use of photography within the media

Ashleigh Kimber Use of photography within the media industry.

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Page 1: Use of photography within the media

Ashleigh Kimber

Use of photography within the media


Page 2: Use of photography within the media

Photography is the art, science and practice of creating images by recording light either by film or using an electronic sensor.

The word photography comes from the Greek saying ‘Drawing with light’

To take a photo is to catch a moment in time, if it is landscape photography or sports photography. There are a lot of different areas in photography all using different styles and settings.

The areas I will research more into are;







What is Photography?

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Fashion photography is a genre of photography used to display clothing and other fashion items. It is most often

conducted for advertisements or fashion magazines such as Vogue. This style of photography is very popular and has a

very mainstream audience of all age groups. Fashion is a way of life and everyone has their different opinions on what is an

is not acceptable.

Fashion photography has adapted over the years from being a strong selling point in just selling clothing and other fashion

items, to becoming more of an art. The attitude in and around the fashion industry has become more relaxed. Today it is more acceptable to do a lot more. The fashion industry has

changed from a very formal way of using it as a selling point to nowadays being very experimental.

Fashion Photography.

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Vogue through the years

1950 1960 1990

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Vogue has been publishing since the late 1890s and is still very popular today. The covers through the years have changed greatly. The first issue was in black and white, compared the the bold use of color's it is published in today it does'’t look like the same fashion magazine.

The content of the photos is the main thing that has changed drastically. In the 1990’s what was acceptable showed no flesh, little emotion and more towards the clothing nit the model.

Today the colour is a lot more bold, the photos tend to relate and show a lot more of the model rather than the cloths, and a lot more showing flesh is acceptable.

How it has changed.

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Fashion photography is a very overcrowded market. It uses a lot of competition in order t sell its product. The photography of the certain product needs to stand out against the rest.

However. Fashion photography today has expanded. There are now program's such as Photoshop that allows designers, and photographers to edit the photos. These therefore become incorrect to the human eye, this because it makes the readers and audience to the photos think that that is real, whereas they have been changed into photo that has become physically impossible.

Fashion Photography.

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Analyzed photo.

This photo is very effective. The use of the cigarette makes it stand out a lot. It has a black and white filter onto it, catching your eye towards the model. The angle used is slightly towards the left. This photo is zoomed in towards the model, seeing the features a lot more. This photo has influence to the media industry through the sense of marketing the photo to its audience. This is a very bold photo relating to the fashion industry. you do not see all of the clothing but it looks effective with quite a formal pose to go with the formal clothing and layout.

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Analyzed photo.

Fashion photography doesn't’t necessarily just show the ‘fashion’ it often shows mire of the setting or mode. As shown; this black and white photo uses a blurred light setting. This is used to put emphasis onto the model, as she is wearing black clothing she stands out a lot. There is natural lighting used in this photo. This can be better than artificial lighting as it does’t look posed. However the model in the center of this photo is posed. As the point of this photo is to try and sell the clothing, the photographer has angled the model to face back. This shows off the back of the top, most of the bottoms but looks effective.

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David bailey.David bailey is regarded one of the best British photographers today. He was contracted as a fashion photographer for vogue in 1960. Baileys fashion work and celebrity portraiture transformed British fashion from quite a reserves style of photography to something of style and youth.

His work has never failed to impress and inspire critics and admirers, capturing iconic images of a list celebrities such as The Rolling Stones, and Kate Moss, these simple yet powerful black and white images have become powerful and very well known.

Fashion Photographers.

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Landscape photography is a genre intended to show different spaces within the world. Most of the time it shows little or no

human presence as it focused on the landscapes. The best landscape photography shows strongly defined landforms. These

can be very simple but very effective with great detail.

With landscape photography using different shots such as long and short can become effective. The subjects used are normally strongly defined landforms, different types of weather, and uses

of ambient light.

Can be used as a powerful way of preserving natural landscapes. Can be useful to capture the aesthetic value of a landscape.

Landscape Photography.

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The relation of landscape photography and the media industry can be as simple as showing the industry and the people the beauties of the world they can not see or may never see themselves.

It shows angles and landscapes of all different kinds, and photography created scan be found anywhere. From books to magazines, in the press, to the local newspaper and advertising. It is not usually on its own in the media industry as it would typically have something a long side to interoperate it into what it is being used for.

What is the purpose?

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Through the years.

