utilizing google form as a medium for multiple … · practicality and reliability of lla, google...


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Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Juan Kolemar Cahya

Student Number: 131214144








Page 2: UTILIZING GOOGLE FORM AS A MEDIUM FOR MULTIPLE … · practicality and reliability of LLA, Google Form was a good medium for multiple-choice English language testing. It provided





Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Juan Kolemar Cahya

Student Number: 131214144








Page 3: UTILIZING GOOGLE FORM AS A MEDIUM FOR MULTIPLE … · practicality and reliability of LLA, Google Form was a good medium for multiple-choice English language testing. It provided


A Sarjana Pendidikan Thesis on




Juan Kolemar Cahya

Student Number: 131214144

Approved by



Laurentia Sumarni, S.Pd., M.Trans.St. 14 June 2017


Page 4: UTILIZING GOOGLE FORM AS A MEDIUM FOR MULTIPLE … · practicality and reliability of LLA, Google Form was a good medium for multiple-choice English language testing. It provided






Student Number: 131214144

Defended before the Board of Examiners

on 12 July 2017

and Declared Acceptable

Board of Examiners

Chairperson : Yohana Veniranda, M.Hum., M.A., Ph.D. ____________

Secretary : Christina Lhaksmita Anandari, S.Pd., Ed.M. ____________

Member : Laurentia Sumarni, S.Pd., M.Trans.St. ____________

Member : Gregorius Punto Aji, S.Pd., M.Hum. ____________

Member : Christina Lhaksmita Anandari, S.Pd., Ed.M. ____________

Yogyakarta, 12 July 2017

Faculty of Teachers Training and Education

Sanata Dharma University


Rohandi, Ph.D.


Page 5: UTILIZING GOOGLE FORM AS A MEDIUM FOR MULTIPLE … · practicality and reliability of LLA, Google Form was a good medium for multiple-choice English language testing. It provided


Dedicated to

Mama and Bapak, and for all of the people who have helped me in

writing this thesis.


Page 6: UTILIZING GOOGLE FORM AS A MEDIUM FOR MULTIPLE … · practicality and reliability of LLA, Google Form was a good medium for multiple-choice English language testing. It provided



I honestly declare that this thesis, which I have written, does not contain the work

or parts of the work of other people, except those cited in the quotations and the

references, as a scientific paper should.

Yogyakarta, 12 July 2017

The Writer

Juan Kolemar Cahya

Student number: 131214144


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Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, saya mahasiswa Universitas Sanata Dharma:

Nama : Juan Kolemar Cahya

Nomor Mahasiswa : 131214144

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tanpa perlu meminta ijin dari saya maupun memberikan royalti kepada saya

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Demikian pernyataan ini yang saya buat dengan sebenarnya.

Dibuat di Yogyakarta

Pada tanggal: 14 Juni 2017

Yang menyatakan,

Juan Kolemar Cahya


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Cahya, Juan Kolemar. 2017. Utilizing Google Form as a Medium for Multiple-

Choice English Language Testing. Yogyakarta: Sanata Dharma University.

This research aimed to get a deeper understanding of utilizing Google

Form as a medium for multiple choice English language testing and how students

respond to its implementation.

The researcher formulated two research questions namely, 1) how is

Google Form used for multiple-choice English language testing? and 2) how are

students responses on the use of Google Form as medium for multiple-choice

English language testing?

This research employed qualitative research and survey research in order

to answer the two research questions. The setting of the research was in the X

TKA 2 class of SMK N 1 Cangkringan, Sleman. The subjects of this research

were the students, an English language teacher, an Information Technology (IT)

expert, and an education expert. The instruments to gather data were orderly

checklists, unstructured interview, test, questionnaires, and audio recorded


The result of this study showed that Google Form could be utilized as a

medium for multiple-choice English language testing. Google Form could adapted

some elements of multiple-choice English test. Moreover, in the terms of

practicality and reliability of LLA, Google Form was a good medium for

multiple-choice English language testing. It provided auto data gathering and auto

data management system which assisted teachers in grading and collecting the

result of the test. Furthermore, it gave students experiences before having the

Ujian Nasional Berbasis Komputer (UNBK) or the National Computer Based


Keywords: Google Form, multiple-choice test, students’ responses


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Cahya, Juan Kolemar. 2017. Designing Multiple-Choice English Language

Testing Using Google Form. Yogyakarta: Sanata Dharma University.

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memeroleh pemahaman yang

mendalam tentang cara pemanfaatan dan keuntungan Google Form sebagai media

tes pilihan ganda Bahasa Inggris serta tanggapan siswa terhadap penerapan

Google Form dalam kelas mereka.

Peneliti merumuskan dua masalah dalam penelitian ini, yaitu: 1.

Bagaimana Google Form digunakan sebagai media tes pilihan ganda Bahasa

Inggris? dan 2. Bagaimanakah tanggpan siswa-siswi tentang penggunaan Google

Form sebagai media tes piihan ganda Bahasa Inggris.

Untuk menjawab dua rumusan masalah, metodologi penelitian kualitatif

dan metode penelitian survei diterapkan dalam penelitian ini. Adapun penelitian

ini dilakukan di kelas X TKA 2 SMK N 1 Cankringan, Sleman. Subyek dalam

penelitian ini adalah siswa-siswi kelas X TKA 2, salah seorang guru mata

pelajaran Bahasa Inggris, seorang ahli Teknologi dan Informasi, dan seorang ahli

pendidikan. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini secara berurutan

adalah wawancara yang tidak terstruktur, tes pilihan ganda, kuesioner, dan


Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Google Form dapat

digunakan sebagai media tes pilihan ganda Bahasa Inggris. Google Form berhasil

mengadaptasi elemen-elemen dalam test pilihan ganda Bahasa Inggris. Google

Form sebagai media tes pilihan ganda Bahasa Inggris juga berhasil diterapkan di

kelas X TKA 2. Lebih dari itu, dilihat dari sudut pandang Practicality dan

Reliability sebagai prinsip-prinsip dalam LLA, Google Form sangat efektif dalam

penggunaannya sebagai media untuk test pilihan ganda Bahasa Inggris. Google

Form memiliki kemampuan pengumpulan data dan manajemen data yang bekerja

secara otomatis. Hal ini sangat membantu guru dalam pemberian nilai dan analisis

hasil tes siswa. Lebih dari itu Google Form memberikan pengalaman kepasa siswa

sebelum mereka menghadapi Ujian Nasional Berbasis Komputer (UNBK).

Keywords: Google Form, multiple-choice test, students’ responses.


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Jesus helped me in His mystical and lovable way. With this in mind, I

present nothing but my deepest gratefulness. For Mother Mary, who is always

bothered by my mother who prays for me every single day, I thank Her for the


It is an honest pleasure to express my gratitude to my advisor, Ibu

Laurentia Sumarni, S.Pd., M.Trans.St. Her academic & spiritual advice were

priceless. Using a lot of metaphors, she encouraged me to have the determination

to finish my thesis. I might disturb her day in and day out by contacting her via

Whatsap but she replied and still gave me some suggestions. I would like to thank

her for that.

I would like to thank SMK N 1 Cangkringan, particularly all of the

students in X TKA 2 class, for participating in my research. Hopefully the

research can contribute to the learning process in SMK N 1 Cangkringan. I would

like to address my gratitude to all the Experts who were involved in this research.

I would like to express my love and gratitude to mama and bapak, Ibu

Suciati and Bapak Kuncahyo, for always giving me support far away from

Papua. Through the distance their prayer is strong enough to petition God to grant

me my wish to successfully finish my thesis. I also thank my sister, Gemma

Holyani Cahya, for always being critical to my thesis.

I would like to thank Brigitta Shinta Hapsari for always sitting with me

for hours and hours, day in to day out, to finish the thesis. I would also like to


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thank Fenni Karlin Rosari Tenau, Astri Wulandari, Fransiska Maria

Liza, Zefanya Ardantya, and Slavian Oktabri who were not always with me but

were there for me during the dark days of my struggle. I thank them for being

such a bitter-sweet family.

I also want to express my gratitude to all of the lecturers and all of the

administration staff of the English Language Education Study Program for their

assistance so that my thesis can be accomplished, especially Ms. Mega

Wulandari. Last but not least I want to thank everyone who always gives me

smile, love, laughter, and motivation to finish my thesis. For those people, I

express my gratitude.


Juan Kolemar Cahya


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TITLE PAGE …………………………………………………………… i

APPROVAL PAGES ………………………………………………........ ii



ABSTRACT …………………………………………………………….. vii

ABSTRAK ………………………………………………………………………. vii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS …………………………………………….. Ix

TABLE OF CONTENTS ……………………………………………….. xi

LIST OF TABLES ……………………………………………………… xiv

LIST OF FIGURES …………………………………………………….. xv

LIST OF APPENDICES ………………………………………………... xvi


A. Research Background ………………………………………….. 1

B. Research Questions ……………………………………………. 4

C. Research Significance …………………………………………. 4

D. Definition of Terms ……………………………………………. 5


A. Theoretical Description ………………………………………… 6

1. Computer Assisted Language Learning.……………......…..... 6

2. Educational Software Evaluation……………………...…..…. 7


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3. 21st Century learners’ characteristic………………………..…. 9

4. Multiple Choice Test………………………………………..…. 9

5. Practicality and Reliability (LLA)……………………….......... 10

B. Theoretical Framework……………………………………........... 12


A. Research Methodology……………………………………............... 14

1. Qualitative Research………………………………………….. 15

2. Survey Research………………………………………………. 16

B. Research Setting……………………………………………….…… 16

C. Research Subject………………………………………………........ 18

D. Instruments and Data Gathering………………………………….... 18

1. Unstructured Interview…………………………………….….. 19

2. Checklist………………………………………………............. 20

3. Test…………………………………………………………...... 21

4. Questionnaire………………………………………………….. 22

5. Interview………………………………………………………. 23

E. Data Analysis ………………………………………………………. 25


A. Research Results …………………………………………………. 26

1. Needs Analysis………………………………………………… 26

2. Production …………………………………………………….. 30

3. Survey ……………………………………………….………… 30

4. Experts’ Interview……………………………………………… 34


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B. Research Discussion ……………………………………...……… 38

1. Google Form: The way to utilize it and its correlations to



2. Students’ responses on the use of Google Form as medium for

multiple-choice English language testing……………....................



A. Conclusions ……………………………………………………… 47

B. Recommendations …………………………………………........... 50

REFERENCES ……………………………………………….………… 52

APPENDICES …………………………………………………………. 53


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Tables: Page

3.1. Students’ Internet Accessibility …………………………………. 19

3.2. Google Form’s capacity …………................................................ 21

3.3. Students’ Questionnaire …………………………………………. 23

4.1 Data of Students’ Internet Accessibility ……………..…………... 27

4.2 The capacity of Google Form to adapt

multiple choice test ……………………………………………...........


4.3 Students’ responses to the questionnaire ………………………… 31


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Figures: Page

4.1 Students’ response to the questionnaire…………….……………. 32


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APPENDIX A: Research Permission Latter ……………….. 54

APPENDIX B: The form of the multiple choice test ………. 55

APPENDIX C: Questionnaire ………………………………. 67

APPENDIX D: One of the students' interview transcript........ 68

APPENDIX E: Teacher's interview transcript ……………... 70

APPENDIX F: Technology expert's interview transcript …. 75

APPENDIX G: Education expert's interview transcript……. 78

APPENDIX H: Leaflet ……………………………………... 89

APPENDIX I: Manual book ………………………….....….. 91


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This chapter discusses general explanations of this research. This chapter

is divided into four subsections. The subsections are research background,

research problem, research significance, and definition of terms. Firstly, research

background provides the urgency of this research. Secondly, research questions

show the formulated questions based on the problems which are identified earlier.

Thirdly, research significance contains the positive contribution that can be

achieved from the research. And fourthly, definition of terms contains the

definition of some terms that are provided to avoid misinterpretation.

A. Research Background

Technology provides benefits for every aspect in human’s life. There are

some breakthroughs, i.e.: computer, smart phone, and Internet. Likewise, the

reality shows that smartphones and Internet become a very useful and meaningful

combination of technology in social life and economic aspects. Abdhulak and

Dermawan (2013) mention that the rising of Internet after 90s marked the

changing era from Industrial trend to Information trend (p. 31). This technology

development can also be applied in education. Nasution (2005) states that the

main focus of education development is to integrate the massive development of


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technology (p. 1). Education must not expire in this field of gold. Having said

that, education must effectively integrates the technology in its endeavor.

