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  • 8/11/2019 V4 I4 Innovation Special


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  • 8/11/2019 V4 I4 Innovation Special


    Leading the world in science


    L e t t e r F r o m T h e E d i t o r

    March 2, 2012 | FORBES INDIA

    Iwasnt the science teachers pet

    in school. And I cant confess I

    know too many scientists either.

    Yet, over time, Ive come to appreciate

    the role of science in our society. And

    I have often wondered why India

    produces so many brilliant minds in

    the world of scienceeach of whom

    leave their impact on our world, but

    choose to work out of laboratories

    many thousands of miles away.

    I hear the all-too-familiar reasons.That our scientists are prone to writing

    academic papers, but cant apply their

    knowledge to solving real-life problems.

    Our research institutions dont have a

    culture that rewards the discovery of new

    ideas. Our innovation system is broken.

    So, even the few ideas that do come

    through dont end up getting funded. And

    whats more, our business people dont

    see the value of research. Theyd rather

    rely on that much-abused term:Jugaad.

    So how is it that countries like

    China, Singapore, Korea and Israel

    have almost a decades lead over us in

    research-based innovation? Amidst

    all the hoopla about the India growth

    story, this is an area that never quite

    gets its place in the sun. Were instead

    more involved in debating whether

    the Eurozone will collapse. While the

    rest of the world was predicting its

    demise, guess where the most advanced

    original research in science is taking

    place? Yes, Europe is all set to lead the

    world in science. As my colleague and

    Associate Editor Seema Singh tells me,

    the European Union upped its research

    budgets by a whopping 45 percent to

    80 billion till the end of this decade.

    Our special package on innovation is

    important for one solitary reason: Change

    is in the air. India is finally joining therace to build an innovation eco-system

    that will do justice to the wealth of talent

    it has. Initially, even Seema, who has

    been writing on science for more than

    a decade now, wasnt quite sure that

    the signals she was picking up were for

    real. But for the past three months, she

    has spent hours talking to researchers,

    heads of research institutes, business

    folks and policymakers all over the world.

    The arduous process of reinventing our

    decades-old research and innovation

    system has started. Even though Im

    pretty excited, Im not about to give

    away the story here. I leave it to you to

    discover it for yourself on page 63.

    And if you care about making India

    a leader in science and innovation,

    join us on forbesindia.com for more

    conversations. Well be waiting for you.


    Indrajit Gupta

    Editor,Forbes India

    Email: [email protected]

    Twitter id: @indrajitgupta









  • 8/11/2019 V4 I4 Innovation Special


    March 2, 2012 | FORBES 8 FORBES INDIA | March 2, 2012


    Vol um e 4 | Issue 5 |March 2, 2012


    14 Letters to the Editor

    16 Exit Interview

    18 Close Range

    20 World Watch

    124 Thoughts



    The iron ore mining in Liberia is going

    to be another chapter of growth

    - Vedanta chairman Anil Agarwal


    If we dont get it right this time, the next

    10 years of telecom will be like the last 10 years

    - Sanjeev Aga, former CEO of a telecom company


    Self-confidence has many facets

    - Ashok Soota, former chairman, MindTree


    36 A Beautiful Mine?

    Sesa Goas acquisition of the Liberian

    mines could make it a top global player


    40 A New Deal

    The government has an opportunity

    to restart the telecom sector. Will it

    come through?


    48 As the Paths Diverge

    Former chairman of MindTree Ashok

    Soota talks about self-awareness andmoving on


    52 Why Ford Should Worry

    The company may have avoided

    bankruptcy, but they are not out

    of the woods yet

    56 SAP Gets a Pit Bull

    SuccessFactors Lars Dalgaard is going

    to provide the German giant the voice

    it needs

    60 The Cure for Road Rage

    Driving on the streets of Los Angeles has

    never been better, thanks to its one of a

    kind connected tra ffi c network

    64 Comeback Science

    India is ready for a renaissance

    in innovation

    90 To Reinvent the Wheels

    Tata Motors is focussing on R&D

    to transform into a global company

    93 A Few Good Men

    A Bangalore-based scientific

    institute is leading the way in


    96 How to Upgrade a Countrys


    Yigal Erlich, the founding father

    of Israels R&D ecosystem, talks

    about his countrys experience

    in fast-tracking innovation








    The wheels have been set in motion to win back some of the finest

    minds of Indian origin to align forces with their country of origin

    The 18 Great Minds Who Are Doing Cutting-Edge Work

    Sangeeta Bhatia

    Health Sciences

    Prashant Kumta

    Medicine& Energy

    Ajit Lalvani

    Tuberculosis Research

    V. Ramanathan


    Rakesh K. Jain


    Vivek Sharma


    Vamsi Mootha


    Ajay V. Bhatt


    Chaitan Khosla


    Anil K. Jain


    Aravinda Chakravarti


    Krishna Palem


    Rajiv Doshi

    Sleep ApneaTherapy

    Chennupati Jagadish


    Rakesh Agrawal


    74 On a Power Trip

    Prof. Baligas

    invention saves

    power and reduces


    78 A Man of Steel

    Harry Bhadeshias

    passion has helped

    him make new

    alloys of steel

    70 Mys teries of the

    Human Brain

    Mriganka Sur

    is revealing the

    secrets of the brain

  • 8/11/2019 V4 I4 Innovation Special


    I N S I D E

    Government policy, academia,research institutions andthe industry are all comingtogether to create an eco-system for cutting-edgescientific research in India

    ComebackScience/PG 6418 of the finestIndian minds/ PG70(includingMriganka Sur,Jayant Baliga and

    Harry Bhadeshia)

    How WeSelected/ PG82

    Tata Motors:To Reinvent theWheels/PG90

    NCBS, Bangalore:A Few GoodMen/ PG93

    Yigal Erlich:Lessons fromIsrael/ PG96

  • 8/11/2019 V4 I4 Innovation Special


    March 2, 2012 | FORBES 64 FORBES INDIA | March 2, 2012

    TEMPLE OF LEARNING Ruins of Nalanda, one of

    the first great universities in recorded history. India

    is now pushing ahead with a range of new policies

    to bring back its brains trust in the West and to

    stimulate a renaissance in the innovation eco-system

    ComebackSCIENCEThere is enough evidence on the ground to indicate that th

    innovation eco-system has vastly improved in the country.

    India is ready for a renaissance in innovation


    Acouple of weeks ago, some

    of us got into an interesting

    conversation with Howard

    Gardner, who was on a visit to

    India to deliver a series of lectures. He

    is widely regarded as one of the most

    influential psychologists in the world

    today. Author of 25 books that have

    been translated into 28 languages and

    best known for his theory of multiple

    intelligences, in 1995, he mounted

    a study that lasted until 2006 and

    involved 1,000 American journalists

    and geneticists. The question he was

    seeking to answer was an intriguing

    one. Why are journalists an unhappy

    lot while geneticists a happy bunch?

    The answer was interesting.

    Journalists, he concluded, were

    idealistic individuals who got into

    the profession and hoped their work

    would change the world. Once theywere in though, they figured, the

    business was run by people whose

    interests were focussed almost

    entirely on the bottom line. The

    real world was out of sync with

    everything they had imagined it to be.

    Geneticists, on the other hand,

    as much idealists as journalists are,

    had everything going for them. The

    Human Genome Project was the Holy

    Grail that needed to be cracked. Th

    geneticists therefore had to focus on

    nothing but their work; the Americ

    government was solidly backing

    every gamble the geneticists wante

    to take; venture capital funding was

    chasing them in droves because

    they knew as well the Holy Grail

    needed to be cracked, and the only

    way it could be was by supporting

    the best minds America had. And if

    need be, do what it takes to get the

    best talent from across the world.

    Eventually, the project was

    completed in 2003 and the euphori

    lasted a while. Over time though, it

    started to diminish and, much like i

    journalism, conflicts began to erup

    between the various stakeholders. T

    geneticists idealism now finds itsel

    at odds with an eco-system starved

    for funds and hell bent on maximisprofits. As Gardner wryly says, It i

    diffi cult to do good wo rk that is bot

    technically excellent and carried ou

    in an ethical way when a market is

    down. To that extent, it wouldnt b

    way off the mark to argue the golde

    age of American science is waning.

    Of course, as Gardner quickly adds,

    All misalignments are temporary.

    But in one mans misery, even if it b

  • 8/11/2019 V4 I4 Innovation Special


    March 2, 2012 | FORBES 66 FORBES INDIA | March 2, 2012

    temporary, lies another mans fortune.

    Which is why, policy makers in

    India, which for decades has exported

    its finest minds to countries like

    the US, are wringing their hands

    with delight. By all accounts, the

    wheels have been set in motion to

    win back some of the finest minds

    of Indian origin to align forces

    with their country of origin

    either by coming back home, or

    by helping set up the framework

    that will stimulate a renaissance.

    To get a sense of the minds now

    being wooed by the government and

    businesses in India, starting Page 70,weve put together a list of 18 scientists

    of Indian origin whove had enormous

    impact on the disciplines they operate

    in. It includes areas as diverse as

    nano particles to treat cancer, global

    warming, landmark discoveries on

    diseases until now thought of as

    untreatable, biometrics and pattern

    recognition, regenerative medicine,

    and technologies we now consider

    ubiquitous like the humble USB port.


