v r pfte)tia e v studebaker - nys historic...

telf > * '-T-?' ^ J /I KOkniCMIBKBHTBBPmsiE'tHlIHSDAT. attSB SS 1028 ..Hilir- ^—w*^*wf Junior Achievement DC PEREAUS GARAGE NORTH CREEK, N. Y. Ford, Overland, Reo, arid Studebaker Cars and Trucks PARTS and ACCESSORIES For all makes of Cars \. DEALERS IN Fisk, Converse, Goodyear, and Firestone TIRES and TUBES Orace Pereau of the Les Cuisinieres Junior Achievement Food Club, Moriah is first prize winner in the news report- ing contest conducted by the Junior Achievement Bureau at Springfield, Mass,. This contest was held^ by the Bureau for the purpose of selecting three Junior Achievement" Glob mem- bers to assist Mr. Paul W. Kiesser, news editor for the Junior Achievement Bureau at Springfield, at the time of the Eastern States Exposition. The winners in this contest were de- termined by the number of news arti- cles written and the material used. Grace wrote nineteen articles relative to "the activities of the Les Cuisinieres Club. These appeared in the Essex County papers, the Log, which is the official Junior Achievement Paper, and the Knickerbocker Press Albany. Home Bureau Meeting Big Shanty w" / Battery Service Station , Charging and Repairing Bforage, WeWin|, and Repairing Phone 1-F-2 Phone 1-F-2 • The Ladies of the Home Bureau jat North River, will meet at "Big Shanty ': North River, July 7. The subject w^U be Dress-making. '' h i i 1 } **" ''•#- u Are yon planing to build ? Before starting opperations. let us explain the value of our Reinforced Con* crete Hallow Wall construction, for economy and durability. J. P. Waldron CONTRACTOR & BUILDER North Creek, N.Y. LACKEY'S WEAVERTOWN, N. Y. J Expert Repairing, Parts and Accessories DEMONSTRATE OUR NEM::.MODBL .:,._.:! m^<fMm^^tmtmmmm)mmtm0^ x L.;- ; .i--v --">», °~>v«ite. t, 4,-; ..-, '^w»"pKS'iWj_>^ i.-jf.-.i^-.i^S*; The Scrap NOW is the best time to BUY A RADIO OUTFIT - Let us Demonstrate mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmt North Greek Klectric Go, .. ' North Creek, New York "-' 7 t' Unselfish Mother Love Common Among Fishes Even among the finny tribej cold* blooded inhabitants pi the deep^ moth- er love is strongly In evidence. The catfish swims about with her young, even as the duck with her brood. The sunflsh hovers for weeks over Hers, and like her relation, the gouraml fights in their defense with the sav-. "ageness and swiftness of "the peregrine hawk. She also biittds" a bird-like nest, as do many others, inaudiug perch, dace, lamprey, stickleback, and piira : dise fish. Many of these nests are bound and Interwoven like the nests of birds. Among the seals appear many of the early beginnings of the more perfected creatures on land^ and this in itself isi suggestive that life- first arose in the waters, The sea-. lion, sea-cow* sea-calf, sett-elephant, sea-leopard, and divers others, have severally more than a passing like- ness to their namesakes ashore, even as In the sea-mouse there is a resem* blance tothe.Uttlebrown earth-mouse. There is, too, no Imaginary likeness in* the blenny to; the butterfly, though the blennlus, that strange half-sea and - hittlfiand fish, with Its muddy colors, is a blurred outline of the graceful butterfly. In the eel Is the prototype Of the shake,-and in the hippocampus, or sea-horse with its tall and Ivead, is the idearof the noise, ,. Blackburn's B ^ e f # Sfcaprt Located ai ''''.'