunit is encodedby a single gene, ATP6V0C (Hanada et al., 1991); thus,loss of this one gene affects all the V-ATPases. Indeed,mouse embryos homozygous for the null allele of theAtp6v0c cannot gastrulate but degenerate at the eggcylinder stage during early development. The defects areobvious at cellular levels. The mutant cells are not ableto acidify the intracellular compartments, as expected,and in addition to this phenotype, they exhibited swollenGolgi compartments, defects in endocytosis, anddefective proliferation. These observations suggest thatV-ATPase plays essential roles in mammalian cells (Sun-Wada et al., 2000). We speculate that the V-ATPase a1subunit is required for various cellular functions, andthis will be examined by creating a model mouse with aconditional knock-out genetic modification.

Therefore, the V-ATPase function sustains basicphysiology at a cellular level, and its loss causeslethality. Despite this essential function, at least in thecase of the a2, a3, and a4 subunits, their losses do notresult in a severe phenotype akin to embryonic lethality.This might imply that there can be compensation amongsubunit isoforms, although they exhibit distinctivesubcellular localization and tissue specificity in normalanimals. Diversity in the V-ATPase catalytic sector (V1)

The V1 domain of the V-ATPases are composed of 3A and 3 B subunits that assemble alternately to form aring, and the C, E, D, F, G, and H subunits constitute a

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stalk structure that connects V1 and Vo (the membraneembedded part of the enzyme). This structural modelwas derived from an analogy between the V- and F-typeATPases, the latter being well defined at an atomic level(Abrahams et al., 1994). The F- and V-ATPases arecomposed of multiple subunits and show limitedsequence similarity in their primary structure;furthermore, they display a similar catalytic mechanismfor ATP hydrolysis and proton translocation; the twochemical and osmotic mechanisms are connected withmechanical rotation of the subunit complex (Sambongiet al., 1999; Nishio et al., 2002; Hirata et al., 2003).

The V1 subunits show limited diversity as comparedto those of the Vo membrane sectors. All mammalian V-ATPases possess A subunits containing the nucleotidebinding and hydrolysis sites. The A subunit contains thenucleotide-binding site and constitutes the catalytic sitefor ATP hydrolysis along with the B subunit. In themammalian genome, there is only one structural gene forthis subunit; thus, all the V-ATPases that are distributedto various cellular locations share the single gene,Atp6v1a. The B subunits have two isoforms, B1 and B2;the former is expressed ubiquitously, while the latter islimited to certain types of epithelial cells, including thekidney-collecting duct, epididymis, and auditory system.This tissue-specific distribution pattern of B1 isconsistent with the expression of the a4 subunit. Loss ofthe V-ATPase B1 subunit leads to distal renal acidosisand auditory defects in human patients. However, whilerenal acidosis occurs in both humans and mice, theauditory defects are restricted to humans.

With respect to the subcellular localization of theenzyme complex, it is still unclear whether any V1subunit(s) contributes to this process, excluding the Bsubunit isoforms. In several epithelia, including the renalepithelium and the epididymis, the B1 subunit isconcentrated in the apical plasma membrane of thepolarized epithelial cells, while the B2 subunit is mainlylocalized in the subapical cytoplasm (Da Silva et al.,2007). The B subunits are known to interact withfilamentous actin (F-actin). This enzyme-cytoskeletoninteraction plays important roles in the recruitment of V-ATPase to the cell surface of osteoclasts (Holliday et al.,2000; Zuo et al., 2006). However, the B1 and B2subunits both interact with F-actin indistinguishably(Holliday et al., 2000); therefore, this interaction alone isnot sufficient to explain the distinctive localization of theproton pumps, i.e., intracellular for B2 and cell surfacefor B1.

C1 and C2 are expressed from two distinctivegenomic loci, Atp6v1c1 and Atp6v1c2. The C1 isoformis ubiquitously distributed in all the tissues in mammals.The Atp6v1c2 locus yields two distinctive products byalternative splicing: C2-a and C2-b, the expression ofwhich is restricted to the lung. Although these subunits(C1, C2-a, and C2-b) are all structurally different, thefunctional differences have not been well documented(Sun-Wada et al., 2003). Similar to the C subunitisoforms, the functional differences among the G subunit

isoforms (G1, G2, and G3) (Murata et al., 2002) awaitfuture model systems lacking the isoform genes. It isnoteworthy that the G2 and G3 subunit isoforms alsoshow strict tissue specificity in the brain and in the renaland inner ear epithelium, respectively, whereas the G1isoform is expressed ubiquitously. However, theepithelium-specific G3 isoform can interact with theubiquitous a1 subunit, while G1 is able to do so with therenal-enriched a4 isoform (Norgett et al., 2007). Thisnature of G-a interaction is similar to B-a interaction, inwhich no preference between tissue-restricted isoformshas been identified.

