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  • 8/3/2019 User Manual F3 Complete




    Manual de utilizare

    Telefon mobil GSM

    Model F3 SENSY

  • 8/3/2019 User Manual F3 Complete





    Masuri de siguranta.5

    Incarcarea bateriei.6

    Instructiuni ptr. baterie..7

    1 Sumar.8

    Telefonul dvs.8

    Taste si functii10

    Pictograme ecran10

    2 Sa incepem.....11

    Instalarea bateriei si a cartelei SIM11

    Introducerea si scoaterea cartelei SIM12

    Introducerea unui card de memorie microSD12

    Incarcarea bateriei..13

    Blocarea telefonului..14

    Codul PIN si codul PUK..14

    Blocarea tastaturii......14

    3 Widget15

    Personalizarea Widget-urilor pe ecranul principal.15


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    4 Meniu principal16




    Vizualizare imagini.18






    Istoric apeluri.24


    Media player..25


    Apply Store.26

    Manager fisiere26

    Editor foto26

    Radio FM..27

    Lista de sarcini..27

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    Inregistrare sunete29

    Profile utilizator29

    Distractie & Jocuri.30




    5 FAQ35

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    IMPORTANT! Va rugam sa cititi cu atentie aceste instructiuni si urmati-le implicit, n caz de situaii

    periculoase .Siguranta in conducere

    Este recomandat sa nu folositi telefonul mobil in timp ce conduceti. Daca trebuie sa-lfolositi, intotdeauna folositi sistemul de Maini libere cind conduceti. Prima grija cind conducetieste siguranta rutiera.

    Inchideti telefonul mobil cind sinteti in avion

    Interferentele cauzate de telefoanele mobile afecteaza siguranta aviatiei, i, astfel, esteilegal sa-l folositi in avion. Va rugam asigurati-va ca telefonul mobil este oprit atunci cind sunteiiin avion.

    Inchideti telefonul mobil in zona de operatii de sablare

    Trebuie sa respectati cu strictee legile si reglementarile relevante si opriti telefonul mobilin sau linga zona de operatii de sablare.

    Inchideti telefonul mobil cind sinteti in zone periculoaseNu porniti telefonul mobil in zone de alimentare cu combustibil i substane chimice este

    n apropiere.

    In spital

    Atunci cind folositi telefonul intr-un spital, trebuie sa va supuneti normelor relevantespecificate de ctre spital. Asigurati-va ca telefonul mobil este oprit atunci cind echipamentele

    medicale se afla in apropiere. Orice echipamente de transmisie wireless, inclusiv telefoanelemobile, va afecta performantele echipamentelor medicale. Alte echipamente electronice pot fiafectate, de asemenea. Daca aveti orice intrebare in acest sens, va rugam s consultati mediculsau furnizorul de echipamente.

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    Orice interferenta cauzata de echipamentele wireless pot afecta performanteletelefonului.

    Service-uri aprobate

    Numai service-urile aprobate pot repara telefoanele mobile. Daca desfaceti telefonul siincercati sa-l reparati singuri veti pierde garantia produsului.

    Accesorii si baterii

    Numai accesoriile si bateriile aprobate de producator pot fi folosite.

    Utilizare normalaTelefonul trebuie utilizat in conditii normale. Este absolut interzis sa fie folosit in medii cu

    temperaturi foarte mari (peste 60 grade Celsius), de exemplu nu-l plasati linga ferestre undepoate fi expus la actiunea directa a razelor soarelui. Folositi o bucata de materia textil umeda sauantistatica atunci cind doriti sa-l stergeti.

    Apeluri de urgenta

    Asigurati-va ca telefonul este pornit si activat daca doriti sa efectuati un Apel de Urgentala 112, apasati tasta de apel si confirmati locatia, explicati ce s-a intamplat si nu inchideticonvorbirea.

    ota: Serviciul de urgenta nu depinde numai de telefonul mobil utilizat, de aceea trebuie saluati lgatura cu operatorul dvs. de servicii ptr. a verifica compatibilitatea.

    Incarcarea bateriei

    In timpul incarcarii, indicatorul bateriei de pe ecranul telefonului va indica incarcarea bateriei.Daca telefonul este oprit la conectarea incarcatorului, numai indicatorul de incarcare va apareape ecran indicand incarcarea bateriei. Daca telefonul este folosit in timp ce bateria este

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    indemana copiilor. Pastrati produsul uscat. Nu expuneti telefonul sau accesoriile la lichid saumediu umed.

    Nu scurtcircuitati bateria deoarece poate provoca caldura excesiva ce poate duce la unincendiu.Nu incercati sa dezmembrati telefonul sau bateria. Interventiile neautorizate asupra telefonuluipot duce la deteriorarea acestuia.

    Evitati scurgerea de lichid in telefon.

    Folositi accesoriile originale. Folosirea accesoriilor neautorizate poate afecta performanteletelefonului.

    Nota: Performantele telefonului depend de operatorul local de telefonie si de modul de folosire alacestuia. Nu sintem responsabili de folosirea necorespunzatoare a acestuia.

    Va rugam sa cititi cu atentie aceste instructiuni de folosire. Incalcarea acestor instructiuni potcauza pericol sau incalcarea legilor.

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    1 Sumar

    Telefonul dvs.Descrierea tastelor telefonului

    1 Casca 5 Tasta cautare

    2 Ecran 6 Buton pornit/oprit

    3 Tasta internet 7 Mufa incarcare / microUSB

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    4 Tasta Acasa 8 Jack casti

    Taste si Functii

    Apasati Ptr.

    Tasta internet Accesare browserul Opera.

    Tasta acasa Accesare meniul principal in modul asteptare. Intoarcere in modul asteptare .

    Tasta cautare Accesare Cautare Google in modul asteptare.

    Pictograme ecran

    Pictograma Semnificatie

    / Nivel semnal GSM.

    / Mesaj nou SMS receptionat.

    / Mesaj nou MMS receptionat.

    / Redirectionare apel este activata.

    Bluetooth-ul este pornit.

    Player-ul audio functioneaza in fundal.Alarma este activate.

    Tastatura este blocata.

    Nivel incarcare baterie.

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    Pictograma Semnificatie

    Sistemul de Handsfree este folosit.

    Profilul General este activat.

    Profilul In aer liber este activat.

    Profilul Silentios este activat.

    2 Sa incepemInstalarea bateriei si a cartelei SIM

    Trebuie sa intoduceti o cartela SIM valabila (Subscriber Identity Module) inainte de folosireatelefonului.

    Toate informatiile legate de conectarea la reteaua operatorului respectiv sint stocate in circuitul

    cartelei SIM, inclusiv numele si numerele din agenda telefonica si mesajele scurte SMS (ShortMessage System). Pentru a evita deteriorarea sau pierderea informatiilor din cartela SIM esterecomandat sa evitati atingerea contactelor metalice si pastrarea cartelei SIM departe decurentul electric si cimpuri magnetice.

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    Introducerea si scoaterea cartelei SIM

    Opriti telefonul, scoateti bateria si incarcatorul daca este conectat. Aparatul are loc pentrudoua cartele SIM, si este capabil sa opereze aceste SIM-uri in asteptare. Cartela introdusa inslotul 1 este SIM 1, cartela introdusa in slotul 2 este SIM 2.Asigurati-va ca zona de contact de pecartela este orientata catre conectorii telefonului si coltul tesit este orientat conform cuindicatorul, apoi introduceti cartela SIM.

    Cand vreti sa scoateti cartela SIM, va rugam intai opriti telefonul, scoateti bateria apoi trageticartela SIM direct spre exterior.

    Instalarea unui card micro SD

    Opriti telefonul, scoateti bateria si incarcatorul daca este conectat.

    Intoarceti cardul cu partea metalica in jos si introduceti in lacasul de card de memorie.

    Cand scoateti cardul, trageti-l spre exterior, asa ca in figura de mai jos.

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    Telefonul nu se livreaza cu un card micro SD. Daca avetinevoie de un card micro SD trebuie sa intrebati dealerul local.

    Incarcarea baterieiTelefonul dvs. poate monitoriza si afisa informatii importante despre starea bateriei

    1> In mod normal puteti verifica starea bateriei cu ajutorul indicatorului de baterie din coltuldreapta sus al ecranului.

    2> Ecranul va afisa Baterie descarcata cind capacitatea bateriei este scazuta. Daca atiselectat sa fiti anuntat si sonor, telefonul va va avertiza printr-un ton de avertizare cind bateria

    se descarca.3> Cind telefonul este pus la incarcat, indicatorul de baterie va afisa ca bateria se incarca pinala incarcarea completa.

    ota: Timpul de stand-by si de convorbire sint direct legate de folosirea telefonului, deparametrii de retea, de caracteristicile cartelei SIM si de setarile telefonului.

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    Blocarea telefonului

    Codul de blocare al telefonului previne folosirea neautorizata a telefonului dvs. Codul de blocareal telefonului setat initial de producator este 1122. Puteti schimba acest cod in orice alt codpersonal de 4-8 cifre.

    Daca functia de blocare a telefonului este activata, trebuie sa introduceti codul de blocare altelefonului de fiecare data cind porniti telefonul sau cind acesta intra in modul economic.