-. WHOLESALE and RETAIL the right battery for your car^ ^>ur Seryke includes skillful repair wrk on every make of battery. You can rely on reasonable advice and reasonable pricesTnfereV We look ibrwari* to a i call itam you. - -rt Old Childhood Favorite . by No Means Mythical Quite man* of us think of "Mother Goose** as a mythical'person, but she Was real* Over two and ~a half Centu- ries ago she lived with heir son-ln-lnw, John Fleet, a Boston ^printer. TMg shows' the tombstone that marks her grave In the" old Granary burying ground In Boston. She composed the little rhymes wn,d ilngles that we all Dcift teget km& m carload V- crimped m& hm& on jdoTxagated Of Surlaeed,RuoBer Booffeg, your .<*».. Mother 'GrttttPGrave. :l9^ed^^!to^^^#6^l ( >•ft<it.' ahatiSe her nilflal^fisc HdWev^r, w* haw 4o thank ' tbibii M e e t : ^ tires*for;:it. Wairh$IWbo : rec<)gnized j ibeir tru.ie\worth" antl p^jited- tbsm in ! bd'ok-'';fOKJhv"\$lv:i%...jfii^it -to their author* Mothe* Goose* ; thi Wilting pa l^¥^^sWfi6^al^^.^lhyw^t^'wre^ r ii^_^*^?::'Of\jiftt^ 0o?(jse>. .wtf* to'; | tsiiacr Soose, ageft years* deceased October tbe M&K 1690, M¥$ 1&& also Susana* <P?60se the 3rd,' *tg*5d IS montlts* 4iesi Atigu^t thS ^ithi 1 6 ^ * ^ -Mt^ih^^agaMiie^,.-.^': .•••.•.'._; iy ,£\§&apbpQh>: ;'l frisfitoff in the.<*oftrttoom^ "that'tfiiey %avfe '* r^orflt of &U the di*0Pc6 v Ca^s that «otnrto-trialr^eM'* •'•>.'•'• •JH^s ¥&&•••&& ' &ei' V -coxhi>a^on "•Sbheyiio Mitti ••'..,''; "'-" ';„\;'. , / - ; ^ ' , ' ' >•»' '•'•? •--:.", North Creek, New York ^o^ji.rf*^ i>*' '•'^*S^' n '-•S^rS-..',','^' ,^^Z^-0:i aie^ ^•4iL2S^aL3ii £&••• ;>^£££>. m^mm-mmx mmmmw.mm. tmumBBkT m®^> %m$- - ii • y a '" 'TMri hi affia^^aggggr^^^ga^^^w^^^ ^^^^ssff^Sie^js^z^^ 2&2*gfcr - i.«aKA«si£ j.SJ^'^is^tstSaim.Ji^ffi^CSltTSas^'iW Night and Morning tc^ keep them Clean, Cleat and Healthy Write for Free*%e Care"- or *^Bye Beai*^" ; Book H«riae C*.BejtH. S.,9%. Ohio S t , CHugo SOLUTION TO LAST WEEK'S FOZZIE -SSyan- Fk-mley John Daaue Fhiajley, Long Lake, N- •»Y., aftfi Mies Winifred Elizabeth Eyati, Msl'one, N»- Y., were married June : % I^lS, at S t Henry's church, by Rev, Fatber Beticher, They were a«tten<ied- by ' Miss Isabel! Lafeeyaa-a Harold•F1mnlty,,brititer of th§ .groom'.' The bride, was-becomingty gowned in p. u-ire blue crepe, and carried flowers. i ,ie- bti-Jfg.rcotn wa« in Ka-val "uniform. 1 a-.er, a rect^tum Was held at the home •o: the bridegr«><au*s sister, Mrs. OUve, Kellogg. The house was' prettily dec- •otated by Mrs. 'Winifred' Merwin* the li^iag-roym bahig dsae in pmk aud white sad the dining-room i|i blue and white. Music was furnished for dancing by Miss Mary LeBlsne and Joseph LeBiahe* -Delieious rtfresls.ir,ents of fruit, salad, saridwiehes, ice Cream and cake were served. - _ . The wedding take, ct by Mrs. Mer- win was an interesting feature. They Were the recipients .pi a large number •of beautiful mxi as jfnl gifts. The biMegrcooa recently returned* Jrom the West Indies for tihe-cer'emoay and, leaves for the Naval Air Station s Hampton Beads, Va..,, Mrs. PJumley expects to follow in the fall The youag coaple have the best wish« es ai a lacge <ai*e!e of friends^ Church and" Society John S„ feeli'ari^ ST. JAMES CHURCH. Rev. J* F , McMal.Qn, fat-U-r Sunday M ; a*a " ' V S.:30 'A/Ml M. E. CHURCH. Rev, G. C. Cta-nell,. Paster Services »• 10:30 A. M. Sermon. 