Prawiradilaga (2013) says that the big question for now is how to utilize the

technology in a positive, wise, and responsible way, especially in learning process

(p. 15). The technology development challenges teachers to integrate the

technology into learning process. Kusandi and Sutjipto (2011) mention that the

science and technology development require teachers to be able to use media that

are provided by schools in learning process and the media can be very new and

modern (p. 7).

It cannot be denied that the benefits provided by the computer and Internet

for education are tremendous. Prawiradilaga (2013) mentions that the capacity of

computer make it a very effective and efficient medium in learning process. Some

kinds of computer based learning appeared, i.e.: Computer Based Learning,

Online Learning, E-learning, distance learning, etc. (p. 17). Technology enables

teachers and students to meet and interact not just in the class but also from the

screen of computers or smartphones. Triwidayati (2014) mentions that an online

learning/e-learning needs interactive communication between students and

teachers by using the information and communication technology (p. 21).

Through educational applications and websites, teachers can provide some new

experiences of learning for students. As cited by Newby, Stepich, Lehman,

Russell, and Leftwitch (2011), “Learning experiences can be enhanced in a

number of ways trough the communication applications of the Internet.” (p. 190).


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There are various ways to utilize computers and Internet. They can be

implemented as a medium to provide materials or as a medium to test. It depends

on the necessity. Arsyad (2010), mentions that the use of technology can be in a

form of Computer Management Instruction, a means for the whole learning

process, or just Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI) to provide the

content/materials of the learning focus, assignment/test, or both of them (p. 96).

One of the aspects of learning process which becomes the focus on this

research is assessment, specifically multiple choice test. As experienced widely in

Indonesia, the most commonly-used medium is paper sheet. Nowadays,

technology could help us to make a more efficient test in every aspect, up to the

point where no more papers are needed to do it. It is not just about the paper, but

also the scoring, the feedback, the time efficiency, the cost, and even getting

closer to students’ life that are close with the technology.

At present, there are actually a lot of applications and websites that can

help teachers to develop learning processes through Internet. However, the

researcher will focus on one of them, which is Google Form. Google is known

and used widely as the number one search engine. To that end, the researcher

chooses Google form as the medium or application to be researched in this thesis.

Google Form is an application that is offered by Google Company to help

the process of data gathering. In the case of education, specifically testing, Google

Form can be used as a medium for testing. Google Form can be utilized easily and

can be accessed from everywhere even by phones.


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B. Research Questions

There are two research questions, namely:

1. How is Google Form used for multiple-choice English language


2. How are students’ responses on the use of Google Form as medium

for multiple-choice English language testing?

C. Research Significance

Google Form can be an answer to make a more efficient multiple choice

test. It is a full package application that can assist teachers. However, it has to be

scrutinized. There are a lot of aspects that can affect the effective use of the

Google Form, for example Internet connection and the form of questions that can

be designed using Google Form. That is why this research is worth to be done.

Besides, the benefits for students and teachers are also great. The students will

experience an easier way to work on a multiple-choice English language test from

their phones and the teacher will easily get the data. Moreover, it also can be a

tool for the students to practice taking a computer-based test, since the national

examination is now a computer based test (UNBK, Ujian Nasional Berbasis

Komputer.) In addition, the students are invited to experience a go green culture

by using less paper.


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D. Definition of Terms

1. Google Form

Google-Form is an application that is provided by Google Company to

assist data gathering. Google-form can be used to create customized forms for

surveys and questionnaires at no extra cost. The data can be gathered in a

spreadsheet and analyzed in Google Sheets. With the data gathering capability,

Google-Form can also be applied as a medium for multiple choice test in school.

It provides some benefits, such as auto grading, direct feedback for students,

complete data display, less paper use, and simple operation for teachers and


2. Multiple-Choice English Language Testing

The form of multiple-choices is a question that is followed by several

multiple choices with only one correct answer. The type of Multiple-Choice

Testing used in this research is based on National Examination.


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This chapter includes two main discussions: theoretical description and

theoretical framework. Theoretical description describes four subsections. They

are Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL): management system for

foreign language test, educational software evaluation, 21st century learners’

characteristic, and Practicality & Reliability as part of principles in Language

Learning Assessment. The theoretical framework shows the way to outline the

theories to answer the research problems.

A. Theoretical Description

1. Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL): Management System

for Foreign Language Test

It takes a lot of time and energy to check students work and to fill

students’ score into index card, one by one. As mentioned by Ariew (1982) that

two of the more difficult and time consuming problems facing the foreign

language teacher are preparing and administering quizzes and examinations (p.

117). A better medium is needed to conduct a test. Computer of course may help

teachers in conducting a test. Ariew (1982) states that, “Since accuracy, speed,

and the need to handle large amount of data are necessities for preparing foreign


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language test, the computer is useful in this context” (p. 120). The use of

computer must reduce the time consumed and to increase the quality of the test.

Ariew (1982) mentions that two main objectives must be fulfilled: 1) To make

preparing test less time consuming by reducing the mechanical (stenographic)

process, and 2) to maximize the quality of the test (p. 117).

To accomplish the two main objectives above, computational resources

need to be concerned. The computational resources deal with hardware and

software. Ariew (1982) mentions that, “Requirements in hardware and software

must also be identified” (p. 118). The hardware and software have to make test

preparation be less time consuming by reducing the mechanical process, and to

maximize the quality of the test.

2. Software Evaluation

Merrill, Hamons, Vincent, Reynolds, and Tolman (1996) argue that there

are two sets of criteria to evaluate educational software. They are instructional and

presentational criteria (p. 109). Instructional relates to the pedagogical aspects,

teaching techniques, or instructional strategies that should be included in an

educational software. On the other hand, presentational criterion refers to the form

of the software. However in this research, the software (Google Form) is not

evaluated from the instructional criterion but its capability to adopt multiple

choice test. Therefore only the presentational criterion is used.

There are four major categories of presentation criterion: Screen Format,

Navigation, ease of use, and interaction. However interaction is excluded since the

research relates to the multiple-choice test.


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a. Screen Format

Screen Format relates to the design and layout of the educational software.

As in printed materials, educational software’s display also need to be designed.

Merrill (1996) mentions, “Initially it would seem that many of the principles

relating to the design and layout of print materials would also apply to design of

computer video displays” (p. 110).

b. Navigation

Navigation refers to the way to use the software. In the printed materials,

learners may turn a page to read books or work on a test. In line with that, a

software also need to have the exact navigations technique. As in computer use,

students may scroll down & up, and clicking with mouse. As in smartphone use,

learner may tapping the smartphone to read or do some activities with phones.

c. Ease of use

Merrill, et al. (1996) utter that, “Ease of use is of major concern in the

evaluation of computer-based materials because the entire materials is not

physically visible at one time. It is very easy for the students to get lost in

computer program” (p. 112). It is true that the display of a computer-based

materials might not enable learners to get the whole information of the materials

because it may not physically visible at one time. Moreover, the habit of reading a

book by turning pages is also a challenge to the implementation of computer-

based materials. Merrill, et al. (1996) mention that most printed materials are

designed to be read in linear fashion from front to back (p. 112). Therefore, an

educational software has to deal with the ease of use in order to make better media

for education.


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3. 21st Century Learners’ Characteristics

Technology, which rapidly develops, shapes learners’ characteristics.

Eaton (2011) offers 21 characteristics of 21st century learners. However, the

researcher select only three characteristic which relates to the implementation of

Google Form as medium for multiple-choice English language testing. The

characteristics are students often have higher levels of digital literacy than their

parents or teachers, learn by doing, and are open minded for changes. Students’

life which are close with technology makes them accustomed to digital literacy.

They easily learn about technologies since they born with technology surround

them. They are also open for changes since they live in the world which changes

very fast.

4. Multiple-choice

Multiple-choice test is part of testing. It is commonly used in listening and

reading skills. Brown (2004) says that multiple-choices test items are only for

recognition knowledge (p. 55). The form of multiple-choices is a question that is

followed by several answers with only one correct answer. Brown (2004) explains

that there are three characteristics in multiple-choice test (p. 56):

1) Multiple-choice items are all receptive, or selective, response items in that

the test-taker chooses a set of responses (Commonly called a supply type

of response) rather than creating response. Other receptive item types

include true-fall questions and matching lists.


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2) Every multiple-choice item has a stem, which presents a stimulus, and

several (usually between three and five) options or alternatives to choose


3) One of those options, the key, is the correct response, while the other

serves as distracters.

` National examination (Ujian Nasional – UN) in Indonesia is the example

of multiple-choice test. In UN, the questions are followed by four or five

responses and just one of them is the answer. The UN model is implemented in

this research.

5. Practicality & Reliability as part of principles in Language Learning

Assessment (LLA)

There are five basic principles in assessment according to Brown (2004).

They are practically, reliability, validity, authenticity, and washback. However,

the researcher only used the reliability and practicality as principles that support

multiple-choice as uttered by Brown (2004), “Practicality and reliability are of

course the two principles that support multiple-choice” (p. 55).

1) Practicality

Practicality means possible to be done. This possibility has some criteria,

Brown (2004) states that practical means; it is not excessively expensive, stays

within appropriate time constrains, is relatively easy to administer, and has a

scoring/evaluation procedure that is specific and time efficient. (p. 20). Being

practical is not an excuse for a teacher to be languid in making a test, but to make

it efficient and practical. Budget, time, administration, and the scoring procedure

must be conducted as practical as possible.


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2) Reliability

American Psychological Association (1985) as cited by Bachman (1990)

posits, “Reliability is a quality of test scores, and a perfectly reliable score, or

measure, or measure, would be one which is free from errors of measurement”(p.

24). The quality of the scores must be reliable. However, there are some aspects

that may affect the reliability of the score; they are the students, the rater, the test

administration, and the test itself.

a) Student-related reliability

The problem is related to health, physical, and psychological condition of

students. Students’ health and mood may affect their scores. As the students have

problems, they may not concentrate in the test. It may cause the students to

answer the test incorrectly.

b) Rater Reliability

Rater can be subjective and make errors in scoring. The rater reliability is

defined into two parts; Inter-rater and Intra-rater reliability. Brown (2004)

mentions that Inter reliability occurs when two or more scores yield inconsistent

scores of the same test, possibly for lack of attention to scoring criteria,

inexperience, inattention, or even preconceived biases. Intra-rater reliability is a

common occurrence from classroom teachers because of unclear scoring criteria,

fatigue, bias toward “good” and “bad” students, or simple carelessness (p. 21).

lack of attention to scoring criteria, inexperience, inattention, and preconceived

biases (Inter Reliability) and unclear scoring criteria, fatigue, bias toward “good”

and “ bad” as mentioned before, they are possibly happen since teachers may have


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a lot of business in the school. Therefore, rater reliability is important to maintain

in giving tests.

c) Test Administration

The facilities that are given must be fixed. The audio tape, the paper, the

class, everything must be well so everything can go well. The researcher had an

experience, in national examination the question was about the color of a flower

but the picture was black and white. It was not reliable.

d) Test Reliability

Test reliability is also very important. The time that is provided and the

length of each question must be appropriate. It cannot be too long because it will

take too much time.

B. Theoretical Framework

In order to accomplish the research, the theoretical framework is built. The

first research question is answered by combining the theories of Computer

Assisted Learning (CAL): management system for foreign language test by

Arriew (1982), software evaluation by Merrill et al (1996), multiple choice test by

brown (2004), and practicality & reliability by Brown (2004) are combined. The

CAL: management system for foreign language test theory may explain Google

Form as part of Computer Assisted Learning. The software evaluation theory may

be combined with the multiple-choice test’s elements, especially in UN model, to

check the capability of Google Form to adapt the multiple choice test.


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The second research question is answered with “21 characteristics 21st

century learners” theory. Students’ responses may be seen form their perspective

as the 21st century learners. There were three characteristic relates to the

implementation of Google Form as a medium for multiple-choice test. The

characteristics are students often have higher levels of digital literacy than their

parents or teachers, learn by doing, and are open minded for changes.