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In the 18th century landscape used to be painted rather than photographed. The paintings used pastel colours with little expression to them. Today landscape photography uses a lot more colour, but the same purpose. It still used the same concept of landscape, but takes it a bit further.

As landscape photography begun, they were very simple photos focusing on one thing whereas today there may only be a focus onto one object but there is a lit more detail in the rest if the photo. As photography has evolved in time, with better technology you can do more with a camera. This relating to landscape photography as you can use different lenses creating different effects, you can use different effects to add onto the photo too.

How has it changed?

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Analyzed photo.

Old landscape photography shows quite a simple colorless, dull photo of a waterfall from the top. It used a simple angle, with a simple zoom lens. This photo shows a rocky waterfall, as a simple photo it is very effective, however in the year it was taken it would be a very high-tech photo. As this photo is from the 19th century, there was not a lot of technology around then, and to capture this photo with a bit of detail but quite a simple landscape is good.

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Analysed photo

Analyzed photo.

A landscape photo from today is very different. It shows a lot of colour, and a better angle on the photo. You can see a lot more in the photo such as the greenery around the edge. This stands out a lot more comparing to the photo from the 19th century. The technology is better today, so the use of Photoshop, more high-tech lenses and different angles all help to create this photo and make it a lot better.

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Ansel Adams

Ansel Adams was an American photographer best known for his black and white photographs of the American west. Adams's photographs are reproduced on calendars, posters, and in books, making his photographs widely distributed. Adams' images were first used for environmental purposes.

As an environmentalist he likes the nature side of landscape photography so his work is very specific as to why he is so well known.

Landscape Photographers.

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Macro photography is typically used in nature shots showing insects and plants. It represents great detail of the subject, as it is so close. It can portray the most harmless insects to look like monsters. Often the photo is larger than the actual life-size of the subject.

To receive good quality macro images, you would need a strong zoom lens. This would ensure that the image is not blurred and is of good quality.

Nature shots are much different to macro shots as they are not as close, and don’t show as much detail.

Macro photography.

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Working with macro photography can be a great new visual event for even the most advance photographers.

Everyday can bring a new subject and an endless supply of different images, they are never endless.

Macro photography is very different by the level of detail you see, that perhaps you have never seen

before. Familiar objects become unusual and abstract and unusual objects become even more interesting.

The relevance of macro photography to the media industry can be the wide variety of photos you can


What is the purpose?

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Through the years.

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Macro photography used a lot of up to date photography. Therefore didn’t have a history, ass the

images are so high-tech and use different lenses. However it has adapted slightly. The use of

imagination from the photographer can create different types of macro.

The angles, use of different effects, and even everyday settings can change to create better photography.

As macro photography is not very well known or even used in everyday media, there is plenty of room for it

to expand in the future.

How has it changed?

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Analyzed photo.This photo shows a ladybird getting ready to fly. It is very effective as you can see its wings, and as it is about to leave. The photographer has chosen to blur out the background in order to focus onto the insect. The use of bold colours in this photo shows two contrasting colours of red and green. This photo stands out and is very clear,, you can see all the detailed features of the insect very well.

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Analyzed photo.

The bug in the centre of this photo stands out very well. There is a different approach to the bug as you can only see the bottom of it, this being affective as you can not quite tell what it is. The use of a dandelion in the background shows how small the bug really is, and really just how clear and detailed it is. The use of black and white background with a bold red bug stands out clearly and represents nature not just for its colour but for its texture and detail.

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Sharon Johnston

Starting of in fine arts Johnston found a love for photography, macro in general. Johnston is not typically known for her macro photography, but has some very expiring work. She loves exploring the details in nature. Her work does not feature insects but the colours and abstract compositions within nature. Some of her photos even feature moss and sometimes just a blade of grass.

Macro Photographers.

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Advertising is a form of communication for marketing and used to persuade and audience to buy their product. The aim of advertising photography is to make the audience feel the need to buy the product. Good adverts stand out from the rest, they are sometimes unusual, and makes you want to find out more. If an advert stands out it makes the audience look at it compared to another advert for the same market.

There are a lot of things to consider when taking a photo for advertising. This can be from the angle, to the colour or the size of the product. These are all important to ensure the advert looks good.

Advertising is a huge part of every media industry. It is important that it does look good to ensure it sells the product.

Advertising photography.

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Advertising over the years has become more acceptable. The language used, and the type of photos being used are a lot more accepted to how they were when advertising first

came to the media industry. The same applies to the colours, angles and content has changed to be more exiting

compared to how every photograph was years ago.