    Codul PIN si codul PUK

    Pentru a preveni folosirea telefonului dvs. de catre persoane neautorizate, puteti activa codulPIN (Personal Identification Number). Daca activati aceasta obtiune, trebuie sa introduceti codulPIN de fiecare data cind porniti telefonul.Va rugam sa tineti apasata tasta inchidere/anulare pentru a porni telefonul. Introduceti codul PIN,folositi tasta rapida dreapta ptr. a sterge introducerea gresita si apoi tasta rapida stanga (OK) ptr.confirmarea codului PIN. De exemplu, daca aveti codul PIN 1234, trebuie sa apasati urmatoareletaste: 1 2 3 4 OK

    Daca ati introdus de 3 ori gresit codul PIN, cartela SIM se va bloca automat si telefonul va

    cere codul PUK (Personal Unlock Code).

    ota: Codul PIN standard setat de operatorul dvs. de retea este un cod de 4-8 cifre si ilgasiti in instructiunile de folosire ale cartelei SIM. Dupa activarea cartelei SIM schimbaticodul PIN cu un cod personal. Codul PUK va este furnizat de operatorul de retea.

    Blocarea tastaturii

    In modul de asteptare, atingeti pictograma Blocare ptr. a bloca tastatura. Ptr. deblocarea

    tastaturii apasati orice tasta ptr. iluminarea tastaturii apoi derulati la .

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    Daca functia de Blocare automata tastatura este activata si telefonul nu este folosit ptr. operioada de timp, tastatura se va bloca automat.

    3 WidgetPersonalizarea Widget-ului pe ecranul principal

    Dupa ce adaugati widget-uri la ecranul principal, puteti accesa aceste widgeturi din modulasteptare.

    Ptr. a adauga widgeturi la ecranul principal, urmati pasii:

    1. In modul asteptare, trageti spre dreapta de ptr. a deschide meniul de widget.

    2. Atingeti si tineti apasat widgetul dorit, apoi trageti de el pe ecranul principal.

    3. Trageti spre stinga ptr a inchide meniul widget.

    Ptr. a pozitiona un widget pe ecranul acasa, urmati pasii:

    Atingeti si apasati iconul widgetului pina cind culoarea lui se deschide, apoi trageti-l in pozitiadorita pe ecran.

    Ptr. a scoate un widget de pe ecran, atingeti si apasati iconul widgetului pina cind culoarea lui sedeschide, apoi trageti-l inapoi in meniul de widget.


    In meniul principal, atingeti Setari > Manager Widget-uri ptr. a active sau dezactiva meniul de

    widgeturi.Puteti alege din urmatoarele widget-uri preinstalate:

    Nume Operator: afiseaza numele operatorului.

    Data: afiseaza data curenta.

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    Calendar: afiseaza calendarul lunii in curs, puteti atinge iconul ptr. mai multe optiuni.

    Om de zapada: afiseaza o animatie cu un om de zapada.

    Foto: afiseaza o fotografie adaugata din Manager fisiere. Memento: afiseaza un eveniment adaugat.

    Player Audio: reda muzica in ecranul principal.

    Radio FM: reda radio FM in ecranul acasa.

    Animalut: va puteti juca cu oaia pe ecranul principal.

    Ceas: afiseaza ceasul pe ecranul principal.

    Profiluri: puteti schimba intre profiluri. Alarma urmatoare: afiseaza alarma urmatoare.

    Eveniment SMS: vizualizati evenimente SMS.

    De facut: vizualizati evenimente pe ecranul principal.

    Semne de carte: puteti sa navigate prin internet prin tastarea iconului.

    4 Meniu principalCOMUTARE

    Atinge Comutare ptr. a accesa acest meniu.In acest moment ati accesat meniul animat 3D, putind avea acces rapid la urmatoarele ecrane:Ecranul Acasa, media player, Vizualizare Mesaje, Apeluri recente, Setari rapide, Scurtaturi,Vizualizare imagini si Contacte favorite.

    Derulati cu degetul prin aceste ecrane, apoi tastati pe oricare din ele ptr. a accesa functiilerespective.

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    Atinge Meniu ptr. a accesa urmatoarele ferestre de meniuri:

    CameraCamera foto

    Telefonul dispune de o camera foto cu ajutorul careia puteti face fotografii si salva in memoriatelefonului sau a cardului de memorie. Puteti trimite fotografiile facute prim MMS sau Bluetooth.

    1. Selectati Camera ptr a accesa camera foto a telefonului.

    2. In ecranul de Camera puteti accesa urmatoarele optiuni:

    Tastati ptr. a vizualiza fotografii sau ptr. a accesa diferite setari.

    Tastati ptr. a ajusta valoarea expunerii.

    Tastati ptr a mari sau apropia obiectul fotografiat.

    Tastati pictogramele si ptr a configura setarile corespunzatoare.

    3. Fixati camera pe obiectul dorit si tastati ptr. a fotografia.

    Tastati ptr. a salva fotografia. Puteti face o alta fotografie or puteti tasta ptr. a stergefotografia.

    Camera VideoCamera video este folosita ptr. a face inregistrari video.

    Ptr. a inregistra un videoclip, efectuati urmatorii pasi:

    1. Selectati Camera, apoi tastati ptr. a comuta pe modul inregistrare video.

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    2. In modul inregistrare video puteti accesa urmatoarele:

    Tastati ptr. a configura setari corespunzatoare.

    Tastati ptr. a incepe inregistrarea sau tastati ptr. pauza.

    Tastati ptr. a ajusta valoarea expunerii.

    Tastati ptr a mari sau apropia obiectul filmat.

    Tastati ptr. a opri inregistrarea si salva filmarea.

    Vizualizare imagini

    Tastati Vizualizare imagini ptr a accesa acest meniu.

    Vizualizare imagini furnizeaza urmatoarele optiuni ptr. toate fotografiile memorate in mmemoriatelefonului sau in memoria cardului micro SD: Vizualizare, Informatii imagine, Editare,Tipareste, Mod rasfoire, Trimitere (prin MMS , Bluetooth sau Email), Folosire ca (Imaginefundal, Screen saver , Ecran pornire, Ecran oprire sau Fotografie apelant), Redenumire,Stergere, Sortare dupa (Nume, Tip, Timp, Marime sau niciunul), Stergeti toate fisierele siselectie Memorare.


    Tastati Calculatorptr. a accesa acest meniu.

    Pentru a efectua un calcul introduceti direct cifra respective, alegeti operatia matematica dorita

    prin tastarea simbolului corespunzator, introduceti un alt numar in operatie apoi tastati = ptr. aoptine rezultatul.

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    Tastati Calendarptr. a accesa meniu respective. Puteti vizualiza si edita un memo ptr. o dataspecifica cu ajutorul acestei functii.

    Vizualizare: Puteti vizualiza sau edita programul zilei respective.Vizualizare globala: Puteti vizualiza sau edita toate sarcinile din programul zilei respective.

    Adaugare sarcina: Puteti selecta tipul de evenimen: Memento, Intilnire si Curs.

    Stergere Eveniment: Puteti selecta stergere eveniment din Toate sau Perioada specifica.

    Trecere la Data: Sariti la o data specifica ptr. a vizualiza sau edita programul zilei respective.

    Salt la azi: Sariti la data curenta.Mergeti la vizualizare saptaminala/lunara: Mergeti la data specifica ptr. a verifica din cesaptamana/luna face parte.

    Tiparire: Alegeti ptr. a tipari cu ajutorul functiei Bluetooth.


    1. Schimbare Dual SIM: Puteti allege intre modul implicit sau confirmare la fiecare pornire.

    2. Setari Dual SIM: Se foloseste pentru Setarea modului de lucru pentru cele doua cartele SIM:Dual SIM deschis, Numai Cartela SIM 1 deschisa, Numai Cartela SIM 2 deschisa sau demodul de zbor (nici o Cartela SIM deschisa).

    3. Calibrare stylus: tastati cu stylusul in oricare colt al ecranului ptr. a incepe calibrarea.Urmariti instructiunile aparute pe ecran si tastati in colturile indicate, in acest fel ecranul varaspunde mai repede si correct dupa calibrare.

    4. Setari telefon

    Ora si data - puteti seta orasul de origine, ora i data curenta, precum si formatul pentruafisarea lor

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    Programare oprire/pornire telefon - pentru programa ora de Pornire/Oprire telefon dupacum doriti.

    Limba - pentru a schimba limba sistemului dupa cum doriti.

    Metoda Preferata de introducere - se foloseste pentru setarea metodei de introducereimplicita atunci cand scrieti mesaje, sau editati siruri de caractere.

    Manager Widget activati sau dezactivati widget-urile in ecranul principal.

    Codare ptr. a seta codul ASCII, Windows-1251, ISO-8859-1, KOI8-R sau Windows-1252.

    Afisare caracteristici pentru a seta Imaginea de fundal, Economizorul ecran, Imaginea ptr.ecran pornit/oprit, Afisare data si ora, Tipul de ceas, Bara de Meniu Rapid.

    Text de intampinare setati textul de intampinare care sa apara la pornirea telefonului.

    Actualizarea automata a datei si orei setati daca data si ora din telefon sa fie actualizateautomat.

