usertesting 2016 webinar: research to inform product design in agile environments

Research to Inform Product Design in Agile Environments Steve Fadden, Ph.D. Director, Salesforce Analytics UX Research Professional Faculty, UC Berkeley School of Information Presented for UserTesting Webinar, November 10, 2016

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Page 1: UserTesting 2016 webinar: Research to inform product design in Agile environments

Research to Inform Product Design in Agile Environments

Steve Fadden, Ph.D.

Director, Salesforce Analytics UX Research

Professional Faculty, UC Berkeley School of Information

Presented for UserTesting Webinar, November 10, 2016

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Agenda1. Agile values and challenges

2. Research methods

3. Tips & tricks


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About me

Steve Fadden


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Development lifecycles


Waterfall Spiral Agile / Scrum

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Agile valuesIndividuals and interactions

over processes and tools

Working software over



Customer collaboration over

contract negotiation

Responding to change over

following a plan


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Continuous delivery and change“Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and

continuous delivery of valuable software.”

“Welcome changing requirements, even late in development.

Agile processes harness change for the customer's competitive



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Sustainable, optimal work“Agile processes promote sustainable development.”

“The sponsors, developers, and users should be able to maintain

a constant pace indefinitely.”

“Simplicity--the art of maximizing the amount of work not

done--is essential.”


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Self-organization and adjustment“The best architectures, requirements, and designs emerge from

self-organizing teams.”

“At regular intervals, the team reflects on how to become more

effective, then tunes and adjusts its behavior accordingly.”


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ChallengesFrequent, short cycles

“Just-in-time” answers

Drive to implement now

Cross-functional teams


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Comprehensive research approach








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Formative research informs decisions


Generative Formative Summative

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Formative methodsThroughout cycle

Informs decision-making

Varying fidelity

Improvement focus

Faster & lighter


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Technique 1: Understanding problems

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Evidence of problems

Potential opportunities

● Recent events

● Specific details

● Feelings and perceptions

● Future responses

Critical incidents


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Reference: Flanagan, J.C. (1954). The Critical Incident Technique, Psychological Bulletin, 51(4), 327-358;; Image:

Critical Incident Process1. Confirm user profile

2. Identify last time

3. Gather details

a. Description

b. Actions taken

c. Feelings

d. Outcome

e. Future actions

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Example prompt“Consider the last time you had to share something online. How long ago did this happen? What did you share? Describe the steps you took to share, and highlight any surprises or problems (if any) that happened.”

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Example result● Validates problem

● Identifies opportunities

● Clarifies expectations

● Details scenarios

● Builds empathy

“I needed to share a PDF with a

friend, and we use ABC, but I

hadn’t used it in a while. I logged

in through my browser, dragged

the PDF to Files, and then saw

the PDF open. I expected ABC to

start uploading it. I hit back,

created a folder in ABC,

uploaded the PDF to it, clicked

share to add my friend, and sent

her the link.”

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Technique 2: Examining concepts

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Scenario explorationInitial confusions


Extensions and opportunities

● Description

● Flow and interaction

● Process illustration: steps,

images, storyboard, video

Reference: Carroll, J.M. (2003). Making Use: Scenario-Based Design of Human-Computer Interactions. MIT Press; Image:

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Scenario exploration process1. Present overall scenario

a. Ascertain understanding

b. Capture concerns/questions

2. Show steps of flow or interaction, capturing:

a. Concerns, confusions

b. Benefits, positives

c. Open questions

3. Gather final comments at end

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Example prompt: Initial scenario“Imagine you had a tool that provided the ability to export data from any document that contained numbers. You would be able to select the data you wanted, and the tool would export it to an analysis tool of your choice. Discuss your initial thoughts about this tool, highlighting any questions, concerns, or benefits that come to mind.”

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Example prompt: Storyboard review“The following 4 slides illustrate how you might interact with this tool. Review each slide, and comment on anything you find to be confusing, problematic, useful, or appealing about the concept.”

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Example flow (comments gathered after each slide presented)






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Example feedback, slide 1

1. “Makes sense so far. I wonder how the

tool will handle tables that are embedded

in documents that contain a lot of text,

such as labels or superimposed


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Example feedback, slide 2

“I’m thinking that this process would

require a lot of clicks, even for a small

number of columns. It would be better if

the tool automatically recognized a lot of

this information, and then I could go in and

review/modify it.”