In contrast, V-ATPases with the different E subunitsE1 and E2 show apparent differences in theirbiochemical properties (Sun-Wada et al., 2002; Hayashiet al., 2008). E1 is a ubiquitous subunit expressed acrossall the tissues studied thus far, while expression of theE2 subunit is highly restricted to sperm. Interestingly, V-ATPases containing the E1 and E2 subunit isoformsshow different temperature sensitivities (Sun-Wada etal., 2002; Hayashi et al., 2008). The E1 and E2 subunitsreside in the stalk connecting V1 and Vo and function asa rotor or stator during rotation, as well as during the V1and Vo assembly. To date, no genetic mammalianmodels are available for either E subunit isoform. V-ATPase assembly: an essential process for theexpression of function

V-ATPase is a multisubunit enzyme embedded invarious cellular membranes, and its biogenesis involvescomplicated processes that have not been fullyunderstood yet. The a, c, c’, e and d subunits aresynthesized on the ER membrane, and they areassembled into the Vo membrane sector at that site; thesubcomplex is then dispatched from the ER towards itssubcellular destination, where it meets the V1 catalyticsector to assemble into the functional proton pump. Byextensive genetic screening using a unicellular organism,yeast, Stevens and colleagues have found a set ofassembly factors for the Vo subcomplex, the effectivefunctioning of which is required for proper expression ofthe V-ATPase function; gene products are not found inthe final VoV1-ATPase complex.

Recently, a human homologue of Vma21p wasshown to be responsible for the assembly of the Vosubcomplex in the ER. Reduced functioning of this genecauses X-linked myopathy with excessive autophagy(XMEA). The onset of XMEA occurs during childhoodand results in weakness of the skeletal muscles andproximal lower extremities, but other organs, includingthe heart and the brain, remain unaffected. The skeletalmuscle of these patients shows vacuolation of thelysosome/endosome systems and increased autophagicmarkers, reflecting the defective clearance of endocyticand autophagic substrates for degradation(Ramachandran et al., 2009).

All the mutations found in human patients arethought to be attributable to a hypomorphic allele, since

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most of them occur in introns or in the regulatoryregions. One mutation caused an amino acid change,Gly->Ala, and no severe mutations have been found yet.This might reflect the fact that Vma21p function iscritical for cell survival. Interestingly, muscles probablyshow high dependence on V-ATPase function:chloroquine, a common anti-malarial drug, dissipates pHgradients of lysosomes and endosomes, causingmyopathy and heart failure as side effects. It is possiblethat muscles are more sensitive to a decrease in aminoacids as compared to other tissues. Macroautophagy, aV-ATPase-dependent process that breaks down thecytoplasm to supply amino acids, is active in the muscle(Mizushima et al., 2004). However, this is still notsufficient to explain the lack of myopathy in the nullmutant of the V-ATPase a3 subunit, which is a major V-ATPase complex in the lysosomes, where the finaldegradation of the cytoplasm, being engulfed by theautophagosome, takes place. Therefore, the pathologyunderlying the lack of Vma21p might involve someother physiological relevance of this protein.

Yeast genetics identified other components involvingthe assembly of the V-ATPase complex. Even thoughtheir function as the molecular chaperone in thebiogenesis of the proton pump in the ER compartmentsin yeast cells has been well established, the cognatehomologues have not been found in mammals,suggesting that the mechanism of complex assemblymay be somewhat different in yeast and mammaliancells. Indeed, the subunits comprising the V1 segmentare interchangeable with the mammalian protein in yeastcells (Hayashi et al., 2008; Sun-Wada et al., 2002); wewere unable to rescue the yeast Vo mutants byheterologous expression of the mammalian Vo subunits(our unpublished observation). One speculation is thatthis is due to the defective assembly of mammaliansubunits with the yeast Vo complex because of a lack ofmolecular chaperones for the assembly, although thispossibility remains to be experimentally proven in thefuture.

In this study, we focused on select subjectsconcerning the physiological consequences of the loss ofV-ATPase function in mammalian systems.Accumulating knowledge on these subjects in non-mammalian organisms, including nematodes, fruit fly,and zebrafish, which are reinforced by amenablegenetics, thus contributes greatly to our understanding ofthe physiological relevance of V-ATPase in higherorganisms. Although it might be possible to predict thesubunit correlation between the mammalian and non-mammalian isoforms (Lee et al., 2010) based on theprimary sequence comparison (Allan et al., 2005), wewould like to reserve such predictions at present becauseof the lack of information on the subcellular distributionof V-ATPase subunits in non-mammalian systems. Thestructural motifs determining the localization of V-ATPases are still under investigation; therefore, it ispremature to predict or interpret the intracellularlocations from the primary sequences of V-ATPasesubunits in different species.


Individual V-ATPase subunits and their isoformscontribute directly to the diversity of roles served by theenzyme in normal physiological processes. However, theregulatory mechanism underlying the uniquecombinations of isoforms and the information necessaryfor targeting the enzyme to different cellular destinationsare still not clearly understood. This knowledge wouldbe useful in the therapy of V-ATPase-related diseases. Acknowledgements. The original work from our laboratories described inthis article was carried out in collaboration with H, Tabata, N.Kawamura, M. Aoyama, and other coworkers, whose names appear inthe references. This study was supported by grants-in-aids from theMinistry of Education, Culture, Science and Technology Japan, JapanScience and Technology Agency, Hayashi Foundation, and NodaFoundation.


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Accepted June 21, 2010

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