    G. Rangarajan is already preparing for

    his visit to Stanford three months from

    now. A professor of mathematics at

    the Indian Institute of Science, he will

    descend on the universitys campus

    as part of a delegation of directors

    from some of the leading institutes

    that include the IITs, the National

    Institute of Technology and the

    Indian Statistical Institute. This crack

    team intends to address an audience

    of academics, mostly of Indian

    origin, and urge them to consider

    a career in research back home.

    Rangarajan, who is coordinating the

    visit, has a deck of slides ready, which

    offer a graphic picture of academic

    life in India. It even gets down to

    brass tacks like salary structures,

    what pay hikes to expect, consulting

    opportunities available, startup grants

    on offer and even domestic helpa

    carrot unavailable in the West.

    We have an acute shortage of these

    professionals, especially in computer

    science. So we decided on these

    road shows to spread the word that

    life here isnt bad, says Rangarajan.

    To buttress his case, he argues that

    adjusted for purchasing power parity,

    a full professors salary in the US at

    $12,500, is on par with the $2,900 on

    offer in India. This isnt the first time

    government-backed institutes have

    been on such a man hunt. Two years

    ago, a similar exercise was conducted

    at Brown University in the US and a

    handful of researchers bit the bait.

    The department of science and

    technology stepped up its initiative

    last November. T. Ramasami,

    the secretary who looks after the

    department, was able to collect at

    least 330-odd resumes from leading

    universities in the US. I have sent

    the CVs to various institutions for

    consideration. In the 12th Plan,

    my department will give a start

    up research grant of Rs. 50 lakh

    each to 1,000 people who return to

    India. This will be over the salaryor research facilities that the hiring

    institution provides, he says.

    Last year, M.K. Bhan, a senior

    bureaucrat in the department of

    bio-technology, was able to attract

    300 researchers back to India.

    All put together, over the last

    three to four years, hes managed

    to attract 800 people back to

    various Indian institutions.

    But getting the brightest talent is

    just one way to catalyse innovation.

    It wont work until the rest of the

    eco-system is geared to support the

    influx. Countries like Korea, China,

    Singapore and Malaysia figured that

    more than 10 years ago and are now

    beginning to reap the dividends.

    That explains why on January 3

    this year, Prime Minister Manmohan

    T H E W H E E L S H A V E B E E N

    S E T I N M O T I O N T O W I NB A C K S O M E O F T H E F I N E S T

    M I N D S O F I N D I A N O R I G I N

    Singh announced that by the end of

    the 12th Plan in 2017, India would

    more than double its annual research

    and development (R&D) budget

    from $3 billion in 2011 to $8 billion,

    or 2 percent of the gross domestic

    product (GDP)a measure of the total

    value of all the goods and services

    produced in a country annually. It

    now stands less than 1 percent as

    opposed to Chinas 1.6 percent.

    But this is only the first step.

    Research can convert money

    into knowledge, points out R.A.

    Mashelkar, former director at CSIR

    and now president of the GlobalResearch Alliance. But you need

    innovation to convert knowledge into

    money, he says. And this, he says, is

    where India has f altered historically.

    In the post World War II era,

    no other nation could innovate as

    well as America. It put into place a

    great system of universities, enabled

    intellectual property rights, and

    promoted commercialisation. The

    US is probably the only example

    of government-funded research

    that becomes a company or even

    an industry that creates wealth and

    jobs, points out Pradeep Khosla,

    dean of engineering at Carnegie

    Mellon University. Understandably,

    many nations have tried to emulate

    it, but havent quite made the mark.

    The financial meltdown in 2008

    changed much of that. Since then, the

    famed American model has begun to

    develop cracks. Budgets have shrunk;

    the focus of research has narrowed,and policy makers now want more

    bang out of every buck spent. It is a

    view supported by A. Raghuram, head,

    department of mathematics at the

    Indian Institute of Science Education

    and Research (IISER), Pune. After 10

    years at Oklahoma State University, he

    moved to IISER in December. What

    swung the decision for Raghuram:

    An overall change in the scientific

    community and the possibility of

    making a fundamental difference.

    Sensing the opportunity, the

    Indian government is pushing ahead

    with a range of new policies aimed

    at not just attracting its brains trust

    in the Westbut also filling voids

    in the innovation infrastructure.

    Taking a leaf out of the Singapore

    experience, in the 12th Plan,

    Ramasamy proposes to create 1,000

    doctoral and 250 post-doctoral

    fellowships in foreign universities,

    where his department provides

    monetary support to Indian candidates

    selected by universities such as MIT,

    Caltech, Stanford and others. The

    hypothesis: Many of them will come

    back after their doctoral studies.

    Bold ideas that require long

    gestation periods will alsoget government funding. The

    evidence is on the ground:

    In 2010, the department of

    science and technology became

    a lead investor in the Nasscom-

    promoted India Innovation Fund.

    In November last year, the Cabinet

    approved the Biotechnology Industry

    Research Assistance Council,

    which will fund science-based

    ideas from its 12th Plan budget.

    The National Policy on

    Electronics, 2011, now in its final

    stages of approval, will have an

    Electronics Innovation Fund.

    In early February, the governmen

    approved Preferential Market

    Access in public procurement for

    locally developed and designed

    products, a policy that Israel has

    effectively used to build its high-te

    industry. (See story on page 96)

    A group under the Planning

    Commission is evaluating attractive

    exit options for investors who

    fund risky, innovative ventures

    something that doesnt exist today.

    But problems exist.


    After a bold biomedical sciencesinitiative in 2000, Singapore decide

    to attract 1,000 Singaporeans in 10

    years. Today, half of 2,500 research

    of the Agency for Science, Technol

    and Research (A*Star), the lead

    agency fostering scientific research

    and talent creation, come from

    60 countries. These investments

    have brought substantial returns

    for Singapore. Between 2000 and

    One programme of DBT whichfunds risky ideas from the privatesector shows that it has motivatedcompanies to innovate. In threeyears of its existence (December08 to July 11) it supported 82 proj-ects, at a cost of Rs 570 crore, ofwhich 65% (370 crore) came f romthe private sector, 35% (Rs 200crore) came from the government





    Rs134croreAS LOAN

    Rs66croreAS GRANT








    11OTHER AS








    Source:Battelle,R&D MagazineSurvey

  • 8/11/2019 V4 I4 Innovation Special


    68 FORBES INDIA | March 2, 2012

    2010, biomedical manufacturing

    output has almost quadrupled and

    now accounts for about 8.6 percent

    of our manufacturing output says

    A*STAR Chairman Lim Poh Chuan.

    In 2006, when China announced

    its 15-year plan to make science and

    technology the backbone of future

    economic growth, it first introduced

    sweeping reforms to its educational

    institutions. The message was clear:

    Dont follow the leader. Innovate.

    But, laments DBT secretary Bhan,

    Indias institutional leadership

    doesnt push for excellence. Our

    institutions train PhDs for faculty

    positions, not for innovation. To start

    with, he now has the approval of the

    Planning Commission to build full-

    fledged centres that will operate inter

    disciplinary centres. Until now, only

    programmes have existed like theones between the All India Institute

    of Medical Sciences and IIT Delhi

    to develop new medical devices.

    Fact of the matter is, older

    institutions may find it tough to

    adapt to this new scheme of things.

    Ramasamy admits institutional

    mechanisms need to change. But he

    doesnt approve of radical reforms,

    least of all the Chinese-way. China is

    north of Himalayas and India is south

    of Himalayas. We have a difference

    in polarity: They prioritise economic

    freedom over political freedom.

    We prioritise political freedom

    over economic freedom, he says.

    Be that as it may, in the short term,

    indecision and delays are hurting

    the cause. Its the lack of speed in

    implementing policies that is hurting

    India says Mashelkar. He cites the

    example of the all-composite trainer

    aircraft from National Aerospace

    Laboratories (NAL), which firsttook to the skies in May 1998. But

    it was only 13 years after Mahindra

    & Mahindra (M&M) got into a

    joint venture with NAL that the

    venture was commercialised.

    But that isnt to say business

    has played its role to the hilt. Until

    now, very few Indian companies,

    other than those in pharmaceuticals

    and automotive, have focussed on

    research-based innovation. We

    are not focussing enough on this

    as India Inc. We are happy with

    the CAD/CAM work at $9 an hour,

    compared to $30 that people have

    to pay elsewhere in the world,

    says Pawan Goenka of M&M.

    Many dont have internal

    capabilities and some others dont

    show the willingness to spend on

    R&D; they believe it should come

    free, says Battelle India head

    Shalendra Porwal. A contract

    research agency, Battelle India is

    recognised by the Department of

    Scientific and Industrial Research.In December 2010, Ratan Tata,

    who presides over the IISc Court, the

    topmost decision-making body at the

    institute, said it is not doing enough

    research of greater global relevance.

    If I look back on what I have been

    trying to say in a very polite and in a

    very careful manner, it has been my

    perception that this institute, which

    is a great institute....has not perhaps

    changed as much as one would like to

    see. ...I have mentioned that we should

    perhaps be looking at greater change,

    research of greater global relevance

    and I have used my words carefully,

    Tata reportedly told the Court.


