using moodle for openlearn

Jenny Gray, Leading Technical Developer openlearn, The Open University 7 May 2010

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Page 1: Using Moodle for OpenLearn

Jenny Gray, Leading Technical Developer

openlearn, The Open University

7 May 2010

Page 2: Using Moodle for OpenLearn

Using Moodle• VLE integration

– single code base– shared functionality

• Open content, open source philosophy • Good initial product

– Easy to set up– Simple content display– Easy to extend– Good basic tool set for learners

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What’s core?• Core

– myLearningSpace (myMoodle)– Activities: quiz,glossary

• Contrib– Activities: questionnaire, blog, forum, wiki– YUI course menu block

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Key setup changes• Authentication plug-in choice• Manual self-enrolment onto courses• Open to Google• Guest and authenticated user permissions

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What’s not core?• Content discovery

– RSS feeds– Extra course metadata– Full-text search– Related resources block– Course ratings– Course tagging

• Search engine optimisation– Site map– Themes– Language changes

• OU systems– XML publishing and display– Authentication

• Supporting learners– FlashMeeting– Compendium– Activity reports

• Supporting teachers– Alternative formats block

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Extra RSS feeds• Feed of all visible

courses in the site• Feed of all courses in

a category

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Course tagging• Tag this course• Tag cloud at top level and

on each course home page

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Related Educational Resources• 3 groups of links

– 2 controlled by us • OU links• OpenLearn links

– 1 user-generated

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Extra course metadata• Extra fields in the course table

• Duration• Level

• Displayed on– Course and category index

pages– Course search results– Course home page

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Course rating• Rate any course

• 5 * rating• Averaged for users• Link to course questionnaire

• Displayed on– Category index pages

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Search Engine Optimisation• Open to more than just Google• Altered <title> tag structure in our themes• Unit tags and descriptions in <meta> in our themes• New URLs

– tectonics/S279_1 – XML Site map pushed to Google weekly

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What’s reusable?• Moodle 2.?

– RSS feeds – Course tagging

• Contrib– FlashMeeting – Compendium – Related resources block

(maybe)– Course ratings

• Advice– Extra course metadata– Activity reports– Full-text search– Alternative formats– Themes– Language changes– Site map

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Lessons learned – the good• Good framework to build on

– Plug-in infrastructure– Roles and permissions flexibility

• Good community– Plenty of support– developments coming “for free”– availability of lead developers to discuss plans– success in contributing back to core product

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Lessons learned – the bad• Time consuming to keep up-to-date• Poor core code quality• Plug-in framework doesn’t always go far enough• Principles of openness not embedded