users are losers! they’ll like whatever we make! and other fallacies

“Users are Losers!” “They’ll Like Whatever we Make” and Other Fallacies Presented by Carol Smith @carologic CodeMash 2013

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Presented at CodeMash 2013. If this sounds familiar it is time to make big changes or look for a new job. Failing your users will only end badly. In this session we look at the assumptions that are all-too-often made about users, usability and the User Experience (UX). In response to each of these misguided statements Carol will provide a quick method you can conduct with little or no resources to debunk these myths.


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“Users are Losers!”“They’ll Like Whatever we Make” and Other FallaciesPresented by Carol Smith @carologic

CodeMash 2013

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Many names…

User Experience Ethnography Customer Insight Usability Interaction Design User Research

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“Users are Losers!”

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Plan A: R-E-S-P-E-C-T

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Plan B: Stay

Let’s find out about those losers users! Share what is known Existing users = usability study Observations and interviews Web site – use analytics Social listening

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Observations & Interviews Learn about:

User’s environment Real process Interruptions Attitudes and

opinions Problems Goals

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Plan with a goal/hypothesis Questions

1. Make a guide2. Review3. Test4. Start study

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Watch Closely

Share little Related tasks Wait for patterns Save questions Stay out of their

“space” Don’t interrupt

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Clarify observations Why doing? Goal? How typical was this?

Use prepared questions Don’t lead the witness Do listen closely Use their language

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Explicit consent Record video, photo, audio Take notes Give incentives

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“We Know Our Users”

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How well?

When do they think about your product? In what context? Most important to them? Most like to change?

Web sites used most frequently? Phone? What kind? Etc. Etc.

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“I don’t know”

Let’s find out! Market research / segments are a start Go where (they *think*) they are ▪ Starbucks▪ Wal-Mart*▪ Conferences/User Groups

Card sort to test organization of info

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Card Sorting

Use to determine: Order of

information Relationships Labels for

navigation Verify correct

audience via

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Card Sorting

Maximize probability of users finding content

Explore how people are likely to group items

Identify content likely to be: Difficult to categorize Difficult to find Misunderstood

Gaffney, Gerry. (2000) What is Card Sorting? Usability Techniques Series, Information & Design.

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Preventive Care Guidelines


One title/subjectConcise and clear

Printed stickers

Numbered for analysis

Short description on back of card if needed

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Practice session Allow 1 hr for 50 items - Total of 30 –

100 Name groups of cards Moderated (in-person or remote) Un-moderated (online)

Conducting Study

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Conversation (if moderated)

Ask to Describe overall rationale for grouping

cards Show best example What was difficult? What was easy? Happy with final outcome?

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Code cards = faster data analysis Look for patterns

Excel Spreadsheet (Donna Spencer) Online tools - limited analysis

Screenshot of OptimalSort online tool’s analysis -

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“They’ll Like Whatever we Make”

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Let’s test that Usability test prototypes Rapid, iterative cycles of design and

evaluation Web - feedback from on-site tools Customer feedback/Help desk

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Usability Testing

Real users doing real tasks

Using prototypes or live products

Doing assigned tasks without guidance

Observed closely

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Rapid Iterative Testing & Evaluation (RITE)

Qualitative – not quantitative actions + comments

Series of small usability tests 3 participants each day At least 3 days of testing Changes made between testing days

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RITE Process

Test Update Test







Priority& Level of


Day 1 Day 2 Day 3

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Recap Sessions

End of each day - after the last session Room with a whiteboard About 30 minutes Discuss

trends seen concerns recommendations prioritize changes for the next round list lower priority changes for future


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RITE Results

Final prototype Vetted with users Base for recommendations

Light Report: “Caterpillar to Butterfly” Screenshots show progressions What changes were made and why

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Traditional Testing In-Person Remote

Moderated or Un-moderated

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Habitual Testing

(Yes, this is an old idea; a great one!)

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Bring it On!

Small focused tests Reduce waiting for recruitment Once per week/sprint Same day mid-week Less users, shorter sessions: analyze

at lunch 3 or more participants recommended Half hour to 1 hour each

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User Testing Day!