    Scris de mina puteti seta viteza de reactie a stylusului si culoarea de scriere.

    Setari UART selectati SIM-ul corespunzartor setarilor UART

    Setari diverse setati lumina de fundal a ecranului5. Setari retea

    Selectie retea : Se foloseste pentru a stabili modul de selectie retea (automat/ manual).Cnd selectai Automat, telefonul va face selecia preferenial n funcie de reeaua ncare cartela SIM aparine. Cnd selectai Manual, vi se cere s selectai aceeai reea careeaua nregistrata cu operatorul de reea de cartela SIM pentru utilizarea de ctre

    dumneavoastr. Retele preferate: puteti adauga din lista sau crea o retea noua.

    6. Setari securitate

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    Setari securitate SIM1/SIM2: Vi se va cere sa introduceti codul PIN. Aceste setari se potaccesa numai daca introduceti codul PIN corect. In cazul in care "blocarea cartelei SIM" esteactivata, de fiecare data cand porniti telefonul mobil va trebui sa introduceti codul PIN. Daca ati

    gresit codul PIN de intrare de trei ori in mod repetat, cartela SIM va fi blocata. Va trebui saobtineti codul PUK1 pentru a debloca. Va rugam sa contactai operatorul retelei pentru a obtinecodul PUK1 atunci cand este necesar.

    Blocare telefon: Se foloseste pentru a schimba starea de blocare a telefonului, in cazul incare aceasta este activata, este necesara parola telefonulului la pornirea acestuia.

    Nota: parola implicita a telefonului este 0000, va rugam sa o schimbati cat mai curand

    posibil dupa achizitionarea telefonului mobil.

    Blocare automata tastatura: Se foloseste pentru a activa (de asemenea este nevoie sasetati timpul de asteptare) sau a dezactiva blocarea automata a tastaturii in modul de asteptare.Puteti seta timpul de blocare automata la 5 sec, 10sec, 30 sec, 1 min sau 5 min.

    Schimbare parola: Se foloseste pentru a schimba parola ce va permite blocarea sau

    deblocarea telefonului dvs. mobil.Administrator Certificate:Aici puteti gasi Certificatele specifice autentificarii in cazulnavigarii pe diferite servere de internet si de asemenea puteti adauga si alte certificate deautentificare.

    7. Setari apel Setari apel SIM1/SIM2: puteti seta Apel in asteptare, Redirectionare apel, Apel

    restrictionat si Schimbare linie. Setari avansate: In meniul Setari Avansate puteti seta Lista neagra, Reapelare Automata,

    Sunet fundal, Afisare Contor de Timp, Reamintire Contoar de Timp, Inchidere automata sauRespingere cu SMS.

    8. Revenire la setari de fabrica

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    Accesati Setari ptr. a selecta Revenire la setari de fabrica, apoi introduceti codule desecuritate si tastati OK. Toate setarile pot fi restabilite la setarile din fabrica cu ajutorul acesteifunctii. Codul de securitate initial este 0000.


    Tastati Conectivitate ptr. a accesa acest meniu.

    1. WIFI

    2. Bluetooth

    3. Administrarea conexiunii: Puteti accesa si seta conexiunea de date activa in acel moment(WIFI, Bluetooth, Cont de date).


    Puteti sa va conectati la o retea wireless si sa navigati pe internet. In acest meniu puteti accesaConectare, Adaugare, Editare, Stergere, Schimbare prioritate, Stare curenta, Dezactivare,Resetare.


    Tastati Bluetooth ptr. a accesa acest meniu.Se foloseste pentru a seta parametrii pentru o conexiune Bluetooth. Atunci cand intrati in aceastaaplicatie, puteti alege

    1. Pornire pentru a porni sau opri Bluetooth din telefonul dvs. mobil.

    2. Vizibilitate - pentru a seta daca telefonul dvs. sa fie vizibil sau nu ptr. alte dispozitive

    3. Dispozitivul meu - pentru a vizualiza toate dispozitivele Bluetooth gasite sau pentru a cautaunul nou. Selectati un singur dispozitiv i apasati pe Meniu, Va puteti conecta cu dispozitivul,redenumi aparatul, sterge dispozitivul, sterge toate dispozitivele si afisare lista de servicii.

    4. Cautare dispozitiv audio - pentru a cauta aparate Bluetooth in jurul telefonul dvs. mobil.

    5. Schimbare nume telefon puteti schimba denumirea aparatului dvs.

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    6. Setari avansate - pentru a seta parametrii Bluetooth, inclusiv schimbarea caii audio si setareaFTP, calea de memorare, permisiunea accesului precum si vizualizare adresa Bluetooth.


    Tastati Agenda ptr a accesa acest meniu.

    Telefonul ofer dou tipuri de medii de stocare: cartela SIM i telefon. Telefonul poate stoca500 de intrri. Capacitatea de memorare pe cartela SIM depinde de tipul de cartela SIM furnizatede catre operatorul de reea. Agenda telefonic se refer la directorul n care n toate contactelesunt stocate ntr-o ordine alfabetic. Putei vizualiza, edita, terge, trimite un mesaj i de aefectua diverse alte funcii pe fiecare de contact ale agenda telefonic.

    Adaugare contact nou

    1. Selectati Meniu, Agenda apoi Adaugare contact nou.

    2. Puteti introduce in memoria telefonului in acest moment un Nume, Numar si Adresa de email.De asemenea puteti asocia ptr. acest contact o imagine si/sau o sonerie.

    3. Apasati tasta Meniu (Optiuni) si accesati Gata ptr salvare, Adaugare Detaliu ptr. introducereaunor nr. suplimentare de telefoan, nume firma, Zi de nastere. Grupuri apelanti, Setari agenda

    Cautarea unui contact in agenda

    1. Selectati Meniu apoi Agenda

    2. In lista de contacte, introduceti numele dorit sau primele litere ale numelui dorit. Ptr. apelareacontactului respectiv selectati SIM-ul de pe care vreti sa sunati apoi apasati tasta Apel.


    Selectati Meniu, Agenda apoi Optiuni.

    1. Selectati Vizualizare ptr. a vedea detalii ale contactului respectiv.

    2. Selectati Editare ptr. a edita contactul respectiv

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    3. Selectati Stergere ptr. a sterge contactul respectiv

    4. Selectati Copiere ptr . a copia contactul respectiv din/in telefon/SIM card

    5. Selectati Expediere Contact ptr. a trimite contactul respectiv ca mesaj text, MMS, Email sauprin Bluetooth.6. Selectati Marcare mai multe ptr. a marca mai multe contacte din agenda.

    7. Selectati Grup de apelare ptr. a introduce contactul respectiv intr-un anumit Grup dePersoane.

    8. Selectati Setari Agenda ptr a efectua diferite personalizari: locatie memorie, apelare rapida,numarul meu, numere suplimentare, stare memorie, copiere contacte, mutare contacte, stergere

    toate contactele

    9. Selectati Tiparire ptr. a tipari contactul cu ajutorul functiei de Bluetooth

    Istoric apeluri

    Tastati Istoric apeluri ptr. a accesa acest meniu.Selectati lista de apeluri pe care doriti sa o vedeti din Apeluri Nepreluate, Apeluri Efectuate,Apeluri Receptionate.Pute i selecta, de asemenea, apelant din istoric apeluri pentru a trimite, mesaj, efectua un apelsi alte op iuni.Email

    Tastati Email ptr a accea acest meniu.

    1. nainte de a trimite sau primi e-mailuri, trebuie s creai un cont de e-mail.2. Selectati tipul dorit dintr-o list, inclusiv Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, i aa mai departe.

    3. Setai parametrii relevani i salvati contul de e-mail.

    Pentru a scrie i trimite un e-mail, efectuai urmtoarele:Tap Menu > Email.

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    1. Selectai un cont de e-mail pentru a trimite un e-mail i apsai Opiuni, apoi apsai Scriee-mail.

    2. Apsai Catre ptr. a aduga adresa de e-mail a destinatarului.

    3. Apsai Subiect pentru a edita subiectul e-mail.4. Apsai caseta de text pentru a edita e-mail.

    5. Apsai Opiuni pentru a avea mai multe opiuni.

    Media Player

    Media player reda fisiere audio stocate n folderul audio i clipuri video stocate n dosarul Clipuri

    video din memoria telefonului sau pe cardul microSD. Folderul audio i video directorul pot fiaccesate din File manager. Pentru a obine o calitate mai bun a sunetului, este recomandat sutilizai setul cu casc pentru a asculta fisiere audio.

    Ptr. a reda un fisier, faceti urmatorii pasi:

    1. Tastati Media Player.

    2. Selectati un fisier video sau audio apoi tastati ptr. a reda fisierul respective.In timpul redarii puteti face urmatoarele operatii:

    3. Tastati ptr. pauza.

    4. Tastati ptr. a reveni la meniul anterior.

    Doar fisiere video in format .mp4 si .3gp sint suportate. Alte

    tipuri de fisiere video este posibil san u fie compatibile.


    Tastati Mesaje ptr. a accesa acest meniu.

    1. Accesati mesaje, selectati Scrieti mesaj apoi puteti edita/ trimite mesaje SMS/MMS.

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    2. Accesati mesaje , selectati Conversatii, apoi puteti vizualiza mesajele primite sauconversatiile avute cu un nr. de telefon.