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This chapter exposes the method applied in this research. It contains five

sections which are going to be defined and described. Those are research

methodology, research setting, research subject, instrument and data gathering,

and data analysis. The first section is research methodology. It explains the basic

theory of research methodology that becomes the foundation of this research. In

the second section, research setting shows when and where the research is done.

The third section is research subject. It describes the object and the subject of the

research. The next section is instrument and data gathering. Instrument and data

gathering section shows the instruments that were used to gather data. The last

section is data analysis technique which specifies the technique to analyze the data

in order to answer the research problems.

A. Research Methodology

There were two research methodologies employed in order to answer the

two research questions. They were qualitative research and survey research. The

first question employed qualitative research and the second research question

employed survey research.


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1. Qualitative Research

Ary, Jacobs, Sorensen, and Razavieh (2006) mention that, “qualitative

researchers seek to understand a phenomenon by focusing on the total picture

rather than breaking it down into variables. The goal is a holistic picture and depth

of understanding rather than a numeric analysis of data” (p. 29). In this research,

Google Form as multiple-choice English language testing was the phenomenon.

The focus of the first research questions was to seek the whole techniques and

implementations in the way Google Form was utilized as a medium for multiple-

choice English language testing. The first research question concerned with the

process in making the test until it might be given to the students as a test.

Therefore the first research question was answered with qualitative research.

Descriptive data as one of criteria in qualitative research was really thick

in this research since it dealt with some interviews and data in the form of words

or pictures. Ary, et al. (2006) mention that, “the qualitative inquirer deals with

data that are in the form of words or pictures rather than numbers and statistics.

Data in the form of quotes from documents, field notes, and interviews or excerpts

from videotapes, audiotapes, or electronic communications are used to present the

findings of the study” (p. 427).

In this qualitative research there were some stages made since there is no

exact steps design. As stated by Fauzi (2014), in the qualitative research, there is

no specific design provided (p. 43). The steps were needs analysis and production

stages. In needs analysis, there were two focuses. The first one was to determine

whether Google Form can be implemented in the school by observing teachers

and students’ possibility to connect with internet. The second one was to gathered


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data of Google Form’s capability to adopt multiple-choice English language

testing. In production stage, the aim was to give the students the experiences in

working on Google Form as medium for multiple-choice English language


2. Survey Research

Ary, et al. (2006) mention that, “in survey research, investigators ask

questions about peoples’ beliefs, opinions, characteristics, and behavior. The

survey questionnaire is widely used as a source of data in studies in sociology,

business, psychology, political science, and education” (p. 372). In second

research question, the focus was to see students’ responses to the implementation

of Google Form as medium for multiple-choice English language testing.

Questionnaires and interviews might show students’ opinions. In this case, the

students were seen as 21st century learners. So their responses might associate

with their characteristic as 21st century learners. Ary, et al. (2006) mention, “a

survey researcher may want to investigate associations between respondents’

characteristics such as age, education, social class, race, and their current attitudes

toward some issue. Survey research typically does not make causal inferences but,

rather, describes the distributions of variables in a specified group” (p. 372).

B. Research Setting

The research was conducted starting from 1 January 2017 to 25 April

2017. The research took places in Sanata Dharma University and SMK N 1

Cangkringan. There were three stages in doing the research. They were Google


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Form analysis stage and internet connectivity analysis for students and for

teachers’ stage, implementation stage, and evaluation stage.

In January and February, there were two major things done. The first stage

was analyzing the elements of multiple choice tests that may be implemented into

Google Form. The researcher practiced to make a multiple choice test with

Google Form and discussed it with the thesis advisor. The second stage was the

observation of the Internet connectivity for students and teachers so that Google

Form as a medium for multiple choice English language test can be implemented

and accessed.

In March, during the researcher’s PPL in SMK N 1 Cangkringan, the

researcher implemented Google Form as a multiple choice English language

testing medium in the X TKA 2 class. Before the tests were implemented, the

researcher showed the tests to the teacher and thesis advisor. The researcher

applied two tests in the form of homework on 15 and 22 March.

In April, the researcher did the evaluation by giving questionnaires to the

students, interviewing the students, interviewing the English teacher, and having

Information Technology and education expert’s interviews. The questionnaires

were given on 30 March 2017 to the students in X TKA 2 class. The interview

with the students and the English teacher was done on 8 April 2017. The

interviews with the Information Technology and education experts were done in

Sanata Dharma University on 22 April and 24 April.


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C. Research Subject

There were four categories of participants in this research. They were

students, an English teacher, an Information Technology expert, and an

education expert. The students were from X Teknik Kimia Analis 2 (X TKA 2)

class in SMK N 1 Cangkingan. The students had experienced two multiple

choice tests using Google form before they were asked to give responses to the

tests. The teacher was an English Teacher in SMK N 1 Cangkringan. He was 45

years old. The teacher was interviewed to response the use of Google Form in

his class.

The Information Technology expert was a young lecturer in the

Information Technology Study Program of Sanata Dharma University. With

Information Technology and management as the background knowledge, the

technology expert was asked to give feedback to the use Google Form as a

medium for multiple-choice English language testing.

The education expert is a lecturer in the English Language Education

Study Program of Sanata Dharma University. The expert is competent in the

scope of technology for education. With this capacity, the expert was asked to

give feedback the use of Google Form as a medium for multiple choice test.

D. Instruments and Data Gathering

Qualitative and survey research methodology were employed in this study.

Some instruments were implemented in both research methodologies. There were

four instruments: unstructured interviews, documents & artifacts, tests, and audio

recorded interview. The qualitative research methodology used unstructured


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interviews, documents & artifacts, and tests. The survey research methodology

implemented audio recorded interview.

1. Unstructured Interviews

The unstructured interviews were done to the students, the teacher, and

administration staffs of SMK N 1 Cangkringan. The interviews were done without

interview guidelines and were not recorded with audio or video recorders. As Ary

et al (2006) mentions, “It is sometimes described as “a conversation with a

purpose.” … The interview is not planned in detail, ahead of time; the researcher

asks questions as the opportunity arises and then listens closely and uses the

subjects’ responses to decide on the next question. The subjects in the setting may

not even realize they are being interviewed” (p. 438). Unstructured interviews

were used to gather information of any possibility for students and teachers to

access the Internet. First, an informal interview was done to the students inside the

class during the learning process. The researcher as a practicing teacher asked the

possibility for the students to connect with the Internet. Moreover the researcher

asked if the students have the personal Internet access and what tools are used to

connect to the Internet. The results were collected inside a data Table 3.1.

Table 3.1. Students’ Internet Accessibility

Students Internet Accessibility Quantity Explanation

Internet Accessibility

Have a personal Internet accessibility

Using public Internet connection


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The researcher filled the “quantity” rows with total quantity for every

statements in “Students Internet Accessibility” rows. The explanation rows were

filled with the explanation toward every statements in “Students Internet

Accessibility” rows.

The interviews about the possibility for teachers to access Internet was

done to the administration staffs and also some teachers. The focus of the

interviews were to find out the Internet connection provided by the school for the

teacher. The questions dealt with the Internet provider, the budget, and the total


2. Documents Analysis

Documents and artifacts are part of tools that commonly used in

conducting qualitative research. Ary, et al. (2006) argue that, “the most widely

used tools in qualitative research are interviews, document analysis, and

observation” (p. 220). The documents and artifact were analyzed to get some

information, Ary, et al. (2006) mentions that “qualitative researchers may use

written documents or other artifacts to gain an understanding of the phenomenon

under study. The term documents refers to a wide range of written, physical, and

visual materials” (p. 442). As Google Form as a medium for multiple-choice

English language testing was the phenomenon in this research. Google Form and

multiple choice themselves were analyzed. The theory of software evaluation was

also employed to see the capability of Google Form to adapt multiple-choice

English language test. The analysis would be outlined in a form of table.


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Table 3.2. Google Form capability to adopt multiple-choice test




Elements In Multiple

Choice Test




Screen Format

Title Of The Test

Name / Student Number




Underlined Word (U)

Bold Type Word (B)

Italic Word (I)





Multiple choice

Navigation Turning a page

Ease of use

The passages and the

questions are physically

visible at one time

The analysis concerned with three presentation categories in evaluating

software as a medium for multiple-choice English language testing. So there were

three rows in the table. The first and second row were orderly software evaluation

categories and multiple-choice English language tasting’s elements. The empty

row of the table, Google Form’s features part, would be filled with Google Form’s

features to adopt multiple-choice English language testing.

3. Test

Ary, et al. (2006) uttered that “Tests are valuable measuring instruments

for educational research” (p.201). Two assignments were given to the students in

the form of multiple choice home work with Google Form. However the result of


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the test were not included into the research. The research focused only in the

practicality and the reliability of the tests. There were two purposes in giving the

assignments, the first one was to give the students some experiences. Second was

to observe students’ interest towards the assignments. From this stage, the

researcher gathered the mount of students who did the assignments. The tests form

was attached in Appendix B (p. 54).

4. Questionnaire

The questionnaire that implemented was a Ranked Responses type.

Burgess (2001) explains, “Different types of questions can be used, e.g. open vs.

closed, single vs. multiple responses, ranking, and rating” (p.10). The ranked

responses type questionnaire has the Likert scales style. Burgess (2001)

mentions, “Ranked Responses type is a popular approach in the social sciences is

to use Likert scales ...” (p.12). Likert scales itself gathers the data by giving some

statements and provides five scales of agreement; strongly disagree, disagree,

neutral, agree, and strongly agree. Ary, et al. (2006) mentions, “A Likert scale is

constructed by assembling a large number of statements about an object,

approximately half of which express a clearly favorable attitude and half of which

are clearly unfavorable” (p. 209).

The questionnaire was implemented to get responses from all of the

students who had done the assignments. The questionnaire was organized from

the point of view of LLA; practicality, reliability, and form the point of view of

paperless. The questionnaire was given in Bahasa Indonesia.


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Table 3.3. Students’ Questionnaire

No Pernyataan STS










1 Students did not spend a lot of Internet

Quota to access the tests

2 The links used were very simple.

3 Google Form as a medium for multiple-

choice English language testing that

could be done from Smart Phone

facilitated the students in doing the


4 The display of the tests were attractive.

5 Technically, the tests were not hard to

be taken

6 Immediate feedback after taking the test

helped students to know their mistakes.

7 The students reduced the use of papers.

8 The students preferred the tests using

Google Form.

5. Audio Recorded Interview

There were four interviews with four different subjects. The interviews

were done to students, an English teacher, an Information Technology expert, and

an education expert. The interview aimed to get responses from the teacher and

the students also feedback from experts. Ary, et al. (2006) stated, “Interviews are

used to gather data from people about opinions, beliefs, and feelings about

situations in their own words” (p.438). In order to record the interview efficiently,

the researcher used audio recording device. As cited by Ary, et al. (2006), “One of

the most efficient ways to collect interview data is to use an audio recorder. This

is much less distracting than taking notes, and it also provides a verbatim record

of the responses” (p.439).

The first interview was done to five students from X TKA 2 class. The

interview aimed to take a deeper information from the students toward their


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answers in questionnaire. One of the students’ interview can be found in

Appendix D (p. 67).

The teacher’s interview was done with an English teacher from SMK N 1

Cankringan who also thought in X TKA 2 Class. The interview was started with a

brief explanation. The teacher had never utilized Google Form before, so a brief

explanation was needed. After that, the interview was started. The interview was

about the effectiveness of Google Form as medium for multiple-choice English

language testing from the practicality and reliability point of view. Furthermore,

the researcher also interviewed about cheating possibility and the benefit of

Google Form as a practicing tool before the students take the UNBK. The

teacher’s interview can be found in Appendix DF (p. 69).

The interviews with the Information Technology and education experts

were aimed to give responses to the use of Google Form as medium for multiple-

choice English language testing from the perspective of the use of technology and

from the perspective of education. The interview with the Information Technology

expert was concerned with the funding, the security, and the benefit of auto data

management and auto grading capacity of Google Form. The interview with the

education expert was concerned with the practicality and reliability of Google

Form, problems that may be occurred from the usage Google Form, the

effectiveness of Google Form, and suggestions. The interview transcript with the

experts can be found in Appendix F & G on page (p. 74 & p. 77).