    A big fan of research-driven

    innovation, veteran venture

    capitalist Vinod Khosla, who has

    made a living hunting for radical

    ideas that he can then fund and

    build businesses out of, suggestsgetting top notch talent to either

    start projects or mentor people. If

    you set up centres of excellence and

    put thought leadership in research,

    great product ideas will flow from

    it. China has done that fairly well.

    Many critical areas that need

    research over the next 20 years dont

    need extraordinary infrastructure

    he says. What you need is culture

    DST has been running an India InnovationGrowth Programme (IIGP) with LockheedMartin and IC2 institute, Texas University,and FICCI for five years. This year theygot Datamonitor to evaluate the economicimpact of IIGP which has funded 60innovative technologies from a widerange aeronautics to biotechnologyto electronics to petrochemicals.The cumulative revenue generation (bythese 60 funded entities) from 2007 to2011 is estimated to be Rs. 490 crore

    IIGP 2007-2011:



    Pre Start-up

    Institutions andUniversities


    Existing Small toMedium Enterprises






    March 2, 2012 | FORBES

    and role models. Once people are

    there, things will happen. Attracting

    world class researchers will attract

    business and investors, he says.

    The good news is there is consensus

    among decision makers around this

    thought. New institutions coming up,

    and some of the old ones as well, are

    looking at good scientists, regardless

    of their areas of expertise. This is in

    contrast to the US, which today has

    specific requirements, says Collins

    Assisi, a neuroscientist at the Salk

    Institute in La Jolla, California.

    Assisi, who has decided to relocate

    to India, has interviewed at a fewplaces, including IISER Pune. I really

    liked their commitment to teaching,

    he says. Its clear they are not just

    coaching students to be scientists,

    but to apply their work to life and

    go into government, management

    or industry. Thats a refreshing

    change from what you see in typical

    graduate teaching in the US or older

    Indian institutions, he adds.

    Rahul Siddharthan, a

    computational biologist at the

    Institute of Mathematical Sciences

    in Chennai, reckons India ought not

    to restrict itself only to people of

    Indian origin. The economic climate

    has many foreigners, particularly the

    Europeans, interested in India today.

    The recent relaxation of rules on work

    visas by P. Chidambaram (for people

    earning more than $25,000/year)

    should be used to get good talent.

    The thought gains currency when

    you factor in that copy-the-Westused to be the norm in earlier days.

    But in a globalised world where

    everybody knows what the other

    one is doing, youre better placed

    as an innovator than a copier, says

    Supratim Guha, the director of

    physical sciences at IBMs Thomas J.

    Watson Research Centre in New York.

    It is a lesson inStem, at NCBS

    has taken to heart. Since the science

    of stem cells is far from definitive,

    along with applied work in cardiac

    hypertrophy and cancer, inStem ha

    taken a new approach to study basi

    biology. It is developing Hydra and

    Plenarium as model systems to stud

    biology. This is something youd

    never be able to do in the West toda

    [because the disease relevance is no

    apparent today, but will be only in 1

    15 years], says dean S. Ramaswam

    Removed from the world

    of academia, state-run power

    equipment maker BHEL increased

    R&D investment 21 percent last

    year. Private companies like L&Tare upping the ante on application

    development. M&M has moved

    1,200 people to its research centre

    in Chennai and the number will

    increase to 2,000 this year. Most of

    its new products are being designe

    in-house. Much the same can be sa

    of Tata Motors (See story on pg 90).

    A lot of development work is

    happening, says V. Sumantran,

    executive vice-chairman of Ashok

    Leyland and a former member

    of the PMs Scientific Advisory

    Council. Research is limited to

    small pockets. But a lot of multi-

    national companies are beginning

    to tap into them, he says.

    But in the end, from a holistic

    prism, quite clearly, there is enough

    evidence to indicate that all the

    trustees needed to kick start the

    innovation eco-system in Indiaas

    Gardner would sayare aligned.

    The government seems to begetting its act together; businesses

    where the money lies to fund

    these projects seem keen; and

    most importantly, the brains that

    can power these projects are

    buying into the promise as the

    following pages will demonstrate.

    It would only be fair to assume

    therefore the golden age of Indian

    innovation has just about begun.





































    (in %)

    Source:Battelle,R&D MagazineSurvey

  • 8/11/2019 V4 I4 Innovation Special



    March 2, 2012 | FORBES 70 FORBES INDIA | March 2, 2012

    Mysteries of theHUMANBRAIN

    Neuroscientist Mriganka Sur is deepening ourunderstanding of how the brain works and the

    mis-wiring that causes mental disease

    How is the brain wired? How

    does it code and decode

    information? What causes

    developmental disorders like

    autism and diseases like Alzheimers?

    These are the questions that have

    occupied neuroscientist Mriganka

    Sur over the past 30 years.

    By studying the connections

    in the brainand by making

    connections in the lab through an

    interdisciplinary approachhe

    has transformed not only his own

    work, but neuroscience as well.

    It was in the late 80s that Sur

    rose to fame when he rewired

    the brain of a small animal, a

    ferret, at Yale University.

    In that experiment he showed,

    for the first time, that the brain is

    plastic. He demonstrated how

    the brain changes in response to

    the external environment even

    as it continues to develop.

    That result was stunning; it

    beautifully combined physiology

    and behaviour and demonstrated

    his outstanding ability to hit

    the big questions without any

    fear, says K. Vijayraghavan,

    director of the National Centre

    for Biological Sciences, who was

    Surs junior at IIT Kanpur.

    After finishing at IIT, Sur

    moved to MIT; he wanted to

    combine technology and science.

    At MIT, he ensured that other labs

    got interested in pursuing this goal.

    The result, in the 1990s, was

    the development of extensive

    toolkits that allowed researchers

    to image the brain at its

    barest: A single neuron.

    In the following decade, Sur and

    his team went on to resolve this

    further with even higher resolution

    imaging. They could now see a

    single neuron and all its processes,

    even at the level of a single synapse,

    in the living, intact brain.

    Now hes shedding light on what

    happens if the brain gets mis-

    wired. The holistic understanding

    of plasticity has allowed Sur to


    H E D E V E L O P E D E X T E N S I V ET O O L K I T S T H A T A L L O W E DR E S E A R C H E R S T O I M A G ET H E B R A I N A T I T S B A R E S T :A S I N G L E N E U R O N . T H E YC O U L D N O W S E E A S I N G L EN E U R O N A N D A L L I T SP R O C E S S E S , E V E N A TT H E L E V E L O F A S I N G L ES Y N A P S E , I N T H E L I V I N G ,I N T A C T B R A I N

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    72 FORBES INDIA | March 2, 2012

    bring a magnificent shift in how

    people study mental disorders.

    In 2009, he shot into fame

    again when he showed that its the

    immaturity of brain circuitry that

    causes Rett Syndrome, a subset

    of autism. A disease that is on

    the rise, autism ranges from mild

    communication diffi culties to

    severe conditions, even mental

    retardation, and affects about one

    in 150 children anywhere in

    the world.

    Sur represents a new class

    of molecular neuroscientists

    who, equipped with a powerful

    understanding of the brain, arenow applying that knowledge to

    diseases, says Sumantra Chattarji, a

    neuroscientist at NCBS, who studies

    Fragile X, a subset of autism.

    Its strange that pharma companies

    never studied plasticity at its most

    basic. The result has been several

    failed trials and no breakthroughs

    in diseases like schizophrenia, bi-

    polar disorder and Alzheimers.

    If you now look at what these

    companies are doing, they are

    hiring some of the people in theforefront of plasticity, be it Roche

    or Pfizer, says Chattarji.

    Lest we start reading too much

    into this, Sur is quick to add that

    brain disorders, developmental

    disorders in particular, are complex;

    more so because children cannot

    be administered new drugs. His

    goal is to try existing drugs.

    Will the problem be solved

    anytime soon? He doesnt think so.

    Will we make progress? You bet.

    We already have begun to,

    given that there was nothing

    available until now, says Sur.

    He is helping a group at the All

    India Institute of Medical Sciences

    in New Delhi to start a similar

    study in India where no data exists

    on the incidence of autism.

    In January, Sur stepped down

    as head of the department of brain

    and cognitive sciences at MIT to

    lead a new Simons Center for

    Social Brain at MIT thatbecame possible with a $26

    million grant in December.

    We think that just as the brain

    has modules for vision, audition

    and actionwhich function

    seamlesslythere is a social

    module, one that mediates

    different components of social

    interactions. Understanding

    what it is and how autism makes

    it go wrong is a very big frontier

    of neuroscience, says Sur.

    Sur has always sought new

    frontiers, even as a school boy. In

    Class XI at St. Josephs High

    School in Allahabad, when

    every student had to choose

    either the math or the biology

    stream, he decided to do bothhe

    was the only student in

    the school to do so.

    Later, at IIT Kanpur, he studied

    electrical engineering as there

    wasnt any life science course. But

    when he was doing his Ph.D at theUniversity of Vanderbilt, in Nashville,

    Tennessee, he made sure he did his

    thesis research with somebody who

    studied the brain. The American

    system allows you to do that, he says.

    The ethos of interdisciplinary

    work that he picked up at Vanderbilt

    has been carried forward through

    his discovery-filled career. His

    philosophy: All interdisciplinary

    work first begins in the mind.