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Example feedback, slide 3

“I understand this process, but am

concerned that people might give different

names to the same data. You should

embed best practices for naming here.

Otherwise, the result could be messy.”

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Example feedback, slide 4

“I like that it shows progress, but it seems

that it should be pretty fast for documents

that don’t have a lot of tables embedded in

them. Will we be able to save the

mappings? That could save time in the


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Example: Final comments






“It’s great that you don’t have to

jump around different parts of

the system to do this. It’s very

valuable to be able to complete

this from one place.”

“Hi, I wanted to follow up to

reiterate that this is a REALLY

COOL idea and it fills a much

needed requirement for our

use of the product. Please

consider me for future studies

like this, because we need this


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Technique 3: Gauging reactions

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Initial impressionsVisual appeal

Goals and intentions

Specific content

● Interface preview

● Time limit

● Survey questions


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First impressions matterFormed by ~50ms

● Primarily based on visual appeal

● Do not change with additional viewing time

Initial usability impression remains stable

● With 5s, 60s, and no time limit

● Even when site is manipulated to be more/less usable

References: Lindgaard, G., Fernandes, G., Dudek, C., & Brown, J.M. (2006). Attention web designers: You have 50 milliseconds to make a good first impression! Behaviour and Information Technology, 25(2),


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Impression test process

“View the following interface for a few seconds, and then answer the questions that follow.”







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Present questions after viewingThe interface you just viewed appears:

Very Very Appealing - - - - - - - - - Unappealing

Very Very Easy - - - - - - - - - Hard

Very Very Efficient - - - - - - - - - Inefficient

What is the purpose of the interface?

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Ratings and open feedback are helpful

“It looks very plain and almost

ugly. It’s obviously some kind of

class schedule. I remember seeing

assignments and icons that look

like standard office software. I

could probably figure out how to

use it, but I’m not sure I’d want


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Technique 4: Evaluating expectations

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Expectation testsAreas of confusion

Mental model

Names, categorization

● Static screens

● No text/labels

● Basic task information

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Expectation process: “Greeking” technique1. Identify important tasks

2. Create scenario

3. Write “first step” questions

4. Present interface without text

5. Ask for group/category names

Reference: Thomas S. Tullis, 1998. A method for evaluating web page design concepts. CHI 98 conference summary on human factors in computing systems

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Example prompt: Scenario and instructionsScenario: “You are a college instructor using a new online course management tool to schedule and track assignments and communicate with your students.”

Instruction: “Indicate where you would first click to start each task?”

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“Greeking” activity: Individual tasksHow would you expect to:

1. See a calendar with class


2. Edit information about a

specific homework


3. Send a secure email

message to a student?

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“Greeking” activity: GroupingsIdentify and prioritize any

groups of functionality

What would you call each




“3. More details”

“1. Main navigation”

“2. Quick tools”

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Technique 5: Addressing usability problems

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Look for problemsAssess effectiveness

Compare to competition

Validate performance

● Benchmark testing

● Discount usability

Both good, but...


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Fixing issues as a teamTask completion barriers

Improvement opportunities

Consensus on feasibility

● High fidelity interface

● Representative users

● Key stakeholders


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Rapid Iterative Testing & Evaluation (RITE)

Reference: Medlock, M.C., Wixon, D., Terrano, M., Romero, R., & Fulton, B. (2002). Using the RITE method to improve products: a definition and a case study, Presented at UPA conference.

Similar to conventional usability evaluation

Emphasis on fixing major problems between sessions

1. Schedule time for interface changes

2. Agree on critical tasks and success criteria

3. Record problems encountered

4. Discuss problems worth fixing

5. Implement fixes and continue

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Result: Whole team understands issues better

Stakeholder: “Every participant expects

saving. Is there a design that better conveys

that it’s a one-time process?”

Stakeholder: “We could try the term

‘Apply’ plus some descriptive text to see if

it changes expectations?”

Stakeholder: “It’s a great idea, but we won’t

have the resources to implement saving.

This can only be a one-time process.”

Participant: “It says ‘save’

but I’m just modifying

the settings here. Unless

I can re-use this later?”

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Tips & Tricks

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Order activities intentionally


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Test with each other


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Anticipate confusion


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Recruit for the research purpose


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Triangulate for support


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