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E. Data Analysis

There were two research questions in this study. The first question was

answered by using qualitative research methodology. Firstly, Google Form was

analyzed in its capability to adopt multiple-choice English language test. The

analysis was done by using document analysis as a part of tools in qualitative

research. Secondly, the possibility to conduct a test with Google Form from the

point of view of Internet connectivity was observed using unstructured interview.

The tests were done twice to make sure that the students got enough experiences.

The tests were consulted with the teacher and the researcher’s advisor before they

were given to the students. The second question was answered by the survey

research. The survey research was done by giving questionnaires to all of the

students and by interviewing 5 students.

There were no evaluation stages in this research. However, the experts and

teachers’ responses would be stood as feedbacks toward the use of Google Form

as a medium for multiple choice test. Their responses would include in the first

and second research questions. These feedbacks might be considered as

expertise’s opinion to support the study.


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This chapter presents the results and the discussion of the research. The

results and the discussion are presented in different subsections. The first

subsection describes the research results which show the findings of the research.

The second discusses the research findings to answer the research questions.

A. Research Results

There are four subsections outlined. The first subsection is findings in need

analysis stage. Next subsection is the findings in production stage. The third is

findings from survey research. And the last is feedbacks from the teacher and


1. Needs Analysis

In “needs analysis”, there were two findings. The first finding was the

possibility for the students and the teacher to have the Internet connection. The

second finding was the capability of Google Form to adapt multiple choice tests.


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a. Internet Accessibility

1) Students

All of the students in X TKA 2 class could access the Internet. Majority of

the students even had personal gadgets to access the Internet. Having said that,

there were two students who did not have personal Internet access. These students

would go to an internet café (Warung Internet) to work on their assignments. The

data of the students’ Internet accessibility were summed up in the Table 4.1.

Table 4.1 Data of students’ Internet accessibility

Another finding was the Internet connection provided by the Internet

provider in SMK N 1 Cangkringan’s area was very limited. Students could access

the Internet but the connection was very slow. The Internet connection was better

outside the school.

2) Teachers

The school provided Internet facility only for teachers and Computer

Laboratory. From the interview with the administration staff, they said that the

internet connection in the school cost around Rp 3,000,000,- per month and the

school got 6 Mbps Internet connection. One of the teachers who was interviewed

also mentioned that the Internet access was unlimited for one month.

Students’ Internet Accessibility Quantity Explanation

Internet Accessibility 32 All of the students can access internet

Personal Internet accessibility 30 Smartphone / Laptop

Using public Internet connection 2 Internet Café (Warnet)


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The students of X TKA 2 Class and teachers in SMK N 1 Cangkringan

could access the Internet. Thirty students had personal access to the Internet and

two students could access the Internet from Internet café. The Computer

Laboratory also provided a good Internet connection for the students. All of the

teachers had the access to Internet by using the school Internet connection.

b. Document Analysis

Software Evaluation theory by Merrill, et al. (1996) about presentational

criteria provides four major characteristics and three of them were used in this

study. The criteria were screen format, navigation, and ease of use. Some

technical elements on multiple choice test were implemented in to these criteria.

Next Google Form were analyzed trough the theory and the multiple-choice

English language testing. From the document analysis, the researcher found that

there were some parts that could be adopted in Google Form and some that could

not be adopted. The findings were shown in Table 4.2.


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Table 4.2. The capacity of Google Form to adapt multiple-choice tests




Elements In Multiple Choice Test Google Form’s Features

Screen Format

Title Of The Test Title Space

Name / Student Number The short answer function

Command Title Space

Number Title Space

Text Title Space

Underlined Word (U) -

Bold Type Word (B) -

Italic Word (I) -

Picture Add picture functions

Video Add video functions

Audio -

Question Add questions functions

Multiple choice Multiple Choice functions

Navigation Turning a page

Scrolling and tapping or

clicking on gadgets screen

Submit button

Ease of use The passages and the questions

are physically visible at one time Add sections functions

Since this data analysis was very technical, the researcher only discussed it

briefly. However, a module was provided in the Appendix I (p. 90) along with

pictures and steps to utilize Google Form as a medium for multiple-choice English

language testing.

In Table 4.2, there were three elements that could not be adapted into

Google Form. There were the underlined word function (U), the bold word

function (B), and the italic word function (I). Google Form cannot adapt these

three elements. However, these kinds of elements can be arranged by telling the

specific locations of the words in the text. i.e.: “what is the meaning of “angry”, in


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the last sentence of the second paragraph?” Teacher might show the specific

location of the word “angry”. In conclusion, the findings showed that Google

Form can be utilized as a medium for multiple-choice English language testing.

2. Production

From the production step, the researcher found that there were some

students who were not able to do the assignments. It was not caused by poor the

Internet connection or other technical problems but it was caused by students’

school activities.

There were three students who did not do the first assignment. Those three

students were members of tonti (school marching team), preparing for a

competition. Actually, there were other students who joined the school marching

team but they still did the assignment. The total number of students who did the

first assignment was 29 students.

The second assignment was done by 27 students. Four students did not do

the assignment because they followed the marching competition. Then, one

student was absent, therefore he did not do the assignment.

3. Survey

a. Students Questionnaires

There were 27 students out of 32 students who filled in the questionnaires.

There were three students who had never done the assignments and there were

two students who did not come to the class in the day of the questionnaires


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distribution. The results of the questionnaires are shown in Table 4.3 and Figure


Table 4.3 Students’ responses to the questionnaires

Figure 4.1 Students’ responses to the questionnaires

The result showed that there were no “disagree” or “strongly disagree”

responses to the statements. To respond to the first statement, 11 students strongly

agreed, 12 students agreed, and 4 neither agreed nor disagreed (neutral). To

respond to the second statement, 16 students strongly agreed, 10 students agreed,

and 1 was neutral. In the third statement, There were 12 “strongly agree”

responses, 11 “agree” responses, and 4 “neutral” responses. The fourth statement

Question No.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

SA 11 16 12 5 9 19 15 9

A 12 10 11 12 18 7 7 11

N 4 1 4 10 0 1 5 7

D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

SD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27








1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Students' responses to the questionnaires

SA A N D SD Total


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was responded with 5 “strongly agree” responses, 12 “agree” responses, and 10

“neutral” responses. To respond to the fifth statement, 9 students strongly agreed

and 18 students agreed. To respond to the sixth statements, 19 students strongly

agreed, 7 students agreed, and 1 was neutral. The seventh statement got 15

“strongly agree” responses, 7 “agree” responses, and 5 “neutral” responses. The

last statement was responded with 9 “strongly agree” responses, 11 “agree

responses”, and 7 “neutral” responses.

b. Interviews

Five students were chosen randomly to be interviewed. Their answers

were almost similar in every question. However, there was only one dissimilar

answer to the question number four about the display of the assignments. Here is

the summary of the answers to the questions in the interview:

1. Did you spend a lot of Internet quota to open the multiple-choice tests in

Google Form?

-All of the students answered that they did not spend a lot of Internet


2. Was it easy to open the link?

-All of the students answered that it was easy and there was no problem in

opening the link.

3. Did Google Form as a medium for multiple-choice testing ease the way of

the students in doing the multiple-choice tests?

-All of the students agreed.


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4. Did you find the displays of the multiple-choice tests were attractive?

-Four students answered that the tests were not that attractive. The tests

would be better if there were some pictures.

-One student answer that the display of the tests were fine. If there were

some pictures, they would be a distraction, so the tests were fine.

5. Was your assignment technically easy to do?

-All of the students said that it was easy to work on the tests.

6. Was it an advantage for you when you get the direct feedback from

Google Form?

-All of the students answered that they could figure out their wrong

answers and could learn from it directly.

7. What do you think about an idea of using Google Form to reduce the use

of papers?

-All of the students said that it was better than paper. Students prefer using

gadget to reading books.

8. Did you like to do the multiple-choice tests from your gadget?

- All of the students liked it.

9. State your opinion about Google Form as a medium for multiple choice


-All of the students said that it was easier, interesting, and easy to be done.

It reduced the usage of paper and they liked it.

The researcher also asked the students’ opinions of the possibility to cheat

in doing the assignments. They said that it was students’ responsibility to be


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honest when they did the assignments. The researcher also asked if the students

may be helped to get used to the display of Ujian Nasional Berbasis Komputer

(UNBK). The answer was yes. Even though they had never done the UNBK, they

thought that trying out multiple-choice tests in Google From would be helpful.

4. Experts’ Interview

The experts who were interviewed were an English teacher, an

Information Technology expert, and an education expert. The first interview was

the teacher’s interview, followed by the Information Technology expert’s

interview, and the education expert’s interview.

1) An English Teacher

The teacher was one of the English teachers in SMK N 1 Cangkringan.

Before the interview started, the researcher gave a brief explanation and an

example of using Google Form since the teacher did not know that Google Form

could be utilized as a medium for multiple-choice English language testing. The

researcher also made a leaflet to help the teacher understand. After giving the

brief explanation, the researcher started to ask about his opinion of Google Form

as a medium for multiple-choice English language testing.

The first interview was about the cost. The teacher stated that Google

Form would decrease the use of paper. The auto-grading ability would also help

teachers in checking the answers. In terms of allowance to access the Internet, the

teacher said that there was an unlimited Internet facility from the school. It means

that no matter how much access to the internet, the school would pay the same


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amount of money every month. Due to the unlimited Internet facility, the teacher

said that the cost to access the internet would not be a problem. On the other hand,

the Internet facility might work more effectively.

The next was about the process to administrate Google Form as a medium

for multiple-choice English testing. The teacher stated that it was easy for teachers

to make an assignment because it was only a copy-paste process. The efficient

link to access Google Form, supported by bitly.com, would assist students to

easily access the assignment. The teacher also said that the display of Google

Form was good enough. Furthermore, he argued that the display was not that

important for students.

The teacher argued that the assignment was easy and simple to do. He

added that the vocational students had a responsibility to get used to using

computers. He explained that it must be very easy for the students to work with

Google Form.

The third part of the interview was about Google Form’s capacity in auto-

grading, auto data management, and providing the spreadsheet that can be

downloaded in an Excel format. He said that this capacity would be very

beneficial for teachers. The auto-grading and auto-data management were very

time-efficient. The teacher said that teachers did not have to check the

assignments one by one and there would be no mistakes in scoring students’

assignments, which might sometimes occur in manual checking. In addition, the


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data can be collected in the form of Excel. This process might assist teachers in

making an Excel document for students’ scores.

The next part of the interview was about the display of Google Form that

may support students to get used to the display of UNBK and also the act of

decreasing the use of paper. The teacher mentioned that the assignments in the

Google Form were similar to UNBK model. They were not exactly the same but

they would help the students to get used to the display of UNBK. From the point

of view of reducing the use of paper, the teacher mentioned government appeal in

reducing the usage paper. It had never been done but with the help of Google

Form, he agreed that it would reduce a lot of paper usage in the school.

Furthermore, he added that papers were expensive.

2) An Information Technology Expert

The interview was about the experts’ opinion on using Google Form as

multiple choice testing, the cost that may be spent, and the security of Google


The expert explained that Google Form was very helpful in data gathering.

The most beneficial aspect was the ability of auto data management. However, he

said that it was not common to use Google Form as a medium for a multiple

choice test but the fact that it could be used that way was good. What’s more, he

said that teachers had to make sure that every student had the connection to the

Internet and the teachers must give an explanation about how to do the test using

Google Form.


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The experts said that in this era of Information Technology, almost

everyone had gadgets and bought Internet quota regularly. Therefore, the budget

spent to access Google Form may not be a problem. In the case of the school

Internet connection in SMK N 1 Cangkringan, it was clear that it might assist


For the security of Google Form, he said that it is safe because it requires a

password to access Google account. The expert said that as long as teachers kept

their passwords safe, no one could access the works inside the Google. However,

the test’s link that will be given to the students to access the test must be kept in

secret until the day of the test. If the link spreads before the day of the test, the

students may have known the test questions.

In conclusion, the expert confirmed that Google Form could be used as a

medium for multiple-choice English language testing and it might assist teachers.

The capacity of Google Form to do auto-grading, auto-data management and the

easiness to operate were the reasons why Google Form was effective to be used as

multiple-choice English language testing in the school. However, the teachers had

to make sure that the students had the access to the Internet and knew how to do

the test. Moreover, the teachers had to secure the link to access the Google Form

before it would be distributed to the students.