    Its possible to work in

    different subjects and link them

    all in the brain, says Sur.

    That belief, he says, was inculcated

    in him in childhood, particularly

    by his mathematician grandfather,

    who worked in the education

    department in Allahabad.

    Over 30 years of active research,

    Sur has made several discoveries

    that link engineering, computation,

    imaging, molecular biology, genetics

    and a host of other disciplines.

    For example, the first computerthat he programmed was a PDP-

    8 with 8 kilobytes of memory at

    Vanderbilt, for lab work. I was

    the only one around who could

    analyse the data using principles

    of engineering, he recalls.

    More than 30 years ago, Sur

    refused a job in India, the only one

    offered then, by the Tata Institute of

    Fundamental Research. But in the

    last 15 years, he has been associated

    with Indian science and institutions

    in ways that sometimes surprise him.

    His association deepened in

    the 90s when the government

    wanted to set up the National Brain

    Research Center (NBRC) in Haryana.

    The relationship was formalised

    in 2010 when the department of

    biotechnology (DBT) offered him

    distinguished professorship at

    NBRC, an institution he is keen to

    handhold to international standards.

    Sur is one of those classy Indian

    scientists who are thriving in the US,but want to deeply engage with India

    now, says M.K. Bhan, secretary, DBT.

    Given his involvement in

    various Indian institutions, and

    his passion for active research at

    MIT, the pull of India could get

    overwhelming. Its fun. You never

    stop being Indian, he says.

    J U S T A S T H E B R A I N H A SM O D U L E S F O R V I S I O N ,A U D I T I O N A N D A C T I O N W H I C H F U N C T I O NS E A M L E S S L Y T H E R E I SA S O C I A L M O D U L E , O N ET H A T M E D I A T E S D I F F E R E N TC O M P O N E N T S O F S O C I A LI N T E R A C T I O N S

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    March 2, 2012 | FORBES 74 FORBES INDIA | March 2, 2012

    On a

    POWER TRIPWhile working at GE, Prof. Baliga invented a device that reduceselectricity consumption, saving consumers money and reducing pollution


    s a child, everyone has a favourite

    boast about their daddy. But

    few would have a story tomatch Prof. Jayant Baligas.

    The first TV broadcast into a home

    in India occurred in my house. In

    true tradition of a man of science

    this isnt an empty boast. It really

    did happen. My father, B.V. Baliga,

    was chief engineer of All India Radio

    after Independence. There was an

    exhibition in Delhi in the 1950s where

    they were using the All India Radios

    setup of a c amera and a transmitter

    to show a TV telecast within the

    exhibition premises. My father wanted

    to test if the signal could be received at

    a farther distance. He had a television

    set installed at his house at Teen Murti

    Marg. It caused quite a sensation

    in the neighbourhood, says Baliga.

    B.V. Baliga went on to head Bharat

    Electronics Limited, the heavyweight

    electronics public sector undertaking.

    One might have expected Jayant

    to go firmly towards the future then:

    Computers. Instead, he inventedsomething that joined two sister

    disciplines: Electronics engineering

    and electrical engineering. That

    device was the IGBT (Insulated

    Gate Bipolar Transistor), a switch

    just like the ones in any house. It

    is just that the one Baliga invented

    is super-small, can switch on and

    off 100,000 times a second and

    handle really high voltage power.

    Baligas invention has resulted in

    cost savings of over $15 trillion for

    consumers. Because of the IGBT theworld has not had to build at least

    600 hydroelectric dams of the size

    [of the] Hoover Dam! says Baliga.

    Today, his invention is forming the

    basis of the emerging smart grid.

    These electrical supply networks

    of the future will replaces large and

    less effi cient compon ents with small,

    cheap and effi cient semico nductor

    equivalent. One emerging device

    that is holding out great hope is

    the transformer-on-a-chip. All of

    us have seen the large distribution

    transformers in our neighbourhood.Imagine that being replaced by

    something that is many times smaller!

    It was the late 1970s and Baliga

    was heading a team of 40 scientists

    that was working on power

    semiconductor devices and high

    voltage integrated circuits at General

    Electrics Research and Development

    Center in Schenectady, New York.

    By then, the transistorthe device

    that makes computers possibleha

    been discovered and commercialise

    Since Baliga was at GE, he focussedon a complementary area. He tried

    develop a semiconductor device tha

    could control equipment like comp

    fluorescent lights, airconditioners

    and electrical motors. Essentially,

    the heavy duty stuff. All these

    applications need power electronic

    circui ts that operate at high effi cien

    continuously. This reduces heat

    dissipation, which reduces the size

    and cost of the electronics. This als

    reduces electricity consumption,

    saving consumers money and

    reducing environmental pollution.

    At that time, companies like GE

    and Westinghouse were developing

    their bipolar transistors for high-

    power devices, while another group

    led by Siliconix and International

    Rectifier was developing another

    type of transistor called the power

    MOSFET. The feeling in the indust

    was that the two technologies were

    incompatible because of differentmanufacturing practices and end

    customers. It was Baliga who thoug

    of combining the physics of the two

    There was a vice-president in GE

    who was developing a heat-pump

    for air-conditioning applications.

    He was frustrated that the exiting

    transistors were failing and that the

    circuit needed to drive the motor

    pump was too big, expensive, and v


    B E C A U S E O F T H E I G B T[ I N S U L A T E D G A T E B I P O L A RT R A N S I S T O R ] T H E W O R L DH A S N O T H A D T O B U I L D A TL E A S T 6 0 0 H Y D R O E L E C T R I CD A M S O F T H E S I Z E [ O F T H E ]H O O V E R D A M !

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    76 FORBES INDIA | March 2, 2012

    cumbersome to assemble, says Baliga,

    who had already been working for

    five years in this area. He rose to the

    challenge and created a mechanism by

    which the power surges did not blow

    out the transistor he had developed.It is a research that requires

    not only knowledge and creativity,

    but also perseverance. Jay [Baliga]

    exhibited all of these attributes.

    With his detailed knowledge of

    silicon fabrication methods and

    these transistor devices, he invented

    the IGBT, says Jim Bray, chief

    scientist, Electrical Technologies

    and Systems, GE Global Research.

    The device was considered

    such a breakthrough for GE that

    Baliga personally briefed Jack

    Welch. It wasnt a very usualpractice for a scientist to brief the

    chairman. He came down from

    Connecticut to Schenectady, says

    Baliga. Welch decided that the

    discovery should be kept a secret.

    I wanted to publish about the

    invention, but that was embargoed

    for several years. But GE also

    rewarded me by making me a

    Coolidge fellow, the youngest ever

    in the history of GE, says Baliga.

    The extent of Baligas contribution

    to the world and the US Economy

    was recognised in 2011 when US

    President Barack Obama presented

    him with the National Medal of

    Technology and Innovation. This

    is the highest form of recognition

    given by the US government to an

    engineer. After that, while Baliga

    remained in academia, he also

    founded three companies between

    1999 and 2011 to commercialise

    various semiconductor technologies.

    Unfortunately, his association

    with India, which was fairly high

    in the 1980s, has declined. In the

    1980s and 1990s, I was visiting India

    every two years and would make

    the effort to meet with scientists

    at universities and government

    organisations (BEL, BHEL). During

    my biennial visits, I gave lectures

    at BEL, BHEL, CEERI-Pilani, IISc-

    Bangalore, and IIT-Madras. At the

    present time, I am not connected to

    any Indian science fraternity, he says.

    One issue that has held him back

    is perhaps the lack of progress inIndia in semiconductor technology.

    And developing this does require a

    huge amount of capital investment.

    My impression is that it would

    be very diffi cult to develop the

    types of semiconductor chips that

    I work on in India due to lack of

    infrastructure, says Baliga.

    B A L I G A S C O N T R I B U T I O NT O T H E W O R L D W A S

    R E C O G N I S E D I N 2 0 1 1 W H E N

    B A R A C K O B A M A P R E S E N T E D

    H I M W I T H T H E N A T I O N A L

    M E D A L O F T E C H N O L O G Y

    A N D I N N O V A T I O N

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    March 2, 2012 | FORBES 78 FORBES INDIA | March 2, 2012

    A Man ofSTEEL

    Scientist Harry Bhadeshias

    passion for steel has helped

    him invent some of the best

    alloys of the metal

    steel for 15 years before clearing it.

    For Harry Bhadeshia, who led

    the team that along with British

    Steel (that eventually became Coru

    and later acquired by Tata Steel)

    invented the steel, this only reiterat

    his belief that the metal has an

    unbelievable variety that remains

    unseen by the outside world.

    This is not the only invention

    that has come out of the lab of the

    renowned metallurgy scientist and

    Tata Steel Professor of Metallurgy

    at the University of Cambridge in

    his 40-year research career. From

    making better steel pipes to transpooil to coming out with a unthinkab

    and super strong steel that is now

    being tested in defence and aviation

    sectors, Bhadeshias research

    has invoked serious debates and

    produced inventions worth million

    of dollars, and much more in impac

    Looking back, it only seemed

    natural that Bhadeshia would choo

    a career in research. Growing up

    in Kenya, where he was born to his

    Indian parents, one of the fondest

    memories for Bhadeshia was a

    small laboratory with a chemistry

    set, a plastic skeleton, a microscope

    a self-assembly radio set and a

    variety of electrical items that his

    parents had helped to set up.