11:45 A. M.. San&i* CehooL M. s, cunaca mrsm. Werth River . • s BAPTIST CHURCH. Eev. W. I. Burfee, Ministeri Services Morning "Worsbip 10;S0 . Sundfey School 11:45- Evening ^orsbip I'M Thw&er Service Wed. T:S0 : P,M SAFER m JAll BAPTIST CliURCa Horth Rivei, J, T. Legan, Pastor, Services. 10:30 Morning Worship U ; 86 Bible School 7': Eveiug Service t tJnien prayer service in the M, ; ebttrch Thursday evening at ?;30. E, Jail Visitor--Yonrtemt's almost an, mj poor fellew, sind I Jmwv you'll be %Ind to be -out end at borne again. *"* Prisoner—Not on yo.ur life I won't; I'm in for bigamy. AMERICAN LEOION NORTH CREEK. POST NO. 629 II. I. Braiey, Commander ivennetji Bennett, Vice Commander * William Durgan, Sargtni ^.t Arms. Howard Alexander, Post Adpitgiit, HOME BHEEAU. Mrs. Wm Bur*©, Chairman Mrs, Claude Pereau, Yiee-Chairimm l\r». Harry Liddle, Sec'ty Mr*. Charles Brisbin, Treas* © ive Yourself z**t a bquare Deal Ceriainly you want to,-wash your own clothes in your own home where you just know that everything Is safe arid But washing by hand is- drudgery.' .. Be fair to yo4itself—there" is but one right way. to dispose of this problem. This satisfactory solution is now within the'reach of any woman who will take t© investigate. .. .. 1., „; %me well spent—Money properly invested, - .. Bntmst fft,ar„clotfe,es—all of"them—to the-protective care of WASHER . Job-n I, R-bbards, a life long resident -of' Jobusbwgj died oa June-i9.th.s;t tbo- Masosicbospifca! at Utica aftej?^.^e^e" rai months IKiiess. '•• ' _ the desea^ed. was born at ^Gbnsborg, in- J s a e a r y 1?43, %®A, was- fast S3" years ^ mjoj inore ol age, a son oi Efeard and Bieeta p$|^ona-ga from the -local Efcbar<fe, -.. , . v " r •,. '. _ , * ;, .* . Be^ide^Ms wile,.fc,Am.a«da &io&- people, give m&& thenwita- •ar#, h e : VMr^^'^:,])nAcr tion wMch modern people de i)esease§\vas ta&ea to t|® Masonic n i a n d , ^lld make thefe teel hespitaitbe^ preceedfeg^N. tetee. ^ ^ ^ pfte)tia g e fe ^e^. Services andbnnal was inade at l^fctea, ^*"" v ?**^>*± i/**v».y**w.g,v w vi^** in tbe Htztmis mmstm? ' ed at yotit place of business. ; I'hfe peo|!e of to-iay buy where they are tottei, Get in touch with them through' t^ie columns of— lr$®& H.. Peterson In Saecigd and Irene Nordstrom %ry-§iMdealy at loving meniory of Petusoil wbo died lief home, at' W^st Sbnbert Avenue, Chieago, III, on Jnne A former pupi! 'of the CatberiQa!; school In Hex? York c % , Slasaes will be oSered fox %e happy repose of bee sonl. Bartel v?fis in ^t, Joseph's, cetn etary, Chfeagb, I'll, on Jithe 18th. Her mother and sister, Mrs. A. Peterson and Mrs. C. Hefie^an. u t* Riverside-JLoqii Lake Road opened to trafiic Tee motetists who bats been avoid- ing the co'nstarucbion and one way traffic on the roadsoath of Biversldej Will, be pleased to know that it is now complet- ed and is opetk to the- traffic, -JMsisjtheJkst r^ai <ti this new type reinforced concrete to^be built in War- ren county north of Lake George, and is a trial road to see if this type will stand the frost action in this part of-tlje country. This tyjie road costs' about $60,000 per mile to build Rwfl-away Auto Rejoicing Welcomes baby at Braieys -Grandfather audi Grandmother, Mr. aiid Mr&. ASfredB- Braleyi a>re i' e J°i c '* iag over the arrival of a littl^ grandson bor« to Mr, and Mrs. Downing Braley, on