3) An Education Expert

The education expert was interviewed on her opinion to the use of Google

Form as a medium for multiple-choice English language testing, the benefits for

teachers and students, and the problems that may occur. The expert said that in


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terms of practicality and reliability, the use of Google Form in multiple-choice

English language testing is very effective. For sure, the teachers would get a lot of

supports from Google Form. In fact, the teachers got bigger benefits than the

students. The expert said that teachers might get many benefits by using Google

Form. The expert argued that Google Form was very practical. She said that

teachers had difficulties in checking students’ works but Google Form helped. It

would save time and reduce the budget.

The expert said that students only changed the way to answer from

crossing answers with a pen on the test paper to touching or tapping the screen of

the smartphones. However the expert said that it was very important for the

students to get a benefit to practice with computer based testing before they take

the Ujian Nasional Berbasis Komputer (UNBK).

In the interview, the expert added and underlined that students’ integrity

must be highly concerned. She said that it was the teachers’ responsibility to warn

the students to maintain their integrity. She stated that result is important but the

process is more important.

B. Research Discussion

The research discussion contains the answers to the research questions.

The research discussion were based on the findings and the theories that were

used in the research. The first question is discussed first and followed by the

second research question.


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1. Google Form: They way to utilize it and its correlations to education

The first discussion is divided into two parts to answer the first research

question. They are Internet connectivity and the way to utilize Google Form. The

first part discusses about the Internet connection. After that the “using Google

Form” part shows the way a multiple choice test is made and how is its correlation

with education.

a. Internet Connectivity

Since Brown (2004) mentions that practicality means possible to be done,

Internet connection becomes very important in order to utilize Google Form as a

medium for multiple-choice English language testing. It was the administration

key for the use of Google Form as a medium for multiple-choice English language

testing. It had to be ensured that the students have the access to the Internet. It

would be ideal if the students had personal access to the Internet. However, for

those students who have no personal access to the Internet, teachers have to make

sure that the students will not get massive difficulties to access the Internet.

The needs analysis about internet connectivity in this research found that

there were 32 students and all of them had the access to the Internet. There were

30 students who had personal access and 2 students who went to the Internet café

to access the Internet. For the teacher, SMK N 1 Cangkringan provided a stable

Internet connection for teachers. Teachers could utilize the facility to make the

multiple choice test.


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In terms of Internet connection, the research had proven that Google Form

possible to be conducted in X TKA 2 class of SMK N 1 Cangkringan. However,

in implementing the test, the researcher could not do the test in the school area

because the computer lab was used only for the UNBK preparation. Moreover, the

Internet connection for smartphones was not good for any Internet providers.

Therefore, the researcher gave two tests in the form of homework. Actually, there

was a computer lab with internet connection but at that time it was utilized to

prepare the 12th

grade students.

Another aspect of practicality that relates with the use of Internet was

budget to access it. Brown (2006) mentions that a test must not excessively

expensive (p. 20). From the interview, the students told that they did not spent a

lot of quota to access the Internet and actually they regularly bought Internet quota

to access social media. In line with that, education and Information Technology

experts also said that in this era of Internet, people can access internet by buying

Internet quota or utilizing free Wi-Fi. However, teachers had to make sure that the

students could access Internet.

b. Using Google Form as a Medium for Multiple Choice Test

There were four steps in utilizing Google Form as a medium for multiple-

choice test. They were pre-making the test, making the test, doing the test, and

downloading the result of the test. In this discussion, the researcher did not

provide pictures or detailed explanations. The researcher only explained the steps

in making a test using Google Form and how it related to learning point of view.


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To get clearer explanations, a manual book is provided in Appendix I (p. 90)

along with pictures and detailed steps.

1) Pre-making a test

Before making a test, a teacher must have access to Google Form and have

materials for the test in the form of Word Document. To access Google Form, the

only thing needed is a Google Account. The materials in the form of Word

Document would be copied and pasted to Google Form later on.

2) Making a test

In making a test, some steps were employed. The steps involved setting the

setup of Google Form, making a test, applying scores and a key answer for each

question, choosing the theme, previewing the test, and simplifying the URL.

a) Setting the setup of Google Form

Google Form is not specifically an application for making a multiple-

choice testing. That is to say, Google Form is to be set into a test form. After

setting the test form, the Google Form automatically provides spaces for key

answers and a score for each question or number.

b) Making a test

The materials for the test in the form of Word Document will be copied

and pasted to some features in Google Form. It is very practical since it is easy to

administrate. Teachers did not have to spend too much time to type them one by


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one. It is in line with Ariew (1988) who states that a media for a test has to reduce

the mechanical (stenographic) process (p. 117). The English teacher that had been

interviewed also mentioned that it was easy to utilize Google Form as medium for

multiple-choice since it was only a copy-paste process.

c) Applying score and answer key for each question

As explained before, if the Google Form’s setting is already set as a quiz

form, Google Form automatically provides a space for answer key and score for

each question. The key answers and scores can be inputted by clicking the

question and choosing the answer key button. Later on, teachers do not have to

check students’ work one by one. The key answers can be processed by Google

Form itself with the auto grading capacity. Once again it is practical and reducing

mechanical (stenographic) process.

d) Choosing the theme

Choosing the right theme for the test to increase the students’ motivation

to do the test or to make it more official is necessary. The logo of the school can

be added by uploading and using it as the theme.

e) Previewing the test

After finishing the data input process to Google Form, teachers can

preview the multiple choice test to evaluate before it is distributed. If there is

something wrong in the preview, the teacher can revise it.


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f) Simplifying the URL

After the test is ready, the next step is simplifying the test’s URL using the

help of bitly.com. It can be done by clicking the option “send” in Google Form to

get the URL, copying and pasting the URL to bitly.com, and simplifying the

URL. For example, https://goo.gl/forms/Li79HuqQJVwJiLl53 was an original

URL of the first assignment. However, the long URL was simplified into

bit.ly/evaluasi1-bing-smk by using bitly.com.

3) Doing the test (Students)

Students need to open the link to get into the test. After that, the students

must fill in the spaces for E-mail, name, and student number. The next step is to

answer the questions by choosing and clicking the correct answer. The last step is

to click the “submit” option in the very last part of the test.

4) Downloading the result of the test

Teachers can see all of the data from the students’ works by clicking the

responses tab. Teachers can download the data by clicking the spreadsheet and

download it into Excel format. This is the most practical and reliable part.

Brown (2004) states, “Practicality and reliability are of course the two

principles that support multiple-choice” (p. 55). The research proved that the

practicality and reliability in multiple-choice tests were doubled up by

implementing Google Form. Brown (2004) states, “Practical means; it is not

excessively expensive, stays within appropriate time constrains, is relatively easy

to administer, and has a scoring/evaluation procedure that is specific and time


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efficient” (p. 20). By using Google Form, the budget was reduced. All of the

experts agreed with the fact that the use of Google Form will reduce the cost.

The Information Technology Expert mentioned, “Google Form, in term of

budget, is very effective. It is free as long as there is an Internet connection.” In

line with the Information Technology Expert, The education expert also

explained, “I don’t think it is expensive again. I think every student can afford it.

If your phone is dual sim-card, like mine, then you can use one of them for quota

and just buy the cheaper internet quota. … The students can also access free Wi-Fi

in public spaces.” The teacher from the interview said that digitalized test will

save a lot of budget. The cost to access Google Form is cheap. The students

agreed that they did not spend a lot of Internet quota to access the tests.

From the point of view of administration, Google Form is very easy to

administer. The teacher said that Google form was not sophisticated to be utilized.

The students also said that they did not get difficulties in doing the tests. However

the technology explained, “Google Form as a medium for multiple-choice English

language test is good but it is necessary to assure that the students know how to

work with Google Form. Moreover the students must familiar with the Internet.”

The most efficient part is the capacity of Google Form to do the auto

grading and auto data management. Both are the most practical and reliable parts.

Teachers will not make any errors in checking a test, which sometimes occurs in a

manual checking technique. Moreover, the teachers may get the data of the

highest and lowest scores, average scores of the test, mean, median, and data

answers for every question. The education expert mentioned, “It is very efficient


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for teachers. Probably it doesn’t really have impacts to students, what they do is

just moving from crossing to clicking. But for the teachers. It is really helpful. For

lecturer it is also really helpful. It is not easy to check 100 and more students’

works but Google Form makes it easier.”

2. Students’ Responses on the Use of Google Form as a Medium for

Multiple-choice English Language Testing

Students of X TKA 2 gave positive responses on the implementation of

Google Form in their class. From the questionnaires’, students responded with no

disagree and strongly disagree responses. In interviews, all of students basically

said that they like to work with Google Form. However, they had different

answers in the 4th

question about the display of the tests. Four students told that

the colorful display would be more attractive for them but one students said that

the tests’ display were good enough.

In terms of students’ reliability, students loved to do tests using their

gadgets. From the interview, a student mentioned, “Students now prefer screening

smartphone than holding a book.” It was not a good perspective. However, it is a

challenge for teachers to provide a computer assisted language learning. The

student are the 21st century learners. Eaton (2011) mentions about 21

characteristics of 21st century learners. Three of the characteristics were indicated

from the students’ responses. The characteristics are students often have higher

levels of digital literacy than their parents or teachers, learn by doing, and are

open minded for changes. Their gadget were part of them. Likewise, the education

expert mentioned that the students in the era of gadget have considered gadgets


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and Internet as parts of their lives. Their ability to work on Google Form as a

medium for multiple choice test showed that they were accustomed to technology.

They did the assignments without hardly learned the way to the assignments. It

showed that they learned by doing the tests. They also accepeted the

implementation of Google Form as a medium for multiple choice test instead of

using paper. It showed that the students were open minded.

Despite of the positive responses from the students to the implementation

of Google Form as medium for multiple-choice English language testing, the

education expert put a big concern to the integrity. She mentioned that it is

teachers’ responsibility to make students realize that the process is more important

than the result. The result has nothing to do with their progress of learning, the

process has it.” In the interview with the students, one of the students uttered, “We

must not cheat. However, it depends on the students. I did not cheat at all when I

did the tests.” Teachers must take a big role in term of telling the students about

integrity. To make the students accustomed to integrity, they have to live in an

environment which upholds the integrity. It is teachers’ responsibility to make this

kind environment.


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This chapter provides the conclusions of the research and

recommendations for future research and current practice. The first subsection

concludes the research. The second subsection contains the recommendations for

future research and for the use of Google Form as multiple choice test in schools.

A. Conclusions

Technology can be utilized to improve learning process. There are a lot of

applications and websites that can help teachers to develop learning process

through the internet. The researcher found that Google Form can be utilized as a

medium for multiple-choice English language testing.

There were two research questions to be answered in this research. The

first research question focuses on the way to use Google Form as a medium for

multiple-choice English language testing. The second research question is

concerned with how students responded to the implementation of Google Form as

medium for multiple-choice English language testing. In order to answer the two

research questions, two research methodology were employed. They were

qualitative research and survey research.


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In qualitative research, there were three steps. They were need analysis,

document analysis, and production. In “need analysis” step, the researcher

checked the possibility for students and teachers in SMK N 1 Cangkringan to

access the Internet in the school area, checked the capability of Google Form to

adapt Multiple Choice test and how Google Form related to education. The result

showed that the teacher could access the Internet with the Internet facility from

school but the students needed to access the Internet with their own gadgets or

they needed to go to the Internet café. Therefore, the form of the tests were


In terms of the capability of Google Form to adapt the elements of

multiple-choice English language testing, theory by Merrill (1996) about

educational software evaluation was employed to see the capability of Google

Form to adapt multiple-choice English language test. The analysis showed that

Google Form could adapt every elements of multiple-choice English language

testing except the underlined word (U), italic word (I), and bold word (B). These

elements or functions were used to show the specific location of a word or phrase

in a paragraph, however it could be replaced by telling the specific location of the

word in the passage. The “need analysis” and “document analysis” steps showed

that Google Form could be utilized and implemented as a medium for multiple-

choice English language testing.

The “production” step was done in X TKA 2 class. The students worked

on two multiple-choice English language tests. This step proved that Google Form

can be implemented as a medium for multiple choice test. Google Form could


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adapt the elements of multiple choice test. It was easy to make. Google Form

provides some functions so that the multiple choice tests can be inserted in to it.