    By the time he finished his

    schooling in 1970, the family was

    forced to leave Kenya and move to

    London. This was when fate, as

    Bhadeshias friends term it, came

    into play. Keen to contribute to hisfamily, the teenager landed a job

    at a metallurgical lab owned by the

    British Oxygen Company. In the lab

    he got hooked to the excitement a

    responsibility that came in testing

    tiny samples, whose results were

    crucial in building large plants. .

    The fascination turned into a

    passion when Bhadeshia explored

    the world of steel, which was

    Every year, 17 million people

    use the Channel Tunnel, the

    undersea rail network that

    connects the United Kingdom

    with north of France. Considered

    as one of the Seven Wonders of the

    modern world, 37.9 km of the 50.5 km-

    long tunnel passes under the sea. To

    make sure that each and every part of

    this sophisticated transport network

    is as safe as possible, authorities

    recently opted for a new kind of

    steel that is used to lay the tracks.

    Unlike the earlier version, the

    new steel doesnt have any carbide

    and is rich in silicon. In other words,

    while the new steel is hard and

    wear-resistant, it is not brittle like the

    earlier steel, making it much safer.

    The authorities had tested the new


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    80 FORBES INDIA | March 2, 2012

    complicated and at the same time

    had an unbelievable variety that

    remains unseen by the world at large.

    Explains Bhadeshia: Every year, 1.3

    billion tonnes of steel is produced,

    but there is no need for the outside

    world to understand itit is a product

    made in an extremely sophisticated

    and controlled environmentit is so

    reliable that no one needs to worry

    about it. On the other hand, everyone

    needs to worry about the operating

    software in their computers as these

    are not very well developed products!

    In 1979, when Bhadeshia published

    his doctorate thesis at Cambridge,

    an old, but still simmering debatewas ignited once again. Since the

    1930s, the metallurgy community

    had been debating on the process

    that leads to phase transformation

    of steel. Bhadeshia showed that

    one of the phases in steel, bainite,

    is formed through a process of

    diffusionless transformation and

    not by diffusional transformation.

    Says Bhadeshias former

    Cambridge student S.B. Singh,

    who is now professor, Department

    of Metallurgical and Materials

    Engineering at IIT Kharagpur:

    His work settled the debate. Sure,

    there are still some who wouldthink otherwise, but even my

    studies thereafter have vindicated

    Professor Bhadeshias thesis.

    Immediately after the blockbuster

    start to his career, the Fellow of

    elite Royal Academy of Engineering

    focussed on research at the

    intersection of lab and its practical

    application in plants. We usually

    claim that findings in the lab can

    be extrapolated to large-scale

    production. But I realised that in

    a lab we try to oversimplify the

    practical challenges of running a

    plantin labs we tend to reduce the

    problem and find solutions without

    worrying about the original problem.

    By collaborating with industry, we

    can avoid this, says the scientist.

    Not surprisingly, two of

    Bhadeshias most influential findings

    have come at this intersectionthe

    rail steel used in the Channel Tunnel

    and superbainite. The second is

    Bhadeshias personal favourite.It is the strongest low alloy

    steel ever produced and is more

    than six times stronger than mild

    or conventional steel. It is also the

    worlds first bulk nanostructured

    material. Superbainite is something

    that people couldnt even think of

    being possible, says T. Mukherjee,

    a metallurgist and former joint

    managing director at Tata Steel.

    Meanwhile, Bhadeshia continues

    to be a teacher and a guide to

    research students. His lectures

    in Cambridge are popular for

    simplifying complicated scientific

    theories. At those rare times when

    he doesnt know the answer to a

    students question, he is honest

    enough to admit it and asks for

    time before he can get back with

    the answer, says Singh. Adds

    Bhadeshias Cambridge colleague

    Mathew Peet: He always makes

    a great contribution and expects/

    demands a high level of quality. Thismeans we can produce much better

    research by working with Harry.

    Outside the lab and the classroom,

    Bhadeshia bonds with students by

    talking about cinema over a cup of

    coffee or tea. More often, he has

    everyone in splits with his corny

    jokes. When the conversation does

    lead to metallurgy, a tech-savvy

    Bhadeshia uses his smartphone to

    draw pictures to make his point clear.

    These talks have also led to useful

    innovations. His students in South

    Korea made some applications for the

    smartphone so it is possible to index

    electron diffraction pattern or make

    calculation about steel transformation

    using the phone these days, says Peet.

    Even when in India, Bhadeshia

    likes to keep interacting with

    students. The affable scientist has

    strong links with Tata Steel and has

    made a few trips to the steelmakers

    facility. At Jamshedpur, even while

    Bhadeshia would spend time withcompany offi cials at the plant, he

    loved to go to local schools and spend

    time with them, says Mukherjee.

    Bhadeshia has also had other

    collaborations in the country of his

    origin. This includes sabbaticals at

    IIT Bombay and the Indian Institute

    of Science in Bangalore, where he

    has held mathematical modelling

    workshops. This year, in November,

    the scientist will be in attendance

    when IIT Kharagpur inaugurates

    a new steel research centre. He is

    also working on a project at the

    institute that is trying to develop

    a new steel plate material.

    There is a lot of work on steel

    that is being done in India, says

    Bhadeshia. In February, his lecture on

    steel in South Korea will be attended

    by scientists from the Atomic Power

    Station in Kalpakkam via a video link.

    When not sweating it out in his

    labs, Bhadeshia likes playing squash.

    But this is when he is at home inLondon. Right now the scientist is

    in South Korea helping the Pohang

    University of Science and Technology

    (POSTECH) set up 12 laboratories to

    cover all aspects of steel. In everything

    that he does, Bhadeshia follows a

    simple rule: The goal is simply to

    be much higher than the reach.

    [ S U P E R B A I N I T E ] I S T H ES T R O N G E S T L O W A L L O YS T E E L E V E R P R O D U C E DA N D I S M O R E T H A N S I XT I M E S S T R O N G E R T H A NC O N V E N T I O N A L S T E E L

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    82 FORBES INDIA | March 2, 2012

    PROFILE:He is chair, chemical engineering; Wells H. Rauserand Harold M. Petiprin Professor in the School of Engineering;Professor of Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, and Biochemis-try at Stanford University.

    HIS MAIN AREA OF WORK:His research lies at the intersectionof chemistry and medicine. He has been working with geneti-cally modified soil bacteria to develop new medicines (calledpolyketides) to treat cancer, infections, and other diseases.

    In 1995, he co-founded biotechnology company KosanBiosciences, which was acquired by drug maker Bristol MyersSquibb in 2008. Later, he founded Alvine Pharmaceuticals,which is developing an oral enzyme drug discovered in hislaboratory for the treatment of celiac spruean autoimmunedisorder, triggered by gluten in cereals, that affects the smallintestines.

    Yet another company hes founded, Flamentera AG, isfocussed on developing novel biomarkers for gastrointestinaldiseases.

    In September 2011, he and his research team found thathigh volumes of biodiesel can be produced from bacteria whereE. coli can be used as a catalyst. Khosla and his team arecurrently trying to find ways to enhance its cellular controlsto push this further.

    HOW HIS RESEARCH CAN BENEFIT INDIA:A decade ago, onein 1,000 of the population were affected by celiac sprue but theoccurrence has increased. Today, one in 310 people in India areaffected by the disease and one in 120-300 of the populationin Europe and North America.

    His work in biodiesel is globally significant too. If successful,his work could help propel biodiesel to a commercial marketfrom the niche space it occupies now.

    WHAT THEY SAY ABOUT HIM:Khosla can tackle huge chal-lenges and makes strong efforts to move forward. With celiacdisease, there was an unmet medical need with no treatmentexcept a lifelong gluten free diet at the time he stepped in. Hehas showed a strong commitment to do something about this,says Ludvig M. Sollid, director, Center for Immune Regulation,Research Council of Norway.

    - Nilofer DSouza.

    PROFILE:He is head of the Rice-NTU Institute for Sustainableand Applied Infodynamics (ISAI), Singapore.

    HIS MAIN AREA OF WORK:His research is focussed on embed-ded computing, including low-energy computing and nanoelec-tronics. Hes pioneered a pruned microchip technology. Aninexact hardware that drastically reduces power demandsof microprocessors by allowing them to make mistakes, it isthe harbinger of the next-generation power-stingy processors.Called probabilistic pruning, this technology makes the inte-grated circuits perform twice as fast, use half as much energy,and occupy half the space of the traditional circuits. This, saysKrishna, is done by cleverly managing the probability of errorsand limiting which calculations produce errors.

    While doing this Palem has showed that the energyconsumed by a computation could be traded for its accuracy.For applications such as digital image and video processing orcryptography, such integrated circuits can be designed toproduce results to only the required accuracy, and therefore,the power needed for the computation can be drasticallyreduced.

    HOW HIS RESEARCH CAN BENEFIT INDIA:Along with histeam, he is creating a complete prototype chip for a specificapplication, a hearing aid to begin with. He has developed asolar powered iSlate, an electronic notepad, which is currentlybeing tested in schools in Mohd. Hussainpalli village in AndhraPradesh. In its 125th anniversary, IEEE recognised his PCMOS

    technology and iSlate as one of the seven world changingtechnologies.

