using & optimizing the exit exam math coe michael middleton – director of select assessments...


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Using & Optimizing the Exit Exam Math COE MICHAEL MIDDLETON DIRECTOR OF SELECT ASSESSMENTS OCTOBER 2015 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 2 Welcome Educators ! Lets discuss : The makeup of the inclusion bank Choosing tasks for the collection Getting started on an exit exam collection The claims Resources from Smarter Balanced Digital Library IABs Instructional tasks: Task, exemplar, and rubric Enroll in the COE Moodle and forum October 11, 2015 Exit Exam Math COE 9/30/15 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 3 Test Map 9/30/15 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 4 Percentage per category in standards Percentage per claim Test Map Categories 9/30/15 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 5 Percentage per category in standards Conceptual Category Number and Quantity 5 % Algebra 45% Functions 35-40% Statistics and Probability 10-15% Test Map Claim Emphasis 9/30/15 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 6 Exit Exam COE Inclusion Bank Titles Choose version for each task numeric category TASKVersion AVersion BVersion CVersion D 1 Biscuit & Gizmo Website Challenges Summer Sizzle The Food Truck Leavenworth Landscaping 2 Pacific Beach Bills Espresso Stand Musical Theatre Madness Career Choices 3 Managing A Plant Farm Dapper Dresses Summer Sun Swim Center Fastpitch! 4 School Road Trip Dogs Love Carrots Splash ParkTJs Construction Company OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 7 October 11, 2015 Guiding Students with Task Selections Review the standards and claims for instruction. Choose one version for each of the four tasks. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 8 TASKClaimVersion AVersion BVersion CVersion D 1 1A-CED.1 N-Q.1 1A-CED.2 A-CED.1A-CED.2 2N-Q.2N-Q.3A-SSE.1a/b 3A-REI.1 4F-LE.1a/b/cF-LE.2F-LE.3F-LE.5 2 1F-IF.1 1A-REI.12 1A-REI.11 A.REI.11A-REI.11 2 A-REI.6 OR A-CED.3/4 A-REI.6 A-REI.5 OR A-CED 3/4 A-REI.6 3A-REI.5 A-REI.6A-REI.5 3 1F-IF.7a/eS-ID.2A-REI.3 1 S-ID.3F-IF.4 2F-IF.2 F-IF.4F-IF.6 3F-BF.3F-IF.9 F-BF.3 4S-ID.1/5F-BF.1b S-ID 6a/6c 4 1F-IF.6F-IF 7a/eF-IF.7a/eF-IF.9 1F-IF.5F-IF.3 1 F-IF.5 2S-ID.7 S-ID.9 3A-REI.10 October 11, 2015 Possible Student Selection Exit Exam Math COE TaskVersion AVersion BVersion CVersion D 1 Biscuit & Gizmo 1A 2 Bills Espresso Stand 2B ON DEMAND 3 Summer Sun Swim Center 3C 4 TJs Construction Company 4D OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 9 October 11, 2015 Provide Direction for Task Selection Students should review summaries and find one of interest! OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 10 October 11, 2015 Getting Started: Select All Tasks Upfront All student selections are made BEFORE access to the system opens to the student. Once made, student selections are SET for the collection and are not changed. The math covered in the versions of the tasks is drawn from similar math content. There are not easier or more difficult task combinations for students. Students only work on and/view those tasks that they have selected. Students have an opportunity with this inclusion bank to submit four unique collections. If students do not meet proficiency, they can select up to three subsequent collections that contain all new tasks. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 11 October 11, 2015 Selecting Your Exit Exam COE Tasks An Exit Exam Math COE collection must meet the following requirements: The collection consists of exactly four tasks chosen from the inclusion bank. All collections include one on-demand task chosen from either Task category 2 or Task category 4 of the inclusion bank. The remaining three tasks are extended-time which are chosen from the three other Task categories that are not on-demand. Students will complete all tasks online in the eCOE except for graphing questions which will be printed and submitted separately. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 12 October 11, 2015 UPDATED 11/3/15 Exit Exam Math COE On-Demand Task What is new? Only one on-demand task is required for the collection. The on-demand task must be selected from either Task Category 2 or 4. Initially, both category 2 and 4 tasks can be selected as on-demand, but the system will allow one to be changed to extended time prior to submission. Students are not asked claim 4 questions as part of an on-demand work sample. Students may do the on-demand Exit Exam Math COE task in two parts. It is recommended that the on-demand tasks be completed toward the end of the students study. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 13 October 11, 2015 New policy 11/9/2015 Math On-demand OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 14 Math COE ScenarioOn-demand optionsImpact on student collections 1Select a single on-demand task from either Task 2 or Task 4 and submit it. Student completes the task and submits it in the collection. 2Select both Task 2 and Task 4 as on-demand. Students do both and, after teacher review, select the on-demand task from the two that they will submit with their collection. The other task is switched to extended time format. Student will have to complete both Task 2 and 4 as on-demand tasks before determining which will remain as on-demand and which will become an extended-time task. This will potentially create a delay in the instructional time between completing the switched on- demand task and returning to it with extended time. Math COE Preparing for Instruction: Considering the Claims OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 15 October 11, 2015 Use these links to access more information October 11, 2015 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 16 Claim Distribution and Claim videos:Smarter Balanced Content Specifications for Mathematics:content/uploads/2011/12/Mathematics-Content-Specifications_July pdf Make Use of Your Resources: Smarter Balanced Digital