    3. Accesati mesaje , selectati Schite, apoi puteti vizualiza schitele facute.

    4. Accesati mesaje , selectati Casuta iesiri, apoi puteti vizualiza mesajele netrimise/ inasteptare.

    5. Accesati mesaje , selectati Arhiva, apoi puteti salva mesajele dvs. in arhiva.

    6. Accesati mesaje , selectati Stergere mesaje, apoi puteti alegeti mesajele care doriti sa lestergeti.

    7. Accesati mesaje , selectati Difuzare mesaje, apoi puteti activa emiterea mesajelorinfo.

    8. Accesati mesaje , selectati Sablon, apoi puteti alege sa trimiteti mesajele predefinite.9. Accesati mesaje , selectati Setari mesaje, apoi puteti sa setati diferite aspecte ptrmesajele SMS si MMS.

    Apply Store

    Apply Store reprezinta magazinul online Allview cu aplicatii si jocuri gratuite, din cele maidiverse domenii, pentru telefoanele mobile.

    Manager fisiereAtingeti Manager fisiere ptr. a accesa acest meniu.Puteti folosi Managerul de fisiere ptr. a va organiza fisierele in directoare. Daca este introdus uncard micro SD, fisierele stocate pe el sint organizate separate. Selectati Telefon sau CardMemorie si selectati Optiuni ptr. a rasfoi fisierele in directoare.

    Funciile legate de MMS i e-mailurile sunt dependente de reea. Pentrufurnizarea unui abonament la aceste servicii, contactai furnizorul de servicii.

    Deschideti mesajele multimedia si emailuri cu pruden. Obiectele din mesajelemultimedia sau e-mailuri pot conine pericolele care pot duce la deteriorareatelefonului, cum ar fi programe de virusare.

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    Editor foto

    Tastati Editor foto ptr. a accesa acest meniu.

    Artist foto: putei selecta o fotografie dintr-un fiier sau captata de la aparatul de fotografiat iaveti mai multe optiuni legate de acestea.

    Radio FM

    Setul de casti Handsfree functioneaza ca antena atunci cind vreti sa ascultati un post radio FM.

    1. Conectati setul de casti Handsfree la telefon.

    2. In meniul principal tastati Radio FM ptr a activa functia de radio FM. Dupa activarea functiei,

    telefonul va reda un program radio.3. In interfata de Radio FM, puteti seta urmatoarele:

    Apasati tasta Meniu (Obtiuni) apoi selectati Lista Canale, Cautare automata, Setari, etc.

    Apasati Tastele Volum laterale ptr. a seta volumul auditiei, apasati Tasta Deplasare ptr. acauta posturi radio.

    Tastai apoi selectati Lista Canale, Cautare automata, Setari, etc.

    Lista de sarcini

    Tastati Lista de sarcini ptr. a accesa acest meniu.

    Se foloseste pentru a adauga program unei zile speciale. Daca nu exista nicio sarcina putetiapasa pentru a adauga o sarcina noua si apoi sa completati continutul conformcerintelor. Selectati o sarcina si apasati,apoi puteti alege:

    Vizualizare pentru a vizualiza detaliile sarcinii curenteAdaugare pentru a adauga o sarcina noua

    Editare pentru a edita o sarcina curenta

    Sterge- pentru a sterge sarcina curenta

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    Stergeti tot pentru a sterge toate sarcinile

    Salt la data pentru a sari la o anumita data

    Trimitere vCalendar pentru a trimite o sarcina ca vCalendar prin SMS sau pentru a salva infisier.


    Tastati Organizatorptr. a accesa acest meniu.

    1. Ora pe glob

    Tastati Or ape glob ptr. a accesa acest meniu.

    Puteti vedea ora in diferite locatii ale globului pamantesc. Daca vreti sa calatoriti intr-o tara cu unfus orar diferit, puteti muta cursorul pe tara respective si puteti afla diferenta de fus orar.

    Tastati sau pentru a cuta oraul si ora local ape harta lumii.

    3. Convertor unitati

    Tastati Convertor unitati ptr. a accesa acest meniu.

    Tastati Greutate sau Lungime, selectati unitatea de masura, introduceti valoarea, tastati apoiOK ptr. a obtine rezultatul.

    4. Convertor valuta

    Tastati Convertor valuta ptr. a accesa acest meniu.

    Puteti introduce rata de schimb si calcula diferite schimburi valutare.


    Tastati Cronometru ptr. a accesa acest meniu.Atingei pictogramele pentru msurarea timpului, cu posibilitatea de a nregistra rezultate maimulte i suspendare / reluare de msurare.

    6.Cititor carte electronica (Ebook reader)

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    Tastati Cititor carte electronica ptr. a accesa acest meniu.

    Telefonul suport citirea fiierelor n format *. txt, care este ideal pentru a citi o carte electronic.Stocarea fiierele *. txt se face in dosarul Ebook, i apoi le putei citi n cititor Ebook.


    Tastati Note ptr. a accesa acest meniu.

    Puteti introduce diferite notite sau puteti Vizualiza, Edita, Introduce notite noi, Marca sau Stergenotite deja existente.


    Tastati Alarma ptr. a accesa acest meniu.Exista 5 alarme care pot fi folosite. Pentru fiecare alarma, apasati si puteti seta:Status (pornire sau oprire), Timp, statutul de repetare (atunci cand aceasta este "zile", se poatestabili, de asemenea, ziua), Audio (ton de alerta), durata amanare (durata implicit este de 4minute) si tipul de alerta.

    Inregistrare sunete

    Apsai Inregistrare sunete. Telefonul mobil suporta formate de nregistrare AMR, WAV, AWB.Putei nregistra conversaiile, care pot fi salvate n folderul Audio n Manager fiiere.Not: n cazul n care primiti un apel n timp ce se se efectueaza o nregistrare, nregistrarea va fiabandonata i datele vor fi ntrerupte. Formatul AMR adopt compresie dinamica i ofer un timpde nregistrare mai lung dect formatul WAV, folosind acelai spaiu de stocare.

    Profile utilizator

    Tastati Profile utilizatorptr. a accesa acest meniu.Puteti selecta unul din cele 6 profile de utilizator, acestea fiind dupa cum urmeaza:



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    In aer liber

    Stilul meu


    Pentru fiecare element al profilului, apasati OK pentru a Activa sau Personaliza profilulrespectiv.

    In submeniul Personalizare, puteti selecta

    1. Tip alerta - pentru a selecta un singur tip de sunet, doar vibrare, vibrare si sunet sau vibraredupa sunet.

    2. Tip sunet tip de sonerie singular, repetitiv sau sonerie crescatoare.3. Setare sunet SIM1 pentru a personaliza sunetul de Cartela SIM 1. Ptr. fiecare setare inparte exista o lista cu tonurile disponibile.

    4. Setare sunet SIM2 pentru a personaliza sunetul de Cartela SIM 2. Ptr. fiecare setare inparte exista o lista cu tonurile disponibile.

    5. Volum sonerie pentru a seta volumul soneriei

    6. Setare ton mesaj SIM1 pentru a seta tonul ptr. mesaj nou primit SIM1.7. Setare ton mesaj SIM2 - pentru a seta tonul ptr. mesaj nou primit SIM2.

    8. Ton sunet tastatura pentru a seta sunetul emis la tastare.

    9. Volum tastatura pentru a seta volumul sunetului emis la tastare.

    10. Ton pornire pentru a seta sunetul emis la pornirea telefonului.

    11. Ton oprire pentru a seta sunetul emis la oprirea telefonului.12. Alerta sistem pentru a seta pornita/oprita alerta de sistem

    Distractie & Jocuri

    Tastati Distractie & Jocuri ptr. a accesa acest meniu.

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    Putei instala aplicaii tere pri Java pentru a extinde capacitile telefonului. Putei instala oaplicaie Java pe telefon, apoi selectai un fiier de instalare Java de tip .jar sau .jad de petelefon sau card de memorie.

    Selectai Distrac ie & jocuri > Java apoi tastati Op iuni pentru a terge aplicaia Javainstalata.

    Nu toate aplicaiile Java sunt compatibile cu telefonuldumneavoastr. Dac avei probleme la instalarea saurularea unei aplicaii Java, apsai Tasta inapoi pentru areveni la modul de ateptare, i apoi stergeti aplicaia din

    telefon. Anumite aplicaii Java necesit conexiuni la reea. Prin

    urmare, asigurai-v c conexiunea GPRS esteconfigurata corect.


    Tastati Opera ptr. a accesa acest meniu.

    Putei naviga prin site-uri web, efectuai urmtoarele:

    1. Tastati Opera.

    2. Apsai caseta de text pentru a deschide tastatura de pe ecran, introduceti adresa (URL).

    3. Tastati Go ptr. a accesa site-urile web respective.

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    Putei accesa site-uri Wireless Application Protocol (WAP),si folosi serviciile bazate pe WAP de pe telefon. Pentru aaccesa site-urile WAP, trebuie s v abonai la serviciu de

    date la furnizorul Dvs. de servicii si sa stabiliti parametriirelevani de pe telefon.

    Pentru detalii despre servicii i tarife, contactai furnizorulde servicii.


