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  • 7/28/2019 UYS - Vol 6 - June 2013 - Final


    Ugandas Young Stars :: Volume 6 :: June 2013

    A newsleter for

    Ugandas youh, by

    Ugandas youh

    How Has Ugandas YoUng stars impacted YoU, personallY?

    UgandasYoung Stars

    Godfrey Mukisa

    I have joined senior one and Ihave agreed to complete mystudies. I want to get adistinction 1 in every subject.

    To do this, I will make sure Iread my books and payattention in class when theteacher is teaching.

    Ugandas Young Stars has im-

    pacted me personally whereby I

    know that everyone has his or her

    thinking capacity towards any is-

    sue brought on the ground. There

    positive or negative.Through Ugandas Young Stars I

    have managed to change peoples

    thinking capacity. They now think

    wisely and maturely.

    To me, it helped me to be proud

    and believe in whatever I do. For

    example, discussing pregnancy

    with young girls and teaching

    them how to avoid pregnancy and

    the eects o pregnancy.

    It has helped me to teach youth

    the negative eects o peer pre

    sure and now they have manag

    to stay away rom peer pressure

    and drugs and now they are in


    In Uganda today people do notshare. Whatever they get they

    keep to themselves saying, For

    God and My Stomach, not For

    God and My Country. This phra

    is common in church, at work an

    home. But I will work hard to st

    it and teach people to share wit


    Kansiime Monica :: S1, St. Theresa Girls Secondary school Nsenyi :: Kasese District

    do YoU Have anY new Years resolUtions for 2013?

    Nakamanya Ulilah :: Age 20 :: Busuubizi Core Primary Teachers College :: Mityana District

    The rst year o training tobecome a teacher is not very

    easy since you may ace somany challenges, but the bestway o overcoming them is byworking hard.

    I have already made my owndecision o passing well to be-come a teacher to share knowl-edge and ideas to the youth,

    and this can make me a bet-ter as well as disciplined and

    responsible teacher. I plan onkeeping these resolutions by: Maintaining the role model

    given by God, sharing ideas,skills, attitudes and valueswith others so that I keepmy decisions.

    Being sel respective andthe rest o people with in

    and outside Uganda.

    To help the needy o theworld.

    Through the above-recom-mended views I can be brighand whole o the country consequently the world.

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    Ugandas Young Stars :: Volume 4 :: Page 2Ugandas Young Stars :: Volume 6 :: Page 2

    do YoU tHink tHat YoUre a sHooting star?

    Sometimes when I look at mysel, I

    think I am a shooting star because

    I was once in a dilemma where

    I was broken heartedly crying

    inside my bedroom. I was thinking

    o how he could do that to me. I

    started singing slowly as a joke

    about what had happened to me.

    At the end o the situation I had

    already got three songs which

    include When you think, I you

    nd, and Come together.

    Right now I have got a th song

    which is Am sorry and Should I.

    Not only that, but I have another

    thing that makes me eel I am a

    star. Since my childhood, I loved

    acting and I was inspired by a

    Nigerian actress, Omotola Jelade

    Ikeinde. And later I got inspired

    more by the Hollywood star An-

    gelina Jolie. I have since yearned

    to be like her. I love acting, I eel it,

    I move with it, and I know it runs

    through my blood streams.

    I once acted in a Music Dance and

    Drama estival and was given a

    certicate as the best actress. I

    was happy because I had started

    moving orward towards achiev-

    ing my goal. I was happy because

    at least hal o the population at

    school got inspired by me. I have

    since advised ellow youths like

    the students in our club to write,

    giving them an example o my

    thrilling, interesting, six movies

    wrote mysel.

    I have inspired them to act with

    all their hearts and at least I kno

    most o them would also love to

    join the movie industry. In othe

    words, I would love to see my

    dreams come true, but because

    I dont have support rom home

    nancial support and courage, i

    becomes hard to make it come


    What I want to advise parents is

    give their children support even

    i it needs sacricing most o the

    things because a talent is given

    by God and not orced by any-

    one. Parents think that by joinin

    the Music Industry or the Movie

    Industry, one is going to change

    completely. They think i you act

    loving someone, its true. But

    Namuyomba Sharipha Shaphick :: Age 17 :: Bwebajja Entebbe Village ::Busuubizi Core Teachers Training College :: Mityana District

    Shooting Star: A small piece o

    rock in space that travels very ast

    and burns with a bright light as it

    enters the earths atmosphere.

