use of gps (global navigation system) and gnss (global navigation satellite system)

 N.Taletović 1 D.Osmanović 2  J.Isabegović 3 USE OF GPS (GLOBAL NAV IGAT ION SYSTEM) AND GNSS (GLOBAL NA VIGATION SAT ELLIT E SYSTEM) IN GEOLOGICAL MAPPING AND DEVELOPMENT OF ENGINEERING GEOLOGICAL MAPS AT EXAMPLE OF LANDSLIDE “JUNUZOVIĆI SREBRENIK”  Nermin T aletovi ć 1 Dean Osmanović 2  Jasmin Isabegović 3  1,2,3  Mining Institute d.d Tu zla, Tu zla E.mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT The !e "# $"%e&' "*+ '+,-+.-"' !/!.e$ (GPS0GNSS) -! $+!!-,e/ *e-' !e% -' . he $"%e&' &e!e+&1h2 The&e#"&e3 .he !e "# .he!e $e.h"%! -' !1-e'1e 1+' %" $1h ." #+1--.+.e !1-e'.-#-1 &e!e+&1h 4"&52 I' .h-! !1-e'.-#-1 4"&5 4e +'+/6e% . he %+.+*+!e "*.+-'e% */ .he GPS %e,-1e +'% #-e% .e!.-' e'-'ee&!3 +'% .he %+.+ -! !e% ." 7&"%1e $+7! "# .he #-e%3 e'-'ee&-' e""-1+ $+7 +'% 4e &e1"&%e% ee$e'.! "# +'%!-%e .h+. 4e&e !e% #"& $+77-' (1&+15!3 +'%!-%e $+!!3 4+.e& !"&1e!3 #"&ehe+% !1+& +'% -%e 7+'e)2 B+!e% "' .he &e!.! "*.+-'e%3 4e $+%e $"&7h""/ "# +'%!-%e +'% +'%!-%e e'-'ee&-' e""-1+ $+7 -' !1+e 89:;;2  Ke!ords: ma""ing , engineering#geological ma", $%&, $'& &, landslide INTRODUCTION <he' 4e 1"'%1.e% + #-e% &e!e+&1h3 .h-! 4"&5 %e#-'e% e'-'ee&-' e""-1+ 1h+&+1.e&-!.-1! "# +'%!-%e 4-.h 7e&#"&$e% &e1"&%-' +'% .&+1-' .he +'%!-%e +'% -.! ee$e'.!2 I' .he +*!e'1e "# $+7! -' 1+%+!.&+ $'-1-7+-./ S&e*&e'-53 -. 4+! 'e1e!!+&/ ." -'.e&7&e. .he #-e%! ." -,e + 4"&5-' $+7 #"& .he %e.+- +'+/!-! "# +'%!-%e2 F"& .h-! ./7e "# 4"&5 "'e $e.e& +11&+1/ -! e'"h3 .he&e#"&e 4e !e% == +*!".e 7"!-.-"'-' $e.h"%== "# GPS2 A $e+!&e$e'.! +&e &e1"&%e% -' .he %+.+*+!e +. .he !.+.e 1""&%-'+.e !/!.e$ +'% 1+' *e !e% #"& GIS (Ge"&+7h-1 I'#"&$+.-"' S/!.e$!) +'+/!-! >8?2 <e &e1"&%e% @@ 1h+&+1.e&-!.-1 7"-'.! "# +'%!-%e3 +'% &e1"&%e% +'".he& 7"-'.! "# .e&&+-'2 O' .he *+!-! "# .he!e 7"-'.! 4e h+,e %"'e +' -'.e&7&e.+.-"' "# .he .e&&+-' "# +'%!-%e +'% #"&$e% + D $"%e "# .he +'%!-%e2 1 Nermin Taletović Mining institute d.d. Tuzla Dean Osmanović B!. Mining Mining institute .d. Tuzla  Jasmin Isabegović Mining instit ute d.d T uzla

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GPS Landslide






Jasmin Isabegovi3

1,2,3 Mining Institute d.d Tuzla, Tuzla E.mail: [email protected]

ABSTRACTThe use of modern global navigation system (GPS-GNSS) is massively being used in the modern research. Therefore, the use of these methods in science can do much to facilitate scientific research work. In this scientific work we analyzed the database obtained by the GPS device and field testing engineers, and the data is used to produce maps of the field, engineering geological map and we recorded elements of landslide that were used for mapping (cracks, landslide mass, water sources, forehead scar and glide plane). Based on the results obtained, we made morphology of landslide and landslide engineering geological map in scale 1:500.

