user guide - magento · if already used jquery library in current theme then disable it. “i.e....

Shipping Availability Magento Extension by PIXLOGIX USER GUIDE Copyright 2017 © All rights reserved [email protected]

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Page 1: USER GUIDE - Magento · If already used jQuery library in current theme then disable it. “i.e. Magento 'rwd' default theme provides 'jquery-1.10.2.min.js' file then no need to enable

Shipping Availability Magento Extension by PIXLOGIX


Copyright 2017 ©

All rights reserved

[email protected]

Page 2: USER GUIDE - Magento · If already used jQuery library in current theme then disable it. “i.e. Magento 'rwd' default theme provides 'jquery-1.10.2.min.js' file then no need to enable

2 Go to: Table of Contents Copyright 2017 ©

Table of Contents 1. Installation Process ......................................................................................................... 3

2. Shipping Availability Configuration ................................................................................. 4

2.1 General .................................................................................................................... 4

2.2 Shipping Availability ................................................................................................ 5

2.3 COD Availability ....................................................................................................... 6

2.4 Delivery Info. ........................................................................................................... 7

2.5 Implementation Code .............................................................................................. 8

3 Manage Postcode (Admin Postcode Listing) .................................................................... 9

3.1 Postcode Information (Add/Edit Postcode) ............................................................ 10

4 Import Postcode ........................................................................................................... 11

Import Data .................................................................................................................. 11

5 Product Page (Frontend) ............................................................................................... 12

Check Shipping Availability ........................................................................................... 13

6 Cart Page (Frontend) ..................................................................................................... 14

Check Shipping Availability ........................................................................................... 14

Estimate Shipping and Tax ............................................................................................ 15

7 Checkout Page (Frontend) ............................................................................................. 16

Check Shipping Availability ........................................................................................... 16

8 License ......................................................................................................................... 17

9 Help & Support ............................................................................................................. 18

Page 3: USER GUIDE - Magento · If already used jQuery library in current theme then disable it. “i.e. Magento 'rwd' default theme provides 'jquery-1.10.2.min.js' file then no need to enable

3 Go to: Table of Contents Copyright 2017 ©

1. Installation Process

To install the extension, you need to follow below steps

Enable all cache from admin (System > Cache Management) before upload extension.

Extract extension zip package and copy all folders (app, skin).

Upload all folders (app, skin) to your site by FTP.

After uploading all files clear all cache from admin (System > Cache Management).

Logout to complete installation process and login again otherwise you will get 404 Error.

Check “Shipping Availability” extension tab available or not into admin navigation.

Page 4: USER GUIDE - Magento · If already used jQuery library in current theme then disable it. “i.e. Magento 'rwd' default theme provides 'jquery-1.10.2.min.js' file then no need to enable

4 Go to: Table of Contents Copyright 2017 ©

2. Shipping Availability Configuration

2.1 General

Enable Shipping Availability: To enable or disable extension.

Enable jQuery: To enable or disable jQuery. If already used jQuery library in current theme

then disable it. “i.e. Magento 'rwd' default theme provides 'jquery-1.10.2.min.js' file then no

need to enable it.”

Block Title: To set block title.

Show Separate Shipping Availability Section on Cart: Enable to show separate section to

check shipping availability on cart page. Default it will check shipping availability with

“Estimate Shipping and Tax” section.

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2.2 Shipping Availability

Check Shipping Availability: To enable or disable shipping availability.

Display at Product Page: To enable or disable at product page.

Display at Cart Page: To enable or disable at cart page.

Display at Checkout Page: To enable or disable at checkout page

Allowed Message: Shipping availability success message.

Not Allowed Message: Shipping availability error message.

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6 Go to: Table of Contents Copyright 2017 ©

2.3 COD Availability

Check COD Availability: To enable or disable COD availability.

Display at Product Page: To enable or disable at product page.

Display at Cart Page: To enable or disable at cart page.

Display at Checkout Page: To enable or disable at checkout page

Allowed Message: COD success message.

Not Allowed Message: COD error message.

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7 Go to: Table of Contents Copyright 2017 ©

2.4 Delivery Info.

Display Delivery Info: To enable or disable delivery information.

Display at Product Page: To enable or disable at product page.

Display at Cart Page: To enable or disable at cart page.

Display at Checkout Page: To enable or disable at checkout page

Delivery Info Prefix: Admin can add prefix i.e. Delivery: or remove as per need.

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8 Go to: Table of Contents Copyright 2017 ©

2.5 Implementation Code

(Recommended for developers) If you want to display Shipping Availability extension features on

specific section (sidebar, pages, etc...) then you can choose one of the below options.

Add below code to a CMS Page or a Static Block: Admin can add below code into any CMS

page or a static block to display shipping availability functionality on frontend.

{{block type="shippingavailability/checkpostcode" name="shippingavailability.postcode"


Add code below to a template file: Admin can add below code into any template file to

display shipping availability functionality on frontend.

<?php echo $this->getLayout()->createBlock('shippingavailability/checkpostcode')-

>setTemplate('shippingavailability/product-checkpostcode.phtml')->tohtml(); ?>

Add code below to a layout file: Admin can add below code into any layout file or category

& CMS page “Custom Layout Update” field to display shipping availability functionality.

<block type="shippingavailability/checkpostcode" name="shippingavailability.postcode"


Page 9: USER GUIDE - Magento · If already used jQuery library in current theme then disable it. “i.e. Magento 'rwd' default theme provides 'jquery-1.10.2.min.js' file then no need to enable

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3 Manage Postcode (Admin Postcode Listing)

ID: Postcode Id

Postcode: Postcode of specific area.