Monday, June gSnd'at tb^it home in tliis place. They have named him Downing Junior, and he and jnotJija: are doing nicely, '* The little chap weighs aix and one half pounds, and he and his mother are being cared for by* i\£rs, William Alex- ander Old Resident Doing the Town A Chevrolet roadster belonging to Town Clerk, Ernest Noxoh of Wevef- town,, was slightly damaged Tuesday, v?hen,afive passenger car driven by Jack Daly, a traveing saksnian, bit the -Chevrolet,- twisting the bumper, and licenses plate. Mi*. Daly had' left his car in front of H, V. Kenyon's Stor v e, when the brakes released, letting the car proceed down th,e ; street until! it hit the Chevrolet which was parked in front of Brailey SHoXon*s StorBj. on the oppiste side oftihestreet Mr. Daly car was undamaged. Sidney M. Duilop of R,P,D. 1, Htuk son-Falls, an old resident of this place past 84 years, is in town to spend the . Independence celebrations on the 4th, Mr..Dunlop enjoys very good health, due he guys, to good hard work -which he acquires in a diary stable I Straight's House Burns. •A dwelling house owned by* Bert Straight, #>n the Bakers Mills road, ; was totally desroyed by fire, Thursday night. The cause of the blase has not ' been accertained. ENTERPRISE CROSS-WQRP PU/ZI-E ;l lis- three large .air pressors wA. suction-caps will wash-clothes gently, will wash ". them qole&iy, wil wash themcleam* Washer-womea welcome the *EiSlf w it-is so staple to operate=^sa¥isg their 'time mi strength for other household tasks-yo^.-^ay wish, Uiem to perform, . .It will lie -w©rth your Huge I© -^sk as- to denioastr-ate these FACTS to yow Easy terns + ' For palefey•• gf^aSTwWettt N«T»«papet Union.) :Y .^. ' "-* - ' ^- ' *"J l^fefc,,. H.V. Horizontal. . -Bttilcal character who Bold ills T)Ixtiijfight. . 4M-3?dln$ of cojnpags H-^-Sttnuljade for wlnfio*r lfc~J3i<iu&% .-•••<• 14—Wise -%$-r4&nmic -gentiiy ' *•' J;jM-*itijat. is iaoyr,:/ 5ti~-jftg pen 23i*~Be0&.3- 2S-*-;K3na of tree ^g-r-6reek -letter ES-^-gssatl mound 40—f'ait M te &e S-i-^-Loss* itarro-w inlet , .S2-^B**ser'VSee man. , i^-^Kina, tfi buiitingr doar ,3f—Note of scal'e , 8$—^Ina0)a»i(te a « l o i * M—Jtfeers at .- - • •*S-^Aslatl0 country,' . '4&*~Jj?0 t*ei froiH: Sd-Mt|fe tip. •• fj|-HAacient. gSS^—j 1 © tnasect .gecr^tl^ $5r--A ; fCl0*». ftttteloji*. _ _ S^—Pitta fcotCce- - $T^-Ms*a6V 5#—Half 4* «>nfc - 4WJLtMty . - fi--*)Pi*efe '-wtnth xk>m# Is coisedy VertSc*!. 1—^To make a mistake 2—Thus 3—Shoemaker's 4—•'North American ^ndian f>—female aheep 6—Conjunction 1—Notts of scale 8—High «xploBiv« 9—Ho3e supporter Kope for leaamg- an animal tool I 11 18 11 22 -Makes angry 12—Spat -Stake 15—Sim god -Fuel used in Ireland -l»onged for fir—Rodent 24—Native metal 26—To prevaTlcato 2.7-—Grass ruar $&—Night 84—Gratuity 38—Small ticket 35—Metal used to join-metallic sur- faces 40—Printing measures 41—To knock 42—Fashions 43—JFleet of.armed ships 44—Same as 31 horizontal 45—Increase 46—Narration by Virgil af Aeneas ' 47,—Colt 61—^licagtte of German states 58—Half an em ' &l—Jewel 62—'Receptacle for <joal r etc, , SS-rAJlo-w 64—Fiovsr a w a y 65—Female deer ' «9—-Ins6C* $8—>Note„of ?cala ', i$—^Tou and me V K^itfttd* / -fjMiewr fat *«xjt ijgmik^ v "- ,, Jsis- ^h w J *** I 2 // Wk *..,-• •L*V"^ » ' i ''• •» •s; -^^y •^*«rft^[,"iMlfc'Jrf * •y&af****** 0 ***/ I* .--. »<*• --~i ;* - - - - •SSSt.1. . i - SLJu**««&"