    Puteti sincroniza agenda, calendarul si sarcinile din telefonul dvs. cu un server de sincronizare(de ex: Goosync, Hotmail, etc).

    Ptr. inceput trebuie sa va creati un cont pe serverul respectiv, obtinind un username si parola.

    Selectati Editare cont, dupa care setati urmatorii parametri:

    1. Nume cont: setati numele contului pe care vreti sa-l creati

    2. Tip transfer: puteti seta WAP sau HTTP in functie de conexiunea pe care o folositi

    3. Setari server: introduceti adresa serverului de sincronizare4. Aplicatii de sincronizat: selectati Agenda, Calendar si/sau Sarcini.

    5. Setari baze de date: setati adresele datelor de transfer, pe care le gasiti pe serverul desincronizare. (ex: Agenda: contact, Calendar: calendar, Sarcini: task)

    6. Setari conexiune: selectati diferite setari ptr. conexiunea pe care doriti sa o folositi, cum ar fi:Contul de date, Folosire Proxy, Adresa Proxy, Port Proxy, Username si Parola.

    7. Sincronizare regulata: setati momentele cind doriti sa faceti sincronizarea. ( de ex: niciodata,cind porniti telefonul, zilnic, saptamanal, lunar)

    8. Raport sincronizare: selectati daca doriti sa primiti un raport privind sincronizarea.


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    Tastati Apelare ptr. a accesa meniul de apelare.Tap the number of the contact and make a call from SIM1/SIM2 card.

    Efectuarea unui apel

    Cind numele operatorului dvs. apare pe ecran, puteti efectua sau primi apeluri. Nivelulsemnalului retelei este afisat in coltul din stanga sus (cind sint afisate 5 linii, semnalul estemaxim).

    Calitatea apelurilor efectuate sau primite este influentata de obstacolele intalnite in preajmatelefonului.

    Efectuarea apelurilor catre un numar fixIntroduceti numarul de telefon dorit apoi apasati Tasta Apelare ptr. a efectua apelul. Daca doritisa schimbati numarul apelat, apasati Tasta rapida dreapta ( Sterge) si stergeti cifrele introduse.O anumatie de apelare va aparea pe ecran in timpul apelului. Informatii despre apel vor apareape ecran in timpul si imediat dupa terminarea apelului.

    Puteti introduce si apela un numar de fix dupa cum urmeaza:

    (Prefixul orasului) (Numar de telefon) (Tasta apelare)Efectuarea apelurilor catre un numar fix cu extensie

    Unele interioare ale unor numere fixe nu pot fi apelate direct prin simpla apasare a numerelor,trebuie sa tastati mai intai numarul de telefon fix, apoi tineti apasata tasta * pina cind aparesimbolul P, dupa care tastati extensia apoi Tasta de apelare.

    Puteti introduce si apela un numar de fix cu extensie dupa cum urmeaza:

    (Prefixul orasului) (Numar de telefon) P (Tasta apelare)Efectuarea apelurilor internationale

    Pentru efectuarea apelurilor internationale, tineti apasata tasta * pina cind simbolul + apare peecran, tastati apoi codul tarii unde vreti sa sunati, urmat de numarul de telefon dorit si Tasta deapelare.

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    Afisaremesaje lastart

    Verificati daca ati introdus corect cardul SIM;

    Blocare. Ati selectat functia de blocare automata, introduceti parolainainte sa utilizati telefonul.

    Introduceti PIN. Ati selectat optiunea de introducere a codului PIN lafiecare pornire a telefonului, prin urmare trebuie sa introduceti codul PIN;

    Introduceti codul PUK. Introducerea unui cod PIN gresit va blocatelefonul si este nevoie sa folositi codul PUK furnizat de operatorul reteleipentru a porni din nou

    Calitateslaba aapelului

    Verificati daca volumul a fost ajustat la nivelul potrivit;

    Daca telefonul este utilizat in locuri fara semnal, precum la subsol sau inapropierea cladirilor foarte inalte, unde undele radio nu pot ajunge;

    Folositi telefonul la o ora de varf si suprasolicitarea retelei face imposibilaapelarea;

    Timp scurtde standby

    Timpul de standby variaza in functie de setarile retelei, Daca nu se afla in

    aria de acoperire a retelei si nu primeste semnal, telefonul va cautaincontinuu o statie de baza consumand energie si scurtand durata destandby. Va rugam sa mutati telefonul intr-un loc cu semnal puternic sausa il opriti pentru un moment;

    Inlocuiti bateria cu una noua, daca este cazul;


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    card SIM

    Suprafata metalica a cardului SIM este contaminata. Curatati metalul decontact al cardului SIM cu o carpa curata;

    Cardul SIM nu a fost pozitionat corect;Cardul SIM ceste deteriorat.

    Nu sepoateefectua unapel

    Confirmati daca ati apasat tasta de apel dupa formarea numarului;

    Confirmati validitatea cardului SIM;

    Confirmati activarea functiei de blocare a apelurilor;Confirmati activarea functiei de apelare fixata;

    Nu puteti ficontactat

    Verificati daca telefonul a fost conectat la retea;

    Confirmati validitatea cardului SIM;

    Confirmati activarea functiei de blocare a apelurilor;

    Confirmati activarea functiei de apelare fixata;

    Nu sepoateincarcabateria

    Contact slab. Verificati daca stecherul face contact;

    Incarcarea are loc la temperaturi mai scazute de -10C sau peste 55C.

    Daca bateria sau incarcatorul au fost stricate, schimbati-le cu altele noi;

    Nu pot fisetateunelefunctii

    Operare gresita;

    Reteaua nu suporta aceste functii sau nu ati aplicat pentru aceste functii.


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    Noi Visual Fan SRL, cu sediul social in Brasov, Str Liliacului nr16, 500314 Romania, inregistrata

    la Reg. Com. Brasov sub nr. J08/818/2002, CUI RO14724950, in calitate de importator, asiguram,garantam si declaram pe proprie raspundere, conform prevederilor art. 5 HG nr.1.022/2002privind regimul produselor si serviciilor care pot pune in pericol viata sanatatea, securitateamuncii si protectia muncii ca produsul F3 SENSY, telefon mobil marca ALLVIEW, nu pune inpericol viata, sanatatea, securitatea muncii, nu produce impact negativ asupra mediului si este inconformitate cu:

    -Directiva privind echipamente radio si de telecomunicatii R&TTE 1999/5/CEE (HG 88/303)-Directiva privind asigurarea utilizatorilor de echipamente de joasa tensiune 73/32/CEE ,

    modificata de Directiva 93/68/CEE (HG457/2003)-Directiva cu privire la compatibilitatea electromagnetica 89/336/CEE, modificate de Directiva

    92/31/CEE si 93/68/CEE (HG497/2003)Produsul a fost evaluat conform urmatoarelor standarde:-Sanatate EN 50360, EN 50361-Siguranta EN 6095-1-EMC EN 301 489-1/-7/-17

    -Spectru radio EN 301511, EN 300328Produsul are aplicat marcajul CE.Procedura de evaluare a conformitatii a fost efectuata in conformitate cu prevederile Anexei

    II a HG nr. 88/2003, documentatia fiind depozitata la SC Visual Fan SRL, Brasov str. Brazilornr.61, 500313.

    Declaratia de conformitate este disponibila la adresa

    CE 0700Valoare SAR maxim: 0.35W/kg

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    User Manual

    GSM Mobile Phone

    Model F3 SENSY


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    Table of Contents1 Overview ................................................................................................................................1

    Your Phone......................................................................................................................1

    Keys and Functions........................................................................................................2

    Screen Icons ....................................................................................................................2

    2 Getting Started......................................................................................................................4

    Installing the Battery and a SIM Card .......................................................................4

    Installing a micro SD Card ...........................................................................................5

    Charging the Battery ....................................................................................................5

    Phone Lock......................................................................................................................6

    PIN and PUK ...................................................................................................................6

    Locking the Keypad.......................................................................................................7

    3 Widget....................................................................................................................................7

    Customizing the Widget on Home Screen ...............................................................7

    Widgets ...........................................................................................................................8Main Menu.............................................................................................................................9

    File manager ...................................................................................................................9

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    Synchronization ...........................................................................................................21

    Phone sync ....................................................................................................................21

    Opera .............................................................................................................................22Unit converter ..............................................................................................................23

    Currency converter......................................................................................................23

    Stopwatch .....................................................................................................................23

    Ebook reader ................................................................................................................23


    5 Warnings and Precautions................................................................................................26

    6 FAQ..32


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    1 Overview

    our Phonehe following figure is a sketch of the phone. The actual product may differ.

    1 Earpiece 5 Search key


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    2 Screen 6 Power on/off key

    3 Opera key 7 Charger/USB jack

    Home key 8 Headset jack

    Keys and Functions

    Press To

    Opera key Access Opera in standby mode.

    Home key Access main menu in standby mode.

    Return to standby mode.

    Search key Access Google search in standby mode.

    Screen Icons

    Icon Indicates

    / Signal strength.

    / A new text message is received.

    / A new multimedia message is received.


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    Icon Indicates

    / The call forwarding function is enabled.

    The Bluetooth function is enabled.

