v47 ch12 setting product strategy chino ibarra

1 SETTING PRODUCT STRATEGY Luis Angelo M. Ibarra 12.01.09 Top 10 Concepts

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Marketing Management: Top 10 Concepts in Setting Product Strategy


Page 1: V47 Ch12 Setting Product Strategy Chino Ibarra



Luis Angelo M. Ibarra12.01.09

Top 10 Concepts

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Setting Product Strategy

1. Product levels must be addressed2. Create a brand identity3. Provide value-added services for

further differentiation4. Market an optimal set of products5. Offer customizable product mixes

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Setting Product Strategy

6. Create a product map to assess the competition

7. Utilize line stretching to cater to a spectrum of markets

8. Product-mix pricing provides customers with options

9. Involve in co-branding and ingredient branding to maximize exposure

10. Looks do matter

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1. Product Levels

1. Core Benefit – end in mind of customer2. Basic Product – how or what to provide3. Expected Product – customer expectations4. Augmented Product – value add aside from

expected5. Potential Product – vision of what it can


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2. Brand Identity

Brand Identity differentiates a product from others. It can be different through the following:1.Form2.Features3.Customization4.Performance Quality5.Conformance Quality6.Durability7.Reliability8.Repairability9.Style

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3. Valued Services

Services differentiation –creating identity through the services provided.1.Ordering Ease2.Delivery3.Installation4.Customer Training5.Customer Consulting6.Maintenance and Repair

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4. Product Hierarchy

6 levels of product hierarchy:1.Need Family – benefit provided2.Product Family – products providing satisfying a core need3.Product Class – products with functional coherence4.Product Line – with similar function with other products5.Product Type – items which share forms of the product6.Item – distinct unit

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5. Product Mixes

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6. Product Map

To see the competition’s offering and which are directly against your product.

Also to identify market segment.

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7. Line Stretching

Stretches that may be done:1.Down-Market Stretch2.Up-Market Stretch3.Two-way Stretch

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8. Product-Mix Pricing

Product-mix pricing options:1.Product line – different offerings in a line2.Optional feature – additional features3.Captive product – printer and ink4.Two-part pricing – same network rates, other network rates5.By-product6.Product bundling – bundled together, value meals

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9. Branding

Co-Branding. Joining two known brands into a joint product.

Ingredient Branding. Like co-branding, but creates brand equity for materials, components, or parts needed for other branded products –e.g., Dell and Microsoft.

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10. Packaging

Aesthetics matter. With good packaging, consumers are made more confident of the products quality. And if the packaging is uniquely done, it helps build brand identity.

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Luis Angelo M. Ibarra

Top 10 Concepts