The tests were successfully done. There were no significance problems which

occurred when the tests were done by the students. The students accessed the

Internet and the tests from their smartphones but there were two students who did

the assignment form Internet Café. The production step proved that Google Form

could be utilized and implemented as a medium for multiple-choice English

language testing in X TKA 2 class SMK N 1.

For teachers, Google Form was practical and reliable. Google Form

required low budget, was easy to be administrated, and had the scoring system.

The capacity of Google Form to do the auto grading and auto data management

doubled up the efficiency of multiple choice test itself. This affects the amount of

budget and saves time. The experts agreed that Google Form bring benefits for

both of students and teachers.

The second research question concerned with students’ responses to

Google Form as a medium for multiple-choice English language testing. This was

answered with survey research. The students were given questionnaires and some

of the students were interviewed. They said that it was easy to operate Google

Form. They also loved it because it was close to their gadget-oriented life.

Moreover, the students may get used to working with computer-based tests before

they take the National Computer-Based Examination (UNBK).

Two things were underlined. The first one, the IT expert said that teacher

had to make sure that students can accessed internet and they knew how to work


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on Google Form. Therefore teachers needed to ask the students about the

possibility for them to access the Internet and tell them how to do the test on

Google Form. The second was students’ integrity. The education expert said that

it was very important for teachers to warn the students so they would keep their

integrity. However the experts agreed that Google Form is effective to be utilized

as a medium for multiple-choice English language test. Above all, Google Form is

an effective medium for multiple-choice English language testing.

B. Recommendation

For future research, Google Company provides a lot beneficial

applications that can be integrated in education. The applications are parts of

GAFE (Google App for Education). One of the applications is Google Form but

there are much more than Google Form in GAFE. It will be great if there is a

research about GAFE. It will be very beneficial because Google Company

provides the application for free.

For the current practice in SMK N 1 Cangkringan, Google Form as a

medium for English multiple choice test can be utilized in the larger scale by

utilizing the computer lab. It can be used as a summative test for final test at the

end of the semester. It can be also used as a daily homework for the students.

Moreover Google From as a medium for multiple-choice English language testing

is very possible to be done in any school. However teachers have to make sure

that the students have the access to the Internet. Google Form saves a lot of time


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and money. It should provide more time for teachers to interact with the students.

Technology should not create gaps between teachers and students.


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Students’ Interview on 8 April 2017 – 13.20

A = Interviewer B = respondent

A: Selamat siang,

B: Selamat siang mas.

A: Namamu siapa?

B: …

A: Nama Kelas?

B: X TKA 2

A: Apakah kamu menghabiskan banyak kuota ketika mengerjakan tugas

menggunakan Google-Form?

B: Tidak

A: Kamu pakai HP atau Laptop?


A: Kamu sering membeli kuota Internet?

B: Iya

A: Untuk apa saja Internetnya?

B: Lebih sering untuk sosial media

A: Bagaimana dengan kemudahan penggunaan link yang sederhana?

B: Sangat membantu dan gak perlu orek-orekan.

A: Apakah pemanfaatan internet (Googleform) pada gadget sebagai media tugas

pilihan ganda mempermudah siswa dalam mengerjakan soal?

B: Mempermudah, karena tinggal “naik turun”

A: Scrolling?

B: Iya scrolling.

A: Apakah soal pilihan ganda pada Google-Form memiliki tampilan yang


B: Kurang menarik.

A: Harusnya bagaimana?


Page 86: UTILIZING GOOGLE FORM AS A MEDIUM FOR MULTIPLE … · practicality and reliability of LLA, Google Form was a good medium for multiple-choice English language testing. It provided


B: Ada gambar atau apanya gitu supaya menarik

A: Tapi apakah tidak menarik itu menggangu kamu?

B: Tidak

A: Apakah secara teknis, soal pilihan ganda pada google form mudah untuk


B: Mudah dioperasikan

A: Apakah memeroleh hasil tugas secara langsung membantu siswa untuk dapat

mengetahui score dan kesalahan yang siswa buat?

B: Iya membantu

A: Alasannya?

B: Bia tau mana yang salah

A: Dengan mengerjakan soal pada gadget, siswa mengurangi penggunaan kertas.

Apa pendapatmu dengan menguragi penggunaan kertas?

B: Seneng bisa mengurangi penggunaan kertas.

A: Siswa menyukai mengerjakan tugas melalui gadget. Iya atau tidak? Mengapa?

B: Bisa langsung tau hasilnya

A: Bagaimana pendapatmu dengan penggunaan Google Form?

B: Lebih mudah, mengurangi penggunaan kertas, dan lebih ska buka HP daripada


A: Bagaimana dengan nyontek? Apakah membuat kamu mudah menyontek?

B: Tidak mas.

A: Apakah ini akan membantu kamu dalam membiasakan diri dengan ujian


B: Iya membantu siswa.

A: Terimakasih

B: Sama-sama mas.


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Teacher’s Interview on 8 April 2017 – 12.40

A = Interviewer B = respondent

A: Selamat siang Pak.

B: Selamat siang.

A: Ini benar dengan Bapak …?

B: Iya betul ini saya (Laughing)

A: Jadi ini saya sudah bikinkan panduan singkat tentang Google Form

B: oke, baik baik

A: Jadi Google Form adalah

B: Aplikasi

A: Aplikasi dari Google Company untuk membantu mangumpulkan dan

mengolah data.

B: Oh, ada pengolahan data juga ya?

A: Iya pak ada pengolahan data juga.

A: Apakah yang kita butuhkan? Sebenarnya ini yang menarik karena kita hanya

butuh akun Google. Hampir semua orang punya karena untuk mengaktifkan

smartphone android kita butuh akun Google. Kita bisa mengakses banyak aplikasi

seperti Youtube, Google Drive, dan salah satunya Google Form.

B: Okay, bagaimana cara memasukkan data? Apakah dokumen di copy atau


A: baik pak, pertama kita perlu masuk ke Google Drive lalu membuka Google

Form. (While directly operating the laptop to open Google Form)

B: baik baik

A: Pertama-tama kita harus punya data dokumen di Word. Sederhananya kita

akan copy-paste dari data kta ke Google Form. Ini saya punya contoh test yang

sudah saya berikan ke siswa. (Operating the Google Form but the Internet

Connection was lame.) Kita perlu mengubah settingan Google Form ke tipe kuis.

B: Berarti koneksi harus bagus ya?

A: Iya pak, tapi sepertinya koneksi wifi disini cukup bagus pak. Jadi tidak terlalu


A: pertama-tama kita membuat judul test (Operating the Google Form)


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A: Kemudian kita membuat data pribadi mahasiswa (Operating Google Form)

A: Kemudian copy paste data kita. Bacaan, soal, dan Pilihan Gandanya (Operating

Google Form.)

A: Nah ini, koneksi Internetnya lagi buruk pak.

B: Oh iya berarti koneksi Internat harus baik ya.

A: Ini saya tunjukkan preview displaynya ya pak.

B: Itu kalo siswa milih jawabannya hanya sekali apa bisa diganti pak?

A: Bisa

B: berarti ada pilihan submit ya?

A: iya pak ada.

B: Berarti siswa masih bisa ganti jawaban sebelum submit ya.

A: Cara siswa mengerjakan pertama mengisi email dan biodata kemudian,

menjawab soal dengan memilih jawaban, kemudian submit.

B: Berarti ini mirip UNBK ya mas?

A: betul sekali pak. Sekarang tentang How to see the responses. (Opening

responses tool)

B: Itu kamu ngeklik yang mana tadi?

A: Responses pak (Showing responses tool in Google Form)

B: Kok saya bisa gak tau ada Google Form begini.

A: Iya pak bahkan sekarang ada GAFE (Google Apps for Education.)

A: di response kita bisa melihat data lengkap dari siswa. Ada mean, rata-rata, jam

berapa siswa submit juga bisa diketahui. (While Operating Google Form)

B: wah ini berarti mirip UNBK.

A: Data ini juga bisa di unduh dalam bentuk Excel. (Opening the Excel


B: wah ini cocok buat skripsi. Saya setuju ini.

A: Hahaha (laughing). Baik pak kira-kira begitu perkenalan dengan Google Form.

Sekarang saya akan mewawancarai bapak.

B: baik baik.

A: Apakah penggunaan Google Form ini bisa mengurangi biaya?


Page 89: UTILIZING GOOGLE FORM AS A MEDIUM FOR MULTIPLE … · practicality and reliability of LLA, Google Form was a good medium for multiple-choice English language testing. It provided


B: Mengurangi biaya ini jelas menguranga dari sisi paperless. Kemudian juga dari

sisi koreksi juga, mengurangi biaya koreksi. Kan ini otomatis kan jadi berarti bisa

mengurangi biaya koreksi. Misalkan jika nanti kita terapkan di ujian sekolah, apa

namanya. Ujian semester itu bsa mengurangi biaya koreksi dan cepat juga


A: Oh iya pak sebelum saya lupa. Kita juga bisa membuat link yang panjang

menjadi singkat dengan bantuan web bitly.com. kayak saya kemarin dari link

http/googleform.hjkspi dan seterusnya itu saya buat menjadi hanya

bit.ly/evaluasi1-bng-smk. Begitu pak

A: kembali ke interview pak. Tadi paperless dan ..

B: biaya koreksi? Tapi nanti guru tidak dapat biaya koreksi (laughing)

A: Mungkin tetap bisa memeroleh tapi Google Form membantu guru.

A: Kemudaian bagaimana dengan kuota, memang saya tidak puny data pasti

tentang pengunaan kuota untuk mengakses, tapi apakah bapak merasa fasiltas wifi

ini apakah sebenarnya membantu guru mengakses Internet?

B: Membantu justru selama ini kan wifi sekolah tu kan ke pake tidak ke pake kita

bayarnya tetep. Jadi tidak berdasarkan megabyte yang kita pakai, jadikan percuma

kalo gak ada yang make. Maka ini dengan adanya ini (Google Form) kan kita

bayar tapi bener-bener dimanfaatkan. Ini unlimited per bulan, kalo gak

dimanfaatkan ya sia-sia. Kalo sudah bener-bener ini bisa berjalan dengan baik,

kita akan menambah bandwidth ke wifi.

A: Berarti kuota tidak terlalu bermaslah.

B: Ya tidak terlalu bermasalah.

A: kemudaian link yang sederhana tadi mudah ya pak?

B: Membantu sekali itu, kalo ngetik link penjing itu salah sedikit malah masalah


A: Bagaimana dengan proses pembuatan soalnya?

B: Gampang kan bisa copy-paste, kecuali harus ngetik ulang semua.

A: bagaimana dengan tampilan pak?

B: saya rasa tampilan itu tidak terlalu bermasalah.Yang jelas, siswa selalu senang

sama hal yang baru, yang tidak mainstream.

A: Apakah pengoperasian ini bagi siswa susah pak? Jangan sampai merugikan.

B: tidak. Sebagai siswa smk harus bisa, ini kan mudah belum membuat hanya

meggunakan. Siswa smk harus bisa. Juga ujian nasional juga menggunakan



Page 90: UTILIZING GOOGLE FORM AS A MEDIUM FOR MULTIPLE … · practicality and reliability of LLA, Google Form was a good medium for multiple-choice English language testing. It provided


A: Apakah Auto Grading membantu guru?

B: sangat membantu, tidak akan terjadi multi tafsir atau hasil yang ambigu. Siswa

tidak bisa protes juga karena hasilnya pasti.

A: bagaimana dengan data management?

B: kan kita bisa lihat mana soal yang susah atau mudah jadi ini sangat membantu

guru untuk menganalisa kelas. Misal kelas ini kok vocabnya jelek, kok kelas yang

satu past tensenya bagus. Jadi ini baik.

A: Membantu menganalisis ya pak.

A: Pemeriksaan dan pemberian nilai terbantu ya pak?

B: iya Siswa bisa tau betul nilainya, dan tidak curiga dengan hasil temannya.

Validitasnya baik.

A: Nah saya baru kepikiran ni pak. Saya berpikir kalo test ini memungkinkan

siswa untuk mencontek.

B: sebenarnya mencontek diluar teknis penggunaan Google Form. Menyontek itu

masalah moral dan kita perlu mengingatkan siswa tentang itu. Iu ditekankan

diluarnya teknis ini. Jika menginginkan hasil yang lebih baik ya di lab computer,

tapi sebenarnya juga kalo di HP yang penting kita mengawasi.