    Yes, I am a shooting star. I am a

    speaker at my college (YMCA) and

    I am trying to promote peace and

    peoples reedom all around. Some

    people (students) have complaints

    about the way they are being

    taught and even complaints about

    time and unds. As or me, as a

    counselor, I am able to speak out

    about everything and all com-

    plaints rom the students and be

    their voice.

    I am ghting or peace, unity, and

    reedom in the college because it

    is not air to live in a society where

    there is no reedom. Students

    come to college to have good

    times and learn more. No one

    should be a slave and everyone

    has the right to be ree in my co

    lege. My ght or peace, unity, a

    reedom does not stop in my co

    lege, but is also there in my com

    munity and Uganda, as a whole.

    Godfrey Mukisa

    Shooting StarsUgandas Ugandas Shooting Stars dont just talk the talk, they walkthe walk. These youth are actively working to promote change

    in their villages, schools, and country

    continued on pg. 5

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    Ugandas Young Stars :: Volume 6 :: Page 3

    There is no imagination ever

    since I got interest in this eld

    that made me to sway hither and

    thither. Being a star on my sidemakes me eel comort in

    an environment because I

    normally observe the weird

    activities done by most

    youth. Nevertheless, I make

    other options incomplete

    and stabilize on my goal

    there isnt any chance that

    I lose control but all being

    ready to ace any challenge

    that approaches my uture.All the youth can be stars but ew

    choose to be. And also strength

    separates them.

    Briey, my action is dierent rom

    the rest since I have halted to

    those ideas o being humiliated

    and disrespected. Through that

    previous longing, I desire to be

    the most known international

    writer in Uganda. I am originally a

    teenager who is only ocused on

    the uture goals. There is no belie

    that I cannot become the con-

    sultant because when the tough

    gets going, the going gets tough.

    Little did the dwellers know, or it

    is the plan I realized in uture. The

    most interesting joke needed in

    lie is your goal. This is the high

    time I understood that I havepride to assure Uganda as

    its representative in terms

    o literature; basically, being

    an author. This makes me to

    serve as an example and be

    the best role model in my


    Paradoxically, it is sharp and

    sweet because dreams are

    real perections. I can hur-riedly inspire the coming genera-

    tion through building a library

    and a building publisher or all

    authors in Uganda to develop

    their talents to improve the lie


    Kirabo Doreen :: Age 18 :: Busuubizi Core PTC :: Busuubizi Village :: Mityana District

    do YoU tHink tHat YoUre a sHooting star?

    Hassan Mocheche :: 23 years :: Rakai Community School of Nursing ::Rakai District

    A lion is an animal that enjoys thelions share o the animals king-

    dom. Policemen are good people

    trained to look or and arrest

    criminals. A shooting star can

    be someone brave enough

    who has mastered up and

    put into action his or her God

    given abilities and has suc-

    ceeded in attaining a positive

    goal in lie, making him or her

    success itsel.

    Born 23 years ago in a small

    town o Nyanza Province,

    Kisii, Kenya, today I live to stand

    a head taller than most people,

    stable in physique and in mind.

    My name is Hassan Mocheche

    and I am a nursing student at

    Rakai Community School o Nurs-ing. What I can say is that being a

    nurse, or rather a medical person-

    nel, means that one has been

    chosen by God to serve humanity

    in the orm o nursing care and

    treatment to patients. It is or this

    reason that I was compelled to

    deputize or change, here is mystory.