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Page 1: v r pfte)tia e v Studebaker - NYS Historic Papersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn87070281/1925-06-25/ed-1/seq-4.pdf · pricesTnfereV We look ibrwari* to a i call itam you. -

telf > * '-T-?'



/I K O k n i C M I B K B H T B B P m s i E ' t H l I H S D A T . a t t S B SS 1028

..Hilir- ^—w* *wf

Junior Achievement


F o r d , O v e r l a n d , R e o , a r i d S t u d e b a k e r

Cars and Trucks

PARTS and ACCESSORIES For all makes of Cars \.


Fisk, Converse, Goodyear, and Firestone TIRES and TUBES

Orace Pereau of the Les Cuisinieres Junior Achievement Food Club, Moriah is first prize winner in the news report­ing contest conducted by the Junior Achievement Bureau at Springfield, Mass,. This contest was held^ by the Bureau for the purpose of selecting three Junior Achievement" Glob mem­bers to assist Mr. Paul W. Kiesser, news editor for the Junior Achievement Bureau a t Springfield, a t the time of the Eastern States Exposition.

The winners in this contest were de­termined by the number of news arti­cles written and the material used. Grace wrote nineteen articles relative to "the activities of the Les Cuisinieres Club. These appeared in the Essex County papers, the Log, which is the official Junior Achievement Paper, and the Knickerbocker Press Albany.

Home Bureau Meeting Big Shanty

w" / Battery Service Station , Charging and Repairing

Bforage, WeWin|, and Repairing Phone 1-F-2 Phone 1-F-2

• The Ladies of the Home Bureau jat North River, will meet at "Big Shanty ' : North River, July 7. The subject w^U be Dress-making.

'' h

i i

1 }




Are yon planing to build ?

Before starting opperations. let us explain the value of our Reinforced Con* crete Hallow Wall construction, for economy and durability.


North Creek, N.Y.


J Expert Repairing, Parts and Accessories


NEM::.MODBL .:,._.:!


xL.;- ;.i--v

--">», °~>v«ite. t, 4,-; ..-,

' w»"pKS'iWj_>^ i.-jf.-.i^-.i^S*;

The Scrap

NOW is the best time to

BUY A RADIO OUTFIT - Let us Demonstrate


North Greek Klectric Go, .. ' North Creek, New York "-' 7


Unselfish Mother Love Common Among Fishes

Even among the finny tribej cold* blooded inhabitants pi the deep^ moth­er love is strongly In evidence. The catfish swims about with her young, even as the duck with her brood. The sunflsh hovers for weeks over Hers, and like her relation, the gouraml fights in their defense with the sav-. "ageness and swiftness of "the peregrine hawk. She also biittds" a bird-like nest, as do many others, inaudiug perch, dace, lamprey, stickleback, and piira:

dise fish. Many of these nests are bound and Interwoven like the nests of birds. Among the seals appear many of the early beginnings of the more perfected creatures on land^ and this in itself isi suggestive that life-first arose in the waters, The sea-. lion, sea-cow* sea-calf, sett-elephant, sea-leopard, and divers others, have severally more than a passing like­ness to their namesakes ashore, even as In the sea-mouse there is a resem* blance tothe.Uttlebrown earth-mouse. There is, too, no Imaginary likeness in* the blenny to; the butterfly, though the blennlus, that strange half-sea and

- hittlfiand fish, with Its muddy colors, is a blurred outline of the graceful butterfly. In the eel Is the prototype Of the shake,-and in the hippocampus, or sea-horse with its tall and Ivead, is the idearof the noise, , .

Blackburn's B ^ e f # Sfcaprt L o c a t e d a i ''''.'-. •


the right battery for your car^ ^>ur Seryke includes skillful repair w r k on every make of battery. You can rely on reasonable advice and reasonable pricesTnfereV We look ibrwari* to a

i call itam you. -


Old Childhood Favorite . by No Means Mythical

Quite man* of us think of "Mother Goose** as a mythical'person, but she Was real* Over two and ~a half Centu­ries ago she lived with heir son-ln-lnw, John Fleet, a Boston ^printer. TMg shows' the tombstone that marks her grave In the" old Granary burying ground In Boston. She composed the little rhymes wn,d ilngles that we all Dcift teget

km& m carload V- crimped

m& hm& on jdoTxagated


Surlaeed,RuoBer Booffeg,



M o t h e r ' G r t t t t P G r a v e .