Keywords: mapping, engineering-geological map, GPS, GNSS, landslideINTRODUCTION

When we conducted all field research, this work defined engineering geological characteristics of landslide with performed recording and tracing the landslide and its elements. In the absence of maps in cadastral municipality Srebrenik, it was necessary to interpret the fields to give a working map for the detail analysis of landslide. For this type of work one meter accuracy is enough, therefore we used '' absolute positioning method'' of GPS. All measurements are recorded in the database at the state coordinate system and can be used for GIS (Geographic Information Systems) analysis [1]. We recorded 22 characteristic points of landslide, and recorded another 67 points of terrain. On the basis of these 89 points we have done an interpretation of the terrain of landslide and formed a 3D model of the landslide.1. GEOGRAPHICAL ELEMENTS OF LANDSLIDE "JUNUZOVII" SREBRENIK

How in the cadaster of Srebrenik there is no detailed (leveling) recordings of the area, nor any map of larger scale, we were forced to draw up the working maps with contour lines at equidistance of 1 meter. We also created a 3D model of terrain morphology in order to better interpret an landslide. How does this kind of work does not require big precision we chosen absolute positioning method with a handheld GPS receiver (Magellan). This method gives the positioning coordinates in real time, and does not require post-processing of data. Positioning accuracy is several meters. In the area of approximately 3,600 square meters, we recorded 89 points (y, x, z). Based on this points we interpolated contour lines of the field with equidistance of 1 meter in the software package Surfer V.11 [2]. Points 22 of 87 have a more detailed description of elements of landslide, and their connection make contour of landslide. The table below shows the characteristic points recorded GPS GNSS system that are used to interpolate the parameters of landslide in table 1.

Table 1: Characteristic points of landslide in state cordinate system [1]Takay_dsx_dsz























2. MORPHOMETRIC ELEMENTS OF LANDSLIDE- Length of the landslide represents linear distance from the forehead of landslide and to the landslide toe. Length of landslide "Junuzovii" in this case is approximately mainly due to the impact of landslide on the flora existing orchard), which remained in the sliding plane.- The magnitude or volume of sliding mass is the mass of the entire landslide body. Obtained by multiplying the average thickness of the landslide area and it is expressed in cubic meters. (3601m2 x 1.5 m = 5401.5 m3)- The depth of the landslide represents a vertical distance from the ground surface to the sliding surface and its a relative parameter that depends on the slope and sliding surface relations. We got the following clearly defined slip surface and it is expressed in meters.- Coordinates of forehead and coordinates of landslide toe is obtained by plotting the landslide on the appropriate map scale readings, elevation of terrain with contour lines or instrumental in the process of determining the instrumental geodetic mapping - recording sliding mass. Coordinates of forehead landslide are recorded with GPS in points (T0243, T0244, T0264, T0263 Coordinates of landslide toe recorded with GPS in points (T0255, T0254, T0256, T0257)

- Slope Landslide determined computationally for the whole landslide and it is approximately the same slope for whole sliding mass. Slope of landslide is calculated from the difference between level on the sliding mass and length between the levels. Slope of landslide is expressed in degrees. Intermediate slope of landslide is 12% calculated by the software Autocad., picture 1. [3]- Width of the landslide represents distance from lateral edges of the landslide and it is measured perpendicular to the direction of movement sliding mass, width of landslide in this case is 120 meters.- Area of a landslide represents a total area of landslide edged from frontal scar, lateral shear planes, and toe part. Area landslide is simply calculated as follows: 3601 (square meters) m2- The thickness of the landslide represents the vertical distance from the surface to the landslide slip surface. It is always initiated thickness of the sliding mass and is determined after a clearly defined sliding surface or sliding zone. The thickness of the landslide is 1.5 meters on average (assumed on the basis of field observations)