    MP3 music is played in the background.

    An alarm is activated.

    The keypad is locked.

    Battery power level.The headset is being used.

    The General profile is activated.

    The Outdoor profile is activated.

    The Silent profile is activated.


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    2 Getting Started

    Installing the Battery and a SIM Cardou can install two SIM cards on the phone at the same time. When installing a SIM card,

    ensure that the golden contact area on the SIM card is facing downward, and the beveled

    edge of the SIM card is properly aligned with that of the card slot.


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    Installing a micro SD Card

    ou can insert a micro SD card to expand the memory capacity of your phone. When

    installing a micro SD card, ensure that the golden contact area on the micro SD card isfacing downward, and the beveled edge of the micro SD card is properly aligned with that

    of the card slot. Then pull out the clip to fix the micro SD card in the slot.

    No micro SD card is delivered in the product package. If a

    micro SD card is required, you can buy one yourself.

    Charging the Battery

    1. Connect the charger to a power socket.

    2. Connect the charger to the charger jack on the phone.


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    Phone Lock

    he phone lock protects your phone from unauthorized use. By default, the phone lockfunction is disabled. You can change the default phone lock code (1122) into any numeric

    string in the range of four to eight digits.

    Do remember your phone lock code. If you forget it, contact the service center.

    PIN and PUK

    he personal identification number (PIN) protects your SIM card from unauthorized use.

    he PIN unblocking key (PUK) can unlock the blocked PIN. Both PIN and PUK are

    delivered with the SIM card. Generally, the default password code of the SIM card is

    1234. For details, consult your service provider.

    f you enter wrong PINs for a specified number of times consecutively, the phone asks

    you to enter the PUK.

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    o remove the widget from the screen tap and hold the icon of the widget until the color

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    o remove the widget from the screen, tap and hold the icon of the widget until the color

    of the icon becomes light, and drag it to widget menu.

    idgetsn main menu, tap Settings > Widget manager to disable or enable widgets.

    e provide the following widgets:

    Operator name: display the name of operator.

    Date: display the date of today.

    Calendar: display the calendar of this month, and you can tap the icon to have more


    Snow: display a flash about a snowman.

    Photo: display a photo you added from File manager.

    Memo: display the event you add.

    Audio play: play the music on home screen.

    FM radio: enjoy FM on home screen.

    Pet: play the sheep on home screen.

    Clockdisplay the clock on home screen.

    Baidu search: you can search the content you want. Profiles: you can switch profile by

    Next alarm: display the next alarm.


    Event inbox: view the inbox message

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    Event inbox: view the inbox message.

    Todo: view the events on home screen.

    Bookmarks: you can browser the internet by taping the icon.

    4 Main Menu

    File managerap File Manager to access the menu.

    ou can use File Manager to organize your files in folders. If a memory card is inserted,he files stored on it are organized separately. Select Phone or Memory Card and select

    Options to browse the files in folders.

    Phonebookap Phonebookto access the menu.he phone provides two kinds of storage media: SIM card and phone. The phone can

    store 500 entries. The capacity of the phone book on your SIM card depends on the type

    of SIM card provided by your network operator.

    Phonebook refers to the directory where in all the contacts are stored in an alphabetical

    order. You can view, edit, delete, send message and perform various other functions on

    each contact of your phonebook.


    User profiles

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    User profilesap User profiles to access the menu.

    he phone provides six pre-defined user profiles that allow the operations of the phoneo best suit the environment you are in. The profiles are General, Silent, Meeting,

    Outdoor, My style and Saver Power.


    ou can view or edit the list of the wireless LAN networks to which you have connected.

    ou can also manually enter relevant parameters to connect the phone to a new wirelessLAN network.


    1. Dual SIM switch: You can choose one mode as your desire.

    2. Dual SIM settings: Realize to switch amid the Dual SIM open, Only SIM1 open, OnlySIM2 open and Flight mode.

    3. Pen calibration: Click any position on the screen with you style to start calibration.Then follow the prompt and operate, this operation allows the screen to respond more

    quickly and correctly.

    . Phone settings Time and date: you can set up time/date, time zone and format for your phone.

    Schedule power on/off: You can set the time for auto power on /off. Do turn the

    status on before using that function, and then the time.


    Language: Select the desired language for the display text

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    Language: Select the desired language for the display text.

    Preferred writing language: Select the desired input method for the default input


    Widget manger: enable or disable the corresponding function in the Widget.

    Encoding: to set ASCII, Windows-1251, ISO-8859-1, KOI8-R and Windows-1252


    Display: With this function you can configure the basic status of display

    characteristics including Wallpaper, Screen Saver, Power on display, Power off display

    and Show owner number.

    Greeting text: you can edit the content of greet text.

    Auto update time: activate or deactivate this function.

    Handwriting: set pen speed and pen color.

    UART settings: When using this phone for GPRS, select different UART port to

    decide whether Master /Slave SIM to be used.

    Misc. settings: You can set the LCD backlight.

    5. Network settings

    Network Selection: You can choose Automatic or Manual to select the network

    (Auto is recommended). When you select Automatic, the phone will make the

    preferential selection according to the network where the SIM card belongs. When

    you select Manual, you are required to select the same network as the registered

    network with the network operator by SIM card for your use.


    Preferences: you can add from list or create new.

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    Preferences: you can add from list or create new.

    6. Security Settings

    SIM1/SIM2 Security Settings SIM1/SIM2 Security Settings: You will be asked to input the PIN. It can be

    configured if the PIN is correct. If SIM card is set on, you will need to input the PIN

    every time you switch on the power. If you enter incorrect PIN three times, you will

    be asked to enter PUK. PUK is used to release and modify the locked PIN. If PUK is

    not provided or missed, please consult your network operator.

    Phone lock: You can lock or unlock the phone. Enter the password to activate or

    deactivate the phone lock. When the phone is locked, you will be asked to enter the

    phone password. 4-8 numbers can be used for the phone password. The default

    phone password is 0000.

    Auto keypad lock: You can lock/unlock the phone keyboard and set the Key Lock

    Time to Off, 5 sec, 10sec, 30 sec, 1 min, and 5 min. Change password: you can change phone password.

    Certificate manager: you can manage Auth. Certificate and User certificate.

    7. Call settings

    SIM1/SIM2 call settings: you can set Call waiting, Call divert, Call barring and

    Line switching. Advanced settings: you can set Blacklist, Auto redial, Background sound, Call

    time reminder, Auto quick end, Reject by SMS and Answer mode.


    8 Restore factory settings

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    8. Restore factory settings

    ccess Settings to select Restore factory settings, then input the password and tap OK.

    ll settings can be restored to factory settings with this function. The default password is


    Call historyap Call history to access this menu.

    ou can view the records including All calls, Dialled calls, Missed calls, and Received

    calls.ou can also select a record to send, message, make a call and have more options.

    Dialap Dial to access this menu.ap the number of the contact and make a call from SIM1/SIM2 card.

    Messageap Messaging to access this menu.

    1. Write message: You can edit, send SMS/MMS with this function.

    2. Conversations: Built a conversation.

    3. Drafts: In the Drafts, please select Options, and then you can do send from SIM1/SIM2,

    edit and some other operations.

    . Outbox: The messages that have not been sent successfully get stored in the Outbox



    5. Archive: You can save your messages in the Archive folder.

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    y g

    6. Delete messages: You can select to delete inbox, drafts, outbox, sent messages,

    archive or all messages using Delete Messages option.

    7. Broadcast message: This network service enables you to receive all kind of text

    messages, such as weather reports or transportation information. There are several

    networks who afford this service in this world. Please consult your network operator

    for more reference.

    8. Templates: The phone provides templates of text/multimedia message.

    9. Message settings: You can change the settings about text message, multimediamessage, service message, conversations.


    ap Connectivity to access this menu.1. Conn. Management: you can manage a connection.

    2. Data account: The function is used to set account information.

    Functions related to the MMS and emails are network dependent. For

    provision of and subscription to a service, contact your service provider.

    Open multimedia messages and emails with caution. Objects inmultimedia messages or emails may contain hazards that can damage

    your phone, such as malicious software.



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    Emailap Email to access this menu.

    Before sending or receiving emails, you must create an email account.1. Tap the desired type from a list including Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, and so on.

    2. Set the relevant parameters and save the email account.

    To write and send an email, do the following:

    1. Tap Menu > Email.

    2. Select an email account to send an email and tap Options, then tap Write Email.3. Tap To to add the email address of a recipient.

    4. Tap Subject to edit the email subject.

    5. Tap the text box to edit the email.

    6. Tap Options to have more options.



    he phone is provided with a built-in 3.0 mega pixel CMOS camera at the back, which

    supports the photographing and video shooting functions. Pictures are saved in the file

    system of the phone or the T-Flash card. The file is in the *.jpg format. You can send thepictures taken by the MMS/Bluetooth function provided by the phone.

    1. Select Camcorder to access Camera.


    2. On the picture taking screen, do the following:

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    Tap to view photos or configure relevant settings.

    Tap to adjust the exposure value.

    Tap to zoom in or to zoom out.

    Tap icons such as and to configure the corresponding settings.

