ustasha stand down order

DECI-ASSIFIED Aurrrority Nhtb ts$"oe Bv -&JNARA Dare s1}egfuL =--:3|@:14 s" }ffics Msrre lurra UNITED *, LrrI""bS GOVERI\TMEhTT DATE: Janr"rary 5 r }y 51" TO :4. H. Be ffi I*-S t4r**?r* t*$**- t"/) f-tlT *rt"qr# .; L&.1 fs*$ ffit* t l't T.-r #:Cl l:'A$ilI S T * ll$ T{kSKI ACT::[ I/T TTm$ T0 l"i . .,",$ * Tolson Ladcl CIegg__ 01avln_ Nlchole_ Rosen d cH. YIIGOSIAV T ],fi,{l_ G}iltT,I T5 I}ITT:]RhIAI SHCTIII TY C ]III TraoY-*--- To propose (1) that the Bureau und.ertalce no Hsbo---- investigation of Yugosl-a.v immigrants and displaced pgrFons r.rlro k [I;;- have been menbers of or associaterd wlth the Fascist $!.1p$"i. Neaae___ elements in World i'Var I1 unless thelr actlvltles after arriving *dy--. in the Unj-ted $tates appear to be inir:-lcal to the jnternal securi.ty' ----+l (2) That such allegations regarding Wor"ld War I1 Ustashi activitie" l{'rr*}-#, t44 abrpad W Yugoslav immigrants be referred to INS for suoh action e'i - i:: as is deeneecl advj-sab1e with ttre comment ihat the Bureau contemplates k"l$--""i no i:ir.estigatton unless subsequent inforrnation ind.icates i;he f, \ subjectt s actlvities after arriving in the United States appear to ,.tr6*d* t. {t"\ be jninieal to the internal security. .\" i,. 1f .Xr.,' s=5snssi. t cLJ#'M I t',.f"ry i/'r The well--ls-1own antagonisn b etween the Serbians and Crrcatiart- I tk"J is based on politieal and ysli grous Ciffe:"ences which ant'eceder 1 Siorl-d T[ar IT by niany years. fn invading Crrratia: where a puppel, Government was set u"p unCer Ante Pa,veltch the Gerrre.ns exploi-ted- the age-old desire of C::oatia for a separate state and in retum the Croats forrned a mi.Iita,r;rr licrce kriovm as the Llstashi ',vl:ich jcined in the ,rar againsi, ltiissia. The Sierbian Chetniks, under Draaa Mikhailovlch, at the same tirne were fightin5q the Gerrm.n jnvaders who had set rip a puppet state in $erbia under General Mij"a.n l{,edieh. Thus the Crnatian Ustashi and the Serbian Chetniks were throun into the war agai.nst ^nar. ^+h^- -,i+]- the forces of General \leciich zupporting the Ustashi. gqvl! V VlIg I t Ytf Vll Ullg M V9, VI UvI{9tsJ :'i v\4rv.r ".t" "" * .r, The 3o:::.'r':;r:ist ani other anri-Gert:an elercents in Yugosl-at'-ia iorned. ihe Fe,::-"isa::s l.aishal- Tito a:d. r;ere accepfed b;'the Al]ies with the s'apFri,:j :'---ssia;;ith *-:re :'es' ihat the anti-Comnmnist, anti-Gennan Che-,;i::s :j ;,ikharlovicir received progressirrely dinfnishing support frora tlte a-r 'ie'; r,aticns. lgyl\ii;39ns: Thus ub.en a Yugoslav imnri-grant is alleged to have been a member of or associatecl with ttre ilstash.l it is not eonclusi-ve that he rras a Fascist, because of the hatred betnreen the $erbs and Croats and the historj-cal desire of the Croats for a selNirate state, In add-ition it should be remembered t$at, afte.r Crrratia was occupied. by the Gertnans l.t became expedient W.e*fport thg Gernran, goverrment thepp and ., }t \' I ".. jr,: , 1., u /" $Fs W Sffi* w ffi$ {*ft \offi sRx k q--"' ;\tKsffi": \$ffi Fls ry4 3-L ,.-& -a -R -t -\-t-_.--;t DIEA@ F -G -- 1- !*,a at\F Jt ff r{ ,Y"u ?'

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1/1951 FBI memo detailing a proposal not to go after Ustashi, members of a Croatian terrorist organization.