Picture 1: Autodesk slope calculation. - The direction of movement of the landslide represents a direction that is done move the sliding mass. It may be the general direction of the whole landslide or changeable. Its expressed by geographic parts of the world. Landslide is provided in a northeast-southwest.3. ELEMENTS OF LANDSLIDE - Geological composition is such that the surface layer of topsoil has emerged in the Neogene sediments and it lies unconformably over loose Jurassic limestone which is representing shoots of ofiolite central zone of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The thickness of humus is from 1 to 2 meters with pieces of Jurassic limestone of various diameters from 0.1 meter to 2 meters.- Hydrogeological conditions are such that the entire length of landslides there are indications of groundwater flow, as the fauna that favors humidity (willow and marsh grass), which issued the fine and small stream which is located on the left side of landslide. [4]- Climatic conditions are such that the area, belongs to the moderate continental climate. General characteristics of the climate are related to a clear expression of all four seasons, relative humidity and cloudiness, the maximum rainfall during the warmer months, and the minimum at the end of winter.- Morphological elements on slope are determined on the basis of general morphological characteristics of the terrain, slope and relief forms. And morphology is listed by previously treated part of the work. Morphological elemnts are shown in Picture 3, which is located below.- Anthropogenic elements represent all the possible elements of anthropogenic interventions on the ground regardless of the purpose of cutting down the forest to build roads, the seismic effect of artificial earthquakes induced by mining terrain deformation caused by mining activities in the underground or on the surface. [5] With the upper and lower side of landslide there are constructed residential buildings, and the whole landslide enveloped the road. We defined the contours of landslide based on the recorded trace (Trag0001). Picture 3.

Picture 3: 3D Model, interpolation of contour line of landslide, (GPS) software Surfer. Table 2: Recorded trace. Trag000144.6979918.53688480


















3. GENESIS OF LANDSLIDEElements of the development of landslide are related to the timeline of the landslide, its development, movement and natural stabilization. [6]- Inception zone of landslide is related to the brow of the first occurrence of landslide and tension cracks as the first direct indicators of the beginning of the development of landslide. This zone is further converted into the recharge zone as rainwater percolates into cracks created by tension and recharge ground water slide. Recharge zone may exist and it can be identified before the inception of landslide and the tension cracks appear in the forefront of landslide. Inception zone of landslide is display in Picture 4 (Profile 2 "-2)- Transportation sliding mass zone is total mass sliding along the entire length of landslides. Transport zone is connected to ground by moving sliding from one position to another. Sliding mass zone transport is shown in Picture 4 (Profile 3 "-3)- Accumulation sliding mass zone is in toe of landslide where is the accumulation of sliding mass. Landslide in its course may have more accumulation zones. Accumulation sliding mass zone is shown in Picture 4 (Profile 1 "-1)Elements of the development of landslide are shown in the figure below, with two longitudinal and one cross section.Elements of landslide obtained by interpolation after shooting a GPS in the software (Surfer)