Library October 11, 2015 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 17 The Digital Library is an online collection of instructional and professional learning resources contributed by educators for educators. The resources are aligned with the intent of the Common Core State Standards and will help educators implement the formative assessment process to improve teaching and learning. Formative Assessment Formative assessment is a deliberate process used by teachers and students during instruction that provides actionable feedback used to adjust ongoing teaching and learning strategies to improve students attainment of curricular learning targets/goals. Digital Library Resources: 9/30/15 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 18 Make Use of Your Resources: Interim Assessments (Block) - IAB High School Algebra and Functions Linear Functions Algebra and Functions Quadratic Functions Geometry Right Triangle Ratios in Geometry Mathematics Performance Task OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 19 October 11, 2015 Mathematics COE Moodle OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 20 October 11, 2015 New Section for the Math COE Moodle OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 21 October 11, 2015 Exit Exam Math COE Instructional Tasks Now Available! Ready to download and use in the classroom! On the Moodle: Creatures from Beyond 1A Running for Fun 1C Usain Bolt 1D Summer Sightseeing 2B OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 22 October 11, 2015 Instructional tasks include: Task ready for student use Blank task that students can work on. Instructional tasks are templated like inclusion bank tasks to include five questions with standards and claims to match any task in the same group and version. Student exemplar An expected student response that would earn full credit (all points) on the task specific rubric Task specific rubric A rubric designed for the instructional tasks detailing how trained scorers will assign points to student responses. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 23 October 11, 2015 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 24 1A Creatures from Beyond October 11, 2015 Here is a look at the task OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 25 October 11, 2015 Here is a look at the exemplar OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 26 October 11, 2015 Here is a look at the rubric OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 27 October 11, 2015 1C Running for Fun OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 28 October 11, 2015 1D Usain Bolt OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 29 October 11, 2015 2B Summer Sightseeing OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 30 October 11, 2015 UPDATED 11/3/15 Two New Instructional Tasks 3C Classic Cars 4A Movie Theaters New Instructional Tasks include the same materials: Task, exemplar, and rubric OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 31 October 11, 2015 Join the COE forum and share ideas! OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 32 October 11, 2015 Scoring the Collection- Everything scored and counts to total possible score of 40 points TASKVersion AVersion BVersion CVersion D 1 A-CED.1 (2 points) A-CED.2 (2 points) N-Q.2 (2 points) A-REI.1 (2 points) F-LE.1a/b/c (2 points) 2 F-IF.1 (2 points) A-REI.12 (2 points) A-REI.11 (2 points) A-REI.6 (2 points) A-REI.5 (2 points) 3 A-REI.3 (2 points) S-ID.3 (2 points) F-IF.4 (2 points) F-IF.9 (2 points) F-BF.1b (2 points) 4 F-IF.9 (2 points) F-IF.3 (2 points) F-IF.5 (2 points) S-ID.9 (2 points) A-REI.10 (2 points) OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 33 October 11, 2015 Planning your instructional units around the standards OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 34 October 11, 2015 Planning your instructional units around the standards 9/30/15 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 35 Standards Instructional Materials A COE Task Materials you would use to teach the standards Planning your instructional units around the standards Teach to the standards so students develop the skills described in the standards. Students need to perform well in college, career, and long afterwards not just on a single COE task. 9/30/15 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 36 Extended Time Tasks For Extended Time tasks, students can review and revise their work The teacher CAN: Provide instruction until the student is prepared for first draft work on the task Review the students work on the task to see what the student does well and where additional instruction would help the student improve their work. 9/30/15 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 37 Extended Time Tasks (contd) Provide additional instruction aligned to some or all of the standards assessed in the task after the first draft Let the student review and revise their first draft, telling the student, Based on what youve just learned, you may review and change any part of your work in this task. The cycle of instruction teacher review instruction student revisions can occur any number of times. 9/30/15 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 38 Extended Time Tasks The teacher CANNOT make any notes, comments, corrections, marks, etc. on the student work. The teacher CANNOT coach students on how to approach or develop an answer for any item in the task. The teacher CANNOT give any guidance on which questions to review and/or revise. 9/30/15 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 39 Sign Up on GovDelivery Best way to stay informed of important information from OSPI. Go toto sign Encourage colleagues to do the same. 10/6/2015 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 40 UPDATED 11/3/2015 Contact Information Contact at OSPI: Phone: (COE Office OSPI) Technical Support with the eCOE system: Our Vendor COE ESD #113 Phone contact: OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 41 October 11, 2015