    3. Focus the camera on the scene and press home key or tap to take a picture.

    ap to save the picture. You can take another picture or tap to delete the


    ideo recorder

    ideo recorder is used for video shooting.o record a video clip, do the following:

    1. Select Camcorder, and the tap to switch to Video recorder mode.

    2. In video recording mode, you can do the following:

    Tap to configure the relevant settings.

    Tap to start recording or to pause.


    Tap to adjust the exposure value

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    Tap to adjust the exposure value.

    Tap to zoom in or zoom out.

    Tap to stop recording and save the video clip as instructed.

    Image viewer

    ap Image viewer to access the menu.

    mage viewer provides the following options for all pictures in the phone memory andon the microSD card: View, Image information, Edit, Print, Browse style, Send (by

    MMS , Bluetooth or Email), Use as (Wallpaper, Screen saver , Power on display, Power off

    display or Caller picture), Rename, Delete, Sort by (Name, Type, Time, Size or None),

    Delete all files and Storage selection.

    Media Playerhe media player plays audio clips stored in the Audio folder and video clips stored in

    he Videos folder in the phone memory or on the microSD card. The Audio folder and

    he Videos folder can be accessed from File manager. To obtain better sound quality, it

    is recommended that you use the headset to listen to audio clips.

    o play a clip, do the following:

    1. Tap Media Player.


    2 Select a video or audio file and then tap to start playing the clip

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    2. Select a video or audio file, and then tap to start playing the clip.

    When the clip is being played, you can do the following:

    3. Tap to pause playing the clip.

    . Tap to go to the previous menu.

    Only files in .mp4 and .3gp formats are supported. Files

    in other formats may not play.

    Photo editor

    ap Photo editor to access the menu.

    Photo artist: you can select a photo from a file or capture from camera and have related

    options.mage tiles: You can tile pictures using this function. The phone provides 3 types of

    picture tiles, they are 2 image tiles, 4 image tiles and 6 image tiles.

    Sound recorder

    ap Sound recorder The mobile phone supports AMR, WAV, AWB recording formats. You

    can record conversations, which may be saved to the Audio folder under File Manager.


    Note: If a call is coming while recording, the record will abort and the data will be paused.

    MR d d i i d id l di i h WAV

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    MR adopts dynamic compression and provides a longer recording time than WAVs

    hile utilizing the same storage space.

    FM radio

    he headset cable also functions as an antenna. To ensure reception of radio programs,

    do not disconnect the headset from the phone or bend the headset cable.

    1. Connect the headset to the phone.

    2. On the main menu screen, tap FM radio to access.hen listening to the radio, you can do the following:

    Press the button on the headset cable to switch between channels.

    Tap to view or edit the channel list, manually set a frequency, automatically

    search for and save channels, configure the relevant settings, record the audio clip,

    and so on.


    ap Calendar to access the menu. You can view and edit the memo of a specified date

    ith this function.

    iew: You can view or edit the daily arrangement of the day.iew All: You can view or edit all the daily arrangement of the day.

    dd Event: You can select task types: Reminder, Meeting, and Course.


    Delete Event: You can select delete entries form All, Overdue, Spec Period.

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    Jump to Date: Skip to the specified date to view or edit the daily arrangements of the


    Go to today: Skip to the current date.

    Go To Weekly/Monthly View: Go to the specified date to check which week/Month it is.


    ap Tasks to access the menu.

    ou can View, Add, Edit, Search, Delete, Delete Overdue, Delete all, Jump to date,iew uncompleted, Send Vcalendar and Save as file as desired.


    ap Alarm to access the menu.

    he mobile phone provides 5 alarms and you can set them as your need. If you haveconfigured an alarm, an icon indicated that you have configured the alarm will appear.

    orld clock

    ap World clockto access the menu.

    ap or to browse city and time zone in the world map. The related date andime will display at the bottom of the screen.

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    ou can use Phone sync to synchronize the contacts with the phone you connected

    hrough Bluetooth

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    hrough Bluetooth.

    Operaap Opera to access the menu..

    ou can browser website, do the following:

    1. Tap Opera.

    2. Tap the text box to open the onscreen keypad, enter a Uniform Resource Locator (URL)

    address.3. Tap Go to access the website.

    You can access Wireless Application Protocol (WAP)

    sites and use WAP-based services on your phone. To

    access WAP sites, you need to subscribe to the service

    from your service provider and set the relevantparameters on your phone.

    For details about the service and the charges, contact

    your service provider.

    To access WAP sites, you dont need to set your data

    account and WAP parameters



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    ap Calculator to access the menu.

    o calculate, enter the number to be calculated, select a mathematical operation byapping the corresponding key, enter another number to be calculated, and then tap =

    obtain the result.

    Unit converter

    ap Unit converter to access the menu.

    ap Weight or Length, select the unit, enter the value, tap and then tap OKto obtain the


    Currency converter

    ap Currency converter to access the menu.

    Enter the rate, tap and then tap OK. Enter the local currency value, and then tap OKtoobtain the result.


    ap Stopwatch to access the menu.

    ap the icons to measuring time with possibility to register several results and

    suspend/resume measurement.

    Ebook reader

    ap Ebook reader to access the menu.


    he phone supports re ading files in the *.txt format, which is ideal for reading an ebook.

    Store the * txt files in the Ebook folder and then you can read them in Ebook reader

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    Store the .txt files in the Ebook folder, and then you can read them in Ebook reader.


    ap Bluetooth to access the menu.

    ou can transfer data, such as music to other device using Bluetooth. Search the device

    and accept to transfer data. The received data is automatically stored in the directory.

    Fun & Games

    ap Fun&

    Games to access the menu.ou can install third-party Java applications to expand the capabilities of your phone.

    ou can install a Java application on your phone, then select a Java installation file in .jar

    or .jad format from Phone or Memory card.

    Select Fun & Games > Java and tap Options to delete the installed java application.


    Not all Java applications are compatible with your

    phone If you have trouble in installing or running a

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    phone. If you have trouble in installing or running a

    Java application, press Home key to return to the

    standby mode, and then remove the application fromyour phone.

    Certain Java applications require network connections.

    Therefore, ensure that the GPRS connection is properly

    set up.

    Servicesap Services to access the menu.

    his service is offered as the SIM card service provided by the network operator.


    5 Warnings and Precautions

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    This section contains important information pertaining to the operating instructions of

    your device. It also contains information about how to use the mobile safely. Read thisinformation carefully before using your device.

    Electronic Device

    Power off your device if using the device is prohibited. Do not use the device when it

    causes danger or interference with electronic devices.

    Medical Device Power off your device and follow the rules and regulations set forth by the hospitals

    and health care facilities.

    Pacemaker manufacturers recommend that a minimum distance of 15 cm be

    maintained between a device and a pacemaker to prevent potential interference with

    the pacemaker. If you are using a pacemaker, use the device on the opposite side of

    the pacemaker and do not carry the device in your front pocket. Some wireless devices may affect the performance of the hearing aids. For any such

    problems, consult your service provider.

    Potentially Explosive Atmospheres

    Switch off your device in any area with a potentially explosive atmosphere, and comply

    with all signs and instructions. Areas that may have potentially explosive atmospheresinclude the areas where you would normally be advised to turn off your vehicle engine.

    Triggering of sparks in such areas could cause an explosion or fire, resulting in bodily

    injuries or even deaths. Do not switch on the device at refueling points such as service

    stations. Comply with restrictions on the use of radio equipment in fuel depots, storage,


    and distribution areas, and chemical plants. Also, adhere to restrictions in areas where

    blasting operations are in progress. Before using the device, watch out for areas that have

    i ll l i h h f b l l l k d h

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    potentially explosive atmosphere that are often, but not always, clearly marked. Such

    locations include areas below the deck on boats, chemical transfer or storage facilities

    and areas where the air contains chemicals or particles such as grain, dust, or metal

    powders. Ask the manufacturers of vehicles using liquefied petroleum gas (such as

    propane or butane) if this device can be safely used in their vicinity.

    Traffic Security

    Observe local laws and regulations while using the device. Also, if using the device while

    driving a vehicle, please comply with the following guidelines: Concentrate on driving. Your first responsibility is to drive safely.

    Do not talk on the device while driving. Use hands-free accessories.

    When you have to make or answer a call, park the vehicle at the road side before

    using your device.

    RF signals may affect electronic systems of motor vehicles. For more information,

    consult the vehicle manufacturer.

    In a motor vehicle, do not place the device over the air bag or in the air bag

    deployment area. Otherwise, the device may hurt you owing to the strong force

    when the air bag inflates.

    Do not use your device while flying in an aircraft. Switch off your device before

    boarding an aircraft. Using wireless devices in an aircraft may be dangerous to the

    operation of the aircraft, disrupt the wireless telephone network, and may be

    considered illegal.


    Operating Environment

    Do not use or charge the device in dusty, damp or dirty places or places with

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    g y p y p p

    magnetic fields. Otherwise, the circuit may not function properly.

    The device complies with the RF specifications when the device is used near your earor at a distance of 1.5 cm from your body. Ensure that the device accessories such as

    a device case and a device holster are not composed of metal components. Keep

    your device 1.5 cm away from your body to meet the requirement earlier mentioned.

    On a thunder and stormy day, do not use your device when it is being charged, to

    prevent any danger caused by lightning.