:l9^ed^^!to^^^#6^l(>•ft<it.' ahatiSe her nilflal^fisc HdWev^r, w* h a w 4o thank ' tbibii M e e t : ^ tires*for;:it. Wairh$IWbo:rec<)gnized j ibeir tru.ie\worth" antl p^jited- tbsm in ! bd'ok-'';fOKJhv"\$lv:i%...jfii^it -to their author* Mothe* Goose*; t h i Wilting pa l ^ ¥ ^ ^ s W f i 6 ^ a l ^ ^ . ^ l h y w ^ t ^ ' w r e ^

r i i ^ _ ^ * ^ ? : : ' O f \ j i f t t ^ 0o?(jse>. .wtf* to'; | tsiiacr Soose, ageft 4£ years* deceased

October t b e M & K 1690, M¥$ 1&& also Susana* <P?60se the 3rd,' *tg*5d IS montlts* 4iesi Atigu^t thS ^ithi 1 6 ^ * ^ -Mt^ ih^^agaMi ie^ , . - . ^ ' : .•••.•.'._;

iy ,£\§&apbpQh>: ;'l

frisfitoff in the.<*oftrttoom^ "that'tfiiey %avfe '* r^orflt of &U the di*0Pc6vCa^s that «otnrto-tr ialr^eM'* •'•>.'•'• • •JH^s ¥&&•••&& ' &ei'V-coxhi>a^on "•Sbheyiio Mitti

• • ' . . , ' ' ; "'-" ';„\;'. , / - ; ^ ' , ' ' >•»' '•'•? •--:.",

North Creek, New York

^o^ j i . r f*^ i > * '

'•'^*S^'n ' - • S ^ r S - . . ' , ' , ' ^ '

,^^Z^-0:i aie^ ^•4iL2S^aL3ii £&••• ; > ^ £ £ £ > .

m^mm-mmx mmmmw.mm. tmumBBkT m®^> %® %m$-

- ii • •

y a '" 'TMri hi a f f i a ^ ^ a g g g g r ^ ^ ^ g a ^ ^ ^ w ^ ^ ^ ^^^^ssff^Sie^js^z^^ 2&2*gfcr - i .«aKA«si£ j.SJ^'^is^tstSaim.Ji^ffi^CSltTSas^'iW

Night a n d Morning tc^ keep them Clean, Cleat and Healthy

Write for F ree*%e Care"-or *^Bye Beai*^"; Book

H«riae C*.BejtH. S.,9%. Ohio S t , CHugo


-SSyan- Fk-mley

John Daaue Fhiajley, Long Lake, N-•»Y., aftfi Mies Winifred Elizabeth Eyati, Msl'one, N»- Y., were married June:% I^lS, at S t Henry's church, by Rev, Fatber Beticher,

They were a«tten<ied- by ' Miss Isabel! Lafeeyaa-a Harold•F1mnlty,,brititer of th§ .groom'.'

The bride, was-becomingty gowned in p. u-ire blue crepe, and carried flowers. i ,ie- bti-Jfg.rcotn wa« in Ka-val "uniform. 1 a-.er, a rect^tum Was held at the home •o: the bridegr«><au*s sister, Mrs. OUve, Kellogg. The house was' prettily dec-•otated by Mrs. 'Winifred' Merwin* the li^iag-roym bahig dsae in pmk aud white sad the dining-room i|i blue and white. Music was furnished for dancing by Miss Mary LeBlsne and Joseph LeBiahe*

-Delieious rtfresls.ir,ents of fruit, salad, saridwiehes, ice Cream and cake were served. - _

. The wedding take, c t by Mrs. Mer-win was an interesting feature. They Were the recipients .pi a large number •of beautiful mxi as jfnl gifts.