Picture 4: Profiles of landslide.4. GENESIS ELEMENTS OF LANDSLIDE "JUNUZOVII"Forehead of landslide is at the upper top side of landslide. Forhead is presented by frontal scar height 2 m (two meters), which is the north direction and extending to 3m (three meters), and it is defined by a jump on sloping terrain. Type of forehead is extending arc from top to bottom, with successive slide. Pin of landslide represents hypsometrically lowest point of the landslide. Landslide moved progressively until stopping pins of landslide. On the lower right side of the landslide in the pin is released less groundwater coming to the surface. The pin is specifically marsh vegetation, and slightly lower under landslide are willows that are characteristics of humid and underground water flows.In the picture 5, you can see specific terrain undulation, accumulation of mass that makes foot (toe) of landslide.Picture of landslide foot taken by Nermin Taletovi December 2012.Picture 5: Landslide foot (accumulated mass of landslide) The entire length of the foot, expressed by radial cracks that reveal the composition of the terrain and possible causes of landslide.Glide plane discontinuity separates the run portion sliding mass relative to firm ground. In this case, assuming upon field observations, glide plane is presented by mixed clay layers, over which lies loose limestone mixed with humus.In this case the glide plane is "invisible" until a shallow exploration drilling.Side wings of landslide represent lateral plane of shear landslide that clearly separates launched sliding mass of stable terrain. Side wings of landslide are defined as left and right, looking at a series of sliding mass in the direction of sliding. Right wing is 15 meters long, it is expressed through the mass accumulation of stable terrain. Left side is given tangential slit length of 10 meters.Body and belly of landslide are run material that is restricted to forehead of landslide, lateral boundaries, foot and sliding planes.Landslide body is filled with parallel radial cracks which are extend on the entire width of the landslide, in part to see block separation.The picture 6, shows the landslide body with strong belly, here you see the influence of the mass movement of the flora which is located in the landslide.

Picture of landslide belly taken by Nermin Taletovi December 2012. Picture 6: Landslide body Height (thickness) of the belly goes up to 4-5 meters by default, as the height and thickness of the body varies.Cracks in a landslide in this case can be divided into:- Tangential cracks, which are located in the hips and separate landslide from a mass of stable terrain. Parallel to the direction of movement of sliding mass.- Radial cracks appear above toe part of sliding mass and spread fan-like in the sliding mass.- Drying cracks, which are made by resulting shrinkage sliding mass in the process of losing moisture evaporation periods (summer).Locations cracks are listed in the description of the elements of landslide in previous text.

5. CLASSIFICATION OF LANDSLIDE [7]- Classification elements of the landslide "Junizovii" by a sliding surface: circular cylindrical - rotationally- Elements of kinematics slip: translation- Type of movement of materials: slide- Current stage slip into: stage calming- Development of landslide in relation to the slope: progressively sliding mass of progress in upper landslide zone6. ENGINEERING GEOLOGICAL MAP WITH MICROLOCATION OF LANDSLIDE. [8]

Picture 7: Engineering geological map of landslide (Autodesk, Surfer)8. CONCLUSIONUsing GPS-GNSS systems and devices greatly facilitates the work in the field for field engineers. The data can be easily stored and can always be found in the database in case of need in the future, through GIS systems. As we have seen in the paper, almost every processed element of landslide is created from the base of detailed survey and field mapping, interpolation of the map with micro location fields, and creation of engineering-geological map of the field. In this work we defined the most important parameters and informations on landslide for his record in the cadaster of landslides. GPS-GNSS systems can be largely used in engineering course with the condition that it is on open terrain, GPS devices have become a necessity in today's modern work job of one geological engineer. It is recommended that training of use GPS-GNSS is in a symbiosis with the state coordinate system. The point of this paper is to demonstrate the possibility application of GPS-GNSS systems and devices in the field, which greatly facilitating the work, mostly in case when there are no detailed geodetic surveys on the field.References [1]elikovi R. - Rudarska mjerenja, RGGF Tuzla 2006. god.

[2]Golden Software, Inc., 2002., Surfer-Guide 809 14th Street, Golden, Colorado 80401-1866, U.S.A.

[3]AutoCAD 2012 and AutoCAD LT 2012 Essentials, Scott Onstott, University of California, June 2011 [4] Hidrogeoloka istraivanja Miomir M. Komatina, Geozavod, 1990 [5]Fizika geologija Ljubomir R. Sarajevo 2011. RGGF Tuzla i GF Sarajevo

[6]Engineering Geology Elsevier B.V May 2009 MSCT Philadelphi

[7] Landslide Hazard and Risk, Malcom G. Anderson, Michael J. Thomas Glade Wiley, 2007

[8]Geoloko kartiranje Hazim H. Sarajevo 2009 godine. RGGF www. rockware. com

www. autodesk.com3Nermin Taletovi Mining institute d.d. Tuzla

Dean Osmanovi BSc. Mining Mining institute .d. TuzlaJasmin Isabegovi Mining institute d.d Tuzla