    WHAT THEY SAY ABOUT HIM:An unwavering theme of hisvision has been to address the principal challenges to sustain-ing the performance and economic benefits of Moores Law.With probabilistic CMOS technology, he has perhaps shownthe most profoundly original approach to tackling the barriersof power consumption and noise immunity in the continuationof the decades-long exponential improvement in the area andspeed of the integrated circuits, known as the Moores Law,says Moshe Y. Vardi, director of the Ken Kennedy Institute forInformation Technology at Rice University.

    - S.S.



    He developed atreatment for celiacsprue, a diseasethat affects many inIndia. His work inbiodiesel is globallysignificant too.

    He has deviced anew microchip thatuses less energy;also, his solar-powered notepad,iSlate, is beingtested in India

    PROFILE:He is Winthrop E. Stone Distinguished Professorof Chemical Engineering at Purdue University.

    HIS MAIN AREA OF WORK:Imagine being able to print out asolar panel on a flexible substrate; to be able to spray-on alow-cost nanocrystal coating and assemble a thin film solarplant wherever power is needed. If Agrawal has his way, thisdream may well be reality one day. He is working on two typeof nanocrystals: Copper indium gallium selenide (CIGS), andCopper zinc tin sulfide (CZTS). His team has managed to rea12.5 percent effi ciency with CIGS, which is prett y close to wyou get with silicon solar cells. CZTS has only 8.4 percenteffi ciency, but utilises earth-abundant materials which willdecrease the cost as effi ciency increases.

    He is also looking for an effi cient way to convert biomassto liquid fuel (like diesel) that can be used in transportation(which uses up about half the fossil fuel produced worldwid

    HIS APPROACH:Thin-film technologies have made photovoic materials more competitive, but costs need to reduce furthAgrawals aims to bring it below 50 cents/peak watt. US solapanel maker First Solar is currently the lowest cost produceof thin films at 74 cents/peak watt. Agrawals approach is toutilise nanomaterials that can be suspended in appropriatesolvents and then deposited utilising high throughput capabties. He hopes to commercialise the systems when he achieveffi ciencies of about 15 per cent.

    HOW HIS RESEARCH CAN BENEFIT INDIA:India is grapplingwith huge energy shortages. If solar cells become cheaper a

    more easily available, it can change the dynamics of powerproduction and availability in the country.

    WHAT OTHERS SAY ABOUT HIM:Agrawal has been developing what are called ink based precursors to make the thin fisolar cells of eit her CIGS or CZTS. The highe st effi ciencies rported for CZTSSe (Copper Zinc Tin Sulfo-selenide) has beeabout 10 percent. There appears, at this point, no fundamenreason why it should not be possible to exceed 15 percenteffi ciencies, says Supra tik Guha, director, Physical Scien ceDepartment, IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center.

    - Cuckoo P


    He is working onefficient and cheapenergy productionfrom renewablesources such assolar and biomass.

    March 2, 2012 | FORBES

    SABYASACHI BHATTACHARYAA Distinguished Professor at the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research.Innovation is not a magic potion; its a mode

    of engaging with t he world. In our country, theeducated are not innovative and the innovativeare not educated. The need for change is widely

    felt today. Hopefully, we will finally takeeffective steps instead of hand-wringing alone.

    MANO MANOHARANGeneral Manager, GE Global Research Centre, JFWTC, Bangalore.

    The quality of all the nominations was

    outstanding and it was a tough decision to chooseamongst them. It was a learning experience for

    me personally since I went and read up on someof the topics these experts worked in.

    AJAY SOODProfessor of Physics, IISc, and president, Indian Academy of Sciences.

    Indian researchers are not sensitive to theapplied side of their work. We are moving in

    the applied research direction, but its tooslow. We have to move much faster.

    How We SELECTEDAs we went about identifying the leading lights in

    the field of science and technology, we looked for

    a good mix of subjects, geographies, topicality and

    the big-picture aspect of their work. We then asked

    our panelists to shortlist the three most influential

    scientists, whose work has a far-reaching impact.


    CHETAN CHITNISPrincipal Investigator, International Centre for Genetic Engineering and

    Biotechnology, New Delhi.

    The scientific enterprise is not growing inthe West; its growing in India. But we have to

    pick the best people, find ways to attract peoplewhod have got jobs at places like MIT, Berkeley,

    or NIH but who still choose to come to India.

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    84 FORBES INDIA | March 2, 2012

    PROFILE:He is founding director, Center for Complex DiseaseGenomics, McKusick-Nathans Institute of Genetic Medicine,Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. He is alsoprofessor, department of medicine, pediatrics, molecular biol-ogy and genetics, and department of biostatistics, BloombergSchool of Public Health, Johns Hopkins.

    HIS MAIN AREA OF WORK:He is one of the architects of theHuman Genome Project, and has been a key participant of theHapMap and 1000 Genomes project. He has provided insightsinto many disorders. In September 2011, in a study involving200,000 people across the world, he showed that there are29 DNA sequence variations in the genome in Asians, Africans,Americans and Europeans, which influence blood pressure.The more ways we use to search for blood pressure genes, thebetter is our understanding of hypertension, he says.

    HIS APPROACH:Many groups have rushed to translate thegenomic information to therapies, but he says science comesfirst, therapies later. Yes, I have hopes that we will understanddiseases at a fundamentally better level and then the therapieswill come. People believe that if we focus on translation, thetranslation to medicine will happen. I beg to differ: I think thetranslation will depend on a true understanding of the disease.

    HOW HIS RESEARCH CAN BENEFIT INDIA:Since 2000, hesbeen working with the Department of Biotechnology and theCouncil of Scientific and Industrial Research. He was instru-

    mental in setting up the new National Institute of BiomedicalGenomics in Kalyani, West Bengal, and the Institute ofMolecular Medicine (IMM) in Delhi. The IMM is a private,non-profit research and educational institution focussed onbiomedical research.

    WHAT OTHERS SAY ABOUT HIM:Much of what Aravinda saysis right but some bit of translation is necessary, say 10-15 yearsdown the road. It has been proven in physics and chemistry,and in stem cells in biology. Its true, brute force statisticalapproach to genomic data has not yielded results. An integrat-ed approach is needed and thats what Aravinda is now under-taking, says Samir K. Brahmachari, director general, CSIR.

    - S.S.

    PROFILE:He is Chair of Infectious Diseases, Imperial CollegeLondon. The most cited TB researcher in the world, he foundedand directs the Tuberculosis Research Unit, a world-leadingmulti-disciplinary research group. The Unit also researchessarcoidosis (a disease that causes inflammation in the lymphnodes, lungs, skin, or other tissues) and pandemic influenza.

    HIS MAIN AREA OF WORK:In 2009 Lalwani devised new diag-nostics which use interferon-gamma release assay (IGRA)thefirst major advance over the 100-year-old existing diagnos-tic test for TB. Until then, managing TB involved preventingdisease progression from latent to active TB. Through thenew diagnostics Lalwani showed that people can be protectedagainst infection too. It now forms the basis of new guidelinesfor TB screening and prevention throughout the world.

    Last year he published a whole new strategy for TB screen-ing in the UK. We found that if new immigrants from the Indiansubcontinent are included for screening and preventativetreatment for latent TB [rather than excluded as has hithertobeen the case], we could really begin to turn the tide on TBin the UK and decrease the national burden of TB and at t hesame time improve the health and l ives of immigrants fromIndia to UK, he says.

    HIS APPROACH:Investigate a broad spectrum of fundamentalquestions in tuberculosis from immunology and microbiologyto epidemiology, public health and policy.

    THE INDIA IMPACT:Since India has a high incidence of TB,Lalvani works with Indian institutions like Hinduja Hospital,Mumbai, and Christian Medical College, Vellore. In 2011, hereported the discovery of a radical new TB vaccine target thatcould play a key role in making the most sensitive diagnostictest for TB ever. If incorporated into the IGRA that he invented,it could make that test 100 percent sensitive.

    WHAT OTHERS SAY ABOUT HIM:We are looking at latent TBdetection in this country and well look at protective correlatesof immunity in tuberculosis but its too early to say what theresearch may bring up, says Dr. Camilla Rodrigues, chairper-son, Infection Control Committee, Hinduja Hospital.

    - Nilofer DSouza

    PROFILE:He is Laureate Fellow and Distinguished Professor,Department of Electronic Materials Engineering, AustralianNational University. He is the winner of several IEEE honours.

    HIS MAIN AREA OF WORK:His research group is a leading lightin the area of semiconductor nanowires. In the medical indus-try alone, devices based on nanowires are emerging as a classof ultra-sensitive electrical sensors for detecting chemical andbiological agents of disease.

    His current research is on new materials to replace siliconin solar cells, which will eliminate reflection waste. The aver-age solar cell ha s an effi ciency of about 10 to 15 per cent. Thatis, only about 10 percent of the photons of sunlight strikingit are converted into electrons of usable electricity. One ofnew materials he is testing is a class of semiconductor calledIII-Vs. With III-V sol ar cells, you coul d get an effi ciency of over40 percent when the cells are coupled with external opticalconcentrators.