    When you are on a call, do not touch the antenna. Touching the antenna affects thecall quality and results in increase in power consumption. As a result, the talk time

    and standby time are reduced.

    While using the device, observe the local laws and regulations, and respect others'

    privacy and legal rights.

    Use accessories authorized by manufacturers. Using unauthorized accessories will

    render the warranty null and void. Keep the ambient temperature between 0 an d 4 0 w h ile t h e d e vi ce is b e in g

    charged . Keep the am b ien t t empera tu re be tween 0 to 40 f o r using the devi ce

    po wered by bat tery.

    Prevent ing H earing Dam age

    Using th e receiver, earbu d s, head ph o nes, speakerph o ne, o r earpieces at hig h vo lum e canresul t in perm anent h earing lo ss. Be extrem ely careful wh en l istening at h igh decibel

    levels. Set t he vo lum e to a safe level. I f you experience strang e so un d s in yo ur ears like

    r inging or i f you hear m uff led speech, get yo ur hear ing checked. I f you cont in ue to u se

    high vo lum e, you r hearing w i l l soo n get af fected.


    Hearing experts of fer the fo l lowin g sug gest ions to p rotect you r hear ing:

    Red uce the t im e you u se th e receiver, earbu d s, headp ho nes, sp eakerph on e, o r

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    earpieces at h igh volum e.

    Do not increase the vo lum e to b lo ck no isy sur round ings. Redu ce the volum e if you canno t hear peop le speaking near you.

    Safety o f Chi ldren

    Please com ply w ith al l precautio ns with reg ard to chi ldren's safety. Lett in g th e chi ld play

    wi th you r device or i ts accessor ies, which m ay inc lude part s that can be d etached f ro m

    the d evice, m ay prove d angero us, as i t m ay present a cho king hazard. M ake sure that

    sm all chi ldren are kept aw ay from th e device and accesso ries.

    Environm ent Pro tect ion

    Fol low all the lo cal regulat ion s regarding the dispo sal of yo ur d evices or e lectr ical

    accessories (such as chargers, headsets, or batteries). Recycle them. Do not dispose of an

    exhausted b at tery o r a used d evice in a garbage can.


    Use only t he accesso ries, such as th e charg er, batt ery, and head set, del ivered b y

    manufacturer. Using accessories of other manufacturers or vendors with this device

    m od el m ight in val idate any app roval or w arranty app l icable to th e device, m igh t resul t in

    the non -o perat ion o f the dev ice, and m ight b e dangerous.

    Battery and Charger The bat t ery can be charged an d d ischarged hu nd reds of t im es befo re it eventu ally

    wears ou t . W hen th e stand by t im e and ta lk t im e are sho rter than n orm al , replace the

    bat tery.


    Use the AC po wer sup ply def ined in th e speci f icat ions of the charger. An im pro per

    po wer vol tage m ay cause f i re or the charger m ay no t fun ct ion p rop er ly.

    I f h b i i id bl l h i h h i d l i f f h

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    I f the amb ient tem perature is considerably low or h igh, the capacity and l i fe of the

    bat t ery is reduced. W hen t he tem perature is low er than 0 C, perfo rm ance of the

    bat t ery is af fected.

    Do n ot co nnect tw o p oles of the bat t ery wi th con du ctors such as m etal m ater ials,

    keys or jewelr ies. Oth erw ise, the bat t ery m ay be short - c i rcui t ing and m ay cause

    in jur ies and b urns on yo ur bo dy.

    Do n ot d isassem ble the bat t ery or solder the bat t ery po les. Ot her wise, i t m ay lead to

    electrolyte leakage, overheating, f i re, or explosion.

    I f bat tery electrolyte leaks ou t , m ake sure that th e electrolyte do es no t to uch you r

    skin and eyes. W hen the electrolyte t ou ches you r skin o r splashes into you r eyes,

    wash yo ur eyes wi th c lean water im m ediately and co nsul t a docto r.

    I f th e bat tery is dam aged , or th e colo r chang es or g ets abno rm al ly heated wh i le you

    charge or sto re the bat t ery, rem ove the bat tery im m ediately and stop u sing i t .

    Ot herw ise, i t m ay lead t o bat t ery leakage, overheat ing , explosion , or f i re.

    I f the po wer cable is dam aged ( for exam ple, the lead is expo sed o r bro ken), or t he

    plu g lo osens, sto p u sing the cable at o nce. Oth erwise, i t m ay lead to electr ic sho ck,

    shor t-circuit of t he charger, or a f i re.

    Do no t d ispo se of b at ter ies in f i re as they m ay explo de. Bat ter ies m ay also explo de i f

    d a ma g e d .

    Clear ing and M aint enance The device, batt ery, and ch arger are no t w ater-resistant Keep t hem d ry. Prot ect the

    device, bat ter y and charger f rom water or vapor. Do n ot to uch th e device and charger


    with a wet hand. Otherw ise, i t m ay lead to short -c i rcui t o r m alfun ct ion of th e device

    and electr ic sho ck to t he user.

    D t l d i b t t h i l h i t t d d

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    Do no t p lace your device, bat ter y, or charger in p laces where i t can get dam aged

    because of col l ision . Oth erw ise, i t m ay lead to bat ter y leakage, device m alfun ct ion,

    overheat ing , f i re, or explosion .

    Do n ot p lace m agnet ic sto rage m edia such as m agnet ic cards and f lo pp y disks near

    the device. Radiat ion f rom th e device m ay erase the info rm at ion stored o n them .

    Do no t leave you r device, bat ter y, or charger in a very ho t o r cold p lace. Ot herw ise,

    they m ay not fun ct ion p roper ly and m ay lead to a f i re or an exp losion.

    I f the amb ient tem perature is considerably low or h igh, the capacity and l i fe of thebat t ery is reduced . W hen t he tem peratu re is low er than 0C, perfo rm ance of the

    bat t ery is af fected.

    Do no t p lace sharp m etal ob jects such as p ins near th e earpiece. The earpiece m ay

    att ract these ob jects and h urt yo u wh en you are using t he device.

    Before you c lean or m aintain t he device, po wer of f th e device and discon nect i t f rom

    the charger. Do no t u se any chemical detergent , po wd er, or o th er chem ical agent s (such as

    alcoh ol and benzene) to c lean th e device and th e charger. Oth erw ise, parts of th e

    device may g et d am aged or a f i re can be caused. You can clean t he d evice and t he

    charger wi th a piece of dam p and sof t ant istat ic clot h.

    Do no t d ism ant le th e device or accessor ies. Ot her wise, m anufacturer is no t l iable to

    pay fo r dam ages as th e device and accessories are not cove red b y warrant y.


    Em ergen cy Call

    Yo u can use you r device fo r em ergen cy cal ls in th e service area. The conn ectio n, how ever,

    b d i l l d i i Y h ld l l l h d i f

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    cann ot be g uaranteed in al l con di t io ns. You sho uld n ot re ly solely on the d evice for

    essent ia l com m unicat ions.

    6 FAQ

    These lists just fo r reference, i f your pro blem s can N OT be resolved according them ,

    please contact w i th the lo cal d is t r ibut or.

    Question Reason and Solution

    Can NOTpower on

    Must long press the key at least 3 seconds.

    Check the battery is installed correctly.

    Whether the battery runs out, charge it and waita few minutes

    Can NOTconnect thenetwork

    The strength of signal is weak, please move toother place where the signal is stronger.

    Maybe you are out of the service area of yournetwork operator.

    Check whether your SIM card is val id.

    There aresome popupmessages

    Check whether the SIM Card is insertedcorrectly.

    The mobile phone is locked, you must input the



    The PIN code is needed if your SIM card islocked by you or some others

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    locked by you or some others.

    The PUK code is needed when you input wrongPIN code 3 times continuously, input the correctPUK code or contact with your network operator.

    The voicequality isNOT goodduring call

    Check whether the volume is suitable.

    Check the signal strength in signal indicator. Ifthe level is low, you should move to anotherplace where the level is high.

    The time is the call rush hour, the network cannot carry so many calls.

    The standbytime ofbatterybecomesshort

    The low signal strength will shorten your batterystandby time.

    The battery runs out its life, please change the


    SIM carderror

    SIM card connect point is dirty, please clean itwith soft and dry cloth or something.

    SIM card is NOT inserted correctly.

    SIM card is broken, please contact with your

    network operator.

    Can NOTmake a call

    Make sure you press after dialing numbers.

    Make sure you have enough money associated


    with your SIM card.

    Make sure your SIM card is valid.

    Check whether the dialing out function is barred

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    Check whether the dialing out function is barredin call settings.

    Check whether the FDN is set in call settings.

    Can NOT becalled byothers

    Make sure your mobile phone is ON, and thenetwork is connected.

    Make sure there is enough money associatedwith your SIM card.

    Make sure your SIM card is valid. Check whether the incoming call is barred in Call


    Check whether the caller number is in black list.

    Can NOTcharge the


    Check the connecter connects well.

    Check the temperature is suitable.

    Battery or charger is damaged, please change anew one.

    Somefunctions doNOT work

    Check the operation is correct

    Make sure the operation is support by your

    network operator or your SIM card. Make sure the condition needed by this function

    is meted.

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