    I still remember the day; it was a

    morning on the 26th o

    July, 2012. This morning

    was eventul. I was on

    duty that day at Rakai

    District Hospital, where I

    had been placed or my

    clinical experience. On

    the ward where I was,

    we had a male patientwho by then had been

    hospitalized or our

    days with a diagnosis

    o acute diarrhea due to severe

    typhoid ever and malaria. It is

    not his sickness that puzzled me,

    but the pitiul reality that he had

    no one at all, no amily member

  • 7/28/2019 UYS - Vol 6 - June 2013 - Final


    Ugandas Young Stars :: Volume 6 :: Page 4

    or riend, to attend to him. To say

    he was in a miserable state, hav-

    ing nothing to eat, stinking as he

    had diarrhea, and no clothes to

    change. This was not the only case,

    but just one o the many. I had a


    At the hospitals, one o the chal-lenges that has always presented

    and never been attended by the

    government is an issue to do with

    unattended patients, those with-

    out attendants. Given that hospi-

    tals only provide curative services,

    these patients always depend on

    goodwill o other patients or atten-

    dants or support, ood, and other

    basic necessities, which in most

    instances is not sufcient.So back in college I sat with a

    group o nine students and pre-

    sented them with this issue. Ater

    a lengthy discussion we decided

    to come up with a club to address

    such issues, which gave rise to



    abbreviated as P.E.A.C.E. Club. Our

    main objective being to address

    social problems in the community,

    as well as empower the youth to

    take up roles in society and help

    youth develop and discover theirtalents. So we began raising unds

    within the college and to my

    disbelie, the students responded

    positively and gave us nancial aid

    which we set up a bank account

    or, or credibility. With the money,

    we bought ood stus and basic

    commodities which we donate

    to patients whenever we visit the


    Other activities we perorm rangerom cleaning the hospital and its

    environment, oering bed baths to

    very ill patients, and cleaning Rakai

    Town. The club has also ventured

    into promoting talent through

    hosting talent shows in the college

    and article writing. Despite the

    innite challenges we are acing

    like nancial constraint, I can sa

    we are perorming, with close to

    100 acting members o the club

    Dedicated the club is; we are on

    track and we are delivering som

    thing exceedingly signicant tothe community.

    My advice to my ellow young st

    out there is that we, as youth, ar

    the voice to the community, we

    are an example o a group that

    can empower and be inuen-

    tial in making ourselves and the

    generation to come a brighter

    uture which is promising. Just

    look around you keenly; there

    is something that you can do tobring change. You dont necessa

    have to do things others can do

    will do. I there are things other

    cannot do or will not do, waste

    time, do not hesitate, go or the

    Winning essays on pg. 5

    international womens daY 2013

    For International Womens Day

    2013, Peace Corps VolunteersChelsea Milko and Betty Lambert

    coordinated an essay writing

    competition with two Arua-area

    schools. The aim o the project was

    to help P6-S2 Ugandan youth de-

    velop their personal philosophies

    related to the challenges acing

    women and girls in Uganda today

    while at the same time building

    their writing and oratory skills.

    With the help o Guma Simon and

    Atiku Alexander o Radio Pacis inArua, West Nile, Chelsea and Betty

    visited Mvara Secondary and Jiako

    Primary schools to kick o the proj-

    ect, spark a healthy discussion, and

    provide essay writing tips. Each

    participating writer received a blue

    book and pencil and were encour-

    aged to keep writing well beyond

    the end o the competition. Out o

    112 submissions, 5 were selected

    as winners and invited to read t

    essays live on-air during RadioPacis Pacis Youth program on

    March 9th. In the beleaguered

    gion o West Nile, it was reresh

    to see school-age youth expres

    themselves in writing, challeng

    long-standing gender norms, a

    enlighten 4 million Radio Pacis

    listeners in the process.

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    Ugandas Young Stars :: Volume 6 :: Page 5

    Namuyomba Sharipha Shaphick, continued from pg. 2

    Letaru Fortunate Patricia :: P7, Jiako Primary School :: Arua

    I believe that violence in the home

    is wrong because...

    I remember when I was ve years

    old. We lived with our parents on

    Entebbe Road in Kampala. My par-

    ents had a good relationship. They

    mostly shared good ideas and

    un. They used to go church every

    Sunday. My parents would listen to

    each other. So, lie was great.

    Two years later, my mother told

    my ather to take us to a good

    boarding school. Then later myather decided to take us to

    Kampala Parents Academy in day

    section. So lie was interesting.

    So seven years later my ather

    changed his mood. He joined a

    wrong group. Every night they

    would go and break into peoples

    shops. He would come back when

    he was drunk. So my

    parents couldnt keep his dignity.

    He would come late in the eveningand start beating my mother or

    no good reason. What my mother

    did was to pack her belongings

    and leave.

    With above experiences, I

    believe that violence in the home

    is wrong. Thank you.

    Oleru Gloria :: P6, Jiako Primary School :: AruaI believe that violence in the home

    is wrong because....

    It may cause death at home, lack

    o love among the parents and

    lack o respect. Due to violence,

    children will be unable to read

    at home daily. Violence can even

    bring about disease at home e.g.

    AIDS and syphilis. I there is no

    respect between woman and man,

    you will be unable to educate your

    children which can result in not

    getting employment. The home

    will be noisy and disorderly. Due to

    violence in the home, parents may

    be unable to give some things like

    books, pens, uniorms, sets and

    school bags to their children.

