user experience custom closet v3

Custom Closet Fashion Designer and E- Commerce Web Application Date : 12 th January 2012 Authors: document.docx Page 1 of 26

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Custom Closet

Fashion Designer and E-Commerce Web Application

Date : 12th January 2012


Version: 3

Status: Release Candidate

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Document Control


Name/Position Organization Contact Details

Fabrizio Valerio Covone DIT [email protected]

Cara Murphy DIT [email protected]

Christopher Conlan DIT [email protected]

Stephen Carberry DIT [email protected]

Shane Ellis DIT [email protected]

Group Charter

Name Position Contact Details

Fabrizio Valerio Covone Project Manager,

UX Designer

[email protected]

Cara Murphy Story Board & Prototype Designer

[email protected]

Christopher Conlan Wire-frame Designer [email protected]

Stephen Carberry Wire-frame Designer [email protected]

Shane Ellis Story Board & Prototype Designer

[email protected]

Version History

Date Version Status Comments

11/01/2012 1 Draft Document Set Up

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and Navigational Diagrams.

11/01/2012 2 Draft Fashion Designer Engagement RC side added.

12/01/2012 3 Release Candidate Fashion Designer Engagement FD side added.

Changes since last version


Known Omissions



Date Name Title Signature Version

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Reviewers Comments

No comments

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Table of Contents

1 INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................................5

1.1 PURPOSE OF THE DOCUMENT........................................................................................................5

1.2 INTENDED AUDIENCE...................................................................................................................5

1.3 DEFINITIONS, ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS................................................................................5

2 NAVIGATIONAL DIAGRAM......................................................................................................6

2.1 GENERAL POINT OF VIEW.............................................................................................................6

2.2 REGISTERED CUSTOMER POINT OF VIEW.........................................................................................7

2.3 FASHION DESIGNER POINT OF VIEW...............................................................................................8

3 LOG IN PROCESS.....................................................................................................................9

3.1 FLOW CHART............................................................................................................................. 9

3.2 UX0001 – USER LOG IN.............................................................................................................9

4 FASHION DESIGNER ENGAGEMENT PROCESS........................................................................11

4.1 REGISTERED CUSTOMER SELECTS A FASHION DESIGNER....................................................................11

4.2 UX0002 – FASHION DESIGNER SELECTION...................................................................................12

4.3 FASHION DESIGNER ENGAGEMENT PROCESS..................................................................................13

4.4 UX0003 – FASHION DESIGNER ENGAGEMENT REQUEST..................................................................14

4.5 UX0004 – REGISTERED CUSTOMER’S FD ENGAGEMENTS MANAGEMENT...........................................15

4.6 UX0004 –FASHION DESIGNER’S ENGAGEMENTS MANAGEMENT.......................................................16

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1 Introduction

1.1 Purpose of the Document

This document addresses the user experience associated with the following functional modules:

Ref Name

FM-0003 RC Profile

FM-0004 FD Profile

FM-0006 User Log In

FM-0008 FD Engagement

Please refer to Integrated Project Phase 2 document called:


1.2 Intended Audience

This document is a business level document intended for all project members, the project stakeholders and potential users of the system.

1.3 Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations

UCD: User Centred Design

Requirements Specification: A document that describes the high level functional requirements of the system to be developed.

RC: Registered Customer.

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FD: Fashion Designer.

Admin: Custom Closet’s Administrator.

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2 Navigational Diagram

2.1 General Point of View

2.1.1 Actors

Registered Customer type user Fashion Designer type user Web Application

2.1.2 Brief description

This section will show the navigational diagram of the whole Custom Closet web application.

2.1.3 Diagram

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2.2 Registered Customer Point of View

2.2.1 Actors

Registered Customer type user Web Application

2.2.2 Brief description

This section will show the navigational diagram of the whole Custom Closet web application focusing on the pages of interest of a Registered Customer user type.

2.2.3 Diagram

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2.3 Fashion Designer Point of View

2.3.1 Actors

Fashion Designer type user Web Application

2.3.2 Brief description

This section will show the navigational diagram of the whole Custom Closet web application focusing on the pages of interest of a Fashion Designer user type.

2.3.3 Diagram

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3 Log In Process

3.1 Flow Chart

3.2 UX0001 – User Log In

3.2.1 Actors

Registered Customer type user Fashion Designer type user Web Application

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3.2.2 Brief description

This section will show the Flow Diagram and Task Diagram of the Log In task.

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3.2.3 Task Diagram

See Chapter 4.2 for Registered Customer path or Chapter 4.6 for Fashion Designer path.

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4 Fashion Designer Engagement Process

4.1 Registered Customer selects a Fashion Designer

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4.2 UX0002 – Fashion Designer Selection

4.2.1 Actors

Registered Customer type user Web Application

4.2.2 Brief description

This section will show the Task Diagram done by a Registered Customer in order to engage a Fashion Designer.

4.2.3 Task Diagram

See Chapter 4.4 for Fashion Designer Engagement Request.

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4.3 Fashion Designer Engagement Process

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4.4 UX0003 – Fashion Designer Engagement Request

4.4.1 Actors

Registered Customer type user Web Application

4.4.2 Brief description

This section will show the Task Diagram done by a Registered Customer in order to ask for an Engagement.

4.4.3 Task Diagram

See Chapter 4.5 for Registered Customer’s FD Engagements Management.

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4.5 UX0004 – Registered Customer’s FD Engagements Management

4.5.1 Actors

Registered Customer type user Web Application

4.5.2 Brief description

This section will show the Task Diagram done by a Registered Customer in order to manage his/her open Engagements.

4.5.3 Task Diagram

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4.6 UX0004 –Fashion Designer’s Engagements Management

4.6.1 Actors

Fashion Designer type user Web Application

4.6.2 Brief description

This section will show the Task Diagram done by a Fashion Designer in order to manage his/her open Engagements.

4.6.3 Task Diagram

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