    HIS APPROACH:His work is at the intersection of semicon-ductors, optoelectronics, nanotechnology, photovoltaics andmaterials science.

    HOW HIS RESEARCH CAN BENEFIT INDIA:Work in Jagadishslab could change the rules of how cells are made throughclever use of nanotechnology and exotic structures in III-Vsemiconductors. India has an ambitious target to generate 20GW from solar energy by 2022. Several national international

    research partnerships are being struck towards that goal andJagadishs lab could be one such partner.

    WHAT OTHERS SAY ABOUT HIM:Jagadish combines theinsights of a physicist with the advanced technical abilities ofan applied materials scientist to produce work of exceptionalinterest. The quality of the unique nanostructures that hisgroup grows is remarkableand absolutely crucial to makingprogress in fabricating newly imagined applications includingphotovoltaics or solar cells and ultrasensitive sensors,says Howard E. Jackso, professor of physics, Universityof Cincinnati.

    - S.S.

    PROFILE:He is professor, department of physics, UniversityCalifornia, San Diego. He is a prominent name in the hunt foHiggs boson, a hypothetical elementary particle that is thougto give all matter mass. Experiments to find out whether or nthe Higgs boson exists are currently being performed using tLarge Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN, in Geneva.

    HIS MAIN AREA OF WORK:He is now leading a team at CMS(Compact Muon Solenoid) detector at CERN that is l ooking fthe Higgs boson, the last missing piece in the prevailing theoof the universes tiniest building blocks. To understand theorigin of mass, it is important to first find the Higgs boson, saSharma. Scientists at CERN have narrowed down the range masses the Higgs could have.

    HIS APPROACH:Assuming we do discover it next year, thereis a comprehensive plan of work already in place to measureits properties and pattern of its interaction with different typof sub-atomic particles. This will take about five years or soto complete, he says. If instead we manage to rule out theexistence of the Higgs boson, then physics will be in chaos jas it was at the turn of the 20th century [brave new theorieslike quantum mechanics and relativity were born from thatchaos]. So, in the no-Higgs scenario, there will be a lot of wto figure out the source of mass that we see in the universe.

    THE INDIA IMPACT:High energy physicists from India havebeen participating in experiments at CERN and have contrib

    ed in building CMS, by way of hardware, sofware and analysCMS success in high energy physics will shape Indias futurambitions in experimental observations about the universe.

    WHAT THEY SAY ABOUT HIM:Vivek is an excellent physiciand that is evident from his work, but what is equally importis his ability as a co-ordinator. Analysing data collected by thCMS experiments is an extremely complicated task requiringfrontline leadership. He has provided that eminently. Under hleadership, CMS has been able to finish analysing almost allthe data collected till date using eight to ten different methoof setting limits on the Higgs mass, says Sudeshna BanerjeCMS collaborator from TIFR.






    A geneticist, hehas has providedinsights into manydiseases, includinghypertension,which afflicts manypeople in India

    His workcould makesolar cells farmore efficientthroughclever use ofnanotechnology

    Hes working onTB prevention, incollaboration withIndian institutes.Hes reported aradical new TBvaccine

    Hes a leading namein the hunt forthe Higgs boson,which will helpus understandthe origin of theuniverse

    March 2, 2012 | FORBES

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    86 FORBES INDIA | March 2, 2012

    PROFILE:She is professor of health sciences and technology,professor of electrical engineering and computer science, anddirector of Laboratory for Multiscale Regenerative Technolo-gies at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

    HER MAIN AREA OF WORK:She uses the tools of engineering,medicine and biology to understand and treat diseases. Herresearch is focussed on the applications of micro- and nano-technology to tissue repair and regeneration. As an engineerlooking at cancer, she reported in 2011 that nanoparticles canbe used to increase th e effi cacy of chemothera py drugs intumours, and also help reduce the side effects.

    HER APPROACH:Bhatia has built unique human microliversby borrowing techniques from semiconductor manufacturingfor better predicting the safety of drugs in humans. That ledher to co-found Hepregen Corp which is supported by TheDeshpande Center at MIT. The plaform has now been used byover 20 drug companies, leading to redesigning of clinical trialsof new drugs.

    HOW HER RESEARCH CAN BENEFIT INDIA:Cancer is spread-ing at an alarming rate and soon 70 percent of the new caseswill come from developing countries like India. She is also usingher technology to develop a plaform for drug screening againsta form of malaria, which hibernates in the liver and has beenpart of the problem in malaria eradication efforts in the past.

    PASSIONATE ABOUT:She wants more women in science. Ico-founded an outreach organisation for middle school girls in1993 and it is still going. We just hosted 30 girls [in November2011] in our laboratory for hands-on experiments, she saysproudly.

    WHAT THEY SAY ABOUT HER:The most innovative work forcancer research is being done at the intersection of biology,engineering and science. Sangeeta is at the cutting edge ofthis practice and I have high hopes for her research impactingmillions of lives in this world, says Gururaj Desh Deshpande,entrepreneur, mentor and member of President ObamasInnovation Council.

    - S.S.

    PROFILE:He is associate professor at Harvard MedicalSchool, Massachusetts General Hospital and co-directorof the metabolism program, Broad Institute, Cambridge.

    HIS MAIN AREA OF WORK:His research is mainly focussed onthe mitochondrion, the powerhouse of the cell, and its role inhuman diseases. He has been using genomics and systems bi-ology to define the molecular anatomy of mitochondria. Withthis molecular map in hand, he is advancing the study of raremetabolic disorders and common diseases. About seven yearsago, he showed a correlation between reduced mitochondrialactivity and the common form of diabetes. This work becamethe most cited (2,000 times) paper on diabetes research in thelast decade. Recently, his group showed something happensinside mitochondria that predisposes people to diabetes. If wecould find that pathway within mitochondria, it might provideus with new strategies for preventing or even treating type 2diabetes, something we desperately need, says Mootha.

    HIS APPROACH:He uses a multi-disciplinary approach thatincludes mathematics, computer science, biochemistry, andgenetics. In a systematic search for the precise functionwithin mitochondria that gets altered at birth or is modified byenvironment, his lab identified all 1,000 protein parts of thisorganelle. His labs two recent findings on how mitochondriahandles its huge appetite for calciumsolution to a 50-year-old mysteryshows it could be an attractive drug target. Wehave good reason to believe that mitochondrial calciumhandling might represent the link between mitochondriaand the development of type 2 diabetes, he says.

    HOW HIS WORK CAN BENEFIT INDIA:His research will go along way in the treatment of type 2 diabetes, an epidemic inIndia. Unfortunately this is a ticking time bomb from a healthand financial perspective, he says.

    WHAT THEY SAY ABOUT HIM:Vamsi is one of the mostcreative and analytical scientists I have ever met. It is unusualto find someone with both qualities, says Edward Scolnick,director, Stanley Center for Psychiatric Research, BroadInstitute; former president of Merck Research Laboratories.

    - S.S.

    PROFILE:Distinguished Professor of Atmospheric and ClimateSciences, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University ofCalifornia, San Diego.

    HIS MAIN AREA OF WORK: Theoretical enquiry into climatechange and field experiments that have brought unprec-edented understanding of global warming. Until the 70s, CO2was considered to be solely responsible for global warming,but Ramanathan showed the contribution of trace gases andchlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) to it. In the 90s, he found that sootfrom cooking plays a key role in climate change. This led to apioneering study with Nobel laureate Paul Crutzen that discov-ered the Asian Brown Clouds (renamed to the more politicallycorrect Atmospheric Brown Clouds).

    HIS APPROACH:Conducts extensive field experiments usinghigh-tech, unmanned aerial vehicles to study pollutants overvast geographical areas such as the Indian subcontinent.

    HIS INDIA LINK:Ramanathan wrote a white paper in 2007with Kalpana Balakrishnan, Director, WHO CollaboratingCenter for Occupational Health at Sri Ramachandra Universityin Chennai, on a global-scale project to reduce soot pollutionby replacing tra ditional cooking stov es with more effi cientones. Project Surya, which provided biomass and solar cookingstoves to all households, was launched in Uttar Pradesh withUNEP funding in 2009.

    HOW HIS WORK CAN BENEFIT INDIA:If Indian villagers areable to reduce soot generati on by using effi cient stoves, theycould not only help fight atmospheric pollution but also earnsubstantial money from carbon credits.

    PASSIONATE ABOUT:Conducting field experiments and invent-ing gadgets for them. Hates to be closeted inside laboratories.

    WHAT THEY SAY ABOUT HIM:Project Surya is very chal-lenging, especially because of the complexities in developingcountries. What we are trying to do is use high-end science toevolve simple, scalable solutions, says Kalpana Balakrishnan,who is leading the evaluation of clean cooking technologies

    - Dinesh Narayanan

    PROFILE:He is University Distinguished Professor in theDepartments of Computer Science & Engineering, andElectrical & Computer Engineering, Michigan State Universi

    HIS MAIN AREA OF WORK:Pattern recognition, computervision and biometric recognition. Jain is one of the pioneers biometrics (some of the basic text books in the field are writby him, and he holds six patents in finger printing).