    With the above reasons, I believe

    violence in the home is wrong.

    Thank you.

    please parents, we need your support, make our

    dreams come true.

    I wrote my movies according to the situations that

    either happened to me or happened in the world. I

    love reading novels and writing movies. My movies









    I will conclude by encouraging youths to promote

    their talent and i possible, I will go round the world

    telling youths to promote their talents because a

    talent can make you move round the world. I there-

    ore think I am a shooting star.


    international womens daY 2013 winning essaYs

    Onziku Patrick :: S2, Mvara Secondary :: Arua

    I believe both women and men

    should have equal access to edu-

    cation because...

    Once upon a time, there was a girl

    who was in a home where there

    was no chance to go to school.

    Hence, she remained illiterate. As

    she was growing, she was growing

    carelessly because o a lack o edu-

    cation. And there were no people

    to advise her. She didnt know

    what was happening to her.

    So, reaching the age o eighteen

    to nineteen there, she deceived by

    somebody that she was mature to

    marry. So, because o ignorance,

    she became aware o marriage.

    Fortunately, as she was trying to

    look or a boyriend, she got an

    educated man who thought she

    was also educated. Later, she was

    married to that educated man.

    continued on next page

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    Ugandas Young Stars :: Volume 6 :: Page 6

    Shooting StarsUgandas

    But later, this man came to realize

    that the girl was ignorant. But he

    reused to air it out up to where

    the couple had two children. Later

    on this man was a drunkard and

    began to abuse this girl using vul-

    gar language and other words that

    brought heart pain to this girl.

    When the girl came to

    realize that the man was

    mistreating her, she let

    the man and went back

    to her ather. Whereby,she asked her ather i

    she could join Primary

    One. Her ather accept-

    ed and took her to an

    institution where she

    became a teacher. She

    married a new husband

    who was a doctor. As she got a job

    and became sel-employed, she

    became a key person in the home

    where there used to be no chanceor education. Because o her hard

    work, the girls home became

    quite unique rom others because

    they believed in education or all.

    My belie is there is a need or

    women to be educated and it is

    right or them to learn. I believe

    that can be supported with great

    hope because we all experienced

    the development done by women.

    For example, women are involved

    in politics. We should encourage

    their emancipation.

    The ollowing are the reasons that

    explain my appreciation with great

    hope or women and men to have

    equal access to education.

    To reduce the high rate

    o illiteracy through promoting

    womens education and encourag-

    ing education or orphans.

    To reduce the rate o hig

    population because an educate

    woman knows how to space

    children and limit amily size. An

    they can look ater their children


    For good community

    development, women help by

    building cooperation

    and helping to ght

    corruption, like wom

    member o Parliamen

    or Arua District, Chritine Abia.

    Womens involv

    ment in the politics

    gives rise to better

    support o girl child

    education and helpin

    the orphans. Women are good in

    planning or developing and or

    the uture.

    There is no reedom or unedu-

    cated people. To participate in t

    world o today, emales must be

    educated. Thank you.

    Ajio Agnes :: S3, Mvara Secondary :: Arua

    I believe that both men and

    women should have equal access

    to education because it promotesgender balance whereby both

    men and women are able to share

    their responsibilities, promote

    development on both sides and

    reduce primitivism through exer-

    cising human rights.

    However, there is a very high rate

    o illiteracy. So, in our amilies and

    communities there is unbalancedaccess to education as a result.

    This emanates into neglect o am-

    ily responsibilities by some people.

    Never to hide the act, I eel daze

    to mention that girls in our amily

    are not given equal opportunities

    to access education as the boys

    am very privileged to say that o

    o 9 children in my amily, I am tonly one who has been educate

    up to secondary level. This is du

    to the support rom my guardia

    who picked me when I was you

    Many times some parents igno-

    rantly think that they cant lead

    continued on next pag

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    Ugandas Young Stars :: Volume 6 :: Page 7

    Danielford Asega :: S3, Mvara Secondary :: Arua

    anyone urther in school than they

    have gone themselves. They use

    their ignorance to deend them-

    selves without noticing that suc-

    cess in lie depends on how you

    handle your ailures.

    When one woman is educated,the whole world is educated. This

    is true and I believe my being the

    only educated girl will educate my

    entire amily, no matter the chal-

    lenges that come my way. They are

    a part o lie and God will be my

    helper. I will overcome them.