A: tapi signalnya kemarin jelek.

B: Iya itu bisa dievaluasi. Dan kalau PR terus mereka nanya orang tua ya tidak

papa, itu kemampuan mereka mendapatkan informasi.

A: Kemudian mengurangi kemungkinan pemeriksaan bisa dihindari?

B: betul-betul, saya sering mengalami itu.

A: Berhubungan dengan Ujian Nasianal pak, apakah ..

B: Sangat Mendukung. Membiasakan anak mengerjakan dalam bentuk online.

A: Karena sebenarnya ini tidak begitu mirip dengan UNBK.

B: Memang idak begitu mirip, tapi pasti ada dampaknya. Karena mengerjakan

dikertas dan online itu beda. Harus membiasakan siswa mengerjakan secara

online, semua sekarang online jadi siswa harus terbiasa.

A: Kemudian sisi mencintai lingkungan. Penggunaan kertas pak, kan kalo kita

lihat penggunaanya dalam lembaga pendidikan secara luas itu konsumsi kertasnya

sangat besar kan pak.

B: wo luar biasa kalo itu.


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A: Kemudian apakah dengan Google Form ini sekolah mengurangi penggunaan


B: jelas, kertas itu sekarng mahal. Tapi stelah digunakan ya sudah gak dipake

A: dibakar diloakkan pak.

B: Gak, kalo dibagi ke siswa tu Cuma di suek-suek terus dibuang. Mending kalo

disimpen guru jadi masih bisa di jaul. Dulu itu ada perintah dan sama ada wacana

Paperless tapi sampai sekarang belum berjalan, karena masih ada institusi yang

mengakui dokumen yang tertulis yang dikertas. Padahal kan kalo discan ya udah

baik. Missal di BPJS ya kita banyak sekakali dokumen yang diserahkan.

A: Iya betul-betul pak bisa di PDFkan data-dat itu tapi ya begitu pak. Terakhir ini

tanggapan secara kesulurhan bapak terhadap Google Form sebagai media untuk

test pilihan ganda?

B: Wah ini sangat menarik, juga menantang bagi guru. Terus memberikan variasi

pembelajaran maupun penilaian. Secara umum ya tadi itu, membiasakan anak

dengan ujian online. Semua sekolah harus online.

A: Betul sekali pak karena semua sekolah sdah beli computer. (Laughing)

B: iya kemarin ini semua SMK di Jogja sudah UNBK. Oh iya, ini kan yang bikin

soal gurunya, lalu kemudian nanti siswa harus membuka drive guru?

A: Bukan seperti itu pak, kita hanya perlu membuka link dari Google Form kita

itu. Nanti siswa mengaksesnya bukan pad drive kita tetapi hanya mengakses

soalnya saja. Seperti yang saya jelaskan tadi pak.

B: baik, yang tadi bisa disingkat ya?

A: Betul sekali pak. Okay bapak terimakasih untuk waktunya.

B: baik, ini menarik sekali. Nanti sido membantu mengaplikasikan ini kan ya?

A: siap pak, saya siap membantu.


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Technology Expert’s Interview on 22 April 2017 – 16.20

A = Interviewer B = respondent

A: Selamat sore, mas

B: Selamat sore.

A: kita mulai ya, ini saya bacakan dulu research yang sudah saya lakukan supaya

mas … bisa ada bayangan.

Judul Research saya adalah “The Effectiveness of Google Form as a Medium for English

Multiple Choice Testing.” Ada dua research questions/problems yang saya angkat dalam

research ini, yaitu:

1. Bagaimana Google From digunakan sebagai media tes Pilihan Ganda Bahasa


2. Apakah Google Form efektif dalam penggunaannya sebagai media tes pilihan

ganda Bahasa Inggris?

Dua research questions itu sudah hampir terjawab dalam penelitian ini. Dengan metode

penelitian Research and Development, dengan bentuk System Oriented dengan model

dari Castelle Gentry (1994) yaitu Instructional Project Development and

Management (IPDM) Model. Dalam IPDM ini ada tahap-tahap yang perlu diikuti,

setelah pengimplementasian saya memilih 3 tahap Needs Analysis & Adoption

Design, Production, dan Evaluation. Saya sudah melakukan tahap pertama dan

kedua serta setengah jalan di tahap ke tiga, Evaluasi. Dalam tahap pertama dan

kedua, Research Question pertama terjawab bahwa Google Form mampu

mengadaptasi Soal Pilihan ganda dan menjadi Media test pilihan ganda, saya

sendiri sudah melakukan test ini sebanyak dua kali dengan subjek siswa kelas X

TKA 2 di SMK N 1 Cangkringan. Sederhananya yang perlu dilakukan hanyalah

memindahkan dengan cara Copy-Paste data soal yang sudah dimiliki dalam

Document Word ke Google Form. Memang tidak sepenuhnya Google Form

mampu mengadaptasi format pilihan ganda tercatat ada dua kekurangan yang

muncul yaitu tidak mampunya Google Form mengaplikasikan Bold Type Word

atau Underlined Word seperti pada tes-tes pilihan ganda Bahasa Inggris. Namun

hal ini masih bisa dikondisikan, contoh soal tentang kosa kata, biasanya di soal

akan ada kata yang di cetak tebal atau digaris-bawahi untuk membantu siswa

mencari kata tersebut dalam paragraph. Hal ini bisa dikondsikan dengan

menyebutkan secara terperinci posisi dari kata tersebut,seperti: what is the

meaning of “angry”, in the last sentence of paragraph two. Dengan cara ini fungsi

bold type word dan underlined word bisa diatasi. Saya dapat menyimpulkan

bahwa Google Form bisa di gunakan sebagai media untuk tes pilihan ganda

bahasa inggris.


Page 93: UTILIZING GOOGLE FORM AS A MEDIUM FOR MULTIPLE … · practicality and reliability of LLA, Google Form was a good medium for multiple-choice English language testing. It provided


Selanjutnya apakah itu efektif? Pada tahap evaluasi saya sudah memberikan questionnaire

dan mewawacarai siswa-siswi yang mengalami test pilihan ganda dengan Google Form.

Saya melihat keefektifitasan ini dari sisi LLA yaitu Practicality dan Reliability. Bagi

siswa sederhananya mereka merasa bahwa mengerjakan tugas lewat handphone ini sangat

menyenangkan dan tidak membosankan. Kata salah satu anak dalam wawancara,

“sekarangkan anak2 lebih suka main HP daripida megang buku.” Anak-anak juga merasa

tidak dirugikan dari sisi penggunaan kuota HP atau harus pergi ke warnet. Sederhananya

dari sisi Murid, Google Form dapat dilihat sebagai media yang cukup efektif karena

mudah di akses dan dekat dengan mereka.

Dari sisi guru, ketersediaan internet di sekolah yang unlimited menjadi potensi yang

sangat baik dalam hal penggunaan G-Form. Daftar kemudahan dan efisinsi yang didapat


1. Auto Grading

2. Auto Data Management

3. Secure Data Saving

4. Paperless

5. Praktis bagi siswa dan guru

6. Pengoperasian yang mudah

7. Biaya yang murah

Sederhananya dari sudut pandang guru Google Form ini sangat memudahkan guru dan

Membantu guru, sehingga dapat dikatakan bahwa Google Form sangat efektif dalam

penggunaanya sebagai media test pilihan ganda Bahasa inggris.

Seperti itu kondisi penelitian saya. Maka saya perlu validasi expert dalam hal ini expert

bidang teknologi, dalam hal pemanfaatan teknologi.

B: Okay, Pertanyaanya?

A: pendapat Mas Aweng tentang pemanfaatan Google Form sebagai media test pilihan

ganda bahasa inggris ini dari sisi teknologi dan pemanfaatanya?

B: Pandangan saya ya, sebenarnya ini belum banyak oang yang pakai, kenapa begitu?

Biasanya orang-oang yang sudah familiar dengan teknologi yang pakai. Biasanya untuk

questionnaire. Google Form ini sangat efektif, dari sisi biaya ya gratis selama ada koneksi

internet. Sama seperti akses Internet biasa. Cuma karena kurang familiar kemudian orang

takut menggunakan. Dari sisi pengguna juga misal test pilihan ganda juga sangat baik

karena data dan hasil bisa disediakan Google Form. Ini baik sekali sebenarnya untuk jadi

media belajar di Sekolah. Hasilnya malah bisa diterima dalam excel.

A: berarti baik ya mas?

B: baik, tapi perlu dipastikan siswa ini tau cara menggunakannya. Mereka harus punya

koneksi internet juga. Jadi kalo mereka belum familiar dengan internet ya jangan dikasih

sebelum ada penjelasanya.


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A: berarti, proses saya sudah benar. Saya sudah memastikan siswa bisa mengakses

internet. Ada 30 siswa punya HP dan 2 orang harus ke warnet. Jad mereka bisa

mengkases. Saya juga kasih penjelasan tentang cara mengerjakan testnya.

A: kemudian biaya, saya belum punya data seberapa banyak kuota yang dikeluarkan

dalam hal mengakses G-Form dari sisi pembuatan dan pengerjaan. Apakah kita bisa

melihat berapa kuota internet yang kita keluarkan?

B: Untuk sekarangkan, penjualan kuota internet sudah banyak dan beragam. ini sudah

tidak terlalu masalah sih. Sekarangkan kuota internet yang dijual itu beragam harga dan

kuota jadi ini sebenarnya

A: bukan kebutuhan lux tapi kebutuhan utama ya mas?

B: Ya sekarng tidak jarang juga orang punya HP lebih dari satu.

A: tapi harus dipastikan ya itu mas.

B: betul harus dipastikan siswa bisa mengakses internet.

A: Keamanan, apakah penggunaan Google Form ini aman ataukah cukup rentan untuk


B: Kalo Google Form, di Indonesia, ini aman. Gak mungkin orang retas, karena

fungsinya juga untuk test dalam pendidikan. inikan pakai URL? Jadi ini aman sekali.

Kecuali URLnya bocor itu baru gak aman. Kalo aman sih aman sekali

A: Baik mas kesimpulanya?

B: baik, ini aman sekali. URLnya saja yang jangan sampai bocor. Kelemahannya itu

jangan sampai bocor. Tapi dari sisi biaya, ini harus dilakukan karena siswa sudah gak

gaptek sekarang. Jadi ini baik, paperless juga dan membantu mengolah data. Ini sangat


A: Baik mas terimakasih untuk waktunya.

B: Okay ini sudah?

A: sudah mas. Terimakasih


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Education Expert’s Interview on 25 April 2017 – 09.36

A = Interviewer B = respondent

A: Good Afternoon Ms.

B: Good Afternoon Juan.

A: Let me read my research first buk, so you will get the picture of my research.

B: Okay, please.

A: The title of my research is Designing Multiple-Choice English Language

Testing Using Google Form. There are two research problem, they are:

1. How is Google Form used for multiple-choice English language testing?

2. Is Google Form effective for multiple-choice English language testing?

Those two research questions have almost been answered. With R&D as the

research methodology in the form of System Oriented with the model by Castelle

Gentry (1994) which is Instructional Project Development and Management

(IPDM) model. There are three steps used by the researcher to do the research;

Analysis & Adoption Design, Production, and Evaluation. The first and second

steps were done but the third step, the evaluation, was still 75%. Therefore, I need

to get an Expert Validation, I had received the technology expert validation.

The first research question was answered by the first and second steps of IPDM.

Google Form was utilized as a medium for multiple choice test and can was tested

in X TKA 2, SMK N 1 Cangkringan. I used Observation checklists to see how far

Google Form could adapt the multiple choice test.

B: I don’t think that was an observation. Observation is when you saw other

people did something else and you were there to observe and you’ve got the

checklists to observe. For example “The students like to do test”, then you

checked with the checklists.

A: Okay Ms., but can It is considered as an observation checklists?

B: But you didn’t do observation actually. It was not an observation. But for the,

if you want to do the analysis the features then you cannot use the observation

checklists. I suggest you to find the definition of observation.

A: Okay buk, thank you. I will do it.