    HIS APPROACH:Jain and his team have found ways to addrfiner issues in pattern recognition using sophisticated imageprocessing and clustering algorithms. Recently, they came uwith a solution to identify surgically altered fingerprints thatautomated systems cant catch.

    HIS INDIA LINK:He studied at IIT Kanpur, and afer he moveto the US, collaborated with research groups at the IndianInstitute of Science, Bangalore and Indian Statistical InstitutKolkata. He was also a consultant for the UID (Unique ID)project.

    HOW HIS RESEARCH CAN BENEFIT INDIA: The far-reachingimpact of Jains work is likely to be seen in UID. His pioneeriwork in multi-biometric came in handy when the UID team wtaking biometrics of manual labourers with fading finger prin

    PASSIONATE ABOUT:Working on problems related to patterrecognition and computer vision, and training and guiding

    students in the field.

    WHAT THEY SAY ABOUT HIM:Prof. Jain was one of the firsto understand the biometrics field in its inception and translthe fundamental biometrics problems into mainstream patterecognition problems, says Sharath Pankanti, who hascollaborated with Jain and works at IBM T.J. Watson Centerat Hawthorne NY.

    - N. S. Ramn





    She uses micro- andnano-technology totreat diseases likeCancer, which isexpected to spreadat an alarming ratein India

    He showed that sootplays a key role inclimate change andnow wants Indianvillagers to help fightpollution by usingefficient stoves

    He showeda correlationbetween reducedmitochondrialactivity inside a celland type 2 diabetes,an epidemic in India

    He is one ofthe pioneers ofbiometrics and hiswork will come inhandy when takingbiometrics ofmanual labourers

    March 2, 2012 | FORBES





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    88 FORBES INDIA | March 2, 2012

    PROFILE:He is professor of medicine, Stanford University;founder and CSO of Ventus Medical; executive director ofStanford-India Biodesign (SIB) Program.

    HIS MAIN AREA OF WORK:Doshi recently founded VentusMedical to develop and commercialise a new class of obstruc-tive sleep apnea therapy, the first in 25 years. Sleep Apnea isa disorder marked by abnormal pauses or low breathing duringsleep. An inventor at heart, an engineer by training, and anentrepreneur by design, Doshi believes medical technologyinnovation can be taught.

    HIS INDIA LINK:He is executive director of SIB, which aims totrain the next generation of medical technology innovators inIndia through fellowships, internships and events.

    HOW HIS RESEARCH CAN BENEFIT INDIA:Sleep apnea isamong the largest chronic diseases in the world, with about 20percent of urban Indian males having it. Another new-in-class,an over-the-counter device for snoring, is under development.Doshis new, expiratory positive airway pressure nasal device,is US FDA-approved and particularly suitable for India wherepower supply can be erratic. Also, biodesign is important forIndia because so many Indians are medically under served dueto the lack of cost-effective medical devices.

    PASSIONATE ABOUT:Mentoring. My other major product isthe 17 fellows that have completed our SIB fellowship pro-

    gramme, says Doshi. He thinks many of these fellows, whoget a rigorous training in identifying needs from the societyand then taking them t hrough various filters to the prototypestage, will be among the leaders of the fledgling medical deviceindustry in India.

    WHAT THEY SAY ABOUT HIM:Dr Doshis role is pivotalfor many reasons: There is a dearth of highly-experiencedmedtech innovators who understand all aspects of the innova-tion and commercialisation process. The last four years of thisprogramme, under his leadership, have been very instructive,says Anurag Mairal, director, Global Exchange Program,Stanford University.

    - S.S.

    PROFILE:He is director, Edwin L. Steele Laboratory for TumorBiology at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH); AndrewWerk Cook Professor of Tumor Biology, Harvard Medical School

    HIS MAIN AREA OF WORK:He is a pioneer in tumour biologyand in vivo imaging with more than 500 publications. In thelate 1990s, a cure for cancer looked plausible with HarvardUniversitys Judah Folkman proposing a new theory of angio-genesisstarving cancer cells of their blood supply by usinganti-angiogenesis agents. But clinical studies were discourag-ing. Since then, Rakesh Jain and his colleagues have shownthat blood vessels can be exploited to improve Cancer therapy,but not in the way Folkman was suggesting.

    HIS APPROACH:In many studies he showed that rather thandestroying blood vessels that support tumours, these agentswork by normalising the blood vessels. In other words, makethe tumour blood vessels look like healthy tissue by usinglower doses of anti-angiogenic drugs. He showed this approachhelped the patient respond much better to chemotherapy andradiation. Since one of the biggest hallmarks of his work istranslational researchtaking lab research to the bedsideclinicians at MGH have validated his vascular normalisationtherapy. Jain is currently signing up agreements with pharma-ceutical companies to run further trials in some solid tumoursthat grow in areas l ike the brain, colorectal and liver.

    HIS INDIA LINK:Jain did his B.Tech from Indian Institute of

    Technology, Kanpur.

    HOW HIS RESEARCH CAN BENEFIT INDIA:Cancer is spreadingat an alarming rate, especially in developing countries like India,which are expected to show steep growth in number of casesreported. Jains work will go a long way in giving effectivetreatment for those suffering from the disease.

    WHAT THEY SAY ABOUT HIM:The Edwin Steele Laboratoryunder Dr. Jains leadership has become one of the most produc-tive translational hubs of cancer research in the world, saysJay S. Loeffl er, Chair, Departmen t of Radiation Oncol ogy,Massachusetts General Hospital

    - S.S.

    PROFILE:He holds the Edward R. Weidlein Chair in the Swan-son School of Engineering and the School of Dental Medicineat University of Pittsburg. He has more than 150 refereed

    journal publications and holds four patents.

    HIS MAIN AREA OF WORK:His work spans two differentfieldsenergy and medicine. In energy storage, he workswith nano particles and in medicine, with biodegradablenano materials that has applications in gene therapy andregenerative medicines.

    HIS APPROACH:In t he mid-90s, he asked a game changingquestion: Why not create degradable ceramic material us-ing calcium and phosphate? That led to at least two break-throughsone in gene therapy and the other in regenerativemedicine. In gene th erapy, he develope d a safe and effi cientway to deliver genes to cells. By combining nano materialswith other materials, he has found a way to stabilise the bonewound and enhance regeneration. This patented work is slatedto proceed for FDA approval. In energy, Kumtas research couldlead to a new generation of lithium-ion batteries that can storemore power and last longer.

    HIS INDIA LINK:Kumta has a B. Tech in metallurgy from IITBombay. He is in discussion with Prof. Rudra Pratap at theIndian Institute of Science, Bangalore, to initiate somecollaborative work in biotechnology.

    HOW HIS RESEARCH CAN BENEFIT INDIA:India is set tobecome one of the biggest consumers of electronic goods likemobile phones, cameras and laptops even before power infra-structure catches up. His work in energy storage will help.

    PASSIONATE ABOUT:Doing excellent scientific work. I remainhopeful that the scientific work will lead to novel technologiesfor improving the quality of life all over the world, he says.

    WHAT THEY SAY ABOUT HIM:I have known Prof. Kumta fornearly 20 years... No challenge was too great for Prashant:Intellectual or personal, says Aloysius F. Hepp, Editor-in-Chief,Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing.

    - N. S. Ramnath

    PROFILE:He is an Intel Fellow and Chief Client PlaformArchitect for the Intel Architecture Group at Intel Corp.

    HIS MAIN AREA OF WORK:Theres a reason why Intel chosemake Bhatt the rock star in their 2009 ad campaign (althohe was portrayed by a professional actor)he was the leadarchitect responsible for one of the most ubiquitous technolgies in the computing world: Universal Serial Bus or USB. Evyear, billions of new devices like PCs, smartphones, webcamand printers are able to communicate with each other at highspeeds due to Bhatts pioneering work in devising a one-sizefits-all cable format that could transport both data and poweBhatt was also the lead architect behind two other blockbustechnologies at Intelthe Accelerated Graphics Port (AGP) its successor, PCI Express.

    HIS APPROACH:As computing devices get smaller, cheaperand ubiquitous, Bhatt is now shifing his priorities to thinkmore outside in. This includes work to make PCs bootinstantly, last on batteries all day, become almost as thin astodays mobile phones and tablets and work seamlessly witha host of other non-PC devices. My primary focus these dayis on improving and completely reengineering the PCs as weknow it, says Bhatt.

    HIS INDIA LINK:He did his B.E. in electronics from MaharajaSayajirao University, in Baroda, Gujarat.

    PASSIONATE ABOUT:Photography, travel and meeting peopfrom different countries and cultures. Hes been learningphotography from some of the world-renowned photographfor about 10 years now. His camera always goes with him.

    WHAT THEY SAY ABOUT HIM:USB has today become afoundational technology. Considering that the standard wasdefined over 10 years ago but is widely used (albeit with speeupgrades) todayfor instance most new smartphones use itto exchange data as well as draw poweris testament to thefact that it was very well thought out and turned out to befuture-proof, says Prof. Huzur Saran, Head, Departmentsof Computer Sciences and Engineering, IIT-Delhi

    - Rohin Dharmaku





    He developeda new class oftherapy for sleepapnea, a disorderthat affects about20 percent of urbanIndian males

    He works in thefields of energyand medicine. Ingene therapy, hedeveloped a safeand efficient way todeliver genes to cells