The biMegrcooa recently returned* J rom the West Indies for tihe-cer'emoay and, leaves for the Naval Air Stations

Hampton Beads, Va..,, Mrs. PJumley expects to follow in the fall

The youag coaple have the best wish« es ai a lacge <ai*e!e of friends^

Church and" Society John S„ feeli'ari^


Rev. J* F , McMal.Qn, fat-U-r Sunday M;a*a " 'VS.:30 'A/Ml

M. E. CHURCH. Rev, G. C. Cta-nell,. Paster

Services »• 10:30 A. M. Sermon. 11:45 A. M.. San&i* CehooL

M. s, cunaca mrsm. Werth River . •

s BAPTIST CHURCH. Eev. W. I. Burfee, Ministeri

Services Morning "Worsbip 10;S0 . Sundfey School 11:45-Evening ^orsb ip I'M Thw&er Service Wed. T:S0: P,M


BAPTIST Cl iURCa Horth Rivei,

J , T . Legan, Pastor,


10:30 Morning Worship

U ; 86 Bible School

7': Eveiug Service „

t tJnien prayer service in the M, ; ebttrch Thursday evening at ?;30.


Jail Visitor--Yonrtemt's almost an, mj poor fellew, sind I Jmwv you'll be

%Ind to be -out end at borne again. *"* Prisoner—Not on yo.ur life I won't; I'm in for bigamy.


II. I. Braiey, Commander ivennetji Bennett, Vice Commander * William Durgan, Sargtni ^.t Arms. Howard Alexander, Post Adpitgiit,


Mrs. Wm Bur*©, Chairman Mrs, Claude Pereau, Yiee-Chairimm l\r». Harry Liddle, Sec'ty Mr*. Charles Brisbin, Treas*


ive Yourself


a bquare Deal

Ceriainly you want to,-wash your own clothes in your own home where you just know that everything Is safe arid

But washing by hand is-drudgery.' • • ..

Be fair to yo4itself—there" is but one right way. to dispose of this problem. This satisfactory solution is now within the'reach of any woman who will take

t© investigate. .. ..

1., „; %me well spent—Money properly invested, - . .

Bntmst fft,ar„clotfe,es—all of "them—to the-protective care of


. Job-n I, R-bbards, a life long resident -of' Jobusbwgj died oa June-i9.th.s;t tbo-Masosicbospifca! at Utica aftej?^.^e^e" rai months IKiiess. • '•• ' _ t h e desea^ed. was born at ^Gbnsborg,

in- Jsaeary 1?43, %®A, was- fast S3" years mjoj inore ol age, a son oi Efea rd and Bieeta p $ | ^ o n a - g a f r o m t h e - l o c a l Efcbar<fe, -.. , .v" r •,. '. _ , * ;, .* .

Be ide Ms wile,.fc,Am.a«da &io&- people, give m&& thenwita-•ar#, he : VMr^^ ' ^ : , ] )nAcr tion wMch modern people de

i)esease§\vas ta&ea to t|® Masonic n i a n d , ^ l l d m a k e t h e f e t e e l h e s p i t a i t b e ^ preceedfeg^N. tetee. ^ ^ ^ p f t e ) t i a g e fe ^ e ^ . Services andbnnal was inade a t l^fctea, ^*""v ?**^>*± i/**v».y**w.g,v w v i ^ * *

in tbe Htztmis mmstm? ' ed at yotit place of business. ; I'hfe peo|!e of to-iay buy where they are tottei, Get in touch with them through' t^ie columns of—

lr$®& H.. Peterson

In Saecigd and Irene Nordstrom %ry-§iMdealy at

loving meniory of Petusoil wbo died lief home, a t ' W^st

Sbnbert Avenue, Chieago, I II , on Jnne

A former pupi! 'of the CatberiQa!; school In Hex? York c % , Slasaes will be oSered fox %e happy repose of bee sonl. Bartel v?fis in ^t , Joseph's, cetn etary, Chfeagb, I'll, on Jithe 18th.

Her mother and sister, Mrs. A. Peterson and Mrs. C. Hefie^an.

u t*

Riverside-JLoqii Lake Road opened to trafiic

Tee motetists who bats been avoid­ing the co'nstarucbion and one way traffic on the roadsoath of Biversldej Will, be pleased to know that it is now complet­ed and is opetk to the- traffic, - JMsis j theJks t r ^ a i <ti this new type

reinforced concrete to^be built in War­ren county north of Lake George, and is a trial road to see if this type will stand the frost action in this part of-tlje country. This tyjie road costs' about $60,000 per mile to build

Rwfl-away Auto

Rejoicing Welcomes baby at Braieys

-Grandfather audi Grandmother, Mr. aiid Mr&. ASfredB- Braleyi a>re i'eJ°ic'* iag over the arrival of a littl^ grandson bor« to Mr, and Mrs. Downing Braley, on Monday, June gSnd'at tb^it home in tliis place. They have named him Downing Junior, and he and jnotJija: are doing nicely, '*