A: The researcher had successfully made two assignments, Home Work, with

Google Form for students in X TKA 2 class, SMK N 1 Cangkringan. In short


Page 96: UTILIZING GOOGLE FORM AS A MEDIUM FOR MULTIPLE … · practicality and reliability of LLA, Google Form was a good medium for multiple-choice English language testing. It provided


Google Form could be utilized as a multiple-choice English language testing

medium but there were three technical problem, Google Form cannot adapt the

functions of Bold Type word, Italic word, and Underlined word. However the

functions could be replaced by showing the specific position of the word. For

example “what is the meaning of “angry”, in the last sentence of the second

paragraph?” In conclusion, Google Form could be utilized as a medium for

English Multiple Choice test.

B: is there any limitation for Multiple Choice? Because once, I wanted to make a

test in my class. It was matching types of question. Like the left is terms and the

right side for the definition but the problems I could not find the form for this kind

of test.

A: yes, Matches types is also one of the multiple choice test type.

B: yes. It was not like the UNBK. However that was my problem.

A: okay then buk, so there was limitation in utilizing Google Form. I’ll continue.

A: The second research question concerns with the effectiveness of Google Form

as a multiple-choice English language testing medium. The subjects to answered

this question are Students, an English teacher, a Technology expert, and an

education expert. The researcher have received the questionnaire’s response and

also interview with the students. The effectiveness are seen from the LLA’s

practicality and reliability point of view, paperless, and help them to get used to

computer based test before they will do UNBK. For the students, they loved it.

They said, “sekarangkan anak2 lebih suka main HP daripida megang buku.” They

said that it was simple and easy to use.

B: Padahal sama saja ya (Laughing)

A: The Immediate feedback also helped them to learn. They received the result

after all of the student finished the test.

B: So it always gives them direct result?

A: we can give the direct result but also we can set the setting so we can send the

feedback after every students have done the test.

B: okay.

A: About the Internet Quota, they were okay with that, because they were

regularly buy the Internet Data. From the students perspective, Google Form was

effective as medium for Multiple Choice Test. From the point of view of the

teacher, the School Internet Connectivity was a potential facility to implement the

Google Form as multiple Choice test.

B: Wait, what is the correlation with the students? You said that students have the

personal Internet Connection? So what is the correlation?


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A: okay, so the second point of view was from the teacher. The school provide

Internet only for computer lab and teacher.

B: okay I see, this is from teacher’s point of view. Okay.

A: okay buk, I will continue. Here are the benefits for teacher to use Google Form

as a medium for multiple choice test: Auto Grading, Auto Data Management,

Secure Data Saving, Paperless, Practical, Easy to operate, and Low budget.

That’s the result of my research, I need your validation

B: okay the questions.

A: Before the question, when I interviewed the teacher there. He was like, “Ada

yang seperti ini ya?”.

B: So it’s something new ya.

A: yes it’s something new.

Ssttt (Someone interrupt from the window.)

B: Haha, pak ardi. So they haven’t done the UNBK?

A: Yes they have done it. The teacher said that all of the vocational school in

Yoyakarta have done the UNBK.

B: okay, it is important for the students to have the experience before doing the


A: okay buk, that’s all from my research.

B: Okay, the questions?

A: What is your opinion about the usage of Google Form as an English multiple

choice test?

B: My opinion, just like what you have mentioned, it is practical. Because for me,

as a teacher, I usually have difficulties in checking my students’ work. And then

using Google Form really helps me a lot and it’s save time and the students can

get the direct feedback. And then it is low budget because I don’t have to copy,

paperless. And then they are also excited, I think their attitude toward technology

now is, what is it? Makes them think that technology is part of their life.

A: Do you think that this is expensive?

B: I don’t think it is expensive again. I think every students can afford it. If your

phone is dual sim-card, like mine, you can use one of them for quota and just buy

the cheaper internet quota. This is cheaper than subscribe to regular quota. For the

teacher, I think that’s not really become a burden, there were Wi-Fi in the school.

The students can also access free Wi-Fi in public space. They don’t have to be


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afraid of losing the paper. But the thing should be underlined is the Integrity, that

they should have. Because it is easy for them to cheat. What you need underlined

in teaching with technology is Integrity. You need to tell them that Information is

not hard to find. But what the students need to know is the process is more

important than the result.

A: I also talked about it with the students, and they said, “Itu sih pribadi sih mas

sebaiknya sih gak nyontek. Saya juga gak nyontek.”

B: yes that is integrity.

A: Do you think teachers and students, both of them get the benefit? Or the

benefit is just for one of them?

B: Both of them. Ya, the teacher get the most. However the students get the

experience before doing UNBK. It is important. They will not surprise before they

will actually do the UNBK.

A: If there will be a problem in implementation of Google Form, according to

you, what are the problems may be?

B: probably, first related to Internet Connection. For example there are 40

questions and the students are in the middle of doing it in the number 20for

example but then there are bad Internet Connection, there may be a consequences

to lose the answers. The second problem relates to the cheating that I mentioned

before, it becomes my concern. That happens in my class. How to make the

students realize that the process is more important the result. The result has

nothing to do with their progress of learning, the process has it. When they failed

than they can always repeat. and then.. Oh yes, I think another benefit of using

Google Form is that they can always repeat, right? Computer could never get

bored. (Laughing) In the very beginning of CALL era, when call is invented, in

the era of behavioristic CALL. It mentioned that Language is matter of habitual,

and computer never get bored in repeating something over and over again. The

learner can always repeat part that they fail. And then learning autonomy. I think

in this era in the internet era, we need to boost or encourage the students to

become autonomous learner, so they should manage their own time and they

should have responsibility in their progress. I think Google Form or the

integration of technology may boost the learning autonomy to be possessed by

them. And then what else?

A: Is it effective?

B: Yes it is.

A: from the point of view of the teacher?

B: Yes, what I think is in the point of view of the teacher. Probably it doesn’t really have impact to students, what they do is just moving from crossing to


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clicking. But for the teacher. It is really helpful. For lecturer it is also really


A: yes with 100 students.

B: yes 100 students may be hard for teacher to check their works. It is really


A: The last, can you give a conclusion?

B: Okay. I think the integration of technology help the way teacher teach and help

the way students learn. The first think I talk about is motivation, My Principle as a

teacher, if the students cannot learn the way I teach then I teach the way they

learn. They like to learn from technology, so I can use the integration of

technology to teach them. The second is, learning autonomy, this is one of the

skills that they need in this modern era. Because the information is not rare

anymore, they can the information easily. So it boost the leaning autonomy and

also digital literacy. The third, related to digital literacy, because our government

now encourages teacher and students to use technology, and it is proven by the

examination, the UNBK. So I think, exercises with Google Form will help them

before face the UNBK. I think that’s all.

A: Okay ms. that’s all. Thank you


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This manual book is made to help teachers in making a multiple-choice testing with Google Form. However it will be great and

faster if you learn it by doing. It will be more efficient if you experience the process. The book provides figures to help you easily

understand the way to make multiple choice test with Google Form.

1. What is Google Form?

Google-Form is an application that is provided by Google Company to assist data gathering. It supports auto grading, auto data

management, and secure data saving. It can also be utilized as a multiple choice test medium in school.

2. What Do You Need?

The only thing you need is a Google account by simply signing-up to G-mail. You will have access to various beneficial apps that

are provided by Google Company, one of them is Google Form.

3. How to Access Google Form.

Google Form can access simply by getting in to Google Drive open the tab “NEW” and choose the app Google Form. The red box

in the picture bellow shows the location of Google Form.


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Figure 1.1 How to access Google Form


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4. How to Work with Google Form?

a. Google Form Features

Before making the multiple choice test, first you need to know the features in multiple choice test. There are three parts

of Google Form the head, Questions’ work space, and Responses’ work space. Below is the picture of Google Form work

space display.

Figure 4.1 The display of Google Form Display


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1) The Head of Google Form Work Space

Figure 4.2. The head of the Google Form Work Space

NO Name Functions

1 The title of the project. To show the title of the test.

2 Color Palette To choose the theme and color for the back ground.

3 Preview To check the test before it is distributed.

4 Setting To set the test.

5 SEND To send the test and to get the URL

6 Menu There are some functions can be used in the menu such as undo, make a copy, etc.

7 Account To show the Google Account who is accessing the Google Form Table 4.1. The Functions of Features


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2) The Questions part

Figure 4.3. The picture of questions work space

Table 4.2 Questions work space

NO Name Functions

1 Title Space To make the title of the test.

2 Form Description To describe the test.

3 Title Question Space To input the question.

4 The Response Choices

There are some form of responses that can be collected. They are multiple choices, short answer, paragraph answer, etc.

5 Option Space To put the multiple choices answer of the questions. There are some options of functions


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to collect students’ answer.

Short answer: To collect short answer. Paragraph: To collect long answer. Multiple Choice: To show multiple choices. (Circle) Checkboxes: To show multiple choices. (Checkboxes) Dropdown: To show multiple choices. (Number) Linear Scale: To get response in the form of scale Multiple Choice Grid: To have some statement with some repeated choices responses. Date: To collect response in the form of date. Time: To collect response in the form of time.

6 Make Copy To copy and paste the active work space.

7 Delete To delete the active work space

8 Required To make it a must to be filled by the students. If in the end it is not filled than a warning may perform.

9 Input Functions This contains functions:


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Add questions: to add questions Add text: to ad text Add picture: to add picture Add video: to add video Add sections: to make sections

3) The responses part

This part contains the data result. There are SUMMARY of the responses but also the INDIVIDUAL response.

b. How to make an English multiple choice test?

1) Pre-making a test with Google Form

Before making a test you need some test collections in the form of Word Document. Later you need to copy-

paste the texts, pictures, and questions from your test collections in Word Document to Google Form.


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2) Making a Test

a) Setting the Google Form

There are three parts of setting option. The first thing to do is to go to the General setting and Checked the

box as in the Figure 4.5. Next open the Presentation setting and check the box as in the Figure 4.6. Then the

last open the Quizzes setting and do make it as in the Figure 4.7.

Figure 4.5. General Setting

Figure 4.6. Presentation Setting

Figure 4.7. Quizzes Setting


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b) Making a Test

Technically, making a multiple choice test is just simply copy-paste the test collection from Word Document

into Google Form. There are some Input-functions in Google Form as in the picture on the next page. We will use

the function of Multiple Choices and Short Answer. The short answer function is used to make the bio data part

of the test.

Making the title of the test, order, and passage

Title and description spaces is used to make the title and description of the test, to make order, and to

put passage. The title space is to make title of the test, the title of the passage, or order. The description

space is to make the description and also to put the passage.

Figure 4.8. Title and Description


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Figure 4.9. Order and Passage


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Making Personal data input space

The short answer function is used to make the bio data part of the test.

Figure 2.10. Making Personal Data Input Space


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Making a Question

Making question uses the Multiple Choice functions. There are space for questions and options.

Figure 4.11. Making Multiple Choice Questions

Giving Score for each number and Input the answer Key

To input the answer key, after this we can input answer by clicking the question and choose the

answer key button (See the left bottom part of Figure 4.11). After that choose the right option as the

answer key and give score for the question.


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Choosing Theme

To change color or theme you can open the Color Palette in the head part of Google Form. Choose the

right theme for the test to increase the motivation of students to do the test or to make it more official.

The logo of the school can be input by uploading it and using it as the theme.

Previewing The Test

After finishing the data input process to Google Form, you can preview the multiple choice test to

evaluate before it is distributed. If there is something wrong in the preview than you may revise it.

Simplifying The URL

After the test is ready, the next step is to simplify the test with the help from bitly.com. First we click

the send option to get the URL then we copy-paste it to the bitly.com and simplify the URL. For example

the original URL which is https://goo.gl/forms/Li79HuqQJVwJiLl53 is simplified into bit.ly/evaluasi1-bing-



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5. Doing the Test (Student)

After the test is ready, you may distribute the test to the students. Make sure you give explanation about the way to work with

the test. It must be easy and simple for students. It is just as easy as using social media. However once again, you have to make

sure that students will get significant obstacles in doing the test.

6. Auto data management and auto grading.

After the students submit the test, Google Form will automatically process all of the responses. You can look the responses

in summary or you can look the individual response. Make sure all of the students have submitted the test. After that you can send

the individual result to their E-mail by opening the Individual response and choose the option “RELEASE SCORE” and send all of the

individual results.