Make team aware Invite everyone Recurring meeting invites for


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What could I test?

Work in Progress Multiple projects Prototypes Concepts, rough ideas, brainstorming Competing designs, (A/B testing) Comparative studies across market Conduct interviews to inform research More…

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“Teams should stretch to get work into that day’s test and use the cadence to drive productivity.”

- Jeff Gothelf -

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Why Regular?

Team becomes accustomed to steady stream of

qualitative insight ensures quick decisions lines up with business and user goals

Adapted from Jeff Gothelf -

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Include PWD

“We are all only temporarily able-bodied. Accessibility is good for us all.”

Spirit of the law WCAG 2.0 Country specific (Section 508)

-@mollydotcom at #stirtrek 2011 via @carologic

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Make it Repeatable

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Pre-Book Your Rooms

Test & Observation Rooms Any location will do

Conference rooms Offices Quiet corner of cafeteria Remote

Purchase software - always ready

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Create Reusable Templates Screener

Technology use/experience Knowledge of topic

Scripts/Guides Consent Forms Data Collection

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“We have a survey set up and are getting data from it.”“Why would we need anything more?”

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Great way to get quantitative information

Questions Words can have multiple meanings Un-intended meanings

Less people participate now than in past

People save face “It’s not that bad”, “It’s my fault”

Vendors requesting Perfect 10

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“We’ll just ask employees to save time and money”

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Too close to the project Know things others wouldn’t about

product Concerns about ego, job, co-workers,

etc. Not the intended user!

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“Don’t we need to test 100s of users to get real results?”

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5-6 Participants

Studies have shown that testing 5-6 representative users of each user type will reveal 80% of usability issues. Nielsen’s Alertbox. Why You Only Need to Test with 5 Users. March 19, 2000.

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Look for Patterns

Identify repetition After pattern is

found, continuation of

study: Adds cost Delays reporting Low probability of

many new findings

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Does Not Mean That…

Testing five users is always enough Can test anyone and have the same

results Smaller groups equate better


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“Our design has won awards. Why would we want to change it?”

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Why Change?

Visual appearance is important

Must also be usable Designed for users Tasks able to be

completed Organized well

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“We Know it’s Difficult, We Have a Training Program!”

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Costs more time and money How long will product be used? Less costly to find and correct issues

than provide training to work around the problem

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Other Arguments Against UX

Time Money Can’t talk to our Customers Liability Not needed Invisible ROI

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Prepare for Arguments

Be armed with Facts Questions

Don’t just pick a method What do you need to know? What will the stakeholders respond to?

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Recommended Readings


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Contact Carol


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Albert, Bill, Tom Tullis, and Donna Tedesco. Beyond the Usability Lab Albert, Bill, Tom Tullis. Measuring the User Experience Beyer, Hugh. User-Centered Agile Methods (Synthesis Lectures on Human-

Centered Informatics) Gothelf , Jeff.

play-nice-with-agile/ Bias, , Randolph G. and Deborah J. Mayhew Cost-Justifying Usability: An Update

for the Internet Age. Henry, S.L. and Martinson, M. Evaluating for Accessibility, Usability Testing in

Diverse Situations. Tutorial, 2003 UPA Conference. Krug, Steve. Rocket Surgery Made Easy: The Do-It-Yourself Guide to Finding and

Fixing Usability Problems. Molich, Rolf. A Critique of “How to Specify the Participant Group Size for Usability

Studies: A Practitioner’s Guide” by Macefield. Journal of Usability Studies. Vol. 5, Issue 3, May 2010. pg. 124-128.

Nielsen, Jakob’s Alertbox. Why You Only Need to Test with 5 Users. March 19, 2000. and Usability Evangelism: Beneficial or Land Grab? by Jakob Nielsen, Ph.D

Ratcliffe, Lindsay and Marc McNeill. Agile Experience Design: A Digital Designer's Guide to Agile, Lean, and Continuous.

Rubin, Jeffrey and Dana Chisnell. Handbook of Usability Testing: How to Plan, Design, and Conduct Effective Tests. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

The $300 Million Button by Jared Spool