The little chap weighs aix and one half pounds, and he and his mother are being cared for by* i\£rs, William Alex­ander

Old Resident Doing the Town

A Chevrolet roadster belonging to Town Clerk, Ernest Noxoh of Wevef-town,, was slightly damaged Tuesday, v?hen,afive passenger car driven by Jack Daly, a traveing saksnian, bit the -Chevrolet,- twisting the bumper, and licenses plate. Mi*. Daly had' left his car in front of H, V. Kenyon's Storve, when the brakes released, letting the car proceed down th,e; street until! i t hit the Chevrolet which was parked in front of Brailey SHoXon*s StorBj. on the oppiste side of tihe s t r e e t Mr. Daly car was undamaged.

Sidney M. Duilop of R,P,D. 1, Htuk son-Falls, an old resident of this place past 84 years, is in town to spend the . Independence celebrations on the 4th, Mr..Dunlop enjoys very good health, due he guys, to good hard work -which he acquires in a diary stable

I Straight's House Burns.

•A dwelling house owned by* Bert Straight, #>n the Bakers Mills road,

; was totally desroyed by fire, Thursday night. The cause of the blase has not

' been accertained. •



lis- three large .air pressors wA. suction-caps will wash-clothes gently, will wash ". them qole&iy, w i l wash themcleam* Washer-womea welcome the • *EiSlfw

it-is so staple to operate=^sa¥isg their 'time mi strength for other household tasks-yo^.-^ay wish, Uiem to perform, .

.It will lie -w©rth your Huge I© -^sk as- to denioastr-ate these FACTS to yow •

Easy terns • + ' For pale fey ••

gf^aSTwWettt N«T»«papet Union.)


. . '"-* -' - ' *"J

l fefc,,. H.V.

Horizontal. . -Bttilcal character who Bold ills

T)Ixtiijfight. . 4M-3?dln$ of cojnpags

H-^-Sttnuljade for wlnfio*r lfc~J3i<iu&% • .-•••<• 14—Wise

-%$-r4&nmic -gentiiy ' • *•' J;jM-*itijat. is iaoyr,:/ 5ti~-jftg pen 23i*~Be0&.3- 2S-*-;K3na of tree ^g-r-6reek -letter ES-^-gssatl mound 40—f'ait M te &e S-i-^-Loss* itarro-w inlet

, .S2-^B**ser'VSee man. ,

i^-^Kina, tfi buiitingr doar ,3f—Note of scal'e , 8$—^Ina0)a»i(te a« lo i* M—Jtfeers a t .- - • •*S-^Aslatl0 country,' . '4&*~Jj?0 t*ei froiH: Sd-Mt|fe tip. •• fj|-HAacient. gSS —j1© tnasect .gecr^tl^ $5r--A;fCl0*». ftttteloji*. _ _ S^—Pitta fcotCce- - $T^-Ms*a6V 5#—Half 4 * «>nfc - 4WJLtMty

. - f i--*)Pi*efe '-wtnth xk>m# Is coisedy

VertSc*!. 1— To make a mistake 2—Thus 3—Shoemaker's 4—•'North American ^ndian f>—female aheep 6—Conjunction 1—Notts of scale 8—High «xploBiv« 9—Ho3e supporter

Kope for leaamg- an animal



11 18 11 22

-Makes angry 12—Spat -Stake 15—Sim god -Fuel used in Ireland -l»onged for fir—Rodent

24—Native metal 26—To prevaTlcato 2.7-—Grass ruar $&—Night 84—Gratuity 38—Small ticket 35—Metal used to join-metallic sur­

faces 40—Printing measures 41—To knock 42—Fashions 43—JFleet of.armed ships 44—Same a s 31 horizontal 45—Increase 46—Narration by Virgil af Aeneas ' 47,—Colt 61—^licagtte of German states 58—Half an em ' &l—Jewel 62—'Receptacle for <joalr etc, , SS-rAJlo-w 64—Fiovsr away 65—Female deer ' «9—-Ins6C* $8—>Note„of ?cala ', i$—^Tou and me V

K^itfttd* /

-fjMiewr fat *«xjt ijgmik^v"- ,, Jsis-




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