Before advertising photography was simple. The product in the middle, with a slogan or name, and that was it. Today

there are different angles, there are people in the adverts, more persuasive language. The biggest change are the angles and colours. They do not have to show the whole product to sell it they just have to make it look attractive

and sellable.

How has it changed?

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Analyzed photo.

This photo of a ford make car from the 1970’s shows a simple advert. It is comparing the ‘new’ car to the first ever car made. The angle of the photo is simple. You can only see the car there Is nothing else to distract your attention. The colours are simple, nothing stands out that much and the logo is quite large in the corner.In the 1970s there was not as much technology so it was harder to make a good photo. The advertising was also probably not as popular with less money.

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Analyzed photo. This advert compared to the 1970s advert has changed a lot. The colours to start with are a lot more bold, with a lot more use of colour. The positioning of the car stands out a lot more. You can see there is a use of effects in the background. This stands out a lot more and catches your eye.

It is not the car that makes the advert anymore, it is usually the use of effects and the style in which the photo is taken.The only similarity is the logo and the make of the car.

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To take a portrait is to take a photo of someone. This can simply be to capture a likeness of a person from their face and expressions to the mood. There can be formal and informal portrait photography, as a posed

photo to a captured photo in the moment.

Typically a portrait shows a person looking directly into the camera but that is only one style, you do not

even need to see their face. If a portrait photo is taken in a staged studio artificial lighting will be used, but if

it is outside it will use natural light which could be better or worse depending on the photo and the day.

Portrait photography.

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The three main shots in portrait photography are close-ups or facial shots, upper body shots, or environmental


Some of the best portraits are where the subjects look completely comfortable. When the subject try to smile or

make a certain kind of face for the camera it usually doesn’t seem very genuine. Different people have different

techniques for doing this, one of which is taking a picture while the subject is planning on smiling and then take

another couple while they are recovering. The best way is just to catch them off guard by waiting for the right

opportunity and capturing the moment.

Different styles.

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Close-up portraits usually have the subject’s shoulders and head or less. These are the best to capture expressions and glamour shots. It is very important to have the light coming from a good angle for these.

Upper body shots or midrange portraits are a little less personal than close-ups. These are easier to get results from, mainly because your subject is more relaxed and you can include a little of the background. These are probably the most commonly used for single subjects and multiple subjects. They are usually used to mark occasions such as graduation, school yearbook, birthdays.

Environmental portraiture are portraits that let us into the life of the subject. These usually include the whole subject in a scenario or partaking in some hobby that they enjoy. These are best for telling a story to the viewer about the subject in the pictures. Photojournalists almost always use these to look into the lives of interesting people. These also work very well in Black and White.

Different styles.

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This is a formal piece of portrait photography. It has a black and white filter to it making it more formal. It has the typical 45 degrees angle. This is the type of photo you normally have as a school photo. It is very posed and looks to be in a studio or with a background. You can clearly see the facial expression of the subject. They are also very well positioned and staged.


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This photo is classed as an informal photo. Although it looks slightly stages by the girl on the left the girl on the right is in the middle of laughing. It is not posed in a studio or taken professionally. It is a memorable photo, taken by a family member. It is a very good photo as you can clearly see what the subjects are doing and you can also see a connection. There is a black and white filter but that is most probably because it makes it look more professional.


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Photojournalism is a form of journalism but it creates the images in order to tell a story. In order to capture the correct photo you need to take it instantly or the event. Often photographers are only famous for one particular photo as they are hard to find. Without

photo for this type of photography there is no story or job. This is a very creative part of photography and links directly into the media. As these photos are

printed in magazines and newspapers they are seen by huge audiences but if the photo is wrong there are lots of consequences. This type of photography you do not need to be creative just in the right place at the right


‘A picture is worth a thousand words’


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This very famous photo of a possibly a nurse and a member of the navy after the war has ended. It captures the mood not just of the two people but of everyone at that moment. The background shows New York, a huge city and shows the mood of the two centred. It is in black and white because of the time it was taken. As a photojournalism photo it really does tell a strong story and is a positive approach compared to the normal negative approach of news.

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Kevin Carter

Kevin Carter was an award winning south- African photojournalist. He is best known for his photograph of the 1933 famine in Sudan. He was a freelance photographer who liked capturing effective photos. Kevin dedicated his career to covering the on going conflict in his native South Africa.

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