Page 1: Ustasha Stand Down Order


Aurrrority Nhtb ts$"oe

Bv -&JNARA Dare s1}egfuL


s"}ffics Msrre lurra UNITED *, LrrI""bS GOVERI\TMEhTT

DATE: Janr"rary 5 r }y 51"TO :4. H. Be





L&.1 fs*$ffit*t l'tT.-r#:Cl

l:'A$ilI S T * ll$ T{kSKI ACT::[ I/T TTm$T0 l"i . .,",$ *








To propose (1) that the Bureau und.ertalce no Hsbo----investigation of Yugosl-a.v immigrants and displaced pgrFons r.rlro

k [I;;-

have been menbers of or associaterd wlth the Fascist $!.1p$"i. Neaae___elements in World i'Var I1 unless thelr actlvltles after arriving * the Unj-ted $tates appear to be inir:-lcal to the jnternal securi.ty'

----+l(2) That such allegations regarding Wor"ld War I1 Ustashi activitie" l{'rr*}-#, t44abrpad W Yugoslav immigrants be referred to INS for suoh action e'i - i::as is deeneecl advj-sab1e with ttre comment ihat the Bureau contemplates k"l$--""ino i:ir.estigatton unless subsequent inforrnation ind.icates i;he f, \subjectt s actlvities after arriving in the United States appear to ,.tr6*d*t. {t"\be jninieal to the internal security. .\" i,. 1f


s=5snssi. t cLJ#'MI t',.f"ry i/'rThe well--ls-1own antagonisn b etween the Serbians and Crrcatiart- I tk"J

is based on politieal and ysli grous Ciffe:"ences which ant'eceder 1

Siorl-d T[ar IT by niany years. fn invading Crrratia: where a puppel,Government was set u"p unCer Ante Pa,veltch the Gerrre.ns exploi-ted- theage-old desire of C::oatia for a separate state and in retum theCroats forrned a mi.Iita,r;rr licrce kriovm as the Llstashi ',vl:ich jcined inthe ,rar againsi, ltiissia.

The Sierbian Chetniks, under Draaa Mikhailovlch,at the same tirne were fightin5q the Gerrm.n jnvaders who had set rip apuppet state in $erbia under General Mij"a.n l{,edieh. Thus the CrnatianUstashi and the Serbian Chetniks were throun into the war agai.nst^nar. ^+h^- -,i+]- the forces of General \leciich zupporting the Ustashi.gqvl! V VlIg I t Ytf Vll Ullg M V9, VI UvI{9tsJ :'i v\4rv.r ".t" ""



The 3o:::.'r':;r:ist ani other anri-Gert:an elercents in Yugosl-at'-iaiorned. ihe Fe,::-"isa::s l.aishal- Tito a:d. r;ere accepfed b;'the Al]ieswith the s'apFri,:j :'---ssia;;ith *-:re :'es' ihat the anti-Comnmnist,anti-Gennan Che-,;i::s :j ;,ikharlovicir received progressirrely dinfnishingsupport frora tlte a-r 'ie'; r,aticns.

lgyl\ii;39ns:Thus ub.en a Yugoslav imnri-grant is alleged to have been a

member of or associatecl with ttre ilstash.l it is not eonclusi-ve that herras a Fascist, because of the hatred betnreen the $erbs and Croats andthe historj-cal desire of the Croats for a selNirate state, In add-itionit should be remembered t$at, afte.r Crrratia was occupied. by the Gertnansl.t became expedient W.e*fport thg Gernran, goverrment thepp and

., }t \' I

".. jr,: , 1., u /"


\offisRxk q--"'

;\tKsffi":€ \$ffiFls ry43-L ,.-&



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Page 2: Ustasha Stand Down Order

the ustash' forces'. Therefore, in the absence of any additionalinfonnatlori indi-cat'ing that afier his arr:ivai-i* tir" united $tatesthe lmrn:igra,rtt has engaged in activlties inj-n-i*uf to the lnternalsecurity no investi-gation appears warranted merely because h;- -reportedly was affiliated with the Ustashi.

Recommendation r

(l) Thae no active investigation beBnreau' baserj on sueh infornation unless i.t isis enga.g'ed in actj-vities in the TJnited $tatesin fiatr-ife *

i-HrCertaken by thereported that ti:e inunj_grantdeemed to be subversive

investigation we should merelyconcerning the inrnrj-grant towas a menrher, of or a,$ s0 cia'beC

si-i cI: ini'o rmal tion


i! *$#.,{*-", l.i"id"

r'-\l i$;t' .,r''l.^ltr.ort" ."$S"

l.*'"1 dt"t'. .rf ,r'ln,hl:1

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i .i"tddd

{2) Instead. of ccnductjng &nfurn"ish to rN$ tne arlegatj_on reeeivedthe effect that during y{crld TFar rr hewith the Ustashi"no inv"estigation

with the adrice to rnrs that baseci onis ccnternplated by this Brl