    I believe that the roots o educa-

    tion are so bitter but the ruits are

    so sweet. No matter how ar I amrom my house, I will keep going

    until I get home. Going slowly

    doesnt stop one rom arriving, as

    long as he or she doesnt stop.

    With courage, I believe I will

    achieve success. Despise not a

    snail or its slow and struggling

    movement or it has a destination

    and with time, it shall arrive. My

    past will never dictate my uture.

    Everybody has a right to education

    and gender balance. But suddenly

    the number o boys in school

    exceeds the number o girls. This

    is because girls are being harassed

    and exploited and orced into

    early marriage by their parents.

    This is so they can get rich rom

    the dowry but the riches do not

    last orever.

    I eel concerned and sad when I

    see school age girls being sexu-

    ally harassed. Personally, I wish to

    challenge those things and show

    people that girls and boys should

    be treated equally. The way a cat

    walks is not the way it catches a

    rat. One only realizes the impor-

    tance o a well when it is dried up.

    With all these things, I believe in

    the uture I will be a responsible

    person and able to bring a posi-

    tive change in my amily as ar as

    access to education is concerned.

    A hunter with one arrow doesnt

    shoot with a careless aim. That is

    my dream.

    Thereore, equal access to educa-

    tion leads to gender balance.Thank you.

    I believe that both men and

    women should have equal access

    to education because....

    Most women have been denied

    their due respect they wouldotherwise command by virtue o

    their position in the amily. They

    tend to be suppressed and unable

    to inuence any decision in the

    home, even when it may concern

    their own children.

    Sometimes women are

    unjustiably divorced rom their

    intolerable husbands. She then

    loses the companionship o her

    children and suers public humili-

    ation since there is no money.

    The modern society which is

    dominated by men has oten

    considered women as mere beings

    designed to satisy mens sexual

    desires anywhere and anytime.

    This blindolds men to the truth

    that there are countless women

    who can accomplish things other

    than sex. Women only need to beproperly educated.

    Many women silently battle the

    unairness o being regularly

    beaten by their husbands or even

    their male relatives since they have

    no power to live on their own.

    Society has tended to leave it as a

    mans right to beat or rape his wie

    anytime he eels it is necessary as

    a way o disciplining her. While au-

    thorities have watched this go on,

    many women have died because

    o domestic violence.

    I believe that without education,

    the illiteracy and ignorance that

    women eventually suer makes

    them voiceless and unable to bet-

    ter their lives. Women have oten

    been discriminated against and

    have limited employment

    opportunities because o their lowor poor qualications. As such,

    they are denied the chance to

    aspire or better paying jobs. They

    are taken as physically week and

    unhealthy during pregnancy.

    I also believe that women who

    never went to school are normally

    orced by their husbands to vote

    or the husbands choice o politi-

    cal candidate and not their own


    This lack o education or woman

    has a catastrophic eect on

    Ugandan society.

  • 7/28/2019 UYS - Vol 6 - June 2013 - Final


    Es s a y s u b m i s s i o n G u i d E l i n E s

    Essay questions are optional. Please try to keep submissions for each question

    under 400 words. Entries submitted as personal testimony must be factual.

    Write your name, age, school (if applicable), village and district on the paper.

    Ugandas Young Stars :: June 2013

    Volume 6

    Page 8

    Published by United States Peace Corps Volunteers

    AboutugAndAs YoungstArs

    Ugandas Young Stars was frst published

    by American Peace Corps Volunteers in

    February 2012. The newsletter is written

    or youth, by youth and is designed

    to be an open orum where Ugandan

    kids can express their ideas, opinions,

    and experiences regarding gender and

    youth-related issues. Youth write and

    submit essays which are compiled by

    Peace Corps Volunteers, used as articles

    in the publication, and then distributed in

    nE x t i s s u E s th E m E :

    s s, B ch

    Did you celebrate World Malaria Day on April

    25th? Describe what youdid to promote Malaria

    prevention in your community.

    How do you eel about gender equality? In what

    ways do you promote gender equality in your school

    or community?

    Domestic violence is considered a huge problem

    across Uganda. How has it afected you personally?

    What do you think youth can do to help

    stop domestic violence?

    Do you think that youre a Shooting Star? Tell

    us about who you areand how youre actively

    working to promote change in your village, school,

    community, or Uganda as a whole.