Delivery Info: Approx delivery days or any other information.

Is Ship: It displays shipping availability or not.

Is COD: It displays COD availability or not.

Creation Time: Postcode creation time.

Update Time: Postcode update time.

Status: Postcode status.

Action: Postcode edit page link.

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3.1 Postcode Information (Add/Edit Postcode)

Postcode: Postcode of specific area.

Is Shipping Available: Set this postcode for shipping availability.

Is COD Available: Set this postcode for COD availability.

Delivery Info: Admin can set approx delivery days or any other information.

Status: To enable or disable this postcode.

Page 11: USER GUIDE - Magento · If already used jQuery library in current theme then disable it. “i.e. Magento 'rwd' default theme provides 'jquery-1.10.2.min.js' file then no need to enable

11 Go to: Table of Contents Copyright 2017 ©

4 Import Postcode

Import Data

Select File to Import: You can import postcode data by uploading .csv file. See “Download

sample.csv” file before import data.

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12 Go to: Table of Contents Copyright 2017 ©

5 Product Page (Frontend)

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13 Go to: Table of Contents Copyright 2017 ©

Check Shipping Availability

Shipping success message: Displays success message in green color if shipping allowed for

specific postcode. (Admin can change success message description from setting page.)

COD success message: Displays success message in green color if COD allowed for specific

postcode. (Admin can change success message description from setting page.)

Delivery Info: Displays delivery information in green color if defined specific postcode.

(Admin can change description from postcode page.)

Shipping error message: Displays error message in red color if shipping not allowed for

specific postcode. (Admin can change error message description from setting page.)

COD error message: Displays error message in red color if COD not allowed for specific

postcode. (Admin can change error message description from setting page.)

Page 14: USER GUIDE - Magento · If already used jQuery library in current theme then disable it. “i.e. Magento 'rwd' default theme provides 'jquery-1.10.2.min.js' file then no need to enable

14 Go to: Table of Contents Copyright 2017 ©

6 Cart Page (Frontend)

Check Shipping Availability

Shipping success message: Displays success message in green color if shipping allowed for

specific postcode. (Admin can change success message description from setting page.)

COD success message: Displays success message in green color if COD allowed for specific

postcode. (Admin can change success message description from setting page.)

Delivery Info: Displays delivery information in green color if defined specific postcode.

(Admin can change description from postcode page.)

Shipping error message: Displays error message in red color if shipping not allowed for

specific postcode. (Admin can change error message description from setting page.)

COD error message: Displays error message in red color if COD not allowed for specific

postcode. (Admin can change error message description from setting page.)

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15 Go to: Table of Contents Copyright 2017 ©

Estimate Shipping and Tax

Zip/Postal Code: By default customer can use “Zip/Postal Code” field to check shipping

availability on “Estimate Shipping and Tax” section. (Admin can set “Check Shipping

Availability” section separately by allowing from admin setting page.)

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16 Go to: Table of Contents Copyright 2017 ©

7 Checkout Page (Frontend)

Check Shipping Availability

Shipping success message: Displays success message in green color if shipping allowed for

specific postcode. (Admin can change success message description from setting page.)

COD success message: Displays success message in green color if COD allowed for specific

postcode. (Admin can change success message description from setting page.)

Delivery Info: Displays delivery information in green color if defined specific postcode.

(Admin can change description from postcode page.)

Page 17: USER GUIDE - Magento · If already used jQuery library in current theme then disable it. “i.e. Magento 'rwd' default theme provides 'jquery-1.10.2.min.js' file then no need to enable

17 Go to: Table of Contents Copyright 2017 ©

Shipping error message: Displays error message in red color if shipping not allowed for

specific postcode. (Admin can change error message description from setting page.)

COD error message: Displays error message in red color if COD not allowed for specific

postcode. (Admin can change error message description from setting page.)

8 License

What is allowed with single regular license?

You can use it on one website for yourself or for your client.

You will need to purchase another regular license for another domain or clients.

You can setup extension on your staging server for testing/development purposes (that

setup shouldn't be available to the public).

You can customize extension, you can modify it with other works as per your need.

Extension updates will be available free for single website.

What is not allowed?

It is not allowed to create multiple websites with single regular license. You will need to

purchase multiple regular licenses for multiple websites.

It is not allowed to copy our extension code to misuse or for other extension creation or for

selling purpose.

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9 Help & Support

Please read "User Guide" carefully, it will help you to resolve most of potential problems with

incorrect configuration of the extension in Magento. If you don't find the answer to your

questions, please watch our video from below url.

Video - Extension Installation & Postcode Configuration guideline

Coming soon..! (Under Creation)

Magento Support Policy

Magento configuration, installation, maintenance, customization etc. is beyond the scope of our

support. We can provide you paid support on extension setup, customization & Magento custom

requirement. If you found bug within extension, please contact us at below email.

[email protected]

Developed by

PIXLOGIX INFOTECH PVT. LTD. is a multi-disciplinary, award-winning web design, development and user

experience company with special focus on website usability and responsive design. The PIXLOGIX team

consists of a highly experienced team of specialists with an outstanding record of providing high quality

deliverables both on a timely basis and at very affordable cost.

PIXLOGIX is a Global provider of web programming and IT services with clients based in the USA, UK,

Australia, Finland, Spain, Netherlands and many more. Our communication skills are excellent and are

pleased to participate in providing quotations per Requests for Quotation or proposals. We guarantee

your satisfaction!

Thank you!