uuganjargal 5th grade

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Post on 14-Jun-2015




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  • 1. 85 thschool English tacher N. Uuganjargal 5 thgradeUnit:12 Work Lesson:1 City life

2. There is/are + preposition Topic:there is/are+ preposition Aim: to use prepositions: between,in,behind, In front of, next to 3. New words:street 4. Traffic lights 5. A post office 6. A bus 7. A hospital 8. A shop 9. A taxi, car 10. A cinema 11. A Hotel 12. A restaurant 13. Find the word that is different 1. house,street,ger,flat 2. post office,bank,bus, cinema 3. London, Tokyo, Ulaanbaatar,city 4. taxi, bus,traffic lights,car 5. big,short, bank, new 14. Read the text and answer-Which paragraph is about the traffic? - Which paragraph is about the city? (student's book page 95 ex:3a 1-2)